
=== ribru is now known as robru
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=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
* stgraber waves16:01
stgraber#startmeeting Foundations team meeting16:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov  6 16:01:14 2014 UTC.  The chair is stgraber. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Foundations team meeting | Current topic:
stgraber#topic Round table16:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Foundations team meeting | Current topic: Round table
stgraberstgraber@dakara:~$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray cjwatson caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru)16:02
stgraberbdmurray sil2100 infinity barry doko mvo cjwatson caribou robru stgraber jodh16:02
stgraberhopefully I didn't forget anyone :)16:02
bdmurrayupdated daisy/retracer.py to use gdb to see if a core file is valid16:02
bdmurrayresolved retracer corrupt core file detection issue in daisy r56516:02
bdmurrayupdated daisy/submit.py to not ask for core files from click packages16:02
bdmurrayupdated daisy-retracer charm cronjob to start counting 15.04 users16:02
bdmurrayinvestigation into where click package counters appear in the error tracker16:02
bdmurraysubmitted RTs to have daisy updated on production to r562, r564, r56516:02
bdmurrayresearch into seb128's file-roller retracing failure (missing ddebs)16:02
bdmurraytested crash reporting from Live CDs16:02
bdmurrayverified apport and whoopsie are working from live cds in utopic (not update-notifier though)16:02
bdmurrayuploaded whoopsie to vivid that will run if ubiquity-dm is running16:03
bdmurrayuploaded casper to vivid that allows inotify on /var/crash to work16:03
bdmurrayemail to ubuntu quality about crash reporting from Live CDs16:03
bdmurraySRU verification of apport bug LP: #1354571 (invalid core dumps)16:03
bdmurrayattempted SRU verification of apport bug LP: #1372665 (unable to recreate original issue)16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1354571 in apport (Ubuntu Precise) "apport-retrace ignores warnings from gdb" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135457116:03
bdmurraywrote a clickhook.py (apport hook) to gather package information about click packages16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1372665 in apport (Ubuntu Trusty) "apport reports suspend/resume failure twice on boot (apportcheckresume)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137266516:03
bdmurrayuploaded clickhook.py to vivid thereby improving the situation for apport bug LP: #136507916:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1365079 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport should gather package information about click packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136507916:03
bdmurrayverified the interim solution for apport bug 1365079 (click package info for crashes)16:03
bdmurrayreported whoopsie bug LP: #1389357 regarding CRASH_DB_IDENTIFIER16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389357 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie reuses CRASH_DB_IDENTIFIER on next run" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138935716:03
bdmurrayreported whoopsie-preferences bug regarding apport / whoopsie running LP: #138940716:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389407 in whoopsie-preferences (Ubuntu RTM) "choosing not to report "app crashes and errors" leaves apport and whoopsie running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138940716:03
bdmurrayworked with davmor2 regarding his whoopsie-identifier issue16:03
bdmurraycame up with a plan for distribution-upgrade crash reports and EoL releases16:03
bdmurrayIS / UE sync up call16:03
bdmurray✔ done16:03
sil2100- Landing team work, preparing landing e-mails16:03
sil2100- Coordinating image promotion to ubuntu-rtm16:03
sil2100- CI Train maintenance and features:16:03
sil2100  * Switching native RTM builds to use 15.04 in their version numbers16:03
sil2100  * Some small work related to changelog bug number fixes...16:03
sil2100- More on updating the Landing Team documentation16:03
sil2100  * Added SupportedDevices16:04
sil2100  * Updated LandingTeamProcess with latest information16:04
sil2100  * Misc changes here and there16:04
sil2100- Discussions related to image readiness (for RTM)16:04
sil2100- Preparations for UOS - poking for sessions16:04
sil2100- Gathering intel on missing landings from ubuntu-rtm in vivid16:04
sil2100  * Writing some helper scripts for that16:04
sil2100  * Still need some time to finish up the proper list of non-synced changes16:04
sil2100- Bug reviews for subsequent RTM milestones16:04
sil2100- Discussions regarding the landing and promotion process for milestones16:04
sil2100- Announcement e-mails (again!)16:04
sil2100Holidays: next week off \o/16:04
barryno infinity?16:04
barrysystem-image: 2.5.1 landed in rtm.  LP: #1374459 landed in trunk (for 3.0).16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1374459 in Ubuntu system image "Support alternative downloaders" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137445916:05
barrydebuntu: LP: #1387323; LP: #1381177; vivid upgraded one machine so far so good; looking at rc bugs for jessie and filed debian bug #76833416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1387323 in emacs24 (Ubuntu) "Merge emacs24 24.4+1-4 from Debian unstable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138732316:05
slangasekno infinity this morning, no16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1381177 in pybootchartgui (Ubuntu) "pybootchartgui raises IndexError" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138117716:05
barryother: helped with lots of interviews for open team positions16:05
ubottuDebian bug 768334 in src:genshi "genshi: We now have what we need to re-enable genshi for Python 3.4" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/76833416:05
dokoI'll go at the end ...16:05
mvoShort version to avoid being confused with people who write very long activity reports ;)16:05
mvoWorked on apt (new abi breaking release coming soon, prepare for some16:05
mvoturbulences), click, system-image, helped the SDK team and scopes16:05
mvoteam, did merges. We have a i386/arm core image now :) But its still16:05
mvotoo big :(16:05
mvo[full 61 lines gtimelog data available on request ;)]16:05
cjwatsonI've been on vacation, and am on conference leave today and tomorrow at https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Miniconf-UK/201416:05
cjwatson(just happened to notice the highlight in this channel at the right time)16:06
caribouok, i'm next16:06
caribou* BugFix : Ongoing work on libnss-ldap Critical bug LP: #1387594 - Merge waiting for sponsorship - Will then SRU16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1387594 in libnss-ldap (Ubuntu) "init: symbol lookup error: /lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/libnss_ldap.so.2: undefined symbol: __libc_lock_lock" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138759416:06
caribou* BugFix : Ubuntu Cloud Archive incompatibility between IceHouse and Precise16:07
caribou  - Fix commited to U.C.A16:07
caribou* Preparing merge of my packages16:07
caribou* Investigation on SystemD16:07
caribou* Finalize makedumpfile/kdump-tools test environment16:07
robru* citrain16:08
robru - fixed it to stop considering a merged merge as 'not Approved' (this makes it easier to do trunk releases using an already-merged merge)16:08
robru - simplified some redundant code16:08
robru - massive overhaul changing relative paths into absolute paths. not finished yet, but I *think* I fixed the bug where it cd's into the wrong dir and then creates a bunch of files and then can't find them later because they're not in the right place. using absolute paths ensures everything is where we expect it to be regardless of the cwd.16:08
robru* various and sundry landings as well16:08
stgraberoh, it's me already?16:08
stgraber - lxc:16:09
stgraber    - Updated the upstream images to not run sshd by default16:09
stgraber    - Updated the upstream images to not setup default passwords16:09
stgraber      (instead recommend using lxc-attach)16:09
stgraber - lxd:16:09
stgraber    - Public announcement and answering questions about it16:09
stgraber      http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/lxd16:09
stgraber      https://lists.linuxcontainers.org/pipermail/lxc-devel/2014-November/010817.html16:09
stgraber    - Setup the project (contributing guidelines, licensing, ...)16:09
stgraber    - Pushed an initial specification for the client user experience:16:09
stgraber      https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/specs/command-line-user-experience.md16:09
stgraber    - Initial reviews for the first few pull requests16:09
stgraber - system-image16:09
stgraber    - Published operation documentation at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades/ServerOperation16:09
stgraber    - Did some testing of image reverts to make sure things are now solid16:09
stgraber    - Discussed bug 1387214 and potential ways of recovering from fs corruption16:09
ubottubug 1387214 in initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] file corruption on touch images in rw portions of the filesystem" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138721416:09
stgraber - other16:09
stgraber    - SRU reviews16:09
stgraber    - DB review and restore for the ISO Tracker following the Drupal CVE16:09
stgraber - kernel16:09
stgraber    - Tracked down a regression in 3.16 on servers with recent Intel NIC16:09
stgraber      spamming dmesg with a WARN per packet due to broken code in hardware16:09
stgraber      offloading (affecting my home hardware).16:09
stgraber    - Wrote and published an exploit for the IPv6 neighborhood table overflow.16:09
stgraber      http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/containers/2014-November/035292.html16:09
stgraber 16:09
jodh* system-image:16:10
jodh  - Lots of improvements to the ubuntu-core-upgrader.16:10
jodh  - Currently writing a set of integration tests.16:10
jodh* misc: out 3 days last week.16:10
doko- getting started with GCC 516:12
doko- work on crashes when running the GCC testsuite on powerpc16:12
doko- binutils update and backports16:12
doko- updated two local machines to 14.1016:12
stgraberslangasek: do you have something read to copy/paste or are you too busy?16:12
slangasekstgraber: nothing from me, sorry16:12
stgraberDoes anyone have something to present? (guess not, but can't hurt to ask)16:13
sil2100ENOTIME for most people I suspect16:13
stgraberyeah, figured as much16:14
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
stgraber#topic AOB16:14
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Foundations team meeting | Current topic: AOB
stgraberanything else?16:14
bdmurrayNext Tuesday is a US Holiday - Veteran's Day16:14
bdmurraySo I'll be out then16:14
* barry will very likely swap day it16:14
bdmurraymvo: Do you have any ideas about bug 1384946?16:14
ubottubug 1384946 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Trying to upgrade to utopic, cannot compute changes due to gnuplot" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138494616:14
mvobdmurray: not right now, let me look16:15
bdmurrayduring a P to T upgrade gnuplot-x11 and gnuplot-nox are kept, but then conflict on upgrade to Utopic16:15
mvobdmurray: meh, I think you asked me about this before, didn't you? sorry for that16:15
bdmurraymvo: yeah, but it was at the end of the sprint. ;-)16:15
* mvo nods16:16
bdmurraythat's it from me16:17
* mvo does not have anything else either16:18
stgraberthanks everyone!16:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov  6 16:18:46 2014 UTC.16:18
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-11-06-16.01.moin.txt16:18
caribouthanks stgraber16:19
mvostgraber: short meeting, you should always lead it :)16:19
stgraberwell, it's quick when you don't have to wait on people :)16:20
bdmurraymvo: and its quick when you don't paste a short story. ;-)16:22
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Nov  6 17:05:42 2014 UTC.  The chair is elfy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:05
elfyHi everyone - it's time for this weeks CC meeting with the Forum Council and Core Apps17:06
elfyfirst up is the Forum Council - and I'm the only one from the FC here - so ...17:06
elfy#chair YokoZar czajkowski mhall11917:07
meetingologyCurrent chairs: YokoZar czajkowski elfy mhall11917:07
YokoZarMorning then ;)17:07
YokoZarPut on your other hat please17:07
elfyt'is on :)17:07
mhall119hello everyone17:07
mhall119elfy: so how is the FC doing these days?17:08
elfypretty good thanks17:08
mhall119IIRC, the last checkup we had there were some issues with the bots and/or some people17:08
mhall119or was that the IRCC...17:08
elfywe've had quite a bit going on lately17:08
elfyyea - that was ircc :)17:08
elfyforum was 10 last month17:09
elfythere's been a lot of work we've done to clear up some of the sub-forums, but that's an ongoing issue17:09
mhall119is the FC fully staffed and is everybody active?17:09
elfywe started to blog about forum things too17:09
elfynope - not fully staffed17:10
elfywe had a resignation from Iowan17:10
mhall119ok, have you called for nominations yet?17:10
elfywe're not in a huge rush with that17:10
elfymhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncil/TeamNomination#Procedure_for_nomination_of_moderation_team_member_to_Forum_Council17:11
elfywe'd hope to be somewhere close to contacting the CC in a couple of months at the most17:11
YokoZarHas forums usage been trending up or down?17:11
elfyYokoZar: it's pretty static, with the normal upswing in April/May and October/November17:12
mhall119elfy: how has the migration to SSO gone?17:13
elfywell - the best that can be said is that it happened17:14
mhall119heh, fair enough17:14
mhall119any outstanding issues from that?17:14
mhall119or anything else that you need help/feedback from Canonical on?17:14
elfyonly that we would like to be on a level footing with other services that use SSO17:14
elfythe major issue our users have is that they get logged out17:15
elfyI logged into AU 6 months ago - if I go back I'm still logged in17:15
elfywith the forum if you don't visit it within 24 hours you get logged out17:15
elfyfor AU read anything that we can use SSO with :)17:16
elfywhile I personally don't have an issue as I'm not away for longer than 12 hours - others hate it :)17:16
elfyand of course it's the 6 of us that get hit with that stick :)17:16
mhall119elfy: is there an RT filed for that?17:17
elfyif Canonical can help to get a bit of traction on that - we'd be over the moon - even if it's a definitive IS can't do that because of vB/SSO17:17
elfyI think so mhall119 - I can dig it out later17:17
mhall119it wouldn't be SSO, it's consumer-website specific I think17:18
mhall119summit has a long session live, while etherpad has a short one, for example17:18
elfypossibly - don't know - I just know what they've said in the past17:18
elfyyes - etherpad is a few hours at most17:18
mhall119elfy: if you have an RT send it my way and I'll try and get a status update on it17:19
elfyI'll let you know the ticket17:19
mhall119if you don't have an RT, file one and then do the same :)17:19
elfyyep - cool17:19
elfyI think that's about it from me17:20
czajkowskielfy: I know the work you do is great and I do see the FC has raised its awareness from you, but are there other voices in there I worry it all falls on your shoulder17:20
elfyoh - we're discussing ways to shout out recurring issues that people on forum are reporting17:20
elfyeg we get a LOT of threads from people usinig LVM and not watching /boot filling up17:21
elfyczajkowski: it's mostly the time for these meeetings - others were hoping to be here today, bapoumba howefield17:21
elfyothers have work timing issues17:22
czajkowskinds ok17:22
YokoZarHuh, ok17:22
elfyand the FC is actually a lot noiser internally than just me saying things :)17:22
mhall119that's good to hear17:22
elfyYokoZar: what does that mean :)17:23
mhall119elfy: so how are you promoting those recurring issues? Bug reports?17:23
YokoZarSticky threads with links, I'd imagine.17:24
elfywhen there is existing reports - we make sure to link the bug into threads17:24
elfyYokoZar: not yet17:24
elfythis is quite a recent discussion - like a fortnight at most17:24
elfywhat we DON'T want to do - is point people at bugs generally, people just add pointless comment rather than me too it17:25
mhall119elfy: if there isn't an existing bug report, do mods create one, or ask the original poster to create one?17:25
elfyand that just annoys rather than helps17:25
elfymhall119: as I said this is quite new discussion - but we did do one with the /boot partition filling issue17:26
mhall119I'm wondering if there's a good way to let the developers know that these are recurring issues on the forums...17:26
elfywell - that's kind of the thinking17:26
mhall119other than having more people mark it as affecting them17:26
elfybug reports is the way to start it for sure17:27
* mhall119 puts his Canonical Community Team hat on17:27
elfybut possible start would be a similar thing with UWN17:28
mhall119let me know what the FC decides on that and if we can help organize and promote the effort17:28
* mhall119 pop hat17:28
elfylike the AU stats - but we'd need to manually do it, sort of "We're seeing a lot of people with foo"17:28
elfyok mhall119 - thanks :)17:28
mhall119any other questions or comments for the Forums Council?17:29
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
mhall119guess not, thank you elfy :)17:30
elfywelcome - thanks mhall119 czajkowski YokoZar17:30
mhall119#topic Core Apps checkin17:30
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Core Apps checkin
mhall119popey: around and ready?17:31
elfyI'll put my other hat back on now :)17:31
elfyhi popey17:31
popeyWassup CC17:31
mhall119so I really don't have questions, since I have a weekly call with popey on this topic17:31
popeyOk, lemme say a couple of things for the logs..17:31
popeySince the last time we spoke, we had a Canonical Devices sprint in Washington DC17:32
* mhall119 missed out17:32
popeyWe invited 8 of the core apps developers, and 2 developers who were not "core apps" technically17:32
popeybut they were developers of apps in the store, who were heavy users of the SDK17:32
popeyIt was _awesome_17:32
popey(slightly less awesome than it could have been because mhall119 wasn't there of course) :D17:33
popeyThere's been a bunch of blog posts from various people about their experience.17:33
popeyThey were all very professional, friendly, productive and helpful.17:33
mhall119I'm glad they had so much face-time with the platform and SDK teams to give them feedback and get support17:34
popeyWe got _so_ much done in that week.17:34
popeyWe need to do more in-person events.17:34
popeyNot necessarily "Lets do UDS again", but more "Lets do more in person things"17:34
mhall119I think we're all in agreement on that17:34
YokoZarhah, ok17:34
popeyThe fact that there were 230 people in one venue meant we could go and grab people and have conversations to sort issues out17:35
popeyloads of those hallway conversations we used to have17:35
czajkowskipopey: I think it's nice to see happen, however to many it was still odd to see as they are not included and have no way of being involved as not core dev - also the line of men there didn't really show diversity.  I appreciate this isn't dwn to you but to many women it may appear rather exclusive.17:35
YokoZarThere's a reason silicon valley is a physical location ;)17:35
popeyczajkowski: I think you're raising two issues there.17:36
popeylet me see.17:36
popey1) non core apps people aren't invited17:36
popey2) not diverse enough17:36
popeyAm I right?17:36
YokoZarczajkowski: Unfortunately I feel that live events will always surface our underlying diversity problem17:36
popeyWell, taking 2) first, 220 of the people were Canonical employees. I have near-zero influence on the hiring process of my employer.17:37
popeyIt is a fact that the vast majority of engineers in the company are men.17:37
mhall119this is kind of off the subject of core apps17:37
mhall119can we finish that topic first?17:37
popeyIndeed, however it does lead to the second thing.17:37
popeyI would like to see more diversity in core apps specifically.17:38
popeybecause that _is_ all guys.17:38
popeyI will take an action to look at how I can improve that, thanks czajkowski17:38
mhall119popey: something like a OPW for Core Apps?17:38
mhall119outreach program for women, the (I think) GNOME initiative17:38
popeyAh okay. Sure.17:39
popeyI'm happy to have ideas thrown at me, and have a session at Open Week if you think it's useful?17:39
czajkowskipopey: thanks17:39
czajkowskiI do understand it's not all down to you17:39
popeySure, but I'm one of the people who recruit devs for core apps, so it kinda is ☻17:40
popeyBut it's now on my list, where previously it was at the back of my mind.17:40
popeySo anyway, back to core apps.17:40
mhall119+1 for an Open Week or UOS session on that topic17:40
popeyThe event gave us a spurt of work during the week, and after too.17:40
popeyWe still need to recruit more developers as some of them are busy / burning out / spread thin17:41
* czajkowski hugs popey thank you! 17:41
popeyand we'll certainly talk about that at UOS next week.17:41
popeyDo you have any specific questions for me?17:41
YokoZarRegarding CoreApps -- I've seen some chatter online about how Canonical's focus might be a bit unclear with all the different directions it's going lately.  I'm beginning to wonder if this is related to the lack of UDS keynotes.17:42
mhall119so the topic has come up a couple of times before about giving app developers a path to Ubuntu Membership, I'd like to see some movemement on that17:42
popeyYokoZar: Ah, now that's an interesting point.17:42
mhall119YokoZar: how is that related to Core Apps/17:42
popeyits tangentially related.17:43
YokoZarCoreApps is the newest thing in that sense, and I'm wondering how we can show this sort of commitment clearly17:43
popeyI had a conversation with Rick Spencer in DC where he was surprised to hear about (some opinion / thoughts from the community)17:43
popeyI think he thought we'd communicated (this thing that I wont say but doesn't matter to this conversation) well, but actually it seems people in the wider user/developer community possibly had the wrong end of the stick17:44
popeyand that as a result perhaps we aren't communicating our overall strategy clearly17:44
popeysome of that is partly down to the usual commercial contractual obligations (the devices we can't talk about)17:44
popeybut I think there is room for more "Keynote" style "Trajectory setting"17:44
popeybecause we're all heads-down working hard, coming up for air now and then17:45
popeyand the community / users / bloggers are getting the wrong end of the stick in a lot of ways17:45
popeyrelated to devices / convergence / click / packaging / unity 8 etc17:45
mhall119didn't rick do such a keynote last UOS?17:45
popeyyeah, but with all due respect, rick isn't mark standing on stage giving a keynote17:45
popeynearly _nobody_ blogs about what rick says17:46
popeymark says "we're doing bunnies this year" and bloggers go mental for it.17:46
popeyHope that semi-ramble makes sense.17:46
elfyit did to me17:48
YokoZarIt makes perfect sense17:51
mhall119so we need rick to grow a beard then? :)17:51
mhall119ok, I've got a TODO to follow up with mark about a UOS keynote, so I'll work on that17:52
mhall119any other questions or comments for popey about core apps?17:53
elfynot here17:53
elfythanks from me popey - gtg for a bit now :)17:55
popeythanks elfy17:55
mhall119#topic open17:58
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: open
mhall119any other topics for the CC before we wrap up?17:58
YokoZarThanks folks17:58
mhall119ok, thanks everyone!17:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Nov  6 17:59:34 2014 UTC.17:59
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-11-06-17.05.moin.txt17:59
Riddellhola chicos!21:00
Riddellwho's here for a kubuntu-dev meeting to discuss sgclark membership?21:01
valoriealways lovely to see more kubuntu devels21:01
shadeslayerme me me21:01
Riddellsgclark: what's your wiki page and tell us who you are21:02
Riddelljust incase we forgot21:02
sgclarkHello https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sgclark/DeveloperApplication I am this crazy packaging lady that is extending her knowledge to learn every aspect of Kubuntu.21:03
Riddell"I have been a packaging machine ever since" too right21:03
Riddellsgclark: technical question do you know why my upload of kde-workspace failed today?21:04
Riddellit compiled fine21:04
Riddellbut failed to get into the archive21:04
Riddellthis of course is after I uploaded plasma5 including systemsettings from plasma521:04
Riddellkde-workspace also having systemsettings from kde 421:04
sgclarkwell I have to look, I was busy with k3b. Give me a min21:05
Riddellanswer is still on launchpad indeed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/4:4.11.12-0ubuntu2/+build/654345721:05
* Riddell invites others to give questions21:06
shadeslayerI think it's better if we do it one question at a time21:07
sgclarkRiddell: the debian version number was higher than what was in archive?21:08
yofelnot quite, *that* would've worked21:08
Riddellit was lower21:09
shadeslayersgclark: this package hasn't migrated from proposed to release, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polarssl/1.3.9-1 , can you tell me why?21:10
Riddellooh that's a tricky one21:10
shadeslayer( I know it's not a KDE package, but that doesn't really matter :P )21:10
shadeslayerRiddell: oh I have another one up my sleeve :P21:10
sgclarkRiddell: the package is missing the epoch?21:11
* stgraber takes some notes, good questions to re-use for some DMB applicants :)21:11
shadeslayeroh stgraber's here too :D21:11
Riddellsgclark: nope, it's cos the plasma5 systemsettings has a higher version number, so when I upload kde-workspace it also makes a systemsettings .deb but the lower version number means it can't go in the archive21:12
* Riddell struggling with shadeslayer's question21:13
Riddellsgclark: do you know where to look to look into shadeslayer's question?21:13
shadeslayerI'm more than happy to provide a hint ;)21:13
sgclarkno I don't21:13
shadeslayersgclark: try http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html21:14
debfxupdate_excuses is often not that helpful21:16
Riddellnot in this case it's not21:16
shadeslayerright, but you need to figure out what to do after you land at that page :P21:16
shadeslayerand when it gives you no information at all21:16
debfxevil shadeslayer ^^21:16
Riddellsgclark: just say if you don't know, we'll get an easier question21:16
Riddellproposed migrations are the kind of fun you only deal with once you get upload privilages21:17
sgclarkI am sorry I don't knopw21:17
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the answer?21:17
shadeslayermakes packages uninstallable on i38621:17
shadeslayersome recommended reading : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration21:17
shadeslayer( link at the top of the html page I linked earlier actually ;)21:17
shadeslayercool, lets move on :)21:18
Riddellsgclark: as an archive admin I have to review any new source and again for any new binary packages in the archive, do you know what sort of thing I'd be looking out for and that I might reject from going into the archive?21:18
yofelhe does like tricky ones... You have to know where to look ^^21:18
sgclarkcopyright mistakes, non distributable code, no newlines at last line21:19
Riddellsgclark: yep here's an example, what's wrong with this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2014-November/048268.html21:19
RiddellI'm not too fussy about "no newlines at last line" but the other two are important :)21:19
shadeslayeroh you rejected sahara ? :D21:20
sgclarkRiddell: Jar are not distributable code21:20
sgclarkRiddell: source rather21:20
Riddellyeah exactly21:20
Riddellsgclark: you merged and updated k3b today, what steps did you go through to do that?21:21
shadeslayersgclark: this one might be tricky, might not be, lets see, we pass a few flags to cmake when building packages, where are those flags defined?21:22
sgclarkRiddell: first I ran grab-merge k3b, then I went through REPORT and made the necessary adjustments, then I went through every patch and made sure it was either a) applied upstream or if not I confirmed it was still needed.21:22
sgclarkshadeslayer: depends on the package, kde cone are in pkg-kde-tools I believe21:23
Riddellsgclark: did you compile and test it actually ran?21:24
shadeslayersgclark: right, where in pkg-kde-tools ?21:24
sgclarkRiddell: k3b one was different as there was an upstream release, so I also had to go through normal packaging on top of merge, and yes of cource install and test to make sure it ran21:24
Riddellsgclark: full marks :)21:25
yofelsgclark: what are seeds?21:26
sgclarkshadeslayer: dhmk.mk?21:27
sgclarkyofel: Seeds are the lists of packages we want to include in the distribution21:27
shadeslayersgclark: there might be one or two in there, but the bulk of them are in a plain text file21:27
shadeslayerdatalib/kf5_flags in pkg-kde-tools :)21:28
sgclarkshadeslayer: ty, will research more on that21:28
shadeslayersgclark: so, we've found datalib/kf5_flags, now can you tell me what -DCMAKE_USE_RELATIVE_PATHS=ON does?21:28
apachelogger(shadeslayer only knows that because he worte it, that's cheatin)21:28
yofelsgclark: correct, do you know the difference between the desktop and the supported file?21:28
Riddellshadeslayer: I don't think I know what that is!21:29
shadeslayerRiddell: :O21:29
Riddellis it rpaths?21:29
apacheloggerwhat is this a cmake quiz? :P21:29
shadeslayeryeah but shhhhh21:29
* apachelogger waits for shadeslayer's follow up on that xD21:30
shadeslayerNow I don't want to ask that :P21:31
* shadeslayer looks for more questions21:31
apacheloggersgclark: what is an rpath? what does it do? do we like them?21:31
yofelyou could talk about dpkg's default gcc parameters :P21:31
sgclarkyofel: supported packages are available from the FTP site21:31
sgclarkyofel: not on CD21:32
* shadeslayer pokes apachelogger to ask questions21:32
sgclarkapachelogger: NO we do like like rpath , it is against debain policy21:32
shadeslayeroh you did, heh, missed that21:32
sgclarkapachelogger: https://wiki.debian.org/RpathIssue21:33
yofelsgclark: not quite, but you're right that it's not on the CD - it's partly for marking packages as being maintained by us even if we do not ship them on the images (which will be relevant for you once you have upload rights) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement21:33
sgclarkapachelogger: no we do not rather..21:33
* Riddell doesn't care about rpaths but for some reason debian does21:33
sgclarkyofel: ok, thank you21:33
apacheloggersgclark: What does debian/compat do and why do we need it?21:34
sgclarkapachelogger: compat sets the compatibility level and that mean the dh* rules in the rules file must match the compat level21:35
apacheloggersgclark: does it perhaps have greater impact than just which dh_ scripts are called by rules?21:36
Riddellapachelogger: I'm not sure I understand your question?21:36
sgclarkapachelogger: all I see is debhelper compatibilty sorry21:37
apacheloggercould it happen that a compatibility level is incorrect even though debian/rules only calls dh_ scripts available in that version of debhelper?21:38
apachelogger..., could the build behave incorrectly or break despite that21:38
sgclarkapachelogger: if the debhelper changed in some way yes it could break things21:39
debfxsgclark: say you found a packaging bug in a package that has been synced from Debian. what do you do?21:39
sgclarkdebfx: file a bug with debian?21:40
debfxsounds good :)21:41
Riddellany more questions?21:41
* sgclark wipes the sweat from her forehead21:41
shadeslayersgclark: what does debian/links do?21:41
yofelsgclark: until which point of the development phase are you allowed to allow new upstream feature releases of a  package?21:42
sgclarkshadeslayer: calls dh_link to create symlink to system packages21:42
Riddelloh I have one, sgclark: should catalunya be an independent state?  I need to work out what to vote on sunday21:42
shadeslayerRiddell: the votes on Sunday? I thought it was on the 11th? :P21:42
sgclarkyofel: until feature freeze21:42
shadeslayerno one's going to ask ABI questions?21:42
Riddellshadeslayer: 9N!  Volem Votar!21:42
apacheloggerI thought it was canceled because of illegal?21:42
sgclarkRiddell: works for me21:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: they keep changing what it's called21:42
yofelshadeslayer: we're waiting for you to start them :P21:43
apacheloggersgclark: what language ar debian/rules files written in?21:43
shadeslayersgclark: so, can you explain the process of what to do in case a ABI break happens? ( i.e. what constitutes a ABI break and how we proceed from there )21:44
RiddellI think that's enough questions21:44
Riddelllet's have answers on them and then vote21:44
apacheloggerabi is important21:44
sgclarkapachelogger: it is a Makefile, gosh I don't know, C?21:45
apacheloggermake :P21:45
yofelsgclark: gnu make is titled an official language :P21:45
apacheloggertherefore you should read the make manual, and then tell shadeslayer all about it because that lazy bum didn't read it21:45
shadeslayerI'm ruby'ing21:46
shadeslayeryou can't complain21:46
sgclarkshadeslayer: ABI break is when a symbol is removed and the SONAME version needs to be bumped because dependant packages will break if they try to use the function21:46
shadeslayeralso, it's a freaking 1000 page manual with features that I'll probably never end up using21:46
shadeslayersgclark: cool, sub question, what's X-Debian-ABI :D21:47
sgclarkshadeslayer: When there is a #MISSING I use c++filt to get a human readable class etc and look it up on the API21:47
debfxyou could just call ruby rules.rb from the makefile ;)21:47
sgclarkshadeslayer: If it is private I can delete21:47
apacheloggersgclark: when is it private?21:47
sgclarkshadeslayer: If it is public, I look up the code and spam emails to thye dev and everyone else I think that can help me to see if it needs a bump21:48
sgclarkapachelogger: private, as in no one access it but internal21:48
apacheloggerhow can you tell?21:48
* shadeslayer would answer apachelogger's question with "When it's not public"21:48
yofel#define private public :P21:49
* apachelogger looks up end question21:49
sgclarkshadeslayer: should I ever come across an ABI break I would use the bookmarked instructions on X-Debian-ABI21:49
sgclarkand of course spam everyone again for help21:49
yofelsgclark: now, you already had it to some extent with PPA's, but how do you feel about having root access on essentially all kubuntu user systems?21:49
sgclarkscared and careful21:49
sgclarkyofel: ^21:49
yofelgood ;)21:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: what happened to the classic everyones-drunk-before-release-day question21:49
apacheloggersgclark: Imagine, if you will... upstream releases new versions of Phonon, Phonon-GStreamer and Phonon-VLC two weeks before our release. Upstream urges us to include it in the release regardless as a considerable amount of high impact bugs were fixed. Unfortunately an equal amount of features was also added. All other Kubuntu developers are on vacation^Wmeeting in Brussels and unreachable because Belgium has terrible connectivity. You are the21:50
apachelogger only one who could either push for the new Phonons to be uploaded to the archive or postpone to updates/backports. What do you do? Why do you do it? How do you defend your decision to apachelogger who is known to respond rather badly to any reasoning that conflicts with his opinion?21:50
shadeslayerthere we go21:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: there it is u drunk lazy bum :P21:50
yofelwe were all waiting for it :P21:50
sgclarkapachelogger: I would file an Ffe and they would have to go through normals channels to be approved. If they do great, if not I would tell upstream sorry I tried21:51
Riddelllovely, let's vote!21:51
apacheloggersgclark: how would you asses whether it is even good enough for ffe?21:51
RiddellI'm +1 for being an awesome dev who knows her limits but wants to expand them21:51
sgclarkapachelogger: go through the upstream changelogs and look for severe bug fixes to start. (How I would try to convince the ubuntu-release)21:52
apacheloggersgclark: how do you know the new releases are not eating kittens?21:53
* ogra_ notes that Riddell and himself never had to go though such a hard questionnaire to reach core-dev ... 21:53
sgclarkapachelogger: I test them for kitten friendlyness21:53
Riddellogra_: yeah but I was told to only upload packages starting with a k, some day I should apply for full core-dev :)21:54
apacheloggersgclark: maybe someone else would help you with that ;)21:54
apacheloggerI am satisfied though.21:54
ogra_(and that sgclark seriously deverves upload rights based on the sheer amount of -changes ML spam she produces in my mailbox ;)21:54
Riddellyofel, shadeslayer, apachelogger, debfx etc vote!21:54
Riddellvolem votar!21:55
apachelogger(FWIW, answering with apachelogger is upstream and if he has a problem he can take it up with himself would have been the answer whith which sgclark could have won the internet)21:55
Riddellthey may be sending in the tanks but the Madrid government will not stop us voting!21:55
shadeslayerogra_: is core-dev still open for applications?21:55
yofel+1 for continuous and competent contributions, and not being scared to ask questions if she doesn't know something21:55
Riddell05:05 <ScottK> Turns out I'll miss the meeting tomorrow.  I'm +1 on sgclark.21:56
ogra_shadeslayer, no idea, i gave up my last DMB job 2 years ago ...21:56
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, when are you applying?21:56
shadeslayer+1 for being overall awesome ( happy that ABI knowledge is over all complete :D)21:56
shadeslayerRiddell: thinking about it21:56
debfx+1 from me as well21:56
Riddellshadeslayer: then sgclark can quiz you on your understanding of update_excuses21:57
yofelindeed, britney is lovely21:57
shadeslayerI'm more scared of apachelogger21:57
yofeltalk about ben while you're at it :P21:57
shadeslayerhe's quite the meanie21:58
* sgclark awaits apacheloggers vote21:58
apacheloggerscared of me what?21:58
yofelapachelogger: ? ^^21:58
yofelyou throwing kittens at people?21:58
apachelogger+1 or something21:58
apachelogger(busy in other channels), congrats and stuff21:58
yofelI think that'll all of the presend people21:58
* Riddell hugs sgclark and welcomes her into kubuntu-dev21:58
sgclarkyay, thanks everyone. That was a scary start21:59
Riddellsgclark: now we have lots of kde applications to package, thanks for going through the grilling21:59
shadeslayerheh, yeah I'm pretty sure you'll have to deal with proposed-migration soon enough now :P21:59
shadeslayerbut hey, you'll know where to look ;)21:59
sgclarkshadeslayer: yes, get ready for questions lol21:59
Riddellsgclark: and remember to look for the next way for personal development. motu? core-dev? release-team? backports team? sru team? all need help22:00
Riddellbut of course you're also doing SoK and other stuff so make sure you don't get burnt out22:01
sgclarkRiddell: ok, probably should finish SoK first :)22:01
valorieweeeee, welcome to your new status, sgclark22:01

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