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tsdgeosSaviq: what about getting https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/huddie/+merge/239831 in ? It'll save some compile time and maybe even make installation better08:53
tsdgeossince maybe we save the phone from having dee installed08:54
MacSlowtsdgeos, btw... looks like the combobutton replacement branch is going to be included after all09:20
MacSlowtsdgeos, checked yesterday via email what's the status on the subject is with stakeholders09:21
MacSlowtsdgeos, also kicked off another build on jenkins... after I saw that there were still whitespace issues.09:22
tsdgeoswaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat has happened to our header?¿?¿09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, wer?09:42
tsdgeosSaviq: make tryDash looks specially bad09:42
tsdgeosis this the UITK change we need mzanetti's branch for?09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, ugh09:43
mzanettiif it has multiple bottom separators, yes09:44
Saviqyeah looks like it09:44
mzanettiyeah... timp approved that header branch09:46
mzanettiI actually thought he'll land it in the same silo or so09:46
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Saviqtsdgeos, .pot update for huddie do you think?09:53
tsdgeoscan do09:53
tsdgeosSaviq: done09:59
Saviqtsdgeos, tx09:59
tsdgeosMacSlow: can you remove this probably unneeded change?10:06
tsdgeos309- hints: {"x-canonical-private-affirmative-tint": "true"},10:06
tsdgeos310+ hints: {"x-canonical-private-affirmative-tint": "true",},10:06
MacSlowtsdgeos, sure10:08
MacSlowtsdgeos, pushed10:11
Saviqwhoa, qmluitests green again \o/10:12
tsdgeosnow for autopilot :D10:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, do you have to spoil the fun ;)10:21
tsdgeosi'm like that10:22
tsdgeosthe party animal!10:22
tsdgeosMacSlow: so we don't do the delayed height animation anymore?10:25
tsdgeosMacSlow: so basically with the new code10:33
tsdgeosaction with index 2 is just the text that is shown in the expander, but doesn't "do" anything, right?10:33
MacSlowtsdgeos, correct..that's what design wants10:34
tsdgeosMacSlow: has spec or whatever been updated so people using this knows?10:34
tsdgeosMacSlow: i have the feeling that the mousearea there should be an AbstractButton so that there is haptic feedback10:37
tsdgeosand imho10:38
tsdgeosoptionToggle.expanded = optionToggle.expanded ? false : true10:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, since nothing is using it yet, there's nothing that could break.10:38
tsdgeoswould read better as10:38
tsdgeosoptionToggle.expanded = !optionToggle.expanded10:38
tsdgeosMacSlow: i'm not saying breaking, i'm saying documenting10:39
MacSlowtsdgeos, the only "documentation" is the design-spec10:39
MacSlowtsdgeos, any the examples from lp:unity-notifications10:40
MacSlowtsdgeos, and those I always keep aligned with the latest design-mockups I receive10:40
MacSlowtsdgeos, I'm using "optionToggle.expanded = optionToggle.expanded ? false : true"10:42
tsdgeosi say i think i think the other reads better10:42
tsdgeosbut that's fine if you don't want to change it10:42
tsdgeosthe MouseArea vs AbstractButton i think is something we should change though10:42
MacSlowtsdgeos, you just mixed up these two :)10:42
MacSlowtsdgeos, I'll look into the AbstractButton10:43
mzanettigreyback: hey, for the antialiasing we'd need that branch too. https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/antialiasing-spread/+merge/24058110:54
mzanettiit's an easy one though10:54
greybackmzanetti, ok10:54
MacSlowtsdgeos, fixed mentioned issues.10:55
MacSlowamazing to see a jenkins-run on a unity8-branch with everything succeeding10:57
greybackam I really too stupid to figure out how to restore one file with dejadup?11:07
greyback"You can restore the entire backup with the Restore... button" - ok I see that11:08
Saviqgreyback, doesn't it integrate with nautilus or something?11:08
greyback"or use Files to either revert individual files or restore missing ones" - where the f*ck is "Files" - I only have "Help" in the menus11:08
Saviqgreyback, nautilus is "Files"11:08
greybackSaviq: that's retarted11:09
Saviqgreyback, you know who to talk to ;)11:09
davmor2greyback: totem is videos, epiphany is web, etc etc etc  it's all gnomes making it easier naming thing11:10
MacSlow"Files" vs "nautilus" -> new user vs old-school user11:11
larsuwe're doing the same on touch, no? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps11:13
larsu"Weather", "Music", "Share", ...11:13
larsuI think it's just the modern way to name apps11:14
larsu(that are part of the system)11:14
tsdgeoslarsu: it's not the modern way it's the "You shall not use other apps other than the blessed ones" way11:14
tsdgeosbecause who in it's mind would use "somename" when you have "Videos" around11:14
larsutsdgeos: who forces anyone to use those apps?11:15
tsdgeoslarsu: the *name*11:15
larsuthe name forces?11:15
larsuthis is ridiculous11:15
tsdgeospeople is ridiculous :D11:15
tsdgeosdon't quote me on that ;)11:15
larsupeople use firefox on gnome even though "Web" is around11:15
MacSlowtsdgeos, it's going on the quotes-page now :-P11:15
larsutsdgeos: and calendar apps on android/ios even though "Calendar" is around11:16
tsdgeoslarsu: sure, that's because Web is maybe not that good and because Firefox is a powerhouse name11:16
larsutsdgeos: how about third party camera apps on ios? They're really popular11:17
larsutsdgeos: but the default app is named ... Camera11:17
larsuI think it's just a "comes from os vendor"/"is a 3rd party app with its own branding" distinction11:18
larsusince the os vendor doesn't usually need to brand each bundled app11:18
larsu(they still do for high profile apps, such as browsers)11:19
tsdgeoslarsu: maybe11:22
tsdgeosMacSlow: yeah this is really better than the old thing11:23
tsdgeosMacSlow: would you hate me much if i ask for a single icon instead of two?11:24
tsdgeosor you think it'd make the code les readable?11:24
MacSlowtsdgeos, single icon ?11:24
MacSlowtsdgeos, where11:24
tsdgeosMacSlow: you have two Icon {}11:24
tsdgeosbut they are alternatively visibible11:25
tsdgeosi.e. one is11:25
tsdgeosvisible: index !== startIndex11:25
tsdgeosand the other11:25
tsdgeosvisible: index === startIndex11:25
tsdgeosso could really use One11:25
MacSlowtsdgeos, hm... let me see11:26
MacSlowtsdgeos, the layout/placement will look weird11:28
tsdgeosMacSlow: you mean the code11:31
tsdgeosto make it be either on left/right if it's index === startIndex or not11:31
MacSlowtsdgeos, no... startIndexis for the passed in model11:33
tsdgeosok, leave it like this11:33
tsdgeosit's one extra Icon{} only11:34
tsdgeosand it's not like Notification is there all the time11:34
tsdgeoswasting memory11:34
MacSlowtsdgeos, one potentially can get only one such notification with the new OptionToggle at time11:41
mzanettiCimi: hey, you in the office today?12:00
Cimimzanetti, nope12:10
Cimimzanetti, I'll hardly go with my back in the next weeks... but I will if needed12:11
Cimimzanetti, is there a silo to test?12:11
mzanettiCimi: problem solved... did a hangout with design12:14
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Cimimzanetti, is there also a silo we need to test?12:27
mzanettiCimi: no, not that I know of12:28
mzanettiare we gonna land the list on bottom swipe for rtm now?12:28
mzanettiseeing there's a silo for it12:28
tsdgeosmzanetti: we're not12:29
tsdgeosunless someone overruled what kgunn said yesterday :D12:29
Saviqmzanetti, tsdgeos, which is the branch fixing the header?13:40
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tsdgeosSaviq: haven't tried, but https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/new-pageheader-api/+merge/239242 ?13:49
tsdgeosSaviq: i find it weird they are changing public api unless this is going to land on rtm13:53
tsdgeosthis late13:53
tsdgeosbut oh well13:53
Saviqtsdgeos, I find it weird how that landed at all13:54
tsdgeosSaviq: but it's vivid only, no?13:54
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, but well, how it landed in vivid? it's kinda easy to notice...13:54
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Saviqmzanetti, would you have some time to look at the remaining autopilot failure we have in ci?14:34
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, can have a look15:17
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cwayneSaviq: whats the key combo to invoke screenshotter?15:52
Saviqcwayne, volup+voldown15:53
cwayneSaviq: nice, thanks15:53
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* greyback eow16:08
greybackgood weekend guys!16:08
mzanettiSaviq: we can't run autopilot from a source dir any more, can we?16:15
robotfuelmzanetti: where are you trying to run autopilot? on a phone?16:19
mzanettimy desktop16:19
robotfuelmzanetti: that hasn't changed16:20
mzanettiwell... it always runs the isntalled instance, not the one from the builddir16:20
mzanettiif I uninstall the installed one, it won't work at all any more16:20
Saviqmzanetti, ninja -C builddir install16:22
Saviqor well, make -C builldir install16:22
Saviqyou need to have it installed *somewhere* (by default in builddir/install)16:23
Saviqand that's where autopilot will look for unity816:23
tsdgeosmzanetti: see the CODING file16:29
tsdgeosyou need to set PYTHONpATH too afair16:30
mzanettidoesn't fail on my desktop anyways16:30
mzanettiI guess we could just delete that test anyways... well, at least the open_scop_to_right is useless16:31
mzanettias it just swipes the dash to the left16:31
mzanettiwhile the open_scop_to_left does the same, and additionally swipes it back16:31
mzanettiso one of them is definitely just a waste of time16:31
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