
naryfahello, can anybody tell me how to generate nsswitch.conf ? I'm trying to join a windows domain, and somehow this file doesn't exist, and the lack of it seems to cause the problem.00:00
mamece2please help. in online account i just have this message "there are currently no  account providers available which integrate with this application"00:04
mamece2i installed evolution, still nothing00:04
k1lmamece2: see in package manager for online account providers to install.00:06
k1llike the google one00:06
mamece2k1l:  wheres is package manager?00:07
k1lmamece2: softwarecenter as GUI or apt-get in cli00:07
mamece2k1l: i installed "Online accounts" turns out is for the ubuntu touch system AND still nothing at "online accounts"00:09
guig33khi i have made a fresh install of ubuntu and i have tcp port 7702 27036 57343 open someone can say to me what is it ?00:09
k1lmamece2: i said you need to install the provider packages, too. like the google one00:10
mamece2k1l:  do i need to install that online account even when it says its for ubuntu touch?00:11
EngravesHow do I remove the dashplugins from the dash00:11
edgyHi, I want to try virt-manager to boot any of the ready made images. my question is what's the recommendation for /var because it would soon exceed the available space?  shall I add another virtio disk and then copy the whole /var to it and mount it?00:12
mamece2k1l:  all you find in google about online account is just GO TO ONLINE ACCOUNT and add it. well, when i go to online account the folloiwing message is there:   "there are currently no account providers available which integrate with this application"00:13
k1lmamece2: i dont know and i dont have the time to test all possible solutions there. but the error clearly points in the direction that it needs an account provider. and you need to install that00:16
mamece2k1l: ok, i get it. thanks00:16
lubuntuserver irc.explosionirc.net00:16
k1lmamece2: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/account-plugin-google00:16
k1lmamece2: i told you like 2 or 3 times you need the google account provider. i dont know why you just dont install that package?00:17
davinci__Hey anyone see have a problem where apps launched via synapse open to root instead of home?00:18
k1lhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/evolution-data-server-online-accounts that could be needed too.00:18
mamece2k1l: its already installed. ofc im still in the same status. the same message about  "there are currently no account providers available which integrate with this application"00:21
troublewithfirefim having trouble with playing mp3 files with firefox, i click on links but i absolutely NEED to open a new tab in order to play, im using the vlc plugin. does anybody know what could be the issue?00:23
troublewithfirefsorry for the bad grammar00:23
OerHeksdavinci__, give is an example?00:23
guig33khi i have made a fresh install of ubuntu and i have tcp port 7702 27036 57343 open someone can say to me what is it ?00:25
OerHekstroublewithfiref, see if you have mozilla-plugin-vlc installed, sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc00:25
violinapprenguig33k: sudo netstat -plnt00:27
OerHeksguig33k, netstat could tell you," sudo netstat -nlp " or lsof " lsof -i tcp:7702 "00:27
OerHeksand what user etc etc http://askubuntu.com/questions/227161/how-can-we-find-which-process-is-using-a-particular-port00:27
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guig33ki have use lsof thx00:30
abaddonWhat is the installer used for ubuntu server edition?00:31
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OerHeksabaddon, the server ISO's are on http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/00:33
violinapprenguig33k: you can enable the firewall and selectively allow/disallow ports00:34
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo00:34
OerHeksand if you want that server-choise menu, install tasksel, and run sudo tasksel in terminal00:34
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OerHeks!info tasksel00:34
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 2.88ubuntu16 (utopic), package size 31 kB, installed size 240 kB00:34
abaddonOerHeks, I'm not looking for the iso but rather the name of the installer used with the iso?00:37
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abaddonOerHeks, OOOHHH, Wait, tasksel is the installer????00:39
OerHeksabaddon, yes tasksel00:40
abaddonAWWW THANK YOOOUUUUU OerHeks !!00:40
OerHekshave fun00:40
abaddonTrust me,lol, I will XD00:41
violinapprenOerHeks, abaddon, : I think you're looking for 'debian-installer'00:43
CharcoalcatHi, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and Unity/compiz is broken. Basically, I can click on the launcher to open programs, but then I can't use it to switch between them, and once a program is on the screen, I can't minimize it; I have to use the tty to kill it in order to switch to other programs. I tried resetting Unity and replacing Compiz but I keep getting an error about unity-panel-service not being found. Also, I can't use the dash to run programs, and00:43
Charcoalcatalt+f2 isn't working either.00:43
l0rdn1xCharcoalcat, upgrade to 14.0400:44
daftykinsCharcoalcat: check it's on in a guest session00:45
abaddonviolinappren, ???00:45
CharcoalcatIt happened yesterday when the Internet went out. I was trying to open Snowflake Pro through Wine (which normally works) and it had broken graphics so that it looked like the part of the screen that was under it. Then I stopped being able to use the launcher or the rest of the GUI at all. I rebooted several times but it didn't help. Then I uninstalled logmein-hamachi and it started working again, but only for a couple of minutes. Then I went into00:46
Charcoalcatcompiz and reset my settings to default and that made the entire GUI disappear until I reinstalled my graphics drive (I got the nvidia drivers). I also reenabled Unity through ccsm. And now it's working like I described before.00:46
violinapprenabaddon: http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/debian-installer00:46
Charcoalcatl0rdnix: Will that cause other problems? I don't know much about 14.04. Also, I'm not sure if it will let me update to 14.04 because it doesn't let me do normal updates (it says I have broken packages).00:47
Charcoalcatdaftykins: I'm not in guest mode; I logged in with my password on the login screen.00:47
daftykinsCharcoalcat: i'm telling you to try the guest session to see if it has the same issues :)00:47
CharcoalcatI also have Gnome Classic installed, but it works the same as Unity. So does Unity 2D.00:47
Charcoalcatdaftykins: Oh! Okay, I'll try.00:47
`packyfood run00:48
abaddonviolinappren, Thanks, will check this out too =]00:48
Charcoalcatdaftykins: I started a guest session and it seems to be working normally. I can switch programs, use the dash, minimize things, and drag windows around.00:49
Charcoalcat(I can't drag windows when logged in, and there are no window decorations.)00:49
daftykinsCharcoalcat: ok so something is up with your user00:49
daftykinsthat narrows down the problem a bit00:50
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know if there's a way to make xscreensaver acknowledge gamepads so it won't activate when im using a gamepad (when Im gaming, it's really annoying)00:50
daftykinsCharcoalcat: your package state sounds bad though, i assume because of that you might not even be up to date right now?00:51
Charcoalcatdaftykins: Yeah, it says I need something like 600 updates when the thing comes up. But I haven't been able to get rid of the broken packages yet.00:51
daftykinsCharcoalcat: ah, that's going to make my unity reset idea problematic00:52
daftykinsCharcoalcat: can you run "sudo apt-get -f install" in a terminal and pastebin the output?00:52
CharcoalcatOkay, I'll try that.00:53
davinci__Hey guys synapse keeps opening my terminal to root instead of home any ideas?00:53
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daftykins!info synapse00:53
ubottuPackage synapse does not exist in utopic00:53
daftykins!info synapse trusty00:53
steven--This channel still supports 10.04 (server)?00:53
ubottuPackage synapse does not exist in trusty00:54
daftykinssteven--: yes, for 5 more months00:54
daftykinser, 6 even00:54
steven--Okay, thanks daftykins00:54
daftykinsin fact i'm typing from lucid!00:54
davinci__Synapse is a app launcher available through a ppa/00:54
Charcoalcatdaftykins: I'll paste that in a second, but, after being in guest mode, now as a user it's working normally!!00:55
daftykinsdavinci__: then it's third party and not really supported. you might get lucky if someone uses it but i seriously doubt it. maybe contact the developer00:55
daftykinsCharcoalcat: package state is, or Unity is working normally? :)00:56
Charcoalcatdaftykins: Unity is working normally.00:56
unstableWhat is the proper syntax for say /etc/modprobe.d/mcelog.conf, I want 'msr' to be modprobed on reboot. Do I add 'modprobe msr' to that file, or just 'msr' or what?00:56
=== Ottercat is now known as Charcoalflip
CharcoalflipWhoops, wrong nickname.00:56
daftykinsunstable: i was under the impression '/etc/modules' is where you put just the module name00:56
Charcoalflipdaftykins: There's the paste.00:57
daftykinsCharcoalflip: ok could you also do "sudo apt-get update" and share that, then afterward if all looks ok, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:57
Charcoalflipdaftykins: Alright, I'll try.00:58
steven--Does 32 bit Ubuntu have PAE support? if not, can I enable it?00:58
violinapprenunstable: it should be done automatically, but anyway add the command to /etc/rc.local00:58
Charcoalflipdaftykins: https://bpaste.net/show/a88ddccc991500:59
daftykinssteven--: sure, just install a PAE kernel00:59
zykotick9daftykins: isn't the PAE kernel the default?00:59
steven--daftykins: okay00:59
davinci__actually synapse is in trusty repo.00:59
steven--zykotick9: it is in debian00:59
violinapprenunstable: for more info on what modprobe.d is: man modprobe.d00:59
daftykinszykotick9: yeah i would've assumed so, but then maybe lucid is too ancient for such an approach01:00
zykotick9steven--: i'd be 75+% sure it is in ubuntu as well...01:00
daftykinsCharcoalflip: wow, lots of PPAs. you could do with removing that ferramroberto one from your sources. do you need a pointer on how?01:00
k1lsteven--: zykotick9 it is default in ubuntu,too.01:00
violinapprenunstable: or as daftykins suggested, use /etc/modules01:00
zykotick9k1l: ya, i'd assume as much.  thanks for confirmation.01:01
Charcoalflipdaftykins: Yeah, I don't really know how to remove PPAs.01:01
k1lCharcoalflip: use ppa-purge for that01:01
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:01
daftykinsCharcoalflip: as these guys suggest ^ :)01:02
CharcoalflipOkay! I'll try to do that.01:02
lotuspsychjeis there a GUI package that can enable/disable /etc/init system services, now im doing it manually with service.override trick01:02
steven--k1l: I edit /etc/apt/sources.list as superuser01:02
thiebaudeor just go into software and updates and delete the ppa01:03
k1lsteven--: and that is not the ubuntu way. PPAs go to /sources.list.d . and ppa-purge even removes the ppa packages.01:03
thiebaudeform othe software tab01:03
steven--Really? o-o Must've changed01:04
k1lthiebaude: that will not remove the package with the ppa version and reinstall the original ubuntu one01:04
k1lsteven--: quite long ago01:04
thiebaudek1l, i never knew that, thanks01:04
k1lsteven--: ubuntu is different there from debian.01:04
steven--http://www.ubuntu.com/ changed their moto from something like the worlds most popular free os or whatever01:05
Charcoalflipdaftykins: https://bpaste.net/show/8e2345cf0a63 Does this mean it didn't work?01:05
daftykinsCharcoalflip: correct - you don't use the full URL afaiui01:05
daftykinsfollow the above link for more tips01:06
steven--what version of ubuntu are you on?01:07
Charcoalflipsteven--: 12.04.01:07
steven--https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/ubuntu/java only supports 10.04 to 11.1001:07
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k1lCharcoalflip: that is the wrong url in there. please read the howto use ppa-purge more carefully01:08
Charcoalflipk1l: Is it supposed to be "sudo ppa-purge ppa:ferramroberto/java"?01:09
k1lyes. not the http url but just ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory>01:09
CharcoalflipOkay, I think it's gone. http://paste.kde.org/pquejyu9h/v4yjod I don't see any errors using apt-get update now.01:11
daftykinsCharcoalflip: cool, "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" now01:11
steven--k1l: Charcoal's sources has http://deb.playonlinux.com in it, but it is listed as oneiric, even though he is on 12.0401:11
k1lCharcoalflip: that is still a lot of PPAs but yes01:11
Charcoalflipdaftykins: Okay, it's running.01:12
k1lsteven--: yes, good point01:12
n-iCeHello! any site to download good ubuntu themes?01:13
Charcoalflipk1l: How many ppas do people usually have?01:13
lotuspsychjen-iCe: deviantart.com has some nice things01:13
k1lCharcoalflip: when that is done. can you show a " cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a pastebin?01:13
thiebauden-iCe, noobslab.com01:13
k1lCharcoalflip: the less, the better01:14
n-iCethiebaude: lotuspsychje for unity?01:14
thiebauden-iCe, never heard of that01:14
thiebauden-iCe, or omgubuntu01:14
n-iCeNever heard of unity?01:14
Charcoalflipk1l: Okay, I'll do that afterward.01:14
Charcoalflip(the dist-upgrade is at 5%)01:14
thiebauden-iCe, i am waiting for the mac osx themes for ubuntu 14.10 :)01:15
violinappren!pastebinit | k1l, Charcoalflip01:15
ubottuk1l, Charcoalflip: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:15
lyntootheme is not for ubuntu but you'r desktop environment, like gnome, xfce, unity, whatever01:16
k1lCharcoalflip: everything from the original ubuntu repos gets automated testing to not break stuff. if you put 3rd party packages into that you loose that stableness.01:16
l0rdn1xor you could use curl, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us01:16
steven--I liked it back when Ubuntu had GNOME2 as the default DE01:17
lotuspsychjen-iCe: try ubuntu theme as search on deviantart01:17
k1lsteven--: tell that to gnome.01:17
Charcoalflipviolinappren: Cool! I'll try that out.01:17
n-iCeok thank you guys01:17
Charcoalflipk1l: That makes sense.01:17
n-iCesteven--: there is mate01:17
steven--Linux Mint is even more bloated than Ubuntu01:18
n-iCebloated? what do you mean01:18
steven--Requries more hard disc space01:19
n-iCeubuntu is big these days 1GB+01:19
lotuspsychjekeep it ontopic guys01:19
steven--^ what lotuspsychje said01:19
steven--Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic01:19
violinapprensteven--: ubuntu is what you make of it, you can start with a minimal image like the server image and add packages as you see fit01:20
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steven--How do I get the grub menu to appear when booting ubuntu without having to restart the machine while it's booting01:21
lotuspsychjesteven--: you wanna enter grub?01:22
k1lhold left shift01:22
steven--k1l: oki01:22
steven--Sometimes apt-get -f install doesn't work while using the desktop, so I enter recovery01:23
k1lwhat? how often do you need that?01:23
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jason1Hi kids.01:24
steven--When I cancel installation of some packages in the middle01:24
k1lwell, yes. if you want it that way,...01:24
steven--does #ubuntu support /flood?01:25
lotuspsychje!flood | steven--01:26
ubottusteven--: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:26
DocPlatypusok... how to troubleshoot Skype audio issues on 12.04 LTS?01:28
DocPlatypusit's not letting me pick devices within Skype at all, just "Virtual Device"01:28
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: your sound drivers installed correctly?01:28
DocPlatypusyes. USB headset will record and playback with Audacity just fine.01:29
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: did you also test skype with headset?01:29
DocPlatypusSkype echo server is not working at all.01:29
DocPlatypusbut I know the headset works01:30
steven--DocPlatypus: Have you tried plugging it into a different usb port?01:30
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: maybe start skype from terminal, might show errors01:30
DocPlatypusit is started from a terminal and I see no errors01:30
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lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: maybe this can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223293801:32
DocPlatypuswhat ports does Skype need, or does it figure them out automatically?01:32
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jason1Is Doug online?01:35
jason1A live chat webpage is not working.01:36
DocPlatypusI can't install paprefs without uninstalling something I want to keep01:37
lotuspsychje!info pavucontrol | DocPlatypus maybe try this one01:37
ubottuDocPlatypus maybe try this one: pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (utopic), package size 111 kB, installed size 962 kB01:37
DocPlatypusokay I have this01:38
daftykinsDocPlatypus: auto, can default to port 80 too.01:39
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: pulseaudio or skype reinstall might help also01:39
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DocPlatypusit's a fresh Skype install. I'm having to run the 4.3 version from the tar.bz2 because trying to upgrade the package to 4.3, it wants me to uninstall like 200 different packages, many of which I use01:40
DocPlatypusand 4.0 does not work at all01:40
DocPlatypus(thanks Microsoft!)01:40
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: did you install 12.04 multiarch from web?01:41
DocPlatypuslotuspsychje: yes, I tried to, that's when it told me "to make this work you have to uninstall half your system"01:42
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: maybe you have missing dependecys then01:43
DocPlatypusI have everything installed that 4.0 depends on01:43
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: what kind of stuff does it wanna uninstall ?01:44
BlasterIs there something special you have to do permissions-wise if you want to serve documents from a user's home folder with nginx?01:44
lotuspsychjeBlaster: maybe the #nginx guys might also know01:46
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: 12.04 multiarch should work fine, not sure why it wants to uninstall other stuff on your system01:47
DocPlatypuslotuspsychje: I have a lot of stuff upgraded to newer versions from PPAs01:52
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: that might be the reason it wants to uninstall stuff01:53
lotuspsychje!ppa | DocPlatypus01:53
ubottuDocPlatypus: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:53
DocPlatypusI'd upgrade to 14.04 LTS but it took me ages to get my GUI setup to something I could live with, still nothing like what I had on 10.09401:53
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: why not install 14.04 clean, startover fresh with skype01:54
DocPlatypusI don't have the room to back up everything, and I really, really do not want to do a fresh install and spend a week or two setting everything back up the way I want it01:54
DocPlatypusif I wanted that I'd just bend over for Microsoft and charge a Windows 8 license on my credit card01:54
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: there is aptoncd to backup your fav packages01:54
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: whats an hour reinstall fresh, you get supported till 201901:56
DocPlatypusan hour? it will take me so much longer than an hour to get back up to where I was01:56
DocPlatypusmy DE is GNOME Classic... and I'm not even sure that will work in 14.04 LTS01:57
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: there is a solution for every need01:57
lotuspsychjeDocPlatypus: the way you working right now, is also mixxed up01:58
BlasterHow should I give nginx permissions to access user's home folders?  Should I just put  nginx in the same group as the users and then use 660 on the home folders?01:58
Blaster760 actually because the home user would need to execute files in his home directory?01:58
daftykinsweb server executing home user files? why on earth? :)01:59
BlasterNo the web user would be in the group, so it would only have read/write.01:59
lotuspsychjeBlaster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/9402/what-file-permissions-should-i-set-on-web-root01:59
somsipBlaster: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/126745/set-up-nginx-to-serve-files-from-subdirectories01:59
BlasterAlthough is running a PHP file in a web browser considered executing it from a permissions perspective?02:00
somsipBlaster: no02:00
BlasterI'm going to need to set those permissions on the home directory.02:00
BlasterThe reason is that in my home directory I have a projects folder with web projects inside.02:01
BlasterAnd I want to be able to use nginx to run those scripts from a web browser.02:01
somsipBlaster: having no experience with nginx, every guide I've just found suggests taking a different, safer approach02:01
lotuspsychjeBlaster: here's the official: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nginx02:02
Blastersomsip, your link recommends setting world rx on the user's home directory.02:02
linelevelHi, I'm booted into a LiveUSB, and I did the thing in a terminal where I mount my hdd partition (and mount /proc, /sys, and /dev/pts), then chroot into it... the only problem is that my internet connection is not being passed through when I chroot in, so I can't use apt-get. How can I fix this?02:03
BlasterBecause you can't just set it on a sub directory, or it will still be permission denied if the parent directory doesn't have those permissions, right?02:03
daftykinslinelevel: "ping" is that ok? might just be DNS it's lacking02:03
lineleveldaftykins: Good call, it's just DNS.02:04
BlasterYeah /srv is probably a better directory than ~/proj anyway.02:04
daftykinslinelevel: inside your chroot, "sudo -i", then: echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf02:04
somsipdaftykins: I never remember the sudo tee thingy either ;-)02:05
BlasterBut if I update ubuntu to the next version, I probably won't remember to back that folder up in addition to my home folder.02:05
daftykinssomsip: XD02:05
lineleveldaftykins: Awesome, thanks. Then I'll have to (or at least, probably want to) remove that line once I'm back in my primary OS, right?02:05
daftykinslinelevel: nah it'll get overridden02:05
lineleveldaftykins: Oh, gotcha. Testing now.02:06
lotuspsychje!cookie | daftykins02:06
ubottudaftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:06
daftykinslotuspsychje: ;)02:06
lotuspsychjewlxmhls1: welcome02:07
lineleveldaftykins: It works, awesome! You totally deserve that cookie.02:07
Bashing-omlinelevel: To get DNS, did you also -> sudo mount --bind /run /mnt/run <- in the CHange root set up ?02:07
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reisiowlxmhls1: ohai02:08
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linelevelBashing-om: No, I just did /proc, /sys, and /dev/pts ...but I followed the same notes I used when I did this a couple years ago (on 12.04) and it worked then.02:08
linelevelBashing-om: If you have an idea of what caused the nameservers not to pass to the chroot environment, I am curious.02:09
lotuspsychjelinelevel: there is a dns line on the official: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot02:11
Bashing-omlinelevel: In one word "dnsmasq", old way in new things; run/resolvconf/resolv.conf Is a symbolic link, the command cannot write through the symbolic link.As we now have /run bound. So bind /run works.02:12
lkthomasguys, all the time the dbconfig-common actually looking for localhost, how could I force all dbconfig to remote mysql server ?02:12
linelevelBashing-om: I didn't use `mount --bind at all, I used `mount -t`, e.g.: `mount -t mount -t sysfs sys /sys` -- Is that still okay?02:13
lotuspsychjeis there any package that can enable/disable /etc/init system services GUI, now im disabling them the manual way service.override?02:14
Bashing-omlinelevel: Yeah, should be OK, as it works, huh ? .. there are a number of ways to impement the CHroot .. I too prefer slow individual mounts and (UN)mount to gracefully back out .02:16
linelevelBashing-om: Makes sense. So `mount -t run run /run` should do it, yes?02:17
auscompgeeklinelevel: there is no filesystem of type run02:17
auscompgeekso that command won't work02:17
linelevelauscompgeek: :p Right. I'm an idiot.02:17
auscompgeek/run is a tmpfs02:17
auscompgeekyeah, you probably want to mount --bind from outside the chroot02:18
BlasterHow can you run a command as www-data so you can see if you can access a certain directory?02:18
BlasterIf www-data can, I mean.02:19
linelevelauscompgeek: Can you explain why should I prefer using `mount --bind` outside the chroot to using `mount -t` inside?02:19
auscompgeeklinelevel: you want the same files that are in /run in /mnt/run, yes?02:19
auscompgeekso naturally you'll need to --bind02:19
linelevelBlaster: sudo -u www-data <whatever>02:19
Bashing-omlinelevel: Here is the way i do a change root and have internet connectivity : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8811486/ .02:20
linelevelauscompgeek: Ah, okay, I get it now. That just clicked.02:20
linelevelBashing-om: Did you mean to mount to /mnt/dev/pt rather than /mnt/dev/pts ?02:21
Bashing-omlinelevel: OH, you are so correct ! I will edit to make it so !02:22
nuke1989what am i doing wrong in that comparison?  if ((i > 1)) rm -rf /home/user/screen.log ;02:23
Bashing-omlinelevel: In the chroot, If internet is needed, ALWYS check and make sure DNS also works -> ping -c3 google.com <- .02:25
auscompgeeknuke1989: erm... is this bash?02:27
auscompgeeknuke1989: (this is the ubuntu channel)02:27
nuke1989yep in bash02:27
Bashing-omlinelevel: Edit make, for your confirmation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8811597/ .02:28
auscompgeeknuke1989: see `help if`, ask any further questions in #bash02:30
nuke1989auscompgeek, ok thanks! my bad!02:30
linelevelBashing-om: Works perfectly, and /etc/resolv.conf now populates properly. (I had to edit it a bit for personal use since I have separate sub-mounted partitions for /home and /boot, but the edits are straightforward.)02:38
linelevelBashing-om: Thanks for helping me understand that!02:39
linelevelauscompgeek too02:39
Bashing-omlinelevel: Great ! Pleased it worked for ya ( and you have the comprehension to adjust for separate partitions !) .02:40
lotuspsychjedid i miss any hints?02:43
Bashing-omlinelevel: To be honest, It took a while to figure out that way around the broken symlink: -> /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/etc/resolv.conf !02:43
ubuntuaddictedanyone in here use backuppc? having trouble following this guide https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-backuppc-to-create-a-backup-server-on-an-ubuntu-12-04-vps02:44
mr_clarkI upgraded my system last night from 14.04 to 14.10 but I'm still on 3.13 kernel. Is there a step I could be missing?02:44
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: their guides are for their VPSs, i'm not surprised if it doesn't work :P02:45
auscompgeek!info linux-generic02:45
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 28 kB02:45
auscompgeekmr_clark: two possibilities: you forgot to reboot, or the packages were held back02:46
auscompgeekmr_clark: in the case of the second, sudo apt install linux-generic02:46
mr_clarkauscompgeek: No. I definitely rebooted. Rebooted a second time just now to make sure.02:46
daftykins"ls /boot" would be far more helpful than blind reboots ;)02:47
Bashing-ommr_clark: Did the new kernels install -> ls -al /boot <- ?02:47
auscompgeekdaftykins: indeed02:47
mr_clarkno. there's only the 3.13 kernel in there.02:47
auscompgeekdecci: please don't spam02:47
Charcoalflipk1l: http://pastebin.com/Xfzwdp0k Here's my /etc/apt/sources.list file after the update.02:48
mr_clarklooks to be working.02:49
Charcoalflipdaftykins: Update is done! Anything else I should do now? My computer still seems to be working fine.02:49
daftykinsCharcoalflip: just a reboot if a new kernel went on i guess!02:49
Charcoalflipdaftykins: Okay! Thanks!02:49
daftykinsnp :)02:49
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, with what im having trouble with would have no impact whether this is a VPS, my local machine, or a machine in china. for some reason the entry box is missing. i found a backuppc irc channel so getting help there. thanks though02:51
daftykinsubuntuaddicted: good stuff. and actually VPSs can differ sometimes, so dial it down a bit :)02:52
ubuntuaddicteddaftykins, not sure what you think would be different about it. it's ubuntu. we can agree to disagree02:56
daftykinswell no because i deal in fact not opinion02:57
daftykinsbut nevermind02:57
jason1That can also be unpleasent.02:57
jason1I've heard that before.02:57
jason1Can you differentiate fact and opinion?02:58
daftykinsthis isn't #philosophy02:58
jason1The government doesn't seem to be able to read.02:59
soLucienHi guys ! I'm running Ubuntu on a laptop partition , and it holds my dev environment. I got a number of IDEs, web servers , database servers ,php/jdk/python/etc, Terminator, maven, ant, ... and many others. I went through a lot of documentation reading and configuring ports/permissions to get to this point and so far things are fine. I am looking for a backup tool that can save all the installed programs , versions, settings , as well as my work and personal03:00
soLucien files, without having to save all the files (since 80% of them were installed using apt-get , they are still in those repositories) . I do not need a full copy of the partition - just a specification of how it can be rebuilt.03:00
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soLucienIs there any software that can currently do it ?03:01
ubuntuaddictedthe "fact" is that ubuntu is the operating system, in respect to using backuppc its irrelevant whether it's running on hardware or on virtual hardware. that's not an opinion03:01
soLucienI googled it and i got 234341 different answers, most of them being able to back up files03:03
jason1They also have some observable discrepancies in memory, claiming the memories of others in the government.03:03
jason1To say they did an action another did, and then appear to really think it was the way they claim to recall.03:03
jason1daftykins: But "we" always think we are right don't we?03:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:04
jason1Switched the blade on the guy in shades?03:05
daftykinsjason1: this isn't the place for you to create dramas03:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:05
auscompgeeksoLucien: 1) get a list of your sources. 2) get a list of packages. 3) back up whatever files you need03:05
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AhmuckThe problem cannot be reported:03:16
AhmuckThis problem report is damaged and cannot be processed.03:16
AhmuckPermissionError(13, 'Permission denied')03:16
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lotuspsychjeAhmuck: sounds like this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/99926403:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 999264 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport detects problem, but fails due to damaged problem report" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:24
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soLucienauscompgeek : sounds like you are suggesting that i write it all myself03:29
auscompgeeksoLucien: 1 is just /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list03:31
soLucienthe "back up any files you need " part means i have to back up config files for tomcat, apache, nginx, intellij idea03:31
soLucienjava opts03:31
soLucienand many others, one for each of the programs i've had to configure in the sources.list03:32
soLucienmysql , postgres , and list goes on03:32
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antiunixhow to run .apk on ubuntu?03:41
xanguaantiunix: you mean android apps?03:43
sacarlson1soLucien: I'm not sure what your project looks like so this may not fit you but there is a cool tool called docker that uses git methods to save points of a project https://docs.docker.com/userguide/dockerizing/  and enables you to package and move it03:43
xanguahttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/install-android-apps-ubuntu-archon not guarantee antiunix03:44
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kris__hello everyone..good morning from India04:11
kris_i need help04:11
cfhowlett!help | kris_04:12
ubottukris_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:12
Bashing-om!ask | kris_04:12
n-iCekris_: sup04:13
kris_ :) currently i am using Lubuntu 14 , am not finding a way to install Citrix receiver .not even proper instructions . Kindly help04:13
cfhowlett!info citrix04:13
ubottuPackage citrix does not exist in utopic04:13
bubbasaureskris_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CitrixICAClientHowTo04:15
kris_@Ubottu, bubbasuares, cool. the USB support package, is that mandatory to install ?04:17
cfhowlettkris_, https://support.citrix.com/proddocs/topic/receiver-linux-12-1/linux-install.html04:19
minashokryhi, since I upgraded to ubuntu 14.10 the webcam is not stable and most of time it just doesn't start, anyone can recommend where to debug?04:21
OttercatIs this the right channel to ask about downgrading Firefox?04:23
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ejamesHi all, I’ve got an odd problem that no amount of googling would turn up. I’m running 12.04 LTS, and when trying to change timezones, it tells me ‘cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Singapore': Too many levels of symbolic links. When I check the file, indeed it’s a symbolic link that points to ../posix/Singapore, which in turn is a symbolic link to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Singapore04:24
ejamesI guess my question is - how do I get rid of this odd symlink problem?04:24
Ben64ejames: take out one level of symlinks04:25
ejamesoh, just remove?04:25
Ben64well just point it to the actual destination04:25
Ben64its pointing to itself?04:26
checkItO1tyou may try reinstall tzdata04:26
ejamesBen64: it’s pointing to ../posix/Singapore which is pointing to itself, yes04:26
Ben64oh thats bad04:26
ejamesno idea how it got this way04:26
Ben64on my system... /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Singapore points to ../Singapore which is a file04:27
ejamesinteresting, lemme check it on mine04:27
Ben64and /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Singapore is a symlink also to ../Singapore04:28
checkItO1t/usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/Singapore -> ../Singapore04:28
checkItO1tshould be like this04:28
Ben64indeed, and /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore is the real file being pointed to04:29
ejameshmm. noted. What’s the content of  /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore on your system?04:29
ejamese.g. less /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore04:29
Ben64its in timey wimey format04:29
ejamesis it just an empty file?04:29
ejamesoh man. Well mine’s just a symlink. Basically timezone file on my system right now is a symlink to another timezone file. Which is disgusting, lol.04:30
checkItO1treinstall the tzdata package which includes all the zoneinfo files.04:30
Ben64that might work ^04:30
ejamesok will do04:30
Ben64if not i can give you the contents of mine04:31
ejameswill do that now, tell you how it goes04:31
ejamesmuch thanks04:31
checkItO1tapt-file search zoneinfo|grep "ingapore"  shows package which contains the file.04:32
Ben64ejames: http://sprunge.us/HcQY copy that to a file, then "cat file | xxd -r > Singapore" then you can copy that to /usr/share/zoneinfo/Singapore04:34
ejamesgosh, thanks04:35
Ben64but you should try reinstalling tzdata first04:35
ejamesyep, doing so now04:35
Ben64there might be other weird stuff going on04:35
kriskropdI need clarification on fsck usage "Entry 'sub_dir' in /dir_root (116654081) has deleted/unused inode 116655025.  Clear? "   - does saying yes to this "delete" the file or un-deletes?04:38
* dimitry 04:40
* HastaLavista is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 1 minutes04:44
HastaLavistahi all04:44
HastaLavistacan i ask about something?04:45
kriskropdplease just ask04:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:48
Loshkikriskropd: depends partly on what your plans are for the filesystem. If you want to recover lost data, you should do as little as possible until you run recovery tools.04:55
KirucatI was trying to get out of Ubuntu 2D (I keep starting the computer in 3D but it's in 2D anyway) and followed instructions online to stop and restart lightdm. Now my computer looks like this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/ubuntu_huge.png I tried removing the file ".config/monitors.xml" but nothing changed. The error that comes up when I log in says: "could not apply the stored configuration for monitors". How do I fix it?04:59
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CharcoalflipArgh, I don't know why IRC keeps giving me the wrong nick.04:59
CharcoalflipOh, I also went into the display settings and my only choice is 640x480 (4:3).05:00
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kriskropdLoshki: noted, but im just trying to understand the question itself - im asking more about a grammatical misunderstanding05:04
kriskropdLoshki: I genuinely cannot tell if fsck is asking if I want to clear the file or clear the inode error05:04
kriskropdLoshki: worse off, my google findings support a common misunderstanding of the question that never gets answered XD05:05
ejamesBen64: thanks, reinstalling worked wonders05:10
ejamescheckItO1t: thanks as well :)05:10
Loshkikriskropd: well, depending on the fs, the inode is more like a header pointing to a file. Further depending on implementation, that header may no longer point to any data, or be marked unused or deleted or otherwise noticeably corrupted. In that case, fsck is asking if it can clear this corrupted header (inode).05:12
CharcoalflipI had moved the monitors.xml file before, so now I actually sent it to the trash and rebooted, but Ubuntu is still in weird everything-is-huge mode.05:15
pyromineidentify foobar05:16
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Loshkikriskropd: did I answer your never answered question?05:20
kriskropdLoshki: ah, so its asking about the inode :s thanks for helping clarify05:20
HikaruBGhi guys05:20
HikaruBGI have two major problems with my Ubuntu05:20
kriskropdLoshki: I have a feeling, fsck expects us to be much more familiar with inodes than is practical outside of filesystem repairs :/05:21
CharcoalflipOkay, I'm going to try a guest session (ping Charcoalcat).05:21
HikaruBGI have Laptop Sony VAIO and after an update the Ubuntu recognizes 2 screens of my Laptop (and I have only one - the built display)05:21
HikaruBGhow to fix that?05:22
HikaruBGI need the Ubuntu to recognize my ONLY display05:22
HikaruBGand not two05:22
CharcoalflipGuest session is still huge, and so are Ubuntu 2D and Gnome Classic.05:24
bubbasauresHikaruBG, I think a screenshot of what this looks like might help, hard to tell what is up.05:24
tuskkk___what is better trusty or precise?05:25
Blipseyalso throw us the model number HikaruBG05:25
cfhowletttuskkk___, both are great.  both are supported.  choose for yourself.  easy to test.05:25
HikaruBGSure thing guys, just tell me where to paste the Screenshot05:25
HikaruBGThe model is05:25
bubbasaures!imagebin | HikaruBG05:26
ubottuHikaruBG: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.05:26
HikaruBGVAIO VPCF126FM with nVidia Geforce 330M05:26
tuskkk___cfhowlett: Ok, getting my hands on with precise first, thanks05:26
kriskropdHikaruBG: I agree with bubbasaures - off the top of my head, it sounds like a xorg configuration that includes a monitor that isn't actually attached05:26
cfhowletttuskkk___, happy2help05:26
HikaruBGbubbasaures, http://imgur.com/hs0uMoe is the URL with the screenshot05:27
HikaruBGbubbasaures, just FYI this happened after an Update and also the Sound won't mute or adjust volume as well05:28
HikaruBGI have no clue where to fix the sound (Audio) thing too05:28
Blipseyyou got proprietary gfx driver installed? thinking that might fix the xorg config, not sure though05:29
bubbasauresHikaruBG, I had wondered if this was where you were seeing it, not sure really.05:29
kriskropdthe proprietary nvidia-settings driver does change the xorg.conf file at /etc/X11/xorg.conf, I think05:30
HikaruBGbubbasaures, you can't see the image?05:31
kriskropdmight be retaining some kind of in correct settings there - idk what this gui thing is - ubuntu keeps changing designs around like everyone else <_<05:31
HikaruBGor you see it, but you are not sure about the problem?!?05:31
bubbasauresHikaruBG, I see it yes, just not sure why it would show this, I could only guess.05:31
HikaruBGok - GUESS :) It is better than not knowing :)05:32
HikaruBGhow about the Audio?05:32
Blipseytry my guess HikaruBG :)05:32
HikaruBGwhy my Volume controls nor the MUTE won't work05:32
HikaruBGBlipsey, I am listening05:32
Blipsey<Blipsey> you got proprietary gfx driver installed? thinking that might fix the xorg config, not sure though05:33
HikaruBGLet me see05:33
HikaruBGBlipsey, it is open-source driver05:34
HikaruBGshould I get the one from nVidia?05:34
HikaruBGthe latest one?05:34
Blipseyyeah give it a shot05:35
Blipseyyou will have to reboot after you have activated it05:35
CharcoalflipI tried starting and stopping lightdm again, but it didn't help. ("sudo service lightdm stop" "sudo service lightdm start").05:37
HikaruBGBlipsey, actually before I install the original drivers from NVIDIA I think to revert to the original version that Ubuntu uses on the first install... the xorg drivers with NOUVEAU display driver05:38
HikaruBGand see what happens05:38
gautamIts Quiet boring05:44
CharcoalflipI have this error from xrandr when I try to change the screen resolution through command line instead: "xrandr: cannot find mode 1024x768"05:46
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herpderphurrhey everyone. When I run sudo aptitude update, I get the following error messages05:50
herpderphurrW: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/trusty/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages: Bad header line [IP: 80]05:50
herpderphurrW: Failed to fetch http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/source/Sources: Hash Sum mismatch05:51
herpderphurrShould I be worried?05:51
cfhowlettherpderphurr, change your mirror to the main server and try again05:51
herpderphurrall right05:51
imastupidguestId like to have my terminal open centered on the screen. Can anyone suggest how this might be done?05:59
imastupidguestI'm googlin' but I want to be sure I do this right as opposed to making a big mess by following wrong instructions06:00
herpderphurrwell, if you're using the gnome-terminal, you can alias gnome-terminal to "gnome-terminal --geometry=blahblah"06:01
herpderphurrwhere blahblah is the specification of where your terminal should open, and how big it should be.06:02
imastupidguestI've been seeing some stuff about using compiz for that but I don't really want to run stuff that take much resources (if possible) and not sure what Ubuntu/Unity may already have.06:03
herpderphurrwell, if you want to keep it simple, I still think the geometry option will be pretty light on resources06:04
herpderphurrAll you need is a single line in your .bash_aliases file.06:05
gautamappuI am new to this operating system.06:05
gautamappuhow can I install C++ on ubuntu ?06:06
tuskkk___Got the configuration set from puphpet, but curl localhost gives forbidden and curl www.awesome.dev given coulnt resolve host, accessing from host gives forbidden. Using nginx and php-fpm. Any help?06:06
herpderphurrgautamappu: You just need the C++ compiler for that.06:07
eaglgenes101sudo apt-get install g++06:07
herpderphurrgautamappu: You can use sudo apt-get install g++ to get started with that06:07
gautamappu@herpferphurr  : WHAT is G++06:08
herpderphurrgautamappu: g++ is the GNU C++ compiler.06:08
gautamappuherpferphurr : Thank you.. =)06:08
imastupidguestherpderphurr: I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me all this time.06:08
herpderphurrimastupidguest: Ah, sorry. A bit of my fault as well. I don't always include people's nicks in my responses.06:09
imastupidguestherpderphurr: I'm guilty of the same  ;)06:10
imastupidguestherpderphurr: thanks by the way.06:10
herpderphurrimastupidguest: No problem. I am out for the night. plenty of work to do tomorrow06:10
imastupidguestherpderphurr: peace out man  :)06:11
gautamappuherpderphurr: I got the g++. now how do i install C++06:11
eaglgenes101ok create a c++ program first06:12
imastupidguestgautamappu: I thought g++ was the c++ compiler06:12
eaglgenes101it is06:12
imastupidguestguys, am I mistaken?06:12
eaglgenes101it compiles files06:12
eaglgenes101so do you have a .cpp file?06:12
imastupidguestoh, is he asking the commands to compile a cpp file?06:12
herpderphurrah, I'm back for a bit. gautamappu, unlike Java, you do not need to install anything other than a compiler to get started with writing C++ applications and programs.06:13
gautamappuimastupidguest: Oohh so i had it all the time??06:13
gautamappuimastupidguest: I have a .cpp file06:14
herpderphurrgautamappu: in the terminal, run "g++ /path/to/your/cpp/file"06:14
herpderphurrgautamappu: an executable named a.out will be created in the same directory you ran that command.06:14
gautamappuimastupidguest: let me try.06:15
[ifroog]Hi! Anyone using hamachi here?06:15
imastupidguestgautamappu: And if you want to name the output file a name of your choice use the -o flag ( ie: g++ /path/to/your/cpp/file -0 nameOfFile.cpp06:15
herpderphurr-o, not -006:15
imastupidguestoops, sorry  :)06:16
herpderphurrI haven't written anything in C++ in a long time. kinda sad :(06:16
herpderphurrah well, I prefer C anyway :p06:16
herpderphurrokay, now I'm really out.06:16
geirhaherpderphurr: that will destroy the .cpp file06:16
imastupidguestif I ever learn it06:16
=== g3ky_ is now known as [ifroog]
imastupidguestherpderphurr: peace out06:17
Charcoalflip[ifroog]: It's better to just ask the question instead of asking if someone knows about the thing in general.06:17
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[ifroog]Alright, I'm trying to a network on hamachi, which i created earlier, from another computer, away from home. but it says network is full. =/06:23
imastupidguestDoes anyone know which of : gdevilspie or just writing editing some system file/files would be more, err, (native?) to the system? (What I mean is - would effect the placement and geometry of windows, not after the fact, but cause them to just open that way to beginwith).06:26
imastupidguestFor Ubuntu 14.04 with unity06:26
imastupidguestDunno how gdevilspie does what it does; but, given the choice, I would prefer a method where window open the way I want them to using a little resources and as close to the native unity/ubuntu system as possible.06:28
imastupidguestAnd using a common method for all window placement/geometry as well ( not different ways for different windows/programs)06:30
undecimUbuntu will not boot on my Desktop. Knoppix and Ubuntu Server CD boot fine, but an installed system and lubuntu-desktop CD won't boot. I can get ISOLinux (Bios-type boot) or Grub2 (EFI Boot) to work fine, but as soon as I pick a boot option, my monitor loses signal, and my numlock is stuck. What could be causing this?06:32
hateballimastupidguest: If that is important to you, you might want to check out KDE Plasma. We've got window manager rules all native like over here.06:32
[ifroog]Anyone know which channel i could ask about hamachi questions?06:32
hateballI guess you could run kwin as a WM in another DE...06:32
somsip!alis | [ifroog]06:32
ubottu[ifroog]: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:32
undecim...even SysRq keys do nothing06:32
imastupidguesthateball: Interesting. You know, I did fiddle with kubuntu for a few weeks once.06:33
imastupidguesthateball:  Does kde have anything like desktops or anything where you can have different, err, launchers show up grouped based on activity type (ie: entertainment, development, etc) ?06:35
hateballimastupidguest: Yes, it's called Activities :)06:36
CharcoalcatI tried to make a new screen resolution using xrandr, and when I switched to it, it said "input signal out of range" on my monitor, and now I can't use ubuntu except from the tty. I tried to change it back to 640x480, but xrandr says "Failed to change the screen configuration!" Help? My Ubuntu computer is basically unusable now.06:36
hateballimastupidguest: You can have it remember apps and such, and if they are closed it will launch them when you switch to Activity X. Note I don't actually use the function myself, only played a bit with it06:37
undecimCharcoalcat, did you set DISPLAY?06:43
Charcoalcatundecim: Yes, I wrote "export DISPLAY=:0" beforehand.06:44
undecimCharcoalcat, tried rebooting or restarting lightdm?06:44
Charcoalcatundecim: Not yet, I'll try.06:44
undecimsudo service lightdm restart should do it06:45
basil1xAnyone know of an Ubuntu-friendly tablet?06:46
Charcoalcatundecim: I restarted lightdm, now I have an error screen with "could not write bytes: Broken pipe" and some other stuff.06:46
undecimCharcoalcat, I'd go for a full reboot then...06:47
Charcoalcatundecim: Okay, I can see Ubuntu again. By the way, restarting lightdm (or rather, stopping and starting) is why I tried changing the resolution in the first place - it made me get stuck in 600x480 (and I still am).06:49
undecimCharcoalcat, What are the outputs of 'xrandr' and 'lspci | grep VGA'?06:50
imastupidguesthateball: Sorry, had a small electrical fire to deal with. Thx for sharing. I'll check out a youtube vid or two on it.  :)06:52
Charcoalflipundecim: xrandr output http://paste.kde.org/pclkqs4lb/rnkto306:52
hateballimastupidguest: Good luck !06:52
Charcoalflipundecim: http://paste.kde.org/pihs23j5a/jrrbnl And the other thing.06:53
undecimCharcoalflip, What is your normal resolution? And what does 'grep LoadModule /var/log/Xorg.0.log' show?06:55
Charcoalflipundecim: I think my normal resolution is 1280x1024. And it shows this: http://pastebin.com/v3nJ1vKb06:56
Charcoalflip(1280x1024 is what my monitor told me it wants when I had the error.)06:57
undecimCharcoalflip, can you paste the whole Xorg.0.log?06:57
Charcoalflipundecim: http://pastebin.com/gdGvTvqK06:58
Chuck_Norrisexcuse me but...07:00
Chuck_Norrishello all -.-07:01
undecimCharcoalflip, strange. The intel module seems to be detecting all the right modes, but not xrandr07:01
Charcoalflipundecim: Can I add more modes to xrandr?07:01
ObrienDaveChuck_Norris, do you have an Ubuntu support question?07:02
undecimCharcoalflip, --addmode07:02
loais there way to make hotkeys system wide, i am talking about fn keyes. For example brightness07:02
undecimCharcoalflip, try xrandr --addmode VGA1 1280x102407:03
Chuck_Norrisand... Charcoalflip, mmm... souonds like you had an nvidia graphic card and you didnt unload from the bios, could you do that, to see if that it that what is causing problems ?07:03
undecimChuck_Norris, Intel card07:03
Chuck_NorrisObrienDave: no, thanks07:03
undecimChuck_Norris, http://paste.kde.org/pihs23j5a/jrrbnl07:03
Chuck_Norrisundecim:  yeah, but there you can see that he had a nvidia card07:04
Charcoalflipundecim: It says this if I do that. xrandr: cannot find mode "1280x1024"07:04
undecimCharcoalflip, What kind of card do you have?07:04
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: I installed nvidia drivers earlier trying to fix a different problem, so it might be saying something about that?07:06
Charcoalflipundecim: I think an Intel card.07:06
undecimCharcoalflip, What problem were you trying to fix by installing nV drivers?07:07
undecimCharcoalflip, I would try adding 'nomodeset' to your kernel line07:07
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalflip:  uninstall all things related to nvidia:  sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*07:09
Charcoalflipundecim: I tried installing the nV drivers earlier when Unity wasn't working (I couldn't click on the launcher, use the dash, or move programs around, and there were no window decorations). I read somewhere that upgrading the nvidia drivers would help (it didn't).07:09
Charcoalflipundecim: How do I add something to my kernel line?07:09
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: Okay, I'll try.07:10
undecimCharcoalflip, You can press 'e' on an option in the grub menu, then find the line that begins with "linux" and append "nomodeset". This will make the change for 1 boot.07:10
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: *Why is it removing dolphin-emu??07:11
Chuck_Norrisidk -.-07:11
susundberghuh, does that wildstar really work, doesnt bash match it for the files07:11
undecimCharcoalflip, If it indeed fixes it, you can add the option to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub, then do "sudo update-grub"07:11
dlamin desktop windows, i want Alt-<backspace> to delete the previous word  (like emacs)  anyone know how to do that?07:12
Chuck_Norrisbut... you arnt using KDE i supose, so go on07:12
dlamlike Ctrl+W does it07:12
susundbergdlam: you need to configure your editor, i would guess there is no such thing for all programs (browsers, text editors etc)07:12
Charcoalflipundecim: Okay. I have to reboot to get into the grub menu, right?07:12
undecimCharcoalflip, Yes. You have to reboot to change your kernel line at all.07:12
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: dolphin-emu is an emulator, not a KDE thing, but I'll just reinstall it later.07:13
Charcoalflipundecim: Okay, be right back.07:13
dlamsusundberg:  works on mac  :D07:13
Anastasia- www.taxiathouston.com  www.houston-cab.com  www.24hriahairport.com  www.tophoustonlimo.com  www.houstontexaslimo.com07:14
dlami think i got it work on gnome/kde or something (but that was fedora)07:14
Chuck_Norrisoh! right, i got confused it is an emulator07:14
Charcoalcatundecim: Okay, the grub menu didn't come up when I rebooted.07:15
undecimCharcoalcat, I think you have to hold left Ctrl (or right Ctrl?) if you have only 1 OS07:15
undecimOr some key... let me look it up07:15
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat:  just edit:  /etc/default/grub07:16
Chuck_Norrisno need to reboot for that07:16
undecimCharcoalcat, Yeah, just do what Chuck_Norris said. After, do 'sudo update-grub' and then reboot to apply it.07:17
CharcoalcatLeft ctrl put me on a black screen with C5 in the corner, by the way. (I'm out of that screen now.)07:18
undecimHmmm... I thought the menu skip code was in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but I can't find it07:18
undecimI just remember that it's a specific modifier key07:19
sharpshooterHi folks, My ubuntu boot manager is broken and I booted to live ubuntu cd and installed boot-repair app to re-install on my system at last I got an error and also one pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/8814505/07:19
sharpshootercan anyone help me with this ?07:19
CharcoalcatOkay, rebooting now.07:21
HikaruBGhi guys07:23
HikaruBGThe graphic drivers are fixed!07:23
Charcoalcatundecim, Chuck_Norris: It's still 640x480 after that.07:23
HikaruBGthe Audio - still not07:23
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undecimsharpshooter, Usually to reinstall the bootloader, I chroot from a live cd then do grub-install, update-grub07:24
Chuck_Norrismmm... could you paste: lsmod07:24
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat:  could you paste: lsmod07:25
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: http://pastebin.com/dyYqAigT07:26
bubbasauressharpshooter, I would try a chroot, everything looks good in the script, no details on the error is all.07:26
HikaruBGguys how to reconfigure my Audio with Modprobe?07:27
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalflip:  i would like to suggest you intalling obiaf PPA but most people here wouldnt be agreed with me :p07:28
Chuck_Norrisidk -.-07:28
undecimCharcoalflip, Are you running with the nomodeset line now?07:29
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalflip: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers ; sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade  -.-  :p07:30
undecimYou shouldn't need to do that for an intel card...07:31
bubbasauressharpshooter, did you have Software Center, Update Manager, an apt-get or Synaptic07:31
undecimCharcoalflip, Did you update recently?07:31
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: What's the obiaf PPA?07:32
Charcoalflipundecim: Yes, I should be running with the nomodeset line now.07:33
Charcoalflipundecim: And yeah, I did an update earlier.07:33
Chuck_Norrisits a repository with the latest graphics binaries in it, it will upgrade your i915 module, so that i could solve the problem, o r not -.-07:34
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalflip:   https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers07:35
undecimCharcoalflip, Can you paste the new Xorg.0.log?07:35
Charcoalflipundecim: http://paste.kde.org/pz1rare3a/xhg6mc07:37
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: I added the PPA.07:38
undecimCharcoalflip, It certainly seems that your monitor switched from the intel driver to the compatability(vesa) driver07:39
undecimCharcoalflip, Well in the new Xorg.0.log, the intel driver isn't even finding modes07:41
Chuck_Norrisif you updated, and then upgraded, then restart07:42
Charcoalcatundecim: The problem started when I stopped and started lightdm; can doing that change your drivers?07:43
undecimCharcoalcat, If you did an update before that07:43
undecimCharcoalcat, then the binaries can update, and if there is a bug, it will fallback to the vesa driver07:43
Charcoalcatundecim: Okay, that makes sense, since I had updated maybe a couple of hours prior.07:45
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: No change after rebooting.07:45
undecimCharcoalcat, Though in the older log, it unloads the vesa module, so it must have been using intel before the nomodeset07:45
undecimCharcoalcat, What does xrandr look like?07:45
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: did you had a nvidia pluged in the motherboard?07:46
Charcoalflipundecim: xrandr output http://pastebin.com/yScaJkT307:46
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undecimCharcoalflip, You should remove nomodeset07:47
undecimCharcoalflip, All it did was keep the intel driver from loading :/07:48
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Charcoalcatundecim: Okay, I remoed it, so I'll reboot again.07:49
Chuck_Norrisdo: sudo update-grub07:51
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: I did make sure to do update-grub first.07:53
Chuck_Norrisok ok07:53
Charcoalflip(thanks for the reminder, though)07:54
Chuck_Norrisso, you never had a nvidia card? you never configured the to load other graphic card ?07:55
Chuck_Norristhe bios*07:55
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: I don't think so.07:55
Chuck_Norristhe pc isnt yours?07:56
CharcoalflipChuck_Norris: It's mine, but I don't know if I did something that would have configured it to load another bios.07:57
Chuck_Norrisok, np07:57
Leoneofhi, i have question about LTS (Long Term Support), does it mean that Ubuntu will upgrade my old software to newer versions? or it will keep same versions but with fix bugs only?07:58
Charcoalflipundecim:  http://pastebin.com/ZtnfazF6 New Xorg.0.log.07:58
Ahmuckhow do i delete the program that is creating the guest account?07:59
Chuck_NorrisLeoneof:  software too08:00
LeoneofChuck_Norris: for example, it will upgrade from kde 4.13 to kde 4.14?08:01
Leoneofor 4.13.x ?08:01
Charcoalfliphttp://paste.kde.org/ptuwhib0t/g6pzcn Can I do this to make a new resolution? This is what I did before that broke things, but I copied these numbers from the Xorg.0.log.08:01
undecimCharcoalflip, go for it08:02
Chuck_Norrisidk if would do that but, furefox 33 -34 would08:02
undecimCharcoalflip, I think that's supposed to happen before the --addmode08:02
Charcoalflipundecim: X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)08:02
Charcoalflip(http://askubuntu.com/questions/211276/display-resolutions-missing-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-10 this is the page I'm looking at)08:03
Chuck_NorrisLeoneof:  open gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf08:03
Chuck_Norrisand edit "allow-guest=true" so it looks like:  "allow-guest=false"08:04
undecim Charcoalflip That's for AMD cards08:04
undecimCharcoalflip, But might be similar08:04
Charcoalflipundecim: Oh. Hm.08:04
undecimCharcoalflip, Well, the question is, but the instructions with xrandr should work on any card08:05
LeoneofChuck_Norris: you're chatting with wrong person :)08:07
Charcoalflipundecim: Oh, there's more to the error: http://paste.kde.org/p7xk3bkcc/2enmjp08:07
Chuck_Norrisnope. i was writing to you -.-08:07
CharcoalflipOkay, I changed it the name of the mode to "1280p" and it seems to like that. (read that here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/851704/xrandr-errors-badname-named-color-or-font-does-not-exist)08:08
LeoneofChuck_Norris: i have nothing to do with lightdm, i've been asking about LTS only :p08:08
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Chuck_Norrisoh!, yeah, so it was another user xD sry08:09
undecimCharcoalflip, Now the the --addmode08:10
Charcoalflipundecim, Chuck_Norris: It worked!! Apparently 1280x1024 is actually way bigger than my normal resolution but now I know it can work.08:10
undecimCharcoalflip, sweet. No idea why you would have to add the mode manually....08:11
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalflip: so glad08:11
undecimCharcoalflip, Add it to Xorg.conf to make it automatic. One of your links explained how08:12
Charcoalflipundecim: Okay!08:12
CharcoalflipActually maybe this is my normal resolution? It looked weird because it made all of my programs really tiny.08:12
Chuck_Norristhey shoud be tiny :p08:13
undecimCharcoalflip, maybe you were never using your full resolution before?08:13
reetammitraHello people08:13
reetammitraHow much lubuntu is suited for android app development?08:14
Charcoalflipundecim: I probably wasn't.08:14
Chuck_Norrisreetammitra:  as much as any other ubuntu based distro08:18
CharcoalflipOkay, got it in the Xorg conf!08:21
Chuck_Norrisisnt something about DE, i meant it shoud be no problems with lxde, if some framework is missing some libraries then you will be able to download its dependences08:22
mjaykBumblebee or primus in 14.0408:25
reetammitraOkay thanks a lot @chuck_Norris08:25
Chuck_Norrisreetammitra:  np:  http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html  -.-08:26
hitorihi. Is it safe to install xubuntu-desktop alongside unity?08:39
bubbasaureshitori, yes.08:41
hitoribubbasaures: ok thanks.08:42
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nufameghgfhnfhngh ngfh08:53
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avengeranyone reading this?09:04
gycklarnNo, try again09:04
somsipavenger: do you have a question?09:04
avengerhow can I auto mount ntfs aprtition wehn ubuntu studio satrts09:05
somsipavenger: this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions09:05
=== Us3TheS0urce is now known as UseTh3S0urce
ylmfospenis hahaha09:12
ylmfoshello im using ubuntu 10.04 i have an problem anyone help me09:13
somsipylmfos: if you can keep your level of behaviour above juvenile, and ask your question, someone will help if they can09:13
ylmfosok i have an problem can somebody help me?09:13
somsipylmfos: ask your question, but remember that 10.04 is no longer supported09:14
dzragonhe said "if they can" meaning, _if they can_, just to remind you :)09:14
ylmfosanyone help me or not09:14
ylmfosok how do i upgrade to the new firefoxx09:16
ylmfosok how do i upgrade to the new firefox09:16
dzragonid bet 90% of the people in here are either at work or asleep/afk, so help _if they can_ when they can, noone can answer09:16
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.09:16
UseTh3S0urceI want Ubuntu touch on my ha09:16
somsipylmfos: so are you using desktop version or server version09:16
somsip!touch | UseTh3S0urce09:16
ubottuUseTh3S0urce: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch09:16
ylmfosdesktop version09:16
UseTh3S0urceI know where the info is09:16
UseTh3S0urceWas just saying wish it was possible09:17
somsipylmfos: so you will not be able to install any packages easily and it's best that you upgrade to a supported version09:17
dx486ylmfos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion09:17
UseTh3S0urceNot only do I Know where the info is in have donated 3k and contributed lol09:17
ylmfosi edited sources.list to ubuntu 14.04 sources09:17
somsipylmfos: that wont work09:17
somsip!eol | ylmfos09:18
ubottuylmfos: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:18
somsipylmfos: so the bit about EOLUpgrades will apply09:18
UseTh3S0urceSo is 15.04 available now? Are there mir drivers for older hardware?09:18
ylmfosreally ubuntu 15.04 is available?09:18
UseTh3S0urceBeta I thought09:19
somsipylmfos: no. It comes out in April 2015, hence 15.0409:19
UseTh3S0urceThere are beta release on the ftp09:19
UseTh3S0urceIt's not a stable release yet09:19
ylmfosbut is ubuntu 14.1009:19
somsipylmfos: yes. It came out in October 2014.09:19
UseTh3S0urceI just don't it has many mir drivers09:20
UseTh3S0urceGunna be a headache to write all them mir drivers09:20
UseTh3S0urceShould have gone either the pack and went with wayland09:21
UseTh3S0urceAlready 10x more drivers.09:21
UseTh3S0urceAnd a package to convert xorg drivers to Wayland drivers.09:21
=== kolya is now known as kolyapc
mreggHi all -- I just setup Ubuntu server 14.04.1 on an Intel NUC (core i3). Works great, except that I'm facing a strange situation with regards to network connectivity (ethernet). If I obtain an IP though the DHCP server, everything is fine. However, if I set a static IP, I lose connectivity after about 10 minutes. If I cron the machine to ping another one, I'll lose connectivity after a number of hours. Any suggestion as to what might be causing09:29
ppfi'm trying to build a new kernel flavour09:29
ppfduring compilation i run into "previous or current modules file missing!"09:29
ppfi am building with "skipabi=true skipmodules=true no_dumpfile=true fakeroot debian/rules binary-deb"09:30
ppfwhat's wrong here?09:30
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=== gool is now known as good_
happy12345what  is FOTAkernel partion?09:45
ikoniahappy12345: in what context ?09:45
happy12345i need to extract recovery09:45
ikoniawhat are you talking about09:46
happy12345oh sorry wrong channel i am confused between android and ubuntu channel09:47
Space76qualcuno può darmi qualche consiglio su come velocizzare il netbook con ubuntu?09:49
DJones!it | Space7609:49
ubottuSpace76: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:49
Space76grazie a te scusate "sorry"09:49
DJonesSpace76: No problem, good look with your issue09:50
woewowany one  on irssi ? plz share any tweaks :-)...09:50
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blackhathi hackers09:52
yoshi314woewow: what tweaks? i just have autoconnect to select list of channels on startup, nothing really fancy09:52
lilian_what are you doing?09:53
blackhathi lilian09:53
Bantu___any one  on irssi ? plz share any tweaks :-)...09:53
blackhatok bantu09:54
lilian_can you speak chinese?09:54
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=== Johanne__ is now known as rubdubdub
AlexPortableHow can I get multitouch to work?10:10
jeski just installed ubuntu server 14.04.1 LTS and wanted to try I out a openstack installation from the scratch (guide from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack)10:11
jeskthe openstack installer stucks in "Importing MAAS boot images"10:11
venkat_330trouble in HDD partition..I am little confused with fdisk output: http://pastebin.com/E1nPw30F10:11
jeskanyone with a bit of experience in installing openstack?10:12
ikoniajesk: just ask the question10:16
jeskikonia: what could I do to solve that problem?10:17
ikoniawhat problem10:17
jesk(11:11) < jesk> the openstack installer stucks in "Importing MAAS boot images"10:18
ikoniawhat do the logs say on it's status ?10:18
Bantu____ /close10:18
=== MrElendig is now known as Pantsu
jesksomething like that:10:18
jeskINFO 2014-11-04 12:08:30,573 twisted RegionServer connection lost (HOST:IPv4Address(TCP, '', 39387) PEER:IPv4Address(TCP, '127.010:18
klanderhey guys. I'm having a bit of a dependency issue while trying to install php5-memcached. I was hoping I could get some advice on what to do next? Here's the bash output: http://pastebin.com/nZcn1YTx10:18
jeskikonia: this happen all few minutes10:19
ikoniajesk: so that shows it's lost connection to the host which is communicating on localhost10:19
ikoniathat looks you've got a PPA thats caused a conflict with products nothing to do with php10:19
jeskikonia: i'am a bit clueless about the openstack 'stack'... i just followed instructions from ubuntu10:20
ikoniaso your php install is failing because other conflicts before your php install10:20
ikoniajesk: then why are you doing this ?10:20
jeskikonia: to get clue :-)10:20
ikoniajesk: ok, so start researching it then10:21
Herculeshow do I solve.10:21
ikoniaHercules: solve what ?10:22
HerculesThe command could not be located because '/usr/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.10:22
HerculesThis is most likely caused by the lack of administrative privileges associated with your user account.10:22
HerculesI am using Ubuntu 14.0410:22
ikoniaHercules: what are you doing10:22
HerculesI am trying to start sbnc10:22
ikoniaHercules: how10:22
ikoniawhat command are you running10:22
Herculesby typing " sbnc "10:22
Herculesbecause it cannot be runned on root10:23
ikoniaHercules: please show me the output of the command "which sbnc"10:23
Herculesikonia: /usr/sbin/sbnc10:23
geirhabetter to use type than which, since which may be lying10:23
funktHi there I have connected up my local server with lamp I was just wondering is there a folder which keeps all the databases created in phpmyadmin10:23
ikoniawhy would which be lying ?10:24
geirhaikonia: it won't tell you about any aliases or functions by the same name for instance10:24
ikoniageirha: good10:24
ikoniageirha: I want to know the $PATH output which will tell you10:24
ikoniaHercules: so you can see it is in your path10:24
geirhaah, in that case it would be ''type -P sbnc'' when using the type builtin10:25
ikonia...or I could just use which10:25
HerculesPlease see your PM.10:26
Herculesikonia: are u there ?10:27
geirha...sure, I just feel it's more useful to learn type than which10:27
HerculesHow do I give privilege to my account to make it run sbnc ?10:27
Herculesgeirha ?10:27
=== bhushan is now known as Guest34756
Herculesanyone here to help me ?10:28
geirhaHercules: You are trying to run it in a terminal?10:28
Bushmasterhello folks, just a quick problem that need to be resolved, I am in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and I have another empty partition of 44 GiB in ext3 where I would like to store some of my media files, however from file manager in ubuntu when I am trying to move a media file, it is not allowing me giving me a pop up note reflecting i am not allowed, how do i solve this issue?10:29
geirhaHercules: and   echo "$PATH"   includes  /usr/sbin   in the output?10:29
cfhowlettBushmaster, sudo mv ....10:30
Herculesit is lacking the administrative privileges10:30
Herculesits saying10:30
Herculesto run the sbnc10:30
Herculeshow do I give privilege for it ?10:30
ikoniaHercules: sudo10:30
cfhowlettBushmaster, of course, you'll need to format the empty partition first10:30
geirhaHercules: You want to be able to run it as root?10:30
Herculesikonia: it doesn't allow.10:30
Herculesgeirha: it says it cannot run threw the root.10:31
ikoniaHercules: so then it doesn't need root privileves/administrative privileges10:31
geirhaHercules: No, it doesn't say that.10:31
Bushmasteryes it is saying i do not have the permission to create that media folder in that empty partition which is already formatted to ext3 anyway cfhowlett and Hercules10:31
Herculesplease see ur PM10:32
BushmasterHercules: yes it require privilege and how i give that ?10:32
HerculesBushmaster: Can u tell me how do I give that account privilege for that ?10:33
effsdplease dont laugh, whats the command to list all connected cd drives and usb storages?10:33
effsdlsblk or something?10:33
effsdit is lsblk10:33
Bushmasteri do not know Hercules10:33
cfhowletteffsd, lslbk10:34
philinuxfrom man lsblk - list block devices10:35
cfhowletteffsd, sorry lsblk10:35
effsd<cfhowlett> how to enter it, the device is listed as sdb10:35
bstarekeffsd, lsusb10:35
effsdthank you10:35
bstarekeffsd, you could find it by googling..10:35
Bushmastercfhowlett: any idea how i can transfer these files?10:35
effsdcd /sdb doesnt work, it says no directory?10:36
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
bstarekeffsd, sdb is a partition not a directory10:36
bstarekeffsd, it needs to be mounted10:36
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=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
effsdits mouted10:36
effsdmounted allready10:36
bstarekthen its monted somewhere10:36
bstarekmaybe /media/10:36
cfhowlettBushmaster, if even sudo mv failes, IDK what is happening... permissions is the only thing I can guess at10:37
bstarekeffsd, do "df -h"10:37
bstarekor "sudo df -h"10:37
effsd<bstarek> youre right, its in media10:37
philinuxeffsd;~ lsblk -o KNAME,TYPE,SIZE,MODEL10:37
bstarekit will tell you where it is mounted10:37
Bushmastercfhowlett: hang one a minute, u want me to type sudo mv in the terminal?10:37
cfhowlettBushmaster, sudo mv filenamehere filetargethere10:38
Bushmasterthat will take long time cfhowlett  i guess, can it not be possible to transfer via file manager10:39
cfhowlettBushmaster, sudo nautilus to test that ...10:39
effsdwhen i try to overwrite acl permissions to files on a usb drive terminal says "setfacl not supported" and now i listing all the files10:43
effsd"Operation not supported"10:43
bstarekeffsd, what command did you do10:43
effsdsudo setfacl -Rdm u:username:rwx /base/10:44
effsdhow can i set "everyone" as a username10:44
bstarekeffsd, im not familliare with setfacl, i am more a "chown" guy10:44
effsdbstarek, i need to move the files from the usb drive to the pc, no matter how10:45
effsdbut i get a input/output error because those have permissions set10:45
bstarekeffsd, what is the problem with that? whats the command you are issuing?10:45
bstarekeffsd, write the command down10:45
effsdthe same one sudo setfacl -Rdm u:username:rwx /base/10:46
bstarekeffsd, why dont use the "cp" command????10:46
effsdi am a noob :|10:46
effsdcp /path1/ /path2/ ?10:47
bstareki am a noob to but i can search: "cp -rf /folder/ /remote_folder/10:47
bstarekeffsd, -rf is for folder10:47
effsdlet me try10:47
Welastevilhi everyone10:47
bstarekactually -f is to force it..10:48
Welastevil so.... I just installed the termino0logy terminal emulator10:48
Welastevilbut I can not open picturesand ideos on it... someone have some idea?10:48
effsd<bstarek> it seems to be working i see files in the folders10:50
bstarekeffsd, good10:50
effsd<bstarek> just no indicator, well no it stopped10:51
bstarekeffsd, how do you know it stopped?10:51
Welastevilsomeone using terminology?10:51
effsd"terminal task finished"10:51
bstarekdid it throw any error?10:51
somsipWelastevil: what version of ubuntu are you running?10:52
effsd<bstarek> No such dir.10:52
effsdfile or dir.10:52
bstarekeffsd, maybe because your remote directory does not exist?10:52
bstarekeffsd, you need to troubleshooting10:52
effsdI dont know, the data seems there from the Files browser10:53
Welastevilthe most fresh one10:53
bstarekeffsd, all of it?10:53
effsdlol usb unmouted it itself10:53
effsdbstarek whats the command for cut and pase10:54
somsipWelastevil: how did you install terminology?10:54
bstarekfrom terminal?10:54
effsdwith -f10:54
bstarekeffsd, i dont understand what you are asking.  from what i see you are not doing your research properly.10:55
bstarekeffsd, do you research and then come back10:55
Welastevilfrom the ubunt software store10:56
WelastevilIm running it now....10:56
bstarekeffsd, i could find the cut/paste command just byu googling, then you can do it too.10:56
Welastevil but I can not display 8images in it10:56
effsdi want to move the data from the usb, cut and paste it on the desktop10:56
effsdi dont use google :(10:57
vitimitieffsd, if you want to move the files from a place to another, not just cp them, use mv /folder /usb, that should take the files from your computer, though10:57
vitimitiOr viceversa, mv /usb /folder10:57
bstarekeffsd, you need to use google. you will learn10:57
effsdthank you10:57
bstarekeffsd, cp -r /media/usb /home/user/Desktop10:57
jurohi, I started a copy process with the & flag. Now, I can see that its process code is S (interruptible sleep) but I don't know how to see what it's waiting for?10:57
effsdmv /source /target right?10:58
Surendilcp -rp, running cp -r as root would change permissions10:58
vitimitieffsd, that will cut. But you know pendrives don't really free their storage by just cutting10:58
effsdbstarek "Device or source is busy."10:59
sagatbom dia10:59
bstarekeffsd, because it might still be copying10:59
vegombreii have an old vaio tx27gp its a tiny laptop .. windows xp is making that laptop cry .. can i install ubuntu on it10:59
effsd<vitimiti> i will wipe it later10:59
sagatalguém por favor poderia mde dar uma ajuda10:59
bstarekeffsd, wait or unmout11:00
sagatinfelizmente não falo ingles11:00
sagatalguem ai me entende11:00
Surendileffsd: i agree with bstarek, you should do you research first11:00
cfhowlettvegombrei, lubuntu or xubuntu would likely be better11:00
sagatentrei no ubuntu-br mas o povo la brinca muito11:00
cfhowlett!br | sagat,11:00
ubottusagat,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:00
k1l_!pt | sagat11:00
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:00
Surendileffsd: if you don't use and don't want to use google, then use man11:00
bstarekSurendil, if he cant use google then he wont use man...11:01
dumballoverCiao qualcuno sa come installare gothic 2 su ubuntu 14.10 Lts?11:01
somsip!it | dumballover11:01
ubottudumballover: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:01
Surendilbstarek: can't or wont?11:01
ppfso, what can i do about "previous or current modules file missing!" when creating a new kernel flavour?11:02
dumballoverOk thank you ubottu11:02
Surendilas far as i know, no need of browser to use man and learn the command11:02
bstarekSurendil, "Can't". man is not always easy, sometimes there are too many options that you dont know where to start.11:02
bstarekSurendil, true.11:03
cfhowlett!flavors | vegombrei11:03
ubottuvegombrei: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.11:03
nukecrasher53hey guys i have trouble with pulseaudio11:04
nukecrasher53daemon is not responsing11:04
nukecrasher53when i type "killall pulseaudio" it's unkillable11:04
nukecrasher53same as pulseaudio --kill11:04
Surendilbstarek: i agree with you too, but there's a difference between learning 'cp' than 'ln'11:05
Surendilbasic commands11:05
bstarekSurendil, exactly. but GOOGLE is really a must for troubleshooting.11:06
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Surendilbstarek: totally11:06
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bstareknukecrasher53, check the processes in system monitor if you have a GUI11:07
Surendilnukecrasher53: ps ax | grep pulse - get PID and then you can kill PID or kill -9 PID11:08
bstarekSurendil, you went straight to the end :))11:09
Surendilbstarek: hahaha11:09
bstarekSurendil, you have to give them, so they know what they are doing :))11:10
bstarekSurendil, clues11:10
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Surendilbstarek: you are right, sometimes i can't help myself11:11
bstarekSurendil, true but it wasnt that easy when you learned things i bet!...plus you understand them better...11:12
Surendilnukecrasher53: oh, by the way, command kill sends signal 15, to kill soft11:12
Surendilor was it 11?11:12
theadminSurendil: It sends SIGTERM by default.11:13
theadminSurendil: Can't remember which, you can use kill -KILL to send the actual "kill" signal (yes, I know it seems redundant)11:13
Surendiltheadmin: thanks11:15
theadminSurendil: See "man 7 signal" for numbers of signals, their identifiers (names) and descriptions.11:16
SimplarHello, I have a bit of serious issues with ubuntu 14.1011:21
Surendiltheadmin: nice, thanks...and yes, it was signal 15 (SIGTERM)11:21
SimplarI've installed clean ubuntu 14.1011:22
Simplardid updates11:22
Simplarthen did these commands on terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8817569/11:23
Simplarthen I have tried to install boost_1_57_011:23
theadminSimplar: Why are you installing GMP from source? You shouldn't do that.11:23
theadminSimplar: You can install Boost from the repositories too.11:23
theadmin!find boost11:23
ubottuFound: libboost-atomic1.55-dev, libboost-atomic1.55.0, libboost-chrono1.55-dev, libboost-chrono1.55.0, libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-date-time1.55-dev, libboost-date-time1.55.0, libboost-dbg, libboost-dev, libboost-doc (and 134 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=boost&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all11:23
theadminSimplar: Whichever of those you need.11:23
Simplartheadmin, it seems that boosts are....well....already in system11:24
Simplarthe program i try to compile tells me the following: ‘class boost::filesystem::directory_entry’ has no member named ‘filename’11:24
SimplarFoundMaps = i->filename();11:24
Simplarthis function malfunctions there11:24
D30guys, a little bit of inquiry here,.. does ufw needs to be stop while using iptables?11:25
theadminSimplar: Are you sure you link the library when compiling?11:26
Simplartheadmin, makefile of the program contains -libboost_system-mt11:27
Simplarand some other libs11:27
theadminSimplar: Well, it should link to libboost_filesystem11:28
theadminAlso you will want to make sure that libboost-filesystem and libboost-filesystem-dev are actually installed.11:28
Simplartheadmin, here is its makefile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8817633/11:28
theadmin(or whatever the packages are called in Ubuntu)11:28
theadminOh, okay, hm.11:29
theadmin!find boost-filesystem11:29
ubottuFound: libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-filesystem1.55-dev, libboost-filesystem1.55.0, libboost-filesystem1.54-dev, libboost-filesystem1.54.011:29
Simplartheadmin, if filesystem'd not been installed, it'd threw me an error that it's not found11:29
theadminSimplar: Nah, you could easily have the header but not the actual library11:29
theadminWhich is often the cause of these errors11:29
Simplartheadmin, then it's the question how to completely uninstall boost?11:30
theadminSimplar: Do: sudo apt-get install libboost-filesystem1.55.0 libboost-filesystem-dev11:30
theadminAnd no, don't try to remove boost, many programs will want it11:30
Simplartheadmin, installing now11:31
Herculeshow to install ncurses with apt on ubuntu ??11:32
theadminHercules: The actual library?11:32
theadmin!find libncurses11:32
ubottuFound: libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5, libncursesw5-dbg, libncursesw5-dev, libncurses-gst, libncursesada-dbg, libncursesada-doc, libncursesada3 (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libncurses&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all11:32
Simplartheadmin, it's done installing. Now I try to compile program again?11:32
theadminHercules: sudo apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev11:32
theadminSimplar: Yeah, should work.11:32
Simplartheadmin, it still doesn't work. Same error. :o11:33
theadminOkay I dunno11:34
Simplartheadmin, I'm trying to compile ghost++ 17.1 actually11:34
theadminSimplar: I never tried to use it so I doubt I can help11:35
Simplartrying to install libboost-all-dev now11:35
Simplarmaybe it'll work11:35
Simplaranyways i have a backup of clean system if sth goes wrong :)11:35
D30Simplar: ghost++ is for what?11:36
SimplarD30, it's a hosting bot for warcraft 3's servers. I'm trying to stabilize it under Linux system. Already had success with doing so for StormLib and bncsutil, they compile without any error.11:36
ubottuamedeo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:37
SimplarThough, ghost++ requires boostlibs to work.11:38
abishekI am new to shell script and I need a bit of a help with one particular task, could someone help regarding this. What I am trying to acheive is, when I call `git pull` it basically outputs all the updates from the previous pull. I basically want all the output to be stored into a variable on the shell script that I can use to pass to a curl object.11:41
Simplar#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>11:42
theadminabishek: $var = $(git pull)11:42
Simplaris it correct include?11:42
theadminSimplar: It should be unless Ubuntu changed something around.11:42
abishektheadmin, is that all? so I can use $var on the curl?11:42
theadminabishek: Err. Without the first $11:42
theadminabishek: var = $(git pull) ; curl $var11:42
Simplarlet's suppose I want to find where Ubuntu thinks -lboost_filesystem-mt is11:43
abishekok, let me give this a try, thanks for the help. appreciate it11:43
Simplarthat could really explain much11:43
theadminSimplar: Also, I'm not sure the packages on Ubuntu provide the -mt versions of libraries11:44
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Simplarsince I really do have a full system backup11:46
Simplarhow do I remove whole boost libraries from system?11:46
Simplari want to test up how it will behave without any boost lib11:47
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nukecrasher53Surendil: ok gonna killed pulseaudio11:52
kristofersmint 17 freezes on boot when ide marvell adapter is enabled at bios can anyone help?11:52
nukecrasher53then im typed "pulseaudio --start" and it just stays11:53
nukecrasher53i mean it takes along to start11:53
nukecrasher53but it's still not responsing11:54
nukecrasher53Surendil: also i forgot when i typed "ps ax | grep pulse" it gave e this11:55
nukecrasher53 5606 pts/11   S+     0:00 grep pulse11:55
nukecrasher53oh not this11:56
nukecrasher53i was using fish then i switched to bash and this command (typed in bash) gave me this11:57
nukecrasher53 5606 pts/11   S+     0:00 grep pulse11:57
nukecrasher53 5886 ?        D<l    0:00 pulseaudio --start11:57
nukecrasher53 5892 ?        S      0:00 /usr/lib/pulseaudio/pulse/gconf-helper11:57
nukecrasher53 6005 pts/11   D+     0:00 grep --colour=auto pulse11:57
Surendilnukecrasher53: see the first numbers?12:00
x3rdhey, what's up?12:01
Surendilnukecrasher53: that is called PID (process ID)12:02
Surendilnukecrasher53: kill PID - will send SIGTERM signal to the process12:03
cnapHey guys I got an issue :( I am on Ubuntu x64 bit 14.04 LTS and I created a secondary user without password12:03
cnapthen I logged out12:03
cnapand now I cannot log in with any of the users12:03
cnapI tried to reinstall ubuntu-session from apt but no luck :/12:03
trijntjecnap: how can you reinstall if you cannot log in?12:04
Surendilcnap: once login screen press ctrl-alt-f212:04
cnapMaybe issue was caused because I installed gnome-fallback12:04
D30what about the user you created with no password?12:04
cnaptrijntje: from shell?12:04
Surendiltry to login there as user or root, then change passwd12:04
cnapD30: cant login12:04
cnapSurendil: I cant login as root afaik12:05
cnapsince its disabled for security, i didnt even enable it12:05
BluesKajHiya folks12:05
cnapSurendil: ok password changed. How to go back to login screen?12:06
cnapgoes back to tty112:06
cnapSurendil: ok with alt f7 but still issue remains :/12:06
cnapI also checked home permissions for my users, they seem fine12:06
Surendilyou were able to change user passwd from tty but can't access from gtk?12:07
cnapI can login perfectly from tty12:07
cnapi think there could be a conflict because I created a new user now12:08
cnapbut I had installed gnome-callback 2 days agho12:08
cnapwhat the hell is this bug.. and I need my os in about 40 mins12:10
Surendilcnap: tty or gtk, doesn't matter which, uses same passwd12:10
Surendilif you can login on tty, you should also do on gtk12:11
cnapI cant. I click on login and I hear that sound Tourout12:11
cnapand nothing happens12:11
nukecrasher53Surendil: when i send SIGTERM into PA it refuses the signal12:11
nukecrasher53aka not killing12:11
Surendilnukecrasher53: then use kill -9 PID12:12
Frnkhi there, i installed a ubuntu (via an install.iso) as a guest in kvm/qemu and basically clicked through the install process. but now, rebooting, after grub it just says "out of range pointer" and "no bootable device". I think root/boot device (/dev/vda1, /dev/vda5) is not found, but why grub was not configuered right, by the ubuntu instlal wizzard?12:12
Surendilnukecrasher53: signal 9 = kill sigal12:12
nukecrasher53if i try SIGINT?12:12
Surendilcnap: it's a real mystery my friend12:12
nukecrasher53ok it's kille12:13
D30cnap: how about creating another user with password and try using that new user to login again via tty or gtk12:13
cnapSurendil: maybe bug was caused becaused I named my new user as "guser" ? I just deleted it12:13
cnapD30 wait i will try it12:13
nukecrasher53PA is killed12:13
SurendilD30: good idea, new user and that's it12:13
Surendilnukecrasher53: well, now, you don't have sound, restart service and enjoy?12:14
cnapyeah but still i need to login with my admin acc12:14
cnapOH GOD12:15
cnapit won't login either with the new user12:15
cnapis gtk linked to gnome-fallback ?12:15
D30cnap:  how did you create new user?12:15
cnapsudo adduser test112:15
trijntjecnap: can you be specific, what happens when you try to log in?12:16
D30then you are able to login via tty :p12:16
cnaptrijntje: I select user, I put password and nothing happens12:16
cnapjust this ubuntu sound plays that "Tourout" or something12:16
trijntjecnap: press enter ;)12:16
cnapno error or note12:16
D30what account did you use when create user test1?12:16
D30cnap: ^12:16
cnapD30: my main admin acc12:16
cnaptrijntje: its not that. It tries to open the session but screen goes black for 1 sec and then plays the sound "Tourout" and back to login screen12:17
D30okay... so what happen next after you create that user test1?12:17
cnapD30: then I clicked log out, to try the new user12:17
Surendilcnap: then your problem is not login, is gtk12:17
cnapand can't login on any GUI now12:17
cnapyes Surendil12:17
trijntjecnap: that sounds like the xserver crashes12:17
cnapsorry if I didnt express it well12:17
cnapcan I see logs somehow ?12:18
trijntjecnap: can you select another environment before logging in and see if that works?12:18
Surendilon tty /var/log12:18
cnaptrijntje: tried it, none of the 2 gnomes or unity works12:18
cnapSurendil: but which one ?12:19
nukecrasher53Surendil: still not responsing12:19
nukecrasher53i dont know watafak is causing it to freeze12:19
Surendilcnap: Xorg.0.log12:20
cnapwanna me send it to you somehow ?12:20
Surendilcnap: pastebin12:20
cnapok but i will have to email it to myself somehow firstly lol12:21
D30cnap: you can directly tail the log and paste in pastebin12:21
hateball!info pastebinit12:21
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (utopic), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB12:21
trijntjecnap: you can install the program pastebinit to paste things from the terminal12:22
cnapoh cool thx12:22
D30trijntje: +1 :)12:22
cnaphow many lines of tail u need ?12:22
Surendilthe ones with error12:22
cnapi dont see something bad there really12:23
cnapon the last lines12:23
nukecrasher53Surendil: still not responding12:23
Surendilnukecrasher53: sorry, where were we?12:24
cnapok here http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818192/12:24
Surendilcnap: then check /var/log/lightdm or gdm12:24
nukecrasher53i tried sudo service pulseaudio --full-restart12:25
cnapand here is complete log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818198/12:25
nukecrasher53Surendil: you told me to restart PA12:25
nukecrasher53i tried sudo service pulseaudio --full-restart12:25
nukecrasher53but still not responding12:25
nukecrasher53when i launched pavucontrol it says "Estabilishing connection to PulseAudio. Please wait..."12:26
cnapok Surendil and D30 and trijntje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818229/12:27
Surendilnukecrasher53: let me think12:27
Surendilguy, could Xorg crash not being able to find fonts? like it says on Xorg.0.log12:28
SimplarI've solved my issue12:28
Simplarit was syntax conflict of old and new boost :)12:28
cnapSurendil: what do you mean ?12:29
White_Cathi, I am trying to forward ports12:29
White_Cathttp://www.theopensourcerer.com/2014/09/how-to-install-openerp-odoo-8-on-ubuntu-server-14-04-lts/ <- I am following this12:29
White_Catapt-get install iptables-persistent12:29
White_Catbut the commands listed seem to not work12:29
White_CatBad argument `–dport'12:30
trijntjecnap: can you put the whole file on pastebin?12:30
cnaptrijntje: which one ?12:30
nukecrasher53oh i need to relogin12:30
Surendili mean tihs: [   232.903] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" does not exist.12:30
SimplarHow to install multithreaded boost libraries in Linux?12:30
cnapShould I try any of these: http://askubuntu.com/questions/159663/how-to-reset-the-xorg-xserver ?12:30
cnapSurendil: I dont know I didnt do anything with those fonts12:31
trijntjecnap: Xorg.0.log12:31
D30cnap: maybe a conflict of what you have installed days ago12:31
cnapD30: could be :/12:32
cnapbut nothing regarding xorg lol12:32
cnaptrijntje: one sec please12:32
cnaptrijntje: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818297/12:33
lotuspsychjemake your life easy and reinstall 14.04 clean12:33
cnaplotuspsychje: lol what if u knew12:34
Surendiltrijntje: could the problem be not being able to find fonts?12:34
trijntjeSurendil: I dont know12:34
trijntjecnap: that file looks fine by me, what about Xorg.0.log.old12:34
cnapshould I try reinstalling something12:34
cnaptrijntje: ill paste this too one sec12:35
cnaphere http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818333/12:35
Surendiltrijntje: i don't see any other errors12:35
D30Surendil: sure its a mystery :p12:36
cnapdue the the thing im doing, i had to reinstall ubuntu twice coz of my bad and then repartition it like 2-3 times xD12:36
lotuspsychjemaybe lightdm got messed up by installing gnome fallback12:36
Surendilit sure is12:37
trijntjeI dont know what the problem is :(12:37
White_Cathow can I forward ports with ubuntu?12:37
lotuspsychje!iptables | White_Cat12:37
ubottuWhite_Cat: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo12:37
BadApeWhite_Cat: same way you can on any other distro12:37
BadApeoh lol12:37
cnapshould i try reconfiguring xorg or irrelevant?12:37
Surendilcnap: install xcfe =p12:37
lotuspsychjecnap: you can always try failsafeX from grub recoverymode12:38
D30cnap: what are gonna use this machine for?? you said you need this is about 40mins12:38
BadApei don't get way people have such issues installing linux, it is far easier than windows12:38
cnapI had a meeting with a guy12:38
cnapSurendil: should I install xcfe ?12:39
BadApehas anyone tried installing windows on a brand new dell laptop compared to installing almost any linux distro12:39
lotuspsychjeBadApe: well its easy indeed, unless its a nasty bug12:39
cnapwill replace the module that handles loggin in with GUI ?12:39
cnaplotuspsychje: one sec12:39
cfhowlettBadApe, for windows support go to ##windows12:39
Surendilcnap: you would be able to change gtk, not loggin gui.12:40
BadApelotuspsychje: i've installed linux on a huge range of hardware, since 98, around 06 linux became so easy i found falling off my chair harder12:40
cnapSurendil: so its fixable? I dont care how I login lol12:40
lotuspsychjeBadApe: same here mate :p12:40
mikaelHelp! When I closed the lid on my laptop, the screen went blank, but when I took it out of my backpack, it was extremly hot. It didn't go to sleep. How can I manage this? The settings says that it should go to sleep.12:40
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BadApeactually it was slackware 9612:40
lotuspsychjeBadApe: a lot of issues can be solved reainstalling clean12:40
lotuspsychjeBadApe: but lets stick to topic :p12:41
Surendilcnap: its another visual grahp env. like gnome or kde, but lighter12:41
BadApelotuspsychje: i have machines i've upgraded with no reinstalling for years12:41
cnapSurendil: i prefer lightweight stuff. So i just install it ?12:41
BadApesorry i was ranting12:41
cnaplike this : sudo apt-get install xfce4 ?12:41
yoshi314cnap: run tasksel, and pick xubuntu-desktop12:41
yoshi314this will install some extras12:41
cnapyoshi314: ok trying this now12:42
BadApesorry to suggest this, but you could try linuxmint12:42
BadApeit is basically ubuntu with different desktops12:42
yoshi314BadApe: or he can add cinnamon ppa , there is probably one12:42
Surendilcnap: what yoshi314 said12:42
BadApeyoshi314: i found the ppa to be not so good12:42
yoshi314BadApe: well, they do vary in quality12:42
cnapbut guys will xfce replace the gtk ?12:42
cnapsorry I dont understand how all this work12:42
k1l_cnap: the Lubuntu flavour is the lightweight department on ubuntu12:43
k1l_!lubuntu | cnap12:43
yoshi314cnap: xfce uses gtk2, it won't replace it12:43
ubottucnap: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:43
BadApebut that was a few years ago12:43
BadApecnap: xfce is gtk2 based12:43
BadApecnap: what exactly is your problem?12:43
cnapso Surendil why do you think it may work ?12:43
yoshi314and gtk2 and gtk3 are installable side-by-side, if that is what worries you12:43
cnapoh ok12:43
lotuspsychjeBadApe: he cant login anymore after installing gnome fallback12:43
cnapso gnome-fallback + unity use gtk3 ?12:43
BadApeoh dear12:43
BadApecnap: you can try purge off gnome-fallback12:44
k1l_cnap: what is the error you get? or do you just get put back to the login screen?12:44
BadApetry something like apt-get --purge autoremove gnome-fallback12:44
k1l_BadApe: wait12:44
Surendilk1l_: get's put back to login screen12:44
BadApei find it strange you can't login12:44
cnapk1l_: exactly what u said. I see a black screen for 1 sec and then sound "Tourout" plays and then back to login screen12:45
BadApei find it more plausible that you login and things crash out on you12:45
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k1l_BadApe: could you please just advise things you really know what you are doing? thanks12:45
cnapSo to recap. I am able to login via shell. Cant login via GUI12:46
k1l_cnap: please loginto the tty (ctrl+alt+f1) and see if in that users home the .Xauthority file belongs to user:user. (see with ls -al)12:46
cnapAll I did is to create a new user without password12:46
cnapand gnome fallback was working just fine the rest of the days12:46
cnapk1l_: sure one sec12:46
k1l_cnap: come back from tty with ctrl+alt+f712:46
cnapk1l_: both of my users have this file and it belongs to them12:47
cnapk1l_: as I said before I cannot login with any user at all!12:47
cnapI tried removing the other one, making new one.. no difference12:47
k1l_ok. do you see any errors in .xsession-errors?12:48
cnapCould the issue be caused because I named the first user "guser" ? Is that something being used by ubuntu ?12:48
Surendilcnap: yes, you can login, but X crashes, there's a difference12:48
BadApeas i said it is more plausible that he can login but it crashes out on him12:49
cnapSurendil: yes sorry my bad expressing myself12:49
cnapk1l_: indeed theres a weird error http://paste.ubuntu.com/8818535/12:49
cnapI dont understand how this is linked12:49
cnapI have exported lots of variables to /etc/profile12:49
cnapso I can compile and do different stuff android oriented12:49
cnapso /etc/profile is for all users and after i made my 1st secondary user issue was caused12:50
k1l_cnap: ok. i think that is the possible cause12:50
cnapk1l_: me too! I think I know why12:51
cnapk1l_: I unzipped those sdk tools etc with my user and should belong to my main user acc. But the other one trys to add trhem in his PATH12:51
cnapbut has no permissions or something12:51
cnapoh mu god!12:52
cnapit worked!12:52
cnapi just erased those env vars from /etc/profile12:52
Surendilk1l_: nice one[   232.903] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" does not exist.12:52
Surendilk1l_: nice one12:53
cnapwow that was such a pain12:53
Surendilcnap: =)12:54
cnapok guys Surendil, D30, lotuspsychje, BadApe, trijntje, k1l_ I DO THANK YOU from the bottom of my hearts12:55
cnapI can make it on time :D12:55
cnapand I taught a lesson today. Never touch /etc/profile ol12:55
nnu-skytest write12:55
cfhowletthearts?  plural?  alien!12:55
cfhowlett!test | nnu-sky, test passed12:55
ubottunnu-sky, test passed: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )12:55
raubSo I need to create a windows USB bootable disk. Can I just use dd in my ubuntu laptop and copy dvd into a usb drive?12:56
cfhowlettraub, to make windows media, best to use windows tools.12:56
dx486raub: what do you mean by windows usb bootable?12:56
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents12:56
BadApecnap: best thing to do is avoid deploying global config changes, you never know what that might break when installing packages etc12:57
raubWindows does frustrate me; I was going for a civilized solution12:57
raubBut, hey thanks anyway12:57
* raub finds amusing he was told he was asking help with windows software12:59
cnapBadApe: right! I got my lesson today :)12:59
mozzarellaguys help13:00
k1l_raub: ubuntu uses hybrid isos. that works with dd. we cant know what windows wants to be done with their isos. please ask them how to creat a windows usb stick13:00
mozzarellaI have downloaded vlc but I can't use it to open video files13:00
mozzarellait's not in the right click menu inside nautilus13:00
k1l_mozzarella: "downloaded"?13:00
mozzarellak1l_: also installed… lol13:01
sabun^raub pahang13:01
k1l_mozzarella: from their website?13:01
lotuspsychjemozzarella: you mean the indicator section video playing?13:01
mozzarellafrom the ubuntu software center13:01
k1l_mozzarella: ah ok. that is good.13:01
Surendilmozzarella: you can find it on /usr/bin/vlc13:02
k1l_mozzarella: did you re-login?13:02
mozzarellaSurendil: I know where to find it13:02
mozzarellak1l_: IIRC, yes13:02
k1l_mozzarella: i think it needs a nautilus restart to make that come into the menu13:02
mozzarellaI closed all my nautilus windows and opened a new one13:02
mozzarellabut didn't change anything13:03
k1l_mozzarella: no, that is not enough13:03
k1l_pleas log out and log in again to make sure it gets restarted13:03
mozzarellaoooh, I "killall nautilus"'d and now vlc is in the menu13:04
k1l_ok, so you didnt relogin before :)13:04
auscompgeekthe command is `nautilus -q`13:05
zaffywow, that's kind of a M$ behaviour...13:05
mozzarellaIMO, things like that should Just Work (tm)13:05
k1l_well, then talk to gnome about their nautilus behaviour in that case :)13:06
mozzarellait worked great in fedora, I think it's the ubuntu fork/patched version13:06
lotuspsychjeits normal vlc will play, but menu entry needs a restart13:07
Frnkaaarrgh: qcow2 requires a file system so this is not available through LVM.13:08
hemangpatelCan i install google chrome 34 in ubuntu 12.10 ? i got this error -> http://pastie.org/private/bxf4qxd8joznv1gtbdpw13:10
cfhowletthemangpate, 12.10 is not supported.  upgrade13:10
gr33n7007hhemangpatel, try sudo apt-get -f install13:11
BadApeis 12.10 even supported any more?13:11
hemangpatelgr33n7007h, not working13:11
cfhowlettBadApe, as I said, NOPE13:11
gr33n7007hhemangpatel, upgrade then?13:12
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal13:12
hemangpateloffice pc13:12
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cfhowletthemangpatel, your office lets you take a computer on the internet with no security upgrades or support?13:14
hemangpatelcfhowlett, I have old pc13:14
hemangpatelwith old ubuntu OS13:14
k1l_hemangpatel: that is not reason for a insecure OS because it doesnt get any security patches anymore.13:15
Ben64hemangpatel: you could have been on 12.04 and still have support13:15
k1l_hemangpatel: you can still run 12.0413:15
cfhowlettthis ^^^^13:15
Ben64i never understand why people don't like LTS13:15
k1l_hemangpatel: you dont have patches for shellshock or other big ones13:15
hemangpatelok i'm going. thanks for suggestions13:16
rcspamHi all, anyone can help me with yad dialog: i want to put icons in menu (yad --notification)13:17
Ben64rcspam: yad?13:17
rcspamBen64  zenity like13:18
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120413:18
Ben64rcspam: not really helping, and i don't see any yad in the repository13:19
cfhowlett!info yad13:19
ubottuPackage yad does not exist in utopic13:19
rcspamBen64 http://sourceforge.net/projects/yad-dialog/13:19
Ben64rcspam: oh, well we can't support non-ubuntu packages13:20
rcspamBen64 you really dont know it ?13:20
Ben64i really don't13:20
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cfhowlettrcspam, 3rd party package not from ubuntu = no reason we would know about it.13:21
Ben64i don't know every package in ubuntu, let alone everything on sourceforge13:21
rcspamcfhowlett, Ben64 ok thanx good Bye13:21
Lope2how can I check if firefox is running on display :3 ?13:22
YourPlaceOrMineHello :)13:23
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YourPlaceOrMinei have 2.2 intel 2cpu's with 4gb ram 64bit.  now 32bit running good, do u rec. 64bit still?13:24
cfhowlettYourPlaceOrMine, if your system is 64 bit capable, run 6413:25
YourPlaceOrMineok ty13:25
YourPlaceOrMinewill d/l 64bit ;)13:25
YourPlaceOrMinehagd all!13:27
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SimplarHow to get rid of those errors?13:30
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eth00I added a NIC to a server but ethtool is unable to find the device. lshw lists it (but as disabled). I currently have 3 NICs total and doing ethtool ethX only shows two of them (the onboard NICs). The new NIC is listed first in the lshw list. I have this server on a remote management console so its no big deal to wipe anything/everything out in regards to the network. Any ideas how to get the13:31
eth00NIC visible to the OS?13:31
k1l_Simplar: i would ask the specialists from the stuff you want to compile there13:32
Simplark1l, this project was abandoned long ago. ;)13:32
k1l_Simplar: oh well.13:32
frdmncan someone tell me how to install nice and ionice via PPA?13:34
frdmncant find it anymore13:34
Picifrdmn: er.. nice and ionice should already be installed.13:35
frdmnPici: :o13:36
frdmnwow, you're right13:37
frdmnPici: thank you, mate13:38
Leoneofhi, i have question about LTS (Long Term Support), does it mean that Ubuntu will upgrade my old software to newer versions? or it will keep same versions but with fix bugs only?13:39
darius7I have PostgreSQL 9.1 on Ubuntu 14.04.  There is a Slony-1 package for PostgreSQL 9.3 (postgresql-9.3-slony1-2), but no such package for PostgreSQL 9.1.  There appear to have been Slony-1 packages for 9.1 in previous releases.  Can a package from the previous release be used?13:39
k1l_Leoneof: in most cases: security and bug patches13:40
k1l_Leoneof: but excluding browsers and thunderbird. and you can get LTS backport kernels and xorg13:40
sisuhello everybody. Alsa with amd hdmi fglrx has very distorted sound. the kernel says snd_hda_intel 0000:01:00.1: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #1. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj. I have done it. But it still says the same sentence.13:41
Leoneofk1l_: ok, does it mean they will use kde 4.14 as long as LTS is active? :\13:42
k1l_Leoneof: yes.13:42
Leoneofk1l_: i see, thanks!13:42
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RovanionIs it possible to remove the high contrast themes from a system?13:45
RovanionI can't find the package.13:45
Rovaniondpkg -l | grep contrast returns nothing on my system.13:47
xsigrub-install failed to get canonical path /cow (ubuntu live)13:55
BishikaHey people I'm loading up some steam games onto Linux little bit of choppy performance with dota 2 (Exept for system ruining crashes). But I loaded up Planetary annihilation and once i finally got it going I'm getting extremely good performance and since I'm greedy I'm thinking what's the best way to load the game onto a ramdisk and still have it playable through steam. The google results I wen'tw13:59
BishikaThe google results and forums I wen't through didn't seem to have that good of methods.14:00
xsihow many google queries? do you have a post-list of them?) sorry it's a joke to support when nobody answers14:04
ubuntuser13Bishika: see AMD Ramdisk site, hope you find something regarding this.14:05
jowy33hi my proble is that i have booted the wrong version of linux ubuntu and i dont know how to delete the wrong version! please help me ! :)14:07
jowy33hi my proble is that i have booted the wrong version of linux ubuntu and i dont know how to delete the wrong version! please help me ! :)14:08
jowy33hi my proble is that i have booted the wrong version of linux ubuntu and i dont know how to delete the wrong version! please help me ! :)14:09
philinuxjowy33;~ do you mean installed, stop posting the same thing!!!14:09
xsiso any attention to mine? i've posted once mine Q?14:10
philinuxxsi;~ all volunteers here mate14:10
philinuxxsi;~ and you didn't provide much background to your problem14:11
philinuxxsi;~ http://askubuntu.com/questions/254491/failed-to-get-canonical-path-of-cow14:12
xsiphilinux great, thank you much14:13
yhyhello every body14:15
xsiyhy HELLo <body> <head> and a <title> *also pleased when getting idle14:16
philinuxxsi;~ I just search this and it was the first hit "grub-install failed to get canonical path /cow (ubuntu live)14:16
xsiphilinux it was the second and i just began and dropped reading this14:16
xsiand thank you for your approval14:17
xsiI'm continuing it seems credible to do for GRUB14:17
White_Cathow can I forward ports with ubuntu server? I want to forward port 80 to 806914:24
compdocubuntu server isnt a firewall14:24
White_Catcompdoc no I know that14:25
White_Catbut its a port connection thats connected14:25
White_Cata user connecting to the ubuntu server from port 80 should be redirected to port 806914:26
compdocdont know what you mean14:26
White_Catnot to a different machine, still the same machine14:26
BishikaI'm trying to mount the ramdisk and I'm getting bad fs type, bad option, bad superblock on tmpfs. Any idea for a fix I used sudo mount -t tmpfs -o side=3000M tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk114:26
Bishika 14:26
Bishika 14:26
compdocdid you enable a firewall on the server?14:26
compdocif not, all ports are open14:26
White_Catcompdoc err, if a user types they actually type
White_Caton a browser14:27
White_CatI want to go to
compdocright, youy dont have to add :8014:27
White_Catso that user does not need to type a port14:28
kriskropdWhite_Cat: I've never heard of redirecting ports like that - what you can do is have apache listen in to ports 80 and 8069 and share the same website when users visit it14:28
kriskropdyou can redirect ip address, but not ports14:28
compdocyou could modify apache to listen on 8069, but their browsers wont use that port automatically14:28
White_Catits not on apache I believe14:28
kriskropdnot that I'm aware of anyways14:28
White_Catapt-get install iptables-persistent14:28
White_Catiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 806914:29
White_Catdoes that ring a bell, it is giving me errors so i am unsure how correct it is14:29
compdocif you placed a firewall in front of the server, you could forward ports like that14:29
kriskropdWhite_Cat: ngingx, whatever your http server is, should be capable of listening to whatever port you specify - 8080 for instance is a VERY common http alternative14:29
dmekis it possible to port unity without much effort or is it really diffucult because of patches to gtk or whatever?14:29
compdocoh, ok. iptables can do that too14:29
White_CatKris545545 its an openerp/odoo server - its rather complicated so I want to touch it as little as possible14:29
cristian_cI can't unmount sdcard from gparted anymore14:30
White_Catsorry I meant kriskropd14:30
White_Catkriskropd am I doing it wrong?14:30
White_CatBad argument `–dport'14:31
cristian_cHow can I make the same operation as 'create a new partition table'?14:31
cristian_cAny ideas?14:31
dmekcristian_c: im not sure, but i remember i had problems with gparted too, i used then fdisk to create partitions for example14:31
kriskropdWhite_Cat: yeah, --to-port, not -to-port - first mistake i see14:31
kriskropd--dport not -dport14:31
cristian_cdmek, fdisk command only?14:31
dmekit has some kind of textual gui14:31
kriskropdalso , til you can redirect ports with iptables .o.14:31
dmekjust look yourself you see then14:31
cristian_cdmek, what guiS?14:31
dmektextual... no graphical14:32
cristian_cdmek, sorry14:32
BishikaI'm a twat I typed side instead of size >.>14:32
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cristian_cdmek, but I don't know the exact command14:32
dmekcristian_c: gentoo.org handbook, chapter where you partition hdd14:32
dmekcristian_c: you find there explanation for using fdisk, u can use this knowledge for other too14:33
dmekits really easy to use14:33
k1l_!cn | GODDOG14:34
ubottuGODDOG: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:34
kriskropdcristian_c: cgdisk is a little prettier than fdisk - you could try that14:35
kriskropdchrissg: though fdisk, gdisk, cfdisk, cgdisk and parted - all pretty much do and look similar14:36
White_Catiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 806914:37
White_Catthat didnt do it14:37
White_Catdidnt give an error either14:37
White_CatI rebooted it as well14:37
compdocWhite_Cat, try your question about iptables in ##networking14:38
White_Catcompdoc it is an ubuntu problem14:38
kriskropdWhite_Cat: not really - but anyways, do you see it listed on 'iptables -L' ?14:39
cristian_ckriskropd, ok14:40
EngravesI'm having trouble powering off my laptop14:40
EngravesI'm dualbooting windows 8.1 and ubuntu and whenever I poweroff it reboots after 3 seconds of being off14:40
GODDOGSorry i have a mistake about Channel k1l_ ubottu14:41
White_Catkriskropd err looking still14:41
kriskropdengraves - check your BIOS settings and see if you have any kind of "start after power failure" or "network activty" setting - also in ubuntu, try shutting down from a termnal/command line with 'sudo shutdown -h now' and see if that keeps it from rebooting14:41
Engraveskriskropd: I tried all of those and no luck14:42
kriskropdEngraves: so, please clarify, 'sudo shutdown -h now' DOES still lead to a reboot?14:42
White_Catplenty of stuff from ufw14:42
kriskropdbecause if it DOES, this is DEFINITELY a BIOS issue14:42
Engravesthis is the only thing that worked14:43
Engravesbut I can't reboot14:43
Engravesit just powers off now14:43
White_Catkriskropd I dont think it is listed but there are a lot of lines form ufw14:43
kriskropdWhite_Cat: thats what grep is for 'iptables -L | grep 8069'14:44
kriskropdor, better14:44
kriskropdWhite_Cat: 'iptables -L | less' then in less hit forward slash '/' to begin a search and look for 806914:45
kriskropdWhite_Cat: that was you can better detect which heading it is under14:45
kriskropdless is an output reader of sorts14:45
White_Catgrep did the trick, it is listed twice ocne for tcp once for udp for the firewall :/14:46
dmekwhat is the name of the unity theme?14:46
kriskropdEngraves: your artile implies NEVER allowing shutdown to do anythngbut completely halt, notice it has the line that I told you to give feedback on14:47
noddq2Im trying to backup ubuntu 14.04 and aws S3 using duplicity.... but i got an error Attempt 1 failed. BackendException: No connection to backend...14:48
noddq2anyone encounter this?14:48
kriskropdWhite_Cat: and I assumed you've restarted the services involved? 'sudo service networking restart' and 'sudo service apache2 restart' (or whatever http you are using - should be necessary, but couldnt hurt)14:48
BishikaHow would I tell if I mounted my ramdisk properly? I have everythin gworking but I'm not sure if it actually mounted correctly.14:49
kriskropdWhite_Cat: might need to run 'sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start' if restart argument seems bugged -it has for me before14:49
White_Catso no it isnt listed as a redirect14:49
White_CatI did reboot the server but i'll try that now14:49
White_Catit failed to stop :/14:50
kriskropdalso I hate to do this, but I need to go - White_Cat you should probably try ##networking afterall then, iptables and firewalling isn't a common topic here14:50
BishikaFigured it out dw ;314:51
execRhey guys whats the best way to disable lightdm in the loging screen? set "text" on /etc/default/grub?14:57
execRso it will always get into text mode14:57
aciremAukkinoSexecR: You can hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 to access a console login.14:58
execRaciremAukkinoS: i meant when pc posts14:58
Quatrokingis it possible to use thumbnail view in a file opener instead of list view?15:01
execRyeah press Ctrl+1 or 2 or 315:01
Quatrokingnot working15:02
Quatrokinglemme make a quick screenshot15:02
execRwhat file manager are you using?15:02
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QuatrokingexecR, http://i.imgur.com/OHbC21j.png15:03
Quatrokingnautilus I think?15:03
Quatrokingit's in list view and I don't see any way of changing that15:04
execRI am on text terminal sorry cant see it. Go to view should be an option to change view15:04
Quatrokingthere's no change view :)15:04
Quatrokinghow to describe this..15:05
Quatrokingyou know how in firefox, when you're using gmail/hotmail/something mail I don't know and you want to attach a file, it opens a file opener? That dialog15:05
execRin pcman is really easy i can imagine on nautilus too15:05
Quatrokingit opens up a list view that auto-opens previews when you select images15:06
execRok got it15:06
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execRwhen you open nautilus normaly which mode is on ?15:06
Quatrokingwhich is what I want in my file openers, pretty much15:07
philinuxQuatroking;~ the screenshot shows what I get, royal pain15:07
philinuxQuatroking;~ you have to highlight each file to see what it is15:08
QuatrokingYeah, and I want icons instead so I have a quick overview of my crappy pictures :)15:08
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adactrying to install tomcat7 (apt-get install tomcat7) on 14.04 but getting: tomcat7 : Depends: tomcat7-common (>= 7.0.52-1) but it is not going to be installed15:10
adacany ideas?15:10
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execRadd tomcat7-common first?15:10
execRsudo apt-get install tomcat7-common tomcat715:11
adacexecR, then I get a bunch of other dependencies missing. Why is it not installing all dependencies by itself?15:12
execRdid you try update and upgrade ?15:12
zteamadac, try this sudo apt-get install aptitude15:13
Guest49085hi, I have some problems with a new install on a new pc: The install took 2 hours and reading package lists is way too slow... I get faster speeds on my laptop. The install was done on a 120Gb ssd, 32Gb of ram, on an asus z97m-plus motherboard. Any ideas?15:13
adacexecR, yes I did15:13
zteamadac, then sudo aptitude install tomcat715:13
zteamadac, sometimes apittude is just smarter than apt-get15:14
k1l_adac: its most probably a PPA issue15:14
k1l_zteam: apt-get is fine. just not when PPAs or other 3rd party packages break the package system15:15
asidodo you think switching to 64-bit kernel on 32-bit distro could work?15:15
adack1l_, I'm doing it over docker: FROM ubuntu:trusty15:15
adack1l_, maybe that is a problem15:15
k1l_asido: no. make a clean new install15:15
tyrogHi. What is the best office suite for linux in terms of compatibility with MS Office docx format? I know I could install Office with Wine or through a VM, but is there any other alternative (even if nonfree)?15:15
execRlibreoffice is great15:15
execRexcept impress15:15
asidok1l_, can't really do that, but wondering why just booting into x64 kernel wouldn't work?15:16
wpdDoes anybody know why dpkg -S would list the installed package twice?  e.g.$ dpkg -S arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++15:16
wpdg++-arm-linux-gnueabihf: /usr/share/man/man1/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++.1.gz15:16
wpdg++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf: /usr/share/man/man1/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.8.1.gz15:16
wpdg++-arm-linux-gnueabihf: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++15:16
wpdg++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf: /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-4.815:16
k1l_asido: mixing of libs and stuff. did not hear a working solution so far15:16
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asidok1l_, I am not intending to install software from x64 repos, just the kernel15:16
k1l_wpd: one is the documenation15:17
jokurhey guys, I am trying to install this package: libgmp-dev_6.0.0+dfsg-6_amd64.deb  But the libgmpxx.so file is coming as a broken link. any idea why? And its installed as a local install. thanks :)15:17
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zteamk1l_, well in some circumstances aptitude is just smarter than apt, but if he has some ppas enabled then he should just disable them first, (I didn't know about that-)15:17
jokurAnd i cant find the libgmpxx.so.3 file also in the install15:17
wpdIt lists g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf twice when I run the command, why would that be?15:17
k1l_wpd: i answered15:18
adacexecR, zteam, k1l_ I found out what was wrong. I added the universe packages like this which has broken it:15:18
tyrogexecR: What do you use for presentations?15:18
adacRUN /bin/bash -l -c 'echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list15:18
wpdIt also lists the documentation package, g++-4.8-arm-linux-gnueabihf twice.15:18
zteamadac, so if you have any kind of ppas or extra sources installed, try disableling them first like k1l_ said :-)15:18
wpdNever mind, I see it now.  Sorry.15:19
execRtyrog: i use "impressive" or powerpoint viewer15:19
azizLIGHTwill 14.04 get qt 5.315:19
zteamadac, you mean mixed sources from other distrubitions? that's really never a good idea15:20
tyrogexecR: and for creating new presentations?15:20
zteambbl time to eat15:20
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execRunfortunately powerpoint or impress15:20
tyrogexecR: What about the calligra one?15:21
adaczteam, it was a lefteover from 12.04. Deleted it and now its just working fine15:21
execRtyrog: is it a software?15:21
tyrogexecR: yes15:22
zteamadac, okey, very well then :-)15:22
execRtyrog: never tried15:22
execRtyrog: did you?15:22
adaczteam, aye :) I'm happy :)15:22
tyrogexecR: neither15:22
zteamadac, :--)15:22
Quatrokinghey guys I need some help finding a game I played a lot back on 7.0415:22
execRtyrog: let us knwo :)15:23
Quatrokingit was a platformer with basic graphics, and you played a smiley with a bandana15:23
Quatrokingbasically you shot baddies to bits and saved hostages here and there AFAIK15:23
Quatroking2d platformer15:23
QuatrokingI wish to play it again but I have no idea what it was called15:23
tyrogexecR: Is OpenOffice much different from LibreOffice?15:24
execRtyrog: not much, i find libreoffice more compatible with docx15:25
azizLIGHTif i got a package from apt-get and its a old version, and i go and install a newer version from seomwhere else, hwo does ubuntu know which version to use? do both exist simultaneously or does the old one get deleted?15:26
n-iCeazizLIGHT: it just upgrades15:27
aciremAukkinoSazizLIGHT: Newer versions are installed over older versions.15:27
azizLIGHTso the old one from apt-get gets deleted, and replaced by the newer one from wherever i got it from15:27
azizLIGHTwhat happens if the apt-get one gets updated more than the one i have installed from 3rd party15:28
azizLIGHTand what would happen if i installed the newer apt-get one over the 3rd party one15:28
k1l_azizLIGHT: if you install something manually from .deb package it wont get updates since apt-get doesnt know its there15:28
azizLIGHTim using a .run file15:29
azizLIGHTnot a deb15:29
k1l_azizLIGHT: and apt-get will install the highest versioning number. so if the version number is broken on the PPA (for example) that will be never updated if apt thinks its still higher than the one from the ubuntu repo15:29
azizLIGHTis that more complicated15:29
k1l_azizLIGHT: that is even worse15:29
k1l_azizLIGHT: what program is it?15:30
azizLIGHTtell me why please15:30
azizLIGHTit is qt15:30
azizLIGHT14.04 has qt 5.2.1 and a program i have is complaining it needs qt 5.3 or more15:30
k1l_azizLIGHT: because you dont get the update stuff from the online package system and you dont get the install/remove service from the clinetside package system15:30
azizLIGHTthe only way i see it is to upgrade with a .run file on qt site. but am concerned about breaking package management and auto upgrading etc15:31
k1l_yes ofcourse you are breaking that with the .run.15:31
azizLIGHTwhy didnt they make a deb at least15:31
k1l_you should see if there is a PPA for your program in the first place, that is already made working with ubuntu15:32
azizLIGHTohhhh good idea15:32
azizLIGHTwhats the difference between a ppa and adding a source into /etc/apt/sources.list though15:33
azizLIGHTthey do the same thing, no?15:33
k1l_dont add a source into sources.list. that is deprecated on ubuntu. we got /etc/apt/sources.list.d for that now15:33
k1l_!ppa | azizLIGHT15:34
ubottuazizLIGHT: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:34
azizLIGHTyeah but ym question remains, whats the diff between those two. dont they do the same thing15:34
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details15:34
azizLIGHTso its just simpler...? thats it?15:34
k1l_azizLIGHT: no15:35
k1l_azizLIGHT: there are programs to handle PPAs and remove the easily.15:35
k1l_the whole setup is based on not mixing official ubuntu sources and 3rd party stuff15:35
azizLIGHTah, so its to provide a sense of separation15:35
k1l_and the upgrader will cancel PPAs on upgrade not to ruin ubuntu on upgrade15:36
azizLIGHTso most people here only have the main ubuntu official stuff in their apt sources list15:36
k1l_so there is a lot difference in handling. and that is because 3rd party stuff breaks ubuntu all the time and people just blame ubuntu instead of that crappy 3rd party stuff15:36
azizLIGHTk1l_: cancel ppa? does that mean it will remove the ppa sources and purge the packages from them before doing the upgrade to new version?15:37
k1l_azizLIGHT: yes. that is the ubuntu way.15:37
azizLIGHTso if i upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 all my ppa software will vanish15:37
k1l_azizLIGHT: no. it will disable them. to try to get the cleanest upgrade possible (with the ubuntu official repos and in best case it will overwrite the PPA crap installed anyway)15:38
azizLIGHTi see15:38
azizLIGHTi like this15:38
k1l_if you want to get rid of a PPA use ppa-purge15:39
azizLIGHTi use y-ppa-manager for that :)15:39
k1l_but that only works if you did not put it into the official sources.list15:39
happyraver1958Hi everybody, I got a question about BIND915:39
azizLIGHTmm no i havent touched anything in there, just wondering how it all works15:39
happyraver1958is there a DNS / BIND9 expert somewhere?  I got a big problem with views15:40
azizLIGHTk1l_: thanks for explaining it to me15:40
happyraver1958as soon as I start to use views my DNS server stops responding to queries altogether15:40
happyraver1958anybody has had that problem before?15:41
happyraver1958Ubuntu 14.04 and 12.04 do it alike15:41
multitaskin_dudehappyraver1958: TRY DEBIAN15:41
happyraver1958Ubuntu has become the standard here, I'd like not to break the standard if I can avoid it15:42
azizLIGHTi think he was trolling you15:42
happyraver1958I've tried restarting the service and I've tried so many things15:42
happyraver1958yeah azizLIGHT, that's what it looks like15:42
happyraver1958as soon as I start up the server with a configuration file with a view, the server won't respond to queries15:43
happyraver1958has anybody had that problem before?15:43
azizLIGHTk1l_: one last question about packages. if qt is 5.2.1 on 14.04 LTS, can we expect version upgrades for 14.04 or will they only do security fixes? for example, can i expect qt 5.3 or more on 14.04 LTS eventually? or does it mean i must upgrade to 14.10 and get what new package versions they have in 14.10, if any15:45
k1l_azizLIGHT: only security and bug patches for most packages15:45
azizLIGHTi see. so i should either upgrade to 14.10 and see their packages. or find a ppa for 14.0415:46
jimmy51v_i've got an application i'm trying to run but it's not finding libxml2.so.  ldd shows 'not found', but libxml2 is installed.  i even checked and have a symlink made:  sudo ln --symbolic /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so.2 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libxml2.so15:46
ActionParsnip!find libxml2.so15:46
ubottuFile libxml2.so found in libgtkmathview-dev, libgtkmathview0c2a, libxml2, libxml2-dev15:46
sacarlsonazizLIGHT: many times if they don't upgrade them you can get backports from ppa15:46
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: i've got libxml2 installed for sure.15:47
ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: gimme a sec15:47
ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: what is the output of:   cat /etc/issue15:48
azizLIGHTi think someone will make a ppa for qt, because it seems like a lot of things use that. and 5.3 seems like a major feature addition15:48
d4rkt1m3sis it safe to install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu? and if so, does that install the new plasma 5?15:48
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS15:48
ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev15:48
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ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libxml2.so&mode=exactfilename&suite=trusty&arch=any15:48
k1l_d4rkt1m3s: it is safe. but it will not install plasma5 iirc15:49
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: same issue.15:49
sacarlsonazizLIGHT: or they will port the apps that run on qt new to run on the older qt15:49
ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: that gives the file you need, no?15:49
d4rkt1m3show does one install plasma 515:49
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:50
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: yeah... the file is there15:50
jimmy51v_but the application still doesn't see it15:50
k1l_d4rkt1m3s: http://askubuntu.com/questions/492599/how-to-install-and-test-kde-plasma-5-on-ubuntu-14-0415:50
d4rkt1m3sActionParsnip: there is no issue.15:50
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: its a file, what does the output read15:50
k1l_d4rkt1m3s: but its a testing release. so be aware of issues15:50
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: run the command, what is output?15:51
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: ldd shows...     libxml2.so.2 => not found15:51
d4rkt1m3sUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l15:51
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: easy stuff huh15:51
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: http://askubuntu.com/questions/492599/how-to-install-and-test-kde-plasma-5-on-ubuntu-14-0415:51
ActionParsnipd4rkt1m3s: as usual with ALL PPAs. We don't support them here and it is uysed at your own risk15:51
d4rkt1m3sI understand.15:52
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip: hmmmmmmmmm...     installed libxml2:i386 and it's working15:53
jimmy51v_or appears to be15:53
jimmy51v_pretty stupid for a 64 bit version to require 32 bit libs.15:53
happyraver1958I found something in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=919160&highlight=BIND9+queries+configured+views15:55
happyraver1958but my problem seems a little depeer15:56
happyraver1958again, has anybody experienced a problem with BIND9 with views configuration?15:56
pbxthe Backups app is telling me "Your backup appears to be corrupted.  You should delete the backup and try again."  my backup dir has 30-40 dejadup tarballs in it.  delete *what*?15:57
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh you want to have bind9 resolve on your local lan?15:57
jimmy51v_ok... i installed some :i386 versions of packages and now apt is messed up;   http://pastebin.ca/286855415:57
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I'm not sure what you mean views config.  I've done local zones15:58
happyraver1958sacarlson: yes, I need my BIND9 to resolve locally and on the Internet15:58
jhutchinshappyraver1958: Ditch the control panel and learn to configure bind correctly.15:58
happyraver1958jhutchins: I'm not using the control panel15:59
happyraver1958I'm trying to configure views based on a configuration that works on a Fedora 14 server15:59
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I just have two servers.  one for wan and one for local.15:59
ActionParsnipjimmy51v_: try:  sudo apt-get -f install15:59
happyraver1958The Fedora 14 server works, but it needs to be upgraded to the standard Ubuntu 14.0415:59
jimmy51v_ActionParsnip:  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 90 not upgraded.16:00
jhutchinshappyraver1958: How can views have anything to do with DNS?16:00
happyraver1958sacarlson: We're using one server for both inside and outside networks, that's what views are for16:00
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: my local subnet is served by my local bind9.  I have tried in the past to point my site to my local bind9 but I have a dynamic ip that changes16:00
jhutchinssacarlson: You need an external DNS for that, something like dyndns.16:01
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: IC I'll have to look up views then to see how that could be used,  haveing two works fine for me16:01
happyraver1958sacarlson: we're lucky to have static IP addresses, I've had that challenged and I used DYNDNS for that16:01
happyraver1958it works pretty good for my customers16:01
sacarlsonjhutchins: yes I still have that no-ip16:02
sacarlsonjhutchins: but I just have my outside wan dns serve them and they can still see the same web address that my local apache2 serves my local network16:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: the problem I'm having is that it won't respond to DNS queries once I make the change in the configuration files to add views16:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: there are no error messages in the logs, my daemon is running fine, everything is ok in the server16:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: but I don't know what the server is doing with the queries that are being sent16:04
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: so what's stoping you from using my method with two dns instead of the views method?16:04
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happyraver1958sacarlson: I even ran a wireshark and it looks like my workstation just sends the queries out and gets no response from the server whatsoever16:04
ildefonsohappyraver1958, I would say the same thing, just use two DNS servers.  I can't remember when was the last time I tried to create a single DNS server for both internal and external addresses.16:04
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ssh into your outside point and try dig @youlocaldns16:05
ildefonsoI know it is possible, but I just can't remember right now.16:05
happyraver1958I'm kind of embarrassed because there is a server right now running fine with views and I can't get mine to work16:05
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: so what kind of a connection is it to wan?  adsl?16:06
happyraver1958plus I'm not sure my boss will want to run two servers for DNS instead of just one16:06
happyraver1958we have four T1's and we're in a virtual environment16:06
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: there are free dns on wan you can use,  it cost nothing16:06
ildefonsohappyraver1958, use lxc :P (virtualize)16:06
happyraver1958problem is we keep making updates to our DNS server records constantly16:07
ildefonsoand yes, I know it is possible, and I could bet it is a simple detail... but it takes time to sort out that things.16:07
happyraver1958that's why we have our own DNS server facing out16:07
ildefonsoand, in the end, you have more security if you use two DNS servers.16:07
happyraver1958ildefonso: I agree, there must be something I'm missing somewhere but I just can't pin-point what it is16:08
happyraver1958like I said, the Fedora 14 server works fine as an inside and outside DNS server16:08
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: well with t1 an I would assume a static ip I think I would continue to try to figure out your views method.  I'll take a look at it16:08
ildefonsohappyraver1958, I dropped that solution in the end, because of possible security issues, so, I ended up using two DNS servers.16:08
happyraver1958and it has a views configuration16:08
ildefonsobut of course, not two physical servers.16:08
adacDoes someon know where the tomcat7 executable is located16:08
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: what side fails the wan side of the local side or both?16:09
happyraver1958sacarlson: both! my DNS server just won't respond to any query coming from anywhere16:09
ildefonsohappyraver1958, if I were you, I would just setup an small lxc VM, and put the external DNS there.16:09
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok did you ever have it working on eather side?16:09
happyraver1958sacarlson: yes, as soon as I remove the views configuration, it works great!16:10
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh ok did you pastebin your configs for us to see then?16:10
gennarosalve a tutti16:10
happyraver1958sacarlson: but it only works with no views configuration inside16:10
k1l_!it | gennaro16:11
happyraver1958let me see if I can prepare something here16:11
ubottugennaro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:11
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happyraver1958This is named.conf: options  { listen-on port 53  {;; };  directory"/etc/bind"; dump-file"/etc/bind/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file"/etc/bind/data/named_stats.txt"; memstatistics-file "/etc/bind/data/named_mem_stats.txt";  allow-query  { any; };  forward first; forwarders  { x.x.x.x; x.x.x.x; x.x.x.x; };  dnssec-enable no; dnssec-validation no; dnssec-lookaside auto;  16:16
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Guest87420wazzzzzz up16:23
happyraver1958./internal/domain-name.com configuration file: $TTL 3D @INSOAns1.domain-name.com.  hostmaster.domain-name.com. (                                        225; Serial                                       8H      ; Refresh                                       2H      ; Retry                                       4W    ; Expire                                       1D )    ; Minimum ; ;  NSns1.domain-name.com.; in16:24
Picihappyraver1958: Please use a pastebin, don't paste things directly into this channel.16:25
happyraver1958it didn't paste the whole thing though16:25
Guest87420is there anyone here ?16:25
compdocwho wants to know?16:25
happyraver1958I'm not familiar with pastebin16:25
loganrunone used to be able to resize lvm/ext4 partitions from the disk utilitiy, but now that I upgraded Ubuntu I don't see an option for that. It seems like the disk utility program has been replaced by a new less capable one. Is there any way to get the old one back16:25
aciremAukkinoSGuest87420: Nope. No one's here. It's totally deserted.16:26
loganrunrunning ubuntu 14.0416:30
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: this is the best I found so far without seeing what you have it should look like this http://www.howtoforge.com/two_in_one_dns_bind9_views16:30
happyraver1958ok, here's the paste for my internal network configuration:  http://pastebin.com/t86qmrzd16:31
happyraver1958sacarlson: yes, thanks, I have gone through several of those tutorials16:32
happyraver1958sacarlson: and my configuration is supposed to work16:32
happyraver1958sacarlson: the essential configuration settings for views are in my configuration files, but the server just refuses to work for some strange reason16:32
akiva-thinkpadcome join #ubuntu-on-air if you have any questions!16:33
ShasiraxHello, I'm having some problems with my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS install. Every apt-get command gives "Errors were encountered while processing:  brltty". Anyone know any solution?16:35
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: well it must be missing somethings as I search for "view" it's not there16:36
freijonShasirax: did you apt-get update ?16:37
Shasiraxfreijon: Yes, of course :) I've also tried rebooting, -f install and every other solution I can find online... which wasn't that much16:38
happyraver1958sacarlson: this is my named.conf file  http://pastebin.com/uXDkxZWy16:38
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok16:38
ShasiraxThis is what happens from a regular sudo apt-get upgrade (after update). http://pastebin.com/LFZPnVNg16:43
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I just note a few things one bing file "internal/192.168.150"  but maybe that still works?16:44
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k1l_Shasirax: run a apt-get dist-upgrade16:45
freijonShasirax: can you reinstall brltty?16:45
happyraver1958sacarlson: that's for reverse lookup16:45
happyraver1958sacarlson: and my server does not respond to any queries at all16:46
happyraver1958sacarlson: so it doesn't respond to reverse lookups either16:46
freijonShasirax: try this: "sudo apt-get install initscripts"16:46
Shasiraxk1l_: Running16:46
k1l_Shasirax: and are you using brltty at all?16:46
happyraver1958sacarlson: even though reverse lookups are configured as well16:47
happyraver1958sacarlson: but my whole server seems to go down as soon as I use views16:47
Shasiraxfreijon: Will try as soon as the first command is done, it wanted to download 500 mb (Y)16:47
jhutchinshappyraver1958: Is there some documentation you're using for views?16:47
happyraver1958sacarlson: but named is up and going, there are no errors in the logs, all the domains are loaded correctly, everything seems fine, but the server won't respond to any queries16:47
Shasiraxk1l_: I don't think so, I'm purely using Ubuntu to host a CS server (scripted in some way) so maybe it was a dependency for that.16:48
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I mean the relitive file location internal/192.168.15016:48
happyraver1958jhutchins: My only source for views as of right now is a few searches on the internet and the current Fedora 14 server, the old server that is currently working with views16:48
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh ya if it didn't find the file then the logs would have indicated that so that must be ok16:49
jhutchinshappyraver1958: A link would be helpful.16:49
happyraver1958sacarlson: oh yeah, it exists, it loads in the configuration, it runs fine16:49
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: and that file is the other pastebin you sent?16:50
happyraver1958jhutchins: a link to what? my current DNS server? my new one is not up on the internet yet16:50
happyraver1958sacarlson: no, I didn't paste my reverse lookup files because I think they're irrelevant to the issue16:50
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok so if you just comment this line match-clients  {;;  };  it works?16:51
happyraver1958sacarlson: let me check16:52
Shasiraxk1l_: This command is taking forever to execute...16:53
k1l_Shasirax: yes, you had a lot of updates kept back due to not running full updates16:53
k1l_Shasirax: maybe that fixes the issue already16:54
k1l_Shasirax: but that is not a server, is it? there is too much gui stuff related16:54
Shasiraxk1l_: Hopefully it will, I had some problems installing updates yesterday (from this brltty thingy...)16:54
AirbanderHi guys16:54
Airbanderi just lost the icon of connexion from my pannel plz help me to bring it back and thanks16:55
Shasiraxk1l_: I installed ubuntu yesterday so it's just the regular first boot updates I think16:55
Airbanderi think yes16:55
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: opps might have to replace it with match-clients { any; };16:55
Shasiraxk1l_: libreoffice and stuff like that16:56
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: just to see if it works any way16:56
perennialhello there! is there a way to check the state of ram as of the moment without running memtest. I mean whether it is ok or broken? the reason is that gimp gives an error every now and then that memory could not be allocated, that it was unable to fork..16:56
happyraver1958sacarlson: won't that make it get confused with the external configuration?16:57
happyraver1958sacarlson: external has match any16:57
happyraver1958sacarlson: but I'll try anyway :)16:57
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yabu2Hi, anybody can help for iptables NAT16:58
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I'm not sure but since it seems to put out nothing at all it seems nether is working16:58
perennialand it works now when I restarted the computer16:58
andlabsokay really16:58
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh and I guess if the first works then it won't continue?16:58
andlabsis there a way I can turn OFF gnome-keyring integration with git?16:59
happyraver1958sacarlson: Right now I just set them both up to respond to any client on internal and external16:59
happyraver1958sacarlson: I'll keep you posted16:59
npmOdd error updating 14.04.1LTS: "W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch" ---> ???16:59
npmtried again, error gone17:00
yabu2Hello, i'm just looking for NAT internal to external vice versa can you help17:00
happyraver1958sacarlson: did not work  :(17:00
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I would assume if it works at all it will only server internal,  oh didn't work17:01
happyraver1958sacarlson: same result, no response from the server, not even locally in its own CLI17:01
andlabs...and SSH In general?17:01
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: you use dig to test it?17:01
happyraver1958I used both nslookup and dig17:02
happyraver1958sacarlson: I used both nslookup and dig17:02
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok well I'm not sure I can simulate something here to see what I can learn17:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: just follow the instructions in the tutorial you sent me17:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: it happened to me at home too, my DNS server at home did the same thing17:03
happyraver1958sacarlson: with an entirely different configuration and in a test environment of course, but the result is the same17:04
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: what does the working version look like were at least local works?17:04
happyraver1958sacarlson: that's why I think it's either a bug that is triggered when I miss something in the configuration17:04
happyraver1958sacarlson: named.conf would not have any views in it, just the configuration for regular name resolution17:05
happyraver1958sacarlson: if you can, set up an Ubuntu 14.04 server, clean install with just DNS server on it17:06
l0rdn1xwhy is chromium called chromium-bsu ?17:06
happyraver1958sacarlson: then configure it using the tutorial you sent me17:06
k1l_!info chromium17:06
ubottuPackage chromium does not exist in utopic17:06
happyraver1958sacarlson: that's what I did at home and it didn't work, it did the same thing it's doing here at the office17:06
qengho!info chromium-browser17:06
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 37.0.2062.94-0ubuntu1~pkg1065 (utopic), package size 46940 kB, installed size 174422 kB17:06
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: the difference I see is you not having acl internals {....}  so you or I could try that17:06
happyraver1958sacarlson: I've been working on it for weeks now and I still can't figure out why it does that, but only with views, as soon as you remove the views from the configuration it works fine17:07
k1l_!info chromium-bsu | l0rdn1x17:07
ubottul0rdn1x: chromium-bsu (source: chromium-bsu): fast paced, arcade-style, scrolling space shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 123 kB, installed size 436 kB17:07
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l0rdn1xThanks k1l_17:07
andlabsnever mind17:07
happyraver1958sacarlson: I just tried that this minute because I haven't tried it before17:08
happyraver1958sacarlson: with the same results as well  :(17:08
happyraver1958sacarlson: if I at least had an error message that would give me a clue ...17:08
joshkacan someone help me with a custom init service? I'm having some trouble.17:10
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: another difference is they never used relitive file name full path names were used17:10
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: but you must have also used relitive path in the none view version17:11
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happyraver1958sacarlson: I tried using relative paths and I got error messages in the logs saying that they couldn't find "internal/domain-name.com"17:12
happyraver1958sacarlson: so I had to use absolute paths to make my domains load17:12
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh so what I have is not what your running then?  it has relitive files17:13
happyraver1958sacarlson: no dude, it won't work at all on any case without absolute paths17:14
happyraver1958sacarlson: when I configured it without views I still had to use absolute paths, otherwise BIND won't load the daemon17:15
AirbanderHi guys i need help plz17:15
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: but the pastebin I have is showing them so if I was to simulate this it also won't work17:15
Airbanderhow bring back the network icon in the panel barre17:15
ActionParsnipAirbander: run:  nm-applet17:15
ActionParsnipAirbander: you dont need the icon there to connect to networks, its just a GUI for the network-manager service17:16
Airbanderi'm using xubuntu17:16
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: oh your not getting error because it never gets to the point it needs the file it is never true to match17:16
happyraver1958sacarlson: you know what, I gave you the previous revision of the configuration files, sorry, my bad  :(17:17
happyraver1958sacarlson: the new revision has absolute paths17:17
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok so at least I was right about something ha ha17:18
happyraver1958sacarlson: yes, you were!17:18
currykid94what is the channel topic17:18
AirbanderActionParsnip he said that i need to install one of this packages *network-manager-gnome and * mythhuntu-diskless-client17:18
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:19
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I read back but still didn't see you say you tried this acl internals {....}  instead of your present match-clients  {;;  };17:20
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: with  match-clients { internals; };17:21
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happyraver1958sacarlson: yeah, I just tried it, just a few minutes ago17:21
nooby_ /topic17:21
happyraver1958sacarlson: that's why you don't see it in the current pastebins17:22
happyraver1958sacarlson: let me send you the updated version of the configuration files17:22
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I would only assume that  match-clients  {;;  };  never becomes true  but that would also mean that match-clients  {  any: } also never becomes true17:22
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: what ip address is it that you are testing it from?17:23
mikaelHow do I enable the ethernet connection?17:23
sacarlsonmikael: normaly you can click on the network icon17:24
happyraver1958sacarlson: we have two /24 IP networks involved here, 150 and 151 (I just changed the numbers in the configuration files for privacy, but who cares now...)17:24
mikaelsacarlson: It's greyed out17:24
happyraver1958sacarlson: I'm sending queries to the DNS server from both IP networks, and it won't respond to either one, regardless of using ACLs or directly putting it into match-clients { }17:25
sacarlsonmikael: can you maybe right click it?17:25
mikaelsacarlson: nothing happens17:25
sacarlsonmikael: maybe your user doesn't have privliges for network?17:26
mikaelsacarlson: at the network?17:26
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: well I would think I could simulate it in virtualbox.  is that how you tested it at home?17:27
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mikaelsacarlson: Do you know how I fix my wifi falling out? I've tried something I googled, but it stills fall out from time to time17:27
happyraver1958sacarlson: yup, that's exactly how I tested it at home.  We have vmware at the office, but I used virtualbox at home with the same results: As soon as you turn on views, everything goes south17:27
mikaelAnyone knows have i fix my wifi connection? It keeps falling out!17:29
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok I will just have to prove you wrong otherwise those notes they gave us are incorrect17:29
happyraver1958sacarlson: nothing would make me happier than you proving me wrong17:30
happyraver1958sacarlson: but should I stay on the IRC while you try it or should I give you my e-mail address?17:30
sacarlsonmikael: oh grayed out maybe network-manager isn't running  try sudo ps -A | grep network-manager17:30
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: I remain monitoring irc 24/7 if it's down it's do to my ISP being down17:32
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: probly best to pm as this is not really a ubuntu isue17:32
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RaMcHiP-MobileHows it going ubuntu world?17:32
Airbandervery Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood17:33
Airbanderyou ?17:33
RaMcHiP-MobileGoooooooooooooooood!  Bout to pop 14.04 onto my transformer pad17:33
happyraver1958sacarlson: well then, I do look forward to looking at the results of your experiment, should we exchange contact info?17:33
RaMcHiP-MobileWanna dual boot win8 and 14.0417:33
happyraver1958sacarlson: it does look like an ubuntu issue, because other servers seem to work just fine17:34
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ok so maybe it's a ubuntu bug isue,  I sent you my skype nick on pm17:35
happyraver1958sacarlson: do you still want the pastebin of my current configuration files?17:35
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: ya sure17:35
raschyso is there anyone here that would like to help me fix some graphics driver issues?17:36
happyraver1958sacarlson: I guess I'm getting skype now, I'll be in touch, let me just finish the pastebin and I'll be out17:37
mikaelsacarlson: it says "wrong. Try again. "17:38
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sacarlsonhappyraver1958: wrong skype?  it looks like I spelled it correctly17:38
sacarlsonmikael: oh the ps -A | grep network  ;  didn't work?17:39
happyraver1958sacarlson: I haven't tried it yet, I don't have skype on this computer, I have to install it17:39
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: no I got you and mikael confused17:40
happyraver1958sacarlson: well, I did receive your skype ID17:40
mikaelsacarlson: No, as you see it only said that it was wrong17:41
sacarlsonhappyraver1958: that's ok that only if you fail to see me here or at #mini-isp  or #multicoin or ....17:41
happyraver1958sacarlson: This is my latest BIND configuration: http://pastebin.com/ZtTtjZvM17:42
sacarlsonmikael: did you cut an paist it?  maybe it's getting too late for me if I can't get that right17:42
AirbanderHi guys17:42
mikaelsacarlson: it was my password that was wrong :-) but nothing happened anyway :-S17:42
mikaelsacarlson: I did copy paste. It just changed line. No comment or reaction17:44
Airbanderi found it ( about the network icon in panel barre ) you just clic on add New items and chose Indicator Plugin17:44
Airbanderthanks for help and thanks17:44
mikaelsacarlson: and still grey17:44
sacarlsonmikael: oh just changed lines that mean that network-manager is NOT running17:45
sacarlsonmikael: so you should be able to sudo services network-manager restart17:46
happyraver1958have a great day everybody!17:46
Airbanderthanks you too17:46
fahadashI forgot the password of my ubuntu installation, what is the most painless way to recover ?18:00
kevindfIsn't Ubuntu 12.04 pretty vulnerable?18:01
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords18:01
kevindfdesktop version18:01
bubbasauresfahadash, ^^^^^^^^^^^18:01
jhutchinskevindf: 12.04 has LTS.18:02
fahadashLet me read that. Thanks18:02
kevindfjhutchins Ah ok, does the server version has that also?18:02
fahadashMy Ubuntu installation is not fresh, and not very old either. I have some data though. Should I use Standard, or the Other way ?18:03
bubbasaureskevindf, Yes very vulnerable, if you drop the computer in water it stops working.18:03
gucprezalguien que hable espanol18:03
gucpreztengo una pregunta18:04
kevindfoh that doesn't sound good18:04
Pici!es | gucprez18:04
ubottugucprez: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:04
s4my_guys my computer just shutdown suddenly (overheating) and i was downloading a torrent file who was like 60% done in the default ubuntu torrent client transmission and now it's restarting the download from scrach is there a way to resume the download or am FUCKING done too ?18:05
s4my_help plz18:05
tdannecys4my_: It should have resumed the download automatically.18:06
s4my_tdannecy, no it actually restarted from the beginnig18:06
OerHekss4my_, mind your languiage please, and yes, if the torrent does not resume, bad luck18:06
knightfelts4my_: You can sometimes force a re check of the torrent if you can point it to where the download was being saved. Then it will resume where it left off18:06
basil1xIt might've skipped directories.18:06
basil1xDid you put it somewhere besides the default directory?18:06
s4my_knightfelt, how do i do that plz and sorry for my language am just so frustrated18:07
fahadashI am on VM, Shift key does not work on Grub :(18:07
tdannecys4my_: You should probably join the #transmission IRC channel. They should be able to help better than we can.18:07
bubbasauresfahadash, Shift is to see grub, and it works in my virtualbox.18:08
knightfelts4my_: https://www.transmissionbt.com/help/gtk/2.7x/html/check.html18:08
bubbasauresfahadash, Worst case you can boot a live ubuntu and back up what you need in a vm18:09
mikaelsacarlson: Did you give me an answer? I lost my wifi connection...again :-/18:09
shins4my_: try qbittorrent18:10
Shaanhey guys do i need to set seperate iptables rules for ipv6?18:10
s4my_knightfelt, when i login and started transmission it restarted the download so i paused it now when i do the verfication it just doesn't do sh** it continues on downloading from 018:11
knightfelts4my_: where you downloading to a external drive or your local drive?18:12
s4my_knightfelt, to my desktop18:12
s4my_knightfelt, local drive18:12
shins4my_: unless you moved or deleted the file, it should resume the download18:13
knightfelts4my_: I would go over to #transmission channel and ask them there. They would be able to give expert advice18:13
shins4my_: oh, or change perms18:13
s4my_knightfelt, i didn't do anything myself but i think it did delete it on it's own18:13
knightfelts4my_: Transmission wouldn't do that without asking first18:14
s4my_knightfelt, on the transmission channel no one is talking18:14
s4my_shin, what do you mean plz18:14
knightfelton your desktop, what is the size of the file?18:14
s4my_knightfelt, it's 1.52Gb18:14
=== shin is now known as Surendil
knightfelts4my_: I would try removing the torrent from transmission, making sure *not to delete local data* only the torrent.18:15
Surendils4my_: i mean, you accidentally gave root pems to file18:15
knightfeltThen readding it in a paused state making sure the download directory is the same as the one you were using.18:15
knightfelts4my_: then do a local recheck of data18:15
knightfelts4my_: If that doesn't restart you back where you left off, I can't help much more.18:16
s4my_Surendil, yeah i did when18:16
Surendils4my_: never really like transmission either, take a look at qbittorrent18:16
Surendils4my_: if file have root access, transmission wont be able to write on file, unless you run transmission as root18:17
basil1xOr Deluge.18:17
basil1xNice compromise, Deluge.18:17
OerHekss4my_, contact the torrentseeder :-D18:17
s4my_Surendil, yeah before i even finish the download i installed qbittorrent but i kind was in the middle of downloading the file18:17
knightfeltSurendil: utorrent has a decent linux torrent client as well. It's web based which is nice.18:18
Surendils4my_: if you poing the torrent to the same download folder, it will resume, not start over18:18
s4my_Surendil, when i started the download i started it from the terminal with sudo and when i log on and started transmission it automatically started from scratch18:25
OerHeksstart again as sudo, maybe the root-torrent still exists18:26
Surendils4my_: there's your problem18:26
Surendillike i said before, first file have roots perms, only root can keep writing the file18:27
s4my_Surendil, yeah i know but HOW TO FIX IT i started it in sudo to allow it to run a bash script to shut down my laptop when the dowloading is done18:27
Surendilchown youruser.youruser /path/to/file18:28
Surendils4my_: this will change back perms to user an be able to run transmission as normal user18:29
yoritomois it xorg caring about the keyboard ? because when i restart x nothing changes to my keyboard18:29
yoritomoi have the bug of PS keyboards when going out from sleeping mode18:30
yoritomosome keys are death , arrows, CTRL Alt, keypad ...18:30
yoritomoneeds always to restart completely the computer18:30
s4my_Surendil, you mean i have just to essue this command chown s4my.s4my Desktop/file18:31
s4my_Surendil, and by the way it's magnetic link18:32
Surendils4my_: sudo chown s4my.s4my /home/s4my/Desktop/file18:32
Surendiland then be sure to always run preffered app as normal user18:33
mikaelcan anyone tell me what to do with my wifi connection? It drops out all the time.18:34
s4my_Surendil, OMG that acually worked just when i was about to give up I LOVE MAN I FREAKING LOVE YOU  you saved my life how can i repay you my friend18:34
Surendilif you open transmission ass root again, it will change perms over and over18:34
Surendils4my_: hahaha, don't worry18:35
Surendili'm glad it worked18:35
azizLIGHTdoes gnome 3 use nautilus18:36
s4my_Surendil, peopel like you are what we need here you just solved my problem i like people like you cuz you didn't just send me to #transmission and said F**** off like some would do18:36
yoritomomikael when working, your connection is normal speed or not ?18:37
k1l_azizLIGHT: nautilus is the filemanager developmed by gnome. so guess :)18:37
Surendils4my_: lot of people like me in here =)18:37
s4my_Surendil, yeah yeah if you say so cuz i just got you here helping me on your own i'll do the same to someone some day to return the favor GIVING BACH to the comunity18:38
s4my_Surendil, i just gave you a shout out in the transmission channel they just asked me what's the problem after like a 30 min from me asking the question18:39
Surendils4my_: i could not ask for anything better!18:40
freijonyou could ask for a cookie18:41
mikaelyoritomo: It's normal most of the time. It drops out every 5- 10 minutts.18:42
s4my_Surendil, well thanks again dude see you later mabe ! in the future18:42
yoritomomikael, just the wiki connexion disconnecting or the whole network server crashing ?18:44
OerHeksmikael, what wifi adapter?18:45
mikaelyoritomo: I don't know about the ethernet... i'm not able to use it. It's disabled.18:45
OerHeksrandom guessing is useless18:45
ooko0Whats the best and cheapest lamp stack hosting?18:45
OerHeksooko0, wrong channel for that18:45
ooko0what channel should I be in?18:46
mikaelOerHeks: lshw says vendor: Qualcomm Atheros18:47
yoritomono model number ?18:47
mikaelOerHeks: That was ethernet... wifi is Centrino Wireless from Intel18:48
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OerHekslspci or lsusb give you more info, look for the 8 digit hex ID number18:48
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jhutchinslspci -nn18:57
Ahmuckhttp://pastebin.com/epF0v5QM - Odd apt error.18:58
mikaelOerHeks: what number?18:58
AhmuckE: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com utopic InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)18:58
Ahmuckreally awkward, considering that the defaults are listed.18:58
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest73915
fahadashI am trying to recover my lost password. I am on the LostPassword page. I do not know how to get the grub prompt, I am tapping on ESC and SHIFT, but boot proceeds through19:00
squintymikael:  you may find it easier to install   inxi (system details python script)  and then issue the following command in a terminal.   inxi -Nnx    that will show you details pertaining to your nic/wireless settings19:01
GoldwingAhmuck : you are not by any chance behind a proxy?19:01
Ahmucknot unless it's something new with my ISP19:01
Ahmuckhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/477906/cant-update-my-system-due-to-gpg-error-clearsigned-file-isnt-valid-got-nodat - going to try this19:02
GoldwingAhmuck : ok19:02
squintymikael:  you can install inxi by typing    sudo apt-get install inxi   see https://code.google.com/p/inxi/  for other inxi options19:02
AhmuckGoldwing: i might try an outside proxy.  this would let me know if it was a local proxy problem, no?19:03
squintyfahadash:  you need to hold the relevant key down immediately after the initial boot splash has finished displaying19:03
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AhmuckGoldwing: fixed - Used Bleachbit and apt-get clean19:04
fahadashsquinty, Initial boot splash is the one that says "Ubuntu" in a purple background with 6 dots animating ? And I have to *wait* for it to go away ?19:04
squintyfahadash: no19:05
bubbasaureswith a vm, tapping the shift quickly from powering on is the best result19:05
squintyfahadash:  when you turn the computer on the manufacturer's splash will be displayed..hold key after that19:05
fahadashlet me try19:06
dna113pIn xubuntu, I'm getting an error when trying to open several programs like firefox or gvim. Could not create gnome accelerators directory `/home/dj/.gnome2/accels': Permission denied19:06
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
dna113pand a bunch of Glib-Gobject-WARNINGs19:06
dna113pand the programs won't open19:06
fahadashI am using VMWare Workstation 9 on windows. It didn't really show me logo... But I continued to tap on SHIFT, it did nothing. But I did see Window's StickKeys popup even though my VM had the focus19:07
squintyfahadash:  might just want to consider booting straight through to desktop then and then edit grub config file to always displayed the grub menu when booting.  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2  for details19:09
=== epzil0n is now known as Guest39696
fahadashsquinty, I might have the non-root access, can I edit the grub conf ?19:11
squintyfahadash:  need admin rights to change.  :(19:12
fahadashHow painful is the LiveCD process ?19:13
Bantu___squinty: yes you can .. just google it :)19:14
mikaelsquinty: It says eth0 state down... but how to get it up?19:14
fahadashI lost my root password19:14
squintyBantu___:  can what?19:14
bekks!root | fahadash19:14
ubottufahadash: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:14
k1l!password | fahadash19:15
ubottufahadash: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:15
squintykll: already been through that19:15
bekkssquinty: Thats sufficient, since there is no root password.19:15
squintybekks:  quite well aware of that thank you  afaik that is not the issue19:16
Bantu___fahadash: https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/03/unlock-the-root-account-reset-the-root-password-change-username-in-ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail/19:17
MKCoinAll of a sudden, several of my programs (like nautilus) are no longer showing their CPU usage; instead it seems to be counted as part of XOrg's CPU. is there a way for me to stop this behavior?>19:17
fahadashBantu___, I have 12.0 LTS19:18
freijonMKCoin: how do you know this?19:18
MKCoinusing top it shows; I mean, it seems they are using XOrg to allocate things which they didn't before.19:18
MKCoinIt's not affecting performance or anything, just makes it harder for me to see which program is using what resources19:19
squintyfahadash: is your ubuntu install new?  if yes, then it might just be easier to reinstall (especially for a vm install)19:19
fahadashsquinty, Its not new, it has the build environment for my project. All the source code is safe at the Source Control... But there might still be some stuff that I probably should'nt lose19:20
Bantu___fahadash: jsut google u problem ..12.0 is old time .. no more suport from ubuntu i think19:20
fahadashChuck_Norris is here. I should ask him to squash my password19:21
fahadashWhat is the LiveCD process to recover my password ?19:21
tewardanyone know how I can get rid of dash search on internet sources on 14.04, and what packages I should go nuking?19:22
squintyteward:  you can just turn off the settins afaik19:22
pbxteward, do the little buttons that switch that stuff on and off not stick for yhou?19:23
tewardsquinty: where?19:23
pbxteward, "Filter results" in upper right of dash window19:23
tewardsquinty: found it19:23
tewardpbx: squinty: actually the 'filter results' never worked19:23
tewardi couldn't turn off the internet sources19:23
tewardjust tweaked it in Settings > Security & Privacy19:23
josefnpatI just downloaded `vivid-desktop-i386.iso` (The unity 8 preview) but I am stuck at the login manager: What's the livecd username/password?19:23
tewardjosefnpat: #ubuntu+1 for Vivid19:24
vividyes, do that19:24
josefnpatteward: thanks19:24
vividfor me19:24
* vivid thanks Canonical19:24
josefnpatvivid: haha19:24
squintyteward: hmmm... worked here. can't stand the ruddy thing! :)19:24
tewardsquinty: that's why i want to remove those scopes and smart searches :/19:25
fahadashhey hey, I got a better news. I can go into my user's home directory through Guest session19:26
fahadashMay be I should copy the data to an external drive19:26
bekksfahadash: Which password did you lose? The password of your user?19:27
daft_Hi all. How can install kde-plasma-Desktop on a netbook?19:27
fahadashbekks, The root and my user both19:28
bekksfahadash: There is no root password on Ubuntu.19:28
bekksfahadash: Just follow the instructions given by ubottu to recover your user password:19:28
daft_ow thaks #kubuntu sory19:28
bekks!password | fahadash19:28
ubottufahadash: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords19:28
fahadashbekks, I tried that. Holding down shift doesn't work. May be I should backup the data first19:29
bekksfahadash: "holding down shift"?19:29
fahadashI tried Holing and Tapping both19:30
fahadashI never see the grub menu19:30
bekksfahadash: Which Ubuntu are you on?19:30
squintyfahadash:  seems odd that "guest" account can access your "user" account....something not quite on there I suspect19:31
EngravesI need help. Everytime I power down my device it reboots after three seconds.19:31
EngravesI have the acer aspire v5 571 dual booting with win8.119:32
josefnpatEngraves: have you tried `shutdown -h 0`?19:32
EngravesThere's nothing in my bios that stops it I tried messing around with it already.19:33
EngravesThere's one thing that kind of fixed it but broke something else19:33
Engraveslemme send it to you19:33
EngravesIt let me shutdown but broke the reboot19:33
Engravesreboot doesn't turn back on19:33
fahadashsquinty, Lucky for me19:35
OerHeks!info intel-microcode19:35
bekksfahadash: Which Ubuntu version are you on?19:35
ubottuintel-microcode (source: intel-microcode): Processor microcode firmware for Intel CPUs. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2.20140913.1ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 517 kB, installed size 780 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:35
=== derk0pf is now known as derk0pf|NA
squintyfahadash:  fwiw, I can access my grub menu in my virtualbox lubuntu install.  never tried vmware but would imagine it would be similiar19:35
squintyfahadash:  yes if you can grab your data that is a bonus for sure! lol19:36
fahadashsquinty, How did you get to the grub menu ? I have 12.0 LTS19:36
bekkssquinty: s/similar/the same/ :)19:36
squintyfahadash:  just held down the shift key as I would for a non vm19:36
fahadashLet me try that one more time once I have backed up the data19:37
fahadashWhich version of ubuntu is the latest with LTS ?19:37
bekksfahadash: 14.0419:38
A1ReconIs there a way to read the messages which were displayed in the terminal for the past hour or so?19:38
fahadashIs it better than 12.0 in your opinion ?19:38
bekksfahadash: There is no better in terms of software. 12.04 is supported until 2017, 14.04 until 2019. Quote some time left for upgrading.19:39
As4xkHi. I have a init.d script for btsync that works when i run "service btsync start". When i run "update-rc.d btsync defaults" i do not get any errors and the K20btsync files gets created in /etc/rcX. Still, when i reboot the computer, the btsync service don't start.19:39
bekks!upstart | As4xk19:40
ubottuAs4xk: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:40
=== derk0pf|NA is now known as derk0pf
jhutchinsupstart is supposed to respect init scripts.19:41
bryanHello guys how are you all doing?19:41
squintyA1Recon:  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/04/%23ubuntu.txt19:41
=== bryan is now known as Guest24471
Engraveshey guest2447119:42
squintyA1Recon:  or the html version   http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/04/%23ubuntu.html19:42
As4xkinit.d script should wtill work should it not? I think it might be because start-stop-daemon is told to start the daemon as user "btsync" which is an LDAP user. Can this be the reason?19:43
curthey guys, I just installed and im having trouble with proprietary nvidia drivers, can someone point me in the right direction?19:43
w9uxhello everyone, the print screen button doesnt take screenshot..what could be the problem?19:43
A1Reconsquinty: Find what exactly? Give me a keyword19:43
bekkssquinty: I guess he refers to his console, not to IRC.19:44
squintyA1Recon:  bekks:   ahhh... mea culpa   thought you were refering to the channel here.  sorry  :(19:45
curtcan someone point out a channel to ask about nvidia drivers?19:45
A1Reconsquinty: Thanks anyway...I was wondering where the logs of this channel were...19:46
bekks!nvidia | curt19:46
ubottucurt: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:46
squintyA1Recon:   :)19:47
tewardi was able to cut down most of the online sources - but it's still showing Flickr, Picasa, Shotwell, and Facebook as online sources in my 14.04 dash - is there a way to get rid of those?19:49
teward(I got rid of pretty much everything else)19:49
k1lteward: super+a, then the last section: dash extensions. then click on them and deisable them19:50
A1ReconSo, Is there a way to read the messages which were displayed in the terminal for the past hour or so?19:50
AndChat370944Ubuntu not loading after i enter my password. Just a blank screen. I pressed ctrl alt f1 and now i am in console19:51
k1lteward: maybe you need to diable them in the online-accounts setting, too. in system setting19:51
AndChat370944What can i check pleače advice19:51
tewardk1l: that worked, thanks.19:54
tewardi pretty much nuked most of the other plugins with a large apt-get purge, so meh.  thanks.19:54
Chuck_NorrisAndChat370944: do you have a nvidia or amd?19:56
AndChat370944I just applied some settings for brightness for builtin intel19:58
labeeb32i am trying to share folders over network beween ubuntu and windows. I am trying ubuntu. no installation. its ubuntu 10.04 LTS. i i see ubuntuu's shared folder in windows but i cant open it. it gives me an error and says ti diagnose it. what should i do?19:58
kevindfI've set up a OpenVPN server (just with the regular tun interface, not tap) and everything connects smoothly with firewall disabled, but once I turn on my firewall again I can connect perfectly but it seems to refuse the routing with as result I have no internet access. I'(ve tried adding rules to iptables such as "-A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE" & "-t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE"  but with no succe19:58
AndChat370944I guess i need to delete it19:58
kevindfI have iptables-persistent installed also19:58
Chuck_NorrisAndChat370944: maybe "nomodeset" could help19:59
AndChat370944I dont know nomodeset. I ll google19:59
Chuck_NorrisAndChat370944: sudo nano /etc/default/grub19:59
AndChat370944Hard from smart phone19:59
Chuck_Norrisbut, you are in a TTY right?20:00
labeeb32i am trying to share folders over network beween ubuntu and windows. I am trying ubuntu. no installation. its ubuntu 10.04 LTS. i i see ubuntuu's shared folder in windows but i cant open it. it gives me an error and says ti diagnose it. what should i do?20:00
Chuck_Norrisok so: sudo nano /etc/default/grub20:00
AndChat370944Got there. Next20:00
AndChat370944I ve reoved conf file and it loads now20:02
Chuck_Norrisin this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    add  "nomodeset"    so it looks like:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"20:02
AndChat370944Thanks helped me to remember about that conf file20:03
Chuck_NorrisAndChat370944:  then:   sudo update-grub20:04
LinnakHi, I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with Unity in Virtualbox. Can I turn off the visual effects in Unity making it a little faster?20:04
xanguaLinnak: or you could try a desktop enviroment that doesn't depend on compiz20:05
skyfallim having a booting issue in ubuntu 14.1020:05
skyfallsometimes im unable to boot into ubuntu20:06
skyfallit keeps on loading and nothing happens till i press the power button20:06
labeeb32i am trying to share folders over network beween ubuntu and windows. I am trying ubuntu. no installation. its ubuntu 10.04 LTS. i i see ubuntuu's shared folder in windows but i cant open it. it gives me an error and says ti diagnose it. what should i do?20:06
skyfallanybody ?20:07
bruceleewhat does ubuntu use to manage daemons? i know there are scripts in /etc/init.d/*20:07
bekks!upstart | brucelee20:07
ubottubrucelee: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:07
ikonialabeeb32: i told you about this20:07
skyfallits showing "switching to PORT 3 , PORT 4 "20:07
skyfallmessages while i choose the ubuntu . im dual booting ubuntu and windows20:08
Linnakxangua: Unity uses compiz. Is compiz built in Unity?20:08
bruceleebekks: does upstart only pertain to ubuntu or does centos use it too?20:08
bekksbrucelee: Centos doesnt use upstart.20:08
ikoniait does actually20:08
bekksIt does?20:08
bruceleeikonia: natively?20:08
labeeb32i did exactly same but now i cant enter the flder.20:08
bruceleeor do you mean theres just a package for it20:08
ikoniabrucelee: natively ??20:08
ikoniayes, the init system is upstart20:08
bekksikonia: In centos? Since when?20:09
bruceleei thought everything is going towards systemd?20:09
ikoniabrucelee: check it out20:09
ikoniabekks: check it out in 620:09
ikonia7 is systemd20:09
bruceleei see20:09
bruceleecentos 5 is sysV right?20:09
ikoniawhy are we talking about centos ?20:09
labeeb32it gives me the error as network name cannot be found. error is 0*8007004320:09
ikonialabeeb32: I told you what to do20:10
labeeb32sorry 0*8007003520:10
labeeb32it says the name might be misspelle20:11
ikonialabeeb32: I told you what to do20:12
labeeb32tell me my mistake plz20:13
=== slyrus_ is now known as slyrus
gordonjcpis there a reason why eth0 loses its IP address every 30 seconds?20:15
freijonI'm sure there is a reason20:16
ikoniamany reasons20:16
OerHeksgordonjcp, 2 machines with the same IP?20:16
gordonjcpOerHeks: hope20:16
imbezolit's a security feature :)20:16
tonyg_i'm running ubuntu 14.04 and one of my office mates tried to login to the machine as a guest and now the system only boots to a black screen. says it can't connect to the x server in the logs. anybody have any ideas?20:16
labeeb32Plz help me20:16
gordonjcpone machine, a bunch of different wireless bridges, nothing connected to the far end of the bridge20:16
gordonjcpOerHeks: "sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.xx.99/24"20:17
gordonjcpwhere xx is the appropriate octet for that pair of bridges20:17
gordonjcp... and I've got 29 seconds to log in and configure the bridge before the IP address is cleared20:17
imbezollabeeb32: if you google for 80070035 there are a number of threads that walk through some things to check with your windows config20:17
imbezollabeeb32: have you tried any of those? it's a generic network path error that could be caused by a number of things20:18
labeeb32it says network name not found20:18
ikonialabeeb32: did you do the ping test i told you to do?20:18
imbezollabeeb32: anyways.. you're going to have to do the footwork here and check all the possibilities20:19
labeeb32i see UBUNTU in windows network folder. i can enterit. then i see all mu ubuntu's shared folders. but i cannot enter any of them.20:19
ikonialabeeb32: did you do the ping test i told you to do?20:19
skyfallanybody there20:19
labeeb32honestly  i dont know how to do ping test. sorry20:20
ikonialabeeb32: so you hould have said that when i told you to do it20:20
gordonjcpOerHeks: any idea what else might also be trying to fiddle with the network settings?20:20
Chuck_Norristonyg_: maybe .Xauthority was modified, tell us what gives you:  ls -l .Xauthority20:20
labeeb32yea sorry20:21
imbezolgordonjcp: are the IPs all in the same range? possible you could have a roque dhcp server?20:21
imbezolgordonjcp: you could try tcpdump on the interface to watch what system(s) offers an address20:21
OerHeksgordonjcp, with wireless bridges i have no clue, that 30 second sounds like a MTU20:21
skyfallnybdy ?20:22
AladiahI cant install Nokuntu on Lubuntu 14.04 .Why ?20:22
imbezolskyfall: if you have a question just ask it20:23
skyfalli asked it a couple of times20:23
labeeb32is ping test to do from ubuntu or windows?20:23
=== Killjoy is now known as Guest37798
Guest37798guys i need help20:23
tewardAladiah: take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/406414/unable-to-install-nokia-pc-suite-nokuntu-on-13-10-14-04 maybe20:23
skyfalli cant boot into ubuntu sometimes20:23
tewardAladiah: maybe that'll help20:23
Chuck_NorrisAladiah: paste us error messages20:24
Guest37798i recently installed pantheon and it didn't work20:24
Guest37798nothing worked20:24
Chuck_Norrisoh! already answered20:24
skyfallsometimes it keeps on loading20:24
fahadashsquinty, I am now going to try holding down Shift key20:24
tewardAladiah: keep in mind it's no longer developed though.20:24
genii!info pantheon20:24
ubottuPackage pantheon does not exist in utopic20:24
Guest37798after that  i had shut down20:24
skyfallwhat might be the problem ?20:24
Guest37798and boot 2 ubuntu20:24
Aladiahteward thats the error that gives to me. i already tryed that solution but it dont work20:24
tewardAladiah: and because of it using an old runtime, that is no longer in 14.04, you might have issues20:24
Guest37798but then20:24
skyfallimbezol :20:24
fahadashsquinty, Surprisingly it worked. I am on grub menu20:24
tewardAladiah: what errors do you get when you try that solution?20:25
Guest37798i have pantheons background AND INTERFACE AND MY FILES ARE MISSING from my desktop20:25
Guest37798sry for caps didnt know it was on20:25
Aladiahwhen i try to install all those packages , then on package dont install20:25
geniiGuest37798: Sounds like you're probably running Elementary OS and not stock Ubuntu20:25
Guest37798after that20:25
gordonjcpimbezol: no systems offer an address20:25
tewardAladiah: pastebin the error messages, don't just say it doesn't do something.20:25
genii( or some mix of the two)20:25
teward!pastebin > Aladiah20:25
imbezolskyfall: do you just see the graphical loading screen? or the console?20:25
ubottuAladiah, please see my private message20:25
Guest37798i tried usin sudo apt remove pantheon20:25
Guest37798it said i removed pantheon20:25
gordonjcpOerHeks: I'm not sure what MTU would be in this context20:26
OerHeksAladiah, According to the SourceForge page, the development of Nokuntu has stopped, so it was newer updated to use the Gambas 3 runtime.20:26
Guest37798but its still on the log list20:26
skyfallsometimes only.20:26
ikoniamtu wouldn't cause an interface to drop20:26
Guest37798and i still have these issues20:26
gordonjcpikonia: nope20:26
imbezolskyfall: have you tried hitting escape to see the console and any messages that might be there?20:26
ikoniait would cause incomplete packets20:26
ikoniaso dont waste time on mtu20:26
Guest37798how do I FIX HELP PLS ASAP!!!!!!!20:26
skyfallthe ubuntu keeps on loading20:26
ikoniaGuest37798: use elementry os support20:26
ikoniaGuest37798: you are not running ubuntu20:26
acovrigHas anyone gotten vfio-pci working?20:26
Aladiahteward :  this what happens  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8824273/20:26
skyfalli cant get into anything.20:26
Guest37798I AM i selected it on the log list20:26
gordonjcpikonia: a workaround is to run (as root) "watch ifconfig eth0 192.168.xx.99/24"20:26
Guest37798HOW TO FIX?????20:27
gordonjcpikonia: but really I shouldn't have to do that20:27
skyfallim dual booting windows and ubuntu20:27
ikoniagordonjcp: agreed,20:27
skyfallusing easy BCD20:27
ikoniagordonjcp: is the interface being set by dhcp ?20:27
ikoniaskyfall: bcd is nothing to do with ubuntu20:27
gordonjcpikonia: no20:27
Guest37798how to ix?20:27
ikoniagordonjcp: how is it getting set20:27
fahadashI got my ubuntu on Rescue Mode, I ran passwd user, I supplied my password and I got 'Autentication Token Manipulation Error' why ?20:27
gordonjcpikonia: there's nothing for it to pick DHCP up from20:27
ikoniaGuest37798: join the elementary OS channel and ask for help20:27
skyfallyeah. i know. i created a boot entry for ubuntu20:27
skyfallfrom windows.20:27
gordonjcpikonia: by me typing "sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168.xx.99/24" where xx is set for the pair of bridges I want to configure20:28
Guest37798how do i jon elementary os support20:28
skyfallusing easy BCD20:28
ikoniagordonjcp: sorry I'm missing a bit of background info20:28
tewardAladiah: i'd suggest maybe hunting other software - Nokuntu is no longer developed so that may be one problem.20:28
ikoniagordonjcp: so these are not physical interfaces, they are bridge devices, correct ?20:28
gordonjcpikonia: no worries; I am setting up a whole bunch of wireless bridges which are numbered 192.168.<some value>.<some value>20:28
bubbasauresskyfall, We can't help with the easybcd boot, what other options do you have in mind?20:28
AladiahTeward do you kknow some good one that work ?20:28
gordonjcpikonia: no, these are physical pieces of equipment, microwave links20:29
skyfalli dont know. i want to know why im getting this issue.20:29
skyfalland to solve it.20:29
AladiahBecause xGnoki that comes in app center dont run too20:29
ikoniagordonjcp: so what is the name (device file) of the interface in this example20:29
bubbasauresskyfall, Can you boot windows?20:29
ikoniaeg: br0, eth0,20:29
gordonjcpikonia: on the device? em1, but that's irrelevant20:29
skyfallyeah. i have no issue with windows. but recent probolem i noted with windows is its time and date is getting changed automatically20:30
squintyfahadash: you need to remount the drive r/w   see (or similiar when googling for that error message)  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-reset-forgotten-root-password/20:30
ikoniagordonjcp: just seeing what the OS thinks it is,20:30
gordonjcpikonia: the laptop I have plugged into it to program them is losing its IP address every 30 seconds20:30
ikoniagordonjcp: so walk me through, you boot the machine, does it get an IP address at all ?20:30
gordonjcpikonia: not for eth0, but that's because there's nothing connected20:30
bubbasauresskyfall, Than there is not much we can do, unless you want to use the linux dual booting grub.20:30
mojtabaHi, I need to install windows beside ubuntu, I tried to fix the grub after that, using boot-repair-disk-64bit.iso, but it just removed windows from the grub list, do you know how can I fix it?20:30
ikoniagordonjcp: no for em120:30
ikoniagordonjcp: does em1 get an address at all20:31
skyfallhow to use the linux dual booting grub ?20:31
mojtabashould I re-install windows? ( :( )20:31
skyfallcan you be more specific ?20:31
gordonjcpikonia: uhm20:31
skyfallwhat is it for ?20:31
fahadashThanks squinty I got my password fixed now20:31
gordonjcpikonia: back up  a minute20:31
bubbasauresmojtaba, Did you save the bootinfo summary?20:31
* fahadash smooches squinty and bekks 20:31
ikoniagordonjcp: no problem, take your time20:31
Chuck_Norrismojtaba: do you got a terminal there?20:31
gordonjcpem1 is the interface on the box of equipment; it's not the problem20:31
squintyfahadash:  good to hear  :)20:31
fahadashThank you guys20:31
bubbasaures!grub | skyfall20:31
mojtababubbasaures: from that boot-repair disk?20:31
ubottuskyfall: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:31
labeeb32help me plz20:31
ikoniagordonjcp: ok, so which device is having the problem.20:31
mojtabaChuck_Norris: I am now in ubuntu20:31
gordonjcpikonia: the microwave bridge can be considered to be a black box that we don't care about, the laptop is the problem20:31
bubbasauresmojtaba, Yes, it pops up a url and tells you to save it.20:32
Chuck_Norrismojtaba: sudo update-grub20:32
ikoniagordonjcp: understood20:32
Guest37798no one at \#elementary20:32
gordonjcpikonia: there's my laptop, a switch, and a box I want to program over the network20:32
ikoniagordonjcp: with you20:32
gordonjcpikonia: the laptop has a boring old Intel onboard chipset ethernet port, eth020:32
mojtababubbasaures: I did not have access to internet, so unfortunately, I do not have that.20:32
ikoniagordonjcp: with you so far20:32
gordonjcpI set that with "sudo ifconfig eth0" say20:32
mojtabaChuck_Norris: Will it give me windows in the list?20:32
ikoniagordonjcp: so when you boot the laptop, does it get an IP address at all, or just stay blank20:33
skyfallmy primary os is windows and i installed ubuntu in another partition. as i dont know how to install the boot loader, i created a boot entry using a software called Easy BCD20:33
Chuck_Norrismost possible20:33
bubbasauresmojtaba, Ah, have you tries the sudo update-grub from the ubuntu install?20:33
zteammojtaba try to run sudo update-grub and make sure your windows drive is plugged in as well, hopefully this will get Windows back into the boot-menu20:33
gordonjcpikonia: it stays blank, until I set it20:33
Chuck_Norrismojtaba:  most probably20:33
skyfallany other suggestions ?20:33
ikoniagordonjcp: ok, are you expecting it to get a dhcp address ?20:33
mojtabaChuck_Norris: is it grub or grub2?20:33
squintyGuest37798:  says there is 106 participants in that channel here20:33
ikoniagordonjcp: are you expecting it to get an address, or are you expecting to manually set it20:33
Chuck_Norristry just grub20:33
gordonjcpthere's nothing for it to get a DHCP address from20:33
Guest37798and no one is typing20:33
Chuck_Norrismojtaba: try just grub20:34
ikoniagordonjcp: ok, so you're expecting to set it20:34
mojtabazteam, you mean I should mount the windows drive?20:34
ikoniagordonjcp: but when you set it, it drops the address correct ?20:34
gordonjcpikonia: I'm setting it manually, with the command I mentioned a few lines ago; this worksfor about 30 seconds then drops20:34
mojtabaChuck_Norris: Should I mount the win drive before that?20:34
gordonjcpit's the weirdest thing20:34
ikoniagordonjcp: ok, can you pastebin your interfaces file ?20:34
ikoniagordonjcp: appreciate there should be nothing in there - but lets check the basics20:34
bubbasauresskyfall, So what happens when you choose ubuntu in the menu, and can we confirm it did work.20:34
Chuck_Norrismojtaba:  that is in the case that windows is installed in another HD20:34
mojtabaChuck_Norris: no, it is in the same HDD, but unmounted20:35
bubbasauresskyfall, Note I address you with your nick prefaced.20:35
Chuck_Norrisso: sudo update-grub will do it for you20:35
gordonjcpikonia: not readily since that particular machine has no internet connection either, but there's nothing in /etc/network/interfaces20:35
squintyGuest37798:   in that channel type  /topic    read and understand what it says20:35
skyfallwhen grub2 appears, i can select ubuntu from it. but after i choose it, it keeps on loading20:35
gordonjcpikonia: not *nothing* nothing, but nothing different from default20:35
zteammojtaba, I would have that one mounted yes: then just run sudo update-grub20:35
AladiahHow to run a windows virtual box in Lubuntu 14.04 ?20:35
Chuck_Norrismojtaba: np, if its is unmounted then20:35
ikoniagordonjcp: I assume the loop back address is configured i nthere ?20:35
gordonjcpikonia: yes, it's exactly a default interfaces file20:36
ikoniagordonjcp: ok, is network manager enabled ?20:36
gordonjcpikonia: ah, yes, maybe I should disable that for now20:36
zteammojtaba, hopefully that will re-add Windows to Grubs list, but I'm not sure20:36
bubbasauresskyfall, Do you have a live ubuntu iso on a disk or usb?20:36
mojtabaIt is done, I will reboot to see what happened. Chuck_Norris, zteam: thank you very much20:36
labeeb32ikonia plz help me20:36
ikoniagordonjcp: I suspect network manager is dhcp'ing20:36
gordonjcpikonia: I bet it's that20:36
labeeb32how to do png test20:36
squintyAladiah:  install virtualbox via the ubuntu repo's   comes in two flavours   oracles and open source20:36
OerHeksAladiah, install virtualbox, and run it to install windows https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:37
Chuck_Norrismojtaba: yeah, reboot20:37
zteammojtaba, you are welcome20:37
gordonjcpikonia: ... and dnsmasq is set for a 30 second timeout20:37
skyfallyeah. i have it20:37
ikoniagordonjcp: I think we have a winner....20:37
skyfalli dont know what u meant by live20:37
skyfalli have my ubutnu 14.04 LTS setup20:37
squintyAladiah:  there is a specific virtualbox channel available here on the freenode irc network called #vbox20:37
skyfallin my usb that i used to install ubuntu20:38
gordonjcpikonia: think I'm going to go and teach some people a few Gaelic words they've never heard before20:38
Novice201yHello. How can I set time in terminal using SNTP?20:38
ikoniagordonjcp: good work, sorry it went a bit around the houses20:38
gordonjcpikonia: that's exactly it, that's fixed it20:38
gordonjcpikonia: nope, it's always useful to bounce an idea around when you're stuck20:38
gordonjcpikonia: and tomorrow I get to put a couple of them here -> http://i.imgur.com/vcZR0ks.jpg20:39
bubbasauresskyfall, Part of the problem here is windows, they have changed the file system and added a uefi bios, this makes booting more complex, this sound familiar to you?20:39
bubbasauresskyfall, Also use my nick, when you address me, you can tab complete nicks here.20:40
bubbasauresskyfall, Ah okay, well for us to possibly help you that info is pertinent, we can confirm this from the live ubuntu though, can you boot it and come to the channel on it?20:41
skyfallbubbo:let me see20:42
bubbasauresskyfall, type bubb hit the tab and it will correctly finish my nick.20:42
fruitzanybody had screen brightness problems after upgrading?20:43
skyfallbubbasaures, yes i get it,thanks20:43
martin1969hello. i have a puzzling problem. i have a logitech speakers and sometimes i have the headphone hooked up to it. whenever i unplug the headphone the screen would turn black with text, asking me for user name and password. what gives?20:43
bubbasauresfruitz, To vague, tell us your issue.20:43
fruitzmine is stuck at 100% and i cannot change it20:43
fruitzi tried with xbacklight and xrandr20:43
bubbasauresskyfall, cool, just keeps us communicating with notifications. ;)20:43
skyfallbubbasaures, sure.20:43
skyfallbubbasaures, im just new to ubuntu . thats why.20:44
fruitzits strange bcos xbacklight does change the value (i check with xbacklight -get)20:45
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fruitzbut the screen brightness stays the same20:45
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mozzarellawhat's a good pdf viewer for ubuntu20:49
mozzarellaevince won't let me sign my document20:49
bekksmozzarella: Adobe Acrobat Reader.20:49
mozzarellabekks: where can I download it20:51
arendylHello. Is this a good chat for technical help?20:51
OerHeksmozzarella, only editors will i guess, like master pdf editor in softwarecenter20:51
trijntjearendyl: yep, ask away20:52
Walshhey guys, anyone managed to get Virgin Media Anywhere working on Linux?20:53
bekksmozzarella: http://askubuntu.com/questions/455135/how-do-i-install-adobe-acrobat-reader-from-the-repository20:53
arendylThanks. Im trying to install chrubuntu on my new toshiba chromebook 2, IPS model, and have had no success. I have followed the guide in this http://chromeos-cr48.blogspot.com/2012/04/chrubuntu-1204-now-with-double-bits.html, but i feel the process may be different for the chromebook 220:53
arendyldoes anyone have any idea the process I should go through?20:53
arendylMade a forums post too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2251393&p=13159529#post1315952920:54
after_rHello can someone please tell me why my `rsyslogd` crashes when i use a expression like in http://www.rsyslog.com/doc/rsyslog_conf_filter.html in one of my files in /etc/rsyslog.d/ ??21:00
after_rI just have one file that has `if $programname == "lpfw" then { }` and then when I do `service rsyslog restart` it doesnt start21:01
after_rthere is no PID,... no running process or nothing21:01
after_rbut when I comment it out it runs21:01
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after_ris that type of configuration turned off or something?21:01
after_rdo i have to enable it?21:01
after_ror why21:02
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after_rwhen I use the `RainerScript` expression21:02
after_rI am try to log a message that has one word but does not have a different word21:04
treehug88after_r: maybe it logs something into /var/log somewhere (re: rsyslogd)21:06
ChrisD24Any advice on a MacBook Pro 2011 Trackpad? I turned of tap to click - that is annoying. But it just seems weird (best I can explain). Jumpy so to speak. Anyone with a MPB have any experience?21:06
after_rChrisD24: man synclient21:06
ChrisD24What does that do?21:07
gordonjcpChrisD24: gives you the manual for the synaptics touchpad driver client21:07
ChrisD24Ok - I'll try but I don't see a manual helping. There are limited options I can choose from.21:08
bwallumHello, does deja dup back up hidden files by default?21:11
curthi guys, fresh install of 14.04 and when I try to use nvidia 331 my system keeps freezing forcing me to hard reset21:11
curthappens 10-15 mins after booting21:11
after_rthis isnt working21:18
after_rthe error rsyslogd is giving me is: 5800.586775479:7fd430cab780: Called LogError, msg: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.d/30-lpfw.conf, on or before line 12: syntax error on token '}'21:18
after_rbut I thought if { ... } is supported?21:18
b100sis it possible to update only one installed software?21:18
b100snot all system like apt-get update|upgrade21:19
x0fishi. I just installed ubuntu server on my local machine. I can't connect to root@machine throught ssh, in it says Failed password for root from port 44632 ssh2. password for root is created(passwd from root). non-superuser works. What can cause this? thanks21:19
b100sx0fis, try to allow root connect by ssh21:20
b100sits disabled by default21:20
x0fisin it-in /var/log/auth.log21:20
x0fisb100s: It's added PermitRootLogin yes to /etc/ssh/ssh_config, then /etc/init.d/ssh reload and same result21:22
SquantiffCan someone help me with my xserver error please?21:23
SquantiffIt says no screens found21:23
SquantiffBut lspci shows I have a VGA compatible controller21:23
x0fisb100s: apt-get install --only-upgrade <packagename>21:24
daftykinsSquantiff: can you detail the system a little more please? (on one line preferably)21:24
SquantiffWhat do you mean by detail the system?21:25
daftykinstype (desk/laptop) ubuntu version, hardware...21:25
SquantiffLaptop, lubuntu 14.04, Acer C72021:25
daftykinsah so chromebook21:26
SquantiffIt was working fine21:26
SquantiffBut I output through HDMI only21:26
SquantiffAnd then restarted21:26
SquantiffDisabled main display21:26
SquantiffCan I command line edit some config files to correct this issue?21:26
labeeb32i am trying to share folders over network beween ubuntu and windows. I am trying ubuntu. no installation. its ubuntu 10.04 LTS. i i see ubuntuu's shared folder in windows but i cant open it. it gives me an error and says ti diagnose it. what should i do?21:26
daftykinsSquantiff: well you're not really being very clear still, are you saying it stopped working after an upgrade?21:27
SquantiffIt stopped working after a reboot21:27
daftykinsalright so did you entirely wipe ChromeOS on this thing?21:27
SquantiffThe entire drive is wiped and encrypted21:28
daftykinsalright install pastebinit, then run "lspci | pastebinit"21:28
daftykinsoh encryption too. jeez21:28
OerHekslabeeb32, 10.04 desktop?21:28
SquantiffIt accepts the encryption password just fine21:28
daftykinsSquantiff: run the above please21:28
labeeb32i dont know about desktop21:28
OerHekslabeeb32, that one is getting no updates for over a year now21:29
labeeb32i idont know im just trying it21:29
labeeb32i want to recover data from my hard21:29
labeeb32ubuntu 14 dowsnt show my data21:29
labeeb32so i have to use this version21:29
labeeb32lucid lynx21:31
daftykinsSquantiff: ok and "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"21:32
raschyso i've managed to bork unity on  my machine21:32
OerHekslabeeb32, you might want to try 12.04 lts, still supported with updates, there you might be able to install samba utils21:32
labeeb3212.04 is latest?21:32
Squantiffquick side question, how do I exit vi?21:33
SonikkuAmericalabeeb32: 14.10 is the latest.21:33
SonikkuAmericaSquantiff: [ :q ]21:33
bubbasauresraschy, unity/compiz have resets, look for the one on your release.21:33
SonikkuAmericalabeeb32: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/download21:33
labeeb3212.04 lucid lynx or precise pangolin?21:33
daftykinsSquantiff: escape, :q! enter21:33
edrockswhat should I use to run something at startup in 14.04?21:34
tewardlabeeb32: 12.04 is precise - that's the previous LTS - 14.04 is the latest LTS21:34
tewardedrocks: startup as in, at boot time, or at login time?21:34
daftykinsSquantiff: use nano if you're not experienced with vi21:34
labeeb32so u say is precise pangolin?21:34
after_ri got it21:34
bubbasauresedrocks, depends on what it is, apps can be in startup applications21:34
edrocksI think boot time i need to run an agent21:34
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120421:34
daftykinsSquantiff: line 20 tells you your manual edit typo ;)21:35
bubbasauresedrocks, You will need to detail your situation and end goal to get help.21:35
labeeb32cani ask why didnt u tell me to download 14.10?21:35
SquantiffYou caught that huh? :P21:35
labeeb32i mean 14.0421:35
daftykinsSquantiff: i'm sharp, me ;)21:35
edrocksbubbasaures: I need to make sure a program which listens on a specific port is always running even after restarts21:35
OerHeks<labeeb32> ubuntu 14 dowsnt show my data21:36
Loshkiedrocks: the last thing to execute before greeting the user is /etc/rc.local21:36
bubbasauresedrocks, little better, the channel is your best help, not myself in this area, name the software involved is all probably.21:36
labeeb32so am i able to share folders from ubuntu trry in windows to transfer data?21:37
labeeb32i mean i cant enter shared folders in indows21:37
edrocksbubbasaures: i just need something to look up. It seems like theres several "service" or init systems between the different versions of ubuntu21:37
bubbasauresedrocks, Ah, you're phishing. ;)21:37
OerHekslabeeb32, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba21:38
sparrmegasasctl -v says that a bunch of my drives don't exist, as if they aren't plugged in. the drives are there. why can't it see them? some configuration changes may have been made since the last time the array was active and the drives were in use21:38
edrocksbubbasaures: ahh just found what i was looking for systemd21:39
SquantiffI just tried to type startx now after fixing that typo and it's just a black screen21:39
jimmy51_running 14.04.  don't have any types of VPN's listed as options when I try to create a connectiong in Network Manager.  I have network-manager-openconnect-gnome and openconnect packages installed.  what am i missing?21:39
SquantiffHow do I go back to command promp?21:39
edrockso never mind i guess ubuntu still uses upstart in 14.0421:39
daftykinsSquantiff: that's not how you should really be doing it, also that doesn't appear to be ubuntu at all (at least not official) ctrl+alt+F1 for a TTY.21:40
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN21:41
jimmy51_seems odd that no VPN connection types are listed21:43
raschy2So when I log into unity I only get a wallpaper, no panel or dash21:43
raschy2Xfce works, tried to reinstall unity to no avail21:44
Eleuinraschy, did you by any chance install the proprietary drivers (fglrx)?21:44
Squantiffdaftykins, would it help to uninstall and reinstall x?21:44
Eleuinnot sure of the name of the nvidia ones21:44
raschy2I installed the proprietary nvidia drivers21:45
raschy2I tried installing the latest nvidia drivers, then uninstalled them when they weren't working well21:45
raschy2Reinstalled the proprietary ones from the Ubuntu repo21:46
daftykinsSquantiff: no. either fix the edits in xorg.conf, or "mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old" to ignore your edits completely21:46
Eleuinreally does sound like xorg breakage caused by the graphics drivers21:48
Squantiffdaftykins, I rebooted after making the changes in VI and everything works21:49
SquantiffWell, seems to21:49
raschy2Alright so how do I go about unbreakable xorg21:49
SquantiffThank you for your help and your patience with a noobie such as my self. I appreciate it.21:49
Eleuini will be right back21:50
labeeb32wheredo i find settings as windows client for samba? i mean on samba website?21:50
daftykinsSquantiff: no problemo, enjoy!21:52
squintylabeeb32:  maybe try asking in the #samba channel here on freenode irc network21:52
SquantiffAny chance you'd want to help me make it so the function keys on this chromebook work like they're supposed to? i.e. volume/brightness up/down, fullscreen, etc21:53
jhutchinsSquantiff: I think there is a page about chromebooks on the ubuntu wiki21:53
fesdo you know what packages are needed to use gnome 3.14 and wayland? i have installed gnome 3.14 through ppa's21:55
daftykinsSquantiff: nah that'd be device specific knowledge and not something i'm into21:57
SquantiffFair enough.21:57
SquantiffWould it make any sense for me to install GRUB2 if I have GRUB installed?21:59
EleuinSquantiff: you still have GRUB legacy?22:02
squintySquantiff:  might want to see if any of the "Improvements" relate to your needs  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Improvements22:03
SquantiffI'm not even sure what that means22:03
EleuinGRUB2 has been the default bootloader for a couple LTS releases though22:03
SquantiffI just know my install won't boot unless I have the USB stick that I used to install it with plugged in22:03
SquantiffMy swap is encrypted with a random key. Could it be that that key is on that USB?22:04
EleuinSquantiff: how did you set up Ubuntu?22:06
Eleuinbecause it sounds like you didn't install a bootloader on your hard drive22:07
SquantiffI specifically remember choosing to install GRUB on the harddrive22:07
SquantiffThis is the tutorial I followed verbatim http://www.circuidipity.com/c720-lubuntubook-install.html22:07
raschy2Alright so I've discovered that unity works for guest accounts and not for my own22:08
daftykinsyou probably booted when the hard disk was sdb and the flash drive was sda unknowingly22:08
Bashing-omSquantiff: ^^ Eleuin . What returns -> sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub <- ?22:08
SquantiffBashing-om, it says /dev/sda122:09
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ObrienDavesda1 is a partition. should have used sda22:09
guig33ki don t understand a friend to me have 14.04 LTS and upgrade to 14.10 and he have only mouse and the screen on unity22:10
guig33ki don t know if it s the fglrx driver which make pb22:10
Eleuin^^ bootloader goes on the GPT on sda22:10
k1lguig33k: make sure the video driver is working22:10
CoC_towliewhat is the major change in 14.10? systemd?22:11
Bashing-omSquantiff: IF 'sda' is the hard drive AND the partition scheme is MBR, that is the correct location AND in bios you have set to boot the 1st hard drive as 1st boot priority.22:11
k1lguig33k: if he loaded the driver from some website that is the problem22:11
guig33kk1l: no22:11
raschy2Ya so I've got unity not working as well, cept the driver works cause xfce works22:11
Squantiffsda is the hard drive and sda1 is where /boot is22:12
guig33khe reinstall the 14.04 and upgrade to 14.10 withou installing fglrx and it s work22:12
Eleuinuh, lol22:12
guig33kand he install fglrx driver after and it s work22:12
guig33kthere are a pb somewhere22:12
guig33kbut we don t know what22:12
sparrI'm standing in front of a server with two failed drives in a RAID. How can I identify which drives they are, physically?22:13
Bashing-omSquantiff: ObrienDave : sysop@1404mini:~$ sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub >> /dev/sda1 . Where my primary OS is the 1st HD, - sda1 is the location of grub's config file for the final stages - I think.22:13
wwathi guys. my laptop refuses to boot into linux installations. it boots fine into *live* linux distributions, but not to installations. i've tried a bunch of different distributions. What could be wrong? screen goes black right after the bios stuff. it doesn't even recognize that there is a bootable device22:14
Squantiffsda1 is JUST for /boot, sda2 is a randomly encrypted swap file, and sda3 is my OS22:15
daftykinswwat: make and model?22:16
Bashing-omwwat: !nomodeset | wwat try this and see what results:22:16
wwatdaftykins: dell latitude e651022:16
daftykinswwat: if you installed with updates enabled, try Bashing-om's suggestion22:17
MonkeyDustubuntu 12.04, unity 2d, i'm unable to set alt-f2, it's in italics, not sure why -- the other keyboard shortcuts can be set -- just not the ones in italics -- hints & tips please http://imgur.com/wYfWkVz22:17
wwatdaftykins: i installed without a network mirror or whatever it's called. does that matter?22:18
wwatBashing-om: ok i'll try thanks22:19
mach20xTrying to link Ubuntu to hardware resources via chroot to enable framebuffer for interface on my android device22:19
Airbanderhow can i show all files end ".iso" and i have in my pc22:20
jq-Hey, so my ethernet is connected and I have a local ip, but I have no internet access. What else can I check?22:20
wwatBashing-om: daftykins however, if that nomodeset thing was the problem, isn't it odd that i sometimes (depending on how i try to boot) get an error message that no bootable device is found?22:20
labeeb32i booted ubuntu 12.04precise and i dont want to install it. i want to try it. i want to reover my data. what option should i chooose?22:20
mach20xdaftykins: any suggestions22:20
Airbanderi downloaded a OP but i forget where i save it and it's a iso file how find it and thanks " info: i have only one hard drive"22:21
daftykinsmach20x: sorry not interested22:21
daftykinswwat: use the F12 boot menu to explicitly select your hard disk22:21
wwatdaftykins: yeah i've tried that22:21
labeeb32i booted ubuntu 12.04precise and i dont want to install it. i want to try it. i want to reover my data. what option should i chooose?22:21
tgm4883labeeb32: live mode wouldn't do any installation unless you tell it to22:21
daftykinswwat: what OS did this Dell come with? did you wipe it entirely?22:21
tgm4883Airbander: is it not in the Downloads folder?22:21
Airbandernope i forget where i mv22:22
Bashing-omwwat: "sometimes (depending on how i try to boot) get an error message that no  bootable device is found?22:22
EriC^^Airbander: sudo find / -iname "*.iso"22:22
mach20xThanks for being upfront, at the least daftykins22:22
labeeb32it asks me following options. install ubuntu server, multiple server install with MAAS< check disk for defects< test memory< boot from first hard dik< back< expert< rescue a broken system22:22
wwatdaftykins: i use different hard drives. i've tried both usb drives and random hdd drives. as i said, booting them works with live linux distros, but not installations22:23
Airbanderthe command find22:23
Bashing-omwwat: ^^ indicates to me a problem with grub fining it's config files.22:23
tgm4883labeeb32: what are you trying to do?22:23
labeeb32i want to try it22:23
daftykinswwat: yes, you don't need to repeat yourself :) EFI or legacy install then?22:23
jq-My ethernet is connected and I have a local ip, but I have no internet access. What else can I check?22:23
tgm4883labeeb32: server doesn't have a live mode22:23
wwatBashing-om: yeah.. i've never gotten as far as to the grub selection screen22:23
tgm4883labeeb32: you want to grab the desktop version22:23
daftykinslabeeb32: you downloaded the wrong one. you want desktop, not server22:24
Airbanderi love linux22:24
tgm4883jq-: DNSD22:24
labeeb32o maannnnnn22:24
tgm4883jq-: DNS22:24
EriC^^Airbander: no problem22:24
labeeb32ubuntu 12.04 LTS precise pangolin is a server?22:24
Bashing-omwwat: Humm .. now that ain't good. So, can you boot the liveDVD to "try ubuntu" mode ? as a place to start touble shooting .22:24
jq-tgm4883: Shouldn't that be auto configured like every other device on my network?22:24
wwatdaftykins: not sure. i can't recall setting UEFI or legacy during the linux installations? i tend to use the graphical install22:24
tgm4883labeeb32: it can be. there is a desktop and a server22:25
mircx1hello i see very much guide for install smtp_server what i want is good link to install smtp_server someone can please give to me?22:25
tgm4883labeeb32: if you are just trying it out, why are you not trying out 14.04?22:25
Airbanderthanks i found it22:25
daftykinswwat: i'll let Bashing-om carry on so as to not tread on toes with two cooks at once :)22:25
k1llabeeb32: if you downloaded the server image, yes. if its the desktop cd/dvd no22:25
wwatBashing-om: i can, yes... i can boot any live linux distro that i've tried. as long as i create them using the Pen drive linux tool22:25
tgm4883jq-: well yes, but you said it wasn't working22:25
labeeb32bcos it doesnt show me my hard files22:25
Airbandereric thanks22:25
labeeb32it gives some sort of error22:25
Airbandercan locate do the same job ?22:25
EriC^^Airbander: no problem :)22:25
labeeb3210shows me files22:25
wwatdaftykins: ok thanks for your help22:26
labeeb32but somene told me to try 1222:26
EriC^^Airbander: yes, but you have to use sudo updatedb22:26
k1llabeeb32: 10? 12?22:26
tgm4883labeeb32: 14.04 is the latest LTS version22:26
EriC^^Airbander: that updates the database of the files, locate is quicker to find stuff22:26
Bashing-omwwat: OK, let's see about booting the install .. reboot, and as soon as the bios screen clears, depress and hold the right shift key, do you now get the grub boot menu ?22:27
k1llabeeb32: seems like you are mixing a lot of things here. can you make a line which describes you actual issue with all info?22:27
Airbanderthanks alot22:27
tgm4883labeeb32: it's the recommended one to use22:27
k1llabeeb32: there are 2 ubuntu releases each year. so ubuntu 10 could be 10.04 or 10.1022:27
labeeb32its 10.0422:27
EriC^^Airbander: no problem22:27
k1llabeeb32: seems like you got the server.iso and not the desktop one.22:28
labeeb32ofcoarse. now downloading desktop22:28
mircx1hello i see very much guide for install smtp_server what i want is good link to install smtp_server someone can please give to me?22:29
wwatBashing-om: i do get a boot menu when booting the install/live disks. i guess this is the grub boot menu?22:29
Myles_Hey there, I have 8GB of ram on my ubuntu server, I look in /top as root and see processes at top using 4% and it states 5GB used at the top in KiB, is there hidden places it could be used and how do I find where my memory is going?22:30
k1lMyles_: see "free -m" and look at the 2. line to see what is used by buffers and cache22:30
Myles_ total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached Mem:          7932       4953       2978          1         39       436422:31
k1lMyles_: ok, 3rd line then.22:31
k1l(should be obvious when i even said buffers and cache)22:31
Bashing-omwwat: That you can boot the liveUSB is a good thing, let's see what it takes to boot the install system. reboot and reset bios to the hard drive as 1st boot priority, and continue the boot process, soon as the bios screen clears deperess and hold the right shift key to get grub's boot menu in the install. IF you can get to this, we try and make the 'nomodeset" edit and see what results.22:31
Myles_-/+ buffers/cache:        549       738222:31
k1lMyles_: linuxatemyram.com22:31
Myles_Thanks haha, I've never seen this happen :p22:32
labeeb32my windows crashed. i tried to nstall new window but it gives some sort of error and wants me to format hard. so i want to use ubuntu to get all my data in another pc having windows. first i tried ubuntu 14.04 desktop but it didnt show my hard files and showed all my hard as unallocated space. then i tried randomly 10.04 LTS and it showed me all my data. then i tried to share data over network so i can transfer data but tats not happening22:32
wwatBashing-om: ok noted. unfortunately i'm not able to do this while i talk with you. i've read about the nomodeset edit and will try this22:33
daftykinslabeeb32: a moment ago you claimed you were booting server, your story keeps changing?22:33
tgm4883mircx1: have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/email-services.html22:33
labeeb32yes recently i downloaded 12.04 server acidently22:34
tgm4883daftykins: I think his 12.04 is server22:34
Bashing-omwwat: Roger, we "expect" that a graphics driver is not loading. 'nomodeset' will use the suystem driver to boot, and once booted we can install a proper graphics driver.22:34
labeeb32but before that i used 10.0422:34
geirhalabeeb32: My suggestions would be to 1. Install openssh-server in the Ubuntu live session, 2. Install WinSCP on the windows machine, and use it to connect to the machine running Ubuntu live22:34
wwatBashing-om: i see. thank you very much for your help22:35
labeeb32this all for transferrring data?22:35
Bashing-omwwat: We are here to assist, get you up on 'buntu !22:35
geirhalabeeb32: That's mainly because I know the ssh protocol well, samba/smb/cifs, tend to be ... cumbersome22:36
wwatBashing-om: i appriciate that :)22:36
labeeb32well. and do i have to connect direct ethernet cable or via network?22:36
geirhalabeeb32: Doesn't matter as long as you can reach it22:37
geirhavia TCP/IP22:37
labeeb32sure. is it fast for transferring data?22:37
labeeb32i mean around 10 Mbs is fast enough for me22:37
labeeb32i have around 150 gb data to transfer22:38
WTDsconnect irc.DarkUnix.Org22:39
daftykinsWTDs: use the status window.22:39
geirhalabeeb32: There's some overhead, but not that much22:40
daftykinsBaluse: this is not the place for links22:40
CoC_towlieis there f2fs supported install for ubuntu 14.10 yet?22:43
labeeb32but what to do about winscp interface settings22:43
labeeb32i mean port no ad other stuff22:43
labeeb32what protocol should i choose? sftp, ftp or scp?22:44
daftykinslabeeb32: port would always be 22, IP would be whatever the live system has.22:44
jhutchinslabeeb32: Default port is 22, smart admins change that.22:45
labeeb32and ip is host name?22:45
k1lits your local networks ip.22:46
tgm4883jhutchins: any other reason to do that other than security through obscurity?22:46
labeeb32whats hostname?22:46
k1ltgm4883: it doesnt stop people who really want to get in your system. but it hides form the scriptkiddies just running the typical scripts scanning the whole net on port 2222:47
jhutchinstgm4883: Actually, brute force attacks are far less likely on a shifted port, they figure if you were smart enough to move it you probably did other things right.22:47
geirhalabeeb32: If you don't have hostnames on your local network, just input the IP instead22:47
labeeb32ip of ubuntu laptop?22:48
geniifail2ban is still useful, even if you've shifted the ssh ports and other ones22:48
daftykinslabeeb32: open a terminal and run "ifconfig" if you don't know22:48
tgm4883jhutchins: k1l wouldn't something like fail2ban resolve that?22:48
geirhalabeeb32, daftykins: Or if you want something easier to read than ifconfig:   ip -o -4 addr22:49
daftykinshah, not exactly easy to remember.22:49
daftykinsand why confuse a new user?22:49
k1ltgm4883: that is another brick in the wall against those idiots, yes22:49
jq-What is a good pci/pci-e ethernet card that works OOB for ubuntu server?22:49
Finetundraubuntu minimal doesn't see my hard drive. what do id od22:50
geniijq-: Pretty much anything with an Intel chipset22:50
geniijq-: Broadcoms are to be avoided.22:50
geirhadaftykins: How does it confuse?22:51
daftykinsFinetundra: some kind of special setup?22:51
jq-genii: Ok, I'll have to look into an intel one. Thanks.22:51
labeeb32man... i just want my data safe22:51
daftykinsgeirha: for a user that's already asking about what to enter, it's best to keep it simple is all ;)22:51
Finetundradaftykins, it's just an ide hdd attached to to the approite port22:51
daftykinsappropriate? :)22:52
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daftykinsis this some kind of old system?22:52
geirhadaftykins: *shrug* the ip command is easier to find the ip address in22:52
daftykinsgeirha: alright, nevermind22:52
geirhatwo lines instead of twenty-ish22:52
Finetundradaftykins, yes it is an older system.22:53
apathyBOVCan someone help me with my ubuntu which im running in virtual box?22:53
daftykinsFinetundra: why are you using minimal?22:53
CoC_towlie!ask | apathyBOV22:53
ubottuapathyBOV: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:53
Bashing-omjq-: I am running :  Accton Technology Corporation >> product: SMC2-1211TX , workie great .22:53
Finetundradaftykins, because it won't load a standard image of anything properly22:54
apathyBOVHow do I get my ubuntu running in virtual box to go full screen? When I do full screen I just get a small rectangle with black all around22:54
EriC^^apathyBOV: did you install the guest additions iso?22:54
daftykinsFinetundra: what's the spec of this thing?22:54
tgm4883apathyBOV: you need to install the virtualbox guest additions22:54
dagerikhow can I inspect cron daemon logs? I tried service cron log22:55
FinetundraapathyB0V, you need to install vbox guest additions22:55
apathyBOVI did not install the guest additions22:55
oeuvrehi kids22:55
oeuvretime to sudo apt-get install windows9522:55
EriC^^dagerik: they should be in /var/log/syslog22:55
violinapprenapathyBOV: install guest additions22:55
apathyBOVCan someone help me with that? This is my first time using virtual box and ubuntu22:55
oeuvrereplace ubuntu with a proper OS22:55
EriC^^oeuvre: lovely sentiment22:55
oeuvrethank you22:55
tgm4883oeuvre: 2edgy4me22:56
FinetundraapathyB0V, with the machine up click host+d. that should fix it22:56
EriC^^apathyBOV: click on the devices in the global menu, and select insert guest additions iso22:57
apathyBOVThanks Finetundra22:57
dagerikHow do I make the cron damon use msmtp. Help22:57
Finetundradaftkyins, 160gb ide hdd, 2.5 gb RAM, 2x2.0ghz processors, integrated video(really cruddy is the best i know)22:57
FinetundraapathyB0V, anytime22:57
jq-genii: I have one of these: http://www.microcenter.com/product/395030/1-Port_Ethernet_PCIe_Adapter but for some reason I'm not getting any connection. I'm getting assigned a localip from my router, but I can't ssh to it and not getting any internet access.22:57
apathyBOVEriC^^, I saw a tutorial that mentioned that, but my global menu isn't showing on my VM22:58
daftykinsFinetundra: is it some kind of server?22:58
Finetundradaftykins, yes22:58
violinapprenjq-: route -n22:58
EriC^^apathyBOV: it should be in the top left corner22:58
violinapprenjq-: and check if the gateway and mask are correct22:58
EriC^^apathyBOV: if you go full screen ( host + f ) it shows up at the center at the bottom22:59
Finetundradaftykins, although specs are not default listed22:59
daftykinsFinetundra: make + model?22:59
geniijq-: "Specs" page doesn't say what chipset, unfortunately.22:59
CoC_towlieapathyBOV, do you have interent in your guest?22:59
jq-genii: I found a driver on the manufacturers site which had me dl r8168-8.019.00.tar.bz222:59
Finetundradaftykins, IBM eServer xSeries 225 type 864722:59
CoC_towlieyou can also just do this sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x1122:59
jq-So I'd assume realtek r8168 o.O23:00
Finetundradaftykins, current specs are not stock23:00
Finetundra*not all stock23:00
veebullrecently (today) installed 14.10 over 14.04, on hardware that I've been using since ~12.10 or so.23:00
geniijq-: So looks like Realtek chipset from the driver name.23:01
apathyBOVI did the host + d like Finetundra recommended, and the console opened up and did something23:01
apathyBOVIt didn't fix my problem though23:01
veebullKeep getting kernel oops messages, and I can't reliably connect to my second HDD (laptop).23:01
FinetundraapathyB0V, once the console has finished you'll need to restart23:01
veebullI keep getting this message:23:01
jq-genii: Yeah, I just don't know like any terminal commands to mess with ethernet stuff. I've never had a network card not just work on ubuntu-server lol23:01
veebullmonte@machin-shin:~$ cd /srv/data23:01
veebullbash: cd: /srv/data: Transport endpoint is not connected23:01
FinetundraapathyB0V, the VM23:01
veebullany ideas?23:02
jq-genii: Seems like it's working now. Swapped it into a different pci-e slot. Very strange.23:02
violinapprenveebull: is that a remote filesystem?23:02
daftykinsFinetundra: can you drop to a shell and poke around a bit?23:02
apathyBOVThanks guys23:03
geniijq-: Could be another adapter pre-empting it23:03
FinetundraapathyB0V, anytime23:03
dagerikhow can I make anacron use msmtp to send email23:03
Finetundradaftykins, yep, just tell me what to look for23:03
daftykinsFinetundra: well, presumably you see nothing at all from "sudo fdisk -l" or "sudo parted -l" ?23:04
jonatasbaldinhi guys23:04
jq-genii: Only other adapter I have is the onboard on the mobo, but I have that disabled in bios cause it doesn't work :P23:04
jonatasbaldindoes someone uses nfs local mirror for ubuntu installation via pxe?23:04
veebullviolinappren: no, second HDD mounted as ntfs because it needs to be accessible to both OSes (dual-boot laptop)23:04
labeeb32ok. me again. now i have booted ubuntu 12.04 and it doesnt show me my data.23:04
Finetundradaftykins, the installer says it can't find the hdd23:04
Finetundradaftykins, so yes i guess so23:05
jonatasbaldinI'm using this options: http://pastebin.com/UT22PeFy and it's asking to insert the cd-rom in the instalation23:05
k1llabeeb32: what does "sudo fdisk -l" tell you?23:05
violinapprenveebull: it's probably using a fuse-based driver, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24966676/transport-endpoint-is-not-connected23:05
k1llabeeb32: put the output into a pastebin please23:05
daftykinsFinetundra: i'm more after proof than belief :)23:05
Finetundradaftykins, well i just turned the thing off so you'll have to give me a sec23:05
veebullviolinappren: Well, nuts.  Kinda wishing I didn't "upgrade" my system if its an ongoing problem for a couple months now.23:06
violinapprenveebull: search  existing bugs on launchpad, if not report it23:07
Bashing-omjq-: I have been around a bit, and I have seen with the Realtek 8168 requires updated bios to work .23:08
daftykinsFinetundra: are you sure this disk is detected in the server's BIOS ok?23:08
veebullviolinappren: well... that doesn't seem to fix things.  Rebooting only fixes it for a very short (<15 minutes) time.23:09
Finetundradaftykins, i thought so but i'll look again23:10
violinapprenveebull: any relevant messages in kern.log or sys.log ?23:10
daftykinslabeeb32: it's a lower case L, not a 1 :)23:10
k1llabeeb32: its a small L at the end, not a 123:10
jq-Bashing-om: Well my bios is 1 version behind cause the board I'm using was from an old hackintosh of mine that didn't like the newest bios :P23:10
solsTiCehi. how can I manually download a package from ubuntu 15.04 ? I mean, how do I go to an http repo of ubuntu23:11
labeeb32oh sorry23:11
=== Jess is now known as Guest93850
k1lsolsTiCe: mixing repos might get you in more trouble :/23:11
EriC^^solsTiCe: 15.04?23:11
solsTiCejust one package. libXext. it's to fix a bug23:11
k1lsolsTiCe: packages.ubuntu.com23:12
EriC^^ah we can do that now cause 14.10 is out23:12
Guest93850Hello! I'm a beginner, I want to know how cant I access the computer device in ubuntu console?23:12
jonatasbaldinguys? :c23:12
daftykinsGuest93850: "the computer device" ?23:12
Guest93850like My Computer in Windows23:13
EriC^^Guest93850: tricky23:13
Finetundradaftykins, it looks like the cord was out just enough to look in but be out!23:13
daftykinsFinetundra: :)23:13
EriC^^Guest93850: what exactly do you want?23:13
k1lGuest93850: can you give more details? what do you want to do? what did you try? what error came up? what ubuntu are you on?23:13
daftykinsFinetundra: i like the simple ones23:13
daftykinsGuest93850: Linux doesn't work that way23:14
Finetundradaftykins, so do i23:14
EriC^^Guest93850: linux uses a file system hierarchy, starting at "/" and has other directories23:14
Guest93850I want to access the folder var23:14
EriC^^Guest93850: you type cd /var23:14
veebullviolinappren: Does this count?23:14
dagerikhow do I configure my system to use msmtp?23:14
veebullNov  4 14:56:35 machin-shin kernel: [  234.149761] note: mount.ntfs[788] exited with preempt_count 223:15
violinapprenveebull: the latest available version of ntfs-3g seems much recent that the packages in ubuntu http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-download/23:15
k1llabeeb32: did you try to open the filebrowser "nautilus" and see if there is something on the left side like windows or partition23:15
Guest93850Oh it works! Thx!23:15
solsTiCek1l: ok. htnaks23:15
veebullveebull: one would wonder why that is, on a non-LTS release...?23:15
labeeb32there is just system and home folders of ubuntu23:15
Finetundradaftykins, i think that's the second time i've come here to find that something was loose23:16
labeeb32like video music documents etc23:16
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EriC^^Guest93850: no problem!23:16
veebullviolinappren: one would wonder why that is, on a non LTS release...?23:16
BlasterMy Ubuntu server's booting is stuck on Starting configure network device.  How can I fix this?23:16
daftykinsFinetundra: ah-ha, then next time when you think "hey i'll jump on IRC..." think "ah-ha, i must check all cables"23:16
violinapprenveebull: i suspect licensing issues..23:17
afrokarlssonsaatan sünnib, kui mees ronib samal päeval üles voolavast magmast titaankostüümis siis ronib üles ühest kahest või kolmest kosest23:17
OerHeksubuntu irc estonia23:17
EriC^^!ee | afrokarlsson23:18
Finetundradaftykins, i think thats an apt analysis23:18
k1llabeeb32: what happens if you try to mount /dev/sda2 manually?23:18
labeeb32there is some problem with mount. when i enter sytem, it gives me this error. Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.23:19
Bashing-omjq-: Do not know what I can say, took me a bit to find that thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2158793&page=3 , but it did take a bios update to get the driver to work.23:20
k1llabeeb32: ah ok. what happend to that windows system before? is it hibernated?23:20
labeeb32i dont know. ubuntu 10.04 showed me allright.23:20
labeeb32but both 12.04 and 14.04 did not23:20
k1llabeeb32: that was not what i asked23:21
labeeb32i dont know if it was hibernate23:21
k1llabeeb32: i asked if that windows is just in hibernation? or if that is not shut down properly.23:21
k1llabeeb32: can you boot into that windows?`which windows is that?23:21
labeeb32i see now. i think its not properly shut down23:21
labeeb32i can boot but there are no graphics, just black screeen. windows 10 preview.23:22
EriC^^labeeb32: boot into it and restart, as shutting down will hibernate it23:22
labeeb32how can i restart, when i cant see a thing. i have to eep pressing power button till it turns off.23:24
squintylabeeb32: iirc, the Windows 10 install disk has a repair option right on the main screen23:24
labeeb32it doesntrepair23:24
daftykinsk1l: labeeb32 you could force mount, but it wouldn't be without risk.23:24
daftykinslabeeb32: why are you using important data on a Windows preview OS?23:24
labeeb32i have only one laptop23:25
daftykinsthis is what virtualisation is for23:25
k1llabeeb32: you can try to use ntfsfix on that partition. but there is a possible data loss risk. so if you can get windows to repair it that would be more safe23:25
b43is there a way to disable recent file list on mtpaint, or at least clear the list??23:26
EriC^^labeeb32: does it restart with ctrl+alt+del ?23:26
labeeb32i cant repair it23:26
labeeb32lemme try eric23:26
daftykinslabeeb32: why not?23:26
b43anybody have any idea of a workaround??23:27
labeeb32yes it restarted with alt ctrl del23:27
EriC^^what's mtpaint?23:27
labeeb32is it now out of hibernation23:27
b43graphics editor23:27
b43on lubuntu23:27
EriC^^labeeb32: no idea, depends on whether it booted in or not23:27
veebullviolinappren: looking a bit at the ntfs-3g page on launchpad... 13.10 and 14.04 (both of which worked relatively fine) had essentially the same release of ntfs-3g as 14.10.  Kind of thinking that it (ntfs-3g) might not be the culprit.23:28
EriC^^b43: you can try to remove it's file in your home directory23:28
b43which folder?23:29
EriC^^b43: try cd ~/.mtpaint or something and see what's there23:29
b43ok hold on let me try23:29
violinapprenveebull: too many layers from libc all way down to the kernel version, i say uninstall the system supplied version and try the one from the website23:29
labeeb32tell me how can i repair windows?23:30
k1llabeeb32: i said above23:30
EriC^^labeeb32: what's wrong with it in the first place?23:30
dagerikanacron is successfully invoking msmtp because the /var/sbin/sendmail is symlinked to msmtp. But I need to add an command line option to msmtp. Help?23:30
k1llabeeb32: we cant fix your windows. that would be the task of the windows support.23:31
veebullviolinappren: Honestly, I'd planned on this being a relatively quick and painless upgrade.  If I have to rebuild the transmission on a new car, I'd just return the dang thing and get my old car back.  If I have to gut the ntfs software the very first day and rebuild it with something else, I'm sorely tempted to just re-install 14.04.23:31
xloginTest Message23:31
b43theres no mtpaint folder in the home directory23:31
b43no idea where to find it, mtpaint came with the lubuntu installation23:31
labeeb32i tried to install windows 8.1 pro but it gave me the error setup cant find hard for temporary installation files. imoved back and booted again into preview but there is no display. i really dont know how to recover display23:32
EriC^^b43: try sudo find / -iname "*mtpaint*"23:32
k1llabeeb32: we dont, too.23:32
labeeb32i cannot install any windows now23:32
labeeb32unless i format hard disk23:32
b43ok hold on23:32
EriC^^labeeb32: get the win10 iso and try to repair it23:33
b43ok it says no such file or directory23:33
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EriC^^if it doesn't find anything it shouldn't say anything23:33
b43weird, everytime i open mtpaint its on the drop down list23:34
b43even has a keyboard shortcut per file23:34
b43i dont even want it storin a list of recent files yet alone a keyboard shortcut per file23:34
EriC^^heh :D23:34
EriC^^b43: did you try the sudo find command>23:35
b43yes i did, came back with no such file or directory23:35
b43i have no idea where the default programs that came with the os r stored23:35
b43or what folders i mean23:35
EriC^^what command did you enter23:36
EriC^^and what did it return23:36
squintyb43: type in terminal    locate mtpaint23:36
b43ok ill try locate23:36
labeeb32i have a question. why did ubuntu 10.04 showed my hard?23:36
b43i tried the find command that u gave earlier23:36
k1l_labeeb32: it has nothing to do with the ubuntu version.23:37
b43ok i see the folders where mtpaint is23:37
b43what filetype should i look for, for the recent files?23:37
labeeb32but that version showed mebut this doesnt23:37
notehow can i view my ubuntu apache server over the internet23:37
k1l_labeeb32: when did you try 10.04?23:37
EriC^^b43: what's the list?23:37
squintyb43: try   which mtpaint    or   whereis mtpaint23:37
daftykinsnote: forward port 80 to your system's LAN IP on your router23:37
labeeb32about 5hours back23:37
k1l_note: enter your ip in a browser23:37
daftykinsnote: your system will need to be using a static IP address though23:37
b43locate mtpaint worked, i see the folders where their stored23:38
k1l_labeeb32: what happend in the meantime?23:38
violinapprennote: using your external ip, make sure the port is open in  your machine firewall and forwarded on your router23:38
Finetundrais grub required to boot?23:38
notei tried but faild23:38
b43but i need to kno what kind of file type the recent files list r stored in so i can delete it23:38
notei use noip.com23:38
labeeb32someone in ubuntu tld me to use ubuntu 12.04 so that samba updates can b used23:38
violinapprenFinetundra: a boot loader is required to boot, grub is just the most popular one, other alternatives include lilo (a much older one) and a the kernel built-in stub loader23:39
k1l_labeeb32: ok. what do you want to do? erase that windows? because we cant repair your windows so it works again. that would be the task of the windows support23:40
EriC^^b43: paste them in paste.ubuntu.com23:40
violinapprennote: in a terminal: dig yourdomain.noip.com23:40
b43ok hold on23:40
curthey guys, Ive been having trouble with nvidia drivers on my laptop, I discovered is uses optimus and ive started with a fresh install of 14.04 using this guide http://xmodulo.com/install-configure-nvidia-optimus-driver-ubuntu.html23:40
violinapprennote: does it resolve to your external IP correctly?23:40
curtbut when I run the install command nothing happens, there are no drivers at all under the additional driver tab23:41
labeeb32ok. then ill come here after ive had my window fixed.23:41
EriC^^b43: you can try to search for the filename of the recent files, if you're lucky it might call them the same name23:41
noteyou mean ping?23:41
curtnormally with a fresh install there is nouveaux as well as 331 and 331 update I believe23:41
violinapprennote: no, i mean the command as i wrote it  "dig"23:41
Finetundraviolinappren just wondering23:41
violinappren!who | note23:41
ubottunote: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:41
k1l_labeeb32: i hear you talk about you wanted to install windows8.1, then that you wanted to repair windows10,... i dont see the point where ubuntu comes in23:42
k1l_labeeb32: if you want to install ubuntu just wipe the disk and install it23:42
labeeb32i cant install windows 8.123:42
labeeb32andi cant wipe my hard23:42
violinapprenFinetundra: I actually miss the  days of simple configuration of LILO, it used to be the default bootloader 10  years ago or so23:42
b43pasted, do i paste url here, or am i gettin kick banned?23:42
notei  ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION:23:42
note; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 409623:42
note;; QUESTION SECTION:www.mydomain.noip.me.INA23:42
violinappren!paste | note23:43
ubottunote: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:43
k1l_labeeb32: so you want to erase your harddrive?23:43
Finetundralabeeb32, just back the blasted thing up and then wipe it23:43
EriC^^b43: you can try sudo find / -type d -iname "*mtpaint*" -exec grep -r <filename> '{}' \;23:43
squintyb43: you can show your paste url here23:43
EriC^^that should search for the filename in the directories that have mtpaint23:43
EriC^^b43: paste here23:43
b43ok heres the url23:43
Finetundraviolinappren, truth is that i may well have to install lilo as grub like to display at an odd resolution23:44
Finetundrafor my system23:44
notewhat next23:44
b43is it mtpaint.list??23:44
squintycat mtpaint.list  will tell you23:44
notewhat is dig surpose to print?23:44
EriC^^b43: no that pertains to the package stuff23:45
violinapprenFinetundra: check /etc/default/grub23:45
b43ok, so where do i find the recent files list?23:45
EriC^^try /usr/share/menu/mtpaint23:45
EriC^^b43: try cat /usr/share/menu/mtpaint23:45
b43ok let me check, hold on23:45
tafa2could not find module name cc_ubuntu_init_switch anyone seen this?23:45
dagerikim getting Warning: The following processes are using suspicious files: Pathname: /usr/bin/crontab  How do I whitelist this in rkhunter.conf?23:45
Finetundraviolinappren, yes, i know. i just think lilo would probably be easier23:46
noteviolinappren: what is dig surpose to print23:47
violinapprennote: your external ip, if it's being pushed correctly to noip23:47
noteviolinappren: no23:48
b43a weird text file opened n theres nothing on it about recent files list23:48
violinapprennote:  if "ANSWER: 0" then it's not pushed correctly23:48
violinapprennote: check the demon that's supposed to be pushing your ip23:48
noteviolinappren:  like duc?23:49
b43no recent files list on that mtpaint23:49
EriC^^b43: get a filename in the recent list23:50
EriC^^and go to your home dir and type grep -r <filename>23:50
b43so i have to delete the actual file?? omg23:50
EriC^^b43: no, -r is for recursive here23:51
b43oh ok, just makin sure23:51
violinapprennote: yes23:51
b43it says no such file or directory, thats from the home directory23:52
EriC^^b43: it shouldn't return anything23:53
EriC^^what exactly are you typing?23:53
=== CoC_towlie is now known as Coc_towlie
EriC^^can you paste the 2 lines here?23:53
=== Coc_towlie is now known as CoC_towlie
noteviolinappren: ok now when i enter my noip domain , it takes me to my router but i want my webserver.23:53
noteviolinappren: ubuntu server23:54
b432 lines from the mtpaint txt file??23:54
k1l_note: do you have a proper forward from the router to that server?23:54
b43or 2 lines from where?23:54
EriC^^b43: from the terminal23:54
EriC^^b43: did you check the preferences of mtpaint btw?23:54
k1l_note: most routers call that a "dmz"23:54
b43its only 1 line23:54
b43yea i checked the preferences from within mtpaint, has nothing with recent files to tweak23:55
noteviolinappren: not port forwarding?23:55
b43um wait, i think i see the issue, the file name has a space in it, n from what i kno terminal dont do spaces very well23:55
violinapprenFinetundra: I just booted with LILO now, so retro!23:56
k1l_b43: make a \ infront of that space23:56
geniiGeez, LILO23:56
EriC^^b43: yeah, you can use quotes if you want23:56
EriC^^grep -r "file name"23:56
k1l_like "this\ is\ a\ space"23:56
b43i think the quotes would be easier23:56
b43but ill try both23:57
minas114for some reason my task manager (monitor) does not display the title bar23:57
k1l_b43: not both at same time23:57
b43ok it accepted the command both times, with quotes n with back slash, but it didnt show what it actually did23:57
EriC^^b43: so it returned nothing?23:58
EriC^^try the find command23:58
b43it returned nothing, but it didnt return any error23:58
EriC^^sudo find / -type d -iname "*mtpaint*" -exec grep -r <filename> '{}' \;23:58
EriC^^also use quotes for filename23:58
noteviolinappren: my server ip is  how do i forward it23:58
violinapprennote: open the router configuration web interface, depending on the model, you should find an option there to forward connections to a given port to a specific machine and port23:59

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