
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
johnmceHi, I'm upgrading my test openstack installation to Juno, and I'm stuck at trying to get Keystone re-installed. Having failed to update the existing Keystone LXCs in place, I decided to scrap them a create a couple of replacements.11:46
johnmceIn my config file I'm specifying "openstack-origin: 'cloud:trusty-juno'". Keystone fails to install in the new LXC container. The first error I dealt with was "juju-log FATAL ERROR: Could not determine OpenStack codename for version 2014.2.11:46
johnmceI worked around this with an "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; add-apt-repository -y cloud-archive:juno; apt-get update"11:47
johnmcehowever, I'm now getting this error: juju-log FATAL ERROR: Invalid Cloud Archive release specified: trusty-juno11:48
johnmceI've tried googling that error, but I'm not finding any answers. Can anyone offer any advice?11:48
=== balloons is now known as Guest57233
johnmceFurther to my earlier question, (using Juju and MAAS) when I add keystone, thus spawning LXC containers, how is it that the "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-keystone-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py" file contains no reference to Juno whatsoever, when the same file in the charm I'm using does contain references to Juno?12:34
johnmceHow is it that an older version (icehouse) of this file is being used?12:34
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
jeskdid a fresh 14.04 installation with maas and juju 1.20.11 from paa14:25
jeski tried bootstrapping with juju bootstrap --upload-tools --debug14:25
jesktwo thing I encountered are that /var/lib/juju/nonce.txt is missing so that i have to manually login on the node and create it14:25
jeskthe next problem I couldnt fixed yet is that:14:26
jesk2014-11-08 15:14:24 ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:323 exec ["start" "--system" "juju-db"]: exit status 1 (start: Unknown job: juju-db)14:26
jesk2014-11-08 12:39:19 ERROR juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:122 bootstrap failed: subprocess encountered error code 114:26
jeskStopping instance...14:26
jeskany help appreciated14:26
joseanyone else having troubles with ec2?15:38
jrwrenwhat kind of ec2 troubles?15:43
josejrwren: I'm getting the following:     agent-state-info: 'cannot run instances: No default subnet for availability zone:15:55
jose      ''us-east-1e''. (InvalidInput)'15:55
josejrwren: any ideas about what may be going on?16:07
jrwrenjose: yes. A bug was recently closed on that.16:38
jrwrenjose: check your VPC16:38
jrwrenjose: make sure you have a subnet for us-east-1e in your default VPC16:38
josejrwren: there was no subnet for us-east-1e, but I created it and it's still giving me the error16:39
jrwrenjose: did you remove the machine and add a new one?16:39
josejrwren: yep. lemme destroy my env and re-bootstrap16:39
tvansteenburghjose: axw told me you can work around that bug by deleting the default VPC in your region (assuming you don't need it); beware that it can't be undone w/o help from AWS support)17:00
tvansteenburghjose: or wait for 1.21 beta1 which will contain the fix17:00
josetvansteenburgh: I was trying to run some tests and I can only create 3 machines (machine 0 and two services), so I guess I'll have to wait17:00
josenow, what happens if I delete my VPC? supposedly I won't be able to create machines17:01
jrwrenyeah, I don't recommend deleting the default VPC17:03
jrwrenI deleted mine and I couldn't create machines.17:04
jrwrenI don't know how to tell juju to use a non default FPC17:04
joseI hope 1.21-beta1 is released soon. kinda annoyinh17:06
tvansteenburghsupposedly coming early next week17:07
josecool then. will hold my tests.17:14
jrwrenjose: did you get the error again?17:29
josejrwren: bleh, bundletester paused waiting for me to input my password for 00-setup and I didn't know17:29
joseit's running now, let's check...17:30
josejrwren: same error17:32
jrwrenjose: same AZ?17:35
josejrwren: yep17:35
jrwreni moved to us-west-217:37
jrwrenbut it sure would be nice to find a better work around.17:38
jrwrenjose: do you have awscli at your disposal?17:42
jrwrenjose: apt-get install awscli and then aws configure and use same creds as that juju environment.17:42
jrwrenjose: if you could do that and pastebin the output of aws ec2 describe-subnets17:43
josejrwren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8887559/17:46
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
jrwrenjose: well heck is if I know. it says there us-east-1e subnet has 4000+ available.17:55
joseyeah, I'll have to wait until 1.21-beta1 :P17:55
josethanks for your help, though! :)17:55
johnmceFurther to my earlier question, (using Juju and MAAS) when I add keystone, thus spawning LXC containers, how is it that the "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-keystone-0/charm/hooks/charmhelpers/contrib/openstack/utils.py" file contains no reference to Juno whatsoever, when the same file in the charm I'm using does contain references to Juno?18:33
johnmceCan anyone point me in the direction of any documentation that explains how my target LXC machine receives the charm, so that I can work out where on earth it's getting this outdated charm from?18:36
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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