igoryonya | jhobbs, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8859114/ | 00:14 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 09:13 |
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ayr-ton | Some knows if is possible to text LXD without nova-compute-flex, like without install all the openstack? | 11:29 |
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_ruben | argh ... bitten by the no root over ssh by default again .. now i gotta walk down to the server room again .. hooray for pxe booting new servers :p | 12:34 |
lordievader | _ruben: Hehe, I allways have that problem with debootstrapping. Forgetting to set a password for root or making new users that actually have a password... | 12:38 |
_ruben | lordievader: my preseed file sets a root pw, which worked fine upto 12.04, just doesn't cut it anymore on 14.04 ;) | 12:42 |
_ruben | Time to upgrade our install process I guess (automate the post-install tasks further) | 12:42 |
RoyK | anyone that knows a magic trick on how to get performance statistics per database with mysql? | 12:56 |
* RoyK is really trying to think of something good about mysql | 12:56 | |
MacroMan | RoyK, If you had a unique user for each db, then you could run a performance script to check just one but only using those credentials | 12:59 |
MacroMan | I use http://mysqltuner.com/ which seems to work quite well. | 13:00 |
RoyK | MacroMan: ah - what sort of script would that be? | 13:00 |
MacroMan | It's a perl script that you run and it gives some useful info. It's not the be all and end all, but it's certainly a good indication of performance | 13:00 |
RoyK | MacroMan: thanks - lemme take a look | 13:02 |
RoyK | http://karlsbakk.net/fun/USA/american_people_2014.jpg :P | 13:02 |
RoyK | MacroMan: the solution to this is really s/MySQL/PostgreSQL/g | 13:04 |
RoyK | MacroMan: thanks for the advice, but really, this doesn't show very useful performance counters :P | 13:17 |
* RoyK forces developers to move to postgresql :P | 13:17 | |
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MacroMan | exit | 14:09 |
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blkperl | anyone know how to get past Hash Sum mismatch errors on apt-get update when rm'ing /var/lib/apt/lists/* doesn't work? | 18:32 |
sarnold | blkperl: check dmesg to make sure you don't have dying hardware | 18:33 |
blkperl | sarnold: its a fresh vagrant image | 18:34 |
sarnold | blkperl: aha :) | 18:34 |
blkperl | I've added a Third party mirror and am getting the hash mismatch errors | 18:35 |
blkperl | is their a way to verify if the third party repo is actually broken? | 18:37 |
sarnold | blkperl: it gets difficult; download the files by hand, verify the hashes by hand. it's not fun. | 18:38 |
blkperl | ugh after apt-get upgrade, apt-get update works... | 18:43 |
sarnold | that can happen too, if the mirror was in the middle of a sync... | 18:44 |
blkperl | I don't think thats the issue, I think some combination of apt-get upgrade or adding the gpg key first and then apt-get update, "fixes" the hash mismatch error for this particular case | 18:46 |
blkperl | maybe TravisCI is needs to upgrade their precise image | 18:47 |
blkperl | since their apt is out of date | 18:47 |
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hallyn | jdstrand: hey, are you around to sanity check a libvirt-apparmor debdiff? | 20:16 |
hallyn | jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8872448/ (i'm goig to test a bit more and then probably push to v and sru to u and t) | 20:16 |
* jdstrand looks | 20:20 | |
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jdstrand | hallyn: I think you also want something for 'network netlink,' for 14.10 only | 20:23 |
jdstrand | other than that, without actually running it, it looks good | 20:24 |
jdstrand | hallyn: also, even though libvirt-qemu and libvirt-lxc don't have unix rules, it is probably good to run the sed on them too to future proof us in case we add something there | 20:25 |
jdstrand | (that goes for the netlink rule too) | 20:26 |
hallyn | jdstrand: gah. so I should pull 'network netlink' out for anything earlier than 14.10? but keep it in for 14.10 and 15.04? | 20:36 |
hallyn | (so same as the unix rules?) | 20:37 |
jdstrand | hallyn: exactly | 20:38 |
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hallyn | jdstrand: cool, thanks | 20:38 |
jdstrand | hallyn: so, I would phrase that as '14.10 and later' :) | 20:39 |
jdstrand | since I seem to have my pedantic hat on | 20:39 |
hallyn | jdstrand: but the rules are stripping it out for 14.04 and earlier | 20:40 |
hallyn | theyr'e doing nothing for 14.10 and later | 20:40 |
hallyn | hopefully i've got this (*$&%$ right :) | 20:40 |
hallyn | took me days to get something that seems to work | 20:40 |
jdstrand | hallyn: I just mean you said '14.10 and 15.04', but that should be '14.10 and later' | 20:41 |
hallyn | oh, right :) | 20:41 |
jdstrand | hallyn: the code is doing that. I was just adding confusion to the conversation | 20:42 |
hallyn | ok updated debdiff i'm going to build real quick - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8872671/ | 20:42 |
jdstrand | hallyn: what you came up with seems very clean | 20:42 |
hallyn | excellent, thx. hopefully it all builds fine and i'll push to v tonight. (dunno about the SRUs - i'm out quite a bit next week) | 20:43 |
hallyn | anyway - gnight | 20:43 |
jdstrand | hallyn: certainly you have people for that :) | 20:43 |
jdstrand | hallyn: g'night | 20:43 |
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hallyn | jdstrand: gah. so 9 days ago libvirt built+tested ok. today, libvirt fails the qemuxml2argvtest testcase. i'm not quite sure whether i should just push it to vivid and see if the buildds do a better job, or if this is more likely to be due to a recent package change | 21:52 |
hallyn | jdstrand: d'oh, wasn't there a libxml security update. wonder whether that did it | 21:55 |
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sarnold | hallyn: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2389-1/ | 21:56 |
sarnold | hallyn: there were also kvm changes in kernel security updates: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2395-1/ | 21:56 |
hallyn | sarnold: yeah but i don't *think* qemu-* is involved | 21:57 |
sarnold | ahh | 21:57 |
hallyn | more like "AAAAAARGH" | 21:57 |
hallyn | as i recall the error was something like it expected '//V' but got 'V' | 21:58 |
hallyn | sarnold: sigh. i wanted to go t osleep, but i guess i'll try a build iwth the old libxml | 21:59 |
sarnold | hallyn: go to sleep :) | 22:00 |
hallyn | well if libxml is broken i wont *fix* it now :) i'll just push the libvirt and post a bug | 22:01 |
sarnold | hallyn: well, okay, if knowing if libxml is to blame will help you get some sleep .. :) | 22:03 |
hallyn | when you say it out loud it doesn't sound likely does it | 22:09 |
sarnold | I think I've heard complaints about libxml updates breaking other package builds before, apparently people come to rely upon the bugs :) | 22:10 |
hallyn | sarnold: feh. confirmed. after a dpkg -i libxml2_2.9.1+dfsg1-3ubuntu4.4_amd64.deb libvirt builds | 22:20 |
sarnold | hallyn: sigh | 22:21 |
hallyn | sarnold: i don' tknow why i'm telling you this, as i don't hold you responsible :) but i opened bug 1390637 | 22:25 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1390637 in libxml2 "newest libxml2 update in vivid breaks libvirt build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1390637 | 22:25 |
hallyn | i'll be working 2 or 3 days next week, can take a look if noone else has then (T or W) | 22:25 |
* hallyn out | 22:25 | |
sarnold | hallyn: have a good weekend :) | 22:26 |
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