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loahow i can add custom lines to context menu of pcmanfm?13:21
loai tried .desktop files in .local/share/file-manager/actions13:21
loabut have no luck with this13:21
testdrloa: what are you trying? Whats the goal?13:22
loatestdr, i want add some actions for files in my Dropbox folder13:24
loatestdr, tried this http://wiki.lxde.org/en/PCManFM#Add_own_options_to_the_files_context_menu13:25
loamaybe i need relog?13:25
loawhat do you think about this?13:27
testdrloa: i see - you want a new create-action? Never tried it - only did set special actions for filetypes. What does not work?13:30
loatestdr, i can't see action in context menu)13:31
loai think i can say that it don't work at all.13:31
testdrloa: again, what have you done?13:31
loatestdr, you see that link?13:32
loai done 100% equal to it.13:32
testdrloa: but you cannot write it down or provide the content of the .desktop-file via the pastebin-service?13:32
loai can13:33
loatestdr, ^^13:34
testdrloa: need some time to look it up - whats going on with it13:38
aarondabombHi guys! I'm trying to install lubuntu instead of my corrupted ubuntu. I have a separate home partition that is fine though. I'm trying to install from a live cd. Is it safe to select my ubuntu partition as the mount point for / and to select my home partition as the mount point for /home while installing, or should I just mount home after installing? I just don't want to accidentally wipe my home partition13:41
hateballaarondabomb: as long as you dont tick the format box it should be alright13:44
aarondabombcool, that's what I thought. Thanks!13:44
aarondabombhateball: do you see any benefit to not formatting my root partition?13:46
aarondabombjust better safe than sorry ;)13:47
testdrloa: again - i have now an entry at the end of the list to open a folder with right-mouse-click in pcmanfm14:34
testdrloa: i did copy the file "open_as_root.desktop" into (needs root-rights) /usr/share/applications14:35
testdrloa: i did not use exact the same file-content, because i did play around with it - but it needs to logout/login (seems pcmanfm reads those available things) and it needs one time to select (not total shure) this desktop-file (this could be wrong because i did not notice at once the line appear at the end of the open-list-options, i first only checked the first top lines)14:38
loaso i need logout?14:39
loai will try it now14:40
testdrloa: if you have other tools installed with .desktop-files in this area, you can check those - for example the midnight-commander desktop file. ---- Yep,   logout/login seems necessary, because my running account still dont shows it - only the login/logut as guest-user did14:40
loatestdr, yeah logout relped14:42
testdrloa: cause you did drop out too quick -- my last words: if you have other tools installed with .desktop-files in this area, you can check those - for example the midnight-commander desktop file. ---- Yep,   logout/login seems necessary, because my running account still dont shows it - only the login/logut as guest-user did14:52
testdrloa: to make it clear:  the entry to open as root is at the end of the pcmanfm options-list in your desktop too?14:53
bbblgmhow do I privent lxde from messing wiht the keyboard settings?15:00
bbblgmI have put my setxkbmap settings in autostart, they do work when run separatly, but some of then  dissapear after login, probably overwritten by some lxde setting somewhere, how do I prevent that from happening?15:03
testdrbbblgm: openbox and lxde use some hotkey-settings - to disable all would not be a good idea - you have to check what settings collide and make your choice.15:05
bbblgmso how do i get rid of that crap?15:06
testdrbbblgm: define "crap"?15:06
bbblgmas I already told, waht's messing with the keyboard settings?15:10
testdrbbblgm: as i already told: openbox and lxde use some hotkey-settings -- one you already may know is the print-screen-key for a screenshot15:11
bbblgmfor instance is use setkxbmap to set stuff like layout swithcing shortcut, caps lock remap, compose key and so on. For some reason the only thing that survives the login is capslock remap, everything else is rewritten by something15:14
bbblgmI can't find what does that on lubuntu, plain openbox or stock lxde doest not do that,15:16
testdrbbblgm: did you ever check the keyboard-handler (icon) in the lxpanel (bar)15:20
bbblgmIBus right? It's too buggy to be useful for anything, anyway removing it doesn't fix the issue, it's somehting else15:22
testdrbbblgm: what happens if you set the setkxbmap after login into X11-gui? Does it stay or is overwritten (for example after a screen-lock)?15:25
testdrbbblgm: i only use xmodmap to setup a special key-modifier for working with blender and enable it then, so the deskop-hotkeys dont collide with the same in blender - - and i set it only before i start blender (and its xmodmap)15:30
bbblgmwell it really sucks that lubuntu lacks a reliable way to run conmands at login15:37
testdrbbblgm: what is with entries into:   .config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart15:40
loatestdr, yeah15:40
loaall is alright15:40
loai dont setup my stuff by i have that option open as root15:40
bbblgmi got user settings overwritten by default settings, so autostart seems no to be garanted running last, which is retarded by design15:41
acmeraptorwell if anyone checks back here, i could use some assistance. i'll keep this window in view if any of ya happen to check back18:40
wxl!ask | acmeraptor18:41
ubottuacmeraptor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:41
acmeraptorpatience is a virtue i'm well acquainted with, but brb. running my wifi off my iphone's hotspot. turning off cellular so i don't accidentally take up paid-for bandwidth18:42
acmeraptorok that's done. hello, genii18:43
acmeraptormy question is a 2-parter.  i'm running ubuntu 12.04. i recently bought a netgear n900 wireless adapter..18:44
* genii slides acmeraptor a fresh beverage18:45
acmeraptori followed instructions that were - WELL Documented in an forum posting18:45
acmeraptorwhen i compiled the driver myself it installed correctly but once it connected to the network the entire system hung unless i did a reboot and disabled the adapter after it came back on18:46
* acmeraptor accepts the drink. thanks!18:47
wxlwell #1 i wouldn't consider forum posts to be the official documentation18:47
acmeraptorno i don't either18:47
wxl#2 is there some reason why it wouldn't "just work?"18:48
acmeraptorwell ubuntu 14 seemed to have the code to make the wireless adapter work... but my vga connected widescreen tv/monitor.. not so much18:49
wxlthat sounds like a regression then18:49
wxlso if i were you i'd try to get that fixed18:49
wxllook ot see what drivers are being used for video on 12.04 and make sure you're using the same one on 14.0418:49
wxlif they're the same, then you can dig into Xorg.0.log, dmesg, and syslog and see if there are any obvious problems18:50
wxlthat's where i'd start18:50
acmeraptorwell part of my problem is that i'm relying on a cheap p.o.s. best buy hp desktop.  i bought it as a media center device.. that's also part of the problem18:51
acmeraptorand im being redundantly redundant18:51
wxlfrom what i can see from a quick google the wireless adapter is unsupported18:52
wxlthat's certainly a worse problem to deal with18:52
wxlso i would use 14.04 to solve that problem18:52
wxland just focus on the video18:52
acmeraptor14 includes some weird driver that fouls up my display.. trust me if there was room to add in a decent video card, i'd have done that already18:53
acmeraptormaybe i just have to bite the bullet and realize i bought a crap system18:53
wxlacmeraptor: what i'm saying is that if it worked in 12.04 it SHOULD work in 14.04. if it doesn't, that's a regression and it should be fixed18:53
wxlacmeraptor: i've given you some suggestions on how you can diagnose the problem. if it can't be fixed easily, file a bug report and we'll get it solved18:54
wxlit sounds like you're in a bad way either way, but worse with something unsupported18:54
acmeraptorlike i said though this was just problem one18:55
acmeraptorand i'm kinda over it. i knew better to buy a system from best buy but did it anyway. my bad18:55
acmeraptorsecond problem. if you dare. :)18:56
wxli'm all ears18:56
acmeraptormy roommate was running windows 8.. he accidentally smashed his screen and pretty much the whole laptop to junk18:56
acmeraptori replaced his drive into my laptop.18:57
acmeraptorit fails to boot. i get some stupid bios error18:57
acmeraptorso i pop in a knoppix disc18:57
acmeraptorit can only open the recovery partition18:58
acmeraptori tried to let it boot. got nothing. his laptop has an hdmi port.  connected it to my monitor, got nothing18:59
acmeraptori'm plum out of ideas on this one right now18:59
wxlcan't fix hardware problems :)19:00
acmeraptorall he wanted was a bit of data for a resume that was saved on it, but i'm being stubborn19:00
wxlwell you CAN19:01
acmeraptori just don't know if the drive was destroyed..19:01
wxlbut you probably aren't that stubborn19:01
wxlso here's what i read:19:01
ianorlinthis is why backups are nice19:01
wxl1. you have replaced your drive with his19:01
wxl2. you can't boot his drive19:01
wxl3. you use a live cd and can boot to that (no surprise)19:02
wxl4. you cannot mount his drive in the live environment19:02
acmeraptorit mounted, but just the recovery partition19:02
wxlyou can't mount all the partitions19:02
acmeraptori got some bs error that it was in hibernation mode19:02
wxlomg windows 819:03
ianorlinoh he broke it while hiberanted19:03
* wxl aims a fake gun at his head19:03
wxlyeah dude i have no idea what to tell you about that19:03
ianorlinI avioded installing on windows 8 hardware by building own desktop19:03
wxlif i cared enough about windows maybe i'd try to figure it out but when i come across oddities like that, i just wipe and install linux :)19:03
acmeraptorfair enough dude. that's kinda what i thought. but i wanted to be sure19:04
wxlthe first thing i did when i got my windows 8 laptop was put linux on it XD19:04
wxlit's possible there's an answer but i have no idea what it is19:04
acmeraptori'm actually a fan of windows 719:04
ianorlinthere is ##windows19:04
acmeraptori can try there next but if my bios won't even boot the damn thing, they're probably not going to be much help19:05
acmeraptorit doesn't hurt to ask though i suppose, which is what brought me here19:05
acmeraptori hate windows 8 with a passion btw. :)19:06
wxlmaybe it's a uefi issue19:08
wxlso honestly it's probably not head19:09
wxlbut thanks to windows 8, totally inaccessible19:09
wxli would indeed check with ##windows19:10
wxlask hot to boot on a different machine (not sure if it's possible)19:10
wxland/or how to remove the hibernation status thing19:10
acmeraptorknoppix tried to delete the hibernation file and bombed out19:10
wxlalso ask them for some advice on rehab centers for your roommate XD19:10
acmeraptorhe got laid last night. i heard it through the walls while i was sort of awake. i don't think he cares about this as much as i do. lol19:11
wxlnow THAT'S funny19:11
acmeraptori told him i'd try though, so that's what i'm doing.  :)19:13
acmeraptorit's the challenge that drives me. i love learning new things. which ironically brought me back to irc19:16
wxlhey man, new things are good19:17
wxlnew things in windows mmmmmmm not so much19:17
acmeraptoryea. i'll ask the dumb question there. thanks dude, i seriously appreciate it19:21
wxlsorry i couldn't be of much help19:21
wxlacmeraptor: and seriously. investigate that video issue and bug report if need be. cc wxl@ubuntu.com and i'll see what i can do to triage it.19:22
sheena1i am having trouble finding a way to adjust my monitor brightness on my laptop19:24
wxlsheena1: are there buttons to do this?19:25
sheena1on my keyboard? yeah19:25
wxlsheena1: what happens when you press them? nothing?19:26
sheena1a little brightness indicator thing comes up in the top right corner19:26
sheena1but the brightness doesnt change19:26
sheena1its function f-11 f-1219:26
sheena1if it matters?19:26
wxllet me do some hunting19:26
ianorlinsheena does xbacklight work?19:29
ianorlinthat lets you change it from command line19:29
sheena1it seems installed19:31
sheena1backlight -set 5019:31
sheena1 ?19:31
sheena1does nothing19:31
wxlnot backlight19:31
sheena1just a bad copy19:32
sheena1its xbacklight19:32
sheena1$ xbacklight -set 5019:32
wxltry different values19:32
wxlwhat version is this btw?19:32
sheena1or do you mean xbacklight's version?19:36
wxlno that's what i mean19:36
sheena1tried 10, 90, 9, 2, 88... no change19:36
sheena1$ xbacklight       77.77777819:36
wxltry running xev and then press the buttons and tell me what you get19:37
sheena1it does show thechange when i ask it for the current setting19:37
sheena1it sees the buttons as a briightness adjuster19:40
sheena1it just doesnt.. adjust19:40
sheena1it used to, before i clean-installed to 14.0419:40
wxland yet it gives NoSymbol19:41
wxli think i'd suggest filing a bug19:41
wxli'm not sure which bug to file it against so use lubuntu-desktop19:41
wxlbefore you do, though, a thought:19:41
wxlcan you reproduce this with xubuntu or ubuntu? just grab a live cd19:41
wxlif you can, then it's not a *l*ubuntu issue per se19:42
sheena1ok. i will give that a try, then file accordingly. youdont think its a graphics drive rissue?19:45
wxlit might be19:45
wxlbut if it is, it's not a *l*ubutnu issue19:45
acmeraptori'm back.19:47
acmeraptorwindows 8 is just plain dumb all around19:48
acmeraptorwho knows what those meth heads are coding?19:50
acmeraptorthat's a joke.19:50
acmeraptorthe guys on this channel are cool19:50
acmeraptori'm signing off before i embarrass myself some more19:51
raistlin_majereHi everyone! Is there a way to specify what languages and variants will show up in the lightdm gtk greeter?20:40
Garbonzohi all21:30

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