
cmaloneyhelllo fellow mammals03:18
_stink_that's might presumptuous of you03:20
rick_h_just how i roll03:20
_stink_both 'party' and cmaloney's claim that we are all mammals :)03:21
rick_h_ah true, mammalgate03:22
rick_h_watch out, ill have to rage-quit email overr it03:22
_stink_you'll get lots of retweets though03:23
_stink_good trade?03:23
rick_h_anything for interweb popularity03:24
_stink_i just refactored a bunch of code that i don't fully understand03:24
_stink_if the tests all pass i can call it a day, right?03:24
* rick_h_ hides03:24
rick_h_with tests then sweet03:24
_stink_yeah they didn't pass03:26
rick_h_good tests03:29
_stink_yeah dodged one there :P03:31
cmaloneyGood morning13:40
cmaloneyThat whole mammal thing was in response to one of JoDee's students claiming he couldn't answer the following question:13:40
cmaloney"What is the weight of a 60kg mammal"13:41
cmaloneyapparently the bone of contention was the student didn't understand the word "mammal"13:41
cmaloneyergo the whole question was invalid13:41
brouschThe proper response is "on what planet?"13:42
mrgoodcatwell... to be fair, kg is not a measure of weight13:42
mrgoodcatbut a measure of mass13:42
mrgoodcatwhat brousch said13:43
cmaloneyAnd that's what she was asking13:43
cmaloneyEarth was assumed I believe13:43
cmaloneythis is a lighter-weight physics class13:43
cmaloneyBut yes, the contention wasn't "on what planet" or what-not, but the term "mammal"13:44
mrgoodcatweight is affected by volume as well (bouyancy)13:44
cmaloneymrgoodcat: There are students in this class that would freak out if you mentioned there would be addition or subtraction13:44
brouschAh, so in what location and in what medium?13:44
brouschHow do you get to college when you are afraid of addition and subtraction?13:45
brouschWhat college is this?13:45
cmaloneyApparently they have a form for that.13:45
cmaloneyCommunity college.13:45
brouschIs the class "Intro to Stargazing"?13:46
cmaloneyNo, Physical Science13:48
brouschGiveCamp GR this weekend. Anyone coming over?13:49
cmaloneyUNfortunately no.13:53
cmaloneyDidn't realize it was this weekend.13:53
cmaloneyApparently I fail following GR stuff13:54
brouschI think you really don't care ;)13:54
cmaloneyApparnetly nobody updates that page, and conversely few folks are following it.13:55
painbank\joion #rvm14:04
painbank\join #rvm14:04
rick_h_other way14:04
rick_h_ /14:04
painbankthanks… :)14:04
painbankbtw, rick_h_ congrats on the 3 years at canonical14:05
rick_h_painbank: ty, next week but almost there14:05
cmaloneythere's only one reason to use a backslash and that's to escape the next character.14:12
cmaloneyAll other uses are crap. ;)14:12
painbankhaha, thanks for the pro tip of hte week cmaloney15:10

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