
=== magic is now known as magical_mystery
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
brainwashplease delete bug 1389289 (spam)19:28
ubot5bug 1389289 in Ubuntu "موقع نقل مباراة ريال مدريد وليفربول 4-5-2014 بث حي مباشر" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138928919:28
tewardbrainwash: contact #launchpad - we can't delete bugs19:29
brainwashnot even as member of bug-control?19:29
tewardonly lp admins can delete i believe19:30
tewardmaybe bdmurray can19:30
tewardbut i'm on bug control and can't nuke19:30
brainwashI see, thanks for the info19:30
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr

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