
ali1234this whole thing is one big circular reference00:02
ali1234right, finally it's fixed00:26
elfyochosi: not sure if this is expected or not, can you see where to enable an item here - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-121114-095725.php09:58
elfyyou have to guess - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-121114-095752.php09:59
dkessellol elfy :)10:01
elfysee the same in synaptic - so it's not just transmission10:01
dkesselsure, why not there? it is obvious :)10:01
elfyhey dkessel - good morning to you 10:01
dkesselhey elfy10:02
dkesselgood morning to you too :)10:02
dkesseli mean, it has been there the previous versions... ;) just kidding10:02
elfypossibly - the last cycle I took a lot of notice was 14.0410:07
elfyslickymasterWork: I looked at the task manager testcase - bug 139163611:01
ubottubug 1391636 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "1583 Errors in testcase" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139163611:01
elfyjust needs checking over and I'll get on and deal with it11:01
elfyor dkessel even - anyone in -qa :)11:02
slickymasterWorkI can make a MP tonight if you want me to, elfy11:03
elfyI can do it - not working this week11:03
slickymasterWorkok, I can review it if you want11:05
elfyta :)11:05
slickymasterWorkthe bug description pretty much sums it all elfy 11:05
dkesselbluesabre: looks like I can just use the "BuilderName" property of the widgets to identify them in autopilot. I guess there is no need to give everything an ID then - as long as the "BuilderName" does not change12:45
* dkessel feels so stupid12:51
dkesselI should have seen that converting the manual catfish test requires the adminstrator password... I don't think this will work12:51
elfydkessel: mmm 12:54
dkesseli can build it... but it won't work without the correct password12:54
elfydkessel: you're directly converting manual to auto? 12:54
dkesselelfy: yes12:55
elfyI'll just pull up the manual one 12:55
elfydkessel: so why not get it to search for files that are just always going to be there regardless instead of creating some then updating db12:57
dkesselelfy: sure, why not.12:59
elfythe only issue then would be being unable to check case sensitivity 12:59
dkesselbut it takes away some of the test's value12:59
dkesseli'll ask in the autopilot channel if they have an idea12:59
jjfrv8elfy, I posted a comment on bug 139163613:57
ubottubug 1391636 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "1583 Errors in testcase" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139163613:57
jjfrv8elfy, did you see bug 1391357 yet?13:57
ubottubug 1391357 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Light-locker-settings testcase has obsolete screensaver steps." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139135713:57
jjfrv8I did not include the suggested revisions in that one ^^ like you did in yours. I was going to ask if you wanted me to draft an MP.14:02
elfyjjfrv8: go ahead :)14:10
elfyand no I'd not seen that bug14:10
elfyjjfrv8: thanks for comment in the task manager one14:12
jjfrv8ok, will do.14:18
slickymasterWorkhey jjfrv8 did you get anywhere with http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/10/29/%23xubuntu-devel.html#t12:1114:24
jjfrv8slickymasterWork, I figured that was a dead issue. The vote seemed to be that things were okay as they were.14:27
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ochosielfy: that is a "bug" in our gtk themes (yeah, gtk devs decided to change some theming properties' names again in 3.14) which is already taken care of in git14:31
ochosii suppose you're not using the shimmer-daily PPA for themes? if not, no worries, i guess we can arrange an update of the themes packages for V soonish14:32
ochosi(but just so you know it should already be taken care of. and thanks for noticing/notifying)14:32
elfyochosi: thanks - and yes I have -staging and shimmer ppa's 14:33
ochosihmm, odd. let me check when that last built...14:33
elfyno need for a pointless bug report then - that's good :)14:33
elfyI got shimmer updates a day or so ago iirc14:34
ochosihumm, supposedly it should be fixed in the last build, so that's odd14:34
ochosiaaaaah, ofc14:34
ochosiyou're still having gtk3.1214:34
ochosiand the themes are already prepped for 3.1414:34
ochosiso you get the regression you'd get without the patch in 3.14 in 3.12 :>14:34
ochosiso i guess i was "too fast" there14:35
ochosias soon as 3.14 lands, things should be back to normal14:35
elfyok - cool, as long as there is a reason - I can just wait for 3.14 and watch in wonder as all is fixed as if by magic then :)14:35
elfyif it's March and we've not for gtk3.14 I will let you know you need to reverse course :D14:36
ochosiyup, good to keep that on the radar :]14:37
ochosibut i suppose this time 3.14 is bound to land14:37
ochosii saw some folks in -desktop messing with patches for it already14:37
elfyhe he he 14:37
slickymasterWorkjjfrv8, well it wasn't a proper vote. If on one hand ochosi doesn't really have any strong on dropping the icon from whisker, on the other knome thinks that it's better to keep it and solve the ambiguity docs-internally14:42
slickymasterWorkand no one else in -team besides them had reaaly pronounce on the subject14:42
slickymasterWorks/reaaly/really 14:42
ochosislickymasterWork: you can also ask around at tomorrow's meeting14:44
ochosican't promise yet i'll make it, i'm travelling abroad again14:44
ochosibut as i have no strong opinion, it probably doesn't matter too much14:45
slickymasterWorkI think all add it to the meeting agenda14:45
Unit193I can that I'll miss.14:47
jjfrv8slickymasterWork, I won't be able to make the meeting. My proxy would be to abstain. If you decide to proceed with something, I don't think I would be a good candidate to work on it.15:01
jjfrv8I'd probably end up adding confusion to something that other folks don't really see as an issue in the first place.15:01
Unit193ochosi: If you want to track more gst0.10 bugs, https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser/issues/7615:02
elfypersonally - removing something from the menu because docs look wrong is not the right way to do things15:02
elfywhy is Unit193 posting one word comments as knome :p15:03
knomeit's not necessarily wrong15:03
knomei mean...15:04
elfyI know what you mean :)15:04
knomedoing it for that sake is wrong, but the action itself is not necessarily wrong :P15:04
knomei don't have a strong opinion on this15:04
knomethe only argument i have for keeping what we have is that some users have learned this way15:05
knomewe don't want to mess that up now15:05
elfyyep - that would be my position15:05
knomewhether that'd balance out with new users not having at all ambiguity is a different thing15:05
elfywell 15:06
elfymost people would look at what they see -> docs if they can't find something15:07
elfyin my experience15:07
Unit193Or when we tell them to.15:07
slickymasterWorkok, got it jjfrv8. Thanks for the feedback15:16
Noskcajelfy, ochosi: gtk 3.14's blocker list is at http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v if you're wondering what we're waiting for19:19
brainwashbluesabre: there is a patch attached to bug 121193320:20
ubottubug 1211933 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "mkinitramfs blows up on casper dependency" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121193320:20
brainwashfor xubuntu-live-settings20:21
brainwashshould we apply this patch? or close the report as won't fix?20:22
skellatbrainwash: I'll say WON'TFIX as this appears unrelated to the original bug -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1211933/comments/823:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1211933 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "mkinitramfs blows up on casper dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:54

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