
RAOFdesrt: Enjoy https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73969700:01
ubot5Gnome bug 739697 in .General "GTK should warn when reparenting a shown window" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:01
desrthmm... the one time a year i restart my irc host and now i've forgotten yet again how to connect to canonical irc :)00:04
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pittiGood morning07:24
seb128lut pitti, wie gehts?07:29
seb128good morning desktopers07:29
pittibonjour seb128 ! très bien, merci !07:30
pittiet toi ?07:30
seb128très bien aussi, merci ;-)07:30
larsuguten morgen!07:40
seb128larsu, howdy!07:47
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?08:01
didrocksseb128: encore des petits trucs dans la gorge et donc de la toux, mais sinon, ça va !08:02
didrockset toi ?08:02
pittihey larsu08:03
pittibonjour didrocks08:03
mvohey seb128, didrocks,pitti and larsu!08:03
* pitti waves to mvo, guten Morgen!08:03
didrocksguten tag pitti & mvo!08:03
seb128didrocks, ça va bien merci08:03
seb128hey mvo08:03
pittil'équipe du bureau se leve !08:04
didrockspitti: le fait d'être + ou - malade me fait me lever plus tard, oui :)08:04
seb128pitti, certains étaient déjà réveillés ,-)08:05
pittiseb128: oui - les gens comme seb128 qui se leve très tard tous le jours !08:06
pittije 'nai jamais pensé ça il y a quelques mois :)08:07
seb128pitti, moi non plus ;-)08:07
pittiseb128: est-ce que ce signifie que nous devenons plus vieux :(08:09
seb128c'est possible...08:09
pittiok, so how do we stop nm-applet from writing a pointless .gconf/apps/nm-applet/%gconf.xml08:10
pittiit's an outright insult now that it seems to be the only thing still using gconf..08:10
willcookebonjour madame08:10
pittiwillcooke: "madame"?08:10
pittibonjour willcooke08:10
pittiwillcooke: je vois seulement des hommes ici :/08:11
TheMuso`Hey willcooke.08:15
willcookehi TheMuso` - just getting the little one ready for school and I'll be with you08:16
seb128hey willcooke TheMuso`08:21
seb128didrocks, willcooke, just as another fyi, qtubuntu-media has been fixed in vivid, current desktop-next daily should start and let you log-in now, robert_ancell also have a fix for the "can't click in gtk" issue ... improvements! ;-)08:22
willcookegood start to the day08:23
didrocksseb128: nice! will give it a try :)08:25
willcookeAll of a sudden I've got lots of email from the devel mailing list in my inbox08:27
* larsu just got an email: "Indicator scroll event broken from Python for 2 years already. Fix is one line. Can you please fix it."08:28
willcookeI wonder if this is more spam from that nutter yesterday08:29
willcooke"I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS working on a 64 bit AMD. "08:29
pittiyeah, I just got a ton of ubuntu-devel@ mail from 201008:29
willcookeoh, yes - it's 201008:29
pittisomeone who is subscribed apparently bounced a whole lot of old mail08:29
didrocksyeah, quite annoying08:30
willcookelibreoffice update this morning too - thanks Sweetshark08:38
* seb128 grrs at the new gtk08:38
seb128new - old (fileselector)08:39
willcookeoh yeah08:39
seb128It looks like they are trying to push some touch ui on desktop08:39
seb128looks weird to me08:39
willcookeI hate people who do that08:39
seb128I wonder if that's just because it changed or if it really looks weird08:39
seb128willcooke, irony?08:40
seb128I really think it looks less good08:40
seb128I wonder if we should tweak it back08:40
seb128larsu, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/newgcc.png btw08:43
seb128u-c-c with the new version08:43
* seb128 opens some bugs for tracking08:44
larsuseb128: yep, theming is first on my list. Thanks08:44
seb128larsu, do you want bug reports for those?08:44
larsuseb128: for now it's fine if you report them here (too many for individual bugs)08:45
* larsu has a list as well...08:45
seb128larsu, do you want a bug for the combo issue?08:45
larsuseb128: yes, please08:45
seb128larsu, I'm tooking notes on http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v08:59
seb128easier than bug reports/keeping track from IRC08:59
larsucool thanks!08:59
seb128feel free to annotate/add things09:00
seb128larsu, checkboxes not having a border, bug or design choice?09:01
seb128it's ok for checked one, but you don't even know there is something you can tick for unchecked ones09:02
seb128added it to the list09:02
larsuoh, we get minimize and maximize buttons on header bars now09:03
seb128improvement ;-)09:04
larsueverything still crashes for me. I'll investigate further once the i-messages stuff is done09:04
seb128larsu, i-m, what process needs to be restarted?09:08
larsuseb128: just i-m09:08
seb128larsu, ok, no segfault anymore09:08
seb128hey Laney09:09
seb128how are things?09:09
Laneyalarm failed to sound!09:09
larsuLaney: 'good morning' would have worked as well09:09
larsuwhy do you have an alarm? Didn't we tell you how this job works? ;)09:10
Laneyby maintaining a SUPER STRICT ROUTINE09:11
seb128Laney, what do you use for your alarm?09:12
seb128(don't tell utouch :p)09:12
Laneynah, a squeezebox09:13
Laneyit's been a bit shoddy lately09:13
larsuLaney: what are you, German?09:14
larsuLaney: in any case: good morning :)09:14
larsuhope you had a pleasent sleep-in09:14
* seb128 adds lines to the pad09:16
seb128sorry larsu09:16
didrockswhere is the pad url!09:16
didrocksquick Laney, bring it back :)09:16
larsukeep it from didrocks!09:16
* didrocks creates a spreadsheet then09:16
larsudidrocks: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v09:16
* larsu is allergic to spreadsheets09:17
didrocksoh, but you do really have a pad, it wasn't a joke! :)09:17
larsuya, too many things to track in launchpad (it's only in the ppa for now, too)09:17
seb128didrocks, easier than tracking it by irc pings09:17
seb128we could use a blueprint, but a bit formal09:17
didrocksthe pad is not scrummy enough! :)09:18
seb128larsu, did you notice the indicator-sound icons being bigger?09:18
didrocks(just as a note: I like the pad as well)09:18
willcookedid someone say spreadsheet?09:18
LaneyI was just passing issues on via irc :p09:18
didrocksquick quick, find something to please the manager09:18
seb128shrug, didrocks, see what you did!09:18
* willcooke goes back to his slides09:18
larsuseb128: nope09:18
didrocksseb128: with that, we are back to safety ^ :)09:18
seb128didrocks, well done :-)09:19
seb128larsu, the indicator-datetime one is obvious09:20
seb128need to restart u-p-s after installing gtk though09:20
larsuhaha i have it in datetime09:22
larsunot in sound, though09:22
seb128larsu, I've it with totem in sound09:22
seb128not with rb09:22
larsuI don't have it with totem either09:23
larsuah, now I do (it's only a bit bigger though)09:26
* larsu restarted u-p-s _and_ i-s09:26
seb128yeah, only a bit09:27
larsudatetime is awesome though09:27
seb128Laney, not sure if you have details, I know that's a topic that we discussed a bit before, but if you details can you comment on bug #138933609:38
ubot5bug 1389336 in webkitgtk (Ubuntu) "Use geoclue-2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138933609:38
LaneyYou said the issue09:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1388294 in geoclue-2.0 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] geoclue-2.0" [Undecided,Fix committed]09:40
seb128Laney, right, I was pointing it in case I was saying something inaccurate09:40
seb128thanks for checking09:40
Laneyno worries09:41
LaneyI suppose we could think about taking this work on09:41
seb128I guess we could, not sure what would be the right way to approach the issue though09:42
Laneythat would be step 109:43
LaneyFrom the sounds of it it might be in-tree09:43
seb128well, that comment suggest we could change our server maybe09:43
seb128or patch the code09:43
LaneyI think there are other clients of the server so you'd want to keep both protocols working09:45
Laneybut yeah, would need poking09:46
seb128hum, dsl is down (doing IRC through my phone, but I've a limited data plan so I might just drop offline)10:11
* pitti tosses seb128 an interweb cable10:37
seb128pitti, danke10:37
pitti"Jordi, boost the pittinet signal strength to extend to Netherlands! Divert power from the coffee machine!"10:37
* pitti hugs seb12810:38
seb128shrug, we can't have internet and coffee at the same time?10:38
seb128we are screwed :p10:38
* seb128 hugs pitti back10:38
pittiseb128: that's what Picard and LaForge always did, no? divert power from live support to the warp drive or shields10:38
pitti(as if that would make any measurable difference :) )10:38
pittiand if the coffee machine doesn't count as "life support" for hackers, then what does10:39
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mhall119didrocks: hey, so the Android thing I'm working on needed the NDK, would be nice if udtc could install that for me too14:14
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mhall119and do whatever it needs to do so that android studio and/or eclipse know about it14:15
willcookedidrocks, fyi from mhall119 ^^^^14:40
mdeslaurmd_test: test test14:42
mhall119willcooke: well I did tag him in it, I assume he'll get an annoying popup or ping or something :)14:44
willcookeoh - you did, sorry14:44
didrocksmhall119: the NDK shouldn't be needed with the default options, was it?14:48
mhall119didrocks: I'm trying to compile a project that uses it14:48
didrocksmhall119: yeah, so you need to install it14:49
mhall119studio complained that it didn't have it14:49
didrockswe can't install all services14:49
didrocksor the default install would be ~10G14:49
didrocksbecause NDK is one thing, but there are support library, google services, google play services14:49
mhall119right, but being able to `udtc android ndk` would have been much nicer than going to developer.android.com, downloading their .bin, chmod-ing it and executing it14:49
didrocksmhall119: ah, you mean for something not available in their sdk-manager?14:50
mhall119the others I can install via the SDK Manager right?14:50
didrocksyeah, that's doable, mind filing a bug?14:50
didrocksyep :)14:50
mhall119sure, what's the LP project name?14:50
didrocksmhall119: it's on github: https://github.com/didrocks/ubuntu-developer-tools-center/issues14:50
mhall119oh, right14:51
didrocksmhall119: what kind of project are you on to have to download the NDK? This is really for a nice-thing :)14:51
mhall119didrocks: it's for a game engine, AndEngine14:52
didrocksinteresting, so yeah, you need it to access the gl stack :)14:53
dgadomskibregma: hi, is this somehow possible to turn off the "untrusted application launcher" check in unity on precise? For every shortcut I create by dragging from dash to the desktop I end up with a untrusted launcher and I need to modify the perms in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop (which I would like to avoid)15:44
bregmadgadomski, in 12.04?  I don't think so15:50
dgadomskibregma: I was afraid of that, thank you15:52
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* willcooke -> EOD17:49
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RAOFdesrt: Or maybe in here, because #-mir is being a bit busy :)22:31
RAOFdesrt: Do you mean “what is the definitive list of available cursor names”?22:31
desrti already answered my own question by reading the source :)22:32
desrtwhich is that it is open-ended22:32
desrtif i give you a cursor name that you don't recognise then you'll attempt to open the x11 cursor with this name out of the cursor theme22:32
desrtwhich is more or less what i want :)22:32
desrtthere is only one annoying thing: if the name of the icon in the cursor theme is the same as a name that mir uses for its purposes then i'll get the mir icon instead22:33
RAOFYeah. We'll give you something more flexible later.22:33
desrti'm sure there are some conflicts there.  i'm not sure if they matter.22:33
attente_robert_ancell: how are you testing things such as the test program from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1388875 under unity 8?22:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1388875 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Vivid) "GTK+ applications unable to be clicked on in Unity 8" [High,Fix committed]22:46
robert_ancellsudo cp to /usr/bin and make a file in /usr/share/applications/foo.desktop with X-Ubuntu-Touch=true22:47
robert_ancellThen launch from Unity 822:47
robert_ancellFor the environment variables I made /usr/bin/mir-test a shell script that called /usr/bin/mir-test.real22:47
robert_ancellThen the logs are in ~/.cache/upstart/application-legacy-mir-test-*.log22:48
robert_ancelli.e. stdout/err22:48
attente_robert_ancell: ah, ok, thanks!22:49
robert_ancellFor faster testing though I run sudo mir_demo_server_shell from a VT. Set the ownership of /var/run/user/*/mir_socket to all writable and launch the apps with DISPLAY=22:49
robert_ancellI don't know if there's a way to launch things directly into Unity 8 (I suspect the security stuff disallows it)22:50
robert_ancellattente_, how goes the GTK3 port?22:50
attente_robert_ancell: not much progress, added some basic cursor support, but xchat-gnome doesn't even launch under unity 822:52

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