
hggdhcan somebody please fix http://tinyurl.com/p848ya2 (Vagrantcloud, Ubuntu precise states it is 14.04)00:14
cryptodanhggdh: whats there to fix?00:15
hggdhcryptodan: as far as I can remember, Precise is 12.04, not 14.04.00:15
cryptodanmay want to contact them for support who ever is hosting that00:15
hggdhthe actual page: https://vagrantcloud.com/ubuntu/boxes/precise6400:15
hggdhcryptodan: yes. They say the text is not theirs00:15
cryptodanthen whose is it?00:16
cryptodandoubt it00:16
tewardcryptodan: this was already discussed on the mailing lists00:16
tewardhggdh: looks like there's an I:NoFurtherAction statement on it from the ML00:16
tewardbut it's still something we should fix00:16
tewards/we should/that should be/00:16
hggdhteward: yes indeed, this is why I came here (since most of the cloud folks from my time are usually around)00:17
hggdh(I am completely off cloud and Ubuntu nowadays, so I have no clue on who would deal with that)00:18
hggdhanyway. I tried.00:20
BilgeI can only access the file system because the disk is mounted under a rescue kernel00:20
BilgeSo I mean I cannot run any local system commands to recover the system00:20
BilgeThe point being I must modify files directly instead of running configuration commands00:20
cryptodanWhat services wont start or what services would you like to disable?00:24
bananapieAnyone know how big ubuntu's repository is ?00:26
tewardbananapie: in what context?  Do you mean how much space the entire repository of package(s) is for, say, the repository mirrors?00:27
bananapieyes. How big is a repository mirror?00:28
tewardbananapie: a tiny bit outdated but... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors#Releases_Statistics  I'm guessing maybe any individual mirror server that meets the criterion of a mirror (on that page)00:30
tewardand i'm guessing maybe around that - but I don't know the specifics...00:30
teward(this assumes just the repositories, not, say, the cdimage mirrors)00:30
larzoIt says 642GB for package archives and 37GB for release CD images.00:32
tewardlarzo: then I was wrong. Problem is they don't specify that anywhere.00:33
tewardbut huge :)00:33
tewardbananapie: larzo's got it - 642GB for package archives (which are the repo mirrors)00:33
bananapieSo, definitely not worth running a local mirror, yes.00:34
bananapiethanks guys :)00:34
bananapieI was sure it was less than 50gigabytes00:34
tewardbananapie: well, that's for a full mirror00:34
tewardbananapie: if you want to nitpick a specific ubuntu release you can probably do that in a private mirror00:34
tewardprobably even less than that with specific architectures00:35
tewardbut i haven't run a local mirror recently - my server for it asploded, and my priority has been security of my network, recently.00:35
bananapieactually, debmirror might work. I can specify the specific versions I want, I can stick to LTS versions. :)00:38
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lordievaderGood morning.06:20
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jotterbotFor 14.04.1  Ubuntu Server, can someone point me to a reliable guide to install to a RAID1 for boot10:41
dasjoejotterbot: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/advanced-installation.html11:00
jotterbotdasjoe: I saw that, but was following along and I believe instructions do not apply for 14.04.111:00
jotterbotthere is mention of options that don't exist11:00
jotterbot(thank you though for linking me) :)11:01
dasjoejotterbot: I'm pretty sure they do exist, maybe your debconf priority threshold is set too high. Which install cd are you using? If you're already in the text installer go "back", in the main menu is an option to set your debconf question threshold to "low".11:03
jotterboti'm using 14.04.1 x64 iso11:03
jotterbotubuntu server11:03
dasjoeDoes your installer look like this? http://i.stack.imgur.com/G5bh1.png11:04
jotterbotI have installed ubuntu server many times with no issues11:05
jotterbotI am just trying to configure a software raid 1 for booting11:05
jotterbot...after my supermicro mobo implemented fakeraid11:05
jotterbotdebconf "low" is indeed very....verbose11:07
dasjoeIt indeed is, but it should give you an option to manually partition your disks, where you can set up two partitions to be "used for software RAID", after setting this it should guide you to build a mdraid on top of them11:10
jotterboti think my problem is i need an UEFI partition at the start of the disk or soemthing11:12
jotterbotwhen i use guided partitioning the partitions look like:11:12
jotterbotI'm not quite sure of correct paritions, eg. do i need swap/efi still?11:14
dasjoejotterbot: sorry, I'm not too sure. Haven't done much with EFI or raid111:15
jotterbotdasjoe: no worries mate, I appreciate you taking the effort regardless :)11:16
dasjoejotterbot: I assume you saw this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/355727/how-to-install-ubuntu-server-with-uefi-and-raid1-lvm11:16
jotterboti did, but didn't think it applied as I don't wish to use LVM.11:18
jotterbotwill reread though as I have just seen the step by step instructions....11:18
dasjoeI'm not sure whether that bug is still present, so I'd just create a 512 MB EFIboot on each disk, then a raid1 member after that11:18
jotterbotthanks will do11:18
dasjoeGood luck, I'll be away for an hour or two11:19
jotterboti wish there was a site that had "the one and only *correct* way to format/partition/setup RAID1 on 14.04.1 for setup x y z"11:19
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LinStatSDRDoes openvswitch-datapath-dkms work with kernel 3.13 now?13:52
LinStatSDRhaving issue with http://fpaste.org/150015/79977614/13:54
akiva-thinkpadThe ubuntu online summit starts in 2 minutes; come join the foray if you are interested13:58
LinStatSDRSomething with multicast has no group id14:00
jamespagezul, gnuoy, coreycb: ovs dkms dies at long last - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openvswitch/2.3.0+git20140819-2ubuntu114:15
jamespagewe should have probably dropped that last cycle14:15
zuljamespage:  you are doing ovs in debian now?14:15
jamespagezul, nah14:15
jamespagezul, but that is our first merge for some time14:15
jamespagezul, it was pretty dead in debian for a while14:16
jamespagezul, ben appears to be picking things up again14:16
zuljamespage:  ah...ok cool :)14:16
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m_anishHi I have an ubuntu-14.04 x64 server and facing a strange issue.14:35
m_anishUptime is going through the roof -- linearly increasing with time. However, I don't see anytihng consuming cpu in top14:35
m_anishI also have iotop installed no issues there14:36
Picim_anish: Are you sure you meant uptime there?14:36
m_anishPici, sorry, i meand load averages14:36
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m_anishPici, the strange part is.. the server is functional.. I don't see any performance issues14:37
m_anish(atleast not consistent with the load averages - currently at 7 in a dual core server)14:37
zuljamespage:  just a heads up openstack will be replacing suds with a fork of suds14:47
bananapiehello, I am messing with the boot loader ( for the sake of learning more about boot loaders ). The kernel is loaded and the initrd is loaded. I have to manually mount the root file system ( which I have done ). What is the command to run to exit initrd and finish booting the machine ?14:53
bananapieEven though I mounted my root filesystem, I still only see initrd stuff in / ...14:54
bananapieI'm pretty sure it's the run-init command I need to use14:58
linociscowho are using ubuntu server and asterisk for large deployment?15:00
jamespagezul, \o/ awesome15:01
adam_gjamespage, wonder if this addresses the neutron scaling issues you hit: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-November/050171.html15:04
jamespageadam_g, yeah - I tried with those - they do help quite a bit15:04
jamespageadam_g, I suspect that I should go +1 them with a suitable comment15:04
adam_gjamespage, yeah, a case can probably be made for stable if it fixes a performance regression vs adds a performance improvement15:05
linociscobananapie, are u using asterisk on ubuntu server?15:07
jamespageadam_g, my comments are in the context of around 12,000 running instances and their associated ports15:10
jamespageadam_g, I'll respond on list as well15:10
bananapielinocisco, what do you want to know?15:13
linociscobananapie, let me talk somewhere else15:13
bananapiepm ?15:14
linociscobananapie, yes15:15
bananapieI am trying to boot by ubuntu server without the  'root=....' parameter passed to the kernel. I want to mount the root manually and let the server finish booting afterwards.15:31
bananapiedo I have to run pivot_root before run-init?15:31
bananapieWhat is the command to start init in Ubuntu ? I tried /sbin/init 3, but it says 'connection refused /com/ubuntu/upstart'15:35
zuljamespage:  ok most of the client have been updated + glance-store15:42
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rberg_Hello all, does anybody know why the cloud-init bug preventing NOPASSWD in sudoers was not fixed in Precise LTS? where the other releases are marked 'fix released' https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/122743216:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1227432 in cloud-init "Does not create a NOPASSWD sudoers file" [Medium,Confirmed]16:21
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trelaneis there any documentation or information on Ubuntu Server's market share as compared to say CentOS or RHEL?19:45
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astbisHi. I've just installed ubuntu-server trusty and am trying to configure static IP, should be straight forward but it seems there is something i am missing. Ip is configured and ifconfig shows the right data, but can't connect or ping anything.20:23
sarnoldastbis: do your routing tables look right? check ip route show   output20:23
astbisDefault route is registered.20:24
DMRadfordHello everybody. I'm trying to get a java program to start on boot of an Amazon ec2 instance. I've tried bash scripts in /etc/rc.local as well as /etc/init.d and can't seem to get it to start up. The java file is in /home/ubuntu/ and it references another program in /home/ubuntu/Blender. Any thoughts on how I could get it to auto-start when the instance is launched?20:25
astbisSo yes it looks right.20:26
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sarnoldastbis: okay, how about the hosts you're trying to ping? do they have properly assigned IPs and correct looking routes?20:27
astbisI'm just trying to ping or my local router. But can't access either.20:27
bekksDMRadford: Could you give us the pastebin with your shellscript again, please?20:27
sarnoldDMRadford: oftentimes incorrect PATH assumptions lead to these kinds of problems20:28
DMRadfordsarnold, I've checked the paths to be correct. If I SSH into the instance and run "java -jar /home/ubuntu/loki.jar /home/ubuntu/Blender/blender" it runs correctly.20:30
sarnoldDMRadford: wow, that's far simpler than I expected. is this file mode 755?20:31
bekksThat script will not work.20:32
DMRadfordsarnold, I'm not positive, I ran 'sudo chmod +x startup.sh'20:32
DMRadfordbekks, what am I missing?20:32
bekksrc.local has no environment, and no PATH variable content. Specify the full path to yout java binary in your script.20:32
sarnoldbekks: -no- PATH? heh20:33
sarnoldbekks: thanks :)20:33
bekksNo path in rc.local :)20:33
sarnolddamn. I figured it'd have at least /bin:/usr/bin if nothing else..20:34
DMRadfordOk, so then what should my script read then? I'm still very very new to this stuff20:34
sarnoldDMRadford: /usr/bin/java ...20:34
DMRadfordso after #!/bin/bash, the second line should be: /usr/bin/java -jar /home/ubuntu/loki.jar /home/ubuntu/Blender/blender20:35
DMRadfordIs that correct?20:35
bekksDMRadford: Yes.20:35
DMRadfordOk. updated startup.sh, chmod 775, moved into /etc/rc.local and rebooting.20:37
DMRadfordStill isn't appearing to have worked :/20:38
bekksDMRadford: Because java needs more environment vars to be set, like JAVA_HOME and stuff.20:39
DMRadfordI know nothing about this20:39
sarnoldblech, annoying java20:39
DMRadfordwhere do I put those variables and what are they?20:40
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poseidonDoes anybody here know of a guide for installing hhvm on ubuntu 14.10?21:08
FilthyMacNastyEHLO serveroids21:16
bekks250 OK21:17
FilthyMacNastyis there a way to recover a directory that was in the process of a mv * and the drive space ran out?21:19
FilthyMacNastyit shows up red when I ls21:20
lordievaderFilthyMacNasty: Should still be in the source.21:26
FilthyMacNastythe source is a ntfs partition, its My Documents and that space in the directory name is giving me fits21:27
FilthyMacNastyand it says it doesnt exist21:27
cryptodanyou want to try testdisk21:30
FilthyMacNastyI'll try anything instead of rekeying a vfw members list21:38
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blistovHey all. Between NM and Plymouth, I'm losing my mind. How do I just set my networking up manually?21:57
blistovI've manually edited plymouth.conf to skip the sleeps for network config, but I still can't get all my interfaces to come up with correct routing.21:58
FilthyMacNastyI ask the same question21:58
blistovDual wan emergency remote access box for one of my clients.22:00
blistovThey've got constant issues with connectivity due to their location, so on top of their primary firewall having redundant WAN connections, I also have this new machine in place to give me access if the firewall cacks out as well.22:01
blistovProblem is that NONE of the up/post-up/post-down rules are being applied, and as I'm remote, I can't see why.22:01
blistovAfter killing Plymouths idiotic 2.5minute timeout for networking config so I don't have to wait a goddamn year to just ssh in, p5p1 comes up at, and I ssh in via the vpn.22:02
blistovFrom there, if I add those routes, both my WAN nics come up and work as expected. I can ssh to either of them, only one neends to be up to work, and if both are up, I get load balancing (which is just incidental).22:03
blistovWhy aren't the routes being applied at ifup?22:03
blistovi'm starting to lose my mind at the fact that almost all distros are getting less and less stable, and all these little changes dont' seem to be well documented. I've configured network/interfaces THOUSANDS of times and it's not usually rocket surgery, but for whatever reason, since 12 or 13.x, nothign seems to work and i can't find any documentation on what's changed.22:07
DMRadfordhaving some trouble with bash scripts. I have startup.sh with some code in /home/ubuntu. From the terminal, if I type "/home/ubuntu/startup.sh" it runs fine. However when I try to run "sudo /home/ubuntu/startup.sh", it just hangs and won't run my script. Any ideas?22:12
bekksDMRadford:Try gksudo22:19
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jotterbotCan someone help me setup raid1 from scratch on ubuntu server 14.04.123:42
jotterboti have 2 new drives /dev/sda /dev/sdb23:42
jotterboti need help to setup the correct partitions and swap etc23:42

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