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brendandnik90, before i spend too much time on it, does this error mean anything to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8960443/09:28
brendandnik90, in clock-app AP tests09:28
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Architecture Day! :-D09:34
dpmhi liuxg, could you comment on bug 136979909:38
ubot5bug 1369799 in Ubuntu App Developer site "Adding new scope example code" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136979909:38
davidcalledpm, departments is being finished right now, publishable in a moment09:39
liuxgdpm, OK. I'll take a look at it.09:39
rpadovanidavidcalle, hey, do you have 5 minutes for a question about scopes? :-)09:44
davidcallerpadovani, sure :)09:45
rpadovanidavidcalle, thanks! First of all, congrats for your tutorial. I don't know C++, and I a couple of nights I was able to create a basic scopes!09:45
davidcallerpadovani, thanks, it was the same for me ;)09:46
rpadovanidavidcalle, so, I'm developing the duckduckgo scope, the problem is there are two type of queries, with same json response. Sometimes result are best in one query, sometimes in the other, sometimes are the same. So I have to do query1, compile my data, do query2, take response from query2 and merge in query1 where there isn't a response. How can I do it?09:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1391689 in Ubuntu Reminders app "UriHandler doesn't emit onOpened if the app needs to be started" [High,Triaged]09:48
mzanettidpm: and https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/239961/comments/59394009:49
dpmmzanetti, yeah, I saw it last night09:49
mzanettiah ok09:49
mzanettiIMO we should land the branch so penk can start testing with it when the app is running. the launching will start working when the platform bug is fixed09:50
rpadovanidavidcalle, e.g: infobox is one of the most interesting field, here there isn't https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=ferrara&format=json&pretty=1 but here yes https://api.duckduckgo.com/ferrara&format=json&pretty=109:50
dpmmzanetti, sounds good to me09:51
rpadovanidavidcalle, on the other hand, here there isn't the answer https://api.duckduckgo.com/3+2&format=json&pretty=1 but here yes https://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=3+2&format=json&pretty=109:51
rpadovani(please note the ?=q)09:51
davidcallerpadovani, what you can do is call get another time (with another "root"), parse both, put the infobox, when you find it, in a QVariantMap and then use insert() to add it to another map (the one you use to build your result), for example.09:59
davidcalles/with another/with a different09:59
davidcallerpadovani, do you need data from both, or just the one with infobox?09:59
rpadovanidavidcalle, the best I think is merging the two results, to have all informations available10:00
rpadovanitake query1 and fill all possible, take query2 and fill what's blank10:01
davidcallerpadovani, ok, then, you can simply use "map_you_want_to_parse.insert("other_info", qvariantmap_containing_the_other_json)" To get a new JSON key in your existing map.10:02
rpadovanidavidcalle, awesome, thanks!10:03
rpadovanidavidcalle, I'll try asap, if I'll have other questions I'll ping you ;-)10:03
davidcallerpadovani, np, if you have any issues, ping me :)10:03
ahayzenpopey, ping10:12
popeyahayzen: pong10:12
ahayzenpopey, could you build a new click please ? :)10:12
ahayzenpopey, readme has been updated10:12
popeyfrom what bzr rev?10:12
ahayzenpopey, 736? (latest remix)10:13
ahayzenpopey, assuming you think it is good, me and victor agreed last night that this click could be a candidate for the store10:16
popeyok, I'll get the wheels in motion10:16
ahayzenpopey, thanks :)10:17
popeythank you!10:17
dslulwhere can i find the source code of preinstalled ubuntu touch scopes?11:00
popeydslul: any in particular?11:00
dslulyes, the software center scope11:00
popeylp:unity-scope-click i think11:00
popeyyeah https://launchpad.net/unity-scope-click11:01
dslulthank you :)11:01
mzanettidpm: pushed11:07
nik90brendand: hey11:20
nik90brendand: it means that the bottom edge wasn't visible and happens when the clock app didn't have focus on start.11:21
nik90brendand: I remember briefly talking about this with you earlier. And you said there was an upstream bug reported about this.11:21
brendandnik90, that is meant to be fixed now11:22
dpmcool, thanks mzanetti11:23
nik90brendand: are these failures consistent?11:25
brendandnik90, yeah11:25
rpadovanidavidcalle, I have a very strange issue... on a PC the code works, on another PC doesn't work with this error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8962497/11:32
rpadovaniBoth utopic, both 64bit, both with last updates11:32
davidcallerpadovani, ouch, that's an annoying issue with the API: the path to the scope ini file is too long and some part of the API stack doesn't like it. I guess your user name on the pc it doesn't work makes the path too long. Sending that to an API dev to see if there is a workaround until the big is fixed...11:37
nik90balloons: would you be able to join the clock app uos session today? It would be nice to discuss things with you about the testing suite ;) ?11:55
kalikianais there any way to see the newest apps in the store?12:14
ogra_sadly not :((12:14
kalikianathe only way I discover new stuff right now is if I check something else, or search, and spot something new by chance…12:15
popeyhttps://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=architecture:armhf&size=1000&page=1  ☻12:15
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davidcallerpadovani, looks like there is no easy solution for now, except changing the domain or name of the scope to something shorter :/ This is really impractical, I'll get back to you in the afternoon if I have more info.12:17
davidcalledpm ^12:17
rpadovanidavidcalle, thanks!12:17
davidcallerpadovani, np12:17
kalikianapopey: is that API documented?12:18
kalikianais it always ordered by most recent addition?12:18
weeman1337Hello there, I need some help with setting up gettext() in a scope..12:19
popeykalikiana: ask JamesTait12:28
zmajdoes anyone here know anything about packaging?12:29
JamesTaitkalikiana, most relevant match for search keywords wins; ties are decided by average rating; ties after that point are ordered most-recently-updated first.12:30
JamesTaitkalikiana, so if you entered no search terms, popular, recently-updated packages should come first.12:31
dpmrpadovani, can you send an e-mail to the phone mailing list with your problem? We can get a scopes API developer to look at it there12:32
kalikianazbenjamin: works!! even when adding a new kit to an existing project12:35
zbenjaminkalikiana: awesome - o :)12:35
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kalikianaJamesTait: cool, exactly what I want then - one more q: is there a way to get a URL that can be used to install it?12:42
zmajhi,I am using the ubuntu-sdk and when I go to the publish tab I can't create click packages.The "click" column is missing.12:44
kalikianazmaj: disabled? or completely absent?12:44
JamesTaitkalikiana, yes, but you'll need to be authenticated to be able to download. In the search results (clickindex:package object) is a 'self' link - that takes you to the full package details. Follow that link, and you want the download_url property.12:45
kalikianazbenjamin: hmmm not sure I've seen that - for me occasionally the device isn't being detected so I re-create the kit and that does it - might be worth a try still12:45
kalikianazmaj: ^^12:45
JamesTaitkalikiana, alternatively, you can provide the fields parameter: https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=architecture%3Aarmhf&fields=title%2Cdownload_url&page=1&size=100012:46
JamesTaitkalikiana, and then you get the download_url directly in the search results. (For clarity, I just added `&fields=title,download_url` to the URL popey gave you.)12:47
kalikianaJamesTait: I was more thinking of the equivalent of the "install" button in the store scope; I don't really need to save the file, I'd just like to see new apps and install them right away12:51
JamesTaitkalikiana, AFAIK the only way to install them atm is to download the .click file and then install it with either `click install` or `pkcon install-local`.12:52
JamesTaitkalikiana, to help with the download part of that and deal with logging in and such, I hacked together https://code.launchpad.net/~jamestait/+junk/click-support-tools12:54
JamesTaitkalikiana, note the word *hacked* in there. ;) It isn't pretty, but it does work.12:55
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zmajin qt creator...in my devices tab,I only have a broken 'cat:' emulator...whenever I try to remove it,it reappears when I restart qt creator13:01
dholbachdpm, mhall119: do you know if we meant to have the ToC at the top of http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/platform/guides/online-accounts-developer-guide/?13:25
dpmdholbach, I don't know, I think mardy passed the html doc to mhall11913:30
mardydpm, dholbach: correct, I prepared the HTML file as you see it, but then I don't know if the ToC should be there or not13:31
rpadovanidpm, will do13:32
mardydholbach: I think that at list the biggest sections should have a ToC: "OA for application developers" vs "OA for service developers"13:32
dholbachmardy, I'm happy either way - I just felt like I hadn't seen this on other articles on developer.u.c before13:35
dholbachand just wanted to ask back13:35
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akiva-thinkpadubuntu online summit to start in 7 minutes: come join http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22327/intro-by-michael-hall-keynote-by-rick-spencer/13:52
rpadovanisigh, I'm at uni all today, cannot join anything :/13:53
akiva-thinkpadrpadovani, dawww13:53
akiva-thinkpadcan you skip class and tell your prof that you got super important stuff todo?13:54
rpadovaniakiva-thinkpad, lol, I already skipped two weeks to go to devices sprint, cannot skip other lessons13:54
t1mprpadovani: if you put only one earplug, with the other ear you can still listen to the lectures :)13:58
rpadovanit1mp, could be interesting :D13:59
balloonsrpadovani, I support you doing well in school. No worries about missing the sessions14:00
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kalikianaJamesTait: I think I'll make do with typing the names in the store for now… maybe there's even a slim chance this actually makes it into the store proper some day14:15
kalikianathanks anyway14:15
kalikianadifferent thing: is there a way to let a web app keep running while music is playing? libre.fm keeps stopping in the middle of a song14:16
ogra_kalikiana, no14:16
kalikianameh. today is not my lucky day I guess :-]14:16
ogra_kalikiana, but there is work to integrate the webapp backend with media-hub14:16
ogra_shoul eb done by RTM hopefully14:16
ogra_so your playback will go on, the app will be stopped though14:17
Elleokalikiana: when I have a bit of free time I'll write a proper libre.fm client rather than just the webapp14:17
Elleokalikiana: then I can get it to give media hub a big playlist in advance14:18
akiva-thinkpadjust a reminder; the online summit has started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvKXxp2y3xw#t=1614:18
akiva-thinkpadjoin #ubuntu-uds-plenary14:19
kalikianaElleo: that would be sweet!14:19
* kalikiana hugs Elleo14:19
Elleokalikiana: also vaguely working on a libre.fm scope: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-vfuw3Nn_7Co/VFbXrpApqLI/AAAAAAAAAp0/OqrBV_sZ0cY/w426-h757/librefm-scope.png14:20
Elleokalikiana: but that's more to be able to dowload music straight to the music app, rather than for listening to the radio streams14:20
kalikianaElleo: hmm for me it's mostly: listen, listen, listen, listen, download, listen…14:26
kalikianalooks nice, though14:26
Elleokalikiana: yeah, that's my general approach too; but that doesn't fit so well with the scope concept, so I'm probably not going to be doing radio stuff in the scope14:27
Elleokalikiana: and the app will have a download button that sends stuff to the music app (or anything else that receives music) too14:28
kalikianaElleo: maybe there can be a Listen button per album or artist14:29
kalikianaand behind the scenes whether it's streamed or cached, I don't mind, I just don't need to download everything14:30
kalikiana(well, at least as long as I have no spare SD for this phone, I can't download much :-|)14:31
Elleokalikiana: yeah, that'd be good14:31
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dslulif i have a list type in a setting, how can i get the string selected? config["listname"].get_string() does not work15:03
mihirnik90: you around ?15:03
nik90mihir: yeah, attending the uos sessions, what's up?15:04
mihirnik90: great , got some question if you have time !!15:04
nik90mihir: shoot15:04
mihirnik90: with respect to new design , we might have to use bottom edge with multiple views , then how do we maintain pagestake ?15:05
nik90mihir: what do you mean? You can continue to use pagestack alongside the bottom edge component.15:06
nik90mihir: clock app uses a regular pagestack combined with the bottomedge15:06
mihirnik90: hmm okay.15:08
dholbachakiva-thinkpad, I placed your session on the schedule tomorrow15:19
akiva-thinkpaddholbach, cool beans15:19
mihirnik90: i see this error and also noticed that you've encountered the same issue15:20
mihirqml: WARNING! Do not put Page/Tabs/PageStack inside another Page because that causes confusion which is the active page that sets the title and actions.15:20
mihirnik90: can we ignore this , application is behaving as exptected though.15:20
nik90mihir: yeah that can be ignored. I see that in the address book as well15:21
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dholbachUOS session about "App/Scope development training events" - starting in 10m at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22365/community-1411-appdev-events/15:50
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mihirnik90: okay great :)16:11
mihirballoons: ping16:45
mihirpopey: bottom edge is on his way :D16:46
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balloonsmihir, pong17:01
mihirballoons: i am trying to implement bottom edge in calendar.17:01
mihirballoons: how can we achieve this in AP, i have no clue.17:01
balloonsmihir, totally doable. you just generate the swipe.17:05
balloonsmihir, the clock ap test has this. you can copy17:05
mihirballoons: okay, great , let me look at that.17:06
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brendandnik90, clock asks for location now?17:10
kalikianaanyone interested in testing/ reviewing U1Db.Query improvements to export role names? https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/indexRoles/+merge/21177117:10
* kalikiana added some tests and improved the example17:10
nik90brendand: yes17:11
nik90brendand: we show it in the main page17:11
brendandnik90, could that be causing the test failures?17:11
nik90it was in the pipeline for a long time. Was waiting for the location service to be reliable before merging it.17:11
nik90brendand: hmm I doubt it17:11
nik90brendand: the bottom edge relies on the alarm model to be loaded before showing it.17:12
brendandnik90, so you added code to dismiss the dialog?17:12
nik90brendand: no I didn't17:12
nik90brendand: I haven't thought about it since I usually run the tests on my laptop and phone where I have already granted access to the location17:13
brendandnik90, ahem17:13
brendandnik90, that won't fly in ci17:13
nik90brendand: isn't there a way to see a video of what's happening when running the test in ci?17:13
brendandnik90, not on the dashboard since its run on hardware there17:14
brendandnik90, probably there is video from the ci jenkins job17:14
nik90I guess then location could be the point of failure then17:15
nik90brendand: if this is it, then it should cause **all** clock tests to fail17:15
nik90not just the alarm tests17:15
brendandnik90, they are all failing17:16
nik90then location is the failing point17:16
nik90brendand: Do you have a link to the code that the camera app uses to get past this issue?17:16
nik90I can have a branch up and ready asap and you could check if that passes with ci17:17
brendandnik90, that would be the code where it doesn't show the trust prompt17:17
brendandnik90, ask Kaleo about it17:17
nik90brendand: ok.. so is the dialog blocked only while running the tests or all the time?17:18
kalikianagah… again this crap trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/PushNotifications/plugins.qmltypes', which is also in package qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-push-notifications-plugin:amd64 0.1-0ubuntu117:19
* kalikiana really looking forward to click updates on desktop17:19
brendandnik90, it only gets in the way of running the tests17:19
nik90kalikiana: you got to stop signing your email since I cant read them on dekko :P17:41
kalikiananik90: let's team up and tickle Daniel until he has no choice but to fix that :-D17:45
nik90DanChapman: ^^^^^17:46
* kalikiana tickles DanChapman17:46
DanChapmannik90 kalikiana: Hah!, yeah it's a right pain in the **** atm. There should be support for multipart/signed in the next few weeks. For composition though that that will be some time further down the line17:50
mihirballoons: i did try something similar but couldn't succeed , i'll try more.17:52
mihirand will ping you back17:52
kalikianaDanChapman: reading would be a great start!17:52
balloonsmihir, kk17:53
mihirballoons: if you get sometime you can  play around that , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/bottomEdge/+merge/24159017:54
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* kalikiana off for dinner, very hunrgy now due to that person called cheeseburger having come up all the time in the keynote17:58
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akiva-is-yellowQuestion; was the "Why Go" session cancelled? I don't see it on the schedule.18:12
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t1mpakiva-is-yellow: I can see it in the list of unscheduled meetings18:17
t1mpakiva-is-yellow: I don't know what happened to it18:18
akiva-is-yellowt1mp, wierd18:18
t1mpakiva-is-yellow: who scheduled it?18:18
akiva-is-yellowDPM I think... nik90 said he moved some things around18:18
akiva-is-yellowDPM was supposed to get the speaker. it was scheduled for today18:18
popeyakiva-is-yellow: dpm asked me to18:22
popeyi removed it18:22
akiva-is-yellowpopey, okay thanks18:22
* akiva-is-yellow goes delete the reddit post :P18:22
mihirrenatu: ping18:31
renatumihir, hi18:31
mihirhi renatu18:31
mihirrenatu: i am trying to use bottomEdge , but facing some issue in refreshing object, i just wanted to make sure i am not doing anything wrong.18:32
mihirrenatu: this is what is happening ---> http://youtu.be/b5DglmkGcbo18:32
akiva-is-yellowQuote: "At the moment we do "Punch people in the face" out of the box".18:32
mihirthe object refreshed  ,  on second swipe .18:33
renatumihir, what is the problem?18:33
mihirrenatu: the problem is when i swipe and open bottom edge , it doesn't take latest property value.18:34
mihirrenatu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8968664/18:34
mihirso in the above example case, dayStart keep changing on each swipe.18:34
mihirrenatu: so it takes the older dayStart value instead of new one.18:35
renatumihir, this is expected the component is create only once18:35
mihirrenatu: how can we avoid this , as in calendar , we change values on each swipes18:35
mihirrenatu: but when i open second time , it takes correct value , why is that?18:38
renatumihir, the component is created at the application startup and stay alive until you dismiss the page18:38
renatuafter dismiss the page it will reload the component18:38
mihirrenatu: hmm but if you notice on video , i am not dismissing the component, i just back and open again using bottom edge.18:39
renatumihir, do you want to update the "date" with a most recent value?18:39
mihirrenatu: yes18:39
renatudismissing == hide the component18:39
mihirrenatu: here is MP , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/bottomEdge/+merge/24159018:40
renatumihir, you can track "isReady" property (this property is set to TRUE when the page is fully visible)18:40
renatuor, "bottomEdgePageLoaded" which is set to "true" when the page is loaded18:41
renatuthe second one can cause problems since the page can be loaded and stay invisible for a while18:41
mihirrenatu: i did try that , but i might be doing it wrong.18:41
renatuI recommend you to create a page with empty time and set the time when the "isReady" property change to true18:42
mihirrenatu: this is how i am doing it right now , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969256/18:43
renatuthis does not work18:43
renatumihir, I recommend you to create a page with empty time and set the time when the "isReady" property change to true18:43
mihirrenatu: okay , you mean to say when currentDay time is being set , have i understood correct?18:44
renatumihir, or set the bottomEdgePageSource with a QML file18:44
mihirrenatu: okay18:46
mihiri'll try and will update you.18:46
renatumihir, something like that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969351/18:47
renatumihir, this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969361/18:47
mihirrenatu: may be this should work , let me try.18:50
mihirrenatu: nope that didn't work, it always pass null instead of assinged value18:53
mihirrenatu: i did this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969463/18:54
mihirrenatu: if you need full source code for reference , http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969465/18:54
renatucould you print the value that you have in the currentDay on the implementation of onIsReadyChanged, and check if it is a valid value18:55
renatucheck if it is called18:56
mihirrenatu: it is being called18:59
dpmhi akiva-is-yellow, I've tried hard to get a speaker, but the two I approached ended up declining, sorry :/18:59
mihirrenatu: it prints actual value , qml: Current Day is  Thu Nov 20 00:00:00 2014 GMT+053018:59
mihirqml: Current Day is  Fri Nov 21 00:00:00 2014 GMT+053018:59
akiva-is-yellowdpm, np; I didn't have any luck either.18:59
renatumihir, ok then report a bug I will take a look later18:59
mihirrenatu: this is how printed, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8969593/19:00
mihirrenatu: sure i'll do that.19:00
mihirrenatu: shall I file it in address-book?\19:00
mihirrenatu: okay thanks for your help !!19:00
dpmmzanetti, any idea what is causing the test to fail? https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/239961 it seems the arguments are not being read correctly by looking at19:07
mzanettidpm: hmm... I did drop the -testability argument19:08
mzanettidpm: because that should have landed in Qt by now19:08
mzanettibut I can add it back if still needed19:08
dpmI've no idea, that's an area I'm not familiar with19:09
rpadovanidpm, davidcalle I just send a mail to ubuntu phone list about the error I have with the scope, hope it's clear enough, please add other details if you think are needed19:09
dpmgreat, thanks rpadovani!19:09
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mzanettirpadovani: edit mode should be ready for testing now19:11
rpadovanimzanetti, cool, I'll do after dinner19:12
rpadovanitomorrow only appointment in the morning is the reminders hangout, so I can go to bed later \o/19:12
davidcallerpadovani, thanks! That's very thoughtful :)19:16
renatumihir, I did a quick test and the property is getting set correct, the problem is that the NewEvent page does not care about the date value after the component loaded19:17
renatumihir, you need to fix that on NewEvent component19:17
renatumihir, to update the fields if the value of date change19:17
* popey pokes balloons - let me know when you're about.19:45
kenvandinepopey, don't pop balloons20:01
balloonsI'm about20:06
balloonswhat's up popey?20:06
popeylets talk music20:06
popeydo we have a bug for these failures?20:07
ahayzenpopey, errrm balloons we had a few bugs related to music mocking IIRC?20:07
ahayzenballoons, or was that the bug about the new way to mock that i'm thinking of?20:09
balloonsahayzen, popey this is the metabug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-session/+bug/137642320:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376423 in Ubuntu Touch session manager "Provide script to set up a temporary user session" [Undecided,New]20:13
ahayzenballoons, what/where were the changes you did to calendar and are they likely to work with music/mediascanner?20:13
ahayzenballoons, thanks for the link, too many bugs lol20:14
balloonsahayzen, we have been gutting all the mocking stuff out in anticipation of that bug being fixed. So we've tried not to mock anything, or as little as possible20:15
balloonsfor music that might mean the device shreds your music folder on the device when run20:16
balloonswe sort of expect the session to be correct on device.20:16
balloonswe can make some allowances on the desktop if they are easily done20:16
popeyThis looks to me like something that isn't a high priority for anyone?20:20
popeyExcept those of us affected by it.20:20
popeymakes me think we should submit the app for inclusion into the image given it's no worse than it was before.20:23
ahayzenballoons, is there no way to workaround the issue? (or is it not worth it?) and what is the timeframe for this new mocking?20:25
balloonsthe timeframe is not this month sadly. pitti is working on it, but hasn't started yet20:26
balloonsso do not wait for it20:26
popeyok, I'll submit it for review then.20:26
balloonsahayzen, the workaround is to assume a clean env on the phone20:26
ahayzenballoons, but how do we 'fix' the issue? lol20:26
balloonswhich is ok for now as in the dashboard it is clean20:26
ahayzenballoons, ugh that is nasty :/ ... i don't wanna lose my 8GB of music on device ;)20:27
balloonson the desktop, we can mock20:27
ahayzen..or 50GB on desktop20:27
balloonsahayzen, or figure out why it's not working manually20:27
ahayzenvthompson, you been following this ^^ ?20:27
balloonsahayzen, I thought you had done that already so I was comfortable with music because of it20:27
balloonsI didn't realize it broke again20:27
ahayzenballoons, i believe it may be related to that extra env var we put in to 'fix' it at one point20:27
ahayzenballoons, it has been broken for ages...but originally we thought it was autopilot itself as it was around the time of every app failing CI lol20:28
ahayzenpopey, so recommendations? i guess we should investigate (remind ourselves why) it is failing and see if we can do anything for the short term?20:29
ogra_balloons, note that a green image is one criteria we have for the golden milestone ...20:30
ogra_so the tests need to pass20:30
popeyMy recommendation is we get someone from the QA team to fix it. ☻20:30
balloonsahayzen, so the new app Ap20:30
balloonsthe the remix AP tests; they are broken, or they work but ?20:31
ogra_and music is the only app that currently has huge amounts of failures ... the landing team ignored them since we knew there was a new app in the pipe20:31
ahayzenballoons, they work on desktop but not device20:31
balloonsahayzen, and why not on device?20:31
ahayzenballoons, exactly the same as trunk20:31
ogra_all other tests pass ...20:31
ahayzenballoons, because the mocking fails20:31
ahayzenballoons, or thats what i thought20:31
balloonsahayzen, ok, so we should actually look and just get them passing20:32
ogra_i guess the question is why is it the only app that doesnt pass20:32
ogra_therev seems t be something special about it20:33
vthompsonahayzen, balloons sorry, I'm late to this party20:33
ahayzenogra_, when it was working we had to do some fun and games to get mediascanner2 mocking to work20:33
balloonsthe underlying issue is there isn't a helper for mediascanner20:34
ahayzenpopey, you may want to hold the click...20:34
ahayzenpopey, we've been talking to jdstrand about a bug and know what it is i suspect a fix will be soon20:34
balloonsso it's up to music to deal with the fallout. The QA team is addressing this lack of testability this cycle with the services providers, but until then we have what we have20:34
ogra_but why does that not fail in i.e. gallery ?20:34
ahayzenpopey, basically delete any track that is in one of your playlists from your device and then the playlist appears empty20:34
ogra_i assume it uses as much of mediascanner as the music app20:34
balloonsif you don't depend on platform services heavily you aren't as encumbered20:35
popeyahayzen: I will file a bug but not add it to the sheet, so I can add it to the sheet when we're ready. just ignore the bug from me which will be coming shortly20:35
ahayzenogra_, our tests are in python not c++ so we can't access some of the mediasacnner helper methods?20:35
vthompsonballoons, ahayzen is it worth going back to the old way of not mocking just as a short term solution?20:35
ahayzenpopey, cool i'll let you know when we are clear to go again :)20:35
balloonsvthompson, that was my recommendation. We gutted the mocking from everyone else20:35
ogra_ahayzen, gallery does just uas AP and pythong too i think ... perhaps it is a good start to look at these tests20:36
* ogra_ cant type anymore after a loooong day20:36
balloonsI mean I'm sure they will work without the mocking.. you will just lose your music20:36
balloonsahayzen, so what branch should I pull?20:37
vthompsonIf that's what we need to do to get a check mark for inclusion then I think it's the best option20:37
balloonsI'll propose something20:38
ahayzenballoons, lp:music-app/remix is the latest remix20:38
balloonsjust making sure20:38
rpadovanimzanetti, I spent 39 minutes to test functionality, and I didn't read the code yet!20:48
popeythanks balloons20:48
rpadovaniit's awesome anyway, I think a lot of apps could use this code :-)20:49
mzanettirpadovani: a lot of those issues are in the TextEdit though20:50
mzanettimeh... you've been testing too good :D20:51
mzanettisome of those I was aware, but decided its too much work... like the clicking twice of the list button20:51
rpadovanimzanetti, I just reported all issues, the ones that are about textedit we have to report upstream and link in our bugtracker :-) None of them are too annoying, could be merged right now IMO20:51
mzanettirpadovani: I'll go through your list and fix what's fixable with a reasonable amount of work20:52
rpadovanimzanetti, thanks!20:53
mzanettirpadovani: in the meantime I fixed this one for real: https://code.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/uriHandler/+merge/23996120:53
mzanettilets hope jenkins shuts up on it20:53
mzanettinoooo. I comitted a po change20:54
popeyDanChapman: seen https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/new-edit-mode/+merge/241226  ?20:55
popeysomething that might be useful in dekko?20:55
mzanettipopey: here's a screenshot with some example stuff (in case you want to blog about it :P)21:01
* popey hugs mzanetti 21:02
ogra_popey, geez, stop suggesting dekko features before reading signed multipart messages works !21:02
popeypatches welcome :þ21:03
DanChapmanogra_ or just don't sign your messages :-D21:03
DanChapmanpopey: mzanetti that looks awesome!! :-D21:03
ogra_i could just always use dekko ... then i wouldnt sign :)21:03
mzanettiDanChapman: there's a class called "FormattingHelper" in reminders. you can attach it to a TextEdit and it'll give you nice qml properties to set this stuff21:05
mzanettiDanChapman: it still needs a bit more love... rpadovani can tell you about it :D21:05
mzanettiDanChapman: but I think its a good start21:06
mzanettifeel free to copy it and ask me for help on how to use it21:06
mzanettiDanChapman: speaking of features to be implemented before signed multipart messages, what happened to the default BCC setting? Did I just miss it or were there problems implementing it?21:07
DanChapmanmzanetti: ok great thanks. I'll take a look at it later! Re: bcc that is coming in the next update. I needed to get the multiple sender identities in first. so you will be able to either multi-select any of your current identities to add to cc/bcc or provide a string list of "Other addresses".21:12
mzanettiah, I see21:13
mzanetticool stuff :) thanks21:13
ogra_mzanetti, where is <blink> !21:16
ogra_making text red but no <blink> doesnt work :P21:16
* mzanetti checks if QML supports that21:17
rpadovaninext step: smiles support, focusing on (b2b)21:18
mzanettiogra_: nope :(21:19
mzanettinot even the WebView21:19
ogra_they are good citizens21:19
mzanettihow can they drop the 90's just like that21:19
mzanettismileys support is something I actually miss in the messages app21:20
balloonsahayzen, I'm testing / playing with it now https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/music-app/drop-ap-mocking/+merge/24162721:28
ahayzenballoons, just saw that...how can i sanely test it?21:28
ahayzenballoons, move Music->Music.old or something?21:28
ahayzenas in without losing my music21:29
balloonsahayzen, yep.. but fair warning, I've not yet run on the device, only dekstop21:29
ahayzenballoons, i'll wait :)21:29
balloonsdesktop was still safe from music.. ahayzen to be fair there is no removal of music actually21:29
balloonsthe tests will just fail is all, and you'll get the 3 new music in there21:29
balloonsbut yea, waiting is good21:29
ahayzenah ok balloons it just assumes there is nothing in Music21:29
balloonsahayzen, right21:29
ahayzencool i understand now21:29
ahayzenballoons, i assume all the tests pass on device still :P as we've only been able to run on desktop21:31
balloonsahayzen, I'm thinking for the non-mock stuff on devices we won't patch mediascanner either21:31
ahayzenballoons, erm we need to somehow ensure that mediascanner2 has actually scanned the files if we don't patch21:31
ahayzenballoons, that was the reason we used to patch in the early days21:32
balloonsahayzen, in theory that should happen automagically right?21:32
balloonsno harm in leaving it.. it's patching now, but . . .21:32
ahayzenballoons, problem is you don't know when..it could happen too late...unlikely but could21:32
ahayzenvthompson, any thoughts? ^^21:32
balloonsahayzen, we could wait for it21:32
ahayzenballoons, i think you could probably get away with removing it as by the time the app starts and AP finds the window it will have indexed it21:33
balloonsahayzen, probably something worth having as a test somewhere.. maybe better in mediascanner21:33
ahayzenballoons, only bad thing i can think of is if the models suddenly refresh lol21:33
ahayzenballoons, there were talks of making there helper methods visible in python?21:33
balloonswhat do you mean?21:33
ahayzenlet me find an example hang on21:33
ahayzenballoons, eg here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scope-mediascanner/trunk/view/head:/tests/test-music-scope.cpp#L5421:35
ahayzenballoons, they call methods to populate ms2 i think elopio ? mentioned it would be nice if we had them in python then we could just call them21:36
ahayzenballoons, but anyway the more important thing at the moment is to get autopilot running not the patching...yet21:36
balloonsahayzen, ahh right, exactly.21:37
balloonsthey need to provide us with helpers21:37
vthompsonballoons, so what are the changes doing, still mocking the ms2 db?21:40
ahayzenvthompson, assuming there is nothing in Music21:41
balloonsvthompson, at the moment yes, but trying to remove that too21:41
* balloons testing the initial commit21:41
balloonsblows up nicely as expected :-)21:42
ahayzen"as expected"21:43
vthompsonballoons, did you move your music outside of $HOME?21:43
vthompsonIf it's in home I think it will still get rescanned21:43
ahayzenvthompson, yeah this is what i was saying, but we don't know *when* it is rescanned21:43
balloonsvthompson, I have no music on this device.. I don't think, let me see21:43
vthompsonahayzen, right away I'd figure21:43
ahayzenvthompson, i *think* we could get away with not patching the db though?21:43
balloonsthe device will assume it's clean, and that mediascanner will pick up the files21:44
vthompsonahayzen, exactly, I don't think we need to patch21:44
ahayzenvthompson, well if you copy something over MTP with music app running notice the delay until the models are refreshed but i think it is minimal21:44
balloonswe can add a check to wait for it to pick them up21:44
vthompsonahayzen, balloons but if we don't patch, we might get phantom errors if ms2 doesn't see the files in time21:44
ahayzen...but would we still need to patch desktop? or am i now totally confused21:44
balloonsvthompson, on the desktop the full mocking is still occuring, which we'll leave for now for convience sake21:44
balloonsvthompson, right. so maybe we want more control, that's still a question.. I'm playing now21:45
vthompsonballoons, yea, makes sense to leave it in there. We probably just don't want to mock the db on the device21:45
balloonsI'm shooting for no mocking on device21:45
vthompsonif you want to somewhat safely move your music so it's not seen, you can probably do a "mv Music .Music" so it's invisible to ms221:46
vthompsonballoons, maybe we'll need to mock the app's db though? otherwise it might see recent items21:47
balloonsvthompson, interesting.. that's a question at you I suppose21:47
ahayzenvthompson, on device it is assuming to be a clean setup as it would be in CI21:47
balloonsright ^^21:48
ahayzenvthompson, so when we run it would be up to us to clear out dbs21:48
ahayzen...as in manually21:48
balloonslol, I have music, it sees it :-)21:48
vthompsonahayzen, I suppose that's reasonable21:48
balloonsand my recent21:48
ahayzenballoons, clear your .local/share/com.ubuntu.music/21:49
ahayzenand maybe your .config/com.ubuntu.music21:49
ahayzenvthompson, what tab do the tests assume you start on? or do they just always switch straight away?21:49
balloonshmm.. so things are running, but mediascanner might not play nice21:50
vthompsonahayzen, should start in Albums21:50
vthompsoneach time21:50
ahayzenvthompson, yeah the app itself..but i think the tests always move to another tab anyway so it doesn't matter?21:50
balloonswe'll start simple and have a clean device21:50
ahayzenyeah otherwise the restoring of queue could break some tests as well lol21:51
* balloons runs full test suite21:54
ahayzenballoons, are you using adt-run instead of phablet-test-run to run the tests?21:55
balloonsahayzen, yes21:56
ahayzenballoons, cool just checking so i know when i test :)21:56
balloonsahayzen, you'll need http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/a/autopkgtest/autopkgtest_3.7.1_all.deb and make sure you pass the password for the device21:57
ahayzenballoons, ok thanks :)21:57
vthompsonballoons, ahayzen do you think the tests might have issues if during the course of the test suite it adds an item to the recent?21:59
ahayzenvthompson, i don't think so21:59
ahayzenvthompson, i don't think  the tests ever look at recent?21:59
vthompsonahayzen, yea, but it'd dictate which tab is started on22:00
vthompsonI get this when I try to run:22:00
vthompsonFileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: '/home/phablet/.cache/mediascanner-2.0'22:00
ahayzenvthompson, yeah but the first thing all the tests do is move to another tab?22:00
ahayzenvthompson, the bigger issue is it restoring the queue22:00
vthompsonhm, queue too22:00
ahayzenvthompson, as the queue count is then incorrect which it does check for22:00
ahayzenballoons, are we able to clear .local/share/com.ubuntu.music before/after each test?22:01
balloonsahayzen, vthompson we can think about wiping the db only on click.. But I'd rather not remove any files I think for safety22:01
ahayzenballoons, i think we may have to22:01
ahayzenballoons, otherwise some tests may fail22:02
ahayzenballoons, but they may be ok so try it without first22:02
balloonsahayzen, doing a full run, no mocking with non-clean db and non-clean mediascanner22:03
ahayzenyep :) balloons how is it going?22:03
* balloons looks at log22:04
balloonsahayzen, some failures22:06
balloonsahayzen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8972709/22:11
ahayzenballoons, thanks22:11
balloonsahayzen, that's really raw. I'll make tweaks now to remove the db and mediascanner db each time22:11
ahayzenthis one seems strange... StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name 'LibraryListModel' and properties {'objectName': 'trackQueue'}.22:12
ahayzenand StateNotFoundError: Object not found with name 'MusicaddtoPlaylist' and properties {'objectName': 'addToPlaylistPage'}. also seems odd22:12
mzanettirpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/new-edit-mode/+merge/241226/comments/59443122:15
balloonsahayzen, same error on music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_add_song_to_queue_from_albums_page even removing the db first22:16
ahayzenballoons, it seems weird surely the Queue should be there :P22:16
jdstrandahayzen, vthompson: fyi, since I will be driving my car in a bit, I snagged playlists.js and copied it into place, and playlists work great :)22:16
ahayzenjdstrand, sweet thanks for testing :)22:16
jdstrandI'll grab the new click when it becomes available too22:16
balloonsahayzen, well do you want to have a play with it now or ?22:17
balloonswould you like to merge the basic changes in https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/music-app/drop-ap-mocking/+merge/241627 or ?22:17
rpadovanimzanetti, great work, thanks! I'm bit worried about the focus, but I think autofocus could help a lot22:17
mzanettirpadovani: yeah, it helps indeed22:17
ahayzenballoons, i'm not sure why it is doing that...i can take a look... ideally we want to get autopilot passing :) so i reckon work on your mp until it passes?22:17
mzanettirpadovani: I also move the cursor to the end so in 99% of the cases you would just start typing now22:18
mzanettirpadovani: if you want something else, you want to tap above it and there the issue doesn't happen because there is text22:18
rpadovanimzanetti, yes, you're right. I do some tests, then I can approve it I think. Do you want to wait dpm to top approve?22:18
mzanettiI don't mind :) If I put it up for review in my opinion it's good enough :P So it's up to you guys22:19
ahayzenballoons, are all your latest changes pushed?22:19
mzanettirpadovani: I did see some weirdness with checkboxes disappearing, so there might be a bug somewhere still... let me know if you can reproduce, otherwise I guess I'll find it sooner or later22:20
balloonsahayzen, yep22:21
ahayzenballoons, right now to destroy my device lol22:21
balloonsahayzen, we can work it till things pass no worries22:21
balloonsahayzen, lol, backup your Music folder and everything should be fine22:21
ahayzenmoved my Music folder to Music.old, created a new Music folder and then restarted22:22
balloonsahayzen, I think vthompson said to make it .Music instead so mediascanner doesn't pick it up22:22
balloonsprobably smart22:22
ahayzenah yes22:23
rpadovanimzanetti, I can reproduce it 100% of times: the height of the image of box is set to 0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8972832/22:23
rpadovanimzanetti, mhh, this is simpler: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8972846/22:24
balloonsahayzen, dinner time for me, back later22:26
ahayzenballoons, cool thanks for the work so far22:26
balloonsahayzen, let me make that branch a team branch22:26
ahayzenballoons, good plan :)22:26
* ahayzen better have dinner soon as well22:26
mzanettirpadovani: interesting...22:32
mzanettirpadovani: ah... I know what it is22:32
mzanettiyou don't have grid units exported22:32
mzanettiwill fix22:32
rpadovanimzanetti, great!22:33
mzanettirpadovani: pushed22:36
ahayzenballoons, "Failed to update click AppArmor rules: no root privileges in testbed"22:37
rpadovanimzanetti, works well now :-) I also read the code and, as I understand, seems good, so approve and top approved :D22:38
mzanettiawesome :)22:38
rpadovaniWell, as soon as my network works :/22:40
mzanettirpadovani has netnonworks22:44
mzanettirpadovani: the next reminders release is really going to be a great one :)22:45
rpadovanimzanetti, sure! It will be legen - wait for it - dary :D22:47
balloonsahayzen, did you pass -p ?23:13
ahayzenballoons, yeah realised that just then mucked up the actual cmd23:13
ahayzennow whats happenning "adt-virt-ssh: WARNING: ssh connection failed."23:13
balloonsadt-run ubuntu-calculator-app/ com.ubuntu.calculator_1.3.283_all.click --- ssh -s adb -p 123423:13
ahayzenballoons, i'm doing ... ADT_AUTOPILOT_MODULE="-v music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_play_pause_library" adt-run --click com.ubuntu.music --- ssh -s adb -p PASS23:15
balloonsahayzen, looks good23:15
balloonsahayzen, well actually...23:15
ahayzenit did work but now it doesn't23:15
balloonsADT_AUTOPILOT_MODULE="-v music_app.tests.test_music.TestMainWindow.test_play_pause_library" adt-run test_folder --click com.ubuntu.music --- ssh -s adb -p PASS23:15
ahayzenballoons, test folder being? on the desktop?23:16
balloonsyep, pass the branch folder23:16
balloonssince you want adt to use the tests from the local branch not the ones from trunk23:16
ahayzenwell i may have pushed them manually by my adb seems broken i'm restarting23:17
ahayzenballoons, what does this mean? "adt-virt-ssh: WARNING: ssh connection failed. Retrying in 3 seconds..."23:18
balloonsmeans what it says.. is everything connected?23:18
ahayzenballoons, i can run adb shell or phablet-shell and do what i want23:18
balloonsis the password correct?23:18
ahayzenwithout a password it actually connects...just then can't install packages23:19
vthompsonI get Ran 18 tests and 5 failed.... one was probably because I forgot to delete my playlists23:21
ahayzenvthompson, \o/23:22
ahayzenvthompson, after the playlists test i guess it would need to clear the db or is there only 1 test that touches playlists?23:22
ahayzenvthompson, do you know which 5 failed?23:23
vthompsonahayzen, getting a list now23:23
vthompsonahayzen, ^ the list23:26
ahayzenvthompson, interesting23:27
vthompsonahayzen, I'm running again just to verify it's the same23:27
ahayzenvthompson, can you try with clearing the db before running23:27
vthompsonahayzen, yea, but that'd really only affect the first test. the only other thing we store is the queue23:28
ahayzenvthompson, as in on each run so it is afresh for each test23:28
vthompsonahayzen, hmmm, the queue is probably what's doing it!23:28
ahayzenvthompson, just add to the setup and delete of .local/share/com.ubuntu.music23:28
vthompsonright, but I think the issue is we check the queue and assume it should be 023:29
vthompsonit can be whatever it was previously23:29
* balloons embarks on an upgrade23:29
ahayzenvthompson, yep and u may need to clear the settings as well otherwise it'll try to restore the queueIndex ?23:30
vthompsonahayzen, yea, but that should be valid, right?23:30
ahayzenvthompson, not if your not restoring the queue? as we'll be clearing the queue23:31
ahayzenvthompson, or are you saying we should mod the tests?23:31
vthompsonI say we should just mod the tests, I guess. Maybe we should mod the setup you're saying?23:32
vthompson^ I suppose moding the setup might be better23:32
ahayzenvthompson, yeah i don't mind either23:33
ahayzenvthompson, *some* of the tests read the current queue count and then figure out what it should be but others assume 023:33
ahayzenvthompson, i guess we should really assume a clean env between each test?23:33
vthompsonahayzen, yea, that'd be the best methodology23:33
ahayzenvthompson, so clearing the db/settings is the better option assuming ^^ ?23:33
vthompsonThis time I got 3 failures, but 2 of them were not in the same list of failures last time?23:34
vthompsonahayzen, agreed23:34
ahayzenvthompson, we may have some waits to add with the defer'd/incubating we have now?23:34
vthompsonahayzen, that's also possible23:35
ahayzenvthompson, what were the failures?23:35
vthompsonahayzen, I'm using phablet-test-run so I can pick off and debug certain tests23:35
ahayzenvthompson, i was just wonder what the traceback was that usually gives you a clue23:36
vthompsonThis time? It was test_mp3, test_artists_tab_album (like last time) and test_swipe_to_delete_song23:36
ahayzenvthompson, could you put the full output into pastebin?23:37
vthompsonyea, it almost looks like the app crashes23:38
ahayzenoh god23:38
ahayzenah damn i was using the wrong ap tests no wonder phablet-test-run wasn't working :P23:39
vthompsonahayzen, you still didn't/hadn't done a provision?23:40
ahayzenvthompson, no i pushed the tests from on of my columnflow branches :P23:40
vthompsonahayzen, here's a single failure http://paste.ubuntu.com/8974061/23:43
vthompsonhm, I get some apparmor related failures, I think, now23:44
ahayzenyeah i'm getting loads of them23:44
ahayzenthis used to be easy to run23:44
ahayzeni managed to run a test \o/23:46
vthompsonahayzen, maybe I don't get the failure when I run the full suite23:46
ahayzenvthompson, have you added lines to clear the dbs before/after each test?23:47
vthompsonnope, have not done that yet23:47
ahayzenvthompson, i guess it should restore the settings as well incase the test assume that repeat/shuffle are set to their defaults?23:52
ahayzenvthompson, although i *think* most of the tests cover that23:52
ahayzenvthompson, on my first run I got... Ran 18 tests in 370.854s FAILED (failures=5)23:55
vthompsonhm, pull now and lets try. I added a change to delete the Databases dir23:57

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