
k1lguess what: inerkick is back again with his update issue with 12.1001:01
j4s0nmchr1st0sWhat is the problem?01:54
j4s0nmchr1st0scannot send to #ubuntu01:55
HFSPLUSam i still banned from ubuntu rooms even though i retired?01:55
HFSPLUSfrom trolling01:55
j4s0nmchr1st0sAll of the agreements morphed.01:58
j4s0nmchr1st0sThis is what the webe's do.01:58
HFSPLUSrww, surprised? i havent trolled any *buntu channels in a week02:00
HFSPLUSbazhang, surprised i havent said noo waa in a week ethier02:00
HFSPLUSha, i retired from trolling and spreading the gospel of christ02:00
HFSPLUSnow someone tell me if i enter an ubuntu channel am i banned? if i get banned in an ubuntu channel i wont waste my time02:00
HFSPLUSi know i will test the waters now02:00
HFSPLUSphunyguy, i see i am still permabanned from ubuntu rooms02:01
phunyguywas there any doubt?02:01
phunyguyj4s0nmchr1st0s: let me take a look02:02
HFSPLUSrww@mark #ubuntu-ops HFSPLUS retired for trolling 4evah02:03
HFSPLUSlook at the logs02:03
HFSPLUSphunyguy, so am i banned yes or no02:03
HFSPLUSjust tell me so i wont waste time02:03
HFSPLUSand leave02:03
phunyguyI quieted you before you said anything hurtful.02:03
phunyguythat's all02:03
phunyguyHFSPLUS: ^02:03
HFSPLUSphunyguy, so if i enter anothor room will you quiet me?02:03
HFSPLUSyes or no so i wont waste time02:03
HFSPLUSi wouldnt have said anything bad02:04
phunyguyj4s0nmchr1st0s: what error are you getting in the channel?  I am trying to find an entry for you02:05
phunyguyHFSPLUS: your behavior in other channels we are in (aside from ubuntu) is less than ideal.  You are not retired from trolling.  So just stop.02:07
HFSPLUSphunyguy, whatever man02:08
HFSPLUSphunyguy, may i recommend02:08
HFSPLUSand saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel mark 1:1502:09
phunyguythought so.02:09
HFSPLUSrepent and believe in jesus christ and you will have eternal life02:09
popeyplease can we remove this lunatic?02:09
HFSPLUSi just dont care about trolling anymore02:09
HFSPLUSpopey, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”02:09
phunyguyI am not an op here02:09
phunyguyor I would :(02:09
HFSPLUSi dont care anymore02:09
HFSPLUSthere is nothing more important than repenting and beleiving in jesus christ02:09
FlannelHFSPLUS: #ubuntu channels are not a place for religious soapboxing.  Please take it elsewhere (although I'm not sure where).02:09
HFSPLUSthis life is temporary02:09
HFSPLUSeternal fire or eternal life02:10
HFSPLUSjesus says most go to hell and few to heaven02:10
popeycool story bro02:10
HFSPLUSthere is an afterlife and you will be screaming when you die and find yourself in hell02:10
HFSPLUSgo ahead laugh, thats what they did to jesus christ02:10
HFSPLUS"Then they will go forth and look On the corpses of the men Who have transgressed against Me. For their worm will not die And their fire will not be quenched; And they will be an abhorrence to all mankind. isaiah 66:2402:11
HFSPLUSi actually shocked myself last week and deleted windows 8 and installed ubuntu02:11
HFSPLUSi cant believe02:11
HFSPLUSEXT4 Is the best filesystem ever created, period.02:14
valorieme either02:14
valorielinux soapboxing is no more welcome here than religious soapboxing02:15
HFSPLUSban me idgaf the gospel of christ is the most important thing ever02:16
valoriethank you02:16
IdleOnej4s0nmchr1st0s: what channel are you getting that message in?02:23
phunyguynooo waaaaa02:25
j4s0nmchr1st0sIdleOne: You cannot send messages to #ubuntu.02:29
IdleOneyou are not in #ubuntu02:29
j4s0nmchr1st0sIdleOne: That explains it.02:29
IdleOneit would02:29
IdleOnenow you can keep an eye on him02:31
IdleOneI'm glad I could help02:31
phunyguyoh it's the 12.10 guy from the other day, no?02:37
IdleOnemight be02:37
IdleOnethey all look the same02:38
phunyguyhe just asked about a quantal repo02:38
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Imk0tter trolling)04:52
phunyguyhandled ^05:30
ikoniahello cristian_c11:08
ikoniayou seemed to find this channel very fast11:08
ikonia3 seconds after being muted11:08
ikoniaso what's the issue ?11:08
cristian_cmuted, I've not seen this, I thought kicked11:09
ikoniayou where kicked11:09
ikoniayou still found this channel 3 seconds after being kicked11:09
cristian_cikonia, I don't think I can't be helped by users by ben64 fault11:09
ikoniathats pretty good, it's almost as if you know what to do when you've been kicked11:09
ikoniacristian_c: you've been repeating the same question over and over for days, you've been helped multiple times11:09
ikoniayou've just called a member of the channel who does nothing but good help - a "known troll"11:10
cristian_cI've gone offtopic, but I've told to the user to not trust to ben64, a guy I know very well11:10
ikoniahe is not a "known troll" you've just made something up about a long term helper to rubbish his claims that you've been doing this over and over again for days11:10
cristian_cikonia, I've been kicked in #ubuntu channel , if i remember, and in other channels too11:10
ikoniayeah, thats not good then11:11
ikoniaif you are getting kicked from channels - perhaps adjust your attitude and stop calling people trying to help you "known trolls"11:11
cristian_cikonia, I can show what I 've asked in these twi days11:11
ikoniaI can see the logs already11:11
ikoniathe channel is publicly logged11:11
cristian_cikonia, i'm absolutely sure he is a troll11:11
ikoniayou're totally wrong then11:11
cristian_cikonia, I alwaysignore him, so I can solve the problem11:12
ikoniayou are welcome to ignore him11:12
ikoniahe gives excellent advice, that is your loss11:12
ikoniahowever the problem kicks in when you are making things up about him and telling others to wrongly ignore him11:13
ikoniaand calling him names such as a known troll11:13
cristian_cikonia, I always ignor him, I've adviced only the user11:13
ikoniano you didn't11:13
ikoniayou called him a "known troll" which is lies, and told the user to ignore him11:13
cristian_cikonia, I think mine it's a googd advice to prevent users from be damaged from him11:14
ikoniathen you should not be using this channel11:14
cristian_cikonia, I know this user very well11:14
ikoniathe ubuntu channels11:14
ikoniathe user in question has been in the channel a long time and provides nothing but excellent help to users11:14
ikoniayou on the other hand have been unable to follow simple advice nad have been repeating the same question for days11:15
cristian_cikonia, I know him and I've seen him in the channel, he bothers users with trolling behaviour, he is not useful for the channel11:15
cristian_cI can show it11:15
ikoniaI'm well aware of his contribution11:15
ikoniahence why it is unacceptable to behave as you are doing11:16
cristian_cI don't want tell lies11:16
ikoniaif you find that sort of contribution to the channel "unhelpful" I suggest you use another channel11:16
cristian_cikonia, I don't follow no asdvices from him, because I know he is a troll, sorry but I must defend me from these users11:17
cristian_c*troll users11:17
ikoniathen you are not welcome in the channel11:17
ikoniaplease find another channel if you are unable to not pass comment11:17
cristian_cikonia, not this channel that user11:17
ikoniayes, I understand11:17
ikoniaand if you can't use #ubuntu without keeping your opinion out of the channel, you cannot use the channel11:18
cristian_cikonia, ok, but I can show what I've posted in the channel in these two days11:18
ikoniaI'm well aware11:18
ikoniaI have the logs11:18
ikoniaas I've said earlier11:18
cristian_cikonia, I've only give a advice to a user for the intervention of ben64, I usually ignore him, from months11:19
ikoniaand you are wrong to do so11:20
ikoniaas I've said 3 times now11:20
ikoniaI don't really want to go over this again11:20
ikoniahere are your options11:20
ikonia1.) use #ubuntu and not pass comment on users such as ben64 to anyone at all11:20
ikonia2.) find another channel to use11:20
cristian_cikonia, I can't agree sincerely, because I directly experienced his behavior11:20
ikoniaok, then we are done11:21
ikoniaplease find another channel to use for your linux/ubuntu support issues11:21
cristian_cikonia, sorry, I don't understand exactly the option11:21
cristian_cif you want I exit from #ubuntu channel11:21
cristian_cor not11:21
ikoniayes please.11:22
cristian_cok, i think i can do domething to ask other operators or admin11:22
cristian_cI exit from the channel as you 've asked11:23
ikoniathank you11:23
cristian_cdone, so the next step11:23
ikoniaerrr you where not in #ubuntu11:23
ikoniaI removed you earlier11:23
cristian_ci've detached the tab11:24
IdleOnenext step is to part this channel #ubuntu-ops and go on about your business in some other linux help forum11:24
cristian_cnow, I've to understand what guidelines i've to read to ask other operators or admin11:24
cristian_cIdleOne, why?11:24
IdleOnebecause you won't be allowed access to #ubuntu for help11:25
cristian_cIdleOne, ikonia has said I must not stay in #ubuntu11:25
IdleOneand I agree with him11:26
cristian_cIdleOne, ok11:26
cristian_cI've to ask to other operators and admin11:26
IdleOneI am an operator11:27
cristian_cwhat is the correct procedure to denfend me11:27
ikoniacristian_c: I'll repeat your options11:28
ikoniaa.) use #ubuntu and do NOT comment to anyone about your opinions of people including ben6411:28
ikoniab.) find another channel to use11:28
cristian_cikonia, so, I've asked to you to understand the option and you've said that I must exit from #ubuntu11:29
cristian_cikonia, ok, it seems two different options11:29
ikoniacristian_c: read the options again11:29
ikoniachoose a.) or b.)11:29
ikoniathere are two options11:29
ikoniaI've just detailed them for you11:29
ikoniapick one11:29
cristian_cikonia, ok, one excludes the other11:30
ikoniathey are two seperate choices11:30
ikoniapick one11:30
ikoniathey are not up for discussion11:30
cristian_cikonia, I thought I have to exit #ubuntu in both the cases11:30
ikoniacristian_c: pick one11:30
cristian_cikonia, ok11:30
cristian_cikonia, ok, a is well for me, I can just ignore him and I can make opinions about him and other users in the channel11:31
cristian_c*can't make11:31
ikoniacristian_c: pick one11:31
ikoniathey are not up for dicussion, this is the last time I will ask11:32
cristian_cikonia, as I said, a) is well for me11:32
cristian_cikonia, I've answered to this question already11:32
ikoniaok - so be aware, if you make comments about users (including ben64) to other users - you will be removed from the channel and not allowed back in11:32
ikoniaclear ?11:32
cristian_cikonia, yes, as established11:33
cristian_cI think the statement is clear for me11:33
ikoniaI've removed the ban in #ubuntu11:33
ikoniayou can join #ubuntu now11:33
cristian_cnow, can I exit form this channel?11:33
ikoniayes, please exit from this channel11:33
cristian_cone moment, please11:33
rwwjpds: (since you're not in #ubuntu-ops-team): I'm nagging people about ban reviewing, please check your list of #ubuntu bans in BanTracker and remove as appropriate, thanks :)21:41
bazhangsloantothebone> in cyberspace no one can hear you scream23:03
OerHeksHi, i am in #ubuntu and got spam message from sinkes in PM23:31
k1lOerHeks: thanks, i removed that user.23:32
OerHeksk1l, show gratis (solo hooy) --> http:// etc23:32
OerHeksThank you, have a nice day :-)23:33

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