
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-devops-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/devops-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/12/%23ubuntu-uds-devops-1.html
aaaaaaaaaHow all ?13:05
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-devops-1 to: Track: Cloud DevOps | Juju Charm School | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22389/juju-charm-school/
lazyPowerGood Morning Juju Community!15:00
lazyPowerWe'll be kicking off in a moment15:00
lazyPowerhttp://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22389/juju-charm-school/ - if you need the link to follow along at home15:01
lazyPowerIf you'd like to join the hangout and talk on air with us, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYc0Jup3WIfx2y7xjN_n5r_CqEIPHfQALDK4M8cYEvra-yB17Q?authuser=0&hl=en15:01
=== avoine is now known as patrick
=== patrick is now known as Guest95291
lazyPoweruh oh, i see our summit page is missing the link15:05
lazyPowerhttp://youtu.be/BQ_blv9JhCs - THis will get you started while we figure out what we did with the video link on summit15:05
cory_fuDo you need a PPA to install juju?15:07
rbasak-uossudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable15:09
lazyPowerthat is correct!15:09
lazyPowerto the new joiners - it appears we didnt put the correct link int eh summit page - you can follow along here: http://youtu.be/BQ_blv9JhCs15:09
lazyPowermany apologies for the inconvenience15:09
kwmonroe\join #ubuntu-uds-devops-115:13
kwmonroe1/join #ubuntu-uds-devops-1nnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmjkllko-],m15:15
lazyPowerkwmonroe: awesome cat typing15:15
larrymi2QUESTION what's the local entry in your environments file look like?15:22
kwmonroethanks mbruzek1!  we'll get that 1st 5 minute walkthrough doc live asap.15:22
larrymi2great thank you15:25
mbruzek1You are welcome15:25
mbruzek1Thanks for the question15:26
mbruzek1Please let us know if you have questions!15:31
cory_fulazyPower: The syntax for relation_set is actually: hookenv.relation_set(hookenv.relation_id(), {'public-address': hookenv.unit_get('public-address')})15:42
noise][thanks for the juju intro, I got behind a bit but very helpful!15:49
lazyPowernoise][: we're available in #juju here on freenode to answer any questions you may have.15:52
noise][awesome, I'm going to finish working through the python example shortly15:53
cory_fuAlso: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/15:53
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-devops-1 to: Currently no events are active in this room - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/devops-1/ - http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/12/%23ubuntu-uds-devops-1.html
larrymi2thank you!15:56
lazyPowerit was our pleasure larrymi215:56
=== Guest95291 is now known as avoine
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-devops-1 to: Track: Cloud DevOps | Juju Charm Testing | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22390/juju-charm-testing/
mbruzek1If you want to join the Juju Testing conversation please go here https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/hoaevent/AP36tYekk8djMgop1pzFddjyTDy7plhXOwcKYregkciGjHoVC0aAXQ?authuser=0&hl=en17:57
mbruzek1Our next UOS session starts soon17:58
mbruzek1We are talking about Charm Store Policy right now18:02
mbruzek1Amulet:  https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/tools-amulet.html18:03
mbruzek1Bundletester:  https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundletester18:04
sparkiegeeklazyPower: can't see your screen, Tim has "focus"18:06
mbruzek1bundletester repository18:06
dpb1mbruzek1: can you change the focus over to lazypower?18:08
mbruzek1Thank you18:08
mbruzek1Sorry about that18:08
mbruzek1apt-get install python-pip juju charm-tools python-devel18:09
sparkiegeekwhy not juju deploy bundletester ?18:10
tvansteenburghit's not a charm18:10
mbruzek1It is not a charm, it is a testing framework18:10
mbruzek1Good question sparkiegeek, we hope to have it bundled with juju as Josh S. mentioned18:11
mbruzek1in the near future.18:11
sparkiegeekmbruzek1: sounds good18:11
sparkiegeekit's impossible to see what lazyPower is typing because the heads cover up the bottom of the terminal screen18:14
sparkiegeekthat's better, thanks!18:15
cory_fuNot just the top, also the bottom, which is an issue when issuing commands on the command-line18:15
dpb1mbruzek1: also the pictures of who is in the hangout cover up the command line18:15
mbruzek1dpb1: OK I will try to address that18:16
dpb1mbruzek1: thx.  understand it's hard to adjust things.18:16
sparkiegeekperhaps larger font size would help18:16
dpb1oh, cool. thanks for doing that tvansteenburgh18:19
dpb1can bundletester work on an already bootstrapped environment?18:23
mbruzek1yes absoltely18:23
mbruzek1It runs faster18:23
dpb1does each test tear down and build back up the environment like on juju-test, or is that pretty much obsolete now?18:23
sparkiegeekwhat are the guidelines about when you put tests into a separate tests/XX-my-test file vs. many in one ?18:24
tvansteenburghit resets the env between each test18:24
tvansteenburghmuch faster than destroy/rebootstrap between each test18:24
dpb1Q: Is the name 'bundletester' is a bit misleading?  Is it for testing individual charms, as well as bundles?18:26
sparkiegeekthank you18:27
* sparkiegeek guesses mojo18:28
dpb1tvansteenburgh: I think it's fine, just threw me a bit.  thanks18:28
dpb1since bundle is like a superset I can see where you are going18:28
dpb1mbruzek1: actually, if charles would just do export PS1='$ ' and could live without the fancy prompt, it would be better.18:29
sparkiegeekdpb1: +118:30
dpb1mind blown. j/k18:31
sparkiegeekdpb1: your MP is quoted in the README.md of that project :)18:31
dpb1sparkiegeek: :)18:32
dpb1tvansteenburgh: this is quite nice, thanks for doing all this18:32
sparkiegeekthe #! has to be at the top18:32
sparkiegeek(looks like you fixed it)18:32
dpb1Q: can the results of those bundle tests be appended to the MP, right now are they just emailed?18:33
tvansteenburghdpb1: thanks, it's been fun. still lots to do too!18:33
tvansteenburghdpb1: doesn't it post a link to the results on the MP?18:33
JoshStroblI didn't realize test creation is so easy. Makes me ashamed that I haven't done it for my charms yet.18:33
tvansteenburgha recent blog post on Juju testing: http://blog.juju.solutions/cloud/juju/2014/10/02/charm-testing.html18:34
dpb1tvansteenburgh: I'm checking that18:34
dpb1tvansteenburgh: for instance: https://code.launchpad.net/~brad-marshall/charms/trusty/nrpe-external-master/fix-rsyncd-conf/+merge/24148218:35
tvansteenburghdpb1: in the review queue/auto-testing integration still needs work18:38
sparkiegeektvansteenburgh: awesome! So the unit name that appears to relations is "normal"?18:38
dpb1tvansteenburgh: that is fine, looking forward to more in that area.  thanks.18:38
tvansteenburghno more cruft18:38
sparkiegeektvansteenburgh: tried using amulet before to test a charm that related to PostgreSQL and it was impossible18:38
dpb1yes, creating the shim was always a problem for me to, big +1 on that change (as I said before).18:40
sparkiegeek^^ potato salad for lazyPower18:40
* dpb1 is strangely hungry18:42
sparkiegeekwell you'll now get a test error instead of a test failure18:42
sparkiegeekI assume bundletester distinguishes between them?18:42
tvansteenburghnot really, exit code 0 = pass, other = fail18:46
dpb1tvansteenburgh: does it also run unit tests?18:49
dpb1tvansteenburgh: or is that a totally separate topic18:49
tvansteenburghyep, just put them behind a `make test` target18:49
dpb1great, thought it did18:49
sparkiegeekcan you go over again what the technique is for getting *this* charm in amulet and not the one that's in the store?18:50
* dpb1 would like to see that too18:50
sparkiegeekis it just cs:XYZ for store ones? and XYZ for local?18:50
JoshStroblsparkiegeek, yes18:51
JoshStroblthat is my understanding as well18:51
sparkiegeekso if I have a bzr branch of XYZ called "XYZ-fix-bug-123" then all my tests will break?18:52
sparkiegeek(as in my directory name isn't the same as the charm name)18:52
tvansteenburghsparkiegeek: correct18:52
dpb1I thought it redirected to the locally checked out branch18:52
dpb1wherever you are running things from18:52
sparkiegeektvansteenburgh: ok, cheers18:52
tvansteenburghit would be better to check out the branch into a dir with a name that matches the charm18:53
sparkiegeekjuju sure loves its directory names18:53
tvansteenburghheh,  yeah :?18:53
sparkiegeekif only there was a metadata file with the name in it, oh wait :)18:54
* sparkiegeek files bug18:54
dpb1link and I'll +118:54
tvansteenburghsparkiegeek: really good point there18:54
tvansteenburghsparkiegeek: you file it, i'll fix it18:54
dpb1tvansteenburgh: nice attitude. :)18:55
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-uds-devops-1 to: Track: Cloud DevOps | Juju Charm Helpers | Url: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22391/juju-charm-helpers/
sparkiegeekdpb1: tvansteenburgh: https://github.com/marcoceppi/amulet/issues/5018:57
tvansteenburghsparkiegeek: thank you!18:57
dpb1thx sparkiegeek, nice catch18:58
* JoshStrobl goes and makes dinner18:58
sparkiegeektvansteenburgh: FWIW looks like i could run the tests with JUJU_TEST_CHARM environment variable set and that'd do similar thing19:00
tvansteenburghsparkiegeek: yep, forgot about that :)19:00
lazyPowerjust to re-iterate :)19:04
avoineQUESTION: why  charmhelper is not a debian package?19:14
whitavoine, it's in flux and when it settles down, we will likely make it a deb19:15
whitright now, most f us typically use pip to pull it in19:16
* whit notes that releasing to a ppa would be sensible for ch19:17
whitavoine, right now charm helpers encompasses a broad number of concerns which need to eventually be broken into their packages19:21
whit^ own19:22
avoineok, the main reason I asked is because updating charmhelper makes charm MP really big and make it a package would make merge lighter19:28
tvansteenburghavoine: totally agree19:28
cory_fuCompletely agree.  As whit mentioned, `pip install charmhelpers` is currently my preferred way around that19:29
whitremember also you can peg ch to a revision or pull it from bzr with pip19:29
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