
wgrantapachelogger: Let me know if you see any more slow builds. Some dodgy compute nodes have been taken out of rotation.00:34
wgrantTheir IO performance was sort of 10x worse than the rest, which wasn't really ideal.00:34
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sgclarkvalorie: hehe yes suppose to be really nice04:09
josecongratulations, sgclark 06:04
bukaiRiddell: ping09:40
lordievaderGood morning.09:44
bukaisoee: ping12:22
soeebukai: pong12:50
bukaisoee: I started creating a theme for the test.kubuntu.co.uk and I am facing a strange problem , some hyperlinks are working and some are not12:52
lordievaderThe best problems ;)12:52
soeebukai: What links dont work ?12:52
soeeuhoh 5.1.1 building already :)12:53
bukaisoee: this is the  code snippet for the same ->http://paste.kde.org/prldagxeg12:54
lordievaderOnly the first one is an actual link?12:56
soeebukai: yeak and there is only one link12:56
bukaiyes , that too is not opening12:57
soeeothers will just point to nothing, yop can use #foo in link if you want to point inyo some section on a page12:57
soeebukai: also use closing slash in img tag like <img src="foo" alt="" />12:58
soeealso in this sample code one closing div is missing12:59
lordievaderHehe yeah, strict browsers don't like that ;)12:59
bukaisoee: ok, let me check. But should it not at least open the given links ?13:01
soeei would have to see working code13:02
lordievaderIt could very well be that the browser has no idea where the <a> tag ends, what is covered and what not.13:02
bukailordievader: but in that case the entire thing should become a link that too isn't happening.13:04
lordievaderbukai: Is there an example page with working and non working links?13:05
bukaiNope its on my local machine I can send you the code.13:06
soeebukai: can you post teh code once again ?13:06
bukaisoee: the entire article section, http://paste.kde.org/pogzckfs413:08
soeebukai: links work, do you see images ?13:09
soeebukai: paste your code into html section here: http://fiddlesalad.com/html/13:09
soeeas you can see images are not found but links work if you click on missing image icon13:10
lordievaderbukai: The links work fine here: http://lordievader.no-ip.org/files/test.html13:10
bukaisoee: it works fine there13:13
bukaibut its not working on the browser! :(13:14
lordievaderbukai: It is here, uploaded the snippet to my server and it works just fine.13:15
bukailordievader: what browser are you using?13:16
lordievaderbukai: Chromium.13:16
bukaisame here, but It's not working and It's killing me !13:17
lordievaderbukai: Are the images links with you?13:18
lordievaderBoth on your server and mine?13:21
bukaiits link on your server13:23
lordievaderHihi, what webserver do you use?13:23
bukailordievader: soee this is how it looks on the browser when right clicked on a particular image http://wstaw.org/w/325r/13:33
soeewell be sure thet thers now extra layer thoat covers all others13:40
soee*thers no13:40
lordievaderChromes inspector thingie (f12) is awesome for that ;)13:40
bukaiIf I remove all the css nd js then the links are working fine13:41
lordievaderbukai: Double check the css and js ;)13:42
bukaiyup that is what I am doing now :)13:43
bukaisoee: btw there are no personal blogs as such on the kubuntu.org, will it be a good idea to iinclude some?13:46
lordievaderThere is the kubuntu wire.13:47
bukaiyes, but unlike now will it be better to represent the kubuntu wire blogs and  the latest articles seperately on the front page?13:51
yofel_kubuntu.org is the distribution information page. So it should focus on that. Having some community related things like maybe the 3 newest wire posts linked somewhere would be nice I guess, but that shouldn't give the impression that it's the purpose of the page13:59
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yofelbukai: ^13:59
bukaino, I was just thinking of mentioning just 4 latest wire   post on the first page. 14:04
bukaiyofel: ^^14:05
yofelIMO ok, as long as it's somewhere to the bottom right14:07
bukailordievader: issue resolved !!14:34
lordievaderbukai: What was the cause?14:34
bukai<a href .. had to be but before I started the div but I had put it inside the div14:36
lordievaderErr didn't we just establish the html code wasn't the problem?14:39
bukaiyes, but making that change it works, and if you remove the css files it worked.14:41
bukaiwithout the change14:41
bukailordievader: ^^14:41
lordievaderbukai: Seems to me like a workaround fix... :(14:42
bukaiyes, I will keep checking the css to get a proper fix 14:44
lordievaderbukai: :)14:45
ovidiu-florinwhy is libkf5config-dev only available in utopic?15:03
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yofelovidiu-florin: ?15:11
yofel libkf5config-dev | 5.3.0-0ubuntu1 | vivid/universe  | amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, powerpc, ppc64el15:11
yofeltrusty doesn't have it because kf5 wasn't ready back then15:13
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ari-tczewwhy we wouldn't to keep KDE* packages merged from Debian, else releasing from scratch?16:21
Blizzzmh, question, on 4.10 i added backports ppa to receive kde telepathy 0.9. alas, the kde-telepathy packages are still on 0.8 and the ktp- packages as in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=utopic don't show up. aptitude update does not reveal any erros.16:52
Blizzzmh, what launchpad shows does not match with reality16:56
ovidiu-florinyofel: can I get it through backports?17:02
Blizzzkde-telepathy shows 0.8 but other packages are fine. looks OK, thanks for packaging :)17:03
Blizzz(goodbye pidgin, never gonna miss u)17:09
yofelovidiu-florin: not from us I believe (IIRC the problem point was backporting qt5)17:09
ScottKari-tczew: We're mostly switching to much newer versions, but we're collaborating with Debian to put them a common VCS.  Things like kde4libs that will stick around should be merged.18:47
ari-tczewScottK: ok18:48
ovidiu-florinyofel: then I'll have to compile even the whole kf5 myself...19:23
yofelprobably, should be rather easy with kdesrc-build though19:23
ovidiu-florinyofel: every one keeps saying that19:24
ovidiu-florinI don't understand how to use that tool19:24
yofelcan't really help you with that as I've never used it. But the manual seems to be pretty long19:25
ovidiu-florinI've skimmed the manual19:25
ovidiu-florinsearching fo how to disable something....19:26
ovidiu-florinaaprently that tool is favoring SVN a bit too much19:26
soeeoh this is cool, 21:38
soeefacebook messanger messages in kde-telepathy21:38
soeenotification etc. all works just cool21:38
soeeomg <3 kde-telepathy :)21:39

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