
pittiGood morning06:50
larsuguten tag pitti!06:52
pittihey larsu!06:52
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seb128good morning desktopers!07:59
seb128lut didrocks08:05
seb128ça va mieux ?08:05
seb128hey mlankhorst08:05
didrocksseb128: encore une barre à la tête, donc pas encore complètement guéri…08:06
didrockset toi ?08:06
seb128ça va bien moi !08:06
mlankhorstdid you upload the change default language pack to french to ubuntu yet?08:08
didrocksok, so 2 emails + a bug report with 3 people who noticed that google broke the android studio download over the week-end08:10
didrocksso it means people are using udtc08:10
* didrocks prepares a release with a fix08:10
seb128what google changed?08:13
didrockstwo things08:15
didrocksthe first one that I can fix easily08:16
didrocksmd5sum -> sha108:16
didrocksthe second is more complex, they don't ship the sdk with the editor anymore08:16
didrocksI will let people setting it up for now, I can't find a way to "register" the sdk easily without any gui08:16
didrocksbut I don't find it easy to find08:16
didrocksI guess the android studio dev team have a plan08:16
seb128that's likely08:20
didrocksthat's why I don't want to invest in a workaround for now until it's more clear08:21
seb128yeah, makes sense08:22
seb128Laney, I guess you are fine with https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu-system-settings/lp1346483/+merge/239230 now?08:38
willcookemorning all08:50
didrockshey willcooke08:54
* didrocks releases udtc fix now08:54
seb128hey willcooke08:57
seb128willcooke, do you still plan to fix the ubuntu version/logo issues yourself or should somebody else have a look?08:57
willcookeseb128, Well, I could take a look, but I want to get these blueprints done, these docs finished, etc etc. So if someone wants to do it now, please feel free - if not, I can get to it in the next week or so08:58
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seb128willcooke, well, it's going to take me 1 minute to change it for the control center and lightdm, it's just that you said you were interested to do that yourself, so we can also let it for you09:00
willcookeseb128, you crack on it with - you can show me what to do at some point09:01
seb128willcooke, other topic for you09:01
didrockswell, if willcooke wants to do, there is really no hurry before the first alpha to have this done09:01
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seb128didrocks, there is not, it's just that while we think about it I would have put the mps up so we can forget about it09:02
willcooke+1 - get it done09:03
seb128doing so09:03
seb128willcooke, so, other topic, when you see robert_ancell can you ask about bug #138887509:03
ubot5bug 1388875 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "[gtk-mir-backend] Clicking seems to confuse GTK (or the shell)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138887509:03
seb128I mentioned it in Washington and tried via email09:04
seb128but that got little traction09:04
willcookeseb128, sure thing  - I spoke with his last night, but I can follow up on email09:04
seb128did you speak about gtkmir/that bug?09:04
seb128I just would like to know if anyone is going to look at it/who09:04
seb128if Robert is not interested it would be good to know so we can try to find somebody else09:05
seb128or bounce to the Mir team if that's on their side09:05
Laneyseb128: looking good09:05
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?09:06
Laneyit's pretty foggy today too09:07
Laneyotherwise good ;-)09:07
seb128I'm good thanks!09:07
pittihey seb128, hey Laney09:11
pittibonjour didrocks09:11
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:11
pittiseb128: gut, danke!09:12
Laneyhey pitti09:12
didrockspitti: hey!09:16
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=== tiheum is now known as tiheum_
=== tiheum is now known as tiheum_
Laneysoooooooooooooooooooo 3.1410:30
Laneytoolbar buttons have a border10:30
willcookeI like it!10:30
Laneya glittering career in visual design awaits10:33
Laney& http://people.canonical.com/~laney/weird-things/lightdm.jpg10:33
larsuLaney: that's so 10 years ago10:33
willcookeI like it!10:33
larsu(also, good morning)10:33
Laneywhat's up10:33
LaneyI didn't even need to ping you :-)10:34
* larsu lurks10:34
larsuI should have irssi highlight a few keywords besides my nick...10:34
Laneyand the 'no icon' thing in gedit is a down arrow10:34
Laneywhat up with that10:34
Laneyalso no ctrl+shift+i :(10:35
larsudidn't we see some arrow icons missing in some test?10:35
larsuhm, this is an old gedit though10:35
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larsudoes `GTK_DEBUG=interactive gedit` work?10:35
Laneyyes this works10:35
larsuI'll look into that10:35
=== tiheum_ is now known as tiheum
Laneyyeah installing adwaita-icon-theme gets those back10:37
larsuso we should probably depend on that...10:40
Laneyprobably best to get those icons in our theme10:42
Laneycould copy them ... *cough*10:42
* larsu hands Laney a cough drop10:42
* didrocks will gladly welcome it btw10:47
didrocksthe cough drop :)10:48
Laneystill ill? :(10:48
didrocksah ogra_, finally sharing it! velocity is getting down :)10:48
didrocksLaney: yeah, better, but not done yet :/10:48
didrocksLaney: was getting better on Friday, and then, starting to be worse and worse until yesterday10:48
ogra_didrocks, its the fault of the ML archives ... it got slow, so sil2100 only shares landing stuff late, that made me go lazy10:49
didrocksogra_: heh, still faster than willcooke or popey to notice I guess! :)10:49
ogra_yeah, these slackers10:49
didrocksLaney: yeah, starting to get tired of being sick :p10:49
Laneyhoney and lemon!10:49
popeywat wat wat10:50
didrocksLaney: I'm almost exclusively on that + pain killer since last week :/10:50
popeydidrocks: https://plus.google.com/u/0/109365858706205035322/posts/85z5SxwbWko10:51
popeyyou're welcome10:51
didrockspopey: thanks ;)10:51
didrockspopey: is the photo your cat?10:52
popeyits one I stole off t'internet10:52
Laneyon only connect yesterday...10:52
Laneyone of the questions had first clue "Salem"10:53
Laneytotally got 5 points on that one10:53
Laneywitches cats10:54
Laney#3 was crookshanks10:54
popeyi want this cat http://media2.giphy.com/media/BGf3BlE8sd2O4/200.gif10:55
larsuyou want an exploding cat?10:56
larsudidrocks: hope you get better soon, man10:56
didrockslarsu: thanks10:56
Laneylarsu: gnome bug #72956510:57
ubot5Gnome bug 729565 in general "add icons that are suitable as replacement for GtkArrow" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72956510:57
Laneywe probably can just copy these tbh10:57
willcookewait way10:57
willcookewait wat10:57
* willcooke reads backlog10:57
willcookedidrocks, no fair - I didn't get my prior warning :)10:58
didrockswillcooke: heh, the message was short enough to not bother you for a reread! no worry :)10:58
willcookeI demand first sharing rights :D10:58
willcookeanyway, great job didrocks, as always10:59
willcookethe rest of you could learn a thing or two from didrocks11:00
larsuLaney: thanks. Not sure what the licencing situation is on our theme11:00
didrockswillcooke: well, technically, the work has mostly be done by the community, I'm just stealing credits :)11:01
willcookedidrocks, you have learnt well grasshopper11:02
willcookepopey, what's all this Chromium crash business?  Is it chromium?11:02
Laneydear design, please draw 4 arrows and an ≡ sign11:03
didrocksLaney: what char is it?11:03
Laneysomething like ▼11:04
didrocksah, a full one11:04
Laneyfor menus and stuff11:04
Laneythey are actually both under the CC-BY-SA-3.011:06
larsuboth themes, you mean?11:08
larsucool. let's take that, then11:09
LaneyI'll make a MP11:09
Laneyhold on one second11:15
Laneythe adwaita icon theme is a rename / merge of the current gnome icon theme + symbolic icons11:17
Laneymaybe we should indeed update our icon theme to inherit from this one now11:17
ochosiyeah, adwaita is basically gnome3-icon-theme or something :)11:17
ochosiand it's just a rename/rebrand afaik11:18
ochosithere were never separate branches11:18
LaneyI guess we want to do that instead of copying the icons in then11:18
ochosidepends on whether you wanna save space on the default install11:18
ochositheoretically you could pull the icons in that you need11:18
ochosiwe (xubuntu) have done that for a while11:19
ochosibut yeah, it's work every release...11:19
ochosijust as with gtk themes needing to be patched up every release for the new gtk3 version ;)11:21
Laneyyeaaaaaaaaah gnome-icon-theme has a crazy split going on11:23
mvo_mlankhorst: hi, I have a interessting crash here and I wonder if you have a idea. if I run glxgears on 14.10/amd64 its fine. if I run glxgears in a click 14.10/amd64 chroot with /dev /proc etc availalbe and DISPLAY set it crashes. ltrace shows glClear() as the last thing, strace is less helpful. crash happens in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/i965_dri.so. any idea?11:24
ochosiLaney: yeah, i think you basically need to pull in -full to be safe11:24
mlankhorstmvo_: mount shmfs11:36
mlankhorstmvo_: without tmpfs dri3 won't work :)11:36
mvo_mlankhorst: \o/11:36
mvo_mlankhorst: and it works like magic, you rock!11:37
willcooke:) excellent11:40
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
ochositiheum: i guess there are still no concrete plans for bringing your icon-theme to unity on the desktop..?11:48
Laneylarsu: uploaded the icon theme, so just the button fixes are left AFAICS12:01
larsuLaney: thanks a lot. I'll have a look at those after lunch12:04
tiheumochosi: At the moment, we are 100% focused on the phone. I can't say anyting concerning the desktop.12:20
ochositiheum: ok, good to know though. thanks12:24
mlankhorstwillcooke: fridays 1on1 won't work :)12:38
Laneypitti: do you see any issues with uploading gnome-terminal now?12:42
Laneylarsu: hmm, checkboxes look weird too (no background)12:55
larsuLaney: ya, I noticed that too12:56
larsualso, I wanted to lunch12:56
Laneywhy can't you?12:56
larsuI can, I just didn't, yet12:57
larsufixing an i-message bug12:57
Laneywe're having rosti12:57
Laneyyum yum12:58
larsubon apetite!12:58
Laneyapparently it's rösti12:59
larsuit is13:00
* larsu understood, though13:00
larsugoing for lunch as well now, you made me hungry13:00
Laneyguten appetit13:01
Laneyblerg^2, vte broke api between 0.36 and 0.3813:17
pittiLaney: I tested it, and the only issue (but major) is that gnome-terminal-migrate doesn't seem to work13:24
pittiLaney: i. e. your profile config is gone13:25
pittiLaney: the migration is being called at start, but it only creates a single dconf key and none of the profile configs13:25
Laneyok we should fix that13:25
pittiLaney: sorry, I was fairly sure that this worked the last time I tested it, but apparently I did some error13:25
pitti(with testing that)13:25
LaneyNo worries, I'll set up a VM after lunch and poke it13:28
willcookemlankhorst, doh!  I knew that too.  Will move.13:28
willcookeif you haven't already seen it:  http://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-science-behind-the-ebb-and-flow-of-ubuntu-unitys-popularity/13:56
pittiLaney: FTR, testing with a fresh user is a lot simpler (gnome-terminal{,-data} up/downgrades well)14:04
pittiLaney: another potentially useful thing from my bash history is: dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/14:04
pittiLaney: you need that after downgrading to re-do the migration14:04
pittiLaney: so this iteration works fastest: install new g-t, run gnome-terminal-migrate, investigate, run dconf reset -f /org/gnome/terminal/14:05
pittiso the turnaround is < 1 s14:05
ochosiwillcooke: it's not a bad article, but i'm not sure where the "science" comes in...14:38
willcookeochosi, :) yes14:39
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dgadomskihello everyone14:41
qenghoseb128: I have adobe-flash package that I'd like to be uploaded to partners repo. Do you know who I should talk to?14:42
dgadomskiSweetshark: hi, could you please take a look at bug #1386170? there is a user who would be very happy with having it fixed in the libreoffice ppa for precise14:42
ubot5bug 1386170 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice startup center shorcut broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138617014:42
Sweetsharkdgadomski: do you have a better rationale than "user would be happy" to priotize this over the 700 launchpad and 3000 upstream bugs? Esp. since the user is asking for help on the oldest supported release and an unsupported ppa no less?15:00
dgadomskiSweetshark: unfortunately not, however I have seen you fixing a similar bug #1200277, if that would be ok with you I would gladly fix it and provide you with the fix in any preferred form15:04
ubot5bug 1200277 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "[LibreOffice] - libreoffice-writer.desktop when drag/drop to desktop, 100% broken. " [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120027715:04
Sweetsharkdgadomski: patches are always welcome of course! (either a debdiff or a git format-patch of a commit against the branch http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git/log/?h=ubuntu-precise-3.5 would be great).15:07
Sweetsharkdgadomski: forget the git patch thing. you dont want the fix against -3-5 but against something newer in the ppa.15:09
dgadomskiSweetshark: yes, it would be ok to have it fixed for 4.315:11
* didrocks looks at Sweetshark and grrr at libroffice "doc repair" which never gets last minutes of edits15:12
Sweetsharkdgadomski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1386170/comments/215:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1386170 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice startup center shorcut broken" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:14
* Sweetshark hands didrocks a cookie.15:14
Sweetshark(of course, thats for the hypothetical scenario that LibreOffice crashes, which never happens.)15:15
didrocksSweetshark: lost 15 minutes of work, I would need some hot chocolate with it :/15:15
* Sweetshark stirs some hot chocolate for didrocks.15:16
dgadomskiSweetshark: well, I think there are problems with reproducing this on trusty due to bug #124197215:16
ubot5bug 1241972 in Unity 7.2 "Drag and drop from Dash to Desktop doesn't work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124197215:16
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willcookemeeting time15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Ubuntu Desktop Team Weekly Meeting 2014-11-0415:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Nov  4 15:31:15 2014 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
willcooke#chair willcooke15:31
meetingologyCurrent chairs: willcooke15:31
willcookeRoll call:15:31
willcookeattente_, desrt, didrocks, FJKong (probably afk), happyaron (probably afk), Laney, larsu, mlankhorst, qengho, seb128, sweetshark, tkamppeter (maybe afk)15:31
* willcooke should write a very simple script to replace himself15:31
larsuecho "meeting time"15:32
willcooke#topic attente_15:32
willcookeattente_, how goes it?15:32
attente_not much to report15:33
attente_basic cursor support on the gdk mir backend15:33
attente_in-progress: window dragging15:33
willcookethanks attente_15:34
willcooke#topic desrt15:34
larsudesrt just brb'd in another channel. not sure if he remembered the dst change15:34
willcookethanks larsu, desrt let's come back15:35
willcooke#topic didrocks15:35
willcookedidrocks - you're up15:35
didrocks* Releasing Ubuntu Developer Tools Center 0.1 with Eclipse ADT & Eclipse luna support (blog post) on vivid + 14.04 and 14.1015:35
didrocks* Releasing another 0.1.1 emergency fix today due to Google changing their checksum algorithm + new tests15:35
didrocks* Implementing (not released yet): Go support + tests15:35
didrocks* Helping debugging and pushing Qtcreator support on the vivid desktop next image (pending on the qtmir guys now)15:35
didrocks* Preparing 2 UOS topics: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22331/ubuntu-developer-tools-community-input/ and http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22332/update-to-bluez-5/15:35
didrocks* More bluez and systemd documentation reading15:35
didrocks* Preparing a talk on 10 years of Ubuntu I will give on Thursday evening15:35
willcookethanks didrocks15:36
willcooke#topic FJKong15:36
willcookeFJKong, how's it going?15:36
FJKongLast week I mainly focus on analyzing pinyin search, I found there are one useful opensource project it is written by15:36
FJKongpython, if we can fork it and develop a c/c++ version that will be cool for translating Chinese character to pinyin.15:36
willcookeneat!  that sounds interesting15:36
FJKongnext week I will give more info to you15:37
willcookeexcellent, look forward to it15:37
willcookethanks djinni`15:37
willcookeoops FJKong15:37
willcooke#topic happyaron15:38
willcookeprobably not around atm though15:38
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willcookehappyaron, please let me have your update by email15:38
willcooke(hint hint)15:38
willcooke#topic Laney15:38
willcookeLaney, your go15:38
Laney• short week15:38
Laney• webkitgtk 2.4.7 merge, test, upload to vivid/utopic/trusty15:38
Laney• miniupnpc transition15:38
Laney• merge gtk (in desktop team ppa), test15:38
Laney∘ Some new icons required (copied from adwaita-icon-theme into humanity, uploaded)15:38
Laney∘ Unwanted borders around some buttons15:38
Laney∘ No background on checkboxes or radio buttons15:38
Laney∘ Please could someone who can promote fonts-cantarell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-cantarell/+bug/1387599 so it can build15:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1387599 in fonts-cantarell (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fonts-cantarell" [Undecided,Fix committed]15:38
Laney• Review/upload gdcm, todo: push transition15:38
Laney• Push some other transitions: libinput libgit2, some tiny helping on upower15:38
Laney• Some de-/usr/bin/libtool uploads or branches: libaccounts-glib libunity-webapps libdbusmenu15:38
Laney• Start looking at gnome-terminal 3.1215:38
Laney• A few Debian merges, patch forwarding, etc15:38
didrocksLaney: I'll promote fonts-cantarell now if you want15:39
willcookethanks Laney15:39
willcooke#topic larsu15:39
willcookelarsu, your go15:39
larsucaught up on bugmail etc15:40
* qengho tries to envy larsu to death.15:40
larsufinsihed up gtk package (thanks for the upload Laney)15:40
Laneyonly to the ppa15:40
Laneybut ya15:40
larsustarted fixing bugs - still on the i-messages one15:40
larsustarted reviewing desrt's xmlmarkupreader branch - again15:41
larsuLaney: ya15:41
* larsu thinks that should be it15:41
willcookethanks larsu15:41
willcooke#topic mlankhorst15:41
mlankhorstxorg-server updates, looking into using a standalone Xmir binary instead of using Xorg, fixing rotation with intel + SNA15:41
mlankhorstpretty much it, rotation was high priority15:41
willcookethanks mlankhorst15:42
willcookemlankhorst, I spoke to bregma who suggested we speak to RAOF about rootless X15:42
willcookeI'll drop him a line and CC you in - see what there is we can help with15:42
mlankhorstbut I haven't managed to contact him15:42
mlankhorstseems he's having some network troubles15:43
willcookeI think he's UTC+1million15:43
mlankhorstyeah he's in australia15:43
willcookeemail will do for now, leave it with me15:43
willcooke#topic qengho15:43
qenghoHey hey.15:43
willcookeqengho, any luck with that pp api uplaod?15:43
qengho- trying to get precise building chromium. #security will release for T+ without it.15:43
qengho- trying to get adobe-flash into partner repo.15:44
qengho- working on transition from older flash packages.15:44
qengho- 4k/unity/chromium bug; webapps PPAPI missing bug; intel-video drm/chromium-sandbox SEGV bug15:44
qenghowillcooke: Not yet. I know who to ask, though.15:44
willcookethanks qengho15:44
willcooke#topic seb12815:44
willcookeseb128, you're up15:45
seb128• upgraded to vivid (main laptop and test one)15:45
seb128• tried to debug unity8-desktop not starting anymore with new unity8 version15:45
seb128• helped on the miniupnp transition15:45
seb128• some gtk-mir testing15:45
seb128• sponsored gtk patches from desrt for gtkpopup issue under classic desktops15:45
seb128• desktop merges/sync/updates (libsexy, telepathy-gabble, rhythmbox, ...)15:45
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings for touch15:45
seb128∘ introductory labels/header better styled15:45
seb128∘ monochrome icon for the battery panel15:45
seb128∘ correct ini parsing in storage15:45
seb128∘ reviews15:45
seb128• got details about bt issues on krillin to file a bugreport15:45
seb128• some sponsoring15:45
seb128• usual share of bugs triaging and desktop discussions15:45
willcookeawesome, thanks seb12815:45
willcooke#topic Sweetshark15:46
willcookeSweetshark, your go15:46
Sweetsharknot much:15:46
Sweetshark- security updates and SRUs for utopic, trusty and precise15:46
Sweetshark- urgent upstream firefighting (enough calls for one cycle last week :/)15:46
willcookeoof, hope things ease off next week15:46
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:46
willcooketkamppeter told me he might not be here, so I have his update:15:46
willcooke- system-config-printer: Uploaded SRU for Utopic to fix several bugs:15:47
willcookeUtility package installation, infinite loop of link creation when a PPD15:47
willcookehas bad permissions, authentication of queued jobs not working, setup of15:47
willcookeHP printers with fax not working.15:47
willcooke- Switchover of OpenPrinting web site to new server15:47
willcooke- Bugs.15:47
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:47
willcookeWorked on:15:47
willcooke- Package updates for vivid15:47
willcooke- Add DPI support to gdk-pixbuf / simple-scan15:47
willcooke- Add Mapbox support to qtlocation15:47
willcooke- Bug triage, fixing15:47
willcookeCurrently working on:15:47
willcooke- Package updates for vivid15:47
willcooke- TPM key support15:47
willcookeNot blocked on anything.15:47
willcooke#topic any other business15:47
willcooke#topic desrt15:47
willcookedesrt, hi!15:48
willcookepaste away...15:48
desrt- underwent a DST change15:48
desrt- helped attente get started with mir-gtk hacking15:48
desrt- kdbus reviews and discussions15:48
desrt- fixing threading issues in glib file monitoring (GFileMonitor was never written to be threadsafe but a change in 2009 made the API multithreaded.  we start to notice problems with this now that GDesktopAppInfo uses file monitors from the GLib worker thread)15:48
willcookeexcellent, thanks desrt15:48
willcooke#topic more other business15:48
seb128desrt, who is doing gtk-mir now?15:48
larsuapparently attente_...15:49
desrtseb128: it looks like attente_ will be leading the efforts but i'm helping as well15:49
seb128larsu, like all the work?15:49
seb128or just helping?15:49
seb128bug #138887515:49
ubot5bug 1388875 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "[gtk-mir-backend] Clicking seems to confuse GTK (or the shell)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138887515:49
seb128would would be the right person to look at ^?15:49
desrtseb128: i think attente is a good point of first contact15:49
willcookeI mailed robert_ancell about that this morning as well15:49
seb128that's a bit confusing15:49
desrtattente_: if stuff gets really hairy feel free to ping me or larsu or robert_ancell as people who know gtk insides...15:50
seb128good that we have the weekly meeting, I tried to chase robert_ancell about that one, assuming he was still the one working on the backend15:50
larsudesrt: you have one job: don't confuse seb128!15:50
seb128anyway, let's not get off topic15:51
desrti meet with attente about once a week at the art gallery for a co-working afternoon -- we tend to discuss gtk stuff at this time15:51
seb128willcooke, sorry for sidetracking the meeting ;-)15:51
willcookeso we're agreed - attente_ will be first point of contact, and then we can go from there?15:51
willcookeseb128, no worries - it's "other business" ;)15:51
willcookeattente_, happy with that?15:51
willcookeyou'll have plenty of support15:51
seb128I'm a bit surprised it comes as a "made decision" without having being discussed there before15:52
seb128but wfm15:52
willcookewhat's the relationship between the Gnome Xchat work and the gtk mir work?15:52
attente_sure, trying it now15:52
desrtwillcooke: we're using various gtk apps as a way to drive the gtk-mir work15:52
desrtie: run it, play with it, see what breaks15:52
willcookeright, makes sense15:52
desrt"oh.. this doesn't work.... i wonder what we need to fix to make it work..."15:53
willcookeseb128, happy with that?15:53
desrtso i mean.. ultimately the goal is to have gtk-mir working nicely... but we express this goal by using apps as milestones15:53
willcookeseems like a good way to exercise all the various bits and pieces15:53
seb128desrt, right, but until now robert_ancell was the goto point for such issues15:53
seb128which apparently change, good as long as everybody know15:53
desrtseb128: i have to admit i didn't discuss this much with him but i don't think he touched the code in a while either....15:53
seb128it's a bit frustrating that I tried to get robert when he's not the one working on that anymore15:53
* qengho expects a few "oh, this should ever have worked in old gtk either."15:54
desrtqengho: ya... xchat needed some patches already :)15:54
seb128I hope I didn't confuse him with my emails either15:54
willcookeseb128, don't worry - I'll square it with him15:54
seb128desrt, I think it would be good that we all sync up on who does what15:54
desrtseb128: iirc we (you, me, will cooke) exchanged some emails on this topic...15:54
seb128we seems to are misaligned atm15:54
seb128desrt, about making xchat-gnome work on Mir?15:54
seb128not about changing contact point for gtk-mir backend work15:55
seb128anyway, let's just all sync up15:55
seb128there is no issue15:55
seb128just confusion15:55
* willcooke will send an email to everyone involved 15:55
seb128willcooke, thanks15:55
willcookeI'll report back here so everyone knows what the score is15:56
willcookeok, so to other business...15:56
willcookenext week (!!!) is UOS15:56
willcookewe need to get some sessions scheduled15:56
willcookeI'm thinking of this:15:57
willcooke1.  How do we support flavours in the move to Mir15:57
willcooke2.  How do we work with Firefox to support them in our move to Mir15:57
willcooke3.  System Image updates on the desktop - how & why15:58
qenghomlankhorst: May I have your advice on this bug report? See the two videos in description. https://bugs.launchpad.net/chromium-browser/+bug/138366715:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1383667 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "UHD 4k Resolution Unity DE bug window in Chrome(mium) and Steam" [Undecided,Incomplete]15:58
willcooke4.  clicks & debs on the desktop.  They will need to live side by side I think.  So, how & why.15:58
willcookeI know didrocks has a session of UDTC15:59
willcookewhat else should we have a session on?15:59
willcookePlease let me know asap15:59
willcookeeither here or by email15:59
willcookeand I'll get them scheduled15:59
didrockswillcooke: I have another session on bluez, if we still want to do it this cycle15:59
willcookedidrocks, great!  Yes - I'd still like to see if we can land that15:59
willcookeeveryone OK with that?16:01
* willcooke accepts silence as acceptance and willingness to chair a session.16:01
seb128some of those sessions don't seem that useful16:01
desrtflavours-move-to-mir for example...16:01
seb128like "firefox to mir" is not something we are likely to resolve in a UOS session16:01
desrtseems like the sort of discussion that everyone will stay away from in droves...16:01
seb128especially with nobody maintaining firefox on our side16:02
seb128bluez seems like a JDI16:02
didrocksseb128: we need synchronization with KDE and other flavors on bluez16:02
seb128cyphermox said he would do the merge, and everything else is just syncing with debian/patching16:02
didrocksand we need to sync with cyphermox & co, their team didn't answer to emails yet16:02
seb128didrocks, that sort of already happened over 2 cycles on -devel and launchpad bugs report, Debian finished the migration16:02
didrocksbut if you have info from all of them, including 3rd party, that's great :)16:03
cyphermoxwhat emails?16:03
seb128didrocks, I discussed it with cyphermox in Washington16:03
cyphermoxbluez still needs a new pulse first, and that's not released yet16:03
seb128didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/1162781 has some details as well16:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1162781 in bluez (Ubuntu) "bluez package out of date, 5.3 is available" [Wishlist,Triaged]16:03
didrocksseb128: seems we need a plan for action still, to at least have the knowledge of everyone and not forgetting any flavors16:03
cyphermoxotherwise we break HSP -- hangouts with bluetooth headsets ;)16:03
didrocksdo you know if kde is happy to move to it this cycle?16:03
cyphermoxas far as I know they expect it just as much as we do16:04
didrockscyphermox: but better that said publically than implied, right?16:04
cyphermoxqt 5.4 adds more bluez5 support, and we don't have that yet either16:04
didrocksand in advance, which was the goal of UDS sessions AFAIK16:04
seb128didrocks, I think they are, Debian finished that migration16:04
didrocksseb128: ok, if you want to do the migration without the session, be my guest :)16:05
willcookesounds like we have at least one good session :)16:05
seb128feel free to have a session16:05
seb128I guess it doesn't hurt16:05
willcookebetter to be explicit than implicit16:05
didrocksat least, not having anyone telling "I didn't know"16:05
didrocksright, which is the point16:05
didrockscyphermox: I'll subscribe you to the session16:06
cyphermoxdidrocks: thanks16:06
cyphermoxmake me required ;)16:06
didrockscyphermox: will do :)16:06
willcookeso I need some more ideas for sessions then - we should have some "route to 16.04" discussions, which I think the system image updates and debs/clicks session are appropriate for, right?16:06
willcookebut the other two are more tricky16:07
willcookeso a couple more useful session ideas by email would be very helpful.16:07
willcookeright - last call for any other business..... going in 10,16:08
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Nov  4 16:08:43 2014 UTC.16:08
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2014/ubuntu-desktop.2014-11-04-15.31.moin.txt16:08
seb128willcooke, the issue is having useful session16:08
seb128we can discuss what Mir needs to support desktop16:08
seb128but we already discussed that and have bug recorded16:09
seb128sessions are not going to help moving forward in any way imho16:09
willcookedpm, something for you to read ^^^^^^^^16:09
attente_seb128: your button example seems to work against gtk master16:11
seb128attente_, can you confirm the bug with the ubuntu version?16:13
willcookePublic notice:  Bug #138624116:14
ubot5bug 1386241 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Trusty) "Add the full IPP Everywhere support from Utopic to Trusty" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138624116:14
willcookePlease help test ^^^^16:15
willcookedgadomski, this might come across your desk in the future ^^^^16:15
dgadomskiwillcooke: thanks, I will keep that in mind16:16
attente_seb128: it's working with the ubuntu versions too16:20
seb128attente_, weird, how are you testing?16:21
attente_seb128: under the mir_demo_server_shell16:21
seb128attente_, k, so maybe the issue is unity8 then16:21
seb128because it doesn't work under unity8-desktop/desktop-next16:22
seb128as I wrote in the bug report, that could be a shell issue16:22
attente_could be, i'll try it under unity816:23
popeywillcooke: you need a cat, so you can reproduce bug 1389314 ☻16:41
ubot5bug 1389314 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Key stuck down causes compiz 100% cpu, PC unusable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138931416:41
ogra_popey, you mean he doesnt have one ? how could he become a manager here !16:43
* ogra_ thought thats an acceptance criteria for getting a manager job16:43
popeyI know, right!16:45
willcookeI've got a cat emulator16:48
willcookeone for bregma and co I expect16:49
Laneyrsalveti: What is https://launchpadlibrarian.net/189046475/gst-plugins-good1.0_1.4.3-1ubuntu1_1.4.3-1ubuntu2.diff.gz and why is it Forwarded: no?17:45
LaneyUploaded gnome-terminal to desktop ppa, please test18:01
LaneyI didn't get the migration problems pitti had18:01
* Laney is off, laters18:01
willcooketata Laney18:01
pittiLaney: \o/18:01
pittiLaney: so profile settings (background color, text color, font size, etc.) got migrated correctly for you?18:01
mlankhorstqengho: with fglrx.. hard to do anything about it18:10
rsalvetiLaney: because it was not yet forwarded?18:11
rsalvetiLaney: this is a sync from RTM18:12
Laneypitti: not transparency, but I updated the patch to do that, otherwise yeah19:45
Laneyrsalveti: I get that, I'm suggesting that instead of "no" it should be forwarded before uploading to Ubuntu.19:52
rsalvetiLaney: we know that, we'll hopefully be focusing on upstreaming these changes now that we're mostly done with the critical bug fixes19:53
LaneyIt would be better to work the other way around19:56
LaneySomeone might even have commit access by now19:56
rsalvetiI completely agree, but unfortunately we didn't have time to work on that20:09
rsalvetiwe basically only have jim to take care of all the multimedia stuff20:10
rsalvetiI asked for someone else to help on that like an year ago20:10
jhodappLaney: yeah, will be focusing on upstreaming bit by bit now, as rsalveti said21:29
jhodappLaney, it's my goal to completely get rid of our custom gstreamer package patches, at least for Ubuntu Phone21:30
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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