
justinmcprobru: are you alive?00:34
robrujustinmcp: yeah, what's up?00:35
justinmcprobru: could we kick off vivid sili 001 again?00:35
robrujustinmcp: you should have permission to trigger the build, no need to wait fo rme00:51
robrujustinmcp: so you can just check here: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu&q=justinmcp and click Build.00:55
justinmcprobru: of course, sorry for wasting your time00:55
rsalvetijustinmcp: should I land https://code.launchpad.net/~justinmcp/media-hub/1239432/+merge/240387 first?00:56
rsalvetiguess we can just rebuild silo 1 after landing this one00:56
robrujustinmcp: not at all, happy to help.00:56
rsalvetithis one is available at silo 600:56
justinmcprobru: yeah, I am not sure why that is not in? as far as I know its good to go00:57
rsalvetilet me land it then00:57
rsalvetiseems to be working as expected00:57
justinmcprsalveti: thanks00:59
robrursalveti: silo 6 is set as needing qa? I didn't think qa did any vivid silos01:01
rsalvetinops, just changed that01:01
rsalvetiand publishing...01:02
robrursalveti: heh, ok01:02
robrursalveti: justinmcp just remember silo 6 needs to be *cleaned* before the build job in silo 1 will pick up those changes. just publishing it isn't enough01:03
rsalvetihm, a regression for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtbase-opensource-src01:03
rsalvetiguess Qt will only migrate tomorrow01:03
justinmcpclean 006 now?01:50
robrujustinmcp: yep!01:50
robrujustinmcp: oh sorry, I guess i forgot to explain. so in the case of silo 6, once you were done testing it and satisfied that it's working properly, you set spreadsheet column K to 'Yes' (with some details about image number, device, and your name), and then the bot will ping us to tell us to publish that silo. so column K was never set that's why it was01:52
robrunever published01:52
justinmcprobru: should I do that now its cleaned?01:52
robrujustinmcp: nah, irrelevant now. but you should have done that at the time to get that silo to land. you mentioned 'not sure why it's not in', because you didn't indicate it was ready ;-)01:56
justinmcprobru: he, that would be it :) you ive and learn01:57
robrujustinmcp: yeah sorry, I should have been more proactive about teaching you that the day you onboard it. anyway if you're ever waiting for something and not sure why it isn't moving, please ping 'trainguards' and we can check it out, make sure it's not stuck for whatever reason02:01
robru'the day i onboarded you'02:01
justinmcprobru: will do, thanks for your help02:03
robrujustinmcp: you're welcome!02:03
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr_
=== rvr_ is now known as rvr
bzoltanrobru: I have merged manualy the silo9 MR to the UITK's RTM branch03:26
bzoltanrobru:  I think that the silo9 can be freed now03:26
robrubzoltan: which branch did you merge? if you just merged the MR from the silo you're missing the changelog contents. if so, you should revert that and merge the ps-jenkins branch which contains the other merge & the changelog together03:28
robrubzoltan: which is lp:~ps-jenkins/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/latestsnapshot-ubuntu-rtm-recup03:28
bzoltanrobru: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/text_input_larger_selection_handle_on_trunk/+merge/24102403:29
bzoltanrobru: But I am confused now03:29
robrubzoltan: the train takes those branches and generates a changelog. if you only merge the branch, then your debian/changelog is out of sync with what's in distro03:29
robrubzoltan: at the very least you need to cherry-pick http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/latestsnapshot-ubuntu-rtm-recup/revision/1124#debian/changelog into your RTM trunk. alternately you can revert the other MR and then just merge that ps-jenkins branch instead and it'll effectively be the same thing (it contain's florian's branch so03:33
robruit's all the same)03:33
bzoltanrobru:  I did bzr revert -r -2 and pushed03:33
bzoltanrobru:  I assume now my rtm branch is back to where t was03:34
robrubzoltan: not sure if that's right. revert -r -2 just checks out that local commit, doesn't actually commit the changes, so your push is probably empty03:34
robrubzoltan: you need to reverse-merge the branch03:35
robrubzoltan: so something like 'bzr merge -r [latest commit]..[previous commit] .'03:36
robrumaybe easier to just cherry pick the changelog diff ;-)03:36
bzoltanrobru:  yeps, you are right03:37
robrubzoltan: ok http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/rtm/revision/1126 looks good ;-)03:37
bzoltanrobru: good like reverted good?03:38
robrubzoltan: yeah, good like you did the revert correctly03:39
bzoltanrobru:  as I checked the MR merge is reverted03:39
robrubzoltan: now just merge that ps-jenkins branch and you're done03:39
bzoltanrobru: crap.. I merged the ~ps-jenkins/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/latestsnapshot-ubuntu-rtm-recup and all it brought is the changelog03:41
bzoltanrobru:  complins about criss-cross03:42
bzoltanrobru: hmm... and that branch has nothing else03:43
robrubzoltan: well i feel stupid now03:43
bzoltanrobru: so should I merge from the MR branch now?03:43
robrubzoltan: yes, sorry03:43
bzoltanrobru:  welcome to my club :) I feel horrible stupid most of the times03:43
robrubzoltan: i forgot that branch had the exact same commits in it, i was thinking it was different03:43
bzoltanrobru:  geez ... I merged the MR branch and it said "nothing to do"03:45
robrubzoltan: oh yeah, because those commits are already merged ;-) you have to re-revert the revert commit the same way you originally reverted it03:47
bzoltanrobru: I lost you mate :)03:48
bzoltanrobru: The MR's branch is for sure not integrted to te rtm branch.03:49
robrubzoltan: right, because you reverted it03:51
robrubzoltan: but the thing is, bzr tracks the commits. so that MP that exists, says 'merge these commits into that branch'. but those commits are already merged. the revert doesn't remove those commits, it makes a new commit that undoes what the first commits did03:52
robrubzoltan: so when you try to merge it, it says 'nothing to do' because it's already merged. it doesn't care that it's reverted, those specific commits are already merged03:52
robrubzoltan: so to get it back, you have to revert the revert03:52
robrubzoltan: so do the revert command again, but this time point it at the revert commit, not the original commit03:52
robruand then everything will come back good03:52
robrubzoltan: the thing to remember is that a revert doesn't mean "delete these commits", it means "make a new commit that is the opposite of that other commit", the original commits are still there in the history. that's why you can't just merge03:54
bzoltanrobru:  done03:54
bzoltanrobru:  ohh... good to know03:55
bzoltanrobru:  would you please take a look at the rtm branch now, if it looks good to you?03:55
robrubzoltan: good to know, but I had forgotten that detail when I was telling you to do the original revert :-/03:55
robrubzoltan: looking03:55
robrubzoltan: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/rtm/revision/1129 not sure about this... looks like you clobbered an old version?03:58
robrubzoltan: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/rtm/revision/1127 this was the original changelog commit, adding a new entry. looks like your latest commit there deleted version ...1107.203:59
robrubzoltan: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/rtm/view/1127/debian/changelog here's the correct changelog, just download this overtop of whatever you have and push it to trunk ;-)04:00
bzoltanrobru: robru all I did ws bzr revert -r -3 and then edited the changelog manually04:00
robrubzoltan: yeah, i think you edited it wrong. it looks like you changed one version into another when you should have preserved that version and just appended the new one at the top04:01
bzoltanrobru:  OK, it should be fine now.04:03
bzoltanrobru:  thank you for yor patient asistance :)04:03
robrubzoltan: ok it's perfect now. thanks for YOUR patience as I give you bad advice ;-)04:04
bzoltanrobru:  I made the whole problem :) when I wanted to create the rtm branch, I just pulled the trunk and pushed to lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/rtm . Me naive I thought that it will push it like that... but no, it made that branch under my lp id. There is where it all started...04:06
bzoltanrobru:  that is why CI could not merge it...04:07
robrubzoltan: heh04:07
Saviqtrainguards ↑ please :)08:44
MirvSaviq: on it08:45
ogra_hurry up, you got 1h :P08:48
tvossbrendand, ping08:49
Saviqogra_, plenty!08:49
brendandtvoss, hey08:49
ogra_Saviq, hah ...08:49
tvossbrendand, hey there, could you take a look at the card for rtm silo 13?08:49
tvossbrendand, the agps test case is expected to fail for krillin, see updated wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/location-service08:50
ogra_john-mcaleely, did you notice the new initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch package ? (with fix for the filesystem corruption)08:50
tvossbrendand, with that, could we please keep on testing or mark it passed if appropriate?08:50
brendandtvoss, i'd prefer vrruiz finishes it, can you wait?08:51
tvossbrendand, I would like it to be part of the next image08:51
brendandtvoss, sure08:52
tvossbrendand, when do you expect vrruiz to come online?08:52
brendandtvoss, soon08:52
tvossbrendand, something more precise? :)08:52
brendandtvoss, in the next hour08:52
tvossbrendand, well, that's a problem then08:52
tvossogra_, when do we spin the next image?08:52
ogra_tvoss, this evening perhaps ...08:54
tvossogra_, ah okay08:54
ogra_we'll close the gate in about 1h08:54
tvossogra_, what does that mean?08:54
ogra_no landings til promotion08:54
ogra_you know, the thing that i mailed about for the last three days every day08:55
ogra_what is set to QA signoff will be tested and landed today (with TOPBLOCKER) as prio and other silos as there is time08:55
ogra_late afternoon we build an image that the QA US shift can then test08:56
Saviqtrainguards, ↑ please, too (it's only a testing silo)09:06
brendandogra_, tvoss silo would fit in that category09:11
brendandogra_, it was in the queue yesterday but was marked failed because of a misunderstanding by vrruiz09:11
ogra_brendand, sure, up to you ...09:17
MirvSaviq: ok09:17
ogra_brendand, as long as there are free silos people can push to them anyway, it is in QAs hands what goes through then09:18
SaviqMirv, are you resolving the "missing revisions from distribution" due to Qt landing somehow in bulk or shall we take care ourselves?09:21
MirvSaviq: ah right, I've it on my todo.. I can fix unity8 now09:22
SaviqMirv, thanks09:22
SaviqMirv, just push the changelog to trunk directly?09:23
MirvSaviq: yes, done. but you'll gonna hate me now. I had some old checkout of unity8 which I updated, and now it did push some freaking amount of (probably cleaned up) tags in there. I wonder if you could do bzr push --overwrite to revert?09:25
SaviqMirv, let me clean those up for you09:26
SaviqMirv, you wanna use http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.py on your checkout09:26
* Mirv looks at Saviq that lookd oddly calm. backs away anyway a bit.09:26
Mirvoh, common enough that there's a script for it...09:26
MirvSaviq: I used this magic called rm -rf09:26
SaviqMirv, that works, too, sadly bzr's tags are viral09:27
MirvSaviq: I was assuming you approach me with a hammer or something09:27
SaviqMirv, have I ever!09:27
ogra_the day hasnt ended yet09:27
Mirvyes, we had viral tags in unity7, nux, compiz... too.09:27
Saviqyup, those things09:28
* popey afk09:30
=== ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect !
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
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rsalvetiMirv: were you able to finally land Qt?11:25
Mirvrsalveti: yeah, I needed to fix qtlocation-opensource-src-gles's Breaks line still and then it migrated, except for qtgraphicaleffects which I now fixed as well. everything seems good.11:26
Mirvrsalveti: thanks for the qtbas/pyqt5 again!11:27
rsalvetigreat, should we trigger another image then?11:29
MirvI originally had the qtlocation-gles as 5.3.2-2ubuntu.. and adjusted the Breaks according to it, but later fixed the version to be 5.3.2-0ubuntu.. since the gles variant is not in Debian11:29
Mirvrsalveti: sure, a new vivid image wouldn't hurt.11:30
ogra_go for it :)11:30
rsalvetialright, let me trigger a new one11:31
rsalvetiogra_: is the bot up?11:31
rsalvetiwasn't yesterday11:31
ogra_it is now again11:32
ogra_it sometimes hangs when i get a re-connect, still havent found out why exactly :(11:32
ogra_i need another bot to watch this one :P11:32
rsalvetiyeah, lol11:35
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 18 building (started: 20141112 11:40) ===11:39
davmor2ogra_: for imgbot can it list the channel too? so like ===  VIVID/RTM IMAGE 18 building (started: 20141112 11:40) ===11:48
ogra_i can add that, yeah11:48
ogra_it does it for RTM11:48
ogra_just not for the default release11:48
rsalvetican it make coffee as well?11:49
ogra_depends on the type of coffee :) handbrewed filter coffee requires some modifications ... nespresso just a releais ;)11:50
rsalveticrap, got into this crash loop again on wizard (vivid)11:53
rsalvetican't go any further than the first step11:53
rsalvetibut don't have adb11:54
ogra_indeed ... re-flash with dev-mode then :/11:54
ogra_so you can skip the wizard11:54
rsalvetilet me see if I got at least a crash file11:54
rsalvetivivid seems to be a bit out of sync still11:55
rsalvetiouch, system-compositor was the one that crashed11:56
ogra_yeah, it is largely ignored except for blindly landing stuff11:56
ogra_brendand, only sllo 10 left then, right ?11:58
brendandogra_, yeah, if we want to land it11:59
ogra_well, since it is in active testing already ...11:59
ogra_do you think that can finishe within the next 2h ?11:59
brendandogra_, maybe om26er can do it?12:00
om26erogra_, yes, its in testing12:00
ogra_brendand, i think he grabbed the trello card a few mins ago ;)12:00
ogra_ah, there he is :)12:01
* Mirv publishes rtm-00112:04
om26era unittest would have been great for that change though.12:08
looltrainguards, mind reconfiguring rtm silo 02 (to sync from vivid)?12:09
Mirvbrendand: what was the rationale for not landing 006?12:10
MirvI see it on the wishlist as "Approved" with the bug number in the comment field regarding that it didn't yet land in rtm12:10
Mirvlool: done12:11
brendandMirv, this apparently - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/139064312:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390643 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Orientation lock switch doesn't notice gsettings changes" [High,Fix released]12:11
Mirvbrendand: so, um, that's a regression from landing that fix and that's why? complex :)12:12
Mirvbrendand: ah right, found on trello now12:13
Mirvcommented on the landing spreadsheet too12:13
tvossogra_, brendand I think we really should consider rtm 2, too12:15
ogra_tvoss, untested, not ready12:15
tvossogra_, brendand it's a safe and simple upstart job adjustments, and vrruiz can easily help verifying that it works :)12:15
tvossogra_, working on that12:15
ogra_tvoss, we will build the candidate before 14:00 UTC12:15
tvossogra_, I thought we were looking at an evening build?12:16
ogra_if you can get QA signoff til then (and QA agrees to actually manage) then fine, if not, it has to wait12:16
ogra_tvoss, we are looking for having a sanity tested image by the evening12:16
ogra_the regression tests take 60h ...12:16
tvossogra_, ack12:16
looldavmor2: would you mind starting to test rtm silo 2? I've actually tested the change on top of older RTM images, but I'll retest it aclean now12:17
looldavmor2: the symptom is that people get no location, but it's not reproducible on all phones; the test is to check that HERE works after the change (it's just a boot time ordering); in my testing, the test actually revealed improved location on krillin (from cell only to wifi based positioning)12:18
Mirvthostr_: line 11 / rtm-007 "Enable building media scopes as click packages" has outdated packages in the silo - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/unity-scope-mediascanner/0.2+15.04.20141110~rtm-0ubuntu1 has landed 19h ago seemingly.12:18
Mirvso it'd need rebuild and retesting12:18
Mirvjamesh: ^12:18
looldavmor2: ah well, dont worry about it, I think we have a tester12:19
davmor2lool: okay12:20
thostr_Mirv: ok, will trigger one12:22
om26er_tvoss, except for trying to connecting to the wifi, is there anything else that I should be testing (re: silo10)12:23
tvossom26er_, nope, try to replicate the issue given the instructions in the bug report12:24
Mirvthostr_: thanks. regarding line 24 "Bug #1379817: Fixes a race condition", which package should be synced since silo 27 has already been cleaned?12:24
ubot5bug 1379817 in mediascanner2 (Ubuntu RTM) "When importing 7 digital albums music-app sometimes displays "Imported files not found" when all files have been imported" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137981712:24
Mirvthostr_: mediascanner2 only or something else too?12:24
thostr_Mirv: I think it was only mediascanner2 but let me quickly check12:25
thostr_Mirv: yes, that was only mediascanner 212:26
Mirvthostr_: ok12:26
ogra_one more, great :)12:27
brendandMirv, did you ever end up scripting those steps to diff the silo properly?12:28
Mirvrobru: heeeelp https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-007-1-build/58/console (when you're up). it uploads a package, then freaks out.12:28
ogra_as long as it does that afterwards ...12:29
Mirvthostr_: hold on with rtm-007, I believe the package is getting there, and I'll run watch_only build after that.12:29
cwayne-afkogra_: btw im sure youre aware, but i uploaded the custom tar last night :) (i made sure not to do it during a build)12:29
thostr_Mirv: already hit the button12:29
ogra_cwayne-afk, yeah, thanks for that :)12:29
cwayne-afkoops, still marked as afk12:30
=== cwayne-afk is now known as cwayne
Mirvthostr_: yeah, I just mean that hold on from retrying since it errored out :)12:30
Mirv"Successfully uploaded packages.12:30
Mirvbut IOError after that12:30
Mirvbrendand: no, I didn't indeed something that you just give silo number for would be nice. (check silo contents, dget those and the archive versions, do debdiff)12:31
Mirvthostr_: you have the mediascanner2 in rtm-001, please try building it meanwhile. I try battling with rtm-007, seems it really did fail.12:32
brendandMirv, lp:~brendan-donegan/+junk/silo-diff. It's your early (late?) birthday present :)12:33
brendandMirv, just don't look at the code! :/12:33
brendandMirv, not right now anyway12:33
thostr_Mirv: ok12:33
Mirvbrendand: \o/! 10 days late, quite good ;)12:34
brendandMirv, requires launchpadlib, which i'm sure you have installed12:35
Mirvbrendand: yes, I've done my share of lp hacking. thanks!12:36
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|test
=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
brendandMirv, note that it's only tested with rtm silos atm. feedback more than welcome on how it works with vivid silos12:39
brendand(which may be not at all :P)12:39
ogra_so is anyone from QA now testing 002 ?12:39
ogra_i dont see it on the trello board12:39
brendandogra_, because it's not been marked as testing passed12:40
ogra_(not to mention that the spreadsheed isnt set tii testing done)12:40
Mirvbrendand: ok, I'll test it when I need it.12:40
ogra_brendand, well, lool said they have someone to tes it12:40
brendandi'm getting slightly uncomfortable that we're seemingly trying to cram as much stuff in as possible before the deadline12:40
Mirvthostr_: rtm-001 seems working. the problem with rtm-007 is that now rtm has a unity-scope-mediascanner landing that is not in vivid, and that should be obviously fixed first.12:41
brendandfor top blockers and regressions it's understandable12:41
ogra_i really dont want to delay the image for that ... its not like it hasnt been announced for three days that stuff has to be testing downe byyesterday night12:41
Mirvthostr_: hmm, more exactly, there's rtm branch so sync silo shouldn't be used anymore: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scope-mediascanner/rtm-14.0912:41
ogra_brendand, right12:41
ogra_brendand, this is why i set strict deadlines annd described the status a silo needs to be in as good as possiblein advance12:42
MirvI've updated bug #1380586 to have ubuntu-rtm target12:43
ubot5bug 1380586 in Unity Media Scanner Scope "Need to click-package local media scopes" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138058612:43
thostr_Mirv: right. but with juss OOO I think we need to park this then until tomorrow12:43
brendandogra_, so we land 10 and that's it. and that only is 100% sure it's been tested thoroughly12:43
Mirvthostr_: ok.12:43
ogra_brendand, ok12:43
brendandogra_, and he needs to make that call in the next 15 minutes because we need to start that build sharpish12:43
* ogra_ is happy we agree here 12:43
ogra_the location thing just got me confused12:44
brendandom26er_, do you think you are almost done testing silo 10 or would need more time?12:44
Mirvrobru: unping, very weird behavior but it was ok it failed since it was trying to sync something that was diverged to rtm. maybe interesting to look at it anyway, but not critical.12:45
om26er_brendand, personally I think I am done. Its working fine. tried connecting to the wifi 10-15 times.12:45
om26er_I'll just approve it since the change itself is very small and looks safe to me.12:45
* Mirv stares at trello/spreadsheet12:46
* Mirv publishes12:47
* ogra_ goes into rmadison loop ... 12:50
MirvI agree https://launchpadlibrarian.net/190188128/ubuntu-location-provider-here_0.1%2B14.10.20141022~rtm-0ubuntu1_0.1%2B15.04.20141110~rtm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz is not the biggest landing ever12:53
Mirvcomplex problem though12:53
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 18 DONE (finished: 20141112 12:55) ===12:54
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/18.changes ===12:54
ogra_Mirv, well, it is in QAs hands12:54
Mirvso it is12:54
Mirvstuff has landed http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/18.changes12:54
davmor2Mirv: that is a scary list of thing that can break the entire system12:55
* ogra_ assumes davmor2 refers to https://launchpadlibrarian.net/190188128/ubuntu-location-provider-here_0.1%2B14.10.20141022~rtm-0ubuntu1_0.1%2B15.04.20141110~rtm-0ubuntu1.diff.gz12:56
=== jgdxx is now known as jgdx
davmor2ogra_: no I was looking at the changes list for image 1812:57
ogra_ah, vivid ...12:57
ogra_who cares ... we'll only cry over it once we switch rtm to it :P12:58
ogra_(but then we'll cry loudly ...)12:58
davmor2ogra_: you say that now till it starts killing kittens ;)12:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
rsalvetithat's a huge list of changes13:01
rsalvetilet's check if it boots now13:01
ogra_rsalveti, well, you built that ...13:01
ogra_its all your fault !13:01
ogra_if it doesnt boot, i blame dosfstools13:02
ogra_(why do we ship that ?!?)13:02
ogra_oh, right13:02
rsalvetifor the sdcard, forgot the name of the app13:03
* ogra_ wonders why media-hub doesnt show up in rmadison13:03
sergiusensogra_: rsalveti ciborium13:03
* Mirv starts looking at Qt 5.4.0 (beta)13:03
rsalvetiyeah, ciborium13:03
sergiusensogra_: if you want to trim down dosfstools, feel free ;-)13:03
ogra_sergiusens, heh, no, thanks ... i just forgot that we use vfat on SD cards13:04
sergiusensogra_: but udisks2 wants to use mkfs.vfat or whatever it's called13:04
ogra_(i think i even reviewed the deps back then and approved them ... just had forgotten about them)13:04
sergiusensyeah :-)13:04
sergiusensbut everyone asked about that dep iirc :-P13:05
ogra_heh, yeah13:05
* ogra_ tickles the publisher with a feather 13:07
ogra_aha, the publisher moved13:13
ogra_one more run ...13:16
ogra_brendand, davmor2, Mirv, ... all packages are in, so do we or dont we wait for anything else now ? (still 40min before the estimated build time)13:23
Mirvogra_: there's nothing except 002 in the queue13:27
MirvI'll let the QA people speak13:27
Mirvalthough, vrruiz who is looking at 002 is not here13:28
ogra_right, 002 was what i was referring to13:28
ogra_the change ois so trivial,  the test should only take one boot13:28
brendandrvr, hello :)13:40
om26er_darn, that.13:40
* brendand knows peoples irc nicks are somewhat sacrosanct, but having different nicks on freenode and internal is something of a pet peeve :)13:41
brendandunless through lack of choice13:41
om26er_my subconscious knew that name, I have interacted with him on that handle. It just didn;t pop.13:42
Mirvoh :)13:43
brendandogra_, can we just build the image already otherwise we won't have results by the landing meeting13:43
ogra_brendand, well, 15min left ...13:44
ogra_we said 14:00 UTC13:44
ogra_(well, we said "latest" ... )13:44
brendandogra_, even if rvr signs it off will it be in the archive in 15 mins?13:45
ogra_there is a chance13:45
ogra_if he signs off now ...13:45
ogra_lets give him 5 more mins and then just buid13:45
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
brendandpopey, what's the filemanager store version?13:50
popeybrendand:     0.3.30313:51
ogra_brendand, Mirv, davmor2, i'll kick off the build now ... 5mins are gone... trello didnt change13:52
ogra_lool, tvoss, sorry ....13:52
tvossogra_, ack13:52
brendandogra_, good idea :)13:53
brendandgonna be the best image ever!13:53
popeybrendand: why do you ask?13:54
brendandpopey, someone at the customer noticed it doesn't open files - so i was just scouting for the fix13:54
brendandpopey, fix is in 30713:54
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== ogra_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? Ping trainguards | Need help with something else? Ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
om26er_ogra_, how long will it take for the build ?13:57
ogra_om26er_, ~1.5h13:58
popeyMirv: could you please update http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/filemanager-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.filemanager_0.3.325_armhf.click to the store?13:58
ogra_hurry up, then it might make the build13:59
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 158 building (started: 20141112 14:00) ===13:59
ogra_olli, ^^^ your candidate image13:59
* ogra_ goes to UDS^WvUDS^WUOS13:59
seb128popey, not going to the U.S no14:02
rsalvetiMirv: mako seems to be working14:02
rsalvetiwill test the emulator now14:02
Mirvrsalveti: of course it does! :)14:08
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
Mirvpopey: erh, The uploaded version (0.3.325) is not newer than the current version (0.3.latest) ...14:10
popeyah crud14:11
ogra_good luck with that14:11
* popey asks in #u1-internal14:13
brendandcjwatson, if i do getPublishedSources from the main_archive for ubuntu, with source_name='nux', why would it return my the publishing history for autorun4linuxcd?14:18
brendandcjwatson, all i can think is that nux is not in there and it just returned the first thing it could find14:18
cjwatsonbrendand: Because you didn't pass exact_match=True like I told you to :-)14:20
rvrbrendand: Hey14:20
cjwatsonSo it's doing a substring match ...14:21
olliogra_, did rtm-13 make it14:21
ollithat should have the location fix14:21
brendandcjwatson, boo to me :)14:21
brendandcjwatson, sorry14:21
ogra_olli, one location fix made it, the other didnt14:21
Mirvolli: yes. 002 would have another location related fix but that didn't make it.14:22
olliogra_, which14:22
brendandcjwatson, should i specify distro_series too or will it always be the development release if i don't?14:22
olliwe might want to wait if feasible14:22
ogra_the one that was late :P14:22
ogra_bug 139049014:22
ubot5bug 1390490 in Ubuntu Location Provider Here "Race between connectivity-api and network-manager" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139049014:22
ogra_that one didnt14:22
ollitvoss, ^14:23
rvrolli, ogra_: Both silos are for the same bug14:23
olliwhy does it say fix released14:23
* olli gnarfs14:23
ogra_olli, te bug looks at ubuntu ... not at rtm14:23
rvr<lool> both are helpful, but silo 13 fixes the root cause, while silo 2 adds precautions14:23
rvr<lool> (silo 2 is a boot fix, silo 13 was a code fix which helps with e.g. airplane mode)14:23
brendand'both silos are for the same bug'???14:23
olliboth silos had the same MR14:24
ollirvr, what was the bug for -1314:24
ogra_one had an MR ... one had a package upload 1h before the estimated image build14:24
rvrolli: I asked tvoss to talk to you for that14:24
loolhmm no, shoulnd't be the same mr14:24
cjwatsonbrendand: You should specify distro_series if you want to limit to a single series14:25
loololli: silo 13 has the root cause code fix, silo 2 has the workaround which makes boot more predictable14:25
cjwatsonbrendand: Likewise pocket14:25
cjwatsonbrendand: Otherwise it doesn't limit14:25
olliogra_, what are the options to get -002 in14:26
ogra_olli, zero14:26
ogra_image is building14:26
loolrvr: did you finish testing silo 2?14:26
ogra_will take 1+ hours and isnt stoppable14:26
olliwell, we can build another image ogra_14:26
rvrlool: Nope, sorry, was having lunch14:26
tvossolli, silo 13 landed14:26
loolrvr: what's your ETA?14:26
ogra_olli, but then QA cant test it in time anymore14:26
olliogra_, in time for what? :)14:27
ogra_olli, 002 was uploaded 2.5h ago ... sorry14:27
ogra_i sent three announcement mails with the deadlines14:27
ogra_we were waiting for it until 5min befoe the estimated and announced image build14:27
olliogra_, I don't think we want to do an RC where location still isn't working14:27
ogra_and had no feedback from anyoned14:27
ogra_sigh !14:28
ogra_seriously ...14:28
tvossolli, location is working14:28
tvossolli, to clarify: silo 13 successfully passed qa and it fixes the root cause, however: lool's adjustment to the upstart job is correct and correctly orders startup of the here daemons at boot14:29
ogra_and we should definitely get it in asap14:29
ogra_but it didnt make the image ... it can land on friday and be in the next milestone14:29
brendandMirv, there was a small patch to the silo-diff script to make it work with vivid silos14:30
brendandMirv, fyi14:30
ollitvoss, lool, so what will I got, won't I get without #00214:30
tvossolli, you will get working location without 002, too. It passed QA14:31
loololli: theoritically, it should all work now; but we're not 100% sure there aren't more bugs this would protect us against14:31
loololli: it's kind of belt and braces14:31
brendandlool, if you're lucky this image will be busted and we'll have to do a respin anyway :)14:32
loolbrendand: is that luck?  :-)14:32
loolI'm not worried hugely either way14:32
brendandlool, for you it is - if you're primarily concerned about the silo landing14:32
ollilool, ok, then going with your advice for the current image, fine w/o 00214:33
olliogra_, ^14:33
loololli: ack; thanks for diving in14:34
ollinext time we might want to tune that process14:34
olliI thought the fix was long ready14:34
loolyeah; I should have finished landing it monday or tuesday, and was on national holiday yesterday14:35
loolsorry about that14:35
ogra_lool, we can build aa back to back image for 002 so we have a fallback worst case ... even if QA inspects the first one14:36
loologra_: sure14:37
loologra_: what's aa in this context?14:37
ogra_aa ?14:37
ollilool, k14:37
olliaa is a typo14:37
olliogra_,  you double aa14:37
ollidouble aa'd lool14:37
ogra_yeah, thats like lool when laughing14:38
ogra_my unity acts up madly here ...14:38
ogra_just had a hard hang of my lappie (utopic)14:38
=== oSoMoN is now known as oSoMoN|afk
elopiofginther: did you test the nfss check script on utopic or vivid?15:00
fgintherelopio, utopic15:01
elopioI can't get the same error you are getting. I tested on vivid.15:01
elopiofginther: I'll try an utopic vm.15:01
fgintherelopio, trusty might be more relavent15:01
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 158 DONE (finished: 20141112 15:10) ===15:09
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/158.changes ===15:09
ogra_looks good15:09
ogra_QA go wild ^^^^^ :D15:09
brendandom26er_, let's go wild :)15:22
brendandom26er_, i'll prepare the documents15:23
brendandom26er_, use this tab: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ar4x4tOf_c14QKCyKn3r4YQnJ3AZdnEXdjTOAhyXWXU/edit#gid=72345912415:24
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping plars | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
om26er_brendand, clean flash or upgrade ? what is preferred15:25
brendandom26er_, definitely clean flash15:26
ogra_no notification yet here15:28
brendandom26er_, you can start from TC-Sanity-1815:30
om26er_brendand, ack. image is downloading, should be a few more minutes.15:30
pstolowskiMirv, hey, i'm not totally clear about the problem you found with landing-007; is it just a matter of MP'in rev 197 from rtm branch into trunk (vivid); and then proposing the original MP of that silo again?15:30
Mirvpstolowski: yes, just that, do a separate MP for the rtm branch15:36
Mirvpstolowski: the CI Train was just very confusing15:37
Mirvpstolowski: oh right plus make sure the newest rtm landing is also in vivid15:37
pstolowskiMirv, that branch already had MP - https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/unity-scope-mediascanner/click-support/+merge/240088 (against rtm), but it seems to be conflicting now15:38
=== oSoMoN|afk is now known as oSoMoN
pstolowskiMirv, thanks15:42
pstolowskiMirv, hmm, will merging rtm into trunk (3 revisions missing), including changelog entry saying "0.2+15.04.20141110~rtm-0ubuntu" will do the trick?15:45
elopiofginther: I get the same error on trusty: Name or service not known.16:00
elopiofginther: I can wrap the json decode in a try-catch, just to be on the safe side. It will catch when the server returns something that's not json.16:01
brendandogra_, blocker identified16:01
elopiothat should include your error, but I have no way to specifically test that.16:01
brendandogra_, as you would expect16:01
brendandogra_, we never get off easy :/16:02
fgintherelopio, hmm, could it be something in the arguments we're testing with?16:02
elopiofginther: I'm running the same line that you ran.16:02
ogra_brendand, ugh, what is it ?16:02
brendandogra_, it's my fault i didn't test silo 2 properly16:03
fgintherelopio, hmm, that is weird16:03
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
brendandogra_, errr, not 2 - 116:03
brendandogra_, basically there is no indicator-sound on first boot16:03
ogra_oh man16:03
ogra_so should we roll that back and re-build ?16:03
ogra_olli, ^^^^^16:04
elopiofginther: yes. When the site doesn't exist, it should fail on the urlopen. response.read should also fail. You are getting the error at the decode, that's weird.16:04
elopioactually, not even on the decode. On the json.loads.16:04
brendandthis is what we get for rushing16:04
elopioso you are getting a response, somehow.16:04
brendandit's *always* a bad idea16:05
brendand'oh it's just a small fix' they say :/16:05
ogra_i thought we actually didnt rush (except for lool's stuff)16:05
elopiobrendand: http://www.quickmeme.com/img/69/6926853b67558cc8275646e96cf9d8dcadd868b239c30fbc4181492671b9d508.jpg16:06
brendandogra_, so either back out now or get a fix quick16:06
brendandogra_, this is what you see on first boot: http://people.canonical.com/~brendan-donegan/indicator-sound.png16:09
brendandrsalveti, you're needed16:10
rsalvetibregma: needed for what? :-)16:10
rsalvetibregma: sorry16:10
rsalvetibrendand: ^16:10
ogra_rsalveti, the sound indicator fix wasnt  fix :P16:10
rsalvetithat might be a new one16:11
brendandrsalveti, the above ^16:11
brendandrsalveti, what do you mean new? the likelihood is it's because of the ubuntu-touch-session landing16:11
rsalvetireverting is not going to change anything16:11
rsalvetias the only thing that landed is a wait until indicator is ready to start16:11
rsalvetibrendand: how did you you get this?16:12
rsalvetiwould be nice to get the logs for it as well16:12
brendandrsalveti, it's on first boot with 15816:12
brendandrsalveti, any logs you like, just let me know16:13
boikoplars: hey, is it known that the reconfigure link on the spreadsheet is giving a 404 error?16:13
rsalvetibrendand: mind checking ./.cache/upstart/indicator-sound.log16:13
rsalvetibrendand: krillin?16:13
plarsboiko: that may be a question for trainguards, but let me look16:13
brendandrsalveti, naturally16:13
brendandrsalveti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8966846/16:14
boikoplars: oh sorry, I just followed what the topic suggested :D16:14
plarsboiko: which silo?16:14
boikoplars: vivid 2216:14
rsalvetibrendand: tedg's fix is doing what was expected, which is making sure it was able to talk with pulse16:14
rsalvetithe other critical might be another bug16:14
rsalvetibrendand: do you have indicator-sound-service running?16:15
rsalvetitedg: take a look ^16:15
brendandrsalveti, no it wasn't running on first boot16:15
brendandrsalveti, of course starting it makes it appear16:15
rsalvetiany crash file?16:16
* brendand would have thought that was obvious16:16
brendandrsalveti, no crash16:16
rsalvetibrendand: it could be that the service was running but just not showing up16:16
rsalvetifor it to not be running at all, without upstart retrying it, it's another issue16:16
* ogra_ gives up waiting for the upgrade notifications and just OTAs16:17
rsalvetiI'm flashing 158 to see16:17
tedgI think that status indicator-sound would be interesting.16:17
tedgIt could be waiting on pulse.16:17
rsalvetibrendand: can you reproduce that?16:17
rsalvetitedg: right, that would mean that pulse was never up16:17
rsalvetiwhich is also interesting16:17
brendandrsalveti, always, just boot for the first time. i.e. run the wizard16:17
plarsboiko: yeah, seems to be something wrong with that cell in the spreadsheet16:18
brendandi'm going to check 15716:18
rsalvetiit's more useful to know what is happening on 15816:18
rsalvetistatus indicator-sound16:18
rsalvetito see if it's indeed waiting for pulse16:18
tedgIs this vivid-proposed ?16:18
brendandrsalveti, ah16:19
* tedg tries to catch up16:19
brendandrsalveti, well i need to reset first16:19
brendandtedg, no RTM16:19
ogra_tedg, no, this is the release candidate image16:19
plarsrobru: is that something you can help with? boiko is trying to reconfigure ubuntu silo 22 but there seems to be something wrong with the link from the spreadsheet16:20
brendandogra_, ubuntu-touch-session doesn't have a test plan?16:21
ogra_brendand, rsalveti, tedg OTA to 158 has the sound indicator working fine16:21
rsalvetiit might just be a first-boot thing16:22
brendandogra_, i'm sure it would16:22
rsalvetithat's why QA didn't get it when testing it16:22
ogra_brendand, what do you want to test there ? session starts or doesnt ...16:22
brendandogra_, well it should include to reset the device after installing the silo16:22
ogra_rsalveti, right, just wanted to verify16:22
brendandogra_, which should have caught this bug16:22
brendandrsalveti, actually i usually reset the device after installing a silo. this time i didn't16:23
brendandjust a mistake16:23
rsalvetibrendand: does it also happen after re-enabling wizard?16:23
rsalvetistill flashing here16:23
brendandrsalveti, that i haven't checked yet16:24
rsalvetitedg: I'm still getting: (process:2504): libnotify-WARNING **: Failed to connect to proxy though16:24
rsalvetinot sure if that is critical16:24
brendandrsalveti, 'indicator-sound stop/waiting'16:24
rsalvetinotification is still working fine16:24
brendandrsalveti, nothing more than that16:25
tedgrsalveti, That's fine as it'll try again.16:25
tedgbrendand, status pulseaudio16:25
brendandtedg, it's running16:25
brendandpulseaudio start/running, process 214216:25
brendandrsalveti, shall i file the bug on indicator-sound?16:26
rsalvetibrendand: do you have the file /run/user/32011/pulse/dbus-socket around?16:26
rsalveticrap, wizard crashing on me with mako16:27
brendandrsalveti, nope16:27
rsalvetithat would explain16:27
brendandrsalveti, or did you mean dbus-session?16:27
rsalvetinow why is that the case I'm still not sure16:28
ogra_dbus-session, yes16:28
rsalvetibrendand: which files do you have at /run/user/32011/pulse ?16:28
ogra_(there is no -socket)16:28
brendandrsalveti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8967075/16:28
rsalvetiI'm actually checking for dbus-socket16:28
rsalvetiwhy the hell16:29
ogra_oh, underneath pulse16:29
rsalvetiyeah, sorry16:29
rsalvetibrendand: under the pulse directory16:29
rsalvetilol, can't run the wizard on mako16:30
rsalveticrash loop16:30
ogra_buy a krillin :P16:31
rsalvetidon't want to --bootstrap my krillin16:31
rsalvetibrendand: mind giving the file lists under /run/user/32011/pulse/ ?16:31
brendandrsalveti, whoops yeah16:32
brendandrsalveti, bug # btw - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/139195416:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1391954 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound not running on first boot" [Critical,New]16:33
elopiofginther: I added a test that forces and error on the decode. It will catch any weird reponses by the server. Please let me know if it looks good for you.16:33
brendandrsalveti, 'dbus-socket  native  pid'16:33
rsalvetibrendand: tedg: so dbus-socket is there16:33
fgintherelopio, will do. I was also repeating my test on a different machine and was getting a different response16:34
fgintherelopio, both utopic16:34
elopiofginther: something like URLError?16:35
fgintherelopio, yeah, I get "urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>"16:36
elopiofginther: yes, that's the right one. The other seems bogus.16:37
brendandrsalveti, is it useful to know if it happens when re-enabling the wizard and rebooting?16:39
fgintherelopio, looks like my ISP is playing games with me and trying to search my bad URLs. Sorry about that16:39
rsalvetibrendand: yes16:39
elopiofginther: that's ok. You pointed out unhandled errors. Can you please try running the script again on your weird machine to see if we get a better error?16:41
fgintherelopio, yes, already have. That's how I figured out what was happening :-)16:42
elopioawesome, thanks.16:42
brendandrsalveti, i re-enabled the wizard and rebooted16:44
brendandrsalveti, same effect as resetting16:44
brendandrsalveti, still no indicator16:44
tedgSo it's because the indicator gets stopped.16:46
tedgAnd when it restarts it is waiting on pulse, which is already started.16:46
tedgSo we don't get another started event16:46
tedgThe wizard kills all the indicators16:46
rsalvetitedg: right, that explains16:48
tedgI'm a little confused on why the wizard does that.16:50
tedgmterry, Why are you emitting indicator-services-end ?16:50
mterrytedg, because we change the language16:51
tedgmterry, Are you starting any indicators?16:51
* tedg can't find that16:51
mterrytedg, yes16:51
tedgAh, it's in C code.16:52
mterrytedg, yeah, in the System plugin I think16:52
oSoMoNtrainguards: can I haz a silo for line 67, please?16:53
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_brendand, davmor2 (etc) ... i'll be ~20min late for landing meeting :/16:58
ogra_ still in another one16:58
brendandogra_, should we delay it?16:58
ogra_that would help ... if nobody has a prob with that16:59
tedgOkay, I need to run to a meeting, but I think I know how this can be fixed.17:07
ogra_tedg, the question is *when* can this be fixed or should we rip it out ?17:08
elopiofginther: can I top approve it?17:08
ogra_tedg, this image is a release candidate17:08
fgintherelopio, yes17:08
ogra_tedg, and we need to decide on re-spinning or not right now17:09
ogra_(time is short)17:09
elopiofginther: oh, actually I can't :( Not part of the team. Can you do it for me please?17:09
tedgogra_, Uhm, I'm not qualified to make the full decision there, but you can kill the override file and thing will go back the way they were.17:09
ogra_tedg, ok, then ripping it out ...17:10
tedgogra_, But I can put in MRs this afternoon my time. But that will of course, have to go through review/landing/etc.17:10
robruoSoMoN: conflict with webbrowser-app in silo 1017:10
fgintherelopio, done17:10
ogra_tedg, right, that will land earliest tomorrow morning17:10
ogra_where we actually want to have the image read17:10
oSoMoNrobru, in dbarth_’s own words, silo 10 is a test bed and MRs in it are not ready for landing anyway17:10
oSoMoNrobru, so it should be safe to ignore the conflict17:11
* oSoMoN can’t wait for a proper silo playground config17:11
rsalvetiogra_: let's revert it for now and sync with tedg to land the proper fix later today17:11
rsalvetiso we're at least not blocking the image17:11
ogra_rsalveti, right17:12
dbarth_robru: right, i confirm, silo 10 is lower prio right now, cause i can't land it today17:12
dbarth_robru: let oSoMoN have his silo ;)17:12
robruoSoMoN: oh ok17:12
robruone sec17:12
robruoSoMoN: ok vivid 617:13
oSoMoNrobru, thanks!17:13
robruoSoMoN: you're welcome17:14
robruboiko: looking17:14
robruboiko: oh right, that's a known issue caused by having a large number of MPs. that'll be fixed when we replace the spreadsheet with something sensible (hopefully soon). For now I'll twiddle that manually for you17:15
boikorobru: thanks!17:16
boikorobru: bfiller suspected it was that, I'll try to keep the silos smaller next time :)17:17
brendandwho signed off silo 2?17:18
robruboiko: nah, there shouldn't be any real limit to the number of MPs in a silo, it's just the way the spreadsheet talks to jenkins that creates an artificial limit. We'll switch it from using HTTP GET to HTTP POST and then you'll be able to do thousands of MPs in a silo. I just never figured out how to send an HTTP POST from within the spreadsheet17:18
brendandogra_, rvr signed off silo 2 but nothing is landing right?17:19
robruMirv: what's the deal with that build log you pasted? it looks like a bug I thought I already fixed...17:19
ogra_brendand, well, we need to re-spin for the rollback17:19
ogra_brendand, the change is trivial enough to go in imho ... especially if it passed QA17:20
brendandogra_, well silo 1 was 'trivial' as well17:20
ogra_brendand, gimme 5, i'll get fresh coffee and we can have the landing meeting17:20
robruogra_: oh I assumed the meeting was off due to UOS17:21
ogra_robru, we do a milestone atm ...17:23
* ogra_ is in the hangout17:26
ogra_feel free to join :)17:26
ogra_brendand, davmor2, robru plars ?17:27
plarsogra_: I was there until just a moment ago, coming back17:27
boikorobru: so, is it fine to rebuild the silo 22 already?17:34
pstolowskitrainguards, may I ask for reconfiguring of rtm/landing-007 (mp has changed)17:37
robruboiko: oh yeah sorry, that's been ready for a while17:38
robrupstolowski: did you add a new project? if you just made new commits on the same MPs you don't need a reconfig, just a rebuild17:38
pstolowskirobru, in the absence of the creator of the original MP, I had to propose a new one that resolves conflicts17:39
pstolowskirobru, it supersedes the old one17:39
robrupstolowski: oh ok17:41
robrupstolowski: in that case you have the power to reconfigure yourself ;-) you only need me to reconfigure if you're adding new projects.17:42
robrupstolowski: check the 'reconfigure silo' link on your spreadsheet row17:42
robrupstolowski: click that then click 'Proceed'17:42
cwaynecjwatson: any chance of a re-review of https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/phablet-tools/clickbuddy-with-sessions/+merge/237477 (I've merged in fginther's branch which addressed your first comments)17:50
cwayneor anyone else on phablet-tools team I suppose :)17:50
ogra_reverted ubuntu-touch-session uploaded to rtm17:51
robruogra_: thanks17:53
cjwatsoncwayne: approved, thanks17:54
ogra_lool, ^^^^ thansk to that roll back (and i slight glitch in space and time) our location fix will make it into the next image (which i hope to build within the next hour)17:54
cjwatson(eyeball only, haven't tested personally, I assume you have)17:54
loologra_: ok17:55
pstolowskirobru, awesome, thanks! and sorry for bothering..17:55
robrupstolowski: no worries, happy to help!17:56
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
ogra_tedg, soo ... i just pulled my phone out of my pocket ... running the latest image and the UI hangs hard ... any logs you want me to collect ? (cgmanager doesnt seem to have written anything, i only have a  .1.gz)18:12
ogra_the last dmesg entry is 1h ago ... thats interesting18:13
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
pstolowskitrainguards, hey, may i ask for a silo for #68?18:17
robrupstolowski: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/prepare-silo/3189/console conflicts with silo 1818:19
ogra_triggering a new image now18:19
ogra_(both packages are in)18:20
robruoh i guess that silo is just testing...18:20
robrupstolowski: ok you got vivid 1418:20
pstolowskirobru, thanks18:21
robrupstolowski: you're welcome18:21
* ogra_ notes that tedg might still be meeting and reboots his phone18:21
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 159 building (started: 20141112 18:25) ===18:24
ogra_ToyKeeper, ^^^ that image is for you btw :)18:27
ogra_(once it finished building)18:28
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imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 159 DONE (finished: 20141112 19:35) ===19:34
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/159.changes ===19:34
robrucyphermox: rtm 1020:12
=== plars changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
cyphermoxrobru: thanks!20:20
robrucyphermox: you're welcoem!20:20
cyphermoxshould I still rebuild for sync?20:21
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping fginther | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
olliogra_, so did you guys get to fix the indicator sound issue?21:17
ollithe bug doesn't say anything about it21:17
ogra_olli, reverted21:17
ogra_right, i havent re-opened the rtm task, i should21:17
ollitalking about developer discipline ;)21:18
* olli gets some salt21:18
ogra_olli, and because robru had a quick finger the location fix made it "accidentially" into 159 ;)21:18
olli*rub* *rub*21:18
olliogra_, awesome!21:18
olliok, thx ogra_ & team21:19
olliogra_, tvoss so can we then close https://bugs.launchpad.net/location-service/+bug/138770821:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1387708 in location-service (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "[TOPBLOCKER] Location services not getting location" [Critical,In progress]21:44
ollias fix released21:44
ogra_olli, i guess so ... but we might want to wait til QA confirms .. how do you handle that usually ?21:45
olliit's more for my status report21:45
tvossolli, yup, as long as qa confirms for the candidate21:45
ollitypically I rely on the janitor21:45
ogra_thats fine21:46
olliogra_, tvoss are we expecting differing results than what we saw in the silo testing?21:46
ogra_we can re-open in case we have to roll back21:46
tvossolli, nope21:46
ogra_olli, as much as we did for the sound indicator :P21:46
ogra_(what tvoss said ... but we didnt expect to have to roll back the other one either)21:46
ollik, I won't touch it and let the janitor do his work21:47
ollibut say with confidence that 159 has it fixed to the best of our knowledge ;)21:47
tvossolli, yup :)21:47
ogra_i'm not sure lool actually referenced this bug number21:47
ogra_that wont trigger the janitor21:48
ogra_so better close it by hand21:49
olliI am sure tvoss did ;)21:49
tvossolli, yup21:49
olliogra_,  I am talking about https://bugs.launchpad.net/location-service/+bug/138770821:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 1387708 in location-service (Ubuntu-rtm 14.09) "[TOPBLOCKER] Location services not getting location" [Critical,In progress]21:49
ollinot lool's ;)21:49
ollithat wasn't even a topblocker21:50
ollietc pp21:50
ogra_also not this bug numer21:50
ogra_thsi bug is a maze !21:51
tvossogra_, I thought lp is clever enough that if a branch is linked to a bug -> automagic update of changelog21:52
tvossogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/location-service/fix-nm-race has got two branches linked, one is handled correctly, the other is not21:53
ogra_tvoss, the janitor watches the -changes MLs i think21:53
* olli closes it21:53
ogra_so you need to have the bug number in your changelog/commit message21:53
tvossogra_, I certainly did not manually add any bug number to my commit message :)21:54
ogra_then LP wont close it21:54
ogra_(unless there is some mechanism i dont know)21:54
ollitvoss, wieder was gelernt21:55
cjwatsonwhatever automagic update of changelog happens is not done by LP21:55
tvossolli, yup21:55
ollitvoss, on https://bugs.launchpad.net/location-service/+bug/1387708 what about the Ubuntu task21:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1387708 in location-service (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] Location services not getting location" [High,In progress]21:55
cjwatsonthe changelog generation stuff is done by citrain21:55
tvossolli, fix released21:55
tvossolli, I landed to vivid first21:56
cjwatsonand no, the janitor does not watch the -changes lists21:56
ollicjwatson, in janitor's defense, these 2 bugs were weirdly interlinked21:56
cjwatsondpkg-genchanges parses the changelog entry when generating the .changes file for an upload, parsing LP: entries into a Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed header there; that's what's actually parsed directly by LP21:56
cjwatsonLP (of which the janitor is part) is not going to deal with anything not in Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed, and hence typically anything not mentioned in the changelog21:57
tvosscjwatson, thanks for clarifying :)21:57
cjwatsonyw, saves time :)21:57
tvosscjwatson, very true :)21:58
cjwatson(OK, for even more accuracy, there are a few awkward cases where LP has to go back and reparse the changelog entries itself)21:59
robrutvoss: oh sorry I missed some scrollback. are you having an issue with changelog generation? I can help with that if so22:03
tvossrobru, seems like the train only considers the first linked bug of a branch22:03
tvossrobru, under the assumption that the train does something funky here :)22:04
robrutvoss: oh it's possible. train code is pretty terrible. I recommend listing your bugs in the MP commit message, those will be transferred to the debian/changelog and allow auto-closing of bugs22:04
tvossrobru, ack22:04
brendandogra_, the gates are closed even for topblockers right?22:14
ollibrendand, yes for 15922:15
ollibut we can imho still test silos for the next image22:15
olliif that's the q ;)22:15
bfillerrobru: can you run another reconfigure on line 20 on spreadsheet, too many MR's getting error22:22
robrubfiller: ah sure22:23
robrubfiller: good to go22:25
bfillerrobru: thank you22:25
robrubfiller: you're welcome22:26
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive Freeze in effect ! RTM cron builds disabled
ricmmrobru: hey there, could I get a silo for & ?23:23
ricmmthank you23:27
robruricmm: you're welcome23:44

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