
=== lolz is now known as Guest11017
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soeegood morning07:14
jcrbI'm always surprised that kubuntu is not more popular.07:38
valoriein competition with what, jcrb?07:38
soeeoh dont worry we have plan to rule teh world :)07:40
jcrbubuntu, arch, even opensuse (seems to a fair number of them at forum.kde.org)07:43
valoriewe are part of ubuntu07:44
valorieif you mean unity, they have money, while we are community produced07:44
valorieSuse and Redhat support opensuse and fedora07:44
valoriewhile ubuntu doesn't really do that anymore07:45
valoriethank goodness for Blue Systems07:46
jcrbhasn't there been debate about changing the name from kubuntu?07:46
valorieif we do that, we won't be a flavor of ubuntu any more07:47
jcrbwell yeah07:47
jcrbnot saying it is a good idea, but I know there's some tension there07:48
valorienot really tension, but perhaps a bit of apprehension07:48
valorieparticularly if there are problems with Mir07:48
jcrbhmm. anyway, bedtime07:49
jcrbnice talking to you07:49
valorieI hope for the best07:49
lordievaderGood morning.08:21
=== alex______ is now known as lescactus
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
rubenmzHi, there! I'm having problems with kde / kubuntu.  The question is that I can't start kde with my user, with a new one there is no problem.11:51
lordievaderrubenmz: Do you get errors?11:52
rubenmzWell, yesterday after upgrading a few packages (systemd-shim among them) my session had frozen and now when kde starts the session kills after shown de disk icon at the initial kde splash.11:54
lordievaderrubenmz: Is your ~/.xsession-errors getting filled?11:55
rubenmzI have upgraded recently ( last week) to kubuntu 14.10 and kde 4.14.1.  I don't know how to debug kde to see what cause the error. The .xsession-error shows an error about gpg-agent post-stop11:58
lordievaderrubenmz: Hmm, well you can rename your ~/.kde and see if that solves it (note this resets your KDE settings)12:00
=== MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2
rubenmzYes, I'm with an other user and  I'm seeing that kde works, but I'd like to see what causes the problem. Is there any way to get more information about what is happening in  kde?12:02
rubenmzIs there any way to remove the session saved but not my kde apps configuration?12:03
lordievaderrubenmz: You could run startx from a tty and see if that gives you a hint.12:04
BluesKajHiya folks12:05
rubenmzYes, I'm trying startx with a .xinitrc file with an xterm, but without luck. The X closes without an clear error.12:06
lordievaderrubenmz: Err I meant startkde.12:08
lordievaderOr put 'startkde' in .xinitrc.12:08
rubenmzlordievader:  I'll try again, thank you.12:10
rubenmzlordievader:  I've juts do it and got a lot of output (posted at http://pastebin.com/NAFAeBtj).  The problem persist, after showing the disk icon the display goes blank.12:24
lordievaderrubenmz: Ultimately you kill X?12:25
rubenmzI've done a control-C to the startx process when (aprox.) the screen goes dark. But the X process ramains at normal start up.12:26
lordievader Ok, that explains the end of your paste.12:28
lordievaderrubenmz: Read lines 518-521 X dies there.12:30
=== owner_ is now known as Guest73758
Saphyellordievader: hello!!!! ^^12:38
lordievaderHey Saphyel, how are you?12:38
Saphyelany kde developer or tester?12:38
Saphyelfine! and you?12:38
lordievaderSaphyel: Doing good. I suppose you want #kubuntu-devel ;)12:39
Saphyellordievader: not exactly I find some bugs... but I can't really help to fix it and my english is not very good xD12:41
lordievaderSaphyel: Then file bug reports ;)12:42
SaphyelI prefer some1 else do it...12:45
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
=== zorro is now known as Guest70517
rubenmzlordievader: Hi, I've been watching that errors. Removed file about xfce and no difference. About jockey-kde, it is installed the packet ubuntu-drivers-common instead of jockey. Removed the instances of jockey at plasma-desktop-appletsrc. The problem persist.13:06
madeti_androidI have installed plasma 5 on kubuntu 14.10 through next ppa13:13
madeti_androidHow can I remove it and install plasma 413:13
lordievadermadeti_android: Use ppapurge, but expect breakage.13:14
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
madeti_androidUse it to remove the ppa, then? What all packages to remove?13:15
lordievadermadeti_android: Ppapurge will remove/downgrade all the packages from the ppa for you.13:16
madeti_androidOK, ty13:16
madeti_androidlordievader, after purge, do I need to install package kubuntu-desktop? Or is it automatically installed13:21
lordievadermadeti_android: That should be downgraded.13:22
rubenmzlordievader:  Still, the same error. Do you thin that upgrading to kde 14.10.2 could be any help or could be worsen? Any other advice?13:27
lordievaderrubenmz: I'd rename your ~/.kde13:33
madetilordievader: ok, ppa-purged, now everything is working fine, but I see plasma 5 icons for everything, do I need to worry about it or is it fine?13:42
lordievadermadeti: Err no idea, sorry.13:43
Leoneofis there daily build for kubuntu?14:12
Leoneofi'm talking about repo14:12
lordievaderLeoneof: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/326/builds14:12
=== LjL is now known as LjLaPalice
Leoneoflordievader: good, i want to browse *.deb packages for ubuntu like this http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian/pool/main/k/14:22
lordievaderLeoneof: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/14:23
Leoneoflordievader: thanks, most kde apps on ubuntu are using 4.8, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kate/14:33
lordievaderLeoneof: Check the backports ppa ;)14:33
lordievader!info plasma-desktop kubuntu-backports14:33
ubottuPackage plasma-desktop does not exist in kubuntu-backports14:33
lordievader!info libkdecore5 kubuntu-backports14:33
ubottulibkdecore5 (source: kde4libs): KDE Platform Core Library. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 (kubuntu-backports), package size 907 kB, installed size 3047 kB14:33
lordievader4.14.2 ;)14:34
Leoneoflordievader: oh no, here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kate/14:35
lordievaderLeoneof: I know, but in the backports is 4.1414:35
lordievader!info kate kubuntu-backports14:36
ubottukate (source: kate): powerful text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.14.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 (kubuntu-backports), package size 610 kB, installed size 2793 kB14:36
lordievader^ see14:36
Leoneoflordievader: is there *testing* or *unstable* repo for ubuntu?14:37
Saphyelpre-releases or something like that14:38
Leoneofoh yes, pre-release, or something like rolling-release14:39
lordievaderLeoneof: Vivid is the development release.14:39
BluesKajcheck #ubuntu+1 or here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/pending/14:40
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
sysop2is there anyway to have animated backgrounds in the lightdm kde greeter like you used to be able to do with KDM?  http://michal.kosmulski.org/computing/tips/kdm.html15:03
sysop2I know about the crowd thing, not what I am talking about. I just want to play a video or animated gif as the login screen background.15:04
Riddellsysop2: 15:09 < d_ed> make a theme, set it as the theme.15:10
Riddellsays the coder15:10
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== facerias is now known as Galico
loveshi have upgraded to kde plasma 5 on kubuntu 14.10 but since then a process `baloo_file_extr`15:25
loveshis consuming lot of cpu15:25
loveshsometimes it goes to 100 %15:25
loveshalso processes like udisksd and dbus-daemon consume about 8-10 % each15:26
loveshany way i can turn off baloo15:26
loveshsometimes even `plasmashell` consumes more than 50% cpu15:27
loveshis this normal for plasma 515:27
BluesKajlovesh, system settings>baloo15:28
BluesKajaka desktop search15:29
loveshi dont see baloo there but i have disabled desktop search15:30
loveshwhat about plasma search?15:30
loveshshould i disable all the plugins?15:30
Riddellhi lovesh, do you have a solid state disk or a traditional hard disk?15:33
loveshtraditional hard disk15:34
Riddelllovesh: information here https://blogs.kde.org/2014/10/15/ubuntus-linux-scheduler-or-why-baloo-might-be-slowing-your-system-140415:34
Riddelllovesh: oh but on 14.10, hmm, it should be fixed there15:35
loveshi didnt use 14.10 plasma 4 much. i straigtaway upgraded to plasma 515:36
Riddelllovesh: pastebin this?  ls /sys/block/sd*/queue/scheduler; cat /sys/block/sd*/queue/scheduler15:36
loveshRiddell: ok15:36
loveshRiddell: http://pastebin.com/JyL6wdTi15:38
mokushis there any ppa for kde-telepathy 0.9?15:38
loveshAlso my system momentrially freezes every 5-10 mins15:38
Riddelllovesh: wibble, you and me are both seeing a problem then which I understood should be fixed by the cfq scheduler but clearly isn't15:40
Riddellor is a separate problem15:40
Riddelllovesh: if you fancied filing an upstream bug report that would be great15:40
loveshok i can do that15:40
Riddelllovesh: and ping me15:41
Riddellwith the number15:41
loveshRiddell: sure15:41
loveshRiddell: With what package should i file the bug?15:44
loveshRiddell: I am here15:44
=== mike is now known as Guest60104
Riddelllovesh: baloo15:45
Riddellmokush: thanks for the nudge, I'm still working on them, compiling away here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages15:46
loveshRiddell: in the general component15:46
mokushRiddell: cool. so this will be in the kubuntu-ppa?15:46
Riddellmokush: yes it'll get moved to backports when done15:47
mokushRiddell: any eta?15:48
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
loveshRiddell: This is the bug url https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34063515:49
ubottuKDE bug 340635 in General "baloo takes too much cpu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:49
Riddellmokush: maƱana15:52
mokushRiddell: mamma mia. gracias for the intel, and looking forward to upgrading!15:53
diego___I am new in IRC chat.  I have a problem starting Kubuntu.  Am I in the right place?16:13
lordievaderdiego___: Jup, what seems to be the problem?16:14
diego___After doing an update, the startup won't go past the splash screen.16:14
diego___it's not frozen, as the mouse pointer moves, but my session won't start.16:15
diego___I have tried login in with a guest account and nothing.16:16
lordievaderdiego___: Nothing as in, can't login? Black screen?16:16
diego___I also tried using the boot menu but wasn't really sure how to follow.16:16
diego___Nothing as in blue kubuntu splash screen with mouse moving, and that's it.16:16
lordievaderdiego___: Do you get to a login screen?16:17
diego___Right now, I used a USB trial boot.16:17
diego___Yes, my user and profile picture appear.  It even recognizes my password.16:18
lordievaderdiego___: Ok, drop to a tty (crtl + alt + f1) and start kde by running 'startkde'.16:19
diego___before I do that... will I be able to come back to this session, is it ctrl + alt +f7?16:19
diego___unfortunately I don't have another computer with me to do the fix while I communicate.16:20
diego___or to communicate while I try to fix it....16:21
lordievaderdiego___: Yes, err what session do you currently have?16:22
diego___$DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server16:23
diego___I got that message.16:23
lordievaderdiego___: Hmm, make it 'startx'. I'm confused, you can't login but yet you have quassel open...?16:24
diego___Right.. =S   I am using a USB boot. But I wouldn't know if I can access my own filesystem.16:26
lordievaderdiego___: Ah, then this is entirely point less.16:27
diego___sorry.  would you know if I can start a "safe" session from the boot system?16:28
lordievaderdiego___: What graphics card do you run?16:28
diego___I wouldn't know.  I haven't made any changes to the graphics driver.16:29
diego___I remember not being nvidia, but that's it.16:30
diego___From Lenovo website, it may be an Intel Video Driver.  Would that make sense?16:31
diego___By the way, thanks for walking me through this.16:32
lordievaderdiego___: Can you open a teminal and read me the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'?16:32
diego___00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)16:33
diego___        Subsystem: Lenovo Device 390416:33
diego___        Kernel driver in use: i91516:33
lordievaderHmm, those things usually just work...16:35
lordievaderBoot into the recovery mode and run 'apt-get update&&apt-get dist-upgrade'.16:35
diego___Alright.  This will log me out from this session.  So it will take a while to get back to you.  For the moment, thanks again.16:37
azpirateHi there, I have an older laptop (HP/Compaq NC4010) which has a Intel Pentium M processor running at 1.6 GB (400MHz FSB) and from what I have been reading the Kubunto Hardy 8.04 will run fine on this computer without the PAE issues as with Mint and so on so my questions are. 1. Is this true, will the Hardy run on my machine? 2. If so, where can I download a copy? The download page only lets me see the newest versions.16:41
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
loveshanybody here tried the kde plasma 5?16:46
loveshif yes how is it going for them? Is it too resource hungry?16:47
BluesKajlovesh, some love it, but won't admit that it's still quite buggy16:48
loveshon my kubuntu 14.10 kde 5 plasmashell, google chrome, dolphin take too much resources16:48
lovesheven java is taking too much ram16:49
loveshI have a 2nd gen core i5 with 8 gb ram but it appears too slow16:49
loveshshould i switch back to kde 4?16:49
loveshand is dolphin even present in plasma 5?16:50
diego_@lordievader, I tried what you told me but there seems to be another issue.  I couldn't get into recovery mode.16:53
diego_Earlier I could, but this time I got a message like16:54
diego_EFI Network 0 for IPv4 failed.... something like that.16:54
lordievaderdiego_: Whoo, UEFI. I must say I have no experience with UEFI. You did find the recovery mode option?16:56
diego_Yes, but it was the same as the normal startup.16:59
diego_Do you think this is getting out of control?17:00
lordievaderdiego_: You should get a recovery menu.17:01
diego_I did earlier.  But I couldn't find it this time.  I don't think I changed anything big.17:02
BluesKajlordievader, yes dolphin should be installed by default on plasma517:05
BluesKajoops lovesh17:05
BluesKajgreat the gguy leaves just when I;m answering17:05
rom1504BluesKaj: that's irc for you17:07
BluesKajwell i usually hang around until i get a reponse od some kind17:09
lordievaderdiego_: Booting in the recovery mode should give you the menu ;)17:09
diego_@lordievader  I mean, I got the recovery mode, but starting that option didn't make a difference.   =$17:11
rom1504BluesKaj: yeah me too, but so many people come, ask a question, wait 3min, and leave17:11
lordievaderdiego_: It should be significantly different from the normal boot.17:11
diego_@lordievader I'm gonna try again.  Let's see what I find.17:12
=== LjLaPalice is now known as LjL
sysop2does lightdm-kde-greeter have apng support?17:52
RobinHood2015Using KDE 5, I have the desktop set to "Folder" mode so I can see icons for my home folder and the Trash, but the Trash icon is incorrect. It shows a folder with a small trash icon on it, and I can't change it to a trash can icon.17:59
=== Christoph is now known as Guest78674
Guest78674can anybody help me with my inet connection problems?18:01
RobinHood2015Why do you ask? Since if you had internet connection problems, you would not be here!18:02
RobinHood2015Unless you're connecting from a different computer...18:03
Guest78674windows  + linux user :D18:04
RobinHood2015How sad... You expect everything to work the same way on two different OSes and they don't.18:04
Guest78674ok its out18:05
Guest78674iam absolutly new in the linux world18:05
Guest78674how can i install jdk for java on kubuntu?18:08
RobinHood2015For most users, 'sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk' should do the trick.18:09
Guest78674how do u knw the name 'openjdk-7-jdk'?18:11
RobinHood2015I've used 'openjdk-7-jre' before, because I haven't had the need to develop Java applications, only to run them.18:12
Guest78674ok personal knowlegde18:14
Guest78674maybe ill get this in future too ^^18:14
RobinHood2015Well, are you looking to develop Java apps or just run them? Because if you just need to run them, you need 'openjdk-7-jre.' For viewing Java applets in a Web browser, you also need 'icedtea-7-plugin.' But I would not recommend 'openjdk-8-jre' or 'openjdk-8-jdk' with 'icedtea-7-plugin' because openjdk8 doesn't seem to work seamlessly with icedtea7, and there's no icedtea8 available yet.18:16
=== administrator is now known as Guest36973
RobinHood2015But if you just need to run or develop Java apps WITHOUT running Java in your BROWSER, then 'openjdk-8-jre' or 'openjdk-8-jdk' should work just fine, so long as you don't install 'icedtea-7-plugin'.18:19
=== c[_] is now known as doge
daft_Hi all. How can install kde-plasma-Desktop on a netbook? Im a bit lost with that gui19:29
lordievaderdaft_: What do you currently have installed?19:32
daft_lordievader,  latest kubuntu.19:37
daft_just downloaded it.  use it on my desktop for some years (years and years debian before that)19:38
daft_I tried to remove the plasma-netbook packages19:38
daft_now i only have a mouse cursor and a black background..19:39
daft_lets remove .kde and restart X19:40
lordievaderdaft_: I.e. you removed too much? sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop19:40
daft_oke ill  try that19:42
daft_oke downloading... connecting to wifi in the commandline :/19:52
daft_oke lordievader, back up with kde-netbook19:58
lordievaderdaft_: Good to hear :)20:00
daft_now how to get rid of the netbook mode20:01
daft_a config workspace behaviour20:03
daft_thanks for listening20:03
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arthurfiggishello :) How does one go about actually reading the21:31
arthurfiggis(previous error reports in the "diagnostics" for 14.10? sorry about that, bad typing ;) )21:31
arthurfiggisyou get led along to the ubuntu one signin page but after creating an account you can't actually get any farther...21:32
kbroulikmeh, my xsession errors has grown to 1,2GiB now21:38
kbroulikbecause I'm getting spammed constantly by _xgeWireToEvent: Unknown extension 148, this should never happen. messages21:39
=== lolz is now known as Guest59006
=== facerias is now known as Galico
Jonathan_Rwhat ppa can i use for the most bleeding edge kernel?23:39
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:40
geniiNot installed like normal PPA however.23:40

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