
PCLine_Evening everyone.00:48
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Ubuntu Ohio via IRC | General Technical Support is **NOT** offered here. | Severe Weather Alerts in ##weather-us-oh | Verified until 2015-11-19 | Ubuntu Online Summit November 2014 -- http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/
skellatI forgot to update the channel topic :-\00:55
PCLine_Thats how much I dont read the Topic!00:57
skellatThe election yesterday went well and I even got my analytical report done before going to bed.  Even posted it here: https://identi.ca/alpacaherder/note/IjI5LPZfQcCZCo2CBEL6oQ00:58
jenni[ Why I was sorry worried about absentee votes and other funny stuff elections-wise... - Identi.ca ] - https://j.mp/1s6LsJm00:58
skellatPCLine_, how was your day today?01:01
PCLine_It was great until I started to come home and its already pitch dark out side.  How about you?01:02
skellatTried to diagnose a Win7 box and realized why I don't like using Windows anymore01:03
PCLine_It could be worse....You could be troubleshooting Win8!01:04
PCLine_Every time I work on this computer I Dislike Win8 more and more!  And everyday I say it can not get any worse And everyday I find it does.01:07
PCLine_Whats wrong with your Win7 system?01:07
skellatIt wasn't mine, praise be01:11
skellatUser Profile Loader died01:11
skellatThe machine had spent two weeks in Hibernate and didn't come back in a coherent fashion01:12
skellatSince the owner had one user account and it had all the admin permissions...no access...01:12
skellatThe machine booted my Xubuntu 14.04 LiveCD01:14
skellatAnd the NTFS drive was something it would NOT touch01:14
PCLine_that is funny.  MS removed Recovery Console from windows so you have to fix it with Linux!01:18
Unit193NTFS support still isn't the best, it's been marked dirty and next Windows boot it'll chkntfs it.01:30
PCLine_I have a program that will activate the Admin Users and change the password on it.01:33
PCLine_Another nice feature of Windows....I have been up and running for an hour I need to reboot!01:34
Unit193kon-boot will fix that password problem. :P01:36
Unit193[20:36:34] < Unit193> kon-boot will fix that password problem. :P01:43
Unit193Dowh, he quit again.01:45

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