
balloonsczajkowski, congrats on the new job!16:40
czajkowskiballoons: thanks :)17:40
mhall119belkinsa: ping19:34
belkinsaI'm subscribed to the list on LP.19:34
mhall119belkinsa: hey, sorry I didn't see your email to the uos-track-leads (it turns out members aren't auto-subscribed), but you are correct about blueprint naming, community-1411-<topic>19:35
mhall119belkinsa: yeah, one of the few who were :)19:35
belkinsaIt's cool.  And alright.  I think I may of ran into a problem: somehow this blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-1411-ubuntuwomen) that I created isn't showing up on the UOS scheduler.19:38
mhall119belkinsa: the import cron jobs need an update, I've filed an RT for that19:39
belkinsaAh, I see.19:39

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