
davecheneyuh, wut00:23
davecheney% godeps -u dependencies.tsv00:23
davecheneygodeps: update not yet implemented00:23
thumperdavecheney: do you have an old godeps in your path?00:41
thumperyou hit more godeps problems than anyone I know00:41
thumperperhaps it has "if user == 'dave'"...00:41
rick_h_I think it's the feature flag "hahadave"00:42
rick_h_last time I reviewed any code :P00:42
davecheneythumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8909806/00:44
davecheneyi don't think that i'm wrong in my suspicion of this tool00:44
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davecheneythumper: ready when you are00:58
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thumperdavecheney: gah01:34
thumperdavecheney: mis-clicked and closed the hangout01:34
davecheneythumper: don't push the one on the left, it makes you go slow!01:34
davecheneythumper: https://codereview.appspot.com/174760043/01:38
davecheneytold ya!01:38
davecheneythey are going to do the c2go transition in a branch01:38
davecheneythen keep merging mainline into that branch, converting it01:38
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thumperdavecheney: is godeps working for you now?02:31
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wallyworld_axw: a small one http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/391/03:08
wallyworld_thumper: look what anastasiamac found http://www.juju.com.au/03:11
* thumper looks03:11
wallyworld_so much for Juju in Australia :-(03:11
axwwallyworld_: looking03:17
anastasiamacwallyworld_: were u not impressed by 'bad juju'?03:20
wallyworld_well, i was not the target audience03:20
anastasiamacwallyworld_: oh? but u were for .com.au?03:20
wallyworld_oh, i got mixed up03:21
wallyworld_i do like big guns, and i cannot lie03:22
anastasiamacwallyworld_: it's k. noone is perfect03:22
* bigjools stares in disbelief at that web site03:27
wallyworld_bigjools: there's obviously a market for it03:29
anastasiamacbigjools: it's very hard to name a product...03:30
wallyworld_axw: thanks for review. dns name will never be non empty, as it's set to public address. for this work, i'd rather leave status alone. the change brings ec2 into line with other providers from what i can see03:30
anastasiamacbigjools: or invent one..03:30
wallyworld_i liked Ensemble03:31
axwwallyworld_: huh? I didn't say dns-name would be empty, I was talking about Public/PrivateDNSName on the instance03:31
menn0wallyworld_, davecheney: i've made some further tweaks to that upgrade steps branch. http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/355/diff/03:31
menn0wallyworld_, davecheney: i've completely split up state and API based steps. it makes things clearer and cleans up the package some more.03:32
wallyworld_axw: oh, i misread your text03:32
wallyworld_thanks menn0  will look in a sec03:32
menn0wallyworld_: cheers03:33
wallyworld_axw: i did think about keeping it and changing the order, but since i understand we want to get rid of dns name, and the stated preference is to just show ip addresses, and fetching the dns name is potentially another remote call, i thought it best just to remove it03:34
axwwallyworld_: why are we getting rid of dns-name? to make way for "addresses"?03:35
wallyworld_i can't recall exactly - i've heard william grumble loudly about it03:35
axwI think the reason is so we can show *all* the addresses, not just one (DNS name)03:35
axwanyway, like I said, it shouldn't matter in *this* instance03:35
axwbut if the IP can be come stale and the DNS name is the canonical identifier, then I don't think it should be removed03:36
axw(otherwise the CLI has no way to connect, without being able to list state servers which requires full creds, etc.)03:37
bigjoolswallyworld_: anastasiamac: gives new meaning to two girls one cup03:37
wallyworld_does the cli seven specifically look for the dns name? i'd have to check03:37
wallyworld_bigjools: groan :-(03:38
axwwallyworld_: it tries all the addresses03:38
wallyworld_yes, of which the dns name would be one, true03:38
wallyworld_well, i guess i can retain it, but put it after the ip address in the slice03:39
axwwallyworld_: if you do, I suggest leaving out the conditional and only add it if they're non-empty03:39
axwno call to refresh()03:39
wallyworld_could do, but that would make the behaviour inconsistent03:40
axwwallyworld_: how? even the current way of refreshing isn't guaranteed to get the address AFAIK03:40
axwall the addresses will eventually be populated into state03:41
axwhmm actually it must be... it doesn't check after03:41
wallyworld_the code comments seemed to imply that the dns name should become available after a time03:41
wallyworld_if i just change the order, that seems to be the smallest change. i just couldn't see a compelling enough reason to retain the dns name in the address list at all03:43
axwwallyworld_: just drop it03:43
axwbut bear in mind for other providers it might matter03:43
wallyworld_this code is ec2 specific03:43
axwfor other providers, it might matter to have the DNS name as well as IP03:44
wallyworld_sure. but i don't think we do that, except for maas where we record the hostname03:44
wallyworld_openstack i *think* is just ip addresses, need to double check03:44
axwwallyworld_: I'm talking hypotheticals, I don't recall what each of the providers does.03:48
wallyworld_ok. i'll land as is and if dns name comes up as a requirement, we can address holistically across all providers03:49
wallyworld_menn0: looks cleaner with tweaks03:56
menn0wallyworld_: I'm glad you think so. land it?03:57
menn0ok cool. just dealing with conflicts with waigani's recent merge and then I'll retest and merge.03:58
menn0wallyworld_: thanks for the review(s)03:59
anastasiamacaxw: m having trouble sync n upstream04:37
anastasiamacaxw: my go vet complains about audit/audit.go:30: constant 3 not a string in call to Logf04:38
anastasiamacaxw: suggestions? insights? r sooo welcome04:38
anastasiamacaxw: :-)04:38
anastasiamacaxw: btw, audit.go is not a file I've ever opened let alone changed..04:39
davecheneyanastasiamac: sorry juju doesn't build with go 1.4 atm04:44
davecheneyplease use 1.3 or 1.204:44
anastasiamacdavecheney: thnx for help. m using go version go1.2.1 linux/amd6404:45
davecheneyreally ?04:46
davecheneyjcw reported the problem earlier04:46
davecheneybut he was using 1.404:46
anastasiamacdavecheney: yep just did "go version"04:47
davecheneyffs, i'm never going to be able to merge my branch04:47
davecheneytrunk never passes on my machine04:48
axwanastasiamac: I have no idea. I didn't think the vet call blocked anything yet anyway...04:49
anastasiamacaxw: I've setup pre-push hook this morning and now cannot sync upstream...04:51
anastasiamacaxw: what I am getting is04:51
anastasiamacaxw: checking: go vet ...04:51
anastasiamacaudit/audit.go:30: constant 3 not a string in call to Logf04:51
anastasiamacerror: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/anastasiamac/juju.git'04:51
axwanastasiamac: certainly looks like vet complaining because the first arg is not a format string... but I have no idea why it's failing on yours, and doesn't on mine.04:52
davecheneyanastasiamac: it's a bug in go vet04:53
davecheneyi'd disable the pre-push hook04:53
anastasiamacaxw: is there anyhting else that could b different btw ur copy and mine? m on go 1.2; no commits - working directory is clean... AL I am trying to do is sync up ;-o04:53
davecheneyit's being dumb and assuming anything that looks like a format f style function, _is_ a format style function04:53
anastasiamacdavecheney: that's my next step. but it works for wallyworld_and axw04:54
davecheneyanastasiamac: i'm almost certain you've got a go vet from effectively trunk04:54
davecheneybut axw and others have a version from debian04:54
anastasiamacdavecheney: well, shouldn't i get it too? how do I do it?04:54
axwmy go is from built from source, probably just haven't updated vet in a while04:54
axwand now I'm hesitant to do so :)04:55
anastasiamacaxw: i do feel a bit under magnifying glass...04:55
axwanastasiamac: you can pass "--no-verify" to skip go vet/fmt checks04:55
anastasiamacaxw: ;-) mite as well disable the hook..04:57
davecheney^ bug in vet04:57
davecheneyanastasiamac: just disabled the hook04:58
davecheneyit obviously doesn't run on the bot04:58
davecheneyso why bother04:58
* davecheney logs bug04:58
axwdavecheney: does not fail for me, clearly depends on the version of vetr04:59
axwdunno what's on the bot.. pretty sure that mgz reinstated it tho04:59
anastasiamacdavecheney: axw: I saw it runing on the bot... but m not sure that it gates..04:59
axwdavecheney: I think we should pass "Logf:1" into -printfuncs05:00
anastasiamacdavecheney: thnx for tracing & logging it. could u plz send me bug #05:00
anastasiamacdavecheney: axw: thnx 4 ur dedicated help :-0 m disabling the hook ;-p05:05
axwokey dokey05:06
davecheneyanastasiamac: it's no problem05:19
davecheney^ anyone06:15
davecheneyit's wafer thing06:15
davecheneyit's wafer thin06:15
wallyworld_jeez davecheney you do all the hard ones06:16
davecheneywallyworld_: i only do the ones that don't pass on my machine06:16
wallyworld_i wonder how many more of those there are in our code06:16
davecheneyok  github.com/juju/juju/cmd/envcmd0.192s06:32
davecheney# testmain06:32
davecheneywrite error: No space left on device06:32
davecheney# testmain06:32
davecheneywrite error: No space left on device06:32
davecheney# testmain06:32
davecheneywrite error: No space left on device06:32
davecheney# testmain06:32
davecheneywrite error: No space left on device06:32
davecheney# testmain06:32
davecheneywrite error: No space left on device06:33
davecheneywell fuck06:33
wallyworld_happens occasionally, just resubmit06:33
davecheneyit's run out of space on /tmp06:33
wallyworld_i'm not sure of the current status of tht issue06:33
davecheneyec2 root disk is small, and that 'aint chaingin06:34
wallyworld_unless we ask for an instance with more storage06:40
davecheneywallyworld_: i thgouth that just changed the size of /data06:40
davecheneywas always fixed by the size of the AMI06:41
wallyworld_i thought we could ask for an instance with larger root disk using different instance type, not sure thpugh tbh06:41
davecheneyi thought that that space always ends up on /dta06:42
davecheneyi thought that that space always ends up on /data06:42
davecheneywallyworld_: can you kill that build06:49
davecheneyit hasn't given up yet06:49
davecheneyoh wow06:50
davecheneywe already set $TMP to be somethine else06:50
davecheneyand it still fills up06:50
davecheneythanks Cloud, you're ace06:50
wallyworld_job nuked06:51
davecheneywallyworld_: now it's not picking up the build06:59
davecheneyi've $$merge$$ d a bunch of times06:59
wallyworld_davecheney: the PR needs to have "Build Failed:" test07:00
wallyworld_normally, aborting a build or failing a build adds this07:00
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dimiternmorning jam21, 1:1?07:31
jam21dimitern: yep07:31
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davecheneyyay, each test run leaks 35mb08:30
davecheneyin /tmp08:31
davecheneythe state tests require 16 different mongo instances08:42
eagles0513875_hi dev's I am just wondering is juju still rather distro specific08:50
mattywmorning everyone09:19
* fwereade is totally not working today, except coincidentally maybe hacking for fun a bit09:50
* fwereade has an LGTM on the first bit but would love a review of http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/385/diff/1-2/09:51
fwereadehmm, actually, that diff is confusing because it has stuff from the reboot bits mixed in09:52
fwereadegsamfira, you around?09:52
dimiternTheMue, standup?10:00
* fwereade just updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/385/ with less stupid var names10:12
dimiternjam21, I've just checked; we *do* run config-changed when the address(es) of a unit change10:29
=== jam21 is now known as jam1
jamvoidspace: poke for 1:1 ?10:44
voidspacejam: sorry!10:53
jamvoidspace: we can still talk quickly before my son gets home10:53
voidspacejam: omw10:53
voidspacejam: completely forgot about 1:110:53
wallyworld_jam: voidspace: you guys are still working on those 1.21 beta2 bugs, right?11:31
jamwallyworld_: yes11:34
voidspacewallyworld_: yes, although reproducing 1381619 has so far been difficult11:34
voidspacewallyworld_: although I seem to have found another bug on the way11:34
wallyworld_ok, thank you, was curious as hopefully we can get beta2 ready before too long11:34
voidspacewallyworld_: as we know where the bug is we think we can fix it without having to reproduce though11:34
wallyworld_might find it easier with an older maas11:35
wallyworld_i think 1.7+ handles node states differently11:35
voidspacewallyworld_: right, I might have to do that.11:39
wallyworld_or, if you are sure of the fix as you say...11:40
voidspacewallyworld_: really I at least need to see how the error is returned to us - with Maas 1.7 releasing a node twice does not error11:40
voidspacewallyworld_: well, we know why there's an error11:40
wallyworld_yeah, would be good to see the error occur11:40
voidspacedimitern: ping12:23
voidspacedimitern: where do I tell MaaS to wipe the disk on release?12:23
voidspacedimitern: I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before, but can't find it now...12:23
voidspaceI've tried editing nodes, cluster, network interface and zone12:23
voidspacehmmm, I haven't tried preferences yet12:24
voidspaceI bet it's there12:24
voidspacedimitern: unping...12:24
voidspacedimitern: wallyworld_: jam: if I call "release node" (gomaasapi) on a node that is in "Disk erasing" state then I get a reproducible error12:26
jamvoidspace: not perfect, but sounds better12:27
voidspacejam: and calling juju destroy-environment on that then gets the error as reported12:27
voidspacejam: so I think it's fine12:27
voidspace409 CONFLICT (Node(s) cannot be released in their current state: node-51abffb8-6699-11e4-923e-525400512a8c ('Disk erasing').)12:27
dimiternvoidspace, sorry, was away for a bit; it's on the maas settings page12:28
voidspacedimitern: I found it, thanks :-)12:28
voidspacejam: and that's in StopInstances so it's very isolated code - easy to fix12:28
jamvoidspace: nice12:29
jamvoidspace: I do wish it was a bit more structured for machine consumption (JSON return message, etc), but I think the above is parseable12:29
voidspacejam: I'm just introspecting the specific error to see if I can avoid string parsing12:29
voidspacejam: I have a StatusCode: 40912:30
voidspacejam: ignore that specific error?12:31
voidspaceof course maas documentation on possible error codes is non-existent12:40
voidspacetime to go to the source12:40
dimiternanyone willing to review a small patch that fixes bug 1359714 ? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/395/diff/12:44
mupBug #1359714: Add JUJU_MACHINE_ID to the hooks environment <charms> <landscape> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1359714>12:44
dimiternfwereade, hey, if you can have a look ^^ to confirm my uniter changes are ok it would be great12:49
fwereadedimitern, any partucular reaosn we're exposing tags to the Context ratherthan the id?12:52
fwereadedimitern, given that the Context is largely user-facing, id seems more appropriate12:53
fwereadedimitern, OTOH tags are typed12:53
dimiternfwereade, well, the request was about JUJU_MACHINE_ID, and exposing a tag there will be a precedent, as we already have JUJU_UNIT_NAME12:53
fwereadedimitern, yeah, I'm definitely not saying we should show the user a tag12:53
fwereadedimitern, I'm just quibbling over what type we store in the context12:54
dimiternfwereade, ah, sorry, I was too quick to respond without reading :)12:54
fwereadedimitern, ship it :)12:54
dimiternfwereade, well, that's a good point, should I file a bug to change assignedMachineTag to Id ?12:54
dimiternfwereade, thanks!12:54
fwereadedimitern, but let me know when it's landed so I can fix 385 and demand a reciprocal review from you ;p12:54
fwereadedimitern, don't think so12:54
fwereadedimitern, the typedness is a good thing12:55
fwereadedimitern, actually12:55
fwereadedimitern, wait a mo12:55
dimiternfwereade, having a typed tag is better, as we can both return a tag or and id, where needed12:55
fwereadedimitern, move the AssignedMachineTag method into export_test.goplease12:56
fwereadedimitern, nobody else uses it12:56
fwereadedimitern, but if we expose it they will start to ;p12:56
fwereadedimitern, sane?12:56
dimiternfwereade, sure, sgtm12:56
fwereadedimitern, cheers12:56
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
wwitzel3so after reinstalling last week and a weekend of tweaking, I finally have everything back to normal, sans the resolution on my laptop display. Close enough.13:45
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voidspaceTwo and a half hours later, MaaS is still "disk erasing"14:51
rick_h_voidspace: yea that was hanging for me. I ended up unchecking that box14:54
voidspacerick_h_: it's "the way" I can repro this bug :-)14:56
rick_h_voidspace: oic, more fun to you :)14:56
voidspacerick_h_: it's only kvm images - time to blow it away and reprovision14:56
voidspacerick_h_: indeed :-)14:56
voidspacerick_h_: hey, it's progress - at least I *can* repro the bug now...14:56
voidspaceI think I just fixed it too, need to try it14:56
rick_h_cool, if you need a real maas let me know. Can get you access to http://maas.jujugui.org/MAAS for some occassional testing.14:57
voidspacerick_h_: thanks, helpful14:57
voidspacerick_h_: I think my local one with kvm is fine for now14:57
voidspaceah, and I might have worked out why it's hung14:58
voidspacepxe boot isn't working on my network - and it needs the node restarting to wipe14:58
rick_h_ah, yea14:59
voidspacerick_h_: I mean, it may still hang anyway... but at least it has a chance now :-)15:02
natefinchwwitzel3: standup?  I just fixed the calendar, since I managed to delete the monday standup somehow15:04
voidspacerick_h_: erasing completed...15:05
voidspacerick_h_: but it's handy - because I can now *force* erasing to hang - so I can reliably reproduce the error rather than rely on timing15:06
voidspacedimitern: ignoring error 409 in maasEnviron.StopInstances fixes the bug I'm working on15:15
voidspacedimitern: there's no documentation on what status codes mean though15:15
voidspacedimitern: I'm just worried about unintended consequences...15:16
voidspacedimitern: I'm digging into the maas source (and have filed an issue about documenting errors)15:16
dimiternvoidspace, right; please have a quick chat with the maas team about this (we need confirmation that it's safe to ignore 409 errors from stopinstance)15:17
wwitzel3rogpeppe: ping15:24
rogpeppewwitzel3: pong15:24
wwitzel3rogpeppe: trying to figure out why the custom relationIdValue being used with gnuflag f.Var isn't consolidating the flags.15:25
rogpeppewwitzel3: is it in trunk?15:25
wwitzel3rogpeppe: yes15:25
* rogpeppe goes to look15:26
voidspacedimitern: I've looked through the code15:28
voidspacedimitern: I'm pretty sure it is15:28
voidspacedimitern: https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1381619/comments/1515:28
mupBug #1381619: Failed to destroy-environment when node is in commissioning or new state <cloud-installer> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged by mfoord> <MAAS:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1381619>15:28
rogpeppewwitzel3: a search for relationIdValue in core trunk doesn't come up with anything15:29
dimiternvoidspace, ok, that's good, but please add a comment on the bug about this assumption15:29
wwitzel3rogpeppe: worker/uniter/context/jujuc/context.go15:30
wwitzel3rogpeppe: 13515:30
rogpeppewwitzel3: ha, i wasn't in the juju root dir15:31
voidspacedimitern: yep15:31
dimiternvoidspace, cheers!15:31
voidspacedimitern: the bug I filed about documenting api errors has been triaged as high priority - which is promising15:31
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, let's see if it will actually matter :)15:33
wwitzel3rogpeppe: so what I want is --r and --relation mapped to the same thing, I was looking at the stringValue and StringVar implementations as a guide for what I might need to update in relationIdValue, but can't quite put a pin in it.15:36
rogpeppewwitzel3: sorry, busy in another channel - will get back to you15:37
wwitzel3rogpeppe: with StringVar for example, if I give them the same &var the output on the command line is --f, foo15:37
wwitzel3rogpeppe: yep, no worries15:37
voidspacedimitern: any idea, off hand, about how to make the maas TestServer return an error?15:50
voidspacedimitern: I'm picking my way through it, might work it out myself...15:50
voidspacedimitern: in provider/maas/environ_whitebox_test.go15:51
voidspacedimitern: right, TestServer.nodeHandler gets that operation - looks like it needs extending to return an error15:53
dimiternvoidspace, I'm not sure you can actually15:53
voidspacedimitern: the TestServer is ours15:53
voidspacewe can do *anything* with it15:53
voidspacedimitern: line 530 handles release15:53
voidspacedimitern: it just calls delete15:53
dimiternvoidspace, yeah :) but I meant right now gomaasapi's testservice does not allow you to set response codes per url15:54
voidspacedimitern: you mean that the underlying http server might not be capable of that error15:54
voidspacedimitern: it looks to me like deleting a node twice will fail15:54
voidspacedimitern: I can make it fail with a 409 (perhaps)15:54
dimiternvoidspace, that's a bit of a hack, but if it works - hey :)15:54
voidspacesure... :-)15:54
rogpeppewwitzel3: you need to pass exactly the same pointer value; if that's not working, it might be a bug16:14
wwitzel3rogpeppe: ok, it is the same pointer, I will dig around a bit more16:15
rogpeppewwitzel3: have a look in PrintDefaults - that's where the magic happens16:16
wwitzel3rogpeppe: ty16:17
rogpeppewwitzel3: that first VisitAll should gather the different flags under the same value16:17
rogpeppes/same value/same map entry/16:18
wwitzel3rogpeppe: ahh, I see16:19
wwitzel3rogpeppe: the newRelationIdValue method needs to be returning the same pointer, no assigning to the same one in the Cmd struct16:20
wwitzel3rogpeppe: well, it needs to be doing both :) thank you, I think I can fix it now16:20
wwitzel3rogpeppe: thank you, all fixed up :)16:34
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
voidspacedimitern: ah, TestServer is in gomaasapi16:59
voidspacedimitern: who owns that?17:00
dimiternvoidspace, we do - juju hackers17:00
voidspacedimitern: who knows it best?17:00
dimiternvoidspace, the maas guys created it, and a few core guys (myself included) extended it17:01
voidspacedimitern: right, cool17:01
dimiternvoidspace, btw - care to review a small patch http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/396/ for bug 138270917:02
mupBug #1382709: Openstack provider, Instance-state doesn't change on instance shutdown <cts-cloud-review> <status> <ubuntu-openstack> <juju-core:In Progress by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1382709>17:02
voidspacedimitern: the tricky thing is, I'm teaching maasEnviron to ignore error 409 - so with my patch in place, even if the test server returns error 409 there is no change in behaviour!17:02
voidspacedimitern: i.e. the test passes both with the old TestServer and with my change17:02
voidspacedimitern: although a changed TestServer would cause my new test to fail *without* my new fix17:03
voidspaceso it's still good, just tricky to prove...17:03
voidspacedimitern: looking17:03
dimiternvoidspace, hmm.. it seems to me some mocking should be done to test the HTTP 409 separately then?17:03
voidspacedimitern: that would be better I think17:03
voidspacedimitern: hopefully we already have some tests that do that or I have to add some mocking code17:04
voidspacedimitern: hah, a similar bug to the one I'm working on17:04
dimiternvoidspace, I don't believe we do, unfortunately17:04
dimiternvoidspace, yeah :)17:04
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
dimiternvoidspace, the solution might be surprising, that's why I tried to explain what's happening in the PR desc17:05
voidspacealthough the "after 15m" is slightly worrying17:06
voidspacedimitern: the code changes look very simple17:06
dimiternvoidspace, it should be 15m after the last check I guess17:07
voidspacedimitern: check explicitly for a "not-nil but empty" IP address and also handle explicitly the Shutoff and Suspended statuses17:07
dimiternvoidspace, the first thing is not mentioned, because it's a slight log spam, which was annoying17:08
dimiternvoidspace, Addresses() is called quite often, and even during bootstrap; so I don't want to see "X has floating IP Y" all the time :)17:09
voidspacedimitern: it's a long test for a code change that only amounts to half a line17:12
dimiternupdated the desc a bit17:12
dimiternvoidspace, yeah, because patching goose test server (even though better than gomaasapi or ec2) is still a bit obtuse17:13
voidspacedimitern: LGTM17:13
dimiternvoidspace, thanks!17:15
dimiterntime to go :) g'night all!17:16
voidspacedimitern: g'night17:18
rogpeppewwitzel3: cool17:45
jw4anyone with MAAS and HA cluster charm knowledge available to help in #juju?18:10
jw4^ n/m jose jumped on it18:14
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voidspacewallyworld_: you're not still around are you?18:24
voidspacetasdomas: ping18:25
voidspacetasdomas: you're OCR I believe18:25
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voidspaceg'night all19:00
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fwereadethumper, hey, can I hassle you for a quick review of http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/385/diff/# please? want to land it so I can focus on the thing that's currently melting my brain...19:56
fwereadethumper, it's mostly been reviewed already, but the last couple of diffs haven't19:57
mattywfwereade, you're supposed to be on holiday20:07
fwereademattyw, I've been coding and feeling not one bit guilty about leaving my email unread ;)20:07
mattywfwereade, awesome!20:07
TheMuethumper: afaik you're managing the change of the commands into grouped super commands and sub-commands. am I right?20:18
waiganimenn0: sorry, did I cut you off?20:18
thumperTheMue: I guess20:19
TheMuethumper: for actions we're currently implementing the commands this, like juju actions do ...20:20
TheMuethumper: anything special we should take care for?20:20
thumperTheMue: take a look at the user super command20:21
thumperTheMue: what I've done is put the related commands into a package20:21
thumperdid normal style testing20:22
thumperI think it should be 'juju action' not 'juju actions'20:22
menn0waigani: i was just going to recommend that book to thumper (see onyx channel)20:22
thumperjust like 'juju backup' not 'backups'20:22
TheMuethumper: ah, great, that's how bodie is already doing it20:22
natefinchonyx channel?  You guys have your own channel?  Too good to talk with the rest of us, huh?20:23
TheMuethumper: we today discussed about action vs actions too. so far everywhere the term actions is used20:23
thumpernatefinch: yep20:23
thumpernatefinch: it is for sekrit black ops stuff20:24
natefinchthumper: heh :)20:24
TheMuethumper: but the similarity to other commands is a good argument20:24
thumperTheMue: it is 'juju user' not 'juju users'20:25
thumperand will be 'juju service', 'juju machine', not services and machines20:26
TheMuethumper: convinced :D20:26
mattywI'm calling it a night, bye all20:33
bodie_thumper, I was thinking "actions" since it's "actions-related" rather than always working with a specific action20:39
bodie_I see20:39
thumperbodie_: try typing out some of the commands20:39
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bodie_juju actions defined mysql20:39
bodie_juju actions queue20:39
bodie_juju actions status action:12345 (wip on that syntax)20:40
bodie_juju actions do mysql/0 snapshot20:40
bodie_juju actions help20:40
natefinchcan we make 'juju actions do'  just "juju do" ?   Just like we don't type 'juju service deploy' ?20:41
bodie_we were thinking of aliasing a few top-level commands to actions subcommands20:41
* natefinch loves painting sheds for many sized vehicles20:41
bodie_not certain how to go about that20:41
bodie_is there a precedent for it?20:42
thumperbodie_: there will be a precedent, but it isn't done yet20:42
natefinchpretty much the whole CLI is a precedent for it ;)20:42
* thumper thinks it should still be 'action' not 'actions'20:42
natefinchI agree20:43
natefinchlet's pick singular or plural and go with it.  singular usually makes more sense (and is usually shorter)20:43
bodie_mice vs mouse tho20:43
bodie_I'll defer to whatever :)20:44
* fwereade driveby singular!20:44
natefinchbodie_: I said usually because I know engineers are annoyingly pedantic :)20:44
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thumperfwereade: review done21:09
thumpermramm: call time?21:09
wallyworld_menn0: folks are saying bug 1386143 is not completely fixed, are you able to take a look and see what might need doing?21:14
mupBug #1386143: 1.21 alpha 2 broke watch api, no longer reports all services <api> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-gui:Invalid> <juju-quickstart:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1386143>21:14
rick_h_thumper: he's traveling and missed our call so might not make it today21:14
thumperrick_h_: thanks21:15
menn0wallyworld_: I don't see how the extra detail that's been added on has anything to do with the watcher21:17
fwereadethumper, tyvm21:17
thumperfwereade: np21:17
wallyworld_menn0: ok, np, we'll have to look into it21:17
menn0wallyworld_: unless i'm misunderstanding21:18
menn0wallyworld_: i'm happy to have a look if the problem isn't fixed though21:18
wallyworld_i haven't looked into the detail, just saw the bug21:18
wallyworld_if you had a moment to look, that would be great21:18
wallyworld_otherwise i can look to pick it up later21:19
menn0wallyworld_: it looks like someone requested a machine from MAAS with constraints that didn't match any available node21:20
menn0wallyworld_: agent-state-info: 'cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from server:21:20
menn0      409 CONFLICT (No available node matches constraints: tags=general zone=default)'21:20
wallyworld_yes, i can't see how the output added to the bug relates to the original problem21:22
wallyworld_unless it's meant to show a bunch more machines21:23
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menn0wallyworld_: even if the status output is supposed to show more machines, it doesn't relate to the watcher22:19
wallyworld_menn0: in a meeting, will think in a minute22:20
menn0wallyworld_: np. just writing things as I think of them :)22:21
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* fwereade observes that jenkins seems to be falling over due to lack of disk space, would someone be so good as to fix it (and maybe re$$merge$$ https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1084 ?)22:58
wallyworld_fwereade: will do23:01
wallyworld_fwereade: can i make our 1:1 a few hours later this week?23:01
fwereadewallyworld_, surely :)23:01
wallyworld_fwereade: ty. also, that disk space thing is intermittent (/tmp fills) but has been geeting more and more prevalent :-(23:02
wallyworld_i think dave found our tests leak 35MB each23:02
katcoholy moly23:04
* fwereade boggles quietly, resolves to worry about his own specific local test failures and then go to bed for now23:05
katcothat is not ideal23:05
wwitzel335mb each .. lol23:08
katcodisk is cheap! lol23:08
davecheneywallyworld_: i know why23:14
davecheneythe state tests run three mongo instances23:14
davecheneythere are 16 suites23:14
davecheneythat all use the testing/mgo.go magic to _reuse_ the mongo instance23:14
davecheneythis is good23:14
davecheneybut there is a flaw in the implementation23:15
davecheneythe last mongo doesnt' get shutdown23:15
davecheneyit dies when the parent process dies23:15
davecheneybut that leaks 35mb of /tmp23:15
davecheneyi don't know how to fix the flaw without changes to gocheck23:15
wwitzel3so I've set my lxc.lxcpath to a btrfs mount point, but now when I bootstrap the configs are put in to that path, but juju seems to still be looking in /var/lib/lxc23:16
wwitzel3agent-state-info: '(error: open /var/lib/lxc/wwitzel3-local-machine-3/config23:17
wallyworld_davecheney: hmm, well that kinda sucks. is there a bug?23:26
wallyworld_wwitzel3: i think /var/lib/lxc is hard coded in juju, will need to check23:27
wwitzel3wallyworld_: I didn't find it anywhere :) one of the fisrt things I checked23:27
wallyworld_const DefaultLXCDir = "/var/lib/lxc"23:28
wallyworld_wwitzel3: in golxc.go23:28
wwitzel3wallyworld_: we use GetDefaultLXCContainerDir .. which uses the lxc.lxcpath23:29
wallyworld_ah, just noticed that23:30
wwitzel3wallyworld_: and I checked on my system, it returns the proper lxc.lxcpath23:30
wallyworld_seems lie a legitimate bug that needs fixing23:30

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