
OerHeksk1l, i am more afraid of short-urls00:00
=== zzz_AR45 is now known as AR45
CarlFKconky looks neat.  um.. how do I make it run on boot, or when x starts, or what ever so I don't have to type anything :p00:01
EriC^^CarlFK: add it to the startup apps00:01
EriC^^CarlFK: open the dash and type startup00:01
CarlFKEriC^^: er.. I need to do this as part of a script.  any idea what cli way?00:02
CarlFKgoogle got me to ~/.config/autostart  except what goes in there is daunting00:03
EriC^^add it to ~/.config/autostart as a .desktop file00:03
CarlFKyeah, what's a .desktop file?00:03
EriC^^add a command from the startup apps00:03
cryptodanYou can also install Conky Manager00:03
EriC^^and you'll get a skeleton00:03
OerHeksWhy cli way? conky does not run in terminal00:04
EriC^^CarlFK: use cat << EOF in your script to write it00:04
CarlFKOerHeks: so I can make this part of a setup script that runs at the end of the os install00:04
cryptodanCarlFK: install Conky Manager and you can set it to auto-start that way00:05
CarlFKcryptodan .. i hate to ask.. but does set it to auto-start involve clicking?00:06
cryptodanCarlFK: yes it does00:06
EriC^^CarlFK: cat << EOF is your friend00:06
EriC^^cat << EOF > ~/.config/autostart/conkystart.desktop00:06
EriC^^get a skeleton from any command you add00:07
EriC^^( a template )00:07
cosmos_amarok doesnt play MPEG-1 layer 3 (mp3) and cant install plugin for that, it says:00:07
cosmos_Package dependencies cannot be resolved00:07
cosmos_This error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time00:07
cryptodanConkyManager is the easier way to do it no CLI needed00:08
EriC^^cryptodan: he wants to incorporate it into a script00:08
cryptodanA start up script? If so Conky Manager can do that00:08
EriC^^cryptodan: a script that runs after the os installs00:08
CarlFKthat script if it helps with context00:08
cryptodanSo a script to install conky?00:09
EriC^^cryptodan: i asssume so, and to set it to autostart00:09
EriC^^cryptodan: unless he intends to hand out high tech robots with his os installs i think cat << EOF will have to suffice00:10
EriC^^CarlFK: do you intend to hand out high tech robots with your os install?00:10
CarlFKEriC^^: I like the sound of that... I'll add that to my TODO00:11
cryptodanCarlFK: what is the purpose of this?00:12
CarlFKcryptodan - um.. this late.sh, or this conky or ?00:12
cryptodanCarlFK: your script what does it do or what are your intentions00:13
CarlFKcryptodan there are lots of comments in the script.  like the first bit ## ssh greating: cpu, ubuntu ver, firewire guids                                # add the cpu name/speed and ubuntu flavor to login greeting00:14
CarlFKpretty much imagine running it once you were done installing ubuntu00:14
cryptodanCarlFK: I get that, but what for?00:15
CarlFKcryptodan - setting up boxes to record talks at conferences00:15
cryptodanCarlFK: record for instant play back later?00:15
dominic1134hello world!00:16
dominic1134anybody alive?00:16
CarlFKcryptodan yep - like  http://pyvideo.org/00:16
ted_i have a partition that is showing up on my desktop which is an old partition that does not exist anymore (and not in my fstab file either). I cant mount it, it is just an annoying icon. Any idea of how to get rid of it?00:16
cryptodanCarlFK: why not just install a webcam and a microphone and have it telecast to YouTube for a live stream or use twitch.tv I believe00:17
bubbasaurested_, Must be a link send it to the trash or delete00:17
dominic1134Hello! Is it possible to build multiple packages using ONE recipe in ONE ppa. I am trying to build three packages (not arch dependend) but I just can't find the information on how to tell launchpad (or the bzr-builder) to use three different subdirectories to start building. The project im working on is: https://code.launchpad.net/~open-as-team/open-as-cgw/trunk00:17
tapoutunder vmware, is there a way to get opengl working?  I tried the opengl tutorials and it complains "Failed to open GLFW window. If you have an Intel GPU, they are not 3.3 compatible. Try the 2.1 version of the tutorials."00:17
CarlFKcryptodan cuz thats how you make a sucky video.00:17
tapoutI want to do the 3.3 tutorials :)00:17
cryptodanCarlFK: with todays webcams?  I hardly do not think that is the case00:18
bazhangtapout, try #vmware00:18
CarlFKcryptodan feel free to recommend that to your local TV station.  I am sure they will be all over it ;)00:19
OerHeksdominic1134, you might want to ask this in #launchpad too00:19
ted_bubbasaures: i cant delete it :-/ (This is xubuntu mind you)00:19
dominic1134OerHeks, good idea, thanks00:19
cryptodanCarlFK: my front facing iphone camera does great as does my front facing Samsung 12.2" Tablet Camera they record at 1080p00:19
bubbasaurested_ You can put a delete in your right click, dconf-editor user and root.00:20
CarlFKcryptodan - yeah, try not to shake so much.  and nicer audio please.00:20
EriC^^ted_: what do you mean showing on your desktop?00:21
cryptodanI get great audio, and they make tripods for that00:21
EriC^^ah nevermind00:21
CarlFKcryptodan - for some value of great.  let me know when you have one of these up and we will do some A B testing.00:22
bubbasaurested_, Might this be helpful, kinda hard to tell at lest for me the origin of this icon. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223727600:22
deathstashhello everyone00:22
CarlFK~/.config/autostart$ cat cronky.desktop .. Type=Application  ?00:24
cryptodanCarlFK: All I am saying is why try and re-invent the wheel when there is technology in place that already does a great job at what you want to do.00:24
ted_bubbasaures: it is an icon for a partition that can be mounted, but in reality doesnt exist00:24
EriC^^CarlFK: open the dash type startup, add, write out whatever you want, conky etc etc00:25
CarlFKcryptodan - better quality.00:25
EriC^^CarlFK: then cd ~/.config/autostart , and view the .desktop file for conky, copy whatever is there into your script00:25
EriC^^as cat << EOF > ~/.config/autostart/conky.desktop , paste whatever you got00:26
bubbasaurested_, Right, how did it arrive there was it in a fstab mount and it is a link to that originally? I was trying to understand is all.00:26
EriC^^and end it with EOF00:26
bubbasauresI have to go anyway00:26
CarlFKcryptodan http://dvswitch.alioth.debian.org/wiki/ that might spain things00:27
cryptodanCarlFK: so like 4K with Hi-Def Unencrypted Haudio?  I do not understand how you can get better quality then 1080p and stereo for conferences but oh well00:28
CarlFKcryptodan once you do it, you will understand00:28
bargeai'm trying to get multiple monitors to work with an intel onboard graphics card and a separate nvidia card... I have them working as separate X screens, but when I turn on xinerama, I get the same thing on each screen, but the 2nd and 3rd screens seem unresponsive00:29
bargeaI can move the mouse between the screens, however.. and when I hover over where I know things should be on the 2nd screen the mouse pointer changes, so it's like the wrong frame buffer is being displayed on the 2nd and 3rd screens00:30
ted_bubbasaures: i just installed xubuntu, deleted every partition and made new ones. then this old partition called TAILS xxxx (i once had a TAILS live usb in this laptop) shows up on the desktop00:33
bargea_oops, wifi dropped out00:33
ted_bubbasaures: like it somehow stuck in the patition table or something00:33
EriC^^ted_: it's probably just a link00:34
EriC^^ted_: if it doesn't show up in sudo parted -l00:34
ted_EriC^^: hmm http://pastebin.com/Hw24d0z000:36
ted_EriC^^: number 2 is the problem00:36
ted_EriC^^: for the record i only have 128GB in total :D00:37
nicekiwianyone have ideas about this issue? https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/15121800:37
OerHeksted_, nr2 is an extended partition, that contains nr 3 and 4, it is oke00:38
EriC^^ted_: yeah what OerHeks said00:39
ted_OerHeks: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xfce#Hide_selected_partitions guess this fixes it00:39
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thoonaihey, for which purposes I need the package tracker-miner-fs?00:57
ZorroTdid the 14 lts upgrade, broke my apache2 config -- lost user public_html folders01:01
k1l!info tracker-miner-fs01:01
ubottutracker-miner-fs (source: tracker): metadata database, indexer and search tool - filesystem indexer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.4-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 48 kB, installed size 232 kB01:01
OerHekstracker-store and tracker-miner-fs provides indexer for desktop search01:02
k1lthoonai: when you type something into a desktop search and want fast results, you need some service that indexed the stuff before01:04
thoonaik1l: I thought zeitgeist is the ubuntu file indexing deamon?01:07
thoonaik1l: the curious thing was that it had like 100% cpu load and 0bit/s read or write on the ssd01:08
k1lthoonai: its the gnome one and unity runs on the gnome base, yes.01:08
thoonaik1l: like its an 250GB 840 Evo, it should not take longer than 1 or 2 mins for an fresh install, but ot took about 30 mins01:09
thoonaik1l: zeitgeist or tracker-miner-fs?01:09
OerHeks'Files and Folders' option of Unity interface relies on Zeitgeist, Tracker will monitor and index content within the directories selected by you.01:10
brombombhey all, I'm running ubuntu server, on a mac mini mostly headless.  Soemtimes when I reboot (shutdown -r now) The system boots, but gets hung. When I plug in a keyboard/mouse to investigate I get nothing.  Are there logs I can follow to start debuging the issue?01:10
thoonaiOerHeks: ok01:10
thoonaiprobably someone should write the developer a mail01:11
thoonaithis excessive cpu consuming happens on debian, ubuntu, opensuse ...01:11
k1lthoonai: zeitgeist had some isues with high cpu load back then. i thought that was fixed.01:12
ZorroThello all, i'm getting 403 forbidden on all of my sites since 14.04 upgrade01:13
ZorroTi've read a bit about "require all granted" in apache2 directory definitions, but i don't understand.01:13
thoonaik1l: like its an 250GB 840 Evo, it should not take longer than 1 or 2 mins for an fresh install, but it took about 30 mins01:16
OerHeksZorroT, In your Apache config, /etc/apache2/apache2.conf where ever it says "allow from all", there should be another line that says "Require all granted" in there as well.01:17
ubuntuaddictedwhats the command instead of sudo make install that I can run which creates a deb package that I can use to install and uninstall?01:17
ZorroTOerHeks: I've done this01:18
skippy70is there a way to resize my partition after installation?01:18
ZorroTOerHeks: it still is giving a 403, and i don't understand what this is about in the first place.01:18
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!01:18
ubuntuaddictedbazhang, thanks01:18
joanbetween two ubuntu boxes:  how can  I end my SAMBA session from one box (client) to the other (server)?01:19
ubuntuaddictedbazhang, would it still be sudo make checkinstall?01:19
OerHeksZorroT, did you restart apache2 ?01:19
skippy70i just installed ubuntu and it formatted my entire hard drive, i only wanted to have 250 gb of space on it... can i partition it?01:19
joanI'm making some tests and I need to deauthenticate as one user and autheticate as another01:19
skippy70or do i have to reinstall?01:19
ZorroTOerHeks: yup. the error.log entry is indicating a configuration problem: [authz_core:error] [pid 10528] [client XXXX] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /home/XXXX/public_html01:20
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall <-- ubuntuaddicted01:20
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, you can partition it smaller but you'll need to do it from a livecd. can't do it from the running system01:20
thoonaik1l: the problem was that it blocked my cpu, but it didn't anything on the hdd! I opened dstat and it was like every then and when 32kb were written01:20
ubuntuaddictedbazhang, thanks01:20
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: thank you01:20
skippy70why can't i do it from the system?01:20
OerHeksZorroT, then i am out of ideas, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server too01:21
thoonaiI'd like to know which services I'll miss, if I disable tracker-miner-fs or remove it01:21
k1lthoonai: yes, please see if that is a known issue with zeitgeist and /or your ssd01:21
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, if you're shrinking the partition that the running system is on that just won't work. gparted requires the partition it's resizing to be unmounted which is impossible01:21
AlbertoCGIs there any way I can update Intel drivers manually? I can't use Intel's installer for 14.1001:21
OerHeksskippy70, use the live-iso te resize01:22
ubuntuaddictedAlbertoCG, i would suggest looking into the oibaf ppa. it provides very up to date mesa and i915 intel driver.01:22
skippy70hmm, interesting01:24
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, just like you couldn't use a windows partitioner to shrink your C drive. (at least i don't think you can) lol01:24
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, while you're booted into windows i meant01:25
j4s0nmchr1st0sOpenssl installed to a local directory is it possible to point firefox to it to use the newly installed openssl setup, I want to test it on a website I have been unable to connect to.01:25
skippy70thank you :) i'm going to go resize the partition!01:25
supercom32Hey Gang. I'm trying to format a 4TB HDD with NTFS for a friend using gparted, and I'm not sure what kind of partition table to use. Any ideas?01:25
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, resizing a partition will require inodes are moved (i believe)01:25
ubuntuaddictedsupercom32, will have to be gpt i believe01:25
thoonaik1l: https://www.google.com/search?q=tracker-miner-fs+load+but+no+io&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=iceweasel-a&channel=fflb#rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&channel=fflb&q=tracker-miner-fs+load+but+no+ssd+io01:26
ubuntuaddictedsupercom32, 4TB is that magic number which requires gpt vs msdos partition tables01:26
supercom32ubuntuaddicted: I don't see it as an option. Do you know if there is a guide for this?01:26
carlosquesoHi, I'm hoping you can help.  I upgraded xubuntu to 14.10, and now I'm locked out of the GUI. signing in just causes the screen to go black for a second and then right back to lightdm01:26
thoonaik1l: the web is full of negative stuff about tracker01:26
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: so it won't move the free space?01:26
skippy70like if i shrink it 750 gb01:27
carlosquesoI'd google it, but I'm stuck on a terminal :/01:27
ubuntuaddictedsupercom32, really?  should be there. which gparted are you using?01:27
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, it'll do whatever you tell it to do. :)01:27
supercom32ubuntuaddicted: 0.8.1 (came with my install?)01:27
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, i don't know what your drive looks like now so i have no idea what you're trying to do. im just telling you what is required if you want to shrink your main systems root, /  partition01:28
ubuntuaddictedsupercom32, is the drive showing up as unallocated space currently?01:29
thoonaik1l: so I'm off, I'll care tomorrow again about this problem ;)01:29
supercom32ubuntuaddicted: Yes.01:29
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: http://imgur.com/1fapoQp01:29
thoonaik1l: no offense intended and a good night (at least its 2am here)01:30
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, you used lvm?01:30
skippy70i don't know why it says 930 gb when it should be 1tb01:30
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: is lvm a bad thing?01:30
ObrienDaveskippy70, because it's using ^2 math01:31
skippy70i'm bad at math01:31
skippy70i have no idea what ^2 math is01:31
ObrienDavepowers of 2. binary01:31
skippy70what does that mean in this context?01:31
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, lvm is like a storage pool as far as i know. it allows you to add and remove hard drives from a pool. im rather confused why your /dev/sdb3 says you used 930.76 space on it already. what did you put on it?01:32
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, how did you install ubuntu?01:32
skippy70with the installer01:32
skippy70i ran the options and it said it's going to format the drive, it did and now this is the result01:32
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, any reason you choose lvm2?01:32
skippy70lvm is the thing that makes taking snapshots easier right?01:33
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, if you have no idea what lvm is and this is a fresh install, i would strongly suggest just redoing your install.01:33
skippy70ok will do01:33
skippy70but i'd like to know more about lvm01:33
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, snapshots? what are you going to have virtual machines?01:33
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, !lvm01:34
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, !lvm201:34
ObrienDaveHDs, on the box use character count. 1TB = 1,000,000,000,000 = 1000^4 . powers (binary) of 2 use 1024^301:34
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, i would suggest googling it01:34
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: i'm going to use virtual machines in ubuntu, yes01:34
Unknown1988isn't their a ubuntu off topic?01:34
rwwyes, it's #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, but are you going to be adding and removing physical hard drives frequently?01:35
Unknown1988interesting, nobody in their?01:35
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: no it's a laptop01:35
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, than I would stay away from lvm and just use ext401:35
Unknown1988Ok, I'll try and make my question quick and painless lol01:35
skippy70these file types are so confusing lol01:35
skippy70thank you ubuntuaddicted01:35
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, you're just asking for more headache trying to use lvm when you won't even be utilizing it.01:35
rwwUnknown1988: there are lots of people in there.01:35
Unknown1988I've got a court case trial coming up, how can I hire or attract media to it?01:36
skippy70Unknown1988: email a journalist01:36
skippy70what is your case about>01:36
ObrienDaveUnknown1988, yes, there are a lot of people THERE01:36
k1l!ot | Unknown198801:36
ubottuUnknown1988: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:36
Unknown1988it obnly shows me01:36
DreamPCsHey guys, just wanted some opinions. I use virtualbox all the time for VMs but I recently heard of an alternative that I can't remember the name of. (Not VMWare)01:36
DreamPCsAny ideas or can anyone suggest better virtualization software?01:36
skippy70parallel's or crossover?01:37
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, i mean i understand that the lvm wiki states, "On small systems (like a desktop at home), instead of having to estimate at installation time how big a partition might need to be in the future, LVM allows file systems to be easily resized later as needed." BUT like I said, if this is just a laptop I would pick maybe 20GB for your root partition and then make the rest be your /home/ partition01:37
k1lDreamPCs: kvm? containers like lxc, docker, lxd?01:37
Unknown1988Well, the cops that wrote the report lied, and I can PROVE they either tamper with evidence, produced tainted evidense, or disposed of evidence....01:37
Unknown1988I want to make public what most people don't get to see01:37
DreamPCsIt's none of those but I need to look into the last 3, never heard of any of them.01:37
ubuntuaddictedDreamPCs, kvm/qemu?01:37
Unknown1988even if I have to drag myself thru the mud to take that one with me lol01:38
rwwUnknown1988: and that's not appropriate for this channel, so go to our offtopic channel, or elsewhere01:38
kgorehow do I set the order of dns servers in 14.04lts?  I want the dns for em2 to be first then em1.01:38
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, i always use a separate /home/ partition so that I can use clonezilla to make an image file of my / partition in case I ever need to restore it01:39
supercom32ubuntuaddicted: Assuming I can get gpt working, I assume once I make that my file allocation table, format to NTFS, the drive will work under windows OS just fine too?01:39
ubuntuaddictedsupercom32, don't see why it wouldn't01:39
skippy70ubuntuaddicted: where did you learn this stuff?01:39
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, just been using ubuntu since 2005. google/reading/forums01:40
j4s0nmchr1st0sjimmy51v_: What about it?01:40
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, i recently tried out Arch because it's not tied down to upstream decisions like ubuntu is with debian. for example, i have an app that needs ffmpeg BUT ubuntu ships avconv. just makes it a headache to have to compile ffmpeg or use some ppa where as in arch, i can do whatever i want, no upstream making decisions for me01:41
skippy70wow that sounds cool! i'm an aspiring jr dev :P01:41
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, awesome, i wish i could get enough patience to learn to code. i would love to be able to write some cool little apps for myself01:42
skippy70the idea for me is to learn to program well and then start my own companies and make more money! with the money i am going to make i will create my own charities that help improve the technology of impoverished areas of the globe :)01:43
ubuntuaddictedskippy70,  that's awesome! i wish you nothing but success!01:44
skippy70i have this inner need to leave this world in a better shape than i've entered it01:44
skippy70it's a desire01:44
skippy70thank you ubuntuaddicted :)01:44
ubuntuaddictedskippy70, desire/drive is 1 thing successful people all have in common i would say01:45
skippy70eh, i'm not successful yet01:45
skippy70i like collaborating with people01:45
macscam1is there a fallback shell on ubuntu? i edited /etc/passwd to change my default terminal, and broke the terminal in the process. I can't fix it because I need to edit the file with sudo01:46
somsip!recovery | macscam101:47
ubottumacscam1: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode01:47
macscam1somsip: i am running ubuntu through crouton on a chromebook ... not sure how to get developer mode with that01:49
somsipmacscam1: I don't know what that is01:49
dwang_i set my swappiness to 10 but it seems to write to my hard drive at around 75% of mem usage and by 80% my computer is unresponsive. does anyone know of anything that can help short of getting more ram?01:55
rypervenchedwang_: Your system's memory usage may be spiking and getting out of control. How much RAM and swap do you have and what is using all of it?01:56
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Unknown1988does anyone know of a channel that has cops or lawers on it?01:57
dwang_rypervenche: i have 3gb of ram but no swap. i think chrome is the one getting out of control01:57
rypervenchedwang_: I would give yourself some swap. If you can't, then I would make a swap file. What versino of Chrome are you using?01:58
xangua!alis | Unknown198801:58
ubottuUnknown1988: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:58
jamesbdevHi, when I use Compiz Grid sometimes there is gaps between certain windows (mainly terminal) how can I configure it so there's no gaps? thanks01:59
Unknown1988can u astreth a link for me?01:59
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dwang_rypervenche: the lastest google chrome (38). i think i need  a browser that doesnt hog as much memory. Something like firefox but that crashes sometimes for me02:00
dwang_rypervenche: do you have any recommendations for browsers?02:00
ubuntuaddictedtrying to compile partclone but it's failing to find some XFS library and header files...... not sure how to fix as I already have xfslibs-dev and xfslibs and x11-xfs-utils installed. im compiling from source because the ubuntu provided partclone isn't working02:01
rypervenchedwang_: I have no problems with Firefox myself. There are lighter browsers out there. I wonder if what you're doing with Firefox or what plugins you have are causing it to crash.02:01
Unknown1988unless u code ur own, mozilla... their 1sr by design of microsoft infustructure to protect microsoft from antitrust laws by making sure they are alway in second place,02:01
=== curiousx is now known as Chuck_Norris
Unknown1988Remmember when EVERYONe cried for 2 yrs internet exploror wasn't updated? That because they were waiting for mozilla to make their update, so they could be SURE theirs wasn't better02:02
Chuck_Norris!info midori | dwang_02:03
ubottudwang_: midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1 (utopic), package size 1104 kB, installed size 3408 kB02:03
Chuck_Norris!info epiphany-browser | dwang_02:03
ubottudwang_: epiphany-browser (source: epiphany-browser): Intuitive GNOME web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.3-0ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 410 kB, installed size 2519 kB02:03
dwang_rypervenche: i dont do anything out of the ordinary (sometimes just a tab of gmail crashes) but i do use several extensions like adblock, WOT, ghostery, user agent switcher. that might be why, but i use the same extensions for chrome and its fine02:04
Unknown1988is their a good TOR browser or relay for ubuntu?02:05
dwang_Chuck_Norris: thanks! i will look into them02:05
Unknown1988I'd like to set up a node for others to be able to use me as a relay too02:05
dwang_rypervenche: thanks for the tips. I'll look into adding a swap file02:06
Chuck_Norris!tor | Unknown198802:07
ubottuUnknown1988: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl02:07
rypervenchedwang_: It will only prevent your system crash for a tiny bit longer, but at least you can kill chrome if you do it quickly enough.02:07
carlosquesoHi, I'm stuck in a login loop.  when I log in to lightdm, the screen goes blank for a few seconds and then returns directly to the login screen02:08
=== JStoker_ is now known as JStoker
dwang_rypervenche: i see. i heard that an ssd would help a lot as well02:08
rypervenchedwang_: It won't help if you've got a memory leak in Chrome.02:08
rypervenchedwang_: It will only delay the inevitable.02:09
rypervenchedwang_: Where did you get your version of Chrome from? Is it Chromium? From the repos? PPA?02:09
ubuntuaddictedomg, where in xhat is the setting to turn off join and quit messages. lol02:10
qbjcleave then close02:10
ObrienDaveubuntuaddicted, right click the channel name02:11
ubuntuaddictedObrienDave, thanks, i had just found it googling02:11
ObrienDavea channel like this will drive you nuts LOL02:12
ubuntuaddictedsoooooo much better! lol02:12
Unknown1988I love annominitty and open source lol its knowones buissness who I am or what I'm doing, but knowledge belongs to everyone02:13
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone help me with compiling partclone? it's getting hung up on not finding XFS library and header but i already have libxfs-dev and xfsprogs installed02:13
dwang_rypervenche: yep i got it from a PPA. I think it's google's lastest build. It's not the chromium shipped with ubuntu02:14
dwang_rypervenche: and i dont think it is chrome specifically. If i open up a lot of diffferent applications it will behave similarly if i use up a lot of memory. It's usually chrome since it eats up memory and I open lots of tabs. Sorry if I misled you02:15
rypervenchedwang_: I'd recommend trying a different build then or maybe a previous version. How many tabs are we talking?02:15
nicekiwiLove Gnome? Help defend them from Corporate Greed! https://gnome.org/groupon/02:16
smidleywhen I try to SSH into my ubuntu box, I get permission denied... how can I fix that?02:16
rypervenchesmidley: You may be blocked in /etc/deny.hosts or be blocked by the SSH configuration, among other things.02:17
rypervenchesmidley: Or your shell may not allow you access. Just some ideas.02:17
Fleetflamenicekiwi: Good luck with that after v. 302:18
smidleyI have two ubuntu boxes, both the same version.  One box lets me SSH into it, but the other does not02:18
dwang_rypervenche: and i'm running an up to date 14.04 LTS02:18
rypervenchesmidley: What user are you trying to log in as?02:18
rypervenchesmidley: Do you have access to the box not via SSH?02:19
smidleyyea, but I'm not in front of it right now02:19
prime2_@seek So, Anyway02:19
rypervenchesmidley: You'll need to take a look at what is not allowing you access. You will need access to the box in order to find out and fix it.02:19
swiftkeyhi there how can i install programs to a user using my own account with sudo?02:19
smidleywhere is the ssh configuration located?02:21
somsipsmidley: /etc/ssh/sshd_config IIRC02:21
rypervenchesmidley: If you can pastebin some things for us, it would help. "sudo tail -100 /var/log/auth.log", "(sudo?) cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config", "grep smidley /etc/passwd", for starters02:24
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
joanhey, do you know how to deauthenticate oneself when connected to a samba share? I mean the command needed to require authentication of another user different from a previously "deauthenticated" one02:31
joanand without restarting local client session, of course02:31
DF3D2So I have some kind of Xorg issue..... I can't seem to get I3 window manager to work.. it was working earlier... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8931861/02:40
k1l!nomodeset | DF3D2 try that02:43
ubottuDF3D2 try that: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:43
DF3D2k1l: I think the issue is a corrupted AMD fglrx driver, It gives me some kind of backtrace about fglrx when I kill X. So I'm reinstalling fglrx now02:44
k1lyes, fglrx is causing that02:44
k1lis it the one from the website?02:44
DF3D2k1l: yes the amd official website02:46
DF3D2reinstalling now...02:46
k1lDF3D2: yes, that is known to make trouble02:46
DF3D2k1l: well I had used it for a long time with no issues until recently02:46
k1li suggest to use the one from the ubuntu repos. that is made working a lt better02:46
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
lustichey,  it's been a while,  I'm trying to run a file to start a game,  it's not a .sh file,   it just says sauerbraten_unix02:47
k1llustic: why not "sudo apt-get install sauerbraten"?02:48
lustichmmm,  well now,02:48
k1lbut if you want to start that just run ./sauerbraten_unix from the folder02:49
lusticthanks ! worked lol02:49
lustici knew it was that, I just put a space between that i shouldnt have02:49
nahtnamHey! I have noticed that when I unplug my laptop from the charger, the performance drops. How can I change it so that even on battery its on full performace?02:49
=== bosCage is now known as Guest58573
xtpeepsSorry. I wanna help but I don't know..02:56
xtpeepsJust wanna say hi.02:57
nahtnamxtpeeps: Hi. :P02:57
=== vincent is now known as Guest32334
ubuntuaddictedwhat's my ip?02:59
DF3D2k1l: so I reinstalled fglrx manually, and startx just keeps saying "no protocol specified"02:59
nahtnamubuntuaddicted: Are you in europe?03:00
xtpeepsAnyone can introduce me some interest channel of irc:p THX03:00
timwishey guys, just did a fresh install on a Lenovo yoga to Pro, and I'm getting Wi-Fi is disabled by hardware switch. Any idea how to resolve?03:01
DF3D2k1l: and time out in locking the .Xauthority file03:01
Bashing-omDF3D2: Before you rebooted, did you do -> sudo amdconfig --initial <- ??03:01
timwisthis article suggests I modify ideapad-laptop.c but it doesn't seem to exist on the filesystem http://billauer.co.il/blog/2014/08/linux-ubuntu-yoga-hardware-blocked-wireless-lan/03:01
xangua!alis | xtpeeps03:01
ubottuxtpeeps: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:01
DF3D2Bashing-om: yes03:01
ubuntuaddictednahtnam, no, why?03:01
DF3D2Bashing-om: I also did rm -r ~/.Xauthority as I saw suggested on the web, didn't help03:02
cfhowletttimwis, yep.  only took me 3 years to learn.  hit the windows wifi switch but experiment with combinations: ctrl F2 does it on my DELL in ubuntu.  In windows: f203:02
cfhowletttimwis, ctrl, alt, shift and super keys are all candidates03:03
timwisthat article actually suggests that with the Lenovo laptops there's a problem beyond that03:04
timwiswhat is the super key?03:04
cryptodanthe windows key03:04
cfhowletttimwis, aka "windows" key03:04
timwisah! super indeed03:04
somsiptimwis: windows key, or mod key, between left ctrl and left alt usually03:04
DF3D2Bashing-om: X is still complaining about a bunch of fglrx.so files doing a seg fault once I type "killall Xorg"03:05
DF3D2If I use GDM I can get in to X.....03:06
timwishow do I find ideapad-laptop.c ?03:06
ubuntuaddictedwhy would google-chrome-stable not be using the proxy i told it to?03:06
DF3D2k1l: Bashing-om if I use gdm or Lightdm I can get in to X but my mouse seems to be dead03:07
cfhowletttimwis, the physical keyboard didn't unlock it?03:07
timwisno. I've tried every combination03:07
timwisgoogling suggests I'm not alone with this laptop03:08
timwisI found an article that tells me how to modify the driver, but I can't find the driver file03:08
Bashing-omDF3D2: certainly soiunds like an xorg issue. Maybe take a look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf , see if you see anything that stickes out.03:08
DF3D2Bashing-om: well replugging my mouse worked so could have been a fluke.. I'm not sure why Lightdm works but using plain old startx Doesn't03:09
cfhowletttimwis, yeah, I'm reading now.  Slightly disturbing as the lenovo carbon x1 touch is on my short list to replace the dell03:09
DF3D2as far as my Xorg.conf that was created by amdconfig03:09
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
Bashing-omDF3D2: "startx" in GDM or lightdm is a no-no .."sudo service lightdm start" or "sudo service gdm start" . respectfully.03:11
meuserjI have an odd problem… I just upgraded to 14.10, and now my system won't boot via Upstart.. but if I change init to systemd, it boots perfectly…03:12
DF3D2Bashing-om: im not sure what you mean they are two different things? I'm talking about manually running "startx" or using lightdm. When I manually do startx It doesn't work and shoots "no protocol" over and over and then has a backtrace crash of "fglrx" stuff when I tell it to die. Lightdm works fine for starting X.....03:12
meuserjHowever, of course any services which require upstart won't run, so this isn't a good state to have the system in03:13
meuserjAny ideas?03:13
Bashing-omDF3D2: IF you are using unity as the DE, then it is -> sudo service lightdm to start the GUI, IF you have gnome as the DE, -> sudo service gdm start <- .03:14
timwiscfhowlett this fixed it: sudo modprobe -r ideapad-laptop03:15
timwisso I can blacklist it, but then I lose other features of the driver03:16
meuserjWell, nevermind… I just rebooted my system again and now it works… no idea why it broke and why it works now.03:16
cfhowletttimwis, eh?  so only partially fixed?03:16
cfhowletttimwis, frustrating.03:16
timwisat least I'm on the web now03:17
cfhowletttimwis, curious: is that the intel or realtek wifi chipset?03:17
timwiscan download the source of the driver03:17
meuserjI did upgrade some packages… maybe something was fixed… no idea.03:17
xtpeepsOkey.   Thx.  Guys03:17
cfhowletttimwis, damn.  usually lenovo is click and shoot with linux.  I'm here at Ground Zero in Beijing, so I play with them quite a bit.03:19
timwiscfhowlett for what it's worth the touchscreen seems to be working well out of the box03:20
cfhowletttimwis, visited the BJ Canonical offices last week and most of the code monkeys were on Lenovo03:20
cfhowletttimwis, good to know!03:20
timwisHas anyone ever got plugable USB 3.0 docking station to work with unbuntu? Trying to use my two additional monitors03:24
Demon_JesterHey Ubuntu community, I have a question, I tried to use unrar in cli and could not get it to work so I did it from file manager, is there a command to see what commands were used?03:25
OerHeksDemon_Jester, most likely unrar e /path/to/archive.rar /path/to/destination03:29
OerHekswhere /path/to/destination is an option03:29
timwisNot sure if I was connected before - - Has anyone ever got plugable USB 3.0 docking station to work with unbuntu? Trying to use my two additional monitors03:29
cfhowletttimwis, patience ... fwiw, the same question came up regarding DELL Precision m3800 dock; no joy03:30
timwissry, my wifi connection dropped just as i sent the message the first time, and the webchat client isn't clear when connection dies whether your messages fail or not03:31
timwiscfhowlett, I just used that zip/makefile from that article to recompile the ideapad_laptop.c driver and it's working great now, i no longer have it blacklisted03:35
timwisjust had to blacklist it to download the actual zip file since this laptop has no ethernet port :P03:35
cfhowletttimwis, nicely done.  you realize this elevates you to "guru" status ...03:35
DF3D2Bashing-om: im using  I303:36
timwishahaha, i don't know about that. this is my first time actually using linux as my primary OS. to date i've only used it via ssh for web development03:36
timwisso at least i know my way around a terminal now03:36
Artemis3vtimwis, youll get used quickly, try more distros and machines and find the perfect match03:37
Bashing-omDF3D2: OH ! ..Ok, I have never used it .. I may be of little help here.03:37
DF3D2Bashing-om: well it works with lightdm but not startx as I was saying so it is a bit curious as to the real problem..... but as long as my X works it is fine I guess03:38
Demon_Jester@oerheks thanks I didn't add the destination.03:48
OerHekshave fun03:49
jfmolinahola gente03:49
jfmolinaalquien hablas español?03:49
Chuck_Norris!es | jfmolina03:49
ubottujfmolina: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:49
Chuck_Norrisjfmolina: mi no comprender espanol -.-03:49
danilocd ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ ; ln -s ../script.pl03:57
therealdealis anyone here familiar with installing TOR on ubuntu?04:02
cfhowlett!tor | therealdeal04:02
ubottutherealdeal: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl04:02
therealdealthank you04:03
timwisHey guys, just did a fresh install on a lenovo yoga 2 pro, and my wifi connection keeps dropping every couple minutes. I get the "Authentication required by network" screen asking me for my password, then it connects, then a couple minutes later it drops again. Ever heard of that?04:03
cfhowletttimwis, definitely a frequent complaint04:04
timwisoh yeah?04:04
cfhowletttimwis, oh yeah.  I've never had it and not seen the definitive cause/solution though.04:04
cfhowletttimwis, http://cn.bing.com/search?q=ubuntu+unstable+wifi+connection+14.04&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=ubuntu+unstable+wifi+connection+14.04&sc=0-36&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=f816f453589d46f29966906e1a1a8bb004:05
NegativeFlareNeeds more Google in that URL :x04:06
OerHekstimwis, big tread, not really a solution > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2242033, but the last post points to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=13119513#post13119513 , maybe works for you04:06
cfhowlettNegativeFlare, I'm in China = no google allowed04:06
NegativeFlarecfhowlett: Oh, excuse me.04:06
timwisDerHeks, that references "rtl8723be" which I don't have -- how do I check what mine is?04:09
skippy70there was a super nice guy that was helping me and now i forgot who it was04:10
timwis_sry accidentally killed my wireless card lol04:11
skippy70that's not good04:11
OerHekstimwis_, lspci should tell you04:12
timwis_forgive my ignorance but is it generally safe to do a sudo apt-get upgrade after a fresh install?04:12
OerHekstimwis_, sure, that does not upgrade to the next version.04:12
timwis_of ubuntu04:12
timwis_i just wnat to make sure all my software and drivers are up to date04:13
OerHekssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade is a normal procedure04:13
skippy70how do we change the vertical bar style and mouse cursor in ubuntu?04:13
skippy70the thing that looks like this I when you're highliging text04:13
bubbasaureslike this?04:14
konnerDoes anyone know how to check your Ubuntu address for DVWA04:15
SchrodingersScatkonner: what's an ubuntu address?04:16
konneroops forgot a word04:17
konnerubuntu server address04:17
SchrodingersScatok, great, and what's DVWA?04:17
cfhowletttimwis_, generally safe yes.  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will grab all updated packages introduced for the current distro04:17
OerHekskonner, https://github.com/RandomStorm/DVWA/blob/master/docs/DVWA_v1.3.pdf04:17
konnerOerHeks, thanks04:20
returnthisI have what I hope is a simple question: Running 14.04. the clock in the top bar is 12hr display. I have set the config to 24hr. what am I missing?04:29
returnthisso how do I get the clock to displah in 24hr?04:31
SchrodingersScatwhen i right click on mine i get a properties04:31
SchrodingersScatreturnthis: %H seems to be 24h hours04:32
returnthis if I click on the clock I get a calendar with "Date & Time settings"04:33
returnthisthis is where I selected the 24-hour setting04:33
OerHeksreturnthis, systemsettings > time & date04:33
returnthisOerHeks: I hafe 24-hour selected. clock is currently showing 11:34 PM04:34
cryptodan24 hour time is better for logging04:34
OerHeks24 h  works fine here04:35
cryptodanall my devices use 24 hour time and GMT04:35
skippy70only in america you use 12 hour time04:35
skippy7024 hour time is so much better04:35
* cryptodan is from the United States04:35
returnthisSchrodingersScat: I do not get those options... I am running xmonad though, so that might be hiding the right click04:35
akaris it recommended to install ubuntu after booting live cd iso from grub2?04:35
akarnot burn the cd at the first place04:35
=== sburjan` is now known as sburjan
cfhowlettakar, wait, what?  how did you boot ubuntu?04:36
skippy70what is the off topic channel?04:36
cfhowlett!ot | skippy7004:36
ubottuskippy70: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:36
skippy70thank you!04:36
akarusing grub2 to boot from iso, loopback command04:36
returnthisSchrodingersScat: next time I reboot I will log in with a standard WM and see if I can change it then.04:36
OerHeksakar, i think you will have issues, as the hdd needs to be unmounted to make partitions.04:37
cfhowlettakar, obviously not the recommended way, but hey ...04:37
returnthisOerHeks: I do find it odd that I have the setting for 24-hour set and it has no affect04:37
akaralready umounted all drive, using toram boot option04:37
cfhowlettakar, yeah, I doubt you'll be able to unmount as your loaded .iso will block that function04:37
squintyakar:  it works (i followed the following when I tried it)  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot04:37
SchrodingersScatreturnthis: i have no idea if that would carry over to another clock, good luck04:37
akarand install only to specific partition not whole disk04:38
cfhowlettsquinty, I stand corrected! good to know04:38
returnthisI just did a search for 'clock' in dconf-editor and I see that clock-format is set to 12h04:38
akarwait the whole night boot kylin iso to try install it04:39
akarat the morning I get my kylin installation never finished04:39
cfhowlettsquinty, so this can only be done from a pre-existing linux install, right?04:39
cfhowlettakar, ask in #ubuntu-cn or #ubuntukylin --- unless you're in Beijing?04:39
SchrodingersScatreturnthis: did you change it?04:39
akaranyway the installer ask me to unmount all drives04:40
returnthisI did, to 24h, no change.04:40
akarright now I give a shot to install ubuntu LTS 14.04, grub2 booting iso method04:40
returnthisthough I suspect edits made in dconf may require a logout/in04:40
akarglad meet someone whom I can discuss about this issue with04:41
akarjoin ubuntu kylin dev channel, seems nobody understand my issue04:41
returnthisSchrodingersScat: I suspect it may just be xmonad and gnome not playing nice.04:41
returnthisthanks for the help04:41
cfhowlettakar, are you in Beijing?04:42
SchrodingersScatreturnthis: yep, good luck04:42
akaror nobody interested in grub2 booting iso04:42
cfhowlettakar, HEY!!!  Do you see this?04:42
akarno, not in beijing... in jakarta04:42
akarinterested to try WPS, chinese word processor and office suite.04:42
OerHeksWhy is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?04:43
cfhowlettakar, you don't need kylin for that. install non-chinese ubuntu04:43
squintycfhowlett:  that is how I did it.  think I was running mint at the time iirc04:43
akarwindows version is powerfull, I think WPS is m$ office replacement for me04:43
akarunfortunately it is using chinese weird character04:43
cfhowlettsquinty, I'll try it on a breakable machine ... thanks!04:43
akarcfhowlett: see what?04:43
akaris there wps in ubuntu?04:44
cfhowlettakar, if you don't NEED Chinese, don't use Kylin.  Install regular ubuntuand add wps.04:44
squintycfhowlett:  yw  and good luck :)04:44
akarI need WPS... I want to try WPS, and see kylin offer WPS04:44
cfhowlettakar, pay attention.  you DO NOT NEED kylin to get wps.04:45
xanguaakar: wps.com04:45
akarokay I get it ...04:45
cfhowlettakar, better: this page.  get the foo.deb.  sudo dpkg -i foo.deb04:47
k1l_is it this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/507480/how-to-install-kingsoft-office-in-ubuntu-14-04-64-bit04:47
cfhowlettk1l_, yep.04:47
luc1f3rlestat“/msg nickserv register NICK PASSWORD EMAIL04:53
rwwnope, just /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL04:54
rwwpreferably not in #ubuntu04:54
luc1f3rlestatthen where ? sry total n00b04:55
rwwin your client's server/status window, or /query NickServ04:55
editionthe canonical repository has version 2.4.7 of apache. Is it safe to use this older package?04:55
editionor is it better to compile Apache from source?04:55
luc1f3rlestatusing pidgin but cant reach Nickserv. any assistance plz?04:56
cfhowlettedition, depends on your use case.  if you need bloody edge, compile.  otherwise ...04:56
EriC^^luc1f3rlestat: try to msg nickserv in a private window04:57
OerHeksedition Utopic 14.10 gives apache2 4.1004:57
EriC^^and type register <password> <email>04:57
luc1f3rlestatEriC: thank you04:57
cfhowlettluc1f3rlestat, like this /msg ubottu !help                will send YOU private messages.  we appreciate it.04:57
editionOerHeks, how to update the repository?04:58
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:58
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje04:58
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hello mate04:58
OerHeksedition, just upgrade to 14.1004:58
editionno thankyou.04:59
=== mint is now known as beefman
beefmani'm trying to install on a system w/ intel raid05:00
editionOerHeks, surely I shouldn't have to upgrade to 14.10, to update the repository?05:00
cfhowlett!raid | beefman05:00
ubottubeefman: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:00
beefmani'm used to using true hardware raid where the software only sees the logical drive05:00
cfhowlettedition, if the package you want gets backported, great!  otherwise, compile from source to get it the way you want it.05:00
beefmanbut w/ this intel thing, linux sees sda, sdb, and /dev/mapper/...somedevice05:01
beefmani ran dmraid -ay from the livecd, and now i have two devices in /dev/mapper05:01
beefmanone is ddf1_mirror1, the other isw_cchaicaegi_Mirror1.  Which should i partition?05:01
lotuspsychjebeefman: read the url cfhowlett provided, alot of usefull info there05:01
OerHeksedition, you might want to use a PPA then, but carefull, ppa's are not supported here >>  https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/apache2?field.series_filter=trusty05:01
beefmanis the intel thing software raid?05:01
lotuspsychjebeefman: the ##hardware guys might also be able to help your raid layout05:03
lotuspsychjeedition: wich package are you trying to update?05:05
editionThe version provided by Canonical for 14.04 of Apache httpd, should be sufficient.05:06
lotuspsychje!info apache2 trusty05:07
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Apache HTTP Server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.1 (trusty), package size 85 kB, installed size 462 kB05:07
lotuspsychjeedition: wich version you do have?05:07
lotuspsychjeedition: you are up to date then?05:08
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
msgolWhos head?05:31
cuigaoshengI want to learn the pixhawk source code.05:31
x_nick DF3D2-205:31
=== x_ is now known as df3d2-2
cuigaoshengwhere channel I should find05:32
cuigaoshenghello everyone, Is anyone can help me?05:32
FrankBullittI am looking to turn my ubuntu machine into a simple inline firewall/nat box, can anyone suggest a tool or tutorial for this??05:32
OerHeks!alis | cuigaosheng05:34
ubottucuigaosheng: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*05:34
cfochwhat's the system that Ubuntu installer uses when installing in non-graphical mode?05:42
cfochI am interested about writing a program using that (library?)05:42
cfochI mean the system of displaying a "beautiful non-graphical mode"... it is not the "matrix screen", it is more beautiful with colors, some kind of shape... anyway what's the name of it?05:43
cfochI think is that now I am looking in google05:44
EriC^^cfoch: there's also whiptail and dialog05:51
EriC^^cfoch: whiptail --yesno <something> 20 2005:52
cfochEriC^^: interesting05:52
imastupidguestOmigosh! Look what I just stumbled across...  https://archive.org/details/linux_distributions05:55
imastupidguestSorry, but this seems so cool I had to share it05:55
lotuspsychjeFrankBullitt: iptables maybe05:55
lotuspsychjeFrankBullitt: the #ubuntu-server guys might also know more about building an ubuntu firewall box05:57
msgolCentOS is it worth the trouble for any kind for any kind of server if one is happy with Ubuntu?05:57
ripdiskhey, decided to go with ubuntu for my media server05:58
Jay112installed xmbc then?05:59
ripdiskhavn't used it in a bit, but anyway, i'm using PXE for the first time cos i don't have  any CDs/DVD's, and for some reason this little box won't usb boot05:59
ripdiskso i got it booted05:59
ripdiskit asked me about my kb, etc05:59
ripdiskand now, i just see a blue screen....with a bit of gray on the bototm.06:00
ripdiskis it supposed to be downloading right now? if so, where is it downloading TO?06:00
ripdisk"everybody who doesn't have an answer to my question, please speak up"06:00
ripdiskfigured i'd just go ahead and type it since you already acted like i had06:01
ripdisksorry, i'm kidding.06:01
ripdiskso seriously06:01
ripdisknobody knows?06:01
ripdiskis there a specific pxe channel or something like say what?06:02
Jay112i dont know anything about pxe06:02
lotuspsychjeripdisk: use plop boot manager to simulate usb06:02
lotuspsychjeripdisk: it can force your machine to load ubuntu from usb06:02
ripdiskhow do i install a boot manager with no os and no way to put things on the pc06:03
lotuspsychjeripdisk: you can put plop on a cd/usb06:04
ripdiskit just dawned on me06:04
=== sins-_j is now known as sins-
tapoutHow can I enable Opengl 3.3 in ubuntu 14.0406:04
cfochhow can I implement whiptail in my C program?06:04
cfochit is bash06:04
ripdiskwhat if.....what if this pxe shit is downloading TO the same box hosting the boot image?06:04
ripdiskand then will install it from there?06:04
lotuspsychjeripdisk: keep language polite plz06:04
Jay112could be06:05
ripdiskif that's the case06:05
ripdiski doubt it has write permission06:05
ripdiskwhy wouldn't it just tell me that though06:05
Demon_JesterHey guys I have another question relating to audio. I have alsa and pulse audio (seems standard) and I was wondering how can I make all programs that use audio redirect through my headset without setting it manually for each individual program?06:06
Jay112when i plugin the headset it automatically redirects06:06
Jay112shouldnt it?06:07
YcareneHow do I remove systemd without trashing my system?06:07
Demon_Jesterjay112 mine doesnt though :/ its usb headset.06:07
OerHeksYcarene, not, it is integraded part of ubuntu06:08
tapoutopengl 3.3 on ubuntu, possible?06:08
Jay112sound settings>primary output06:09
YcareneOerHeks - can I install the old init stuff and then pull the system out?06:09
OerHeksYcarene, i don't think so06:10
OerHeksWhy would you want to?06:11
lotuspsychje!upstart | Ycarene06:11
ubottuYcarene: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/06:11
lotuspsychjeYcarene: you can tweak /etc/init system services enable/disable manually06:11
rwwYcarene: all currently-supported versions of Ubuntu use upstart as their init system, not systemd06:11
rwwsystemd-logind is not systemd's init process, neither is systemd-udevd06:12
YcareneAhh, ok, so I'm not using systemd, the systemd stuff that is installed must be for compatibility06:12
OerHeksOh, my bad,06:12
rww(the current plan for systemd as PID 1 is 15.04)06:12
lotuspsychje!info systemd | Ycarene06:12
timwisHey guys, do you know if I can use a USB 3.0 to HDMI cable to have an external monitor w/ubuntu?06:12
=== sins-_j is now known as sins-
ubottuYcarene: systemd (source: systemd): system and service manager. In component main, is standard. Version 208-8ubuntu8 (utopic), package size 1364 kB, installed size 6400 kB (Only available for linux-any)06:13
Jay112does systemd handle shutdown?06:13
rwwJay112: on current Ubuntu? logind handles the seat management part of it, upstart does the rest06:13
YcareneWhen I upgrade, I'll still be using upstart right?  Or will I have an option to keep using it?06:13
rwwYcarene: upgrade to what, 15.04?06:14
rww(which isn't out yet)06:14
lotuspsychjeim looking for a GUI way to enable etc/init system services if anyone knows one?06:14
Ycarenerww - Yes, or later (I know it's not out, but I tend to go from one LTS version to the next).06:14
lotuspsychjeYcarene: you can install systemd, but be carefull it can brake things06:15
rwwYcarene: 15.04 isn't LTS, but yeah, re: 16.04, I don't think it's been discussed yet since UOS for this cycle hasn't happened yet06:15
rwwI'd expect that to shake out in a few months.06:15
rww!pm | Jay11206:15
ubottuJay112: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.06:15
rww(and don't address that one to me specifically, I answer stuff that I know regardless :P)06:16
YcareneI see no reason to go to systemd if upstart does the job.06:16
Jay112im new to irc06:16
OerHekslotuspsychje,  is sysv-rc-conf  what you want? http://askubuntu.com/a/15725306:16
lotuspsychje!info jobs-admin | Ycarene check this to manage services06:16
ubottuYcarene check this to manage services: jobs-admin (source: jobs-admin): system job management utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 14 kB, installed size 137 kB06:16
YcareneI would prefer, should I need to upgrade, just to keep upstart.06:16
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: no, ive tryed all packages in the house, seems sysrv has the old init system instead of upstart06:17
Jay112my system shutdown delays a few minutes between all processes ended within 2 secs and unmounting swap.Its annoying06:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: i tryed disable CUPS on many service packages, it only works the manual way06:17
timwisI guess there's just no way to have a monitor via USB 3.0 because DisplayLink doesn't support linux?06:18
rwwYcarene: I note that since Ubuntu is switching to systemd, it's rather likely upstart will stop being maintained06:18
rwwYcarene: but yeah, I guess until then...06:18
Ycarenerww - why switch though?  (maybe this is a question for canonical itself though)06:19
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: ive tryed bum, sysv-rc-conf,jobs-admin,etc06:19
rwwYcarene: do you mean Ubuntu or you?06:19
JBeeHi guys I have a question. Ok to ask in here?06:19
Ycarenerww - ubuntu06:19
lotuspsychjeJBee: yes06:19
rwwYcarene: because Debian is and they don't want to maintain the packaging delta: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/131606:20
whoeverJBee: don't ask to ask , just ask06:20
Ycarenerww - it just seems that systemd does WAY more than it needs to.06:21
JBeeI'm using this guide (http://goo.gl/XJsBVM) to install ubuntu onto my new chromebook. I'm stuck on page two trying to edit the "startelementary" file. It says "nano: error while loading shared libraries: libncursesw.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" when I try to edit.06:21
rwwYcarene: that's a discussion for another channel :)06:21
reactormonkHow do I set env variables like JAVA_HOME? Plug a file into profile.d?06:22
Ycarenerww - Yeah, but it just seems that debian/canonical are changing for changes sake.06:22
rwwYcarene: (since this is a support channel, not a general discussion one)06:22
lotuspsychjeYcarene: test systemd out for yourself...06:22
rwwI'd refer you to #ubuntu-offtopic, but they're probably bored of systemd discussion by now.06:22
lotuspsychjeYcarene: it can replace upstart if you tweak it good06:23
rwwJBee: ask the Elementary folks, we don't handle support for unofficial derivatives06:23
JBeeI think I've narrowed it down to the fact that I need "lib32-ncurses" but can't find out how to get/install that. Anyone know?06:23
reactormonkohh, systemd again? :-)06:23
rwwJBee: that suggestion wasn't optional, btw. we *really* don't handle support for unofficial derivatives06:24
reactormonkOn a personal note, does upstart handle crypttabs with keyfiles on encrypted drives correctly?06:24
JBeeI'm not asking for support for elementary, Just asking why I can't seen to edit a file.06:24
rwwJBee: you're not using Ubuntu, so...06:24
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)06:24
rwwhrm, i swear i added EOS to that06:25
JBeeOk, great community. See you later.06:25
rwwanyways, it's #elementary06:25
rwwor that.06:25
Jay112is there some way to find which service is hanging my shutdown process06:26
whoeverwow some peeps , they ask and they wait 5 minutes and just leave06:27
whoeverJay112: wen you shutdown  the proceses are echoed to th screen as they shutdown06:27
whoeverJay112: does that help you any06:29
jay_i accidentally closed the tab06:29
jay_whoever can you tell me that once more?06:29
whoeverJay112: and why are you worried about a hang on shutdown does it give a problem on startup06:29
jay_it hangs few minutes on shutdown06:30
jay_really annoying06:30
lotuspsychjejay_: try dmesg for errors maybe?06:30
lotuspsychjejay_: or /var/log/syslog06:30
jay_lemme see06:30
jay_so what does dmesg display?06:31
lotuspsychjejay_: errors06:31
whoeverjay_: well services are beeing stoped that would be  a reason for the lag06:31
whoevercan you give more info06:32
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=== Guest40837 is now known as HuangZhiquan
jay_it hangs few minutes between all processes stopped and deactivationg swap06:32
whoeverjay_: journalctl -xn06:33
jay_on it06:33
jay_No journal files were found.06:33
whoeverjay_: any i\o errors06:34
jay_dont think so06:34
whoeverjay_: !journal journalctl06:34
lotuspsychjejay_: did you try sudo halt -p06:34
jay_isnt it same as shutdown now06:35
whoeverjay_: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man1/journalctl.1.html06:35
whoeverjay_: no explicit06:36
jay_im noob06:36
whoeverjay_: we guessed tht :-)06:36
jay_whats no explicit ?command or ?06:37
whoeverjay_: whats you box specs, ram, cpu hardrive06:37
jay_proc:Intel® Core™ i3-4005U CPU @ 1.70GHz × 406:37
whoeverjay_: halt -p explicit process killer06:37
jay_ill try that later06:38
whoeverjay_: is your hardrive sata, ssd06:38
whoeveri should had said machanical , ssd06:38
whoeverjay_: "sudo journalctl -xn "06:39
whoeverrun that06:39
whoeverput the output in pastbin06:39
whoeversudo apt-get wgetpaste   sudo wgetpaste journalctl -xn06:40
whoeverjay_: when was the last stutdown06:40
jay_but it just returns no journals were found06:40
jay_2 hrs ago06:40
whoeverok which journalctl06:40
jay_u mean there is more than one journalctl?06:41
whoeverit will tell us if it is installed and if so where it is06:41
whoeverjay_: so "which journalctl"06:43
jay_oh i get it06:43
tapoutdo you have to pin respositories or something?  I added the ppa:iobaf/graphics-drivers, dist-upgraded, it reported opengl 3.3 for me, sudo su'd, opengl 2 reported, rebooted, now all users .. opengl 206:45
whoeverthen "journalctl -xn"06:45
whoevertapout: did you forget to commit it after adding ?06:45
jay_it returns: No journal files were found.06:46
whoeverjay_: then you do not have any errors06:46
whoeverjay_: what version of ubuntu06:46
tapoutyou have to commit ?06:47
whoeverjay_: when was the lasttime you ram apt-get dist-update06:47
reactormonkAny other server over us.archvive.ubuntu.com? Takes a rather long time to connect06:47
whoevertapout: ok so how did you add it06:47
whoeverjay_: when did you install it06:47
jay_whoever: this month06:47
=== uwishuno is now known as uwishununoware
whoeverok, so run that, and then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:48
whoeverjay_: and you may need to restart for some system changes to take effect06:48
whoeverreactormonk: look for ones that are close to your location , and change them06:49
jay_whoever: what does it do?automatic update?06:49
tapoutsudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers06:49
tapoutapt-get update06:49
tapoutapt-get dist-upgrade, reboot..06:50
whoevertapout: so why do you think you don't have that repo06:50
jay_whoever: E: Invalid operation dist-update06:51
whoeverjay_: yes auto , and asks for confirmation before it begins06:51
adrian1908if i have manually installed a library to /usr/local/lib and I run 'sudo ldconfig', it should be found by a linker that finds other libs in that directory, right?06:51
jay_im gonna reboot and after watch syslog after reboot and return here . ok?06:52
whoeverjay_: "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"06:52
jay_did it06:52
jay_its just auto update06:52
whoeveradrian1908: db-update06:53
whoeverjay_: ok06:53
adrian1908whoever: ok, i'll check that out and see if it works!06:53
whoeverjonne_: are you doing this in cli06:53
jonne_doing what?06:54
tapoutwhoever, I get : libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied ...  after searching google, they say to add myself to the group video, and reboot.  I do it, and opengl 2 is only present.  If i remove myself from the video group, reboot, 3.3 is back06:54
whoevertapout: tapout sounds like a link error look at how 2 is linked then set the same links for 306:55
tapoutwhoever, how can I know which packages to remove that cover the opengl spectrum and just reinstall only the 3.3 versions?06:56
jay_got it.its nm-dispatcher06:56
adrian1908whoever: how come i can't find your command/parameter anywhere on google?06:57
whoeveradrian1908: because it is not a command peramiter , it is a solution to your issue, if you want to cross reference with google then do so06:58
whoeverjay_: do you know what nm.dispatcher is06:58
jay_related with networkmanager  right?06:59
adrian1908whoever: be more specific, google returns nothing directly linux related06:59
whoeverjay_: you might like this http://askubuntu.com/questions/87576/slow-shutdown-due-to-modemmanager-and-nm-dispatcher-action07:00
skippy70what a great os ubuntu us!07:00
whoeveradrian1908: you have a problem withe opengl 3 not showing up but opengl2 does so figure out how opengl2 is symlinked and copy that pattern for opengl307:01
nusrwinehq is alseep. can someone help with wine on ubuntu?07:02
cryptodanadrian1908: what video card do you have?07:02
adrian1908whoever: that's not my issue, and how do your writing "db-update" tell me anything?07:02
cryptodanYour OpenGL Version is dictated by your hardware not software07:03
whoeveradrian1908: it rescans path07:03
adrian1908cryptodan: it's unrelated to graphics07:03
whoeverso tha it is re indexed07:03
cryptodanIf your video card only supports OpenGL 2 then you will only get OpenGL 207:03
cryptodanSoftware will not change that07:03
adrian1908whoever: if ubuntu doesn't know the command and google doesn't know the command, what are you suggesting really?07:03
* whoever nods at cryptodan 07:03
cryptodanso adrian1908 can you provide output of lspci to dpaste.com07:04
nusri want to try to install a Clickonce application in ubuntu. i installed the file in a windows virutal machine and have located the .exe along with installation files. how can i now use wine to install it on the ubuntu host? do i copy all the files from the windows virtual machine to ubuntu, then use the wine installer to associate with the .exe?07:04
whoevercryptodan: i think he is coding or doing someting other then related to his graphics card and is expecting somethinag different then what he is getting07:04
MultbrelchHi all. Q: The package "python-evince" does not exist anymore in 14.04?07:04
cryptodanthe only API that adds software support for updates is DirectX but your hardware 3D Based acceleration will be limited to the version on the card.07:05
adrian1908cryptodan: I think you got my name mixed up with someone else, I never mention opengl. I'm having a linker issue with a non-graphics library.07:05
cryptodanlibGL is openGL07:05
cryptodanor part of it07:05
tapoutwhy would .. opengl 3.3 be reported, and then if i add myself to the group 'video', opengl 2.* gets reported?07:06
adrian1908the path is definitely correct, it comes from a makefile. The issue is that i recently added the library manually and I think the linker can't see it.07:07
etzerdhello all07:08
etzerdhow to add icons to my desktop using kubuntu?07:09
etzerdhow to add icons to my desktop using kubuntu?07:10
etzerdwow, nobody wants to help tonight07:11
stephanie_cc cv07:13
stephanie_il y a des  francais07:13
stephanie_do you speak french???????07:15
krytarik!fr | stephanie_07:15
ubottustephanie_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:15
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stephanie_ok by07:16
stephanie_jgjvfrgbfhkhrtbcfvhrgdvdthhthhytjuhvcd fgdfyfh07:16
inerkickHi I installed my modem dashboard as given in this link http://www.tuxtrix.com/2013/06/how-to-install-airtel-mobile-broadband.html in my ubuntu 14 version . It was showing network manager with modem dongle yesterday, but now in the network manager it does't show the modem07:16
stephanie_uhgh gyhygu yfggesza07:17
skippy70what is this glitch?07:17
CharcoalcatHi! I'm on Ubuntu 12.04, and I'm stuck in Unity 2D. I think it happened after someone had me uninstall all of my Nvidia drivers to diagnose a different issue (being stuck in a tiny desktop resolution). I know I'm in Unity 2D because MyUnity gives me an error about it when I open it. When I open Additional Drivers, it says no proprietary drivers are in use, and the only one lister is a Realtek driver for my wireless card. I installed nvidia-current,07:17
Charcoalcatbut nothing changed. Here's my graphics card information: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8935405/07:17
inerkickkindly help07:17
=== awestin1_ is now known as awestin1
tapouthow do I figure out why ... being in the group07:19
tapouthow do I figure out why ... being in the group "video", mesa 2.1 is forced on me.  If I remove the group, 3.3 works07:19
skippy70what is that glitch?07:19
skippy70oh whoops07:19
skippy70i took a bad screenshot07:19
inerkickmy modem/dongle doesn't connect now or show to connect.. i deleted the installation folder it didn't work. reinstalled it said its already installed07:21
inerkickkindly help anyone07:22
inerkickto set my mobile dongle working07:22
=== crypt1 is now known as flair
skippy70what is this glitch?07:22
MultbrelchHi all. Q: Is there some python environment for the pdf viewer evince in 14.04?07:22
inerkickare you asking me skippy7007:22
skippy70i'm asking anyone07:23
skippy70if you know how to fix it, help is greatly appreciated07:23
skippy70i know i could fix it with a restart, but that wouldn't do me any good07:23
inerkickeven i'm looking for help07:24
inerkickseems no one is here07:24
Charcoalcatskippy70: What's wrong with the screenshot? Is the brown box stuck there or something? Also, that looks like a Mac.07:25
tapoutanyone know the inner workings of how groups work, in relation to how opengl is choosen?07:25
skippy70inerkick, what do you need help with?07:25
=== Chris__ is now known as Chris_TDP
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:28
inerkickanyone could help here07:31
inerkickmy modem dongle is not showing in network manager07:31
skippy70inerkick, have you tried disconnecting it?07:34
inerkicki actually installed an dashboard which the service provider offers, than morning i removed it07:35
inerkickremoved the folders, after than the modem isn't showing in the network manager07:35
skippy70what is the dongle?07:38
inerkickthis was the one i used skippy7007:38
skippy70is it an airtel?07:39
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skippy70and your problem is that it's not being detected?07:40
=== Ralf is now known as Guest98392
inerkicki can't see the mobile broadband option07:41
inerkickin the network manager07:41
inerkicki deleted the folder of airtel which the tutorial says so that modem options show but it doesn't now07:42
skippy70inerkick, is it greyed out or you can't see it?07:43
inerkicki can't see it self07:43
inerkicki tried to add mobile dongle with network connections it is added but still not see07:43
inerkicki feel the driver is locked with that installation but even the folder i deleted it now07:44
skippy70i don't know if it will help you07:45
skippy70but i hope it does07:45
skippy70i wish i had the dongle to test this stuff with07:45
skippy70do you know how to create an html page?07:46
someone__how much space does trusty tahr take up?07:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:46
MasterPieceAzitrex, See that?07:47
kontinuityhi all07:47
MasterPieceAzitrex, Try it07:47
kontinuityis there a way to setup the following sendmail -> smtpd/pickup -> spamassassin -> clamav (optional) -> relay (SendGrid)?07:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:47
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AzitrexMasterPiece, this is a CMD that dont have a intelligent method07:48
Azitrexwhen i asked where can i to download ubuntu and then answer me somewhere this is good with your trello solution07:49
=== MarioW is now known as MarioWaza
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OerHekssomeone__, 5gb hdd space07:50
=== KindOne_ is now known as KindOne
someone__how much space does trusty tahr take up? (not minimal or anything, just a straight install)07:50
MasterPieceAzitrex, Yes, but this ease answering and better than writing one thing in multiple times07:50
MasterPiecesomeone, 6.4GB07:51
OerHekssomeone__, depends on your hardware07:51
aewffweaI want to zero all unused space, what's an easy program/way to do it?07:51
someone__well I'm running out of space07:51
j4s0nmchr1st0sMich are you ok?07:51
someone__and I've basically got 2 things installed07:51
someone__does it take more space if you upgrade from 12.04 rather than a clean install?07:52
inerkicki can't uninstall the airtel mobile partner07:52
OerHekssomeone__, how much space do you use now?07:52
AzitrexMasterPiece, so review again your trello solution and fix it , because you talked about a intelligent method that this bot dont have07:53
skippy70inerkick, have you tried creating an html page?07:54
someone__0erHeks hold on, I don't even have gparted installed07:54
OerHekssomeone__, terminal: df -h07:54
someone__0erHeks errr... 100%07:55
=== Termana is now known as Guest84398
someone__0erHeks /dev/sda4        18G   17G  8.0K 100% /07:55
someone__I only have virtualbox installed and genymotion07:56
someone__and chromium07:56
someone__that's literally all the stuff I installed07:56
inerkicki tried skippy70  not working07:58
OerHekssomeone__, try to remove old kernels, see the blue line > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2240697 and try apt-get autoremove07:59
skippy70i wish i could help you more, but i would need remote access to your computer07:59
inerkickand i don't get is it using airtel or my landline connection07:59
inerkickhwo can i do that07:59
skippy70i'm going to bed now, but if you want i can do this later!07:59
skippy70i'm going to pm you my email address07:59
skippy70tell me a good time for you07:59
inerkickshall i give my email id?08:00
someone__0erHeks both of those removed 0 packages08:00
OerHekssomeone__, clean up browser history?08:02
someone__0erHeks, yeah, going to do that08:02
someone__but apparently my home folder is only 150 mb08:02
someone__disk usage analyzer says most of my memory is in var08:03
someone__12.04 GB is in /var/log08:03
OerHekssomeone__, " du -sh *  " shows more details08:05
someone__sorry, it didn't put what I typed08:06
someone__the files /var/syslog and /var/kem.log are 6.2 GB each08:06
someone__kern, not kem08:06
=== __Mark__ is now known as __BLE__
editionHow can I contribute to Ubuntu?08:08
someone__ok, problem solved08:10
OerHekssomeone__, sudo /etc/cron.daily/logrotate >> This should rotate the log files (so kern.log becomes kern.log.1); and you can then delete kern.log.1 etc08:11
someone__0erHeks I'll look into it if it becomes a problem08:12
someone__this is the first time this has happened08:12
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.08:12
editionat the moment, I am unable to donate money to Ubuntu and other opensource project, but can contribute in other ways...08:12
someone__in like 7 years08:12
bubbasauresedition, You might check if a loco is near you. http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/08:12
OerHeksedition, tell 1 person about ubuntu, that is enough :-)08:13
editionAre you sure? What about finances?08:13
OerHeksedition, you can donate anytime, but filing good bugreports. help writing manuals or translations is also valuable support08:14
CharcoalcatCan I see which graphics drivers I have installed?08:15
OerHeksCharcoalcat, lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'08:17
CharcoalcatOerHeks: Thanks!08:18
unshadowI'm having an issue  with an upstart script, the command works on regular bash shell, but when ran in upstart .conf file (using /bin/bash <<EOT script EOT it isn't working08:19
unshadowhow would I set to debug it ?08:20
lkthomashey guys, I am trying to use $template on rsyslog server, but seems doesn't work08:24
Lucaxgood morning, are there ways to display a linux drive in windows directly? (without use of 3rd party software)?08:25
LucaxI need the windows file manager to display the linux drive that is, not through a software08:25
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
bubbasauresLucax, No, a shared ntfs is generally used on the same computer.08:27
sebas_hello, testing08:28
bldtghello, test complete08:29
DJonesLucax: Years ago I used Ext2fsd (as mentioned here http://www.howtogeek.com/112888/3-ways-to-access-your-linux-partitions-from-windows/ ) But I've not used it for a long time, when I was using it, it was a but unreliable on Ext2, it may have improved since then and says it now allows ext3/ext4 as well, but I'd be tempted to have a shared ntfs/fat32 partition08:29
Lucaxthanks Djones, does this make the partition show in the windows file manager directly or it makes it go through that program?08:30
ZeedoxHow can I list available package updates with apt? Running `apt-get upgrade -s` prints more than just a list, and needs sudo to run at all. I just want a list of package names, versions and sizes.08:31
geirhaIf it works, it will give it a drive letter, F: or whatever08:31
DJonesLucax: As far as I'm aware, there's no "native" method though, as I say, its years since I've used it, so not 100% sure, I think it allowed file manager to see the partition, but you may need to do a bit more research, might be worth joining ##windows and asking there as well08:31
sebas_could anyone help me figure out how to enable facebook chat on pidgin please?08:32
sebas_i am seeing "invalid XMPP ID"08:32
sebas_would anyone know what i put under resource?08:33
ObrienDaveask in #pidgin08:34
sebas_thank you08:34
DJonessebas_: https://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php Might help08:34
DJonesThat has a link on how to setup facebook chat for pidgin08:35
Lucaxwhat file system is usually native to unity?08:36
OerHeksLucax, ubuntu uses EXT4 by default.08:37
DJonesLucax: It depends what you set up when you installed, probably ext408:37
CharcoalcatHow do I get Ubuntu 12.04 to switch to the nvidia drivers? I installed them (installed nvidia-current and nividia-331-updates), but it still says I'm using the default drivers even after rebooting. http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/install-nvidia-driver-331-67-ubuntu1404/ I also tried the instructions from tihs page, but it told me the drivers weren't compatible with my kernel. I'm trying to get out of Ubuntu 2D and read that I'm supposed to08:46
Charcoalcatget the nvidia drivers. lspci: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8936341/08:46
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Charcoalcathttp://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver I guess I'll try using nomodeset and rebooting.08:50
lancelot_ofhi there08:50
lancelot_ofonly two things do not work on my 14.04.1. 1) copy and paste from terminals do not work except from gnome-terminal where Ctrl-c does the job. On other terminals like xterm selecting text does not provide paste through Shift-Insert. 1a) some related stuff, i do not have third button on my touchpad, so i cannot use it for pasting from terminal. 2) In emacs, control-space for setting mark and selecting text does not work, i have to use shift-contro09:00
lancelot_ofl arrows but it is not handly. How to fix? Are these issues alla related with each other?09:00
editionlancelot_of: use Shift+Ctrl+C for copy and Shift+Ctrl+V for paste.09:01
lancelot_ofedition, id does not work on xterm09:01
lancelot_ofedition, i'm sorry id does from terminal to terminal, but if i want to copy and paste, say, from terminal to browser it does not. Only gnome terminal can provide it09:02
Charcoalcathttp://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver Okay, following this changed nothing except that a black screen appeared for a second when I logged into Ubuntu.09:02
CharcoalcatOh, actually now the last command on here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8936341/ gives me nothing instead of what it used to give me.09:05
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: how old is your motherboard?09:09
Charcoalcatlancelot_of: I don't know how to fix your issue, but while you're having the problem you can try pastebinit.09:09
Charcoalcat!pastebinit lancelot_of09:10
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: I think less than three years old? Why?09:10
Chuck_Norrisi think to remember that xterm doesn't support paste -.-09:10
Charcoalcat!pastebinit | lancelot_of09:11
ubottulancelot_of: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com09:11
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: cause, may be you need to disable you interated graphic card and enable your nvidia in the bios settings -.-09:11
lancelot_ofChuck_Norris, xterm supports paste, indeed from terminal to terminal it works. The problem is from terminals to other applications, like browser, mail client, gtk and so on09:12
azyrhow can i list the files inside a ppa package?09:12
lancelot_ofand what about third button and emacs keybinding?09:12
azyrlike the similar output that i get when i do 'dpkg -L [packagename]'09:12
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: modern bios autodetect when you plug a grphic card and automatically disble the integrated, but in old bios you need to do it by yourself09:13
Chuck_Norrislancelot_of: sry, that was what i meant, when i used it i couldn't copy from it09:14
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: "Filesystem created:       Sat Oct 20 21:45:03 2012"09:14
lancelot_ofChuck_Norris, on other systems it works, like debian where i come from09:14
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: it a new one, nevertheless, i would suggest you cheking the bios setting and search for enabling and disabling grafic cards, and first of all delete "nomodeset" and: sudo update-grub09:16
Chuck_Norris"nomodeset" is useful when you can't boot into your DE09:16
Chuck_Norris!nomodeset | Charcoalcat09:17
ubottuCharcoalcat: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:17
stealthiiHi there. I'm using an Ubuntu machine that has disk encryption. However I have a suspicion that my home folder is additionally encrypted09:18
stealthiihow can I check this?09:18
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Okay, I took it out and updated. The text file looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937052/09:18
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: append "quiet splash"  in "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""   so it looks like:  GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"    then:  sudo update-grub09:21
lancelot_ofplease take a look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937081/  why i have all those network address calls? Are they bad for the stability of my network connectino? I've the last kernel and firmware for my 14.04.1 ubuntu09:22
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Okay, I did that. Now it's back to how it was before I changed anything today.09:22
Chuck_Norrislancelot_of: may be this could helps you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154995609:22
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: ok09:22
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Also I don't know if you saw, but I'm trying to change the driver to get out of Unity 2D (it's stuck there even though I'm logging into normal Unity).09:24
Chuck_Norrislancelot_of: sudo apt-get install parcellite09:25
Chuck_Norrislancelot_of: cource:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/237942/how-does-copy-paste-work-with-xterm09:25
bcroqHi all, is there a way to "activate" a newly installed indicator without lougot?09:26
el3ctronhi guys!09:26
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Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: so, you want to use Unity 2D?09:28
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: No, I want to be in 3D. But I can't get out of 2D.09:28
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: and you ubuntu version is?09:28
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: 12.04.09:29
Chuck_Norrisyou already installed nvidias privative driver right? but it is not in use?09:30
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CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Right. I installed "nvidia-current" and I think "nvidia-331-update".09:30
Chuck_Norrisand if you open "addition drivers" its says that privative drivers are use?09:31
lancelot_ofcan i purge ibus from my Ubuntu system?I'm already running fluxbox09:31
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/ubuntu2dstuck.png Here is Additional Drivers and the Ubuntu 2D error from MyUnity.09:32
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: paste:  aptitude search nvidia-3*09:34
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937309/09:34
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: it is installed, paste:  dmesg09:36
ArunCHi, has anyone tried coudera quickstart vm on Ubuntu?09:36
cyber37Hi! I have a problem with the Acer Aspire V5 571P (laptop) touchscreen ! He works on ubuntu (good ..) but in firefox for exemple when my mother want to play "candy crush" in the game when you use the touch screen it doesn't "click" you can 'select the boxes' but you can't move them ! Any ideas ? did i have to record a short vid ?09:36
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937348/09:36
ArunCCloudera offers its virtual box VMs based out of CentOS 6.09:36
ArunCI was wondering if there is an equivalent on Ubuntu09:37
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Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: and:  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:39
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937371/09:40
Poyraz76debian linux community research to distro without systemd and say to great distro pisilinux  www.pisilinux.org09:45
Poyraz76Pisi Linux is an independent distribution featuring a custom package manager and system installer, as well as several home-made utilities. It is also one of the few remaining Linux distributions (besides Slackware and Gentoo-based ones) that haven't switched to systemd as their default init system.09:47
lpsmithok,  ever since I upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04,  my Chrome keyboard shortcuts are hosed.09:47
DJonesPoyraz76: ok, but this channel is for Ubuntu support only09:47
lpsmithFor example,  you can't hit Control-T to open a tab and then Control-W to close it09:48
macscam1anyone know how to enable sticky keys in lxde? my xbindkeys combination for simulating page up doesn't highlight with the addition of shift09:48
lpsmithYou can hit ^T,  then click inside the empty tab to take focus away from the address bar and then ^W works09:48
lpsmithafter some experimentation,  it appears that ^W is delete previous word,  and ^H is backspace09:49
cyber37-unregisthi, i am back again i have made a VIDEO where i show you the touch screen problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqR67EiIleE when i am on "something" like "candy crush" who seems to interpret the movement of the cursor, with the touchscreen it doesn't works ..09:49
lpsmithWhich interferes with chrome's keybindings in a context-sensitive way,  which I never ever asked for.09:49
lpsmithDoes anybody know what is causing this?09:49
lancelot_ofis there any way to disable ibus?09:50
lancelot_ofsystem wide, i mean09:50
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: are you there?09:51
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: I'm still here; did you not see my last paste?09:51
Chuck_Norrisi saw Xorg.conf09:52
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Okay.09:53
lancelot_ofhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8937081/ what about this previous question?09:53
vltHello. I booted w/o a screen connected and now my X resolution is only 960x600. How can I set it to 1280x1024? xrandr won't let me do that.09:54
Chuck_Norrisbut you could try unloadin the nouveau then tying to load nvidia09:54
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: How do I load and unload?09:55
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: with: sudo modprobe -r nouveau    then:  modprobe nvidia09:56
Chuck_Norrishow did you install the driver? from oficial repositories?09:57
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: brb09:58
cyber37Avez vous des idées du coup ?09:59
cyber37oups * did you have any ideas so ?09:59
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Yeah, I used the official repositories. I tried a PPA at one point but it didn't work. I'll try reloading.09:59
Charcoalcat!french | cyber3710:00
ubottucyber37: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:00
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: what is the model?10:02
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937778/ Here's what happens when I try reloading.10:03
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: What do you mean by model?10:03
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: graphic nvidia model10:03
bitnumushi, i just run updates and noticed a package called "girl1.2-edataserver" being updated, but i can't find the package on my system or in ubuntu repos, any idea what it is ?10:04
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: How do I check?10:04
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: lspci | grep VGA10:05
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8937807/10:05
lotuspsychje!find girl10:06
ubottuFound: ruby-factory-girl, ruby-factory-girl-rails10:06
lotuspsychjebitnumus: gir1.2-edataserver-1.2 - GObject introspection for the EDataServer library10:07
bitnumuslotuspsychje, why isn't the package called this ?10:08
lotuspsychjebitnumus: apt-cache show gir1.2-edataserver-1.210:08
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: try:  sudo apt-get remove nvidia-*    then: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current10:08
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: brb10:08
bitnumuslotuspsychje, shouldn't aptitude search girl show this package then ?10:08
lotuspsychjebitnumus: you sure its with l ?10:09
bitnumusl ?10:09
lotuspsychjebitnumus: seems like its part of evolution: Filename: pool/main/e/evolution-data-server/gir1.2-edataserver-1.2_3.10.4-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb10:09
bitnumusruby-factory-girl isn't even installed on my system, i don't understand10:09
lotuspsychjebitnumus: check packagename, gir without l10:10
bitnumuslotuspsychje, ok, but what i don't understand is its a package by itself, why can't i see it ?10:10
bitnumuswow, i see what you mean now! sec10:10
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bitnumusclassic lol10:10
bitnumustypical male vision i guess10:10
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Done.10:15
lotuspsychjeP3k: hi10:19
P3kcan u help me with low backlight in xubuntu?10:19
lotuspsychjeP3k: whats happening exactly?10:20
jarnosMouse cursor is in fixed position, however mouse seems to work. This started in the middle of session and rebooting does not help.10:20
lotuspsychjejarnos: what kind of mouse?10:20
P3ki have win 8 and xubuntu 14.04 on my acer aspire one D257 and max backlight in xubuntu is worst than in win810:21
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Okay, be right back then.10:21
lotuspsychjeP3k: maybe dconf-editor can tweak your backlight10:21
ljosberinnhi everyone! i have a sort of super-noobish question, hope that someone will enlighten me =)10:22
ljosberinnok, so, i have a machine in my office which should be used as some kind of server. and what i would like to achieve is to be able to ssh to it with machine name, not the ip10:22
ljosberinnbut, to set it up on that machine, rather than going around to all office computers and edit hosts file on each10:23
lotuspsychjeljosberinn: maybe the #openssh guys might also know10:23
ljosberinnah, i see, ok, will try to ask there!10:23
maisapride786#join ruby10:23
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: No change after rebooting. (still Unity 2D, still no proprietary drivers in use)10:25
P3k<lotuspsychje> what exactly in dconf-editor?10:25
lotuspsychjeP3k: not sure where exactly must be in energy options somewhere10:25
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Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: do you know if you nvidia card its a GTX?10:28
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: I have no idea. How do you check?10:29
jarnoslotuspsychje, usb mouse10:29
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Also it should actually be an Intel card, not a Nvidia card. (But I think Nvidia drivers are supposed to work on Intel cards?)10:30
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: the command that i gave doesn't show you nvidia, that makes me thinks that it could be disables from your bios, but... idk10:31
lotuspsychjeP3k: try org -> gnome -> settings-daemon -> plugins -> power10:31
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: this shows you something?  update-alternatives --set i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf10:32
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: update-alternatives: --set needs <name> <path>10:32
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: uname -mr10:34
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: 3.8.0-44-generic i68610:34
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: sudo update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf10:34
Chuck_Norrisoh! sry its a 32 bits10:35
P3k<lotuspsychje> i will try it - i must found it, cause i haven't got settings-daemon10:35
Chuck_Norrisidk what else to do xD but realy you would't believe but, the bios setting could be making all this, or may be you need to install the legacy driver10:36
jarnoslotuspsychje, effective mouse cursor position moves, but visible mouse cursor position is fixed.10:37
Chuck_Norrisoh! i am almost asleep, and my english turns very bad :p10:37
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Well, thanks for trying to help!10:37
ubuntu-userneed expert10:38
CharcoalcatI'll probably try asking again later when more people are around.10:38
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: but since lspci shows nothin, i think i could be your bios settings or a not well pluged graphic or a dead graphic -.-10:39
Chuck_Norrisit* could...10:39
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: How do I know if it's something in my bios settings?10:39
iKillCypheranyone around?10:41
* ObrienDave is not round ;P10:41
Charcoalcat!question | iKillCypher10:42
ubottuiKillCypher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:42
Chuck_Norriswell, first you gotta enter the bios by pressing a Key, in some bios you gotta press "F12" in others you gotta press "F10" and so on, then you gotta change your setting if you need it, in order to disable the integrated and enable your nvidia, lately you gotta save and exit generaly you could do that pressing "F10"10:42
iKillCypherwhy do most of the disturbation based on ubuntu isnt much updated at all10:43
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: I'll try it.10:45
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: now i remember seeing your grpihic card in dmesg, wich means, it is not bad pluged or dead10:46
philinuxiKillCypher;~ do you mean the official flavours or stuff like mint10:46
andreasHello! I am trying to learn PHP, so I am trying to get eclipse to work on ubuntu10:48
andreasafter sevral attempts at getting it to work I decided to re-install (syntax debugging)10:48
andreasbut I can't seem to re-install it,10:48
ObrienDavepurge it first10:48
andreasI tried "sudo apt-get purge eclipse"and "sudo apt-get purge eclipse*"10:48
andreasand it purged ..something10:48
andreasbut eclipse still works, even after reboot10:48
andreassynaptic can't find any installed eclipse filed10:49
andreasor if someone knows how to get geany to flag faults in my code with PHP I can use that instead10:50
=== DKPANDA is now known as DKPanda
ubonehow to pause grub boot to look thru services or export boot screen output to ~/bootout.txt?10:59
emanuelhola. buenos dias11:03
onlahow do I make it so that when I rightclick and slowly release the button on the taskbar item like terminal, it wouldnt choose and execute that command. For example now I closed this irc accidentally11:03
cyber37Any ideas about my touchscreen problem ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqR67EiIleE when i use for exemple firefox and candycrsh i can't CLICK in the game, maybe it's with the "applications who intercept the mouse movements"11:03
cyber37Or no, i can click but the boxes doesn't move for exemple11:03
cyber37like the video11:04
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: The only relevant-looking things in the BIOS are Intel(R) Rapid Start Technology and Intel(R) Smart Connect Configuration which are both disabled. Is either of those what I'm looking for?11:04
Charcoalcatcyber37: Did you try the French Ubuntu channel already?11:04
cyber37At the start of the vid i use the touchscreen (for show that it doesn't work) but at the end i try with the mouse for show that is working11:04
cyber37Charcoalcat they are not active today11:04
cyber37But yes i have already ask in #ubuntu-fr and in the forum http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=172197111:05
varelahi! any french, italian, portuguese, catalan, galician or spanish speaker here who uses ubuntu 14.10?11:06
varela(i need people who speaks theese languages because they are going to understand my problem better.... English is also valid)11:07
Charcoalcatvarela: Type "!language" and the bot will link you to that language's channel.11:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:08
CharcoalcatLike that.11:08
DJonesvarela: Probably best asking in #ubuntu-it for Italian, #ubuntu-pt for Portugese etc11:08
varelano, i'll speak in english, but i need people who speak theese languages for better understanding.11:09
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: enable, smart connect, may be that option would enable your nvidia -.-11:09
varelaI mean: i want to make a question, but catalan, galician, french, portuguese... can help me11:09
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Okay.11:10
faustvarela: ask your question, someone will answer you11:10
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
varelaok, faust. I need someone who changes his user language to Asturian, his keyboard to Asturian, and test if he can write accented letters in Ubuntu 14.1011:11
bob_hi all, is there a way to determine if, say, /dev/sdg is a USB pen storage device?11:11
varela(that's the reason, because is better a romanic speaker ;) )11:12
varelacan anyone help me? It's only change language system, keyboard, test it, and back again to your default language. Only need to know if they can type with accented letters11:12
Ben64varela: how about you actually describe your issue instead of finding someone just like you to try to recreate some random problem11:12
faustvarela: may I ask why do you need this test?11:13
varelabecause is impossible to type accented letters. I've filled a bug, but need other suggestions of people11:13
varelaBen64, I think it's no a ramdom problem. I only want confirm it, before to go ahead with the bug11:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1330041 in unity (Ubuntu) "Bad / incorrect display accented letters in Window title bar [ast]" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:14
bob_hi all, is there a way to determine if, say, /dev/sdg is a USB pen storage device?11:15
varelaWe think there are 2 bugs, not one.11:15
Ben64bob_: sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdg11:16
bob_thanks Ben64, what should i look for to determine it is a mass storage device. can't find any cue.11:19
Ben64bob_: model number?11:20
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: No change!11:20
Guest564566Hi I'm new to linux could anyone help me?11:20
bob_hmm no model number11:20
CharcoalcatGuest564566, just ask your questions.11:21
CharcoalcatGuest564566: Then anyone can answer if they know.11:21
Guest564566I'm wondering if the recent UbuntuGNOME release is stable and fully supported by the community11:21
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: would you like to install nvidia legacy?11:22
Ben64Guest564566: as much as any other ubuntu, since it is an official version11:22
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Sure, may as well. How?11:23
Ben64Charcoalcat: do you even have an nvidia gpu?11:25
CharcoalcatBen64: I don't know.11:25
Ben64looking through my logs, you have intel11:26
Ben64i see nothing about nvidia at all11:26
CharcoalcatBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8939032/ lspci.11:28
Ben64Charcoalcat: notice nothing with "nvidia" there11:29
Chuck_NorrisCharcoalcat: paste dmesg for Ben64 to see it -.-11:30
CharcoalcatBen64: dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8939079/11:31
Chuck_Norriswell, ill be afk for a couple of hours, cya Charcoalcat good luck11:31
Ben64[   21.659380] NVRM: No NVIDIA graphics adapter found!11:31
Ben64still seems like there is no nvidia11:31
CharcoalcatBen64: What should I do instead?11:31
CharcoalcatChuck_Norris: Bye, and thanks!11:31
Ben64well, use the intel driver11:32
Ben64installing nvidia will never work without an nvidia gpu11:32
CharcoalcatBen64: I tried installing from here https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intelr-graphics-installer-1.0-linux but nothing changed (it's not in Additional Drivers and I'm still in Ubuntu 2D). Is that even the right version?11:39
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ObrienDaveit's not the latest version11:40
CharcoalcatObrienDave: I ended up there because this page says the latest version doesn't work on 12.04. askubuntu.com/questions/364269/how-to-install-intel-graphics-driver-installer-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts11:41
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ObrienDave64 32 bit?11:42
CharcoalcatObrienDave: 32-bit.11:43
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ObrienDavehmm, i don't know. sorry11:46
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Thanks anyway!11:47
ObrienDavedid you try the latest version?11:47
CharcoalcatNot yet. I'm going to now.11:47
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Charcoalcat... if I can find it.11:51
Ary_Mainarthow do i uninstall samba and all files includding smb.conf?11:52
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads11:52
Ary_Mainartsudo apt-get remove samba doesent exclude /etc/samba directory11:53
Ary_Mainarti need to do a fresh and new instal of samba11:53
geirhaAry_Mainart: add --purge11:53
ObrienDavesudo apt-get purge samba11:53
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Thanks! I get this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/intel106dependency.png11:53
Ary_Mainartneeds to stop the service first?11:54
CharcoalcatTrying to install that tells me "libglib2.0-0 is already the newest version."11:54
ObrienDaveyours is probably not 2.37.x11:55
geirhaAry_Mainart: Nah, it checks and stops it automatically11:55
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, any particular reason to still be on 12.04?11:56
dayaHi Guys , I have broken state of pkg. in the state of iU shown in dpkg -l list. How to I clear that state any idea?11:56
ObrienDavedaya, sudo apt-get -f install11:57
CharcoalcatObrienDave: I don't feel like I know enough about 12.10+ or about upgrading in general to switch. Like, I don't know what kinds of things might break.11:58
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, you can go to 14.04 directly11:58
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, both are LTS11:59
dayaObrienDave: thanks :)11:59
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Yeah, but aren't there supposed to be problems with 14.04?11:59
CharcoalcatAlso I don't know if downgrading is a thing. Is it?12:00
ObrienDavei have not had any. ymmv12:00
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, not sure about downgrade12:00
ObrienDavedaya, welcome12:00
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, 14.04 LTS is up to 14.04.1 so I would hope there's no issues. no promises ;P12:02
sadCan you tel me please how can i upload - install - new firefox ?12:02
DKPANDAhow to connect to nickserver12:02
ObrienDaveDKPANDA, /nickserv12:02
k1l_Charcoalcat: make backups of your data. then upgrade. there is no downgrade besides reverting to the backups made yourselv12:02
ObrienDaveDKPANDA, ignore that. tired :)12:03
ObrienDaveDKPANDA, what are you wanting to connect to nickserv for?12:03
hateball!identify | DKPANDA12:03
ubottuDKPANDA: You can identify to NickServ automatically when connecting to freenode. See https://www.freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify for more information. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.12:03
Charcoalcatk1l_: I don't have a good way to backup data. I have two external hard drives but I get a ton of I/O errors from them on this computer.12:05
Charcoalcat(even when one of the external hard drives and this computer were both new)12:05
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, what are they formatted to? ntfs?12:06
CharcoalcatObrienDave: I'll try 14.04 sometime from a Live CD.12:06
CharcoalcatObrienDave: I'm not sure.12:06
CharcoalcatI can try and check if I can find one of them.12:06
Ary_Mainartsamba directories /etc/samba still there. smb.conf has well12:08
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Ary_Mainartsudo apt-get remove --purge samba smbclient12:08
CharcoalcatI found one! The computer isn't recognizing it, though.12:08
Ary_Mainartthe directories still there12:08
ObrienDaveAry_Mainart, purge deletes program and config files. not necessarily data directories12:08
Ary_Mainarthow do i do then??12:10
Ary_Mainarti need to remove all samba files end configs to install a fresh and new install12:10
CharcoalcatIt might only work in a certain USB port? That's how it seemed to be in the past. I have things plugged into the other ones, though.12:11
CharcoalcatOkay, it works in the port I use for the mouse but not the one I use for my speaker.12:11
CharcoalcatObrienDave: How do I check the format?12:11
ObrienDaveyou can't if it wont recognize the drive12:12
CharcoalcatObrienDave: No, I got it to see the drive now.12:12
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ObrienDaveoh, the disks  or gparted utilities would show you that. there might be another way. dunno12:13
Ary_Mainartsome one can helpme?12:13
Ary_Mainarti need to remove all samba files end configs to install a fresh and new install12:13
Ary_Mainartsudo apt-get remove --purge samba smbclient does'nt work12:14
Charcoalcat... how do I safely remove the drive without my mouse plugged in?12:14
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Ary_Mainartthe directories still there12:14
pipi-Charcoalcat: umount12:14
ObrienDaveAry_Mainart, is there any data in the directory?12:14
ObrienDavesudo apt-get purge samba smbclient12:14
Ary_Mainartand other things12:14
Charcoalcatpipi-: Thanks!12:15
Ary_MainartObrienDave, man. doesent work too. the files still there12:17
CharcoalcatAnd now it won't recognize it again.12:18
CharcoalcatThe drive is buzzing, but it doesn't show up.12:18
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, i would say that's a pretty unreliable drive for backup lol12:19
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Yep!12:19
CharcoalcatObrienDave: The USB ports are super-super-finicky (since I got the computer) so I assume it's their fault and not the drive's fault but either way still no backup.12:20
ObrienDaveAry_Mainart, you'll have to sudo into the directory above it to delete the one you want12:20
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, AH! slightly and GENTLY squeeze the outer connector shell12:20
CharcoalcatHm, if I try to unmount it through terminal, it says "the device is busy".12:20
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Outer connector shell?12:21
ObrienDaveof the USB connector12:21
Ary_Mainarti allready do that. but when i install samba again doesnt install the default smb.conf12:21
ObrienDavedelete the file12:21
CharcoalcatObrienDave: It stopped buzzing when I did that, but it still says "device is busy" and still doesn't show up.12:22
Ary_Mainartanother thing is that i am changing smb.conf in the /etc/samba and the configs doesent work.  Its like samba has another smb.conf in somewhere12:22
ObrienDaveCharcoalcat, the metal outside, very carefully squeeze it smaller on the flatter side. makes the connections a bit better ;P12:22
* ObrienDave know nothing about samba12:23
Ary_Mainartonce i made it work, but after i format and install same ubuntu stop to work12:24
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Okay, I tried but it doesn't really seem squeeze-able.12:24
ObrienDaveit takes very little to get a better connection12:25
ObrienDavei can do it with my thumb nails ;P12:25
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Still not doing anything different.12:28
Charcoalcathttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0AJ0V92485 I think it's this, if that helps.12:31
ObrienDavehmm, computer connector might be wonky12:31
CharcoalcatObrienDave: Yeah, my ports don't work well. One of them on the front has never worked.12:32
jason___coolcat cheshire12:33
ObrienDavei would check the mobo connectors then12:33
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jason___Is it possible to search facebook by email address?12:34
CharcoalcatObrienDave: I know - I have to get my dad to do it, though, so I haven't yet.12:34
k1l_!ot | jason___12:34
ubottujason___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:34
Charcoalcatjason___: It is.12:35
mips1I cant access the application menu for apps like thunderbird, firefox etc in unity 2d12:36
jason___Charcoalcat: send a link in privmsg12:39
Charcoalcatjason___: What? I don't have a link to anything.12:40
SamuraiRMbecause i banned on ubuntu-it12:40
Charcoalcat!swearing | SamuraiRM12:41
ubottuSamuraiRM: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:41
jason___Charcoalcat: When you go to facebook using https what certificate issuer and s/n do you get?12:44
Charcoalcatjason___: I don't go on Facebook, go join #ubuntu-offtopic already.12:44
ObrienDavesame as you. OT12:44
Hanumaan/usr/bin/gnome-shell is filling up complete memory any solution?12:45
thinkjsonSo... what can we do about this? http://www.gnome.org/groupon/12:49
ObrienDavei know what i'm going to do about it, nothing ROFL12:50
thinkjsonit takes 1 minute to tweet it out12:50
thinkjsonbetter than nothing12:50
ObrienDaveyou've obviously confused me for someone who cares about groupon or gnome ROFL12:51
jason___why not?12:51
SamuraiRMi speak englhesh12:52
SamuraiRMwery well12:52
thinkjsonI mean, this is really an attack on free software, not GNOME specifically12:52
ObrienDavebecause it has nothing to do with Ubuntu support12:52
SamuraiRMand i bannedon ubuntu-it12:52
SamuraiRMi banned12:53
SamuraiRMi m drunk12:53
SamuraiRMecseune me12:53
ecstoianI uninstalled something (don't know what) and now the 'Lock/Switch Account' doesn't do anything in GNOME. Any idea what can I do ?12:53
DJonesSamuraiRM: You'll need to take that up with the #ubuntu-it ops, its not something we can help with12:53
SamuraiRMok ubuntu-ops12:53
SamuraiRMthank so mach12:53
jason___ARe you ready for wahr?12:54
ragnarockhi everyone I am having ubuntu freeze problem,I have a asus X55OL nvidia 720m geforce graphics..It freezes in like every 3min12:58
mdogeragnarock: dont place the computer in the freezer12:58
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ragnarockhaha!! crrectn screen issues12:59
Tiberius_Hey guys.13:00
iKillCypherubuntu beats windows13:00
lapionis it still possible to do an upgrade of an existing system with the installation disc ?13:00
iKillCypher:3 they should make a tablet version13:00
j4s0nmchr1st0sDovid: can you deploy some wave trackers?13:00
ObrienDavelapion, with a new version, yes13:01
j4s0nmchr1st0sthru chip13:01
lapioniKillCypher, ubuntuphone13:01
ragnarockwell whom should I contact to for the graphics issue in 14.1013:01
j4s0nmchr1st0slapion: can it call standard phone numbers?13:02
iKillCyphertablet :313:03
gebruikerhow do I install my ati drivers?13:03
gebruikerand what is the default desktop on ubuntu LTS?13:04
gebruikeris this gnome?13:04
gebruikerwhy unity and not gnome?13:05
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lapionj4s0nmchr1st0s, if you install it on a device that has a phone module13:06
gebruikerso how do I get my ATI prop driver to work?13:07
lapiongebruiker, thread carefully with such flame-war topics13:07
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mips1I cant access the application menu for apps like thunderbird, firefox etc in unity 2d ubuntu 10.04 netbook13:08
gebruikerlapion, why is unity per default on ubuntu and not gnome?13:08
loaHello. I am trying to add custom line into context menu under pcmanfm. have no luck, maybe something changed? it tried this http://wiki.lxde.org/en/PCManFM#Add_own_options_to_the_files_context_menu13:08
lapioniKillCypher, well why should one differentiate.. a tablet is usually the same device without a gsm module.13:08
lapiongebruiker, because it's a ubuntu project13:09
gebruikerlapion, ugly wm dude13:09
gebruikerlapion, what do you run?13:09
lapiongebruiker doesn13:10
lapiongebruiker doesn't matter I keep such things to myself and do not chat about them.13:10
gebruikerlapion, hahaha!13:10
gebruikeri see you are one paranoid mofo13:11
gebruikerat least that is what perception it gives13:11
lapiongebruiker, has nothing to do with paranoidisms.... flame wars have started over less..13:11
* lapion doesn't like trolling..13:12
theptr_hi, i have a ubuntu 14.04lts headless server . now i want to use open vpn to connect a windows machine to it i used this guide : https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/openvpn.html but i cant configure the client side13:13
theptr_i need a opvn file or something13:13
gebruikerso why wouldn they provide an option to install kde or gnome ... seeming the spirit of the distro'?13:14
lapiongebruiker, that's why there is kubuntu, lubuntu, ubuntu-gnome and many more..13:14
lapiongebruiker, also #kubuntu #ubuntu-gnome , #lubuntu and many other nice channels to complain about unity13:15
gebruikerlapion, how about ATI drivers? Is in the rep?13:17
mestreBrasileiros na rede13:18
bartiHello guys, i need your help. I have to print the value of 1889th byte of /bin/tree file in decimal format. I should use hexdump command. Anyone know how to do that?13:19
gebruikerall this forking is retarted ubuntu kde, ubuntu gnome. Just one default installer with an "advanced option" to install from the net with other WMś13:19
gebruikerfor fuck sake13:19
iago42Add it yourself.13:19
iago42Ubuntu.org and go to downloads.13:19
gebruikerI only want one fork not multiple ones13:20
bartiI know that this exercise is stupid but, i'm trying over and over and it doesnt work.13:20
gebruikerbarti, probally not your fault13:20
iago42You must be skilled enough to do this kind of stuff yourself right? Write your own kernel module too for your drivers since you're clearly skilled enough to be barking orders at the people who do nothing but make Ubuntu better.13:20
lapiongebruiker, install ubuntu then install the kde desktop.. done13:20
gebruikerlapion, thank you bloatware...13:21
lapiongebruiker, not bloatware..13:22
gebruikerthis unity crap sucks balls13:22
gebruikerwhy on earth would they think this is user friendly13:22
j4s0nmchr1st0sSounds like french.13:24
iago42barti: hexdump . hexdump file | grep 761 maybe?13:25
bartiprobably it's not what i expected ;)13:27
iago42What kind of file is it?13:27
bartito get decimal output i tried something like13:27
iago42By binary you mean elf, correct?13:28
iago42And you're trying to get the decimal value of what?13:28
bartihexdump -e '"%010_ad - " 1/1 "%010_ad" "\n"' /bin/tree13:28
bartiof byte in position 188913:29
bartiof that file13:29
bartiform me its mindfuck13:29
iago42Well, why are you trying to do that ?13:29
gebruikerwhat version is the latest LTS? 14.04.1 right?13:29
DJonesgebruiker: 14.04.513:30
bartiits exercise13:30
gebruikerDJones, hmm I see 14.04.1 asn an iso and 14.0413:30
DJonesgebruiker: Sorry, thought you meant 12.0413:30
bartifor studies13:30
DJonesI misread & got the wrong one13:30
gebruikerDJones, is the xubuntu ... does it come with great font configuraiton like the default ubuntu?13:31
gebruikeror is it ugly browsing?13:31
DJonesgebruiker: Not sure, I don't use xubuntu13:31
aboudreaultDoes anyone know how to fix low sound issue with a Lenovo W540 ?13:31
gebruikerDJones, do you use anything other than unity? curious to know about your experience13:31
bartieverything would be okey, but when output looks like 30984 it cant be byte, right?13:32
DJonesgebruiker: I stick with Unity, I've always been quite happy with it13:32
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carlgo11_Hi I need some help installing trusty tahr. The installer freezes every time I try to install ubuntu. I copied the debug log: http://pastebin.com/0Jev5hhW13:36
lapioncarlgo11_,  what type of system ?13:37
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carlgo11_lapion: uhm ubuntu 14.04.113:38
Guest49294hi i have problem with my asrock fm2a75m-dgs motherboard in xubuntu 64bit 14.04 i have just installed the so but in record device13:38
lapioncarlgo11_, more details about the computer13:40
carlgo11_lapion: Like specs? What do you need to know?13:40
BluesKajHi folks13:41
carlgo11_lapion: Alienware Aurora R4. i7 cpu. nvidia geforce 780.13:41
carlgo11_I have the syslog here aswell if you need that13:43
carlgo11_lapion: here's the syslog http://pastebin.com/VwvGjcPQ13:46
bartianyone know irc chanel for masters of hexdump command?13:46
iago42Ah, sorry barti. I'm doing a million things at once. I think you'd be better off using gdb.13:46
iago42If you're going to be working with binary exploitation or just messing around gdb would be quite useful13:46
lapioncarlgo11_, what exactly is trhe problem13:46
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carlgo11_lapion: The installation freezes.13:47
barti<iago42>,  thanks ;)13:47
carlgo11_as in, I can let it run for a day but it doesn't do anything at all13:47
lapioncarlgo11_, try adding nomodeset to grub command line many problems arise during installation when using nvidia cards13:49
carlgo11_uhm and how do I do that?13:50
carlgo11_I'm in the desktop installation version so I don't see any where I can set parameters13:56
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ubotturino_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:00
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jaugyPlease advice me on how I can migrate my private and public keys from my old machine to my new machine. Both are running fedora14:03
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jaugyAnother question: at what time would a user be logged out of a channel with the message "excess flood"?14:03
DJonesjaugy: FOr Fedora queries, probably best to ask in #fedora14:04
inerkickI got my mobile broadband not detect or show up in network manager in my ubuntu 14.04 since yesterday14:05
inerkickkindly help14:05
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CodeGos9can i resize ext4 / partition live?14:09
ObrienDavenot while you're running the system. from a live DVD/USB yes14:11
john_doe_jrI'm trying to use sed to replace text and I an not figure it out…is there something about sed that does not work with ip addresses?14:16
john_doe_jrHere's the command I'm using: sed -i .bak 's/""/""/g' mysql.bak.sql14:16
sblivenhey, I just updated my kernel and now I can't boot14:17
lapionCodeGos9, you can resize the filesystem to something smaller than required after which you can rebot to a live system resize the partition followed by resizing the filesystem to maximum size of partition14:17
sbliveni have a fairly complicated install, with UEFI, GPT, and some software raid14:17
sblivenI've tried booting with a livecd and rerunning grub-install, but it still doesn't boot14:18
sblivenby which I mean that I get an EFI shell14:18
sblivenanyone have a suggestion for what to try next?14:19
sblivengrub-install actually reported success, which is weird14:20
sbliveni'm not sure how to even figure out whats going wrong14:20
w4yi can't install aircrack-ptw in ubuntu, how to solved?14:22
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protoss1976 /load .xchat2/budus.so14:27
sblivenanyone here know about UEFI?14:37
k1l_!uefi | sbliven14:37
ubottusbliven: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:37
sblivenI mean enough to help me getting my system booting again14:38
EriC^^sbliven: what's your problem?14:38
jvwjgameswhat is a .package file14:38
sblivenI upgraded the kernel and now I always get an EFI shell14:38
rgenitoare there any other ways to free space on /boot other than taking the previous versions of the kernel and performing an apt-get remove, apt-get purge, apt-get clean...?14:38
rgenitoi cannot upgrade my OS because there's not enough space in /boot ... this happens all the time (ubuntu devs, WHY do you keep on insisting to partition this drive so damn small?)14:39
sblivenEric^^: I've tried booting from livecd and running grub-install14:39
rgenitobut i have run out of solutions now :(14:39
EriC^^rgenito: you partitioned it14:39
ObrienDavergenito, why did YOU make it so small?14:40
EriC^^by default you dont get a seperate boot14:40
sblivenit reports no errors, but doesn't work14:40
rgenitoEriC^^, no, i didn't14:40
EriC^^rgenito: yes you did14:40
rgenitoObrienDave, i let Ubuntu set it up.14:40
rgenitoEriC^^, no, i didn't. i'm the one that tells you whether i did or not :P14:40
carlgo11_I need some help installing Ubuntu desktop 14.04. The installation window freezzes. Here's the syslog http://pastebin.com/08Jr9uPD14:40
sblivenrgenito: can't you just delete some recovery kernels?14:40
k1l_sbliven: how did you upgrade the kernel?14:40
ObrienDaveit does NOT make separate /boot by default14:41
rgenitosbliven, good question ... by "recovery kernels", do you mean the previously installed kernels?14:41
vchavHi all, How can I know when iptables have been changed?14:41
sblivenk1l_: apt-get upgrade14:41
rgenitoi already removed the previously installed kernels14:41
kahtahs_rgenito: it's not the default option. you at least clicked on using LVM or sth14:41
EriC^^sbliven: boot a live usb14:41
sblivenok, now what?14:41
rgenitokahtahs_, i clicked "encrypt my drive" or whatever it was. so ya, why did devs do that? :P i didn't do anything manual.14:42
kahtahs_rgenito: selecting LVM and then not knowing how to resize partitions which is one of LVMs main-features..14:42
EriC^^sudo parted -l14:42
rgenitoahhh i see what you mean14:42
rgenitokahtahs_, EriC^^ sbliven i'll pastie up some info14:42
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jvwjgamescan anyone tell me what a .package file is14:43
sblivenEriC^^: Ok, I'm seeing my efi1 partition as expected14:43
k1l_jvwjgames: where did you get it from=?14:43
VivaceHey all, not sure if this is the best place to ask but I had 14.04 LTS installed on my Macbook Pro as a dual boot using rEFInd. Everything was going smoothly but rEFIND no longer shows it's boot menu on startup, thus I can't get to my Ubunut partition anymore. Is anyone here familiar with rEFInd?14:43
EriC^^sbliven: ok do you see your main ubuntu installation?14:44
rgenitomy drive setup: http://pastie.org/private/vaqkgvqxi5hydo3obotza14:44
EriC^^sbliven: please paste it in paste.ubuntu.com if possible14:44
rgenitoi guess the question now is, "how do i upgrade my ubuntu? ;("14:44
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EriC^^rgenito: use an old kernel to boot14:45
EriC^^rgenito: free up space in /boot and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:45
rgenitoEriC^^, check out my past: http://pastie.org/private/vaqkgvqxi5hydo3obotza14:46
EriC^^rgenito: i did14:46
rgenitoah ok14:46
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jvwjgamesi got it from gsite.worldforge.com it is a server software14:46
rgenitoi'm not sure how to use an old kernel to boot, i don't think i have any kernel there14:46
rgenitoerr, i only have 1 now, right?14:46
EriC^^rgenito: hold shift while the pc boots to get grub then select advanced14:46
jvwjgamesgsite.worldforge.org not com sorry14:46
sblivenEriC^^: I'm using the cli installer, so I can't paste easily14:47
EriC^^rgenito: i dont think so14:47
VivaceIf no one is available to help me at the moment, could you direct me to a place where I can look? (In regards to help with problems dual booting on Macbook Pro using rEFInd)14:47
rgenitoEriC^^, i also updated the grub boot loader to remove the old kernels :(14:47
k1l_jvwjgames: run that file in terminal. give it execute flag and then run it14:47
EriC^^rgenito: try holding shift14:48
rgenitoEriC^^, ok so after i boot, how do i free up space in /boot without damaging my system? as in, do you know what i can google to find a safe list (on ubuntu) for what to keep in /boot ?14:48
EriC^^rgenito: if you used apt-get autoremove, you should still have the last 2 kernels14:48
EriC^^sbliven: sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:48
EriC^^sbliven: sudo parted -l | pastebinit14:48
sblivenok, i'll try that14:49
WhereIsMySpoonHi - I'd just like to bring http://www.gnome.org/groupon/ to the attention of #ubuntu, seen as gnome is quite integrated with the ubuntu distro...hope you guys are able to share this issue14:49
EriC^^rgenito: remove the initrd and vmlinuz of old kernels in /boot14:49
rgenitoEriC^^, i thought you said you saw my pastie? i ls'd my boot directory, and i dont have any old stuff. or do i?14:50
EriC^^rgenito: remove a couple, then install the latest kernel and apt-get purge the old kernels ( including the ones you manually removed the initrd and vmlinuz of  )14:50
EriC^^rgenito: ah just saw the partitions list14:50
EriC^^rgenito: /boot seems to have free space14:51
rgenitoi need 190 MB free space14:52
rgenitoonly have 150 ;(14:52
k1l_WhereIsMySpoon: usually we try to keep this channel technical support only. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for topics besides technical support14:52
rgenitooh wait, needs a total of 197 MB free space @.@14:52
WhereIsMySpoonk1l_: aye but I felt this was kinda important enough to come here14:52
VivaceAgain, seeking help with rEFInd related issues for dual booting on macbook pro. If you can't help, a nudge in the right direction of where to look would be super helpful.14:53
sblivenVivace: I feel your pain. wish I could help14:54
EriC^^rgenito: try deleting initrd.img-3.13.0-37-generic.dpkg-bak14:54
jvwjgamesok i installed it14:55
Vivacesbliven: appreciate the sentiment. Haven't really dabbled in IRC communities a whole lot so I'm trying not to be a nuisance.14:56
sblivenEriC^^: Ok, finally got pastebinit working. http://paste.ubuntu.com/894209814:59
sblivenbasically, sda/sdb/sdc are for data and can be ignored15:01
jvwjgamesit says executables installed15:01
sblivensdd3 and sde3 are RAID0 and are mounted at /15:01
VivaceSeeking help with rEFInd related issues for dual booting 14.04 and OSX on macbook pro. Any help or links to resources would really help. THanks15:02
sblivenwell, normally mounted there15:02
jvwjgamesbut i can't find them15:02
k1l_jvwjgames: see the guide from the 3rd party you got that package from.15:02
smacktalkso I have a pc that I've been using with freenas and I want to convert it to an ubuntu box, but still be able to see the 2x1T drives as nas storage15:03
k1l_jvwjgames: it didnt use the ubuntu package system so we cant know15:03
smacktalkhow would I install the os?15:03
smacktalkwhat would the file system look like?15:03
sblivenEriC^^: I was hoping that mirroring the boot disks would increase reliability and performance, but so far it has just lead to massive headaches15:05
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sblivenIs there a way to verify an efi partition?15:08
sblivenI'm pretty sure that I'm booting to the right disk (there's only one option available in UEFI)15:09
sblivenSo then what could be preventing grub from displaying?15:10
dzxubuntu user15:12
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MrJonesis the python3-requests package of ubuntu 14 lts broken?15:13
MrJonesI installed it but import requests still gives me no such module in python315:13
MrJonesin python (2.7 default) it works fine15:13
VivaceSeeking help with issues relating to rEFInd on macbook pro dual boot. Any tidbits of info help. AskUbuntu post: https://askubuntu.com/questions/548345/issues-relating-to-refind-dual-boot-on-macbook-pro-14-04-lts15:14
rgenitoEriC^^, heya thanks! just saw your message15:14
rgenitoi didn't realize that was a "-bak", thanks :)15:15
sblivenso where does grub live in an EFI install?15:16
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MrJonesany python person3 around who can verify python3-requests works for them?15:16
sblivenFrom my EFI partition I see /boot/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg, which is only 3 lines long15:17
MrJonestest case is apt-get install python3-requests and then launch "python3" on the command line and try: import requests15:17
MrJonesworks if it gives no error15:17
kahtahs_MrJones: use google: http://askubuntu.com/questions/504068/how-to-install-requests-module-for-python315:17
kahtahs_so it works15:17
sblivenIs that sufficient to get a grub prompt, or does it need to handle filesystems/software raid to even show a prompt?15:18
MrJoneskahtahs_: reboot? really?15:18
MrJonesI'd still suggest something is broken if it requires a reboot t owork15:18
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kahtahs_you shouldn't need to. but no idea how messed up your python3 env is15:18
MrJoneswell apparently the person on the question you linked had the same issue15:19
MrJonesthe simple line python3 -c "import requests" suggested indeed fails for me15:19
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gebruikerhow can I share my local printer which is conntected to my ubuntu box with a windows laptop, so that they can print from their laptop?15:26
MrJonesis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug redirecting me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs a bug, or does that mean I'm somehow locked out for violating the etiquette or something?15:28
ljosberinnhm, i'm trying to open some ports on one of the machines i'm trying to connect to... i managed to open one but the other one is a bit "failing"...15:29
k1l_!bug | MrJones use the cli command15:29
ubottuMrJones use the cli command: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:29
ljosberinnso, i did "sudo ufw allow 53"15:30
ljosberinnsudo ufw status responded with: Status: active15:30
ljosberinnand there is a line15:30
SlartMrJones: same thing here.. so it's not just you... at least there's two of us =)15:30
ljosberinn53/tcp                     ALLOW       Anywhere15:30
MrJonesk1l_: ugh that tool seems awful >.>15:30
ljosberinnhowever, when i try to check if that port is opened (from some other machine) like this "nc -zv 53"15:31
MrJonessend problem report?15:31
MrJonesfor WHAT even15:31
MrJonesI haven't even told the thing what is wrong D:15:31
ljosberinni get "nc: connect to port 53 (tcp) failed: Connection refused"15:31
k1l_MrJones: what?15:31
sblivenwhat's the current version of grub2?15:31
MrJonesI don't get this tool...15:31
rgenitoEriC^^, so, i got to install ... by installing 1 "boot" item at a time :D15:31
sbliveni have 2.02~beta2-9ubuntu115:31
rgenito...instead of just installing everything from their installer15:31
k1l_MrJones: that is no rocket science.15:31
MrJoneswhat isn't? the tool?15:32
MrJoneswell it offers me to send a report15:32
sblivenI'm not sure how I got the beta, but maybe its broken?15:32
MrJonesand I haven't even told it about the bug15:32
k1l_MrJones: did you not want to report a bug?15:32
rgenitoEriC^^, thanks for the help :)15:32
MrJonesI do but what am I even reporting??15:32
k1l_MrJones: it will open a filebrowser where you can comment15:32
sblivenrgenito: congrats15:32
k1l_MrJones: but i dont want to help you anymore with your attitude. gl15:32
MrJoneswhat *I* want to report is that python3 -c "import requests" fails15:33
EriC^^rgenito: no problem :)15:33
MrJoneshowever what the tool wants to report is... something I don't know15:33
roboteerharrys cool15:33
roboteerlol jk15:33
EriC^^sbliven: the bios looks for the efi partition and efibootmgr -v will tell you which .efi file is loaded15:33
MonkeyDustMrJones  i havent followed... so you first want to find out whats wrong... what are the symptoms?15:33
k1l_!test | roboteer_  roboteer15:33
ubotturoboteer_  roboteer: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:33
kahtahs_sbliven: apt-cache policy grub215:33
EriC^^sbliven: ( shimx64.efi for secureboot or grubx64.efi )15:34
MrJonesMonkeyDust: no I just don't understand what the tool is doing :D I looked at the report with view report, it has no mention of the import problem. what is it even reporting? why doesn't it ask me what I even wanted to report in the first place? :/15:34
MrJonesam I supposed to just report and then add the details later?15:34
MonkeyDustMrJones  what tool?15:34
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MrJonesMonkeyDust: the specific thing I want to report is after apt-get install python3-requests doing python3 -c "import requests" fails15:35
kahtahs_MrJones: is that even on a clean install?15:35
MrJonesubuntu-bug, someone just told me I was supposed to use it when I said the report bug link on the website appears to be broken15:35
k1l_MrJones: did you even read the guide how to file a bug? i even told you that ubuntu-bug will collect package informations and will open a filebrowser where you can report the incident with the package15:35
k1l_MrJones: but you seem to be allmighty that you can do simple tasks.15:35
MonkeyDustMrJones  what's the output of    cat /etc/issue15:35
MrJonesI'm just used to regular bug trackers15:36
MrJonesand the tool isn't very talky... it doesn't tell me if it's supposed to be a finished report or not15:36
sblivenkahtahs_: beta2-9 seems to be current for trusty. It's a bit unsettling that grub is still in beta for a LTS15:36
MrJonesanyway, I just tried sending and that seems what I was supposed to do15:36
EriC^^sbliven: do you know which is your ubuntu installation?15:36
MrJonesMonkeyDust: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l15:36
jakob4Hey! Could you guys help us settle an arumgnet at the office? :) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12VUUjzOWMWwJiIiNcR620FppV4eUgbceB4ofSIG0eHk/viewform?usp=send_form15:37
sblivenEriC^^: efibootmgr reports shimx64.efi. Could it be a problem with using secureboot?15:37
k1l_!ot | jakob415:37
ubottujakob4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:37
EriC^^sbliven: if it was working before i don't think so15:37
EriC^^sbliven: try to reinstall grub15:37
sblivenwith apt-get?15:38
sblivenshould I back some things up?15:38
sbliven*what should I back up?15:38
EriC^^sbliven: no, just grub-install15:39
EriC^^sbliven: mount the ubuntu installation15:39
EriC^^sbliven: at /mnt then mount the efi partition at /mnt/boot/efi15:39
sblivenEriC^^: grub-install /dev/sdd1 finishes and reports no errors15:40
* frrrfrr please visit new webchat http://www.ChatSocial.org para chatear, pasen la voz http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org15:40
sblivenEriC^^: I'm rebooting, but I'm not optimistic.15:40
* frrrfrr please visit new webchat http://www.ChatSocial.org para chatear, pasen la voz http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org15:40
EriC^^sbliven: that's not how15:40
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EriC^^sbliven: you have to chroot15:41
EriC^^into your ubuntu installation15:41
* liam_ waves15:41
EriC^^then grub-install15:41
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sblivenyeah, i did that15:41
EriC^^you did sudo chroot /mnt ?15:41
kahtahs_sbliven: beta tag can mean very different things depending on upstream15:42
sbliveni was working from the recovery disk, using a shell on my root filesystem15:42
EriC^^sbliven: oh ok15:42
EriC^^update-grub then15:42
* frrrfrr please visit new webchat http://www.ChatSocial.org para chatear, pasen la voz http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org http://www.ChatSocial.org15:42
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EriC^^sbliven: also i think you should install grub to the disk not the partition15:42
EriC^^sbliven: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdd15:42
EriC^^if sdd is what the bios is booting15:43
sblivenyeah, that's a good point15:43
sblivenbut I'm not sure how to check15:43
kaswawho r u?15:43
sblivenI've tried grub-install on /dev/sde as well, which is also bootable15:43
bipolarI have a new System76 laptop with an internal SD card reader. SD cards show up as mmcblk devices. It works as I expect, unless the SD card is formatted with exfat. I've installed the exfat packages, and I can mount the card manually. However it doesn't show up in the file manager when I plug it in. Has anyone solved this issue for themselves? I'm running 14.10. Strangely it does show up on my 12.04 system, although that's a USB SD card reader and the parti15:44
bipolartions are sd* device files.15:44
sblivenis there a way to check? The volume names in my BIOS aren't helpful15:44
sblivencan I check guids or something15:44
EriC^^sbliven: efibootmgr -v mentions something like HD(1,.......)15:45
bipolarOn this internal sd card reader, the cards show up as mmcblk devices15:45
EriC^^don't know what that number means, i just checked and it's not the partition's uuid15:45
EriC^^but i think it should say which partition to look for the .efi files15:45
sblivenmy setup is further complicated by the fact that I'm booting a raid partition, so the GUID is different15:46
EriC^^sbliven: i think the HD(1, means partition 115:46
james0rjust upgraded to 14.10 from 14.04 and my display always boots up dim now. my controls work to increase the backlight but always resets to about 50% after reboot.15:46
EriC^^what's your efibootmgr say15:46
mydog2hey guys.. just created a new user as a test.. however, I don't see the .ssh dir in the user's dir...15:47
mydog2how/where does this get created in ubuntu?15:47
EriC^^mydog2: maybe you have to login using the user15:47
EriC^^sudo login <user>15:47
MonkeyDustmydog2  did you install openss-client and/or -server?15:47
MonkeyDustmydog2  did you install openssh-client and/or -server?15:47
k1l_mydog2: the folders get created when they are needed15:48
k1l_mydog2: so if the user uses a program/command that needs that folder it gets created.15:48
mydog2MonkeyDust, - um.. i didn't install either.. there are other users on the vm.. they do have .ssh dirs15:48
sblivenEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8942852/15:48
geoffmccmydog2: the folder gets created when user first uses ssh15:48
mydog2geoffmcc,  -so i just need to fire up ssh as the user. hmm.. i'll test it15:49
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geoffmccmydog2: if you try to ssh from that user it will get generated15:49
sblivenmydog2: it's safe to just create it yourself15:49
k1l_mydog2: but you can create those folder by yourself anytime15:49
geoffmccmydog2: you can also just make on own15:49
k1l_just make sure you dont fiddle as the wrong owner in the other users home15:49
mydog2geoffmcc,  -thanks.. it's there.. 'ppreciate it..15:50
sblivenEriC^^:The hash isn't one of my blkids15:50
sblivenEriC^^: sudo blkid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8942397/15:51
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sblivenOddly, I have yet another ID in my /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8942395/15:54
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sblivenHowever, that was the case earlier when things were working, so that file must be using some other id system15:55
EriC^^sbliven: the id in grub.cfg is the root partition's uuid15:55
sbliventhat's not reported by blkid?15:55
EriC^^it is15:56
EriC^^that's odd15:56
EriC^^it isn't in blkid15:56
EriC^^this is mine search.fs_uuid c65ac418-c145-4a7c-b965-1308aa595d24 root hd0,gpt515:57
EriC^^blkid /dev/sda5: UUID="c65ac418-c145-4a7c-b965-1308aa595d24" TYPE="ext4"15:57
EriC^^sbliven: if grub can't find the root partition it sohuld give you a grub> prompt though not an efi one15:58
EriC^^sbliven: so something else is up too, unless you are getting a grub prompt?15:58
sblivenno, never15:59
sbliventhis low level stuff is so frustrating to debug15:59
EriC^^sbliven: try to reinstall grub16:00
EriC^^apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed16:00
EriC^^( if you're using amd64 )16:00
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto16:00
EriC^^i think it should install stuff in the efi partition again16:00
sblivenok, i'll try that16:01
sblivenmaybe I'll try just rm /boot/efi/EFI after backing it up16:02
turtle8120Has anyone tried the AMD A10-5800K APU for gaming on ubuntu? Will it work?16:04
sblivena further annoyance is that dns doesn't work from my recovery shell16:05
rgenitoturtle8120, is that the quadcore?16:05
rgenitoi have a system with that, but i dont use it for gaming. because well... i use linux...16:05
k1l_turtle8120: why should it not work?16:05
rgenitobut i dont think the processing is that great...it's kind of sh*t.16:05
rgenitoi even had 16GB of RAM16:05
turtle8120I've heard that people have had problems with the graphics driver i\on ubunu16:06
rgenitomaybe the hard drive was the issue... because now i'm using an SSD (totally different system tho, different CPU, but ya same RAM ...)16:06
rgenitoturtle8120, i had no problems with the graphic drive tho. i also ran 2 monitors16:07
rgenitoi'm having more issues with this new system and this radeon 797016:07
turtle8120have you tried any games?16:07
rgenitoi use it just for a workstation16:07
EriC^^sbliven: wait what?16:09
EriC^^sbliven: no16:09
sblivenEriC^^: ?16:09
turtle8120rgenito okay thank you16:09
EriC^^sbliven: ah ok, i misread i thought you said /boot16:10
EriC^^sbliven: did the /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg change to a uuid in blkid?16:11
rgenitonp turtle8120 :)16:11
rgenitogood luck!16:11
NikThReminder: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/  - starts tomorrow !16:12
sblivenEriC^^: reinstalling grub, update-grub, install-grub didn't work16:13
sblivenEriC^^: I'll check the new grub.cfg after I reboot to live usb, but I'm thinking that it shouldn't match in my case16:14
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EriC^^sbliven: i think the efibootmgr needs adjusting16:14
sblivenEriC^^: Because my root is a software raid, and blkid seems to only show hardware partitions16:14
EriC^^sbliven: that would explain the efi prompt16:14
EriC^^sbliven: oh ok16:15
sblivenEriC^^: I haven't used efibootmgr much.16:15
EriC^^sbliven: you can make a new entry to test it16:15
facebergHi everyone. Someone here knows how to use the Facebook API16:16
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu1" -p 1 -d /dev/sdd16:16
EriC^^sbliven: ^^16:17
somsipfaceberg: that's way off topic here. Try the FB SDK API docs16:17
sblivenEriC: btw, grub.cfg was regenerated identically16:18
facebergsomsip: I know that. I already try it...16:19
sblivenEriC^^: Ok, now I get another boot option with efibootmgr -v16:19
sblivendifferent hash thing16:19
Endrisbliven: How r u?16:19
EndriI need yr help.16:20
EriC^^sbliven: cool16:20
EndriCan u help me?16:20
EriC^^sbliven: try it, i think it should work16:20
somsipEndri: just state your problem and someone will help if they can16:20
EndriOK! Thnx16:20
EriC^^sbliven: use the boot options to select it in your pc16:20
EndriMysql sent this error.16:21
EndriMysql error: "Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were not closed cleanly.."16:21
EriC^^sbliven: or change the boot order with sudo efibootmgr -o <number>,<number>16:21
EriC^^sbliven: so it boots first16:21
sblivenEriC^^: I see it in my BIOS list, but it still drops me immediately to an EFI shell16:21
EriC^^sbliven: oh16:21
EndriR u there?16:22
Endrisomsip: Any idea?16:22
sblivenOne thing I noticed is that some of the boot options start with UEFI: USB 2.016:22
EriC^^sbliven: maybe you should install grub to the other partition sde ?16:22
sblivenbut the ubuntu ones don't16:22
sblivenmaybe its a bios problem?16:22
somsipEndri: it means what it says. What's your question?16:22
EriC^^sbliven: no that's for booting the usb in uefi16:22
EriC^^sbliven: it's normal16:22
EndriI have problem with mysql16:22
EndriThis is problem: "Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were not closed cleanly.."16:23
EriC^^sbliven: ubuntu ones don't start with uefi16:23
EndriAny idea?!16:23
somsipEndri: that's information output. What is the problem? Is the table check not completing?16:23
LarsNI'm on an ubuntu 14.04 box, trying to ssh to a CentOS 6.5.  I'm trying to configure X forwarding.  I have xauth installed, and sshd configured to allow xforwarding (without localhost).16:23
sblivenso if it lacks the "UEFI:" prefix it doesn't imply that it's expecting an MBR?16:23
EndriJust second pls!16:23
EriC^^sbliven: nope16:23
EriC^^sbliven: try to install on sde maybe16:24
EriC^^and try16:24
EriC^^sudo efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu2" -p 1 -d /dev/sde16:24
sblivenEriC^^: I'll try that16:24
sb1980maHi! How can I use network manager to restrict a VPN connection to certain IPs and domains only?16:24
sblivenEriC^^: I'm looking over Bios options. It's set to 'Legacy OpROM' with an option for 'UEFI OpROM'16:25
LarsNwhen I login to the remote machine Ig et errors like the following:  /usr/bin/xauth: creating new authority file in /home/user/.Xauthority \n /usr/bin/xauth: (stdin):1:  bad display name "ip-10-10-10-10:11.0" in "remove" command16:25
EriC^^sbliven: maybe set it to UEFI16:25
EriC^^if it's not set16:25
EriC^^sbliven: also look into what is being mounted by the recovery disk, try df -Th16:25
EriC^^so you know what is being mounted and where grub is being installed etc16:26
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EriC^^sbliven: check the /etc/fstab of your ubuntu installation and see which efi partition it mounts as /boot/efi16:27
EriC^^it'll tell us which one we need to install to16:27
sblivenI've been mounting /dev/sdd from my fstab16:29
sblivenbut that doesn't necessarily mean it's the right one16:29
trijntje!uuid | sbliven16:29
ubottusbliven: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:29
trijntjeyou should use uuid instead of /dev/sdX, since X can change between boots16:30
giogiouhi everyone!16:30
EriC^^giogiou: hello!16:30
sblivenThanks, trijntje, but would that account for my failure to even boot grub?16:30
giogioui have an important question on installing 32 bit sw on 64 bit... can someone help me?16:31
EriC^^sbliven: no16:31
tehbasshunterIs it possible to run Ubuntu server on a netbook or am I asking a rhetorical question?16:31
EriC^^sbliven: bios > .efi > no efi > efi prompt16:31
hdj_lo ist einer16:31
trijntjesbliven: I dont know, I dont know about efi stuff16:31
trijntjehi hdj_16:31
trijntjegiogiou: ask away16:31
hdj_ich kan sie nich verstehen16:31
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:32
giogiouthaks! ^^ i have to intall eagle cad on ubuntu 64 bit 14.10 utopic...16:32
sblivenactually, my fstab _is_ using UUIDs16:32
giogioui've already tried th ai32-libs things... but nothing worked16:32
hdj_i have cool16:32
giogioups: i have the "run" file16:32
EriC^^sbliven: ok, so which partition is it mounting as /boot/efi ?16:32
hdj_ist das hier echt oder16:33
somsip!de | hdj_16:33
ubottuhdj_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:33
hdj_ich bin new hier16:33
MonkeyDusthdj_  nein es ist falsch16:33
tehbasshunterWell that quickly escalated16:33
MonkeyDusthdj_  this is the support channel, where you can come for help, without using profane language16:34
sblivenEriC^^: here's my df -Th: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894361316:34
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EriC^^sbliven: i'd chroot without the recovery disk16:35
sblivenYou mean run it without chrooting?16:35
EriC^^sbliven: how did the problem start btw?16:35
EriC^^sbliven: no i mean manually chroot16:36
EriC^^sbliven: boot a live usb and mount the partitions and chroot16:36
EriC^^sbliven: /boot/efi isn't mounted16:36
sbliventhe recovery cd automatically chroots for me16:36
onlaHey yo. I'm looking for a command to calculate used (private) memory of all processes that include a string prvodided along the command? like ps |grep chrome but something like getting the memory info added together16:37
sbliveni forgot to mount efi though16:37
MonkeyDustonla  if you don't get an answer here, try asking in #bash16:37
EriC^^sbliven: if it was a little bright it would use /etc/fstab to see what it needs to mount16:37
EriC^^sbliven: i'd chroot manually16:37
sblivenEriC^^: It adds a line '/dev/sdd1    vfat    ... /boot/efi'16:38
onlaMonkeyDust: ok tks16:38
sblivenok, I'll try rebooting with the GUI live cd16:38
sulabhplz any one tell me how to change mac address in ubuntu16:38
somsiponla: http://www.vincentliefooghe.net/node/104 and http://overloaded.io/finding-process-memory-usage-linux are possibles16:38
skippy70does anyone know the cause of graphical glitches in a gui?16:38
ObrienDavewhat kind of glitches?16:39
skippy70it thinks that's the top of the screen when it's a bit off16:40
EriC^^sbliven: how did the problem start btw?16:40
skippy70i don't know16:41
skippy70i know if i reset my computer it will probably work, but that's not a fix to this problem i don't think16:41
skippy70i think that's going around the problem16:41
sblivenEriC^^: Standard apt-get upgrade this morning. I noticed some kernel updates but didn't think anything about it16:41
ObrienDaveskippy70, except for the big orange rectangle, it looks pretty good to me :)16:42
sblivenEriC^^: Installing on sde didn't work, btw16:42
skippy70ObrienDave, the orange rectangle shows up when you drag your window to the very top of the screen, it's a shortcut, to make the window full screen16:42
sulabhplz any one tell me how to change mac address in ubuntu16:43
sblivensulabh: for one thing, not all network cards support changing mac16:43
ObrienDaveskippy70, sorry, i don't know16:43
MonkeyDustskippy70  what's wrong with that screen?16:44
geoffmccsulabh: if it a wireless ,and supported i think aircrack has a mac changing tool16:44
Specsulabh: it likely does, however: ifconfig <interface> hw ether <mac>16:44
skippy70MonkeyDust, nothing except for the glitch16:44
Specalternatively, ip link set <interface> address <mac>16:44
skippy70if i restart the computer it will probably fix itself, but i want to understand the underlying cause16:45
sulabh<sbliven> : it has been changed by using [ ifconfig wlan0 hw ether "new mac" ] but after it is not connecting with internet16:45
MonkeyDustskippy70  i can see nothing wrong16:45
skippy70MonkeyDust, you see that orange rectangle?16:45
skippy70it's supposed to show up when it hits that grey bar on top16:46
skippy70but it's coming up short16:46
bowiz2Running ubuntu server 12.04 32bit and having trouble installing a printer driver and having it show up in the CUPS interface. The drivers come in the form of a .deb file which I install using dpkg, but they do not appear in the selection of drivers CUPS gives me. Any ideas?16:46
MonkeyDustskippy70  yes, looks like a selection rectangle to me16:46
skippy70no, that rectangle is going to make the window full screen16:46
skippy70just drag your window up and let go it will become full screen16:46
skippy70i'm on ubuntu 14.0416:47
ObrienDavemine is set to jump to next workspace. xfce :)16:47
onlasomsip: thank you16:47
skippy70this might sound like a stupid question, but is 14.10 a different os than 14.0416:49
avp__how to determine which daemon initializes Download, Upstart or systemd through command line16:51
avp__how to determine which daemon initializes download - Upstart or systemd through command line16:55
MrElendigavp__: what?16:55
MrElendigthat is not making any sense16:55
inzi_can anyone here help me out with kubuntu16:55
beefmanif i'm going to migrate an existing single drive setup to software raid, are there compelling reasons for or against gpt or mbr?  can i make the whole disk the raid partition if using gpt or do i need some separate partition outside the array?16:55
MrElendigcan you rephrase please?16:55
gelosis there a way to limit scp in ubuntu to not use all instance network traffic ?16:55
bowiz2Anybody here know anything about installing print drivers through the command line for use with CUPS?16:55
MrElendigbeefman: use gpt16:56
sulabhspec: ya16:56
inzi_My kubuntu installer is crashing at the keyboard layout any solution16:56
MrElendigbowiz2: apt-get install thedriverpackage16:56
gelosI have a problem when transferring file from server that its causing all other network services to break16:56
beefmanMrElendig: is it safe to allocate the whole drive to the raid partition, or will i need a separate one?  What makes gpt better if i'm under 2 TB?16:57
bowiz2MrElendig: If I have it in the form of a .deb?16:57
Specgelos: scp -l #16:57
Specgelos: where # is the limit in Kbit/s16:57
Specgelos: but you have a different problem you should solve16:57
MrElendigbeefman: no silly 4 partition limit, PART(LABEL|UUID), backup table at the end of the disk and more16:57
gelosSpec: ?16:58
geoffmccgelos: http://www.tecmint.com/scp-commands-examples/  check out the limiting bandwith section16:58
Specgelos: scp shouldn't be breaking your network, so you have a network issue16:58
gelosthanks geoffmcc16:58
MrElendigbeefman: it is just much nicer to work with16:58
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sblivenEriC^^: Ok, after some googling I got a manual chroot working16:58
gelosSpec: its an internal vm on esx and transferring files from 1 to the other16:58
gelosI've used traffic shaper to maximize it to 6MB/s16:59
MrElendigbowiz2: I don't know what you have16:59
beefmanMrElendig: ok, those sound good.  Do i need to do anything special for it though?  I'm following this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1832812 that makes no mention of gpt.  I don't want to do it all and then realize i have to start over to make room for <some weird boot requirement incompatible w/ software raid>16:59
sblivenEriC^^: Are we hoping this will tell me something new?16:59
MrElendigbowiz2: since you havn't told me16:59
EriC^^sbliven: so you mounted the ubuntu installation16:59
DundeeHi need help with ubuntu 14.10 error: systemd-logind[1420]: Failed to start unit user@1000.service16:59
bowiz2MrElendig: Running ubuntu server 12.04 32bit and having trouble installing a printer driver and having it show up in the CUPS interface. The drivers come in the form of a .deb file which I install using dpkg, but they do not appear in the selection of drivers CUPS gives me.16:59
MrElendigbeefman: are you going to be booting off the array?16:59
EriC^^sbliven: did you check the fstab there and mount the efi partition it is using? ( since you have 2 efi partitions )16:59
beefmanmrelendig: yes17:00
MrElendigbeefman: grub?17:00
beefmanmoving from one drive to a pair, raid117:00
bowiz2MrElendig: The file, if it matters, is print-drivers-linux-glibc2-x86.deb17:00
DundeeTried everything to fix ubuntu 14.10 error: systemd-logind[1420]: Failed to start unit user@1000.service17:00
MrElendigyou would have to make a small partition to embed grub on then, otherwise there is no difference17:00
sblivenEriC^^: The unity-based livecd doesn't mount an efi partition17:00
MrElendigDundee: that shouldn't be fatal17:00
beefmanMrElendig: is that outside the array, or inside it?  i already have a boot partition on my current drive17:01
MrElendigbeefman: outside17:01
DundeeMrElendig: Cannot log in, get black screen17:01
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MrElendigbeefman: because with gpt there is no post-mbr gap big enough for grub to embed in17:01
MrElendigDundee: C-A-F217:01
EriC^^sbliven: yes, we will mount the partitions17:01
MrElendigDundee: do that get you a terminal?17:02
sblivenEriC^^: The fstab just finds my swap partitions, nothing else17:02
EriC^^sbliven: ok17:02
EriC^^sbliven: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:02
sblivenEriC^^: I installed mdadm and got the arrays mounted17:02
DundeeMrElendig: Yeah that where I ran dmesg to see the problem17:02
Guest95731Hello i did a clean install erasing my previos os of ubuntu 14.04. I have 2gb ram and intel cor 2 duo processor i have read about swap and i havent added any. will this cause any issue? Thanks17:03
MrElendigI doubt that is the real problem17:03
MrElendigjournalctl -b -u whateverdmyouareusing17:03
MrElendigGuest95731: 1. fix your nick  2. probably not17:03
sblivenEriC^^: here's the fstab from the livecd: paste.ubuntu.com/894411717:03
dllama1hey guys, i'm very very far from a server guy so i'm hoping u guys can help me out.  i tried to upgrade postgres from 9.1 -> 9.3, (well i treid 9.4 but that really didn't work out at all so 9.3 seemed to have worked).  but rather than upgrading, i now have 9.1 and 9.3, how can i get previous db's and settings copied over to 9.3 so that it relaly is an upgrade and not just another installation?17:03
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MrElendigdllama: dump and restore17:04
EriC^^sbliven: we need to mount the installation first17:04
MrElendigdllama: postgres comes with a tool to do it even17:04
EriC^^sbliven: please install pastebinit17:04
DundeeMrElendig:  I am using gnome-shell 3.1417:04
sblivenEriC^^: here's my current mount: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894412217:04
dllamaMrElendig: pg_dump u mean?17:04
MrElendigdllama:  su - postgres -c 'pg_upgrade -b /opt/pgsql-9.2/bin/ -B /usr/bin/ -d /var/lib/postgres/data-9.2 -D /var/lib/postgres/data'17:05
dllama9.3 is compalining about peer authentication now, so i guess i have to tackle that first17:05
MrElendigdllama: change paths as needed17:05
dllamaooh will try that, thank you!17:05
MrElendigman pg_upgrade for detail17:05
EriC^^sbliven: ok, first chill17:05
MrElendig(the paths I listed will not be correct for you)17:05
EriC^^sbliven: unmount the stuff you mounted in nautilus17:05
dllamayea i'll adjsut as needed17:05
dllamatrying it and hoping for the best :)17:06
MrElendigmanual dump and restore also works17:06
DundeeMrElendig:  I see other persons having the same problem when I google. However, no solution.  :-(17:06
dllamai have a dump, but its currently complaining about peer auth, and i'd like to avoid messing with conf files and such if possible17:06
dllamawas smart enough to do a dumpb4 upgrading incase everything went belly up17:06
MrElendigDundee: see what the logs says17:07
sblivenEriC^^: Ok17:07
gelosSpec: mind pm?17:08
EriC^^sbliven: sudo parted -l | pastebinit17:09
sblivenEriC^^: Everything's unmounted, but I still have /dev/md0 with my root drive17:09
sblivenEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894422817:09
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cgtWhat is the state of iPhone support in Ubuntu? Would my mom be able to transfer pictures from her iPhone to an Ubuntu box?17:11
EriC^^sbliven: ok, so /dev/md0 is mounted somewhere right now?17:12
rgenitohow can i tell which version of QT i have?17:12
rgenitoapt-... ;x ?17:12
sblivenEriC^^: no, i just unmounted it17:12
EriC^^sbliven: ok, sudo mount /dev/... /mnt17:12
EriC^^mount the ubuntu partition at /mnt17:12
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ReScOi have installed Oracle JDK for Openfire, but i didn't install java through apt-get, now apt-get is whining Openfire is missing dependencies17:13
ReScOhow can i fix that?17:13
sblivenEriC^^: OK17:13
EriC^^sbliven: type ls -l /mnt17:14
sblivenEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894429017:14
beefmanMrElendig: so it looks like i create a very small (< 1MB?  i'll probably make it 30MB to be safe) partition for stage 2, the rest an lvm volume that i break up into /boot, /, /home like my current.  i want to confirm that grub will be able to boot from this w/ /boot inside the raid volume17:14
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beefmanactually 30mb is way overkill if this is what i'm thinking it is17:15
EriC^^sbliven: ok, what's /dev/md1 ?17:15
sblivenEriC^^: the other raid (currently md0) is a 3-disk RAID5 with ext4 (I think)17:16
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sblivenit just has some data on it17:16
EriC^^sbliven: ok, so it's not a seperate boot partition or something?17:16
sblivenEriC^^: No, nothing important17:16
EriC^^sbliven: ok, pastebinit /mnt/etc/fstab17:17
sblivenI could even disconnect it to simplify the system17:17
XanoI get "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list" when running "apt-get build-dep", even though sources.list is loaded with repos.17:17
XanoWhat could cause this?17:17
beefmanMrElendig: is it correct that grub can boot into the raid array as i described, or does /boot have to go outside the array also?17:17
sblivenEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894431017:18
ReScOi've manually installed the Oracle Java JDK because Openfire needed a Java installation, i've done so by following a tutorial, and then install openfire through "dpkg --force-depends -i", now apt-get keeps whining about the dependencies that openfire needs even though they are met17:19
ReScOhow do i fix that?17:19
sblivenEriC^^: and here's my blkid output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8944269/17:19
dllamadoes pg_upgrade need to be seperately installed?17:21
EriC^^sbliven: ok, sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/boot/efi17:21
sblivenEriC^^: OK17:22
megalodenok guys, there is something wrong with my linux. Right now, I can't browse the internet but on the same router with Android, I can access the web17:23
megalodenthe websites are not opening if not extremely slow on my linux but fine on my android17:23
EriC^^sbliven: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done17:23
b43need help with abiword on lubuntu17:23
b43pls help somebody17:23
sblivenEriC^^: OK17:24
b43anybody available??17:24
EriC^^sbliven: sudo chroot /mnt17:24
beefmanb43: what do you need?17:24
sblivenEriC^^: OK, chrooted17:25
EriC^^sbliven: ok, sudo apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed17:25
b43i want to add all the fonts, most of it at least from ms word, i need those fonts in abiword, im on lubuntu now17:25
EriC^^sbliven: sorry, sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed17:25
b43i gave up windows backdoorin BS17:25
beefmanb43: i don't know how to get all of them, but i believe if you find the ttf files you can install them pretty easily17:26
beefmanhave you googled at all?17:26
sblivenEriC^^: Done17:26
EriC^^sbliven: ok, update-grub17:26
b43i tried google, tellin me about msttcorefonts, but synaptics is of no help17:26
b43even with universe repo checked17:27
b43google does not provide a source for this msttcorefonts17:27
sblivenEriC^^: Done.found 3.13.0-36 through -39 images17:27
EriC^^sbliven: after sudo apt-get it said installation completed no errors reported right? ( just making sure dpkg run grub-install after it unpacks it )17:28
b43id really prefer a gui method, i am not adept with the terminalll17:28
sblivenyes, no errors17:28
EriC^^sbliven: ok17:28
EriC^^sbliven: try efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "ubuntu3" -p 1 -d /dev/sdc17:29
EriC^^sbliven: just in case17:29
EriC^^sbliven: if it doesn't work, type exit17:29
EriC^^and then try it17:29
b43any ideas anyone??17:29
sblivenEriC^^: Should I do -p 2 to avoid overwriting my previous attempt?17:30
xv247I'm french and I want to speak with frenches where I must go ? (sorry for my bad english)17:30
EriC^^sbliven: no, the -p is the partition number17:30
b43sorry xv247, my french is too broken to help17:31
EriC^^sbliven: it's ubuntu3 this time17:31
sblivenEriC^^: oh, its weird that it deleted my ubuntu1 when I did ubuntu2 testing sde before17:31
KatherineAno nononononononoonononoonon17:31
KatherineAmy ex gf....is fucking creepy17:31
xv247Speak english I will understand17:31
David1965<b43> have you not tried installing it from software center and look under fonts17:31
beefmanb43: i don't know where to find the fonts, but i don't believe you need to do anything on the command line to install them once you have them17:31
KatherineAwhy did my IRC channel change O_O17:31
EriC^^sbliven: i see17:31
b43ill try software center david1965, hold on17:32
b43xv247: i do not kno where to get help with ubuntu in french17:32
timwisHey guys, I have a bizarre problem. Just did a fresh install of 14.04 on a lenovo yoga 2 pro last night, and I'm having a wifi issue where I can't access certain domains, like google.com and facebook.com, but others work fine (unless they load resources from google). The odd part is I can ping those domains fine, but when i increase the packet size beyond 1444 bytes, it fails!17:32
DCSAhi! i made format to an old netbook to put lubuntu 14.10(did it)... i switch between 2 languages (us and greek) but when i am on greeks still writing english..  anybody who know how to fix it?17:32
sblivenEriC^^: Whoa, non-ascii chars in efibootmgr -v: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894452817:33
OerHeksDCSA, did you perform update after switching?17:33
b43david1965: no results found under fonts in lubuntu software center17:33
b43no packages found to be precise17:33
DCSA"sudo apt get-update" to terminal, yes17:34
sblivenEriC^^: Should I do grub-install /dev/sdc now?17:34
David1965that is how I got and was able to install all MS Fonts17:34
David1965sorry about shouting17:35
b43what did u search for, i tried msttcorefonts17:35
EriC^^sbliven: if apt-get install reported no errors reported i guess it ran grub-install after unpacking it17:35
EriC^^sbliven: if you're still in the chroot, you can try if you want won't harm17:35
b43keyword pls17:35
EriC^^grub-install --recheck /dev/sdc17:35
sblivenEriC^^: But I ran update-grub after that17:35
EriC^^then update-grub17:35
wiredfoolHi, I'm trying to upgrade a server from 10.04 to 12.04, but do-release-upgrade isnt' finding a new release.17:36
EriC^^sbliven: yeah update-grub is for the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file17:36
wiredfoolI've done this before, but not since 14.04 came out17:36
sblivenEriC^^: Doesn't the /boot/efi files get generated from /boot/grub?17:36
sblivenEriC^^: Anyways, no errors reported. Should I reboot?17:37
EriC^^sbliven: i think they just have a loader for grub17:37
EriC^^that finds the grub.cfg and continues loading stuff17:37
EriC^^sbliven: yeah17:37
EriC^^type exit17:37
EriC^^then sudo reboot17:37
EriC^^( exit the chroot first )17:37
EriC^^sbliven: update-grub if you did a grub-install17:37
b43david1965, what keyword did u use, i cant find it in lubuntu software center and/or synaptics package manager17:38
sblivenEriC^^: Crap, I didn't do update-grub after the grub-install17:38
Quatrokingis it possible to run an asp.net server and develop for it on ubuntu?17:38
EriC^^sbliven: it's ok, i guess apt-get ran it anyways17:38
sblivenEriC^^: I'm not seeing ubuntu3 in my boot select17:39
sblivenmaybe it was important?17:39
EriC^^sbliven: is there ubuntu?17:39
EriC^^try to boot it17:39
EriC^^they seemed identical in efibootmgr17:39
sblivenEriC^^: yeah, but ubuntu was my original entry17:40
David1965I have Software Center up and running and will have a look for you.17:40
sblivenstill getting an EFI shell17:40
b43tyvm david196517:40
sblivenEriC^^: Are there any useful commands to try from EFI shell?17:40
EriC^^sbliven: yeah i think we can boot it manually or check stuff17:40
EriC^^not familiar with it though17:41
EriC^^so hold on17:41
EriC^^sbliven: i think it's skipping the ubuntu one17:42
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EriC^^and going to the Boot000A* UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell17:42
David1965<b43>: ttf-mscorefonts-installer is that what you are looking for17:42
sblivenEriC^^: That's consistent17:42
EriC^^sbliven: maybe it's some bios setting?17:42
b43yes i thinkg that is it17:42
b43let me try17:42
wiredfoolah. do-release-upgrade doesn't respect apt proxy settings17:42
EriC^^sbliven: i think it can't find the .efi file17:43
b43yes, i found it17:43
b43tyvm david196517:43
EriC^^sbliven: it's odd17:44
b43installin as we speak hehe17:44
b43installation done, let me open abiword again17:45
b43yes, tyvm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17:45
David1965install it then then do a reboot then if you have the Microsoft Windows Vista 64 bit edition look in the system directory for the fonts directory and copy and paste all the fonts to the fonts directory in your Linux Mint OS just make sure that you have activated the administrator mode otherwise it will just refuse to do what you want17:46
b43hmm, i can get access to win 7 x64, would that work, vista is such crap n dont kno anybody that still use vista17:47
Zanemy PC doesn't shutdown properly17:47
b43will do it next if its goin to work from win 717:47
EriC^^sbliven: try in the uefi shell bcfg boot dump -v17:47
David1965<hubert> that is derogatory17:47
David1965<b43> that will work fine17:48
b43um, sorry for the noob ?, but where is the fonts folder in lubuntu <wince>17:48
David1965did you create a restore disc17:50
b43restore disc?  no i did not17:51
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noiroDoes ubuntu 14.04 have support for smb version 3?17:52
b43i cant find the fonts folder on lubuntu, so at a lost to where to copy them to17:53
David1965<b43> it appears to be in the I386 or there might be a I586  or even a I686 folder if so have a look in there for the folder named fonts then you can copy and paste to the fonts directory on your OS as you don't want to burn big holes in your Windows Install disc17:53
b43i can find it on the win 7 os, but on lubuntu i do not have the slightest bit of idea where17:54
b43i can get the fonts, but idk where to copy them to on lubuntu17:54
Yellowberryhey, hey, guess what17:54
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b43blackberry turning white berry or blue?17:55
YellowberryToph Yellowberry zerick sythe Gregor3000 delinquentme hubert` Kitar|st charlieweb Arsenik wiredfool gebruiker12 freijon Bnaya jackbrown ssalenik lalatenduM weyer_ BluesKaj n008 MrSavage Afrix aval tyrannosaurus_be Propheus01 BromaxSux LucaTM treehug88 sergey_ koderok maestrojed om26er_ sudoecho derk0pf DCSA Corey84- ki7mt BJ_ bac bipul myry3k David1965 b43 thedodd danileigh79 rek Daryl26...17:55
Yellowberry...ddez zlhgo Nectar Guest89057 firebird1 beefman Fleuv MY123 ogra_ arunsure ReScO sjm cgt YukonSpector jost flosc-ua KeithLG_ shuman AndyBotwin deekej dllama Frodo128 SkyRocknRoll mydogsnameisrudy Aristide alienspy Dundee Guest3471 autra gelos johnni tombtc climbup jgama mizu_no_oto aul k1l slyhackr tirengarfio Hazzard avp__ CookieM biella_ ManikM Obiwantje BrandonB kpease maxino sorinello...17:55
Yellowberry...CHNGE24634727-pa nvdpl brianblaze420 nydel kalonb91 setkeh Codebold jagob zy3pD audictive darkbasic joelmo nikita moparisthebes hggdh dooglus sb1980ma kamdard LarsN gefilda pgar235 byprdct ppetraki ThKo jngd julianwa moza MKCoin dtcrshr prosper_ megaloden mhh Sunstream gf134 scain knightshade Guest-6067 crayon blubberbop Charcoalcat fenre ImQ009 alph hnordt pdcmoreira yusuf1 zyxelthrone...17:55
Yellowberry...sebbb AndChat-84084 NotANick kermit johnlage Ankhers PcJamesy mydog2 tami_ ecky--ptang-zoob sandGorgon_ Agent_Smith_BR zilla RyanTG jakob4 FunnyLookinHat subhojit777 AR45 breadhat bkuberek_ Exagone313 maddawg bobbobbins NGC6205 duck_cpd Krixvar MalteJ guig33k norm drop_ milan_ jrolland-ubuntu cparlette natsuRelf badon MrJones figabo Maratich willtm carlgo11 stackofcats sheoak strayge...17:55
Yellowberry...frecel shadowe989 quix_ asakura1 gde33 abuzze_ lcavassa racedo` deivan__ AaronMT loa vchav xdm83 z4sk4 lanoxx- fandi rgenito qstrahl MannerMan Din_Weasel tesaf designbybeck bmacn leonlemouton noons mluser-home Sagitt kk3347288 EriC^^ raffazizzi sbliven josokr john_doe_jr labrador MilanVaclavik wad Dovid dundel crossmanith_ altcp hele omlet JanC SchrodingersScat wildc4rd seb__ desti_T2...17:55
om26er_kick him17:55
Yellowberry...sharky gniourf mguzmann batzy firewyre Siebjee circumvent blacksatin victorp skule yoshi314 makije AciD` tolecnal lewq bctrainers xug dougsko trijntje DalekSec airtonix_ dash_ wadie pvoigt sxar Pitel_IPEX miqui Pupeno adellam aliensbrah igordcard Tuna-Fish Internet13 Khisanth frankenstein Guest2721 only_the_bear sburjan kam270 astrofog keevitaja DJ_Unibob Inoki olli sebo sdx32 kokonoula...17:55
unopasteYellowberry you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted17:55
brianblaze420and goodbye Yellowberry17:55
bobbobbinswhat the hell was that?17:55
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Betsy_hello!  Could this newbie, get some wisdom to apply to my newly installed Ubuntu?17:56
keevitajanice going there yellow17:56
ZaneMy PC doesn't shutdown properly. Once i shutdown, I can't turn on the computer until after i power cycle the computer17:56
Zaneshutdown now, shutdown -P now or poweroff all do the same thing17:56
AR45Betsy_: sure17:56
b43david1965 i can get the fonts with no problem on win 7, but i cannot find the folder where im supposed to copy them to on lubuntu17:56
AR45Betsy_: but head over to #ubuntu-offtopic17:57
dtcrshroh, he left17:57
b43let me try17:57
Betsy_Hi AR45!17:57
AR45/j #ubuntu-offtopic17:57
b43found it daaavid1965, do i just dump them all there or make a new folder?17:57
sblivenEriC^^: Ok, this is crazy but now my motherboard isn't even showing BIOS17:57
sblivenit beeps for 'keyboard failure'17:58
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sblivenbut I've tried several keyboards17:58
b43i had that problem zane, but i did a reformat n it fixed it, so idk how much help that it17:58
EriC^^sbliven: yikes17:58
MY123sbliven: RAM okay?17:58
Betsy_I am so sorry. please forgive my also being green to IRC. How do I go to #ubunu-offtopic.... OH! are you saying that I am not on a Ubuntu Support chat?17:58
sblivenEriC^^: It shouldn't need ram for bios17:59
sblivenbut yeah, maybe I have a more serious problem17:59
EriC^^yeah MY123 was asking17:59
EriC^^sbliven: yes something seems wrong17:59
b43slash join channel name would help betsy_17:59
b43but use a real slash not the word17:59
sblivenEriC^^: it seems like a crazy coincidence, but I can't see how the efi problem could have come from a hardware bug18:00
sblivenEriC^^: Anyways, I need to fix the keyboard error before I can do any more debugging, and I think I'll leave that problem for tomorrow18:01
David1965<b43> has it worked18:01
EriC^^sbliven: ok18:01
sblivenEriC^^: Thank you so much for your help!18:01
EriC^^sbliven: no problem!18:01
b43david1965, do i just dump it in /usr/share/fonts/truetype, or do i make a new subfolder??18:01
ObrienDaveBetsy_, if you state what you want to know, we can better direct you to the proper channel18:01
sblivenEriC^^: I'll give that efi command a try and send you a message when I get it working. TY!18:02
EriC^^sbliven: ok, np18:02
Betsy_I was directed here by another channel of Ubuntu. I am new to Ubuntu and am having OS issues. Not hardware, as I see this chat must be about. I need s/w help18:03
b43david1965, do i put them directly in msttcorefonts subfolder??18:03
EriC^^Betsy_: this is an ubuntu related channel, not specifically about hardware18:03
ObrienDaveBetsy_, please be more specific. what would you like to know?18:03
Betsy_ok, thanks. I didn't want to irritate anyone by going off with my challenges till I knew I was at the right place.18:04
David1965<b43> can you copy the whole of the fonts from the windows 7 disc then open a new instance of Nemo or Caja and use the Open as Administrator then goto /user/share/fonts then paste the who kaboodle into the target folder and that's it your good to go.18:05
ObrienDave!ask | Betsy_18:05
ubottuBetsy_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:05
David1965must go now off for the rest of to day.18:05
Betsy_I am on a laptop previously housing Win 7. Uninstalled, wiped the drive - I thought completely clean and installed Win7 and Ubuntu alongside18:05
b43david1965, its not from a win 7 disc, from the system folders of win 7, i can put it on flash drive, so just drag n drop right??18:05
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b43ok i have a good feelin thats where it goes, /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/18:07
b43w/o havin to make a new subfolder within msttcorefonts18:07
Betsy_upon 2nd install of Ubuntu, I do not have the same list of applications at my disposal. the IRC chat is gone, I can't keep my browser theme persistent after shutdown. I have a number of issues that may pertain to having had malcious surveillance issues18:07
b43well thx for ur time david1965, ill take it from here, another issue resolved from #ubuntu18:09
AR45Any i3 users here18:09
ObrienDaveBetsy_, possible but, highly unlikely. more likely you're not saving session info between logons18:11
bubbasaures!ask n| AR4518:11
bubbasaures!ask | AR4518:11
ubottuAR45: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:11
AR45/ignore bubbasaures18:11
AR45gilt: k18:11
AR45gilt: so I added these two lines to my config18:12
AR45exec xcompmgr -c -f -n18:12
AR45exec --no-startup-id feh --bg-scale /home/michael/wallpaper.png18:12
AR45trying to get wallpaper to show up18:12
AR45and also uxterm to display transparency18:12
Betsy_how do I save sessions info? Surely, I need to take Ubuntu 101!  maybe directing me to a LIVE Ubuntu training class would be much more helpful!18:12
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 101 could not be found18:12
AR45Betsy_: http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/webm/18:13
ObrienDaveBetsy_, in settings, sessions and startup, is a checkbox for saving sessions18:13
KrixvarHey all, quick cli question - trying to count the number of mp3 files in a directory and its subdirectories.. found something that I thought would work using ls and wc but its giving numbers that are definitely wrong18:15
Krixvarany suggestions?18:15
Betsy_settings being the red box with a gear and wrench tool? I specifically say this because I do not have an icon "sessions" and no "startup" icon either. I think "something' has selectively disabled access to some things on this OS s/w18:15
cparlettewhats the command you're running?18:15
Krixvarcparlette: ls -R -1 *.mp3 | wc -l18:16
MotoGomenasaiWhy cn't i post in #html chatroom?18:16
Krixvarcparlette: that one gives me a smaller number than my file manager shows as just being in the root directory, not even counting the subdirectories18:16
OerHeksMotoGomenasai, maybe you need to register your irc name, we don't know18:17
Krixvarbut when I use it without the *.mp3 just to see what happens I get a bigger number than it shows as being in the all the directories18:17
Betsy_there goes my help...guess I said something wrong18:17
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Daryl26what was up with that18:20
ert3goHello.I urgently need help.I had file in my folder.I tried to rename it but it suddenly got deleted18:25
rypervencheert3go: What command did you run?18:26
rypervencheert3go: The exact command please. Type "history" to get it if you don't remember.18:26
ert3gono command rypervenche .I tried to modify the filename before the .doc extension18:26
ert3goright click on file-->Rename18:26
rypervencheert3go: Then you likely renamed it to .doc18:26
rypervencheert3go: Was this on your Desktop?18:27
ert3gobut i can't find it in my folder:/18:27
leonlemoutonKrixvar : find . -type f -iname "*.mp3" | wc -l18:27
ert3gorypervenche, a folder inside my desktop18:27
rypervencheert3go: Open a terminal and type "stat ~/Desktop/folder/.doc" making sure to replace "folder" with the name of your folder.18:27
ert3gorypervenche, /.doc': No such file or directory18:29
ert3goit isn't in my trash too18:29
Krixvarleonlemouton: still a little low :/18:31
Betsy_will someone please tell me where I can go take a Linux class. I am a once- devoted to Windows MCP turning over a new leaf by going Linux. Surely, there's someone out here that isn't too bothered by a newbie...18:31
ert3gorypervenche, ok i think I found the location of .doc file18:31
ert3gobut it isn't visible on ctrl+H18:31
KrixvarBetsy_: If you want to formally learn, I've seen a lot of books in libraries about learning ubuntu :)18:32
Betsy_thank you for your response.  I am willing to learn any way I can.  looks like chatting isn't for me, because I come up with a dead end when the person just decides to drop off... frustrating, for sure.18:33
R13osewhat is the best program to open PSDs in?18:33
Krixvarleonlemouton: I know I have between 457and 508 files, pretty sure its close to 457 but I'm trying to verify that my music player picked up my entire library... so it may be a bit more. I'm just a little confused because that command gave me less than 457 so I think it may not be picking up all the subdirectories - there's 227 files in the root and the rest are in other directories18:33
KrixvarBetsy_: yeah, that happens here unfortunately, better some days than others18:34
Betsy_maybe I need a better chat handle!18:34
Betsy_"betsy" is just so un-tech like!18:34
rypervencheert3go: Rename it using mv18:34
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HawkerzI have a bizarre question... is it possible to have a dual boot USB with installers for Win7 and Ubuntu? I already have Win7 setup on the USB drive, can DD the iso to another partition but I'm not sure how to properly install grub then18:35
rypervencheert3go: mv ~/Desktop/folder/.doc ~/Desktop/folder/filename.doc18:35
KrixvarBetsy_: http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubuntu_doc_idx.htm haven't read it myself but this might be a good starting point if you're completely new18:35
ert3gofound it rypervenche .Thanks a lot:)18:35
bubbasauresHawkerz, Yes number of ways.18:35
rypervencheert3go: no problem :) Keep backups if you care about your data.18:36
bubbasauresHawkerz, I don't dd, but use a multiload usb app18:36
Hawkerzbubbasaures, do you know what it's called? and can I add the ubuntu installer onto a stick that already has a windows installer on it? I've already freed up space to make another partition18:36
Betsy_Thank you. Yes, I guess you'd say I'm new. One last thing, kind person, Krixvar.  Where am I supposed to see the startup settings location?18:37
KrixvarBetsy_: startup settings? As in applications that launch when you log in? or something else?18:37
bubbasauresHawkerz, You have you cart in front of your horse, I meant a usb that put iso of multi OS all in one partition all can be booted.18:37
Hawkerzbubbasaures, I'd be happy with that too, i just don't want to wipe windows off my USB stick (it's already there).  So if there is a solution that lets me keep what i have and just add the ubuntu installer as well, that's ideal18:38
Betsy_yes, one of my issues is that I cannot keep my firefox add-ons, extensions and my browser theme. And now trying to activate my browser theme, will not execute like it should18:38
bubbasauresHawkerz, I use this http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/   you can put grub on a usb and do the same. Wiping windows off the stick for an easy install is a smarter move.18:39
Betsy_I was told from this chat session that I needed to go:   [12:13] <ObrienDave> Betsy_, in settings, sessions and startup, is a checkbox for saving sessions18:40
KrixvarBetsy_: I use kubuntu, so I'll have to look it up real quick. You're on standard ubuntu (with Unity?). Have you tried firefox sync to get your firefox install moved over?18:40
l3kidhi can someone tell me how to get a cloak ?18:40
jhutchinsBetsy_: Sounds like maybe you ran a GUI program with root privileges and changed ownership of some files.18:40
Hawkerzbubbasaures, okay, I'll check it out.  Thanks18:40
jarnosAnybody else notice mouse cursor freeze, when watching youtube by chromium-browser?18:40
bubbasauresHawkerz, You are trying to climb a mountain with one leg by adding rather than setting it up correctly to begin with. You can have handfuls of iso's with the multiboot app.18:40
jhutchinsBetsy_: Create a new user and see if the same thing happens.18:40
Hawkerzbubbasaures, I know, I can also just use multiple usb sticks but I'm constrained right now so my options are limited18:41
Wulfl3kid: a cloak? Ask in a haberdasher (shop for gentlemen's clothing)18:41
Betsy_Ubuntu LTS. perhaps to evade some issues I should just choose another distribution...since I haven't fully learned Ubuntu after attempting to use Mint, maybe another dist. would work better for me18:41
jhutchinsl3kid: #freenode18:41
bubbasauresHawkerz, I never said multiple sticks, I mean all on one stick.18:41
qenghojarnos: mouse cursor freeze? sounds like a video problem. what does "dmesg" output say around that time?18:41
Betsy_Jhutchins. hanks. I thought of doing that, except nothing happens when I try to do it.18:42
KrixvarBetsy_: That should be fine, just wanted to make sure I was looking up the right thing for you18:42
bubbasauresHawkerz, The W7 load on the app is just a drop the iso on it and a password. I suspect you had a real hassle on the original load, it is rather easy really.18:42
Betsy_I'm just thinking that something malicious is going on (same reason I decided to abdandon Windows)18:42
Hawkerzbubbasaures, okay, I'll take a look at it (looking now)18:43
KrixvarBetsy_: can't say about that, but is this what you're looking for? http://askubuntu.com/questions/48321/how-do-i-start-applications-automatically-on-login18:43
Betsy_Jhutchins... by George, I think you might be right!  I remember changing permissions on something. But I don't remember what it was. but the reason I did, is because I was getting Permission Errors18:44
deweydbhow do i solve this?18:46
deweydblibpng12-dev : Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.46-3ubuntu4) but 1.2.49-1ubuntu1 is to be installed18:46
deweydbhappens when i: sudo apt-get install libpng-dev18:46
Betsy_Thank you for your help, Krixvar.  another user told me this:   [12:40] <jhutchins> Betsy_: Sounds like maybe you ran a GUI program with root privileges and changed ownership of some files.18:47
KrixvarCan't really help you there sorry, permissions are something I'm not that good with :/18:48
circ-user-qBsSShey guys, quick question: Looking for the folder to place scripts that will autorun on startup. Searching around shows ~/.config/autostart/ however it doesnt seem to exist for me, and when i create it scripts arent being run on start18:48
circ-user-qBsSSI have given the scripts chmod +x18:48
Betsy_oops.  If "I ran a GUI program with root privileges" I didn't realize it!  But I do remember changing some permissions that shouldn't have been giving me issues18:48
bubbasaurescirc-user-qBsSS, What release and desktop?18:48
circ-user-qBsSS10.04.1 LTS Desktop18:49
daftykinsBetsy_: i think you've made some mistakes in commands you've run to come to this point, it isn't anything nefarious going on i'm sure.18:49
circ-user-qBsSS64bit, if that matters18:49
daftykinscirc-user-qBsSS: i hope that's a typo :)18:49
bubbasaurescirc-user-qBsSS, That is eol the desktop is anyway.18:49
daftykins14.04.1 right? not 10.04.18:49
circ-user-qBsSSyes, sorry18:50
Betsy_yep, I am sure that I've made some mistakes!  attempting to learn Linux as on-the-job training probably caused some issues for me. now how do I resolve it? uninstall Ubuntu and start over?  This is the first time since August that I've even been able to use my computer. so, Im not real excitted about uninstall/reinstall again.18:51
KrixvarBetsy_: have to go for now, but I agree with daftykins- chaanging permissions can definitely break things! Good luck :)18:52
hysphello! how can i change my login screen wallpaper on Ubuntu Mate 14.10?18:52
Betsy_thanks, Krixvar for your help. and the polite good bye is refreshing!18:53
Prezidenthysp:  that stays in handbookf or ubuntu.18:54
daftykinsBetsy_: i haven't really followed your issue, looking back at my scrollback i see lots of little questions with regard to firefox but i don't see any main problem?18:55
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DaddysGirlfriendI have a hdd that has whole disk encryption. how can I access the drive from another Ubuntu os?18:58
ReScOi've manually installed the Oracle Java JDK because Openfire needed a Java installation, i've done so by following a tutorial, and then install openfire through "dpkg --force-depends -i", now apt-get keeps whining about the dependencies that openfire needs even though they are met19:01
ReScOhow do i fix that?19:01
leonlemoutonKrixvar : ls -lRrt | grep ".mp3" | wc -l19:01
ChogyDanReScO: maybe they aren't met19:01
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bipolarDaddysGirlfriend, you should be able to plug it in and see it. When you try to access it you'll be asked for the passphrase. If you don't have the passphrase you're SOL.19:02
daftykinsReScO: show us the output in pastebin so we don't have to guess :)19:02
Pl34seshi all19:02
b43hayy, how do i open file manager with root on lubuntu??19:02
Pl34se"sudo nautilus"19:02
Krixvarleonlemouton: weird, still only gives 426 when my music player has 457 in the playlist.. I was just having issues with getting everything to show up earlier which is why I'm doubting the accuracy of my player19:03
b43ok let me try that19:03
b43but is there a way to do it on gui, im not 100% comfortable in cli, dont want to jack things up19:03
Pl34secan someone help me ? i have no sound on ubuntu19:03
DaddysGirlfriendbipolar, I have the password but it doesn't prompt me for anything or recognize a mountable disk19:04
Pl34seb43 : That opens a GUI when you type it on a console19:04
bubbasauresPl34se, That would be gksudo b4319:04
b43oh ok thxxxx tryin it now19:04
b43adjust the volume on alsa mixer, its just too soft by default19:04
Pl34seno i did it19:05
Pl34sebut not enough xD19:05
Pl34sei installed the oem-audio-hda19:05
b43sudo: nautilus: command not found19:05
Krixvarleonlemouton: aha found a few duplicates in the playlist, it got it. Thank you so much!19:05
b43lubuntu doesnt have nautilus =/19:05
Pl34sedon't have sudo command ?19:05
Pl34seoh on Lubuntu xD19:05
bipolarDaddysGirlfriend, I have an external SATA mount I use and I've placed encrypted drives in it. Was is encrypted during the Ubuntu install process or is this a self encrypting disk?19:06
b43i typed sudo nautilus, n thats what it came back with19:06
b43sudo: nautilus: command not found19:06
leonlemoutonKrixvar : :-)19:06
JokesOnYou77Hi all19:06
bubbasauresb43, Why are you trying to open this in root?19:06
rvankleeckdoes anyone have experience using Spacewalk for package management in Ubuntu?19:06
DaddysGirlfriendbipolar whole disk encryption from the initial install19:06
b43im tryin to copy the rest of the fonts from win 7 over to the fonts folder here on lubuntu19:06
Pl34sebipolar : which software did you use to encrypt ?19:06
b43it refuses to copy them over without root19:06
bubbasauresrvankleeck, No 3rd party support here technically19:06
bipolarDaddysGirlfriend, If it's LUKS encrypted, it should just work. Ubuntu should see the disk.19:07
b43already have msttcorefonts installed, but still missin a bunch of fonts19:07
rvankleeckbubbasaures, ah, ok19:07
JokesOnYou77I'm having trouble understanding the -H option for sudo from the manpage.  I'm looking for an example of when/why I would use it19:07
b43so i need file manager opened with root19:07
bipolarPl34se, DaddysGirlfriend is the one with the hard drive.19:07
Pl34seoh ok sorry19:08
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ChogyDanb43: this might work: sudo xdg-open .19:08
b43ok let me try, hold on pls19:08
b43oh i gotta add filemanager??19:09
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Pl34sei thought i could help sorry :P so anyone have an intel 6 Series C600 ? i can't make it work for sound19:09
ChogyDanb43: no, I think the filemanager is called dolphin19:10
b43it says pcmanfm when i mouseover ont he shortcut on the bottom19:10
b43file 'pcmanfm' does not exist19:10
ChogyDanoh, then that.  < b4319:11
b43xdg-open file 'pcmanfm' does not exist19:11
ChogyDanb43: it would just be sudo pcmanfm19:11
b43oh, right, sorry for bein so nooby19:11
b43hahaha, it worked tyvm19:12
bubbasauresb43, You should just be installing font from the command line or the ubuntu software center.19:12
ChogyDanb43: xdg-open is a generic opening command, and the . is the current directory.  I thought it might work..19:12
b43msttcorefonts is already installed, but its missing way too many fonts19:12
b43so im copyin the rest over, from win 7 system folder19:12
ChogyDanb43: which fonts are missing?  and what are they used for?19:13
f00dWorkstais there a way to put unity launcher on the left for the left screen, but on the right for the right screen in a dual monitor setting?19:13
f00dWorkstaand also have autohide feature19:13
deweydbdoes anyone know how to fix this: libpng12-dev : Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.46-3ubuntu4) but 1.2.49-1ubuntu1 is to be installed19:13
bubbasauresb43, To many fonts missing means nothing here and gotten you bad help in general.19:13
OerHeksf00dWorksta, no, unity bar is hardcoded19:15
bubbasauresf00dWorksta, No, the left panel stays without a hack, used to be one to move to the bottom.19:15
b43too many fonts to list that r missin, its for abiword19:16
b43tryin to fully transition to lubuntu, n never ever goin back to backdoor infested windows19:16
bubbasauresone more for the ignore19:18
f00dWorkstabubbasaures: dun need it at bottom, but with autohide it means it's *extremely* tough to get the launcher to unhide on that screen... so I usually get to the launcher on the left screen... which is abit annoying, but I guess nothing substantial19:18
bubbasauresf00dWorksta, The unhide has a adjustment19:19
b43yes, fully copied over, not just a reboot so as to not have to manually refresh cache19:19
proc3sarteBuenas, saludos19:19
bubbasauresf00dWorksta, I'm not in unity it is in the right click on the desktop menu extensions19:19
b43thx again yall, sudo pcmanfm worked, n it opens in gui19:20
ChogyDandeweydb: you should paste the entire error message in a pastebin.com type paste service, and I could probably help19:20
bubbasauresproc3sarte, English?19:20
deweydbChogyDan: thanks, 1 sec19:20
proc3sarteno :(19:20
bubbasaures!es | proc3sarte19:20
ubottuproc3sarte: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:20
f00dWorkstabubbasaures: I have already set it to the most sensitive. But I still need to move my mouse within a few pixels of the edge of my right screen then slowly move my mouse to unhide, moving too fast will just send my mouse flying to my left screen.19:20
deweydbChogyDan: http://pastie.org/971248119:21
atuslanHello everyone How are you? My English is poor but ... The issue is that I started my system and pressed shitf key in grub then I chose Try to make free space, if I stop this process it could break my system?19:21
bubbasauresf00dWorksta, Hmm, strange not sure of any path.19:21
f00dWorkstabubbasaures: which is why I was looking to see if I could put the launcher on the right side just for my right screen :<19:21
bubbasauresatuslan, You mean the grub recovery?19:22
f00dWorkstabubbasaures: nothing I couldn't just overlook, would've been nice though19:22
PL43sesorry i resterted for test19:22
PL43semy audio is down ...19:22
atuslanyes bubbasaures19:22
ChogyDandeweydb: and what are you trying to do getting this package?19:22
atuslanI chose it there19:22
deweydbbuild phantomjs219:22
bubbasauresatuslan, I would not stop it, it should of finished fairly smoothly, why are you running it?19:23
deweydbChogyDan: actually originally i was doing this command, same error though: http://pastie.org/971249219:23
atuslanI have problems with space bubbasaures but is too slow19:24
PL43se+ alsamixer : OK, + sound card : OK (intel series C600), + /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf : seems OK, + NO SOUND :S19:24
ChogyDandeweydb: what version of ubuntu are you on, are you using any ppas?19:24
PL43seubuntu 14.0419:24
bubbasauresatuslan, YOu fix that by getting another HD, not filling the one you have up, there are limitations to a spinning drive19:25
PL43se(sorry i ChogyDan i talked for me)19:25
deweydbChogyDan: Ubuntu 12.04 &  http://pastie.org/971249419:25
ChogyDandeweydb: woh.  what is the output of apt-cache policy libpng12-dev?  That should show you which ppa is confliting19:26
jimnaka window isn't closing19:27
jimnaki'm pressing the x button a million times19:27
jimnakwhat do i do?19:27
BJ_hi daftykins. are you able to tell me how I might see a list of s/w that I've installed on Ubuntu LTS? I know that I no longer see the same icons as I did when I installed Ubuntu the first time19:27
atuslanWhen I tried tonight log in I could not then I reboot my system I chose that option but still has not finished19:27
BluesKajPL43se, ' sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel ' should load the driver, you may havevto reboot19:27
gebruikerwhat pdf programs are recommended?19:28
PL43semodprobe: FATAL: Module snd_hda_driver not found.19:28
daftykinsBJ_: wasn't there a greater issue, like your account being a problem or something? login being prevented?19:28
netlarCan someone help me set up a scanner?19:28
jimnakhow do force quit a program?19:28
qenghogebruiker: the default is a pretty heavy recommendation.19:28
PL43sehum ? i was sure i installed oem-audio-had...deb19:29
ChogyDandeweydb: maybe on 12-0 instead of dev?19:29
gebruikerqengho, what is the default?19:29
deweydbnot sure i understand your question19:29
BluesKajPL43se,  snd_hda_intel19:29
bubbasauresqengho, Don't cloud with opinions please.19:29
ChogyDandeweydb: apt-cache policy libpng12-019:29
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netlarNo takers?19:30
BJ__Can someone help me with Ubuntu LTS?19:30
dllamacan anyone help me out please, been trying to upgrade postgres from 9.1 to 9.3 for like 2.5hrs now… i think i got most of it going, but its now complaining about a loadable library $libdir/hstore .  i have no idea where the libraries were loaded from in 9.1 and nothing that i google for matches up even remotely close to my config19:30
qenghogebruiker: On standard Ubuntu, "xdg-open foo.pdf" will open evince.19:30
OerHeksnetlar, give more details please19:30
deweydbChogyDan: http://pastie.org/971251319:30
bubbasaures!ask | BJ__19:30
ubottuBJ__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:30
ChogyDandeweydb: did you download some of these packages manually?19:30
gebruikerqengho, what is best for ppl who run WM like xfce?19:31
netlarOerHeks: Ok, I have a WF-3540 printer that I have already set up as a printer, but when I go into simple scan, the program says there are no scanners detected19:31
PL43seThanks BluesKaj i didn't thought to load the driver with modprobe19:31
PL43sei'll try to reboot19:31
daftykinsBJ_: wasn't there a greater issue, like your account being a problem or something? login being prevented?19:31
qenghogebruiker: Ubuntu devs could have chosen many. The fact that evince is default is a kind of recommendation.19:31
deweydbChogyDan: libpng ? no. but it is very possible i screwed up this box somehow along the way.19:31
netlarOerHeks: The printer is a wifi printer, I am on 14.0419:31
BJ__I've installed Ubuntu twice now.  I now no longer see the same app list available, do not see Start Up menu...among other things...19:31
OerHeksnetlar, what brand is that?19:32
gebruikerqengho, yeah the devs also decided to created xubuntu gnome ubuntu kde ubuntu ... not how I would imagine things to be most effective19:32
deweydbChogyDan: open to more dramatic solutions, like system ugprade if that will resolve it. i am on a pretty old OS version19:32
daftykinsBJ_: was the second time a proper clean install after a format?19:32
netlarOerHeks: Espson19:32
BJ__hmmm...log in?  not me19:32
gebruikerbut hey... what do you think  qengho ?19:32
bubbasauresBJ__, Can we get a time line, like this happens on the reboot of the install, or after a update or installing.19:32
qenghogebruiker: I think the default is good enough.19:32
ChogyDandeweydb: kk.  You need to remove libpng12-0, so it can reinstall with the proper.... ok.  You could also just upgrade to 14.10.  That would probably fix it.  But the issue is that you, somehow, got an updated version of libpng12, and it wants a specific version.  FWIW19:33
HeyMan7Hello, I would like to know why my intel graphics runs games smoother but with less fps than my nvida (a LOT more screen tearing but way more fps). I'm running Ubuntu 14.10 on an i7 4710 with nvidia 850M laptop. Also, I did install the nvidia driver19:33
BJ__yes, reformat using Fdisk with the 35 pass wipe. I do have Win7 installed alongside Ubuntu LTS19:33
atuslanI am going to wait bubbasaures it's the best and the file that I need I am going to download again, Thank you very much !19:33
deweydbChogyDan: http://pastie.org/19:34
HeyMan7Or maybe a solution19:34
BJ__Someone from another channel said that maybe I changed something in the root by mistake. so, going on that clue, how do I restore Ubuntu to original state  and hopefully without losing all the things I've done to the system to my liking19:34
netlarOerHeks: Not a compatible printer for scanning?19:34
ChogyDandeweydb: ?19:35
deweydbit won't let me remove libpng12-0 ?19:35
ChogyDandeweydb: your message was blank19:35
BJ__Not quite sure, Bubbasaures.  Over the past few weeks I have installed Ubuntu twice with the 2nd time being like a couple of days ago.19:37
OerHeksnetlar i don't know how to do wifi-scanning, this post gives 2 packages to install http://askubuntu.com/questions/472221/get-scanner-working-on-epson-wf-354019:37
daftykinsdeweydb: run a dist-upgrade19:37
ChogyDandeweydb: er, I dunno.  Those look like other errors.  what does apt-get install -f say?  Do you know what happened before you had troubles?19:37
deweydblol sudo apt-get remove libpng12-0 wants to delete like a million packages19:37
deweydbdon't think thats a good idea19:37
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bubbasauresBJ__, You are just so short on any details and what you have done.19:38
deweydbdaftykins: do i need to do anything before i run "dist-upgrade" change my /etc/sources or something?19:38
daftykins^ i must +1 this, you're too vague to even begin to follow19:38
bubbasauresBJ__, This might help. https://workaround.org/getting-help-on-irc19:39
daftykinsdeweydb: why would you ask that? are you trying to upgrade between versions? (that's not what dist-upgrade does) or have you just done that?19:39
ChogyDandeweydb: then use dpkg --remove --force-all to remove it, then apt-get install -f to reinstall19:39
BJ__Bubbasaures, dual boot with Win7 Ultimate. It does come up with a list of options to execute upon booting up. Is there an option within that list that might recover or restore Ubuntu?19:39
bubbasauresBJ__, no19:39
deweydboh sorry i thought dist-upgrade meant upgrade the os19:39
HeyMan7Does anyone know about graphics problems with ubuntu?19:39
BJ__ok, well, more details:  ...19:39
deweydb-bash: dist-upgrade: command not found19:39
bubbasauresBJ__, Read that link.19:40
daftykinsdeweydb: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:40
b43ty for the help yall, my abiword has every single font from ms word now hehe19:40
b43n then some lol19:40
BJ__multiple hijackings and malicious s/w that kept popping up made me decide to go to linux.19:40
Bashing-om!ask | HeyMan719:40
ubottuHeyMan7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:40
OerHeksnetlar hold on, this is a recent post, 2 printers, bottom one is yours http://blog.wildintellect.com/blog/netscan19:40
deweydbdaftykins: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:40
BJ__what link, Bubbasaures?19:40
BJ__HA!! somehow, my browser background theme came back when I opened that link you gave me, Bubbasaures19:41
b43anybody else want to pimp out their abiword i have the whole workaround19:41
HeyMan7I asked earlier, that's why I asked the graphics thing.19:41
HeyMan7Bashing-om: ^19:41
daftykinsHeyMan7: so intel is no tearing and slow, nvidia has tearing and is fast? turned on vsync?19:42
deweydbHOLY SMOKES!19:42
deweydbChogyDan thanks!!!19:42
HeyMan7Yes. I don't have a vsync option in the nvidia settings daftykins19:42
ChogyDandeweydb: worked?  yw19:42
daftykinsHeyMan7: using nvidia-prime or bumblebee?19:43
deweydbChogyDan: one more small thing.19:43
deweydbi'm supposed to install ttf-mscorefonts-installer but i can't find that package?19:43
deweydbwhen i google for it i see it coming up on ubuntu package lists19:43
deweydbbut i don19:43
deweydbbut i don't see it in apt-cache search19:43
b43hold on let me get the exact name19:44
BJ__yeah, chat etiquette is what I need. sorry for rubbing everyone the wrong way. there should be an "entrance exam" for Linux newbies...  :-)  gotta run now. thanks for you help all.19:44
daftykinsdeweydb: apt-cache is supposed to be used with simpler search terms19:44
b43ttf;mscorefonts-installer, even synaptics has it19:44
deweydbyeah i tried that19:44
deweydbeven did: apt-cache search ttf19:44
deweydband looked at the whole list19:44
deweydbthe package is suposedly available for my dist19:45
b43but that will not have every single font from ms word19:45
HeyMan7daftykins: I'm assuming nvidia-prime. It says "NVIDIA X Server Settings" for the settings window. It also has a "PRIME Profiles" option.19:45
ChogyDandeweydb: try the ubuntu-restricted-extras package19:45
b43i borrowed a notebook with win 7 on it, then i copied all the fonts int he fonts folder, put it in a flash drive19:45
netlarOerHeks: Thanks19:45
deweydbE: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted-extras19:45
daftykinsHeyMan7: right, driver version?19:45
ChogyDandeweydb: that just does all the various missing restricted plugins and stuff19:45
b43then opened file manager with root, n dragged n dropped, i skipped the fonts that was already loaded19:46
b43then rebooted, so i didnt have to look for the command to refresh teh cache19:46
migueleliasablo español19:46
deweydbChogyDan: could it be that apt isn't finding it because i don't have my sources.list setup right?19:46
b43then now, my abiword has all, n i mean all the fonts from ms word, n then some19:46
daftykins!es miguelelias19:46
HeyMan7daftykins: Lemme see.19:46
daftykins!es | miguelelias19:46
migueleliascual es tu idioma19:46
ubottumiguelelias: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:46
ChogyDandeweydb: maybe...  I think you just need universe enabled, or multiverse or whatever19:47
deweydbChogyDan: this page says multiverse: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/ttf-mscorefonts-installer19:47
b43its universe repo that did the trick19:47
deweydbChogyDan: but i only see universe in my /etc/apt/sources.list19:47
deweydbhow do i fix that?19:47
ChogyDandeweydb: add multiverse  :P19:47
deweydbjust with a text editor?19:47
daftykinsdeweydb: you need to do *some* work on your own.19:47
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HeyMan7daftykins: If it's the wrong version, how would I remove the old one so I can install the new one? Would I be able to install over the old one?19:48
deweydbChogyDan: / daftykins: thanks!19:48
ChogyDandeweydb: lol, that, or use the repository gui19:48
deweydbheadless linux19:48
deweydbits ok, i'll figure it out19:48
deweydbthanks for your help guys!19:48
b43ok yall have a good day, happy today, abiword has every single font now hehe19:48
b43happy vets day yall19:48
ChogyDandeweydb: you can just add multiverse as a term in your sources, next to universe.  it's pretty simple I think19:48
b43yall have a good drink on today19:49
daftykinsHeyMan7: i'd rather just hear the # first.19:50
HeyMan7daftykins: Ah, ok. It's version 331.89.19:50
Bashing-omdeweydb: Try: -> sudo apt-add-repository multiverse <- to add the repo .19:50
daftykinsHeyMan7: sounds like the latest available then, there must be some info on applying vsync - assuming that's the end goal you want here19:50
deweydbBashing-om: got it sorted19:51
deweydbawesome! and i'm building! finally :) :) :)19:51
HeyMan7daftykins: Well the end goal overall is to get rid if the screen tearing to make it as smooth as the intel runs but with the fps of the nvidia19:51
daftykinsHeyMan7: sounds like it can't be done with nvidia-prime and bumblebee is the alternative - but won't be as fast19:53
ChogyDandeweydb: yay! :)19:53
HeyMan7daftykins: But do you think Bumblebee has less tearing? And how much slower?19:54
daftykinsHeyMan7: i don't have any answers for you on that. you're going to have to just try it - but i've discovered this in 2 minutes of searching for "nvidia-prime tearing"19:54
solarshi, I've got a intel hd 4400 (haswell) graphics chip, and I have the feeling that if I scroll on large pages, my i7 laptop is much slower/lagging in comparison to my i5 desktop.. driver seems to be i915 and I read somewhere that there were problems with the current kernel and fixes in a new one - anyone got an idea?19:55
ChogyDansolars: are you on 14.10?19:57
solarson 14.04.0119:58
solarson 14.04.119:58
jvwjgameshow do i fix the libpython error: cyphesis: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:59
Griz64Hey Gang. Just did the update to the newest LTS and when running Muon, I get "This operation cannnot continue since proper authorization was not provided". Is there a known fix for this? I googled and found very little.  {cross-posted from #kubuntu channel}20:00
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solarsI'm running kernel 3.13 (trusty) - I read that kernel 3.15 RC2 has haswell fixes - how can I upgrade to a newer kernel, and which one should I chose_ (>= 3.15RC2)20:02
Ben64solars: ubuntu 14.10 has 3.16, you could upgrade to that or wait for it to become available on 14.0420:04
solarsI assume 3.16 is the way to go?20:05
solarsI'll upgrade20:05
solarshow do I start this update tool again? I'm under i320:05
Ben64keep in mind you'll need to upgrade every 6 months then20:05
solarsits more convenient than the console20:05
Ben6414.04 will get all the newer kernels if you wait20:05
solarswhy every 6 months?20:05
ChogyDansolars: you can either upgrade to 14.10, or upgrade the kernel, here is one way http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html20:05
ChogyDanoops, wrong link http://askubuntu.com/questions/506956/how-can-i-install-3-16-kernel-on-ubuntu-14-0420:06
solarswhat do you recommend? not very familiar with the ubuntu distro20:06
Ben64i'd recommend staying on 14.0420:06
solarsfor what reason?20:06
solarsah .04 is lts right20:06
Ben64long term support20:06
Ben64not all .0420:06
solarsI meant 14.04 sorry20:07
solarswhat does that mean actually if I for example chose 14.10?20:07
Ben64looks like 14.10's kernel is coming to 14.04 in february20:07
solarsI will try it now20:07
solarsI should update anyway more frequently20:07
Ben6414.10 loses support in july20:07
solarsah alright20:07
Ben64if there is no reason to update, theres really no point20:08
solarsI will upgrade only the kernel then20:08
Ben64but you can't upgrade only the kernel at this time20:08
solarswhy not20:08
Ben64like i said, february20:08
solarsbut I can add the sources and install it?20:08
solarslike in the link above20:08
solarswhy not20:08
ChogyDansolars: the link above will help you install the upstream kernel, without any of the Ubuntu patches20:09
Ben64it isn't supported20:09
Ben64are you even having problems with your current kernel?20:09
solarswhat does it mean it isn't supported? I'm having problems yes see for example this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222238820:10
solarshe changed to 3.15 RC220:10
Ben64if/when something breaks, we won't help you here20:10
solarsbecause there were fixes for my graphics chip20:10
athanIf I have a ppa added that has packages with the same names in the default ppa setup, does the new ppa's packages mask over the old ones?20:10
solarsBen64, well if it worked for others..20:11
ChogyDansolars: it isn't a big deal to add a kernel through that ppa.  You can always remove it, boot old kernels.  It is a fairly safe thing to try20:11
solarsso I'd like to at least change to 3.1520:11
Ben64well, good luck20:12
solarsI'm just not familiar with the ubuntu packages20:12
solarsI used to compile the latest kernel myself always, but that's some years ago20:12
ChogyDansolars: getting the 16 version listed on the site should be fine20:13
solarsChogyDan, thanks a lot, I will give it a try20:14
RyviusHi Im going to replace Ubuntu with Mint. Is there anything I should do before installing, like removing steam and its games?20:18
bekksRyvius: You have to ask the Mint support community for their requirements.20:19
RyviusHmm they are not as active as you guys..20:19
bekksRyvius: There's nothing we can do about that.20:20
Ben64Ryvius: maybe you should reconsider using mint if you want an active support channel20:20
HaruspexI want to dual boot ubuntu with windows, and want to have an image backup for windows as well. If I were to replace my win system after having a successful dual-boot, what happens to MBR?20:20
OerHeksRyvius, Mint is slower than ubuntu :-)20:20
RyviusYes I would prefer to keep Ubuntu, but it keeps freezing on me and I have no idea what to do20:21
solarsworked at least20:21
daftykinsHaruspex: worst case scenario? you reinstall GRUB. problem solved.20:21
adjudikatorHaruspex yep what dafty says20:21
Ben64Ryvius: then ask about that here20:21
HaruspexBut where does it go?20:21
bekksRyvius: How about analyzing the problem then? :)20:21
daftykinsHaruspex: to the root of the disk20:21
HaruspexI mean, I plan to have 4 partitions, linuxOS/swap/home/Win20:22
RyviusI tried making a post in the forum but they just kept saying it was my hardware. But memtest doesnt show any errors and I dont know what else there is20:22
athanIf I have a ppa added that has packages with the same names in the default ppa setup, does the new ppa's packages mask over the old ones?20:22
HaruspexAlso, where is GRUB installed? To linuxOS partition?20:22
bekksRyvius: You have much more hardware than RAM only. You have a motherboard with a lot of components, you have a CPU, you graphics adapter, etc.20:23
RyviusIt seems to freeze completely random, both when gaming, browsing the net, youtube....20:23
Bashing-omHaruspex: Grub: stage 1 is installed to sector 0 of the hard drive, stage 2 is installed to /boot partition .20:23
bekksRyvius: Did you try to analyze the system logs?20:23
bekksRyvius: Thats the first thing to do.20:24
HaruspexSo, that sector 0 could be home or swap as well?20:24
bekksHaruspex: Whats "sector 0"?20:24
HaruspexFirst partition I make?20:25
Bashing-omHaruspex: Tutorial: https://iam.tj/kb/pc/boot/ .20:25
adjudikatorSector 0 is MBR. only a boot loader goes there20:25
daftykinsRyvius: i'm feeling charitable. check your disk's health is ok, install the packages 'smartmontools' and 'pastebinit' then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" and link me here.20:25
daftykinsHaruspex: you're trying to put the cart before the horse by asking how to fix a dualboot setup before you've broken it :)20:25
RyviusHmm okay but I have to boot into ubuntu first20:25
daftykinsRyvius: chop chop then20:25
adjudikatorHaruspex Install grub on mbr /dev/sdX and then install grub files along w the system if you dont want a /boot partition20:25
DocPlatypusfriend has 11.04 Wubi install that needs to be upgraded at least to 12.04 LTS if not 14.04 LTS. does it have to be upgraded to 11.10 first and if so, how?20:26
daftykinsRyvius: also i think you mean Mint, no? :P20:26
ReScOi've manually installed the Oracle Java JDK because Openfire needed a Java installation, i've done so by following a tutorial, and then install openfire through "dpkg --force-depends -i", now apt-get keeps whining about the dependencies that openfire needs even though they are met20:26
bekksdaftykins: Delete that WUBI stuff, and reinstall a clean, native 14.0420:26
adjudikatordaftykins Windows always writes mbr20:26
ReScOhow do i fix that?20:26
DocPlatypuscorrection, it's not a Wubi install, it's a standard install20:26
HaruspexWell, I will probably brake it.20:26
ubottuWubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug20:26
daftykinsbekks: tab complete fail20:26
daftykinsadjudikator: wrong nick i hope20:26
bekksdaftykins: arrrrr.20:26
ChogyDan1ReScO: you need to post the full error messages, with pastebin/etc20:27
bekksDocPlatypus: Yes, you have to update to 11.10, 12.04 then 14.04.20:27
RyviusOkay what was it I had to do again20:27
Timmy how can I directly extract a .zip file into a tar archive?20:27
DocPlatypusbekks: as I thought20:27
HaruspexI get it now, that flow-chart is informative.20:28
jhutchinsReScO: Why didn't you just install debian packages for java?20:28
ReScOChogyDan1: https://gist.github.com/iSDP/f60475e57850e336b5bb20:28
ReScOjhutchins: because i wanted oracle's latest official java?20:28
HaruspexSo, about the original question, windows will break MBR even if I were to reinstall from image, right?20:28
Bashing-omHaruspex: TJ- done good, huh ?20:28
daftykinsRyvius: you just lost 10 #ubuntu points for not even writing it down first =|20:28
ChogyDan1ReScO: did you try -f install?20:28
daftykinsRyvius: i'm feeling charitable. check your disk's health is ok, install the packages 'smartmontools' and 'pastebinit' then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" and link me here.20:29
solarsChogyDan1, the only thing that changed with the new kernel is that I seem to only have powersave and performance governors, at least in the menu20:29
ReScOChogyDan1: will it install a java version?20:29
RyviusSorry I was in a hurry20:29
ReScObecause openfire runs properly20:29
HaruspexQuite, Bashing-om, quite good.20:29
ChogyDan1solars: so no improvement.  Then it probably isn't a driver issue.  I forget exactly what your issue was originally20:30
Ryviusdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8947503/20:30
solarsChogyDan1, not sure about the improvement (graphics), not sure why the ondemand governor is missing, I'll check it20:30
daftykinsRyvius: alright so it's an SSD, latest firmware?20:31
RyviusI have had disk trouble though. Got four harddrives conneted, but had to disconnect one because I think it was dying and making trouble20:31
bekksRyvius: Why did you think that?20:31
Ryviusdaftykins: Yes I checked just before installing ubuntu20:31
daftykinsRyvius: ok i'm out of input then. back to log checking for you as suggested earlier!20:31
Ryviusbekks: It was difficult to access it and it was hanging the system and booting and such, cant remember much anymore20:31
bekksRyvius: Can you define "difficult to access" please? Was it on top of the shelf? :)20:32
RyviusOkay, what do I have to look for in the logs?20:32
pampuchyhi i followed the instructions on digitalocean to run ghost with nginx, and now i cant access regular traffic! https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-host-ghost-with-nginx-on-digitalocean how do i get back my regular port 80 traffic?20:32
Ryviusbekks: Difficult to browse the contents and get it mounted and such20:32
bekksRyvius: But you did not check smartctl or anything with that drive?20:33
jhutchinspampuchy: Ask digitalocean.20:33
jimnakhow do you force quit something in ubuntu?20:33
Bashing-omHaruspex: What happens is that to Windows there is no other operating systems in existence, And when (re-)installing Windows, Windows writes it's own boot code to MBR, overwriting what was there. In order to boot ubuntu, one has to have the boot code for ubuntu installed where bios hands off to. IF both ubuntu and Windows are on the same hard disk ->Then install grub and chainload Windows onto grub. ( Windows will not recognize ubuntu !)20:33
bekksjimnak: Depends on what you want to force quit.20:33
Ryviusbekks: I think I checked with something. But I dont really care about that drive anymore anyways20:33
HaruspexUnderstood, Bashing-om, many thanks.20:34
daftykinsRyvius: do you have multiple disks in that system?20:34
RyviusYes, three connected now in addition to the system SSD20:34
jimnakokay found it20:34
jimnakthanks gusy20:34
HaruspexGood thing is, boot-repair is quite easy to use.20:34
RyviusIt might be one of those. I was getting SMART errors back in windows20:34
daftykinsRyvius: run my earlier command on them too20:34
jimnakalt + f2 and then type xkill in the search bar20:34
jimnakand then simply click on the program you're trying to close20:35
daftykinsRyvius: oh my tux. and you didn't think to mention that until NOW!?20:35
RyviusHmm how do I see what they are mounted as again..20:36
daftykinsRyvius: their mount points are irrelevant. you run smartctl on /dev/sdX where X is the device20:37
RyviusOh yeah, but where do I see what sdX they are20:37
squintyRyvius:  Disks  located in menu.  shows partitions/names and can access Smart Data and tests20:38
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RyviusHmm I dont see anything... is it in nautilus?20:39
Ryviusoh nevermind20:40
RyviusI found them20:40
daftykinsRyvius: anyway for a disk to be bad enough that Windows flags it, it's definitely toast. so any Linux would likely have issues until you remove this dead disk20:41
RyviusOh it wasnt windows itself, it was crystaldiskinfo or something20:41
daftykinsRyvius: the plot thickens. do you intentionally keep information from us to make life harder? that samsung is dead.20:42
daftykinsthe spinpoint F220:42
RyviusHow do you see that?20:42
daftykinshmm that second samsung isn't good either20:42
RyviusAll the pre-fails?20:43
daftykinsno. hardware ECC error20:43
daftykinsID # 195 in the table20:43
bekksouch, that disk is dead.20:43
daftykinsRyvius: the spinpoint T166 is the worst, it has reallocated sectors too.20:44
RyviusGoddammit, they're not even 10 years old..20:44
daftykinslol not even 10.20:45
RyviusIt's strange, they're seemingly working fine.... oh, maybe that explains why much of my music got corrupted when transferring them20:45
ReScOi've manually installed the Oracle Java JDK because Openfire needed a Java installation, i've done so by following a tutorial, and then install openfire through "dpkg --force-depends -i", now apt-get keeps whining about the dependencies that openfire needs even though they are met20:45
ReScOhow can i make apt-get either stop whining about the dependencies20:46
daftykinsRyvius: trust me, outward appearances mean nothing to actual health of a disk. this'll explain freezes too. backup, pull these disks and all will be well20:46
bekksReScO: Just pastebin the entire error message you get, first, please :)20:46
ReScOor make sure apt-get sees my installation as the right dependency?20:46
ReScO@ bekks20:46
RyviusI dont have any spare storage.... oh well, I don't think I've got anything critical on them20:47
JokesOnYou77I'm having trouble understanding the -H option for sudo from the manpage.  I'm looking for an example of when/why I would use it20:47
bekksReScO: You have to install one of the named packages for meeting the requirements.20:47
daftykinsRyvius: you could pull them and test that ubuntu becomes a lot happier.20:47
ReScObekks: java is already installed for openfire20:47
bekksReScO: But none of the packages required are installed. It doesnt matter that you already installed java manually, because that doesnt make openfire meet the requirements.20:48
ReScOstupid apt-get20:48
daftykinsno, stupid ReScO20:48
RyviusHmm it's hard to test... it only freezes once or twice a day20:49
RyviusWithout any of my data I wouldn't have anything to do to use the computer all day20:49
bekksReScO: How do you think will manually installing a package magically change the requirements of some package you want to install by using the package management system?20:49
josefigsomeone has installed successfully the vpn client cisco on ubuntu 14.04 ? my kernel is 3.13.0-39-generic20:49
bekksReScO: The package management system has no clue about your manually installed packages.20:49
RyviusAnyways thanks daftykins now I have something to try20:50
ReScOi've installed it manually by mv'ing the contents of the tarball to /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_25 then use a update-alternatives command and set the path and java_home and made sure it was exported20:52
ReScO@ bekks20:53
SlartJokesOnYou77: isn't that the "set HOME to roots home or user home" flag? so if you run something like sudo backup_stuff   it will backup the stuff from your users home folder instead of the root home folder?20:53
bekksReScO: Which doesnt magically change the requirements of openfire. Install on of the packages named, since it is missing.20:53
HganananavakI've never done any partitioning before, and I want to dual boot Ubuntu along with Windows 8. My problems is that Windows is installed on an 128GB SSD, while everything else is stored on two 1TB SATA drives. How should I go about installing Ubuntu alongside Windows while taking up as little of the limited SSD space as possible?20:53
HganananavakBy 'everything else' I mean, my documents etc (everything except the OS) is stored on the SATA drives.20:54
ReScObekks: how do i remove what i did?20:54
HeyMan7daftykins: It seems I do have an older version of the driver. I'm downloading the new one now. Should I just run and install the new one or uninstall the old one and the run the new one?20:55
bekksReScO: You dont have to. You just have to install of of the packages missing.20:55
bekksReScO: Next, you just configure openfire for using your manually installed java version.20:55
daftykinsHeyMan7: no don't try and install a driver from nvidia's website, it's going to _break_20:55
HeyMan7daftykins: Why's that?20:56
daftykinsHeyMan7: because it doesn't support prime. i told you earlier to try bumblebee, that's your only option20:56
sb1980maHi! How can I limit my VPN connection to certain IPs/Domains and not use it for all connections (using network manager)?20:57
ReScObekks: i want to remove what i did, find a PPA that has the same oracle JDK version in it, and install through apt-get i guess20:57
bekksReScO: Then just remove the files and directories you created, manually.20:57
ReScObekks: also the /etc/profile stuff?20:58
bekksReScO: I dont know what you did there.20:58
bekksReScO: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java20:58
HeyMan7daftykins: Ok for installing bumblebee, would I need to remove the old drivers?20:58
daftykinsHeyMan7: yep you'd need to nuke everything nvidia and prime related20:59
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ReScObekks, setting the PATH and JAVA_HOME21:01
RyviusHganananavak: I think the Ubuntu installer gives you the option to install alongside Windows on the SSD21:02
Griz64Can anybody shed any light on this?? I Just did the update to the newest LTS and when running Muon, I get "This operation cannnot continue since proper authorization was not provided". Is there a known fix for this? I googled and found very little.  {cross-posted from #kubuntu channel}21:02
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HeyMan7daftykins: The Nvidia xorg server? How would I remove that?21:02
HeyMan7I just removed nvidia-prime21:02
dacp17anybody can run League of Legends 4.18 patch in PlayonLinux? or another wine script?..21:03
ChogyDanGriz64: maybe you need to run muon with kdesudo or whatever the command is?21:03
ChogyDandacp17: have you checked the wine appdb?21:03
HganananavakThat's fine, but I want to allocate substantial space (~500GB) to Ubuntu.21:03
DaeduleHello Room21:04
daftykinsHeyMan7: no, you don't remove X to remove a driver ;) plenty of guides online for bumblebee.21:04
dacp17im check the appdb but the patch 4.18, show errors in game initiation21:04
dacp17pvp client works fine.. shops work great but. I can play a game.21:05
PhilliesIm having an issue with a vpn connection on ubuntu 14.10     i add it the same way i did before it says that it connects and its established but then it stops allowing traffic everything hangs21:05
ChogyDandacp17: support is in #winehq I believe21:05
HeyMan7daftykins: Thanks21:05
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dacp17Thx bro.. ChogyDan  --  I will check that channel21:06
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Phillieshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8948155/   is ip   connected to vpn21:06
Philliesip r21:06
Philliesim not sure whats going on21:06
HganananavakRyvius: Does it allow me to do this? I.e. install Ubuntu on the SSD, but put hy /home and other partitions on the SATA drives? Because I want to allocate ~500GB to Ubuntu21:09
JokesOnYou77Slart, Right, I think it sets the $HOME session variable?  But I can't figure out if it's setting it to the value of the root user or to the user issuing the sudo command.  I'm also not sure what that does for me.  webupd8 has a tutorial that uses sudo -H to edit a file and I can't figure out why :P21:09
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Danielc1234Hi all, getting this error in my logs.   2014/11/11 11:05:22 [crit] 27957#0: *6109189 open() "/var/lib/nginx/body/0000049526" failed (13: Permission denied), client:, server: mysite.com, request: "POST /sendy/includes/subscribers/import-update.php HTTP/1.1", host: "www.mysite.com", referrer: "http://www.mysite.com/sendy/update-list?i=3&l=6"   Any ideas on how to fix this?21:12
vAd0rI setup tftp and when I try to connect to it from my router I get. %Error opening tftp:// (Permission denied)21:12
RyviusHganananavak: I think so but not sure. You can just boot up Ubuntu and see what options you get21:12
HeyMan7daftykins: Wow! It runs awesome now! thank you!21:13
HganananavakRyvius: Okay. In that case I'll be looking at putting the root partition on the SSD right? And everything else on the SATA drives? As I said I've never done any partioning/installed Ubuntu before21:14
RyviusUhhh it depends on what you want to put on it. If you've already got your documents and media you dont have to repartition for that. Hganananavak21:15
ReScObekks: you still there?21:17
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jvwjgameshow do i fix the libpython error: cyphesis: error while loading shared libraries: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:22
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daftykinsHeyMan7: no problemo, glad it worked out21:28
Guest39949I am so new to this I don't even know how it works21:29
EriC^^you ask a question, and if somebody knows they answer21:29
sponsjeeepres a!!!!21:30
Guest39949How do I get a nickname that works21:30
Fuchs/nick WorkingRobot21:30
EriC^^type /nick <newnick>21:30
daftykinsyou need a / before command words21:31
Fuchscommands start with a /21:31
Fuchsoh, there he goes21:31
adrinHi there, I guess I've got a problem with polkit. I'm trying to allow a user to install packages, but can't.21:33
adrinHere's what I have in /var/lib/...21:33
adrinand here's what I get:21:34
EriC^^adrin: why are you using --user with pkexec and you're root?21:35
adrinEric^^: yes I'm root, and I'm trying to see if it works for that user.21:35
EriC^^you need privileges to install packages21:35
adrinEric^^: as far as I understood, the way to give privileges to users is the policykit. How should I do it then?21:36
EriC^^adrin: what are you trying to do?21:36
EriC^^adrin: you want to install as that user (logged in) but with privileges?21:37
adrinEric^^: I'd rather not make the user a suduer, I want that user to be able to install packages through apt-get21:37
EriC^^adrin: ok, just add apt-get to the sudoers file21:37
EriC^^sudo visudo21:37
PhilliesIm having an issue with a vpn connection on ubuntu 14.10     i add it the same way i did before it says that it connects and its established but then it stops allowing traffic everything hangs21:38
Phillieshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/8948155/   is ip   connected to vpn21:38
EriC^^then add <user> ALL=(ALL:ALL) apt-get21:38
EriC^^adrin: then the user can just sudo apt-get install21:39
adrinEric^^: I know I can make the user a soduer, but policykit is there to make it unnecessary to change the sudoers file. Am I wrong?21:40
EriC^^adrin: he won't be a sudoer21:40
EriC^^adrin: he can only run apt-get with privileges21:40
EriC^^so sudo <something else> won't work21:41
EriC^^( he wont be in the sudo group or admin group )21:41
EriC^^*adm group21:42
Riku-sanso many people21:43
adrinEric^^: yeah, that's right, but the user can still easily inject code with LD_PRELOAD21:44
juniourhey can i make iso of my installed ubuntu using dd bs=4M if=/ of="myubuntu.iso, then after i can install it on other pc??21:44
Nik06Riku-san: its just idleing bots21:44
Nik06to make the statistics look good21:44
Riku-santhen it's fine21:44
Riku-sanbut when too many people talk at once my client lags21:44
Nik06there are ruffly 10/15 nicks per real user21:45
Nik06but gods know21:45
Nik06you cant talk at once on irc21:46
EriC^^adrin: isn't LD_PRELOAD ignored if the real uid and effective uid are different?21:46
EriC^^adrin: that should render sudo manipulation not possible right?21:46
Riku-sannobody likes helping me on the forums21:47
juniourhey can i make iso of my installed ubuntu using dd bs=4M if=/ of="myubuntu.iso", then after i can install it on other pc??21:47
Nik06you can make an app that waits for the user to sudo to do its thing21:47
Riku-sanI usually get some moderator spewing "but 13.04 is no longer supported"21:47
adrinEric^^: hmm, good point.21:47
Nik06my apache could could remote sudo21:48
Riku-sanI'm having a bug with what seems to be Xorg on my Nexus 7, sometimes touch stops working correctly21:49
Nik06to bad they disabled that feature21:49
Riku-santapping things won't click them, it just acts like I hovered my mouse over it21:49
squintyRiku-san:  #ubuntu-touch is the channel you need to access21:50
Nik06Riku-san: Hopefully wayland will save the day21:50
Philliesnevermind i got it sorted21:50
Riku-sannot using ubuntu touch21:50
Riku-sannot interested in ever using ubuntu touch21:50
Riku-santried it, hated it21:50
rwwNik06: They're generally actual users not paying attention to their client, not bots :)21:50
juniouranyone here ?? wiht my dd command??21:50
Riku-sanI'm using the ubuntu desktop port for nexus 721:51
rww(#ubuntu's channel rules in fact prohibit unauthorized bots, and we only authorize a handful)21:51
rwwRiku-san: with which version of Ubuntu?21:51
Riku-san13.04 armhf21:51
Nik06im wondering how can you tell them apart21:51
rwwRiku-san: then we have the same response as the forums folks. #ubuntu only supports supported versions of Ubuntu.21:52
EriC^^adrin: it could be an issue i think21:52
xubuntu157964how do i disable swap in a live boot?21:52
Riku-san1800 people and nobody will help me?21:52
rwwRiku-san: no, because #ubuntu is *only* for supported versions of Ubuntu.21:52
xubuntu157964need to create a partition21:52
EriC^^adrin: seems that with sudo the real uid is also 0, it's different for suid programs i guess21:52
Riku-sanwhere do I get "unsupported" help?21:52
rwwRiku-san: no idea.21:52
Nik06try google21:52
EriC^^adrin: look into it more21:52
juniourxubuntu157964 see command swapoff21:53
Nik06thats what i always do21:53
Nik06stoped using irc for support ages ago21:53
Riku-sanhow do I get support in updating 13.04 to 14.04 or 14.10?21:53
Riku-sanI need a preinstalled image with the correct drivers21:53
k1lRiku-san: run sudo do-release-upgrade21:53
Riku-sanlast time I did that it softbricked21:54
juniourRiku-san update to 14.04 as it has LTS support21:54
k1lRiku-san: you might need to change the repos since 13.04 repos are shut down already21:54
Nik06you need to apt-get update apt-get upgrade21:54
rwwI don't think anyone maintains Nexus 7 support for mainline Ubuntu these days. Could be wrong though.21:54
Riku-sanbut I can't because the drivers for the tegra3 and my wifi don't support a new version21:54
Riku-sanrww: it says right on the page they dropped support in favour of ubuntu touch21:55
k1lRiku-san: ah, if its the arm nexus 7 port you might need to ask the arm guys  in #ubuntu-arm21:55
juniourRiku-san alwasy do clean update not from old release, backup your data and install 14.04 from live cd or usb21:55
daftykinsRiku-san: if you get a real computer to run ubuntu on we can help, otherwise it's game over.21:55
xubuntu157964i cant seem to adjust a partition in gparted even though swap is off. this would be the first partition for the drive21:55
Nik06Riku-san: install robolinux it works great21:55
juniourhey can i make iso of my installed ubuntu using dd bs=4M if=/ of="myubuntu.iso", then after i can install it on other pc??21:55
Nik06like ubuntu its debian based21:55
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daftykinsjuniour: no21:56
k1ljuniour: no, that doesnt work21:56
EriC^^juniour: i think you should copy the whole partition21:56
rwwNik06: and just like #debian, #ubuntu doesn't support it.21:56
juniourhow would i make the replica of it so i can have it for my other pc too21:56
rwwNik06: so please don't recommend it here21:56
EriC^^juniour: like dd if=/dev/sda1 (for example) of=myubuntu.iso21:56
Nik06i do21:56
xubuntu157964can someone help me partition  my drive using gparted?21:57
EriC^^juniour: check clonezilla maybe21:57
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juniourEric^^ if i do for partation it should work???21:57
juniourEric^^ dd bs=4M if=/dev/sda3 of="myubuntu.iso"21:58
juniouras ubuntu si in .dev.sda321:58
juniouras ubuntu si in /dev/sda321:58
daftykinsjuniour: you can't just output something to an .iso and expect it to become some kind of bootable installer21:58
bubbasauresxubuntu157964, take a screenshot of gparted post it and tell us what you want to do.21:59
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k1ljuniour: it will not work as a installer. you need to dd it back to a partition on the other pc and install a grub form a live cd then21:59
EriC^^juniour: you can use that command22:00
EriC^^juniour: but when you want to install it you have to make a big enough partition and dd the image back22:00
xubuntu157964http://imgur.com/bWqa74y   i'm trying to create a partition for a windows install22:00
Riku-sanmy stupid rpi just died and corrupted itself22:00
Riku-sanjuniour: read the conversation before responding22:01
EriC^^juniour: you can dd the mbr if you want to get lazy with grub22:01
bubbasauresxubuntu157964, Windows should be sda1 really, can you back up the ubuntu install windows than ubuntu.22:01
EriC^^juniour: dd if=/dev/sda of=myubuntumbr.iso bs=512 count=122:01
bubbasaures!dualboot | xubuntu15796422:02
ubottuxubuntu157964: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:02
xubuntu157964bubbasaures, I've gone through this once this week. I just need to get it partitioned22:02
k1lxubuntu157964: you need to unmount sda1 to be able to move/resize that partition22:02
luk387Ciao, sto configurando un server ircd.. ma riesco a loggarmi solo dal cp in cui è installato.. non riesco a configurare di accettare gli indirizzi ip di una certa subnet22:03
xubuntu157964k1l, how22:03
samthewildoneGo this problem > http://pastebin.com/EzRkYCXK22:03
k1lxubuntu157964: right click on it22:03
k1l!it | luk38722:03
ubottuluk387: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:03
EriC^^juniour: sorry, its dd if=/dev/sda of=myubuntumbr.iso bs=446 count=122:03
bubbasauresxubuntu157964, You have to be on a live ubuntu, putting windows after ubuntu is a mistake however.22:03
LinnakHi, Do you know somwhere Rosa Icon theme for gnome?22:03
xubuntu157964k1l, thanks. guess i'm not thinking straight today22:03
luk387ubottu: thanks22:04
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:04
juniourEric^^ for grub copy??22:04
k1lsamthewildone: what ever you try to do there most software provides a readme or on their website a list with the depencies22:04
EriC^^yes that will copy the bootloader without the partition tables22:04
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EriC^^juniour: ^^22:04
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k1lsamthewildone: libgtk2.0-0 is installed?22:08
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dm7freekI want to write a script that will set up my wkstn to it's current state should i decide to reimage it... i need to know how to do GUI things on the CLI. e.g. what is the "Additional Drivers" a front-end for?22:09
daftykinsdm7freek: ^22:10
bubbasauresdm7freek, this a desktop or a server?22:10
dm7freekbubbasaures: desktop22:10
dm7freekdaftykins: i dont follow22:10
daftykinsdm7freek: you asked what it's a frontend for, i said jockey.22:11
bubbasauresdm7freek, All you have to do is save a package list and any repos and keys, or a clone or tar....etc22:11
dm7freekdaftykins: which jockey produces nothing for me22:11
daftykinsdm7freek: jockey-cli ? :)22:12
daftykinsi was expecting you to take that answer and research it, if i'm honest22:12
bubbasauresoh no not self sufficiency22:13
juniourEric^^ can i aslo do this, when i copied the partation, for grub, can i install grub from live dc using, sudo grub-install /dev/sda22:13
daftykinsbubbasaures: *gasp* ;)22:14
dm7freekdaftykins: nope22:14
jason___Where is the source code for ap-hotspot?22:15
k1ljuniour: i would suggest you dd back the ubuntu partition and then install grub from the live cd.22:15
Bashing-omdm7freek: jockey-gtk ??22:15
jason___Isn't it essentially some wpa_supplicant config?22:15
k1l!find  ap-hotspot22:16
ubottuPackage/file ap-hotspot does not exist in utopic22:16
dm7freekdaftykins, Bashing-om: I'm on 14.04 LTS if thts relevant22:16
daftykinsdm7freek: found it from the first google. fancy that... jockey-text22:16
vpassaperaHello all..... having some very strange issues when trying to run virtualbox on ubuntu 14.10 host22:16
tapoutI've installed opengl 3.3 on ubuntu 14.04.  As a regular user, glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" will report 3.3.  When I sudo to root, it reports 2.1.  The /usr/bin/glxinfo is being executed in both cases, I can't figure out *why* this is??   The reason I need to figure out, i keep getting "libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied" and "libGL error: failed to load driver: vmwgfx",22:16
tapout.. googling these, they say to add my current user to "video", and reboot.  I do, and then the current user now has opengl 2.1.  As soon as I remove the group "video", i'm back to 3.3 opengl22:16
dm7freekthere's no jockey anything on my system, are you saying i need it to do on the cli what additional drivers does?22:16
fwaokdawhen trying to upgrade / install imagmagick I keep getting this error... can anyone offer a fix? Errors were encountered while processing: icedtea-netx:amd6422:16
dm7freekdaftykins: ^^22:17
dm7freek*cli to do what...22:17
EriC^^juniour: yes you can boot a live usb, mount the partitions, chroot, and grub-install then update-grub22:17
tapouth j. jy; ygh  ty;22:17
EriC^^juniour: if you do that there's no need to copy grub using dd22:17
daftykinsdm7freek: yes my replies have all been answers to your question, so... yeah they're appropriate to your question :)22:17
distant_voicehello, there I need some help. I followed a tutorial that changed my kernel. Now I'd like to reverse the process but don't know how. This is the tutorial: https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes/blob/master/README.md Can anybody help?22:18
Bashing-omdm7freek: Maybe try: ubuntu-drivers devices .22:18
EriC^^juniour: i was saying you might be able to avoid doing that by just dd'ing the bootloader22:18
EriC^^( never tried it, but it might work )22:18
dm7freekdaftykins: i still don't follow, but Bashing-om's suggestion worked22:19
EriC^^juniour: nevermind, just use a live usb, chroot and install grub22:19
ubuntu-studiohello how is it working22:19
nubcakeGood morning, i'm trying to get my Workstation to recognize two 1TB Disks in Raid1,  but i'm totally unsure, how to get that working... (workstation is a HP x8400) Any Ideas, suggestions?22:19
ubuntu-studiowell not really22:20
juniourEric^^ thanks for your support :)22:20
daftykinsdm7freek: how is it so hard to follow? jockey-text is a CLI program for querying and installing the additional drivers offered, instead of the GUI.22:20
EriC^^juniour: no problem22:20
jason___k1l: In that case how about the name of the wpa_supplicant development package.22:20
ubuntu-studiowell awesome22:20
k1ljason___: packages.ubuntu.com or apt search <keyword> can be used for searching the repos22:21
ubuntu-studiohello any one there22:21
daftykinsdm7freek: ah my mistake, it got replaced actually. so it's deprecated22:21
k1lubuntu-studio: yes, but this is a technical support channel. for chitchat we have #ubuntu-offtopic22:22
dm7freekdaftykins: thanks though22:22
vpassaperaAnyone having issues with virtualbox (latest) under ubuntu 14.10 with kernel 3.16.0-24? I just did a fresh install of ubuntu and every time I start Virtualbox ubuntu freezes22:22
nubcakefdisk -l | grep Disk.  tells me: /dev/sda does not contain a valid partition table & /dev/sdb does not contain a valid partition table22:23
distant_voicecan anyone tell me how to remove a dkms module?22:23
k1lvpassapera: what is the error? start vbox from a terminal and see or see in logs in /var/log/syslog22:23
nubcake~blkid tells me: /dev/sda: Type="isw_raid_member"  /dev/sdb: Type="isw_raid_member"22:24
Bashing-omnubcake: GPT partitioned disk ? -> parted -l , gdisk -l /dev/sda < - ??22:24
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daftykinsnubcake: did these disks come from another system? what are you running on this 'workstation'?22:24
nubcakeit's running ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a non-raid disk and i tried to add the two disks to a raid to mount them to a home dir22:25
daftykinsyou probably need some prerequisites installed prior to configuring the RAID member disks22:26
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:26
nubcakeBashing-om, parted -l says: /dev/sda unknown partition table (same for sdb)22:26
EriC^^distant_voice: dkms remove <name>/<version> --all22:26
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Bashing-omnubcake: See daftykins elective directive for 'raid' .. raid meta data ?22:27
distant_voiceEriC^^ will that remove the module for the kernel that I currently use or the one that I modified?22:27
EriC^^distant_voice: --all is for all kernels22:28
nubcakeBashing-om, http://pastebin.com/q3q7SDMw for the 2nd22:29
EriC^^you can specify the kernel with -k <kernel>/<arch>22:29
nubcakeBashing-om, thanks, will do22:29
distant_voiceEriC11 https://github.com/pvaret/rtl8192cu-fixes/blob/master/README.md this is what I did.  Now I don't what <name>/<version> is exactly. Any idea?22:30
Bashing-omnubcake: Raid tools are not installed on the desk top releases. Can down load them OR use the server edition to look at 'raid' .22:30
EriC^^distant_voice: the name/version is 8192cu/1.922:31
nubcakeBashing-om, ok thanks, didnt know i had to use the server release22:32
Bashing-omnubcake: :) .. Raid is non desk top. so other means must be employed to look at what is ( embedded raid meta data) .22:33
Philliesis it possible to point only certain traffic thru a vpn on nix22:33
distant_voiceEriC^^ thanks a lot. I'm not sure if it worked perfectly, but will reboot now to see if it did.22:33
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EriC^^distant_voice: ok, no problem22:34
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jason___Whatever the reason my sytem only has apt-get.22:48
Riku-sanhow do I edit a disk image (.img)?22:48
Riku-sanit has multiple partitions22:48
k1ljason___: then use apt-cache search22:49
Riku-sanI'm trying to modify the 13.04 ubuntu image for nexus 7 and replace the contents of the rootfs with my new ones (14.04 armhf preinstalled, modded with drivers from linuxfortegra)22:49
Riku-sanor maybe what I'm looking for is how do I make a disk image from a directory?22:50
Riku-sancan I just dd a directory?22:50
bubbasauresRiku-san, nice idea but none is really supported here technically.22:51
Riku-sanjust need to know how to make a disk image from a folder or edit one22:51
bubbasauresRiku-san, I would talk with the #ubuntu-touch channel22:51
Riku-santhis is a generic ubuntu/linux question22:52
bubbasauresor ##linux this is supported ubuntu is all22:52
nopfRiku-san: i don't know what format your img is. mount it and use normal file system commands22:52
Riku-sannvm googled22:53
bubbasauresRiku-san, I'm just trying to point out you don't call your dentist for a colostomy. ;)22:53
nopfbubbasaures: neither a dentist nor a colon can dd a directory22:54
bubbasauresduh, oh geez, the stupidity abounds22:54
Riku-sanwell I'm going to try it, I'm not touching the bootloader so worst case scenario is a softbrick22:54
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=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
JeanValJeanWeeChat hasnt been updated in the repo since 2013, is it normal?23:00
JeanValJeanhow come Prezident23:01
k1lJeanValJean: have there been weechat updates?23:01
Prezident1.0.1 is latest k1l23:01
Prezident0.3 in ubuntu and 0.4 in debian repo i think23:01
JeanValJeanyes k1l, like last september23:01
k1l!info weechat23:01
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 71 kB23:01
k1lversion 1.0.1 is in 14.0423:01
PrezidentMouse Toggle rocks in weechat23:02
Prezident /mouse toggle23:02
k1li bet the verison jump to 1 was after the freeze for 14.0423:02
PrezidentNot when i tried last time, maybe it was in last updates23:02
ZerOlegendis that like bitchX23:02
JeanValJeanweird k1l, I just apt-get install weechat (I'm on 14.04) and it installed me old version :/23:02
k1lversion 1.0.1 is in 14.10     << sorry i mixed ubuntu version numbers23:03
ZerOlegendrepositories are rarely if ever current version23:03
JeanValJeanwhy is it not updated for Trusty?23:03
k1lPrezident: JeanValJean the version 1.0 was released in august 2014. so it was after the freeze for 14.04. that is why 14.10 got the version 123:03
JeanValJeanso no hope for getting the latest version?23:04
k1lJeanValJean: because of the freeze. there are only bugfixes and security fixes after release.23:04
PrezidentTell Flashcode to talk with repo devolopers23:04
ZerOlegendcompile by source?23:04
PrezidentMaybe they can sort it, i dont know real reason behind it23:04
k1lJeanValJean: you can ask the maintainer if he thinks updating it in the repo is sufficient23:04
k1lif you want the latest version all the time update your ubuntu release. LTS means its stable. that includes that not all programs change version all the time23:05
k1lfile a bug or better a request for update version23:06
ZerOlegendinteresting that weechat is with Ruby23:08
ZerOlegendand tcl support23:08
Riku-sanI just realized I'm installing 15.04...23:09
Riku-sanI thought I had 14.04...23:09
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ZerOlegendjust installed it and was like i was right its just like another bitchx clone23:09
ZerOlegendbut not ncurses23:09
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MonkeyDustRiku-san  that would be for #ubuntu+123:10
Riku-sanI didn't intend to download that image...23:10
Riku-sanI was just saying23:10
Riku-sanbetter question, why is the image I'm making getting larger than the source?23:11
Riku-sanis it because of the byte size I picked?23:11
Riku-sanmy source is 759MB, but my image is going upwards of 2GB23:14
Jordan_URiku-san: What are you doing?23:15
Riku-sanmaking a disk image of a directory with dd if=~/directory/ of=~/directory.img bs=512 conv=noerror,sync23:16
Jordan_URiku-san: You can't make a disk image of a directory, that doesn't even conceptually make sense. What is the exact command you ran?23:16
Riku-sanwhat I said, but with different names23:17
Jordan_URiku-san: What were those names? What is the exact command you ran?23:17
jimmy51v_i think that's going to keep going until the end of the volume23:17
Riku-sandd if=~/ubuntu/ of=~/ubuntu-15.04-armhf-preinstalled+nexus7.img bs=512 conv=noerror,sync23:18
Riku-sanI think I should kill it23:18
OerHeksjimmy51v_ +123:18
Riku-sankilled it and removed the .img23:19
Jordan_URiku-san: dd refuses to do anything when if= points to a directory. Are you sure that's the command you ran?23:19
Riku-sanbut I think the conv=noerror made it ignore that and keep copying garbage data indefinitely23:19
Riku-sanI'm sure this is possible since preinstalled images exist23:20
Riku-sanhow do I take the contents of a folder and make it a .img ?23:20
jimmy51v_Riku-san: i think you should create a blank img, mount it, then populate it.23:20
Jordan_URiku-san: Did you look at the output of dd? It should have consisted almost entirely of error messages about if being a directory.23:20
Riku-sanjimmy51v_, how do I go about doing that?23:21
Riku-sanJordan_U, yes, it was all errors23:21
Jordan_URiku-san: What is your end goal?23:21
Riku-santo flash my modded ubuntu image to a device23:21
k1lRiku-san: the arm guys do have a lot more experience with that.23:23
Jordan_URiku-san: How did you populate the directory ~/ubuntu/ ? There is much more needed for a bootable disk image than just files.23:23
Riku-sanJordan_U, with the contents of the bootable image I downloaded23:23
Riku-sanwhich was a tar.gz with a rootfs in it23:23
Riku-sanI then patched in some files, now I need a .img23:24
Jordan_URiku-san: OK. Were there instructions provided on how you would have made a .img from the original tar.gz you downloaded?23:25
Riku-sangot it here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/daily-preinstalled/current/23:25
k1lRiku-san: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch  there is an guide23:26
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randommindsI am trying to compile aria2c with gnutls. I have installed libgnutls-dev, but I keep getting configure: error: gnutls is requested but not found in the system. Any ideas?23:36
MeauxCheck the configure file and verify that the location for gnutls is correct23:37
ircfoxHello folks!23:38
Bashing-omrandomminds: Path ? -> echo $PATH < -.23:38
ircfoxI am trying to install here easy-rsa package and I guetting this error message when I try to install it : E: Unable to locate package easy-rsa23:38
k1l!find easy-rsa23:38
ubottuFound: easy-rsa23:38
ircfoxCould someone help me please?23:39
k1lircfox: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?23:39
ircfoxDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS23:39
OerHeksircfox, precise has no easy-rsa package. http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/raring/easy-rsa23:40
k1lircfox: that is not included in 12.04 repos.23:40
ircfoxok, and what do you suggest I add a extra-repo or I install it by hand?23:41
OerHeksircfox, upgrade to 14.0423:42
ircfoxOerHeks: how?23:42
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:42
Mightcould3Hey guys i got a simple issue i cant figure out, my sound works, listening to youtube music right now. i got my game up (warzone) and usually the audio works in it. but now its not. i got the pulse audio window open and through the playback option i need to change it from HDA to built in analog. in the drop down menu its there. (not greyed out) but when i click on it to change it, nothing happens. i cannot hear the ga23:44
Mightcould3me sound cause it wont let me switch the playback line to analog. any help would be much appreciated! thanks23:44
OerHeksMightcould3, maybe check the warzone settings, as it worked ?23:45
Bashing-omrandomminds: Humm .. gnutls is not in the 14.04 repo, what returns -> which gnutls <- ?23:46
yoki m new23:46
Mightcould3OerHeks, inside the game there is no option to change the sound device. only way to do it is through the pulse audio window to my knowledge. why wont it swtich over? isn't there a way to force it over? that simple little setting is whats keeping me from hearing my dull game music :(23:46
OerHeksMightcould3, maybe you need change it before you start warzone?23:47
randommindsBashing-om, nothing23:47
Mightcould3yeah warzone normally works fine with sound. and i cant change it before hand as it doesnt pop up in the pulse window untill the game is launched23:47
yokfirst time i use chat stuff23:47
randommindsBashing-om, whereis says gnutls: /usr/include/gnutls23:48
squintygnutls-bin package maybe?23:49
Mightcould3like i just dont understand why its doing this, in windows you select the default sound device and then everything's sound goes through that device. Here apparently thats not an option and being new to linux idk how to solve that. :(23:49
Bashing-omrandomminds: I do not know, 'which' should have returned a location of the binary - I would think . How did yopu install 'gnutls" ?23:50
randommindsBashing-om, I installed libgnutls-dev23:50
Mightcould3is there a cli cmd to force the sound output to the correct one?23:50
k1lMightcould3: very old games still use oss or stuff.23:51
OerHeksMightcould3, warzone 2100 works fine here, analog try speakers or digital tru stereoset23:53
Mightcould3K1l. yeah but it worked just fine before two days ago. all that has to happen is when i click on the dropdown box, when i click on analog it just needs to listen and go to analog. like youtube currently is and audio works fine. isnt there a way to force that? Otherwise seems like linux has the power to defy its user and thats gonna send me running back to windows. and i hate that idea.23:53
OerHeksMightcould3, open terminal: alsamixer  # and see if you can change something23:53
k1lMightcould3: shut down youtube23:53
Mightcould3shutdown youtube? dont tell me linux is limited to one app per sound device....23:54
k1lMightcould3: it is about softwaremixing. back than you could not easily hear 2 sounds at a time. and since that game is that old it got that old restrictions23:54
k1lMightcould3: please pastebin /etc/openal/alsoft.conf23:54
Mightcould3ok so its the games fault? if so thats cool. but if thats a linux thing imma have to lol @ it.23:55
Mightcould3K1l per4mission was deniued23:55
k1lMightcould3: its the games fault. no need to rage against ubuntu in that case23:55
Mightcould3K1l, good cause the past 2 weeks i fell in love with ubuntu. im so happy with it. actually i use xubuntu. and omg its the best OS ever. i get wobbly windows, a 3d cube. conky. and i feel more progressive using it :D23:56
Bashing-omrandomminds: Config issue ? apt-cache depends libgnutls-dev >> Suggests: gnutls-bin . Maybe not installed ?23:57
Mightcould3kinda like a San Franciso guy with his Hybrid car, i feel so awesome now that im a wiz with ubuntu and the software center. i can totally install ubu + conky on like any computer :023:58
Jordan_UMightcould3: What "pulse audio window" are you seeing the stream in?23:58
Mightcould3Jordan_U, well the sound settings windows from the speaker icon on the taskbar23:58
Mightcould3i see the game, i see the sound bar jumping to indicate sound is coming from that stream. however i just cannot change the output line, so imma close youtube and restart the game23:59

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