
esodanHi, I would like to file a bug againts gnome-shell for 14.1004:18
esodanWhen I usr <Alt>+<F2> then 'r' enter (reset gnome-shell) it lost keyboard configuration setting it to english by default  no spanish as system is confiugured04:19
SonikkuAmericaUse [ ubuntu-bug gnome-shell ]04:29
circ-user-WRw5shi, ive got a quick question and havent had luck searching around online06:20
circ-user-WRw5sim looking to enable a vnc server, however i cant seem to find it in the "All Settings" list06:21
circ-user-WRw5si have vino installed06:22
circ-user-WRw5sfound it. for those who read this in the terminal, type vino-preferences06:26
mgedmincirc-user-WRw5s, or System Preferences -> Sharing -> Screen Sharing06:26
mgedminwheee, terminal is spewing06:27
mgedmin(gnome-control-center.real:12100): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_is_visible: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed06:27
mgedminwhile I play around with switches in that dialog06:27
circ-user-WRw5si dont see "Sharing" listed under system preferences... do you consider System Preferences the same window as System Settings?06:27
circ-user-WRw5sperhaps its because im running from a live usb. ill install it and check again06:31
mgedminoh, I'm sorry!  I upgraded to gnome 3.14 from the staging ppa06:39
mgedminlivecd of ubuntu 14.10 has gnome 3.1206:40
circ-user-WRw5shmm. installed it and i still dont see the sharing option07:02
circ-user-WRw5slets see how things look after an update07:06
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