
FishercatHi. I'm having some trouble after updating, and wonder if anyone might be able to help.06:12
ianorlinfrom which version to which fishercat and have you read the relase notes06:13
Fishercat12.04 to 14.04; I haven't. Can you point me at them? The basic documentation for 14.04 is, well, really basic.06:14
FishercatYou know, never mind.. I can check for the release notes myself.06:15
FishercatOkay.. there doesn't seem to be anything in the release notes covering the issue I'm having.06:17
Ahmuckwhat software is being used for the creation of the guest account08:02
leszekAhmuck: adduser I guess. So nothing special08:03
leszekits only creating the guest users home on a temporary folder08:04
leszek"temporary folder" a folder mounted with tmpfs08:04
Ahmucki don't think it's adduser08:05
Ahmuckit's tied into lightdm08:05
Ahmuckand creates the account on the fly08:05
leszekit must be adduser08:05
leszekor useradd08:05
leszekits just as script though that creates this guest user08:05
Ahmuckso it adds a user via adduser on the fly and then deletes everything?08:06
leszekyeah it uses apparmor also to only have read access to /home and other files and folders08:07
Ahmuckis that new?08:10
Ahmuckthe apparmor thing?08:10
leszekNope its old since Ubuntu 11.10 or so08:10
Ahmuckseclists indicate that guest is able to traverse directories08:11
leszekyeah read only. But guest shouldn't be able to write anything08:12
Ahmucki did ltsp for a small test lab a couple of years back.  nobody really wanted to use it because of this reason, the ability to "read" anothers directory. iirc08:14
Ahmuckanyhow.  out.08:16
leszekYeah I am also not sure why the guest account option exists at all.08:16
Ahmuckgtg.  need sleep08:16
leszekah ok, different time zone :P Its morning here :P08:17
Ahmuckactually it exists so that someone can use your computer without logging into your account08:17
Ahmuckthe problem is ... i don't want anybody using my computer anyway08:17
Ahmuckya, it's 2:17 am here.  sleeping.08:18
ethosCan someone please help me figure out why lubuntu is only seeing one gig of ram when I have two gigs?08:45
ethosAlso, in a .conf file if there is a # in front of something does that mean it's ignored?08:49
Steven|CAn I update to Lubuntu 14.10 via command line?12:23
hateballSteven|: If you're on 14.0412:24
hateballSteven|: "sudo do-release-upgrade"12:24
Steven|ah nice thank you hateball!12:25
Steven|Well its telling me there is no new release but I'm still on 14.04.112:28
Steven|ah nvm. had to pass the -d option to get it to find it12:29
Steven|erm nvm. not sure if I should do this if I'm using the LTS lol12:31
hateballwell it depends if you want to stay on LTS or not :)12:33
badbeatvhi, does anybody know why my screen goes off when i open a youtube video?14:31
badbeatvi can still hear the audio but my screen goes off. any actions i do still happen but screen is off14:32
FishercatHi. I'm having some problems post-update from 12.04 to 14.04 and am looking for suggestions. The only similar issue I've seen in the release notes is Bug #1308530, but what's happening with my box is a bit different.14:47
ubottubug 1308530 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot login after an upgrade from Saucy to Trusty with Ubiquity and encrypted home directory" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130853014:47
FishercatHi. I'm having some problems post-update from 12.04 to 14.04 and am looking for suggestions. The only similar issue I've seen in the release notes is Bug #1308530, but what's happening with my box is a bit different. Can anybody help?15:59
ubottubug 1308530 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot login after an upgrade from Saucy to Trusty with Ubiquity and encrypted home directory" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130853015:59
holsteinFishercat: what problems?16:00
holsteinFishercat: you cant login as *any* user?16:00
holsteinor just the user/s with encryption?16:01
FishercatI can log in as a guest user, but not as my main user.16:01
FishercatSo, no admin privileges, and anything I do is wiped.16:01
holsteinwell, thats a "feature" of the guest account16:02
FishercatYup, I know.16:02
FishercatBut it does mean that I can't create a new user as a workaround.16:02
holsteinif you add another account, in the recover console, you would have a "normal" user? then?16:02
FishercatOoh! Recovery console? Where/how?16:03
holsteinFishercat: at boot.. in grub.. under the current kernel..16:03
FishercatHolstein: I'm a GUI user, so, can you talk me through it?16:03
holsteinFishercat: i would look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword and follow those steps, up to the passwd command, where, you can add a user16:04
FishercatHolstein: *happydance* Thank you! :-)16:04
holstein*adduser command16:04
holsteinif i had my data backed up, i would just use it to put back into the new user account.. if not, i would use http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/ to recover the data16:05
FishercatHolstein: Bless your furry little heart. THANK YOU.16:06
holsteinthis is all a big "workaround" though. but, you likely wont get that issue addressed in the lubuntu community.. you would have to go to #ubuntu and the mailing lists, and maybe not then16:08
holsteinreally depends on what the issue is..16:08
holsteini personally dont do upgrades.. i find fresh installs to be much quicker..and, you have to have "good" backups, even when using encryption16:09
FishercatYeah, well, I failed my saving throw.16:09
holsteinit may be acceptable to have unencrypted backups laying around the house *not* hooked up to a machine16:09
aciremAukkinoS(Ooh, that makes me a bad person.... If I'm reinstalling on an ext4 fs, I just trash all but /home, then I trash ~/.* and reinstall.)16:09
aciremAukkinoS(without formatting)16:10
holsteinor a few "copies".. though, a copy is not a backup16:10
holsteini dont even bother with the /home, personally.. i keep what configs i need/want backedup or sync'd16:10
holsteinFishercat: either way, i know that has to be frustrating.. and good luck.. i think you will be able to make a new user there, and migrate the data over..16:11
aciremAukkinoS(Actually I just did that, switching a Linux Mint system to an ArchLinux system. Virtually no problems.)16:12
holsteinyup.. its just that little word "virtually"16:12
FishercatHolstein, thank you again..16:13
holsteini have aboslutely no problems.. at least no surprise problems. those can be quite different versions of software.. expecting, for example, a gnome config from ubuntu 12.04 from 2012 to work with an arch system with the bleeding edge gnome.. that can be problematic16:13
holsteinnothing that cant be handled..16:13
aciremAukkinoSThe world of Weird Configuration Things®16:14
holsteinWOW-CT :) ... .com16:14
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FishercatHi. In trying the solutions [HOLSTEIN] previously  suggested for my post-update 12.04 - 14.04 blues, I've run into a snag. Root access doesn't recognize "mount" as a command. Any suggestions?17:03
FishercatHi. I'm having trouble logging in after upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04. The only similar issue in the release notes is Bug #1308530, but there are differences: a) I upgraded from Pangolin; b) I'm not positive that my home directory was encrypted; and c)  I can log in as a guest user. I've been pointed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword, but none of the three variants shown there have worked. (Grub doesn't recognize "17:17
ubottubug 1308530 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Cannot login after an upgrade from Saucy to Trusty with Ubiquity and encrypted home directory" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130853017:17
FishercatI'm a GUI user. Can anyone help?17:17
FishercatHi. I've got post-upgrade 12.04 --> 14.04 problems. The GUI is only accessible as a guest user. When I log in to my home directory, it sticks at the splash screen.  I'm a GUI user familiar, but not comfortable, with terminal use.  Can anyone offer any suggestions?19:15
holsteinFishercat: the link i gave addresses the root access19:44
holsteinFishercat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword addresses mounting the filesystem to create a new user..19:45
holsteinFishercat: not to recover your encrypted /home..19:45
holsteinFishercat: if you have your data backed up, which, you need to have that regardless, since all drives *will* fail.. you may choose to fresh install, and put your data back.. i would expect that to take about 20 minutes, and "fix" everything for you19:46
FishercatHolstein: Hi.. yes, I tried all three options given at that link. For the first option, Grub didn't recognize "mount" as a command.19:47
holsteinFishercat: grub is not running that command to recognize it, though19:47
holsteinFishercat: you need to boot the recovery console.. from there you are in a root shell19:48
FishercatHolstein -- the first directions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword tell you to remount as read write.. and I can't.19:49
FishercatI did boot from the recovery console (or at least, that was the option I tried).. following the rest of the directions didn't work, though.19:49
holsteinFishercat: you cant "try".. you must get to the root shell.. the rest of the directions depend on that19:50
FishercatI believe I did get to the root shell.19:50
holsteinFishercat: please reboot the machine, tapping shift to show the grub menu.. then, manually arrow to the recover console.. from there, select "root shell" and share errors19:50
FishercatOkay.. will do. Tap shift repeatedly, rather than holding it down?19:51
holsteinFishercat: after the bios, just do literally *whatever* it takes to show the grub menu from where you select the recovery console19:51
holsteinFishercat: you cant go past that.. if you do, you get back in the current loop you are in..19:51
holsteinFishercat: you *can*, try tty from the current loop you are in.. but, i would keep moving19:52
holsteinFishercat: i could reinstall and put that system back together in about 20 minutes, so, you may not want to spend too long here, if you can kep moving19:52
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution19:52
holsteinyou can try login, and where you are hanging booting into the UI, you can try tty19:52
FishercatHang on..19:53
holstein*if* you can login tty, then, you can remove the .config files that are "breaking" the ui19:53
holsteinOR, you can boot the live CD from the other link, and access the encrypted /home, from a live CD, and remove the users config files there19:53
FishercatWhich am I trying first, please? Grub menu, or TTY?19:53
holsteinFishercat: doesnt matter to me19:53
holsteinFishercat: im just firing out what i would do.. and i wouldnt spend hours on each thing19:53
FishercatGrub first. Back soon.19:54
holsteinFishercat: none of them are "fixes"19:54
holsteinFishercat: this is just a way for you to learn what is happening, and apply a work around, or get your data. or whatever19:54
AladiahI cant install Nokuntu on Lubuntu 14.04 .Why ?20:23
wxl!info nokuntu20:24
ubottuPackage nokuntu does not exist in utopic20:24
geniiAladiah: What is it and how did you attempt to install it?20:26
Aladiahit is pc suite.20:27
Aladiahpeople say its because Gambas 2 need20:27
Aladiahi try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/406414/unable-to-install-nokia-pc-suite-nokuntu-on-13-10-14-04   but in first step packages not found http://paste.ubuntu.com/8824273/20:28
AladiahITs an linux alternative to Nokia pc suite for cell phones.20:28
AladiahI cant find an alternative that work as a pc suite for me20:30
tewardgenii: it's old deprecated software20:30
tewardgenii: its deps were dropped after 13.10 it seems20:30
tewardit's not maintained either20:30
tewardalso, crossposting is still an issue since htey're asking here and in #ubuntu20:31
geniiSo maybe install 13.10 into a chroot and xnest to it20:34
SonikkuAmericaMeh, why not an LXC container? Those things are getting fashionable20:35
wxldude if you add "cloud" to anything it'20:35
wxls fashionable20:35
wxli could singlehandedly take care of ppc just by saying the "c" stands for cloud20:35
wxleveryone would jump on board20:35
AladiahHow to run a windows virtual box in Lubuntu 14.04 ?20:36
wxloops wrong channel!20:36
wxlanyways Aladiah install virtualbox and then install windows in a new virtual machine.20:36
SonikkuAmericaYeah, that ^.20:36
Fishercat_Hi. I'm having problems post-update from 12.04 to 14.04. The only GUI access is as a guest user; when I log in to my home directory, it sticks on the splash page. Can anyone help?20:37
SonikkuAmericawxl: Unfortunately LXC isn't the cloud20:37
Aladiahwxl : i will need  Windows OEM disk   for that ? What is this  Windows OEM disk  ?20:37
wxlSonikkuAmerica: nope, it's not. but it's tangentially related :)20:37
wxlAladiah: the installation cd.20:37
wxlFishercat_: can you get to a virtual terminal?20:38
Aladiahwxl: i need a CD or a USb pen to have virtual box ?20:38
wxlAladiah: you need some kind of installation media.20:38
wxlAladiah: i doubt you're going to find a windows installtion iso just laying around on the internet20:39
wxlalthough there are places…20:39
Aladiahwxl; do you think Nokia pc suite will run with usb and everythin on virtual machine ?20:39
wxlAladiah: possible.20:39
Fishercat_wxl: I think so, but I'm a GUI user, I'm not confident that's where I am.20:41
wxl!vt | Fishercat_20:41
wxl!tty | Fishercat_20:41
ubottuFishercat_: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution20:41
wxlthat's what i refer to20:41
wxlif you can, log in and see if /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dmesg give you any info20:42
Fishercat_Okay, hang on, thanks.. I'll try it on the Linux box.20:42
BorbitSo I'm trying to install lubuntu 14.10 on a old pentium m thinkpad. It tells me the kernel is not compatible as the pentium M does not support "PAE". I found a fix for this here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/AdvancedMethods#Pentium_M_and_Celeron_M . However it does not seem to work. The ubuntu wiki tells me to boot, highlight the install option and then press F6. When I do this nothing happens! How to save this nice thinkpad???20:43
Fishercat_wxl: I can get to a terminal.. I can get to a bunch of terminals. Does it matter which one?20:46
wxlFishercat_: nope. you can use "more /var/log/syslog" or "less /var/log/syslog" to read the file. just hit space to go to the next page.20:46
Fishercat_wxl: Okay.. I'm gonig to read the syslog.20:47
BorbitI have solved my problem already. Simply tap tab. Thanks!20:48
Fishercat_wxl: I can't read either /syslog or /dmesg. Permission is denied.20:48
Fishercat_Should I try rebooting without going into guest mode to do so?20:49
wxlFishercat_: did you log in as your normal user?20:49
Fishercat_wxl: Nope. Logged into GUI as guest user. Will reboot, and switch to terminal to log in as admin.20:49
wxlFishercat_: yeah log into the tty as your actual user. no need to reboot.20:50
BorbitDoes disk encryption effect the speed of the computer?20:50
Fishercat_wxl: I tried logging into the tty as my normal user already. (Am already rebooting other machine.)20:51
Unit193Borbit: Slightly.20:51
wxlFishercat_: there is no reason you should be permission denied with your regular user.20:51
Fishercat_wxl: I've just rebooted, and switched to tty when I got to the login point on the GUI. It's again denying me permission as regular user.20:52
wxlFishercat_: and what are you trying to do again?20:52
BorbitIts an actual IBM thinkpad. So might just not select it. The computer is for a non technical friend of mine. Would it be necessary to add a virus protection program? I never use one. But I kind of know the unsafe things on the internet. She does not at all I think.20:53
Fishercat_wxl: The problem that brought me here: GUI is only accessable as guest user. Logging in to my home directory causes it to stick on the splash screen.20:53
wxlFishercat_: don't log in to the gui. just go to tty at the login screen.20:54
Fishercat_wxl: I just did that. It denied me permission to read syslog again.20:54
Fishercat_Wait.. hang on.20:54
wxlFishercat_: what command are you doing to read the syslog?20:54
Fishercat_The one you just gave me: /var/log/syslog20:54
wxlFishercat_: wrong. i said using "more" or "less" before the filename20:55
Fishercat_wxl: Okay. So it should be: more/var/log/syslog?20:55
wxlFishercat_: no. "more /var/log/syslog"20:55
Fishercat_wxl: Will do20:56
Fishercat_wxl: Oookay. That yielded STUFF.20:56
Fishercat_wxl: What info there is pertinent? There's a screenful.20:57
wxlFishercat_: look for errors. you might want to just put it up for us to look at.20:58
wxl!paste | Fishercat_20:58
ubottuFishercat_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:58
Fishercat_wxl: I'm going to have to type it.. this is the laptop.21:00
wxlFishercat_: um. just use pastebinit.21:00
wxl!pastebinit | Fishercat_21:00
ubottuFishercat_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:00
Fishercat_wxl: The error messages are on the Linux box. I'm accessing IRC on the laptop.21:01
wxlFishercat_: so you can type out the paste url.21:02
Fishercat_wxl: Okay.. going to try pastebinit.. right back.21:03
Fishercat_wxl: How do I get out of the syslog and back to the command prompt? (I'm sorry.. )21:05
wxlFishercat_: q21:05
Fishercat_wxl: THANKS21:05
wxlFishercat_: then do "cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit"21:05
wxlFishercat_: assuming you already have pastebinit installed21:05
wxlFishercat_: if you don't "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit"21:05
Fishercat_wxl: Don't know if I have it installed or not. Any way to tell, or should I just try it?21:05
wxlFishercat_: you probably don't then21:06
Fishercat_wxl: Okay.21:06
COuette-Couettenewbi on lubuntu21:09
COuette-Couetteactually on Kubuntu21:09
COuette-Couetteis it hard21:10
Fishercat_wxl: pastebinit is installed, have syslog back up. Now what? "q, ENTER, then pastebinit?"21:10
wxlFishercat_: cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit21:10
Fishercat_wxl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882482821:12
wxlnothing obvious Fishercat_ ; do the same with /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:14
Fishercat_wxl: Will do.21:14
Fishercat_wxl: "No such file or directory." For both /dmesg and Xorg.0.log.21:16
BorbitI have a laptop with a really weird keyboard layout. It's very similar to this one I found on the internet. ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/globalization/keyboards/KBD143.pdf. Some small things are different, but most of the things are in the same weird place. I have never seen anything like this. The keyboard recognition in the Lubuntu installer can not figure it out. How do I find out what version my keyboard is? Very strange keyboard. P21:19
Borbitlease assist. Thanks in advance!21:19
SquantiffCAn someone please help me?21:20
SquantiffI ccan't seem to start xserver21:20
SonikkuAmericaBorbit: Your link is broken.21:20
SonikkuAmericaSquantiff: [ startx ]21:20
SquantiffIt says no screens found21:20
SonikkuAmericaSquantiff: Did you install Xorg?21:20
SquantiffBut lspci | grep VGA lists a compatible controller21:20
SonikkuAmerica(Or uninstall it)21:20
SquantiffI did not uninstall it21:20
SquantiffWhat I did was I had it output through HDMI only21:20
SquantiffThen it froze, I rebooted, and now it won't display through either21:21
Squantiffxinit giving up xinit unable to connect to X server: Connection refused xinit: server error21:22
SquantiffThose ar ethe last three lines21:22
SonikkuAmericaSquantiff: Not to sound rude, but can you take your question to #ubuntu ? They might be able to help you better.21:22
BorbitThat is strange. The link works here. I got there from here http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/topics/keyboards/registry_index.html   and then it's the dutch layout.21:22
SquantiffFatal server error (EE) no screens found is above that21:22
SquantiffSonikkuAmerica not rude at all. Helpful in fact. Thank you very much for your guidance kind sir.,21:22
SquantiffCan I uninstall xserver and fully reinstall?21:24
SquantiffDo you think it would help?21:24
BorbitSonikkuAmerica: That is strange. The link works here. I got there from here http://www-01.ibm.com/software/globalization/topics/keyboards/registry_index.html   and then it's the dutch layout.21:24
SonikkuAmericaSo, the 143-key keyboard Borbit ?21:24
BorbitSonikkuAmerica: Yes.21:25
SonikkuAmericaBorbit: Can you try manually selecting the keyboard layout?21:26
wxlFishercat_: try "ls -al /var/log | pastebinit"21:27
BorbitSonikkuAmerica: I have no idea what to select. Dutch don't work. The normal keyboards over here are very similar if not the same as a english international keyboard.21:27
Fishercat_wxl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882511121:35
wxlFishercat_: i see both dmesg and Xorg.0.log there21:36
Fishercat_wxl: Yup, so do I.21:36
wxlFishercat_: so try "cat /var/log/dmesg | pastebinit"21:37
BorbitSonnikuAmerica: I really don't have a clue here. I can't even think of a google search that would give any useful results.21:37
Fishercat_wxl: Okay.21:37
BorbitAnyone know of there is some irc room with people that are crazy about keyboard layouts?21:38
Fishercat_wxl:  http://paste/ubuntu.com/882514621:38
testdrFishercat_: invalid url21:40
Fishercat_wxl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8825166 (Xorg.0.log)21:40
wxltestdr: s/paste\//paste\./21:40
wxlnothing too terrible there21:41
testdrwxl: yep - did not see it at once -21:41
wxltry "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit" Fishercat_21:41
Fishercat_wxl: I just did.. it's posted [16:40].21:41
wxloh derp21:42
* genii slides wxl a fresh coffee21:42
Fishercat_WXL:  Dude, *you've* got nothing to say "derp" about..21:42
wxlwell that all looks good21:42
wxlsomething must be wrong with your user21:43
Fishercat_wxl: *rolling eyes* Yeah, tell me something I didn't know..21:43
wxllet's try this Fishercat_ "cat ~/.cache/lxsession/Lubuntu/run.log | pastebinit"21:44
wxlyour user is "me"?21:46
Fishercat_wxl: Yup.21:46
wxlnothing too weird there21:47
Fishercat_wxl: Okay.21:47
testdrFishercat_: you did upgrade today? There was no working 14.04 version before?21:47
wxlyou got any weird autostart stuff running Fishercat_ ?21:47
Fishercat_testdr: I upgraded last night. Today has been spent on attemped unf*cking shenanigans.21:48
testdrFishercat_: and you have no backup?21:48
Fishercat_wxl: Not as far as I know.21:48
wxlFishercat_: careful with the language. we get kiddos in here every now and then. they know about asterisks.21:48
wxllet's figure out what you upgraded21:48
Fishercat_testdr: No.. and yes, I know.. I'm already kicking myself.21:48
Fishercat_wxl: My apologies.21:48
wxlFishercat_: "cat /var/log/dpkg.log | pastebinit"21:50
testdrFishercat_: could it be, you have multiple mounts? Different disk-partitions? If anything fails -without backup - your old user-password-seetings are in /etc/shadow - you have to secure the whole /etc - but its a hard work and expensive (time consuming) to get the old user-data back.21:51
wxldon't think that's right Fishercat_ :)21:51
Fishercat_wxl: Sorry.. typo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882530421:51
wxlyou upgraded your system last night from one version to the next?21:52
Fishercat_testdr: I don't *think* I originally set up different disk partitions. It's just a Linux box; nothing else on it.21:52
Fishercat_wxl: Yes. Last night: 12.04 - 14.04.21:52
wxlFishercat_: try "cat /var/log/apt/history.log | pastebinit"21:53
testdrFishercat_: have you already tried to boot the old 12.04 ubuntu-live-install-iso (boot-usb-stick or cd/dvd) to check what data is still availabel in your user-home-directory?21:53
wxlnot sure this will help, honestly.21:53
Fishercat_wxl: http://paste.ubuntu.com/882535021:54
* wxl sighs21:55
Fishercat_testdr: No. It's possible I still have it somewhere, but it'll take a while to even find out if I do.21:55
wxli might suggest making a new user, giving it admin rights, and seeing if there's problems there21:55
wxlif there's not, just move over stuff from your home as needed21:55
Fishercat_wxl: How do I make a new user from tty?21:56
testdrFishercat_: you should look for it and if you really need your old user data - you should check you still can read it and make a backup. it could be there is no easy way (commandline-trick) to fix what may went wrong and a complete new installation would be done in very littel time (compared to the time to search for what may gone totally wrong).21:57
wxlFishercat_: sudo useradd some-name -D21:59
wxlthat should give it default values like a home and stuff21:59
wxlyou should then give it sudo access with "sudo usermod -aG sudo some-name"22:00
Fishercat_wxl: Just confirming: if I wanted new user name "frustrating"  sudo useradd frustrating-name -D is the correct sequence?22:00
wxlaw wait22:01
Fishercat_wxl: am waiting22:01
wxlsudo adduser frustrating22:03
Fishercat_wxl: Thanks.22:03
wxlsudo usermod -aG sudo frustrating22:03
BorbitOke I got the laptop op and running. If I want to connect to the wifi the button connect is grayed out. Like as if the password is to short or something. I am 100% sure i am using the correct password.22:04
BorbitWhat could cause this?22:05
testdrBorbit: have you tried the lubuntu-live-version first and checked your hardware is working?22:05
Fishercat_wxl: I've got the new user "frustrating," and am currently being prompted to enter the new value or press enter for the default. Prompt line says:    "Full name []:   "22:06
Fishercat_wxl: Can I just hit enter?22:06
wxlFishercat_: yep22:06
Borbittestdr: Nope but the laptop is working22:06
Fishercat_wxl. k22:06
testdrBorbit: ok - if you say its working, then the only possibility is you provide the wrong password or the correct password for the wrong wlan-encryption22:07
BorbitIf I type the first 5 letters of my wifi password the Connect button is clickeble. If I type in more letters it is grayed out.22:07
testdrBorbit: you are shure it is your wlan and not the neighbours one with different encryption?22:08
Fishercat_wxl: Just did "sudo usermod -aG sudo frustrating" and am back to original username prompt.22:08
BorbitSo if I type the whole password I can not click. Is it possible that the wifi card is to outdated to support passwords with more then 5 letters. I don't think so?22:08
wxlFishercat_: um, which one?22:09
Fishercat_wxl: "me."22:09
Borbittestdr: Yes. 100%. Just tested the password on my phone. It is not changed. I would know, I manage the router.22:09
wxlFishercat_: the one that ends in a $?22:09
Fishercat_wxl: Yup.22:10
wxlFishercat_: then hit ctrl-alt-f7 and log in as frustrating22:10
testdrBorbit: if you manage it, whats the protocoll-version? What is the wlan-id? Did you select this id?22:10
Borbittestdr: I can not click the "connect" button on the password dialog if I insert more then 5 characters. Weird.22:10
testdrBorbit: the easy short way would be you change the password to less than 6 chars - but i doubt this is the problem, i never saw this restriction if the encryption-level was available22:11
Borbittestdr: It should not make a difference if I would have selected the wrong network. Even than I should at least be able to give a password longer than 5 symbols.22:12
testdrBorbit: to use more chars than 5 is normal - i can prove this with my setup.22:12
Borbittestdr: I can not change the password. I'm fixing this laptop for a friend to use at university.22:13
testdrBorbit: thats why i did ask if the default boot of the ubuntu-live-iso did work. Maybe the install missed some wlan-chips-firmware. But it does not "sound" this way.22:14
BorbitI don't think that is it. But I will try anyway.22:15
testdrBorbit: use the ubuntu-live-boot-version first to check. I can sent you to install additional firmware-pakets for non-default-installed wlan-chipset. But this make no sense without hardware specs.22:15
BorbitShould have been the first thing I did!22:15
krytarikBorbit: Seems like it's this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/304460/wifi-only-accepts-passwords-of-5-or-13-characters22:15
testdrBorbit: link of krytarik says it - could be a global wlan setup not working with old wlan-chipsets22:17
Borbittestdr: I can not boot into the live mode as I have to force pea.22:17
testdrBorbit: that sounds like a realy old hardware -  looks a lot like this hardware wont do the new encryption-standards for wlan. If a new usb-wlan-stick is available, try this ..22:18
BorbitYes I think this could be it. It's a very old wifi plugin card. So it might be configured for wep.22:18
testdrBorbit: one way it to use another local old wlan-router to supply this older wlan-connection (with the known security issues).22:19
Borbittestdr: the laptop has to go out and connect to different wifi networks. It's not realistic to rig the city with old routers.22:22
testdrBorbit: then the only way is to buy a newer usb-wlan-stick - sorry, thats most time old harware goes out of usage22:23
BorbitSo I can go to network connections. Click my network, edit the settings. They are indeed standard on wep. How do I set it standard to wpa?22:23
Borbittestdr: I'm not sure the stick does not support wpa?22:24
BorbitI much prefer to keep using old hardware as long as it's fixable.22:25
testdrBorbit: check the hardware (lspci, lsusb - where the hardwar show its id) and use the manufacture or google to lookup its wlan-support22:25
testdrBorbit: i have old hardware still in use - but for example for such things i use a normal twisted-pair-network-connection.22:26
Borbittestdr: Yes I will be able to find it on the google. It's a linksys wpc11 ver.3.22:29
SquantiffIs there a window overview equivalent commant in lubuntu like there is in OSX and some other OSes?22:30
testdrBorbit: older hardware is still usable for writing , simple media/grafik/audio-work - but not for a whole encryption. And is usb-2.0 is available i use a newer usb-wlan-stick or bluetooth stick and so on.22:31
Borbittestdr: It's one of those cards you slide into a laptop.22:32
testdrBorbit: than its so old -its without usb-slots? those old pcmia-slots?22:32
Borbittestdr: No it does future 2 usb ports!22:33
testdrBorbit: a usb-wlan-stick (new one) is available for less than 20$ (some around 10?)22:34
Borbittestdr: I have a slightly never slide in card. It's just missing most of the cover.22:36

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