clarkk | ugh | 00:00 |
clarkk | that's not what I wanted to hear :/ | 00:00 |
FilthyMacNasty | no, you have testicular cancer is what you dont want to hear | 00:00 |
Ben64 | hmm, seems like 331 doesn't support the gtx750 either | 00:01 |
EriC^^ | clarkk: try to uninstall first | 00:01 |
k1l | !info nvidia-331 precise-updates | 00:01 |
ubottu | 'precise-updates' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed | 00:01 |
k1l | !info nvidia-331 precise | 00:01 |
ubottu | nvidia-331 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-331): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 331.20-0ubuntu0.0.2 (precise), package size 50298 kB, installed size 152954 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 00:01 |
LeBlaaanc | can i mount sshfs with fstab? | 00:01 |
bekks | Yes. | 00:01 |
bekks | LeBlaaanc: | 00:02 |
LeBlaaanc | bekks: what's the "fstype" ? | 00:02 |
Loshki | LeBlaaanc: if not, you can mount it from /etc/rc.local | 00:02 |
=== sins-_p is now known as sins- | ||
LeBlaaanc | oh fse | 00:02 |
LeBlaaanc | fuse* | 00:03 |
Loshki | Bitwise_: if you can use ssh keys, you can login without having to type a password. | 00:05 |
Ben64 | clarkk: upgrade to 14.04, use this ppa, which still isn't supported here, but works a lot better than installing from | 00:05 |
EriC^^ | Loshki: you mean LeBlaaanc ? | 00:05 |
LeBlaaanc | My fstab has uname@web-1:/var/www /mnt/web-1 fuse auto,allow_other,_netdev,IdentityFile=/home/uname/.ssh/id_rsa 0 0 | 00:06 |
Loshki | EriC^^: er, Bitwise_ was asking about ssh logins at 15:56. I'm multitasking :-) | 00:06 |
clarkk | Ben64 I know from experience numerous times what is involved in an "upgrade". It means faffing around trying to upgrade for a day and then a clean install. I really don't have the time for that now due to work pressures | 00:06 |
EriC^^ | Loshki: oh, ok :) | 00:06 |
Ben64 | clarkk: no faffing required | 00:07 |
LeBlaaanc | I get /bin/sh: 1: uname@web-1:/var/www: not found | 00:07 |
clarkk | it's ALWAYS a nightmare | 00:07 |
Bitwise_ | Loshki, I'm trying to set that up now :-) | 00:07 |
Loshki | EriC^^: I can see how you'd confuse the two. LeBlaaanc hasn't asked about passwords yet :-) | 00:08 |
reisio | clarkk: that's an Ubuntu issue, AFAICT | 00:08 |
LeBlaaanc | Loshki: thoughts on the error? | 00:08 |
k1l | clarkk: upgrades get automated testing and work. if you dont have really special setups or installed 3rdstuff you should be fine | 00:08 |
LeBlaaanc | scp -r uname@web-1:/var/www . works fine | 00:08 |
EriC^^ | Loshki: yeah, i didn't know Bitwise_ was asking earlier, kind of thought it was weird LeBlaaanc became Bitwise_ :) | 00:09 |
clarkk | I'm afraid I really can't risk it now - I've got deadlines this month | 00:09 |
clarkk | Ben64 I only installed the card because my old one failed | 00:09 |
LeBlaaanc | related ? | 00:09 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 243298 in sshfs-fuse (Ubuntu) "sshfs /etc/mtab and /etc/fstab do not match, umount and unmount through "Disk Mounter" applet / Nautilus do not work" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 00:09 |
Loshki | k1l: I fully agree with clarkk. The problem with upgrades is everyone's starting point is different. The combinations are too numerous to test. A clean install is much more reproducible & reliable. | 00:11 |
k1l | Loshki: no. upgrade do work. there is no need to tell everyone to make a clean install. | 00:11 |
Ben64 | Loshki: the problem is always because PPAs that are installed | 00:11 |
clarkk | Ben64 if that is the case, where is the guide that explains how to upgrade in that situation. I've never seen one (a good one) | 00:12 |
k1l | clarkk: what situation? | 00:12 |
Ben64 | ppa-purge? | 00:12 |
Bitwise_ | Loshki, I don't understand how to use the ssh-copy-id command. what IP do I use? | 00:12 |
Ben64 | or just never use PPAs that make wide changes to the system | 00:13 |
bekks | Bitwise_: The IP of the target system. | 00:14 |
Loshki | k1l: my point is that because of the combinatorics of testing, upgrades cannot be tested sufficiently to make them as reliable as clean installs. If reliability is paramount, clean installs of late version LTSes is the only way to go. | 00:14 |
bekks | Bitwise_: ssh-copy-id works like "copy my ssh ID from this system to the target system given" | 00:14 |
Bitwise_ | I just tried it with the internal IP and it succeeded. however running the ssh command on the client still asks for the password | 00:15 |
bekks | Bitwise_: Of course it will, because the id isnt copied yet. | 00:15 |
Bitwise_ | So I have to copy the id to the client? | 00:15 |
bekks | Bitwise_: the computer running ssh-copy-id is considered to be the client. | 00:16 |
clarkk | Ben64 sometimes I need functionality provided by 3rd party ppas. there is no way around it, except to ditch ubuntu for something else - which I don't want to do because I love my system. However, I don't know what ppa-purge does and how I could get my system back into the state I | 00:16 |
clarkk | need it (without tonnes of work) afterwards | 00:16 |
Bitwise_ | I'm trying to connect with Windows using gnu-tools to my Ubuntu machine | 00:16 |
k1l | !ppapurge | clarkk | 00:16 |
ubottu | clarkk: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see | 00:16 |
clarkk | if these packages were available from ubuntu, why would I have installed them from ppas? | 00:19 |
bekks | Because of different versions maybe. | 00:19 |
reisio | clarkk: lulz? | 00:20 |
k1l | clarkk: wait what? what are we talking about right now? | 00:20 |
clarkk | mostly it's because they aren't available in the default repos | 00:21 |
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jason1 | How do I find the path to the audio device for directing mplayer to use it? | 00:21 |
k1l | can we come back to the actual issue and not the what-if cases mixed all over? | 00:21 |
Ben64 | jason1: mplayer should "just work" can you pastebin some output from trying to play something? | 00:22 |
clarkk | k1l:.... Ben64 said there was an easy way to upgrade without it going wrong, by purging loads of ppas that I'm using that contain vital software that I need, that is not available in the default repos | 00:22 |
k1l | clarkk: that is right. the ubuntu packages get automated testing (as i said before). PPAs or other 3rd party packages cant get tested. so remove them with ppa-purge then upgrade. | 00:24 |
goulard | question about /dev/shm | 00:24 |
jason1 | Ben64: it looks for /dev/dsp which is missing then falls back to null output | 00:24 |
goulard | I write a file into /dev/shm with one process, close the fd and try to stat it from another process... it doesnt exist for a few seconds... any ideas why? | 00:25 |
clarkk | k1l: sorry if I sound foolish, but does that mean that it will remove the software too? What happens after the upgrade? Do i have to go through and install all those 3rd party packages? | 00:26 |
clarkk | (and also configure them) | 00:26 |
ApexEverything | quick question Wifi driver rtl8187 on a toshiba satellite works spoty and will not connect to a network upon wakeup /restart. However using sudo modprobe rtl8187 fixed the issue, im assuming temporarily. | 00:26 |
k1l | clarkk: yes. if you remove the PPAs with ppa-purge that will remove the packages and that means the porgrams. | 00:26 |
ApexEverything | Is this a common issue with certain drivers, and what do I do to permanently fix the issue? | 00:27 |
clarkk | k1l: see, it's not easy to upgrade as Ben64 suggests. I haven't got time for that this month. | 00:27 |
ApexEverything | havent used linux in about 5 years so forgive me. | 00:27 |
Ben64 | clarkk: how is it not easy? | 00:27 |
clarkk | it would be really good if someone put together a failsafe upgrade process/guide | 00:27 |
k1l | clarkk: you are complaining about risk of failure while upgrading. ubuntu does what it can to test upgrades. but it cant test all your 3rd party programs. right? | 00:27 |
Ben64 | clarkk: 1. remove ppas. 2. upgrade. 3. put ppas back on. 4. done | 00:28 |
k1l | clarkk: it is. the issue is that the best and safest upgrade will break if you install bad 3rd party stuff. and yet you still blame ubuntu for it. | 00:28 |
pbx | i want something like the HUD that also tells me keybindings. anything like that exist? | 00:29 |
clarkk | k1l: no, I don't blame ubuntu, but it's just not reasonable for ben64 to imply that "upgrades are quick and easy" when people have deadlines and the consequences of upgrading a massive | 00:30 |
Ben64 | clarkk: upgrades ARE quick and easy, they get a bit less quick&easy when you add a bunch of random 3rd party software | 00:31 |
ApexEverything | ben and pbx do you know what i should do regarding my issue? | 00:32 |
clarkk | anyway, thanks for your input k1l and Ben64. | 00:32 |
ApexEverything | or ben and k1l | 00:32 |
pbx | Ben64, you're basically saying "upgrades are quick and easy under specific conditions, less so under other conditions." which is true. | 00:32 |
pbx | ApexEverything, no idea, i joined the channel after you asked your question. | 00:33 |
Ben64 | ApexEverything: be patient and don't ask random people to help, just direct your question(s) to the channel as a whole | 00:33 |
* pbx agrees with Ben64 on that | 00:33 | |
jason1 | What is the recommended paste tool? | 00:33 |
Bashing-om | !paste | jason1 | 00:34 |
ubottu | jason1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:34 |
ApexEverything | only have to tell me once :) I'll be patient | 00:34 |
nightfly | What is the modern supported way to automatically classify processes into cgroups? | 00:34 |
imastupidguest | I don't know much about themes/installing themes where Unity is concerned... By chance could someone peek at this and tell me if it ought to work for 14.04 w/ Unity? This is my best guess what to look for : | 00:35 |
jason1 | And is there a sound test from cli? | 00:36 |
k1l_ | aplay | 00:36 |
TryKote | Hi all | 00:36 |
jason1 | Can aplay attempt a beep? | 00:37 |
k1l_ | you mean the system speaker beep? | 00:37 |
TryKote | I have seen? If yes, write 123. | 00:37 |
jason1 | k1l_: anything through the sound system | 00:38 |
jason1 | for a test | 00:38 |
TryKote | Halloooo | 00:38 |
k1l_ | !test | TryKote | 00:38 |
ubottu | TryKote: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) | 00:38 |
ApexEverything | not to be out of line although should I ask my question again so anyone who has recently joined can also help field the question? | 00:38 |
tripflex | hey guys, trying to build pulseaudio from source and getting this error | 00:39 |
tripflex | /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line | 00:39 |
tripflex | in 14.04 | 00:40 |
tripflex | here's before that error: /usr/bin/ld: daemon/pulseaudio-main.o: undefined reference to symbol 'sd_listen_fds@@LIBSYSTEMD_DAEMON_31' | 00:40 |
tripflex | is this because of systemd vs upstart | 00:40 |
tripflex | ? | 00:40 |
k1l_ | jason1: aplay can play sound files | 00:40 |
k1l_ | jason1: for pulseaudio its paplay | 00:42 |
k1l_ | jason1: like "paplay /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/phone-outgoing-busy.ogg" | 00:42 |
lucas92 | anyone is here? | 00:43 |
k1l_ | lucas92: no, nobody is here, never | 00:43 |
lucas92 | ahaha | 00:43 |
lucas92 | I just installed Xubuntu like a month ago | 00:43 |
gerow | lucas92: I don't think anyone is here right now | 00:44 |
lucas92 | I experience some screen tearing after getting out of sleep mode | 00:44 |
ApexEverything | On the latest stable Ubuntu, Wifi driver rtl8187 on a toshiba satellite works spoty and will not connect to a network upon wakeup /restart. However using sudo modprobe rtl8187 fixed the issue, im assuming temporarily. Is this a common issue with certain drivers, and what do I do to permanently fix the issue? | 00:44 |
=== marcos is now known as Guest35031 | ||
gerow | lucas92: sounds like a video driver issue :) | 00:44 |
lucas92 | exactly | 00:44 |
lucas92 | here's some glxinfo | 00:44 |
lucas92 | lucas@lucas-E300-A-CPB6A9:~$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL | 00:45 |
lucas92 | OpenGL vendor string: X.Org R300 Project | 00:45 |
lucas92 | OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on ATI RS600 | 00:45 |
lucas92 | OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.1.3 | 00:45 |
lucas92 | OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20 | 00:45 |
unopaste | lucas92 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 00:45 |
TryKote | Is here a Russian? | 00:45 |
k1l_ | !ru | TryKote | 00:45 |
ubottu | TryKote: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 00:45 |
imastupidguest | anyone know about installing themes in 14.04/unity? | 00:45 |
jason1 | | 00:45 |
TryKote | /join #ubuntu-ru | 00:45 |
EriC^^ | !themes | imastupidguest | 00:46 |
ubottu | imastupidguest: Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 00:46 |
adrian1908 | my 14.04 just got an update for gcc 4.9, is there any way I can check whether this came from a PPA or one of the main channels? | 00:46 |
lucas92 | oh wait it's a video driver, not a graphic card driver problem? | 00:46 |
Ben64 | !info gcc trusty | adrian1908 | 00:46 |
ubottu | adrian1908: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.124ubuntu6)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB | 00:46 |
k1l_ | lucas92: that is the same | 00:47 |
lucas92 | ah ok | 00:47 |
lucas92 | do you have any idea | 00:47 |
imastupidguest | EriC^^: What kind am I looking for that would be compatible w/ unity? gtk? gtk3? | 00:47 |
Ben64 | adrian1908: you could also do "apt-cache policy gcc" | 00:47 |
EriC^^ | gtk3 i think | 00:47 |
lucas92 | I've installed compiz and compton but that didn't fix my problem | 00:47 |
jason1 | Did you see my paster? | 00:47 |
imastupidguest | EriC^^: thank you sir | 00:47 |
adrian1908 | Ben64: I see, that cleared it up for me, thanks! | 00:48 |
TryKote | Are you see me? Please, reply to me! | 00:48 |
TryKote | guys! | 00:49 |
Ben64 | TryKote: stop | 00:49 |
EriC^^ | TryKote: type /join #ubuntu-ru | 00:50 |
jason1 | k1l_: pulse audio was removed | 00:50 |
lucas92 | anyone can help me on my video card problem | 00:50 |
lucas92 | dont want to spam the channel | 00:50 |
Ben64 | jason1: by who, and how, and why? | 00:50 |
k1l_ | jason1: tell mplayer which sound to use then | 00:51 |
fefis | hi | 00:51 |
adrian1908 | lucas92: and it only occurs after coming out of sleep, i.e. the compositor is running (at least prior to sleep)? | 00:52 |
lucas92 | yes | 00:52 |
jason1 | Ben64: I removed it with purge for less latency. | 00:52 |
jason1 | k1l_: What is the path to the sound device? | 00:53 |
Ben64 | jason1: yep, thats a great way to break audio | 00:53 |
adrian1908 | lucas92: have you checked whether the process is still running afterwards? | 00:53 |
adrian1908 | lucas92: sadly i'm a novice myself, so i can only guess. | 00:54 |
ApexEverything | is there a channel that supports ubuntu driver load issues? | 00:54 |
lucas92 | adrian1908: hmm I havent, but I don't have compiz or compton installed (just reinstalled Xubuntu) | 00:54 |
Ben64 | jason1: use the channel, please don't PM | 00:54 |
jason1 | Ben64: ok | 00:55 |
lucas92 | adrian1908: there are no glitches with the default compositor on startup... | 00:55 |
adrian1908 | lucas92: the built-in compositor of xfce still doesn't do a good job with tearing though, does it? | 00:55 |
lucas92 | adrian1908: yes it does on start-up | 00:55 |
lucas92 | adrian1908: it does fix screen tearing before getting to sleep mode then getting back in | 00:56 |
adrian1908 | lucas92: oh i see, i misunderstood. I thought the other compositors had the problems, not the default one. | 00:56 |
lucas92 | adrian1908: no prob | 00:56 |
jason1 | how do I pipe mplayer to alsa then? | 00:56 |
k1l_ | jason1: i dont know. its your task since you removed pa for a reason? | 00:56 |
reisio | mplayer -ao help | 00:57 |
reisio | mplayer -ao alsa, etc. | 00:57 |
Myrth | hi, i made a mistake, broke shell config for /etc/passwd and got logged out... now i can't login with sudo user, but i can with regular user. i tried `su -s=/bin/bash priv` but it still looks for wrong shell. is there anything i can do? thanks | 00:58 |
jason1 | brb | 00:58 |
TryKote | Hallo, guys, who can install ubuntu(or mint) with UEFI only motherboard? | 00:58 |
Ben64 | Myrth: fix it in recovery mode | 00:59 |
k1l_ | !uefi | TryKote | 00:59 |
ubottu | TryKote: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 00:59 |
Myrth | Ben64: it's cloud vps, i'm trying to figure out if it has virtual kvm, but in case it doesn't... | 00:59 |
Ben64 | Myrth: might not be able to | 01:00 |
Myrth | so why there's -s option for su? | 01:01 |
Myrth | isn't it suppose to replace the configured shell? | 01:01 |
reisio | Myrth: hrmm? | 01:02 |
Myrth | | 01:02 |
Myrth | -s, --shell=SHELL | 01:02 |
Myrth | run SHELL if /etc/shells allows it | 01:02 |
reisio | Myrth: what about it? | 01:02 |
Myrth | reisio: i've lost access to privileged account because of wrong shell in /etc/passwd | 01:03 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest86203 | ||
Myrth | so i'm trying to login using `su -s /bin/bash user` | 01:03 |
Myrth | reisio: but it doesn't work | 01:04 |
k1l_ | try sudo instead of su | 01:04 |
Myrth | k1l_: the user i have access to is not sudoer | 01:04 |
k1l_ | Myrth: reboot to recovery | 01:04 |
Myrth | k1l_: it's cloud vps, i'm waiting for response to see if it has virtual kvm | 01:05 |
Myrth | but in case it doesnt... | 01:05 |
Ben64 | what did you put in /etc/passwd | 01:05 |
Myrth | Ben64: /bin/fish | 01:05 |
Myrth | it was suppose to be /usr/bin/fish | 01:05 |
dm7freek | Hello, I am having trouble booting my computer after having to shut down irregularly (Software Center started freezing all my open applications when I tried to install VLC). Now all I get is a blinking cursor on a black screen. What do I do??? | 01:05 |
dm7freek | I shut down by Ctrl-Alt-F1 > Ctrl-Alt-Del, but that froze too, so I did Alt-PrntScrn-REISUB. | 01:07 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, how many times have you tried to reboot? | 01:07 |
dm7freek | Finetundra: Probably 6 or 7 times now... 'rebooting' meaning press the power button twice. | 01:07 |
dm7freek | I've also tried holding down Shift during boot, to no avail | 01:08 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: Rebooting, biw far do you get ? Broken graphics driver ? busted grub ? busted desk top ? | 01:08 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, have you been able to at least get to GRUB? | 01:08 |
ApexEverything | Is there a queue for questions? How does this work, did I ask my question using the proper etiquette? | 01:08 |
dm7freek | Finetundra: no, I see BIOS then a brief one liner (havent tried to read it, because it's really fast). then the cursor drops one line and stays there indefinitely | 01:09 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: broken graphics doubtful, busted desktop really doubtful (it's pretty much brand new), busted grub possible, but how? | 01:10 |
TryKote | Guys, sorry, who work with UEFI? | 01:10 |
EriC^^ | TryKote: explain what is going on and somebody might answer if they know | 01:11 |
Myrth | why it just won't fall back to /bin/sh like it's suppose to! | 01:11 |
Bashing-om | ApexEverything: Await someone who had experience with WIFI and can offer an opinion. ( it ain't me ) . | 01:11 |
TryKote | I try install linux mint to my computer (partition table - GPT, motherboard - UEFI) | 01:12 |
Finetundra | TryKote, have a look here | 01:12 |
ApexEverything | thanks networking is deep stuff, luckily reloading drivers upon wake is easier | 01:12 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, can you get to the BIOS? | 01:13 |
ApexEverything | or so i think | 01:13 |
dm7freek | Finetundra: yes | 01:13 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: yeah, do seem a grub issue, not finding the boot code after bios had handed off. Might try (RE-)installing grub, see what results . | 01:13 |
ApexEverything | then again im asking the question and not providing the answer | 01:13 |
TryKote | And UEFI wants to see GRUB | 01:13 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: requires usb bootable? | 01:13 |
Finetundra | Bashing-om, would dm7freek be able to reinstall it in a live boot? | 01:14 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: As you can not boot the install, then yes from a liveDVD(USB) . | 01:14 |
TryKote | Although, before the old system(mint) crashed, everything worked | 01:14 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: Is this a EFI system - I have no experince with EFI - ? | 01:15 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: idk what EFI is | 01:16 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, as i understand, UEFI is an alternative to BIOS that boots faster | 01:16 |
dm7freek | Finetundra: is it an intel thing? | 01:17 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: In that case, boot the liveDVD to try ubuntu mode, install pastebinit and -> sudo parted -l | pastebinit <- amd we can better advise. | 01:17 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: are you booted into ubuntu right now? | 01:17 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, i believe it comes wth just about all new non-custom computers | 01:17 |
imastupidguest | Is there a way to check what version of gtk I have? | 01:17 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: no | 01:18 |
newubuntuuser | hi, im just doing some homework for a class, was wondering if i could gpm someone for an easy piping/redireciton question? | 01:19 |
newubuntuuser | pm* | 01:19 |
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis | ||
TryKote | UEFI - is Hell on the Earth | 01:20 |
reisio | TryKote: but but, mouse cursor! | 01:20 |
k1l_ | newubuntuuser: if its bash try #bash | 01:20 |
TryKote | And why is it necessary?) | 01:21 |
TryKote | I'm sorry, i'm russians | 01:21 |
Finetundra | dm7freek, can you get to a live boot? | 01:21 |
dm7freek | Finetundra: burning now | 01:21 |
TryKote | I don't speak english good) | 01:21 |
reisio | TryKote: it isn't | 01:21 |
Finetundra | TryKote, I guess some folks just really want a faster boot time | 01:21 |
reisio | doesn't make boot time faster :p | 01:22 |
reisio | some folks (Apple) wanted huge graphical environments for their BIOS configurations | 01:22 |
Finetundra | TIL | 01:22 |
reisio | other folks just like locking things down :p | 01:22 |
TryKote | It's delirium... Boot time similar | 01:22 |
TryKote | Afk | 01:23 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: if you boot into the live usb let me know | 01:24 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: what are you trying to do btw? | 01:24 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: will do, standby. I'm trying to get back in! I'll pm you a catch-up... | 01:25 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: very odd about your problem | 01:27 |
Finetundra | EriC^^, there appears to be an issue with his GRUB, if I'm not mistaken. | 01:27 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: is it a laptop? | 01:27 |
Izaya | question, getting a "Missing Operating System" error on startup | 01:27 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: desktop | 01:27 |
EriC^^ | Finetundra: yes it seems so, he PM'd me what happened | 01:27 |
Izaya | which makes NO SENSE since it was working fine yesterday... Ubuntu install disk recognizes that I have an operating system | 01:28 |
Izaya | how do I restore...? | 01:28 |
Finetundra | EriC^^, ah | 01:28 |
jason1 | Where is OpenSSL or libssl? | 01:28 |
dm7freek | Finetundra, EriC^^: im in on the live boot | 01:29 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ok, type sudo parted -l as Bashing-om suggested | 01:29 |
EriC^^ | also type efibootmgr -v | 01:29 |
Bashing-om | Izaya: EFI system installed in UEFI mode, and now reset to boot ccsm ? by some chance ? | 01:33 |
Izaya | Bashing-om, no | 01:33 |
Izaya | it was working perfectly yesterday. No EFI /UEFI, this is a windows 7 model system. | 01:33 |
Izaya | or was before it had Ubuntu 14.04 | 01:33 |
Bashing-om | Izaya: Then as MBR booting, bios can not find the boot code. | 01:34 |
Izaya | Bashing-om, mbr boot? | 01:34 |
Izaya | Bashing-om, what's interesting is that it RECOGNIZES the old recovery and old operating system | 01:34 |
Izaya | is there a way to fix it...? | 01:34 |
Izaya | like maybe Super Grub Disk? | 01:34 |
newlinuxuser | can anyone give me a hand with homework real quick? its simple piping/redirection, i think. | 01:35 |
Bashing-om | Izaya: MBR = Master Bopot Recoerd, where boot code is installed to the 0th sector as opposed to EFI that requires a /boot partition. | 01:35 |
Izaya | Bashing-om, okay. Best way to fix that...? | 01:36 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om, EriC^^: I ran parted -l and got a Warning about the GPT table not have a fake msdos partition table. Is that my issue, or do you still need the dump? | 01:36 |
newlinuxuser | here is my question: You are running a program/command called xyz that prints important output to STDOUT (the screen). You want to save this output to a file called output.txt write a command that does this | 01:36 |
EriC^^ | newlinuxuser: program > output.txt | 01:36 |
dm7freek | newlinuxuser: redirect output with '>' | 01:36 |
newlinuxuser | thats it? i had that, i thought there might have been more. | 01:37 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: We realy need to see that output complete and in contect to KNOW what we are dealing with . | 01:37 |
dm7freek | newlinuxuser: well, the rabbit hole goes deeper, but ya, that's the basics | 01:37 |
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Bashing-om | Izaya: One can re-install grub. (boot code) | 01:37 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: ok | 01:37 |
EriC^^ | newlinuxuser: not much, if you want to know more program > /path/to/output.txt 2> &1 , that will redirect the stdout to output.txt and the stderr to whatever stdout is redirected to too. | 01:38 |
Krumpton | sup bae | 01:39 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: I'm trying to paste, but the warning asks a y/n Q at the end that stalls everything. I think if I Ctrl-C it'll kill pastebinit right? | 01:39 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: IF on liveDVD, 'multiverse' is not eneabled, enable in Software Sources amd then install pastebinit -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- then you can share the output. | 01:39 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: the gpt not having a fake msdos suggests it might have been gpt and you converted to mbr maybe? | 01:39 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: was this a win8 machine? | 01:39 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: not sure, it was set up for me | 01:40 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: I have pastebinit already... multiverse still applicable? | 01:41 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ok install pastebinit ( sudo apt-get install pastebinit ) | 01:41 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: already have it | 01:41 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: I would have thought so to install 'pastebinit' .. but if it installed, no longer applicable . | 01:41 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: (sudo parted -l && efibootmgr -v) | pastebinit | 01:42 |
daily___ | Hi there! I was wondering if there was a way to remove grub and simply just boot into Windows after I formatted the drive with Ubuntu on it? | 01:42 |
daily___ | (I have future plans to reinstall, just had some conflicting system problems.) | 01:42 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: I think that will still stall right? | 01:43 |
EriC^^ | daily___: you need a windows iso to fix the windows mbr i think | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | daily___: grub is the boot loader. Got to have some bootloader to boot ANY system.. Grub is just better than most. | 01:43 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: parted is waiting for stdin | 01:43 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: oh ok | 01:43 |
daily___ | Bashing-om: My apologies, a misunderstanding on my part. I want to reinstall the Windows MBR using the Ubuntu LiveCD. | 01:44 |
EriC^^ | what's it asking? | 01:44 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ^^ | 01:44 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: if the table it found (missing a fake msdos pt) is a gpt pt | 01:44 |
EriC^^ | ok | 01:44 |
Bashing-om | daily___: Nope, Windows tools for Windows problems ( Windows recovery disk can do that ) . | 01:44 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: try efibootmgr -v first | 01:45 |
daily___ | Bashing-om: Alright then. Well.. in that case: Is there a way to re-install GRUB for the express use of only booting into Windows (at the moment)? | 01:45 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: ok, i'll install it, one sec | 01:45 |
EriC^^ | daily___: yes | 01:46 |
EriC^^ | boot a live usb, chroot, and reinstall | 01:46 |
Bashing-om | daily___: I am sure there is a way, but as to how - without 'buntu installed also - I just do not know how . | 01:46 |
daily___ | EriC^^: Thanks for your help is advanced. I attempted to use Boot-Repair but to no avail. | 01:46 |
daily___ | Bashing-om: Also thank you for your help, if you want, I'll keep you updated. | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | daily___: do you get a grub prompt right now? | 01:47 |
jason1 | I am trying to run libssh2 and it needs libssl, where is it? | 01:47 |
EriC^^ | jason1: try locate libssl | 01:47 |
Bashing-om | daily___: Sure, if ya nick me, I will be updated. | 01:47 |
daily___ | EriC^^: No, I get a loop of something along the lines of "No active partition". | 01:48 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: It says "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting." However, If I run the command by itself, I get output. I'll probably need to upload manually. | 01:48 |
EriC^^ | daily___: no grub prompt? | 01:48 |
daily___ | EriC^^: No, correct. | 01:48 |
jason1 | Is find an alternative EriC^^ ? | 01:49 |
rww | jason1: Are you running Ubuntu or Debian? | 01:49 |
EriC^^ | jason1: yes, sudo find / -iname "*libssl*" | 01:49 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: does it say something like ubuntu .....shimx64.efi or grubx64.efi? | 01:50 |
EriC^^ | daily___: you could make a hack of stuff | 01:50 |
EriC^^ | daily___: use a liveusb, hold shift to get grub, and chainload windows instead | 01:50 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: not rly? here: | 01:51 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: ^^ | 01:52 |
Bashing-om | jason1: sure it is not "Package libssl1.0.0 " that you are seeking ? | 01:52 |
jason1 | EriC^^: So it finds an .so file. And here is why I need it configure: error: cannot find OpenSSL or Libgcrypt, | 01:53 |
jason1 | try --with-libssl-prefix=PATH or --with-libgcrypt-prefix=PATH | 01:53 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: EriC^^ :: looking at . | 01:53 |
jason1 | EriC^^: So ./configure --with-libssl-prefix=/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ still produces the same cannot find error | 01:53 |
Tj2000 | Hi everyone, I have a simple question about the repositories and the software available there. Is this a good place to ask a question about it? | 01:53 |
k1l_ | Tj2000: go ahead | 01:53 |
rww | jason1: That question wasn't optional, by the way. | 01:54 |
Bitwise_ | Someone can please help me with ssh keys? D: I'm trying to connect to my Ubuntu box from Windows using gnu-tools ssh with key auth instead of password auth. I manually copied the contents of to the authorized_keys file on the Ubuntu machine but it still asks for a password. | 01:54 |
jason1 | open ssl is installed it runs from cli | 01:54 |
jason1 | This is an ubuntu system. | 01:54 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: wondering why your usb is booted in uefi mode | 01:54 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: no idea | 01:55 |
Tj2000 | When a developer submits their software, is it up to canonical to ensure that the software is compatible for all Ubuntu Releases? Or does the developer submit versions of their software for each Ubuntu release? | 01:55 |
sacarlson | jason1: did you load the header files of the libs you need? | 01:55 |
rww | jason1: Then, for future reference, please note that questions about Ubuntu systems go in here, not #debian, and abuse of #debian for such tends to make #debian's ops and #ubuntu's ops unhappy. | 01:55 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: the installation is in /dev/sdb? | 01:55 |
jason1 | No this is done in userspace. I am building a program. | 01:55 |
sacarlson | jason1: or I should say did you install the *-dev packages | 01:55 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: yes | 01:56 |
EriC^^ | ok | 01:56 |
EriC^^ | i'd reinstall grub | 01:56 |
merpf | ahh, brilliant | 01:56 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: how? | 01:56 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt | 01:56 |
Bashing-om | EriC^^: dm7freek Wondering how device 'sdg' ( 7th hard drive ) can come into play here ? | 01:57 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done | 01:57 |
sacarlson | jason1: so I take it you have never compiled a linked libs in ubuntu before? | 01:57 |
EriC^^ | Bashing-om: seems like a hdd with stray gpt data | 01:59 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: that reinstalls Grub? | 01:59 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: no that mounts the required file systems | 01:59 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: could be my flash drive? | 01:59 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: sudo chroot /mnt | 01:59 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: ah | 01:59 |
jason1 | sacarlson: it is possible | 02:00 |
sacarlson | jason1: yes it is | 02:00 |
sacarlson | jason1: it's easy | 02:00 |
Ben64 | jason1: what are you trying to accomplish | 02:01 |
dupingping | Hi | 02:02 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: chrooted? | 02:03 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: yes | 02:03 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ok, grub-install -recheck /dev/sdb | 02:04 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: update-grub | 02:04 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: --recheck? | 02:05 |
EriC^^ | sorry yes | 02:05 |
EriC^^ | typing with my left hand :) | 02:05 |
dm7freek | done | 02:05 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: no worries, thanks for helping me, hopefully this works | 02:06 |
Bashing-om | EriC^^: dm7freek I looked at -recheck, and I too did not catch it . | 02:06 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: update-grub | 02:06 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: then type exit | 02:06 |
EriC^^ | and restart | 02:06 |
dm7freek | EriC^^, Bashing-om: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdg1. Check your | 02:07 |
dm7freek | proceed? | 02:07 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: if grub doesn't show up try the enter the bios make sure the hdd is selected to boot and check legacy is selected | 02:07 |
dm7freek | ok, here we go | 02:08 |
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris | ||
Chuck_Norris | dm7freek: change /dev/sdg1 for /dev/sdb -.- | 02:09 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: EriC^^ "" is depreciated, but if it exists it will be used -> ls -al /boot/grub/ <- . | 02:09 |
kokut | hello, my hard drive is making weird clicking sounds and im worried it might be ubuntu, run smartctl long test (took 5hrs) and found nothing, it make the clicking sound every 6 seconds exactly, is there a way to find what is going on? | 02:10 |
kokut | the drive is a western digital caviar blue of 750gb | 02:11 |
sacarlson | kokut: what if the sata cable is unpluged does it still make sounds then? | 02:11 |
kokut | sacarlson its on my notebook | 02:11 |
kokut | and its making the noise right now | 02:12 |
sacarlson | kokut: oh ok so I guess we can skip that one then | 02:12 |
kokut | sacarlson: yea | 02:12 |
dm7freek | EriC^^, Bashing-om: no go :( | 02:13 |
dm7freek | it's still doing the same thing | 02:13 |
sacarlson | kokut: maybe if you only boot to bios, does it still make sounds then or maybe to the grub menu point? | 02:13 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: is legacy selected in the bios? | 02:13 |
kokut | sacarlson: i dont know, i know that ubuntu fails to mount while booting but that might be for another reason | 02:14 |
kokut | sacarlson: im using the drive and it works fine | 02:14 |
kokut | sacarlson: so far it hasnt detected any bad sectors, even after a full smartctl long test | 02:14 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: not sure, looking now. | 02:15 |
sacarlson | kokut: it's posible some process is using it and your drive is just noisy when it moves the heads. | 02:15 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ok, make sure the hdd is selected as well | 02:15 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: I have Intel Boot Agent GE v1.3.72 up... right place? | 02:15 |
sacarlson | kokut: but many times in this case it's a posible indications of sector read error and retry attempts. but the smart report should have indicated that if it was supported | 02:16 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: nvm, Legacy OpROM? | 02:16 |
kokut | sacarlson: the light of "reading disk" of the notebook, lights every 6 seconds exactly, and it makes 2 clicking sounds, quite loud, like the reader is moving to the disk or something, then it waits 6 seconds and does it again, that is why i think it could be ubuntu | 02:16 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: EriC^^ no "" file is a good thing, We just need to look elsewhere for the caise of 'sdg' . | 02:17 |
sacarlson | kokut: could be every time it writes to log files. did you look in /var/log/syslog | 02:17 |
kokut | sacarlson: yea so far smartctl hasnt detected anything, and im using the disk quite a lot, its full of data, and it has shown 0 errors | 02:17 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: ok, seems legacy is selected | 02:18 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: is the proper hdd selected? | 02:18 |
EriC^^ | Bashing-om: i still don't get why sdg1 was mentioned | 02:19 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: The hdd is 2nd in the boot order, and the SSD is blank. What exactly do you mean selected? | 02:19 |
dm7freek | ssd is 1 | 02:19 |
sacarlson | kokut: also it could be set to power save mode to shutdown the disk after some time and with some process waking it every 6 secounds. it's hard to say | 02:19 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: did grub install btw? | 02:19 |
Chuck_Norris | kokut: it could be a mechanical related issue | 02:19 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: first in the order to boot | 02:19 |
kokut | sacarlson: yea thats why i need to find a solution. | 02:19 |
Bashing-om | EriC^^: dm7freek :; same same .. is there more than the 1 USB drive plugfed into the box ? | 02:20 |
kokut | Chuck_Norris: and how can i be sure of the exact problem? | 02:20 |
kokut | sacarlson: the syslog file is showing some interesting info, im not sure if i understand it tho | 02:20 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: try setting the hdd to 1 | 02:20 |
sacarlson | kokut: you can paistbin it | 02:21 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: no, but there is an optical drive | 02:21 |
dm7freek | EriC^^: win! | 02:21 |
dm7freek | but wt actual f is up w that? | 02:22 |
Chuck_Norris | kokut: try AHCI option in the bios | 02:22 |
sacarlson | kokut: in power save mode the disk will spin down and when needed will spin back up. that I would think might make the sound you speak of | 02:22 |
kokut | sacarlson: yea it could be, how can i check that? | 02:23 |
kokut | Chuck_Norris: i dont think my notebook is capable of that but might try it | 02:23 |
sacarlson | kokut: normaly that is set to something like 10 - 30 minutes not 6 secounds but you can change it to most anything | 02:23 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: EriC^^ "ssd is 1" does not compute either .. sda is the usb drive, sdb is the 250GB internal drive .. and nothing else is shown for drives by 'parted' // Maybe look at msdos drives from what 'fdisk' sees ? | 02:24 |
Chuck_Norris | kokut: yeah, that disk is SATA so, AHCI is the best option | 02:24 |
kokut | sacarlson: ok how can i check it | 02:24 |
belp | greetings everyone! | 02:24 |
belp | I'm having problems installing java | 02:24 |
belp | getting issues either with dependencies or virtual packages | 02:24 |
belp | could anyone help me out? | 02:24 |
sacarlson | kokut: google it | 02:24 |
kokut | Chuck_Norris: ok gonna try it next time i reboot | 02:24 |
Chuck_Norris | ok | 02:24 |
Tj2000 | belp: what error are you getting | 02:24 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: no, SSD = sda (128GB drive), HDD = sdb (250GB drive), flash drive = ? | 02:25 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: sdg most likely | 02:25 |
EriC^^ | was gpt and now has mbr with fat32 | 02:25 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: OK, now that does compute ( me and my tunnel vision ) . | 02:25 |
kokut | sacarlson: current spin down time is set to 254 or 30 mins | 02:26 |
kokut | sacarlson: according to hdparam | 02:26 |
dm7freek | Thank you guys so much, I was trippin there for a min. Why wouldn't my comp just skip the SSD? There is literally nothing on it (but it's formatted). | 02:26 |
dm7freek | ext4 i believe | 02:27 |
belp | Tj2000: pasted it via PM | 02:27 |
Bitwise_ | Someone can please help me with ssh keys? D: I'm trying to connect to my Ubuntu box from Windows with key auth instead of password auth. I manually copied the contents of to the authorized_keys file on the Ubuntu machine but it still asks for a password. | 02:28 |
dm7freek | It has skipped it in the past too, but I'm not sure if I had restarted since formatting it. | 02:28 |
=== sins-_p is now known as sins- | ||
kokut | sacarlson: okay i overrided the settings in disk utility, lets check it out now | 02:29 |
basket | why has my laptop battery dropped 10% in less than 2 minutes | 02:29 |
kokut | sacarlson: its sill making the noise, guess i should sell the drive or something... | 02:29 |
dm7freek | basket: how old is your laptop? | 02:29 |
basket | dm7freek: idk 5 years | 02:30 |
dm7freek | basket: mine isn't quite that bad, but ya. ive had mine for 4... could just be getting old (or have spent too much time charging when it's already 100%) | 02:30 |
basket | dm7freek: i always keep it plugged in | 02:31 |
dm7freek | basket: that is DEF why | 02:31 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: EriC^^ Grub installed to the MBR of the SSD (sda), and bios set to boot 'sdb', would that account for the error ? | 02:31 |
basket | dm7freek: why is that bad? | 02:31 |
dm7freek | Bashing-om: setting bios to boot sdb solved the issue | 02:31 |
EriC^^ | basket: yeah i concur 5 years is a long time | 02:32 |
basket | EriC^^: the battery is like a year old | 02:32 |
EriC^^ | basket: oem? | 02:32 |
Bashing-om | dm7freek: :) .. good deal . | 02:32 |
dm7freek | basket: it has to do with the way a battery works... batteries create current chemically | 02:32 |
basket | how do i fix it | 02:32 |
dm7freek | new batt | 02:32 |
basket | | 02:33 |
dm7freek | basket: think about it like this... a battery is like an hour glass. the charger flips the glass so sand pours again. leaving it on the charger is like putting the hourglass in a centrifuge... eventually the sand sticks to the ends of the hourglass and won't flow back and forth anymore | 02:34 |
EriC^^ | yeah, i knew that link was going to be hilarious | 02:35 |
dm7freek | basket: that might work, but i doubt it. batteries need exercise from the getgo... i think that is like telling an old fat lady to run a marathon to get back into shape | 02:35 |
sacarlson | kokut I found it to be Western Digital (WD) Green Drive's "idle3" timeout value. that normaly defaults to 8 secounds. to view the time you can try hdparm -J ; | 02:36 |
basket | dm7freek: is there a program to use so that the charger only works when needed but can always be plugged in | 02:37 |
sacarlson | basket: the computer has hardware that monitors and charges batts when needed | 02:38 |
dm7freek | basket: sounds like a trickle charger... I doubt that can be done in software. | 02:38 |
sacarlson | basket: if you don't want it to charge the batts then just remove them | 02:39 |
EriC^^ | dm7freek: i think he wants it to disconnect until it reaches 4-5% or so then recharges | 02:39 |
EriC^^ | sounds pretty cool | 02:39 |
EriC^^ | you can monitor the battery with upower, not sure how you could stop it from recharging though | 02:39 |
* dm7freek recommends a robotic arm :p | 02:40 | |
dm7freek | pizza | 02:40 |
nbros652 | I have about 60 or so computers running ubuntu that I manage. Trying to apply system changes to all of them would be a bit cumbersome, so I wrote a bunch of scripts that allow me to create updates that need to be pushed to the computers. Here's the thing. Some of my updates require root access (ex. changing firewall settings or installing new software). I am currently handling this by using an administrative account on the machines that does not need | 02:46 |
nbros652 | a password for sudo. Is there a better way that I could be doing this? It's all scripted to happen without my interaction. | 02:46 |
EriC^^ | nbros652: you could run the script as sudo ./ | 02:48 |
EriC^^ | it'd run with privileges | 02:48 |
aguscuk | test | 02:49 |
SchrodingersScat | aguscuk: received | 02:49 |
nbros652 | Eric: I should have mentioned, the script runs from a server that updates all of the clients using ssh. I am using sudo right now, but it's passwordless. | 02:49 |
webtm | 02:50 | |
SchrodingersScat | nbros652: why can't you do something like a cron for root? | 02:51 |
nbros652 | SchrodingersScat: I guess I could. Push the updates to the clients and have their root cron jobs run them? Include a signature to ensure only my updates get installed? | 02:53 |
SchrodingersScat | nbros652: I was thinking that if the clients could pull the changes without risk from your server, then they could also run it, sure signature check., guess it's six of one, etc. | 02:54 |
nbros652 | SchrodingersScat, EriC^^: Is there any major security reason not to leave the administrative account with passwordless access to sudo? I'm the only one with login access for the administrator account. | 02:55 |
EriC^^ | nbros652: i guess for starts having to type the password leaves less room for errors | 02:56 |
sacarlson | nbros652: you can ssh into an account with sudo priv and run the script as sudo , I think you might even be able to add the password but then you scripts will have the password in plain text. | 02:56 |
celroc | nbros652: I know little about configuring sudo, but it looks like if you run "man sudoers" there is a section called Tag_Spec that might help you. It looks as though it could be possible to run the sudo command for a specific program only without needing a password | 02:57 |
sacarlson | nbros652: so it's still better that the user on remote end be limited to do at least your task without sudo passwords | 02:57 |
nbros652 | sacarlson: that's basically what I'm doing. I gave my admin acct passwordless access to sudo so I don't need passwords in my scripts | 02:57 |
webtm | 02:58 | |
sacarlson | nbros652: you can also limit what commands or scripts that can run on that account without passwords | 02:58 |
nbros652 | celroc: I've used that. Thanks for reminding me about that feature. I hadn't considered that point. | 02:58 |
EriC^^ | nbros652: you could have the script run as passwordless in sudo, like user all= NOPASSWD: /path/to/ | 02:58 |
nbros652 | EriC^^, I think I'll do that for now. | 02:58 |
Ben64 | that is potentially a security problem | 02:59 |
EriC^^ | a huge one | 02:59 |
EriC^^ | but it's pretty much the same | 02:59 |
EriC^^ | unless someone else has access to the | 02:59 |
EriC^^ | which in any case it's the same | 03:00 |
nbros652 | SchrodingersScat, EriC^^, sacarlson, celroc: I think SchrodingersScat's option may be the most secure. Have clients pull updates, check signatures and run only valid updates using root's cron. | 03:00 |
sacarlson | EriC ya that's the ticket for nbros652 | 03:00 |
nbros652 | Ben64, That was my concern as well. Thoughts on the signed update approach with cron? | 03:01 |
sacarlson | EriC and there is no way I'm going to find that >> on your name ha ha | 03:01 |
Ben64 | nbros652: much better | 03:02 |
celroc | nbros652: That could work, I suppose, but does it offer any more security? If someone is able to compromise a box with permissions to edit the script file mentioned earlier, won't they also be able to edit the crontab as well? | 03:02 |
pzkpfw | I get a system error on start now. I theorized it was because I unplugged a USB HDD accidentally without ejecting. | 03:03 |
pzkpfw | the error report says something about an exfat executable which confirms my theory I think | 03:04 |
nbros652 | celroc, if they modify the script file, the signature wont match | 03:05 |
pzkpfw | exfat-fuse | 03:05 |
sacarlson | celroc: nbros652 yes if they can modify the that is owned by root and can be only read and writen by root. then they can already read and write anything they want | 03:05 |
celroc | nbros652: Right, but if they already have permission to modify the script file, isn't it sort of too late already? I assume they would have root access at that point and as sacarlson said, be able to do virtually anything they wish | 03:06 |
EriC^^ | do they have physical access? ( no grub etc though ) | 03:07 |
EriC^^ | nevermind i'm off to a james bond movie or something :) | 03:07 |
nbros652 | celroc, point taken... | 03:08 |
SchrodingersScat | he could keep the key on a machine with no network, update the script, transfer via sneakernet, upload to server, let it harmonize with the clients | 03:08 |
sacarlson | celroc: I don't know, I don't think enableing the running the script would allow them to also edit the script . you don't provide this user any writes to run any editors, just that script | 03:08 |
celroc | nbros652: This is not at all to say that your method is bad; it looks like a good solution to me. I'm just not sure if one solution is more secure than the others | 03:09 |
celroc | sacarlson: At the point that a hacker did get in, though, wouldn't they also be able to change the script permissions? Well, unless you made it on a read-only filesystem, I guess.... | 03:10 |
sacarlson | celroc: no the chmod is not in the list for passwordless | 03:10 |
EriC^^ | just write a simple c program | 03:11 |
celroc | sacarlson: Ah. I see what you mean. I may have made a mistake in assuming that the hacker got in via some other means | 03:11 |
EriC^^ | that checks stuff and only runs if everything is ok | 03:11 |
SchrodingersScat | nbros652: I think the advantage of a pull instead of a push is that then, unless the script itself is sensitive, you could host it in any number of ways (apache/nginx/etc), rather than worrying about securely planting it into each one. ? | 03:12 |
sacarlson | celroc: if they hacker got in by some other means sure they can do anything they want. but the point being to protect this account that has no password for a restricted task | 03:12 |
celroc | sacarlson: I think I'm starting to see it now.... thanks. You're right, the cron job actually is a little more secure | 03:13 |
sacarlson | celroc: but seeing he has the rights to make changes with the script maybe there is a way in ha ha | 03:13 |
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frank_o | Nice read: | 03:14 |
frank_o | Trying to decide which one to install on this box here | 03:15 |
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celroc | sacarlson: Right, I see it now. He wouldn't actually need the rights to edit the file if he went the crontab way, right? Good catch | 03:16 |
sacarlson | celroc: I don't know I have even confused myself ha ha | 03:16 |
SchrodingersScat | frank_o: sounds a little offtopic, you're free to try both and decide which you like. | 03:17 |
OerHeks | frank_o, depends how fast you want security updates, i guess. | 03:17 |
rebelos | Hello | 03:17 |
rebelos | guys what is the ideal swap size for core2uo 2gb system | 03:18 |
cfhowlett | rebelos, recommended "best practice" seems to be 1.5 - 2 X your RAM ... | 03:18 |
frank_o | SchrodingersScat: Have you tried both yourself? | 03:18 |
OerHeks | rebelos, let the installer decide, usually 1x ram plus ome mb more... | 03:18 |
OerHeks | ome-some* | 03:18 |
rebelos | oh thanks cfhowlett and OerHeks | 03:19 |
cfhowlett | rebelos, happy2help | 03:19 |
nbros652 | SchrodingersScat, sacarlson, celroc, EriC^^: thanks all for the discussion. | 03:19 |
frank_o | OerHeks: True, however there's a little paradox there. If the system is already secure it wouldn't need security updates. Hence, it could be argued that systems that need frequent security updates are those with the most flaws. | 03:19 |
frank_o | * are the ones with most flaws | 03:20 |
sacarlson | nbros652: I don't know I'm more confused now then when we started ha ha | 03:20 |
frank_o | I'm going to try both though. Thanks guys. | 03:20 |
EriC^^ | frank_o: i think he meant for stuff that is found to be insecure recently | 03:20 |
EriC^^ | ( on both OS's ) | 03:20 |
CyborgCygnus | How can I add a TeamSpeak3 launcher? It's in my downloads folder within a ts3 folder, so far I can only run it from manually typing a terminal command everytime | 03:21 |
frank_o | EriC^^: Oh I see | 03:21 |
nbros652 | sacarlson, I think I gleaned as much as I needed. Install scripts actually get removed after installation and a log file is updated, so the install script(s) only exist during install anyway. | 03:22 |
stevecam | frank_o, apologise for coming in to the conversation late but one thing that can often introduce more security holes in to a system is often over-design, implementing too many features that are not needed | 03:23 |
frank_o | stevecam: Good point. | 03:24 |
OerHeks | CyborgCygnus, depends, 64 bit? | 03:24 |
SirBrin | stevecam: you mean like a porshe? | 03:24 |
stevecam | frank_o, any reason you bring this up? | 03:24 |
frank_o | stevecam: OpenBSD seems to be one of the most minimal Unix-like OSes out there | 03:24 |
EriC^^ | SirBrin: porsche's rearend was a design flaw at first, took them years to get it right | 03:25 |
frank_o | stevecam: Well, I currently got a VPS at DigitalOcean and I'm curious whether to stick to them and run Ubuntu or find a different provider that offers OpenBSD | 03:25 |
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EriC^^ | SirBrin: nevermind | 03:26 |
sacarlson | frank_o: I thought you could run most any destro on digitalocean with docker | 03:26 |
stevecam | the advantage with Ubuntu, and the primary advantage you have is that its easy to maintain, and if you are a small-scale user then this can in fact be more secure because keeping a system up to date requires time and effort | 03:27 |
Tron2X | Does anyone know why my system would freeze up when using USB storage? It happens quite a bit. | 03:27 |
frank_o | sacarlson: I think they're working on letting users use custom ISOs but it's been in the works for years now, most people have given up hope | 03:27 |
SirBrin | hard to say aything to that unless you specify which openBSD OS you are talking about there | 03:27 |
CyborgCygnus | OerHeks, yeah 64-bit | 03:28 |
cfhowlett | Tron2X, any/all usb? what size USB? for that matter, what FORM usb? stick? external drive? | 03:28 |
frank_o | stevecam: Cool | 03:28 |
Tron2X | cfhowlett: Just USB sticks and USB Hard drives. All different sizes. | 03:28 |
frank_o | Makes sense | 03:28 |
cfhowlett | Tron2X, tried different sticks? | 03:29 |
Tron2X | cfhowlett: My mouse and everything freezes until I remove them. Then it's all normal. Sometimes I can use the USB for a minute. | 03:29 |
stevecam | being minimalist helps, but if you dont have the time to keep your system updated then you are not doing yourself too many favours | 03:29 |
Tron2X | cfhowlett: yes | 03:29 |
frank_o | OpenBSD it seems has a more do it yourself attitude, ie. you must know what you're doing and there's no magical UIs to get you through | 03:29 |
stevecam | frank_o, have you ever heard of LFS? | 03:29 |
frank_o | Plus I think they recommend a complete reinstall for every release, not sure though | 03:29 |
frank_o | stevecam: True that | 03:29 |
frank_o | stevecam: No I haven't | 03:29 |
Tron2X | cfhowlett: It happens with Fat32, NTFS, EXT4 formatted disks. I'm looking through the system log now. | 03:30 |
CyborgCygnus | OerHeks, Saw that link 5 minutes ago but couldn't work out if I paste & modify that in a sudo gedit document then save it as .desktop into the applications folder? | 03:30 |
stevecam | frank_o, i love LFS, might help you understand a little more about your nix, i still use ubuntu because its easy to maintain, but if you are going to be minimalistic, its the way to go | 03:30 |
OerHeks | CyborgCygnus, yes, with Teamspeak3.desktop as name | 03:31 |
OerHeks | and check the icon url | 03:31 |
sacarlson | frank_o: oh IC docker only supports any linux destro not including openbsd, my mistake | 03:31 |
CyborgCygnus | OerHeks, could the icon url being wrong be enough to stop it from running? That method was wrong 2012 by the way. How to I delete a non working version of that ,desktop from the applications foldeer? In xubuntu I'd run sudo thunar from a terminal but I don't know what the files thing is calle din ubuntu | 03:33 |
rebelos | guys why we need su privilages for installing packages ? i knw security can be reason | 03:33 |
cfhowlett | rebelos, you need a *better* reason than security? | 03:33 |
basil1x | it's nautilus | 03:33 |
frank_o | stevecam: Do you have any experience with OpenBSD though? | 03:33 |
basil1x | the 'files thing' | 03:34 |
stevecam | frank_o, not really | 03:34 |
rebelos | cfhowlett, maybe i should call it a night :P | 03:34 |
rebelos | gud night everyone | 03:34 |
basil1x | RoboSwan ^^^^ | 03:35 |
OerHeks | CyborgCygnus, i cannot check the right path as i run no teamspeak, but that .desktop should be in /usr/share/applications/ | 03:36 |
Tron2X | This is the error I get when it freezes: | 03:36 |
daftykins | Tron2X: ubuntu version? | 03:37 |
CyborgCygnus | OerHeks, I won't go as far as bugging you about the paths as I know those already. I just need to sort out the icons path & try to get that launcher working, thanks for your help so far | 03:37 |
Tron2X | 14.10 x64 | 03:37 |
cfhowlett | Tron2X, drop back to a previous kernel? | 03:38 |
Tron2X | I can try | 03:38 |
Tron2X | I'll let you know what happens. | 03:38 |
Tron2X | Just for the record I'm on 3.16.0-24 | 03:38 |
OerHeks | CyborgCygnus, see if 'sudo ls -al /usr/share/applications/ ' show different execute setting | 03:39 |
cfhowlett | Tron2X, 14.10 is cutting edge! (bleeding edge too!) LTS *might* be a less - challening - option for you. | 03:39 |
Chuck_Norris | CyborgCygnus: gnome-desktop-item-edit --create-new shortcut.desktop | 03:40 |
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Tron2X | Ok so I had trouble getting it mounted. These are the errors I got: | 03:48 |
Tron2X | Then when I froze I got these errors: | 03:48 |
Tron2X | I'm on 3.16.0-23-generic | 03:50 |
ubuntuaddicted | in a full system backup, should i exclude run? | 03:53 |
OerHeks | The contents of /dev, /proc, /sys, /tmp and /run were excluded because they are populated at boot | 03:56 |
ubuntuaddicted | OerHeks, ok, that's what i was checking. thanks | 03:56 |
__unik | hello. does sudo pm-hibernate harm my desktop? | 03:56 |
ubuntuaddicted | __unik, you can find out yourself. run man pm-hibernate. that will show you the manual for that command | 03:57 |
Jon31 | is there any automated script that will setup a pptp vpn server? | 04:02 |
jeffreylevesque | is it bad practice to have a executable bash scripts within a web root? | 04:07 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: to what end? | 04:08 |
Tek45 | That just sounds bad | 04:11 |
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akurilin | Folks, what's a good Ubuntu-friendly laptop to get nowadays? System 76 comes to mind, I own 3x of their desktops, but I've read horrible reviews of their laptops. Can anybody advise? | 04:18 |
mozzarel1 | guys | 04:19 |
mozzarel1 | the sound stopped working in totem | 04:19 |
mozzarel1 | works everywhere else, lol | 04:19 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, dell xps 13 | 04:19 |
imLOST | hi | 04:19 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, developer edition | 04:19 |
Tek45 | Any and every laptop lol | 04:19 |
Tek45 | As far as the ubuntu-friendly part goes | 04:20 |
akurilin | cfhowlett: pretty happy with it? | 04:20 |
akurilin | I'd love to have a 15" if possible, but I can compromise :) | 04:20 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, there seems to be an ongoing issue with coil wine that many have complained about. hopefully the product line refresh will address that. | 04:20 |
cfhowlett | | 04:21 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, xps 13 / m3800 (depending on your use needs) are also looking good but ... due for a refresh. | 04:21 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, I've tested the i5 xps13 here in beijing. impressive. I'm awaiting the product refresh to replace my dell 1545. assuming that comes out in the next few months, I'm in. Plan B: Mac Air. | 04:22 |
cfhowlett | akurilin, | 04:23 |
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jason3 | Hi, what is the command to trace a gui window to a process? | 04:28 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: xwininfo maybe? | 04:29 |
somsip | jason3: xwininfo or xprop maybe? | 04:29 |
jason3 | I lost days of work building linux from ubuntu I know this can be accomplished. | 04:32 |
jason3 | All of my notes to self are gone. | 04:32 |
jason3 | Used luks and did not recall the password. | 04:32 |
cfhowlett | jason3, lost days? but ... your backups! | 04:32 |
sacarlson | jason3: oh some fully encrypted system? | 04:32 |
jason3 | I don't have the equipment to do backups on my entire system. | 04:33 |
jason3 | Now the repository is down for ubuntu 12.10 | 04:33 |
sacarlson | jason3: do it all in virtualbox, how much space would that require? | 04:33 |
cfhowlett | jason3, you don't back up a system. you back up critical data. Or so I'm told. | 04:33 |
somsip | !12.10 | jason3 | 04:33 |
ubottu | jason3: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and | 04:33 |
jason3 | virtualbox is more of a toy | 04:33 |
somsip | jason3: so the repo is no more | 04:33 |
cfhowlett | jason3, and 12.10 is unsupported and has been for some time now ... | 04:34 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | hey | 04:34 |
sacarlson | jason3: well you must have a toy computer if you don't have the resources to backup | 04:34 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | Hello? | 04:34 |
jason3 | yes | 04:35 |
cfhowlett | GuyThatNeedsHelp, ask your support questions | 04:35 |
somsip | GuyThatNeedsHelp: just ask your suppot question | 04:35 |
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jason3 | so how do I trace a window to a process? | 04:35 |
somsip | jason3: already answered that one. Did it do what you needed? | 04:35 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | Ok! i downloaded adobe flash player for firefox and i am trying to watch my shows on amazon prime and i get this error An error occurred and your player could not be updated. This is likely because your Flash Player or Browser needs to be updated. This update is required to play back this video. | 04:36 |
somsip | GuyThatNeedsHelp: how did you download it? | 04:36 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin | 04:37 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: try chromium-browser | 04:37 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | On ubuntu 14.04 | 04:37 |
Chuck_Norris | yeah | 04:37 |
somsip | !info flashplugin-installer | GuyThatNeedsHelp (isn't this the recommended way?) | 04:37 |
ubottu | GuyThatNeedsHelp (isn't this the recommended way?): flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 04:37 |
daftykins | GuyThatNeedsHelp: yep flash got killed on Linux | 04:37 |
somsip | GuyThatNeedsHelp: maybe the end result is the same... | 04:37 |
Chuck_Norris | nope | 04:38 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | flash player works | 04:38 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | on spotify etc | 04:38 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | but on amazon instant videos it no wurk | 04:38 |
bragifk | join #iceland | 04:38 |
daftykins | probably DRM related | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | btw i found this thread | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | it says to do sudo apt-get install libhal1 | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | sudo apt-get install hal and cd ~/.adobe/Flash_Player | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | rm -rf NativeCache AssetCache APSPrivateData2 | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | but i cant do sudo apt-get install libhal1 | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | sudo apt-get install hal | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | ): | 04:39 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | E: Unable to locate package libhal1 | 04:40 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | E: Unable to locate package hal | 04:40 |
jason3 | somsip: xprop worked | 04:40 |
somsip | jason3: there you go then | 04:40 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: for security reasons some webpages makes you install latest or near latest version of adobe flash player and by defaul firefox uses an old version of flash | 04:41 |
Chuck_Norris | in chrome you get the latest version of flash | 04:41 |
willwh | GuyThatNeedsHelp: what distro? 14.04? | 04:41 |
willwh | doesn't look like libhal1 is in trusty repos | 04:41 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | 14.04 | 04:41 |
somsip | !find libhal | 04:41 |
ubottu | File libhal found in mingw-w64-i686-dev, mingw-w64-x86-64-dev | 04:41 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | and since chuck is the only one suggesting things | 04:41 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | ill try chrome | 04:42 |
Chuck_Norris | there is a workaround to get chrome flash plugin runining on firefox but, i just read a tutorial never did it -.- | 04:42 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | E: Unable to locate package google-chrome | 04:42 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | D: | 04:42 |
somsip | GuyThatNeedsHelp: it's on a PPA | 04:42 |
cfhowlett | chromium? | 04:42 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | NOOOO | 04:43 |
somsip | GuyThatNeedsHelp: | 04:43 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | i dont like ppas | 04:43 |
SonikkuAmerica | You can either (a) get Chrome itself or (b) get Chromium and grab the pepper-flash PPA | 04:43 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: first try chromium-browser | 04:43 |
Chuck_Norris | sudo apt-get install chromium-browser | 04:43 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | i thought when people said chromium it meant google chrome | 04:44 |
l0rdn1x | jhutchins, - can you confirm this? | 04:45 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1389801 in wireshark (Ubuntu) "cannot re-size Capture Options window to access controls" [Undecided,New] | 04:45 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: | 04:46 |
Generator_ | is any kind of nickserv/chanserv service is available for ircd-irc2 ? | 04:51 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | :( | 04:51 |
grantgm | is it just me, or do the install instructions for docker not work on Ubuntu 14.04? | 04:53 |
grantgm | just tried it on a completely fresh machine | 04:53 |
grantgm | adding the docker apt repo and installing seem to go fine, but the test run errors out: | 04:53 |
grantgm | seems like there's a bug report here: | 04:54 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1371310 in linux (Ubuntu) " doesn't work with apparmor 3.0 RC1 kernel" [High,Fix released] | 04:54 |
Ben64 | grantgm: adding repo? it is already in the ubuntu repositories, all you need to do is "sudo apt-get install docker" | 04:54 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | chromium wants me to install adobe flash player | 04:54 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | what the heck | 04:54 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: then just install google chrome | 04:54 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | i thought i installed it already | 04:54 |
Ben64 | google chrome is not chromium | 04:54 |
sacarlson | l0rdn1x: I run wireshark 1.10.6 and don't knote any problem with resize | 04:54 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: | 04:55 |
belp | hi everyone! I finally installed java but still couldn't make it work. I still get the error "bash: /usr/bin/java: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error" any idea? | 04:55 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | but im too lazy to install the .tar.gz file | 04:55 |
Chuck_Norris | sry GuyThatNeedsHelp: | 04:55 |
grantgm | Ben64, the docker install page recommends adding the docker repo because the ubuntu repos are out of date: | 04:55 |
Chuck_Norris | no no, this is just a .deb, it's easy to install | 04:56 |
Chuck_Norris | windows way :p | 04:56 |
Ben64 | grantgm: then you should get support from docker | 04:56 |
grantgm | Ben64, fair enough | 04:58 |
sacarlson | grantgm: yes I've installed docker on 14.04 and I recall there was one small added item to get it to work | 04:59 |
somsip | grantgm: running lxc-docker here at times from a PPA with no problems | 05:00 |
belp | ola! I installed java but still couldn't make it work. I still get the error "bash: /usr/bin/java: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error" anyone has any idea? | 05:00 |
grantgm | sacarlson, no idea what that small added item was, eh? :P | 05:00 |
Ben64 | belp: how did you install java | 05:01 |
belp | Ben64: first manual from terminal, then from software center, both with same result | 05:01 |
Ben64 | belp: that manual install probably broke the software center one | 05:01 |
sacarlson | grantgm: I am looking for what I did but can't find it. what error are you seeing | 05:01 |
grantgm | sacarlson, | 05:02 |
grantgm | sacarlson, it's pretty ambiguous | 05:02 |
belp | I uninstalled after the terminal install didn't work and reinstalled from software center | 05:02 |
Ben64 | belp: what is the output of "uname -m" and "file /usr/bin/java" | 05:03 |
sacarlson | grantgm: ya that looks the same as what I had. it was a simple work around | 05:03 |
belp | i686 and /usr/bin/java: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/java' | 05:03 |
grantgm | yea, I'm sure it's something minor | 05:04 |
Ben64 | belp: ok... try "file /etc/alternatives/java" | 05:04 |
grantgm | sacarlson, but running with debug info doesn't give me any extra hints | 05:04 |
grantgm | and googling hasn't really turned up anything so far | 05:04 |
sacarlson | grantgm: oh you had to add yourself to the docker group | 05:04 |
grantgm | which is kind of surprising | 05:04 |
grantgm | oooh | 05:04 |
belp | Ben64: /etc/alternatives/java: symbolic link to `/usr/local/jre1.7.0_55/bin/java' | 05:05 |
Ben64 | belp: yep, you didn't uninstall java properly | 05:05 |
sacarlson | grantgm: after adding yourself to the docker group you have to logout login to your account | 05:05 |
belp | how do I clean everything I did and do a clean install from software center hopefully? | 05:06 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | LOL | 05:06 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: now what? | 05:06 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | google-chrome | 05:06 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | went on amazon and tried to watch a video | 05:07 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | it gives me no errors but wont play | 05:07 |
belp | Ben64: how do I clean everything I did and do a clean install from software center hopefully? | 05:07 |
Ben64 | belp: see if this gives you any option "sudo update-alternatives --config java" | 05:07 |
Chuck_Norris | lo( | 05:07 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | says loading then it after that it does nothing | 05:07 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | LOL | 05:07 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | amazon = trolling me | 05:07 |
Chuck_Norris | well, you got latest flash now, so idk, maybe a server issue -.- | 05:08 |
belp | Ben64: | 05:08 |
Ben64 | belp: choose 0 or 1 | 05:09 |
belp | ok now the version command returns good | 05:10 |
belp | Ben64: but were the other options different instances of java? should I do a cleanup now? | 05:11 |
Ben64 | belp: 0 and 1 are the same, the version from the software center | 05:11 |
sacarlson | grantgm: ya doesn't make sense as you run it as root so I have to look again | 05:12 |
belp | Ben64: I selected 0 | 05:13 |
curtis__ | quit | 05:13 |
sacarlson | grantgm: oh I also had to start the docker sudo service start | 05:13 |
sacarlson | grantgm: and I guess you must have already done this ln -s /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/docker | 05:15 |
belp | Ben64: java version "1.7.0_65" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.3) (7u71-2.5.3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) OpenJDK Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode) | 05:15 |
reetammitra | Hello people | 05:15 |
grantgm | sacarlson, seems to already be running... | 05:15 |
belp | it says IcedTea 2.5.3 but I still can't use java on browser | 05:16 |
grantgm | $ sudo service docker status | 05:16 |
grantgm | docker start/running, process 10168 | 05:16 |
Ben64 | belp: java is not the same as a browser plugin | 05:16 |
sacarlson | grantgm: ok I had this only about 2 weeks ago but forget what else I did | 05:16 |
grantgm | sacarlson, and restarting doesn't seem to help | 05:16 |
sacarlson | grantgm: maybe reboot? | 05:16 |
belp | Ben64: ok should I install Icedtea java plugin or Icedtea java web start | 05:16 |
grantgm | haha, the solution to all ills :P I'll give it a go | 05:17 |
sacarlson | grantgm: I think restart made the docker start then so your past that part | 05:17 |
grantgm | thanks for the help, i'll keep messing around. please do let me know if you think of anything else, though | 05:18 |
nusr | is there evernote for linux? everpad is so buggy and can't use pics... | 05:19 |
belp | Ben64: ok should I install Icedtea java plugin or Icedtea java web start | 05:20 |
grantgm | nusr, only other option is the web client, as far as i know | 05:20 |
Javad | Hi | 05:20 |
nusr | grantgm: thanks...but here is one thing that evernote on windows does better than can paste the pic in evernote | 05:21 |
Ben64 | belp: keep in mind that java plugins aren't usually very secure | 05:21 |
nusr | for evernote is available | 05:23 |
f6k | hello | 05:23 |
jason1 | My connection keeps dropping. | 05:23 |
jason1 | I can use a better internet connection. | 05:23 |
sacarlson | grantgm: what user does docker process run under? | 05:23 |
grantgm | sacarlson, root, looks like | 05:25 |
grantgm | sacarlson, ah, thinking root maybe needs to be in docker group? | 05:25 |
sacarlson | grantgm: ya something like that, I think I recall changes in /var directory or something | 05:26 |
sacarlson | grantgm: I do note that I have added myself to the docker group | 05:30 |
reactormonk | Where can I download a virtualbox image? | 05:30 |
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grantgm | sacarlson, yea, tried that, but didn't seem to make a difference | 05:31 |
grantgm | sacarlson, is the root user manually added to the docker group too? | 05:31 |
belp | okay I'm having openjdk java 7 runtime and icedtea java web start installed but still can't make the applets work on my browsers. can anyone help? | 05:31 |
reactormonk | belp, check if the plugin is registered in your browser - and are java applets not kinda dead? | 05:32 |
belp | react: how do I check if it's registered? | 05:33 |
reactormonk | belp, in firefox it's in about:addons | 05:34 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 05:35 |
belp | react: I don't see it under plugins and I also need to activate it for chrome here :( | 05:35 |
reactormonk | belp, well, there's your problem. | 05:36 |
reactormonk | O.o ubuntu 14.10 just crashes in my virtualbox: | 05:37 |
lotuspsychje | is there any GUI package to can enable/disable system services like CUPS? now ive disabled them the manual way with service.override in /etc/init | 05:38 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, does your ubuntu version have systemd? Check if the systemctl binary is available in the console | 05:38 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: there are still many grafix issues on 14.10, many users complaining | 05:38 |
reactormonk | :-/ | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: i have 14.04 i dont think it uses systemd? | 05:39 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, as mentioned, check | 05:39 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: systemctl: command not found | 05:40 |
reactormonk | ok, apparently not. | 05:40 |
sacarlson | grantgm: I think it's a selinux issue. sorry I"m very slow today | 05:40 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, update and get systemd ;-) | 05:40 |
grantgm | sacarlson, no problem, thanks for all your help | 05:41 |
reactormonk | But apparently ubuntu has some problems with updates :-/ | 05:41 |
grantgm | like i said, i did find one bug report with the same error: | 05:41 |
grantgm | | 05:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1371310 in linux (Ubuntu) " doesn't work with apparmor 3.0 RC1 kernel" [High,Fix released] | 05:41 |
lotuspsychje | !info systemd | 05:41 |
ubottu | systemd (source: systemd): system and service manager. In component main, is standard. Version 208-8ubuntu8 (utopic), package size 1364 kB, installed size 6400 kB (Only available for linux-any) | 05:41 |
grantgm | but it claims to have been fixed | 05:41 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: this will not influence existing services system? | 05:41 |
belp | @react: after having both "icedtea java web start" and "icedtea java web applet" installed, firefox seems to work but no luck with chrome.. any idea? | 05:41 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, it replaces it. | 05:41 |
grantgm | and i don't have the later problem of a symlink at /etc/apparmor.d/disable/docker | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: works faster? and how can i manage them after? | 05:42 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, systemctl enable cups | 05:42 |
reactormonk | or systemctl disable cups | 05:42 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: nice, lemme try that | 05:42 |
reactormonk | ... that's for autostart. To manually start/top go systemctl start cups | 05:42 |
Tek45 | f | 05:43 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, ehm, make sure it works. It might fuck up your system. | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 05:43 |
reactormonk | it's a rather integral part of linux, so :-/ | 05:43 |
belp | @react: after having both "icedtea java web start" and "icedtea java plugin" installed, firefox seems to work but no luck with chrome.. any idea? | 05:43 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: well ive read canonical wants systemd in ubuntu in future.. | 05:43 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, yup, I'm using arch atm, systemd since ages | 05:44 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: well i look into systemd for ubuntu, tnx | 05:44 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, I've found it reasonable decent to use | 05:44 |
reactormonk | but I can't compare it to upstart ;-) | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: hope it doesnt crash my system then | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | !upstart | 05:45 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 05:45 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, not crash, mostly break. Because systemd will only be loaded after a reboot I'd say | 05:45 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: ill investigate askbuntu tnx | 05:46 |
reactormonk | so have a live-usb ready just in case | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: on wich part of setup you get that colored crash? | 05:47 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, right after the boot splash | 05:47 |
pyno | #python | 05:47 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: so no login screen? | 05:47 |
reactormonk | nope | 05:47 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: did you try F1 for booting text errors maybe? | 05:48 |
reactormonk | lotuspsychje, nah, just said screw it and downloaded the server version | 05:48 |
lotuspsychje | reactormonk: like you wish | 05:49 |
=== sins-_p is now known as sins- | ||
ZZRMike | I have a disk set up with GPT, and a partition that's reading as NTFS. I'm trying to change it to ext4 but It won't change. I've tried deleting the partition and creating a new one, and I used mkfs /dev/sdb2 to try and create a new filesystem on it but I've had no luck. Is there something I'm missing? | 05:55 |
CyborgCygnus | ZZRMike, Try gparted? | 05:56 |
=== sins-_p is now known as sins- | ||
ZZRMike | CyborgCygnus : That seems to have worked, thanks. | 06:01 |
lickalott | Does anyone here use Kwooty? | 06:01 |
belp | many thanks Ben64 and reactormonk! | 06:12 |
dlam | hey what do i use to make ssh -X work? e.g. i wanna open firefox on remote computer | 06:23 |
dlam | i tried with regular terminal but no work =\ | 06:23 |
DMRadford | Hey all, quick Q (hopefully): Connecting to Vino from TightVNC on a win8 machine, I can't see any windows or graphic overlays, just the raw desktop. Any ideas? | 06:25 |
dlam | oh nm it works | 06:25 |
St1gma | dlam, cool. | 06:25 |
St1gma | DMRadford, make sure that you have attached the VNC server to the correct display | 06:26 |
St1gma | probably :) | 06:26 |
St1gma | display:0 * | 06:26 |
=== lkthomas_ is now known as lkthomas | ||
lotuspsychje | and be carefull with vunreable software like tightvnc, you probably will get hacked soon :p | 06:27 |
St1gma | ^ | 06:27 |
DMRadford | St1gma: I'm trying to connect to an Ubuntu box from Win. I have that box hooked up to a monitor so I can verify what I'm doing. | 06:27 |
DMRadford | lotuspsychje: Am I vulnerable if I'm only using it from within my local network? | 06:27 |
lotuspsychje | DMRadford: use teamviewer for a single use issues | 06:27 |
St1gma | ugh | 06:28 |
lotuspsychje | DMRadford: if the box that runs tightvnc connects to internet, its a danger | 06:28 |
St1gma | DMRadford, this explains it correctly. | 06:28 |
DMRadford | I'm building up a render farm so none of the render nodes will be anywhere a keyboard or mouse after initial setup. | 06:28 |
St1gma | when I say display is the X server display ID | 06:28 |
lotuspsychje | DMRadford: and never let any remote software run, when your away :p | 06:29 |
St1gma | normally it'll be 0 | 06:29 |
St1gma | well if you want it secure then make the server listen on localhost then tunnel it over ssh | 06:29 |
St1gma | then all you need to have open is ssh | 06:30 |
DMRadford | It loads like it's going to work fine, but basically, tightvnc never updates the view, its like a screenshot of the monitor as it was at logon. | 06:31 |
lotuspsychje | DMRadford: must be something like St1gma says, vnc not on the right X | 06:32 |
lotuspsychje | DMRadford: whats your end goal on the w8 box? | 06:32 |
DMRadford | the w8 box is my main workstation so that's what I'll be using to send render jobs from | 06:33 |
DMRadford | if it was an X problem, why would it be showing me anything? Or more curiously, why would it refresh to show the correct (updated) screen after disconnect then reconnect? | 06:34 |
lotuspsychje | !vnc | DMRadford maybe this can help | 06:34 |
ubottu | DMRadford maybe this can help: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 06:34 |
St1gma | lotuspsychje, seems that you need to do some research on how X creates displays and how VNC uses those displays. There's a lot of information if you are willing to search. | 06:37 |
lotuspsychje | St1gma: ? | 06:38 |
St1gma | lotuspsychje, I mean DMRadford my bad. | 06:38 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 06:38 |
St1gma | too late and brain is in shut down sequence | 06:39 |
lotuspsychje | !cookie | St1gma here some power :p | 06:39 |
ubottu | St1gma here some power :p: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 06:40 |
Hiahwahnah | Whats up? | 06:42 |
=== james is now known as Guest52547 | ||
DMRadford | about to try UltraVNC. Any security qualms with that one I should be aware of? Might also be worth noting I'm 2 routers deep from the outside world for security | 06:42 |
St1gma | I say get it working first, then figure out the security of it. | 06:43 |
St1gma | My suggestion would be to run the VNC server on and open SSH, then just tunnel your traffic over. Like this | 06:45 |
lotuspsychje | for all users that have a samsung evo 840, they released a performance firmware for linux here: | 06:45 |
St1gma | DMRadford, I PMd you. Can you answer me there? | 06:48 |
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DMRadford | St1gma, just did | 06:50 |
usuario | ubuntu | 06:53 |
usuario | es una mierda | 06:53 |
usuario | hoy le quise cambiar la interfaz grafitca | 06:53 |
usuario | x cinnamon | 06:53 |
usuario | y cuando inicie | 06:53 |
usuario | no aparecia ni 1 puto icono | 06:53 |
usuario | me pus eloco | 06:53 |
usuario | realmente | 06:53 |
Surendil | !es | usuario | 06:57 |
ubottu | usuario: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 06:57 |
=== badon_ is now known as badon | ||
St1gma | tampoco hables asi, venis a pedir ayuda y empzas con insultos. | 07:15 |
St1gma | empezas* | 07:15 |
* iam3fun Good morning :)) | 07:16 | |
sudheer_ | how to install gtk+-3.0 in ubuntu? any idea? | 07:19 |
sacarlson | sudheer_: I see it in the repo apt-get install libgtk-3-0 | 07:24 |
sudheer_ | sorry.. couldnt find the package libgtk-3-0 | 07:25 |
sacarlson | sudheer_: still can't find it? what version of ubuntu?? | 07:26 |
sacarlson | it's on 14.04 | 07:26 |
sudheer_ | no.. its 10.04 | 07:26 |
sacarlson | sudheer_: 10.04 only has server updates so won't have it | 07:26 |
sudheer_ | oh.. my bad.. ok.. | 07:27 |
sudheer_ | do u hav any idea about this error "/bin/bash: line 3: --target=gnome-maps-js.c: command not found" | 07:27 |
basichash | Anyone know how to set up o2 mobile broadband on linux 14.04? the sim is in my laptops sim slot, but the network doesn't appear when i try to set it up | 07:28 |
jnhghy | hi, I'm on a almost fresh ubuntu 14.04 install and was wondering if there are alternatives to alt+tab application (the one now makes it hard to switch between windows of the same application) | 07:30 |
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NotBZ | test | 07:46 |
Kartagis | I got a PDF of which size is 211kb. I printed it, signed and scanned back into PDF with Simple Scan and it became some 2mb. is there more efficient software which also optimise PDFs scanned? | 07:50 |
vars | Is anybody there? | 07:51 |
Kartagis | there is me, yes | 07:51 |
vars | great! I am needed some help, could you please give me a hand? | 07:52 |
cfhowlett | Kartagis, check your DPI settings | 07:52 |
Kartagis | I can try | 07:52 |
asus | hi | 07:53 |
=== asus is now known as Guest99304 | ||
vars | I am getting this message sometimes when loading ubuntu | 07:53 |
Kartagis | cfhowlett: 150 default, and 75 is draft | 07:53 |
Kartagis | cfhowlett: mine is at default | 07:53 |
imastupidguest | Does anyone know if gnome-look checks the repos for the themes there? | 07:54 |
vars | I/O error | 07:54 |
vars | Press I ignore, S skip, M manual recovery | 07:54 |
imastupidguest | I know, but nowhere else to ask | 07:54 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, it doesn't | 07:54 |
imastupidguest | awesome | 07:54 |
imastupidguest | thx man | 07:54 |
Chuck_Norris | vars: your HD is dying | 07:54 |
cfhowlett | vars, that's normal. checking your filesystem | 07:54 |
vars | how can I do that? can you send me a link cfhowlett | 07:55 |
cfhowlett | vars, Chuck_Norris is right. sorry. I missed the I/ errer | 07:55 |
cfhowlett | I/O error | 07:55 |
basichash | how can I find out the type of mobile broadband i have builtin to my laptop? | 07:55 |
Chuck_Norris | i believe if you press F ubuntu will try to fix the HD | 07:55 |
cfhowlett | vars, backup your data now, find a new HDD as soon as possible and minimize read/write to the current drive. it WILL fail at the worst time. | 07:56 |
vars | there is not the F option listed Chuck_Norris | 07:56 |
Chuck_Norris | but, its dying | 07:56 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: besides getting malicious code after my own initiation (sudo apt-get install someTheme) do you know if there is other way that connecting to a repos could harm a computer (gain remote access, etc)? | 07:56 |
vars | Hmm those Hybrid Drives are not safe, it has a year mostly! | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, only the repo itself has been compromised ... | 07:57 |
Chuck_Norris | vars: well, must be another letter, but, when a disk is dying there is nothing to do about it, if i were you, i will doing a backup right now | 07:57 |
cfhowlett | vars, I keep reading that hybrid drives are suspect ... | 07:57 |
Chuck_Norris | you never know when the HD will stop working | 07:57 |
vars | damng and is a Terabyte :( | 07:58 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: is there a way to like, scan the shit before it installs or something? Is it just black and white do it or not with no way to mitigate the risk? | 07:58 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest26634 | ||
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, already built in. every package must pass the hash sum check or it won't install unless you force it. | 07:59 |
basichash | anyone? | 07:59 |
vars | we are here | 08:00 |
CyborgCygnus | How to reset keyboard shortcuts in 14.04 to default? I messed a few up | 08:00 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, that said: I've never heard of a repo connection compromising a machine | 08:00 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: I see. thx man | 08:00 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, happy2help | 08:01 |
user | guys im trying to set up a prepaid sim from o2 for my laptop (which has builtin mobile broadband), but it's not appearing on my network list. any ideas? | 08:02 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: But passing hash sum agains what? The guy who wrote the code's hash? So he creates a hash for some malicious code... err... how does that stop anything? | 08:02 |
imastupidguest | I'm sorry, I'm trying to grep this thing | 08:03 |
vars | thank you for help cfhowlett and Chuck_Norris. I will buy other HD for the laptop then | 08:03 |
dw1 | why did transmission-cli all of a sudden start updating the status bar like twice a second :/ | 08:03 |
dw1 | thats odd | 08:03 |
Chuck_Norris | vars: np | 08:03 |
vars | the factor is 2.5" right? Chuck_Norris and cfhowlett | 08:04 |
vars | no wonder the random lock ups! | 08:06 |
Chuck_Norris | vars: yes 2.5 for laptops | 08:06 |
imastupidguest | Well, I decide to take the risk. I tried 2 different ppa from gnome-look but end up with nothing (after sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nameOfTheme). Each for a different reason I guess. I'm having a hell of a time getting a theme. What gives? | 08:08 |
user | anyone? | 08:10 |
imastupidguest | What's a guy gotta do to get a them up in here? Earlier, I even tried to install manually by decompressing the zipped them and mv to /usr/share/thems and a restart. Nothing showed up in gnome tweak or ubuntu tweak. | 08:10 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, installing gnome on regular ubuntu? nope ... | 08:12 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, vanilla ubuntu uses the unity desktop environment, not gnome. no gnome = no gnome theme | 08:12 |
user | can someone help me get my mobile broadband working? | 08:13 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: so is it possible to have additional themes (other than the ones that come with 14.04)? | 08:13 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, unity themes, yes. | 08:13 |
vars | user yes | 08:14 |
imastupidguest | cfhowlett: do you know what sites to look for them? | 08:14 |
cfhowlett | imastupidguest, nope. sorry. I don't do unity. | 08:14 |
imastupidguest | I'm sorry but this seems very complicated to me and I'm new to themes | 08:14 |
vars | what ubuntu ver do you have? and what kind of provider are you working with it? user | 08:15 |
imastupidguest | ah, ok | 08:15 |
imastupidguest | thx | 08:15 |
user | vars: thanks. i'm running 14.04 on a thinkpad x240, the provider is o2 (prepaid sim for a month, germany) | 08:15 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | i got amazon instant video to work | 08:16 |
user | vars: when i try to add the sim to my networks, it doesn't show up on the network list | 08:16 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | :D followed | 08:16 |
user | don't know if it's a driver or config issue, but i assume driver | 08:16 |
vars | user add it manually | 08:17 |
user | vars: how can i do this? | 08:17 |
plastik_ | howdy I need some help | 08:17 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | #Chuck_Norris | 08:17 |
vars | user go to network manager (where the wifi and ethernet connection are) and select mobile broadband | 08:18 |
plastik_ | | 08:18 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: | 08:18 |
user | vars: ah i understand. yeah i did try giving this a shot. maybe i didn't configure it correctly | 08:18 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | #Chuck_Norris sudo pipelight-plugin --enable flash | 08:18 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | WORKS | 08:19 |
Chuck_Norris | so glad, didn't know amazon uses that folthy silverlight lo( | 08:19 |
Chuck_Norris | filthy xD | 08:19 |
user | vars: could you walk me through, just so i know i'm doing it right? | 08:19 |
vars | sure we are here to help user | 08:19 |
user | vars: choose connection type -> mobile broadband | 08:19 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | on windows you can use silverlight for amazon | 08:19 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | but ADOBE FLASH PLAYA | 08:19 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: i sow tha guide from webupd8 but it is for nextflix i think | 08:19 |
AlexPortable | Why is my battery 74%? | 08:20 |
AlexPortable | it was 100% when i took it off the charger yesterday | 08:20 |
user | vars: country -> germany | 08:20 |
user | vars: provider -> o2 | 08:20 |
vars | yes and there is an option | 08:20 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | Another question am i a bad person because i removed unity? | 08:20 |
dawciobiel | I broken my Ubuntu.. and im wondering should i reinstall it or install FreeBSD (PC-BSD) insted? | 08:20 |
user | vars: plan -> pay by time im guessing, as my sim expires in a month | 08:21 |
vars | what are your options user | 08:21 |
cfhowlett | dawciobiel, do what works for you | 08:21 |
vars | dont select plan | 08:21 |
vars | if i am not wrong there is an option says my provider is not listed | 08:21 |
vars | at the first screen | 08:22 |
user | vars: oh ok yeah i see it | 08:22 |
vars | pick that one and write your provider name | 08:22 |
vars | ok here comes the fun part | 08:22 |
Chuck_Norris | GuyThatNeedsHelp: you can use flash player that came with google crhome | 08:22 |
user | vars: just o2 for provider name? | 08:22 |
Chuck_Norris | chrome* | 08:22 |
vars | o2 | 08:23 |
user | vars: ok done | 08:23 |
vars | just finish creating the connection | 08:23 |
vars | now there is the fun part which is the research | 08:23 |
vars | let me try to find you the options | 08:23 |
vars | are you germany o2 right? | 08:23 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | Chuck_Norris: I can use fireworks and firefox | 08:24 |
Chuck_Norris | cool | 08:24 |
user | vars: yeah german o2 | 08:24 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | I am evil | 08:24 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | unity is not my friend it told me before | 08:24 |
dawciobiel | cfhowlett: yes, but im wonder... i used FreeBSD very long time ago... (2005-2007).. so im wonder what is better option for desktop | 08:24 |
vars | ok user go to network connections and select o2 which you created | 08:25 |
GuyThatNeedsHelp | I must go, unity users out there have a good day ;> | 08:25 |
vars | press edit | 08:25 |
cfhowlett | dawciobiel, pretty sure it costs you nothing to test both and choose for yourself | 08:25 |
vars | do you know the apn settings for that carrier? | 08:26 |
user | vars: trying to find that now | 08:26 |
bong1 | the latest update of Lubuntu changed my wallpaper,and removed the trash can on the desktop and i dont know what else it has changed.. | 08:27 |
vars | the phone should be *99# | 08:27 |
vars | user | 08:27 |
vars | go for germany | 08:27 |
vars | lol | 08:27 |
vars | that would be your apn | 08:28 |
imastupidguest | I thought gtk3 themes would work on Unity in 14.04 but it's really just a guess (since I know next to nothing about themes and the area seems so complicated). Does anyone know more about this? | 08:29 |
vars | there is other tabs on the configuration | 08:29 |
user | vars: ok found it | 08:29 |
vars | search for | 08:29 |
vars | EAP | 08:29 |
user | vars: hmm only General, Mobile Broadband, PPPSettings and IPv4 | 08:30 |
vars | PPPsettings | 08:30 |
user | vars: alright | 08:30 |
vars | and there has to be something it is says EAP and someothers that I dont remember | 08:30 |
user | vars: ah ok its one of the auth methods apparently | 08:31 |
vars | the ones has to be selected are EAP and the other one which says XEAP (x=other letter) | 08:31 |
vars | yes the auth meth | 08:31 |
vars | select the EAP and the other one XEAP | 08:32 |
vars | save the connection | 08:32 |
user | vars: the only other ones are PAP, CHAP, MSCHAP and MSCHAP v2, no xeap | 08:32 |
vars | PAP and CHAP | 08:32 |
cfhowlett | vars user could you maybe take this to PM? | 08:32 |
vars | I dont have the sim on my system so I am trying to remember but you found the names | 08:33 |
vars | idk how to do that cfhowlett, sorry! i tried | 08:33 |
user | vars: right so EAP, PAP and CHAP are selected | 08:34 |
ikonia | user: /pm vars | 08:35 |
ikonia | or /msg vars | 08:35 |
user | ikonia: hmm doens't seem to work | 08:36 |
user | should it take me to another screen/tile? | 08:37 |
ikonia | works fine | 08:37 |
ikonia | depends on your client | 08:37 |
user | ikonia: right, thanks | 08:37 |
AlexPortable | playing klondike | 08:38 |
AlexPortable | but I can't get anymore cards from the base | 08:38 |
AlexPortable | how to fix? | 08:38 |
=== Malsasa| is now known as Malsasa | ||
Hi-Angel | Hey all. Do anybody knows, why the command «(ls >/dev/null &)» do not launches the ls in a background? | 08:44 |
Hi-Angel | It does without a braces, but with a braces it just stops working | 08:44 |
=== Guest26634 is now known as ipxman | ||
dawciobiel | dawciobiel@cerebro:~$ ls / > /dev/null & | 08:48 |
dawciobiel | [1] 9478 | 08:48 |
dawciobiel | dawciobiel@cerebro:~$ | 08:48 |
dawciobiel | [1]+ Done ls --color=auto / > /dev/null | 08:48 |
dawciobiel | Hi-Angel: | 08:48 |
dawciobiel | so i think its working fine | 08:48 |
AlexPortable | anyone? | 08:49 |
Hercules | how to install ncurses to apt ? | 08:53 |
Kyoshiro` | you mean aptitude ? | 08:54 |
Hercules | how to install ncurses threw apt ? * | 08:54 |
Hercules | yeah. | 08:54 |
Kyoshiro` | apt-get install aptitude :) | 08:54 |
Hi-Angel | dawciobiel, thank you, but I am need a braces. E.g. to execute `(ls >/dev/null &) && echo $!`. | 08:54 |
Hercules | I want to install ncurses lib, how to do that ? | 08:54 |
Hercules | oh | 08:54 |
Hercules | aptitude contains all libraries | 08:54 |
Hercules | cool | 08:54 |
Hercules | thnx | 08:55 |
Kyoshiro` | hi, I'm using trusty with root encryption and since kernel > 3.13.0-32 when system boots I can't see the interface asking for my passphrase. I can enter it blindy and boot but it's not really practical ^^' | 08:55 |
Hi-Angel | dawciobiel, so in fact the command I just wrote won't work properly as it for some reason does not backgrounds the `ls`. | 08:55 |
dawciobiel | Hi-Angel: mhm, i understand now the problem | 08:55 |
Hercules | It still didn't installed the ncurses library ? | 08:56 |
Hercules | what to do ? to install it threw apt ? | 08:56 |
sacarlson | Hercules: you need the lib to compile something? | 08:57 |
Hercules | yeah | 08:57 |
Hercules | I need to psybnc | 08:57 |
Kyoshiro` | apt-get does not provide an interface you need to run aptitude | 08:57 |
Kyoshiro` | if you want ncurses interface for apt | 08:57 |
sacarlson | Hercules: then you will need the *-dev package that has the needed headers for ncurses and or other libs | 08:57 |
Kyoshiro` | libncurses5-dev | 08:59 |
nopf | hey, how do i find out what ubunut flavor/derivate i have? lsb_release always says Ubuntu i think? this would be lubuntu but how can i be sure? | 08:59 |
Hercules | thnx | 08:59 |
user | anyone know how to get mobile broadband working on my thinkpad x240? | 09:00 |
hateball | nopf: it's all the same base, it's just a matter of having lubuntu-desktop installed by default or not | 09:01 |
Hercules | Kyoshiro`: Still it showing menuconfig won't work. | 09:01 |
hateball | nopf: you could run something like "dpkg --get-selections |grep -i buntu-desktop" | 09:02 |
AlexPortable | this isn't fun | 09:02 |
AlexPortable | how can i fix this? | 09:02 |
nopf | hateball: yeah it's lubuntu then. was suspecting this, but wasn't sure, because who knows today what display manager and whatever are combined to form whatever... got confused on my multiple machines. thanks! | 09:03 |
=== Guest30702 is now known as dooglus | ||
=== dooglus is now known as Guest92978 | ||
sacarlson | AlexPortable: sudo apt-get install aisleriot | 09:06 |
=== Guest92978 is now known as dooglus | ||
basichash | how can i check if my mobile broadband card is recognized by ubuntu? | 09:07 |
DND | hi guys. i wanted to know how can i use my integrated graphics for an additional monitor? right now i have a pci-e video card and already has 2 outputs. 1 vga and 1 dvi. i wanted to add the integrated video card for a 3rd monitor =D | 09:07 |
DND | i have already enabled integrated graphics on bios but lspci is not recognizing it. | 09:08 |
blackyboy | Hi all i have installed ubuntu-desktop in my ubuntu server 14.04 for some development reason now while i login the user its getting inside and logout in the fraction of seconds, how can i access desktop and start to work ? | 09:08 |
sacarlson | DND: I just pluged mine in and go to monitor preference to select weather you want mirror or make like one big screen | 09:08 |
AlexPortable | sacarlson: already the newest version. but the problem is I can't draw new cards after 5 minutes or so | 09:09 |
DND | sacarlson: i did that. i even click on "detect display" but it cannot find the 3rd monitor | 09:09 |
sacarlson | DND: oh I've only tried 2 monitors so don't know | 09:10 |
basichash | if anyone knows that'd be great | 09:10 |
sacarlson | if that third is pluged in as the only monitor is it detected? | 09:11 |
DND | sacarlson: i will see. i havent tried that =D | 09:11 |
sacarlson | DND: I have had monitors that I had to manualy configure as they didn't have data for them or they were the old monitors that didn't talk back to the computer to say what they were | 09:12 |
basichash | could really ues help on this one | 09:13 |
sacarlson | basichash: is it a usb dongle? lsusb | 09:14 |
basichash | sacarlson: it's builtin to my thinkpad x240 | 09:14 |
sacarlson | basichash: then lspci | 09:14 |
basichash | sacarlson: i don't know if i have a driver for it though. | 09:14 |
sacarlson | basichash: you won't even know if they exist if you don't look, lspci, lsusb | 09:15 |
sacarlson | basichash: from that info you can google and see if there are already drivers for it | 09:15 |
basichash | sacarlson: doesn't explicitly say, but this is the output: | 09:16 |
blackyboy | got solution and solved | 09:16 |
sacarlson | basichash: and you say this has like a 3G broadband device in it? | 09:18 |
basichash | i'm quite sure yeah | 09:20 |
john_rambo | I am using 14.04. I read that Ext2 is ideal for flash drives but what about these different kind of partition tables ..... Which one is best for flash drives ? | 09:23 |
sacarlson | basichash: as I note it's upgradeable to have it. it's not seen in lspci | 09:24 |
Ben64 | john_rambo: ext2 is fine if you only want to use it on linux, as for the partition table, you almost assuredly want msdos | 09:24 |
cfhowlett | john-mcaleely, if that flash is to i used on a windows machine = ntfs | 09:24 |
ferbv | john_rambo: msdos unless you're using really really weird hardware | 09:25 |
DJones | john_rambo: I alsways use FAT for flash drives so they're usable on Windows machines as well | 09:25 |
cfhowlett | ferbv, fat32 is readable on windows/osx/linux | 09:25 |
ferbv | cfhowlett: partition table != filesystem | 09:26 |
sacarlson | basichash: verify the module is installed | 09:26 |
cfhowlett | ferbv, errr - right? :) | 09:27 |
basil1x | ExFat is as well, and has several improvements to eaiter Fat or Fat32 | 09:27 |
john_rambo | Okay ...Thanks ... Then I will use msdos and ext2 | 09:28 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest39580 | ||
sacarlson | basichash: I think you might also detect it with rfkill list | 09:31 |
basichash | sacarlson: hmm doesn't seem to appear. i'm not really familiar with how the hardware works, but perhaps i need to buy a mobile broadband card or something? | 09:32 |
sacarlson | basichash: from that you can also see that it is enabled | 09:32 |
basichash | sacarlson: basically returns 3 results, Bluetooth, LAN and Bluetooth | 09:33 |
sacarlson | basichash: at a minimum you would need to install the sim card | 09:33 |
basichash | sacarlson: that at least has been done | 09:34 |
sacarlson | basichash: you will have to google to see witch of the 3 rfkill devices it might be. if it has 3 then it might be present as one is wifi, 2 bluetooth, so 3 might be wwan | 09:35 |
sacarlson | basichash: and are all devices enabled both soft and hard? | 09:35 |
basichash | sacarlson: as the the first hardward was BT, second was LAN, third was BT | 09:36 |
basichash | sacarlson: none are blocked | 09:36 |
sacarlson | why would it need 2 bluetooth? | 09:36 |
dragos_ | bla bla bla | 09:36 |
basichash | sacarlson: no idea, but that's the output | 09:36 |
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dragos_ | gay | 09:37 |
dragos_ | pebu | 09:37 |
dragos_ | fe | 09:37 |
dragos_ | rfer | 09:37 |
dragos_ | f | 09:37 |
dragos_ | d | 09:37 |
dragos_ | fd | 09:37 |
unopaste | dragos_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 09:37 |
DJones | dragos_: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 09:37 |
supastuff | hi everyone. I recently installed ubuntu for the first time and am really enjoying it so far. my only issue is the green software update icon popping up every few minutes on the left hand side of my screen, and me being unable to click on it since it disappears before I reach it with the mouse. how do I make it stop popping up all the time? | 09:38 |
don | hello | 09:38 |
=== don is now known as Guest76968 | ||
dragos_ | d | 09:38 |
AlexPortable | playing klondike, the problem is I can't draw new cards after 5 minutes or so | 09:38 |
dragos_ | d | 09:38 |
dragos_ | d | 09:38 |
=== Carlo is now known as Guest51471 | ||
Guest76968 | i have lose date by "dd if=1.iso of=/dev/sdc " | 09:39 |
Guest51471 | ciao | 09:39 |
Guest76968 | sdc date have lost | 09:39 |
Ben64 | Guest76968: yeah, that'll happen | 09:39 |
dragos_ | ciao | 09:40 |
Guest76968 | how to repair it | 09:40 |
Ben64 | !recover | Guest76968 | 09:40 |
ubottu | Guest76968: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 09:40 |
sacarlson | basichash: I still didn't see a paistbin of your usb as I think that device hooks to internal usb bus | 09:40 |
sacarlson | basichash: lsusb | 09:41 |
dragos_ | ban me | 09:41 |
dragos_ | pls | 09:41 |
sacarlson | basichash: as seen | 09:41 |
Ben64 | dragos_: just leave, this channel is for support only, not whatever it is you're doing | 09:41 |
basichash | sacarlson: | 09:42 |
dragos_ | pls ban me | 09:42 |
langhun | hi | 09:42 |
dragos_ | bannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn emenfwef | 09:42 |
dragos_ | erf | 09:42 |
dragos_ | f | 09:42 |
dragos_ | ef | 09:42 |
dragos_ | f | 09:42 |
dragos_ | f | 09:42 |
unopaste | dragos_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 09:42 |
langhun | i have lose my data by 'dd if=1.iso of=/dev/sda ' | 09:43 |
langhun | how to repair it | 09:43 |
Ben64 | !recover | langhun | 09:43 |
supastuff | you don't. | 09:43 |
ubottu | langhun: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 09:43 |
Ben64 | langhun: you said sdc before | 09:43 |
sacarlson | basichash: no I have to assume it's not installed | 09:43 |
langhun | sda have lost data | 09:44 |
Ben64 | langhun: then follow the steps the bot gave you | 09:44 |
aburass | hi, my packets comes to server but it does not reply back, according to tcpdump it does not complete 3-way handshake, arp table flushed and correct, any idea? | 09:44 |
langhun | ok | 09:44 |
sacarlson | basichash: did you get it second hand or something? | 09:44 |
supastuff | langhun: is sda your main system disk? how much data was overwritten? how critical is your data? is it about just doing a system reinstall, or do you have important data you want to rescue? | 09:45 |
aburass | anyone please? ;( | 09:45 |
basichash | sacarlson: it's a university addition, some company orders custom builds from lenovo | 09:46 |
sacarlson | basichash: look at the order manifest to see it it was installed | 09:46 |
langhun | <supastuff> i just want to rescue data | 09:47 |
supastuff | langhun: you're not answering any of my questions... | 09:47 |
sacarlson | basichash: otherwise you will have to open it to verify the modules is installed | 09:47 |
langhun | lol i am chinese | 09:47 |
basichash | it does have WWAN on the summary, but i'm not sure if this means it has the slot of the card itself | 09:47 |
supastuff | you can try to answer them, it looks like your english is good enough | 09:47 |
langhun | so my expression | 09:48 |
langhun | is not clearly | 09:48 |
alessandroalb | buongiorno a tutti | 09:48 |
francesco2 | Hello guys, I wanna ask u, did some try to install ubuntu on macbook? how it works ? | 09:48 |
Guest51471 | /load .xchat2/ | 09:48 |
Guest51471 | /load .xchat2/ | 09:49 |
langhun | lose date by "dd if=1.iso of=/dev/sdc " | 09:49 |
supastuff | langhun: and what was on sdc? | 09:49 |
langhun | sdc's data have lost | 09:49 |
basil1x | bel gioioso, alessandroalb | 09:50 |
Ben64 | !recovery | langhun | 09:50 |
ubottu | langhun: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see | 09:50 |
Ben64 | !recover | langhun | 09:50 |
ubottu | langhun: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 09:50 |
langhun | my doc | 09:50 |
alessandroalb | c'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi ? Ho un problema con Ubuntu desktop 12.04 32 bit + gnome shell | 09:50 |
Ben64 | langhun: read that, stop repeating | 09:50 |
supastuff | langhun: how much was overwritten? 600MB+ ? | 09:50 |
basichash | sacarlson: do you know where it's located when i open it up? | 09:50 |
langhun | first partion have 30G | 09:51 |
sacarlson | basichash: the video link I sent you shows how to open and install it | 09:51 |
basil1x | alessandroalb: Ho paura che non posso fare. Io uso KDE. | 09:51 |
sacarlson | basichash: also you might look to see if this is present /dev/ttyACM1 | 09:51 |
basichash | sacarlson: im running on 2kb/s intertnet unfortunately | 09:51 |
langhun | all partition have lost noe | 09:52 |
langhun | now | 09:52 |
alessandroalb | basil1x : grazie lo stesso | 09:52 |
sacarlson | basichash: well what can I do about that? | 09:52 |
Ben64 | langhun: ok, well READ the links that were given to you three times now | 09:52 |
supastuff | langhun: if your docs or whatever you want to rescue is very important to you, I suggest you get professional help, someone who really know what they are doing | 09:52 |
basichash | ill open it up, brb | 09:52 |
supastuff | langhun: you can try some rescue tools yourself, but chances are you'll have a hard time getting much out of it | 09:53 |
DJones | !it | alessandroalb | 09:53 |
ubottu | alessandroalb: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 09:53 |
alessandroalb | all : ok, tks, bye | 09:53 |
langhun | time is no matter | 09:54 |
* basil1x wasn't sure there was an Italian help channel. | 09:54 | |
alessandroalb | quit | 09:54 |
langhun | thanks ben64 | 09:54 |
Guest51471 | load .xchat2/ | 09:55 |
fenre | langhun: I recommend Spinrite | 09:55 |
Guest51471 | /home/load .xchat2/ | 09:55 |
fenre | @ | 09:55 |
fenre | it is not free, but very effective | 09:56 |
Ben64 | fenre: the recovery tools in ubuntu work fine | 09:56 |
fenre | sure, but this works on a lower level | 09:57 |
cfhowlett | fenre, that page not updated since May 2013 - less than trustworthy even for windows | 09:58 |
Ben64 | fenre: you don't need a lower level to recover partitions or data | 09:58 |
fenre | no, but maybe to repair the disk | 09:59 |
Ben64 | which isn't the problem, so its pointless | 09:59 |
lapion | everything spinrite does is possible with the combination of badblocks and hdparm | 10:00 |
Ben64 | ddrescue too | 10:00 |
langhun | ok thanks fenre | 10:00 |
jarco_ | hello, on ubuntu do you need to restart the cron process when you add stuff to the crontab of another user as root? | 10:00 |
fenre | I didn't follow this issue from the beginning. If he did something to mess up, this won't help, but if the issue was with the disk, this will probably be of great help | 10:00 |
fenre | and, cfhowlett, it is not a windows program, or system | 10:01 |
lapion | langhun, depending on the size of your iso file you have lost data.. | 10:02 |
cfhowlett | fenre, OK | 10:02 |
lapion | but using photorec you should be able to recover many files that where beyond the iso data.. | 10:03 |
sacarlson | Ben64 langhun: I'm not sure there is much hope of recover after what you said you did the dd over the target partition. unless you were some supper forensic dude | 10:03 |
lapion | langhun, unless the iso is a blueray disk i doubt you lost more than 9Gb ( maximum size of a dual layer dvd.._ | 10:04 |
sacarlson | lapion: oh good point ya | 10:05 |
lapion | langhun, try scanning with photorec | 10:05 |
langhun | now what is ur suggestion | 10:05 |
Ben64 | !recover | langhun | 10:05 |
ubottu | langhun: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 10:05 |
lapion | langhun, what size is the iso file and what size is sdc ? | 10:06 |
langhun | ok | 10:06 |
langhun | 1G | 10:06 |
lapion | is sdc a blueray disc ? | 10:06 |
curiousx | langhun: | 10:06 |
lapion | there you go langhun , curiousx gave a probably comprehnsible link | 10:07 |
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris | ||
langhun | sdc is mobile hard disk drive | 10:07 |
lapion | but before you do anything how many partitions where on sdc ? | 10:07 |
langhun | ok | 10:07 |
lapion | probably only one.. | 10:07 |
Chuck_Norris | langhun: its the same | 10:07 |
Chuck_Norris | i meant, it will work in that drive too | 10:08 |
lapion | langhun, just use photorec it will scan the whole disc for data it recognises as certain filetypes and and write the data as numbered files with extions to another location | 10:08 |
lapion | *extentions | 10:09 |
lapion | langhun, it will probably first find the files in the iso image you copied over the beginning of the disc and beyond that it will hopefully find your data if inded you had more than 1Gb of data on the disc | 10:10 |
sacarlson | lapion: as i read photorec it looks to support fat32 and ntfs partitions. I didn't see anything so far that said it supports ext2 or any other | 10:11 |
lapion | sacarlson, it bypasses the whole fs-type by reading data.. | 10:12 |
sacarlson | lapion: cool | 10:12 |
Chuck_Norris | sacarlson: | 10:13 |
lapion | langhun, do NOT under any circumstances repartion sdc or mount sdc anywhere before you scan it.. will only lead to more data loss | 10:14 |
sacarlson | Chuck_Norris: excelent | 10:14 |
langhun | your mean i will find my data expect the 1G | 10:14 |
langhun | lapion ? | 10:14 |
langhun | ok | 10:14 |
lapion | langhun, it will find the data that you copied on it by overwriting the first 1G of blocks with the dd command as well | 10:15 |
lapion | the files will be numbered files so filenames will be lost | 10:16 |
langhun | ok | 10:16 |
lapion | langhun, however the files will have appropriate extensions such as jp(e)g, doc, xls, mp3, mp4, mkv, avi, pdf.. or whatever type of files you had stored on the disk | 10:17 |
g0th | hi | 10:17 |
sacarlson | lapion: Chuck_Norris I hope you guys are around when I do the same to my disk. | 10:17 |
g0th | how do I upgrade to the latest version? | 10:17 |
g0th | somehow it didn't do it even though it asked med | 10:18 |
g0th | -d | 10:18 |
lapion | sacarlson, you have screwed a disc as well ? | 10:18 |
Chuck_Norris | sacarlson: i hope so -.- | 10:18 |
sacarlson | lapion: no not today. well in reality I have 2 big disks that crashed but i never botherd to recover them. on can't even comunicate as it can't even be seen by bios | 10:19 |
cristian_c | Hello | 10:19 |
cristian_c | Hello | 10:19 |
cristian_c | lol | 10:19 |
g0th | update-manager, ok | 10:19 |
cristian_c | How can I get hex address for a .img file? | 10:19 |
cristian_c | Any ideas? | 10:19 |
sacarlson | lapion: it didn't have any real value on it, just old video that I had already seen | 10:19 |
geirha | cristian_c: What's a hex address? | 10:20 |
Chuck_Norris | sacarlson: even though, the guide is a step by step, just you gotta have another driver where the recovered data will be placed | 10:20 |
cristian_c | I've to pass it to seek parameter in dd command | 10:20 |
cristian_c | geirha, I've to use it with dd command | 10:20 |
Chuck_Norris | drive* | 10:20 |
cristian_c | geirha, to specify the offset | 10:20 |
geirha | ah, so it's an image of a whole disk, and you want a particular partition? | 10:20 |
sacarlson | Chuck_Norris: ya and I wouldn't have the resources to recover those disks anyway. but some day when I have a new 4TB disk and I'm bored I"ll give it a wack | 10:21 |
elsieboy | hi there, just a quick question: I want to use ubuntu without x windows (terminal only) for writing. had no problem installing ubuntu server etc, but the cursor blink rate is just infuriatingly fast. how do I turn down the cursor blink rate? | 10:21 |
cristian_c | geirha, no, I've flashed some .img files in the micro-sd card | 10:21 |
Chuck_Norris | xD sacarlson ok | 10:21 |
cristian_c | geirha, no, and for everyone, I've set the offset (0x...) | 10:21 |
cristian_c | in the seek parameter of dd command | 10:21 |
trijntje | I recently upgraded to 14.10 and now I cannot install non-free drivers for my videocard: | 10:22 |
cristian_c | geirha, and I should specify the offset also for this .img files, but I must calulcate it | 10:22 |
White_Cat | I am trying to copy a file using pscp.exe to ubuntu | 10:22 |
cristian_c | or getting it from somewhere | 10:22 |
White_Cat | I get Fatal: Received unexpected end-of-file from server | 10:23 |
White_Cat | why would this be? | 10:23 |
lapion | cristian_c, what is the contents of the img ? | 10:23 |
cristian_c | geirha, in every dd command I always add +0x2000 | 10:23 |
cristian_c | lapion, a rom's image (system.img) | 10:24 |
cristian_c | lapion, I was suggested to get the hex img addr | 10:24 |
jason1 | cristian_c: There is hexdump | 10:24 |
cristian_c | jason1, ah, ok, thanks | 10:25 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: and... if you try installing the .run from AMD's home page? | 10:25 |
cristian_c | :) | 10:25 |
geirha | cristian_c: So you're asking how to do math in the shell? | 10:25 |
lapion | cristian_c, do fdisk -l system.img and if it gives any usefull information you know whether the img files is partitioned | 10:25 |
cristian_c | geirha, no | 10:25 |
Chuck_Norris | oh! brb | 10:25 |
langhun | hi | 10:25 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: I dont know, I dont want to install stuf from outside the repositories | 10:25 |
jason1 | Does freenode require sasl? | 10:25 |
langhun | lapion | 10:25 |
lapion | yes langhun | 10:25 |
cristian_c | lapion, ah, ok, I'll try it as well | 10:25 |
langhun | what app u tell me | 10:25 |
lapion | photorec | 10:25 |
langhun | i have close my chat windows | 10:25 |
geirha | cristian_c: Then what? You say you have an address but you need to calculate it ... calculate what? | 10:26 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
langhun | ok | 10:26 |
langhun | thanks | 10:26 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: but, official AMD binary, its just a .run | 10:26 |
cristian_c | geirha, no, i've not got address for this file | 10:26 |
Chuck_Norris | mayby that could work for you | 10:26 |
cristian_c | geirha, I use addresses for other .img files | 10:26 |
lapion | langhun, photorec runs better under linux than windows | 10:26 |
Chuck_Norris | maybe* | 10:26 |
vak | hi all | 10:27 |
geirha | cristian_c: and? | 10:27 |
cristian_c | geirha, I'll try suggestions I was given | 10:27 |
langhun | ok | 10:27 |
lapion | langhun, remember you will need enough space to store all the data you lost on a different disc than the one you lost | 10:28 |
jason1 | Does freenode require sasl? | 10:28 |
lapion | cristian_c, where did you get the system.img from ? | 10:29 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: that might work, but I'd rather stay with the software in the repositories, I still don't understand why I have this problem, many people install additional drivers right? | 10:29 |
geirha | cristian_c: I mean, what did you do to find the "hex address" for the other .img file? | 10:30 |
cristian_c | lapion, from a zip file containing also other components (kernel, boot, etc...) | 10:30 |
cristian_c | laand flashing tools | 10:30 |
cristian_c | lapion, and flashing tools | 10:30 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: yes, but i am sure those people made a clean install, upgrading ubuntu version not always it's perfect | 10:30 |
lapion | cristian_c, where did you get the zip file ? Do tell me you got it in a tar file............... | 10:31 |
cristian_c | geirha, there are already the dd commands for other .img files, but not for this .img | 10:31 |
vak | I've switched from xubuntu-desktop to ubuntu (compiz). However some traces of xubuntu still seem to be here. How to find the remaining packages? neither "dpkg -l |grep fce" nor "dpkg -l |grep xubuntu" can reveal any installed Xubuntu packages. I am puzzled... | 10:31 |
cristian_c | geirha, I've followed a flashing how-to containing commands for the remaining components | 10:32 |
lapion | cristian_c, you got that information in a Readme or some other information source.. | 10:32 |
jason1 | Does freenode require sasl? | 10:32 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: try a clean install if you might | 10:33 |
cristian_c | lapion, no, but it's an installation guide to boot from sd card, and I've got this .zip from a link in tha webpage | 10:33 |
trijntje | !pureubuntu | vak | 10:33 |
ubottu | vak: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: | 10:33 |
DJones | jason1: No, probably best joining #freenode to query that though, thats freenodes own support channel | 10:34 |
cristian_c | *the | 10:34 |
jason1 | DJones: then why was it saying sasl is required for this server on all servers recently? | 10:34 |
stevenm | Lo, I can't seem to RDP to windows boxes from Remmina - but I can using the rdesktop command - what bit would likely be at point?! does remmina not use rdesktop and instead somethign else? | 10:34 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: but how would that help, the problem is with a dependency in the ubuntu repository | 10:35 |
DJones | jason1: No idea, best asking in #freenode, they should be able to tell you | 10:35 |
vak | trijntje: thank you. However there stated the following: "Note, this applies only to Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal)" | 10:35 |
lapion | Where did you get that chick ? It came out of an egg ... where did you get the egg? a chicken laid it... where did the chicken come from ? It was on a farm nearby... What farm ? a chicken farm.... | 10:35 |
dragos_ | penis | 10:36 |
dragos_ | | | 10:36 |
dragos_ | | | 10:36 |
dragos_ | | | 10:36 |
dragos_ | | | 10:36 |
cfhowlett | drago grow up | 10:36 |
trijntje | vak: I see, in that case I'm not sure. What problem do you have exactly? It should do no harm to keep some xubuntu stuff around | 10:37 |
dragos_ | wait i want to draw something | 10:37 |
KucukMubasir | hi guys, my DocumentRoot points a folder having an index file, but root responds Not Founded 404, why might this be? | 10:37 |
dragos_ | | | 10:37 |
dragos_ | | | 10:37 |
dragos_ | | | 10:37 |
sacarlson | KucukMubasir: did you restart apache2 | 10:38 |
wzpr | Hi all - I want to create a vanilla setup-pendrive with only one customization: copying a script to HDD at the end of installation. - do I really have to use preseeds? | 10:39 |
lapion | sacarlson, are you certain apache(2) is actually running | 10:39 |
Chuck_Norris | oh! yes i just check that and i also have that package as a virtual package, yes is in ubuntu repository, idk, check in the "software and updates" and mark "Canonical Partners" | 10:39 |
cristian_c | lapion, it's a generic how-to for arm devices, no rom's images are specified in particular | 10:39 |
Chuck_Norris | update and see what's happens | 10:39 |
cristian_c | lapion, I can't post external links in this channel | 10:39 |
sacarlson | lapion: I nothing, I just take alot for grantit | 10:40 |
sacarlson | lapion: I know nothing | 10:40 |
lapion | oop sacarlson sorry was meant for KucukMubasir | 10:40 |
sacarlson | lapion: no problem | 10:40 |
lapion | cristian_c, you are trying a raspberry | 10:41 |
KucukMubasir | I think I f*d something up, it says public does not exist | 10:41 |
cristian_c | lapion, almost, rockchip device, but I think I'll be offtopic | 10:42 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: check | 10:42 |
hayer | ubuntu guest in vmware. Is it dangerous to change the number of virtual cpus? | 10:42 |
cristian_c | lapion, so, Ill try to look at hexdump and fdisk -l to get info | 10:42 |
cristian_c | :) | 10:42 |
lapion | KucukMubasir, make sure the apache configuration is pointing to the corrct folder, and then make sure the files in said folder are readable by the apache user | 10:42 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: mark that box "propietary driver for devices" update and see whats happend | 10:43 |
KucukMubasir | NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts | 10:43 |
vak | trijntje: 3 issues. 1) 2) login screen after the screenlock that doesn't look like stock ubuntu (compiz) 3) "neo" keyboard layout doesn't work like on my other Ubuntu 14.10 boxes | 10:43 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: trying again now. Btw, which desktop environment is in your screenshot? | 10:44 |
lapion | cristian_c, is system.img has a valid partition table you could dd the file to an unpartitioned disk and simply dd the partition to the sd card you need..... | 10:44 |
Chuck_Norris | gnome-shell | 10:44 |
Chuck_Norris | ubuntu 14.10 gnome shell 3.14 -.- | 10:45 |
lapion | cristian_c, remember to only dd the file file if it has a valid partition and the disc you are dd-ing it to contains no data you beed | 10:45 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: looks nice. Still no luck with the driver however :( | 10:45 |
cristian_c | lapion, no, I've flashed the various .img files in sequence | 10:45 |
cristian_c | with a fat32 partition | 10:45 |
lapion | cristian_c, to the same sdcard ? | 10:46 |
cristian_c | lapion, yes these .img files are needed too | 10:46 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: and what is the name of the package? i will try to install it, i also got a AMD graphic card | 10:46 |
KucukMubasir | lapion: pgrep apache shows 4 numbers, is that normal? | 10:46 |
lapion | cristian_c, is the exact dd commandline you used to dump each file | 10:46 |
Chuck_Norris | an* AMD | 10:46 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: I think the name of the package is fglrx | 10:47 |
lapion | KucukMubasir, depends on your configuration usually apache has some instances.. | 10:47 |
wzpr | Hi again... Is anyone experienced with creating a customized setup-pendrive? | 10:48 |
Chuck_Norris | nope, that is the driver, mmm... are you trying to install it from "ubuntu software center"? | 10:48 |
KucukMubasir | lapion: are these process ids? shall I kill them? | 10:48 |
lapion | KucukMubasir, make sure the user paapche folder exists and make sure the files are readable by the apache user of the instance | 10:48 |
cristian_c | lapion, ok, I can tell it: for example dd if=kernel.img of=/dev/disk-path conv=sync,fsync seek=$((0x2000+0x4000)) | 10:48 |
lapion | cristian_c, did you do the same for each file you copied to the same sd-card ? | 10:49 |
lapion | cristian_c, give examples of /dev/sd?? you used for each file | 10:50 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: I'm trying to install the driver, via software & updates -> Additional drivers | 10:50 |
cristian_c | lapion, mmcblk, I get the path with fdisk or gparted | 10:51 |
cristian_c | lapion, every .img files has its own seek value to be set | 10:52 |
lapion | cristian_c, do please paste the /dev/mmcbl#p# you used for each file you copied | 10:52 |
cristian_c | lapion, ok | 10:52 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: i think that... if you add PPAs like "xorg-edgers" or "Oibaf" (not supported here) that would be you solution | 10:52 |
Chuck_Norris | becouse i also got "v xserver-xorg-video-amd" virtual package :P | 10:53 |
lapion | cristian_c, what is the last seek you used, and what is the size of the last file you dded ? | 10:53 |
dirk__ | Good morning | 10:53 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: your* solution | 10:53 |
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cristian_c | lapion, | 10:54 |
* Chuck_Norris is late here i almost at sleep -.- | 10:54 | |
lapion | cristian_c, nvm the mmbclk thingy I asked.. just give me the file size of the last file you dded and the seek you used | 10:54 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: so you also run into this problem? I'll try to file a bug about it and wait for it to be fixed via the normal channels | 10:54 |
cristian_c | lapion, I've not flashed system.img yet | 10:54 |
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blackyboy | Hi everyone, I have upgrade my system wiith following specification Intel 87RL motherboard, Intel i5-4670 Processor then i have installed Ubuntu 14.04, Now when ever while i'am shutting down my system its not fully shutdown, Just keepon restarting. I have tried # sudo init 0 too that too restart the system. | 10:55 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: maybe a bios setting? | 10:56 |
lapion | what is the size of boot.img ? | 10:56 |
lapion | cristian_c, what is the size of boot.img | 10:57 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: well for me it is not a problem, cause i don't like to use AMD privative driver, i just use the free one | 10:57 |
cristian_c | laah, ok | 10:57 |
cristian_c | lapion, ah, ok | 10:57 |
lapion | cristian_c, in bytes | 10:57 |
cristian_c | lain file properties, I read 1.6 MiB | 10:57 |
cristian_c | lapion, in file properties, I read 1.6 MiB | 10:58 |
lapion | cristian I wan the size in bytes for the boot.img and kernel.img | 10:59 |
blackyboy | sacarlson: no every settings are fine and while using windows its not happend, shutting down properly. | 10:59 |
trijntje | Chuck_Norris: I've reported the bug here | 10:59 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1390032 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "Cannot install nonfree drivers due to dependency problem" [Undecided,New] | 10:59 |
Chuck_Norris | trijntje: lo) good one | 10:59 |
cristian_c | lapion, also kernel? | 10:59 |
EiriksHDD | hi all, i got a question for you, how do i make fullscreen style windows resizable? so i can have multiple fullscreen style (no borders or toolbars firefox) windows next to each other? | 10:59 |
cristian_c | lapion, kernel 8.0 MiB | 11:00 |
lapion | cristian_c, in BYTES | 11:00 |
cristian_c | lapion, I've to convert from MiB | 11:00 |
lapion | no cristian_c need exact values | 11:00 |
cristian_c | lapion, 1674294 and 8388608 | 11:01 |
cristian_c | lapion, with ls -l, I think they are the exact results | 11:02 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: funny I don't see any flags on google about that motherboard | 11:02 |
Alex-Devops | Hi, guys. I'm looking for best practices for apt caching system. I installed squid-deb-proxy, and by default it caches deb packages with pattern 129600 100% 129600 - so it keeps it only 1,5 days, and it doesn't cache any of (Packages|Sources)(.bz2|.gz) and Release.gpg. How do you think - is's normal behaviour? As for me, I would make caching of deb packages forever and Package|Sources bz2|gz and Release.gpg for 24 hours | 11:03 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: worst case you can I guess halt and force power down | 11:03 |
lapion | cristian_c, which one is the kernel ? | 11:03 |
cristian_c | lapion the second | 11:03 |
cristian_c | 8.0 MiB | 11:04 |
lapion | ok one moment | 11:04 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: but I would expect it's a bios thing so maybe flash the bios to the new version will fix it | 11:04 |
EiriksHDD | how can i make firefox windows in ubuntu fullscreen windows and re-sizable? | 11:05 |
blackyboy | Alex-Devops: use apt-cache-ng | 11:05 |
trijntje | Alex-Devops: you could also look into using apt-cacher or apt-cacher-ng | 11:05 |
Alex-Devops | blackyboy, trijntje: I used to, but it crashes every day, so I installed another proxy | 11:06 |
blackyboy | Alex-Devops: this what i use and it keeps the package more than a year for me | 11:06 |
blackyboy | sacarlson: nope it has the uptodate BIOS and just before 4 days back i bought the motherboard and processor :D | 11:07 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: I just got a new motherboard with that same Intel I5 procesor but differerent motherboard Asrock about 2 months ago. I found it to have an old version of bios in it, I flashed it to solve some other problem I had | 11:10 |
blackyboy | sacarlson: ok let me try | 11:10 |
lapion | hmm so boot.img is 1.6MiB ? | 11:13 |
sacarlson | blackyboy: you can check the bios without boot with sudo dmidecode | 11:13 |
bstarek | hello all | 11:14 |
cristian_c | lapion, I read it in the file properties | 11:14 |
cristian_c | <cristian_c> lapion, 1674294 and 8388608 | 11:15 |
lapion | cristian_c, then most probably system.img should have a seek of at leas 0x2000+0xC663 given the size of boot.img.. however this can be different if the booting system uses a different cluster size | 11:16 |
anti-unix | hi | 11:16 |
cristian_c | lapion, ok | 11:17 |
mikk0 | whats the root password for running the ubuntu desktop cd as a live cd? | 11:18 |
cfhowlett | mikk0, no password on a live sessin | 11:19 |
cfhowlett | *session* | 11:19 |
mikk0 | i type su root and it asks for a password | 11:19 |
ikonia | because you've not read up on ubuntu before using it | 11:20 |
ikonia | you don't use su | 11:20 |
ikonia | ubuntu uses a sudo privileges model | 11:20 |
gr33n7007h | mikk0, use sudo -i | 11:21 |
lapion | cristian_c, each seek, seeks to the end of the previously written data.. | 11:21 |
jason1 | amd microcode | 11:23 |
jason1 | So what I gather is that they are going to patch defective CPU's using some software instructions. | 11:23 |
hollusion | you guys have a solution for this porblem? | 11:23 |
ikonia | cd #theforeman | 11:24 |
ikonia | oops | 11:24 |
mikk0 | ok im a ubuntu newbie :D thanks guys | 11:24 |
jason1 | Is it required to load ucode? | 11:24 |
kokut | Hello, my fstab is totally messed up, i'm not sure why, can anyone help me correct it? I know this because mount -o remount,rw / gives "line 9 in /etc/fstab/ is bad" and it asks to skip mounting or wait during boot. | 11:25 |
jason1 | Reminds me of a fpga idea where the CPU microarch is loaded onto it. | 11:25 |
jason1 | Like the openSPARC. | 11:25 |
jason1 | But in this case its assuming the CPU is defective and needing to divert the use of the defective area. | 11:26 |
imLOST | hello | 11:26 |
lapion | so the first seek seeks past sdboot_rk3188.img ( which should 0x2000 hex or 8192 MiB ) the second seek seeks past both sdboot_rk3188.img and parameter.img (0x2000+0x4000 = 0x6000 == 24576 MiB) and the last seeks past sdboot_rk3188.img, parameter.img and kernel.img ( 0x2000+0x4000+0xc000=0x12000 == 73728MiB ) | 11:26 |
trijntje | kokut: can you put the file on pastebin? | 11:26 |
trijntje | !paste | 11:26 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:26 |
The-Joker | 7run hili | 11:26 |
kokut | trijntje: | 11:27 |
jason1 | Does a transistor have 6 states? | 11:27 |
kokut | trijntje: i added the nobootwait | 11:27 |
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lapion | however cristian_c if the arm system has a constraint in the minimal block size on a sd card it could be that you should do a seek=$((0x2000+0xc000+0x2000)) | 11:28 |
k1l_ | jason1: does this relate to ubuntu support? | 11:28 |
trijntje | kokut: why did you add that? I don't think that option is valid for root since you need the files in root to boot | 11:29 |
jason1 | k1l_: well theres a kernel msg when booting saying failed to load ucode | 11:29 |
kokut | trijntje: i added it to try and fix the "skip mounting or wait" but it didnt help | 11:29 |
lapion | please cristian_c go do a IT calculating course | 11:30 |
trijntje | kokut: so can you get into ubuntu or not? | 11:30 |
trijntje | with or without that option | 11:30 |
jason1 | The question is what is the motive. | 11:30 |
imLOST | who is running Ubuntu on Macbook Pro natively ? | 11:30 |
Green_Tree_ | Hi everyone I have a grep related question | 11:30 |
jason1 | imLOST: I have | 11:31 |
kokut | trijntje: yea i can get into ubuntu, im just sick of that message "Press s to skip mounting or m to wait" | 11:31 |
imLOST | jason1, ok does it work fully ? | 11:31 |
imLOST | what about the battery backup? ja | 11:31 |
lapion | cristian_c, it's relatively simple hexadecimal and decimal calculations once you understand the whole concept of binary word size and the that stuff you should be able to pick up a base-n calculator and calculate such things | 11:31 |
kokut | trijntje: every time i turn on my laptop, also fstab is wrong on line 9 and i want to fix that | 11:32 |
jason1 | imLOST: the wifi doesn't unless broadcom gives out the driver | 11:32 |
trijntje | kokut: for some reason it takes a while for your harddisk to respond | 11:32 |
jason1 | they offer a dumbed down driver open source | 11:32 |
k1l_ | jason1: if its a ubuntu install amd64-microcode | 11:32 |
imLOST | jason1, ok it sucks then | 11:33 |
imLOST | thanks for info | 11:33 |
lapion | tiem for me to go take a shower for to smell in irc is devine.. however to smell IRL is well shall we say not socially accepted.. | 11:33 |
jason1 | but the microcode is going to do what? | 11:33 |
kokut | trijntje: Well is there a way to skip mounting or something? | 11:33 |
trijntje | kokut: no | 11:33 |
jason1 | There is a suggestion that it can give full access to a system. I am trying to visualize how. | 11:34 |
kokut | trijntje: I also think my hard drive might be having some issues related to ubuntu only, it makes a clicking noise once every 6 seconds but the drive is fine, it completed a long smartctl test without errors. | 11:34 |
k1l_ | jason1: its some sort of firmware | 11:35 |
jason1 | k1l_: it reminds me of transmeta | 11:35 |
jason1 | cf Moriarty | 11:36 |
jason1 | An incorporeal entity could exist though transient. | 11:37 |
ThomasTrain | O/ CosmicB | 11:37 |
jason1 | fufilling the prophecy | 11:37 |
angel_ | hi Green_Tree_ | 11:38 |
jason1 | How many nodes on darpa use microcode? | 11:38 |
angel_ | which question? | 11:38 |
jason1 | Just to gain the distributed computing like seti | 11:38 |
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jason1 | Through microcode all of it can be used just like seti | 11:39 |
kokut | Is there any way to fix my partition table / mount for some reason i can't see the flags of my partitions (Mount, boot, etc) running blkid | 11:39 |
Delphin | does anyone know why I would be getting unknown host from ping even if I have dns-nameserver defined in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 11:39 |
jason1 | Intel uses encryption. | 11:39 |
jason1 | But AMD's do not. | 11:39 |
hollusion | wtf is wrong with that guy? | 11:42 |
iptable | uhm | 11:42 |
kokut | Line 9 on /etc/fstab is bad, can someone help me out with it? running blkid doesnt show my sda2 partition but the sda1 partition UUID is correct (Same as the one on /etc/fstab/) | 11:42 |
iptable | split personality disorder at the very least. | 11:42 |
hollusion | kokut: blkid generated the UUID no? | 11:43 |
iptable | kokut, provide your fstab and blkid output in a pastebin first | 11:44 |
kokut | hollusion: I'm not sure | 11:44 |
hollusion | no i was wrong | 11:44 |
iptable | kokut, the command line tool pastebinit can be used to achieve that if you have no gui | 11:44 |
theptr | hi, what is the easiest way to backup my ubuntu server 14.04lts | 11:44 |
iptable | theptr, backup what exactly? | 11:44 |
ThomasTrain | O/ CosmicB | 11:44 |
theptr | whole server iptable | 11:45 |
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iptable | theptr, remove the drive? ;) | 11:45 |
iptable | theptr, checked the official ubuntu documentation? | 11:45 |
kokut | iptable: okay, | 11:45 |
hollusion | kokut: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | 11:46 |
andyfied | theptr: there are many back up utils based of rsync. rsync is very much what you want | 11:46 |
hollusion | kokut: did you already paste your fstab? | 11:46 |
kokut | hollusion: i think that is on the pastebin | 11:46 |
iptable | theptr, there is no "easiest way". you could boot into an imaging tool and image the drive and/or partitions. you could have instead installed the server on btrfs as opposed to ext4 and used btrfs snapshots combined with btfs send/receive. alternatively you could use rsync or tar.gz|ssh. your call. | 11:46 |
kokut | hollusion: | 11:47 |
Green_Tree_ | @ angel_ can you help with grep? | 11:47 |
iptable | kokut, tried setting up encrypted swap I see? | 11:47 |
kokut | iptable: i tried encrypting my home folder only.. | 11:48 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, grep is a tool for filtering text output on line basis using pattern matching | 11:48 |
hollusion | kokut: what do you expect sda2 to be? | 11:48 |
iptable | kokut, not really. /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 | 11:48 |
theptr | iptable, im a beginner and i have been working on the server for serviral days. now i want to test things and want to imigrate from a 640gb hdd to a 256 ssd is that possible ? | 11:48 |
kokut | hollusion: swap | 11:49 |
iptable | kokut, that's your fstab. can I please get /etc/crypttab too please | 11:49 |
iptable | hollusion, read his pastebin, it's stated there | 11:49 |
kokut | iptable: i really wouldnt know why my swap partition would be encrypted | 11:49 |
iptable | theptr, is it a VM or a real hardware server? what filesystem? | 11:49 |
iptable | kokut, please provide /etc/crypttab | 11:50 |
theptr | iptable, its a real hardware server ubuntu 14.04lts | 11:50 |
kokut | iptable: | 11:50 |
trijntje | kokut: swap automatically gets encrypted when you select encrypted home for install | 11:50 |
iptable | kokut, quite often swap encryption is setup as part of home folder encryption as potentially the password to your home encryption could be in swap | 11:50 |
kokut | trijntje: oh okay | 11:50 |
kokut | iptable: okay, thanks, could that be the reason for my /etc/fstab line 9 being bad? | 11:51 |
iptable | kokut, you need to setup the cryptswap again | 11:51 |
iptable | kokut, like 9 is bad as that UUID does not exist | 11:51 |
trijntje | theptr: if the ssd is large enough to hold all the files you can transfer the server install using something like rsync from a live cd or clonezilla | 11:51 |
iptable | kokut, sda2 does not have UUID | 11:51 |
Green_Tree_ | I want to copy lines from a text file to different columns of CSV if those lines contain certian keywords using grep | 11:51 |
angel_ | Green_Tree_, I don't know actually. It depends on your question. | 11:51 |
kokut | iptable: okay, how do i fix it? | 11:51 |
iptable | theptr, trijntje++, use clonezilla | 11:52 |
theptr | iptable, thanks for your good help | 11:52 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, thank you for being as cryptic as you possibly can. now, some exaplanation with example what what you really want | 11:52 |
theptr | trijntje, also thank you for your help | 11:52 |
iptable | kokut, hold on, I had cryptswap setup manual somewhere | 11:53 |
kokut | iptable: okay | 11:53 |
iptable | kokut, first try to recreate swap by reformatting the swap partition to swap. (/dev/sda2). | 11:54 |
iptable | kokut, once done, run blkid, get the UUID of sda2 and update fstab accordingly. | 11:54 |
iptable | kokut, remove the 1 configuration line from /etc/crypttab relating to swap | 11:54 |
iptable | kokut, then reboot and ensure that swap gets mounted properly. | 11:54 |
iptable | kokut, once done, run | 11:54 |
iptable | kokut, the last command will enable swap encryption | 11:55 |
cristian_c | lapion, I'm reading | 11:56 |
Green_Tree_ | I have a folder containing many .txt files. All files have certain KEYWORDS eg "Name". I want to copy lines from a file to different columns of CSV file if those lines contain certian keywords using grep | 11:56 |
kokut | iptable: Okay, will try to reformat it with gparted | 11:57 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, you mean you want to copy lines from files, not from a file | 11:57 |
iptable | kokut, go for it | 11:57 |
kokut | iptable: and then will proceed with the rest | 11:57 |
iptable | kokut, yup | 11:57 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable yes | 11:57 |
Mrokii | Hello. Is it possible to play Blu Ray discs on Ubuntu, given the proper drive? Are there any difficulties, do I need to look for a certain drive/manufacturer or will they all work without problems? | 11:58 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, explain kewords. If a line has "This is a name street" it should go to name field? | 11:58 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, an example of how the text files you want to work with look like would be in order | 11:58 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, or Name: My Name | 11:58 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, or this is an issue with a property name | 11:59 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable yes you are right | 12:00 |
iptable | Mrokii, theoretically it's possible with the css2 library. in practice there are encryption keys on bluray players (HW ones) that you would need present in software on your ubuntu. more problems than it's worth. | 12:00 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, uhm. I gave you a question. it was "what will the files actually look like, what am I looking for exactly in the pattern, some example please?". "yes you are right" is not an answer to the question. | 12:00 |
Mrokii | iptable: So, in other words a "regular" Blu Ray player would be the better option? | 12:02 |
bahamas | hello. can anyone tell me what is a good way to cache packages locally? | 12:02 |
iptable | Mrokii, yes, I'm afraid so | 12:02 |
MasterOfDisaster | bahamas: try apt-proxy | 12:02 |
iptable | bahamas, in what sense? own repository, or cache stuff you installed? | 12:02 |
iptable | bahamas, the stuff you installed is already cached in /var/cache/apt/ | 12:03 |
* iptable goes to cleanup the house... about time... | 12:04 | |
chafic | ozooner | 12:04 |
Mrokii | iptable: Okay, thanks. Not the answer I would have liked to hear, but oh well. :-/ | 12:05 |
bahamas | MasterOfDisaster: looking at it now. do you know in what way it differs from squid-deb-proxy? | 12:06 |
kokut_ | iptable: man you don't know how much you have helped me, my drive was being teared down because it kept trying to access the broken swap partition... i just rebooted and it now works fine, i can start working again, thanks you very much. | 12:06 |
iptable | Mrokii, well, i prefer to give you the cold truth | 12:06 |
iptable | kokut_, no problem at all | 12:06 |
bahamas | iptable: my usecase is that I use vagrant and VMs and deploy a lot to these VMs | 12:07 |
Mrokii | iptable: And I appreciate that, thanks again. | 12:07 |
iptable | kokut_, pleasure helping someone who can follow vague instructions and research the relevant commands himself :) | 12:07 |
bahamas | of course, that means they try to download the packages every time to install them | 12:07 |
iptable | bahamas, so you want a repository cache? | 12:07 |
iptable | like, full one? | 12:07 |
kokut_ | iptable: it was trying to access the partition every 6 seconds and making a very worrisome clicking sound, you were the only one that could help me to identify the issue | 12:07 |
bahamas | iptable: full one? | 12:08 |
cmt29 | hi, can someone help me with a network/internet issue please? | 12:08 |
iptable | bahamas, either follow ubuntu manual to cache the whole ubuntu repo, or install the packages on one system, get their versions from that system's /var/cache/apt and create a repository from that (manual on ubuntu support websute and lots of other websites) | 12:09 |
iptable | bahamas, also, deploying a system and then just copying it would be a good solution... | 12:09 |
alex12 | im using ubuntu 14.04.. and although my sources.list is def correct - im seeing 404 errors while performing a apt-get update : W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found | 12:09 |
alex12 | any ideas? | 12:09 |
iptable | kokut_, why thank you :) | 12:10 |
alex12 | my sources.list is: "deb trusty main restricted" | 12:10 |
alex12 | i dont understand what the problem is here | 12:10 |
iptable | alex12, wget | 12:10 |
iptable | alex12, does that work? | 12:10 |
bahamas | iptable: it sounds like a lot of manual work | 12:10 |
alex12 | iptable: yes, i have internets | 12:10 |
iptable | bahamas, or try apt-proxy as someone suggests | 12:11 |
iptable | alex12, that was not my question. my question was typically whether wget works itself. please try it, don't assume that because firefox works wget will too | 12:11 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable | 12:12 |
alex12 | iptable: wget works, telnet works, ping works, i have internets | 12:12 |
ramio | hi | 12:12 |
Ben64 | alex12: try changing to the us mirror | 12:12 |
iptable | alex12, the reason I asked for wget is to test your access. can you telnet 80, then GET / HTTP/1.1 | 12:13 |
alex12 | iptable: works. | 12:13 |
hariseldon | wget | 12:13 |
iptable | alex12, you did NOT test it fast enough | 12:13 |
iptable | alex12, I'm trying to figure out if some internal proxy is at work for telnet/wget vs apt-get and you are ignoring my requests to help you troubleshoot | 12:13 |
alex12 | iptable: no internal proxies here. | 12:13 |
bahamas | I think I'll try apt-cacher-ng. it sounds like less work | 12:13 |
bahamas | thanks for the tips, guys! | 12:14 |
ramio | hello i have a small problem ... when i installed a program from (Kde) while my desktop enivorment was(unity) the fon of firefox changed suddenly | 12:14 |
iptable | alex12, really, stop assuming. also, does wget work? | 12:14 |
ramio | | 12:14 |
cmt29 | my internet stops working after around 10-30 seconds when connected via wireless. What might be going on? | 12:14 |
iptable | ramio, yes, your home directory got fed by kde installation | 12:14 |
alex12 | iptable: stopping all assumptions. testing the wget. | 12:14 |
jarco_ | I am doing this in my crontab: 13 10 * * * wget -O /dev/null http://somescript.php . Is there something wrong with this? | 12:15 |
ramio | what do you mean ? | 12:15 |
iptable | cmt29, got an atheros wifi chip? | 12:15 |
alex12 | iptable: 404's .... | 12:15 |
alex12 | iptable: 404's on my other computer with chrome too... | 12:15 |
Ben64 | because that isn't the URL | 12:15 |
cmt29 | iptable: no, rtl8723ae | 12:15 |
Ben64 | there never is a "Packages" | 12:15 |
iptable | alex12, your sources.list is wrong then | 12:15 |
ramio | i mean yes maybe my unity took some styles from Kde ... then what should i do to resore my darling font to firefox ? | 12:15 |
Ben64 | iptable: now you're assuming | 12:16 |
auscompgeek | iptable: the URL is Packages.gz, not Packages | 12:16 |
alex12 | iptable: does that URL work for you? : | 12:16 |
ramio | iptable, | 12:16 |
alex12 | iptable: im on two different boxes here, i cant get a status 200 from that url | 12:16 |
iptable | cmt29, issue also happens with a different wifi adapter on usb plugged in to the same machine? if so, it's your wifi, if not, it's the adapter | 12:16 |
Ben64 | alex12: try Packages.gz and/or Packages.bz2 | 12:16 |
alex12 | Ben64: sure, that works fine, status 200. | 12:16 |
Ben64 | alex12: are you actually on ubuntu 14.04 or are you doing something weird | 12:17 |
alex12 | Ben64: 14.04, installed last night. | 12:17 |
iptable | alex12, deb trusty main restricted universe multiverse | 12:17 |
alex12 | Ben64: my sources.list is only: "deb trusty main restricted" | 12:17 |
Ben64 | alex12: thats the only thing in there? | 12:18 |
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alex12 | yes, the _only_ thing | 12:18 |
cmt29 | iptables, I've not got a different wifi adapter to test with. I think I fixed this under 14.04 by moving to wicd and/or reinstalling/reconfiguring resolvconf. But the upgrade to 14.10 had broken it again it seems | 12:18 |
alex12 | psstebin incoming: | 12:18 |
Ben64 | alex12: thats not normal | 12:18 |
iptable | alex12, not sure it makes a difference but none of my sources.list files have a trailing / in the link | 12:18 |
ramio | Hello ? | 12:18 |
iptable | alex12, you do know that there is /etc/sources.list.d/* as well, right? | 12:18 |
alex12 | gah, fuck. the trailing slash did it. | 12:19 |
auscompgeek | iptable: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | 12:19 |
alex12 | works now. | 12:19 |
alex12 | iptable: Ben64, thanks. | 12:19 |
iptable | yes that | 12:19 |
Ben64 | alex12: you really should get new sources, you should have more than one line | 12:19 |
iptable | alex12, what fixed it? | 12:19 |
Ben64 | alex12: not sure what you did to break it | 12:19 |
alex12 | Ben64, iptable: trailing slash was removed, now fixed. | 12:19 |
auscompgeek | iptable: ... he just said what fixed it | 12:20 |
iptable | ah, ok | 12:20 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable | 12:20 |
iptable | auscompgeek, got lost in my eyes, chill | 12:20 |
alex12 | Ben64: i went back to basics with sources.list .... removed everything to debug this... | 12:20 |
Ben64 | alex12: | 12:20 |
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* iptable makes a mental note for the future. no trailing slash | 12:20 | |
* auscompgeek seriously wonders how a trailing slash breaks apt | 12:21 | |
iptable | cmt29, ubuntu 14.10 is still in beta. | 12:21 |
Ben64 | iptable: no it isn't | 12:22 |
auscompgeek | iptable: not true, 14.10 released last month | 12:22 |
auscompgeek | !utopic | 12:22 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at - Read the release notes at | 12:22 |
ramio | can i talk with some one ? | 12:22 |
Ben64 | ramio: you're currently talking to 1783 people | 12:22 |
iptable | oh damn | 12:22 |
iptable | Ben64, auscompgeek, you are right. I needed to scroll down under 14.04 to see 14.10 on the website. confusing like hell | 12:22 |
ramio | lol but no one answer me ....>.< | 12:22 |
iptable | ramio, what's the question? | 12:23 |
iptable | ramio, last I have from you is <ramio> iptable, | 12:23 |
Ben64 | ramio: give all the information you can about the issue on one line, and be patient. if nobody answers you, it is because nobody has an answer for you | 12:23 |
ramio | when i enstalled Kde program on ubuntu my firefox 's font suddenly changed and i cannot restore it to default also the same happend with thunderberd | 12:23 |
cmt29 | what would be the best order to purge/reinstall resolvconf and wicd, as I think this is what fixed my issue before upgrade to 14.10 | 12:24 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, are all files of the same format with the same headers in smae order? | 12:24 |
ramio | the picture : | 12:24 |
gr33n7007h | can someone try this in terminal to see if it's working #=> "dig +short txt" sorry for being offtopic just not working here :( | 12:25 |
Ben64 | gr33n7007h: theres #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic stuff | 12:25 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable yes | 12:25 |
gr33n7007h | Ben64, ah, thanks always forget that channel :) | 12:25 |
auscompgeek | gr33n7007h: for the record, Google Public DNS gives me no records | 12:26 |
iptable | gr33n7007h, and no, there are no txt records for that domain | 12:26 |
gr33n7007h | thanks guys | 12:26 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, another problem is, will some of those fields contain comma as part of a value? if so, the csv parsing is getting complicated | 12:27 |
ramio | so any ne here ? | 12:28 |
iptable | ramio, if you create a new user account and login to unity, does that resolve it? if so, you might just need to do that. if not, then globally icons have been replaced, sorry. it's not a bit of a mess | 12:29 |
* iptable really goes to cleanup the house | 12:29 | |
SamuraiRM | hi | 12:29 |
ramio | ok sec and i will go try it | 12:30 |
SamuraiRM | Where can I find wallpapers for my xubuntu? | 12:30 |
jozefk | SamuraiRM, | 12:30 |
SamuraiRM | thank | 12:30 |
ramio | i tried it on Guest ... | 12:31 |
ramio | and mozila was fresh and safe ! | 12:31 |
ramio | iptable , then what ? | 12:32 |
jarco_ | Can someone explain to me why this is not working when i add the rule to my crontab with crontab -e. I see it is actually running the cronjob but its not actually executing the script (supposed to send loads of mails to me). 12 00 * * * wget -O /dev/null | 12:32 |
iptable | ramio, try to remove the mozilla profile form your user. mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old. then start firefox. if it doesn't resolve it, you need to create a new user and migrate yourself to it. | 12:33 |
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arjunkbabu | odd | 12:37 |
cmt29 | what would be the best order to purge/reinstall resolvconf and wicd, as I think this is what fixed my issue before upgrade to 14.10 | 12:39 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable lines do not contain comas | 12:39 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, so really, you want to split by colon and put in csv format | 12:46 |
sauravz | Hello! Is there a channel to discuss Ubuntu security issues? | 12:46 |
iptable | sauravz, ubuntu doesn't have security issues | 12:47 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, for i in *; do cat "${i}" |awk -F':' '{print $2}' |while read line; do echo -n "${line},"; done; echo; done | 12:47 |
sauravz | @iptable: :-) Doesn't it? | 12:48 |
Offshore | hey guys | 12:49 |
Offshore | need some info | 12:49 |
Offshore | consider a situation: an lvm2 volume group with one logical volume and no-matter-how-many pvs, which contains / | 12:50 |
Offshore | grub is installed on a pv that is not in that vg (usb flashdrive, for example) | 12:51 |
Offshore | kernel and initrd located on that lv | 12:51 |
Offshore | so | 12:52 |
Offshore | now consider hardware failure (bzd block, pv fails etc) | 12:52 |
Offshore | *bad block | 12:52 |
Offshore | maybe i still can boot in maintenace mode, maybe not | 12:52 |
Offshore |, the question is | 12:52 |
Offshore | how to relocate default location of initrd, kernel, maybe /boot contents or other things to the independent flash drive (so updated kernels to be installed there too) | 12:54 |
Offshore | and (optionally) update initial image to include some tools into it? | 12:54 |
Green_Tree_ | @iptable I want to put macthing lines in cols of CSV | 12:55 |
iptable | Green_Tree_, you said all files look alike and all files have the same context. therefore, given files with same contents, for each file, each line will be on it's own column | 12:56 |
Offshore | naah, ill better create forum topuc :) | 12:57 |
Green_Tree_ | all files have same KEYWORDS you can also tell me how to do this python | 12:58 |
sebastianlutter | is there any reason to mistrust They offer SSL Cert without identity verification with no cost, and are very cheap for identity verification SSL. Does anyone has experience using them? Thanks. | 13:05 |
skyfall | i have a question. Will a weak CMOS battery will cause ubuntu not getting booted ? | 13:14 |
skyfall | my laptop's date and year is getting changed automatically. only after updating the time, im able to boot into ubuntu. can anyone suggest me a method to confirm whether the problem is with my CMOS battery ? | 13:15 |
kestasjk | skyfall, not an expert but I always thouht cmos was about keeping time and misc bios settings | 13:15 |
ikonia | depends, a dead battery can stop it getting past the bios | 13:16 |
ikonia | or it can stop it retaining data, it just depends | 13:16 |
_nedR | Hello... How much swap needed if I have 2gb ram and want hibernate function (ubuntu 14.04)? | 13:16 |
ikonia | _nedR: 2GB | 13:16 |
kestasjk | skyfall, like a flag battery, if you get jumper cables itll come back, but you might lose your radio time | 13:16 |
hydruid | Any tips for getting gnome applets to work in xfce? | 13:16 |
skyfall | any method to confirm the problem is with CMOS or not ? | 13:16 |
ikonia | skyfall: why do you think it's the cmos | 13:17 |
skyfall | im dual booting windows and ubutnu. im only able to log into windows with this changed time. | 13:17 |
ikonia | whats the actual problem | 13:17 |
skyfall | ikonia, its mainly because im unable to boot into ubuntu | 13:17 |
kestasjk | skyfall, easiest way is run a voltmeter over it, if there's no potnetial difference youve got a problem | 13:17 |
ikonia | skyfall: define unable to boot | 13:17 |
_nedR | ikonia, Is 2gb enough even if say i have used 1GB of swap and then press hibernate? | 13:17 |
kestasjk | a pretty minor problem since batterries are cheap | 13:17 |
hydruid | skyfall: what is the actual error or issue, "won't boot" doesn't tell us anything | 13:17 |
ikonia | skyfall: if you can boot windows - it suggests the hardware will boot, which suggests not a cmos problem | 13:17 |
skyfall | ikonia, unable to boot means ubuntu loading for a long time with no response | 13:18 |
ikonia | _nedR: correct | 13:18 |
hydruid | skyfall: that's not cos | 13:18 |
ikonia | skyfall: at what stage ? | 13:18 |
hydruid | *cmos | 13:18 |
skyfall | ikonia, after the GRUB loading | 13:18 |
ikonia | what do you see on screen, whats the last thing you see on screen etc, give us details | 13:18 |
hydruid | skyfall: you can take your CMOS battery out and a computer will still boot | 13:18 |
skyfall | ikonia, shifting to PORT 3, PORT 4 | 13:19 |
ObrienDave | hydruid, sessions and startup, advanced, start GNOME services on startup | 13:19 |
ikonia | skyfall: can you boot into recovery mode ? | 13:19 |
skyfall | ikonia, after that ubuntu keeps on loading. | 13:19 |
_nedR | ikonia, Thanks for reply... So where If i have used 1.5 GB of RAM and 1GB of swap.. then technically I will need 2.5GB of swap to hibernate right? where does the extra .5GB come from? | 13:19 |
skyfall | ikonia, how can i boot into recovery ? can u be more specific ?\ | 13:19 |
hydruid | ObrienDave: ty sir! | 13:19 |
ikonia | skyfall: there is a grub menu option called recovery mode | 13:20 |
skyfall | ikonia, yeah. what should i do after that ? | 13:20 |
skyfall | ikonia, still a question persists. why the date and time in windows is not getting synced ? | 13:21 |
ikonia | skyfall: because your hardware clock is wrong ? | 13:21 |
_sui | hi, does anyone know what happened to neon/kf5 ppa? i get an 404 when updating my repos | 13:21 |
ikonia | skyfall: try to boot into recovery mode and lets move forward from there | 13:21 |
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN | ||
skyfall | ikonia, ok. i will boot from recovery. i will get you back on this. | 13:21 |
_nedR | skyfall, ikonia Is Windows time wrong when dual-booting? | 13:23 |
_nedR | to windows? | 13:23 |
Baluse | | 13:26 |
ikonia | Baluse: ? | 13:26 |
Baluse | :S | 13:26 |
Baluse | shit | 13:26 |
ikonia | no need for language | 13:27 |
jeffreylevesque | is /var/www/html/ the webroot? | 13:31 |
jq- | Yeppp | 13:31 |
jeffreylevesque | so, if i wanted to store something out of the webroot, it should be /var/www/ | 13:31 |
jq- | You can store it wherever really, and symlink | 13:32 |
_sui | it can be anywhere | 13:32 |
jq- | But why store out of webroot? | 13:32 |
jeffreylevesque | I'm going to have executable bash automatically run on apache2 boot | 13:33 |
jeffreylevesque | so, I originally have /var/www/html/[SITE]/bashdir | 13:33 |
jeffreylevesque | should it be /var/www/[bashdir]/ ? | 13:33 |
ikonia | that sounds like a very very bad idea | 13:33 |
jq- | ^ | 13:33 |
jeffreylevesque | is the directory structure correct? | 13:34 |
jeffreylevesque | it should be out of the html/ ? | 13:34 |
jq- | It can be anywhere... | 13:34 |
jeffreylevesque | I will goto #httpd | 13:36 |
jeffreylevesque | thank you | 13:36 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: if you want to do this, you would normally have /var/www/project/webroot and /var/www/project/bin This keeps project files together, but would not (with the right permissions) allow any HTTP request to jump out of webroot to access the files in bin. (simplistic wording to illustrate the example) | 13:47 |
jeffreylevesque | I'm going to move the bash directory out of the webroot | 13:49 |
jeffreylevesque | but, could i just keep it in place and do htaccess? | 13:49 |
jeffreylevesque | which is preferrred? | 13:49 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: assets required to serve the webpage go in webroot. No real reason for anything else to be in there. eg: /var/www/project/app (for source files) etc | 13:51 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: I asked before why you want a executable in your web project. The question still applies | 13:52 |
jeffreylevesque | compile src files | 13:52 |
somsip | jeffreylevesque: it's still not clear, but I've given some general advice so you need to make your own mind up about whether what you are doing is secure or not | 13:55 |
CVV | the best prank ewer | 13:56 |
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cfhowlett | cvv spam is unwelcome. stop | 13:59 |
Pici | cfhowlett: they're gone | 13:59 |
cfhowlett | Pici, drive by spam ... lovely. moving on! | 14:00 |
bozo | greetings | 14:05 |
fibbance | In 14.10, what is the difference between 'linux-generic' and 'linux-kernel-generic'? It seems that 'linux-kernel-generic' depends on 3.13, while 'linux-generic' depends on 3.16. Is there any other difference? | 14:09 |
gustavjp | i like dogs | 14:09 |
Farioko | Hey, I have Ubuntu installed here on a machine. It sometimes doesn't shutdown properly. It says: BUG: soft lockup - cpu#3 stuck for 23s. I have a i7 3770k 32GB RAM and a GTX 660Ti. | 14:10 |
belp | hi everyone! is anyone here experienced with Wordpress who's willing to shortly advice? | 14:11 |
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Pici | belp: You can ask here, but you might get better help in #wordpress | 14:12 |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 14:16 |
belp | @Pici: tried there but no luck.. I'll write you PM if you don't mind | 14:18 |
Pici | belp: I do mind actually. If you have an Ubuntu question, you can ask here in this channel. | 14:19 |
belp | ok no worries, sorry to bother and thank you nevertheless. | 14:20 |
Lugal | Hello | 14:23 |
Lugal | when I try to install Ubuntu he doesnt recognize Windows being already installed | 14:24 |
Lugal | but I want to use both | 14:24 |
Lugal | so what to do_ | 14:24 |
Lugal | ? | 14:24 |
nbuonanno | Lugal: Are you trying to install it to the same disk as your WIndows install? | 14:25 |
Lugal | yes | 14:25 |
ObrienDave | go through "something else" | 14:25 |
nbuonanno | Do you already have a separate partition in place for the Ubuntu install? | 14:26 |
curiousx | Lugal: you could install ubuntu by doing manual partitioning | 14:26 |
nbuonanno | ^ | 14:26 |
Lugal | not yet, I made some free space for ubuntu | 14:26 |
Lugal | but I dont know what will happen with the windows boot entry | 14:26 |
nbuonanno | Come to think of it, I think Ubuntu has an installer version that you run through Windows. | 14:27 |
Lugal | If I install manual, will Grub replace the windows loader_ | 14:27 |
curiousx | Lugal: nothing, then, once ubuntu is installed you will be able to boot from windows too | 14:27 |
curiousx | yes, it will replace the boot loader | 14:27 |
nbuonanno | Right. It'll install GRUB, but it will add an entry for your Windows install so you can pick which OS to boot. | 14:28 |
Lugal | but if it does not recognise or find windows, then I think it will include it in the grub, right? | 14:29 |
=== freyes is now known as zz_freyes | ||
Lugal | it will no include i mean | 14:29 |
curiousx | it's a UEFI bios? | 14:29 |
nbuonanno | I'm not sure that it makes a difference, but which version of Windows do you have installed? | 14:29 |
curiousx | Is* it | 14:30 |
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris | ||
Lugal | I think its UEFI Bios | 14:30 |
vak | hi all | 14:30 |
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Lugal | I have windows 7 | 14:30 |
Chuck_Norris | disable it | 14:30 |
Lugal | wat? | 14:31 |
Lugal | disable wndows? | 14:31 |
vak | Desktop icon for an application is marked as untrusted each time I click on it... what the heck?.. | 14:31 |
Chuck_Norris | well if the PC came with windows 7 pre-installed, then it isn't UEFI -.- | 14:31 |
Lugal | not? | 14:32 |
Chuck_Norris | no | 14:32 |
Lugal | so what is it then? | 14:32 |
Lugal | all PCs are with windows | 14:32 |
BluesKaj | most pcs after 2010 have UEFI | 14:33 |
Chuck_Norris | it happned to me with some HDs, idk it's just doesn't recognize windows, but, then again, do a manual partition, in youtube there is planty of video about how to achieve that, or just ask for "Chuck_norris" his help, or any of us :P | 14:33 |
Lugal | and if I instrall it, and windows wont be in Grub, then i can do what? | 14:33 |
vak | i put an executable flag on the this damn application .desktop file, but rigth in the moment i click on it, the executable flag is removed and the thing becomes untrasted.... | 14:33 |
vak | *untrUsted. | 14:34 |
nbuonanno | Lugal: If you're just looking to try out Ubuntu, and want to keep Windows as your primary OS, you can try this: | 14:34 |
Chuck_Norris | then we force grub to recognize windows xD | 14:34 |
nbuonanno | That might be the safest way to do it; does anyone else agree? | 14:34 |
Lugal | how to force it? can u do dis for me Chuck?Norris? | 14:35 |
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Chuck_Norris | Lugal: it will not be the end of the world if ya windows doesn't work anymore, you could do a back of your sensitive data before installing ubuntu if you want | 14:36 |
Rodrigopvai | MAQUINA DE CARTÃO DE CREDITOS COM INSENÇÃO DE 2 MESES, PROMOÇÃO... Taxa de credenciamento ATÉ FIM DO ANO 2014 --> 275,00 Á VISTA FONE: (44) 9720-9908 TIM (whatsapp) (44) 9167-8336 VIVO EMAIL: Facebook: | 14:36 |
Chuck_Norris | yes, most users here know how, just: sudo update-grub | 14:36 |
Chuck_Norris | enogh of talking, hands dirty -.- | 14:37 |
linelevel | Hi, I have a Thinkpad T410 with NVIDIA 3100M graphics. I'm currently using the Nouveau driver, but I'm having problems resuming from suspend, so I'm thinking that the proprietary driver might help. HOWEVER, the driver versions provided by the Ubuntu repo are old and have issues of their own, so I'd like to try installing the latest one. I downloaded it from the NVIDIA website, but when I try to run it, it tells me I need to exit X first. Can anyone | 14:40 |
o_be_one | hi all | 14:40 |
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o_be_one | how to declare a WINS host ? | 14:41 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: are you in the thinkpad right now? | 14:42 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: Yes. | 14:42 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: whats DE are you using? | 14:42 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: default Ubuntu 14.04.1 Desktop | 14:42 |
Lugal | u guarantee me dat update-grub will find mi windows? | 14:42 |
Chuck_Norris | ok, so Unity? | 14:43 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: Yes | 14:43 |
Chuck_Norris | Lugal: yes | 14:43 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: press Ctrl + Alt + F2 | 14:43 |
imbezol | or your money back | 14:43 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: Oh, so I don't need to exit X on the -F7 screen? | 14:44 |
vianpl | Hi all. I've got an strange issue with my ubuntu 14.10 setup (actually it's Ubuntu-Gnome, but I don't think it'll matter). It is a samsung series 9 ultrabook. Anytime I insert an sd card it gets mounted as read only, there is no way of mounting it as RW, and doing dmesg I get a "[sdb] Write Protect is on" message. The physical lock on the card is off. I can anytime modify the sd card on any other computer. Any ideas, I've checked | 14:44 |
vianpl | the forums and nothing helped. | 14:44 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: then we exit the X | 14:44 |
Lugal | but on my external HDD with Debian update-grub didnt find windows | 14:44 |
linelevel | linelevel: I see. Okay, go on. | 14:44 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: ^ | 14:45 |
Lugal | or is update-grub only for one hdd | 14:45 |
Chuck_Norris | move the nvidia binary in you home folder | 14:45 |
Lugal | or works it only with sda? | 14:45 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: Yup, it's already in ~/Downloads | 14:46 |
Lugal | and actuallz dont wanna use wubi, cuy mi no wanna windows have access on my ubuntu files | 14:46 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: ok ok, so, whats is the name of that binary? | 14:47 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: | 14:47 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: and I already gave it +x | 14:47 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: sudo service lightdm stop | 14:48 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: that will shutdown X -.- | 14:48 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: I'm chatting with you on the same laptop now, so I'll wait til you finish to try that. | 14:48 |
Chuck_Norris | me, try? | 14:49 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: oh! yeah, sry then once you shutdown X: ./Downloads/ | 14:50 |
Chuck_Norris | linelevel: sry again: sudo ./Downloads/ it will do it | 14:50 |
linelevel | Chuck_Norris: I just realized that this driver (which was just released by NVIDIA yesterday) is in this PPA: -- Do you think I should use that instead? | 14:51 |
Chuck_Norris | yeah, it's a better option i think | 14:52 |
linelevel | Okay, I'll try that. | 14:52 |
linelevel | Will come back to let you know how i goes. | 14:52 |
Chuck_Norris | then do it :P | 14:52 |
Chuck_Norris | ok, good cya then :D | 14:52 |
GivenToCode | anyone know of a way to create a zip file without having the zip utility installed? | 14:53 |
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langhun | hi | 14:59 |
langhun | hi everyone | 15:00 |
langhun | grub2 don't recongnise my windows partition | 15:01 |
langhun | why | 15:01 |
BluesKaj | langhun, have you run sudo update-grub since installing? | 15:02 |
langhun | why grub2 don't identify my windows partition | 15:02 |
langhun | yeah | 15:03 |
langhun | no my windows boot menu | 15:03 |
jhutchins | langhun: Does fdisk see the partition? Which version of windows? | 15:04 |
BluesKaj | run sudo os-prober | 15:04 |
langhun | windows7 | 15:04 |
langhun | fdisk identify the windows partition | 15:05 |
langhun | i have run sudo os-prober | 15:05 |
langhun | next | 15:06 |
langhun | next step ? | 15:06 |
langhun | no change | 15:07 |
_nedR | Hello... weird problem ... After installing dual-boot ubuntu, my headphones stopped working in Windows (but speakers work)... This happened on 2 separate computers | 15:08 |
_nedR | What is up? | 15:09 |
ses1984 | is there anyway to get java to remember stuff like "do you want to continue" that it prompts when using an app hosted on a site with a self signed certificate | 15:09 |
ses1984 | or to remember, "i accept the risk and want to run this application" | 15:09 |
_nedR | Anyone else face my problem? | 15:09 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: What sound card do you have? Standard integrated, e.g. a Realtek chip? | 15:10 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Realtek in the current laptop | 15:10 |
ses1984 | unrelated question: is there any way to reset my mouse cursor without killing/restart X/dm? the cursor looks like i want to resize a window, now i cant click on anything | 15:10 |
nbuonanno | I'm just kind of throwing out suggestions, but did you double-check your jack settings in the Realtek Audio Manager? | 15:11 |
nbuonanno | Or before that, if you go to your Playback Devices, does it still even list the headphone device? | 15:11 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, No realtek drivers installed... Windows ones used to work fine.. Headphones not listed in Playback devices, still there | 15:12 |
skyfall | how to run terminal as root ? | 15:12 |
hdtune2k | sudo su | 15:12 |
hdtune2k | then enter your password of current user | 15:13 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, On the other laptop I had to install realtek drivers to get it to work again. But the sound quality was utterly horrible after that | 15:13 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: I know there's an option via the Realtek panel to separate front and rear jacks into different audio devices. I think it exists through the Windows settings, jsut can't remember where. | 15:14 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, At the time i thought it was an issue unrelated to Ubuntu.. Only after installing Ubuntu on this one and encountering it again did I realise the 2 issues were related | 15:14 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: If you can find that, it may help with troubleshooting (e.g. if Windows isn't even recognizing the front panel jacks) | 15:15 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, I would ideally like to resolve this without installing the terrible realtek drivers | 15:15 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Ok will look at it.. This is really weird error to happen though | 15:15 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: Out of curiosity, what don't you like about them? I've never had a problem with them, and I like the added features you get with their control panel. | 15:15 |
refresh | hi i am stuck trying to adjust my monitor's refresh rate to 75hz. xrandr shows that its possible (1280x1024 60.0*+ 75.0 ), but: "xrandr -r 75 Rate 75.0 Hz not available for this size. when im trying in Nvidia server settings, it just crashes without changing anything, anyone with a clue how to do the trick? i am runnung the 304.117 newer version nvidia-304-updates. on Nouveau i can manually set it to 75 by xrandr " | 15:16 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, I dunno... The sound quality in windows on my acer laptop is terribly grainy after installing realtek drivers provided in Acer website. The old windows drivers were perfect (when they used to work) | 15:16 |
nbuonanno | Try getting them directly from Realtek; that's what I've always done, regardless of mobo manufacturer. | 15:17 |
refresh | *hi i am stuck trying to adjust my monitor's refresh rate to 75hz. xrandr shows that its possible (1280x1024 60.0*+ 75.0 ), but: "xrandr -r 75 Rate 75.0 Hz not available for this size." when im trying in Nvidia server settings, it just crashes without changing anything, anyone with a clue how to do the trick? i am runnung the 304.117 newer version nvidia-304-updates. on Nouveau i can manually set it to 75 by xrandr | 15:17 |
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nbuonanno | Are both your machines in this scenario laptops, by the way? | 15:17 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Yes one acer, one dell | 15:18 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, I wonder whether this is related to the error | 15:18 |
refresh | oh and i should have mentioned ccsm running with it :) | 15:18 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Will check out realtek website.. Not sure the driver will allow it though (ask to use Acer ones) | 15:18 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, sorry wrong link I meant this one : | 15:20 |
richud | after changing UID , and fixing u/g permissions automoutning with gvfs in nautilus | 15:20 |
richud | after changing UID (14.04 or 14.10) , and fixing u/g permissions automoutning with gvfs in nautilus , I can no longer mount anything, or rather it mounts then says 'you do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of...' | 15:21 |
=== radim is now known as Guest13095 | ||
richud | does anyone have any ideas, pro/mounts shows its mounted ok via fuseblk with correct new uid/gid ? | 15:23 |
refresh | richud: ive had the same issue with my backup hd. you can sudo nautilus and view the files, but changing permisions i had to usethe cammand line, becuase nautilus crahsed | 15:23 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: Just read it. That seems super-odd; I'm no expert on sound drivers on either platform, but that seems like a very odd thing for any OS to do. | 15:23 |
richud | refresh:any other account can mount/access fine, even on a vfat mount I get permission denied with this one ive changed uid/gid | 15:24 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: The link to Realtek's official download page: | 15:25 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Ok will look at it when i reboot to windows... | 15:25 |
refresh | richud ok, then u have another issue than i had, seking help here for another problem myself.... | 15:25 |
nbuonanno | Sounds good, keep me posted. It's a shot in the dark, but I haven't had bad luck with their official drivers yet. | 15:26 |
richud | refresh : ok :) | 15:26 |
setra | hello | 15:27 |
kout | My laptop's hard drive is making clicking noises ONLY in ubuntu, is it possible that it is trying to read my encrypted folder or something? | 15:28 |
kout | the hard drive is fine i checked it already and it only makes the noises in ubuntu... please help me, the clicking is once every 6 seconds and its probably lowering my hard drive's lifespan | 15:30 |
refresh | hmm, nobody seems to be interested in nividia issues :) | 15:31 |
kout | My laptop's hard drive is making clicking noises ONLY in ubuntu, is it possible that it is trying to read my encrypted folder or something? Please help me, this clicking noise is probably making my drive's life much shorter! | 15:33 |
nbuonanno | refresh: I know you said that xrandr shows that as an option, but is it showing all possible options, and not just options available for your GPU and display? | 15:33 |
legend | Hello there. I am connecting to internet in ubuntu using ppoeconf (adsl over ppp) where i dial username and password to dial internet from ubuntu itself. Now i want to share this internet through my laptops wifi to other devices. Is this possible ? | 15:34 |
legend | I don't use wifi router. | 15:35 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: paste: dmesg | 15:35 |
refresh | nbuanno: it should only show what available. 75hz worked on Noveau | 15:36 |
philinux | legend;~ isn't the laptop wifi a receiver not a transmitter | 15:36 |
refresh | nbuonanno: *it should only show what available. 75hz worked on Noveau | 15:36 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: | 15:36 |
Danielc1234 | Hi all, I messed up my permissions in the /var folder a few weeks ago and now when trying to send emails I get this error. localhost postfix/sendmail[8281]: fatal: chdir /var/spool/postfix: Permission denied How can I reset permissions for postfix? | 15:36 |
legend | philinux, I also have a wifi usb adapter. Can it work? | 15:37 |
legend | Or is it also a receiver only ? | 15:38 |
philinux | legend;~ receiver | 15:40 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: don't go, i'm checkin da log | 15:40 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: okay | 15:40 |
_nedR | The more I use computers and internet the more weird and supernatural the errors seem to get.. and the more frequent | 15:40 |
philinux | legend;~ you need a wifi router | 15:41 |
philinux | legend;~ unless someone else knows? | 15:41 |
pbx | it's curious, adjusting brightness on this laptop is super laggy, takes something 1/4-1/2 second per increment. dell latitude e7240, otherwise very zippy. stock 14.04. just the way it is? | 15:41 |
nbuonanno | legend: philinux: I think there's a way to configure Ubuntu to work as an access point. I don't have the documentation on hand, but I'm sure it's out there. I'll try and dig for it. | 15:42 |
legend | philinux, Maybe wifi adapters and cards are also transmitters. They transmit the data to routers when i am finished downloading a new ubuntu distro and its Seeding. | 15:42 |
philinux | legend;~ thats happening via a direct wired connection though isn't it | 15:43 |
nbuonanno | refresh: Hate to say it, but not sure how much help I can offer in this department. | 15:45 |
nbuonanno | legend: After skimming through it, this might not be a bad guide to get you started: | 15:46 |
legend | philinux, Just for the heads up , am already connected to internet on this laptop through "Without Wireless Modem" connected through Ethernet wire. Now i want to share this to my Android phone. | 15:47 |
legend | nbuonanno, ty. I shall look. | 15:47 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: are you there? | 15:47 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: yes im here | 15:48 |
refresh | nbuonanno: thank you anyway, many people have this issue | 15:48 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: when i boot on windows the drive doesn't make any clicking noises, im sure it has to do with ubuntu | 15:48 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: the drive is 100% fine i checked it with a long smartctl test and it shows perfect health | 15:48 |
foobaran | do i need to use livecd to resize my HD or is it somehow possible from gparted ? | 15:48 |
nbuonanno | legend: Keep me posted :). If I picture this right, your Ethernet/PPPoE connection is your WAN side, and the laptop's WLAN will essentially be your wireless router. | 15:48 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: its still making a clicking sound every 6 seconds and its driving me nuts!! | 15:49 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: did you intall bootchart? | 15:50 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: nope | 15:51 |
philinux | legend;~ you need a device , router, to broadcast the wifi signal | 15:51 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: do you know the partition where ubuntu is intalled? | 15:52 |
nbuonanno | philinux: If he's on Linux, he might be able to configure his wireless card to act as an AP. | 15:53 |
nbuonanno | The laptop will become the router. | 15:53 |
philinux | nbuonanno;~ no idea how to do that, very interested to know though | 15:53 |
nbuonanno | Performance might not be as ideal as having an actual router; or maybe he just flat-out can't get his hands on one. | 15:53 |
nbuonanno | Check out the link I posted above for him. | 15:54 |
foobaran | anynone here know how to resize a partition on your harddrive using gparted ubuntu? | 15:54 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, I tried the shutdown, wait a while and restart technique ... That seems to work.. | 15:54 |
foobaran | it says busy drive when i umount | 15:54 |
foobaran | plz help | 15:54 |
_nedR | headphones work | 15:54 |
philinux | nbuonanno;~ me looks | 15:54 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: /dev/sda1 | 15:54 |
_nedR | foobaran, try booting from ubuntu usb or cd and using gparted from there | 15:55 |
philinux | nbuonanno;~ fair bit of work in that then | 15:55 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: try this: sudo e4defrag /dev/sda1 a got a lot of things to try -.- | 15:55 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: yea the clicking stops whenever the drive is busy | 15:56 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: i'll tell what, this is your problem: lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich | 15:56 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: i have no idea what is that | 15:57 |
foobaran | _nedR: okey that was my original question thanks | 15:57 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: and this is your problem too: | 15:57 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: well just search for: lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich | 15:57 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: man this is going to take some time and i have to work .. | 15:58 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: I've heard a story or two about Acer laptops having a weird thing that required taking out the battery to reset something. | 15:58 |
Chuck_Norris | i got a lot of posible solutions but you gotta try them | 15:58 |
nbuonanno | _nedR: I think it's an odd capacitor that doesn't drain properly after a shutdown, and can cause odd hardware issues. | 15:58 |
richud | foobaran: you cant resize it if you are booting off it | 15:58 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Hmm.. Maybe didn't try this on acer.. Worked on dell | 15:58 |
nbuonanno | philinux: It is, and hopefully he has the networking know-how to put it all together. | 15:58 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: thanks for helping me out man but i don't know why i have so much bad luck this drive should work perfectly :( its not making the sound now that its defragging | 15:59 |
Chuck_Norris | yes, defragging | 15:59 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Yes But this problem only occurs when going from ubuntu to windows. Not windows to ubuntu.. or windows alone | 15:59 |
=== mozzarel1 is now known as mozzarella | ||
philinux | nbuonanno;~ cheap wif router would be simpler though | 15:59 |
Chuck_Norris | then we could try ugins another dis scheduler, upgradin the kernel if that doesn't solved ya problem | 16:00 |
Chuck_Norris | using* | 16:00 |
bozo | greetings | 16:00 |
tatsuta | Hi guys! How can I send a notification with expire time?? | 16:00 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: even we could try adding parameters to "/etc/default/grub" to deal with the ACPI -.- | 16:00 |
nbuonanno | philinux: It would, but then he would need a means to connect his laptop to that. Since the Ethernet port is being used as the WAN, he would need a USB Ethernet adapter. | 16:00 |
nbuonanno | philinux: I take that back. If the router he gets can be configured for PPPoE, then he's fine. | 16:01 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: all that kind of pissible solution you can find them by searching for the errors that i gave to you | 16:01 |
nbuonanno | philinux: But still, the question is whether or not he can even get his hands on that hardware; thus why he's coming here to ask us :). | 16:02 |
_nedR | nbuonanno, Something about ubuntu's shutdown causes the capacitor to not drain | 16:02 |
ntz | hello | 16:03 |
_nedR | olleh | 16:03 |
ntz | one question .. I'm answering the question of customer with ubuntu .. I don't have ubuntu so I can't test it, I need to verify, that `sudo -i; crontab -e; exit' (or alternatively in the first step `sudo bash') will successfully create crontab for root even with the ubu default settings that root account is "disabled" | 16:05 |
philinux | nbuonanno;~ yeah, my router uses PPPoE | 16:07 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: man the drive is not making any weird noises while its defragging, please | 16:08 |
Chuck_Norris | kout: but, if that defraggin is taking long, i think you got nail the problem -.- | 16:08 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: you think its taking too long? the drive is fine man | 16:08 |
Chuck_Norris | we don't know, we will see | 16:09 |
kout | Chuck_Norris: i gotta go to class, ill be back later to try to find a solution, this is probably going to ruin my new drive and i cannot afford a new one. | 16:09 |
ntz | can anybody please answer my question ? | 16:09 |
Chuck_Norris | ok man, go class | 16:09 |
=== ajeffco_ is now known as ajeffco | ||
Chuck_Norris | then i we will try again, or ask for help here | 16:10 |
Pici | ntz: it will indeed create a crontab for root. | 16:10 |
=== Sagar is now known as Guest48656 | ||
ntz | Pici: thanks .. so it is supposed to work under root straight away, eg */1 * * * * true | 16:12 |
Pici | ntz: yes. | 16:13 |
ntz | thanks for refference, i'm going to continue with the email :) | 16:13 |
ntz | bye !! | 16:13 |
ntz | s/refference/reference/ | 16:14 |
side_control | anybody got touchegg to register gestures using synaptics driver? this is on a yoga, the elan touchscreen is registering gestures but not the touchpad | 16:16 |
asdfn | hello | 16:27 |
jiffe | I just installed ubuntu from a disk we burned back in may, tried to apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and it errors out | 16:27 |
=== Kriss_ is now known as Kris545545 | ||
teward | jiffe: what are the errors? | 16:28 |
ChrisD24 | Anyone know why some websites, like my bank (bill pay) section with lots of text boxes and drop downs are all squished and overlapped? | 16:28 |
jiffe | seems this machine has bigger issues, one of the disks just went offline so I'm guessing that is the problem | 16:33 |
=== marcin is now known as Guest84833 | ||
sogeking99 | Hey guys, The startup disk creator is not working for me. When I choose 'other' for the source iso and select it nothing happens. | 16:39 |
sogeking99 | I am trying to write OpenSUSE to a live USB. | 16:40 |
Polsaker | Hi, how can I add a mouse button + key combination (ie: pressing ctrl + left button = middle button click) | 16:42 |
bubbasaures | sogeking99, That app is just for ubuntu, you will need another loader for suse | 16:44 |
* t5` is away (auto-away after 2hrs of inactivity) - (02:45 pm) | 16:45 | |
=== t5` is now known as T5` | ||
sogeking99 | bubbasaures, Any idea what I can use? | 16:45 |
philinux | sogeking99;~ you'll need something like this | 16:45 |
Pici | T5`: Please disable that if you are going to idle in this channel. | 16:45 |
philinux | nice gui too | 16:45 |
bubbasaures | sogeking99, Handfulls of usb loaders and a opensuse channel, and your asking this? | 16:45 |
bubbasaures | not to mention the web | 16:46 |
philinux | cos startupdisk creator is Ubuntu | 16:47 |
bubbasaures | for ubuntu | 16:47 |
philinux | bubbasaures;~ it doesn't explicity say so in the app | 16:48 |
philinux | it should | 16:48 |
bubbasaures | yes | 16:49 |
duckgoose | Hello! | 16:52 |
duckgoose | I'm wondering why I can't drag icons to the desktop on ubuntu | 16:53 |
duckgoose | I could in previous versions | 16:53 |
pbx | duckgoose, from the files app? should work. WFM in 14.04... | 16:54 |
bubbasaures | duckgoose, You can, you need to click the associated switch for your release and desktop. | 16:54 |
duckgoose | I'm not sure if it's the files app or not. I'm trying to drag an app icon from the applications menu to the desktop | 16:56 |
Guest-7716 | so? | 16:56 |
Slackwise | Quick question, hopefully: we're missing /etc/init.d/sendmail after a reinstall. I thought dpkg-reconfigure would re-run post-install scripts and move/recreate the file, but it hasn't. A purge/reinstall doesn't work either. What's the proper way? | 16:57 |
=== tcpman is now known as Guest64808 | ||
Pici | Slackwise: A reinstall of the sendmail-bin package should do the trick. | 16:59 |
Slackwise | -bin? Hmm. | 17:00 |
vars | This is really cool, I can't believe I missed pass workshops! | 17:00 |
vars | where I can get the past workshops? | 17:01 |
vars | so i can get up to date? | 17:01 |
Pici | vars: What workshops? | 17:01 |
vars | I mean the previous conversations | 17:02 |
Pici | vars: in #ubuntu ? | 17:02 |
Slackwise | Pici: It actually threw an error at post-install saying it couldn't find the script. Lol. | 17:02 |
vars | ok pici | 17:02 |
Slackwise | invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/sendmail not found. | 17:02 |
Pici | Slackwise: bizarre | 17:02 |
Pici | vars: No, I'm asking what past conversations you are asking about. | 17:03 |
bubbasaures | Pici, All your's, muhahhhaha | 17:04 |
vars | you right pici wrong channel lol | 17:04 |
bubbasaures | just ribbin | 17:04 |
Slackwise | Pici: Should I assume that the distro came with the sendmail init script, and therefor isn't part of the package itself? (That's kind of strange.) | 17:05 |
Pici | Slackwise: no. it looks like only sendmail-bin should ship /etc/init.d/sendmail | 17:05 |
tux_ | anyone play Urban Terror? | 17:07 |
pbx | tux_, wrong channel | 17:07 |
tux_ | pbx, where could I ask about that please | 17:08 |
tux_ | not sure if its a mesa thing or 14.10 based | 17:08 |
Dompers | #ryzom | 17:08 |
Slackwise | Pici: Looks like purge --> autoremove --> install worked. Heh. (I tried that earlier, but only 'sendmail' not -bin.) | 17:08 |
Slackwise | Pici: Either way, thanks! | 17:08 |
pbx | tux_, if you have an ubuntu support question then jump right in with the context and specifics. it sounded like you wanted to chat about a game | 17:08 |
tux_ | well i was getting 90fps on 14.4 and its dropped to 60 fps on 14.10 | 17:09 |
tux_ | so there's a regression there somewhere | 17:09 |
tux_ | wanted other ubuntu users to relate to | 17:09 |
tux_ | so mesa maybe.. | 17:09 |
rohi | hi | 17:09 |
andrici | bye guys | 17:09 |
rohi | guys give me wifi hacking tips | 17:10 |
Pici | rohi: no. That is not what this channel is for. | 17:10 |
rohi | mail me easy procedure | 17:10 |
rohi | please | 17:10 |
rohi | please | 17:10 |
rohi | | 17:11 |
Baluse | | 17:11 |
quuxman | Is the tracker package maintained? It's supposed to have nautilus integration, but I don't see anything | 17:11 |
johncarper | If a hacker gets access to your OpenVPN for example hosted on your network, Would he be able to do nasty things to other pc's that are on tesame lan as the server if clients on the lan like for example my pc are pingable over the vpn? | 17:11 |
rich | learn wifi mesh networking rohi, the rest will come easy. My support ?. how to turn my touch screen back on. It stoped working with 14.4 LTS? | 17:11 |
quuxman | Is there any tag system in Ubuntu that's compatible with Mac file tags, in case I sync folders between OSs? | 17:14 |
nbuonanno | Does anyone here have a combination of experience with 14.04 and SLiM? | 17:19 |
pbx | quuxman, what do you mean by "Mac file tags"? What does Apple call them? | 17:21 |
quuxman | pbx: tags. You can add and search them with finder | 17:21 |
=== rich is now known as peetbog | ||
quuxman | pbx: they're stored in the filesystem, so if you rsync the files to another machine, or to a backup store, they persist | 17:21 |
pbx | quuxman, ah, pardon. i'm still on 10.8 so i dunno | 17:21 |
pbx | quuxman, fwiw | 17:22 |
TheNumb | .DS_Store? | 17:22 |
TheNumb | | 17:22 |
quuxman | no it uses file system metadata, like you'd expect | 17:23 |
quuxman | DS_Store holds thumbnails and icon positions and whatnot | 17:24 |
pbx | ah, i see, 'tags' is basically the old 'labels' but you can apply multiple tags to a file instead of just one label | 17:24 |
quuxman | I'm getting incredibly tired of not being able to tag local files. Why do I only get to do this on Mac, or in flickr, or whatever? | 17:25 |
=== vnazarenko is now known as codeberry | ||
quuxman | supposedly the tracker-gui package has nautilus integration, but it does nothing for me | 17:25 |
bynarie | hello | 17:26 |
johncarper | I have a printer connected to my Wireless LAN and every device connected to my LAN network can print, I have a ubuntu home server running and would like to make this printer available when I connect to my VPN hosted on the server. Would this be possible? | 17:32 |
MoPac | Hello. I've been advised to install a library from Vivid in order to fix a bug I'm experiencing in Trusty ( ) However, the new version is above the required release for my current libxext-dev. And removing that removes a bunch of other packages (I'm on Xorg-edgers to start with) | 17:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 1369113 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Steam game began crashing 2014-09-12 (cross-post Source bugtracker)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:33 |
MoPac | So I'm wondering if there is a way to find out if there is any problem with just installing the higher version and then reinstalling the other ones, or if I might be looking at a very broken package system if I try | 17:33 |
buck1 | what could possibly cause this? E: Internal Error, No file name for libc6 | 17:33 |
buck1 | prevents me from doing an apt-get install | 17:34 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: As long as you have the firewall rules in place to forward traffic from your VPN network to your local network, I don't see why it wouldn't. | 17:34 |
johncarper | Yes that's set already, I can ping devices like local computers etc over the network | 17:35 |
johncarper | There's just 1 problem i'm having right now | 17:35 |
MoPac | johncarper: So you currently have it set up, but it's just not recognizing the printer? | 17:35 |
nbuonanno | Assuming you have a tunnel network that's on a separate subnet from your LAN... the printer itself may be configured to only accept traffic from the local LAN. | 17:36 |
buck1 | for those that care: sudo dpkg --configure -a solved it, per | 17:36 |
johncarper | Yes that's correct, I did a arp-a and that succesfully lists my printer "( at (mac address) [ether] on eth0" but when I try ping the printer I get operation not permited | 17:36 |
buck1 | back to the main problem: I’m trying to run a command with a raised hardlimit on core dump size. this is the terrible command i've come up with: | 17:36 |
buck1 | sudo sh -c 'ulimit -SHc unlimited && su $LOGNAME -c "ulimit -Sc unlimited && command i actually care about"' | 17:36 |
buck1 | surely there's a better way? | 17:36 |
johncarper | Also if it with arp-scan it doesn't list it while with arp-a it does | 17:37 |
johncarper | that's the weird thing | 17:37 |
skyfall | how to stop a running command in the terminal ? | 17:37 |
nbuonanno | skyfall: Ctrl + C should work. | 17:37 |
skyfall | nbuonanno, thank you | 17:37 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: You only get the Operation not permitted message when trying to ping the pritner's IP? | 17:37 |
MoPac | nbuonanno: At the risk of raising another topic here ... is there a simple explanation somewhere of the difference between ctrl-z, ctrl-c, and ctrl \ ? | 17:38 |
johncarper | nbuonanno Yes that's correct, I can ping any other devices on the local network fine. | 17:38 |
nbuonanno | MoPac: Ctrl-Z stuffs the active process into the background, where it can be resumed with the "fg" command ("foreground"). | 17:38 |
MoPac | johncarper: Have you checked that you can ping the printer from a device on the actual physical local network rather than through the VPN? (I.e., elimiate the possibility that it's a problem with the ping rather than with the VPN) | 17:39 |
buck1 | it seems that i'm looking for the prlimit command, but it's not available on ubuntu precise (the travis VMs) so I need the next best thing | 17:39 |
nbuonanno | I think the term for it is "pause". | 17:39 |
nbuonanno | For instance, I used to have ViM with a config file open, and would Ctrl-Z it to look at the filesystem, then fg to pull it up again. | 17:40 |
johncarper | MoPac: I can ping it on my Windows PC with no problem at all, Also i'm pinging from my server, that's also on my LAN | 17:40 |
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MoPac | johncarper: What's the printer model? | 17:40 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: That may support my thought that the printer will reject traffic from sources not on its local LAN. | 17:40 |
nbuonanno | I can't remember if the following works or not, but... | 17:41 |
johncarper | MoPac: It's a Canon MG5400 series | 17:41 |
johncarper | I will try ping it on my Ubuntu desktop also to see if that works | 17:41 |
nbuonanno | If your LAN subnet is, you can configure your OpenVPN server to operate on the subnet. | 17:42 |
nbuonanno | Or just set it up as a bridged VPN, although that's a tricky process. | 17:42 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I get Operation not permitted when I try ping it from my server, that's connected on my LAN | 17:43 |
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nbuonanno | johncarper: The server itself could be blocking traffic, then. You said you have firewall rules configured, I assume through iptables? | 17:44 |
Guest6545 | Welcome to #ubuntu! << strange that an Ubuntu upgrade forces me into a channel without asking :-/ | 17:44 |
* nbuonanno runs to the bathroom. | 17:45 | |
johncarper | nbuonanno: For the VPN yes, I just tried disabling my firewall and I can ping the printer succesfully. How could my UFW firewall be blocking the printer pinging on tesame LAN? | 17:45 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I don't really get that why the UFW blocks just the Printer pinging and not any other devices | 17:46 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: Would you mind sending a pastebin of your configured rules? | 17:49 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: Sure, no problem | 17:50 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: | 17:53 |
nbuonanno | WOW that is a lot of output. I've never used UFW, so give me a minute or six to parse this. | 17:55 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: no problem :) | 17:56 |
slipttees | Hi all | 17:56 |
slipttees | I have problem indicator-battery | 17:56 |
slipttees | ubuntu 14.04 | 17:57 |
slipttees | not brand battery status | 17:57 |
Ebai | hey guys im trying to get pointed into the right direction on using one ubuntu laptop to remotely connect to another ubuntu laptop. | 17:59 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: Does UFW have a GUI that you're using, or is it all CLI? If there's a GUI, an I get a list of rules you've manually configured? | 18:00 |
nbuonanno | (it might save me some time trying to figure out what you've explicitly configured) | 18:00 |
Ebai | The info ive been looking up if a lil confusing n i was hopin someone here could point me in the right direction. | 18:00 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: it's all cli, but I just noticed 1 line "-A ufw-user-limit -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable" when reading trough | 18:00 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: that might be the reason why it rejects the ping | 18:01 |
nbuonanno | I saw that, too, I'm just trying to figure out where it's putting that in the rules list. | 18:01 |
root____ | Oh my god! | 18:01 |
=== root____ is now known as GreatStorm_____ | ||
GreatStorm_____ | Hello | 18:01 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: there's are iptables rules from iptables-persistent | 18:01 |
GreatStorm_____ | Anyone here? | 18:01 |
nbuonanno | GreatStorm_____: Nope. | 18:01 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I will try remove that rule and see if it works | 18:01 |
SliMM | Hey guys. I just got a Jetson TK1 development board which runs Ubuntu 14.04. I don't have easy access to ethernet cables/networks and I wanted to set up some sort of ethernet over USB networking so that, when I connect the boar to my laptop through USB I get an ethernet "device" on my laptop. Is this something easily doable? Can you guys point me in the right direction? | 18:02 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: Since these are all -A rules ("append"), each entry is put at the bottom of the rules list in the order they'e being read. | 18:02 |
OerHeks | !rootirc | GreatStorm_____ | 18:02 |
ubottu | GreatStorm_____: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet. | 18:02 |
shoerain | should console-kit-daemon take up 2GB of ram? | 18:03 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: If that rule is at the bottom, and there's no rule explicitly allowing whatever it blocks above it, then yes, that will drop those packets. | 18:03 |
GreatStorm_____ | lol | 18:03 |
nbuonanno | Or reject them, as it were. | 18:03 |
SliMM | I was looking over and it seems like the "Linux PDAs" section applies to this case, but it doesn't really have any instructions on how to set things up... | 18:03 |
nbuonanno | I think that rule is a default-deny type of thing. | 18:03 |
GreatStorm_____ | Channel :D | 18:03 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: ICMP is something related to pinging if i'm correct? | 18:03 |
GreatStorm_____ | Yes, right. | 18:04 |
GreatStorm_____ | ICMP = ping. | 18:04 |
slipttees | anyone haelp, indicator-batter not brand battery status | 18:04 |
slipttees | :-/ | 18:04 |
johncarper | Alright | 18:04 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: Correct. A ping is an ICMP packet of type ECHO_REQUEST. | 18:04 |
nbuonanno | Or some approximation of that. | 18:04 |
nbuonanno | ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol. | 18:04 |
GreatStorm_____ | Sir? | 18:04 |
GreatStorm_____ | Anyone here know how to setupa botnet? | 18:04 |
OerHeks | wrong channel for that, GreatStorm_____ , this is ubuntu support only | 18:05 |
teward | GreatStorm_____: that's offtopic on the entire network. | 18:05 |
GreatStorm_____ | Why? | 18:06 |
chris_ | hi i got one problem i want add new ftdi_sio device but in /sys/bus/ is no folder called usb-serial im on 14.10 | 18:06 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: That solved the issue, I can ping succesfully now :) | 18:06 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: Thanks for the assistance | 18:06 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: No problem, glad it's working. | 18:06 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I can start setting up my printer server now :) | 18:06 |
nbuonanno | johncarper: depending on how much you want to lock down your VPN connection, a good rule configuration might be: | 18:07 |
johncarper | And hopefully in the end be able to use the printer over the vpn :) | 18:07 |
nbuonanno | VPN_subnet -> LAN subnet ACCEPT | 18:07 |
nbuonanno | LAN subnet -> VPN subnet ACCEPT | 18:07 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I think there are pretty few security risks if a hacker gets access to your OpenVPN that can ping other computers on the local network | 18:08 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: Ok I will try to look into that | 18:08 |
nbuonanno | That depends on what other security measures are in place. | 18:08 |
nbuonanno | I'd also have a rule allowing DNS from the VPN subnet to whatever you're using for local DNS, if at all. | 18:09 |
Ebai | any help with remote desktops? | 18:09 |
serranellus | Hi everybody! Is there a geek, who's nerd enough to know how to solve the following problem? Is it possible to configure the brightness control buttons of a notebook running Xubuntu 14 to work? I suppose it tries to affect the brightness value of /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0, but on my hardware it should instead address the command to /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight... | 18:09 |
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 | ||
nbuonanno | johncarper: All under the FORWARD table, by the way. | 18:09 |
nbuonanno | You can PM me later if you need more help. | 18:10 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I have my clients forced to use & as dns servers | 18:10 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: Alright, thanks | 18:10 |
johncarper | nbuonanno: I don't have alot of experience with firewalls & especially not with iptables, Will have to make some time to get more into that :) | 18:11 |
skyfall | i cant change my "Wireless Power Saving for interface wlan0 " from "BAD" to "GOOD". Im using powertop | 18:16 |
skyfall | any solutions ? | 18:16 |
skyfall | anybody familiar with powertop ? | 18:17 |
CoC_towlie | how do i know what rc script is used by startx? strace -e read startx ? | 18:18 |
K4k | What functionality would I lose if I disable avahi-daemon? I have a fairly underpowered machine by modern standards and it's hogging a fair chunk of my CPU time. | 18:25 |
daftykins | K4k: what are you running? lu/xu/ubuntu? | 18:26 |
K4k | daftykins: ubuntu gnome | 18:26 |
compdoc | | 18:26 |
compdoc | doesnt sound as if you need it | 18:27 |
daftykins | K4k: what hardware specification? | 18:27 |
K4k | daftykins: it's an IBM X61. Intel Core2 processor | 18:28 |
daftykins | RAM? | 18:28 |
K4k | 2GB | 18:28 |
K4k | I was just noticing the system seemed a little sluggish and pulling up htop shows avahi-daemon steadily utilizing about 10% cpu | 18:29 |
daftykins | mmm, i don't know how heavy gnome is compared with xfce or lxde | 18:30 |
K4k | Oh, it's a good bit heavier then XFCE for sure | 18:30 |
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest67759 | ||
K4k | well, I've figured out how to disable it. I'll see how it goes | 18:34 |
K4k | from the reading I did, briefly, it sounds like it's only really needed if you don't have dns/dhcp on your networks which I usually do | 18:34 |
daftykins | K4k: *nod* or i think zero configuration of some devices too. definitely a timewaster! yeah see how it goes :) | 18:35 |
daftykins | sorry i was just working on something there so only just came up with a link now | 18:35 |
K4k | daftykins: no worries, thanks for the input | 18:35 |
daftykins | no problem :) | 18:35 |
debora_ | 2 | 18:41 |
hydruid | I enabled gnome applets in XFCE but how do I right click on them? | 18:44 |
setra | how can I disable startup of a service. I read somewhere services can be masked to prevent startup...on ubuntu 14.04 | 18:45 |
hydruid | setra: which service? | 18:45 |
Aladiah | Iam creating a VIrtual box for Lubunt 14.04 with windows vista basic. Any sugestions from experienced linux users with it ? | 18:46 |
Aladiah | I hope to be able to use Nokia pc suite on it with all functions ! | 18:46 |
Aladiah | And also runa Onlive games on it | 18:46 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah how much memory on the host? | 18:47 |
hydruid | Aladiah: just give it 2GB of ram and 25% of your cpu | 18:47 |
setra | hydruid, any service, in my case lxdm | 18:47 |
hydruid | Aladiah: be patient while it powers on | 18:47 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, i gave it 4 cores and 4 gb of memory, my host is windows 7 x64 with i7 | 18:48 |
CoC_towlie | i installed virtualbox extension pack to enable usb2.0 and accelerated graphics | 18:48 |
hydruid | setra: this might get you started | 18:48 |
Aladiah | Iam doing it with a fix hard drive . they say its faster | 18:48 |
hydruid | Aladiah: it does give a slight performance boost | 18:49 |
Aladiah | iam with an poor acer extion 5204 wlmi with 2 GB Ram | 18:49 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, yeah preallocate all your harddrive | 18:49 |
hydruid | Aladiah: just be aware that you can't play games that require a heavy duty graphics card | 18:49 |
hydruid | Aladiah: in that case, only give it 1GB of ram and 25% cpu | 18:49 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, in that case do not install ubuntu, you can maybe try lubuntu or dsl | 18:50 |
Aladiah | iam with lubuntu | 18:50 |
Aladiah | yes i puuted it 1 GB RAM | 18:50 |
hydruid | Aladiah: that should be fine | 18:50 |
Aladiah | Onlive games run from server, they dot use much machine at all . | 18:51 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, also make sure install guest addition after you install lubuntu. | 18:52 |
gasull | What is the package in Ubuntu that checks for updates? | 18:52 |
jeffjohnsonio | exit | 18:52 |
CoC_towlie | gasull, apt-get update | 18:52 |
Aladiah | CoC_towlie: how to install that pack? | 18:52 |
hydruid | gasull: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y to install updates | 18:52 |
gasull | CoC_towlie: I mean the one that automatically checks for updates and pops a message when you have to update | 18:53 |
gasull | hydruid: ^ | 18:53 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, run this and then reboot your guest udo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 | 18:53 |
hydruid | gasull: software updater? | 18:53 |
gasull | hydruid: what is the package for it? | 18:53 |
hydruid | gasull: no idea lol | 18:54 |
CoC_towlie | Aladiah, sorry that is sudo not udo just incase | 18:54 |
athan | ... why doesn't gimp's toolbox windows hide when I focus on other windows...? | 18:54 |
athan | I don't get it... they're above other windows and I can't seem to get them to go away... | 18:55 |
hydruid | gasull: perhaps update-manager | 18:55 |
linelevel | gasull: | 18:55 |
daftykins | Aladiah: it's seriously unlikely to run Windows based phone software under Linux | 18:55 |
Aladiah | Windows vista basic its not a windows phone softare based doesnt it » | 18:56 |
daftykins | Aladiah: i meant the nokia product you referred to | 18:56 |
bekks | Aladiah: Just create a virtualbox vm, and install Vista in it - although Vista is EOL already. | 18:57 |
daftykins | oh, i was confused as to whether it was Lubuntu on Vista or Vista on Lubuntu :) | 18:57 |
rodroma | Hello, i tried automounting a hdd with fstab but i dont know why i cant copy/paste files from/into the disc. Any ideas? | 18:58 |
daftykins | permissions | 18:58 |
daftykins | rodroma: can you pastebin "ls -al /your/mount/point" and also your fstab | 18:59 |
Aladiah | I clicked start to install the iso, and it gave me an error | 19:00 |
bekks | Aladiah: So read the message, it tells you what to do. | 19:00 |
Aladiah | FIsrt this : | 19:01 |
daftykins | Aladiah: no, run the command in your first paste first | 19:02 |
ed83 | Hello, I have USB Audio Controller using AK4571 model board, the HID part of this device is not functioing correctly in linux. When I press the up or down volume on this device, the sound gets caught in a loop and stays going up or down. I noticed in showkey, the keys gets released first and then pressed. | 19:02 |
Aladiah | ok | 19:02 |
ed83 | is there a way to fix keymapping for particular usb device? | 19:03 |
Aladiah | I did it but it dont work, still give me same error. may be i should install the DKMS package first ? | 19:03 |
Aladiah | how to do it in console command ? | 19:04 |
bekks | Aladiah: Which command did you run? | 19:04 |
Aladiah | i did in console : /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup | 19:04 |
k1l | Aladiah: what ubuntu is that? | 19:04 |
k1l | Aladiah: and what is your task right there? | 19:04 |
bekks | k1l: He's trying to start virtualbox. | 19:04 |
Aladiah | yes | 19:04 |
bekks | Aladiah: Which Ubuntu are you on? | 19:05 |
k1l | on a regular ubuntu dkms should have build the modules. so what ubuntu is that? | 19:05 |
daftykins | Aladiah: with sudo? | 19:05 |
Aladiah | Lubuntu 14.04 | 19:05 |
xealot | hi everyone. Im trying to assist a friend with installing ubuntu, his laptop has Windows 8 preinstalled with UEFI and he wants to dual boot it. I have never used UEFI before but we cannot get it to boot into ubuntu as it will directly boot into windows with no prompt. | 19:05 |
Aladiah | i should right sudo first doesn it? | 19:05 |
bekks | Aladiah: "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" | 19:06 |
daftykins | xealot: you need to shutdown 8 properly, then attempt to get a device boot menu | 19:06 |
xealot | daftykins, its not installed in wubi | 19:06 |
daftykins | xealot: i didn't refer to WUBI - what makes you bring it up? | 19:06 |
xealot | it has its own separate partitions, ubuntu is installed in uefi mode | 19:06 |
daftykins | xealot: ok you need to enter the BIOS/EFI setup and change the boot device *away* from 'Windows Boot Manager' and set it to be the actual hard disk instead | 19:07 |
k1l | xealot: wubi will not work on windows 8 anyway. so make a real install into own partitions | 19:07 |
xealot | daftykins, I mention it because if you install it outside wubi then windows 8 is completely off as the install takes place in the live system | 19:07 |
Aladiah | problemas again : | 19:07 |
daftykins | yeah i would not allow anyone sane to touch WUBI :P | 19:07 |
Aladiah | I should install should install the DKMS package first ? | 19:07 |
daftykins | Aladiah: you're not even reading the screen. it says read the log file to find out what's wrong | 19:08 |
xealot | im not new to linux so dont worry, its just that I have never touched uefi so its all very new to me. So I have to tell him to change the device order in efi? | 19:08 |
daftykins | xealot: not order, primary device | 19:08 |
xealot | okay | 19:08 |
Aladiah | but i don t even have idea how to log it ? | 19:08 |
daftykins | Aladiah: pastebinit /var/log/vbox-install.log | 19:09 |
bekks | Aladiah: You dont need to log it. Open up a text editor, and view the log which is named. | 19:09 |
bekks | Or pastebin it :) | 19:09 |
Aladiah | ok thanks | 19:09 |
Aladiah | so i should do in console : sudo gedit /var/log/vbox-install.log | 19:10 |
bekks | Aladiah: No. | 19:10 |
daftykins | Aladiah: i already told you what to run | 19:10 |
xealot | question though. Shouldnt it work using the windows boot manager anyway? He ran the boot-repair which reinstalled grub-efi and I could clearly see that it detected the windows efi boot on the efi partition and added itself (grub) in there | 19:11 |
bekks | Aladiah: "< daftykins> Aladiah: pastebinit /var/log/vbox-install.log" | 19:11 |
Aladiah | i cant find the var directoru | 19:11 |
daftykins | xealot: no because GRUB replaces that to intercept boot | 19:11 |
xealot | ok | 19:11 |
Aladiah | i cant find those directorys | 19:11 |
Aladiah | var/ log | 19:11 |
bekks | Aladiah: Just type that command. | 19:11 |
Aladiah | ok | 19:11 |
bekks | Aladiah: Why do you ask things if you dont even read the answers? | 19:12 |
rodroma | daftykins: i rebooted and it doesnt even mount | 19:12 |
daftykins | rodroma: alright so your mount entry must be wrong. can you pastebin /etc/fstab... | 19:13 |
rodroma | when i try to mount it says that only root can mount it | 19:13 |
Aladiah | sorry, iam newby, not well prepared to such so evoluted installing. I found this : | 19:13 |
Aladiah | iam nervous too.. | 19:13 |
lotuspsychje | evening to all | 19:14 |
setra | hydruid, thx that worked nicely | 19:14 |
bekks | Aladiah: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 19:14 |
Aladiah | ok | 19:14 |
rodroma | | 19:14 |
bekks | Aladiah: After that, run "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" again. | 19:14 |
lotuspsychje | for those who own a samsung evo 840 ssd on ubuntu, they released a performance firmware for linux | 19:15 |
daftykins | rodroma: are you sure this disk contains a FAT32 partition? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" | 19:15 |
daftykins | (with it plugged in) | 19:15 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest73411 | ||
xealot | daftykins, okay so he couldnt find any setting relating to setting a boot device, only the boot order and windows boot manager had priority over the hard disk so those two were swapped but it still auto boots into windows | 19:18 |
rodroma | | 19:18 |
Corenet | hi everybody.. today i have installed the gnome desktop..and i have shutdown my machine after it finished installation..but when i booted my machine i get the grub menu and the ubuntu screen but it doesnt take me to login screen...i've waited for sometime but it wont start..i tried searching the internet but didnt find a solution..plss help!!! | 19:18 |
Aladiah | bekks: it say it is Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules some minutes ago. ITs normal to take so longer ? | 19:18 |
Aladiah | ok done | 19:18 |
k1l | Aladiah: yes | 19:18 |
lotuspsychje | Corenet: wich ubuntu version is this? | 19:19 |
Corenet | 14.04 | 19:19 |
daftykins | xealot: perhaps a save setting was missed? | 19:19 |
k1l | Corenet: what video card? | 19:19 |
Aladiah | Thanks bekks and to you all, it Started now. | 19:19 |
daftykins | rodroma: why are you using debian's paste? | 19:21 |
Uub | I am looking for help controlling the output from an LS command on a given directory, I want to out to say all the files and sub directories have a different root than where they are | 19:21 |
Uub | git ls-files -s --directory some/sub/dir | sed "s-\t\"*-&other/sub/dir/-" | 19:21 |
Uub | ie a file is actually at some/sub/dir/somefile.txt , but I want it to output other/sub/dir/somefile.txt | 19:22 |
daftykins | rodroma: make sure /media/mypath actually exists, then replace the word 'defaults' with the word 'user' and run 'sudo mount -a' to test it | 19:22 |
daftykins | rodroma: if you're actually using debian though, now would be the time to own up | 19:23 |
Aladiah | no nootable system found . Halt. . . what this mean ? | 19:23 |
Aladiah | In virtual box. No bootabel system found. Halt system | 19:23 |
k1l | Aladiah: you need to install a system. virtualbox is just an empty pc. there is no OS inside until you install one | 19:24 |
Aladiah | i already have this vista iso | 19:24 |
Aladiah | I start then what i do ? | 19:24 |
k1l | then choose the vista iso in the settings of the virtual box you created | 19:25 |
streulma | how can I set my fan speed to manual on my HP 17-F060NB? | 19:25 |
clouddig | I'm following these steps to install OpenStack: | 19:25 |
minimec | streulma: Normally in your BIOS settings | 19:25 |
clouddig | Do I need to do anything to accommodate a proxy? | 19:25 |
streulma | minimec no | 19:25 |
streulma | minimec I want to echo sys class ... | 19:26 |
Aladiah | I did that, it appears a black screen saying windows files are loading.. now i have a black screen with nothing. i have to wait ? | 19:27 |
Aladiah | Yes it is loading . . . | 19:27 |
Corenet | let me see | 19:27 |
Corenet | its Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD | 19:27 |
Aladiah | Thank you very much . | 19:27 |
minimec | streulma: I would prefer the BIOS way, but if you know what you want to do, why would you ask that question in the #channel? | 19:27 |
daftykins | Aladiah: i will direct you to ##windows at this point for help on how to install Windows Vista, this is not supported here. | 19:28 |
minimec | streulma: | 19:28 |
Aladiah | I could have sound on it and use usb to connect nokia e63 to windows pc suite with out more or i need the virtualbox extension pack ? I need to install all drivers as a normal windows installing. Or in lubuntu no need ? | 19:29 |
lotuspsychje | streulma: there is fancontrol and psensor to measure, not sure if you can control speed with it | 19:29 |
daftykins | Aladiah: these questions are now ##windows support and #vbox support, nothing to do with this channel. | 19:29 |
bekks | Aladiah: | 19:30 |
k1l | Aladiah: you need to install the virtualbox "guest additions" in windows. but that you have been given the better channels for that. | 19:30 |
Aladiah | You are all right ! Thank your for this tip until now ! | 19:30 |
lotuspsychje | Aladiah: and if you need ubuntu packages that replace your windows needs, just ask us | 19:31 |
Aladiah | i cant believe iam runing windows up on Linux. | 19:31 |
lotuspsychje | lol | 19:31 |
lotuspsychje | Aladiah: whats your endgoal exactly? | 19:32 |
Aladiah | lotuspsychje: Onlive dont work in playonlinux no way ! | 19:32 |
Aladiah | it worked once, but after onlive update it dont work longer | 19:32 |
Corenet | k1l: its Intel Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA) 4500MHD | 19:33 |
lotuspsychje | Aladiah: this is what you want? | 19:33 |
Aladiah | My phone is noia E63 and i cant find any decent alternative to pcsuite in limnux format . | 19:33 |
k1l | Corenet: ok, that should work. you could remove "quiet" and "splash" on the grub entry when booting to see the messages and where it stops booting ubuntu | 19:33 |
Corenet | k1l: how to do that!!?? | 19:34 |
gianfry | indovina chi viene a natale | 19:36 |
daftykins | !it | gianfry | 19:36 |
ubottu | gianfry: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 19:36 |
k1l | Corenet: when seeing grub showing the ubuntu entries, press e to edit the ubuntu ine, then go to the line saying quiet and splash and just erase that words. then press the button to boot that (i think f12?!?) | 19:36 |
Corenet | ok i'll have to reboot using windows now to chat.. | 19:37 |
Aladiah | lotuspsychje : if this onlive linux app work. It will be a Christmas present from you . | 19:42 |
lotuspsychje | Aladiah: well, if thats the app you need on that url? | 19:43 |
Corenet | hi again | 19:46 |
Aladiah | I installed it and it ask me to modify essential parts of my system | 19:46 |
Aladiah | Then nothin happens. I thing this could be some hacking app doesn it ? have you tested it ? | 19:46 |
Corenet | k1l: it stopped at "Restoring Resolver state.." | 19:46 |
Aladiah | lotuspsychje | 19:46 |
ikonia | Aladiah: what exactly did you install ? | 19:47 |
ikonia | please try to be clear | 19:47 |
k1l | Aladiah: did you wait longer then 2 seconds? | 19:47 |
Corenet | yes | 19:47 |
Aladiah | the onlive | 19:47 |
ikonia | from where ? | 19:47 |
lotuspsychje | Aladiah: i did not test myself | 19:47 |
Aladiah | | 19:47 |
Aladiah | i will remove itr | 19:47 |
Aladiah | i think iam in danger now | 19:48 |
ikonia | Aladiah: so what do you want this channel to do about this ? how can we help you ? | 19:48 |
onla | what happened? why are you in danger? | 19:49 |
k1l | Corenet: try that first answer: | 19:50 |
florinandrei | When creating an interface configuration file, what does the "name" word stand for? See this example: | 19:50 |
florinandrei | what does name do? | 19:50 |
ikonia | florinandrei: that config file is wrong | 19:51 |
ikonia | l0 shouldn't have an IP | 19:51 |
ikonia | it's a loopback interface | 19:51 |
dbugger | Hi guys. Can someone tell me how can I get the same colors I get on my terminal, when I SSH into a machine? | 19:51 |
florinandrei | ikonia: it's a special configuration, this is not a general purpose server, I'm doing network simulations (i.e. "I know what I'm doing") | 19:52 |
Corenet | k1l: will try it now!! | 19:52 |
ikonia | florinandrei: then if you know what you are doing, you are capable of reading the interface file documentation | 19:52 |
florinandrei | ikonia: I've tried that already, but the documentation doesn't mention the keyword "name" anywyere | 19:53 |
ikonia | so why are you using it then ? | 19:53 |
florinandrei | it's inherited, and I can't get a hold of the owner. I just don't see that keyword having any real impact on the network alias being configured, but I need to make sure that is indeed the case. | 19:54 |
ikonia | florinandrei: it appears to be a named of the "function" eg: it's defining that this is an alias for eth0 | 19:54 |
Kartagis | how else can I convert a dos file format to linux format when dos2unix fails? | 19:54 |
ikonia | looking at documentation | 19:55 |
ikonia | Kartagis: why would it fail ? | 19:55 |
florinandrei | ikonia: seems more like a label to me, for admins, not for the system | 19:55 |
Kartagis | ikonia: no idea, it says converting... but the file loos the same when I look at it | 19:55 |
ikonia | Kartagis: what is it you're trying to remove | 19:56 |
ikonia | or change | 19:56 |
Kartagis | ikonia: ^M | 19:56 |
ikonia | %s:/ | 19:56 |
ikonia | oops | 19:56 |
ikonia | %s/^M//g | 19:56 |
ikonia | from within vi | 19:56 |
Kartagis | ikonia: yeah, it says Trailing characters | 20:00 |
Kartagis | that was the first thing I've tried | 20:00 |
ikonia | what does ? | 20:00 |
Kartagis | vim | 20:00 |
ikonia | what first thing | 20:00 |
ikonia | that syntax is fine | 20:00 |
ikonia | so you're not doing it correctly | 20:00 |
Kartagis | :%s/^M//g | 20:01 |
ikonia | you understand that : puts it into a function mode | 20:02 |
ikonia | you don't actually include : | 20:02 |
Kartagis | I know | 20:02 |
reisio | ikonia: try that in Python! :p | 20:02 |
ikonia | reisio: ha, no thanks | 20:02 |
reisio | Python has an unnecessary colonic requirement that goes against its very own philosophy :/</rant> | 20:04 |
GlenK | hi. anyone know what package sysv-rc-conf is in? or even better how to use apt or whatever to find out? I'm assuming sysv-rc-conf is something like chkconfig. | 20:10 |
ikonia | no, it doesn't work like that | 20:10 |
ikonia | ubuntu uses upstart | 20:10 |
ikonia | so systemV config doesn't work | 20:10 |
bekks | !find sysv-rc-conf | 20:11 |
ubottu | Found: sysv-rc-conf | 20:11 |
ikonia | should be using the upstart config definitions | 20:11 |
haidora | help please how to install virtual box on ubuntu?? | 20:11 |
ikonia | open the package manager, search for virtual box, click install | 20:11 |
GlenK | ikonia: even on 12.04? | 20:11 |
ikonia | GlenK: yes, | 20:12 |
ikonia | it's still using upstart on 12.04 | 20:12 |
bekks | haidora: sudo apt-get install virtualbox | 20:12 |
ikonia | has done since about 8.04 (roughly from memory) | 20:12 |
haidora | E: Unable to locate package virtualbox i have this error | 20:14 |
GlenK | ikonia: so looks like edit stuff under /etc/init, no? | 20:14 |
ikonia | partly yes | 20:14 |
ikonia | haidora: open the package manager, search for virtualbox, click install | 20:14 |
teward | haidora: which Ubuntu version are you on? | 20:15 |
haidora | 14.04.1 | 20:15 |
ubuntu | 2 | 20:15 |
GlenK | ikonia: well, that seems to be the place where I control whether a service starts at boot, right? | 20:15 |
ikonia | in the conf files | 20:15 |
teward | haidora: do you have the multiverse repos enabled? | 20:16 |
lotuspsychje | GlenK: im also looking for a GUI to enable/disable etc/init system services | 20:16 |
lotuspsychje | GlenK: now im disabling them manual with service.override | 20:16 |
haidora | how to enable it? | 20:16 |
dm7freek | Is it possible to mount a fs that has things mounted to it? | 20:16 |
ikonia | you cant mount a mounted file system | 20:17 |
ikonia | for it to have things "mounted to it" it must already be mounted | 20:17 |
dm7freek | ikonia: not if it's remote (right?) e.g. machine a mounts drive 1 then machine b mounts a's root, can machine b access drive 1? | 20:18 |
ikonia | dm7freek: what ?? | 20:18 |
ikonia | dm7freek: why don't you explain exactly what you want | 20:18 |
teward | haidora: open the software center. Edit > Software sources... (in the menu bar) | 20:18 |
dm7freek | ikonia: That example is just that, let me try to clear it up... | 20:18 |
ikonia | dm7freek: if you mount a file system from a remote machine exporting it, you will see everything under the exported file system | 20:19 |
dm7freek | ikonia: ah, so then yes B would be able to see drive 1. thanks! | 20:20 |
teward | haidora: check the multiverse box, and you should be able to get virtualbox. note that there might be copyright or legal issues with the software in certain regions so it's up to you to make sure you're not violating any laws by using the software | 20:20 |
teward | haidora: then update your repository sources, and then do `sudo apt-get install virtualbox` | 20:21 |
haidora | teward: i checked multiverse box still not working | 20:24 |
teward | haidora: did you update your sources yet? | 20:24 |
GlenK | so here's my deal. I have a 3rd party application that put an init script into /etc/init.d. I can use the service command to start and stop it, but it's not starting at boot. is there a way to easily get it integrated with upstart? or do I need to create my own thing in /etc/init? | 20:24 |
teward | haidora: i.e. `sudo apt-get update` | 20:24 |
haidora | i installed ubuntu 14.04.1 from a few hours so i didn't install all important sources | 20:24 |
teward | haidora: `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install virtualbox` | 20:24 |
teward | haidora: in that order without the ` characters | 20:25 |
teward | after enabling multiverse | 20:25 |
GlenK | I mean, I know I could probably just put 'service foo start' in /etc/rc.local, but I'm trying to understand how this legacy init stuff works with the new init stuff | 20:25 |
haidora | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 20:26 |
haidora | E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ | 20:26 |
haidora | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 20:26 |
haidora | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 20:26 |
teward | haidora: close software center | 20:26 |
teward | haidora: and don't paste into the channel. | 20:26 |
teward | !paste > haidora | 20:26 |
ubottu | haidora, please see my private message | 20:26 |
haidora | ok i get it but i just closed software centre and tryed again | 20:28 |
haidora | it didn't work | 20:28 |
OerHeks | seems like you have softwarecenter open, and terminal | 20:29 |
Bashing-om | haidora: It is there: apt-cache show virtualbox > Version: 4.3.10-dfsg-1 > Filename: pool/multiverse/v/virtualbox/virtualbox_4.3.10-dfsg-1_amd64.deb . So you must figure out what you are not doing correctly. | 20:30 |
haidora | i will try to restart | 20:34 |
david38400 | I always had to sign in on my laptop once booting and put in my password. All of a sudden I don't need to. Can anyone help please? | 20:35 |
david38400 | Desktop not, laptop.... sorry | 20:35 |
=== darren is now known as Guest18047 | ||
Corenet | k1l: hi again..i tried what you told me..but couldnt get the login screen.. | 20:39 |
Bashing-om | Corenet: maybe boot to the GUI from terminal ? What desktop are you using ? | 20:44 |
whitor | Hi All. 14.04 here. Looking to edit my network connections and add two different configurations for the same Wi-Fi access point. I want one static and one dynamic. Problem is, Ubuntu is only displaying the available SSID's and not the entire list of network connections for me to choose from... any way to change this? | 20:44 |
haidora | i restarted and the the source update started but now i have an ingored files at the end | 20:44 |
Corenet | Bashing-om:i was using unity..but i tried to install gnome | 20:45 |
nbuonanno | whitor: Is this all on one wireless adapter? | 20:45 |
whitor | I use test setups all the time... I don't like having to edit the same connection over and back every time I need a new ip | 20:45 |
whitor | nbuonanno, yes | 20:45 |
Airbander | Hi | 20:45 |
nbuonanno | Desktop version, using Network Manager? | 20:45 |
Airbander | how close port on xubuntu plz and thnks | 20:46 |
whitor | nbuonanno, yes and yes | 20:46 |
lapion | cristian_c you still here ? | 20:46 |
Bashing-om | Corenet: Install "gnome" from the Software Center ? | 20:46 |
whitor | I can add... and it stays in the list... but I cannot choose it | 20:46 |
lapion | nope he's gone. | 20:46 |
Corenet | Bashing-om: used apt-get | 20:47 |
whitor | Iinterface Vlan132 do not see it in the drop down menu near the clock | 20:47 |
whitor | woops | 20:47 |
whitor | I do not see it in the drop down menu near the clock | 20:48 |
Airbander | Hi guys | 20:48 |
Bashing-om | Corenet: I do suggest we mnake sure the system is fully updated, and package manager is in a happy state, Then look at why 'gnome' is not loading. -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- so we can see the status later. | 20:49 |
Airbander | how close ports open on my computer ? | 20:49 |
Corenet | sure.. | 20:49 |
nbuonanno | whitor: Fair warning, I use an odd GUI setup in Ubuntu, so I'm not as familiar with NM as we may need. I'll try and help nonetheless. | 20:49 |
whitor | nbuonanno, I am ok with odd. I've used fvwm | 20:50 |
OerHeks | !firewall | Airbander | 20:50 |
ubottu | Airbander: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See | 20:50 |
Bashing-om | cortexman: Once 'pastbinit' is installed -> sudo apt-get update | pastebinit <- . | 20:50 |
nbuonanno | If you go to System -> Administration -> Network, what does it show pertaining to your Wireless settings? | 20:50 |
Airbander | thanks | 20:51 |
Besmrtnik | Hello is it possible to install Linux OS on USB flash drive? | 20:51 |
haidora | yes it is | 20:51 |
haidora | just get universal usb installer | 20:52 |
haidora | choose the linux version and the iso and hit begin | 20:52 |
Besmrtnik | but then I get LIVECD usb | 20:53 |
whitor | nbuonanno, the root of it all is that it doesn't show up in the drop down menu (in the upper right near the system clock) like the ethernet network choices do. | 20:53 |
Besmrtnik | I would like full OS on stick is it possible? | 20:53 |
nbuonanno | So right now, you can't connect to a wireless network at all? | 20:53 |
whitor | When I look at it in network connections, both configurations are listed, with different names, but only one shows up in the drop down menu | 20:54 |
Bashing-om | Besmrtnik: <-sudodus/Howto make USB boot drives . | 20:54 |
haidora | i think the live is pretty good and i don't think that you can do that | 20:54 |
whitor | nbuonanno, incorrect, I can connect to only the dhcp configured network, the static configured one doesn't show up | 20:55 |
Multbrelch | Dear all! - I try to block internet access of one application via this method: Problem: sg is asking a passwd which I don't know, well, its not the passwd of root. Anybody has an idea? | 20:55 |
whitor | they both have the same ssid | 20:55 |
haidora | how to get a program like nero and iso burn?? | 20:55 |
whitor | and network connections only show the ssid's to choose from, not the available choices configured in network connections | 20:55 |
nbuonanno | Which one shows up, the static or the DHCP? | 20:55 |
OerHeks | !info brassero | 20:55 |
ubottu | Package brassero does not exist in utopic | 20:55 |
nbuonanno | Or does it list just the SSID? | 20:55 |
whitor | the dhcp .... the one that was there first | 20:56 |
nbuonanno | Okay. | 20:56 |
whitor | well, the latter | 20:56 |
OerHeks | !info brasero | 20:56 |
ubottu | brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 148 kB, installed size 1063 kB | 20:56 |
whitor | it just lists the available SSID's | 20:56 |
daftykins | rodroma: you appear to have noticed me in reply the whole time, we don't support anything other than ubuntu so please find a channel for this 'huayra' | 20:56 |
whitor | and chooses the dhcp config (which was there first) | 20:56 |
haidora | how to make a dvd iso??? | 20:57 |
nbuonanno | whitor: If you connect whatever profile is there, open a terminal window, and run ifconfig -a, can you pastebin that output? | 20:57 |
bprompt | !info brasero | haidora | 20:58 |
ubottu | haidora: brasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 148 kB, installed size 1063 kB | 20:58 |
Multbrelch | Anybody has an idea? | 20:58 |
Multbrelch | see above comment | 20:58 |
haidora | thanks dude | 20:58 |
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight | ||
ikonia | Multbrelch: "see above comment" isn't going to help, as if someone hasn't seen it they can't help so when you say "any help" no-one konws what you are asking about | 20:59 |
mpante | hello everybody | 20:59 |
whitor | nbuonanno, that is irrelevant info, I understand every thing going on here. and you hit the nail on the head earlier... only the SSID is showing up in the list of choices available... so how the heck is the system able to choose which config you want to use on its own ? | 20:59 |
Multbrelch | ikonia, I don't understand ... so here is the question again | 20:59 |
Multbrelch | Dear all! - I try to block internet access of one application via this method: Problem: sg is asking a passwd which I don't know, well, its not the passwd of root. Anybody has an idea? | 21:00 |
nbuonanno | I think the issue is (which you seem to have a grasp of already) whether or not you can configure two profiles and easily switch between them. Does that sound right? | 21:00 |
whitor | It can't ... so it uses the first one created. Which works fine if I adjust the setting from dhcp to static ... and then back as needed | 21:00 |
nbuonanno | So you can do it, you're justl ooking for an easier means to do so :) | 21:00 |
whitor | nbuonanno, sure... thats the same idea | 21:00 |
nbuonanno | Understandable. | 21:00 |
ikonia | Multbrelch: there is no root password in ubuntu, so how are you trying to enter a root password | 21:01 |
whitor | nbuonanno, well, ubuntu does it just fine with my wired adapter | 21:01 |
whitor | I was hoping the adapter type wouldn't matter :) | 21:01 |
nbuonanno | I don't know how hard it may be to do so, but maybe see if you can configure two virtual devices on that wireless adapter? | 21:01 |
=== brian is now known as Guest43924 | ||
whitor | nbuonanno, that seems like an ugly solution when the ability already exists for the wired side of things | 21:01 |
nbuonanno | I totally agree. | 21:02 |
whitor | seems odd to behave differently | 21:02 |
whitor | yeah, I think we agree on that | 21:02 |
whitor | I bet a 3rd party network manager would do the trick... Heck I could probably script in in perl... heh which may be the easiest route | 21:03 |
nbuonanno | I'm noticing a similar setup in Wicd; you can create and pick from several wired profiles, but only one configuration for a wireless adapter. | 21:03 |
whitor | I do like the drop down ability as is availble for ethernet though | 21:03 |
=== zz_gthank is now known as gthank | ||
nbuonanno | Although in Wicd, if there are multiple APs detected under one SSID (as I have in my office), you can set up different configurations per AP. | 21:04 |
Multbrelch | ikonia, ... Im back. - root passw? Well I mean my sudo pswd doesn't work with sg, which tries to execute an application with a different goup ID | 21:04 |
asmodeus-black-h | hi | 21:05 |
nbuonanno | Again, with limited knowledge/memory of Network Manager, there's not much else I can offer :( | 21:05 |
whitor | nbuonanno, So I think we can come to the conclusion that Yes you can, but not easily with the default system setup. | 21:05 |
ikonia | Multbrelch: correct, and if you look at the script it's taking $1 as the user argument, and if you look at the start it has you create a new user, which should looking at that guide reference that username | 21:05 |
whitor | nbuonanno, Thanks for hearing me out | 21:05 |
asmodeus-black-h | i cant ismall tar.bz2 files | 21:05 |
asmodeus-black-h | helpme please | 21:05 |
nbuonanno | Glad to (try to) help. I'll continue to ponder it and see if anything comes to me. | 21:06 |
reisio | asmodeus-black-h: what do you want to install? | 21:06 |
Multbrelch | ikonia, so I have to set a passwd for the user no-internet? | 21:06 |
asmodeus-black-h | tar.bz2 file , with terminal | 21:06 |
ikonia | Multbrelch: if thats the user you configured, | 21:06 |
reisio | asmodeus-black-h: what's in the file? | 21:06 |
asmodeus-black-h | some app | 21:06 |
reisio | asmodeus-black-h: which app? | 21:06 |
asmodeus-black-h | :D | 21:06 |
Multbrelch | ikonia, quickly, how do i set the passwd for a user? | 21:06 |
ikonia | you shouldn't be doing this if that is your question | 21:07 |
ikonia | sorry - thats not trying to be rude, but if you can't set a password, you shouldn't be trying to do this | 21:07 |
Multbrelch | ? | 21:07 |
irreverant | what's a good hypervisor to run on ubuntu? | 21:08 |
Multbrelch | ikonia, so the user has to login setting his/her own passwd? | 21:08 |
irreverant | like vmware? | 21:08 |
reisio | irreverant: for what? | 21:08 |
irreverant | running a virtualized windows box | 21:09 |
ikonia | Multbrelch: sorry - I'm not dealing with someone elses poor guide on serverfault | 21:09 |
samsher | hello everyone, I need a help, I like the font used on the solarized website screen shot ( ) do any one know font name used in this screen shot? | 21:10 |
gthank | Can somebody help me with a logrotate question? I'm trying to add a block to logrotate.conf that will trigger a script to be run against the new foo.log.1 (or whatever) file, but I can't find a way to get that filename in the conf file so I can pass it to the script as an argument | 21:10 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: instead of using "sg" try using sudo -g <groupname> | 21:11 |
irreverant | reisio? | 21:11 |
reisio | irreverant: VirtualBox is the most straightforward | 21:11 |
jarno | If Subnetmask is, broadcast is the network adres then | 21:11 |
reisio | irreverant: kvm is the most efficient | 21:11 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: sg seems to be a piece.. looks like you basically need to run it as root for it to function correctly | 21:11 |
reisio | irreverant: I suggest VirtualBox | 21:11 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, I use it a sudo | 21:12 |
Multbrelch | but it asks me for a passwd | 21:12 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: yeah.. you have to set the group password for whatever group you're trying to run the command as | 21:12 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, how do I do this? | 21:12 |
imbezol | groupmod | 21:12 |
samsher | anyone please look my question above? | 21:12 |
jarno | any one know abit about subnetting here? | 21:12 |
OerHeks | samsher, can be a number of fonts, hard to say if it is made on windows, mac or linux free fonts | 21:14 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, so something like: sudo groupmod -p 1ézA"4 no-internet | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | ? | 21:18 |
bubbasaures | samsher, monospace maybe, not a urgent channel issue to be honest. | 21:18 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: i'm gunna have to go with ikonia on this one.. it's a crappy tutorial | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | ? | 21:18 |
bekks | Multbrelch: what are those characters after "-p"? | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | bekks, the passwd | 21:18 |
bprompt | samsher: tried yet? | 21:18 |
bprompt | woops.. anyhow.. the url is there =) WhatTheFont is just the page | 21:18 |
samsher | bubbasaures, hmm may be let me check | 21:18 |
bekks | Multbrelch: according to "man groumod", the password needs to be encrypted, not plaintext. | 21:18 |
haidora | do you know how to connect to a wifi using wps??? | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | bekks, oh no ... so how do I do this? Is there no easier way to change the pwasswd of a group? | 21:18 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: maybe i'm missing something.. but i can't understand how dropping internet for a particular group is going to block an application | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | the app is called via a usergroup, that has no internet access, see | 21:18 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, ^ | 21:18 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: i'm looking at it. i don't get it | 21:19 |
jarno_ | for 2 subnets Network Class C & Subnetmask & what would be the network adres? | 21:19 |
jarno_ | both | 21:19 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: oh.. so it's only when starting an app | 21:19 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, imagine, you don't want application "x" to have access | 21:19 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, right | 21:19 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, should be EASY under linux, right? | 21:19 |
bekks | jarno_: | 21:20 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: sure | 21:20 |
jarno_ | bekks: Isn't that to calculate only one subnet? | 21:20 |
Multbrelch | However, sg is asking a passw, which I don't know, probably the one of the group, which is not set yet | 21:20 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, ^ | 21:20 |
samsher | OerHeks, I see this font on many screen shot and in ebooks, I thought some of here may be able to tell me the name of the font | 21:20 |
bekks | jarno_: Just click on the link and see yourself :) | 21:20 |
haidora | how to get plugins? | 21:21 |
bekks | plugins for what? | 21:21 |
haidora | for firefox | 21:21 |
jarno_ | bekks: Subnet ID is network address? | 21:21 |
haidora | is there a way using terminal? | 21:22 |
bekks | jarno_: Yes. | 21:22 |
jarno_ | bekks: ok thank you | 21:22 |
bekks | haidora: In Firefox, click on the Addons menu entry. | 21:23 |
OerHeks | haidora, you should do spme research yourself, firefox plugins can be downloaded from the firefox plugins website | 21:23 |
OerHeks | | 21:24 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: MYGROUP=testgroup ; PASSWD=mypasswd ; sudo groupmod -p $(echo $PASSWD | openssl passwd -1 -stdin -salt `date +%s`) $MYGROUP | 21:26 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: sg testgroup id | 21:27 |
imbezol | it works | 21:27 |
Multbrelch | mom | 21:27 |
setra | histo, I use ubuntu 14.04 server with kvm and every virtual machine is addign up memory until all is used and it crashes....?!? no matter what OS | 21:28 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, you get 100 points, thx a lot | 21:29 |
setra | after 5min it reaches the 100% and then you can see how nicely it slows down and get stuck | 21:29 |
imbezol | enjoy | 21:29 |
OerHeks | setra, how much memory does that server have? | 21:30 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, however, all this is quite 'advanced', means: not that easy | 21:30 |
Multbrelch | :) | 21:30 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: well that's just to set a password and then test that the password works right? | 21:31 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: you just have to do the no-internet "firefox" thing now | 21:31 |
setra | OerHeks, 8GB and I give 3GB to each of my 2 machines, but not the host memory gets eaten up, if I look on virt-manager to memory usage.. | 21:31 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: the tutorial also assumes you have ~/.local/bin/ in your $PATH, which i think is a bad assumption | 21:31 |
bekks | setra: then which memory gets eaten up - the vms memory? | 21:32 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, yes and it doesn't work :( It gets the passwd, that works, executes firefox but: it has internet | 21:32 |
imbezol | lo | 21:32 |
setra | bekks, yes | 21:32 |
imbezol | l | 21:32 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, I changed that, I have a /bin in home | 21:32 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: yeah that makes more sense | 21:32 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, mom | 21:32 |
setra | bekks, not really, the memory allocation which is shown in virt-manager for the vm | 21:32 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: and add an export PATH=$PATH:~/bin to your .bashrc | 21:33 |
goncalo1 | so what's cooking on this channel today? | 21:33 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, done | 21:33 |
bekks | setra: So what is eating up the memory? the host or the guest? | 21:33 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: you could check in /proc/<firefox's pid> to see what effect group it's running as | 21:34 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, the script 'no-internet', which btw I name '', can be executed | 21:34 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: and double check your iptables rules | 21:34 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, good idea, mom | 21:34 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, k | 21:34 |
Multbrelch | mom | 21:34 |
setra | bekks, the memory shown in dommemstat for the vm | 21:35 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, IT WORKS. - reason: firefox was already running, so it started probably a child taks, with access to internet | 21:35 |
imbezol | that would do it | 21:35 |
Multbrelch | child task | 21:35 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, so after all: it works | 21:36 |
bekks | setra: I never used libvirtwhatever. Whats eating up your memory? The host or the guest? | 21:36 |
Multbrelch | thx for all | 21:36 |
imbezol | np | 21:36 |
OerHeks | setra, so what is running in your vm? you are very cheap with info | 21:36 |
setra | OerHeks, ubuntu 12.04 server eats up 233MB, and XP eats up 80M if stated in the vm itself | 21:37 |
bekks | 233M "eats up"? 233M is almost nothing. | 21:38 |
OerHeks | that looks oke indeed | 21:38 |
bekks | setra: You granted 3GB to the vm. 233 are less than 10%. | 21:38 |
OerHeks | that would be xp without antivirus :-D | 21:39 |
setra | bekks, exactly, but if I stat the memory via libvirt it says it's on the limit for XP: actual 317034 -> rss 3280588 thats about 98,9% | 21:40 |
setra | bekks, even if xp means that it only uses ~ 80MB | 21:40 |
bekks | setra: You granted 3GB to the vm, so the vm is expected to use 3GB. | 21:41 |
bekks | setra: I dont see a problem there. | 21:41 |
setra | if I shut down the vm the used mem stays about @50% if I restart I'm on 99% immediately | 21:41 |
bekks | setra: So check the output of "free -m" before starting a vm, during the vm is started and after the vm is shutdown. Pastebin all three outputs please. | 21:42 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, so here is the whole thing, complete: | 21:43 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, may be useful for you ... one time | 21:43 |
setra | bekks, I have htop in an ssh session and it really allocates 3GB memory... is that normal, I thought it supposed to allocate only if needed | 21:43 |
haidora | which is better vmware or virtual box??? | 21:44 |
mgolisch | hyper-v | 21:44 |
mgolisch | :) | 21:44 |
nbuonanno | I enjoy Virtual Box. I use Hyper-V at work. | 21:45 |
bekks | setra: Pastebin the requested outputs please. | 21:45 |
mgolisch | yeah i like virtualbox, especialy vrdp | 21:46 |
mgolisch | i dont see any reasons to use anything else for personal use | 21:46 |
krabador | hi people, gparted looks the disk with ntfs partitions, as unallocated space | 21:48 |
krabador | ubuntu 14.04 | 21:48 |
krabador | | 21:49 |
EriC^^ | krabador: is it mbr or gpt? | 21:49 |
krabador | gpt | 21:49 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, question: how can I manage things that a group has no passwd? | 21:49 |
b43 | i need help with mtpaint pls | 21:50 |
b43 | anybody available? | 21:51 |
EriC^^ | krabador: try sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | 21:51 |
bubbasaures | b43, Describe if you can the issue for help. | 21:51 |
bubbasaures | to the channel | 21:51 |
mgolisch | probably a stray gpt signature | 21:51 |
b43 | yes, mtpaint has a recent files list with keyboard shortcut, id like to kno where this recent files list is stored so i can clear the list | 21:51 |
b43 | n if possible, i want to disable the recent files list | 21:52 |
krabador | EriC^^,ù | 21:52 |
krabador | EriC^^, | 21:52 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: i think you should learn the ins and outs of sude | 21:52 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: sudo, rather | 21:52 |
Multbrelch | imbezol, btw: to change the group passwd you can also do: gpasswd <groupname> | 21:52 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: ah, that's easier | 21:52 |
OerHeks | b43 you mean clipboard? | 21:53 |
b43 | no, i mean the recent files list, not what i copy n paste | 21:53 |
b43 | i dont want there to be a list at all, if i cant disable it i want to at least clear the list | 21:53 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: the simple answer is to add your user to the no-internet group | 21:53 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: log out and back in after | 21:54 |
slipttees | Hey guys | 21:54 |
OerHeks | b43 all recent files are in you /home/ folder, so delete any .png there ? | 21:54 |
imbezol | Multbrelch: then your user can "sg no-internet command" without password | 21:54 |
Multbrelch | yep | 21:54 |
b43 | i tried uninstallin from synaptics, n reinstallin, but yet the recent file list remains, even after complete removal | 21:54 |
b43 | let me check hold on | 21:54 |
b43 | it is not there, i want the recent files list from within mtpaint, under the file on the menu bar | 21:55 |
slipttees | I'm lost battery status on kernel 3.13.0-39-generic | 21:55 |
b43 | i want the stupid list cleared if not disabled | 21:55 |
slipttees | I'm startup on 3.13.0-37-generic and back my baterry status | 21:55 |
slipttees | Lenovo t410 laptop model | 21:55 |
slipttees | and mey ubuntu version is 14.04.1 LTS | 21:56 |
b43 | under the file menu from within mtpaint, there is a recent files list with keyboard shortcut, i want this list cleared, if not disabled | 21:56 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, Can you translate to making sense in one statement? | 21:56 |
OerHeks | b43, that answer is given to you yesterday too, it is in /home/<your username>/.mtpaint | 21:57 |
b43 | i looked for it yesterday, i cannot find that list, n i dont even kno what file type it would be | 21:57 |
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slipttees | bubbasaures: whats? | 21:57 |
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b43 | n there is no mtpaint folder under /home/username/.mtpaint | 21:58 |
OerHeks | the . before the filename = hidden, hit ctrl + h to show hidden files in filemanager | 21:58 |
b43 | oh ok let me try that | 21:58 |
b43 | i still dont see .mtpaint folder under /home/username | 21:58 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, What you posted makes no sense to us here, try it again all in one post if you can. ;) | 21:58 |
b43 | showing hidden files already | 21:59 |
dm7freek | Is hardlinking essentially the same thing as mounting a folder to a different place in the fs? | 21:59 |
Ben64 | b43: open a terminal and type cd .mtpaint | 21:59 |
Ben64 | dm7freek: no | 21:59 |
success | How do I get time in YYMMDD-hhmmss? | 21:59 |
b43 | ok hold on | 21:59 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: okay... sorry for this | 21:59 |
success | date or date +%s does not givr me what i want | 21:59 |
dm7freek | Ben64: is the latter possible? | 21:59 |
Ben64 | dm7freek: yep. mount --bind | 22:00 |
b43 | ok cd .mtpaint brings back, bash: cd: .mtpaint: Not a directory | 22:00 |
gr33n7007h | 7O7 | 22:00 |
azmanaz | Guys, I upgraded from 14.04 to 14.10 and I must do a partial upgrade that updates some opengl libraries. Every time I do this after reboot I get the black screen and I must delete the nvidia drivers and reset some unity settings to get the UI back. It happened twice, what can I do? | 22:00 |
OerHeks | b43 it is a file | 22:00 |
b43 | ok so how do i find it | 22:01 |
Bashing-om | b43: -> ls -al /home/b43 <- where 'b43' is <username> . | 22:01 |
bubbasaures | azmanaz, never partial upgrade. | 22:01 |
b43 | ok hold on | 22:01 |
azmanaz | what? | 22:01 |
Ben64 | b43: open terminal and type "nano .mtpaint" then | 22:01 |
ed83 | evening, I have issue with usb audio controller device input function keymapping not working. I ran showkey and I see the keycode is functioning in incorrectly, example input button Volumeup keycode 115 release Keycode 115 press causing a loop. Is there a way to remapp the keys on input device so it works correctly? | 22:01 |
brotherBox | Hi. Is there a detailed list of changes from Ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10? | 22:01 |
bubbasaures | azmanaz, Generally a partial is missing dependencies that will appear shortly. | 22:01 |
Ben64 | brotherBox: | 22:01 |
Ben64 | azmanaz: how did you install nvidia | 22:02 |
brotherBox | That is, which packages were updated from what to which version number. Ben64: that does not list packages, I checked that out already. | 22:02 |
bubbasaures | azmanaz, Is this a aptitude voodoo issue, or a standard install? | 22:02 |
azmanaz | @bubbasaures, so there is nothing wrong , it says that to continue the upgrade it must do a partial upgrade to proceed. So I should just wait k? | 22:02 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: My notebook lenovo t410 model is not correctly show me the battery status with kernel and the kernel before and everything was working. | 22:02 |
b43 | a window popped up, gnu nano 2.2.6 | 22:02 |
b43 | its showin the recent files | 22:03 |
Ben64 | brotherBox: | 22:03 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: does not show me the remaining battery time, even if it's connected or not the AC power source. | 22:03 |
bubbasaures | azmanaz, So you are on 14.10, and the partial is a apt-get in it correct? | 22:03 |
Ben64 | azmanaz: how did you install nvidia | 22:03 |
setra | bekks, took some time ... | 22:03 |
bubbasaures | azmanaz, You have good help that can answer the partial stuff. | 22:04 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, Ah, I thought that was the issue, not sure myself, I was more concerned it was clearer for the channel. | 22:05 |
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b43 | ok i found it, its a .save file, its not a folder | 22:05 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: bug regression? | 22:06 |
azmanaz | yes I am on 14.10. I upgraded successfully. It is an update about nvidia binary that ruins the prior installation. Also there is an xorg update, there are alot of updates. Almost 80 MB. | 22:06 |
b43 | omg i delete the file, n the recent files list r still showing within mtpaint | 22:07 |
Ben64 | b43: you probably want to delete the .mtpaint file | 22:07 |
brotherBox | Ben64: I think thats what I want, thanks! | 22:07 |
Ben64 | b43: it may mess up some settings though | 22:07 |
Ben64 | azmanaz: for the third time, how did you install nvidia | 22:07 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, No idea to be honest, could be hardware specific, I would try to confirm with a little research is all. | 22:07 |
b43 | damn, y cant they provide an option to disable the stupid list | 22:07 |
b43 | hayy, im gonna risk it anyway im goin to delete the other file | 22:08 |
b43 | .mtpaint | 22:08 |
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slipttees | bubbasaures: thanks, i will check! | 22:08 |
azmanaz | K I installed nvidia manualy, after I got the black screen. Whgen I tried to update again I gott the black screen again. Now I am afraid to update | 22:08 |
b43 | ok the list is gone after i deleted that file, but i do not kno if any settings were jacked up | 22:09 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: i'm unistall and use proprely :-) | 22:09 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, grub allows you to start on any kernel you want as well. | 22:09 |
Ben64 | azmanaz: well there is your problem. installing nvidia manually is not a good idea | 22:09 |
b43 | oh probably not, after i reopened mtpaint again, a new .mtpaint file was created, without the recent files list | 22:09 |
OerHeks | b43 it will fill again :-) | 22:10 |
slipttees | second kernel, maybe check order to start | 22:10 |
b43 | thx for the help yall, solved my prblem | 22:10 |
b43 | thats fine, as long as i kno where to get rid of it from | 22:10 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, Yep. | 22:10 |
slipttees | ;-) | 22:10 |
azmanaz | No no, th eproblem apeared with the nvidia ppa instaler. After this I had no choice but to install manualy because the ppa version didnt work. The screen remained black or the UI didnt work | 22:10 |
b43 | better than not knowin wtf to do after | 22:10 |
b43 | so tyvm, really appreciate it | 22:10 |
OerHeks | b43 have fun :-) | 22:10 |
b43 | n plus i learned how to view hidden files, n havin a . in the beginnin indicates its hidden haha | 22:11 |
setra | OerHeks, do you think there is a problem? | 22:11 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: grub.conf where find | 22:11 |
b43 | so thats a definite plus | 22:11 |
l0rdn1x | lol b43 sounds like you just starting with Linux ? | 22:12 |
b43 | yes, very fresh on lubuntu, was stuck on windows until last month | 22:12 |
Ben64 | !yay | b43 | 22:12 |
ubottu | b43: Glad you made it! :-) | 22:12 |
b43 | got tired of all the backdoor BS n havin to worry about infections | 22:12 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub is what you tweak than run a update-grub | 22:12 |
l0rdn1x | yeah b43 windows is virus/malware/trojan paradise. | 22:13 |
b43 | not to mention the backdoor access for anybody that gets a hold of ur device | 22:13 |
b43 | the hiren cd, or ophcrack by itself omfg its not even funny | 22:13 |
l0rdn1x | yeah it's built into windows lol | 22:13 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: GRUB_DEFAULT=0 ? | 22:13 |
slipttees | change order? | 22:14 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, Hold on I was looking up a wiki, I forget exactly. | 22:15 |
brotherBox | Ben64: that is a list of all the available packages, is there a list of the packages that are included in the desktop installation? | 22:16 |
b43 | at least linux is safe, no backdoor access, all they can do is reformat the whole thing | 22:16 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, This one states it as an integer value, | 22:16 |
slipttees | windows? kkkk | 22:16 |
brotherBox | That is, independent from the available packages, I would like to know the ones the distro actually comes with. | 22:16 |
slipttees | Never thanks | 22:16 |
slipttees | :-p | 22:17 |
Ben64 | brotherBox: probably not | 22:17 |
brotherBox | :( | 22:17 |
b43 | windows has all kinds of backdoor, im tired of it, plus havin to worry about infections left n right, im done | 22:17 |
bekks | b43: When having physical access to your devices, they arent secure anymore, regardless of the OS. | 22:17 |
b43 | what?? even linux they have backdoor access? | 22:17 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, Windows is just an example of a grub entry, the same info whether it was linux there or anything else. | 22:18 |
b43 | so theres an ophcrack for linux also? | 22:18 |
bekks | b43: Thats not what I wrote. | 22:18 |
l0rdn1x | b43, Linux does not have backdoor access | 22:18 |
brotherBox | b43: no. But with physical access, its trivial to insert one, regardless of your operating system. | 22:18 |
bekks | b43: For linux, you just need a live cd | 22:18 |
l0rdn1x | b43, best way to secure your data is to encrypt the files you don't want to give access too. | 22:18 |
b43 | my whole system is encrypted, the home directory, everything | 22:19 |
l0rdn1x | b43, you should be good then. | 22:19 |
b43 | have it locked all the way in the bios too, cant even boot w/o that | 22:19 |
bubbasaures | b43, Yah keeping that Taylor Swift nice and safe huh. ;) | 22:19 |
l0rdn1x | b43, yep they steal your computer it will be a paper weight ;-) unless they prong your bios to reset the password | 22:19 |
b43 | yes, but after they get through the bios, all they can do is reformat | 22:20 |
l0rdn1x | b43, correct | 22:20 |
b43 | i dont kno of any way they can access my files | 22:20 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: Hey bro | 22:20 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: well done :D | 22:20 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: thanks a lot | 22:21 |
b43 | like in windows, all u do is connect the hard drive to a usb to ide to sata, n u can syphon all the files u want | 22:21 |
l0rdn1x | b43, they cant get your files, if you have a strong passphrase etc... | 22:21 |
slipttees | :D | 22:21 |
bubbasaures | slipttees, No problem. | 22:21 |
b43 | passphrase is 31 characters, alpha numeric with special characters | 22:21 |
Ben64 | can we stop the offtopic stuff now | 22:21 |
slipttees | bubbasaures: kiss | 22:21 |
b43 | aint nobody in hell gettin that | 22:21 |
b43 | no way in hell anybody brute forcing that | 22:22 |
l0rdn1x | B43 goto #ubuntu-offtopic join us their we talk about whatever, give the guys that need support room to type. | 22:22 |
b43 | ok ok, 1 sec | 22:22 |
rodney_ | has anyone installed ubuntu on a mac? | 22:22 |
b43 | switching over | 22:23 |
setra | just mac on pc | 22:23 |
bubbasaures | !mac | rodney_ | 22:23 |
ubottu | rodney_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 22:23 |
rodney_ | thanks! tried to download virtualbox.. but the link is broken | 22:24 |
bekks | b43: Install a keylogger, read your passphrase, observe you, read your password from the electromagnetical signals of your display - there are ways, but they are complex. 'nuff said | 22:24 |
bekks | rodney_: try using as a temporary workaround | 22:24 |
rodney_ | i hear that. thanks | 22:24 |
rodney_ | the virualbox link for download is not working. | 22:24 |
rodney_ | but thanks | 22:25 |
Ben64 | rodney_: virtualbox is in the repositories... use that | 22:25 |
rodney_ | ah, great | 22:25 |
GlenK | so when I log in to my 12.04 machine, it's saying I should run do-release-upgrade. is that a recommended course of action? even if I'm remote? | 22:25 |
b43 | heh bein ignored in ubuntuofftopic | 22:25 |
setra | some idea to that memory problem | 22:26 |
Ben64 | GlenK: up to you. 14.04 is out now, but 12.04 still will be supported until 2017 | 22:26 |
Bashing-om | GlenK: Ya want latest, or Long Term stability ? 14.04 is LTS 'till 2019 . | 22:27 |
GlenK | Ben64: well of course it's up to me. being that I'm remote I don't want to end up with something unbootable though. | 22:27 |
bekks | setra: where is that memory problem to be seen in you paste? | 22:27 |
Ben64 | GlenK: it is a possibility | 22:27 |
b43 | bekks, if anybody has access to my stuff, need to reformat asap | 22:28 |
bekks | b43: If they use complex ways as described above, you will not notice them having access. | 22:28 |
bekks | b43: But thats offtopic in here | 22:28 |
rodney_ | thanks bekks. the dmg was there! | 22:28 |
b43 | ok | 22:29 |
setra | bekks, you tell me? is that normal? if I start it one more time then the first line reads like that 7,7G 6,7G 1,0G 932K 40M 3,2G. please tell me I obviously don't know | 22:29 |
bekks | setra: Whats "not normal" for you in that line, in particular? | 22:29 |
Ben64 | setra: looks like memory numbers, whats the problem | 22:30 |
setra | I'm concerned that if the VM takes a lot of memory which I don't have... and the vm's getting slower and crash some time (lack of memory) | 22:31 |
k1l | setra: then it will use swap | 22:31 |
bekks | setra: where in that line can that be seen? All thats shown there is pretty normal. you are not even using swap. | 22:31 |
setra | k1l, ok then swap is not infinite | 22:32 |
k1l | setra: and you should read about what the numbers mean there: | 22:32 |
k1l | setra: | 22:32 |
Ben64 | setra: at no point in your paste did swap even get used | 22:32 |
OerHeks | setra sure your xp vm has all updates? | 22:32 |
bekks | setra: swap never is infinite. | 22:32 |
k1l | setra: yes, but even with unlimited money ram and swap is not infinite. so that is just not a point | 22:32 |
k1l | setra: what is your actual issue now? | 22:33 |
setra | bekks, that'S what I said with different words | 22:33 |
bekks | setra: And whats the issue now? You paste shows that you dont use swap at all. | 22:33 |
after_r | Hi I have a small problem.. can someone help please? I have `Enchanced Desktop Zoom` enabled in Compiz, and I set the zoomin/out buttons to Super+Mouse4 and Super+Mouse5, and it zooms, but it also scrolls the page at the same time, so I get zooming and scrolling at the same time. Is there a way to disable normal scrolling (2 finger scorlling... I am using a touchpad) when the Super button is pressed, and then re-enable it when its let | 22:34 |
setra | k1l, that my vm's are getting slow. ubuntu 12.04 desktop gets full of numbers and fragments and stops... XP just hangs... | 22:34 |
bekks | setra: And thats not a host memory issue as can be clearly seen in your paste. | 22:34 |
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k1l | setra: that is a possible issue for running vms. yes. but there are a lot of factors, usage of hdd etc, too | 22:35 |
setra | ok, thanks I read the | 22:35 |
setra | k1l, I moved the host from a weak machine two-core 4gb to a hexcore 8gb and the first thing i read in dmesg was: cgroup: "memory" requires setting use_hierarchy to 1 on the root. which made me alerted, because I could not really find anything to set it in a cgroup | 22:37 |
bekks | setra: And that message can be safely ignored. | 22:37 |
bekks | And it has nothing to do with your current vm issue. | 22:38 |
setra | and goolge did not impress me with answers | 22:38 |
setra | thats good at least | 22:38 |
OerHeks | setra, without all updates, it is a xp issue i guess | 22:39 |
bekks | Even with updates, XP is the issue :) | 22:39 |
shlant | anyone know how to overwrite the default MOTD with my own? | 22:39 |
setra | do I maybe need to reinstall the server, but architecture is the same, even amd, just different chipset | 22:39 |
Ben64 | setra: no | 22:39 |
bekks | setra: No. You dont need to touch the server. You need to fix your guest OS. Since you dont even have a memory issue on the host. | 22:39 |
after_r | anyone know? or should i just map it to the up/down arrow on my keyboard? | 22:40 |
igoryonya | tcpdump shows the line: packets dropped by interface, how can I see which packets were dropped? | 22:40 |
user01 | hey is there a way to see what went wrong when i was working inside xfce and my system seemed to grind to a halt? like the mouse moved extremely slowly and the system wouldnt let me ctrl + alt + f3 to a different terminal | 22:41 |
compdoc | shlant, look in /etc/update-motd.d | 22:41 |
user01 | i ended up just doing a hard reboot | 22:41 |
setra | ok I'm glad about that, but still the old mainboard had memory issues/really bad ones, (since the DDR3 did not work on any other mainboard anymore) and could it be that files/data got corrupted? | 22:41 |
bekks | setra: No. | 22:42 |
shlant | compdoc: yes, I am aware of that directory, but how would I go about overwriting it? | 22:42 |
shlant | besides deleting everything that's in there | 22:42 |
shlant | what calls /etc/update-motd.d? | 22:42 |
OerHeks | setra, to be sure, try memtest86 from bootmenu | 22:43 |
setra | I had 4 GB detected by the mainboard and memtest did only know about 1,4GB and tested it ok!! | 22:43 |
ragart | shlant: don't delete anything there, just -x the files to prevent them from executing | 22:43 |
M1us1cWLuv14 | hello everyone | 22:44 |
ragart | shlant: instead, edit /etc/motd.tail to add your own content | 22:44 |
setra | only on that board, on any other board the memmodule was rejected with beeps | 22:44 |
shlant | ragart: yea, I had tried that but it still uses what's in update-motd.d | 22:44 |
bekks | setra: And on your current board...? | 22:44 |
shlant | do I need to symlink something? | 22:44 |
maysara | Hi, I want to burn Acronis True Image on usb but UNetbootin doesn't allow that. What can I do? | 22:45 |
setra | bekks, new board, new memory | 22:45 |
bekks | maysara: You need to use a cd burning application, like k3b. | 22:45 |
bekks | setra: Which doesnt answer my question, wether you ran memtest on your current board/memory. | 22:45 |
compdoc | | 22:46 |
maysara | bekks: It doesn't support usb | 22:46 |
setra | bekks, no I did not ->new mem/board/cpu/psu ->assume will work, but I can of course let it run /burn in | 22:46 |
after_r | anyone have any ideas? | 22:47 |
bekks | maysara: of course it doesnt. k3b is a cd burning application, and acronis is not designed to be used from a usb device. | 22:47 |
maysara | bekks: Aha. thank you for clarifying that. | 22:49 |
setra | bekks, thanks I will do and report sometimes if you will remember me | 22:53 |
Zencii | selam | 22:53 |
reisio | shalom | 22:53 |
=== aum_ is now known as aum | ||
Rastart | hey are you there? it doesn't show date/time in the main bar | 23:01 |
Rastart | can you help me? | 23:02 |
tafa2 | !ask | 23:03 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 23:03 |
tafa2 | Rastart ^ | 23:03 |
Rastart | didn't ask to ask a question. i already asked. | 23:03 |
k1l | Rastart: try relogin | 23:04 |
OerHeks | Rastart, go into system settings, date/time and enable it again | 23:04 |
tafa2 | 0o my bad | 23:04 |
Rastart | this would not solve it completely. | 23:04 |
Rastart | 0erHeks, is already enabled. | 23:04 |
Rastart | it seems this is not the problem i have. | 23:04 |
after_r | Nevermind .. I figured it out | 23:05 |
k1l | Rastart: so, which ubuntu? which desktop? what customizations? did it work before? what did you do then? did you try a relogin already? did you see any errors? | 23:05 |
after_r | disable meta+mousewheel scrolling in firefox:config | 23:05 |
Rastart | oh yes running the lastest LTS : 14.04 | 23:06 |
Rastart | it worked before. i already tried to relogin. | 23:06 |
Rastart | and if i don't do nothing it doesn't show errors at the moment. | 23:07 |
Rastart | i already checked in dconf-editor | 23:08 |
k1l | Rastart: is it set active in unity-tweak-tool? | 23:09 |
k1l | then see .xsession-errors for errors | 23:09 |
Rastart | in com/canonical/indicator/date and time and all seems working good. | 23:09 |
azizLIGHT | do i install network-manager-openconnect (network management framework (OpenConnect plugin)) or network-manager-openconnect-gnome (network management framework (OpenConnect plugin GNOME GUI)) on ubuntu 14.04? | 23:10 |
Rastart | to show it on the bar is checked but nothing happens | 23:10 |
Rastart | kll to me considering i'm a newbie. | 23:10 |
Rastart | how to check if it is set active in unity-tweak-tool? | 23:11 |
k1l | Rastart: start untiy-tweak-tool | 23:11 |
Rastart | and how to see .xsession-errors for errors? | 23:11 |
Rastart | :P | 23:11 |
Rastart | those are things i never done well there's always a first time it's fun to learn. | 23:11 |
Rastart | in utt it says the following schema is missing. | 23:12 |
welovfree | When working with the ubuntu in live mode the wi-fi works for me, but when I install it won't work | 23:12 |
Rastart | com.canonical.unity.webapps | 23:12 |
Rastart | is it because the net update of date-time? | 23:13 |
Rastart | how to fix it? | 23:14 |
=== gthank is now known as zz_gthank | ||
Rastart | ok done.installing missing package: sudo apt-get install unity-webapps-common | 23:16 |
welovfree | Anybody there | 23:16 |
ikonia | 1400+ people - you can see them typing so you know people are here | 23:17 |
ikonia | please don't be silly | 23:17 |
Rastart | ok i',m in unity-tweak-tool | 23:17 |
nkhau | weouthere | 23:17 |
OerHeks | !info network-manager-openconnect-gnome | 23:17 |
ubottu | network-manager-openconnect-gnome (source: network-manager-openconnect): network management framework (OpenConnect plugin GNOME GUI). In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 147 kB, installed size 1274 kB | 23:17 |
welovfree | ikonia can u help me | 23:17 |
ikonia | welovfree: I don't know, you've not asked a question yet | 23:17 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, sudo apt-get install network-manager-openconnect-gnome | 23:17 |
welovfree | When working with the ubuntu in live mode the wi-fi works for me, but when I install it won't work | 23:17 |
azizLIGHT | OerHeks: why gnome | 23:17 |
Rastart | kll i'm in the unity-tweak-tool window. what should i do now? | 23:18 |
SnowBoy | woow | 23:18 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, as ubuntu unity is running on gnome3 | 23:18 |
ikonia | welovfree: find out what model your wifi is (I suspect broadcom) and install the appropriate kernel modules for it | 23:18 |
k1l | Rastart: come on. what is your issue and what could you do in unity-tweak-tool now? (not that i already said you what to do) | 23:18 |
azizLIGHT | OerHeks: what is the other package for then | 23:19 |
welovfree | ikonia how to do so, yeah it's a broadcom | 23:19 |
Rastart | kll, ??? | 23:19 |
ikonia | !broadcom | welovfree | 23:19 |
ubottu | welovfree: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 23:19 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, what other package? | 23:19 |
k1l | Rastart: see in unity-tweak-tool if the setting is active for date/time in panel | 23:19 |
azizLIGHT | OerHeks: network-manager-openconnect vs network-manager-openconnect-gnome | 23:20 |
Rastart | well date-time is all cheked.. | 23:20 |
Rastart | active. | 23:21 |
k1l | Rastart: check/uncheck it | 23:21 |
Rastart | kll, checking-unchecking it doesn't work | 23:22 |
k1l | Rastart: did you try to log out already? | 23:22 |
Rastart | I'll be back. | 23:22 |
welovfree | ikonia thank u :) | 23:23 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, just the gnome-gui | 23:23 |
azizLIGHT | OerHeks: do i install both? | 23:24 |
azizLIGHT | or only network-manager-openconnect-gnome | 23:24 |
azizLIGHT | im confused | 23:24 |
rabbit__ | ciao | 23:25 |
reisio | shalom | 23:25 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, try it out i guess, never used it to make a vpn to a cisco service | 23:25 |
azizLIGHT | ok | 23:26 |
Bitwise_ | I followed this tutorial but the vncserver will not start on boot. | 23:26 |
Bitwise_ | Is there anything else I can do to get it to start on boot? | 23:26 |
azizLIGHT | on 14.04 does the default terminal make a noise when you try to tab complete something that cant be tab complete, or make a noise when you get highlighted in a irc client? | 23:26 |
azizLIGHT | i tried with terminal bell setting on/off and i dont hear anything | 23:27 |
Rastart | kll are you there? now it shows date and time..but i'm not sure if it is solved at all. | 23:29 |
Rastart | i wonder why does it happen..if it is a known issue... | 23:29 |
k1l | Rastart: what is not working then? | 23:29 |
=== Chank is now known as Chank|gone | ||
Rastart | well sometimes it shows and sometimes it doesn't. | 23:30 |
k1l | !away > Chank|gone | 23:30 |
ubottu | Chank|gone, please see my private message | 23:30 |
Rastart | sorry I mispelled you.. you k1l. sorry. | 23:31 |
Rastart | btw thank you for helping me. | 23:31 |
k1l | Rastart: make sure you have the latest updates installed with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 23:32 |
azizLIGHT | whats the 14.04 equivalent of sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart | 23:32 |
l0rdn1x | I've never got this before, and I'm not upgrading a bios that works perfectly | 23:32 |
Rastart | k1l, i'm the one who's always updated. | 23:33 |
OerHeks | aziz just click on your networkmanager, easy peasy to disable and enable again | 23:33 |
azizLIGHT | i see disconnect | 23:34 |
azizLIGHT | not disable | 23:34 |
Rastart | so I wonder if it is something canonical team haven't solved at all yet. (may happen) or this is a problem that might be solved someway.. | 23:35 |
Rastart | btw some other people already told me that they had the same problem and never found a way to solve it... | 23:36 |
k1l | Rastart: it happend to me once in a year. a relogin did solve that. so i dont bother. | 23:36 |
k1l | Rastart: if you care than see if there is a bugreport and help out there | 23:36 |
k1l | !bug | Rastart | 23:36 |
ubottu | Rastart: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs. | 23:36 |
Rastart | k1l i would like too..but i'm just a newbie in's difficult for me to give all required details for that bug if that's a bug. | 23:37 |
Rastart | for example i dunno what package is.. | 23:38 |
Rastart | so it's ubuntu-bug "?" for me. | 23:38 |
Rastart | lol | 23:38 |
Rastart | and i don't think this command would help to file a bug. | 23:39 |
Rastart | :P | 23:39 |
k1l | package is ubuntu-desktop or unity | 23:40 |
Rastart | if i don't know package... | 23:40 |
dopie | hey all | 23:40 |
dopie | i downloaded ngrok | 23:40 |
dopie | and put it in /usr/bin | 23:40 |
dopie | how do i install it? | 23:40 |
reisio | dopie: what'd you download? | 23:40 |
k1l | dopie: why dont you use the ubuntu package at all? | 23:41 |
dopie | i tried | 23:41 |
dopie | it didnt work :( | 23:41 |
reisio | yeah it's in universe | 23:41 |
dopie | i did | 23:41 |
dopie | how do i get to it? | 23:41 |
Rastart | oh i discovered something new thank you k1l.. | 23:41 |
Rastart | knowledge is power. | 23:41 |
dopie | | 23:41 |
geirha | dopie: sudo apt-get install ngrok-client | 23:42 |
k1l | Rastart: reading is power. knowledge comes from that | 23:42 |
dopie | geirha, i did | 23:42 |
Rastart | wow.., | 23:42 |
bazhang | !info ngrok-client | 23:42 |
ubottu | ngrok-client (source: ngrok): secure introspectable tunnels to localhost - client part. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6+dfsg-1 (utopic), package size 1610 kB, installed size 6944 kB | 23:42 |
geirha | Rastart: France is bacon | 23:42 |
dopie | guspares@mindblownkaboom:/usr$ sudo apt-get install ngrok-client | 23:42 |
dopie | Reading package lists... Done | 23:42 |
dopie | Building dependency tree | 23:42 |
dopie | Reading state information... Done | 23:42 |
dopie | E: Unable to locate package ngrok-client | 23:42 |
Rastart | oh it seems i can't report bug because i don't use ubuntu one :( | 23:43 |
Rastart | but i don't think i really need that. | 23:43 |
k1l | dopie: is universe enabled? | 23:44 |
dopie | it must not be | 23:44 |
dopie | how do i enable it? | 23:44 |
k1l | dopie: see in system-settings -> software and updates | 23:44 |
Bashing-om | dopie: " In component universe " -> "> E: Unable to locate package ngrok-client -> : verify 'universe' repository is eneabled in Software Sources . | 23:45 |
Rastart | k1l well thank you for help hope that bug can be fixed some day. | 23:45 |
Rastart | bye ;) | 23:45 |
=== Psyl0 is now known as Psylo | ||
dopie | Software sources?? | 23:52 |
dopie | i cant find system settings | 23:52 |
dopie | for some reason | 23:52 |
dopie | i click on system settings | 23:52 |
dopie | i dont see software and updates | 23:52 |
saverio_ | ciao | 23:53 |
dopie | im using 12.04? | 23:53 |
dopie | yes | 23:53 |
dopie | :) | 23:53 |
skinux | How do I mark a desktop launcher as trustable?? | 23:54 |
azizLIGHT | this is nice. i dont have to install cisco anyconnect vpn client | 23:54 |
k1l | dopie: ok, please show the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" in a pastebin | 23:54 |
azizLIGHT | openconnect works just fine with networkmanager | 23:54 |
azizLIGHT | and so simple | 23:54 |
zeon98 | hi all | 23:55 |
zeon98 | could someone point me in the direction of the random chat room please? | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | ##chat | 23:56 |
zeon98 | really! | 23:56 |
EriC^^ | yup | 23:56 |
zeon98 | it was that simple | 23:56 |
zeon98 | thanks EriC^^ | 23:57 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 23:57 |
dopie | k1l, how do i copy everything from that output | 23:58 |
EriC^^ | dopie: are you in a tty? | 23:58 |
k1l | dopie: just mark it, right click with mouse, copy. | 23:58 |
dopie | its a lot | 23:59 |
EriC^^ | dopie: type this | 23:59 |
dopie | sorry for my lameness | 23:59 |
EriC^^ | cat /etc/apt/sources.list | curl -F 'f:1=<-' | 23:59 |
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