
grendal_primehey guys i upgraded my 1204 smb filer to 1404.  None of my shares are accessable now.00:26
grendal_primethey are there...i just can access them.00:26
sarnoldgrendal_prime: do you have any errors in syslog or dmesg or samba logs?00:27
grendal_primeim trying to find that now.00:27
grendal_prime  failed to retrieve printer list: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL00:29
grendal_primethat is the start of it00:29
grendal_primefrom dmesg im getting.  [ 1625.488505] init: samba-ad-dc main process (3850) terminated with status 100:30
grendal_primeouch..this is version 4 of samba00:35
grendal_primeya i dont think the tool i have been using is going to work with that.00:35
grendal_primeya that is going to make things much more difficult.00:39
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grendal_primegrrr..no error files that are helpfull on this04:22
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grendal_primethis is the worst experience i have ever had with ubuntu.07:59
grendal_primesamba 4.1.6  what a joke.07:59
SachiruWhat's wrong with Samba 4.1.6?08:10
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grendal_primei cannot get it to do what i need08:31
grendal_primeits making me crazy..08:31
grendal_primei just need to create some shares and then limit wich users have access to those shares08:31
grendal_primeive spent the last hour just trying to set up a pdc and it is not working.08:32
grendal_primeis there just a simple setup for shares..i can test ...im gonna loos my mind with this.08:32
grendal_primei messed up one step on the provisioning and now im getting nothing but errors08:33
grendal_primeits ridicules08:34
grendal_primeim building another vm at ground zero08:37
grendal_primehas anyone used swat2 on this?08:54
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lordievaderGood morning.09:44
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grendal_primealright i got this to do what i need.10:00
grendal_primei think10:00
grendal_primethe one question i have is this..10:03
grendal_primeis this    unix password sync = yes  going to sync my unix pasword with my samba password when i change my unix password..or the other way around?10:04
johncarperIf Ubuntu server didn't exist, and you would have to choose for a different server distribution with debian excluded. Wich one would you choose?11:27
temassoWhich ubuntu release is now best for production server?11:56
lordievaderTrusty (14.04) I'd say.11:56
temassohm, sb is criticising 14.04 : https://tim.siosm.fr/blog/2014/04/25/why-not-ubuntu-14.04-lts/11:58
temassoi.e kernel (3.13) is not LTS11:58
lordievaderWell I'd never go with a non-LTS release for a production server, so that leaves 10.04, 12.04 and 14.04. 10.04 is almost EOL, if it ain't already. 12.04 is already a couple of years old, so unless you want old software go with 14.04.12:03
temassook, thx for your opinion12:04
Amir1How to remaster Ubuntu Server withiut GUI?12:20
lordievaderAmir1: Remaster?12:22
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Amir1lordievader : yes, i have an installed ubntu server 14 with my personal packages and configs12:47
Amir1i want to creat installe able ISO of taht12:47
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Guest18602hello, i have a strange thing going on on my server. i am not able to install linux-image-3.13.0-39-generic_3.13.0-39.66_i386.deb. i get the following error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)  (i don't know if its related, but i installed typo3 before...)12:50
lordievaderAmir1: I supose this would help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization12:51
lordievaderGuest18602: If you manually install the package with dpkg, does it tell you more?12:51
Amir1i have some configuration and customize on my server.12:53
Guest18602lordievader: thaks for your reply. if i type: dpkg linux-image-3.13.0-39-generic_3.13.0-39.66_i386.deb - i get dpkg: error: need an action option12:54
lordievaderGuest18602: So what do you do now?12:55
Guest18602lordievader: i think i need an action option but i don't know which one...12:57
lordievaderGuest18602: Correct, how do you find out what options dpkg provides?12:58
Guest18602lordievader: with dpkg --help?12:59
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lordievaderGuest18602: That is one way, so what option do you need ;)12:59
lordievaderI do hope you realize that I'm trying to teach you something.13:01
Guest18602lordievader: i get it... thank you for that. i think it must be : -i13:02
lordievaderGuest18602: Precisely, what errors do you get when you install it with dpkg?13:03
lordievader!paste | Guest1860213:03
ubottuGuest18602: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:03
Guest18602lordievader ubottu: i get this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/8883693/13:06
lordievader"debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable"13:08
lordievaderGuest18602: Is there a debconf process running?13:08
Guest18602lordievader: how do i find it out?13:12
lordievaderGuest18602: Hehe, just beginning in the world of Linux? "ps aux|grep debconf"13:12
Guest18602lordievader: yeah... i still need help with some things...13:13
Guest18602lordievader: i get the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8883819/13:16
lordievaderGuest18602: Did your typo3 install complete correctly?13:17
Guest18602lordievader: i think so, it's working...13:19
lordievaderGuest18602: "kill 9286&&dpkg-reconfigure typo3"13:20
Guest18602lordievader: i get this <fter that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8883942/13:25
lordievaderGuest18602: apt-get install -f13:26
Guest18602lordievader: it seems to work now... i have to go... thank you very much for your help!!!13:35
lordievaderGuest18602: No problem.13:36
fixxxermetI need some help with bridging a bonded interface.  I have that specific aspect working - the issue is that the containers (LXC) on my host which are bound to the bridge interface aren't able to route traffic13:40
* iNooB clear13:41
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GrantKFor ubuntu server 12LTS, and 'alternate install' CD was available (http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.5/)  that specifically supported "LVM and/or RAID partitioning".  For ubu14LTS, (http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/), I neither see a similar 'alt' iso, nor any mention of RAID/LVM support.17:59
GrantKIs that RAID/LVM *in* the Ubu14LTS install? Or is there a different source, now, for that support?17:59
lordievaderGrantK: There aint a alternate iso, but the mini iso is capable of doing at least lvm.18:07
GrantKlordievader: Hi.  thx.  Is the 'full' iso a superset of the mini?  i.e., do we know that lvm support is there?18:08
lordievaderErr no, they are quite different. But I've used the mini iso for a LUKS + LVM setup.18:09
GrantKk.  There must be some mention somewhere -- instead of DL'ing the full just to determine it.  I'll poke around some more.  thx.18:10
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jarno_If your installing a server, What would be the difference between the regular iso and the minimal iso?23:02
ikoniajarno_: the components installed by default23:03
ikoniaI suggest you do some basic research23:03
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