
valorieRiddell: I think I forwarded them a copy of my CC statement with plane ticket charges, which was the bulk of my ask from them00:42
valoriethey never asked for paper copies or such00:48
ScottKRiddell: OK (re Marble), but we should still figure out what caused it.02:10
valorieweeee, new k3b released02:20
* valorie filed a bug to get it packaged02:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 1389040 in k3b (Ubuntu) "New release needs packaging" [Undecided,New]02:21
sgclarkvalorie: I will package that tomorrow.02:52
sgclarknight folks02:52
valoriethanks, sgclark02:53
valoriesweet dreams02:53
=== bukai__ is now known as bukai
soeegood morning07:14
apachelogger_Groo_: downgrade konsole to archive version, install konsole508:16
* apachelogger needs to setup an advisory system somewhere08:16
apacheloggerlike a broken record I sound08:16
lordievaderGood morning.08:21
soeegood morning lordievader08:21
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?08:23
Riddell03:05 < Earthwings> Riddell: just tested current master, works fine here. when MarbleRunnerManagerTest fails this could often be spurious due to a remote server not reachable/responding or a race condition (?)  we have not tracked down yet08:40
RiddellScottK: ↑08:40
Riddellthat explains it08:40
Riddellvalorie: wow, someone is maintaining k3b?08:41
Riddellhttp://paste.kde.org/plfkl8n1k  ← a complementary word if in a crass style about plasma08:46
RiddellSick_Rimmit_Test: decisions about what software to ship are done by consensus by kubuntu contributors, the kubuntu council can do a vote if there's a dispute but that's rarely the case08:47
Sick_Rimmit_TestRiddell: I think that person understating it ! :-O08:48
Riddellkubotu: newverson phonon 4.8.208:54
Riddellkubotu: newverson phonon-backend-vlc 0.8.108:54
Riddellkubotu: newversion phonon 4.8.208:55
Riddellkubotu: newversion phonon-backend-vlc 0.8.108:55
RiddellI'm becoming spanish and thinking everything is phonetic08:56
apachelogger_Groo_: you might want to join #kubuntu-ci09:11
apacheloggerhttps://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/CI/Tracker going to put random suggestions here09:11
apacheloggerRiddell: did you get the frameworks branches sorted?09:13
valorieRiddell: k3b was the first KDE Gardening project09:15
valorietsdgeos released it; perhaps someone will take it up09:16
valorieI very much hope so09:16
valorieomg, finally watched the Dark Water ep of Doctor Who09:17
apacheloggeryes, omg09:18
valorieseason started really strong, sort of faltered, and then BOOM, hit me with the I'm stil not sure what yet09:25
Riddellapachelogger: yeah I think so09:35
RiddellKDE Gardening? I think my girlfriend would like that09:36
valorieAlbert, Scarlett and Jeremy Whiting are the ringleaders09:37
Riddellapachelogger: yes I believe I did but I forgot extra-cmake-modules09:41
Riddellgood thing sgclark was there to clean up my mess09:42
Riddellalso pkg-kde-tools seems to have lost its list-missing and lintian output09:42
Riddellfabo, debfx, apachelogger, Quintasan, yofel, shadeslayer, ScottK: poll for times for a meeting to query sgclark on kubuntu-dev membership http://doodle.com/5sw4a7mdqrf2adyu09:46
soeelordievader: im fine, you ? :)09:58
lordievadersoee: Doing good here :)09:59
Riddellshadeslayer: any thoughts on why list-missing and lintian output is missing from vivid build logs? http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.4.0_vivid.html10:43
Riddellshadeslayer: it appears when I build locally on my vivid system and the pkg-kde-tools debian-qt-kde.mk does call it10:44
shadeslayerNot really, can investigate10:48
Riddellshadeslayer: aaah, got it11:07
Riddellshadeslayer: it's because the arch-indep build architecture changed to amd6411:07
* apachelogger rolls eyes11:08
* Riddell rolls them back11:08
shadeslayerOh hah11:10
apacheloggerRiddell: how does one query that anyway?11:10
apacheloggerI think kci needs adjustment for that as well11:10
Riddellapachelogger: I've no idea11:12
apacheloggerdpkg-architecture doesn't know about it :S11:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: because we need to run lintian on arch-indep or arch:all packages won't be checked11:13
Riddellyay kde-telepathy 0.9.0 transitioned11:17
Riddellto the archive11:17
Riddelld_ed: ↑11:17
RiddellI had to delete kamoso for that11:17
Riddellhopefully kamoso can get a new releae sometime but who knows11:17
Riddellbukai: flashy indeed :)11:25
Riddellsgclark: someone added lots of new manpages to this frameworks releases :)11:29
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
bukaiRiddell: So should I try implementing it?11:38
Riddellbukai: yeah, go for it11:39
Riddellif your html skills are elite enough11:39
bukaiRiddell: It's not that good but I want to try it.11:40
Antisoundhi Guys!11:59
Riddellhola Antisound 11:59
AntisoundRiddell: whats up?11:59
Antisoundall fine?11:59
Riddelleverything is awesome11:59
Antisoundnice one :)11:59
AntisoundRiddell: when do you going to release the first 15.04 with plasma 5?11:59
Antisoundare there already plans for this scenarío?12:00
Riddellin 2015/04, the clue is in the name :)12:01
Riddellbut I hope to upload plasma 5 to the archive this week12:01
Riddelland the daily images will contain it thereafter12:01
Riddellhola sgclark 12:01
AntisoundRiddell: lol, no i meant the daily live builds12:02
Antisoundbut i c... this week maybe12:02
Antisoundhi sgclark 12:03
BluesKajHiya folks12:05
Antisoundhi BluesKaj 12:05
BluesKajHi Antisound12:06
ScottKRiddell: Did the doodle.12:06
AntisoundRiddell: i can't understand why but i needed to remove plasma5 again cause i had so serious graphic bugs,... unbelivable 12:06
soeewhats bugs ?12:07
Antisounddoen't know how to describe them12:07
Antisoundmy complete screen flickered12:07
Antisoundbut it wasn't just a bit "flickering"12:07
soeeand you blame Plasma for this ? :)12:07
Antisoundit was more like.. seeing something, then i didn't say anything again and again12:07
Antisoundsoee: i think so12:08
Antisoundcause i've got no errors like this in plasma 5 ;-)12:08
Antisoundplasma 412:08
Antisoundbetter say kde 412:08
apacheloggerbug reports help wonders12:08
soeei had only problems with showign some widnows when my TV was connected through HDMI12:08
Antisoundapachelogger: don't know how to file a bug in this case12:08
Antisoundcause i really can't explain where and how this error occurs12:09
soeeso the problem was teh mul;tiscreen configuration/support 12:09
Antisoundit occured randomly12:09
Antisoundsoee: i've got no multiscreen, neither hdmi12:09
apacheloggerfile against kwin12:09
Antisoundapachelogger: ok12:09
soeeAntisound: anyway its good to fiel a bug, others might have more info @ this than12:09
Antisoundonly thing i can do would be to show it in a video12:10
soeethan do it :D12:10
Antisoundso you guy's have no trouble using plasma 5?12:10
Antisounddespite that multiwin functioN?12:11
Riddellnot on my main laptop but all three of my test machines have varying graphics problems12:11
Riddellturn off kwin effects if that's what you need to do12:11
sgclarkoh I have had some flickering, I think it is my nvidia. I cannot reproduce on my laptop12:11
Antisoundah ok12:11
soeeworks fine on my latptop, though hwre @ wrk when im using 2 screens and 2 virtuial desktops, i have to move one panel wach time i boot to the second screen because it always goes back to first one :)12:12
Antisoundsgclark: i've got an ati :D 12:12
AntisoundRiddell: gonna try at home12:12
sgclarkmine was not so bad as to disrupt my work though and seems to have stopped with latest updates12:12
sgclarkahh well blah lol12:12
sgclarkI love blaming nvidia12:12
Antisoundi c :D12:12
AntisoundRiddell: what hardware configuration do you have on your laptop?12:13
Antisoundwhat are the mentioned graphic problems?12:13
Riddell00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)12:13
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=2&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 212:13
Riddellthe sony machine has flickering on changing between windows, the two netbooks have kwin crash at login12:14
Antisoundahh do you know why the netbooks have a kwin crash?12:14
sgclarkyeah it was the changing between windows for me too12:14
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger http://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Stare-Down-Contest-Poster.jpg12:14
RiddellAntisound: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34025412:14
ubottuKDE bug 340254 in compositing "Default i915 (GL1.4 only) to xrender compositing for segfaults on shader compilation" [Crash,Confirmed]12:14
sgclarklol nice shadeslayer12:15
Antisoundinteresting :D12:15
Antisoundgonna try plasma 5.1 once more with turned off kwin effects12:16
Antisoundand see if that helps12:16
Antisoundwhere are the kde bug hunters?12:19
Antisoundwhy isn't my filed bug processed yet?12:19
ubottuKDE bug 339877 in general "kmenueditor5 doesn't save changes" [Major,Unconfirmed]12:20
Antisoundno one cares about my problems ;-(12:20
Antisoundhehe, just kidding12:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: that makes no sense12:21
apacheloggerblinking for the angle would have no downside as its staring at doesn't matter whether it forgets because it stares at it12:22
apacheloggerassuming angles blink at all12:22
Antisoundttyl guys12:24
apacheloggeroh oh oh12:24
* apachelogger needs to twiddle CI to not build on no-op changes12:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: I don't think angles blink12:29
shadeslayerthey're angles12:29
shadeslayerthey're obtuse/acute/right12:29
shadeslayeroh my12:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: my kio tests are stuck12:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: I don't know how to check commit message from inside hoook :P12:33
shadeslayerit's in the env12:33
shadeslayerit's in the env!!12:33
shadeslayeror well12:34
shadeslayermaybe not12:34
apacheloggerin git :P12:34
apacheloggerwould actually help if jenkins could ignore commits with a certain text12:34
apacheloggerbut it can't apparently :'<12:34
sgclarkwhere did we put vivid frameworks in git?12:37
Riddellsgclark: debian:frameworks/FOO12:41
Riddellbranch kubuntu_vivid_archive12:41
sgclarksecond part was what I needed12:41
apacheloggerwell this is proper crap12:43
Riddellapachelogger: I know, the master clearly died, whoever thought she could just reappear without explanation?12:43
Riddelloh you haven't seen it?  never mind, forget what I just wrote12:44
apacheloggerRiddell: to be honest, that twist left me all sorts of conflicted12:44
apacheloggerfeels weird, doesn't it?12:44
apacheloggerit's like "uhh, making a new nemesis is hard, let's use the old one"12:45
sgclarkshush I still need to watch lol12:45
apacheloggerit's monday!12:45
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
apacheloggershadeslayer: Riddell: CI_SILENT or did we want another keyword to prevent triggering?12:47
shadeslayeror NOCI works too12:48
apacheloggerthat question mark makes me think I should have an opininon :P12:48
apacheloggerCI_SILENT would be in line with upstream12:48
apacheloggeror, GIT_SILENT12:48
apacheloggerupstream scripts actually allow GIT|SVN|CVS|SCM_SILENT12:49
Riddellfor git commits? NOCI seems shorter but CI_SILENT I guess is fine if that's the pattern being followed12:50
sgclarkI got accepted to work on SoK KDE revamped CI system.12:50
Riddellwhat does that involve?12:50
apacheloggerthere'll be a bit of a limitation how this works anyway ... since we do triggering in post-update which is per-ref rather than per-rev which means I can only reliably check the last commit12:50
apacheloggerit's a bit meh12:50
sgclarkyeah I had no idea non students could do SoK..12:50
apacheloggersgclark could probably come with something nicer once she's worked on kde ci ^^12:51
RiddellSoK is for anyone I think12:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: objections to NOCI?12:52
sgclarkyeah valorie was nice enough to hook me up with bcooksley. 12:52
Riddelloh he's awesome12:54
Riddellhe's also in .nz, I wonder what that'll do to your bodyclock12:54
Riddellsgclark: but what does it involve?12:54
sgclarkI have to build a CI from a bare ubuntu 14.1012:54
sgclarkthen build templates12:55
sgclarkall the cool kids are doing CI systems so I figured it would be a great thing to learn12:57
Riddellyeah you'll be up there is apachelogger in terms of eliteness12:58
kubotuRiddell meant: "yeah you'll be up there with apachelogger in terms of eliteness"12:58
Riddellkubotu: you know it doesn't actually help to do that?12:59
apacheloggerproblem solved :P12:59
apacheloggerRiddell: NOCI should be live13:03
apacheloggernote that the commit must be last in the commits you push13:04
Riddellapachelogger: what sort of situations should I use it in?13:04
apacheloggeralso it needs to be on its own line13:04
apacheloggerRiddell: when you upload to archive and only s/UNRELEASED/vivid/13:04
apachelogger(for now)13:04
apacheloggerRiddell: generally it can be used for every commit that only touches debian/changelog but doesn't increase the version number13:05
* apachelogger needs to send a mail about all the changes this week13:05
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
apacheloggerRiddell: btw did you need to make any changes to frameworks for 5.4?13:19
Riddellapachelogger: yeah a few13:20
Riddellfor manpages and missing translations13:21
Riddellmanpage translations so they are13:21
sgclarkRiddell: If you put on notes what you are working on I can help, just don't want to dup work13:22
apacheloggermhh, can't do much about those yet13:22
apacheloggerRiddell: reckon it just needed some wildcarding?13:23
Riddellapachelogger: no, removed files are removed files, and previously the manpages had no translations13:24
Riddellsgclark: nothing just now, waiting on kio to compile13:24
apacheloggerRiddell: right regarding translations I was just wondering if that is going to crop again every release13:24
apacheloggerRiddell: what was removed though?13:25
Riddellapachelogger: no I've used wildcards the manpage translations should be all good13:25
Riddellapachelogger: although I had to put them in .install files instead of in the .manpages files which didn't work for some reason13:25
Riddellapachelogger: kio had a .po file merged into the main kio.po13:25
apacheloggerRiddell: dh_manpage or something will gz them13:25
apacheloggerso you need to put them in debian/not-installed13:26
Riddellapachelogger: dh_install seems to do that anyway13:26
apacheloggerotherwise they'll be listed regardless13:26
RiddellI have put them in not-installed now13:26
apacheloggerok, should be fine then13:26
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddelluploading 4.14.2 to vivid13:57
Riddelloh this bzr thing is slow when you have 60 branches to update, maybe we should use git?13:58
soeeRiddell: backport for 14.10 in plans ?13:58
Riddellsoee: looks like it's already done http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-applications-and-development-platform-414214:00
Riddellthat'll be sgclark, always ahead of the curve14:00
sgclarkRiddell: did you get to my akonadi backports?14:00
sgclarktrusty one is related to a bug14:01
soeehuh, i thought it was postponed14:01
sgclarkwhy would it be postpoced soee?14:01
kubotusgclark meant: "why would it be postponed soee?"14:02
soeei think before 14.10 release iv seen some info here that it will be done later ... hmm14:02
Riddellsgclark: yeah I saw that, but I wasn't planning to do anything with them until the new kdepim is released, unless you think there's a good reason14:03
sgclarkRiddell: that bug has been open forever and they are begging... please14:03
Riddellsgclark: which bug?14:03
soeeok my bad, i was thinking about https://trello.com/c/9TOekRXN/4-package-kde-applications-14-1214:03
kubotu[15.04 :: To Do :: Package KDE Applications 14.12 ++ ]14:03
sgclarkRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/akonadi/+bug/133018014:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 1330180 in akonadi (Ubuntu Trusty) "Akonadi/MySQL 5.6 conflict" [Undecided,In progress]14:04
Riddellsgclark: ooh I've not seen that14:06
sgclarkyeah I am trying to garden our bugs too lol14:06
Riddellsgclark: :)14:07
Riddellsgclark: so what needs done with the akonadi update? put into backports ppa?14:07
sgclarkyes please14:07
Riddellsgclark: you have the power as much as me :)14:07
Riddellyofel: have you eyed that over? ↑14:08
sgclarkoh. oops. ok14:08
sgclarkyeah I tried to ping yofel a few times :(14:08
Riddellsgclark: if you test and it works then I say copy it over to backports PPA14:16
Riddellalthough you might want to get another kmail user such as ScottK to test first14:17
sgclarkbeen using it for a weekish14:17
sgclarkI already copied14:17
sgclarkI assumed when you said I have the rights, to do so, sorry :(14:18
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 614:18
Riddellsgclark: turns out I uploaded kf5 to ninjas with the wrong version number14:36
Riddellso confusing all these version numbers14:36
Riddelldeleteing it and starting again :(14:36
mitya57Riddell: armhf failure fixed in Git, and ppc64el one looks like a random segfault, so doesn't need a fix.14:43
Riddellmitya57: great, I'll upload it shortly14:48
sgclarkRiddell: lol yeah version numbers have been confusing me as well 14:49
Riddellwe should just name everything after silly animal adjectives14:50
apacheloggerI really don't get why kf5 doesn't have date based versions14:51
apacheloggerthere it would actually entirely make sense....14:51
mitya57Riddell, thanks! By the way, if you can say something about me at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DmitryShachnev/CoreDevApplication, that would be fantastic.14:52
Riddellooh mitya57 for core dev!14:52
Riddellmaybe I should go for that one day, I never was given permission to upload anything that didn't being with a 'k'14:53
mitya57Hm, I thought you are a core dev…14:54
Riddellmitya57: "I should really do more SRUs." or join the ~ubuntu-sru team?14:54
RiddellI am, but I was the first or one of the first and at the time I was asked to restrict myself to kde stuff only14:54
mitya57That means: I should backport bug fixes of my packages to at least LTS.14:54
Riddellmitya57: not necessarily, SRUs are only for high impact bugs14:58
mitya57Sometimes I didn't even do that.14:59
mitya57Riddell, thanks a lot! (and lol at areas of improvement)15:01
Riddelld_ed: a very important user request you might know the answer to in #kubuntu 15:03 < sysop2> is there anyway to have animated backgrounds in the lightdm kde greeter like you used to be able to do with KDM?  http://michal.kosmulski.org/computing/tips/kdm.html15:08
d_edmake a theme, set it as the theme.15:09
Riddellsgclark: ubuntu online summit seems to be around now, are there any kubuntu sessions?15:14
sgclarkRiddell: oh right, need to do that on top of my giant to do list lol, will create the blueprint today15:15
sgclarkto be fair I just got the info yesterdat15:15
RiddellScottK: we're not really any closer to answering the question of what version of Qt we want but it's been pointed out that the qt 5.4 release is only 1 month before plasma 5.2 so that's not much time to allow plasma 5.2 to depend on qt 5.4, so it may well be still wanting qt 5.315:16
Riddellsgclark: there's not much on the timetable http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-12/15:16
sgclarkRiddell: err I don't see a Kubuntu project or distribution, what do I put it under? kubuntu-packaging-next?15:22
Riddellsgclark: put what under?15:22
sgclarkthe blueprint 15:22
RiddellI'm afraid I've no idea how UOS scheduling works15:23
sgclarkI am a newb at this, fumbling my way through15:23
Riddellwhat's it asking for?15:23
Riddellshrug, just select anything kubuntu-packaging-next seems fine15:23
Riddellwhat session are you planning?15:24
sgclarkOur showing off plasma5 15:24
sgclarksince atm that is all we have15:24
sgclarkI will send an email to devel asking for more today15:24
sgclarkugh I have to create a wiki too lol15:26
sgclarkoh my, what have I gotten myself into15:26
sgclarkRiddell: where should I make this wiki? KDE userbase you think?15:27
Riddellsgclark: just leave it blank I think, use the blueprint desciption page for a summary but there's no need to write an essay15:27
Riddellthat's for back in the day when we did write essays for every todo item15:27
sgclarkok cool15:27
Riddelland have proofreaders15:27
sgclarkRiddell: well it would not let me assign us both, but I will obviously help15:34
Riddellkubotu: newversion konversation 1.5.116:01
Riddellso woo, kf5 let's try that again edition in ninjas http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.4.0_vivid.html16:04
sgclarkRiddell: I have to go vote >.< but I will help with kf5 when I get back16:35
Riddellthanks sgclark, I'll probably be out shortly so any help appreciated16:36
Riddellsgclark: choose wisely, we don't want any repeat of that george bush nonsense :)16:37
yofelsgclark: wrt akonadi please backport that, I totally forgot about that16:39
sgclarkRiddell: lol I know!16:42
sgclarkyofel: done :)16:42
sgclarkbe back shortly16:42
Riddellkonversation all uploaded16:50
Riddellnow what we need is a willing helper to help out with k3b16:51
Riddellsgclark: maybe you should pass k3b over to that nice rick chap you were helping the other day?16:51
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
kfunkhm. I'm still having issues with 14.10 and my CPU frequency scaling. (it seems like it never enters my Intel's Turbo Boot mode). are there any known issues? Google is to no avail :/16:58
kfunkThis is a good old Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU, M 560 16:58
Riddellsorry time to run off17:00
mitya57OH NOES, qt again ftbfs on armhf17:36
mitya57Can't fix that myself now, but the easiest fix is one rm call in debian/rules.17:40
mitya57Though that file shouldn't really be there.17:41
mitya57Will investigate/fix tomorrow if nobody does it quicker.17:42
mitya57I was wrong, the correct fix will be removing last line from src/plugins/graphicssystems/graphicssystems.pro (that can be done in my brand new kubuntu_43 patch).17:51
mitya57Riddell: ^ (can't commit as I'm on the street talking from a phone, sorry)17:53
mitya57Riddell: committed a fix, ignore everything above :)18:31
_Groo_do we have a kf5 telepathy yet? i cant find the git repo with the kf5 fork19:06
* yofel wonders what 3:00 PM UTC 7:00 AM is supposed to mean on doodle @_@19:22
yofelis UTC the first or second time o.O?19:22
debfxhaha not confusing at all19:38
sgclarksorry, first is UTC, second is for me19:39
debfxoh a kitten is attending19:39
* debfx needs to be there too19:39
sgclarkRiddell: lol you missed ECM again. will upload19:44
soee_hey hey, someone is working on kde-telepathy ?20:45
shadeslayersoee_: yeah20:48
shadeslayerwhat's up?20:48
soee_shadeslayer: when can we expect latest version in 14.10 ?21:01
=== soee_ is now known as soee
soeealso thers no chance to make it work with Skype right ?21:02
Riddellsoee: one more package to compile then you can test it out https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages23:21
Riddell_Groo_: no the kf5 port isn't complete23:22
_Groo_Riddell: can i mix the staging ppa with kubuntu-ci? does the packages in one go to the other? i would like to test telepathy, using the 4.x version still23:33
_Groo_Riddell: doest upgrade cleanly, missing files23:46
_Groo_just as an example23:46

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