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imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 8 building (started: 20141104 02:10) ===02:09
rsalvetiribru: issue with train: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-00302:22
rsalvetiribru: it seems it's adding ~rtm by default02:22
rsalvetiin this case, it was added in the wrong place02:22
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imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 141 building (started: 20141104 03:10) ===03:09
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 8 DONE (finished: 20141104 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/8.changes ===03:24
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 141 DONE (finished: 20141104 04:20) ===04:19
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/141.changes ===04:19
ribrursalveti: looks right to me? ~rtm always came before 0ubuntu105:21
rsalvetiribru: what if we already have 0ubuntu1 ?05:21
rsalvetiand the next sync is 0ubuntu205:21
rsalvetithis is basically what happened05:21
ribrursalveti: sorry i don't understand the issue.05:22
rsalveticurrent RTM version: 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86-0ubuntu205:22
rsalveticurrent vivid version: 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86-0ubuntu305:22
rsalvetiafter the sync, the version on the ppa: 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86~rtm-0ubuntu305:22
rsalvetilp is saying 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86-0ubuntu2 is older than 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86~rtm-0ubuntu305:23
ribrursalveti: bump the version I guess? call it 0.99.0+git20130923+17fdf86.1 and then citrain will add ~rtm-0ubuntu1 and be fine05:24
rsalvetiribru: why bumping the packaging major version?05:24
rsalvetithis is a src package05:24
rsalvetithis is a bug on the train side05:25
rsalvetiwill happen with every other package that has a similar version id05:25
rsalvetiI actually expected it to not add ~rtm by default05:25
ribrursalveti: orders from on high were to prevent src builds in rtm from not having ~rtm tag, because we have a big problem where there's a huge delta between utopic & rtm where the versions are the same bug package content are different.05:25
rsalvetiadding it by default is annoying05:25
rsalvetiribru: right, but this is not a normal landing via MR05:26
rsalvetithis is a src package landing05:26
rsalvetiI'll probably manually sync from the archive into the ppa05:27
rsalvetiand run watch-only05:27
rsalvetiwould be nice to have an option to not add ~rtm by default05:27
ribrursalveti: we had that option and it caused too many problems, we were told to take it away05:27
ribrursalveti: it's not a source package upload, it's a sync, and the sync code mangles the version for a source rebuild on purpose.05:28
rsalvetiright, but doing the wrong thing here05:28
ribrursalveti: please don't unmangle the version unless you're doing a binary copy05:28
rsalvetiribru: why that?05:29
rsalvetiI'm not doing another upload to vivid just because of this05:29
rsalvetimakes no sense05:29
ribrursalveti: because there is an *enormous* delta between utopic and rtm in which source packages have different contents but same version numbers. it's hugely broken05:29
rsalvetiand changing the upstream version of the package05:29
rsalvetiI know, but this is not the case05:29
rsalvetiand I know what I'm doing05:29
rsalvetiwhen I said it's a source package upload, is that even when landing on vivid, it was a src package upload05:30
rsalvetino MRs involved05:30
ribrursalveti: ok, well, this isn't a train bug, train is doing what it was designed to do so that rtm packages would have distinguishable versions. if anything it's an rtm bug, because rtm is a total fustercluck.05:30
rsalvetiif a developer makes a mistake here, it's his own problem05:30
rsalvetiwell, the version here is clearly wrong05:31
rsalvetiand the train did all the work05:31
ribrursalveti: don't ask me, I didn't determine the versioning scheme. ~rtm-0ubuntu1 was decided on a long time ago, it's what the archive admins wanted.05:31
rsalvetiI know rtm is in a broken/weird state, but the tool changed the version to an invalid one05:31
ribruthey know things (presumably)05:31
rsalvetiit works for 0ubuntu105:32
rsalvetinot for versions higher than that (0ubuntu2...)05:32
ribrursalveti: right but if rtm always had the right version, ~rtm-0ubuntu2 would be higher than ~rtm-0ubuntu1. so the issue is that a previous release had a wrong version, not that this version has the wrong versino05:32
rsalvetiribru: but how would rtm have the right version if it was a binary sync from ubuntu?05:34
rsalvetiit *has* the right version now05:34
rsalvetithere's nothing wrong with it :-)05:34
rsalvetisee that I'm just trying to bump the package version of something that is already in RTM (via src package upload), doing the sync because I wanted to land first on vivid05:35
ribrursalveti: yeah I don't know how to solve this problem. I'm not going to change the code to do -0ubuntu3~rtm because that code is a disaster unto itself. just do a manual copy into the ppa i guess.05:36
rsalvetiribru: sure, just reporting the issue anyway :-)05:37
ribrursalveti: thanks. one day I'll just delete rtm and nobody will notice...05:38
rsalvetisounds like a good plan05:39
rsalvetihaving so much pain to sync so many packages from rtm into vivid05:39
rsalvetiso we can land new stuff there and sync back05:39
ribrursalveti: oh btw, OTA1 is gonna be based on utopic, so now we need to sync fixes between utopic, rtm, and vivid, but new features need to be synced between utopic + vivid but not rtm. have fun!05:53
ribrumakes me glad I'm not an upstream ;-) I just push buttons...05:55
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tvossgood morning07:45
tvosstrainguards, could someone add qtubuntu-media-signals to the sync silo 12?07:46
tvosssil2100, hey there08:11
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sil2100tvoss: I think qtubuntu-media fails to build in the silo08:38
tvosssil2100, because qtubuntu-media-signals is missing08:38
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* brendand got that crash again08:40
tvossbrendand, got crash file with core?08:40
brendandtvoss, what does the 'with core' bit mean?08:41
brendandi mean why would it not always be there?08:41
tvossbrendand, there are numerous reasons why that can happen, difficult to tell. But we are hit by it for this particular crash quite regularly08:42
brendandtvoss, the CoreDump field is there08:42
tvossbrendand, mind sharing the .crash file then?08:43
sil2100tvoss: ah, so we need to rebuild those?08:44
* sil2100 retries08:45
tvosssil2100, yup08:45
brendandtvoss, http://people.canonical.com/~brendan-donegan/_usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash.208:47
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tvossbrendand, is apport still running?08:48
Wellarkbrendand: sorry, had a power blackout yesterday. you and jussi managed to triage the problem with silo 3?08:48
brendandWellark, sort of08:49
brendandWellark, well silo 3 landed anyway :)08:49
brendandtvoss, whoops! ignore that crash file...08:51
tvossbrendand, ack08:52
brendandtvoss, i just remembered that i flashed 139 to test system-image, so that crash is most probably one of the already fixed ones08:53
tvossbrendand, ack08:53
oSoMoNtrainguards: hey, can I have a silo for line 103?09:01
MirvoSoMoN: sure09:02
dbarthgood morning09:02
dbarthtrainguards: i have verified silo 8 for publication to vivid09:02
oSoMoNMirv, thanks! dbarth’s silo 8 would conflict, but I’ll wait for it to land before I hit the "build" button09:03
MirvoSoMoN: yes, exactly, the 008 will be m&c:d soon (30mins maybe) after it has migrated09:05
tvossbrendand, sent you testing packages09:05
abeatoMirv, sil2100, line 54 on the spreadsheet says Status="Silo ready to build", but is is actually a source package and packages have been built automatically. brendand was asking about whether that status message can be changed to "QA needs to sign off"09:10
Mirvabeato: yes it probably just needs watch only build, doing09:14
Mirvabeato: additionally, the source package specified is wrong (lacks 1.0), needs reconfigure09:14
abeatoMirv, ok, thanks09:15
Mirvabeato: now it's like it should be09:16
abeatoMirv, awesome, thanks, what was that "watch only build" step? just building from the dashboard?09:17
sil2100abeato: yeah, you build it from the dashboard and tick the 'Watch only' flag in jenkins09:18
sil2100Before pressing build09:18
abeatosil2100, ah, good to know, previously I had trouble using build from the dashboard with a source package, I didn't know about the flag ;)09:20
abeatobrendand, now silo 8 has the right status09:20
abeatosil2100, btw, could you remove line 19 from the spreadsheet? It is not valid anymore (already landed). Or can I do that myself?09:21
brendandabeato, ok. right now the queue is a bit big from the freeze + image testing, but it should be tested by tomorrow at the latest09:23
abeatobrendand, great, I just want to make sure that is in some queue ;)09:24
sil2100abeato: sure!09:25
abeatosil2100, thanks09:26
ogra_sil2100, i was just looking at the top output from all these systemsettle issues ... seems like we have a lot of whoopsie running all over the place09:28
brendandogra_, is phablet-network working on 141?09:28
ogra_sil2100, most likely caused by all the scoperunner crashes09:28
sil2100ogra_: let me connect to the VPN and see09:28
ogra_scoperunner crashes in every test run ...09:29
sil2100hm, we didn't get that one resolved, right?09:29
ogra_didnt we have a fix for that ?09:29
ogra_i thought thostr_ had prepared a silo09:29
tvossogra_, iirc, it is the scope crashing, not the runner09:30
tvossthostr_, ^09:30
sil2100I just remember poking thostr_ about it, but don't remember if it had a fix prepared09:30
ogra_tvoss, well, whatever crashes trashes test results :)09:30
thostr_yes, this wasn't  the scope runner but the scope09:30
thostr_and IIRC cwayne or somebody from his team was taking care of it09:31
ogra_well, we should land that quickly :)09:31
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thostr_ogra_: it's supposed to have landed already... https://bugs.launchpad.net/hanloon/+bug/138803509:46
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1388035 not found09:46
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ogra_thostr_, yep, we just discussed it in the landin team meeting09:47
ogra_thanks !09:47
brendandMirv, i have a silo here whose changelog says it changes nothing but the version. do you have that code snippet for doing the proper diff?09:51
brendandMirv, normally i'd expect that if the diff is wrong it would have more changes, not less09:52
Wellarkbrendand: so you tested on rtm, right?09:58
Mirvbrendand: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8558016/ :)10:10
MirvI always need to browse ~20 pastebin url:s from browser history to find it, but it's quicker than typing it again!10:10
* Mirv suddenly has something that builds!10:11
Mirv"builds" means allowed to eat lunch10:13
ogra_botochart isnt even in rtm10:13
popeybootchart is broken on desktop10:15
popeyhas been for months10:15
popeycollector runs forever, never generates an image10:15
popey(for me)10:15
ogra_oh, is there a bug ?10:16
* popey looks10:16
popeyhmm, can't find one10:17
tvossbrendand, ping10:17
tvossdavmor2, ping10:17
popeyi ended up removing it10:17
popeybroke after updating to utopic10:17
brendandtvoss, hey10:18
popeylast image I have is from trusty10:18
tvossbrendand, did you have a chance to give my packages a spin?10:18
brendandtvoss, not yet10:18
popeyogra_: I'll file one from my desktop10:18
* ogra_ just runs phablet-bootchart ... 10:18
ogra_but that will need some changes for the passwd stuff10:18
tvossogra_, are you able to easily reproduce the current unity crashes?10:18
ogra_tvoss, no, for me they are totally random10:19
ogra_one a day10:19
ogra_popey, why is there so much blank space at the bottom of the music app ?10:29
ogra_(in "now playing")10:29
ogra_the controls feel like "one row to high up"10:30
popeythere's a toolbar down there, which appears in other views.10:30
popeygo to albums while playing something10:30
popeyogra_: bug 138916610:31
ubot5bug 1389166 in bootchart (Ubuntu) "bootchart broken in utopic, never generates images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138916610:31
ogra_cool, thanks10:31
popeytoday I learned that my desktop has been installed since quantal ☻10:31
popeycheck the pastebin link in there10:31
ogra_popey, oh, i think the png generation only works if you pipe the tgz to pybootchartgui nowadays10:32
popeywhy is that useful?10:33
ogra_it dropped the java dependency that was responsible back then for png generation10:33
popeyi only run it for the funky png files10:33
ogra_you get them (or even svg's) when you call "pybootchartgui /path/to/tgz"10:33
ogra_it should have been installed as a dep10:34
popeyit is installed, just seems to make no sense, that should be part of bootchart10:34
popeygiven the purpose of bootchart (in my simple brain) is to make "Boot Charts" ☻10:35
ogra_you can generate the data without UI tools10:35
ogra_on servers you would only install bootchart and have a central machine rsync the tgz's to pipe them to pybootchartgui10:36
popeyright, so it should be a switch "make png/svgs/nothing"10:36
ogra_Recommends: pybootchartgui10:36
ogra_Breaks: bootchart-java10:36
ogra_on desktops you always have the parser installed alongside10:36
ogra_(due to recommends by default)10:37
popeyright, but it doesn't run, is my point10:37
ogra_one could write an upstart job for pybootchartgui that watches the dir with inotify and generates pngs if a new tarball shows up10:38
ogra_but i have no idea how a systemd equivalent would look like ... hello vivid :P10:39
popeyok, thanks.10:39
tvossdoes anyone find some time to give silo 12 a spin?10:40
tvosson devel-proposed, obviously10:40
Saviqtrainguards, icanhassilo for line 71 please10:40
bzoltan_trainguards: May I ask for a silo to process the line 63?10:42
davmor2tvoss: brendand is on silos and vrruiz will be too I'm on sanity and exploratory testing10:44
MirvSaviq: bzoltan_: done10:51
bzoltan_Mirv:  thank you10:52
SaviqMirv, hmm spreadsheet borked?10:53
SaviqMirv, line 71 doesn't look right10:53
SaviqMirv, and http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=landing-007 doesn't list the unity8 MPs?10:54
Saviqor comment...10:54
popeyogra_: pybootchart craps out with "IndexError: string index out of range" - so.. yeah ㋛11:00
ogra_popey, yes, looking at that11:11
ogra_i wonder what runs this dpkg-query zombie11:16
MirvSaviq: still borked? looks sane to me11:19
MirvSaviq: the prepare-silo was here https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/3064/console11:19
SaviqMirv, no, seems it updated11:19
brendandtvoss, media-hub-server is using close to 100% cpu here - with no media playing11:19
ogra_play media then, so it isnt wasted :P11:20
tvossbrendand, core dump and strace would be great11:20
brendandtvoss, how do you make a core dump if it hasn't crashed?11:21
tvossbrendand, https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Core-File-Generation.html11:22
tvossbrendand, so find the pid of the process, attach with gdb as in: sudo gdb -p PID11:22
tvossthen generate core file, quit gdb by entering quit11:23
davmor2tvoss: why would you enter to quit is that not like pressing start to shutdown on windows ;)11:25
ogra_Saviq, is unity8-dash anywhere calling dpkg-query or lsb_release from the code ?11:27
* ogra_ tries to find out what trashes the bootchart so badly, seems both of the above is started right after unity8-dash (could be a scope doing that though)11:28
Saviqogra_, something like that is very possible, the scope backend sends out data about the phone11:29
Saviqogra_, and click scope probably needs some of that info, too11:29
Saviqogra_, your best bet would be pstolowski and alecu11:29
ogra_ah, right, i wouldnt expect a confined scope to have that permission11:29
ogra_click might indeed make sense here ... though on rtm it gets the wrong info anyway11:30
ogra_(from lsb_release)11:30
brendandtvoss, (gdb) strace11:31
brendandwarning: Couldn't determine the static tracepoint marker to probe11:31
brendandStatic tracepoint 1 at 0xb6a2371211:31
brendandtvoss, am i doing that wrong?11:31
* brendand needs to take some time to learn gdb11:32
tvossbrendand, you cannot run strace from within gdb11:32
tvossbrendand, that being said: use gdb to generate the core file, quit gdb, and then run sudo strace -p PID11:32
tvosswhere PID refers to unity811:32
pstolowskiogra_, unity8-dash calls dpkg-query to get versions of unity8 and 2 other packages11:33
ogra_pstolowski, what for ?11:33
ogra_(and why on every boot)11:34
ogra_the process goes into zombie state for ~5 seconds11:34
ogra_are you sure it even returns what you want ?11:34
pstolowskiogra_, it needs versions number to report them with every search query send to smart scopes server11:34
ogra_(scroll down to unity8-dash)11:35
pstolowskiogra_, but it just gets them once on startup11:35
pstolowskiogra_, yes, i'm pretty sure i'm getting the expected version strings11:35
ogra_well, it makes unity8-dash peg the CPU quite heavily alongside having the query sit there as a zombie11:35
ogra_(cpu pegging might be unrelated though, it might just be initializing a ton of scopes)11:36
pstolowskiogra_, what it does is just "dpkg-query -W libunity-scopes3 unity-plugin-scopes unity8" (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/trunk/view/head:/src/Unity/scopes.cpp); so, any idea why it's that slow?11:37
ogra_well, the dash seems to do a lot other stuff at that time too ... might be so busy that it cant process the return value from the query11:38
ogra_i'm not sure where that CPU hammering comes from (all the blue little stripes you  see in the unity8-dash bar on that chart)11:38
ogra_pstolowski, i wonder if there isnt some apt lib you could use instead of the dpkg-query that would provide you a better api than firing up a subprocess ... apt is C++ there should be something you can use thats better suited ... mvo_ might be able to help11:41
pstolowskiogra_, i'm not sure what to do about it right now. could you please file a bug? we need alternative and it's not going to be a one line fix11:41
ogra_mvo_, mind take a look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/trunk/view/head:/src/Unity/scopes.cpp#L162 in a spare minute ?11:41
brendandtvoss, and then what? it just stays on epoll_wait11:44
tvossbrendand, in strace?11:45
brendandtvoss, yes11:45
tvossbrendand, ack, then just ctrl-c. I would need the core file11:45
brendandtvoss, well here's the core file: http://people.canonical.com/~brendan-donegan/media-hub-server.core11:48
tvossbrendand, thanks11:48
brendandtvoss, still uploading though11:49
brendandtvoss, will probably be about 30 minutes11:49
tvossbrendand, ack and thx11:49
Mirvbrendand: I don't find bug #1374481 in the lists12:03
ubot5bug 1374481 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Nearby and News scope do not load on reboot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137448112:03
Mirv11/6+11/13 targets nor in 11/13 iteration wishlist/escalations12:04
brendandMirv, doesn't need to be since it was given the tag by olli himself - see just above comment 2212:15
brendandMirv, if the tag was given my olli or pmcgowan then its automatically ok12:16
Mirvbrendand: the latest e-mail from olli was 18 hours ago, and it only talks about the topblockers + additionally escalated bugs' wishlist. the tag was added 3 weeks ago, which is several iterations earlier of the process.12:30
Mirvnote that I might be totally wrong, I just try to decipher the landing rules and last I heard it was limited to the topblockers list, after which another "wishlist" appeared that can be landed additionally12:30
mvo_ogra_, pstolowski: looking at this now. could you give me a little bit of context, what is this data needed for? it might be way simpler to simply export this as part of the package build or even postinst into a single location and avoid the overhead of reading the (big) status file entirely12:31
mvo_pstolowski: happy to help with this, but I need to understand first what exactly there is done (i.e. what data do you need from dpkg)12:32
ogra_mvo_, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-phablet-vivid-8.png ... scroll down to unity8-dash there ... the dpkg-query call turns into a zombie (grey) while unity8-dash gets very busy (blue bars)12:32
ogra_mvo_, i was wondering iif there isnt a way to do that a bit cleaner and without a subprocess call directly from C++12:33
ogra_it seems to need that data to query the right stuff from the scopes server12:33
pstolowskimvo_, i need to read versions of 3 important packages.. whenever any of them is upgraded, i need the new version to be picked at runtime (after reboot)12:33
mvo_ogra_: yeah, definitely, but maybe the overhead can be avoided entirely by exporting the information at build/install time12:33
ogra_i suspect that could also be put into a file at rootfs build time though12:33
ogra_which you simply read ...12:34
ogra_but it will likely break in case you make the image writable and install a new unity8-dash for i.e. testing purposes12:34
ogra_(or in desktop-next)12:34
mvo_pstolowski: thanks, so you read this at startup and compare to the previous version? (pardon my ignorance)12:34
* ogra_ understood it isnt even compared but just sent12:35
pstolowskimvo_, no, i just pass it to the smart scopes server12:35
Mirvsil2100: if you're around, could you clarify the landing rules to me and brendand :) see comments 5 + 20 mins ago12:35
sil2100Mirv: reading those right now ;)12:36
mvo_pstolowski: thanks, I get the idea now. let me think for a moment about it12:36
Mirvso, my current "check lists" are a) 11/6 & 11/13 targets b) 11/13 iteration wishlist/escalations12:37
sil2100Mirv, brendand: so as always there's a lot of ambiguity with the current rules, but the [TOPBLOCKER] bugs are essentially bugs that NEED to be fixed before we release the final image12:37
sil2100Mirv, brendand: I suppose anything that was set for an earlier milestone but just didn't make it on time should still land normally12:38
Mirvsil2100: 4 days ago there was an email that said "approved landings: only the ones listed in [1] are OK to land, anything else needs to be escalated to the Product Team"12:39
sil2100Mirv, brendand: from what I know, the rule is to keep the topblockers as top priority for developers and landing, but I didn't hear anything about us not landing critical bugs that have been approved earlier12:39
mvo_ogra_: using libapt for this would be fine, but if the cache needs rebuilding its still a performance hit we can avoid, its just three packages afterall12:39
Mirvand 18h ago there was another email about this wishlist/escalations12:39
sil2100Mirv: I think I need to clear this out with olli once he's online12:39
sil2100Maybe he wasn't exactly super clear in the e-mail back then12:40
Mirvsil2100: based on those two latest e-mail from olli, I restrict myself to the 11/6 & 11/13 targets + 11/13 iteration wishlist/escalations for now. it seemed clear in those e-mails we're restricting ourselves to the lists.12:40
Mirvbut let's see if any new information emerges once he's online!12:41
cwaynesil2100: hey, so we do have a fix for that scope crashing12:44
cwaynedon't yet have a fix for the activity indicator never going away12:44
sil2100cwayne: hello! Excellent, we thought so during our morning meeting actually12:44
ogra_land it !!12:44
sil2100cwayne: is it in the custom tarball you mentioned yesterday?12:44
cwaynesil2100: yeah12:45
sil2100davmor2: how busy are you?12:45
SaviqMirv, any idea why http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=landing-007 doesn't show the unity8 MPs (and cuts off the description, too)?12:45
Saviq↑ loaded question12:45
davmor2sil2100: fairly but nearly done, custom will happen after Lunch though12:46
sil2100davmor2: great to hear that, we'll be waiting!12:46
sil2100cwayne: ^12:46
MirvSaviq: I don't see what'd be missing, the last bug in the description is "Fix answering by accident", same as in ci train12:47
SaviqMirv, oh, I'm blind, but still, MPs are not listed?12:48
MirvSaviq: no idea why the unity8 popover is empty, sil2100?12:48
SaviqMirv, yeah, newlines FTW, is why I couldn't see them all12:48
Mirvmaybe some parsing error, at least there are blank lines in the MP list (only thing that comes into my mind)12:48
Saviqhmm that wasn't a problem before12:48
Saviqanyway, let's see how a build goes12:49
davmor2ogra_: mako on vivid can you connect via mtp?12:50
ogra_davmor2, no idea, no mako with vivid around here :P12:51
ogra_shouldnt be different from krillin rtm though12:51
ogra_when the screen is unlocked it should let you in12:51
sil2100Saviq, Mirv: not sure... the CSV parsers can sometimes be a bit dumb too12:52
davmor2ogra_: is the popup window I get on image 8 Unable to open MTP device '[usb:003,030]'12:52
davmor2ogra_: and that is logged in :)12:52
ogra_davmor2, sounds liek mtp-server crashed then12:53
ogra_check /var/crash12:53
davmor2ogra_: phablet   3988  0.0  0.0   4844   672 pts/0    S+   12:54   0:00 grep --color=auto mtp  I'm assuming I should see it running right?  and nothing in /var/crash12:55
ogra_davmor2, you should see mtp-server running12:59
ogra_seemsingly you dont12:59
davmor2ogra_: indeed so I'm assuming it just isn't started13:00
davmor2ogra_: manually I did start mtp-server now it is working13:01
ogra_davmor2, right, file a bug and let cyphermox know13:01
sil2100olli: hey!13:01
ogra_sounds liek you dont get the right upstart events or some such13:01
ollihi sil210013:01
ogra_davmor2, which is a bit weird, since this definitely didnt change in vivid vs rtm13:01
ogra_i know there is a pending fix for an mtp crash, but nothing that touches the upstart setup13:02
oSoMoNtrainguards: can silo 6 (vivid) be published, please?13:04
mvo_pstolowski: sorry for the delay, got distracted. something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818749/ for the three packages in question maybe a cheap way to store the information. filename/location may not be ideal but you get the idea I guess :)13:05
sil2100oSoMoN: o/13:07
pstolowskimvo_, is it going to be triggered and updated whenever any of these packages get upgraded?13:08
sil2100Mirv, brendand: ok, so confirmed that what Mirv mentioned holds true - we should really only consider topblockers right now (for most cases)13:09
mvo_pstolowski: the snippet needs to be added to the postinst/postrm of the three packages affected and then you can simply read it from there. you could use libapt too, but in the worst case you will still have to read /var/lib/dpkg/status which is 6mb on my workstation just to get these 3 lines13:09
oSoMoNsil2100, re- packaging changes, where can I get a link to the relevant diff for changes in debian/, so that I can ask a core dev to review?13:14
sil2100ogra_: do you have a moment for a packaging ACK for webbrowser? :)13:16
sil2100oSoMoN, ogra_: so, I checked the diff right now and I see a problem13:17
sil2100oSoMoN, ogra_: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-006-2-publish/32/artifact/packaging_changes_webbrowser-app_0.23+15.04.20141104-0ubuntu1.diff/*view*/13:17
sil2100oSoMoN, ogra_: but... qtdeclarative5-quicklayouts-plugin is in universe, while webbrowser-app is in main13:17
Mirvsil2100: ok, good that I kept saying that then :)13:18
sil2100So this dep is a bit troublesome13:18
sil2100Mirv: yes :)13:18
ogra_that would break on desktop13:18
Mirvsil2100: brendand: pete-woods: thostr_: rtm-019 is CI sign-off:d but blocked by not being approved by olli. please submit it to "11/13 iteration wishlist/escalations" spreadsheet.13:18
olliif that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/+bug/137448113:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1374481 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Nearby and News scope do not load on reboot" [High,In progress]13:19
ollithen pls proceed landing it13:19
* sil2100 goes off for lunch o/13:19
ollijust cut the wishlist thing short13:19
ollithat should hvae been a topblocker13:19
Mirvolli: yes it is, thanks! then I'll just publish it, thostr_ + pete-woods13:20
ollisorry, we missed that one somehow when looking at topblockers13:20
olliMirv, sil2100, if in doubt -> wishlist and ping pmcgowan or me13:20
thostr_olli: just to be sure: on the wishlist spreadsheet, only the new tab applies, meaning it overrides the previous one?13:21
Mirvolli: sure, that's what we do. there was just a bit of confusion of the process but it turned out I had the correct idea.13:21
ollithostr_, correct13:22
brendandolli, but can only TOPBLOCKER bugs land?13:23
oSoMoNsil2100: oh, good catch! sorry I didn’t catch it upfront, I’ll fix this somehow13:27
pstolowskimvo_, i see. yeah, this script seems like a good solution, thanks for that13:27
mvo_pstolowski: yw13:28
sil2100oSoMoN: might not be a big issue, maybe it can just be included into main... but you know how MIR issues can be tiring sometimes ;)13:28
oSoMoNsil2100: no need for that, I’ll just make sure we remove the need for QtQuick Layouts in the browser, it’s a minor change anyway13:29
ollibrendand, unless explicitely approved in the wishlist13:29
brendandolli, am i correct in thinking this is a change from a couple of weeks ago? pmcgowan told me that bugs with the three tags could land as long as the tags were added by you or him13:31
brendand(two tags actually)13:31
ollibrendand, correct, I tried to outline it in my mail to phablet "next landing dates and milestones for BQ" from 10/3013:33
brendandolli, ack13:34
ollibrendand, with some luck we might be able to improve this situation a lot, soon13:35
olliluck = me having some time today13:35
pmcgowanbrendand, we do appreciate you guys reviewing changes for landing risk, as some of these were tagged some time ago13:36
brendandabeato, i'm testing 10 right now btw13:58
abeatobrendand, ack13:59
davmor2sil2100: Krillin on 141 passes sanity, Mako on devel-proposed Fails mtp isn't started.14:00
ralsinatrainguards can I get a silo for #72 please?14:01
=== karni is now known as karni-lunch
Saviqtrainguards, can you please reconfigure vivid silo 7 for me, added unity-api there14:05
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: is there a bug for not being able to disable a specific test set based on device?14:20
sil2100davmor2: on smoketesting?14:20
sil2100Saviq: sure14:20
davmor2sil2100: yes ie filemanager tests on krillin14:21
brendanddavmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-test-cases/+bug/138739114:21
ralsinasil2100: yes sir!14:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1387391 in Ubuntu Test Cases "Need a way to customise tests per device/channel" [Undecided,New]14:21
davmor2ah nice thanks brendand14:21
brendanddavmor2, it's all under control14:21
ogra_davmor2, ask plars :P14:23
ogra_ah, there is14:23
* ogra_ should read the full backlog :P14:23
davmor2ogra_: already in hand thanks to brendand :)14:23
plarsdavmor2, ogra_: yep, I know about it, there's some other things I'm supposed to finish first though14:24
Saviqsil2100, thanks14:25
* sil2100 needs to use the manual job again14:25
plarsogra_: the systemsettle change seems to need some more tweaking14:26
sil2100Since after ribru's changes it's trying to push all those merges throught the POST request14:26
ogra_plars, given that whoopsie constantly eats the devices thats hard to say :P14:26
plarsogra_: true14:26
Saviqsil2100, looks like I'm putting too much data in my silos, it doesn't fit through POST ;)14:27
sil2100Saviq: right ;) But that's good, originally that's what CI Train was supposed to be able to handle14:28
sil2100It might be changed once the spreadsheet changes, we can change the method for fetching the MP list then14:28
sil2100ribru did it for this purpose, to make sure CI Train is 'spreadsheet agnostic'14:28
plarsogra_: it can be a pretty flaky check too though sometimes - I see cases where we idle more than the threshold according to top, but the average of /proc/stat checks apparently wasn't good enough in the last run, so in the end there isn't always a clear culprit14:29
ogra_plars, well, i cecked random topbefore and topafter logs for 141 and nearly all of them have python3 between 80-100% and show whoopsie show up later then14:32
bfillersil2100: rtm 6 not updating correctly on the webpage, it should be marked as tested awaiting QA approval14:37
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
pstolowskiogra_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-shell/+bug/138925714:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389257 in unity-scopes-shell (Ubuntu) "Getting package versions via dpkg-query on startup is very expensive" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:46
brendandtvoss, now it's posclientd and ubuntu-location-service14:46
tvossbrendand, core dumps would be helpful14:46
ogra_pstolowski, awesome !14:46
pstolowskiogra_, feel free to escalate to have it prioritized14:46
brendandtvoss, and something called slpgwd14:46
tvossbrendand, that's the here stuff14:47
tvossbrendand, can you take core dumps of all of them14:47
sil2100Is that for the 100% CPU usage?14:48
cwaynedavmor2: sorry, trying to get one last update in first14:49
cwayneand was in a meeting14:49
brendandtvoss, uploading14:56
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ribru broke 3 robs
=== karni-lunch is now known as karni
jhodappsil2100, can you please free up vivid silos 9 and 12 please? silo 5 is a converged silo of these 215:14
ogra_convergence !!!15:14
sil2100jhodapp: sure :)15:15
jhodappsil2100, thanks15:15
jhodappogra_, haha yes, the future is now! :)15:15
Saviqsil2100, can you please restart the builds in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-007/+sourcepub/4550289/+listing-archive-extra15:18
Saviqsil2100, unity-api is built now15:18
sil2100Saviq: sure15:20
sil2100Saviq: hm, but these should start by themselves soon anyway, right?15:20
sil2100As they're in dep-wait15:20
Saviqsil2100, define "soon"15:21
Saviqsil2100, they would, but if you restart, it'll be sooner than soon :)15:21
sil2100hm, not sure, but yeah, sometimes that was taking some time ;)15:21
sil2100Saviq: ok, kicked15:22
Saviqsil2100, thanks15:23
sil2100cwayne: thanks for the changelog!15:27
bzoltan_ogra_: ping ... we have a problem, Huston. The  there is an SSH protocol mismatch between the SDk and the Vivid image. The device and SDK  capabilities don't match15:27
sil2100cwayne: I was wondering, is the product team aware about those fixes? As there are a lot of fixes there that wasn't consulted with olli and the product managers15:27
bzoltan_ogra_ the SDK supports aes128-cbc,3des-cbc but the device with vivid image supports aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com.15:29
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|tea
bzoltan_sil2100: we have a showstopper issue for the Vivid images ... ^15:30
cwaynesil2100: joe is aware of all of them (and asked for the majority of them)15:30
cwaynefginther: ping15:30
sil2100cwayne: ok, good to know15:30
cwaynefginther: all of a sudden my jenkins job is failing with weird permissions stuff (not having adequate permissions to create a dir)15:31
sil2100bzoltan_: ugh15:32
bzoltan_sil2100: We are  not late to fix that.. vivid is still fresh out15:32
ogra_bzoltan_, no issues with ssh here15:32
bzoltan_ogra_:  I guess you do not use the SDK15:33
ogra_why would that matter15:33
sil2100ogra_: btw. can you lead the evening meeting today? I need to go to practice today again15:33
ogra_sil2100, sure15:33
sil2100Thanks :)15:33
bzoltan_sil2100: ogra_: it is not the ubuntu ssh package what is wrong15:33
ogra_bzoltan_, what do you mean then ? if someone runs the SDK on a 2 year old fedora and tries to connect to a vivid phoen ?15:34
bzoltan_ogra_: the QtCreator uses its own ssh library and it requires the listed capabilities15:34
fginthercwayne, I can take a look in a short moment15:34
ogra_bzoltan_, well, we dont make any changes to ssh15:34
ogra_bzoltan_, i guess thats something to bring up with the ssh maintainer then15:35
bzoltan_ogra_:  no, I mean if you try to run an app from Trusty or  Utopic PC on a vivid device15:35
ogra_(who would be cjwatson )15:35
ogra_bzoltan_, well, either fix your shipped lib or make ssh use more protocols15:35
ogra_more algorithms15:35
bzoltan_ogra_: yes, these are the options... sadly the QtC comes as it comes15:36
ogra_sadly ssh comes as it comes15:36
ogra_one of you needs to change :)15:36
bzoltan_ogra_: I know, I know :)15:36
ogra_not really much i can do there, thats a matter of ssh vs QTc15:36
bzoltan_ogra_: I think it would be simpler to change the vivid ssh than fixing the QtC and backport to U and T15:37
ogra_bzoltan_, explain that to the server admins over the world ... or to the juju guys .... or whereever else ssh is used in ubuntu15:37
bzoltan_ogra_:  I know it is not your desk :) I just try to keep you well informed15:37
=== alan_g|tea is now known as alan_g
bzoltan_ogra_:  yes, ssh is used all over the places :)15:38
ogra_bzoltan_, btw, i dont see a ssh landing on vivid-changes15:38
ogra_must either be coming directly from debian (unchanged) or it simply is still the same one we had in utopic15:39
bzoltan_ogra_:  it could be on utopic image too15:39
bzoltan_ogra_:  for some time I was testing the SDK against the RTM images15:39
ogra_well, i woulld be surprised if none of our app developers had hit it in utopic15:40
cwaynefginther: think i got it15:40
oSoMoNtrainguards, do you know what’s up with the silo builders? e.g. https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-006/+build/6537580 (and other arches but for armhf) has been queued, whereas it usually starts right away15:45
ogra_oSoMoN, builders being busy ?15:48
oSoMoNright, I guessed so, but I’m surprised as I’d never seen any wait time for silos before, I assumed they had a really high priority that made them skip the queue, basically15:51
oSoMoNseems it’s not entirely true15:51
oSoMoNand the wait time is increasing by the minute15:52
cwayneoSoMoN: do you have an eta on rtm silo 15 landing?15:53
davmor2cwayne: do you need that landing for something in custom?15:55
cwaynedavmor2: it's not blocking anything15:55
cwaynedavmor2: but it's a bugfix that a customer wanted15:55
oSoMoNcwayne, not yet, but we have an oxide call in 30min where I expect this will be discussed and hopefully resolved16:00
ogra_tvoss, meeting notification just crashed my session ...16:03
* ogra_ checks for .crash files16:03
ogra_nothing :(16:04
cjwatsonbzoltan_: SDK has to be fixed, this was an upstream ssh decision for good security reasons which I am not going to overrule16:07
cjwatson(also, not at work today)16:07
cjwatsonsurely QtC upstream would be receptive to fixing interop with all OpenSSH 6.7 installations16:07
cjwatsonoSoMoN: they do have a high priority but they don't cause builds actually in progress to be interrupted, so still have to wait for any long builds in progress to complete16:09
cwaynelalalala /me waits for image-import to finish16:09
ogra_cwayne, will your next custom tarball also fix the constant fitbit related crash of UAL ?16:09
cjwatsonalso possible that the wait time is a bit of a guess16:09
ogra_this is really annoying and makes whoopsie kick off totally unneeded16:09
cwayneogra_: i think so16:09
ogra_thanks so much16:09
cwayneill have to double check that it made it in in time16:10
cjwatsonhttp://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.7 has the note about cipher changes16:10
cwayneit's definitely in trunk, so if not this one then next one16:10
cjwatson * sshd(8): The default set of ciphers and MACs has been altered to16:10
cjwatson   remove unsafe algorithms. In particular, CBC ciphers and arcfour*16:10
cjwatson   are disabled by default.16:10
cjwatson   The full set of algorithms remains available if configured16:10
cjwatson   explicitly via the Ciphers and MACs sshd_config options.16:10
oSoMoNcjwatson, got it, thanks16:13
bregmahey mr. vanguard fginther, I'm having trouble with ci-job compiz-0.9.11-ci on s-jenkins building in a Utopic environment instead of a 14.04 environment...  is there any way that can be fixed?16:17
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fgintherbregma, yes that can be fixed, will let you know when it's ready16:44
bregmafginther, thanks16:44
Saviqsil2100, looks like LP hates you... https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-007/+build/6536261 will only start building in 52 minutes?16:51
Saviqamd64 and i386 were quite far the queue, too16:52
cjwatsonbzoltan_: there is the option of shipping a modification to sshd_config on the phone images that changes Ciphers to whatever you need; I advise against that because those ciphers are unsafe, but it's clearly intended by upstream to remain an option for cases where there's no alternative; I guess that would be something for ogra_ or one of his colleagues to sort out.  If you do that you should still make sure this is raised to ...16:58
cjwatson... whichever QtC component is responsible, though, and we should try to carry it for as short a time as possible16:58
* ogra_ would feel pretty uneasy about adding such hacks 16:59
kgunnogra_: just to make sure, if i flash channel=devel-proposed that's vivid right ?16:59
kgunnjust reading here16:59
kgunnmight need a vivid update16:59
ogra_kgunn, i'll let sil know (he is out on tuesday evenings)17:00
oSoMoNcwayne, oxide 1.3 officially rejected for RTM, so the fix for tel: links will have to wait for the first OTA update17:01
ogra_davmor2, coming to the meeting ?17:02
ogra_bfiller, is anyone looking into the cmaera-app test failure in smoke testing ?17:04
bfillerogra_: not yet, but I will get someone to look at it17:06
ogra_cool, thanks17:06
bfillerogra_: on krillin?17:06
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ribru broke 3 robs
bfillerogra_: all the failures look like the app is not launching17:11
bfillerlooking at crash file17:12
ogra_bfiller, well, its only 4 out of 16 tests failing17:12
ogra_so it must run somehow17:12
bfillerogra_: right, all the ones that fail are due to the app not launching17:12
bfillerit get relaunched after each test17:12
om26ercyphermox, Hi!17:16
om26ercyphermox, I am trying to figure out what to test for rtm silo 16 ?17:17
om26ercyphermox, there is not mentioned testplan17:17
om26eror neither is there a mention of how to verify the bug fix17:17
cyphermoxit's in the bug description17:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1386109 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] com.ubuntu.connectivity1.NetworkingStatus.Status is always online" [Medium,In progress]17:18
om26ercyphermox, so qdbus on the phone says 'qdbus: could not find a Qt installation of '''17:18
cyphermoxom26er: you should be able to install qdbus on the phone separately17:18
brendandolli, pmcgowan - who do you need input from for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/maliit-framework/+bug/1373985?17:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1373985 in maliit-framework (Ubuntu RTM) "foreground app doesn't get activated after we leave the lock screen" [Undecided,In progress]17:18
ollibrendand, Elleo17:19
olliElleo, ping17:20
Elleoolli: what input do you need?17:20
olliElleo, the repro steps don't seem conclusive17:20
ollii.e. isn't it missing a starting state?17:20
olliElleo, if I do what's described I do get the expected behavior17:21
ollion #140 / krillin17:21
Elleoolli: I think what isn't clear in those steps is that you need to have a password not a pin set17:21
ogra_pmcgowan, why would bug 1378821 not affect europe ? we are not all running on UTC TZ here :P17:22
ubot5bug 1378821 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "today/yesterday label on sms and calls is incorrect" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137882117:22
om26ercyphermox, ok, had to download the deb separately due to some reason :017:22
Elleoolli: I've updated it to make that clear17:22
=== ribru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru just landed some experimental citrain stuff in production, please ping him with all build failures
ogra_ribru, who is that robru guy ?17:23
ogra_havent seen him around here17:23
Elleoolli: have to leave to catch a train now, but if there's any other questions ping me and I'll answer them when I get back later tonight17:23
ribruogra_: i still have a highlight on robru ;-)17:23
davmor2ogra_, cwayne: sanity is good on custom moving to test the delta now :)17:30
pmcgowanogra_, ask you fellow EUers, they blew me off :)17:31
cwaynedavmor2: ive found an issue, but i've also just fixed it :)17:31
ogra_pmcgowan, well, specifically spain and portugal are not on UTC17:31
pmcgowanI guesss it was the yesterday thing would be unlikely17:32
ogra_well, its only UTC+1 so it will only be wrong while you are drunk in a bar or some such17:32
ogra_i.e. while the day turns17:32
pmcgowanogra_, so it is likely :)17:33
ribruogra_: is it safe for me to land some stuff? I see some silos that say they're ready, not sure if you guys are about to build an image or what17:33
ogra_ribru, vivid can land all the time ... rtm only whats on olli's approval list17:34
ogra_didnt change :)17:34
ogra_the custom tarball landing will trigger a new image, i was planning to kick another one after that for a new rootfs17:34
ogra_i see two new landings on the rtm-changes mailing list17:34
ribruogra_: so eg there's an rtm landing for system-image, it has qa signoff and claims to be approved for 10/30. can i publish that?17:35
ogra_you should, yeah ... check twice on olli's spreadsheet before hitting the button though17:35
pmcgowanribru, is that the phased updates fix? if so thats expected17:36
pmcgowanribru, silo 4 is good to go17:37
ribrupmcgowan: thanks17:38
om26ercyphermox, so basically I just test that the bug is fixed. Is there some regressions suite for network-manager that I could run ?17:40
om26er"just to be sure"17:40
ogra_oooh, the whoopsie fix !17:47
cyphermoxom26er: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/DistroTesting18:08
cyphermoxaside from that there are some autopkgtests18:08
ribrudoes nobody need to build anything? c'mon people, it's a great time to build a silo! ;-)18:15
dobeyribru: i guess one thing about the current landing policy is that silos are going to be free when needed generally. :P18:42
om26erribru, is there a way to revert a silo added to my phone with 'citrain' tool ?18:57
brendandom26er, i suppose ppa-purge would work, but wouldn't rely on it18:59
om26erbrendand, ppa-purge is fine, though it pulls alot of crap with it, the likes of aptitude etc.19:00
brendandom26er, but please don't base your silo testing on anything involving ppa-purge19:01
brendandom26er, if you need to check if an issue is present without the silo, ask someone19:01
om26erbrendand, and whats the reason for that ?19:02
brendandom26er, because citrain itself is not accurate as it is19:02
brendandom26er, but it's the best we have, and if we start throwing other things in the mix then we just open ourselves up to mistakes19:03
om26erbrendand, I have a different test case and I'll perhaps do some manual fiddling, like disabling the ppa and then just installing with package_name/ubuntu_release19:04
om26ersometimes you need to go back to the old version of a software to compare a before-after situation -- this can work just reliable atleast for the cases where the changeset is isloated into one source.19:06
ribruom26er: yeah i specifically did not implement ppa-purge inside citrain tool because it pulled in deps and dirtied the image. The only reliable way to get back to a clean state is to reflash.19:08
cwaynedavmor2: ive got to run for awhile, pleae shoot me an email when testing is done, otherwise ping me here and ill press the magic button as soon as i'm back19:09
ribrubregma: ubuntu 12 and 1419:15
fgintherbregma, the compiz-0.9.11 jobs have been updated. https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/compiz- is now passing19:25
bregmafginther, I saw that, thanks for the fix19:26
fgintherbregma, you're welcome19:26
davmor2cwayne: Build is good19:55
davmor2sil2100, ogra_: ^ ogra_ that should make you happier once cwayne is about to press the magic fairy lights button19:59
davmor2ogra_: only crashes I see are mtp server which I think died when I enabled dev mode and camera app \o/20:01
cwaynedavmor2: pressing now20:01
cwaynepressed :D20:02
* cwayne goes back to being afk20:02
=== cwayne is now known as cwayne-afk
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru just landed some experimental citrain stuff in production, please ping him with all build failures
=== ribru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ Everything is Awesome! ♫
sil2100davmor2: woot!20:07
davmor2sil2100: I know right give it chance though I mean cwayne-afk broke it before I even started testing the delta, and then fixed it :)20:08
davmor2sil2100: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1389223 this is the only new bug today I hit a couple of the older ones but they are already listed this is a vivid bug20:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389223 in mtp (Ubuntu RTM) "mtp-server not running on vivid 8" [Critical,Triaged]20:12
davmor2sil2100: that is a blocker on sanity tests too just so you know :)20:13
cyphermoxdavmor2: got the fix for that ready20:13
davmor2cyphermox: I saw20:13
cyphermoxI think we're at the point of requesting a silo now :)20:13
davmor2Right I'm off20:14
dobeydavmor2: we know you're off :)20:14
ogra_whee, an update \o/20:43
ogra_sil2100, i was pondering to also roll a new rootfs for the landed bits20:44
sil2100ogra_: I guess it makes sense, and it might be safe to have a new image now20:44
ogra_yeah, i was waiting for the terball first20:45
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 143 building (started: 20141104 20:55) ===20:54
cwayne-afkogra_: so I'm sorry but the version string isn't fixed still :(  I thought changing what system-image used as a version string would work, but apparently it's read directly from /custom/build_id, which I can't change as too many things depend on it21:04
=== cwayne-afk is now known as cwayne
ogra_cwayne, hmm, h21:04
ogra_k even21:04
cwayneunless we had system-settings read a different file, but i'd bet we'd have a hard time landing that21:05
ogra_yeah, not for rtm i guess21:05
ogra_but we have another open bug to display the channel ... perhaps thats combinable ;)21:05
cwaynesure :)21:06
ogra_thoush thats for post rtm as well21:06
ogra_sigh, browser and webapps crash a lot lately21:06
* ogra_ didnt belive rsalveti when he said that today ... 21:06
ChickenCutlassogra_: are they crashing or getting killed by OOM21:08
ChickenCutlassogra_: I think the later21:08
ogra_ChickenCutlass, nope ... they are completely vanishing21:08
ogra_it hangs hard for a while and then just vanishes21:08
ogra_OOM should (theoretically) restart them via lifecycle mgmt21:09
dobeyhanging for a while and then vanishing sounds more like a crash, with crash report being collected21:17
dobeyi'd expect OOM to just vanish without a long wait21:17
ogra_there we go21:24
rsalvetiogra_: do you know if iso tracker should be working for vivid images? trying to trigger a new one21:25
rsalvetiit says rebuilding for a while, but nothing showing up at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-touch/21:25
ogra_rsalveti, theoretically yes, practically better ask stgraber if he got that set up already21:25
rsalvetihm, probably not21:25
ogra_just use nusakan :P21:26
rsalvetilet me trigger one via cmdline for now21:26
ogra_it is not like we are stepping on each others toes with image builds all the time :)21:26
ogra_isotracker is fine if 20 peaople can/do build images21:27
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 9 building (started: 20141104 21:35) ===21:34
ogra_there you go :)21:35
sil2100Yay :)21:39
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ Everything is Awesome! ♫
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping train support: trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ Everything is Awesome! ♫
jhodappribru, can I get a vivid silo for line 58 please?22:09
ribrujhodapp: well line 58 says rtm on it...22:10
jhodappribru, oops, forgot to update it22:10
ribrujhodapp: no worries, just need to be clear22:10
ribrujhodapp: ok vivid 522:11
jhodappribru, thanks22:11
ribrujhodapp: you're welcome22:11
om26er_kenvandine, Hi!22:22
ogra_rsalveti, bah, rtm failed too, but i386 has such a low build score that it will only start in 1h ... which is why my cmdline didnt return yet22:49
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, same for the vivid build I did22:49
rsalvetiso yay, no builds for today22:50
ogra_yeah :(22:53
* ogra_ gives up22:55
ribruogra_: hey it sounds like you're not busy! ;-) can you ack some packaging? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-014-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_compiz_1%3A0.9.12.0+15.04.20141104-0ubuntu1.diff22:59
Saviqribru, hey, could you ↑?23:57
Saviqthat was fast23:57
Saviqkgunn, ↑23:57
Saviqribru, fixed ↑23:59

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