
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Touch devices in jenkins are unavailable after flashing, recovery in progress.
robrubfiller: rtm 301:46
bfillerrobru: cheers01:47
robrunot my day01:59
rsalvetiMirv: your changes are all fine, emulator still working after updating to qt 5.3.202:04
rsalvetiMirv: just need to change seeds apparently02:04
rsalvetiubuntu-sdk-libs ubuntu-touch unity-scope-click were all depending on the older packages02:05
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bzoltanrobru: May I ask for a silo to build the line 64? There is a chance that it makes it before the freeze04:01
bzoltanMirv: you are my only hope in this tz :)04:42
Mirvbzoltan: sure04:50
Mirvthanks rsalveti for testing. there are no dropped binary packages or such, so yes seeds should be updated but the transitional packages also work (and won't be dropped until after 16.04 LTS)04:51
Mirvtedg: you've filled my bug folder! :)05:02
bzoltanMirv:  thank you05:04
=== Trevinho__ is now known as Trevinho_
MirvWellark: do you have any topblocker fix ongoing? just wondering whether you'd fit in "between qtbase and network-manager" for bug #1357321 to find out what's asking NM to reconnect via Qt now that the Qt NM backend actually works. could indicator-network be calling some Qt function that now suddenly works?08:11
ubot5bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732108:11
MirvWellark: so it starts doing that when Qt's NM backend is fixed to actually work, which was the original problem of the bug.08:11
ogra_bzoltan, hmm, i got an "translation template import error" mail for yesterdays UITK landing ...08:52
ogra_kalikiana, ^^^^ seems you changed the .pot09:17
davmor2ogra_: what were you blaming me for?09:18
ogra_everything "09:18
ogra_(except the above)09:18
kalikianaogra_: I did09:20
kalikianaaccording to Mirv it was resolved09:20
ogra_ah, must have been after i got that mail then http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937080/09:20
Mirvkalikiana: ogra_: not really resolved other than that the bzr:s are all good, but I've been getting that message also before, so it's not related to the latest update. not sure what it's about.09:31
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WellarkMirv: i-network is not using NM09:53
kalikianaMirv: ogra_ I get some warnings from "msgfmt -c" however that's exactly the same I got from other projects' pot files09:54
MirvWellark: hmmkay. ideas on what could be using in our network stack?09:55
Mirvkalikiana: yeah, the .pot doesn't seem broken as such.09:55
kalikianathese only make sense for .po files to my mind09:55
kalikianaie. date or name not beng set09:55
MirvWellark: if by any chance you have some insight, please comment on the bug09:56
WellarkMirv: could you ping me after 1h? I have some meetings09:56
MirvWellark: sure09:56
davmor2Mirv: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxRX6LXDpWs10:01
tvossMirv, hey there, just top-approved for vivid 1910:03
Mirvtvoss: ok, nice10:03
tvossMirv, weird exception for rtm silo 13, though10:03
davmor2ogra_: same behaviour on rtm so not a bug in the tarball I'll get onto cwayne latter about landing it10:04
ogra_tvoss, its an "exception Exception" :)10:04
tvossogra_, aha ...10:04
ogra_you get the doublepulsood today ;)10:05
ogra_*sigh* trashed the joke by typos ...10:05
Mirvtvoss: maybe it just needs a retry..10:07
tvossMirv, kicked10:07
Chipacathere used to be a way to tell ubuntu-device-flash to add a ppa, or am i much mistaken?10:13
ogra_you are10:13
ogra_phablet-config writable-image can add ppas10:14
ogra_and the citrain tool10:14
Mirvhere we go again... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8937947/10:14
Chipacaogra_: thanks10:14
Mirvthat was well planned, probably the first Qt release that just worked with the first "publish" button press.10:14
* ogra_ covers his eyes from Mirv's doing10:15
ChipacaMirv: woo, new stellarium! (?)10:15
MirvChipaca: it among else uses Qt private headers, so needs a rebuild for new Qt. so no code changes :)10:15
Mirvogra_: if you want you can do the 5.4.010:16
tvossMirv, nope, somehing is weird with rtm 1310:16
ogra_lol, no !!!10:16
* Chipaca upgrades anyway10:16
Mirvtvoss: ah, it's a a sync silo. what is it trying to sync?10:17
tvossMirv, ubuntu 1910:17
Mirvogra_: it should be easy! land it to rtm while at it too!10:18
Mirvtvoss: I don't see anything wrong or what could cause the explosion, but maybe we should try again after it had migrated to vivid release pocket to try to reconfigure and sync from there instead.10:18
tvossMirv, fine with me10:18
* Mirv invaded https://lists.canonical.com/archives/vivid-changes/2014-November/thread.html10:20
kalikianaogra_, Mirv: if you think it's important enough for rtm; but note that it's not a regression https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixGalleryPotRTM/+merge/24138910:23
kalikianaotherwise I'll do the fix for staging depending on your answer10:24
Mirvkalikiana: if it does not functionally affect anything (like translations showed to users not working), I wouldn't bother.10:24
kalikianaMirv: it doesn't. the gallery is also developer only10:24
Mirvkalikiana: right. but good to fix anyhow.10:25
ogra_kalikiana, well, i think it should be fixed for final ... (whenever that is :P )10:25
Mirvkalikiana: maybe bzoltan can put that fix into next or next-after-next rtm landing?10:25
Mirvkalikiana: but your branch is based on the trunk, so it has cruft.10:26
ogra_right, just sneak it in with one of the next landings, whenever it fits10:26
kalikianaMirv: ah sorry, too many branches… I'll redo the branch on rtm10:29
kalikianaMirv: check again, please https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixGalleryPotRTM/+merge/24138910:33
kalikianaand respectively https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fixGalleryPot/+merge/24139110:34
Mirvkalikiana: approved both, thanks!10:35
Chipacadoes 154 of rtm proposed have issues with adb?11:02
ogra_gra@styx:~$ adb shell system-image-cli -i |grep "version version"11:03
ogra_version version: 15511:03
ogra_154 worked fine yesterday too11:03
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
Chipacadammit. device's just not showing on usb. tried two supposedly good cables. restarted computer, restarted phone. dev mode is on; adbd is running on phone.11:04
Chipacaanything i might be missing?11:04
ogra_password/pin is set ?11:05
ogra_did you try to just unset/set dev mode again ?11:05
Chipacaused terminal on phone, ran 'sudo dmesg', worked11:05
Chipacai'll unset, restart, set, restart; fingers crossed11:06
ogra_no, dont restart, just unset/set11:06
Chipacaah, that i've done11:06
ogra_do you see USB noise in dmesg on the PC when connecting ?11:06
* Chipaca looks11:07
Chipacaoh, that's new11:07
Chipacaso yes11:07
Chipacaa bunch of usb 2-1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -3211:07
Chipacaand of: usb 2-1.1: new low-speed USB device number 121 using ehci-pci11:07
ogra_should look like this11:07
ogra_what are you running on your PC ?11:08
ogra_read error doesnt looks so good11:08
Chipacashould i do a hard power cycle?11:09
Chipacahaven't had to do that since ISA11:09
ogra_dunno, but a read error usually points to physical issues or something with the USB driver (of the PC)11:09
Chipacaok, trying the power cycle. gefingercrossen.11:10
tvossMirv, mind checking the propagation status of vivid 19?11:10
Mirvtvoss: I don't see it in excuses list, but still in propose (now for 44 minutes)11:19
tvossMirv, ack11:19
MirvI'm trying if we support syncing from vivid-proposed...11:25
Mirvhmm, it said ok11:26
Mirvbut no11:27
cjwatsonthe last publisher run was apparently fairly gigantic11:27
cjwatsonqtbase-opensource-src and friends, I guess, but ugh11:28
* Mirv hides11:28
ogra_oh, its all Mirv's fault11:28
cjwatsoni.e. silo 211:28
cjwatsonwe spent 25 minutes just streaming stuff out of the librarian onto pepo's disk :-(11:29
cjwatsonthen a 20-minute apt-ftparchive run11:30
cjwatsonhttps://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=76559 will make the latter about four minutes less terrible11:31
MirvI'm happy to help in stress-testing the infrastructure11:35
cjwatsontvoss: it's migrated now11:35
tvosscjwatson, thanks :)11:35
cjwatsonwell, not that citrain has noticed, but it will11:35
Mirvtvoss: argh11:41
bzoltanbrendand: I have just flipped the tested flag on the rtm silo15. the logs are at the usual place. It is so far the cleanist UITK landing I have even seen. I know it takes time to validate it, but it would be supercool to squeeze it in before the freeze.11:41
Mirvtvoss: maybe I'll do a sync+versionmangle by hand. it's possibly something broken by robru's last night's changes (robru: sync from vivid to rtm failing https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-013-1-build/63/console)11:42
* Mirv does that11:43
brendandbzoltan, is it a TOPBLOCKER?11:50
Mirvtvoss: ^ building (totally manually)11:58
Mirvtvoss: note that you're sort of getting "three releases" at once, although in reality there was only single line added (libboost-dev dependency) and the other one was a rebuild: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/190093756/location-service_2.1%2B14.10.20141030~rtm-0ubuntu1_2.1%2B15.04.20141110.1~rtm.diff.gz11:59
bzoltanbrendand:  It was when I started to land ...12:08
bzoltanbrendand: olli changed the status ~15 hours ago :(12:09
bzoltanbrendand:  no idea why, but it is his call not mine.12:09
brendandMirv, this time i promise not to lose your diff magic, please just show me one more time :)12:18
Mirvbrendand: haha :) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8558016/12:20
* Mirv has alias dx='for i in *.dsc ; do dpkg-source -x $i ; done'12:20
Mirvbzoltan: they had a meeting yesterday, maybe there was some decision there just not documented :(12:22
bzoltanMirv: brendand: It was a top blocker 15 hours ago... so my time around 12pm12:23
Mirvbzoltan: olli should probably be online soonish12:24
bzoltanMirv:  I will goo offline soonish12:29
Mirvbzoltan: vrruiz has written on trello that "Not top blocker, not critical priority. Tagged for release in RTM touch-2014-11-06. In the additional wishlist spreadsheet is marked as "land after 10/30"."12:30
Mirvstill doesn't explain if it's not supposed to be fixed at all for rtm for now12:31
cjwatsonMirv,brendand: you can replace lines 5 and 6 of that with debdiff on the two .dsc files, surely12:31
ogra_bzoltan, well, if you want it still, you should probably stay at least until pat or olli come online12:31
bzoltanogra_: my wish is irrelevant in this case... I am the monkey who delivers the fix when they are are asked for.12:32
brendandcjwatson, oh good12:33
Mirvbrendand: he's correct, that's much easier12:33
Mirvbzoltan: yeah I doubt there's any error, it'd be just interesting to know why it was dropped from the list12:34
Mirvuh oh, I've DDoS:d my own inbox it seems with that Qt release12:34
bzoltanMirv:  same here... and I would suggest no to drop MRs what just turned on the the final sprint to the image.12:34
tvossMirv, ack, thx for the heads up12:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
bzoltanbrendand: I have flipped the silo9 to be tested. It has two test runes. the first one cleared all AP tests but the browser, then Kaleo has pushed a fix for those AP tests and the MAIN-2 shows that the browser is fine too.13:18
ogra_bzoltan, there is olli ;)13:19
brendandbzoltan, mmm that definitely needs to be landed13:20
jhodappMirv, can I get a silo for line 54 please?13:20
brendandolli, do you think we should change our landing approach for today?13:20
brendandolli, to land only top blockers, or proceed as normal13:20
ollibrendand, why so and how13:20
ogra_brendand, lets land whatever QA cvan sign off ... only top blockers tomorrow then13:21
Mirvjhodapp: done, vivid-00113:23
jhodappthanks Mirv13:23
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brendandbzoltan, which bugs is silo 9 actually fixing?13:26
brendandbzoltan, seems to be more than one13:26
jhodappMirv, thanks13:30
brendandbzoltan, for me the silo doesn't seem to have much of an impact in terms of actually fixing the issue described13:45
om26eralecu, Hi! regarding silo 1 which removed suru bg for the dash headers, seems one of the scopes still uses that header.13:52
ogra_om26er, i think thats known13:55
ogra_olli, ^^ i think victor said something about this13:55
alecuom26er: yes, I noticed that too. cwayne was looking into it14:00
brendandcjwatson, if i'm trying to find the source_package_publishing_history of a specific source package for RTM, what's the most reliable way to do that?14:04
ogra_rtm-changes ?14:05
brendandcjwatson, the only way i can see right now is if i use getPublishedSource on RTMs main_archive14:05
brendandogra_, in launchpadlib14:05
om26erogra_, was there a reply from olli I got disconnected so might have missed it.14:05
ogra_om26er, in another channel ... cwayne is looking into it14:06
om26erok, thanks, I'll pick another silo in the mean time14:08
cjwatsonbrendand: that's the best way14:08
cjwatsonmake sure to use exact_match=True14:09
cjwatsonand perhaps limit to an appropriate distro_series too14:09
brendandcjwatson, i wasn't sure if main_archive would always contain the package14:10
cjwatsonbrendand: It will if the package is in the main archive :-)14:11
cjwatsonbrendand: (note, "main" there doesn't refer to the "main" component)14:12
cjwatsonit just means the primary archive for that distribution14:12
cjwatsonas opposed to PPAs or whatever14:13
om26eralexabreu, Hi! regarding bug 1386682 (silo 8) I don't see a testcase to test the bug fix. Can you help with that ?14:14
ubot5bug 1386682 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu RTM) "Facebook share is broken" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138668214:14
alexabreuom26er, I updated the bug description :)14:18
alexabreuw/ a test steps14:18
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ogra_plars, yo, what happened to systemsettle ? seems it is set up at 97.5% now14:24
plarsogra_: heck if I know14:25
ogra_plars, also, due to /topic it seems we are missing one device from krillin smokke tests14:25
plarsogra_: which one? I was still looking at this horrible go exception that I got from udf14:26
ogra_could we get these re-run14:26
ogra_"Known Issues: Touch devices in jenkins are unavailable after flashing, recovery in progress"14:26
plarsogra_: that was the issue over the weekend right? I think I got most of those handled except a single mako that didn't want to come back. I'll check again though14:26
ogra_smoketests only ran 500+ tests14:26
ogra_well, i'm talking about krillin14:27
plarsogra_: me too, the only krillin offline at the moment is krillin-05, which is off for instrumentation purposes. We saw some strange problems with udf last night, and I'm rerunning from that, but otherwise all the krillin appear to be pretty happy14:28
ogra_welll, i only noticed the ~300 missing test results this morning14:28
om26eralexabreu, thanks!14:29
ogra_simply assuming we were missing a full device14:29
alecuom26er: hi! regarding silo rtm-001, the NearBy scope is packaged as click, so it's not landing via the silo. cwayne is working on it, and it will land it separately via the click store.14:29
alecuom26er: Sorry for not saying this more clearly on the landing sheet.14:30
om26eralecu, ack, I will finalize that silo soon.14:30
alecuom26er: great, thanks.14:30
plarsogra_: yeah, the run is split 4 ways on krillin, and one of them didn't complete, in the rtm case because it failed to go from recovery->fastboot. I've seen this a few times where reboot- bootloader just ignores me14:31
ogra_plars, ah ... use a whip ;)14:31
plarsogra_: I'll put something in to slap it around a bit if it does that again, but I'm curious why the device sometimes just ignores that14:31
brendandbzoltan, is Kalleo around today?14:31
ogra_make them listen :)14:31
plarsogra_: anyway, another one is flashing to complete those results now, look for them soon14:32
ogra_thanks !14:32
plarsogra_: and without the extra tests for things that shouldn't be there now :)14:32
ogra_heh, k14:32
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ogra_Mirv, can we have a silo for line 56 ?14:42
dbarthhi trainguards, i have line 57 ready for a silo14:44
SaviqMirv, you're messing with qt packages are you? ;)14:50
ogra_Saviq, already over14:50
Saviqqtdeclarative5-dbg : Depends: libqt5quicktest5 (= 5.3.0-3ubuntu13) but 5.3.0-3ubuntu14~test3 is to be installed14:50
Saviqdoesn't look like it14:50
brendandogra_, did we get any testing on mako/emulator for 151?14:51
ogra_well, the messing is14:51
brendandogra_, if we're going to think about promoting it14:51
ogra_now there is the fixing :)14:51
ogra_brendand, i thought davmor2 did test it ... not sure though14:51
davmor2brendand: I tested them on friday14:52
SaviqMirv, looks like declarative needs a rebuild against the new test ↑14:53
Saviqor maybe it's not published yet14:59
Saviqright, proposed14:59
Saviqtvoss, hey, got a sec?15:01
tvossSaviq, yup, what's up15:01
Saviqtvoss, can you make out anything out from http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8942149/15:01
Saviqtvoss, I've got unity8 stuck for no reason15:02
tvossSaviq, nope. the one thing I see is that the render loop is waiting on a wait condition in thread 8. Which I haven't seen before in a unity 8 stack trace. But that's obviously only a wild guess15:03
Saviqtvoss, how about the recvmsg in 29?15:04
Saviqcould be caused by something else blocking?15:05
tvossSaviq, mind taking another trace? like another random sample?15:05
Saviqtvoss, yeah, just did, lemme paste15:05
Saviqtvoss, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8942221/15:06
tvossSaviq, if it stays there, I would be surprised as the transport obviously signal'd readable before15:06
Saviqtvoss, as for the render loop waiting, if UI thread got stuck, render would get stuck at sync to it15:06
tvossSaviq, yup, so seems like recvmsg is stuck, thus blocking the render thread15:07
Saviqthat's Client IO loop15:08
* Saviq takes it to #ubuntu-mir15:09
bzoltanbrendand: yes, Kaleo is around. I have talked to him today15:18
Mirvogra_: MP url wrong15:24
Mirvdbarth: silo assigned15:24
MirvSaviq: sounds like same PPA stuff you're having, even though yes I've Qt 5.3.2 published today15:24
ogra_Mirv, try now :)15:25
SaviqMirv, hmm, no ppas on that phone, freshly flashed vivid15:25
MirvSaviq: google tells me ubuntu14~test3 is ubuntu-rtm package15:26
Mirvogra_: rtm-016!15:26
ogra_gracias !!15:26
SaviqMirv, hmm interesting15:27
SaviqMirv, ugh, my fault, sorry :)15:27
SaviqMirv, installed a wrong local package15:27
MirvSaviq: NP :) but soon you'll have 5.3.2 on vivid15:27
SaviqMirv, looking forward to it :)15:28
ogra_and then vivid on rtm too !15:28
om26eralecu, ping15:29
alecuom26er: pong15:29
elopiofginther: plars: how do I get my branch merged into ubuntu-test-cases/touch? https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-test-cases/sample-adt-test/+merge/24132115:30
elopioshould I top-approve it?15:30
om26eralecu, the change in silo 1 brings in a regression. grooveshark/7digitial/youtube scopes no more load their custom headers if navigated from music/video aggregators.15:30
alecuom26er: weird; I'll take a look at that15:31
alecuSaviq, tsdgeos: any ideas about that? ^15:32
fgintherelopio, if plars is ok with it (since he had a couple comments) you can top approve15:32
alecuSaviq, tsdgeos: the only thing that silo does is remove the background image from the music, video and apps scopes.15:33
elopioplars: let me know if I should change something else.15:33
plarselopio: fginther: yes, give me just a few minutes and I'll take a look. Is it blocking you from something at the moment?15:33
elopioplars: no. Any time today would be good.15:33
alecuom26er: I see that the "Youtube" header is not shown when clicking on one of the videos, but it is still shown if I click on the header (in spanish: "Destacados de Youtube >"15:35
alecuom26er: is that the regression? I'm reflashing to try it without the silo.15:36
om26eralecu, for me all these scopes show plain background and not their custom colored bg.15:37
cwayneogra_: thanks for taking care of the silo, today's a holiday here so will be afk for a bit15:38
alecuom26er: how are you entering those scopes?15:38
Saviqalecu, no, nothing comes to mind15:38
ogra_cwayne, yeah, celebrate your veterany :)15:38
tsdgeosalecu: hmmmm, not really, sorry15:38
=== cwayne is now known as cwayne-afk
ogra_(or is it veteraness)15:38
cwayne-afkogra_: veteranity maybe? :P15:38
alecuSaviq: tsdgeos: no worries, thanks.15:38
om26eralecu, from the main dash. I just go to the 'Video' scope by flicking right from the 'Dashboard'15:39
om26erthere just tap on a video from youtube category.15:39
alecuom26er: I don't think it's a regression15:40
om26eralecu, it clearly is, I have done the before/after comparison15:41
alecuom26er: I just tried that on a freshly flashed krillin with 154, and when doing that I don't get the youtube header15:41
ogra_alecu, om26er, you dont click the video but the "youtube features" headline there15:42
alecuogra_: when clicking the "youtube features" with the silo, I get the youtube header15:43
ogra_that gets you the actual scope instead of a single movie preview15:43
ogra_right, me too15:43
ogra_(155 here)15:43
alecuogra_: exactly, so I think I'm not understanding what the regression with silo rtm-00115:44
om26eralecu, ogra_ I am flashing back and re-testing and will get back to you.15:46
Mirvrsalveti: I think there's a glitch http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#pyqt5 and we'd need http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8942826/ - do you agree? pyqt5 seems the only one affected.15:46
alecuom26er: great, thanks a lot.15:46
Mirvrsalveti: only libqt5gui5 seems affected (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/188155119/qtbase-opensource-src_5.3.0%2Bdfsg-2ubuntu9_5.3.2%2Bdfsg-4ubuntu1.diff.gz / .symbols changes)15:47
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
ogra_hmpf, this is the fifth time today that my wlan icon just vanishes from the indicator16:00
om26eralecu, ok seems to work fine for me. I am trying to understand whats the regression potential of this change ?16:09
om26erwhile it looks pretty straight forward of a change, its still good to know.16:10
Mirvom26er: brendand: you're asking for trouble signing off silo as accepted that is also "Passed" in trello but has the last comment "This brings in a regression as talked to alecu. changing to failed."16:19
Mirvso please clear it up and don't set as Granted before all comments match :)16:20
om26erMirv, aah, that was a confusion, updating the comment.16:20
Mirvom26er: thanks!16:22
Mirvrsalveti: the silo is building, but I won't be awake to push qtbase-gles + pyqt5 to the silo once qtbase has built. if you don't have time, I'll wake up in ca 12h16:25
MirvI think qt is stuck with calibre/imagemagick transition too anyhow16:26
cjwatsonMirv: hopefully not too much longer there ...16:28
ogra_davmor2, so silo 16 has a package, not sure i will get to test it soon, would you mid just grabbing it ?16:34
ogra_(chris wont be able to, US holiday)16:34
rsalvetiMirv: optional shouldn't be causing any issue16:39
rsalvetididn't yet get why you changed qtbase16:39
rsalvetiMirv: if you push http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8942826/ then we can't sync the symbols with the gles package anymore16:40
rsalvetibecause of:16:40
rsalveti+ (optional|arch=!armhf !armel)_ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_ES214versionProfileEv@Base 5.2.0 316:40
rsalveti+ (arch=armhf armel)_ZN20QOpenGLFunctions_ES214versionProfileEv@Base 5.2.0 216:40
rsalvetithat's why they were all optional16:40
tvosstrainguards, can I get a silo for line 60?16:41
rsalvetiMirv: I still think your issue is different16:43
rsalvetiMirv: or we might be missing one symbol or so16:43
rsalvetithat pyqt5 uses16:43
Mirvrsalveti: I erronously changed qtbase symbols with pkgkde-symbolshelper and then fixed manually. only that diff to 5.3.0 revealed that. the patch would revert to what qtbase 5.3.0 already had.16:43
Mirvrsalveti: hmm.16:44
rsalvetihaving them as optional is fine and expected16:44
rsalvetithis is what we had before16:44
rsalvetilet me check why pyqt5 can't be installed16:45
Mirvrsalveti: the excuses says armhf packages depends on the libqt5gui5-gles python-pyqt5.qtopengl/armhf unsatisfiable Depends: libqt5gui5-gles (>= 5.2.0)16:46
rsalvetiMirv: right, then I think your patch is partially right16:48
rsalvetiyou could still keep optional for every other arch16:48
rsalvetiand just add the new lines that are specific with armhf and armel16:48
rsalvetiI think that is how it was before, let me confirm16:48
rsalvetithat way you can still keep both symbols file (gl and gles) in sync16:49
rsalvetias the -gles packages are not producing binaries for armhf16:49
elopiocihelp: I have another branch ready for a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/uci-engine/nfss-check/+merge/24132216:51
Ursinhaelopio: I'll have a look16:52
elopioI would like to know if that's a good location for that kind of scripts16:52
elopiothanks Ursinha16:52
rsalvetiMirv: your changes should still work fine though16:56
robruMirv: hm, but I didn't change any sync logic...16:57
* ogra_ is in a meeting that is running over a little, i'll be late for the landing meeting16:57
john-mcaleelydavmor2, any news on the device tarball from yesterday?16:59
davmor2john-mcaleely: next on my list16:59
ogra_davmor2, did you see my ping above ?17:01
davmor2ogra_: check the spreadsheet :P17:02
davmor2ogra_: also meeting time17:02
ogra_davmor2, right, i'm in the bug review meeting still17:03
ogra_will join in a minute17:03
brendandogra_, we're waiting :)17:13
Mirvrsalveti: can you possibly publish or copy-package qtbase from https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-014 when it finishes in 2-3 hours? it mainly now has the benefit of having already been building for 1+ hour. pyqt5 would then need another no-change rebuild.17:13
rsalvetiMirv: sure17:13
Mirvrobru: yeah, I don't know what is it about, but no sync operation worked but caused the error seen17:13
Mirvrsalveti: thanks a lot! hard, these non-24h work days.17:13
plarsogra_: those results are bogus, but I see the problem. I'm going to restart the whole set17:18
ogra_plars, ok, with the adjusted systemsettle already ?17:19
robruMirv: hm, well it does appear to be sending the wrong dir to cowbuilder for building the source package. I'll look at it17:20
plarsogra_: those were changed to 95.5 yesterday17:20
ogra_plars, well, the command seems to use 97.517:21
plarsogra_: maybe I missed one, I'll look again17:21
plarsogra_: argh, I found it. Thanks! The one I started will still be at 97.5 for most things unfortunately. Will there be a new image later today?17:25
ogra_plars, well, the cronned one ...17:26
ogra_plars, no worries ... as long as we get it adjusted we're all fine17:26
plarsogra_: ok, I can restart it in just a bit if you like17:26
plarsogra_: it's certainly fixed now17:26
ogra_plars, nah, you have a day off, dont stay for that17:27
plarsogra_: no, I'm here today. swapping for another day17:27
plarsogra_: just busy with other things at the moment17:27
ogra_plars, well, then i'll leave that up to you ... do as you like :)17:28
cjwatsonsergiusens: can I take myself off cron mail for click-sync and rely on you to flag up anything that needs attention?  This is part of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2014-November/003135.html17:29
alecuom26er_: you mentioned: "whats the regression potential of this change?"17:36
ollijfunk, ogra_, so are we promoting the last image?17:36
* olli is catching up and a bit confused17:36
ogra_olli, yup17:36
ogra_in a few ...17:36
olligood stuff17:36
olliogra_, 151 or a later image17:37
om26er_alecu, yes, I did.17:37
alecuom26er_: I don't think there's potential for regression with this change: it's just removing the setting for the background from the ini file, and there are several scopes that don't have that setting, so it's very unlikely that something would stop working due to this.17:37
ogra_olli, the regression suite only ran to 60% ... but i'm confident thats good enough as we know that it fixes bugs on top of the last promotion and didnt have any regressions in manual testing17:37
om26er_alecu, ok, thanks.17:38
olli ogra_, yeah, +1 on the rationale17:38
ogra_olli, 151 ... and then whatever comes out of the machinery on thu,17:38
ogra_(with luck we know by fri that this is promotable i was told17:38
olliwait what?17:39
alecuom26er_: thank you for your thorough review :-)17:39
olliogra_, confused again17:39
ogra_olli, we promote 151 now ... and then we promote RC on fri17:39
olliso 2 promotions17:39
ogra_with luck :)17:39
olli151 and the one on Thu/Fri/Mo17:39
ogra_no worries :)17:39
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs watching the promotion script 17:59
ogra_=== IMAGE RTM #6 Promoted ===18:08
ogra_(that is 151 on krillin, 124 on mako, 116 on both emulator arches)18:08
ogra_olli, ^^18:08
john-mcaleely6 or 7?18:09
ogra_should be 618:09
* ogra_ checks again 18:09
ogra_john-mcaleely, thanks !!18:10
ogra_=== IMAGE RTM #7 Promoted ===18:10
john-mcaleelyogra_, yw. I was just rummaging for the news too :-)18:10
ogra_thats two in one day !!18:10
john-mcaleely6 happened earlier today? gosh18:10
olliwell done, thx everyone18:15
olliwe are almost there...18:15
ollion that note ...18:16
robrubzoltan: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-009-3-merge-clean/23/console uh, you're going to have to merge that manually since you put in an MP to your own personal branch18:17
ogra_robru, why was that promoted twice ?18:18
ogra_robru, that landed yesterday already ... https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/rtm-14.09-changes/2014-November/000837.html (mirv asked me to copy-package it due to the silo being broken)18:19
robruogra_: what?18:19
robruogra_: I just saw the silo sitting there, marked topblocker, qa approved, etc, so I published it this morning.18:19
ogra_right, but thats most likely the reason it cant merge18:19
robruogra_: no, the reason it can't merge is because the MP target is bzoltan's personal branch, which ps-jenkins-bot doesn't have permission to modify18:20
Mirvogra_: robru: no, it was silo 008, 009 is different landing18:20
ogra_ah, k18:20
ogra_Mirv, the changelog is identical18:20
ogra_ignore me18:21
* ogra_ had the same tab opened twice in the browser18:21
Mirvrobru: the personal branch is long story of timezones and stuff, but zoltan is happy if it got published and we can fix the rtm branch in the morning manually18:21
* Mirv sleepy time18:22
ogra_enjoy !18:22
robruMirv: goodnight18:22
cyphermoxrobru: hey; could I please have a new silo for line 14? it was dropped some time ago, and we'd be ready to start again18:22
robrucyphermox: sure, one sec, spreadsheet seems to be crapping out on me18:24
ogra_brendand, can i get that link to the 60% testplan ?18:28
ogra_(for the landing mail)18:29
sergiusenscjwatson: sounds good, I'll do the evaluation and ask you to do anything if necessary18:30
brendandogra_, oh yeah - https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/11EKX9SkCua84F6SxWT1c9PVhDGQBD-7bZiwcPPsL8CM/edit#gid=63966467118:32
ogra_brendand, thanks !18:32
robrucyphermox: ok silo vivid 1918:33
nik90brendand: I am facing a regression with image #7 where if I enable silent mode through the indicator sound, it reverts back after 1 second.18:34
nik90charles, tedg ^^18:34
nik90on Mako18:34
ogra_nik90, there is a bug for that iirc18:35
nik90ogra_: oh...this didnt happen with #6 though18:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1391164 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu RTM) "Silent mode setting is not read on startup" [High,Confirmed]18:36
ogra_nik90, you just need to speed up tedg :)18:36
nik90ogra_: that's not the bug though18:36
nik90ogra_: for me, if I enable it manually, it reverts back immediately after 1 sec18:37
nik90without any phone reboot18:37
ogra_looks like the fix could help your case too though18:38
nik90I suppose18:38
ogra_ask tedg i suppose18:38
brendandnik90, sorry - can't confirm it here18:41
nik90brendand: np, I suspect I see this issue due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-sound/+bug/138900818:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1389008 in The Sound Menu "Often fails to connect to Pulseaudio and unity-notifications (results in missing volume notifications and improper volume control)" [High,Triaged]18:42
nik90I will keep an eye on both these bugs18:42
bzoltanogra_: my personal branch is now history, I redirected the silo9 MR to the real rtm branch. So the mess was onl with the silo8.18:55
om26erkarni, Hi! if I don't have any contact on telegram what  can I do to test silo 16 ?18:56
ogra_bzoltan, yeah, no worries :)18:56
davmor2john-mcaleely: device tarball looks good only issue I hit is the alarm issue which is known anyway https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/139099218:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390992 in Ubuntu Clock App "New alarm at 7:28 AM in 33326 days" [Undecided,New]18:59
john-mcaleelydavmor2, great, thanks19:00
john-mcaleelyogra_, is now good to push that?19:00
ogra_john-mcaleely, yeah ...19:00
john-mcaleelyogra_, davmor2 done. thank you19:03
davmor2john-mcaleely: only if you push it to the right channel19:03
* john-mcaleely crosses fingers...19:04
davmor2ogra_: you should have a new blocker it is only for vivid it is the alarm issue that is aforementioned but it means the sanity tests on vivid are failing19:06
ogra_davmor2, file it and i'll make it a vivid blocker19:07
davmor2ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/139099219:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390992 in Ubuntu Clock App "New alarm at 7:28 AM in 33326 days" [Critical,Confirmed]19:08
nik90davmor2: but it requires a fix in eds?19:13
nik90should I move it to eds since there is nothign to be done in the clock app19:13
davmor2nik90: ah yes please I thought it already had been, my mistake :)19:14
davmor2nik90: we'll just blame charles19:15
karniom26er - add me, no. in directory19:26
karniom26er - sry for late reply, I'm on holiday19:27
om26erkarni, I found a way around. I am using my other phone ;)19:27
karniom26er: perfect19:27
om26erkarni, last one where am I supposed to find the error messages ?19:31
om26erignore that, found.19:31
cjwatsonsergiusens: OK, thanks.  I've removed myself from the MAILTO for that cron job.19:38
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Touch devices in jenkins are unavailable after flashing, recovery in progress.
olliogra_, did we land the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1387708 yet19:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1387708 in location-service (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "[TOPBLOCKER] Location services not getting location" [Critical,In progress]19:57
ollior is this still w/ QA19:57
robruolli: still with qa20:00
robruolli: err actually the one in qa is a different location-service one20:01
ollia different one?20:01
robruolli: I don't see 1387708 currently in a silo unless the bug reference is missing20:01
olliwhich bug is that20:01
ollitvoss, ^20:01
robruolli: bug 1390490 is in qa right now, silo rtm 1320:02
ubot5bug 1390490 in location-service (Ubuntu) "Race between connectivity-api and network-manager" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139049020:02
ollirobru, ah20:03
ollisame branch20:03
ollidifferent bug20:03
ollirobru, thx20:03
robruolli: 1387708 looks like it has a branch that's been merged to trunk, so if it's not already released, this release will release it ;-)20:03
ollime thinks... we really need to improve our mapping of silos, bugs, branches20:04
ollithat's for another day ;)20:04
robruolli: sure do!20:04
ollirobru, thx20:04
robruolli: you're welcome20:04
cwayne-afkogra_: you still around by any chance?20:54
alecuyes, pretty please21:39
ogra_robru, next time tell olli to actually open the bug :P its all documented in there22:31
ogra_we need some bug training for the management ...22:33
ogra_cwayne-afk, i am for a moment22:35
ogra_cwayne-afk, feel free to land the tarball at  any time except while the image is actually building (3:00 - 4:30 UTC)22:37
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Touch devices in jenkins are unavailable after flashing, recovery in progress.

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