
dkesselgood morning!08:25
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balloonsdkessel, your changes are on
dkesselelfy ^ ;)14:43
balloonselfy, if you want to test let me know.. I can give you more than a normal user access14:44
dkesselballoons, thanks14:45
balloonsmerging the first change now14:47
balloonsboth look good to me14:51
balloonsall merged ;-)14:55
balloonsdkessel, did you see we're having a session at UOS on manual testing? I hope you can attend!14:56
balloonsthe tracker will obviously be a good part of the discussion14:56
balloonswoot, so I think I'd like to push this to prod now and we can give it a real shakedown14:57
balloonsthat's the web developer inside.. just deploy and see what breaks14:57
dkesselballoons: I guess i can attend... but which track is it? can't find it14:58
elfyballoons dkessel and what changes are in this test instance?14:58
balloonsI think it's in community at the moment14:58
balloonselfy, date filtering should work now.. so historical builds14:58
balloonsthat and by default the testcase is expanded14:59
elfyballoons: can't see any manual testing session15:01
balloonselfy, what do you mean? There's not much data out there atm:
dkesselballoons: it is not in the schedule :)15:02
balloonssadly I'm not in a position to fix that right now15:02
balloonsdkessel, ohh really? I'll get it scheduled then. it should have autoscheduled15:02
dkesselelfy: it is on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/all/ though.... but not schedules for any of the days15:02
elfyyea can see it there15:03
elfyballoons: and if by what you mean? you refer to grrr - I refer to "testcase is expanded" :)15:03
elfyI *really* dislike that ;)15:04
balloonselfy, I assumed as much. It's not deployed, but I did merge it :-)15:04
balloonselfy, I think it's confusing for it to be collapsed for new users. Why do you want it collapsed?15:04
elfyit gets in my way :)15:04
dkesselhit space then ;)15:05
elfybut not that important15:05
balloonselfy, wellI mean you can see summary data on the previous screen15:05
elfyballoons: time filter in there appeared to work - but as you say no data15:05
elfyballoons: do these fixes include getting rid of icons for bugs?15:06
balloonselfy, the merges link to the bugs.. just 2 bugs fixed15:06
balloonswhat's up with the icons for bugs?15:07
elfyhave you ever tried to find 1 ?15:07
elfyamongst 50 you can't even read because they are chinese15:07
balloonsI usually read the bug report.. I don't hover over them15:08
elfyimagine being someone who's just arrived to report a test result for *us*15:09
elfywould you WANT to have to do that ? how many people look and just don't bother15:09
balloonsI'm confused on your point, but I do want to understand. So what's the scenario?15:10
balloonsthe scenario of a new user, reporting a test result yes?15:10
balloonsand there15:10
balloonsis a a list of bug icons15:10
elfyand to see if there is a bug already reported someone has to mouseover each one to see if it matches something they are seeing15:12
elfyvery very tedious15:12
elfythe ONLY reason that I bother is because I'm XQA - if I wasn't I would just walk away15:12
balloonselfy, ahh ok I get it. Yes I agree that should be changed. The bug icons are effectively useless for the reason that so many get reported15:13
balloonsis there a bug report for this?15:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1366581 in Ubuntu QA Website "Testcase Report page enhancements" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:13
elfyballoons: was just finding it :)15:13
balloonselfy, awesome.. if dkessel has listening ears I'm sure he could help out there.15:14
* balloons wonders if there is a better design idea15:15
elfythere are actually 9 reported bugs from the session that pleia knome and I did http://pad.ubuntu.com/trackers15:15
elfy(obviously including the existing at the time ones)15:16
balloonsright, I would call those priority15:16
elfythe 2 have been merged now? that right? when will it be live or is it?15:18
balloonsyes I merged what's on the dev site I linked15:19
elfyso live has date filtering now?15:19
balloonsI'm working on getting live updated now15:20
elfyawesome :)15:20
dkesselI will have a look at that pad the other day15:20
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elopioubuntu-qa: where is the source code for nfss ?19:02
nuclearbobelopio: lp:uci-engine/nf-stats-service19:02
elopio nuclearbob: that doesn't seem right.19:05
nuclearbobelopio: what are you looking for that isn't there19:06
elopiooh I get19:06
elopionuclearbob: I thought it was a branch of uci-engine19:06
elopioit's a directory inside the branch.19:06
nuclearbobyeah, sorry, I wrote that ambiguously19:06
elopionuclearbob: I need to get this to done: https://code.launchpad.net/~nuclearbob/uci-engine/nfss-check/+merge/23960319:07
elopiolooks correct19:07
elopiowhere you missing something there?19:07
nuclearbobelopio: I just need a review.  I can poke thomi or fginther or somebody about it19:08
elopionuclearbob: I will see if it works for me and then ping them.19:09
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thomiI can take a look19:26
thomielopio: ummm... do you mind if I take that and clean it up a bit? or would you rather I give a critical review and you clean it up?19:27
elopiothomi: I have no preference. If you have time and want to clean it up, go ahead.19:28
thomielopio: I'll review it - there's a few things I'd like you to fix19:30
elopiothomi: ok.19:30
Letozaf_hi balloons20:30
ianorlinhi I was asked to apport collect bug 1273524 but am having some trouble I tried logging into the guest session and running apport collect it starts to upload asks me to allow launchpad to access my computer log in it asks me to autheticate and give the password20:32
ubot5bug 1273524 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "LXDE guest session shows error message "no session for pid <pid for lxsession>"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127352420:32
balloonshi Letozaf_20:32
ianorlinI can't do it from the guest session if I apport collect from a regular users will it grab the correct info?20:32
balloonsianorlin, why did you try from a guest/20:33
ianorlinthe bug is with guest session20:33
balloonsianorlin, ahh.. yea, it shouldn't matter20:33
thomielopio: when our meeting is done, there's a review for you here: https://code.launchpad.net/~nuclearbob/uci-engine/nfss-check/+merge/23960320:37
Letozaf_balloons, I was trying to run my tests on my device, but having compiled filemanager app in qtcreator's build directory, how am I going to create a click package in the ubuntu-filemanager-app directory if there is no build ?20:43
elopiothomi: ack.20:47
elopioalesage: veebers: can you guys review this one please? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-test-cases/sample-adt-test/+merge/24097420:48
balloonsLetozaf_, I would click build in the build dir20:49
balloonsLetozaf_, that said qtcreator should be able to build the click for you as well20:49
Letozaf_balloons, :P not used to qtcreator, but I suppose this is the right time to do so20:50
veeberselopio: ack, I'll add it to my list, should hit it soon20:53
elopioveebers: thanks.20:53
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed20:54
balloonsLetozaf_, also 'click build .' inside the build dir will build you one20:55
alesageelopio, ok I'll just run it to verify20:55
elopioalesage: that will be nice.20:55
balloonsLetozaf_, the trouble with doing it that way is you don't have a armhf build, which the phone needs20:55
balloonsLetozaf_, so I would personally use qtcreator or your own chroot to build it20:55
Letozaf_balloons, ok let me find out how to do it... I think I read it somewhere20:58
Letozaf_balloons, I have my device attached to the usb port of my PC, but qtcreator only lets me build application on device and not create a click package21:00
Letozaf_you mean I have to have an emulator ?21:01
balloonsLetozaf_, it should ask you about creating a kit for the device21:02
balloonsthere's a guide for this, one sec21:02
Letozaf_balloons, mmm.... I messed around with my qtcreator, I should already have a kit... let me check21:03
balloonsLetozaf_, I suspect you have a chroot already yes21:04
Letozaf_balloons, yes I've got three kits, an amd64 an armhf and i38621:04
balloonsLetozaf_, brillant. build with armhf andyou should be good21:05
Letozaf_balloons, yep, let's try :P21:05
balloonsperhaps trying out file manager wasn't a good first choice due to all these build requirements21:06
balloonsfor doug5 I mean :-)21:06
Letozaf_balloons, yeah! I think I have confused him a bit today :P21:07
Letozaf_balloons, no problems I will work it out21:07
balloonsdoug5, if it helps tackle a test need on something like the calendar might be better as a first try21:08
balloonsno compliation, qtcreator, or other extras required :-21:09
balloonsdid you get up and running anyway?21:09
Letozaf_balloons, he's got an emulator set up, I was just trying to find a way to create a click package for filemanager  to show him how to run tests on a device21:10
balloonshere's the guide I was looking for: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/building-cross-architecture-click-applications/21:10
Letozaf_balloons, thanks21:11
balloonsfollowing that should allow you to build a cross arch click package as needed.. in this case, compiling for armhf on amd64 or i38621:11
elopioveebers: did you manage to talk with ogra, or should I mark it for my first thing to do tomorrow morning?21:20
elopioveebers: never mind. I saw your comment on the bug.21:21
elopioall happy and green now, awesome. Thanks.21:21
dkesselgood evening Letozaf_21:21
veeberselopio: yeah, I'm chatting with him now :-)21:21
Letozaf_balloons, the creation of click package fails: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10083981/Ubuntu%20errors/click.png21:22
Letozaf_dkessel, good evening how are you ?21:22
elopioI've just noticed an sprint side-effect. Now when I read things on IRC I have your real voices in my head :D21:23
Letozaf_balloons, MANUAL REVIEW) 'unconfined' not allowed21:23
dkesselI am fine thank you21:23
balloonsLetozaf_, yes it's a special app.. the click should have built just fine still21:24
balloonsinstall it anyway21:24
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks21:24
elopioveebers: on your memevents data file branch you have some comments at the end. Is that something that you will do before merging the branch?21:26
Letozaf_balloons, there is no click package: command failed /usr/bin/click-review that's the last line21:26
veeberselopio: I thought I had pushed the latest that didn't have that, let me dbl check21:26
Letozaf_balloons, I cannot find it in the build directory21:27
Letozaf_balloons, I made it :P I canceled this line from filemanager.apparmor : "template": "unconfined",21:31
Letozaf_I built the package :P hope it works :P21:32
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Letozaf_balloons, so I tried to lauch the click package with adt-run but I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8857327/ so probaly I have done something wrong21:37
balloonsLetozaf_, ohh you killed the template? it's needed in order to run21:41
balloonsLetozaf_, I think the click package is up one directory above the build21:41
Letozaf_balloons, I killed what ? :P21:41
balloonsor possibly in the branch directory21:41
balloonsLetozaf_, I meant that you removed the unconfined line. It's needed21:42
Letozaf_balloons, oooh! :P21:42
balloonsLetozaf_, version 3.7git2 looks good21:42
balloonsLetozaf_, is your phone in r/w mode? did you install anything on it?21:43
Letozaf_balloons, if I leave the unconfined line the click is not created21:43
Letozaf_balloons, yes my phone is in r/w mode and yes I installed a lot of things on it21:43
balloonsLetozaf_, well before we go through all this.. you didn't actually change the code do you?21:43
balloonsLetozaf_, the adt issues stem from that looks like :-) That said, the autopilot-touch version looks old21:44
balloonsLetozaf_, if you didn't change anything, there's no reason to have to push a new click package21:44
balloonsjust use what's already on the device :-)21:44
Letozaf_balloons, I only changed the tests21:45
Letozaf_balloons, how do I get the click on the device, I mean where is it placed ?21:46
balloonsLetozaf_, right, so all this build silliness isn't actually needed anyway21:46
balloonsadt-run ubuntu-filemanager-app --click=com.ubuntu.filemanager --- ssh -s adb21:46
balloonsLetozaf_, adt will just use the click already installed if you just pass the name like so21:47
Letozaf_balloons, oh! cool didn't know you could do that21:47
balloonsLetozaf_, yea. sometimes we go down rabbit holes we don't need to do21:47
Letozaf_balloons, you guys got magic wands21:47
* dkessel imagines balloons with a wizard hat21:48
* balloons stands up extra tall21:49
Letozaf_balloons, bad luck for me tonight: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8857435/21:50
Letozaf_balloons, maybe rebooting the device would help, or maybe I just messed something up21:51
Letozaf_balloons, oooh! it's running the com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.3.latest_armhf.click non the "default" one on the device...21:55
balloonsLetozaf_, oh right the apt error will still be there21:59
Letozaf_balloons, :( no luck I tried again22:00
balloonsLetozaf_, you really should have a r/o image without extras for best results. That said, since you are r/w, ry removing the stuff you installed. pitti would actually just recommend you reflash and leave it22:00
balloonsI've not played around as much with adt since autopilot was removed from the image22:01
Letozaf_balloons, I will reflash my device and try again, and also leave it r/o ... but tomorrow, now I think I will go to bed :P22:02
balloonsLetozaf_, sounds good. Let me know how it goes.. And the fun never ends does it? :-)22:03
balloonsonce this stuff with ap being removed and adt being used more instead things should settle22:04
Letozaf_balloons, well let's say that we wouldnt' be good testers if we did not have fun doing these things, right ?22:04
Letozaf_balloons, I enjoy myself :P22:04
Letozaf_balloons, night going to bed now, I will let you know how it goes tomorrow22:05
Letozaf_balloons, good night22:05
Letozaf_doug5, good night to you too22:05
dkesselmeh. bug 1268359 is still there without any activity on it. I sure won't be able to use the webcam on UOS22:10
ubot5bug 1268359 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Dell XPS 15 Built-In Webcam: cheese does not display any image" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126835922:10
elfyballoons: you about for a quick question re what autopilot could do?23:08
balloonselfy, shoot23:18
elfyballoons: ok - so bear with me, I'll be as concise as I can23:18
balloonsdkessel, any idea on the specific cam? it could be anything on something like that23:18
elfyso could we get ap to touch a bunch of files - foo.pdf, foo.mp3, foo etc23:19
elfythen get ap to check that each opens with it's default application?23:19
elfyballoons: does that make sense?23:20
elfydkessel: watch balloons reply to ^^ as it refers to chat in xubuntu-devel23:23
balloonselfy, hmm.. That wouldn't actually need autopilot.23:30
elfyballoons: ok - so what *would* it need :)23:31
balloonsyou could do that in bash even I suppose. Just create the files and check for the existence of the default app running after you open with xdg-open23:31
balloonsI'm saying you could do it very simply23:31
elfyI am all for that :)23:31
balloonslol.. depending on what it was for, it would slot nicely as an autopkgtest I think23:31
elfycurrently we're at touch and a bunch of right clicks :)23:31
elfyballoons: what we are after is a way to mitigate this happening again23:32
elfybug 138297723:32
ubot5bug 1382977 in thunar (Ubuntu Utopic) "[SRU] Thunar open default not respecting mimetype" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138297723:32
elfyor at least catching it prior to release23:33
elfyall I think we need do is check that app opens from foo - rather than some odd thing23:34
elfyballoons: thanks for fixing the ubuntugnome upgrade thing btw - had people PMing me on forum re that :)23:35
Nothing_MuchHi everyone23:36
elfyhi Nothing_Much :)23:37
Nothing_MuchAnybody know how to get the i386 15.04 Ubuntu Touch on VirtualBox?23:37
Nothing_MuchHey elfy23:37
balloonselfy, you are welcome.. as are the gnome folks :-)23:37
wxlis touch a possibility on virtualbox???23:38
wxli'd love to do that23:38
Nothing_Muchwxl: I don't know, that's why I'm asking23:38
Nothing_MuchI extracted the 15.04 vivid preinstalled i386 Touch image23:38
Nothing_MuchThough I'm not sure where to go from there23:38
Nothing_MuchThough some of the files: bin, boot, and dev are empty23:39
Nothing_MuchFrom this page: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/23:40
wxlthere is an emulator23:40
Nothing_MuchYeah, but I can't remember what I did with it :(23:40
Nothing_MuchI'd rather use VBox anyways23:40
elfyNothing_Much: I thought there was an issue with touch and vbox - but I don't know for sure23:41
elfyand hi wxl23:41
wxlhi elfy :) how's xubuntuville?23:41
Nothing_Muchelfy: I know about some issues, but where would I go by installing the image? Should it have still been in a tar.gz or should it be extracted?23:42
elfyNothing_Much: no really - I do lot's for Xubuntu, but as far as Ubuntu is concerned, if someone like balloons asks me to confirm a desktop bug or I'm checking an Xubuntu one is general I don't touch UBuntu much at all23:45
Nothing_Muchoh ok23:46
wxlNothing_Much: it sounds like what elfy's trying to say is he doesn't touch touch23:46
elfywxl: pretty much the same :) we're looking at pushing exploratory testing this cycle23:46
elfylol wxl :)23:46
wxlelfy: oh new testcases?23:46
elfyno - just not calling for people to test unless we want specific testing done23:46
elfynothing in stone yet though23:46
wxlyeah makes sense23:47
wxli'm pushing for that, at least for the change to lxqt23:47
wxli also need some freaking triagers. i swear, i'm the only one.23:47
elfyI don't do that23:48
wxlyeah well i'm sure you have people to do that23:49
elfywxl: does get a bit depressing out at the front trying to get people to join in sometimes :)23:49
wxlwe don't have a separate bug team. it's part of qa for us23:49
elfywxl: yep23:49
elfyballoons: so yea - bash does it simply enough, what's the autopktest deal then?23:52
elfynvm - worked it out - not sure that's the right way of looking at this issue23:54
balloonselfy, http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep8/23:56
elfyyea I'm there :)23:56
balloonsthere's a better link on the ubuntu wiki, but yea23:56
balloonsit's the easiest way to get them to run as part of a package.. if you are looking for a one off then well23:56
elfythis issue is that mimetype's where all wrong, so pdf opened with gimp etc23:57
elfyso I can get bash to touch me some files and xdg-open opens them, just want to close them after enough time to see that some random app's not opened now23:58
elfyand the package was xubuntu-default-settings and it's Trolltech.conf23:59
elfythat was the Qt thing actually lol23:59

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