
mzanettidaker: it's working! thanks again :)00:08
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dholbachgood morning07:38
rpadovanidholbach, good morning :D I'll have a talk about Ubuntu Touch at the end of November, and I want to use the presentation you shared on GDrive - translating it, of course. Do you have any plan to update it in next days, or I can start to translate in on a my copy? BTW, thanks for it :D07:44
dholbachrpadovani, feel free to update it / translate it07:45
dholbachI can give you write access to it07:45
rpadovanidholbach, I think the best way for translate it that you do a copy with -it or something similar, and give me access, so I can translate it and could be useful to others too07:46
dholbachI think you can make a copy yourself, no?07:47
rpadovaniof course07:47
JoeyChanhello, can anyone help with this error ?    SSH Protocol error: Server and client capabilities don't match07:48
JoeyChanI am trying to run project on my phone07:48
zbenjaminJoeyChan: yes, you are using vivid images right?07:56
JoeyChanzbenjamin:  yep07:57
zbenjaminJoeyChan: the problem is QtCreator does not support the new SSH server on the vivid images07:57
JoeyChanoh no ..07:57
zbenjaminJoeyChan: there is a fix for it but we need to backport that from the upstream master branch07:57
zbenjaminJoeyChan: but afaik you can configure the ssh server on the image to support the ciphers QtC can speak07:57
zbenjaminbzoltan:  ^^^^^07:58
JoeyChanzbenjamin:  is it possible to downgrade the ssh server in vivid image ?07:58
zbenjaminJoeyChan: basically you need to enable the aes128-cbc algorithm07:58
JoeyChanzbenjamin:  pls  :)07:58
bzoltanJoeyChan: I would not downgrade the ssh07:59
bzoltanJoeyChan:  to work around the problem all you need is add a line Ciphers = aes128-cb to the sshd_config on th edevice08:00
zbenjaminbzoltan: -cbc no?08:00
bzoltanzbenjamin:  yeps08:02
bzoltanJoeyChan: zbenjamin: Ciphers  aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour128, arcfour256,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr08:04
JoeyChanbzoltan: wow08:04
bzoltanJoeyChan:  that is pretty much an overkill, but sure fix ... NOTE!!! It will do enable all legacy algorithms what were just recently disabled by the upstream because they are considered unsafe.08:05
bzoltanJoeyChan:  so it is not a permanent fix. the real fix comes out as soon as we can backport the corrected QtCreator to our SDK08:06
JoeyChanbzoltan:  I c08:06
JoeyChanbzoltan:  thx for the explaination   ლ(╹◡╹ლ)08:07
spazzymoto_Hey guys, When i uploaded my scope to the store i got a notification saying it failed with 1 error. Any idea where to find what the error is?08:20
popeyspazzymoto_: it should tell you08:27
popeyspazzymoto_: which scope is it?08:28
popeyoh, is it the google places on?08:29
spazzymoto_hmm maybe im just blinb but cant see the error anywhere. nah its the Last.fm one08:29
popeyok, let me look08:30
spazzymoto_sorry named it last fm no point08:30
spazzymoto_oooh i found it sorry dude08:30
spazzymoto_'ubuntu-sdk-14.10' is not a supported framework08:31
spazzymoto_:/ which should i be using?08:31
bzoltanspazzymoto_: anything newer08:31
spazzymoto_ok cool thanks :)08:32
bzoltanspazzymoto_: 15.04-dev1 for example08:32
popeythats not valid...08:33
popey"ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1" is the only valid one in the store which is 15.0408:33
popeynote ubuntu-core, not ubuntu-sdk08:33
mzanettirpadovani: good morning08:44
rpadovanimzanetti, your branch is fucking awesome :D08:44
rpadovaniI'm leaving some comments, but 99% is ready08:44
mzanettirpadovani: which one?08:44
rpadovanimzanetti, all of them, but mainly the new-edit-mode :D08:45
mzanettiok :)08:45
mzanettiyeah... took me awhile to figure this08:45
mzanettibut seems to work nicely08:45
mzanettihah. I found the issue with the textedit not taking input after scrolling08:46
mzanettiit's a bug in the UbuntuWebView. And I made the same initially because the example in the Qt docs is bogus too08:46
mzanettierr... Ubuntu TextEdit08:46
rpadovanilol. mzanetti I just leaved a couple of comments, the most of them are asking information, there is only one useful comment about the code :P08:48
mzanettirpadovani: yeah.. the horizontal line can't be displayed by QTextEdit :/08:51
mzanettirpadovani: but it still works... you can't see it in edit mode, but if you save the note it'll become visible in the view mode08:51
mzanettinot sure what to do with it08:51
mzanettiI'd be sorry to remove what I think is quite useful for note08:51
mzanettibut this way its quite confusing too08:51
mzanettimaybe I'll find a way to extract positions of <hr> tags and just paint the line on top myself08:52
mzanettiuh... but good catch with the stuff missing after the <hr> tag08:53
mzanettiwill fix that08:53
mzanettirpadovani: also, what I'd like to do is to get rid of the notebook selection in here, and move the title to where the notebook is right now. then making the header smaller (or even remove it) to get more space for the note editing08:55
mzanettimaybe putting a close button into the toolbox08:55
mzanettiand then changing notebook could be done in view mode somehow08:55
rpadovanimakes sense08:55
mzanettiwhat do you think?08:55
mzanettiah ok :)08:55
spazzymoto_Another probably stupid question, are there any docs on adding a new provider for online accounts? cant seem to find anything08:56
mzanettispazzymoto_: I think there are. let me search a bit08:56
rpadovanimzanetti also for tags, I wait until the merge of your branch to merge mine, so I can place tag edits in the view, as title edit and notebook edit08:57
popeyi saw that discussed on G+ over the weekend08:57
rpadovanipopey, who choose which apps place in the first page of the store?09:00
popeyme ☻09:01
popey(kidding, it's currently consensus in the community team)09:01
mzanettipopey: hmm... so now we know who to bribe09:01
popeyI accept bribes, yes.09:01
popeyor "suggestions"09:01
popeywe plan to rotate them round at the moment, so suggestions are indeed welcome09:01
mzanettiwell, only suggestion I have atm is to allow app devs to upload some larger artwork, so the app of the week won't look so bad09:02
rpadovanipopey, since my app is on the first page had a boost, so thanks :D09:02
rpadovanispazzymoto_, this could be a good start point http://askubuntu.com/questions/279971/how-to-add-support-for-new-services-to-friends09:02
spazzymoto_ah thank you :)09:03
popeymzanetti: yeah, good call, we should file a bug in the store. https://bugs.launchpad.net/software-center-agent09:04
mzanettipopey: current selection of apps seems a good one...  all nice apps.09:04
rpadovaniwhen you open the app store you see 4 apps - 3 of them are made by mzanetti :P09:05
popeyyeah, i just noticed that09:05
popeythat wasn't actually part of the reasoning, honestly09:05
mzanettithe reminders at least doesn't say so09:05
mzanettibut I mean... reading the comments authenticator and tagger seem to belong into that category...09:06
mzanettialthough tagger might be removed soon ;)09:06
mzanettibut actually the reminders is probably not good enough yet to be a "top app"09:07
rpadovanimzanetti, authenticator is awesome, without it I never switched to ubuntu as main phone09:08
dholbachsalud davidcalle - comment ça va?09:09
davidcalleHello dholbach, bien et toi?09:09
dholbachtrès bien - merci :)09:09
dholbachdavidcalle, I saw the mail from XiaoGuo about the updated scopes template - do you know if there's still things to be updated/changed in the docs?09:10
davidcalledholbach, the tutorials have been updated, since the json and xml parsers have been changed in templates. Could you give me the link to the training material?09:12
dholbachdavidcalle, http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/app-dev-training/09:12
dholbachdavidcalle, there's no materials for scopes yet09:12
davidcalledholbach, oh ok09:13
davidcalledholbach, then we are good :)09:13
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mzanettirpadovani: thanks :)09:13
dholbachexcellent - thanks09:13
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mzanettirpadovani: do you already have ideas how to integrate tags into the new edit view?09:31
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rpadovanimzanetti, I think the best way is integrate them in the noteview, and leaving the editnoteview only for editing a note09:32
rpadovanimzanetti, or, I can insert a button to open the tag edit popup09:33
rpadovaniso, list all tags in the noteview - edit it with a popup and a single button in the editnoteview, what do you think?09:33
mzanettimhm... sounds good. I did like the way you added it in the current edit view though09:34
rpadovanibut there isn't enough space09:35
mzanettiI agree09:35
mzanettihence the proposal to even remove the header09:36
mzanettirpadovani: mind sending me over a screenshot if the android evernote app?09:36
rpadovanimzanetti, I agree with you, but we have to talk with dpm about all that changes :-)09:37
rpadovanimzanetti, of course, give me few minutes09:37
rpadovanipopey, mihir, dpm I created a branch and a series for calc reboot - it's the basic sdk template, but at least we can fill bug against it and write some code - will be a long work https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/reboot09:37
mzanettiI'm afraid dpm is still busy with reminder app branches :D09:39
dpmmzanetti, rpadovani, morning :)09:39
mzanettigood morning09:40
mzanettidpm: FYI, we're gonna drop the save button from the editnoteview :P09:40
popeyrpadovani: thanks!09:40
mzanettirpadovani: does that count as "asking"? ^^09:40
rpadovanidpm, FYI, mzanetti has edit like allllll the app09:40
rpadovanimzanetti, well, it's a good way to go :D09:41
rpadovanimzanetti, you should do the same thing for the table mode09:41
dpmmzanetti, I think I should be done now with testing branches, but we should talk a bit more about the caching branch - I won't have much time today, but maybe tomorrow. Also if we're caching notes, we should share the cached content with the scope09:41
mzanettidpm: I fixed the issues you mentioned in the caching branch09:41
mzanettidpm: it should be shared automagically with the scope as soon as the scope uses libqtevernote09:42
mzanetti(I hope)09:42
mzanettimight be some smaller issues to fix there, but in theory it should work09:42
dpmmzanetti, the content is saved on the cache dir, right?09:42
rpadovanimzanetti, I sent you an email with 15 screenshots - I don't have usb cable here at uni, so I used the mail app from the phone, I had no way to compress it or to describe photos, let me know if you don't understand where some screenshots have been shot09:44
dpmmzanetti, in that case, we might need to keep an eye and add some input to bug 138428609:44
ubot5bug 1384286 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "add directory allowing scopes and apps to share data" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138428609:44
mzanettidude.. if you're in the lecture, you should pay attention there :D09:44
rpadovaniwe're doing sql, it's easy :D09:45
mzanettifair enough09:46
mzanettigeez... so many features09:47
mzanettiand I thought we're done soon09:47
popeymihir: rpadovani are you able to make 18:00 for calc meeting as for me it clashes at 16:00 with dekko09:51
rpadovaniworks for me09:51
mihirpopey: let me check..09:54
* mihir is bad with time zones09:54
mihirpopey: okay should work for me lil late but fine :)09:55
zbenjaminsergiusens: ping, hey is there a way to specify the password for the emulator when creating it?10:00
dpmrpadovani, was https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/multipleAccounts/+merge/237682 working on the phone for you?10:00
zbenjaminsergiusens: right now its 0000 , but if someone does not follow the log he has to guess which password it is10:01
rpadovanidpm, when I first tested it worked, but a lot of code has changed. I'll check later10:03
* rpadovani isn't good testing it's own code10:03
popeymihir: thanks!10:10
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy World Orphans Day! :-D10:20
m-b-ot1mp popey: I've fixed this bug with the Tab titles in the weather app by replacing the createQmlObject hack with a repeater like in shorts app. It suould be fine now!10:45
m-b-ot1mp: I guess, that somewhere in the Tabs component a repeater gets not cleared, when the elements changed, which led to this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1388783 (which is gone now too!)10:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1388783 in Ubuntu Weather App "Remove a city doesn't remove the right city" [Critical,In progress]10:48
m-b-opopey: MP is ready, two critical bugs fixed at once!10:48
t1mpm-b-o: do you think there still is an issue in the toolkit?10:49
t1mpm-b-o: well, good that you fixed it :)10:50
m-b-ot1mp: can't say.... but at least when using the way it was in weather app: destroying the Tabs for every rebuild and then build them new by createQmlObject afterwards10:51
m-b-ot1mp: but that was really a hack10:51
kalikianakarni: can you please top-approve https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/parentPaths/+merge/241085 so we can land it10:55
popeym-b-o: approved, thanks!10:59
m-b-opopey: :)11:01
* popey introduces swordfish90 (terminal dev) to m-b-o (weather dev)11:03
popey(I mailed swordfish90 about the binary launcher / cmake stuff m-b-o) ☻11:03
m-b-opopey swordfish90 already happened ;)11:03
* popey is redundant!11:03
nik90Good afternoon11:21
nik90popey: you got any of your devices running vivid?11:21
nik90(on the phone)11:21
popeynik90: yo. I don't. but happy to flash one to vivid if you need something testing11:25
swordfish90ahahah popey, don't be sad, you were just three minutes late.11:29
popeydammit ☻11:30
nik90popey: I got this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1390992 where alarms are not saved properly. However I haven't touched that code base in like ages. So wondering if any daily vivid users also see the bug.11:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390992 in Ubuntu Clock App "New alarm at 7:28 AM in 33326 days" [Undecided,New]11:39
nik90popey: but you don't have to flash it since I would need to do it myself to debug it11:39
popeynik90: ah okay. well let me know if you need me to. I haven't got any vivid devices that I dogfood right now, dunno if anyone else does.. ogra_ ?11:59
ogra_nope, not atm12:00
popeyknow who might?12:00
popeyOr do we not hire people that foolhardy? ☻12:00
popeyhey davmor2 ... ㋛12:00
ogra_try davmor2  :)12:00
nik90I see davmor2 has got quite the reputation12:01
dpmmzanetti, sorry, I couldn't continue the discussion earlier on. So the caching branch: how does it work now after your latest changes?12:02
mzanettifetches content on demand12:04
mzanettidpm: ^12:04
dpmmzanetti, cool. Is it ready to test, or are there any other changes you've got on the pipeline?12:05
zbenjaminpopey: fyi , the new vivid image have a ssh server that does not work with the QtC in the SDK12:05
ogra_zbenjamin, you didnt apply the QtC fixes yet ?12:06
zbenjaminogra_: working on it atm12:06
ogra_awesome :)12:06
davmor2I might be testing a vivid build momentarily12:06
ogra_popey, https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/99054/ and https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-13339for reference12:06
zbenjaminpopey: until we release the backported version you can enable the aes128-cbc cipher in the sshd settings on the phone12:07
zbenjaminpopey: sshd config file, not settings ;)12:07
DanChapmanmardy hey, i'm trying to set dekko up to use online accounts, but i can't find any examples of how to get Dekko to show up in the gmail accounts settings to enable access. IS there any documentation anywhere for it?12:19
mzanettirpadovani: just fyi, see the last 2 comments here: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/multipleAccounts/+merge/23768212:23
rpadovanimzanetti, thanks, dpm said it, I'll investiga when I return from uni tonight, I have no usb cable here :/12:25
* mzanetti wonders what happened to wireless usb12:25
weeman1337Hello there! I need some information about unity 8 scope development. Anyone here who can help?12:27
davidcalleweeman1337, sure12:28
weeman1337Great! ;)12:28
mardyDanChapman: hi! I've a document ready to be published into the documentation website, I could send that to you by e-mail, if you tell me your address12:28
weeman1337I'm trying to get the following things working: Annotations (I think this is e.g. a "more" link inside a category) and an options filter12:29
weeman1337I tried to copy the demo Scope-A, but it doesn't seem to be working12:29
DanChapmanmardy, awesome!! that would be great if you could. My address is dpniel@ubuntu.com12:29
ogra_DanChapman, for when is multipart support on the list ?12:30
* ogra_ would really like to be able to read his own mails :) 12:30
ogra_(signed multipart that is)12:30
DanChapmanogra_: multipart as in multipart/signed (if i recall yours are)12:30
mardyDanChapman: sent, but you are very welcome to ask me if you have questions12:31
davidcalleweeman1337, demo Scope-A? I'm not sure if it has been updated with recent API changes... So, the more link automatically appears if you have multiple categories.12:34
weeman1337davidcalle, this is demo Scope-A: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-api/devel/view/head:/demo/scopes/scope-A/scope-A.cpp12:36
weeman1337davicalle, is it possible to provide a "more" link with only one category?12:37
DanChapmanogra_: it's in the pipeline. I was playing around with an abandoned branch for it last weekend and it's in need of some work. So in the next few weeks we should have something for multipart/signed/encrypted (providing the re-design isn't too hectic)12:37
DanChapmanmardy: great, thankyou! I'll have a read and come back if i need some more info.12:38
ogra_DanChapman, awesome !12:39
ogra_(i wouldnt mind if you just threw away the signature though, but i guess others would)12:39
nerochiaroartmello: hi, did you have any time to look into using the standard SDK header in camera ?12:39
davidcalleweeman1337, yes, if you add to your category definition, in template : "collapsed-rows": 212:40
davidcalleweeman1337, the category will have a more link after the first two rows of results12:40
artmellonerochiaro: unfortunately no, fixing issues on gallery12:40
davidcalleweeman1337, and collapsed-rows=0 expands the category (which is what you have by default).12:42
weeman1337davidcelle, But then I must already have all the data that should be displayed? My intention is to access the pagination of a web service in the background. If the user finds the desired result on the first page, it's fine. Otherwise he shoud get more results...12:42
nerochiaroartmello: ok, no worries12:42
davidcalleweeman1337, ah, you can't do that with scopes for now. It's planned though.12:42
weeman1337davidcalle, That would be a nice feature! Maybe I'll fake it for the moment by fetching more than one page and displaying only the first.12:44
weeman1337davidcelle, Here's another one: I tried to add a OptionSelectorFilter, but it doesn't show up. I followed the code example from the demo Scope-A.12:44
davidcalleweeman1337, what you can do is have the last result of your category that actually triggers another query in the scope (that would be similar to what you want, but would look like a result, not a "more" link).12:45
weeman1337davidcelle, thanks for that suggestion. I think the "fake-paging" is ok for the moment. If the user doesn't find his result in the first 4 (?) pages he should enter another search term. Nevertheless a paging support would be nice!12:47
davidcalleweeman1337, just one more thing on paging, you can trigger another search in the scope with having a result uri set to "scope://<id of your scope>?q=<query>"12:51
davidcalleweeman1337, I'm trying to get filters working as well, please hold on :)13:05
weeman1337davidcalle, no problem. I'll transform coffee to code so long ;)13:09
davidcalleweeman1337, on the bright side, Departments are working well.13:12
weeman1337davidcelle, The ebay scope has working filters. Is the source of this scope available anywhere?13:13
davidcalleweeman1337, yes, but that won't help you, this scope is not on the device, the Dash queries a server where the scope is running on. The scope itself in is Python and sends everything in JSON to the Dash (departments, filters, results, etc.)13:16
davidcalleweeman1337, if you are curious about that, have a look at : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rest-scopes13:18
ahayzenpopey, do you know if there is a bug for if you have silent mode enabled, restart the device, notice that the indicator 'silent mode' toggle is disabled but system-settings it is enabled?13:25
ogra_ahayzen, bug #1336715 ?13:26
ubot5bug 1336715 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133671513:26
ogra_(though seb128 mentioned somewhere else there is a more specific one for silent-mode)13:27
ahayzenogra_, well not out of sync...just the silent mode in the indicator always starts as disabled you have to disable and then enable silent mode in system settings to get it to toggle13:27
ahayzenogra_, its like it doesn't read the setting on startup ... which i guess causes it to be 'out of sync'13:27
seb128that's different from the one I mentioned13:28
seb128looks an indicator-sound bug13:28
seb128should be reported there13:28
ahayzenok will do :) thanks seb128 ogra_13:28
ahayzenis anyone able to confirm bug 1391164? seb128 ogra_ ?13:32
ubot5bug 1391164 in The Sound Menu "Silent mode setting is not read on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139116413:32
ahayzent1mp, ping13:37
seb128ahayzen, I can confirm that issue13:38
ahayzenseb128, thanks :)13:38
popeyahayzen: confirmed13:39
ahayzenpopey, \o/13:39
davidcalleweeman1337, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8919588/13:46
davidcalleweeman1337, set_display_hints(1) was the missing piece13:47
davidcalleweeman1337, it's supposed to tell the Dash where to put the UI for filters. Doesn't do anything for now, since there is only 1 position option, but still needed for the UI to appear.13:48
weeman1337davidcalle, thanks, I'll check it out directly13:49
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weeman1337davidcalle, it's working with this! Thanks very much!13:53
Guest6771mihir, so going through the backlog of calendar mp's. they should all be mergable if they are ready. I will rebuild them all to see13:55
mihirGuest6771: Thanks a lot.13:55
Guest6771bah, I lost my nick, lol13:55
t1mpahayzen: hello13:56
=== Guest6771 is now known as balloons
balloonsthere we go13:56
weeman1337davidcalle, I'm going back to work now. cu13:56
ahayzent1mp, Hey, I've seen an issue with the flickable on desktop where you can scroll with such a high velocity that the whole view is 'flicked' offscreen, should this be possible?13:56
t1mpahayzen: what do you mean with "the whole view"? stuff not inside the flickable?13:57
ahayzent1mp, yeah eg if you reached the end of the flickable it kept 'flicking' so far that none of the content was show (just a blank screen) until it bounces back?13:58
t1mpI never saw that13:58
t1mpand it sounds like that is something that should not happen13:58
ahayzent1mp, so if you had a listview and you were scrolling up you can get it where the first delegate goes off the bottom of the scroll briefly13:59
t1mpahayzen: can you reproduce that with a Flickable when you don't use Ubuntu.Components? Then I guess its is a bug for the Qt project13:59
ahayzent1mp, yeah this particular case i'm having issues with is with a Flickable but i've seen it in ListView as well13:59
t1mpahayzen: or perhaps it is just the boundsbehavior that allows overshooting, see http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-flickable.html#boundsBehavior-prop14:00
balloonsmihir, ok I think I rebuilt everything that needed it14:00
ahayzent1mp, ooo i'll try that thanks :)14:00
ahayzent1mp, its a 'feature' then ;)14:00
t1mpyes :)14:00
mihirballoons: there are some Mp's that requires some change i'll do that by tomorrow14:01
ahayzent1mp, thanks :)14:01
mihirpopey: on call :D14:02
ahayzent1mp, hmm that seems to totally stop the 'bounce' animation you get when it 'overshoots' now the flickable just stops when you get to the top14:06
ahayzent1mp, ooo there is a maximumFlickVelocity that is "platform dependent" maybe that needs to be tweaked for desktop as on mobile i haven't seen this issue14:16
balloonsmihir, right just wanted to make sure all mp's had updated jenkins runs14:19
mzanettipopey: ping14:30
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popeymzanetti: pong14:36
mzanettipopey: trying to figure what's happening here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/137812614:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378126 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Passcode screen misses keypresses" [Medium,Triaged]14:37
mzanettipopey: do you have any more details on it? Like is there some scenario where it happens more often?14:37
popeymzanetti: when waking from suspend, or when the phone has been sat locked for a while14:38
mzanettipopey: I guess its the focused app waking up, and catching up with stuff14:39
mzanettiwill try move the waking up until after the lockscreen then14:39
mzanettipopey: feeling adventurous enough to test a one-line patch regarding this?14:43
mzanettipopey: ok, log into the phone and open /usr/share/unity8/Shell.qml14:43
mzanettipopey: line 591 should be this: "value: greeter.shown && greeterWrapper.showProgress == 1"14:44
mzanettipopey: change it to this: value: (greeter.shown && greeterWrapper.showProgress == 1) || lockscreen.shown14:44
mzanettithen reboot and try for a while14:45
popeyon a call, will try14:50
sverzegnassipopey: ping15:08
popeysverzegnassi: on the phone, but feel free to type at me...15:15
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, just a gentle nudge again on: https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/sudoku-app/upgrade-ubuntu-components-1.1/+merge/232987 :-) You have a several old mp's out there, would be nice to get them landed15:22
akiva-thinkpadballoons, np; I thought I merged with trunk15:24
akiva-thinkpadah failures15:24
akiva-thinkpadokay I see15:24
akiva-thinkpadokay done15:26
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, awesome. I pushed a rebuild15:30
brendand_popey, who should i nag to get reminders updated? you?15:31
popeybrendand_: ---> balloons15:31
balloonsbrendand_, popey and I can make it happen.. something you want?15:31
balloonsI guess popey's right.. it's just me and usain bot15:32
brendand_balloons, there are test fixes commited which havent' made it on to the dashboard yet15:32
balloonsbrendand_, let me push trunk then15:33
balloonsoO, this is quite behind15:34
davmor2charles, nik90: small issue today on a fresh install of vivid 15 on mako I set an alarm for 2 minutes time (current time was 15:28, alarm set for 15:30) and got this http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/alarm.png15:35
balloonsbrendand_, new version should be in the next image15:37
karnikalikiana: (I'm no holiday, but) I can't top-approve on the project I don't belong to. https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/parentPaths/+merge/24108515:44
karnikalikiana: I see "needs review" but can't top-approve15:44
seb128has the "sync" menu item been removed from calendar on purpose?15:44
balloonspopey, can you +1? Someone pushed a .latest version to the store for terminal and borked versioning: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-terminal-app/bump-version/+merge/24129215:47
nik90davmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/139099215:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390992 in Ubuntu Clock App "New alarm at 7:28 AM in 33326 days" [Undecided,New]15:50
davmor2nik90: nice one15:50
nik90davmor2: I haven't changed any code for weeks now...I have no idea what's causing that15:50
davmor2nik90: as long as it is known15:50
nik90davmor2: also my primary dogfooding phone is on rtm at the moment15:51
sverzegnassidpm: as you have time, could you please review two branches for docviewer-app?15:51
davmor2nik90: I'm assuming new eds in vivid is set to 1970 again15:51
nik90davmor2: I guess o15:52
popeyballoons: done15:57
popeyballoons: was probably me15:57
balloonspopey, ack, ty. I pushed updates for shorts, weather, music and reminders15:59
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|afk
kalikianakarni: you are a u1db dev as of now. please top-approve :-P16:15
kalikianasorry to bug you during your holidays… I will do the landing of course16:16
popeyballoons: we need to add docviewer to the core apps sheet16:38
ogra_is it in the store already ?16:39
popeynot yet16:39
popeyvery very soon16:39
sverzegnassiYep, just a few thing are missing for the first release16:44
balloonspopey, ahh, the blocker sheet yes? easily done16:59
popeymzanetti: seems better, but need to test longer17:00
mzanettipopey: cool, keep me posted... I wasn't sure if it really helped17:28
mzanettinot sure how to measure this17:28
popeywill do17:30
dpmpopey, do you know how to sync calendars now in the calendar app? It seems that the action in the header to sync disappeared18:05
rpadovanisverzegnassi, o/ how are you?18:28
popeymzanetti: we should do this ☻ https://plus.google.com/u/0/115576844812998187455/posts/SaVdwbJZ91Q18:35
mzanettipopey: uh... I wouldn't want this18:36
sverzegnassirpadovani: hi! i'm fine, i had a good comeback from USA. How are you?18:36
mzanettipopey: I guess the time I require to find the buttons to press leaves more time for someone else to see which number I pressed18:36
rpadovanisverzegnassi, great, thanks :-) Next 22nd of November there is ubuntu-it meeting in Bologna. I know is far, but do you want to join us? :-)18:37
sverzegnassirpadovani: yeah, it's far... :P i'd like to join you, but i need to see if i can18:51
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, let me know if you need help getting anything else landed19:22
balloonsthanks for getting sudoku finally merged19:22
qtrosbzolan hello!19:33
qtrosbzolan I want to ask about yesterday performance issue in QtCreator! Did you test new version? :)19:34
popeyballoons: any luck with docviewer in jenkins?19:42
balloonspopey, yes I'm fixing it now actually19:42
qtrospopey hello!)20:02
qtrospopey can't wait Shorts redesign)20:03
mzanettirpadovani: I think I'm gonna give up on painting a <hr/> in TextEdit20:18
rpadovanimzanetti, you can fill a bug upstream :-)20:18
mzanettirpadovani: think we should remove that feature from the toolbox then?20:18
rpadovanimzanetti, tbh yes, it's a bit confusing editing a note without seeing it20:19
mzanettiyeah... too bad though. I think that would be nice20:19
rpadovaniyou always could add it later20:27
mzanettirpadovani: pushed20:45
mzanettirpadovani: hmm, the other thing, about the bold + \n... not sure if that's really an issue20:47
mzanettithat's the behavior QTextEdit. I guess it's not worth changing that20:48
rpadovanimzanetti, ack, I'll test it asap20:50
dakeranyone knows how to get the emulator working, black screen :/21:32
ogra_daker, what channel/image ?21:46
dakerogra_: i mean i wasn't able to get it working since the launch of the emulator21:49
dakerrtm-proposed i guess21:49
ogra_rtm-devel has definitely been tested before promotion ... i'm sure it works21:49
ogra_(on i386 ... i doubt anyone used (or tested) armhf for the last few months)21:49
daker$ ubuntu-emulator list21:50
dakerUT      ubuntu=20141110,device=20141106.1,version=12121:50
ogra_and thats i386 ?21:52
ogra_armhf needs like 15min to boot ... it wont show anything onscreen for quite a while21:52
dakerogra_: how can i know ? i don't remembrer which one i did select21:52
ogra_i dont see any option ypu could use ...21:53
ogra_i personally put the arch into the instance name usually21:53
dakerok i'll delete it and create a new one21:54
dakerogra_: what do you recommend i386 ? rtm-devel ?21:55
ogra_yeah, that is definitely tested for functinality21:55
ogra_if it doesnt, blame davmor2 ;)21:55
dakerogra_: wait i don't see rtm-devel21:56
ogra_i do ...21:56
dakerogra_: https://i.imgur.com/iHWQKUf.png21:58
ogra_sudo ubuntu-emulator create rtm-devel-x86 --channel=ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/devel --arch=i38621:59
ogra_yeah, that should work21:59
dakerok thanks!21:59
ahayzenpopey, FYI we have https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/remix-rewrite-column-flow/+merge/241338 ... now just waiting on review from Victor :) hopefully not too many issues22:38
dakerogra_: do you see anything wrong here ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8928320/22:49
ogra_daker, not really i think22:49
ogra_do you see the emulator in adb ?22:49
dakerogra_: yes22:50
daker$ adb devices22:50
dakerList of devices attached22:50
ogra_looks fine22:50
dakerogra_: still nothing, black screen :/22:58
ogra_weird, it definitely works fine here22:58
ogra_(though i dont use the sdk)22:58
dakeri did run ubuntu-emulator run rtm-devel-x8622:59
ogra_yeah, that should work22:59
ogra_do you have any expotic graphics card in your PC ?23:00
daker$ lspci | grep "VGA"23:01
daker00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)23:01
ogra_hmm, intel should be fine ... very weird23:01
nik90daker: how long did you wait? The first boot usually takes about 4-5 minutes on my core i7 laptop23:01
nik90that's strange23:02
dakerlog http://paste.ubuntu.com/8928475/23:02
ogra_nik90, shouldnt anymore ... x86 is really fast and the apparmor profiles are pre-compiled nowadays23:02
popeyahayzen: awesome23:04
ogra_the complaining about units is a bit weird at the bottom of that log23:04
karnikalikiana: sorry, I couldn't do it earlier, lp page didn't work well on the phone. but I saw on the other chan you already know I approved it :)23:18
ajalkaneanyone with Jenkins/autopilot experience that can help with this: https://code.launchpad.net/~nikwen/ubuntu-filemanager-app/zips/+merge/23966223:18
karni(and no re: holiday, these things happen, I'm glad we'll land the fix)23:19
dakerogra_: my laptop did shutdown, had to start the emulator again and now :D signal: segmentation fault (core dumped)23:23
dslulhello, anyone knows how to convert a Variant variable to std::string?23:32
dslulnever mind, i figured it out23:37
ahayzenpopey, would you be able to test a click for us?23:44

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