
akiva-thinkpadballoons, cool thanks /late reply00:05
josharensonIs there an easy to install an unsigned click package?00:48
Randy_OIs there something special about the SDK I need to do to make offline scopes? It's not in my dropdown list when making a new scopes project.02:17
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akiva-thinkpadRandy_O, good question02:30
akiva-thinkpadRandy_O, are you going to the UOS? There is going to be a session on scope development02:31
akiva-thinkpadRandy_O, also; are you entering the competition?02:31
Randy__Oakiva-thinkpad, I am going to try and follow the UOS, so far I've watched the 3 videos they put on ubuntu on air, and they only show how to do online scopes02:33
akiva-thinkpadRandy__O, still there?02:33
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dpmgood morning07:15
dpmgood morning all07:23
rpadovanidpm, ping :-)07:31
dpmmorning rpadovani07:33
rpadovanidpm, morning to you :-) So, a question about tags. The branch was ready, but then mzanetti arrived and rewrite all the code for the edit page, I'm waiting the merge of his branch to merge mine too. So, There is no space anymore to list all tags in the editview. Do you want a user could edit the tags of a note in the noteview, or you prefer I add a button in the new toolbar of EditNoteVitew to edit tags? The second one IMO makes mor07:36
rpadovanie sense, but on Android you can edit tags without editing a note07:36
rpadovaniDunno if the wall of text above makes sense, if you want I can provide you some screenshots07:37
dpmrpadovani, it does make sense, thanks :) I was trying the prerequisite caching branch last night, so I've not yet tested the new edit mode page. I can do that now, but if you've got some screenshots, it would help me seeing your proposals on top of that07:38
rpadovanidpm, sure, just give me some  minutes07:39
dholbachgood morning07:46
rpadovanidpm, ok, I'll focus on uriHandler but, anyway, I show you how things are going with tagsUI branch. So, this is the NoteView, as you can see there are tags at bottom: http://postimg.org/image/z6h1psh1b/ This is the EditNoteView: http://postimg.org/image/40scfauyn/ there is also a "+" near the tags, so you can add tags. When you click on + button, you have this popup to edit tags: http://postimg.org/image/4azuyn9kv/07:57
rpadovaniBut, with new mzanetti branches you have this EditNoteView: http://postimg.org/image/61iw04r3z/07:57
dpmrpadovani, awesome, thanks. This makes it a lot easier to review07:57
rpadovanidpm: So, there is no more space for tags in EditNoteView. My question is: should I move the "+" button to the NoteView or I have to create a new icon to insert near mzanetti' s buttons for formatting? I think 2nd is better, but (a) the branch is blocked until mzanetti' s branch lands and (b) evernote on android use 1st07:59
dpmrpadovani, ok, I understand it now. I've taken a note and I'll try to get a designer to look at this. For now, I'll move both the new edit view and the tags UI bugs to the next milestone, so that we can concentrate on the essential only for the current milestone08:03
rpadovanidpm, ok :-)08:04
mihirpopey: ping !!08:05
popeymihir: pong!08:09
mihirpopey: what would you suggest to track down new design stuffs?08:09
popeydpm: rpadovani mzanetti did you get evernote marketing (spam) today showing off the new UI?08:09
popeymihir: I don't understand the question.08:09
mihirpopey: shall we create new trunk , or we can merge in existing only?08:10
rpadovanipopey, we use it since a while, but I didn't receive any mail from them08:10
popeymihir: I would continue on trunk08:10
mihirpopey: okay :)08:10
popeyrpadovani: it was general marketing spam to everyone "Take a tour of the all-new Evernote for Android!"08:10
mihirpopey: also , i'll update the Pad as per our discussion last night.08:11
popeymihir: excellent, thanks!08:11
mihirpopey: is there anyway we can push sync things less buggy ?08:11
rpadovanipopey, ah, gotcha: but yes, dpm and I use it since a while, and I provided to mzanetti screenshots of all features of the app :-)08:12
mihirpopey: during sprint , we were able to make EDS likely more stable with help of renetu08:12
mihirpopey: just a thought :D08:12
popeymihir: we need to file bugs if you find them08:12
mihirpopey: hmmm okay :)08:12
mihiri'll make sure that now onwards.08:12
dpmpopey, I've not checked my personal e-mail today yet, but I probably got it too08:14
popeymzanetti: gonna revert that change I made about unlocking, tested enough, and whether it's placebo or real, it felt like I didn't have the same issue.08:27
mzanettigood mornging...08:42
* mzanetti catching up with the completely red channel08:42
popeymzanetti: great08:43
mzanettipopey: 1st: no, didn't get evernote spam, but yeah, rpadovani sent me some screenies08:47
mzanettipopey: 2nd, cool, thanks for testing the change. I'll prepare a branch and get it landed then08:48
mzanettirpadovani: we still could add the tags feature to the toolbar in the noteeditview. I think in the middle section (add things sections) there's still space, especially now that I removed the <hr/> icon08:49
mzanettirpadovani: or. even better, we add it to the panel section (rightmost) and bring in a new toolbox line containing the tags ;)08:50
rpadovanimzanetti, I love the idea to create a toolbox line for tags08:54
ahayzenpopey, FYI Victor found a massive speed improvement in thumbnailer last night, so we're going to try tweaking the new columnflow implementation as stated here https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/remix-rewrite-column-flow/+merge/241338/comments/593564 and there is a minor bug fix that needs to be landed, hopefully we should have it by EOD09:04
popeyahayzen: the fix is upstream in thumbnailer?09:04
ahayzenpopey, no us sortof workaround ish bug 139136809:05
ubot5bug 1391368 in Thumbnailer "Thumbnail generation is slow when requesting a sourceSize that needs to be rescaled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139136809:05
ahayzenpopey, basically we were requesting the size 330 if we request the size 512 and scale ourselves it is much faster09:06
popeywell that sounds counter intuitive!09:06
ahayzenpopey, i'll ping you if we are clear to build a click :) i know right, i guess the QML scaling is faster is faster than what ever they are using09:07
dpmmzanetti, o/ - let me know when you've got a few minutes to talk09:09
mzanettidpm: hey, now is good09:10
dpmmzanetti, cool, so on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/241136 I added a comment. Not a blocker or anything, it was mostly curiosity. Other than talking about that one, I tested it at worked very well09:12
mzanettidpm: right, yeah... that's actually QML... the scopes have the same "issue"09:14
mzanettidpm: so qml builds delegates from bottom up, so the bottom-most is the first one to be queried, so the first one to be fetched09:15
mzanettidpm: not really sure what I can do about it. Saviq had the idea of putting lpotter onto the issue to fix it in the qml listview directly. but no idea yet how feasible that is09:16
dpmmzanetti, ok, thanks for the context, nothing critical, and I see we cannot fix it in the app, it just looked a bit unexpected. mzanetti, ok, in that case, I think I'll approve it09:17
mzanettidpm: thanks :)09:18
mzanettidpm: replied to your mail09:21
dpmmzanetti, awesome, thanks! I think even if the new edit view could happen today, I think I'd like to limit the number of features we land on this milestone. In particular for this one, I'd like to try to find a designer to look at it, as it's a big change (and an awesome one!) from the previous UI09:24
dpmand it'd be good to coordinate it with the tags UI too09:25
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Origami Day! \o/09:32
mzanettiI wonder if there's some instructions around for the origami unicorns we had a the sprint09:37
dpmI thought there were some online, but I've not looked very hard :)09:37
mzanettirofl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzeaw7UXscw09:39
dpmthe internet will never cease to amaze me09:39
dpmmzanetti, do you see anything obvious that might need fixing in https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/239961 ? rpadovani had a look at it this morning, but after doing a change and debugging it, it seems it requires more investigation09:40
mzanettidpm: no... just reading the code I'd say it's looking good.  means, I'd need to run it and hammer in some debug prints to figure what's happening09:41
mzanettidpm: what's the timeline?09:41
dpmmzanetti, I'd like to see if it's something we can get into this milestone, as it'd make the scope integration easier, but if not possible, it's nothing critical and I'd move it to the next09:42
mzanettirelase happening Thu, so having a working branch by tonight ok?09:42
mzanettiso you can review tomorrow the whole day09:42
dpmmzanetti, yeah, that'll work nicely if you think it's possible.09:43
mzanettiI'm sure it is, unless we hit weirdness in the platform09:43
kalikianat1mp: another look, please https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ignoreExpectedWarnings/+merge/237280 I responded and pushed some changes09:49
mzanettipopey: hey, as you did quite extensive testing, can you leave some review comment here please? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/keep-suspended-while-locked/+merge/24138709:58
popeymzanetti: sure09:58
JamesTaitmzanetti, I also wondered about the unicorns - thanks for the link!10:06
dpmmzanetti, could you give me some more context on this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/fix-clone-tags/+merge/241190 - I'm adding it to the list of bugs fixed in the milestone10:06
mzanettidpm: this is a bugfix for tags not getting saved to evernote when saving a note10:07
dpmah, cool, thanks10:07
dpmmzanetti, it seems that Jenkins choke on some merge conflicts. Could you merge with trunk and re-push on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/241136 ?10:40
mzanettidpm: sure10:41
mihirpopey: can you trigger Jenkins https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/IncubteObject/+merge/241166 ?12:43
popeyi cdan12:43
dpmmzanetti, another question: that scrollbars MP for Reminders - am I supposed to see scrollbars in the notes list on the phone, or was it only for desktop? As I don't seem to see any scrollbars atm12:49
mzanettidpm: they are there, but the grey on grey doesn't work that well :D12:50
mzanettidpm: you *can* see them if watching closely12:50
mzanettidpm: but their real value is on the desktop, where they expand when the mouse is hovering them12:50
mihirpopey: thanks.12:50
mzanettidpm: maybe we should file a bug against uitk, stating that scrollbar color and default MainView color is pretty much the same12:51
dpmmzanetti, oh, yes, they're there, but indeed, you need to watch *extremely* closely12:51
mzanettidpm: hmm... actually, we're not using the default bg color12:53
* mzanetti tries how it looks like with defaults12:54
mzanettidpm: well, its marginally better, still you only see it if you're actively looking for it12:56
mzanettidpm: I'll file a bug12:57
dpmcool, thanks12:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mihirpopey: you got few mins?13:01
popeymihir: wassup?13:01
mihirpopey: need some design clarification :P13:01
mihirpopey: if you go to presentation , and slide num 813:01
mzanettidpm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/139150313:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1391503 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ScrollBar color is not distinctive enough" [Undecided,New]13:01
popeymihir: ok, one mo13:01
popeymihir: ok13:02
dpmthanks mzanetti!13:02
mihirpopey: in that , if you see the border should be white , that's what gorigio has written i couldn't understand that.13:02
popeymihir: line between events13:03
popeyto separate one event from the next13:03
mihirpopey: yup that is what i have understood.13:03
mihirso that should be white correct?13:03
mihirpopey: okay :)13:03
mihirahayzen: ping13:20
ahayzenmihir, pong13:20
mihirahayzen: i noticed that in listView , the divider never shows in full width , is it how it behaves ?13:21
ahayzenmihir, maybe? .. i can't remember what ours looked like when we had it?13:21
mihirahayzen: this is how it looks , http://i.imgur.com/aoIsPq5.png13:22
mihiri have no margins in header though.13:22
ahayzenmihir, looks possibly right? probably best to ask the SDK folks what to expect...or look at the docs13:22
mihirzsombi: ping13:23
mihirahayzen: i thought you would have used it in Music app , so pingged directly to you.13:23
zsombimihir: whatsup?13:23
ahayzenmihir, i think we *did* use it...not anymore i don't think13:23
mihirhey zsombi doing great13:23
mihirzsombi: got some sdk question.13:23
mihirzsombi: got few mins ?13:24
zsombimihir: few :)13:24
zsombimihir: shoot 'em13:24
mihirzsombi: i am using ListIItemHeader , and i just noticed that it draw line with margins.13:24
mihiris it intended ?13:24
zsombimihir: the image doesn't tell me your question :)13:25
mihirzsombi: if you see first Item with the date , and it has line below that.13:25
zsombimihir: are you using two items there?13:25
mihiryes , one is Header another is ListItem.Standard13:26
zsombimihir: ok, both of them have a ThinDivider, right? the line you see is the one from Header13:26
mihirzsombi: in ListItem.Header ThinDivider is by default , and in ListItem.Standard  i have set showDivider to false.13:27
mihirbut what i want is , the ThinDivider in ListItem.Header should be of full width instead of having it with margins.13:27
mihirzsombi: like here you see, http://i.imgur.com/otZrlVY.png13:28
mihirthe second full width line, which is ListItem.ThinDivider.13:28
zsombimihir: yes... there should be an MR landed in staging which fixes that, so if you need to get them edge-to-edge, you shoudl try to access it... but I guess it's not doable from Header...13:29
mihirzsombi: hmmm so what would be the workaround for that, will it contains property for that ?13:29
mihirbydefault it will be full width ?13:29
zsombimihir: the Header won't :(...13:30
* zsombi hates the ListItems :/13:30
mihirzsombi: :( then what would be the workaround ?13:30
mihirzsombi: i can use the ListItem.ThinDivider, but i can't set Header property to false as i can do with standerd list item13:30
zsombimihir: unfortunately teh only way would be to create a component of your own...13:30
mihirzsombi: ahhhh , too much work would be needed just for a line :(13:31
zsombimihir: or we raise the thin divider bug so we can land in RTM13:31
zsombimihir: we must talk to popey13:31
mihirpopey: read the conversation13:31
popeyyes sir!13:31
mihirzsombi: let me raise bug to track this atleast :)13:32
zsombimihir: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/138076613:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1380766 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "revert listitem dividers to previous (no margins)" [High,Fix committed]13:32
zsombimihir: no need yet another bug13:32
zsombimihir: you better comment on this13:33
mihirzsombi: okay  done13:35
DS-McGuireHelllo all o/  Can somebody help me with this? : askubuntu.com/questions/548108/what-framework-to-use-for-my-web-app13:36
mihirzsombi: shall i re-open the status ?13:36
zsombimihir: yes13:36
mihirpopey: to summarize , we don't have way to show full width thindivider in ListeItem.Header.13:37
mihirzsombi: done :)13:37
zsombimihir: ok, thx, let's hope will get picked up as top priority one13:37
mihirzsombi: thank you.13:37
popeyzsombi: not sure how I can do that? isn't that an SDK/toolkit thing? Do you just need me to say "hey bzoltan please can the priority of bug 1380766 be raised"?13:38
mihirzsombi: atleast showDivider property should help I believe ( Just a guess)13:38
ubot5bug 1380766 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "revert listitem dividers to previous (no margins)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138076613:38
popeyI mean, it's ota-1 already, which seems pretty good?13:38
zsombipopey: it is fixed, but you know that we cannot land anything not "wanted" to RTM...13:39
popeywell, we can, we have the wishlist13:39
zsombipopey: should I put the bug to the list?13:39
popeyi would.13:39
popeyplease ☻13:40
zsombipopey: ok, on teh way13:40
popeywhether pat & olli agree, is another matter ☻13:40
popeyDS-McGuire: looks like http://askubuntu.com/questions/548108/what-framework-to-use-for-my-web-app needs jdstrand or lool to help13:40
mihirthanks zsombi popey :)13:40
zsombipopey: right..13:40
DS-McGuirepopey, Are 'lool' and 'jdstand' suppose to be links? Nothing opens.13:44
popeyDS-McGuire: no, they are people13:44
DS-McGuireOH! LOL13:44
DS-McGuirejdstrand, what do you think about this?13:45
* lool opens13:45
* lool 404s13:46
ogra_fix your proxy :P13:46
loolDS-McGuire: I bet you're using "devel" or some utopic based image13:46
DS-McGuireOn my machine?13:47
ogra_the 14.10 framework isnt supported in the 14.04 archive, make sure to have the SDK PPA enabled13:47
ogra_that will get yo the right framework support13:48
loolDS-McGuire: on the target (emulator or phone)13:48
loolDS-McGuire: and in the chroot13:48
* lool gtg13:48
DS-McGuirelool, Thank you!13:48
nik90popey: shouldn't the core apps bump the framework version from ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml-dev3 to ubuntu-sdk-14.10-qml?13:50
popeyI don't think the store enforces that yet for updates to apps (right beuno ?)13:51
beunopopey, nik90, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/api/click-framework/13:52
beunois the current status of the store13:52
beunoso -dev3 is still available13:53
beunolool gets to decide when that becomes obsolete13:53
beunonik90, it's likely coming though, I'd prepare  :)13:53
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|lunch
jdstrandbeuno: where can I file a bug to get this resolved: https://code.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/akari/akari-fixes/+merge/240667/comments/59371813:59
jdstrandbeuno: and hi! :)13:59
* beuno looks14:08
beunojdstrand, I saw that over the weekend, but it looks fixed, no?14:09
beunojdstrand, you can edit what the store supports here: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-frameworks/14:09
jdstrandbeuno: hmmm, that json does look fixed14:11
jdstrandbeuno: I'm not sure how to account for https://code.launchpad.net/~jdstrand/akari/akari-fixes/+merge/240667/comments/59363214:12
jdstrandbeuno: that comment was from 3 hours ago14:12
jdstrandbeuno: is the store preferring the old cache over the new version?14:12
beunojdstrand, maybe he had submitted it before?  either way, I'll check, maybe the review scripts are old on the server and they are overriding the api14:12
jdstrandbeuno: thanks14:13
beunojdstrand, FWIW, this is the project to file bugs for that: https://launchpad.net/software-center-agent14:14
jdstrandah perfect. thanks!14:15
* jdstrand jots that down for later14:15
beunojdstrand, indeed it is using the old cache, we'll fix14:18
jdstrandbeuno: the code is designed to update the cache though, right? istr that was part of the requirements. I also stole the frameworks code for apparmor, so it might be affected too14:19
beunojdstrand, it is, the server isn't updating it14:19
beunoso we need it to start doing that  :)14:19
nik90balloons, fginther: hey, I proposed a MP for the clock-app which failed in jenkins like few seconds later..https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/bump-framework/+merge/241414 Can you take a look and check what's wrong pls?14:22
jdstrandbeuno: which brings up another point-- I feel like the apparmor json should live somewhere more official14:22
jdstrandbeuno: but I don't know that it needs a full on form14:22
beunojdstrand, is it simple enough for it to be represented in the store like frameworks?14:23
* beuno steps out for a quick bite14:23
jdstrandbeuno: it is simple, but not that simple: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~click-reviewers/click-reviewers-tools/trunk/view/head:/data/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu.json14:23
mihirpopey: does this make sense , with respect to new Agenda Design , http://i.imgur.com/egawrCX.png ?14:35
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
popeymihir: nice one!14:38
popeythats pretty much exactly as the spec14:38
mihirpopey: i just made work around for dividers :|14:38
mihirused ListeItem.Standared instead of Header.14:38
mihirzsombi: ^^14:38
zsombimihir: well... doable, however teh font weight will not be the same...14:39
mihirzsombi: yes i noticed that , but i did with Label inside listItem , it seems solved issue.14:40
zsombimihir: nice :)14:40
mzanettidpm: merged https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/24113614:44
mzanettidpm: wait... need to update translation14:45
mzanettidpm: I'm not sure what happened... now the branch is just 4000 lines of translations changes14:49
* mzanetti votes for not doing the pot update in the make step14:50
mzanettithis is really annoying when developing14:50
ajalkanemzanetti: it is and every new developer makes the mistake of pushing changed pot files because of that14:51
mzanettiI'd go as far as saying it happens to most experienced devs too :D14:51
rpadovanimzanetti, because launchpad truncates diff longer than 4000 or 5000 lines on the web interface, if you use bzr diff/log or look to mail it works well14:59
dpmmzanetti, yeah, let's disable the "build POT always" thing in the cmake15:00
mzanettidpm: on it15:00
dpmok, cool. mzanetti, I think it's just a matter of removing the ALL in the rule15:00
mzanettidpm: yeah, I also renamed the target so we can easily do "make translations" instead of make com.foo.bar.bar.whatnot15:01
mzanettidpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/dont-always-build-translations/+merge/24142415:02
mzanettidpm: jenkins is happy again with this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/24113615:04
mzanettiI reverted the translation update as it confused me  and we have to do it manually anyways starting now15:04
beunojdstrand, if you think the store would be a good place, I could either give you a similar UI than for frameworks15:05
beunoor straight up uploading a json15:05
jdstrandI think straight up uploading a json would be good15:05
jdstrandI have a script to generate it somewhere15:06
beunoI'll sneak that in soon15:06
jdstrandcool, thanks15:06
dpmmzanetti, reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/dont-always-build-translations/+merge/24142415:08
mzanettidpm: done15:09
dpmmzanetti, on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/caching/+merge/241136 - can you make it so the po/ folder is the same as in trunk? I.e. revert any changes to .po files?15:11
mzanettiI can try at least15:11
dpmmzanetti, all .po files are overwritten daily by Launchpad, so it's not worth merging them or fixing merge conflicts. After your other branch lands, we should stop having conflicts. But on this one, I think it'd be good to have a diff reflecting only the code changes with less noise15:13
dpmcool, thanks15:13
mzanettidpm: yep, done. I just copied the whole po/ folder from a fresh checkout into that branch15:14
dpmah, nice15:14
dpmmzanetti, approved, then15:15
mzanetticool :)15:15
mzanettidpm: think we could get this one out of the WIP queue? https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/debian-copyright/+merge/22564615:17
mzanettishouldn't be hard to fix15:17
mihirpopey: whenever you get time , could you test this MP with multiple calendar on your branch ---->https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/AgendaViewFix-newDesign/+merge/24142615:23
pindongajdstrand, hi there... can I ask you for some review?15:24
jdstrandpindonga: I think that is going to cause a problem on the buildds when the testsuite is run15:26
pindongajdstrand, why?15:26
pindongait's not fetching anything during tests15:26
pindongait's mockedout15:26
jdstrandlet me read it more carefully15:27
jdstrandpindonga: you ran the testsuite on that?15:27
pindongayep, using ./run-tests15:28
jdstrandI'm surprised it passed15:28
pindongawhy? I'm mocking out the call to read_cr_file :)15:28
pindongaah, but only in a single place15:28
jdstrandnot cause of anything you did, but because I thought there were more tests for that15:28
pindongayep, still passes15:28
pindongait passed bc I had the frameworks.json file cached in my home15:29
pindongawhen I removed that, the test hung for a sec, while fetching the file, then continued, and passed15:29
pindongathat could be a prolem15:29
jdstrandright, so it did fetch15:29
pindongait did15:29
pindongaI'll update the mp to mock all places where fetching is done15:30
jdstrandpindonga: curious what prompted this mp?15:30
pindongajdstrand, there was a pkg that failed automated reviews bc of an invalid framework, however the store displays the framework as available and valid15:30
pindongathe problem here was that the scripts prefer to use the local data/frameworks.json file15:31
pindongainstead of fetching the latest from the server15:31
jdstrandand it is because data/frameworks.json exists?15:31
pindongal. 8-10 of the mp15:31
pindongaif we pass no local_copy to the Frameworks obj, it will fetch from the remote server if the local cached is outdated15:32
jdstrandwell, the deb packaging is going to need to be adjusted too15:32
jdstrand-$(shell python3 ./bin/update-frameworks ./data/frameworks.json)15:33
jdstrandit is doing that for the testsuite15:33
jdstrandon the buildd (to make sure it is up to date)15:34
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popeyakiva-thinkpad: nik90 when do you want http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22319/roundtable-creating-a-theming-standard-for-qml/ in the schedule?15:58
nik90popey: that's being hosted by akiva-thinkpad, I am personally fine with with anything16:00
pindongajdstrand, alright, pushed changes .. I've removed the local frameworks file from the cache, run the tests and verified it's not fetched16:14
dpmmzanetti, I'll try, but I'm not sure I'll manage this week. It's a trivial change, but it requires some time looking into the files and the copyrights16:22
mzanettidpm: ok. no worries then... I just was a bit in house-keeping mood today16:22
dpmmzanetti, sure, it's good to go into that mode every now and then. The caching branch landed, btw :)16:23
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nik90popey: Can you top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/bump-framework/+merge/241414.. simple framework bump16:52
* popey looks16:52
nik90cool, thnx16:53
sergiusensnik90: simple is always an invitation for issues! don't jynx it :-D16:53
jdstrandpindonga: ok, so you probably saw I committed the MP (thanks!)16:54
jdstrandpindonga: but I have a question16:54
nik90sergiusens: lol16:54
jdstrandpindonga: if I modify ~/.cache/click-reviewers-tools/frameworks.json and remove one of the frameworks, then do 'touch -d 20141010 ./frameworks.json', then run click-review /path/to/click, the frameworks.json is not getting updated16:55
jdstrandpindonga: I was expecting it to get updated since the mtime was out of date and the contents changed16:56
jdstrandpindonga: so, I think that your change, while needed, won't fix the issue...17:00
jdstrandan additional change may be needed17:00
pindongajdstrand, ack, will check17:01
fginthernik90, it failed due to a transient error that even failed after a couple of automatic retries. I rebuilt it again and it passed.17:14
nik90fginther: yeah I saw it pass and got it also top approved. Thnx for looking into it.17:15
pindongajdstrand, I just checked the refresh of the frameworks file17:17
pindongajdstrand, it uses the ctime, instead of mtime, so touching the file has no effect17:18
pindongaI've modified my system time to be over 1 wk in the future and run the click checks and the file was properly updatd17:18
jdstrandpindonga: is ctime the right check for this?17:26
pindongathat I don't know17:27
pindongaaccording to the docs: Return the system’s ctime which, on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last metadata change, and, on others (like Windows), is the creation time for path17:28
pindongawhile mtime is: Return the time of last modification of path.17:28
pindongamaybe mtime is better? (more consistent)17:28
pindongajdstrand, I think mtime might be better here17:29
pindongactime changes when the inode changes, but if the file is completely rewritten, without changing it's name, the inode might not change, but the data will17:30
jdstrandpindonga: I think it probably is17:30
pindongajdstrand, I'll submit an mp to use mtime17:30
jdstrandawesome, thanks!17:30
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pindongajdstrand, mp is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~ricardokirkner/click-reviewers-tools/check-file-using-mtime/+merge/24144318:20
mihirrpadovani: ping !!19:20
mihirto add bottom edge is it mandatory to use custom component , or we do have an option in SDK ?19:21
nik90mihir: you will need to use the custom component19:27
mihirnik90: hmm okay , thank you :)19:27
mihiris it same across the all apps , like contacts/messaging/clock?19:28
nik90mihir: yup19:28
nik90mihir: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/address-book-app/trunk/view/head:/src/imports/Ubuntu/Contacts/PageWithBottomEdge.qml19:29
mihirnik90: great , thanks :)19:30
rpadovanimihir, pong20:19
rpadovanidpm, about uriHandler, I'm not able to debug it, hope mzanetti could. Do you know who other can I ask to?20:50
dslulciao sei italiano? posso chiederti un paio di cose?20:55
rpadovanidslul, se vuoi paralre italiano pingami su #ubuntu-it-dev21:16
dpmrpadovani, sorry, about to call it a day, perhaps tomorrow?21:17
dpmI think this will need some of mzanetti's magic touch, not sure if I can help much on that one21:17
rpadovanidpm, yes, of course, it was only to keep you informed21:18
dpmno worries, thanks!21:21
dakerogra_: it did fail again :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/8948794/21:36
akiva-thinkpadakiva-thinkpad: nik90 when do you want http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22319/roundtable-creating-a-theming-standard-for-qml/ in the schedule?21:53
akiva-thinkpadpopey, yah any time is fine for me21:54
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: note that we also have theming (and a color palette) in the UITK22:06
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: but it can be improved, and the documentation is not up-to-date yet22:07
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, yah I saw that recently22:07
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, one of the main issues I see is around people manually colouring the backgrounds and all that jazz.22:07
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: most components have a Style associated with it that implement the whole looks and behavior of the component22:08
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: the "problem" with our current styles, for apps that simply want to change some colors, is that they are quite complicated and contain a lot22:08
t1mpnot just colors22:08
t1mpalthough you could create a new theme based on our theme and change only the colors in the derivatives of the styles22:08
akiva-thinkpadt1mp: do you know how the showcase is doing the theme change?22:09
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: so the roundtable makes a lot of sense :)22:09
t1mpuhm, I can look it up22:09
akiva-thinkpadI have only briefly looked at the code.22:09
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, Yah I hope you will join us.22:09
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/Styles.qml22:12
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, Yah i have seen this; but the question for me is how is it binding the changes to everything in the app?22:12
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, there is also another project in the core apps that dedicates an entire qml file to theming, and you just reference that22:13
akiva-thinkpadAnd the other question is whether theming should extend to Divider, ThinDivider, and UbuntuShape22:14
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: no, those things are not stylable22:15
t1mpneither are the new listitems (work in progress)22:15
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, but they could be.22:15
t1mpbecause you need a lot of those, and using styling would slow it down22:15
t1mpeach StyledITem uses a loader to load its style22:15
t1mpsee http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/StyledItem.qml22:15
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, couldnt you just replace the ubuntu components import though?22:15
t1mpall the components set their style property using a function call that returns the proper style from the theme22:16
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: you mean import a theme?22:16
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, yes; effectively22:16
akiva-thinkpadif you wanted a metro theme for example that had hard corners22:16
akiva-thinkpadinstead of the ubuntu curve22:16
t1mpthen you would have to add the import to each component?22:17
t1mpthat means you cannot change the theme on the fly any more22:17
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, no22:17
akiva-thinkpadso what I mean22:17
akiva-thinkpaderr theorizing22:18
t1mpsure :)22:18
akiva-thinkpadis that you would change the package, "import ubuntu.components 1.1"22:18
akiva-thinkpadyou would literally change the ubuntu.components package.22:18
t1mpby the way, this is a good session to ask questions and make suggestions: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22358/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-feedback/22:18
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, sec; I think I may have committed to something else22:19
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: uhm. You can create your own components and import your.components 1.1 instead. If they have the same API (but different theme) it will work22:19
t1mpbut then you have your own components and you have to keep them API-compatible with Ubuntu.Components22:19
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, I am speaking more from a systemwide side.22:20
akiva-thinkpadSo instead of changing the theme of every app individually22:20
akiva-thinkpadyou could impliment a system wide theme22:20
t1mpwe don't have system themes22:20
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, but you could do it, because we do for example22:20
akiva-thinkpadhave UbuntuColors.green22:20
akiva-thinkpadand we do have UbuntuShape {}22:21
akiva-thinkpadIf you could get people to bind every single theming colour to say one of the packages, such as22:21
t1mpif UbuntuColors.green = "yellow" and UbuntuShape returns a triangle, then their names don't really make sense any more ;)22:21
akiva-thinkpadcolor: UbuntuTheme.darkTextOnLightBackground22:22
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, agreed22:22
akiva-thinkpadlol; triangle22:22
t1mpwe plan to put the settings for each of the components at the top of their style file22:23
t1mpsee for example the changes I did this week to CheckBoxStyle22:23
akiva-thinkpadso my suggestion would not be to touch that, but to create a standard , and then put it on the back burner for a developer to impliment all these theming standards.22:23
t1mpall the colors are there at the top of the file now. So you could create your own theme with your CheckBoxStyle derived from the one in Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambience and then have CheckBoxStyle.qml: import Ubuntu.Components.Themes.Ambience ; CheckBoxStyle { checkedBackgroundColor: "red" } }22:24
t1mpand you have a new theme where the checkbox is red when checked instead of green22:24
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, yah I have seen that; the music app did that with the progress bar22:25
t1mpyeah, having a standard is also a good idea. Lots of work though :)22:25
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, but I would imagine, if we want to have this option as a bullet feature of Ubuntu, that we should do it now22:25
t1mpI'm not against it, but it is something we would need to discuss more22:26
t1mpif we can find the time to work on it :)22:26
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, well I think getting the standard would be the only thing that would need to be done. Actually implimenting the stuff well...22:26
akiva-thinkpadthat is sort of like whitespace maintaining on the linux kernel22:26
akiva-thinkpadthat sort of stuff is dead easy.22:27
akiva-thinkpadbtw t1mp http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22319/roundtable-creating-a-theming-standard-for-qml/22:28
t1mpto make it more concrete (and easier to discuss), perhaps you can write down the idea and include some code examples how you would use it?22:28
akiva-thinkpadi'm going to try to sign up for yours.22:28
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, will do.22:28
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: zsombi is doing most of the work in our theming engine, try to catch him too :)22:29
akiva-thinkpadI'll see22:29
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: yes, they made me track lead for the app developers track.. so I try to be there for a lot of the meetings (although some of them that are later in the day I will have to miss)22:29
akiva-thinkpadI sent a mail to the sdk team but22:29
akiva-thinkpadwell who knows; we will see22:30
t1mphmm, I didn't see that22:30
t1mpwhere did you send the e-mail?22:30
akiva-thinkpadt1mp, it was to the admins22:30
akiva-thinkpadI don't know how to send the whole team a message on LP22:31
akiva-thinkpadalthough I hear its possible :P22:31
t1mpprobably it is best to use the mailing lists (touch-coreapps), or catch us on irc :)22:31
t1mpakiva-thinkpad: even better, come to the feedback sessions in the online summit :)22:31
* t1mp gotta go now22:31

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