
sarnoldpitti: good morning; 1388962 mentions some systemd-logind errors in CurrentDmesg.txt, I'm curious if this one is for you :)00:27
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pittiGood morning06:48
pittisarnold: those messages are bug 1359439 and only cosmetical06:49
ubottubug 1359439 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu) "[ 7.287663] systemd-logind[1057]: Failed to start unit user@126.service: Unknown unit: user@126.service" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135943906:49
pittiinfinity, ScottK, wgrant: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Blacklisting still current? I thought a while ago we discussed blacklisting the packages with an LP API?07:32
* pitti wants to remove and blacklist init-select07:32
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infinitypitti: It's still current.07:58
pittiinfinity: thanks07:58
pittistgraber: for the resolvconf merge, do you think it's ok to drop the resolvconf/fixing-immutable debconf question now? it's a huge delta, and shoudl be obsolete after 12.04 as all the migration (making file un-immutable and move it around) was done in 12.04, right?09:10
pittistgraber: Debian's version now just spits out an error message which explains what to do if it still happens09:13
pittistgraber: but I'd consider this a "don't do that then" issue -- one doesn't randomly make runtime files immutable and can expect things to work still09:14
pittimeh, this is a hideously complex merge09:17
* mgedmin wonders how often random websites offer 'chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf' as the "solution" to NetworkManager/resolvconf changing it all the time09:17
pittimgedmin: they did in the past, but in 12.04 we moved to resolvconf09:17
pittiso /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink, and you can make it as immutable as you like09:17
mgedminoh, chattr doesn't follow symlinks?  neat09:18
infinityWhy would it?09:18
infinityIt makes the symlink immutable.09:18
infinityIt's just another file.09:18
seb128bdmurray, ev, hey, do you know why https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2014.10&package=file-roller&period=month lists only a libreoffice issue? changing to "week" makes it have file-roller ones, so there are reports and they should also be in the week view?10:13
seb128those also are all failing to retrace, is there a known issue with utopic e.u.c retracers?10:14
pittistgraber: I now merged resolvconf, tested in a VM (with static /e/n/i) and my workstation (NM); tested upgrade, purge/reinstall10:20
pittistgraber: the delta got a bit smaller, fortunately Debian plans to drop the /etc/resolvconf/run bits after jessie (which is 95% of our delta)10:21
pittistgraber: do you want to review the merge before I upload? http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/resolvconf-merge/10:21
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caribouI'm working at merging libnss-ldap for a critical bug. I'm mostly done, except for one autoreconf.patch patch that fails for a few hunks11:41
caribouany specific way to deal with such autoreconf issues ?11:41
caribouLP: #1387594 btw11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1387594 in libnss-ldap (Ubuntu Utopic) "init: symbol lookup error: /lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/libnss_ldap.so.2: undefined symbol: __libc_lock_lock" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138759411:43
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geserprobably either redo the autoreconf (and update the patch file) or switch to dh-autoreconf (if possible)11:45
infinitycaribou: You shouldn't generally attempt to reapply autoreconf patches to different upstream versions, that way lies madness.12:06
infinitycaribou: Switching to dh-autoreconf is the best answer, if it works.  If it doesn't, fix-and-forward so it does, or redo the patch by hand.12:07
infinitycaribou: Though, given that it built on all arches in Debian, the autoreconf patch may not be needed?12:08
caribouinfinity: well I sort of get caught offguard with this autoreconf patch...12:09
caribouinfinity: I've been hacking at the merge & was almost done, rebuilt many times12:09
caribouinfinity: then I found out that that autoreconf.patch was not applied, then I got into madness :-/12:09
infinitycaribou: I'm pretty sure you can just drop it.12:10
caribouinfinity: it was my feeling. Then if, in your greatness of soul you agree to sponsor the merge, you will be able to confirm ;-)12:10
infinity   * Apply patch from Peter Green to solve build failure on arm* kfreebsd*12:11
infinity     (closes: #683011).12:11
infinitycaribou: That's fixing the same thing our patch was meant to fix.12:11
infinitycaribou: Which would also be fix-glibc-test-for-armel-gnueabi.patch, if you didn't already drop that.12:12
infinitycaribou: debian/patches/treat-all-debian-systems-like-linux.patch is the one that superseded our fix-glibc-test-for-armel-gnueabi.patch and autoreconf patch.12:14
infinitycaribou: I'm heading to bed (yes, really), but if you mail me about it, I can review and sponsor.  Looks like a disgusting sort of merge that I might have to re-do just to verify your result. :/12:16
caribouinfinity: I took note of everything so I'll do just that; thanks !12:19
infinitycaribou: Worth noting that fix-glibc-test-for-armel-gnueabi.patch was probably also subtly wrong for armhf, so we might want to SRU the patch swap when you SRU the other fix.12:21
mdeslaurarges: I think the trusty update in bug 1382133 was skipped by mistake, and is ready to be release13:01
ubottubug 1382133 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu Trusty) "Issue with servers with SSLv3 disabled due to Poodle " [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138213313:01
LaneyI only verified the second SRU today, so probably not13:01
argesmdeslaur: i'll take a look at it13:01
Laneybut yeah, releasing appreciated13:01
argestodays my review day, just working on some other reviews first13:02
mdeslaurLaney: hrm? looks like someone verified it on 2014-10-2113:03
Laneymdeslaur: the *second* sru, there are two uploads waiting to go in13:03
mdeslaurLaney: oh! I see now13:04
argesmdeslaur: Laney: ok looks good released into trusty-updates.13:12
Laneythanks arges13:13
mdeslaurarges: thanks13:13
apacheloggerdoes the arch-indep change to amd64 also apply to utopic builds? and if not, how does one find out what architecture is used for arch-indep?13:38
infinityapachelogger: It doesn't.  Out of curiosity, why would it matter?13:40
apacheloggerinfinity: various kubuntu buildtime QA bits only run on arch-indep for some reason13:41
apacheloggerwhich was hardcoded as i386... so now things fall flat on the face ^^13:42
infinityapachelogger: That sounds like a bug, not a feature. :P13:42
infinityapachelogger: Packages should never assume an arch-indep arch.13:42
infinityapachelogger: Do you have an example?13:43
apacheloggerit's not the packages, it's just additional stuff run before dh_builddeb to output data about the build13:44
apacheloggerinfinity: lintian for example13:44
apacheloggeror actually13:44
infinityapachelogger: By "packages", I meant "source packages".13:44
apacheloggerRiddell: where was it hardcoded anyway?13:44
Riddellapachelogger: in the script which makes this little report http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.4.0_vivid.html13:44
* apachelogger scratches head13:45
apacheloggerinfinity: ok, so it seems I was wrong it's not the packages at all but the scripts evaluating the output generated by the build13:45
infinityHow is this going wrong for you?13:45
Riddellit's not now that I updated the script13:46
apacheloggerRiddell: now it's wrong for utopic13:46
apacheloggerinfinity: let me read the code, I am very unsure about the details13:46
infinityRiddell: I guess what I was asking was why was it hardcoding an arch-indep arch, and could it be made smarter? :P13:46
infinityRiddell: As in, why does it need to know at all?13:47
infinityBut yes, maybe seeing the script would be enlightening.13:47
Riddellthe /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/3/debian-qt-kde.mk makefile which is what we use to build our packages only runs the bits which output list-missing on arch-indep it seems, dunno why13:50
apacheloggerI don't even see why13:51
apacheloggerpost_binary: list-missing lintian13:51
apacheloggerah different target, apparently post_binary-arch is what would be calle don !indep13:53
infinityapachelogger: post-binary probably only gets run on full builds, on arch-dep builds, it's probably something like post-binary-arch13:53
infinityapachelogger: Jinx.13:53
infinityapachelogger: post_binary-arch is probably a dep of post_binary, though, so would be called in either case.13:54
apacheloggerinfinity: yes13:55
apacheloggerso in fact lintian and list-missing are only run on arch-indep, not sure why that decision was made13:55
infinityapachelogger: I doubt it was made on purpose.13:55
apacheloggerinfinity: well, it's from debian pkg-kde so it might be to not waste time on the slow architectures13:56
infinityapachelogger: Unless this is inherited from Debian, then the decision would have been made so that it only ran on developers' systems.13:56
infinityapachelogger: Since arch:all is never built on buildds.13:56
apacheloggerI see, would make sense13:56
infinityapachelogger: But they really need to fix that way of thinking in pkg-kde soon, since the old world order is going away. :P13:56
infinityapachelogger: Anyhow, an Ubuntu delta that did your testing on all arches would seem sane to me.13:57
apacheloggerto be honest I think that would just make things more complicated13:57
apachelogger99% of the time we'd only care about the arch-indep architecture as it presents the superset of issues lintian/list-missing would report anyway13:58
infinityOr just accept the status quo and make your scripts check for the right arch, I guess. :P13:58
infinityapachelogger: I'd challenge your assertion, though.  It's amazingly common for people to make the "full" build work, and break the arch-only build.13:59
apacheloggerinfinity: yeah, that's why I was asking how to figure out what the arch-indep arch is :P13:59
apacheloggerI'd rather avoid fiddling with series versions to decide which log to look at14:00
infinityapachelogger: Assuming this is an lpapi script, you can use something like:14:00
infinity(base)adconrad@cthulhu:~$ lp-shell14:00
infinityE: ipython not available. Using normal python shell.14:00
infinityConnected to LP service "production" with API version "1.0":14:00
infinityNote: LP can be accessed through the "lp" object.14:00
infinity>>> lp.distributions['ubuntu'].current_series.nominatedarchindep_link14:00
apacheloggerthat should work14:00
apacheloggerinfinity: thanks :)14:00
infinityapachelogger: Replacing current_series with a proper API lookup of the series you care about...14:01
infinityapachelogger: Perhaps like so:14:05
infinity>>> lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSeries(name_or_version='utopic').nominatedarchindep_link14:05
infinity>>> lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSeries(name_or_version='vivid').nominatedarchindep_link14:05
infinityapachelogger: Or, to just return the arch string:14:07
infinity>>> lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSeries(name_or_version='vivid').nominatedarchindep.architecture_tag14:07
apacheloggerinfinity: yeah, we iter through PPA entries using the api, so we should just be able to work our way to the archindep from there14:10
infinityapachelogger: If you're iterating through builds, there will soon be a tag on each build to tell you if it was archindep or not.  That'll land this week.14:13
apacheloggerah, cool beans, best fix it next week then I guess14:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^ In case I forget, all tooling needs change to dynamically get archindep for builds instaed of hardcoding one14:14
infinityapachelogger: For now, though, it's perfectly reasonable to just assume vivid=amd64, and *=i386.14:14
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infinityapachelogger: Which is the logic we'll be using to backfill the new DB column. :P14:15
infinity(Well, minus some annoying bits we need to fix from vivid opening, but la la la)14:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: ack14:16
infinityapachelogger: On an academic note that kubuntu might not care about, but is interesting nonetheless, this also fills in one of the missing puzzle pieces for abritrary package-controlled arch-indep affinity.14:18
infinityapachelogger: (Say, you want a source package to be able to say "I build an arch:all package, but it has to build on powerpc")14:18
infinityarbitrary, too.  That's an oddly difficult word to type.14:18
RiddellI do remember that being an issue for someone once14:19
infinityYeah, me. ;)14:19
infinityWell, a few someones.14:19
infinityBut typically, it's when you want to ship firmware or a bootloader or something as a "payload" package that can be installed on all arches.14:19
infinityWe currently hack around it by cross-compiling a few such packages.14:20
infinityBut that's gross.14:20
* infinity heads to the store, wondering what combination of Vitamin C and cough syrup will lead to sleep and waking up feeling less sick.14:22
StevenKinfinity: LD50 minus one teaspoon? :-P14:22
infinityStevenK: LD50 is for the weak, go 100 or go home.14:23
StevenKinfinity: But that fails your requirements, since it won't lead to sleep14:24
pittia rather long sleep..14:24
infinityStevenK: Fine, 99.14:24
mdeslaurinfinity: the best stuff is labelled "Whisky"14:31
pittimdeslaur: oh, so the vitamime "C" expands to "Chivas Regal"?14:32
mdeslaurpitti: hehe :)14:32
argesmlankhorst: i see two mesa uploads in utopic... i'm assuming the old one is no longer needed?14:33
mlankhorstfigured doing .2 was just as much effort as verifying .114:34
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pittihallyn: cgmanager sets a release_agent, but right now we don't enable notify_on_release anywhere; does cgmanager itself depend on those somehow?14:39
pittihallyn: I'm looking into debian bug 756076 (logind sessions don't get cleaned up but stay in "Closing" forever)14:39
ubottuDebian bug 756076 in systemd-shim "does not cleanup sessions when user logs out: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope'" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75607614:39
pittihallyn: systemd installs its own release handler there to tell it when a cgroup got cleaned up, then it cleans up the dangling sessions14:40
pittihallyn: and I wonder if systemd-shim can do that, or whether we need to actually call cgmanager's release agent (which we don't ATM)14:40
pittiat least calling "sudo /run/cgmanager/agents/cgm-release-agent.systemd user.slice/user-1001.slice/session-c2.scope" currently has no effect as the cgroup itself is already gone, so one just gets a dbus error14:41
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bdmurrayseb128: past month is calendar month not 30 days so the week view would include october stuff but the month view would not14:55
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mdeslaurbarry: any idea why this is happening in vivid? the package names are obviously wrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8820356/15:13
barrymdeslaur: there was a new dh-python uploaded to unstable recently.  this is curious:   * Suggest the right file name for dependency overrides (closes: 748296).  but otoh, it looks like it was just a doco change: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=74829615:17
barry 15:17
ubottuDebian bug 748296 in dh-python "dh_python2 shouldn't suggest py3dist-override" [Minor,Fixed]15:17
barryso that's not it15:17
barrybut i'll bet it's the dh-python upload15:17
mdeslauryeah, I'm diffing it to try and figure it out15:18
barrymdeslaur: to be clear, you don't see that in utopic?15:19
mdeslaurbarry: nope, utopic works15:20
mdeslaurbarry: I think it's Add support for guessing dependencies from egg-info files (closes: 756378)15:20
mdeslaurstill looking15:20
barrymdeslaur: sorry, trying to work on something else atm, but ping me if you find anything interesting15:23
mdeslaurbarry: yeah, my egg-info has stuff like Requires: gi.repository.GLib , but that's definitely not how any of the gi packages are called15:23
mdeslaurbarry: thanks, I'll let you know15:24
mlankhorstarges: the changelog is correct, it's a copy back from vivid to utopic15:24
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hallynpitti: if you configure logind.conf correctly, then systemd-shim will remove the cgroups15:31
pittihallyn: that happens by default already15:31
hallynif you leave it set to "abandon", then it will only remove the cgroup if all tasks are already gone15:31
pittihallyn: the thing that's missing is cleaning up logind sessions after logging out15:31
hallynif you set it to kill (wahtever it's called) it will forcibly kill al ltasks and remove the container15:31
hallynpitti: it's not missing, so this must be a bug.15:31
pittihallyn: right, but the cgroup is already gone, that's not hte problem15:31
hallynoh, you mean logind isn't told to forget about it?15:32
pittihallyn: the problem is that the cgroups don't have notify_on_release, and no callback which tells logind that those sessions are now gone15:32
pittihallyn: right, debian bug 75607615:32
ubottuDebian bug 756076 in systemd-shim "does not cleanup sessions when user logs out" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75607615:32
hallynpitti: if you don't premount the cgroups, then notify_on_release will be set by cgmanager15:32
tewardanyone know what package provides udev rules?15:32
hallynbut if the cgroups were premounte,d then cgmanager will not set it (and shouldn't)15:32
pittihallyn: in our default utopic it's not set15:33
argescjwatson: ^^ what is the policy with SRU changelogs for backports? mlankhorst had mesa with <version>ubuntu1 (vivid) then the next entry was <version>ubuntu0.1 (utopic) ... does it make sense to have this kinda changelog?15:33
argesmlankhorst: can you post the changelog in pastebin really quick?15:33
mdeslaurbarry: filed 138928315:33
hallynpitti: that's a bug15:33
hallynpls file against cgmanager15:33
pittihallyn: but anyway, even if it would set it, it would then call the cgm_release thing, which doesn't do what we need; so I primarily wondered if we'd ever need to use those for the "systemd" controller15:33
hallynwhat do you mean it doesnt' do what we need15:34
barrymdeslaur: cool, thanks.  i'll forward that to p1otr15:34
mlankhorstarges: sec15:34
pittihallyn: so the fact is, cgmanager *works*, the org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope Abandon call now works and does clean up the cgroup (even without release_notify)15:34
pittihallyn: but that doesn't tell logind about it, so its sessions forever stay in state "closing" and it never removes dynamic ACLs15:34
hallynpitti: ok, that should be up to systemd-shim to do i guess15:35
pittihallyn: correct15:35
hallynoh, right.  ntify-on-release should NOT be set in utopic..  right15:35
hallynpitti: ok.  i assume that's some dbus magic?15:35
pittihallyn: but for that I need to use release_notify and plug in my own agent15:35
mlankhorstarges: i dont have the exact log, so have this mockup instead. http://paste.debian.net/130248/15:35
hallynpitti: hold on, lemme switch rooms and get back to you15:36
pittihallyn: and my q is whether that's ok for hte "systemd" controller, or whether my own agent should additionally call cgm_release (I don't see what for, but cross-checking)15:36
mlankhorstthis has been how I did mesa updates all along, where they make sense15:36
barrymdeslaur: over in #debian-python: <p1otr> barry: which package adds gi.repository.GLib egg-info?15:41
mdeslaurbarry: pasaffe (it's not in debian)15:42
mdeslaurbarry: v15:42
mdeslaurbarry: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pasaffe15:42
hallynpitti: so i'm not following.  Right now, iirc, when you log out, one and systemd-shim is installed, one of two things happens:15:43
hallynif you've set to abandon, then cgmanager will (for all cgroup controllers) try to remove the cgroup, then set notify_on_release if the remove failed15:43
hallyn(so that the cgroup will be deleted when it becomes empty)15:43
hallynif you've set to kill, then it'll kill all tasks and rm the cgroup15:43
hallynit doe sit for name=systemd a swell as the others, since systemd is presumed not running15:44
hallynas yo usaid, systemd-shim should be telling logind to remove the session as well, if that's needed.  i 8thought* that simply replying to the Abandon msg from logind would do that15:44
pittihallyn: ok; I didn't test kill mode, just a normal logout (which doesn't leave anything behind, so the cgroup does get removed)15:44
pittihallyn: no, it's async15:44
pittihallyn: so roughly what happens:15:44
pittihallyn: logind is told to close a session (ReleaseSession "c1" or so)15:45
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pittihallyn: then pid1 or shim picks that up, tells cgmanager to clean up etc.; this removes cgroups15:45
hallyn(or sets notify-on-release if cgroup is not yet empty)15:45
pittihallyn: then, systemd sets notify_on_release and installs an agent which then sends the UnitRemoved session-c1.scope back to logind15:45
pittihallyn: then logind removes the session, removes ACLs, etc.15:46
pittihallyn: and the last two lines are currently missing15:46
pittihallyn: so what I need to do in shim is enable notify_on_release and install my own agent15:46
pittiwhich mimics what systemd as pid 1 would do15:46
hallynthat's a problem15:46
hallyni don't recall - can you set an agent for a cgroup subtree?15:46
hallynor only for the whole hierarchy?15:46
pittihallyn: no, only from teh top15:47
pittihallyn: you need to enable notify_on_release per cgroup, but there's only one global (per controller) agent15:47
pittihallyn: so: you are saying that sometimes cgmanager needs its own handler15:47
pittihallyn: so if systemd-shim installs its logind callback handler, it could just chainload cgmanager's?15:47
hallynwe don't know that every use of notify-on-release is going to be for such a rm, so i don't know that we can unconditionally have our release agent send that msg15:48
pittihallyn: s/chainload/call/15:48
pittihallyn: no no, I'm not going to tell cgmanager's agent about logind15:48
pittiand I don't want to touch any controller except "systemd"15:48
hallyndon't you need to do it for all controllers?15:48
hallynor doe slogind only need to be told about the one15:49
hallynyou're making it sound like you would set that shim release agent only for a short time...  is that what you're thinking?15:49
pittihallyn: no, logind is only concerned about the systemd controller15:53
pittihallyn: hm, I think I need to set it for the entire lifetime of a session15:53
hallynpitti: ok, that's better15:54
hallynyeah i guess chainload is fine15:54
pittihallyn: so systemd-shim should get the current handler, install its own, and chainload the old15:54
pittihallyn: from my experiments calling it seems to be harmless if the cgroup is already gone15:54
pitti(but it's not too hard to check this in advance either)15:55
pittiif it causes error message spew or so15:55
hallynpitti: sounds good.  you can push that change to systemd-shim ?15:55
pittihallyn: yes, I'm working on it now (still need to figure out the details)15:56
pittihallyn: but I wanted to discuss the cgm release agent with you first15:56
caribouinfinity: sorry got pulled onto something else, I'll send the merge data your way tomorrow morning15:56
pittihallyn: it's a grave bug in Debian, so we better get that fixed ASAP for the freeze15:56
pittihallyn: I also fixed two other (simple) bugs in git already15:56
argesmlankhorst: well feel free to re-upload, but I'll let another SRU member review as I'm not confortable accepting. thanks15:56
pittiso with that one we should have a good release 915:56
pittihallyn: thanks15:56
hallynpitti: why is it a grave bug?15:57
pittihallyn: mostly for the lingering ACLs, I suppose15:57
pittiI wouldn't call it "grave" myself, but *shrug*, it should be fixed anyway15:58
hallynoh, on sound devices and such?15:58
hallynthat makes sense15:58
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hallynpitti: thanks much.15:58
pittihallyn: so the scenario would be something like 1. login locally, get ACLs, log out15:59
pittithen 2. log in remotely, re-use the old permissions which you shouldn't have16:00
pittiplus, the sessions pile up, so if you have a lot of logins, it's kind of a memleak16:00
hallynright.  i'm ok with claling that grave :)  thx16:01
argesmlankhorst: one more thing bug 1386620, is this fixed in vivid/utopic for xorg-server?16:05
ubottubug 1386620 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Vivid) "re-enable rotation for the intel driver in optimus mode" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138662016:05
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bdmurraypitti: any news on bug 1370230?16:28
ubottubug 1370230 in Apport "apport-retrace has become slower" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137023016:28
flexiondotorgbregma, I've created a Compiz meta package for Ubuntu MATE. Which works a treat except I need to have the Window Decoration plugin enabled by default.16:28
flexiondotorgbregma, Is there a way for me to enable that plugin at the system level without compiling a separate compiz-mate (for example) package?16:29
bregmaflexiondotorg, I'm surprised it doesn't work out of the box like Gnome-fallback does16:30
flexiondotorgI am going to test again on a fresh install, but without Window Decoration is would seem that the gtk-decorator is not available.16:31
flexiondotorgTherefore, no window controls.16:31
flexiondotorgbregma, Is is possible to modify to Compiz configuration at a system level via a meta package?16:32
pittibdmurray: sorry, not yet; overloaded with other stuff ATM :(16:34
bregmaflexiondotorg, unfortunately I'm not sure, it's a compizconfig issue and I'm hoping there is a way for other reasons, but really I don't know ... Trevinho do you know^^?16:36
flexiondotorgbregma, Just tested on a clean system. No window decorations by default in MATE.16:39
bregmaflexiondotorg, does MATE use gnome-session?16:40
flexiondotorgbregma, No, it uses mate-session16:40
Riddellmdeslaur: bug 1389296 for some ~ubuntu-security love16:42
ubottubug 1389296 in konversation (Ubuntu Vivid) "konversation: out-of-bounds read on a heap-allocated array" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138929616:42
mdeslaurRiddell: thanks!16:43
dokocjwatson, plplot is merged16:46
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: decor plugin is enabled by default when using the standard profile16:54
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: however when accessing to an unity session, the plugin is removed using a migrationn script16:54
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: so, in general it should always be there, make sure that one of the migration scripts won't delete it16:55
Trevinhoor that you're using the proper profile (i.e. not the compiz ubuntu profile)16:55
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Can I enable the standard profile via a meta package? For example, in gsettings or a config file.16:55
flexiondotorgTrevinho, How can I determine which profile I have defaulted too?16:56
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: migration scripts can do that, or using COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE variable16:56
flexiondotorgI am a compiz nupty, but my users are really keen to have a easy way to enable compiz.16:56
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: by default ubuntu unity has that variable set as "ubuntu", and that profile is for the unity sesion16:56
Trevinhoyes, sure... in general in != unity sessions, the default compiz settings should be used16:57
Trevinholike it happens in the flashback16:57
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Thanks. What should the variable be for the standard profile? "Default"?17:00
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: you can just unset it17:01
flexiondotorgTrevinho, OK. I'll do some testing later. I only have a VM available here and decor appears to trying to load but claims the is no compositor.17:02
flexiondotorgI'll test on real hardware later 😃17:03
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: one thing you can also do is provinding a compizconfig profile, in /etc/compizconfig/mate.ini such as the one we ship with unity17:04
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: this is our unity.ini http://paste.ubuntu.com/8821774/17:04
Trevinhobut you can tune it more17:04
flexiondotorgTrevinho, Oooh. Does the name of the file need to match the session name?17:05
flexiondotorgI'll give that a test.17:05
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: no, that's defined inside /etc/compizconfig/config17:05
Trevinhoflexiondotorg: something you might look at is also /usr/share/session-migration/scripts/00_remove_unityshell_in_gnome_session.py17:07
Trevinhoand other migration scripts like that17:07
flexiondotorgTrevinho, This is all very useful. Thanks.17:07
sarnoldpitti: thanks :)17:44
mlankhorstarges: I'd have to check, but the xxv-intel driver works at least18:12
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cyphermoxxnox: hey21:05
cyphermoxxnox: mind if I merge ppp?21:05
xnoxcyphermox: go for it.21:43
xnoxcyphermox: it's actually in a dire need of a merge I believe, and I was hoping to not touch it =)21:43
cyphermoxahah, indeed it is21:43
Unit193cyphermox: Still looking into NM?21:46
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cyphermoxUnit193: I am, currently building it22:37
Unit193Fantastic, thanks for letting me know!  Some Xubuntu docs will need modified.22:37
cyphermoxit's also why I asked about ppp; debian has 2.4.6 in the build-deps for NM22:38
cyphermoxUnit193: ah?22:38
Unit193cyphermox: Yeah. nm-tool is mentioned.  Ah, I see.22:38
cyphermoxoh, yeah22:38
cyphermoxnm-tool no longer exists22:38
cyphermoxyou can use nmcli / nmtui instead, one is the straight CLI interface, the other is a curses-based interface22:39
Unit193Indeed, and I'm personally looking forward to nmtui. :P  But yeah, that's why I asked, know it's missing.22:39
cyphermoxthe equivalent of nm-tool is 'nmcli dev list', in case you're wondering22:40
Unit193Fancy that, thanks.22:40
cyphermoxif you want to help testing, I'll ping you later when I'm done with the merge22:41
Unit193Sure, though it wouldn't be wireless, those are still on connman/utopic.22:43

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