
racarrRAOF: How goes stub clientAPI stuff?00:36
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robert_ancellduflu, is mir_demo_server_shell and mir_demo_client_fingerpaint supposed to work in utopic? When I run them you don't seem to be able to draw with the mouse03:34
duflurobert_ancell: Yes, it does work. Did you remember sudo (required for input device access)?03:35
robert_ancellduflu, the server is run through sudo, yes03:35
robert_ancellI'm getting motion events. And if I click on the fingerpaint window it drags it rather than drawing03:35
robert_ancellduflu, are you running utopic? Can you confirm it working there?03:39
robert_ancellah, it seems that on first click it's in drag mode. If I hold down alt then drag the window it seems to work after releasing alt and then clicking.03:42
duflurobert_ancell: Ah, could be a minor demo-shell issue stealing the events then03:48
dufluOr not an issue at all03:49
dufluWill test03:49
robert_ancellIt seems like the surface doesn't have focus. When I test GTK+ mir we're not getting any mouse up/down events even when clicking inside the surface until that first drag with alt.03:49
duflurobert_ancell: Works fine immediately on startup for me (now using vivid but always worked in utopic too)03:56
duflurobert_ancell: I fully expect we have input bugs though. I can't reproduce this one is all03:56
duflurobert_ancell: Oh, do you have multiple surfaces/clients when fingerpainting?04:00
dufluI think I have observed that fingerpainting on an unfocused window only works sometimes04:01
dufluAlthough I'm not sure it should work at all in our current design04:01
robert_ancellWho knows the correct way to interpret a current Mir motion event? GTK+ Mir was looking at the button_state field to determine which button event to generate. But touch events seem to have button_state empty. You can't tell it's a touch event without looking at the pointer_coordinates field. If we get a down event with button_state empty just assume it's the primary mouse button?04:02
duflurobert_ancell: There's a "tool" field to tell you if it's a finger or mouse (with buttons)04:03
dufluIn theory04:04
robert_ancellduflu, only in the pointer_coordinates list - which could be a different tool for each event04:04
robert_ancellfor each coordinate I mean04:04
robert_ancellWe have the magic numbers for the device but no way to interpret them :)04:04
duflurobert_ancell: Yeah you could be using multiple tools at once04:04
robert_ancellI'm just going to generate a primary mouse button event if the field is empty04:05
duflurobert_ancell: Technically you should look at all the pointer_coordinates because any one of them could be a mouse04:05
robert_ancellBut which one generated the up event?04:05
duflurobert_ancell: Hmm sounds like a good question. I'm reaching the limits of my mental memory of the event struct04:06
robert_ancellBased on previous discussions I think the answer would be "we're going to replace that struct"04:06
RAOFrobert_ancell: This discussion is going to be obsolete reasonably soon.04:06
RAOFHah, yes!04:06
robert_ancellthere we go :)04:06
duflurobert_ancell: Kind of. It will hang around for a fair time because breaking the client API will be painful04:07
duflu... for distro04:07
RAOFDo what you want for the moment, we'll provide you with an actual pointer in MirInputEvent 2.004:07
RAOF(As in - there'll be a core-pointer like device that is what you care about)04:07
duflurobert_ancell: A reasonable kludge is only test pointer[0]04:07
robert_ancellI'm just going to do if (button_state == 0) generate_event (PRIMARY)04:08
duflurobert_ancell: Actually it's probably a good idea to separate button state from the pointer list. Assuming you don't care about multi-mouse support, you might want to use buttons in concert with some other device. So the device that has the buttons is irrelevant04:11
robert_ancellWhat is with X generating out of order keyboard events when it gets laggy? Very annoying...04:12
* RAOF is confused and alarmed as to what the hell is happening on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-utopic-amd64-ci/342/consoleFull06:59
dufluRAOF: The leak?07:09
RAOFThat, and the 25 failing tests are failing with valgrind errors in totally unrelated code.07:10
RAOFIf you look at it, ClientLibraryErrors.create_surface_returns_error_object_on_failure completes fine.07:10
dufluRAOF: Yeah I think that's "normal" with valgrind errors... some tests will fail delayed07:10
RAOFAnd then 25 *unrelated* tests fail with by 0x5EA268: ClientLibraryErrors_create_surface_returns_error_object_on_failure_Test::TestBody() (test_client_library_errors.cpp:206)07:10
RAOFOh, it's probably something to do with forking.07:16
dufluThat's fun. Compiz is mentioned in a kernel header... #define KEY_SCALE               120     /* AL Compiz Scale (Expose) */07:26
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alan_galf_: anpok_ any opinions pending on this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/mir_Server-apply_settings/+merge/24061215:00
alf_alan_g: commented15:03
alf_alan_g: (approved)15:03
alan_galf_: thanks. (I'll now base my next MP on it.)15:05
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racarrAWS outage causedirssi to die18:55
racarrprivate message bankruptcy :)18:56
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