
studio-user324anyone using bitwig00:43
jarnosFor some reason "xfce4-session-logout -s" requires authentication now in 14.04.07:56
stefano_vi è un modo di resettare il menu di accesso principale13:50
delt!it | stefano_13:55
ubottustefano_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:55
cfhowlett!it | stefano_13:55
yorwosHi all , im using ubuntu studio 14.04 .My soundcard works only through jack ,can i remove alsa or is jack dependent on it ?15:19
yorwosim getting an error msg during boot im tired of seeing everytime , some alsaaudio or pulse audio file not found15:21
yorwosfrom clean install15:22
kittenberghi ciao17:30
kittenberggood evening to all you17:31
kittenbergi ve some problems setting my temp sensors for my amd kxx cpu17:32
holsteinkittenberg: feel free and ask about the problem.. what are you trying to do?17:46
kittenbergah ok17:46
kittenbergubuntu studio installed yesterday17:46
holsteinkittenberg: what operating system are you comfing from? windows?17:47
kittenbergubuntu 12.04 in dual boot with windows17:48
kittenbergsorry... ubuntu studio 14.04 lts... not 14.1017:48
holsteini suggest staying on the 14.04 LTS17:48
kittenbergi know17:48
holsteinthat being said, what is the question?17:49
kittenbergthe problem is my chipset17:49
kittenbergi ve installed psensor but is not very good for my chipset17:49
holsteinif your chipset manufacturer doest support linux well, then, you may have to accept compromises17:50
holsteinwhats the question? how to get your chipset to report CPU temp?17:50
holsteinwhy are you so worried about monitoring the CPU temp?17:50
kittenbergand i m not sure what to do because of the low latency kernel17:50
holsteinkittenberg: im not sure what you are asking, but, you can try the generic kernel if you need it.. its in the repos17:51
kittenbergi know17:51
holsteinubuntustudio and ubuntu have the same sources.. so, you can just install upstream ubuntu's generic kernel17:51
holsteinkittenberg: you know what?17:51
kittenbergbut i need low latency17:52
holsteinkittenberg: again, you might need to accept compromises17:52
kittenbergyes i understand17:52
kittenbergi m only looking around for solutions17:52
holsteinkittenberg: and if you have *not* tried the generic kernel in 14.10, then there are 2 things you are assuming.. 1., the lowlatency kernel is "better", and 2. the lowlatency kernel is the issue17:52
holsteinkittenberg: it literally will not hurt to try the generic kernel, if you feel that is the issue with the CPU temp reporting17:53
kittenbergi need it... it s not better17:53
kittenbergthe problem is in driver ati17:53
holsteinyou likely dont need CPU temp reporting..17:53
holsteinif the CPU temp is hot, then, you likely have a hardware problem17:54
holsteinif the CPU temp gets too hot, the machine usually has shutdown measures in place17:54
holsteinanyways, i would suggest loading the generic kernel to see if what you seem to be postulating is the case.. and try upstream #xubuntu #ubuntu and ati17:55
kittenbergdo you think is better wait for the solution came from using and stressing my system17:55
holsteinkittenberg: what solution?17:56
holsteinkittenberg: if ATI isnt providing one, there may be none.. what is the issue?17:56
holsteinyou want a CPU temp monitor? and cant get one to work with the lowlatency kernel?17:56
holsteinand havent tried with the generic to see if that is the issue, correct?17:57
holsteinkittenberg: and, the CPU temp monitor worked in 14.04? correct?17:57
kittenbergi ve reading about some bugs17:57
holsteinkittenberg: did it work in 14.04? yes or no?17:57
kittenbergpsensor now is working but it seems like is not working rightly17:58
holsteinkittenberg: did it work in 14.04?17:58
kittenbergnow im in 14.0417:59
holstein12:46 < kittenberg> ubuntu studio installed yesterday17:59
holstein12:46 < kittenberg> 14.1017:59
holsteinkittenberg: you stated you are using 14.10.. are you on 14.10 or 14.04?17:59
kittenbergno no 14.04 yesterday17:59
holsteinkittenberg: ok.. yesterday, in 14.04 did this work or no?18:00
kittenbergold configuration was ubuntu 12.0418:00
holsteinkittenberg:  i would *not* upgrade to 14.10 to try and solve this issue18:00
holsteinkittenberg: friend.. has this *ever* worked for you? in *any* linux?18:00
kittenbergno no i wont upgrade18:00
holsteinkittenberg: you stated you already have installed 14.10..18:00
kittenbergi think is not a problem of distribution18:01
holsteinkittenberg: please answer only this question.. has the thing you are trying to make work, the CPU temp monitor *ever* worked for you?18:01
holsteinkittenberg: ok18:01
holsteinkittenberg: then, i would not expect to jump distros to "Fix" this18:01
kittenberglm-sensor worked better of psensor insteed18:01
holsteinkittenberg: personally, i would accept the compromise that, since i am using linux, and i was not promised by the creators of the hardware that linux would work, that i may not be able to use some features18:02
holsteinkittenberg: why are you trying to implement a CPU tempreature monitor?18:02
kittenbergwasn t perfect but better than now18:02
kittenbergi need it to monitoring my cpu in real time18:03
holsteinkittenberg: why?18:03
holsteinkittenberg: why are you trying to monitor the CPU temp in real time or at all?18:04
kittenbergaudio prod18:04
kittenbergmidi external controls18:04
kittenbergand some18:04
holsteinkittenberg: i do audio production and have *no* such need of cpu tempreature monitoring.. why do you?18:04
holsteinmidi external controls do not require cpu tempreature monitoring..18:04
kittenbergmy computer's fan are not working good in linux18:04
holsteinkittenberg: they either cool the CPU or not18:05
holsteinkittenberg: if they are not, you should address the hardware issue18:05
holsteinkittenberg: i mean, what happens when the CPU is too hot? you just shut down the machine?18:05
kittenbergthere are some problems18:05
holsteinkittenberg: i would address the problems with the hardware. new fan, CPU thermal paste.. or new CPU.. whatever you need18:05
kittenbergi fear fans go broken18:06
holsteinkittenberg: *nothing* about a CPU tempreature monitor in *any* operating system will fix that issue.. you need to address the problem, and replace the fans18:06
holsteinyou shouldnt need to monitor the CPU temp like that. i mean, you can, and ATI should provide a way for you to do that.. but, since they dont, you really have no need for that if the hardware is functioning properly.. i would fix the fans18:07
kittenbergi think i need to fix the problem when the problem come out18:07
kittenbergdont worry18:08
holsteinkittenberg: i assure you, i have no worry.. good luck18:08
kittenbergvery thanx18:08
yorwoshi all , it would be very cool to add WineASIO in the default install guyz , thanx19:38

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