
* aquarius fixes the multiple-page-head thing with a dreadful workaround hack ;)00:07
aquariuswhere does Ubuntu SDK put the click packages it builds so that I can upload one to the store? The "Publish" section doesn't seem to actually have anything about publishing :(00:35
nik90aquarius: it should be in the build directory00:40
nik90aquarius: you can find out where your build directory is by Tools->Options->Build and run-> Build Directory00:41
nik90although it should somewhere obvious tbh00:41
aquariusIs "Ubuntu Publish" in Ubuntu SDK going to actually be about publishing at some point? :)00:41
nik90aquarius: I heard that's the plan00:42
nik90not sure if there is an API for it though00:42
aquariusand if I have a pure QML click package, I don't have to care about building it for arm, right? We're still using an on-device qml runner rather than every app providing their own?00:43
nik90you should be good00:43
aquariusit puts it in the parent folder :(00:43
aquariusso in my Programs folder I now have a thing named build-fontbrowser-emulatorrtm1409_GCC_i386_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-default00:44
aquariuswhich is massively ugly :(00:44
aquariusah well, will know next time to create a container folder.00:44
nik90well you can change that in the direction I posted above00:44
nik90Tools->Options->Build and run-> Build Directory00:44
nik90you can make it name anything from "StuartIsAwesome" to whatever comes to your mind :P00:45
aquariushaha, useful, thanks a lot, submission process. That's the most useless thing ever. http://screencloud.net/v/bSZz00:45
aquariusbeuno, ping.00:51
aquariusor is that more an mhall119 thing?00:52
beunoaquarius, I'll fix it tomorrow02:33
beunonot sure what's going on02:33
beunomaybe we did en up hardcoding errors for your user02:33
liuxg_I have an app called "import-qml". I used contenthub to get a picture from the gallery, and the picture is saved into my app local directory. However, I got the following error like Cannot open: file:///home/phablet/.local/share/import-qml/Pictures/image20141106_115100393.jpg04:41
liuxg_what is the root cause of the problem? do I need to do anything special for it?04:41
ajalkaneliuxg_: how are you trying to open it?06:53
liuxg_ajalkane, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8847553/. as shown there, it is an url in the ubuntu shape06:57
liuxg_ajalkane, my source code is at bzr branch lp:~liu-xiao-guo/debiantrial/contenthub-import06:58
liuxg_ajalkane, do you see any problems with it?07:04
ajalkaneliuxg_: try to call ".toString()" on the url you receive from Content-Hub before passing it to UbuntuShape07:07
ajalkane(if you haven't)07:07
liuxg_ajalkane, that is a qml app. I have printed the url string using console.log. the complained info is like  file:///home/phablet/.local/share/import-qml/Pictures/image20141106_115100393.jpg07:08
liuxg_ajalkane, file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.liu-xiao-guo.contenthub-import/0.1/main.qml:106:28: QML QQuickImage: Cannot open: file:///home/phablet/.local/share/import-qml/Pictures/image20141106_115100393.jpg07:09
liuxg_ajalkane, in the /var/log/syslog, it has the log like Nov  6 04:33:30 ubuntu-phablet kernel: [ 2819.238760] type=1400 audit(1415248410.527:827): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="com.ubuntu.developer.liu-xiao-guo.contenthub-import_content-import_0.1" name="/home/phablet/.local/share/import-qml/Pictures/image20141106_115100393.jpg" pid=18455 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=32011 ouid=3201107:10
liuxg_phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/.local/share/import-qml/Pictures$ liuxg@liuxg:~$07:10
ajalkanethe urls returned by Content-Hub are not strings AFAIK and you should be able to call .toString() on the URL. So on UbuntuShape try source: url.toString()07:11
liuxg_ajalkane, OK. I will have a try.07:12
liuxg_ajalkane, I think in QML, there is no such a thing like toString. I got a complain like "file:///opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.liu-xiao-guo.contenthub-import/0.1/main.qml:125:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to QObject*07:15
liuxg_UbuntuWindow::handleSurfaceFocusChange(focused=true)". In fact, I printed out the url correctly by using "console.log(importItems[i].url);07:15
liuxg_ajalkane, it seems to me that the app cannot access the file retrieved from the gallery.07:15
liuxg_ajalkane, if I set my app to the "unconfined", it works well.07:16
ajalkaneahem... I was sure I've seen some code that called .toString() on the urls of Content-Hub07:16
ajalkaneliuxg_: in your manifest.json, there's no content-hub files07:19
ajalkanenot sure if they're needed for importing, but at least this example project specifies them: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/+junk/hub-importer/files07:20
ajalkaneand that example project indeed calls toString() on the url07:21
liuxg_ajalkane, I just want to import some picture from the gallery. it works for the "unconfined" template. I think it is a security issue then.07:21
ajalkaneit does sound like security issue. I don't know if there's some automagic there that is done if manifest has "content-hub" specified07:22
liuxg_ajalkane, thanks for your help. I will check the code you pointed out. I am now just using an importer to import the picture.07:22
ajalkaneUnfortunately I know next to nothing about those apparmor profiles07:22
ajalkaneGood luck :)07:22
liuxg_ajalkane, anyway, thank you for your kind help on this.07:23
liuxg_ajalkane, I found my problem07:31
liuxg_ajalkane, the problem is that I should set the application name correctly applicationName: "com.ubuntu.developer.liu-xiao-guo.contenthub-importer". this is the directory that it should be accessed.07:34
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mzanettidpm: hey09:15
mzanettidpm: you joining?09:15
dpmmzanetti, ah, yes, sorry, my alarm didn't go off. I'll be there in 2 minutes09:16
mzanettidpm: please tell me you didn't use the Ubuntu Phone as alarm09:18
dpmmzanetti, I did use it, however, syncmonitor hadn't updated the new time I changed yesterday :)09:39
mzanettiplease report a bug... a not working alarm clock is a no go :)09:39
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Nachos Day! :-D09:50
aquariuspopey, do apps still require manual review?10:04
dpmaquarius, if they pass the click-review-tools check you can do on QtC or on the command line when building the click, they should be uploaded automatically, IIRC10:06
aquariusdpm, the thing I uploaded did pass them, but it's still in review; I assumed that if it were automatically reviewed, it'd happen in seconds :)10:21
dpmaquarius, do you have the url to the upload in the store? We can have a look at it10:26
davmor2aquarius: What does it say in feedback?10:28
aquariusdpm, davmor2: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1159/ -- feedback says that I moved it to "pending review" 46 minutes ago10:30
aquariusif things still need a person in the loop, that's fine10:30
aquariusI just didn't think they did any more, based on beuno's blog post10:30
dpmaquarius, let's see what popey or beuno can tell us. I can see that it's passed automated review, but I've not done any reviews in a while, so I'd rather wait for them to have a look at it10:34
popeycurrently debugging an issue with JamesTait10:35
popeyaquarius: ^10:35
JamesTaitAnd I'm in a queue atm. :(10:38
aquariuspopey, ah, ok, no worries then :)10:46
JamesTaitaquarius, did you manage to find your app's stats, btw?10:46
mzanettidpm: lets go ahead and merge it... I really don't see how it could affect sorting.10:48
mzanettidpm: besides, there is some issue with the evernote300 account. seems the notes are created programmatically and all have the exact same timestamps10:49
mzanettidpm: as we sort by timestamp this causes somewhat random results10:49
mzanettidpm: something that can't really happen in real life though10:49
popeymzanetti: they were created on my windows pc10:52
dpmmzanetti, +110:52
popeymzanetti: many were anyway10:52
mzanettipopey: interesting... how?10:53
mzanettipopey: just clicking the + button for 300 times?10:53
popeyi downloaded and unpacked the guttenburg collection10:53
popeyno, the windows client can be told to watch a folder10:53
popeypointed it at the unpacked guttenburg10:53
mzanettiinteresting... so it can happen in real life after all10:53
popeyand a folder full of wallpapers (to test large images)10:53
popeywell.. its contrived10:53
mzanettiwhat would you suggest to do in this case?10:53
mzanettilike they all have the exact same timestamps10:54
mzanettiso sorting by that doesn't really work10:54
popeyi would still sort by timestamp10:54
mzanettiQt falls back on the label10:54
popeyand ignore the anomoly that is the evernote300 account10:54
mzanettiwhich causes the weird effect we're seeing10:54
mzanettilike they are sorted somehow, then we load the content, the label changes and it gets reordered10:54
popeyi could delete all the files, give the text files random timestamps and start again?10:54
mzanettipopey: I think the timestamp is created when creating the note10:55
popeyoh, not the dos timestamp?10:55
popeyare they all about 3-4 weeks old?10:55
* popey isn't signed into it now.10:55
popeyprobably 2 months now10:55
* mzanetti checks10:55
popeysept 9th or so10:55
popeythats when I sent the mail about evernote300 account10:56
mzanettiMonday 8, 12:3810:56
mzanettiall of them10:56
popeymakes sense10:56
mzanettiwhatever that means10:56
popeywell, if I boot my windows machine now, you'll get more10:56
popeyas the api limit will have expired10:56
* popey swaps hard disks10:57
mzanettioh... well. it's not that important to create real efforts10:57
popeynah, it's 2 mins10:57
popeymzanetti: it's syncing now, so you may see some new things arriving11:01
popeymzanetti: and now I hit the API upload limit again11:04
mzanettipopey: hmm... seems they are using the file timestamp indeed11:13
popeyit didnt stamp them with today?11:14
popeybut some previous date?11:14
popeythats quite neat if true ☻11:14
mzanettiat least they're not showing up at the top11:15
mzanettibut rather along with the others11:15
popeymzanetti: need me to do anything with this evernote account?11:29
popey(while I have my windows pc booted)11:29
mzanettipopey: how does the windows client sort those notes?11:30
popeylooks like date then alphabetical by title11:30
popeymzanetti: http://imgur.com/RR1p0kP11:31
mzanettihmm... we're not displaying the day of month in our date... that's not good11:33
mzanettipopey: can you tell if that date is the created or the modified date?11:34
popeythere's two fields11:34
popeylet me get you another screenshot11:34
popeylook at the top right11:35
popeycompare with previous screenshot, note you only see "updated" if it's been modified after creation11:35
mzanettiI see11:36
mzanettipopey: so you touched all those notes today?11:37
mzanettias in, edited them in the app11:38
popeyi had to scroll down to find one that had been touched11:39
mzanettipopey: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/gif-support/+merge/24084212:18
popeywow, really?12:19
popeyis it 1997?12:19
popeyi didnt think gif had problems these days.12:20
mzanettipopey: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qimage.html#reading-and-writing-image-files12:21
mzanettipopey: it does read it, just not writing12:21
mzanettipopey: so the low-res version caching failed12:21
mzanettiwhich is why opening the note would show the image, but not the preview in the list of notes12:21
dpmmzanetti, does it mean we cannot view animated gifs? Ooooooh....12:22
mzanettiwe can, but not in the preview list12:23
mzanettiwhen opening the note we show the original image, which still is a gif12:23
mzanettihere's some more details: https://gitorious.org/qt-gif-plugin12:23
mzanettiseems initially writing support hasn't been implemented because of patents. those have now expired but noone updated gif support in Qt so far12:23
mzanettias its not 1997 any more noone cares about gif any more :D12:24
* popey uploads all of imgur for mzanetti to test that theory12:26
dakerMP4 is the new GIF now https://imgur.com/blog/2014/10/09/introducing-gifv/12:35
mihirpopey: just wanted to make sure at what time we have claendar meeting.12:36
mihirpopey: after how many hours we have Claendar meeting :P12:36
popeymihir: 1 hour 20 mins12:38
mihirpopey: thanks.12:51
mzanettidpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/improve-sorting/+merge/24084813:08
mzanettidpm: this should help a lot with perceived performance, also on images13:09
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mzanettidpm: lol... https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/138578313:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1385783 in Ubuntu Reminders app "No content shown. Stuck at "Select a Note"" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:49
mzanettisee last 2 comments13:49
dpmmzanetti, hahaha13:50
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dpmmzanetti, I'll test the sorting branch this evening14:04
mzanettidpm: rpadovani: having an issue here... I marked some notes as reminders in the evernote300 account. then I closed and restarted the app and the API tells me there are no reminders.14:29
mzanettialthough looking at it in the webinterface i can see them14:29
rpadovanimzanetti, not able to reproduce it, works well on rtm614:32
mzanettirpadovani: so you see all reminders just fine?14:32
rpadovanimzanetti, yap, I have a reminder that is very old under "No date" and one I just set for tomorrow14:33
mzanettirpadovani: is that your own account?14:33
mzanettior the evernote300?14:33
rpadovanimzanetti, mine, do I have to try with evernote300?14:34
mzanettiseems to work fine for my private account too14:35
mzanettiprobably related to the amount of notes14:35
mzanettihmm... this actually might be related to what that guy on g+ reported14:35
mzanettihah! indeed.14:37
mzanettiwe're only getting 250 notes14:37
dpmmzanetti, I'm a bit tied until this evening, but I'll try later too14:37
mzanettialthough the account has 35014:37
mzanettiyay! for the api regarding the max value I set14:38
rpadovanigood catch!14:38
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mzanettirpadovani: dpm: next one https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/load-chunks/+merge/24087715:59
mihirballoons: is there anything wrong with Jenkins ?16:09
mihiri am not able to rebuild job or unable to open that as well,
balloonslet me look16:10
popeyaquarius: i think you need to re-upload your app with a minor version bump, sorry.16:21
aquariuspopey, ok16:37
nik90gventuri: hey, can I get your opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1389773 quickly?16:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389773 in Ubuntu UX "[clock app] Font for the date is tiny and barely readable" [Medium,Triaged]16:44
gventurinik90: Hi16:46
gventurinik90: the thing is there should be the location name above16:48
gventurinik90: is location provider fixed?16:48
nik90gventuri: yup it is fixed. My location branch is being reviewed as we speak and should land tomorrow hopefully16:48
gventurinik90: we should see the design with the location name16:48
gventurinik90: I'll assign this bug for review to jounih16:49
nik90I can take a screenshot of my phone with the location name if you want16:49
gventurinik90: all visual bugs for apps should go to jounih16:49
gventurimichal has gone16:49
gventurinik90: sorry I can't help this time16:50
nik90gventuri: no worries, this is just a minor change. I will add screenshots to the bug report and defer to jounih16:51
gventurinik90: I asked him to join the channel16:51
aquariushm. I have no text entry box to enter my passphrase in the emulator.16:52
aquariusI'm not meant to have one?16:52
aquariusthat's horribly confusing16:52
aquariusaaaaaand... the Dash hasn't started, again16:53
aquariuscan I provide any helpful debugging information to anyone about that?16:53
aquariusah well, let's see if anyone wants info the next time it happens16:56
* aquarius restarts the dash :)16:56
aquariuspopey, new version uploaded (well, the same version with a new version number :))16:58
popeyaquarius: it should autoreview16:58
aquariusooh, failed review!16:58
* aquarius goes and looks why :)16:59
aquariusfound unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./qtcdevicedebughelper.py16:59
aquariussecurity_policy_groups_safe_FontBrowser (debug):16:59
aquarius(REJECT) reserved policy group 'debug': not for production use16:59
popeyyeah, remove that16:59
popeyalso, oops17:00
aquariusthat looks a LOT like what I've uploaded is some sort of debug build to run on the emulator17:00
popeyJamesTait: ^^^^17:00
aquariushow do I create a non-debug build for upload to the store?17:00
popeyi dont know, i have never done a debug build!17:00
beunoaquarius, correct, you uploaded what you built for the emulator17:00
beunoyou need to do a straight up build17:00
aquariushow do I do that?17:00
beunothere's a Packaging tab17:01
aquariusthe Build button (the little hammer) doesn't do anything for qml apps.17:01
aquariusI do it from the Publish tab17:01
popeyah yes17:01
beunoer, publish, yeah17:01
aquariuswith Create and validate Click package17:01
popeywith the right platform set17:01
aquarius(which is miscapitalised, btw)17:01
* JamesTait watches and learns.17:01
balloonsmihir, which merge is giving you the build trouble?17:01
popeypatches welcome ㋛17:01
aquariuspopey, it's a pure QML app, so it should be all, right?17:01
popeyyeah, it should run click reviewer tools against it17:02
popeyand pass17:02
aquariuswhich it did17:02
popeydid you bump the version (again)?17:02
popeybecause you'll need to, in order to submit17:02
aquariusI did :)17:02
aquariusjust resubmitted.17:02
nik90aquarius: yes you need to build click packages in the publish tab (both pure qml and other apps) before uploading to the store. The click which is created for testing on the emulator is only for debugging purposes17:02
JamesTaitYes, those dots are important. ;)17:02
aquariuswoooooo upblished!17:02
popeybeuno: btw, when apps fail the test I can't get to them in the web ui, they have a permission denied17:03
popeybeuno: is that expected?17:03
JamesTaitaquarius, is that uploaded and published?17:03
aquariusJamesTait, it is, and it shows in the store17:03
popeye.g. I couldn't get to aquarius's app earlier when he had a failed run17:03
JamesTaitaquarius, I meant the word you just invented. ;)17:03
aquariusJamesTait, ha! shut up :)17:04
beunopopey, yes-ish, because it hasn't been published17:04
beunoso it's sort of private17:04
popeythat makes no sense, i can see them before they're published17:04
popeybut not when they fail, and can again when they pass17:04
beunothat doesn't sound right17:04
beunopindonga, ^17:04
popeyits been like that forever17:04
JamesTaitaquarius, this must be Font Browser, the only app of yours in the store that I don't currently have installed. :)17:05
aquariusJamesTait, it is indeed :)17:05
aquariusit is not the most complex app in the world ;)17:06
JamesTaitIntrigued now.17:06
aquariusI wanted something that would show me all the fonts I have installed showing a particular phrase17:06
aquariusso I roughed it out as a python-gtk app17:06
aquariusand then I thought, no, wait, hang on, why not make it an sdk app and then everyone can use it, including on the phone17:06
aquariusand lo, there you have it.17:06
aquariusI uncovered about a million unpleasant rough edges in the process along the way :)17:07
JamesTaitAnd no foxes or dogs hurt int he making.17:07
aquariussome of which have bugs filed for them.17:07
aquariusalso, qml doesn't let you find out anythng about a font other than its name, afaict, which is most annoying.17:08
mihirballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/ReminderDesignFix-3/+merge/23959817:09
mihirit is not even running for approved Mp  to get it merged17:10
balloonsmihir, I ask because I can't get jenkins to load at all. can you?17:11
mihirballoons: nope I can't,17:11
pindongapopey, this is when they're not yet published for the first time, and the review fails?17:12
pindongaor does the same happen if the app was already published, but an update failed?17:12
popeyboth ☻17:12
pindongak, will add that to my todo list17:12
aquariusJamesTait, it would be nice if instead of throwing those errors about the debug privilege, the back end noticed that and said "you have uploaded a debug build which was made to test on the emulator, not a release build. Go and do a release build.", with nicer wording. :)17:12
pindongapopey, could you file a bug for this issue?17:12
pindongaso it's easier to track17:12
popeysure thing, where?17:13
pindongaon software-center-agent17:13
JamesTaitaquarius, I agree. I'm not sure where that bug would need to be filed, though - software-center-agent might be a good place to start, and we can retarget it if it's wrong.17:14
JamesTaitaquarius, I'm not sure how easy it is to implement, mind.17:14
aquariusif error_message = " reserved policy group 'debug': not for production use": error_message = "YOu uploaded a debug build, you numpty." # :-)17:17
balloonsmihir, ok, having ci take a look17:18
JamesTaitaquarius, maybe. ;)  I spoke with james_w and balloons about the upload scanner process in DC, but I still haven't actually got the stack running and got familiar with it.17:20
aquariusJamesTait, https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent/+bug/139016317:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390163 in Software Center Agent "Inform people kindly and understandably when they upload a debug build to the store by accident" [Undecided,New]17:22
* JamesTait hugs aquarius 17:22
aquariusJamesTait, I really don't think this needs clever handling in sca or anything; it's literally just a front end change in the web page which displays the error messages :)17:22
JamesTaitaquarius, ah well, in that case I can hand it off to a front-end developer and not worry. :-P17:27
aquariusJamesTait, that's how I'd solve it. You lot may feel differently about it :)17:31
balloonsohh aquarius did you have the weird won't pass click store review click issue? qtcreator somehow builds and passes a debug version17:31
aquariusand a world in which Ubuntu SDK publishes to the store without a web page involved may need the trap to happen somewhere deeper than in the django templates ;)17:31
balloonsone would fail, the next one I built the same way wouldn't17:32
balloonsI build on the command line now, so I suppose I never found the root issue17:32
aquariusballoons, the issue is that when you run your app in the emulator, Ubuntu SDK builds a click package for it, but you can't upload that click package to the store; you have to do a release build, which is done from the Publish pane. At least, that was my issue. :)17:32
aquariusit would also be nice if debug build click packages, which still get saved to disc, had " (debug build)" after them or something, so it was obvious.17:34
aquariusis that an Ubuntu SDK feature request or a click feature request?17:35
aquariusI think it's Ubuntu SDK?17:35
aquariushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/+bug/1390169 filed about it, anyway17:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390169 in qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu "Explicitly mark debug-build click packages AS debug builds" [Undecided,New]17:46
mihirballoons: okay17:48
balloonsmihir, should be up again17:51
mihirballoons: great , thank you.17:51
balloonsmihir, i believe it's building so I won't manually start it17:56
mihirballoons: no issues, curious to ask what was the issue ?17:57
balloonsmihir, something got stuck somewhere..17:58
balloonsmihir, :-) they didn't say exactly other than it was a hiccup17:58
mihirhehee okay18:00
mihirballoons: wow , it has started :D18:00
mihirpopey: ping18:01
mihirpopey: when you get time , could you just approve & Top approve trivial MRs so that we are good to go for store push on app ?18:01
popeymihir: sure!18:02
popeymihir: link me up!18:02
mihirpopey: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/DesignFixDefaultWeekView-5/+merge/24086718:02
mihirpopey: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/CalendarChoiceDesignFix-4/+merge/23964818:02
popeythanks mihir18:02
mihirpopey: these two , rest i have done that and with help of balloons Jenkins is back in action so we're good to go :D18:03
popey\o/ awesome18:03
mihirpopey: now we'll have Weekview as default & initial view18:04
mihirpopey: also , make sure Jenkins is happy before you top approve. :)18:04
popeyWill do!18:06
qtrosHi all18:15
qtrosI have dualboot on my nexus 4 installed and I want to reinstall Ubuntu Touch. For some reason updates doesn't work for me ("wrong version" message)18:16
qtrosHow can I do that?18:17
dpmqtros, not sure I can help, but it might be worth submitting a bug with the exact details on https://bugs.launchpad.net/humpolec18:18
qtrosdpm Hello, David18:20
dpmhey :)18:21
qtrosdpm can you tell me which one channel is now recommended for developers? :)18:21
dpmqtros, http://developer.ubuntu.com/start/ubuntu-for-devices/image-channels/ - in a nutshell, the recommended one is ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-proposed to track the latest development18:22
qtrosdpm seems that I should use ubuntu-touch/devel18:23
qtrosdpm to track latest changes18:24
qtrosdpm since I am not using it in everyday life) Only for development)18:24
dpmqtros, actually, I'd recommend the one I mentioned ^18:25
dpmas it's getting more developer and QA attention18:26
qtrosdpm yeah, now I see that you are right18:26
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
qtrosdpm thanks, current version looks great)19:26
qtrosdpm but 3g still doesn't work =\19:27
qtrosHmm... seems that scope development requires g++ 4.920:07
qtrosHow can I install it?'20:07
qtrosMy OS is 14.0420:07
qtrosGuys, I can't build unity scope because of lack g++ 4.9 in Ubuntu SDK.20:42
qtrosHow I can fix it? Can someone help?20:42
dakerqtros: i suspect you'll be asked to upgrade20:50
dakerto 14.1020:50
qtrosdaker okay, I thought about that earlier, seems that now is the time :)20:51
akiva-thinkpadpopey, dpm isn't here, but I'd just like to say that I can host two of my proposed sessions at the UOS.21:18
akiva-thinkpadCreating better incentives to contribute to Ubuntu.  &    Roundtable: Creating a Theming Standard for QML21:18
justCarakasanyone has an Idea why the music app on RTM6 keeps saying import music while I have music in my Music dir22:01
ahayzenjustCarakas, i can't remember if the old app is dynamic... or if there maybe is a bug with it22:02
justCarakasis there a way to get the new one ?22:03
ahayzenjustCarakas, at your own risk there is a new one under testing now https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg10380.html22:03
justCarakasI cant call anymore on android but I can on ubuntu touch, made me switch over :)22:04
ahayzenjustCarakas, but tbh the old app 'should' work but i haven't touched the code on it for nearly 2months22:05
justCarakasahayzen: thx gonne try it22:06
ahayzenjustCarakas, the music is appearing in the scope right?22:06
justCarakaswhen I used the terminal to move it over from the android data to the music folder, maybe that has something to do with it22:06
ahayzenjustCarakas, ah the permissions maybe wrong22:06
ahayzenjustCarakas, ensure that the files are owned/readable by the user phablet22:07
justCarakasyea, stupid me :) chanched perm on the folder forgot the songs22:07
ahayzenjustCarakas, still try the new music app if you want some fun ;) we would appreciate as much testing as possible :)22:09
justCarakasI will22:10
justCarakasjust hooked up my phone22:10
ahayzenjustCarakas, thanks :)22:10
justCarakasahayzen: I chowned and chmoded them but they still didn't show up (and those commands look bad written like that)22:13
ahayzenjustCarakas, you may need to restart to get it to rescan them as it probably got confused22:13
ahayzenjustCarakas, they aren't in the scope either right?22:13
justCarakasdo I also need to restart for the new app than ?22:14
ahayzenjustCarakas, if they aren't in the scope then music-app won't be getting them either as they come from the same source22:17
ahayzenjustCarakas, i would recommend restarting the device and then if that doesn't work look at the mediascanner2 logs22:18
justCarakasahayzen: its restarting now, just installed the music app22:19
justCarakasahayzen: do you happen to know where the feedback from the feedback app goes to22:20
ahayzenjustCarakas, feedback as in design/bugs?22:20
ahayzenoh 'feedback app' ?22:21
justCarakasthere is a feedback app :)22:21
* ahayzen hasn't heard of this22:21
justCarakasI was wondering what happens with that data :) I have been sick this week so I did some testing but wasn't near my pc (yeey for being sick) so I uses that app22:22
justCarakasoke :)22:22
ahayzenjustCarakas, the one written by nick skaggs?22:22
ahayzenjustCarakas, ask balloons ;)22:22
justCarakasballoons: what happens with the feedback from the feedback app ? :)22:23
justCarakasahayzen: music app is running here, how do I know if its the new one ?22:23
ahayzenjustCarakas, it will look massively different...does it have a dark background?22:24
justCarakason the album screen I have 4 squares with album art22:24
ahayzenjustCarakas, and Square boxes (or 'Cards' as we call them) not rounded corner ones....22:24
ahayzenjustCarakas, sounds like you have the new one :)22:25
justCarakasoki, nice :D22:25
justCarakasahayzen: anything that needs to be tested specifically ?22:26
ahayzenjustCarakas, everything? ... hehe erm just use it for normal use and see if there are any bugs/design issues22:26
ahayzen:) thanks22:27
ahayzenjustCarakas, its still WIP but getting close22:27
justCarakasahayzen: I like the control buttons22:27
justCarakasahayzen: do you think it would be possible on shuffle to go back to the actual previous song in stead of a random song ?22:29
ahayzenjustCarakas, yeah that is a known issue...we will eventually be using media-hub for the queue so will be fixed then22:29
ahayzenjustCarakas, or unless someone gets time to implement it22:30
justCarakasjust took 2 screens but I don't know what caused it22:33
ahayzenjustCarakas, screenshots?22:35
justCarakasahayzen:  http://imgur.com/QGbgsre22:35
justCarakasthis happened when it started playing from shuffle22:36
justCarakasbut when I started the song myself22:36
ahayzenewww the progress bar is mucked up there is no duration set22:36
ahayzenjustCarakas, you could try looking in the log to see if there is anything22:37
justCarakaswhere can I find the log for that ?22:37
ahayzenjustCarakas, in .cache/upstart ... then there will be something along the lines of application click com.ubuntu.music .log22:37
ahayzenjustCarakas, if you do $ ls -ltr .cache/upstart22:37
ahayzenjustCarakas, the last one that mentions music will be the log file22:38
justCarakasahayzen: and than to the bottom of the file ?22:41
ahayzenjustCarakas, yeah then just copy the output to pastebin.ubuntu.com and i'll see if i can spot anything strange22:41
justCarakaskinda a very long file22:42
justCarakasbut ok22:42
ahayzenjustCarakas, heh it may have previous runs... you sure you got the latest one?22:42
ahayzenjustCarakas, it will probably have 726 in the filename22:43
justCarakasthats the one :)22:43
ahayzenjustCarakas, yeah copy and paste that into pastebin :)22:43
justCarakasany idea how I can copy that entire file, nano doesn't seem very helpfull22:43
ahayzenjustCarakas, you could adb pull /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/thelogfile /tmp/music.log22:44
ahayzenjustCarakas, that would bring a copy of it onto your machine22:44
justCarakasgot it22:48
justCarakasahayzen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/885812722:49
ahayzenjustCarakas, thanks22:49
* ahayzen reads through22:49
ahayzenjustCarakas, when did the 'bad' time happen was it the second last time that file was used? or earlier?22:50
* ahayzen wonders why there are things like "VideoDimensionChanged signal arrived via the bus. void AalVideoRendererControl::onVideoDimensionChanged(uint64_t)" in the log22:52
justCarakasI think the second last time indeed22:53
justCarakasmaybe the screen going black by timeout ?22:53
ahayzenhmm maybe... justCarakas i can't see anything obvious that has caused the progress bar to break, were you able to reproduce it?22:54
justCarakasI saw it twice22:55
ahayzenjhodapp, would you expect things like ^^ talking about Video while playing music?22:55
justCarakasthe first time the song had just finished and it was on shuffle so I lost it than and waited22:55
justCarakasthan I saw it again22:55
justCarakastook the screen22:55
justCarakasand than I tried to start it manually and than it worked and took the second screen22:56
ahayzenjustCarakas, weird, because we changed it so every time the position changes the duration is updated as well so this *shouldn't* happen ... unless the player.duration value is somehow bad22:56
justCarakasjust noticed something22:57
ahayzenjustCarakas, ah if the song ends with repeat off and its the last in the queue...i see the potential for the bar to get confused as it is not reset?22:57
* ahayzen tests22:57
justCarakasI was scipping trough the songs and than you sometimes see the empty bar and time 0:00 but not the line22:58
justCarakasI have repeat and shuffle on22:58
justCarakasgot it22:58
justCarakasjust happend again while shipping trough the songs22:59
justCarakasonly happens with that one song22:59
ahayzenstrange i can see mine jumping to 00:00 but then as soon as the position changes it then goes back to being correct22:59
ahayzenjustCarakas, hmmm just that file?22:59
justCarakasjust that file22:59
justCarakassometimes it shows the time sometimes it doesnt22:59
ahayzeneven more weird :P22:59
ahayzenjustCarakas, the bar and the time are set at the same time lol23:01
ahayzenjustCarakas, see here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/remix/view/head:/MusicNowPlaying.qml#L34623:01
ahayzenjustCarakas, L347 sets the label L350 sets the maximum slider value23:01
justCarakasI got a snapshot of the log emediatly after it happened23:02
justCarakasmaybe that can help23:02
ahayzenjustCarakas, may do :)23:02
ahayzenjustCarakas, which file was it happening with? "let the wind blow" ?23:04
justCarakasit was23:05
justCarakasnow it happened with an other one 223:05
justCarakasso far I haven't found a pattern23:05
* ahayzen notices they are mp3s23:05
justCarakascould that be the problem ?23:06
ahayzenmost of mine are flac let me try with mp323:06
ahayzenjustCarakas, it still seems weird like the incorrect value is coming back from player.duration23:07
ahayzenjustCarakas, anyway i've got an assignment todo, i'll have a play about over the weekend and see if i can reproduce it, otherwise i blame your files :P hehe thanks for testing :)23:08
justCarakasyour welcome :)23:08
justCarakasI'll try it with an other set :)23:09
ahayzenjustCarakas, yeah probably a good idea23:09
* ahayzen gets back to work23:09
balloonsjustCarakas, it's intended for beta testers but you are welcome to use it. The feedback is collected and examined by the qa folks to look for bugs or missing features, etc23:19
justCarakasballoons: ah ok :) I used it a bit this week to report bugs I found when I was laying sick in bed :)23:21
justCarakaswas a bit easier than filing bug reports on launchpad :)23:22
justCarakassince I had no computer :p23:22
balloonsjustCarakas, yes they will be seen if you do that :-) Filing bugs is still handy though23:29
justCarakaslaunchpad isn't really phone friendly :)23:32
jhodappahayzen, I wouldn't expect that signal to be called for music-only playback23:40
ahayzenjhodapp, weird i'm seeing it in some logs of justCarakas 's23:41
ahayzenjustCarakas, you were just playing music right?23:41
justCarakasahayzen: just music, mp3s23:41
jhodappahayzen, something isn't quite right23:42
jhodappthough that shouldn't harm the music playback23:42
ahayzenjhodapp, here is the log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8858279/23:42
jhodappthat's music-app?23:43
ahayzenjhodapp, justCarakas is seeing something strange happneing with the progress bar (like it is missing the duration or something) but i'm not sure yet as i haven't been able to reproduce23:43
ahayzenjhodapp, yeah23:43
jhodappok, I'll take a look at it after I eat some dinner23:43
ahayzenjhodapp, go down to like ~L43023:43
justCarakasversion 223:43
ahayzenjhodapp, thanks23:44

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