
deltquick question.... why doesn't a standard DVD (with video) appear on the desktop when i insert it?05:59
deltoh and /dev/dvd for some reason doesn't get created.... :/06:01
delt00:58 < delt> quick question.... why doesn't a standard DVD (with video) appear on the desktop when i insert it?09:01
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:16
ObrienDavedelt, install xubuntu-restricted-extras09:21
deltwhat's the program that manages the volume control on laptops?19:56
delti think it kind of stopped working :319:57
holsteindelt: on laptops?20:06
holsteindelt: i know of nothing in linux or ubuntu that specifically controls the volume on a laptop20:07
holsteindelt: you can use pavucontrol20:07
holstein!info pavucontrol20:07
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (utopic), package size 111 kB, installed size 962 kB20:07
holsteinyou can use alsamixer.. you can use the applet in the panel..20:07
deltlogged out and back in, volume control now works again20:12
deltwas just wondering what program controls it20:12
deltah, it seems to be xfce4-volumed20:12
deltkilled it, no volume control, ran it again, volume control came back20:13
holsteinsure.. thats the one in the panel i referenced above20:13
holsteinits not laptop specific20:13
deltyeah, i think the actual knob on the laptop just sends sends keyboard events for volume-up/down20:15
deltsame as the volume buttons on a desktop keyboard20:15
deltanyway, ubuntu studio really works great, i'm very happy with this system.20:16
deltcheck, with xfce4-volumed deactivated, xev reports keysym 122 for volume down and 123 for volume up.20:19
deltnamed XF86AudioLowerVolume and XF86AudioRaiseVolume20:20
ActionMannhello friends23:05
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome23:05
ActionMannFinally i'm on Ubuntustudio. Today i have great rehersal with PD live installation23:06

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