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soahcccHey guys, I currently try to find auditing tools and generally I'm struggling  to find anything "recent". There is tiger (which last release was in 2008 iirc) and ossec (which is more what I was looking for) but it seems that the community around ossec is dead. Which tools provide similar functionality (centralized logging, processing and action taking) but not require 3 years of learning to get them running?01:16
ZorroTi did the 14.04 upgrade and lost www userdirs. i've followed the instructions on google top hits for ubuntu 14.04 apache2 errors of this sort, and i am still getting 403s on userdir.01:21
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fridaynextanyone have a suggestion for a music server to run on Ubuntu 14.04 headless, that will have smart playlists and update playcounts?02:08
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ZorroTi did the 14.04 upgrade and lost www userdirs. i've followed the instructions on google top hits for ubuntu 14.04 apache2 errors of this sort, and i am still getting 403s on userdir.05:35
cryptodanis userdirs enabled?05:36
ZorroTcryptodan: yes05:47
cryptodanany special .htaccess files?05:48
ZorroTthis is all such, no userdir content is working05:48
ZorroTcryptodan: [Mon Nov 10 19:19:08.955340 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 10645] [client XXXX:42030] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/XXXX/public_html05:49
cryptodanlooks like you have .htaccess files05:49
ZorroTbut that is where none exists05:49
cryptodando an ls -la on public_html05:50
ZorroTi think i just figured it out :-)05:50
cryptodan.htaccess is a hidden file05:51
mardraumZorroT: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/upgrading.html05:51
mardraumif you went from 2.2 to 2.4, read that.05:51
ZorroTi had done the various upgrade procedures, grant, etc.05:53
ZorroTwhat i had forgotten was that this server has a non-standard user web directory05:53
ZorroTso of course all of the directives referring to public_html won't help :-)05:53
ZorroTID-10-T error.05:54
ZorroT"other than public_html"05:55
ZorroTfor i changed public_html references in userdir.conf, php5.conf and now everything is humming along happily.05:59
cryptodanid recommend keeping the standard way06:00
ZorroTcryptodan: i didn't ask, but thanks.06:09
ZorroTthere are perfectly good reasons that it is the way it is, and apache is amenable to allowing other than default options.06:09
ZorroTi thought i remembered explicitly telling the upgrade process to leave the configs alone06:11
ZorroTin which case, the normal documentation for the upgrade process would have applied correctly06:11
ZorroTthis was the upgrade problem plus me overlooking the difference between the defaults and the existing installation's expectations.06:12
ZorroTi apologize for bringing that to channel :-)06:12
cryptodanIt was just a recommendation nothing to insult you06:17
ZorroTtypically, one doesn't change server defaults for purposes of whimsy. tone doesn't carry well on irc :-)06:22
ZorroTalso, thank you for your help, cryptodan and mardraum !06:23
cryptodanyou are welcome06:24
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lordievaderGood morning.08:17
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michelehi there, what can I use to select the fastest apt mirror? netselect-apt is not in the repos anymore. any ideas?10:25
Amir2What`s the most lightweight GUI for ubuntu server?10:46
micheleAmir2: xfce/lubuntu10:50
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delinquentmeabout to head in for a devops interview.  ask me thangs I should know !14:03
malinuxsomebody who knows why autocomplete og apt-get install <package> only works when I am not doing so by sudo?14:18
delinquentmemalinux, i believe its a setting in your profiles .14:20
delinquentme~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile14:21
delinquentmeso if root has the same setting it should work14:21
delinquentmeroot profiles will be in /root/*14:21
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malinuxdelinquentme: hm, det root user don't have a .bashrc14:31
malinuxit has, I sudo -i to root and it has14:31
malinuxso I will check ito ut14:31
malinuxdelinquentme: autocomplete works when in root shell, but not when I do the same as sudo14:33
malinuxI enabled autcomplete in the .bashrc for root14:33
malinuxby uncommenting the lines14:33
Kartagismalinux: enable the bash-completion in /etc/bash.bashrc14:41
malinuxKartagis: already done so14:41
Kartagisdid you source it afterwards?14:41
malinuxby running: . /etc/bash.bashrc   ?14:42
malinuxor shoud I run source /etc/bash.bashrc ?14:42
malinuxdosen't work either14:42
malinuxif I try to autocompelte firefox, I get:14:44
malinuxmalin@malin-M15a:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox14:44
malinuxfirefox                                             firefox_29.0+build1-0ubuntu0.14.04.2.dsc14:44
malinuxfirefox_29.0+build1-0ubuntu0.14.04.2.debian.tar.gz  firefox_29.0+build1.orig.tar.bz214:44
zorajhi all14:59
zorajI'm actually installing ubuntu server15:00
zorajand after I finish installing it, I will install Xen as hypervisor15:00
zorajmy question is, should I install Ubuntu Gnome Desktop or whatever WM ?15:01
zorajI wouldn't do that though15:01
LinStatSDRwhats wrong with the terminal15:01
lordievaderzoraj: No WM at all?15:02
zorajwell, as I said, I will install Xen, so how Xen will show up Win 7 guest if it's totally in terminal15:02
zorajmaybe a silly question ^^15:02
LinStatSDRI was being silly heh15:02
lordievaderzoraj: Servers rarely have a display attached. The display to VM is usually supplied through VNC or something.15:03
zorajI'd prefer full terminal, but I will gonna install Xen, will it be necessary that at least I install gnome or something like that15:03
zorajlordievader, I know, I am just wondering since it will be a hypervisor dom 015:04
zorajit's not a standard server, as it will host fully graphical OS15:04
zoraj(Win7, Win 8)15:05
zorajso, my question is, will I have to install gnome or whatever WM, (atm, I am on the package choice screen)15:07
zorajthis is my first step with Xen,15:08
mardraumhave to? no15:09
malinuxany suggestions? :)15:13
LinStatSDRWait waht15:13
zorajok, I'm continuing the installation,15:16
LinStatSDRYou got it.15:17
malinuxshould I consider an reinstall of my entire Ubuntu-install, to get sudo apt-get install to autocomplete correct?15:21
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lordievadermalinux: What?15:33
lordievadermalinux: Do you mean to say that you have broken packages?15:33
malinuxlordievader: no, I say that apt-get install won't autcomplete when I do it as sudo. example: sudo apt-get install <package> it dosen not autcomplete pacakges, but things in /usr/bin and equal15:34
malinuxnot the package-things15:34
malinuxlordievader: it works if I go to a root-shell or do it as user15:35
malinuxapt-get install is useless as user15:35
malinuxand if I have to enter the rootshell to get it work, that's a workaround and not a solution :)15:35
lordievadermalinux: That is likely due to your shell.15:38
malinuxlordievader: okey, so what is wrong with it? :)15:38
malinuxecho $SHELL returns /bin/bash15:38
lordievadermalinux: Probable the config.15:38
malinuxlordievader: ok, I can pastebin the .bashrc ?15:39
malinuxthis is my .bashrc: 16:23 < dr0> apt-get install sudo15:40
malinux16:23 < selx> apt-get install dr015:40
malinux16:23 < dr0> malinux: neida15:40
malinux16:23 < dr0> :-P15:40
malinux16:25 < selx> malinux: jeg aner ikke. Har ikke hatt så mye problemer med det du driver med...15:40
malinux16:25 < malinux> selx: nei, har debian server og ubuntu desktop15:40
malinux16:25 < malinux> har samme problemet begge steder by the way15:40
malinux16:25 < malinux> dr0: sudo er installert på både debian-serveren og på Ubuntu-desktopen min15:40
malinux16:26 < selx> aha :P15:40
malinux16:26 < RoyK> tror godeste Carlsen sliter litt :P15:40
malinux16:27 < malinux> hører rykter15:40
malinux16:27 < malinux> selx: ja. så vet ikke hva jeg skal gjøre jeg :S [16:27] [malinux(+Zi)] [3:FreeNode/#ubuntu-no-offtopic(+cnt)] [Act: 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,11,14,16,17,18,20,21,22,23,24,28,29,31,35]15:40
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malinux[#ubuntu-no-offt] har installert autoco15:40
malinuxoops sorry15:40
malinuxoh,. sorry15:40
malinuxhere it is15:40
zorajtack :)15:41
zorajthe goddamn grub wont install on mbr15:41
zorajand a blazing red screen appears as it says, fatal error15:41
fridaynextdoes anyone here use subsonic for music streaming?15:41
lordievadermalinux: I rarely use bash, so I won't be any help there ;)15:43
malinuxlordievader: ah15:43
malinuxwhat do you use?15:44
malinuxlordievader: hm, I could try to change to zsh :)15:47
malinuxlordievader: autcomplete as sudo works there, and the colors of that shell is awesome, Think I just change :)15:49
RoyKmalinux: works well for me with bash, though15:54
malinuxRoyK: okey, it dosen't help me a lot :p hm, I am such of a noob that can't even change default shell to zsh15:57
malinuxand by changing the shell I don't fix the original issue15:57
malinuxRoyK: it works when you in user prompt, type sudo apt-get install <package> ?15:57
RoyKmalinux: chsh -s /bin/zsh username15:59
malinuxdid that15:59
malinuxbut when I open a terminal, it opens to bash16:00
malinuxhm, maybe I forgot to add username16:00
RoyKmalinux: if you did, then you probably changed root's shell16:00
malinuxRoyK: why do you think I changed the root's shell?16:00
malinuxnow I did again as user an added my username to user16:01
malinuxexited the terminal16:01
malinuxreopenend with ctrl + alt + t16:01
malinuxit starts a bash-shell16:01
RoyKmalinux: if you were root and ran chsh -s /bin/zfs, that changes the shell for thecurrent user16:01
malinuxRoyK: ok16:01
RoyKmalinux: no idea - I'll be back here in an hour or so16:01
malinuxokey :)16:02
malinuxRoyK: tried with sudo now, to change, nothing.16:02
RoyKmalinux: bbl16:03
malinuxI hate computers, but I can't live without them16:03
malinuxafter a reboot, the shell is now zsh as default. Is the syntax the same as for bash? I have to readd aliases16:23
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mdeslaurhallyn: any idea why libvirt ftbfs on vivid?16:33
hallynmdeslaur: libxml2 security update16:49
hallynmdeslaur: if you dpkg -i the previous version it builds16:49
hallyni filed a bug.  the response was basically 'you figure out why'.  which isn't unreasonable - it may be a mis-use by libvirt16:49
fandihi all,16:50
fandihow to start service corosync on ubuntu 14.0416:50
fandiroot@db3:/home/fandi# service corosync start16:51
fandithere is no answer. thanks16:51
lordievaderfandi: What does "sudo service corosync status" return?16:52
fandisame no return :)16:53
fandihow to be manage by upstart16:53
mdeslaurhallyn: oh, hrm, where's the bug?16:54
hallynmdeslaur: bug 139063716:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1390637 in libxml2 "newest libxml2 update in vivid breaks libvirt build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139063716:54
hallynmdeslaur: i'm about to just ask on oftc#virt just to see if anyone knows offhand.16:55
mdeslaurhallyn: hrm, haven't look at all, but perhaps this: https://git.gnome.org/browse/libxml2/commit/?id=72a46a519ce7326d9a00f0b6a7f2a8e958cd167516:58
mdeslaurhallyn: I'll poke at it this afternoon16:58
hallynmdeslaur: oh, good, that one does look promising.  excellent, thanks for looking, ping me if you need anything16:59
mdeslaurhallyn: although, libxml2 in the stable releases should cause the ftbfs also, so maybe that's not it17:00
mdeslauranyway, I'll poke at it17:00
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mdeslaurhallyn: bingo: http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=commit;h=8f17d0eaae7ee2fa3e214b79b188fc14ed5aa1eb17:25
mdeslaurhallyn: want to give that a try?17:25
hallynmdeslaur: will do, thx17:28
hallynmdeslaur: test-building, but danpb agrees that'll be the fix17:32
mdeslaurhallyn: cool17:32
mdeslaurhallyn: if it builds, don't upload, I've got security patches to add, so just tell me17:32
mdeslaurhallyn: rather, give me your debdiff17:33
fandilordievader, ok done, i thinks i miss ntp17:34
fandilordievader, now it's working17:34
hallynmdeslaur: ok, will do17:34
lordievaderfandi: Hmm, okay. Good to hear :)17:34
hallynmdeslaur: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/libvirt.debdiff , gonna do one more test build18:11
mdeslaurhallyn: built fine for me too, so uploading with security fixes18:29
mdeslaurhallyn: thanks!18:29
hallynmdeslaur: great, thank you!18:32
pmatulishallyn: just read the "containers are better" thread, ha ha18:50
hallynpmatulis: I'm waiting to see how he blows his fuse when he reads my last reply18:51
pmatulishallyn: tbh, it's funny that i always read that sentence the way it was intended but i can easily see others getting confused if ① you do not keep the whole paragraph in mind and ② you're not a native speaker18:53
hallynall right, the color for names of ppl calling out my nick (yellow) is not working for me on white bg :)18:53
hallynneat how you did that _1_ and _2_18:53
hallynbut yeah, i agree.  the funny thing is,18:53
hallyn1. he won't accep tthat maybe he's missing a subtlety of hte language, and 2. he won't accept that maybe he committed a similar faux pas in several of his emails18:54
hallynbut maybe i'm giving him too much credit an dhe really is just an angry troll18:54
* med_ wonders where the mythical "containers are better" thread lives....18:55
pmatulismed_: ubuntu-doc m/l18:55
hallynmed_: in the end I am in fact not a native english speaker, so i do accept that i make mistakes18:57
hallynbut basically i only defer to my wife :)  and she agrees with me.  so <boom>19:00
med_badabing badaboom19:00
hallynspeaking of this, time to check for a response19:00
med_serge, what's your birth language?19:00
hallynEnglish :)19:00
hallynand she's a bit of a stickler with it19:01
pmatulishallyn: how does that make you not a native speaker?19:01
Valduarehi guys19:04
hallynmed_: oh, *mine*.  haha.  french, then dutch.  whic his funny bc i've forgotten all my french19:04
Valduareanyone here know much about vpn19:04
hallynValduare: go ahead and ask your q.  someone her eor in #ubuntu-devel will be able to help, most likely19:05
ValduareI have some mk808 devices android sticks i want to have on same network as my ubuntu server19:10
Valduarebut they are in separate physical locations19:10
Valduareso vpn is the way to do that.19:10
Valduarelooks like there are a lot of different options ie  openVPN and tinc19:10
Valduareneed someone knowledgable to help walk me through this new world of vpn :P19:10
* hallyn checks the server guide19:13
Valduarewondering what the dif between ipsec and things like openvpn does ssh tuneling?19:16
hallynValduare: I guess https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/openvpn.html is the place to look19:18
lordievaderValduare: The layer at which it happens. Openvpn is application layer.19:20
patdk-wkmore that just that :)19:34
patdk-wkipsec is strictly a transport thing, it is limited, and that limitation causes people problems (mtu)19:34
patdk-wkopenvpn works around the mtu issue, so it's normally *easier* to setup and use, but it has it's own built in routing and is not a *standard* thing, so compatability issues can exist19:35
Valduarewith openVPN i need their app for android or ios or mac or windows to connect to it though19:36
Valduarebut these devices have built in vpn connectors for other types of vpn servers?19:36
Valduareor do I just not worry about going with the built in route and use openVPN19:37
patdk-wkhow do you expect us to answer that?19:37
patdk-wkwe are not you19:37
patdk-wkgoing the builtin support is normally better19:38
patdk-wkbut if you know nothing about ipsec19:38
patdk-wkI really would not recommend going down that path19:38
patdk-wkunless you REALLY want to learn it19:38
lordievaderIPsec is good for headaches...19:38
lordievaderEspecially if you are new to it ;)19:39
teward^ that19:39
Valduareso then tinc vs openVPN?19:39
sorenValduare: openvpn is a point to point sort of thing. tinc is more of a mesh sort of thing.20:05
Valduareso openVPN might be whaat im looking for then20:06
Valduarei have a webserver app that I want it to see these mk808 android devices as local20:06
qman__If you're trying to connect android devices, ipsec is going to be the most practical way; it is a pain, but openvpn requires hacking your rom to install last I checked20:11
Valduarehmm ok20:18
njalkqman__: openVPN runs fine on my android, stock fw20:33
qman__None of my android devices have openvpn support, and the app requires installing libraries manually to add it20:34
qman__Not just root20:35
njalkhmmm worked out of the box with the openvpn app here20:35
Valduareso is openvpn something i’d install on my web server that i want the android devices to connect to20:36
Valduareor would i setup a second virtual machien thats dedicated openvpn appliance20:36
qman__Generally you'd want a separate server20:36
njalki've got a pi set up as my openvpn server20:37
qman__Another vm is fine20:37
qman__It doesn't hurt to try it, but in my experience, openvpn on android is generally a no-go20:37
ValduareI use a separate vm with smoothwall express 3 as a virtual router to hold my public ip address and then an internal nic for the vm’s under it20:37
qman__That was my main motivation to set up ipsec over l2tp20:38
Valduareso then one of the vm’s under it is the web server app20:38
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keithzgqman__: Huh, I've never had issues with OpenVPN on Android.20:45
* keithzg literally uses it daily, on a variety of (Nexus or Motorola) Android devices.20:46
qman__I have a variety of samsung and htc devices, and it has never worked with stock fw or cyanogenmod20:48
njalkworks fine with my galaxy note 3 and macbook air20:48
njalknever had any issues20:49
qman__I actually haven't tried on cm11 yet though20:49
keithzgqman__: which Android client have you been trying to use? The older one that's still out there definitely was flaky for me.20:49
Aisonis there a ppa with samba 4.1.13?20:50
keithzghttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn is the one that's worked fine for me.20:50
qman__The point, though, is that ipsec / l2tp has native support on all androids, ipads, and windows20:50
keithzgWell . . . fair enough I guess. OpenVPN has been super-easy for me for setup (hell, at home my router even has it built in) and if your version of Android is from the last 2 years or so you definitely don't need root.20:51
qman__Never used that one20:51
keithzgIt's just an app you install, you copy over your certs and .ovpn config file and you're done.20:52
qman__Ah, no tap support, wouldn't work on my setup anyway, but good to know it exists and has some level of support20:54
zorajonly one tiny step from succefull new installation20:59
zorajit wont install grub20:59
zorajwth !20:59
zorajLilo isn't an option since it seems Xen doesnt work with Lilo21:00
lordievaderzoraj: It won't install grub... Could you be more descriptive?21:03
zorajit says "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda"21:04
lordievaderzoraj: Gui installer or manually?21:04
zorajI have a hd RAID 021:04
zorajno gui21:04
zorajterminal ftw21:05
zorajI think I messed up with partition, what I chosed is Use entire hd and LVM21:05
lordievaderzoraj: Perhaps it is usefull to have a /boot.21:06
zorajwhat else should I have ?21:06
zorajwhat are the mandatory ?21:06
bekkszoraj: / is mandatory, everything else can be omitted.21:07
zorajso you are saying, better to manually create the partition21:07
zorajcoz as I said, I chosed "Use entire disk"21:07
zorajI got / partition21:07
bekkszoraj: No one said that manually createing partitions is "better".21:07
lordievaderIt has been my experience that grub + lvm directy to be a drag.21:08
qman__Sounds like you might be using fakeraid; if you are, don't21:08
zorajfakeraid ??21:08
zorajI'm installing it on a Dell PowerEdge with 4 HD in RAID 021:09
qman__"Hardware" raid controllers that aren't actually hardware raid controllers, such as onboard ones21:09
qman__Linux software raid is in all ways superior to fakeraid, so there's no reason to use it21:10
zorajI am convinced that it's all about how I partionned the whole HD, but I dunno where21:11
zorajsecond time I install it this evening, and always stucked on grub21:12
qman__Linux software raid and a decent HBA is superior to most low and mid range real hardware raid too, you have to spend good money to do better and even then you trade a lot of versatility for a performance edge21:15
zorajwell, sound like too advanced for me for now, all I need is setting up my ubuntu server up and running21:16
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hallynmdeslaur: now are you pushing any libvirt updates for t or u?22:35
mdeslaurhallyn: I did this afternoon22:36
mdeslaurhallyn: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2404-1/22:36
hallyncool, thanks22:37
hallynshoulda looke dmore closely at the changelog date22:37
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BilgeHow do you stop a service from running at boot if all you can access is the file system?23:47
cryptodanwhat do you mean?23:48
BilgeExactly what I said23:49
cryptodanits rather confusing "when you can only access the file system" what does that mean?23:52

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