
=== Barry_Gibb is now known as arisu
AirbanderHi guys01:23
Airbanderhow make restoration point ?01:23
vyzeHello. When I press RMB  (to show context menu) and release on some element - it activates. Is it possible to make element activation just for the next click?07:08
slickymasterWork!hi | xubuntu72w10:27
ubottuxubuntu72w: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:27
xubuntu72wi'm reading guidelines10:28
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome10:28
slickymasterWorkhey ObrienDave o/10:28
ObrienDavehiya slickymasterWork10:28
xubuntu72wis there an italian channel?10:32
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:32
slickymasterWork!it | xubuntu72w10:32
ubottuxubuntu72w: please see above10:32
xubuntu72wthanks :D10:33
slickymasterWorkdeshipu, you're fast ;)10:33
deshiputhe fastest sheep this side of Ural10:33
ObrienDavetmi ;P10:35
raff0zhi to all11:16
raff0zhow is hybrid gpu (Intel + ATI) support in xubuntu 14.10 on laptop? (now i'm using arch linux with xfce and ONLY when i need ATI Gpu i use DRI_PRIME=1 in front of the command to launch)11:18
mpmcAnyone experienced weird audio glitching lately?11:32
brainwashraff0z: works fine here, intel + amd/ati11:35
brainwash!details | mpmc11:36
ubottumpmc: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:36
mpmcbrainwash, sorry, Whenever I play audio I get this weird double step in the audio (by that I mean a short piece of music plays then overlaps itself), I have not long ago found a fix (disable pulseaudio's realtime scheduling).11:39
brainwashmpmc: did you try to find a bug report which describes your problem?11:42
mpmcI did, but I couldn't find anything, I assumed it was something to do with using chromium + pepper flash.11:43
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adariHow do I fix the Qt apps in xubuntu 14.10? They look awful18:39
adariis there some fix?18:39
holsteinadari: i would apply whatever qt theme you want.. though, try and be more specific.. screenshots, for example.. "i have A. and want B."..18:42
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/22316/how-can-i-theme-my-qt-app-to-resemble-one-written-in-gtk is what it will be similar to18:42
adariholstein: basically the gtk windows theme looks like windows 98 or something18:43
holsteinadari: sure.. use the link above "http://askubuntu.com/questions/22316/how-can-i-theme-my-qt-app-to-resemble-one-written-in-gtk" to try and apply a theme for the qt applications that looks like you prefer18:44
holsteinadari: specifically, the first response18:44
adariholstein: good, thank you18:45
xubuntu379Hi all19:56
xubuntu379Hi Hedgework19:58
HedgeworkWhat can we help you with?19:58
xubuntu379I have a question19:58
xubuntu379Is it hard to move your home directory to a a seperate partition after a new install?19:59
HedgeworkNo, it is not.20:01
xubuntu379There are no files in either home folder20:02
HedgeworkIt's just a matter of formatting the new partition, putting relevant files/directories in it, re-mounting, and changing /etc/fstab to reflect the change.20:02
Hedgework(and, of course, rebooting to make sure all is in working order BEFORE you delete files/directories from the original location)20:03
HedgeworkThere are more-efficient ways to do it, but that's the newbie-safe way (i.e. if you need to avoid the reboot you can)20:04
koegsthere is even a wiki-page about it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving20:04
xubuntu379ty Hedgework and koegs20:04
xubuntu379fstab is new to me...maybe I will check out the wiki for that...20:05
Hedgeworkxubuntu379: "fstab" is short for "filesystem table", it's basically just a list of how you want Linux to treat certain storage on the system.20:08
xubuntu379thanks again...I will login  later and tell you how I did... :-)20:10
Hedgeworknp :)20:10
marcus_Hello, can somebody tell me how I can config compiz, that workspace switcher looks "normal"? Not like this:20:11
holsteinmarcus_: i suggest using something that is more "friendly" to the desktop environment you are using.. compiz in ubuntu is quite tailored for unity20:12
marcus_holstein: I used to use in xubuntu 13.10 and it worked flawless. Now in 14.10 its full of bugs.20:14
marcus_holstein: what would you suggest to use?20:14
holsteinmarcus_: well.. to be fair, its not a "bug" that its not working the way you need it to20:14
holsteinmarcus_: i would try the xfce compositor.. there are a few other compositors. what is your goal/need ? transparency?20:14
marcus_holstein: I like the workspace switcher and to drag+drop windows via keybindings or to move windows at the edge of the screen20:17
marcus_holstein: Stuff that the xfce compositor cannot provide20:17
holsteinmarcus_: sure.. but other window management features may20:18
marcus_holstein: plus in 13.10 it worked perfect but now in 14.10 it wont work anymore with the same machine?20:19
holsteinmarcus_: correct.. and you can expect it to get "worse" in the future20:19
marcus_holstein: I am looking forward to it20:20
marcus_holstein: in this case ubuntu aint no more fun anymore20:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:21
holsteinmarcus_: if you feel you have a bug, you can file ^ ..i would try upstream support with compiz as well http://lists.compiz.org/20:23
holsteinbut, in ubuntu, its designed to work with unity.. unity is basically a compiz plugin, iirc.. so, thats what the ubuntu package is intended to do20:23
marcus_holstein: I dunno if its a bug or it just needs some configuration.20:27
marcus_I'd rather hesitate on filing a bug that isnt.20:28
holsteinmarcus_: i personally dont think its either.. but, starting the bug report, and getting someone to confirm is a good first step20:28
marcus_holstein: so I sent a bugreport at launchpad. Maybe someone has an idea20:50
kulus919hi all21:30
kulus919i am having trouble with moving my home directory to a separate partition21:32
kulus919i have looked at the wiki21:32
kulus919i am having trouble with step 3 in setup fstab21:33
kulus919I keep getting error messages.21:34
elfykulus919: ok - try this instead pkexec mousepad /etc/fstab21:35
elfygksu isn't seeded much anymore and xubuntu doesn't use gedit :)21:35
kulus919ty elfy, I will try that.21:36
kulus919pkexec may have caused an error message21:38
elfykulus919: what version of xubuntu?21:39
kulus919but it opened even with error message21:40
elfypkexec mousepad should work then :)21:40
kulus919ok, will continue then.  :)21:41
elfyoh - in a terminal you see a bunch of things like "(mousepad:4995): GtkSourceView-CRITICAL **: gtk_source_style_scheme_get_id: assertion 'GTK_IS_SOURCE_STYLE_SCHEME (scheme)' failed"21:41
elfyignore those21:41
kulus919are # comment only or commands?21:43
elfy# will be comments21:44
kulus919will ext4 work for home partition?21:45
kulus919no errors this time!21:46
kulus919ty elfy..21:46
elfykulus919: welcome21:48
kulus919#4 has an error now... says file exists21:48
kulus919also no newline @ end of /etc/fstab21:50
kulus919can I ignore these?21:51
elfyif file exists - make sure you've got nothing mounted in it before you go further21:52
elfymount | pastebinit21:53
elfyI'll check that21:53
elfyadd a new line in fstab if it's complaining21:53
elfymy fstab is so old now I don't remember :)21:53
Picinot that old21:54
kulus919pastebinit says 884182921:55
elfyyou've managed to get 2 partitions mounted there21:56
kulus919(mousepad will not open now). hmmm..21:58
elfywell I wouldn't go any further till you've dealt with that - you don't want to start trying to copy your home to /media/home at the moment21:59
kulus919mp error 7881 and 789821:59
kulus919I still have my original fstab saved22:00
kulus919should I cp it back?22:00
elfykulus919: have you done anything else except mkdir and save and edit fstab?22:01
elfyand at somepoint you must have mounted things to /media/home22:01
kulus919mnt & unmnt drive22:02
kulus919sudo mount -a22:02
elfyso something was mounted in /media/home and you then mounted something else22:03
elfykulus919: someone will be able to assist you - but I've got to go22:05
kulus919hi all22:06
kulus919I've been helped by elfy but got stuck22:07
kulus919I am trying to move my home folder to a separate drive22:09
kulus919[14:03:07] <elfy> so something was mounted in /media/home and you then mounted something else22:09
kulus919was the last comment.22:10
kulus919is there some way of changing this?22:11
kulus919I am also thinking about restoring my original fstab again.22:12
kulus919is this a good idea?22:12
ObrienDaveyou can try asking in #ubuntu. more people there to help you22:13
kulus919I will try that.  thanks ObrienDave22:14

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