
infinityhallyn: No objections from me, except that you gave mwhudson all the credit. ;)00:11
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smoserpitti, i'd appreciate your thoughts on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/139135400:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1391354 in MAAS "Failure to boot ephemeral image for Utopic Fast Installer deployment" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:39
hallyninfinity: d'oh, i thought it was purely his.  that won't fly.  who exaclty is Ben?01:19
infinityhallyn: Ben Collins.01:19
infinityhallyn: I was mostly kidding, I don't think Ben and I care about the credit, we have more than enough.01:19
infinityhallyn: But if you're trying to be accurate, go for it. :)01:20
infinityOkay, seriously brain, WTF?  Why did you just start humming 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'?01:22
hallyninfinity: damn you01:24
hallynwere i only too young to know that song01:24
infinityhallyn: I've already moved on from humming it to singing it.  Send help.  I'm scared.01:25
hallynmaybe tych0 can help with a meshugga link01:25
hallynanyway, package built fine and looks good on th eporter box01:25
hallynso what the heck, pushing.  thanks again01:25
hallyn(but no thanks for the crap now in my head)01:26
tych0at your service01:26
infinityWe'll let that bake in vivid for a short while and see if anyone whines about it being crap, then I'd like to SRU that changeset back to T and U.01:26
infinityhallyn: I'd also like the qemu-slof dep in a trusty SRU, but that depends on me first getting a newer SLOF in -updates and promoting it to main.01:26
infinityhallyn: And actually, forget I mentioned that, cause it should also go hand-in-hand with getting IBM to backport some LE fixes to that qemu version, which hasn't happened yet.01:27
hallynwell at least i got the libvirt bit needed to giver permission to read slof into t,u sru01:27
hallyntych0: thanks.  i'm on a hotspot.  trying to decide how precious this is to me.01:27
hallynpretty precious...01:28
infinityI have to be in just the right mood for metal this metal.01:29
infinityI might settle for a middleground of Soundgargen's Badmotorfinger as a palate cleanser.01:30
* tych0 sets mood to awesome01:30
tych0the mood is always right for the best band in the world01:31
infinitytych0: I agree, but seems odd, given that no one mentioned the Tea Party yet.01:32
hallynthis conversation is starting to soar over my head01:32
tych0or into the political gutter (:01:33
* tych0 ducks01:33
infinitytych0: Wrong Tea Party. ;)01:33
tych0i figured, but the joke was just right there01:34
infinitytych0: It sure was.01:34
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dobeymhall119: it's the same spammer on -discuss again. how many times do you need to ban him?04:08
slangasekwell, mikeeusa is habitually immune to social pressure, so.04:11
mhall119dobey: once for every email address he has it seems04:46
Mirvpitti: is there a way for normal people to re-run autopkgtest? there's one amd64 autopkgtest that would probably like a rerun: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtbase-opensource-src05:13
infinitypitti: Is there a way to specify that a DEP-8 test should only be triggered for rdeps, not for the package itself?05:32
infinitypitti: It makes about 0 sense for glibc's rebuild test to run immediately after I just proved glibc can build from source by uploading it.05:33
infinitypitti: Err, for deps, not rdeps.  But you know what I mean.05:35
Mirvnow it got re-run and passed05:43
Mirvoh, not, it was for another package05:57
Unit193pitti: Good morning.06:13
pittiGood morning06:15
pittiMirv: yes, it's actually quite simple: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test shows how we do this in CI, and /usr/share/doc/autopkgtest/README.running-tests.html shows all scenarios06:16
pittiMirv: apparently someone already re-ran, or it fixed itself06:17
pittiinfinity: not at the moment, I'm afraid06:18
pittiinfinity: we might teach britney about such exceptions of course (glibc, gcc, and  binutils would be the only ones, I think)06:18
Mirvpitti: I mean, re-run it on jenkins? I've done bookmarks on how to reproduce locally if needed.06:27
Mirvpitti: it seems it run again for glibc, and tested the new qtbase at the same time so both were marked as Passed06:27
pittiMirv: you should be able to log in at http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Vivid/view/AutoPkgTest/ and re-run them06:27
Mirvpitti: right, I think I can. so they always run against whole -proposed or something, there doesn't need to be a parameter "run package xyz tests for getting it pass for package zyx migration?"06:28
pittiMirv: right, they need to succeed in -proposed, nothing to parameterize06:28
Mirvthen that's easy. I'll make a note. thanks!06:29
pittiand meh, our testbeds are totally overloaded06:29
pittismoser, infinity: wolfe-09 is AWOL; reboot, s'il vous plaît ?06:34
pittismoser, infinity: wolfe-07 too06:34
smoserpitti, i will bounce.06:35
smoserthis is possibly outcome of over commit there.06:36
pittismoser: wolfe-06 is really slow; is that maybe a problem on the host (and thus that needs reboot), or did the VMs crash independently?06:36
pittior overcommitting?06:36
pittismoser: so if you dial them down to 4 GB RAM, might that help?06:36
RAOFOh, is this why my CI is going really slowly? :)06:39
NoskcajCan someone please retry din on all arches? It needed a newer version of libircclient (which we now have)06:39
pittiRAOF: this is ppc64el only; x86 CI is really slowly as our 4 static testbeds are aching under the doubled number of tests since utopic (and they were aching already there..)06:40
pittiNoskcaj: yeah, will do06:40
* RAOF thought everything was on ScalingStack now. Or is that just the buildds?06:40
pittiRAOF: just the buildds; still working on moving autopkgtests to Bootstack06:41
smoserpitti, wolfe-07 and wolfe-09 rebooted. console logs06:43
smoserwolfe-07: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8957820/06:44
smoserwolfe-09: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8957823/06:44
pittismoser: "Unable to handle kernel paging request for data" -- that does sound related to overcommitting?06:44
smoseri dont know. itspossible i'm just doing something stupid on the host.06:45
smoserpitti, i'm really sorry, but i have to fall asleep.06:46
pittismoser: no worries, thanks06:46
Mirvhey, I'd need help from core-dev since I don't have upload rights to the Qt's "-gles" packages.06:46
pittismoser: I'll ask infinity once he comes back, the others are really slow and failing too06:46
smoserpitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1391354 . if you have a right way  to solve that, i'd appreciate it.06:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1391354 in MAAS "Failure to boot ephemeral image for Utopic Fast Installer deployment" [Undecided,Incomplete]06:46
pittismoser: yep, will look at that and comment on the bug06:46
Mirvapt-get source qtlocation-opensource-src-gles , edit debian/control's line 61 to be << 5.3.2-0~ instead of 5.3.2-2~06:47
smosersee the bug referenced there for mroe contex.t06:47
smosergood night all.06:47
MirvI was able to decipher http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt and realized there's a wrong Breaks06:47
Mirvdebdiff http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8958003/06:49
Mirvoh... unping, it's in universe unlike the normal variant!06:51
Mirvsorry for the noise06:51
pittiMirv: confused -- that debdiff wouldn't do anything AFAICS06:53
pitti qtdeclarative5-qtlocation-plugin-gles | 5.3.2-0ubuntu2 | vivid-proposed/universe | all06:53
* Mirv gets more coffee06:53
pittioh, ok, the new version is in -proposed06:53
Mirvpitti: it's blocking proposed migration since the new transitional package cannot be installed since the qml module's Breaks has too high version06:54
pittiMirv: right; and you are saying that you can just upload it yourself?06:54
Mirvpitti: yes, I just did since I'm MOTU nowadays.06:54
* pitti yays at jenkins just breaking a gazillion tests with some java exception06:57
pittidie, jenkins, die!06:58
infinitysmoser: Err, are you overcommitting RAM, or just CPU?07:05
infinitysmoser: CPU overcommit works quite well, RAM overcommit will lead to nothing but pain.07:05
pittihey infinity  -- btw, please hold on with rebooting wolfes; that causes tons of x86 jobs to fail with a jenkins error due to the braindead way jenkins handles its jobs07:06
pittiand the x86 ones are stalled enough without me having to retry a gazillion jobs :/07:06
infinitypitti: I hadn't intended to reboot anything.07:06
infinitypitti: I'm not really here.07:06
pittiinfinity: right, but I asked for that above07:06
pittiinfinity: ah, I must not be fully awake yet then, talking to an illusion :)07:07
NoskcajI don't have the internet quality to test built, but we can probably sync jocaml07:34
pittismoser: I responded to the bug07:34
ari-tczewseb128: I've prepared a merge of gimp, it means I stole your merge. Hope you're not angry :-)07:38
seb128ari-tczew, no worry, thanks for doing it07:46
Noskcajelkcode should build after a retry07:58
Noskcajseb128, What's required for gtk 3.14 to land?07:58
seb128Noskcaj, work07:59
NoskcajAnything i can help with?07:59
seb128Noskcaj, http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v07:59
seb128Noskcaj, feel free to work on some of the bugs07:59
Noskcajok. I'll see if there's anything i can do07:59
seb128if you work on something please note it down, or let #ubuntu-desktop know at least, to not duplicate work08:00
didrocksRiddell: hey, kind reminder about http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22332/update-to-bluez-5/ today at 3PM UTC, some KDE input will be appreciated08:02
didrockscyphermox: as well ^08:02
Noskcajseb128, What version of gnome-disk-utility was the issue found?08:18
seb128Noskcaj, not sure, I'm not the one who wrote that one down, the one in vivid I think08:19
NoskcajIt sounds like upstream fixed the issue in the latest point release, so i was hoping that it was an older version and it wasn't an issue08:20
seb128could be, check with Laney when he gets online, I think he's the one who wrote that one down08:21
darkxstseb128, inspector requires libgtk-3-dev to be installed for the keybindings to work08:22
seb128I think that's a larsu's item, maybe say that on #ubuntu-desktop rather?08:23
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LaneyNoskcaj: seb128: yeppers, that is fixed in 3.1209:06
MirvQt 5.3.2 has migrated now to release pocket except for one small package which requires Ubuntu specific change (transitional package until 16.04 LTS...)09:37
cjwatsonRAOF: gnome-do's failing to build; it seems to be looking for dbus-sharp.dll in the wrong directory for some reason (/usr/lib/mono rather than /usr/lib/cli).  Do you know what's up here?11:03
Mirvqtgraphicaleffects migrated now too11:20
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highvoltageF/win 3413:30
LocutusOfBorg1cjwatson, you rock man :)13:46
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LocutusOfBorg1two or three transitions in a row :D13:47
ebelpackages.ubuntu.com isn't working well for me. Not showing me utopic packages, even when I directly access it http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=utopic&keywords=postgresql-9.4 ?14:01
ebelgoogle cache is showing previews which don't match actual page, e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/nodejs14:02
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cjwatsondoko: Is it intentional that "java -client" no longer works on ppc64el?14:49
cjwatsondoko: (causes java-gnome to FTBFS)14:50
mardytedg: hi! Does upstart (or libubuntu-app-launch) check that the APP_URIS are actually valid URIs, or can I pass any parameter there?14:53
tedgmardy, There's light checking, which you could probably easily trick. But I'd recommend avoiding that. What are you trying to do?14:55
mardytedg: I need to pass a simple string (with no spaces) and then the address of a unix socket; I can easily prepend some scheme:// to them, if needed14:58
tedgmardy, From where to where? For an application?14:59
tedgmardy, Not sure how the launcher would know to pass those?14:59
mardytedg: ah, sorry, I didn't tell you the context: from a trusted helper to an untrusted helper; something like the pay service is doing15:00
mardytedg: one of the parameters is indeed the mir socket address15:01
pittiinfinity: glibc is a valid candidate now; *phew* (I overrode three regressions which are not due to glibc)15:01
caribouslangasek: I still haven't found sponsoring for the libnss-ldap merge. SRU for all existing unbuildable pkgs are waiting for that (LP: #1387594)15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1387594 in libnss-ldap (Ubuntu) "init: symbol lookup error: /lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/libnss_ldap.so.2: undefined symbol: __libc_lock_lock" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138759415:02
caribouthe merge bug is LP: #138915215:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389152 in libnss-ldap (Ubuntu) "please merge libnss-ldap 265-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138915215:02
tedgmardy, Ah, so we do far less checking in that case. We expect the pre-start helper to do the work there.15:03
infinitypitti: Thanks for babysitting.15:03
pittithe giant x86 queue is done, too15:04
pittimkdir: cannot create directory ‘/var/cache/autopkgtest/’: Read-only file system15:05
pittiargh, seriously? /var/cache is r/o on touch?15:05
barrypitti: hi.  would you have some time today to chat about running adt tests on the phone?15:06
pittirhuddie: so, I was fixing the first half of reboot support for tests on the phone15:06
pittirhuddie: but now I found that, and need to now ponder how I work around that :/15:06
pittibarry: sure, what's up?15:06
rhuddiepitti, ah, thanks for the update. so it's not as simple as it first seemed :)15:07
barrypitti: i have several questions.  after discussing with qa, i want to turn this test plan into dep 8 tests: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/ubuntu-system-image15:08
pittirhuddie: yeah, touch images breaking the file system in just about every way requires a lot of workarounds :/15:08
barrypitti: i know how to write code to flex each of these test plans, but i have a few problems.  i can't even get the basic adt-run ... --- ssh -s adb to run tests15:08
barrypitti: it just does some stuff then exits15:08
pittibarry: which version are you using?15:09
mardytedg: cool, thanks15:09
pittibarry: also, "some stuff" -> I'd need the full output log, preferrably with -d15:09
barry% dpkg-query -W autopkgtest15:09
barry 15:09
pittibarry: I usually start with trying to run the calculator tests, so perhaps start with that?15:09
barry(i think adt-run doesn't have a --version)15:09
pittibarry: adt-run -o /tmp/out --click com.ubuntu.calculator --- ssh -s adb -- -ps3kr1t15:10
pittibarry: unless your password is 0000, then you can leave out the -p bit15:10
pittibarry: if that fails, please pastebin /tmp/out/log15:10
barrypitti: yep, i can generate that for you (the debug output).  another question, is adt-run over a _amd64.changes file supposed to work?  i can't get that to work either15:10
barrypitti: let me try that15:11
pittibarry: yes, but only on a r/w target (QEMU, schroot, etc.), not on a r/o phone for obvious reasons15:11
barrypitti: yep sure.  okay, let me break each step down and give you output and we'll see if we can make this work (or fix my misunderstandings ;)15:11
pittibarry: right; start with the calculator tests, and we'll work from there15:12
* barry nods15:12
pittibarry: the initial phone setup always give most of the worries/variability15:12
rhuddiepitti, for bootspeed testing I was using one of the cloud images from adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud, but that doesn't have a UI, so I'm missing various log files expected by the tests15:15
rhuddiepitti, so I'm wondering how I can get adt-run to work with a standard ubuntu qemu image?15:15
pittirhuddie: do an install into a VM, then copy /usr/share/autopkgtest/adt-setup-vm into that VM, run it (with sudo)15:18
pittirhuddie: after that the VM should be prepared15:18
pittirhuddie: (disclaimer: I haven't tried that myself yet)15:18
barrypitti: calculator click tests ran.  they failed but they ran.  let me see if i can reproduce my problem from yesterday15:19
rhuddiepitti, ooh, thanks, I'll give that a go :)15:19
pittirhuddie: but looking at the script I see nothing that should fail15:19
pittirhuddie: that script is supposed to be the common "turn something into an adt capable image" script, for vmdebootstrap, cloud-init based images, nova boot, etc.15:19
argestych0: hey for bug 1384751 why did you make the version ubuntu3.14.10.1 instead of ubuntu3.1?15:20
ubottubug 1384751 in lxc (Ubuntu Utopic) "checkpoint restore fails with /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-restore-net: not found" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138475115:20
pittibarry: I have one or two failures as well, but some 30 successes; or do yo mean they all failed?15:20
barrypitti: no, just a few failed15:20
pittibarry: you shoudl see some numbers being auto-typed in and the UI moving, not just calculator stopping and starting all the time15:20
tych0arges: probably because i don't know anything about packaging :)15:20
pittibarry: ok good, that's expected15:20
tych0arges: should i update it?15:20
tych0arges: or, what's the best way to proceed15:20
argestych0: i mean it _really_ doesn't matter, but i'd probably use ubuntu3.115:21
tych0arges: oh, actually, perhaps hallyn can elaborate?15:21
tych0arges: i'm happy to change it, though15:22
argesyea if hallyn's ok with that version that's fine too. just wondering15:22
barrypitti: here is my ..._amd64.changes file.  would you expect this to work: adt-run system-image_3.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.changes --- qemu adt-vivid-i386-cloud.img15:24
barrypitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8966156/15:24
pittibarry: no, because you didn't include teh source there15:25
mitya57Does anybody know why texlive-extra can't migrate? update_excuses tells it's a valid candidate.15:25
pittibarry: a Debian .changes has both the .dsc and the .debs in the .changes, thus it includes all information15:25
pittibarry: like that you additionally need to specify the .dsc (or the source tree) after the .changes15:25
pittimitya57: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt says it makes texlive-full uninstallable15:26
barrypitti: okay, that makes sense.  i'm not sure why sbuild isn't producing rith right .changes file, but okay15:26
pittimitya57: at that point you need a chroot or chdist with -proposed and see what's broken if you try to install them both15:26
mitya57Oh, one more page to look at. Thanks pitti!15:26
pittibarry: $build_source = 0 in ~/.sbuildrc?15:26
pittibarry: I have that, as for ubuntu builds it's generally what I want15:26
pittibarry: so, adt-run foo.changes foo.dsc15:27
pittibarry: which is equivalent to adt-run foo1.deb foo2.deb ... foo.dsc15:27
barrypitti: nope, but i'll bet that's the default15:27
pittibarry: i. e. it just expands all the .debs and the .dscs in the .chagnes and pretends you would have specified them individually15:27
barrypitti: so no different from say: adt-run -B *.deb foo.dsc15:27
pittibarry: correct; just more convenient to say adt-run foo.changes to test a debian upload15:28
pittibarry: right, and -B15:28
barry       BUILD_SOURCE15:28
barry              BOOL type.  By default, do not build a source  package  (binary15:28
barry              only  build).   Set to 1 to force creation of a source package,15:28
barry              but note that this is inappropriate for binary NMUs, where  the15:28
barry              option will always be disabled.15:28
barry 15:28
pittibarry: ah ;)15:28
barry              Default:15:28
barry 15:28
barry              $build_source = 0;15:28
barry 15:28
barrypitti: :)  okay, the world makes sense again15:28
barrypitti: thanks.  let me run with this for a bit and i'll ping you again if i get stuck15:29
barrypitti: i will definitely have questions about adt-run and device reboots15:29
pittibarry: yeah, that's what I'm currently working on; reboot works fine for qemu, but touch makes that a little harder15:30
pitti(testing a fix now)15:30
pittior, rather, "workaround"15:30
barrypitti: ack, nice15:30
hallyntych0: arges: this is about the lxc version for sru?15:33
tych0hallyn: yeah15:33
argeshallyn: yup15:33
* hallyn waits on a slow rmadison...15:33
hallyncome on ...15:33
argeshallyn: 'rmadison -a source lxc' is a bit faster15:34
hallynok, so yeah ubuntu3.1 sould be fine (though i don't knwo whwat ubuntu-rtm/14.09 pocket is),15:34
argeshallyn: its for the phone15:34
hallynthe 14.10.1 is required if there are more than 1 older release with the same version #15:35
hallynarges: yes, but will it need a separate update, or will it be updated from the utopic pocket?15:35
hallynif the former, then we do need ubuntu3.14.10.1 in utopic so rtm can uplaod something15:35
hallyni guess this issue has died down since we have shortened the non-lts life cycle15:36
argeshallyn: i'm not sure, but i generally haven't worried about it15:36
hallynarges: i've definately seen it be a problem.  but not in awhile15:36
hallynarges: do you wnat to chang eit to ubuntu3.1 inline?15:37
hallyn(dunno if you have that power :)15:37
argeshallyn: yea 3.1 would make the most sense. so reupload it and I'll accept the new one15:37
hallynnot sure i still have that15:37
argeshallyn:  i don't. you'll have to re-up or tych0 will15:37
tych0arges: just the debdiff with s/14.10.1/.1 ?15:38
hallyni can't re-up.  i don't have it.15:38
argestych0: yup15:38
tych0arges: ok, will do in a sec15:39
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hallynarges: are you sponsoring his directly then?15:39
argeshallyn: its easier if someone else sponsors so I can do my SRU magic15:45
argesotherwise we'll need another SRU team member to do the approval15:45
tych0arges: hallyn: hmm, i'm confused15:48
tych0the debdiff doesn't actually have "14.10" in it anywhere15:49
argestych0: yea whomever sponsored it must have changed it15:50
hallyntych0: pastebin the debdiff?15:50
hallynor, people.canonical.com it :)15:50
infinityarges: That formality is a bit silly.  If you review someone else's upload and it's all good except for a spelling mistake or bad version or something, it's entirely reasonable to sponsor a fixed upload, triple check the diff between previous and current to make sure all you changed is the one thing, and accept it.15:51
tych0hallyn: http://files.tycho.ws/tmp/utopic.patch15:51
infinityarges: In general, I agree that you shouldn't accept your own uploads, but the rules don't exist for the sake of rules, they exist to stop you backdooring the process.15:51
argesinfinity: gotcha.15:52
argestych0: hallyn i'll sponsor it15:52
hallynarges: but not as is15:53
argeshallyn: yea i'll fix it15:54
hallynok :)  thanks15:54
pittirhuddie: ok, I'm over this, now hitting the next problem :)15:54
tych0arges: gracias15:55
rhuddiepitti, thank you! adt-setup-vm did the job  nicely15:55
pittirhuddie: great15:55
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mitya57Can some archive admin please look at bug 1389841 and bug 1389843? Because of that, osm-gps-map is stuck in -proposed and thus the version in vivid is less than in trusty-updates.16:14
ubottubug 1389841 in creepy (Ubuntu) "Remove creepy from vivid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138984116:14
ubottubug 1389843 in gpxviewer (Ubuntu) "Remove gpxviewer from vivid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138984316:14
mitya57(also, that trusty SRU should not have been sponsored / migrated to updates without the equivalent utopic/vivid uploads)16:15
barrypitti: question: is there anything in d/t/control that can be used to limit certain dep 8 tests to only running on a device, and others to *not* run on a physical device?16:16
pittibarry: not in d/t/c, as it's whoever runs adt-run who decides where to run it16:16
pittibarry: however, you tests can of course detect what kind of environment they are running in, and skip themselves if they find an inappropriate one16:17
pittibarry: aside from that there are the "isolation-machine" and "isolation-container" restrictions which tests can declare to avoid e. g. getting run in a schroot16:17
barrypitti: ack, that's the way i'll probably do it.  some of the tests will require flashing the device, and it only makes sense to run some of the tests on a physical device16:17
barry(e.g. reboot, and then post-reboot verification)16:17
pittibarry: in the future we'll have a more fine-grained way of saying "we want these tests to run on this set of testbeds", but this will only be advisory16:17
* barry nods16:18
pittibarry: eek16:18
barrypitti: yeah.  that makes it more fun16:18
pittibarry: right, then something like checking system-image-cli and if that fails, skip the test (i. e. print a message and exit 0) seems fine16:18
pittibarry: I'm sure this will fail in all sorts of interesting ways :)16:19
barrypitti: indeed :)16:19
pittiogra_: oh, could it be that "SetProperty ssh true" is not persistant across reboots?16:20
pittirhuddie: ^ (next reboot+touch error fixed, running into that now :)16:20
ogra_pitti, it definitely is persistent16:20
pittiogra_: hm, doesn't seem to here, but I'll check more closely16:21
pittiogra_: ah, I guess the bit that doesn't survive is the adb forward16:23
ogra_ah, yeah16:23
pittiogra_: ah yes, that was it16:25
* pitti ponders how to fix that16:26
ogra_pitti, you could dump somethin into dbus-property-service16:26
pittiogra_: nah, I need to call adb forward again, I just need to remember somehow to which port I forward16:27
ogra_ah, k16:27
pittirhuddie: ok, that's something for tomorrow then; I have a meeting now, and then EOD16:28
pittirhuddie: but at least I have a successful reboot test on the phone now (just need to turn my hack for ^ into a proper solution)16:28
rhuddiepitti, good progress, no less, thank you :)16:28
slangasekcaribou: I don't have time to review this merge at the moment, but a first glance shows that an awful lot of the Ubuntu delta has been dropped with no explanation in the changelog.  I don't think this is sponsorable as-is16:32
caribouslangasek: most probably because the ubuntu specific is now in the upstream (i.e. debian) patches16:33
caribouslangasek: I thought that it did not require a specific mention as it was now part of the upstream debian package but I can add specific details16:33
slangasekcaribou: no, there are changes dropped on the floor here, and I want to know why :)16:34
caribouslangasek: and I was not expecting *youù16:34
caribououps, you to do the merge16:34
caribouinfinity had done a first pass but he's off & I don't want to bother him with that16:35
slangasekok, then it's perhaps best left until he comes back16:35
caribouslangasek: as long as nobody rebuild the existing libnss-ldap package16:36
caribouslangasek: I sent him a detailed email with what I had done in the merge. So you're right, better to wait until he's back16:36
caribouslangasek: just checked; all changes are either kept or now in upstream patches. I'll adapt the changelog16:45
caribouslangasek: I'll see with infinity when he's back16:45
slangasekcaribou: well, so far I've identified one change that was dropped from the delta: the build-dependency on po-debconf has been reintroduced.  But yes, better changelog explaining why things like debian/patches/fix-ethers-truncation.patch have been dropped would be useful16:49
smoserpitti, i updated bug 1391354.16:49
ubottubug 1391354 in MAAS "Failure to boot ephemeral image for Utopic Fast Installer deployment" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139135416:49
smoseroh. and you responded already16:49
caribouslangasek: will do; fix-ethers-truncation.patch is now fixed upstream17:01
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ChrisTownsendhallyn: stgraber:  Hey Guys!  I'm getting an error when using a Vivid LXC on a Trusty host:19:39
ChrisTownsend** (process:851): WARNING **: Unable to get PID list from cgroup manager: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: invalid request19:39
ChrisTownsendWorks fine with a Utopic host.19:39
ChrisTownsendJust wondering if either of you are familiar with this and what may need to be done to support this in Trusty?19:39
stgraberChrisTownsend: what's giving you that error? some LXC command, a python3-lxc script, ... ?19:41
ChrisTownsendstgraber: It's when I try to start an app in the Unity 8 LXC, so it might be u-a-l.19:42
ChrisTownsendstgraber: A recent change to u-a-l uses GetTaksRecursive.  Could that possibly have any bearing on this?19:42
stgraberquite likely, yeah19:43
ChrisTownsendstgraber: So GetTasksRecursive is not supported in Trusty?19:43
stgrabercorrect, you need cgmanager 0.32 for that19:44
ChrisTownsendstgraber: Dang, oh well, I ended up breaking my own stuff.  Ok, thanks!19:44
hallynbut lxc is supposed to detect that19:44
stgraberhallyn: yeah, it's not LXC, it's his code ;)19:45
hallynand only call the gettaskrecursive if it is supported19:45
hallynoh!  ok :)19:45
stgraberLXC indeed does check the API version and has a fallback :)19:45
ChrisTownsendYeah, u-a-l explicitely call GetTasksRecursive.  Should probably put a fallback in there as well.19:46
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ChrisTownsendhallyn: stgraber: I suppose there are no plans to add support in Trusty for GetTasksRecursive, right?  More of a feature I suppose.19:49
hallynwell, i've considered trying,19:50
stgraberChrisTownsend: it'd indeed be a feature update to a stable release and we usually try to stay away from that19:51
hallynthis could be a special case it's not something that will continue to be developed - it just got cut off during initial development by trusty release19:51
hallynso if we're going to continue this with partial support for 5 years, it may be worthwhile pushing it so we can simplify other code (like lxc)19:51
stgraberif absolutely necessary and if we can provide very good test results showing there wouldn't be any regression, it may be negotiable with the SRU team19:51
hallynbut it's not something we have time for right now :)19:52
ChrisTownsendhallyn: stgraber:  Well, we need to check PIDs recursively for legacy X app support in Unity 8 and we want to support development of Unity 8 for Trusty users, so *something* needs to be worked out.  I'll see if I can get u-a-l to work properly for this.19:53
ChrisTownsendToo many dang variables when trying to develop for the latest and greatest but still worry about Trusty users.19:54
stgraberChrisTownsend: ListChildren() and GetTasks() both existed in trusty I believe19:55
ChrisTownsendstgraber: GetTasks does, so maybe using a combo of both I can accomplish the same thing.19:56
ChrisTownsendstgraber: hallyn:  Thanks guys!19:56
stgrabernot ideal obviously as you'll have to do a ton of calls to get the same as GetTasksRecursive but still, doable19:56
ChrisTownsendstgraber: It will be a fallback only if GetTasksRecursive fails and hopefully tedg won't frown too much on it:)19:57
stgraberChrisTownsend: instead of calling GetTasksRecursive and failing, please check api_version instead :)19:58
ChrisTownsendstgraber: Even better!19:58
tedgstgraber, I'd rather fail, as that means in the standard case we have two calls.19:58
ChrisTownsendtedg: Well, whatever you want, sir!  I just need *something* to work as Trusty users are dead in the water right now.19:59
stgraberis that a longstanding process? because if so, querying api_version at startup should be reasonable19:59
ChrisTownsendAnd we publicized the unity8-lxc package just today at UOS.20:00
tedgstgraber, We make a connection each time, last time we connected to a private bus provided by nih-dbus for a long time bad things happened.20:00
stgrabertedg: sure, but you can still cache the cgmanager api_version, it's not going to change :)20:00
tedgstgraber, I believe I just saw a demo of a container frozen and moved while playing doom ;-)20:01
hallynChrisTownsend: if you really need it, that raises priority, and we can pursue sru :)20:02
hallyntedg: haha, yes.  so it could change, indeed20:02
ChrisTownsendhallyn: It will certainly make life easier, but snails move faster than the SRU process, so I'm not sure what the best path is right now.  Wait on SRU or hack up u-a-l???20:04
ChrisTownsendhallyn: Currently, Trusty users using the latest Ubuntu Next desktop image cannot open apps, so it's useless.20:05
ChrisTownsendhallyn: We do have a PPA for the unity8-lxc stuff, so we could always upload a version of lxc that supports GetTasksRecursive and when the SRU hits the archive, it will supersede the PPA.20:08
ChrisTownsendhallyn: How long would it take to backport that support after we have a go ahead from the SRU team that the change is OK?20:09
ChrisTownsendhallyn: And how does my request stack up as a priority for the other work you guys are doing?20:09
mwhudsonhallyn: woo for qemu updates20:10
hallynChrisTownsend: well right now i basically think it's something we could spend some time doing next week.  depending on how many high-level mtgs we get roped into20:11
hallynChrisTownsend: I think the best would be to take the 0.33 version verbatim and push it into trusty.  no backporting, bc that will only risk more regressions20:11
hallynbut, i expect a long SRU team fight20:11
ChrisTownsendhallyn: Ok, sounds like the coding part is pretty straight forward.  It's just getting it approved that may be the blocker.20:13
ChrisTownsendhallyn: I'd like to get an OK before moving forward.20:14
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barrypitti: i don't suppose you're still around?20:26
kgunnmhall119: hey, i know it's last minute is there any way to move the unity8 session to 1pm my time tomorrow (i believe that's one hour later, 19:00 utc) ?22:13
kgunnmhall119: nvmd, i'll make it work22:26
RAOFcjwatson: Bug isn't in gnome-do, it's in libdbus2.0-cil-dev; the pkg-config file points to nonexistent files in /usr/lib/mono.23:38

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