
=== ribru is now known as robru
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Mirvchrisccoulson: your upstream bug guess in http://pad.lv/1389721 is as good as mine. the SDK team (zsombi, t1mp, kalikiana) could have an idea if they've seen a similar bug in developing UITK.04:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1389721 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "API versioning broken in some cases" [Undecided,New]04:54
Mirvchrisccoulson: if it is the same bug and it's still open, then it doesn't help to know there is vivid Qt 5.3.2 bugfix release PPA available, but it's at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/QtTesting04:55
Mirvmzanetti: FYI if you have time, you could experiment and comment on the bug #1357321.. the ~test7 in the PPA now has patches that should make it ~work (according to lorn), but I have some hard time getting reliable results and maybe you'd get more consistent results from testing06:48
ubot5bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732106:48
Mirvit did now load images over pure 3G on music scope...06:48
kalikianachrisccoulson, Mirv: I commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/138972108:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389721 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "API versioning broken in some cases" [Undecided,New]08:41
pittiand indeed cups isn't running for me08:50
pittionce I start lpstat, it gets activated08:50
pittiargh sorry, ECHANNEL08:50
Mirvkalikiana: thanks, maybe that'll help them!09:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Nachos Day! :-D09:50
mandelpopey, sorry I missed yesterdays msg10:04
mandelpopey, someone wants to look at udm?10:04
mandelogra_, got time for me?10:16
ogra_mandel, gimme a bit to move to my laptop10:17
mandelogra_, sure, I'll grab a coffee while you do, no hurry :)10:17
ogra_mandel, ok, got a new paste ?10:24
mandelogra_, yes => https://pastebin.canonical.com/120055/10:27
mandelogra_, files updated => (new) dbus_properties.h, services.c (new function and new if), make file for adbd and control to add new deps10:27
mandelogra_, that should be all10:28
dednickbrendand: ping10:32
mandelogra_, I must be doing something wrong 'cause I don't see my patch applied (is easy to check I just grep for the new include flags when building)10:36
popeymandel: wasn't me...10:36
popeymandel: not yesterday anyway ☻10:37
mandelpopey, he, probably is bip being an ass again, sorry to bother10:37
popeynp ☻10:37
ogra_mandel, does that debdiff look fine to you ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8849837/10:38
mandelogra_, uh, what are all those copyright updates?10:40
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ogra_dunno, they are in every debdiff against that patch10:40
ogra_ignore them10:40
mandelogra_, looks good to me10:41
mandelogra_, would be nice to get a .deb to test it :)10:42
ogra_ok, i'll try to build and test that then10:42
ogra_(and give you a deb once i got one ... that will take a bit)10:42
mandelogra_, awesome, no problem10:43
ogra_my build device is just flashing for a botochart test10:43
mandelogra_, I'll be sorting out udm in the mean time10:43
ogra_once thats done i'll roll a package10:43
mandelogra_, ok, great10:43
mandelogra_, we have a task with the following title => "Attach unity greeter signal to the startup code for the adb shell"10:55
ogra_on trello you mean ?10:55
mandelogra_, do you know exactly what is meant with that? atm we only have adbd checking if it is locked, but we are not listening to a signal10:55
mandelogra_, yes, trello10:55
ogra_thats just badly phrased10:56
ogra_iirc that was even me ... feel free to adjust it :)10:56
mandelogra_, what do we want to do then? Is that the same as we already have in the patch?10:57
ogra_i dont see that title anywhere10:57
mandelogra_, here https://trello.com/b/o29TpZsd/sprint-1 top one10:58
ogra_looks like the card was properly renamed with the bug title10:58
chrisccoulsonkalikiana, thanks. I've added a comment as well now. I'm surprised you don't use the metaobject revision number in the UITK - how do you handle new properties added to existing classes between releases?10:58
mandelogra_, I'll add you to it so that you get the notification10:58
ogra_i'm on the wrong borad10:58
mandelogra_, lol10:58
mandelogra_, too many boards, one per sprint sounds like a bad bad idea10:59
kalikianachrisccoulson: we use REVISION. what we don't use is the extra template argument11:00
ogra_mandel, added two comments ... that card should go away11:01
kalikianachrisccoulson: and we have errors that tell you that what you tried to use isn't available in the version11:01
mandelogra_, good, we just finished a task then :)11:01
ogra_(i'll leave it to the scrum master to do that)11:01
kalikianachrisccoulson: unless, of cours,e you use the correct one11:01
ogra_well, only once we uploaded11:01
mandelogra_, what about the one with "Track unity greeter state separately for each session"11:01
mandelogra_, is there something to do, can I help?11:01
ogra_you can test the deb once i have it11:02
mandelwill do11:03
kalikianachrisccoulson: for instance, continue to do qmlRegisterType<OxideQQuickWebContext>(uri, 1, 3, "WebContext")11:03
* ogra_ grumbles about bootchart bailing out 11:03
kalikianachrisccoulson: as a matter of fact I don't see what the expected use of the extra argument is… you're already passing the version as function arguments11:04
chrisccoulsonkalikiana, hmmm, I don't see how it can work without the extra template argument11:08
chrisccoulsonkalikiana, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/plugin.cpp#L16111:09
ogra_mandel, bah11:34
ogra_services.c:23:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory11:34
ogra_ #include <glib.h>11:34
ogra_                  ^11:34
ogra_compilation terminated.11:34
mandelogra_, ??11:34
ogra_thats what i get when building the package11:35
mandelogra_, that is strange, the include should be added by the pkgconfig command in the make file11:35
mandelogra_, I wonder if the order is wrong in the include.. do you have a branch with the changes? or is it just the patch?11:35
ogra_just the patch11:36
ogra_hmm, not sure the cflags are right to use there11:36
* ogra_ drops the option from the pkg-config line11:37
ogra_lets see11:37
mandelogra_, yes, that is my feeling, but I did want the pkg-config so that we get the correct link and includes11:37
mandelogra_, the error is due to a wrong include..11:37
mandelogra_, we can use pkg-config --cflags-only-I --libs glib-2.0 dbus-glib-1 and add it in the includes like the others do for example11:39
mandelthat should generate something like '-I/usr/include/glib-2.011:39
* ogra_ scratches head11:42
* tbr hands ogra_ a head-scratcher™11:42
mandelogra_, got the error again? is a matter of adding the correct include paths11:46
ogra_yes, we need to split the pkg-config call in two bits11:46
ogra_cflags needs to go into CPPFLAGS11:46
ogra_that got me forward ... but just to the next error :P11:47
tsdgeosi'm confused11:47
tsdgeosi can phablet-shell to the phone but not ssh11:47
tsdgeoshas something changed recently?11:47
tsdgeosi remember i could plain ssh before11:47
ogra_tsdgeos, did you explicitly enable ssh using android-gadget-service ?11:47
tsdgeosogra_: nope, how do i do that?11:48
ogra_phablet-shell will only enable it for the adb connection temporary11:48
ogra_mandel, hah ... youre full of typos :P11:48
ogra_services.c: In function ‘is_phone_locked’:11:48
ogra_services.c:258:5: error: ‘removeobj’ undeclared (first use in this function)11:48
ogra_     removeobj = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(bus,11:48
tsdgeosogra_: ofund it11:49
mandelogra_, agh, sorry I had to redo the patch and screw it up :-/11:49
ogra_tsdgeos, adb shell android-gadget-service enable ssh11:49
mandelogra_, should be remote, not remove11:49
tsdgeosogra_: right that worked (i.e. gave me ssh enabled)11:49
tsdgeosogra_: but can't still ssh in11:49
tsdgeosdo i need to reboot?11:50
* tsdgeos tries11:50
ogra_tsdgeos, make sure to a) not have pahblet-shell in use when doing that command ...11:50
ogra_tsdgeos, and b) you need the same key that was used for phablet-shell11:50
tsdgeosyou guys are making it hard :D11:50
ogra_well, i hope to have a UI option for ssh some day ;)11:51
tsdgeosworked now11:53
mandelogra_, was that the only issue?11:56
ogra_up to now, yes11:56
ogra_i think we miss #include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>11:56
dpmpitti, looking at the debian files for this package, am I correct to think it's not using language packs? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scope-scopes/trunk/files/head:/debian/11:59
dpmi.e. I don't see dh_translations specified11:59
pittiX-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes12:00
pittidpm: it does use pkgstriptranslations and thus langpacks12:00
pittidpm: dh_translations is for automatically updating POT files or stripping translations from .desktop files and the like12:00
pittiand it's not using that indeed12:00
dpmpitti, ah, yes, thanks for the clarification - and in fact I can see the template here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+source/unity-scope-scopes12:01
mandelogra_, we don't need that :)12:01
mandelogra_, should be in the dbus_properties.h header12:01
ogra_hmm, where is remoteobj declared then ?12:01
mandelogra_, I don't know what you fixed in the make, but the remoteobj fix is here => http://paste.ubuntu.com/8850806/12:03
mandelogra_, lines 42 and  54 in that diff12:04
ogra_added that12:05
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mandelogra_, sorry for that, I did screw up the diff big time.. mierda12:06
ogra_build seems to pass now12:06
ogra_no worries :)12:06
kalikianachrisccoulson: hmm interesting. I didn't think we used that anywhere. price question, why only in UCStyledItemBase but not the others12:17
kalikianaand more importantly, why don't we have any trouble with it in the uitk12:18
kalikianachrisccoulson: I still don't see what use the argument is - it's redundant. if the version is wrong it wouldn't have any relevance…12:19
kalikianaI must be missing something obvious here…12:19
ogra_mandel, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/ubuntu-touch/android-tools-adbd_4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu37_armhf.deb test away !12:21
mandelogra_, on it12:21
ogra_mandel, not working here12:26
mandelogra_, I can't get it to install, it gets stuck :-/12:26
* ogra_ reboots12:27
ogra_you need to install via ssh, via recovery or from the terminal app12:27
ogra_make your pick :)12:27
ogra_adb gets restarted during install so you lose connection12:27
ogra_hmm, after a reboot it lets me in all the time12:28
ogra_regardless of the screen state12:28
ogra_mandel, erm ... looking at the code ... you try to connect to the session bus12:29
ogra_that cant work12:29
ogra_adbd is a systme process12:29
mandelogra_, if it does not connect to the session bus it should no allow you to get in nevertheless12:30
ogra_so  that doesnt work either12:30
mandelogra_, since it will get an error, so that is no the issue12:30
mandelogra_, I have not been able to install the deb, it gets stuck at Preparing to unpack android-tools-adbd_4.2.2+git20130218-3ubuntu37_armhf.deb ...12:30
mandelogra_, it does not go further than that12:30
ogra_yes, see above12:30
mandelogra_, ins the unity service a system or a session service, that is what we want to connect to12:31
ogra_you cant install adbd via adb connection12:31
ogra_i have no idea12:31
ogra_but adbd cant see any session-bus12:31
mandelogra_, I did an ssh :)12:31
mandelogra_, I'll reboot to see what is going on12:31
mandelogra_, I added the logs, we should be able to see what is doing (those D calls)12:32
ogra_i dont see any here12:32
ogra_i wonder why12:32
ogra_i definitely have ubuntu37 installed12:33
ogra_but it doesnt behave any different12:33
ogra_mandel, heh, probably because the check lives in the completely wrong function :P12:40
ogra_create_service_thread() vs create_subproc_thread()12:41
ogra_my fault12:43
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mandelogra_, ah! well, not a big deal :)12:45
mandelogra_, fun lol12:45
ogra_yeah, the lovely broken worlld of adbd12:46
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mandelogra_, ok, me do update the diff for you, I did find an other issue :)12:46
sergiusensmandel: ogra_ how are you goind to deal with the system/session issue?12:47
ogra_sergiusens, no idea12:47
* ogra_ would like ot see it blocking at all first 12:47
mandelogra_, one question, was what the change in the compilation? I'm curious, just the c-flags?12:47
ogra_mandel, i split it in twoo pkg-config commands ... thats all12:47
ogra_one for the cflags, one for the libs12:48
ogra_mandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8851351/12:48
mandelack, thx!12:49
ogra_mandel, package updated12:49
mandelwait, I wanted to point a bug to you I found12:50
sergiusensogra_: mandel instead of unity8 sending a signal, it might need to be a message then12:50
sergiusensand adb would need to track state :-/12:50
mandelsergiusens, atm we are just querying a property each time..12:50
mandelsergiusens, uh, that looks like a big patch12:51
sergiusensmandel: from the system bus to the session?12:51
sergiusenshow does that even work12:51
mandelsergiusens, which should not work.. fu*12:51
sergiusenssystem service to an unkown session bus address12:51
ogra_Session terminated, terminating shell... ...terminated.12:52
ogra_stdin: is not a tty12:52
ogra_phone is locked12:52
ogra_ha !12:52
ogra_at least that bit works12:52
ogra_each adb shell call prints it12:52
ogra_(indeed even when unlocked)12:53
ogra_sergiusens, i think we should just wait for mterry ... if there is anything we can look for on the system bus he will know12:54
victor_bqHi john!!12:54
sergiusensogra_: like lightdm and split greeter :)12:54
mandelsergiusens, ogra_ sorry, crashed unity :-/12:55
ogra_sergiusens, hah, yeah :)12:55
ogra_well, dbus-monitor doesnt show anything on the system bus if the phone is unloocked12:55
mandelogra_, nah, I did a grep, only thing we have is com.canonical.Unity.Screen :P12:56
mandelogra_, which is clearly not what we want12:56
sergiusensogra_: on a side note, how is this possible '9917145088 bytes (9,9 GB) copied, 663,485 s, 14,9 MB/s' for my 8GB thumb drive?12:56
cking_ogra_, where does initrd exist on the mako?12:57
ogra_cking_, in the boot.img12:57
cking_and where is that?12:57
ogra_cking_, have a look at /usr/bin/abootimg-unpack-initrd and /usr/bin/abootimg-pack-initrd12:58
ogra_(you can  also just use them if you want to pack/unpack to make changes)12:58
ogra_hmm, getting that info across the busses will be hard :(13:04
ogra_we wont have write access to the system bus from the session ... since we run as phablet13:05
mandelogra_, this is going to be a lot harder than we though, either mterry has a way to expose that in the system one..13:06
mandelogra_, I wonder, are we going to have a greeter per session?13:07
ogra_or we need a different way13:07
ogra_we currently do13:07
ogra_and i guess in the future we'll have at least one per user13:07
ogra_the current greeter is still inside unity8 ...13:07
mandelogra_, I find interesting that we have one per user yet user metricts is in the system bugs..13:09
mandelogra_, lets talk about this after the standup, we need a way to workaround this13:13
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mardymhall119: hi! I'm working on an Online Accounts guide for developer.ubuntu.com; I'm writing that in libreoffice. Is that OK, or should I better use some other format?13:47
mhall119mardy: it would be better in HTML so we can just copy/paste, but we can work with an ODT file14:04
mhall119if you're not doing fancy formatting or layouts in LO, that should be fine14:05
mardymhall119: OK; I also include some links to a few elements in the API reference; I'm using absolute links, is that fine?14:06
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mhall119mardy: absolute links are fine, but replace the version (sdk-14.10) with "current" or "development" so we don't have to keep changing them14:07
mhall119which reminds me, it's time to make 14.10 "current"14:07
mardymhall119: ah, cool!14:08
atsanyone with the ubuntu touch image developers14:13
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atsI amtrying to install ubuntu touch vivid verlet on my phone...but noimage for the device MSM897414:14
kenvandinetiheum, did you get a chance to test silo 21?14:15
kenvandinetiheum, is the messaging menu icon meant to be gray when there isn't a pending message and white when there is?14:15
atsI just switched back to ubuntu..14:16
atswill there be any chances for more release of the ubuntu image for devices like Xiaomi Mi3??14:16
kenvandineats, just need someone to do a port14:16
jgdxkenvandine, hi, if you're doing a landing, could you sneak in [1]? Low impact visual tweak. [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-system-settings/dropDialogSizeHack/+merge/23929714:17
davmor2ats: If it isn't listed in the support list, then you would need to port it, see the header for links14:17
atsNeed ubuntu touch images to test and develop for 'cancro' and 'MSM8974'14:17
kenvandinejgdx, i can't land that until the toolkit fix it needs lands in vivid14:18
kenvandineit landed in rtm 3 weeks ago, but not vivid yet :(14:18
jgdxkenvandine, oh14:18
atsany way to port to suit my needs??14:18
kenvandinei'm still waiting for the sdk guys14:18
kenvandineats, there is a porting guide on the wiki14:19
kenvandinekalikiana, any word on when the toolkit fix will land in vivid?14:19
kenvandinebzoltan, ^^14:20
atsthanks mate..will check on it14:20
Wellarksaidinesh5: ping.14:20
Wellarksaidinesh5: sorry,  wrong person14:20
WellarkSaviq: ping14:20
saidinesh5bye :P14:20
Wellarkwas nice to meet you14:21
kalikianakenvandine: what fix?14:21
saidinesh5mhm you too :)14:21
SaviqWellark, we activate flight mode, it only really gets activated 5 or so seconds later14:21
kenvandinekalikiana, that your dropDialogSizeHack branch needed14:21
SaviqWellark, so with dednick's branch that validates the setting after 1s or so, the switch goes on, off, on14:21
SaviqWellark, we'd need the network indicator to acknowledge the change straight away, potentially switching back if something went wrong14:22
jgdxkalikiana, dialog resize fix14:22
WellarkSaviq: right...14:23
kalikianakenvandine: ah, that is in staging and not rtm so it depends on when we actually land stuff in viivd14:23
kenvandinekalikiana, i think it landed in rtm14:23
kenvandinejust not vivid or utopic14:23
kalikianabzoltan: when will we land in vivd?14:23
kenvandinevivid has and antique version of the toolkit now14:24
kalikianasaldy true14:24
WellarkSaviq: can't you change the validation to happen every 6 seconds?  :)14:24
kenvandinea month old...14:24
SaviqWellark, I can find a stick long enough to prod you in the eye14:24
WellarkSaviq: actually I think I can make it happen14:24
WellarkSaviq: could you file a bug, as that is prerequisite to land anything to rtm14:25
WellarkSaviq: please also describe which branch of unity8 has to be installed to make the problem visible14:25
SaviqWellark, rtm silo 414:26
Wellarkor better yet, if there is a silo that can be installed14:26
WellarkSaviq: I need to go to a meeting right now. would be great if you or dednick or someone could file the bug14:26
Wellarkbut I think I can file it myself as well after the meetings if you guys are busy14:26
atsno way I am in a postition to do that porting..ha...ha..:-D14:27
kenvandinekalikiana, jgdx: oh there is a pending vivid landing... that needs a packaging change ACK14:29
atsanyone any help in porting vivid verlet or any ubuntu touch to Xiaomi mi3 device14:29
kenvandinejgdx, i ack'd the packaging change and published it :)14:32
jgdxzomg, ken, you're awesome14:32
atsany ubuntu touch developers online??14:40
kenvandineats, there are many of us in this channel, but you need someone that has a device to do the port14:41
kenvandinewe work on many aspects of ubuntu touch, necessarily porting to devices14:42
atsany chances of me getting into the developer for Xiaomi Mi3 then..if there are no developers for it14:42
atssince this phone is very less in stock..most probably it ain't available in most of N.America and Europe..just being available in Asian countries14:43
atsbut to do so have to have sound knowledge of doing it...I am an computer engineering student so I am very novice in this field..need guidance and few knwoledge base to start as a developer14:44
jgdxkenvandine, 016 does not fix the issue. It's pretty easy to unsync the two switches..14:58
kenvandinekgunn, ^^^14:58
kenvandinejgdx, can you give kgunn specifics on what you saw?14:59
jgdxkenvandine, kgunn's comment is pretty spot on I think.. the rapid toggling of flight mode probably causes havoc somewhere14:59
kgunnjgdx: nope...that's actually a different issue15:00
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 1350332 not found15:00
kgunnjdstrand: ^ so that is due to cellular backend....15:00
kgunnas long as backend is working proper....the ui will reflect the reality15:00
jgdxkgunn, oh15:01
tiheumkenvandine: yes to you second question15:01
tiheumkenvandine: for the first one, how can I test the silo?15:01
kenvandinetiheum, you can use the citrain to install it on a device15:01
kenvandinecitrain tool15:01
tiheumkenvandine: ok, I will ask jounih (it's his phone and I am sure he knows what the citrain is)15:02
kenvandinetiheum, do you have that installed?15:02
kenvandinetiheum, let me know if you have questions15:03
jdstrandkgunn: guessing you meant jg dx instead of me?15:04
kgunnmy bad15:05
jdstrandnp at all15:05
jdstrandjust wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something :)15:06
tiheumkenvandine: nobody here has ever heard of that tool so I supposed it's not installed on the phone I have and I don"t know how to do that15:07
tiheumcould you link a tutorial or something like that?15:07
ogra_tiheum, phablet-tools-citrain15:07
kenvandinetiheum, not on the phone, on your desktop15:07
ogra_and no, thats something to install on your PC15:07
kenvandineit would be really cool if we had a citrain app for the phone though :)15:09
kenvandinechoose a silo and install :)15:09
tiheumkenvandine, ogra_: installing...15:10
kenvandinetiheum, you have to make sure the device has developer mode enabled and is writable15:10
jgdxkgunn, using 016 I get to a state where I cannot disable FM from the indicator.15:10
kenvandinetiheum, you can enable developer mode in system-settings15:11
jgdxkgunn, it seems that the USS FM switch is preventing the indicator FM switch from disabling.15:11
kenvandinephablet-config writable-image --enable15:11
jgdxkgunn, actually, if I wait ~10 seconds it is disabled.15:13
jgdxso not that bad, just very confusing15:13
kenvandinejgdx, kgunn: that's the tricky part of binding the switches15:16
kenvandineif it doesn't take effect immediately, the user doesn't get the feedback15:16
kenvandineor the opposite15:17
jgdxthe comment I was talking about was https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-network/+bug/1336715/comments/2115:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1336715 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress]15:17
tiheumkenvandine: everything's installed but the command doesn't work15:17
tiheumunrecognized argument15:17
kenvandinetiheum, paste your command15:17
tiheumphablet-config writable-image --enabled15:18
kenvandinedrop the d15:18
tiheumsame error15:18
ogra_drop the argument :)15:18
ogra_should work without15:19
tiheumerror device not found15:19
ogra_(and since we dont support disabling the arg would be moot anyway)15:19
tiheum(the phone is plug on the laptop)15:19
kenvandineno args15:19
ogra_and you enabled developer mode ?15:19
kenvandinesorry :)15:19
kenvandinephablet-config writable-image15:19
ogra_adb devices shows it ?15:19
kenvandineunplug and plugin again15:20
ogra_or reboot the phone15:20
tiheumok, after pluging the phone again that seems to work15:20
tiheumthe phablet-config command rebooted the device and terminated without error15:22
kenvandinenow use citrain to install the silo15:22
ogra_if the device comes up again it should be writable15:22
kenvandine*if* :)15:22
ogra_well :)15:22
kenvandinesuch confidence15:22
tiheumit's ready so it should be writable :)15:23
pmcgowanogra_, this is what I got when I plugged in my phone today http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8852146/15:24
pmcgowanogra_, any ideas what to look for to diagnose further15:25
ogra_looks like a broken cable or broken USB driver on your laptop15:25
ogra_(or broken USB port on the phone ... but thats unlikely)15:26
pmcgowanogra_, well, I think none of those, I bet I reboot the phone and it works15:27
pmcgowanthats the general symptom15:27
ogra_pmcgowan, well " device descriptor read/64, error -110" looks really like some physical prob15:28
pmcgowanogra_, ok let me swap cables to be sure15:28
ogra_unless your driver (on the PC side) is really broken15:28
pmcgowanother phone with that cable works fine15:29
mardymhall119: OK, I decided to write the guide in HTML, will save time later15:30
mardymhall119: are there some specific CSS tags I could use, for example for embedding code?15:31
tiheumkenvandine: I installed the silo with the command 'citrain device-upgrade 21 <passcode>', is this right?15:32
kenvandineand "ubuntu"15:33
kenvandineat the end15:33
mhall119mardy: we have something in WP, let me find it15:35
mhall119mardy: if you wrap your code snippets in [code][/code] blocks, they'll be formatted when displayed on the site15:37
tiheumkenvandine: ok done, I test now15:37
mhall119mardy: [code firstline="86" language="cpp"] is an example that specifies a starting line number and language, both are optional15:37
mardymhall119: wait, didn't you say I should give you HTML?15:39
mhall119mardy: yes, but we have a plugin or something that formats code using those tags15:39
mardymhall119: ah, so i can write those tags in my HTML file and WP will do its magic?15:40
mhall119not sure if it's in php or javascript, but magic faries somewhere turn that into well-styled code blocks15:40
mhall119mardy: the specific example I gave you is used in http://developer.ubuntu.com/scopes/tutorials/adding-location-awareness-to-your-scope/15:41
mardymhall119: OTOH, I'm setting <b> (bold) for some lines, so I wonder if the WP plugin will handle that15:41
kenvandinetiheum, great, let me know how it goes15:41
mardymhall119: oh, that looks cool!15:41
mhall119mardy: it will if I paste it in as HTML15:41
mhall119mardy: I'll fight with WP if I need to, you don't have to worry about that15:42
mardymhall119: OK, thanks!15:42
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oSoMoNelopio, hey, I just submitted a MR that converts a number of webbrowser-app AP tests to QML tests, I’d appreciate your review (https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/qmltests/+merge/240871)15:56
elopiooSoMoN: cool. I'll put it in my backlog.15:56
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hackzhi there how can i change my root password under touch mobile?16:22
popeyhackz: we don't set a root password16:23
hackztrying to install a sudo apt-get install wifite but no chance16:24
hackzis it possible to install some applications?16:24
popeythe phone is read-only initially.16:25
hackzhow to unlock?via adb?16:25
popeyphablet-config writable-image16:25
popeyfrom your pc16:25
hackzthanks you, do i have to be in bootloader status?16:26
hackzphablet-config writable-image error device not find16:32
popeyis developer mode enabled on the device?16:33
popeysystem settings -> about this phone -> developer mode16:33
ahayzenchrisccoulson, ping16:34
hackzwhere is it under System setting?16:34
hackzok found16:35
mandel|lunchogra_, looking at the code, what is the way you where thinking to execute to get the dbus session address, I know that at least in some cases $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS has it, but I don't want to use that16:36
ogra_mandel|lunch, but thats what you shoudl use16:36
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mandelogra_, sure? meh to env variables...16:36
mandelogra_, I don't trust them16:37
mandelogra_, then is simple, we use create_subprocess to execute the sudo, get the info and use it16:37
mandelogra_, if "" we just do not let you in I suppose, but this is a hack..16:38
ogra_mandel, worst case you can do what sergiusens suggested and just read /run/user/32011/dbus-session but i'd liek to avoid using this file if any possible (it will go away one day)16:41
elopiooSoMoN: you could simplify some things by using the UbuntuTestCase.16:42
elopioit has for example a method to find a child by object name, so your get_clear_button can be one line.16:42
mandelogra_, well, all this is wrong for a device that can have more than one user..16:42
ogra_mandel, this would probably be the easiest "fix" though ... parse it and use setenv16:42
ogra_mandel, doesnt matter with the current adbd ...16:43
oSoMoNelopio, is the UbuntuTestCase exposed in a package I can depend on?16:43
elopiooSoMoN: it also has a function to get the center of a component, so you don't have to write all those / 216:43
mandelogra_, yes, but is just that I'll know it is ugly16:43
elopiooSoMoN: yes, it comes from the toolkit declaratives.16:43
ogra_mandel, the android code sets the user ID/name in a haeader file ... hardcoded16:43
ogra_mandel, so we have "phablet" hardcoded everywhere already16:43
oSoMoNelopio, nice, I didn’t know that, I’ll check it out and update my MR16:43
mandelogra_, ouch16:43
ogra_that is why we need to re-do it as a fork for multiuser anyway16:44
ogra_this whole hardcodeing needs to be replaced for it16:44
elopiooSoMoN: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Test/UbuntuTestCase.qml16:44
elopioit also has typeString.16:45
elopiooSoMoN: I like this very much. I have a couple of suggestions.16:45
elopio oSoMoN: use the naming conventions of javascript16:46
elopioso camel case for function names.16:46
elopioand it is a lot easier to read if you follow the convention:16:46
mandelogra_, indeed...16:47
sergiusensmandel: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is what most things use16:48
mandelsergiusens, I know, I used to write integration tests that would change the value of that to point to my own session bus.. I hoped there was a nicer way16:48
elopiolike: test_enterURLWithoutSchemaMustAddIt16:48
mandelsergiusens, but hey, looks like I was doing it "THE" way16:49
sergiusensogra_: I hope the one day comes after we moved to cert based authorization16:49
ogra_sergiusens, the prob with that file is that the content gets rewritten if your session crashes or gets restarted otherwise16:49
elopiooSoMoN: and I know16:49
ogra_sergiusens, which i.e the smoke tests do a lot16:49
ogra_if it gets re-written underneath you you have the wrong address16:50
elopiooSoMoN: and I know this sometimes doesn't work nicely with qml tests, but try to make only one action and one assertion per test.16:50
elopiooSoMoN: but anyway, this is really cool. Moar QML tests! Just keep in mind that we still need to test some things from the point of view of the real user, like adding a bookmark and then opening it16:51
elopioI'll paste this on the MP16:51
oSoMoNelopio, yeah, this is why I didn’t completely nuked the autopilot tests yet :)16:59
WellarkSaviq , dednick : did you guys have a chance to file the bug about the needed change on how i-network handles the flightmode action state change?17:03
tiheumkenvandine: everything looks fine to me. When the update could land?17:04
kenvandinetiheum, cool17:04
kenvandinetiheum, what image version and device did you test it on?17:05
kenvandinetiheum, i'll update the spreadsheet that you tested it17:05
tiheumkenvandine: BQ, 14.10 r14517:05
kenvandinetiheum, thx17:06
WellarkSaviq, dednick: now I'm confused17:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1336715 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress]17:12
Wellarkis marked as Fix Released17:12
Wellarkbut then there is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/139013617:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390136 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "need a transition state for indicators reflecting laggy backends" [Critical,New]17:12
Wellarkso do you need me to change something in the indicator right now?17:13
Wellarkkgunn: --^17:17
kgunnWellark: well...i think design/prog mgmt would love it if it were fixed for rtm17:18
kgunnbut also willing to live with ota1 as an answer17:19
Wellarkkgunn: saviq told me that now that 1336715 landed the flightmode switch is doing  ON - OFF - ON17:21
Wellarkand I might have a simple workaround on the indicator-service side for that17:22
Wellarkbut I need a bug filed or we can't act on it17:22
kenvandinetiheum, published to vivid17:22
tiheumkenvandine: amazing, thanks!17:28
oSoMoNelopio, MR updated17:32
elopiooSoMoN: Thanks. Looks great.17:39
SaviqWellark, the immediate fix would be invisible, meaning it should just accept the new value and keep it unless it knows otherwise17:42
WellarkSaviq: yes, that I had in mind17:48
Wellarkand that should already happen17:48
WellarkSaviq: I actually found this from the switch-item code on the service side17:49
Wellark///@ todo something weird is happening as the indicator side is not changing the state..17:49
WellarkSaviq, kgunn: please file a bug on the ON - OFF - ON behaviour so we can get it targeted for the rtm17:50
Wellarkor at least I can make more in-depth investigation17:51
Wellarkdednick: is the unity8 side actually setting the state before calling activate() ?17:51
Wellarkon the action17:52
dednickWellark: it's just calling activate17:52
Wellarkdednick: well that explains it then17:53
dednickWellark: what is it explaining?17:55
dednickWellark: the fact that it reverts?17:55
WellarkIMO the switch item should call g_action_change_state () when the switch component changes it's state17:56
Wellarkbefore calling activate()17:56
Wellarkthat would ensure that the gaction state gets updated properly17:56
Wellarkbefore the call to activate() happens17:57
dednickWellark: the indicator might refuse the activate. then the backend would be in a different state than the client model.17:57
Wellarkdednick: that's where the 1sec update comes into play17:58
Wellarkbut as you see change_state() is simply a request17:58
Wellarkwhich makes sense as the state is the state of the flightmode switch17:59
Wellarkand when the UI changes it's internal state17:59
Wellarkwould be nice if the unity8 side would inform the service that "hey, actually I changed the state of the killswitch.."17:59
Wellarkand then followed by the activate()17:59
Wellarkwhich triggers the actual flightmode functionality18:00
Wellarki-network never rejects a change_state() request.18:01
Wellarkso for i-network, after first calling change_state()  and then calling activate()18:02
Wellarkwould remove the need for the 1sec "polling"18:02
Wellarkbut you are correct18:02
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Wellarkthat some other services might reject the state changes if we strictly look at the API documentation18:03
Wellarkbut they should not18:03
dednickWellark: i'm not sure this would work as i-network is at the moment.18:04
dednickif i do change-state(1) and active(), the activate will set to 0.18:04
Wellarkdednick: there is a reason for that18:04
dednicksince it's a toggle.18:04
Wellarkdednick: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8855057/18:05
Wellarkthat's the switch-item on i-network service18:05
Wellarknever got around to figure out what was causing that18:06
dednickyeah. i was looking at it.18:06
Wellarkwell now I know18:06
dednickWellark: activate is supposed to toggle. that's how we've always used it18:06
Wellarkdednick: it would toggle. if we remove value != value; and make sure unity8 calls g_action_change_state() before calling activate()18:08
Wellarkoh, you mean toggle the gaction state..18:08
dednickWellark: but then other indicators would regress18:08
Wellarkdednick: are you sure? they should not depend on the change_state() at all18:09
dednickWellark: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-sound/trunk.15.04/view/head:/src/service.vala#L30418:10
Wellarkdednick: let me run this quickly through the rest of the indicator devs18:10
dednickWellark: I've got to go. But i think we should have a chat tomorrow between all the indicator devs to see how we can handle this.18:11
Wellarkdednick: ack. I will run a quick hangout with them now and let's sync tomorrow18:12
dednickWellark: ok. cool. talk to you tomorrow18:12
popeystgraber: https://github.com/lxc/lxd says REST API, command line tool and OpenStack integration plugin for LXC (pronounced lex-dee)18:25
popeystgraber: suspect it should say "pronounced lex-cee" ?18:25
popey(although before this week I never met anyone who pronounced LXC as lex-cee ☻18:25
stgraberpopey: I should tweak the grammar a bit, the intend was for lex-dee to refer to the branch name there18:26
stgraberpopey: the whole lex-cee, lex-dee is a sabdfl thing. Currently my take is that we call lex-cee and lex-dee the client and daemon in the lxd branch. But we keep calling things L X C for everything else18:27
stgraberand yeah, that's super confusing, but well, marketing...18:27
* mdeslaur quickly reserves lex-eee and lex-eff18:28
popeyit's all going to be fine till we get to lex-zee, sorry lex-zed.18:30
dobeywho pronounces acronyms as words anyway. craziness.18:36
ogra_southafricans apparently18:36
stgraberdobey: how do you pronounce SCSI?18:36
mdeslaurbtrfs -> butterface!18:36
stgraberbut arguably that's the only example I can think of right now :)18:36
dobeynot gnu?18:37
dobeyor sata? pata?18:37
stgraberhmm, ok, there are plenty of those then :)18:37
dobeywhen you go get money though, do you say you've got to hit the atom (ATM)?18:37
stgraberbtrfs is special because everybody agrees not to just spell it out but people don't seem to agree on how to pronounce it as a word :)18:38
dobeythey don't agree on how to pronounce linux either. or even ubuntu :P18:39
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dobeybut was the doom demo done with lxdoom?18:45
popeyyou mean lex-doom18:48
ogra_lex doom - the law of the end of the world ?18:49
davmor2mdeslaur: you were close, It's butterFarce easy mistake :)19:45
mdeslaurdavmor2: hehe :)19:46
davmor2popey: How would you say lex-y??19:46
davmor2barry: I may of stumbled across an interesting issue.  I put my phone on image 102.  While it was connected to wifi it had started to grab the image 148 but then I went and fetched tea which meant the connection swapped over to 3g, this isn't wifi so the system stopped downloading and doesn't see the newer image, I'll try a reboot but I thought I know how much you like my bugs :)19:53
davmor2barry: plus side reboot got it back to seeing the image and downloading it again19:54
barrydavmor2: yay!  however i think this is a known problem with udm, which does the actual downloading and is sensitive to wifi/3g19:55
davmor2barry: that's not so good then19:57
barryhmm, i don't see  a specific bug on this issue, but it's almost definitely udm, since si doesn't care about the connection once it's handed off to udm19:57
barrydavmor2: it's A Problem19:57
davmor2I'll write up a bug for it then19:58
barrydavmor2: thanks19:58
davmor2barry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-download-manager/+bug/139020520:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390205 in ubuntu-download-manager "udm falls over on the switch from wifi to 3g meaning ota are stuck and the system can't recover till reboot" [High,New]20:07
ogra_veebers, yay ! thanks for testing !!21:12
ogra_will try to land that tomorrow morning first thing21:12
veebersogra_: awesome, thanks for fixing it :-)21:18
veebersogra_: hey, while you're here, can you comment on my question re: autopilot-touch package?21:18
ogra_is the latest version in vivid ?21:18
ogra_(the one that contains our packaging changes)21:18
veebersogra_: Good question, let me look (I know I was still getting the error yesterday)21:18
ogra_i suspect we landed it when it couldnt migrate completely into utopic anymore due to freezes ... so it likely didnt make it into vivid either21:19
veebersogra_: apt-cache policy shows candidate: 1.5.0+15.04.20141031-0ubuntu121:22
veebersI'm not sure what the latest revno should be :-\21:22
ogra_1.5.0+14.10.20141022~rtm-0ubuntu1 is the one that had your change in rtm21:25
veebersogra_: ok, now that I've tried that today it installs fine on my device21:25
ogra_do you have that changelog entry ?21:25
ogra_oh, good21:25
ogra_and there is your landing ... landed tuesday21:26
veebersogra_: ah which would be my Wed, so probably just after I sent that email to you :-) Thanks for clarifying for me21:28
ogra_well, i'm glad it works now21:28
veebersAck, so am I.21:30
veebersogra_: is there a way to check when an updated package will finish migrating? (I'm looking at pybootchartgui, needing 0+r141-0ubuntu4)21:51
ogra_veebers, "rmadison pybootchartgui"21:51
ogra_(from the devscripts package)21:52
veebersTIL about rmadison21:52
veebersawesome, thanks ogra_ ^_^21:52
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