[13:14] Morning [13:15] yes [14:10] http://www.salon.com/2014/10/30/im_terrified_of_my_new_tv_why_im_scared_to_turn_this_thing_on_and_youd_be_too/ [14:11] mrgoodcat: Now now now, Big brother is your friend [14:11] Yeah, I'm really not interested in a smart tv [14:12] Give me a regular TV I can add my own smarts to [14:12] I'd rather have a dumb monitor than a smart TV. [14:13] i have a chromecast, which i'm sure is collecting data about my watching habits [14:13] but i'm watching from google so they'd know anyways [14:13] and it doesn't have a microphone at least [14:13] or camera [14:13] Yeah, I don't mind if someone collects my viewing habits [14:14] hell, I freely give out my listening habits [14:14] because I want to promote some of these lesser-known bands [14:14] but putting a microphone in my house is not the way of it. [14:15] i also submit to my google overlords [14:15] because my life is so much easier with them [14:27] brousch: HA! 2 eyes [14:28] also, i suck at early-game [14:29] I got a lot more from that then I thought I would [14:29] yea... [14:29] i was pretty confident early [14:30] i just need to play more games [14:30] the ladder dude i'm playing is pretty slow... [14:30] :< [14:31] brousch: wow you're climbing the 13x13 fast [14:32] I think I'm really 25k. I beat a 26k, lost to a 24k, and barely beat a 25k [14:33] assuming they rated themselves correctly [14:34] true, but that seems consistent [14:36] http://i.imgur.com/oPGQJlR.png [14:39] U8? [14:42] unity 8 [14:42] the new "converged" unity [14:42] U7 is the one that is currently in production [14:45] I didn't realize it had numbers [14:45] yea i think most people don't [14:55] brousch: every time i think you've made a mistake it turns out to be some exeedingly clever strategy [14:55] any scotch/whisky drinkers here? [14:59] mrgoodcat: I enjoy scotch, but I'm not a conniseur. [14:59] what do you think of this? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/263766519/whiskey-elements-customize-your-whiskey-in-24-hour [15:00] exceedingly is probably a bit extreme. I mostly try out things other people have used on me [15:00] i feel like i'm playing catch up most of every game [15:00] like i'm reacting to things you're doing, not following my own plan [15:01] mrgoodcat: I think you could get the same effect by sucking on a tongue depresser at the doc's office. [15:01] lol [15:01] so you think its a scam? [15:02] I don't think it's some miracle thingie [15:02] my buddy works at cambridge and was on the research team referenced by the kickstarter [15:02] swears its legit [15:02] Basically it looks like you're trying to season you whiskey a bit with more woody flavors. [15:02] but i'm having skeptical thoughts [15:02] supposedly it's more than that [15:03] the cappilaries in the wood actually filter out toxins from the whiskey [15:03] or so they say [15:03] mrgoodcat: See, I'm not even sure how this last attempt is clever. I seem to have provided you with 2 eyes [15:03] "toxins" [15:03] mrgoodcat: It's mimicking the barrel that the whiskey is aged in. [15:03] brousch: that's what i'm saying tho. I'm constantly unsure weather you've made a mistake and i'm capitalizing, or falling into some trap [15:03] Any time someone says "toxins" your bullshit meter should go thorugh the roof [15:04] brb [15:04] Ah, I see you are mistaking luck for cleverness [15:04] cmaloney: they didn't say toxins. i did [15:04] they said Methoxy-phenyl-Oxime and Acetaldehyde [15:04] which is apparently in cheap whisky but not aged whisky [16:29] mrgoodcat: Well, stop spreading bullshit. :) [16:30] i want to believe [16:31] since my scotch budget is less of a budget and more of a black hole [16:39] Good scotch is always expensive [16:40] yea i know [18:18] https://lists.linuxcontainers.org/pipermail/lxc-devel/2014-November/010817.html [18:18] This is pretty cool [18:22] yea rick posted that to g+ this morning [18:22] was going to ask him about it but he's not in here [18:25] Picking GO is an interesting choice. [18:29] That's going to be common for Canonical [18:29] Most of their projects are in Python or Go [18:29] boooooo [18:29] with Go for the heavy lifting [18:29] Everyone knows Java is for the heavy lifting [18:29] <_stink_> builds muscle [18:30] brousch: http://nickberardi.com/content/images/2007/05/java-evil-edition1.png [18:30] Oooh, I like that [18:31] I had that in my cube at Chrysler. [18:31] If I get deeper into Android I want that on a sticker