
cmaloneyYeah, I saw that headline01:11
greg-gitsa rick02:16
rick_h_howdy greg-g02:17
jrwrenwelcome back. everyone missed you lots.02:19
rick_h_heh, been busy :P02:19
rick_h_actually, need to reset my irssi, windows screwed up now and easier than looking up how to move things02:20
rick_h_there we go02:21
rick_h_ooh shiny ssh on nexus 9 man i love juicessh02:40
rick_h_ah nicer color theme. my solarized phase is past02:42
cmaloneyGood morning12:38
brouschI'm really confused by this Win8.1 tablet. It works so well13:01
brouschI want to hate it but I can't13:01
mrgoodcathey sorry i couldn't make it to CHC last night13:08
mrgoodcatsomething came up last minute13:08
mrgoodcatrick_h_: what color theme?13:09
rick_h_mrgoodcat: monokai13:19
brouschmrgoodcat cmaloney: I played a 21k. This was in his comments: "Based on my current analysis there was no way for you to win after your 2nd move (you should have played d5). "13:24
brouschDead after 2 moves!13:25
_stink_that's awesome13:32
mrgoodcati refuse to believe that he could have forseen winning after 2 moves14:06
mrgoodcatunless it was a super tiny board14:07
mrgoodcatgame with Edward Feather?14:09
mrgoodcatoh 7x7 board14:09
brouschHeh, playing a poor guy now who is systematically taking the stones I stuck in his area to take up space because the game is so close14:10
brouschHe's actually losing points with each stone he takes14:11
mrgoodcatyea i can see what he was talking about (Feather)14:11
mrgoodcati wouldn't have known after 2 moves14:11
mrgoodcatbut i can see why your move allowed him to split the board the way he did14:11
cmaloneyFunnily enough brousch is letting me have the top half of my current game with him. :)14:40
mrgoodcatlook out for that14:42
mrgoodcatit bit me in the arse earlier14:42
cmaloneyYeah, it's usually what keeps me going after brousch has taken double-digit stones against me.14:45
cmaloneys/stones against me/prisoners/14:45
brouschcmaloney: There is a lot of space up there14:51
brouschAnd you don't have a single eye14:52
mrgoodcati find your lack of eyes... unsightly14:55
cmaloneybrousch: Right, but you have nothing up there.14:55
brouschI spaaaaaaace14:55
cmaloneyHad I not mentioned anything you'd be busily filling in the  middle of the board.14:56
brouschI'm not too worried about the middle until you turn your attention back there. There is a lot of game left14:58
mrgoodcatjust looking at your game on eidogo, it seems like you started the game with an extremely strong configuration on the top14:58
brouschWhat game?15:00
brouschHm, a 25k says he was nervous the whole game because I was very offensive. I thought I played very defensively, more than usual15:06
brouschMaybe he meant I did not reinforce my spaces15:08
mrgoodcatmaybe he meant you're super aggressive and it makes people who play you nervous15:11
mrgoodcatlike me15:11
brouschI don't feel aggressive15:12
mrgoodcatthis game? http://eidogo.com/#url:http://www.dragongoserver.net/sgf.php?gid=93921415:13
mrgoodcatbecause looking at the transcript it looks like he was actually way more aggressive than you15:13
brouschNo, this one http://eidogo.com/#url:http://www.dragongoserver.net/sgf.php?gid=93920415:14
mrgoodcathmm why did you end that game so early?15:19
cmaloneymrgoodcat: That wasn't that early for ending15:35
brouschI could not get anything useful going in his space15:38
greg-gwhat's the eidogo.com stuff?16:26
mrgoodcatgreg-g: it's a better viewer for Go games16:28
mrgoodcatinteractive and whatnot16:28
* greg-g nods16:28
mrgoodcati like it because i can move through the game very quickly to get a feel for "overall attitude" and then i can step through interesting sequences more slowly16:29
_stink_brousch: you have given a few Kivy talks, right?  any of them recorded somewhere so i can creepily watch them?16:44
brouschThe PyOhio talks are recorded16:45
brouschThe first one is a better intro to Kivy. the second just talks about the mobile toolchain16:47
_stink_sweet thanks16:47
brouschI recommend these short talks too http://inclem.net/pages/kivy-crash-course/16:48
brouschEven more than mine16:48
_stink_awesome, saved16:48
brouschKivy runs well on this Win8.1 tablet16:51
brouschmrgoodcat: I do feel agressive this game17:01
mrgoodcathave you guys seen the new Amazon Fire Big Brotherâ„¢?17:28
jrwrenlooks fun17:42
cmaloneyLooks creepy.17:44
greg-gin other news: Silk Road 2.0's servers have been seized17:49
mrgoodcatcan't say i didn't see that coming17:49
cmaloneyQuell surprise.17:49
mrgoodcati thought they were supposed to be all awesome and distributed or something now17:50
* greg-g shrugs17:50
cmaloneyI mean really, their whole purpose is devoted to buying and selling controlled goods and services17:51
greg-gonly the govt can profit from that17:51
cmaloneygreg-g: Govt. hates competition. :)17:51
greg-g:) :)17:51
greg-gyesterday I learned of "cocain drops" (was watching a video about cluster headaches and what actually works to help sufferers)17:52
mrgoodcatthe tooth drops?17:52
greg-gI guess so17:53
mrgoodcator eyedrops17:53
mrgoodcatthere are a couple kinds actually17:53
greg-git was on a huge list of about 70 medications he had been prescribed over the years that did nothing to help17:53
mrgoodcatlikely eyes if its headaches17:53
greg-gcluster headaches are insane17:53
greg-gif you haven't seen a video of someone having one, it's worth watching once17:54
greg-git's depressing though17:54
greg-g"headache" sounds so civilized, they aren't. Suicide rate is high amongst sufferers17:54
mrgoodcati think i'll pass....17:54
greg-gpeople tear out their hair, bang heads against brick walls, etc17:54
mrgoodcati'm just gonna look at my calming nature background and be glad i don't have those17:56
greg-gyeah, ditto17:57
cmaloneyI'm just going to listen to angry music.17:58
greg-g(to end the suspense, the only thing they've found that works are psilocybin mushrooms17:58
greg-ga low, non psychedlic experience inducing, dose before their cycle is supposed to start can prevent it from starting in a majority of patients17:59
brouschamazon Echo looks creepy18:17
akellingYou know you want it. Its always listening.18:31
brouschWith all of those mics it can probably keep a sonic map of the house at all times18:32
akellingGreat for when the men in black need put a bag over your head and you go "missing"18:34
brouschno, no. It's so Amazon can do an airdrop into your hand instead of on your roof18:35
akellingAh this makes more sense now18:35
brousch"Echo, what's the weather?" "It's raining. I took the liberty of ordering you a better umbrella and golashes. You're welcome."18:37
cmaloneyPaste those lines together and you'll see that apparently SR2.0 hired a fed.18:37
greg-gcmaloney: hah18:38
greg-ggj guys18:38
jrwrenanyone want to help with a crazy ssh question? http://serverfault.com/questions/642580/ssh-proxycommand-and-controlpath-to-two-different-hosts-with-same-ip-address-beh20:46
greg-grick_h_: did you ever build that garage with office above you had plans for?21:30
rick_h_greg-g: no, it was going to cost 6 figures so it's on hold while we save up more. Lack of home equity FML21:32
greg-gholy what21:32
rick_h_to do the woodworking room + the screened in porch21:32
jrwrenhe is basically building another house on his lot :)21:32
rick_h_it's some 800sq ft of addition with power/etc21:33
rick_h_greg-g: oh, well you said garage with office, no. Never built the shed with office above. That's a giant pipe dream for another house. We don't have the room for that here21:33
jrwrenrick_h_: build it yourself?21:34
rick_h_greg-g: we were looking at a woodshop + glass enclosed porch21:34
rick_h_jrwren: thought about it, but I don't have time to mow the lawn much less build an addition21:35
jrwrenrick_h_: its good to not be a manager :)21:35
jrwrenits also good to stick to small side projects.21:36
rick_h_heh yea, I'd like to finish my son's night stand I almost had done last christmas break21:36
rick_h_hopefully by the time we come back to work next year I'll have completed it21:37
mrgoodcatthen you'll finally have time to put an addition on the house21:37
rick_h_then I have to finish the two in progress for the last 2 years for my wife and I21:37

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