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elopioveebers: you are working on the nfss data file for app-startup, that's great.05:14
elopioI thought I would had to do it tomorrow.05:14
elopioyou are kicking ass.05:14
elopioyour email makes sense. I was hoping to upload one observation per test, but thomi doesn't seem to like that.05:15
elopioand as the project was already sending data, I think that for now we should stick with the same agregated format.05:16
elopioI hope tomorrow by the time you wake up I'll have the tests running and collecting the data, so we can just pass it through the export script.05:17
veeberselopio: awesome. How I understand it is that CI needs the results aggregated into a single file, so they will still be set per test, but it's just one file05:21
veeberselopio: if you could review the 2 MPs that I have for my cards that would be great, then I can move them to Done in prep. for Fri morn05:22
elopioveebers: yes, I get that part. What I mean is that thomi is suggesting on the document that on the dep8 tests we do a loop of 10 tests or so, and send to nfss the agregated results of those 10 tests.05:22
veebersoh, I don't know anything about that sorry :-P05:22
elopioveebers: I've just left my comments on two of your branches. Am I missing one? I05:24
elopio'm not sure which are the 2 you are referring to.05:24
veeberselopio: no that should be it, let me check05:24
veeberselopio: hah, damn ipdb :-\05:25
elopioveebers: that's why I commented about testing the scripts. A simple and quick test would have caught that. I just don't know where to put it.05:27
veeberselopio: yeah, I wrote tests for the memevent one, but after that felt it was out of scope05:28
veebersbut you're right, tests for that would be nice05:28
veebersI'll see what I can come up with tomorrow05:28
veeberselopio: what's your reason for wanting single quotes over double? (I understand having it consistent, which I haven't here)05:29
elopioveebers: that's what most people on QA preferred, according to my quick poll some months ago. As long as it's consistent, I'm ok. But I would love consistency between all our projects.05:31
veebersack fair enough05:32
veeberselopio: I have made your suggested changes on both those MPs, I'll add a readme tomorrow, but for now I'm off for the night05:38
veeberselopio: one request, with the app-startup tests, can you provide the results to me in an email or something, so I don't have to spend time running the tests etc. just to get results to test the nfss-generator script against?05:40
elopioveebers: sure, no problem.05:50
elopiolet me see what I get tomorrow.05:51
veebersawesome, cheers leo06:11
* veebers is out o/06:11
pittiGood morning06:19
dkesselgood morning pitti10:02
dkesselballoons: i just froze unity-next in preparation for the UOS session :p10:03
pittihey dkessel10:04
elfyballoons is going to be "I hate the day after a day off" today ;)10:04
elfymorning pitti10:04
balloonselfy, :-)13:23
balloonsgood morning!13:23
elfyhey balloons - welcome to day 1 of your 3 day nightmare :D13:23
balloonsI do believe yesterday was day 1 :p13:24
elfyI'm going to try to get to the manual testing session - but the mention of phones fills me with sense of depreciating interest ;)13:24
elfythere's a few I'll try to get to this week13:25
elfyballoons: thanks for doing that will cooke thing - couldn't see any way to do that - at all, I looked for the manual but couldn't find it :p13:29
stblackHi! where I can find something about old UDS ? i.e. 14.06.13:29
balloonsstblack, was it online?13:31
dkesseli think it is still there: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/13:31
balloonselfy, heh, phones are something we should consider. Most of the "real" discussion will be on the tracker13:31
balloonsstblack, yep dkessel is correct. If it was an online summit, it's still there; the links should still work and the videos too13:32
elfyballoons: when I have a phone I'll consider it :) couldn't get involved in testcases for it - I'd have to guess :p13:32
stblackthanks balloons, I was wrongly looking for uds-1406, not uos.13:35
Letozaf_balloons, hi15:52
balloonsLetozaf_, hello15:59
balloonsLetozaf_, joining fm session?15:59
Letozaf_balloons, yes16:00
Letozaf_balloons, sorry but I arrived late at yesterday's filemanager meeting, think I got the wrong time16:01
balloonsLetozaf_, I was away all day national holiday for me, so I certainly missed :-)16:01
balloonsyou can ask in the hangout about times for meeting16:02
Letozaf_balloons, yes16:02
alesagepitti may I have a few minutes with you before your EOD?  I'm trying to launch an app on device (via adt) as root (needs to run as root), and getting a d-bus denial--attempting to su to a normal user isn't helping, any advice? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/892927716:02
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pittialesage: oh, you put the device into r/w mode?16:03
alesagepitti I believe so, yes--should I put the device into r/w mode?16:03
pittialesage: well, preferably not, but if your test wants to change things in /etc/init, you have to16:04
pittialesage: anyway, 3.6git1 doesn't work with current touch images any more, can you please use 3.7.1 from vivid?16:04
pittialesage: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/autopkgtest/autopkgtest_3.7.1_all.deb16:05
alesagepitti, I am cleaning up /var/crash and so need r/w16:05
pittialesage: you can install that .deb from precise upwards16:05
pittialesage: /var/crash/ shoudl be writable anyway, though16:05
alesagepitti ok will verify16:05
alesagepitti I'm hearing you say "should work", yes? :)16:05
pittialesage: I don't know your particular test, and presumably su etc. will cause some trouble, but let's at least rule out that it's due to something I already fixed16:06
alesagepitti ok thanks, let me have another go16:07
pittialesage: also, your second sed command is likely broken -- it won't expand the local $CRASH_ID from the script, but instead will add $CRASH_ID verbatim to /etc/init/whoopsie.conf16:08
pittialesage: powerd-cli display on bright -> that bit is already taken care of by the adb setup script, you can drop it16:08
alesagepitti ok for mini-review, will amend16:09
alesagepitti ok this is on a fresh image, no r/w, 3.7git1--this is essentially what I need to do in my adt script: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8967208/ --is there a more correct way to launch an app from within autopilot?16:43
alesagepitti (i.e. more correct than using ubuntu-app-launch)16:43
pittialesage: yeah, you can't run apps as root, they don't have an upstart session running16:44
pittialesage: that needs to happen as phablet16:44
alesagepitti would su'ing over give me the right env to do so, do you think?16:45
pittialesage: I'm not sure, I suppose through the sudo/su/su you are losing env variables, but it's worth a try16:45
alesagepitti confirmed, yes I'm able to do (with --login)16:46
pittialesage: the other q is, why do you need root privs in the first place?16:46
alesagepitti well b/c of the whoopsie tinkering16:46
alesagepitti possibly we have a different schema for that, handing over to CI, will verify16:47
alesagepitti thanks for the coaching16:47
pittialesage: the whoopsie bits could be done in --setup-commands, and then your actual test would jsut run as user16:47
alesagepitti hmm ok thx will look into16:48
pittialesage: calling sudo out of your test makes it very specific to current touch, and you somehow need to put the passphrase into the test (and then assume that whoever runs the test uses that)16:48
pittisorry, need to run out, time for sports16:49
alesagepitti all of this is true, yes--agreed it's better as user, will depend on how CI prefers to set up (will ask in standup today)16:49
alesagepitti enjoy!16:49
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balloonsknome, will you be about for http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22340/improving-manual-testing/ which is in 50 mins?18:11
balloonsknome, I'm thinking about showing the UI mockup you did again. thoughts?18:11
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
elfyballoons: I'm kind of going to be about for that session18:43
balloonselfy, awesome. I put the mockup in the notes18:43
elfyyea - read those ;)18:43
elfygot someone visiting at some point - and I've got a wicked cough so might be just on irc18:44
brendandballoons, i'm here19:00
balloonsbrendand, awesome, check pm19:00
Letozaf_balloons, have you got time for filemanager app now ?20:06
balloonsLetozaf_, I saw that it didn't work for you.. but it works locally? in both phone and tablet mode?20:07
balloonsLetozaf_, btw, it would be cool to have launchers for both so the tests are duplicated and run during jenkins20:07
Letozaf_balloons, I tested the app on the desktop and on my nexus420:07
Letozaf_balloons, the tests paseed but on jenkins one test fials20:08
Letozaf_balloons, the error is quite weired to me20:08
Letozaf_balloons, do you mean launch the tests with the -p and -b swtich ?20:09
Letozaf_balloons, by the way if I launch filemanager with the -p switch on desktop, the places side bar is displayed have to change the dimensioin of the window to the phone one to get the places side bar to hide and get the bottom edge for places20:11
balloonsLetozaf_, are you saying the -p doesn't work properly?20:12
balloonsLetozaf_, and yes I mean run the tests under each mode20:12
balloonsanother MP though, not this one :-)20:12
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:12
Letozaf_balloons, I would expect the filemanager app to open with the phone dimensions with -p20:13
Letozaf_balloons, but it is a bit bigger and has the places side bar visible20:13
balloonsLetozaf_, ok so that's probably something worth asking arto about. Did you talk about it today?20:14
balloonsideally it would be exactly the same.20:14
Letozaf_balloons, nope as I wasn't sure if I was getting this wrogn20:14
balloonsAnyways, to your error, if it passes locally that's confusing to me why it's not passing in jenkins20:14
Letozaf_the MismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test failed: '/' != '/tmp/tmp2tsfl4lb'20:15
Letozaf_balloons, why is it in /tmp/tmp2tsfl4lb and not /20:15
Letozaf_balloons, is that right ?20:15
Letozaf_balloons, by the why with the -p switch you can read in the logs that the app is running in phone mode, but it's not what you seee20:16
Letozaf_balloons, Patched home to fake home directory /tmp/tmp2tsfl4lb20:17
Letozaf_balloons, shouldn't it be in /20:17
balloonsLetozaf_, let me look at the test since you updated it20:18
balloonsso I can be correct in my thoughts :-)20:18
Letozaf_balloons, if I run the app on my device and go to device place I go to / shouldn't that be the same on Jenkins?20:20
Letozaf_balloons, or maybe you use a temp directory for moking...20:20
balloonsLetozaf_, right that's the issue20:21
* balloons pulls code20:21
balloonsLetozaf_, I think the only thing needing changed is what the assert looks for20:21
balloonsit should look for the mocked / when it's mocked20:21
Letozaf_balloons, ok, so I got it wrong :P I thought that only home was mocked, I will look at the code again and figure this out20:22
balloonsLetozaf_, ok I have the code20:24
balloonsthe difference between your local version and jenkins is that jenkins uses the debian package version20:25
balloonsotherwise they are the same20:25
Letozaf_balloons, ah ok20:25
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh right.. So look at test_go_home_must_open_the_home_directory20:29
balloonsit asserts to self.fakehome20:29
Letozaf_balloons, so in the root directory test I suppose that if the test type is 'deb' I will have to assert to self.fakehome20:30
balloonsLetozaf_, it's confusing to me actually why that is20:37
balloonsI wouldn't do anything special for .deb no20:37
Letozaf_balloons, yea: Location:  "/tmp/tmp2tsfl4lb"20:39
Letozaf_Location:  ""20:39
Letozaf_Location:  ""20:39
Letozaf_Location:  ""20:39
Letozaf_Location:  ""20:39
Letozaf_Location:  ""20:39
Letozaf_Location:  "/"20:39
Letozaf_balloons, Location:  "/"20:39
Letozaf_balloons, it's /20:39
* Letozaf_ is a bit confused20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, if you read the log, home is set to Patched home to fake home directory /tmp/tmp2tsfl4lb20:39
balloonsso '/' should not be the same as home20:40
Letozaf_balloons, the test that's failing is the root directory one20:40
balloonsLetozaf_, lol ohh my. should have watched the video20:40
balloonsLetozaf_, it fails to wait for the animation20:40
balloonssimple fix20:40
Letozaf_balloons, how do get the video ? I tried to20:41
* Letozaf_ blushes20:41
balloonsLetozaf_, so _drag_Bottomedge_to_open_places or open_places should wait for the places page to load20:43
balloonsLetozaf_, also I would make those methods all lower case instead of mixed case, to follow the rest of the app20:43
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks20:44
balloonscool! Shold hopefully we a simple thing to fix20:44
* balloons would put the wait_for in _drag_Bottomedge_to_open_places20:44
balloonshopefully there is an expanded property or ?20:44
Letozaf_balloons, thanks I will check now20:45
knomeballoons, sorry, wasn't around... and feel free to show any of the stuff i've done :)21:02
balloonsknome, no worries, it was a good session.. heh, but that I mean plenty o stuff for me21:03
Letozaf_balloons, I will fix the test tomorrow, I am tired and probably the two properties I tried to use on the places page aren't the right ones, I will find the "right" one tomorrow now I am KO :P21:43
Letozaf_balloons, good night :-)21:44
* ianorlin is wondering why all of the reporting bugs documenation doesn't have a link to help describe different ui elements so they could use precise langauge and know the different ui elements they are talking about when writing a bug report23:05
ianorlinbecause if someone basically taught themselves how to use computers they and use them a lot they might not know ui elements are called to use in bug reports to be specific in what they are saying.23:06
ianorlinIt is a lot easier to describe what is going on if you know what to call a widget23:07
balloonsdefining UI elements.. sadly they change :-(23:20
knomeand defining them would mean somebody reading the bug report might need to double check23:20
knomedescribing them clearly enough in human-readable format is much better23:21
knomeand doesn't take that much longer time23:21
* balloons floats towards the light23:29
knomedon't hit the sun, it'll blow you23:29
knome..."blow" in the balloon-pop sense23:29
knomereminds me, should play the incredible machine some day23:30
alesageelopio, ping23:47
elopioalesage: pong23:47
alesageelopio in your DEP 8 travels have you ever discovered which scripts to use for provisioning?23:47
alesageelopio, and/or have you ever discussed with CI folks?23:47
alesageelopio, i.e. if LRT has special needs, I assume I'll be discussing with them but would like to get a head start23:48
elopioalesage: this should be ok for simple cases:23:48
elopio$ adt-run -B --built-tree=tests/app-startup --output-dir=output --- ssh -s adb23:48
elopioi.e, just set up ssh through adb, the phone will already be provisioned23:48
alesageelopio, yes I know how to run 'em, wondering if you've been exposed to the scripts they use to provision (they = CI)23:49
elopionow I'm having problems because my test needs root access. I'm not yet sure how to fix that.23:49
alesageelopio, there's a switch for that in debian/tests/control23:49
alesage(one sec)23:49
elopioalesage: I don't know about those scripts because they told us the phone will be provisioned, so I didn't dig more.23:49
alesageadd Restrictions: needs-root23:49
alesageelopio, if you find yourself still blocked as again :) (my pw was set specially so I needed a special invocation of adt-run)23:50
alesageelopio, right, makes sense re: provisioning23:50
elopioalesage: I got SKIP Test needs root on testbed which is not available23:50
alesageelopio, one sec23:51
elopioI was missing -P 123423:51
elopioto pass the password. Looks better now :)23:51
alesageelopio riight ok :)23:51
elopioalesage: I found that I don't need to run the tests as root. I just need to be able to sudo for one command23:56
alesageelopio, o ok interesting, and that works?  /me hadn't considered23:56
elopiono. I guess can sudo su phablet23:57

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