[04:58] ciclopee is spamming in PM [04:58] Nov 06 2014 20:53:37 show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es [04:58] k bye [04:59] i'm sure they appreciate the signal boost [07:25] Ben64 called the ops in #ubuntu () [07:38] *!*@ was for dragos last night, I believe. [07:54] Can someone come to #ubuntu and please sort christian_ out. It's not an emergency, but he's trolling to a annoying degree and flouting the rules, playing the fool, etc. [07:54] somsip: Working it already. [07:54] Thanks though :) [07:54] Thank you [08:36] miss me yet [08:37] wait wrong one, i have a question [08:43] o/lastlog [08:50] wut [14:11] possible PM spam bot in #ubuntu ciclopee [16:17] debian is a beta of ubuntu [16:57] he's not even taking a moment to read the links [16:57] what a surprise [17:20] NORTON GHOST??? seriously? [17:21] from hiren's no less [17:21] why not just start recommending automatix again [17:51] taking the repos off for EOL releases is a good way to show the users they are not safe anymore. [17:59] whats the point. they insist on a straight rough and ready single leap, no matter the distance or consequences [17:59] he's asking what kernel headers to install [18:15] k1l, I seriously doubt he changed the mirrors [18:15] me too [18:16] he was given that link multiple times, and 'what link?' [18:17] who are we talking about [18:17] (and where) [18:18] inerkick #u [18:57] trying to stream on twitch [18:58] ffmpeg? [19:09] popey, is that in a PPA? screenstudio [19:09] i got it from upstream i think. lemme see [19:09] yes, i have it from his ppa [19:09] ppa:soylent-tv/screenstudio [19:11] nice, thanks [19:12] np [20:37] Baluse again with his nsfw links [21:09] can him [21:44] yes i did. and a accountban, too [21:45] so I see