
Kilosmorning all05:57
SquirmI don't like the festive season anymore06:26
Kiloshi Squirm what happened06:26
SquirmI work in retail06:30
Squirmand I'm at work :P06:30
Kiloslooks like our power probs could become a thing of the past06:42
Kiloshi nlsthzn go see eskoms help man07:04
Kilosoh my no one talking to me07:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:22
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:22
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:26
KilosMaaz, thanks man07:27
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)07:27
magespawngood day08:30
Kiloshi magespawn im advancing08:36
Kilosian gave me his old sony xperia last night08:36
Kilosbut no place in head to learn android as well08:37
Kilosnow sis trying to set date and time for me08:39
Kilostouch screens too much for me08:39
Kiloshi gremble 08:40
magespawnKilos as i understand things android is just a google version of linux08:40
magespawnhi gremble 08:40
Kilossjoe magespawn no place for html and android08:41
magespawntouch screens do take a little getting used to, but after awhile you get used to them08:41
Kilosand i got drives for africa08:42
magespawnall working?08:44
Kiloshgavent looked. they were supposed to be for spares for when i do drive repairs08:46
Kilostoo much mind boggling stuff happening here08:46
magespawnno need to rush it, take it at your own pace08:47
Kilosand i dont have a usb to sata/ide connector so gotta do that on another pc08:47
Kilosone needs to lie on the bed to play with cell phones08:51
SquirmKilos: I see you're moving up in the world08:53
Kiloshahaha inna way ya08:54
Kilosall i wanted was whatsapp on pidgin08:58
Squirmno can do08:58
SquirmWhatsApp has been very stingy about their protocol :P08:59
Squirmit's also locked to your cell number. You can't link your cell number to a computer08:59
nlsthznduracell is good 08:59
nlsthznhow is ZA land today09:00
nlsthznsome big rugby tonight .... going to suffer when I get to work tomorrow :09:01
Kilosgood ty nlsthzn 09:01
KilosSquirm, there is a whatsapp plugin for pidgin09:01
nlsthznwhatsup in pidgen... nice09:01
Kilosit asks for the cell number and the code they send you09:01
* nlsthzn goes to look for it09:01
nlsthznsame diff09:02
magespawnindeed i have also been looking for a way to use whatsapp on my pc09:02
Kilosonly they say you  can only use pc or fone one at a time to whatsapp09:02
nlsthznthat is silly :/ 09:02
Kilosnope ill use it on pc09:03
Kiloscant type on fones09:03
magespawnperhaps they have to trick whatsapp into thinking the message comes from the phone09:03
Kilosya i read all the write up on it and thats basically what they do09:04
KilosMaaz, google whatsapp plugin for pidgin on linux09:05
MaazKilos: "Plugins - Development - Pidgin" https://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins :: "WhatsApp on your computer: Pidgin plugin - www.davidgf.net" http://davidgf.net/page/39/whatsapp-on-your-computer:-pidgin-plugin :: "WhatsApp [Pidgin-im.de Wiki]" http://wiki.pidgin-im.de/doku.php?id=protokolle:whatsapp :: "Whatsapp en Pidgin (Linux) - YouTube"09:05
Maazhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMBdENylTbY :: "Usando o Whatsapp via Pidgin no Linux - Superdownload…09:05
Kiloshahaha and i only had R20 on the 8ta sim i put in the sony and they just mailed that they have given me a 2+1 data bundle free09:07
Kilostelkom my buddies09:08
Kilosbut no way i can use it on a fone, so will need to move sim to modem to use it09:08
Kilosunless the sony can play minetest09:09
Kiloswow we min again09:09
Kiloshi inetpro 09:09
magespawnthe xperia can do a wifi hotspot09:09
Kilosno fly yet09:09
Kilosoh my thats cool magespawn then i get 10g free wifi too09:10
Kiloswill need to go see what kind of area the hotspot thats 1k from here sends out09:10
magespawnno i am talking about using the phone as a hotspot so that your pc can connect through it to the net09:10
* nlsthzn is looking into installing and will give it a go09:11
Kiloswhew will need directions on how to do theat too09:13
nlsthznnever mind... what a pity to get your password etc...  I will stick to having it on my phone for now... sheese09:16
Kilosfor me fones are too small09:17
Kilosi already have whatsapp showing in pidgin but needed the number and password thing09:18
Kilosnow no energy to do it so that goes into the todo list09:18
Kilosi would much rather play with drives than all this fancy stuff09:19
Kilosbut now i have a smartphone too so yay09:20
magespawnone step at a time Kilos09:21
Kilosyeah wise words 09:21
* Squirm kicks Vagrant09:27
Kiloshmm... no graeme today either09:32
* Kilos gets by with some help from my friends09:34
Kilosty guys09:34
Kiloswbb gotta switch modems09:40
=== nlsthzn is now known as not_found
magespawnall got to go for a bit to check networks again bbl10:07
charlgood afternoon11:26
charlMaaz: coffee on11:26
* Maaz washes some mugs11:26
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!11:30
Kiloshi charl 11:32
KilosMaaz, acoffee on14:17
MaazKilos: What?14:17
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:17
* Maaz puts the kettle on14:17
Kilosnot what you rude bot14:17
Kilosi8 beg your pardon14:17
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:21
KilosMaaz, ty14:21
MaazYou are welcome Kilos14:21
charlhi Kilos 15:28
charlhow are you doing this fine day15:28
=== gremble is now known as koo3
charlwb Kilos 16:03
Kilosty charl had to steal modem for other pc16:04
Kilosgot xubuntu there16:05
magespawnhowdy all16:08
Kiloshi my magespawn 16:08
Kilosevening superfly 16:09
magespawnamazing internet here today is really crawling16:15
magespawnMaaz: is axxess.co.za up16:16
Maazmagespawn: Yes, https://www.axxess.co.za/ is up16:16
magespawnyup but as slow as molasses in july16:17
magespawnMaaz: ping axxess.co.za16:17
Maazmagespawn: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 196.022/196.329/196.497/0.589 ms16:18
magespawnMaaz: ping
Maazmagespawn: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.096/16.244/16.412/0.131 ms16:18
magespawnslight difference in the times there16:18
magespawnMaaz: ping afrihost.co.za16:18
Maazmagespawn: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 196.229/196.467/197.155/0.527 ms16:18
KilosMaaz: ping
MaazKilos: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.178/16.284/16.488/0.201 ms16:19
Kilosmine is same16:19
magespawnthat is google's dns server, so they probable have one right next door to Maaz16:20
magespawnafrihost and axxess are, i think, both hosted here16:20
Kilosits all the online stuff using up our speed16:21
Kiloslike that facebook video chat thing16:21
Kilosand skype16:21
Kilosand who knows what else16:21
magespawni do not even get a ping reply from axxess16:21
magespawnstill waiting16:22
KilosMaaz: ping axxess.co.za16:22
MaazKilos: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 196.238/196.343/196.524/0.409 ms16:22
charlMaaz: ping charl.eu16:22
Maazcharl: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4006ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.889/0.978/1.137/0.095 ms16:22
Kilosuse that mtr command and you can see what part of your route is sleg i think16:23
charlMaaz: ping subarashii.eu16:23
Maazcharl: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4007ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 21.206/24.612/28.909/2.478 ms16:23
magespawnfrom here it just get lost16:23
charlMaaz: ping hetzner.de16:23
Maazcharl: 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4005ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 3.183/3.324/3.473/0.126 ms16:23
charlit's probably hosted at hetzner that thing16:24
KilosMaaz, ping hetzner.co.za16:24
MaazKilos: 5 packets transmitted, 4 received, 20% packet loss, time 4001ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 183.054/183.259/183.375/0.446 ms16:25
charlnono germany16:25
Kilosi wanted to see if our one is any faster16:25
Kilospower could go anytime here16:25
charlno it has to ping from germany to south africa so it's latency16:26
charlunderseas cables and stuff16:26
charlmy vps is in the same data centre as maaz16:26
charlso the ping is <1ms16:26
Kiloshopefully massive storm comes here too, not just to where it kills the power16:26
charlstorm, nice16:26
charlgtg bbl16:27
Kilosweird but i actually sleep lekker when its storming16:27
=== koo3 is now known as gremble
magespawnhere is the traceroute from me to axxess.co.za17:19
inetpro--- afrihost.co.za ping statistics ---17:20
inetproround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 4.865/5.081/5.304/0.151 ms17:20
inetproactually that is --- axxess.co.za ping statistics ---17:20
magespawnso the problem is mine alone then?17:23
charlmagespawn: you don't have reverse dns ?17:35
charl--- axxess.co.za ping statistics ---17:36
charl8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 7008ms17:36
charlrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 190.371/191.674/198.712/2.667 ms17:36
charlthe destination host is blocking traceroutes17:37
charli get the same17:37
Kiloshi inetpro 17:40
* Kilos sharing za/ireland with tara17:40
charlgood evening Kilos 17:40
charlyou people playing island barbarian sport again?17:40
Kilosohi charl magespawn 17:40
charlah good :)17:41
inetprogood evening 17:50
magespawnhi inetpro17:50
charlhi inetpro 17:50
magespawncharl iwas just trying to see why the site is so slow for me17:51
charlyes but the reason you get no response is the traceroute is being blocked by a firewall17:52
charlnot because it's your connection17:52
charllet me try mtr too17:54
charldoesn't work for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/8887702/17:55
charlbut even on inetpro's paste the last hop has 10% packet loss17:57
charlbut that's different than our 100% packet loss17:57
inetprohmm... 17:57
magespawnsomething does not seem right somewhere17:57
inetpromagespawn: yep it's interesting indeed that you have no trouble up to hop 18 and it's the same as my hop 1617:58
magespawnhey axxess 1993 called they want their website back17:58
magespawnthis feels 28.8, i had forgotten what this was like18:01
magespawnthe whole site just refuses to load at all18:02
inetpromagespawn: obviously with 100% loss18:02
inetpromagespawn: call your SP18:02
inetprocould be a routing issue18:02
magespawni could at least log in about an hour ago18:03
magespawnmm that would make sense18:03
inetprofrom the office I have 0% loss18:03
inetproI would not blame axxess 18:04
magespawnno i do not think so, just so happens to be happening now, the bosses home adsl is off and the line is with them18:06
inetproahh, well not impossible that they have some kind of failure somewhere18:07
inetprocharl: I like your hostname18:09
not_founduncle Kilos ... what are they doing?18:16
Kilosthey leading 6/3 at the 1/2 not_found 18:16
not_foundI know, I am asking what are the boks doing... looks like they want to loose >.<18:17
Kilosthey wearing the opposition down18:17
Kilossecond half will be much better but ire defense is good18:18
not_foundsilly mistakes but they do blow the breakdown differently... that really hurting us18:18
not_foundreplacements will make a difference I suspect18:19
Kilosbit of sjambok at half time will help18:19
not_foundyup :)18:19
not_foundenjoy the game uncle Kilos ... I will be in bed right after the whistle :p18:19
Kilosok ty not_found sleep tight lad18:20
magespawnhave any of you used or heard of this https://www.rfxn.com/projects/linux-malware-detect/18:42
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:35
magespawngood night all20:06
Squirmevening all20:16

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