ahayzen | vthompson, heh i've just started a similar thing | 00:01 |
ahayzen | vthompson, i still wonder if the settings one needs to be wiped as well | 00:01 |
vthompson | ahayzen, maybe. Something broke for me. The app won't play music--the tracks don't seem valid. I see no errors in the logs though | 00:06 |
ahayzen | vthompson, i aborted mine as i wanted to tweak it a bit more | 00:07 |
ahayzen | rpadovani, when is the duckduckgo scope landing on my device it looks awesome :) | 00:12 |
rpadovani | ahayzen, thanks :-) Hope very soon, I want to have a working version - atm you cannot click on results, so it's useless :-) | 00:13 |
ahayzen | rpadovani, aww but the progress looks good so far :) | 00:13 |
ahayzen | vthompson, Ran 18 tests in 395.359s OK | 00:13 |
ahayzen | vthompson, do i push my changes? | 00:14 |
vthompson | ooo, ahayzen yes do so. I can't verify anything now because music won't play :( | 00:14 |
ahayzen | vthompson, cool will do | 00:14 |
rpadovani | ahayzen, it's quite easy to develop a scope, tutorials are easy and template is good for everything. And DuckDuck rocks hard. My final destination is to implement all of this: | 00:14 |
rpadovani | https://duck.co/ia | 00:14 |
ahayzen | rpadovani, ah cool :) i use duckduckgo all the time so it'll probably be one of my default scopes :) | 00:15 |
rpadovani | all that data are waiting only a pretty interface :-) | 00:15 |
rpadovani | \o/ | 00:15 |
rpadovani | ahayzen, are you developing a scopes for the contest? | 00:16 |
rpadovani | (and noob english question, is scopes plural form of scope?) | 00:16 |
ahayzen | rpadovani, nope sole focus is getting music-app in the store lol | 00:16 |
rpadovani | ahayzen, that is a great focus :-) I want to use it on desktop, because I don't like any of the music player I tried | 00:17 |
ahayzen | rpadovani, its pretty awesome on the desktop now as well :) | 00:18 |
ahayzen | vthompson, pushed and commented | 00:19 |
rpadovani | \o/ | 00:19 |
vthompson | ahayzen, woot | 00:19 |
ahayzen | vthompson, just gonna run again to double check | 00:19 |
vthompson | so now both the db's are cleared | 00:19 |
ahayzen | vthompson, yeah do you agree with my diff? | 00:19 |
vthompson | I want to see if I can get my device working again, but I'd like balloons or someone to run to double check | 00:20 |
ahayzen | vthompson, note i just wipe the whole dir not just Databases...which also conveniently fits within the 79char limit :) | 00:20 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yea, I didn't think we'd need to clear the settings as we ensure the shuffle/repeat is in the state we need... but it doesn't hurt | 00:20 |
ahayzen | vthompson, well it clears queueIndex which could cause console errors as well remember | 00:20 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yea, and the queue is cleared... so the index should be | 00:21 |
ahayzen | vthompson, it makes sense :) | 00:21 |
ahayzen | vthompson, have you tried restarting your device? | 00:21 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yea, let me push a click and see if maybe the music files got corrupted or something | 00:22 |
ahayzen | vthompson, i push everything manually across don't try click-buddy aha | 00:22 |
ahayzen | *trust | 00:22 |
ahayzen | vthompson, it passed again \o/ | 00:26 |
popey | \o/ | 00:26 |
ahayzen | popey, we have working autopilot \o/ ... at least on my N4 :) | 00:26 |
popey | super stuff. | 00:27 |
vthompson | ahayzen, woot, rebooting with a new click as well seemed to bring the app back into a working state. Running now | 00:27 |
ahayzen | vthompson, sweet | 00:27 |
ahayzen | popey, this the mp if you haven't been following https://code.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/drop-ap-mocking/+merge/241631 | 00:27 |
* popey click-buddy's it | 00:29 | |
ahayzen | popey, note to run it on your device you'll have to move all your music elsewhere and you'll lose your playlists | 00:29 |
popey | meh | 00:29 |
ahayzen | popey, as in to run autopilot | 00:29 |
popey | music shmusic | 00:29 |
popey | it's all backed up in the cloud | 00:30 |
popey | or something | 00:30 |
ahayzen | popey, but assuming that lands as #738 at some point the readme is ready, so as soon as it is merged you can probably fire off click builds | 00:30 |
ahayzen | popey, heh that is what they tell us anyway "in the cloud" | 00:31 |
popey | hm, should "phablet-test-run -v music_app" work? | 00:31 |
popey | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/phablet/.local/share/com.ubuntu.music' | 00:32 |
popey | among other interesting messages | 00:32 |
ahayzen | ah hmm | 00:32 |
ahayzen | vthompson, guess it fails if the dir doesn't exist? | 00:32 |
ahayzen | popey, let me patch it up | 00:32 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yea, good call. Thanks for breaking things popey! | 00:33 |
vthompson | ahayzen, Ran 18 tests in 438.598s | 00:34 |
ahayzen | vthompson, popey pushed try pulling now | 00:34 |
ahayzen | vthompson, ...did they pass? | 00:34 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yep. I'll pull, remove both directories, and retest for the issue popey is seeing | 00:34 |
ahayzen | vthompson, thanks :) but its sounds like we've got this sorted | 00:35 |
popey | \o/ | 00:35 |
popey | thats better | 00:37 |
popey | haha, only just realised one of the songs in the test suite is from the old nokia advert | 00:38 |
popey | nicely done | 00:38 |
vthompson | ahayzen, the only thing I think we kinda need is a README telling devs/testers to do a "mv ~/home/phablet/Music ~/home/phablet/.Music; restart mediascanner-2.0" before they attempt to test | 00:39 |
ahayzen | popey, which one? | 00:39 |
ahayzen | vthompson, do you want to add that? | 00:39 |
vthompson | ahayzen, I'll do so. It'll be short, but just want to make people aware of how to test | 00:40 |
ahayzen | vthompson, yeah probably best | 00:40 |
popey | ahayzen: the guitar one | 00:41 |
ahayzen | popey, one of the tracks is from the example content in ubuntu | 00:41 |
ahayzen | ...i think | 00:41 |
popey | Gran Vals | 00:41 |
ahayzen | ah right :) | 00:41 |
popey | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coga2Q9Xv_k | 00:41 |
popey | 21 years ago! | 00:42 |
ahayzen | popey, hah omg! | 00:42 |
popey | just realised that's before you were born :| | 00:43 |
ahayzen | yah | 00:44 |
ahayzen | thats why i don't remember it :P | 00:44 |
popey | :D | 00:44 |
popey | Ran 18 tests in 379.830s | 00:45 |
popey | OK | 00:45 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 00:45 |
* popey runs again | 00:45 | |
ahayzen | vthompson, ^^ ... i think we're good :) are you doing the readme? | 00:46 |
vthompson | ahayzen, I stole the clock app's README.autopilot and am mod'ing it now | 00:47 |
ahayzen | vthompson, cool | 00:47 |
popey | quoting nik90 "Borrow it from another place" - not stealing ☻ http://nik90.com/ubuntu-component-store-lets-collaborate/ | 00:49 |
ahayzen | vthompson, is the "build the music-app" bit right? | 00:51 |
ahayzen | vthompson, is that just what click-buddy does underneath? | 00:51 |
vthompson | popey, :) | 00:51 |
vthompson | ahayzen, it is. I could take it out I suppose | 00:51 |
ahayzen | vthompson, i don't mind | 00:52 |
vthompson | ahayzen, you don't need to build to run on the desktop for the music app | 00:52 |
ahayzen | vthompson, yeah exactly take it out ;) | 00:52 |
vthompson | will do | 00:53 |
popey | i used click-buddy fwiw | 00:53 |
vthompson | I always use click-buddy | 00:54 |
popey | Thanks so much for getting this sorted. | 00:54 |
ahayzen | i use a mash of things via a script these days | 00:55 |
ahayzen | vthompson, re approved...do we go for top approval? | 00:55 |
vthompson | ahayzen, SO, I just thought about this. We do have some level of verification (now) that this will work on a clean device... but what if we merge and then do the switch to have remix be trunk and we get failures? | 00:56 |
ahayzen | vthompson, it should work...why wouldn't it? | 00:57 |
vthompson | ahayzen, agreed that it should. | 00:57 |
popey | i dont understand under what scenario you're envisaging it won't? | 00:58 |
vthompson | I just want to make sure the agreement wasn't get the old app passing (which we CAN do if need be), then swap the two out | 00:58 |
popey | nope | 00:58 |
popey | we didnt agree to get old app passing | 00:58 |
popey | I asserted that I want new app passing before I ask for blessing to get in the store | 00:58 |
vthompson | Sounds great then. I think we're good to merge then | 00:59 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 00:59 |
vthompson | balloons, thanks for getting this kickstarted! | 00:59 |
popey | +1 | 00:59 |
ahayzen | thanks balloons :D | 00:59 |
ahayzen | vthompson, are you top approving or am i? | 01:00 |
vthompson | I can | 01:00 |
ahayzen | do it! | 01:00 |
popey | lets get it landed, update readme and I'll ping out a mail first thing in the morning with a new click, and update the wishlist to get it in the image. | 01:00 |
ahayzen | popey, i've updated the readme already...you just need to wait for it to land | 01:00 |
popey | "Drop AP mocking on device" should say "Fix autopilot failures and add ponies" | 01:01 |
popey | see if anyone reads it | 01:01 |
ahayzen | popey, technically that is what it is though? drop AP mocking on device? | 01:01 |
popey | sure. | 01:01 |
popey | if you want to be boring ☻ | 01:01 |
ahayzen | just happens that it fixes the issue | 01:01 |
popey | there is that, yes. | 01:02 |
ahayzen | boring is simple ;) | 01:02 |
veebers | popey: heh, always happy patches to autopilot, especially if they include lifestock :-) | 01:02 |
popey | ☻ | 01:02 |
ahayzen | anyway dinner time vthompson popey hopefully that'll land and we'll have a new click ready for the store by morning :D | 01:02 |
veebers | s/happy patches/happy to receive patches/ :-P | 01:02 |
popey | \o/ | 01:02 |
vthompson | ahayzen, yay! Hump Daaaaayyyy | 01:03 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 01:03 |
popey | Thanks guys. Really awesome effort! | 01:03 |
* vthompson camps out on the Update manager screen | 01:03 | |
veebers | popey: but seriously, is there something from us for autopilot that is blocking what you mentioned? or is that autopilot failures as in failures of autopilot tests? | 01:05 |
popey | nope, not ap issues AIUI | 01:05 |
veebers | coolio | 01:06 |
vthompson | popey, ahayzen, balloons, the really awesome part about this is that not only will the new design show up on the image/in the store, but we will also be green again. You can't get better than that! | 01:06 |
popey | also, new screenshots | 01:07 |
popey | will do that at the same time as we upload | 01:07 |
vthompson | yes, and that | 01:07 |
vthompson | awesome | 01:07 |
popey | ok, it landed | 01:12 |
popey | ahayzen: vthompson mail sent! | 01:22 |
popey | will add to wishlist barring fire/flood tomorrow | 01:22 |
popey | thanks again, nn | 01:22 |
vthompson | popey, woohoo | 01:24 |
vthompson | ! | 01:24 |
micah68 | I can't find the UI page in the SDK for updating click package settings (version, framework, developer, etc.). The Publish page just shows me the click validation controls. Anyone know what I'm missing? | 04:05 |
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micah68 | I can't find the UI page in the SDK for updating click package settings (version, framework, developer, etc.). The Publish page just shows me the click validation controls. Anyone know what I'm missing? | 05:29 |
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ahayzen_ | micah68, you should have a manifest.json file somewhere in your project, open that in QtCreator and that will allow you to change the framework version etc | 05:32 |
micah68 | That's what I was looking for! Thanks, ahayzen_ | 05:35 |
ahayzen_ | micah68, no problem :) | 05:35 |
micah68 | Isn't there also a UI for the AppArmor profile? | 05:38 |
ahayzen_ | micah68, there was can't remember where you get to get it up | 05:50 |
ahayzen_ | micah68, but editing the apparmor JSON directly isn't too bad | 05:51 |
liuxg | I have a QString, how can I convert it to a std::string, and its encoding is utf-8? | 05:53 |
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rpadovani | mzanetti, dpm do we have weekly hangout? | 09:24 |
dpm | morning rpadovani, I thought we'd move it to UOS, I think popey got in touch with you guys for a time that worked for everyone? | 09:25 |
mihir | popey: i have got MP with bottom edge for calendar. | 09:25 |
popey | \o/ | 09:25 |
dpm | rpadovani, there's a session on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-14/display | 09:26 |
rpadovani | dpm, yes, I know, but I thought we do both :-) | 09:26 |
mihir | but there are some issues or with my understanding with BottomEdge , i have already spoke to renetu & boiko..i'll be in touch base with them soon. | 09:26 |
rpadovani | dpm, np, see you tomorrow then! | 09:26 |
dpm | rpadovani, mzanetti, I'm happy to do the call today too if you want | 09:26 |
rpadovani | there is nothing urgent I think, so we can do it tomorrow :-) | 09:27 |
dpm | rpadovani, ok, sounds good. Not sure I can make it tomorrow, though, as I've got a conflicting session. popey, mzanetti, rpadovani - would it work for you to swap the Reminders and Calculator sessions on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-14/display ? | 09:31 |
rpadovani | I have to attend both, so no problems for me :D | 09:31 |
dpm | ok, cool, let's see if it works for mzanetti before doing any changes | 09:32 |
popey | fine by me | 09:32 |
dpm | rpadovani, did you see my reply to the new edit UI MP? | 09:32 |
rpadovani | dpm, in this moment - sorry for that, my bad | 09:34 |
dpm | rpadovani, np, let's just be careful and not quickly top-approve at this time | 09:35 |
rpadovani | will do | 09:35 |
dpm | rpadovani, does Qt Creator run the app using a desktop kit for you? | 09:39 |
rpadovani | dpm, let me check, I use CLI | 09:39 |
dpm | I've used only emulator or phone kits for a while | 09:40 |
dpm | I just thought about testing the app on the desktop | 09:40 |
dpm | and running cmake complains of Unknown CMake command: qt5_use_modules | 09:40 |
rpadovani | I'm building... | 09:40 |
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dpm | I'm probably missing a -dev package | 09:42 |
rpadovani | dpm, no problems here | 09:42 |
rpadovani | hey mardy o/ So, I have an AccountServiceModel with includeDisabled: true. I want to know how many accounts I have, so I use id.count. On PC works well, but on phone it returns always 0.... | 09:44 |
rpadovani | https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/src/app/qml/reminders.qml#L138 | 09:44 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy World Kindness Day! :-D | 09:46 |
dpm | morning zbenjamin. I'm getting a weird QtC message when specifying a cmake argument on the UI, am I doing anything wrong? http://imgur.com/gPWNT5N,9v4wEO9#0 and the error message - http://imgur.com/gPWNT5N,9v4wEO9#1 | 09:54 |
zbenjamin | dpm: yes, its -DCLICK_MODE=off :) | 09:56 |
zbenjamin | dpm: but why do you want to disable click mode? | 09:56 |
dpm | zbenjamin, ah, great, thanks. Because I wanted to test on the desktop | 09:58 |
zbenjamin | ah ok | 09:59 |
mzanetti | dpm: hey | 10:02 |
mzanetti | I'm sooo sorry | 10:02 |
dpm | mzanetti, for the new editor landing? No worries, not the end of the world, let's just make sure we have a tighter control of landings in the upcoming weeks | 10:04 |
mzanetti | no. for missing the meeting | 10:05 |
mzanetti | dpm: ^ | 10:06 |
dpm | mzanetti, no worries at all, we can talk some other time | 10:06 |
dpm | mzanetti, would it work for you if we swap the reminders and calculator planning sessions on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-14/display ? | 10:07 |
* mzanetti looks | 10:08 | |
mzanetti | dpm: I guess so, yeah | 10:09 |
dpm | popey, if you're around, could you swap the reminders and calculator planning sessions on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/2014-11-14/display ? Thanks! | 10:10 |
popey | sure | 10:10 |
dpm | great | 10:10 |
popey | done | 10:11 |
mardy | rpadovani: could it be that the service is not set to what you expect it to be? do you have accounts for both the sandbox and the production servers? | 10:13 |
dpm | thanks popey! | 10:18 |
dpm | mzanetti, it seems like autopilot is still choking on the arguments for the URI handler branch. Any ideas how to make it happy? | 10:19 |
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mzanetti | dpm: yeah. just pushed a commit | 10:20 |
mzanetti | hope that'll finally fix it | 10:20 |
mzanetti | have been fighting with it already yesterday | 10:20 |
dpm | \o/ | 10:21 |
mihir | popey: are we going to skip meeting and continue on UOS ? | 10:50 |
popey | mihir: yeah, lets do that | 11:05 |
mihir | popey: great , will get time to take dinner then :P hehehe | 11:05 |
rpadovani | mardy, thanks, found the solution :-) | 11:11 |
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mzanetti | will we have a designer with us? | 11:22 |
mzanetti | wrong channel :D | 11:22 |
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gventuri | nik90: sorry I couldn't make it to the UOS session yesterday | 11:31 |
gventuri | nik90: watching the session now | 11:32 |
mzanetti | gventuri: not much design related happened there though | 11:32 |
gventuri | mzanetti: nik90: there's some discussion about roadmaps | 11:33 |
nik90 | gventuri: hi, no worries..most of the discussion was related to the next few weeks. | 11:34 |
nik90 | gventuri: I was told by alan that we will have designs for timer and stopwatch somewhere in January...until which I will be planning out the backend stuff with the platform developers | 11:35 |
gventuri | nik90: what popey said is 100% right... we are waiting for a few new resources in the design team | 11:35 |
gventuri | nik90: we still have two junior UX positions open | 11:35 |
gventuri | nik90: it's a shame we can't find the right people | 11:36 |
nik90 | ack. | 11:36 |
nik90 | true, but to be honest, if I had the designs now, I would still be blocked by the platform | 11:36 |
nik90 | since as of now, it is not really possible to implement a timer | 11:36 |
gventuri | nik90: we are working with email and calendar app | 11:36 |
nik90 | so I am glad to know the roadmap so I can plan ahead | 11:37 |
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gventuri | nik90: it would be great if you could help them | 11:37 |
popey | +1 ☻ | 11:37 |
popey | also, weather | 11:37 |
popey | and.. and.. | 11:37 |
nik90 | gventuri: yeah I will be diverting my attention to the email client design as I promised to DanChapman | 11:37 |
* popey hugs nik90 | 11:37 | |
* nik90 hugs back | 11:38 | |
rpadovani | dpm, mzanetti the tagsUI branch is ready :-) But we need an icon to indicate tags in the new toolbox, atm it uses the bookmark icon | 11:40 |
rpadovani | https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/tagsUI/+merge/241177 | 11:40 |
mzanetti | awesome :D | 11:40 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: dpm found a few issues in the edit note, we're fixing atm | 11:40 |
* nik90 just noticed popey's "and...." ... too many, lol! | 11:40 | |
rpadovani | mzanetti, at the end I didn't change anything, I only added the tags row to the toolbox column :-) | 11:41 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: will check it out when done with the edit note fixes | 11:41 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, cool, thanks | 11:41 |
dpm | nice work rpadovani | 11:41 |
* rpadovani takes note to leave always topapproving to dpm, because he always finds bugs, no matter how time you spent doing review :D | 11:42 | |
dpm | rpadovani, no worries, feel free to top-approve as usual. Just for big changes, let's perhaps make sure everyone in the team has tested them, especially in the next few weeks | 11:43 |
DanChapman | nik90: are you tied up in any UOS sessions at 2.30 today? we have the design meeting and wondered if you wanted to jump in? Or i can just bring you up to speed later on during the lunch break or something? | 11:43 |
nik90 | 02:30 UTC? | 11:44 |
nik90 | DanChapman: The only UOS I am hosting today is at 18:00 UTC.. anything before that I can attend | 11:45 |
dpm | mzanetti, so I'm happy to approve https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/reminders-app/editmode-fixes/+merge/241665 as they are already a big usability improvement. For the TODO images, it seems it's a bit more work and it's rather minor, so we can do it in another branch | 11:45 |
DanChapman | nik90: darn had my UK brain on. Its 14.30 UTC... it clashes with the toolkit roadmap session | 11:45 |
nik90 | DanChapman: ah ok..sure I can join your meeting | 11:45 |
mzanetti | dpm: ah ok | 11:45 |
dpm | mzanetti, ok. Let me see if I can find some time to create the icons real quick now | 11:46 |
mzanetti | lol | 11:46 |
mzanetti | let's agree on a channel | 11:46 |
mzanetti | dpm: so whatever you decide is fine with me. we can either merge the old proposal (just delete the new one and set the old one back to needs review/approved) | 11:47 |
mzanetti | dpm: or, create the icons, add to the new one and merge that | 11:47 |
mzanetti | it's up to you | 11:47 |
mzanetti | making the icons might be a bit fiddly though | 11:47 |
DanChapman | nik90: awesome, I just sent you an invite (I think) | 11:49 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, if you have 2 minutes, there is this one line change to fix issue with multiple account on the phone | 11:53 |
rpadovani | https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1392197/+merge/241668 | 11:53 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: you sure we want to get rid of the service property here? | 11:54 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, we dont't use it in the AccountServiceModel we use to actually do login | 11:54 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, I don't find any issue with that | 11:55 |
mzanetti | greyback_: hmm... actually you're right... so one could have a snadbox and a production account and switch between those | 11:56 |
nik90 | DanChapman: got it..accepted | 11:56 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: ^^ | 11:56 |
mzanetti | sorry greyback_ :) | 11:56 |
rpadovani | man, you scare new users :D | 11:57 |
mzanetti | me? | 11:57 |
mzanetti | lol... no... gerry is not a new user :D he's just having troubles with his wifi chip | 11:58 |
rpadovani | lol :-) Lunch time, see you later o/ | 11:58 |
greyback__ | :) network issues today | 11:59 |
greyback__ | for once, it's not my wifi's fault | 11:59 |
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mzanetti | rpadovani: so your fix does work, but if the account isn't authorized, the "tap to authorize" doesn't work | 12:17 |
popey | beuno: there is an app in the store (XKCD Comic viewer by mvo) which shows up in my click scope and I can click install but it fails to install. | 12:18 |
popey | Cannot install /home/phablet/.local/share/ubuntu-download-manager/Downloads/com (5).ubuntu.developer.mvo.xkcd-webserver_0.2_all.click: Framework "ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1" not present on system (use --force-missing-framework option to override) | 12:18 |
mzanetti | dpm: see last comment here when you have a minute: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/1392197/+merge/241668 | 12:19 |
popey | beuno: surely it shouldn't show up in the click store list? | 12:19 |
beuno | popey, it should not | 12:19 |
popey | bug in click scope? | 12:19 |
beuno | popey, I'm not sure, lets try and find out | 12:19 |
beuno | popey, do you know how to list out the frameworks on your devices? | 12:20 |
popey | yes | 12:20 |
beuno | sergiusens, ^^^ | 12:20 |
beuno | popey, can you please? | 12:20 |
popey | ls -l /usr/share/click/frameworks | 12:20 |
popey | http://paste.ubuntu.com/8985920/ | 12:20 |
davidcalle | popey, beuno, when trying to run a new app/scope from the SDK, same thing, the framework used by default in the manifest is 15.04-dev1 as well. | 12:20 |
beuno | k,so not there | 12:21 |
beuno | davidcalle, but not -core | 12:21 |
beuno | right? | 12:21 |
beuno | popey, either the scope is not filtering by frameworks | 12:21 |
beuno | or the store has a bug | 12:21 |
davidcalle | beuno, core it is | 12:22 |
sergiusens | beuno: popey there's an interface for that click framework list | 12:22 |
dpm | mzanetti, thanks, added my reply | 12:23 |
popey | sergiusens: ta | 12:23 |
beuno | davidcalle, what's the exact string? | 12:23 |
beuno | by default in the SDK | 12:23 |
mzanetti | dpm: no, there is a second AccountsServiceModel which is used for the actual login | 12:24 |
davidcalle | beuno, from a new scope project : ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1 | 12:24 |
* beuno sighs | 12:24 | |
beuno | bzoltan, ping | 12:24 |
beuno | why is that? ^^^^ | 12:24 |
mzanetti | dpm: this one is just to list all the accounts. but yeah, given that we only switch between sandbox/production with a cmd line argument, I guess we should keep it here too | 12:24 |
bzoltan | beuno: hello | 12:24 |
zbenjamin | beuno: because its the most recent framework as returned by the store API | 12:25 |
beuno | zbenjamin, the store doesn't have any sorting | 12:26 |
beuno | I guess the SDK does the sorting and decides? | 12:26 |
zbenjamin | beuno: the sdk sorts by version nr | 12:26 |
beuno | zbenjamin, so that's not going to work as we introduce new platforms | 12:27 |
zbenjamin | beuno: so what is the right version to choose? i can assign multiple different chroots to the project... on project creation i have no idea what the user is going to do | 12:28 |
dslul | hello, anyone knows how i can get the name (or id) of the selected filter for a scope? | 12:29 |
beuno | zbenjamin, lool usually makes that call, but I understand we need to encode that into the api call | 12:29 |
lool | yes | 12:30 |
zbenjamin | beuno: that would be awesome | 12:30 |
lool | the scope is supposed to send supported frameworks | 12:30 |
lool | and the store to only return results in the supported set | 12:30 |
zbenjamin | lool: what we talk about here is the list of available frameworks the SDK uses to provide a default value on project creation | 12:31 |
zbenjamin | lool: right now it comes from the store api | 12:31 |
zbenjamin | but there is no way to decide what the default value should be | 12:32 |
lool | zbenjamin: ohh ok | 12:33 |
lool | zbenjamin: why doesn't it come from click chroots? | 12:33 |
lool | zbenjamin: also, we could filter it for *touch* for the touch projects | 12:34 |
zbenjamin | lool: you mean substituting it automatically when the project is build? | 12:34 |
beuno | lool, maybe we need some namespacing here per platform? | 12:34 |
zbenjamin | lool: so the idea would be to always use the highest framework the chroot provides i would guess | 12:35 |
lool | zbenjamin: yes; that seems sensible | 12:35 |
zbenjamin | lool: ok i'll look into that | 12:35 |
zbenjamin | me, showstopper right on the first look.... no click package in the chroots :( | 12:36 |
lool | beuno: on the store side? interesting idea but I kind of feel SDK templates ought to cover this in some way, like the QML framework would be using the qml framework | 12:36 |
lool | zbenjamin: ah bummer; we can add it though and fallback to listing framework files in the mean time; so click is run on the host but the frameworks are taken from the chroot? feels weird | 12:37 |
beuno | lool, I'm happy with less work. | 12:37 |
zbenjamin | lool: hm i can maybe lookup whats in /var/lib/schroot/chroots/.... but its kind of hacky | 12:38 |
lool | zbenjamin: well it ought to be "click chroot run click framework list" or something like that, but in the mean time it might have to be "click chroot run ls /usr/share/click/frameworks" | 12:39 |
lool | zbenjamin: or we could store everything store side (beuno's proposal); that might be easier to deal with, but requires development | 12:40 |
zbenjamin | lool: also changing the framework automatically means also updating the apparmor policy ... | 12:40 |
zbenjamin | and there is no guarantee the apparmor files are stored in the project somewhere i can automatically find them | 12:40 |
lool | zbenjamin: changing the framework automatically? | 12:42 |
lool | zbenjamin: I might have misunderstood, but I understand this is picked when you start a new project? | 12:42 |
beuno | zbenjamin, the SDK checks that the framework isn't obsoleted, right? | 12:52 |
zbenjamin | lool: right atm yes, its picked up on a new project. A different approach would be to automatically substitute it to the framework the current build chroot supports, but that would require also to change the aa policy | 12:55 |
zbenjamin | beuno: not yet, i just provide the list of all available frameworks. | 12:55 |
zbenjamin | beuno: i also could change to automatically choosing the most recent non dev framework | 12:56 |
kalikiana | zbenjamin: while you're at it, make it harder to accidentally screw it up by scrolling the combo box | 13:04 |
zbenjamin | kalikiana: need to check if i can disable that | 13:04 |
DS-McGuire | Guys is http://developer.ubuntu.com/ down for anyone else? | 13:05 |
kalikiana | zbenjamin: it would help if there wasn't 20 in there almost identically named… | 13:06 |
kalikiana | didn't you have some code to pick names that *make sense* to humans? | 13:07 |
beuno | zbenjamin, lool, I think that given that there might be other non-touch frameworks, it needs to be a bit smarter than that | 13:07 |
sverzegnassi | DS-McGuire: it works on my pc | 13:08 |
DS-McGuire | Ah, works for me now too... Weird. Thanks anyway sverzegnassi | 13:08 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: do you still have the link to that guy that complained about reminders only supporting 200 notes? | 13:24 |
mihir | kunal: ping , we can skip meeting and can have UOS directly at 15:00 UTC | 13:24 |
mihir | kunal: also , i've finished updating those MP when you get time can you look at that ? | 13:24 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, I'll find it :-) | 13:38 |
mzanetti | rpadovani: not *that* important, just wanted to tell him that it's fixed now | 13:38 |
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rpadovani | mzanetti, and here we are :D | 13:54 |
rpadovani | https://plus.google.com/106731924730775938696/posts/TTog9wWrktm | 13:54 |
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mzanetti | rpadovani: ok. hope I didn't blame myself too much with my poor italian skills | 13:57 |
rpadovani | mzanetti, it's better than my english skills :P | 13:59 |
mzanetti | not so sure about that | 13:59 |
dslul | where can i find the unity8 ebay scope source code? | 14:07 |
davidcalle | dslul, if it's for C++ hints, it won't help you it's in Python and sent to the dash from a server :) http://pad.lv/p/ubuntu-rest-scopes | 14:08 |
dslul | i wanted to understand better how filters can be handled, and the ebay scope seems to have them | 14:09 |
davidcalle | dslul, I've just answered your email. And yeah, the ebay code won't help you for that, it's a different API. | 14:09 |
dslul | great! i'll see what i can do | 14:10 |
dslul | thank you for your help | 14:10 |
davidcalle | dslul, np :) | 14:12 |
gventuri | popey: hi | 14:33 |
gventuri | popey: sorry we are a bit late | 14:33 |
popey | gventuri: yo | 14:33 |
popey | gventuri: late for? | 14:33 |
popey | I am in another session for dekko, DanChapman will be there. | 14:33 |
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popey | mihir & kunal can you please join #ubuntu-uds-appdev-2 | 14:59 |
mihir | popey: done :D | 14:59 |
mihir | popey: how can i join hangout , i didn't see any option | 15:00 |
dpm | http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22398/scope-development-how-tos/ | 15:01 |
dpm | for whoever wants to learn more about scopes ^^ | 15:03 |
davidcalle | dpm, missed a part of Thomas intro, are filters going to be covered? | 15:03 |
dpm | davidcalle, he only mentioned departments | 15:04 |
davidcalle | dpm, thanks | 15:04 |
dpm | davidcalle, but I'm sure they can talk about them if we ask them to | 15:04 |
davidcalle | dpm, :) | 15:04 |
renatu | dpm, hey could you review this: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/sync-monitor/sync-monitor-i18n/+merge/241684 | 15:08 |
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renatu | mihir, did you fix the problem with bottom edge? | 15:10 |
mihir | renatu: not yet, didn't get time to play with that , i left what we have left last chat | 15:10 |
mihir | renatu: i am left with file bug (If it is bug) | 15:11 |
renatu | mihir, did you get my message explaining the real problem? | 15:11 |
mihir | renatu: i guess not | 15:11 |
renatu | mihir, is not a bottom edge bug, | 15:11 |
renatu | mihir, the problem is that the NewEvent component only update the fields values on Component.onCompleted | 15:11 |
renatu | mihir, it does not update the fields if the "date" property changed | 15:12 |
mihir | renatu: i see. | 15:12 |
mihir | renatu: but i don't understand why it works on second time , does that mean it loads afterwards | 15:14 |
balloons | nik90, so I listened to the comments on you extending UbuntuTestCase. What do you think now? | 15:38 |
balloons | elopio, actually might be useful to have your 2 cents here. Any thoughts on upstreaming qml test helpers? | 15:38 |
nik90 | balloons: I am in a bit of doubt here since it looks like SDK devs want to support one kind of helpers which atm are the autopilot helpers. | 15:39 |
elopio | balloons: anything common to all tests should be in UbuntuTestCase | 15:39 |
nik90 | and it makes sense from their perspective since ideally they don't want to support two kinds of test suites | 15:39 |
elopio | but things like selecting a value from a date picker simulating mouse interactions, probably not. | 15:39 |
nik90 | elopio: why not? | 15:39 |
* balloons opened a bigger can o' worms | 15:40 | |
nik90 | elopio: I agree it doesn't make sense to add those kind of helpers to UbuntuTestCase | 15:40 |
elopio | balloons: nik90: in a qml test, you shouldn't use the mouse to set a value on a date picker. I think. | 15:40 |
elopio | you can just directly set the value property | 15:40 |
nik90 | elopio: I can (and that's what I do atm) | 15:40 |
nik90 | elopio: but that doesn't simulate a real user though | 15:41 |
elopio | the SDK developers should already be testing the mouse interaction, so no need to duplicate that. | 15:41 |
balloons | I would agree.. I would set all the properties I need already | 15:41 |
balloons | who wants to wait for that anyway :-) For a custom component though, it's on you | 15:41 |
nik90 | here's a bug that would be exposed only by mouse interaction -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1371694 | 15:42 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1371694 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "TimePicker behaves erratically after changing system timezone" [High,Triaged] | 15:42 |
nik90 | if I set it by directly assigning a value to the datetime picker, this bug won't be visible | 15:42 |
elopio | nik90: that test should be done in the SDK, not on the clock. | 15:42 |
nik90 | elopio: ah | 15:43 |
elopio | IMO, once they fix it with a regression test, you are safe just to set directly the value. | 15:43 |
balloons | yep.. I found a bug from changing the ordering as well, but it's the same deal. They fix the bug, they add a test | 15:44 |
nik90 | ok that makes sense.. | 15:44 |
elopio | I think that on the clock QML tests, what you are testing is that the integration of a group of SDK components into a form work correctly. | 15:44 |
elopio | not | 15:44 |
elopio | that the specific SDK components work correctly. | 15:44 |
nik90 | so instead of typing into a textbox, I should directly set the value of the text instead in a qml test case | 15:46 |
elopio | that would be using QML tests to excercise only the code you wrote. | 15:46 |
elopio | nik90: that's what I would do in most cases. It will run faster, and anyway I would have a higher level autopilot test for checking that a user can add a city. | 15:47 |
elopio | on that last part is where we don't fully agree. But that's ok. | 15:47 |
nik90 | ;) | 15:48 |
elopio | just think if with the code you wrote, there's a chance of breaking the user input. | 15:48 |
ahayzen | t1mp, ping | 15:48 |
elopio | if there is not, then setting the value directly sounds ok. | 15:48 |
nik90 | ok | 15:48 |
balloons | elopio, right so again if it's not a custom component I don't see the point in testing it out | 15:49 |
elopio | balloons: as long as it's already tested upstream. | 15:49 |
nik90 | balloons: yeah I already for unit tests to cover custom components that I have. | 15:49 |
elopio | and as long as we trust upstream to do good tests. | 15:49 |
balloons | well, testing assumptions you make about upstream is a bit different | 15:50 |
nik90 | s/for/have | 15:50 |
balloons | you consume there API; you can certainly test it out | 15:50 |
* balloons wonders if he broke something on vivid with clock | 15:54 | |
nik90 | balloons: let me guess, the alarm is created 3360 days from now ? | 15:54 |
ahayzen | nik90, i had that last night | 15:55 |
ahayzen | nik90, i tried to create an alarm like 45mins later than now and it wouldn't lol | 15:55 |
nik90 | ahayzen: its a bug in EDS.. Only affect vivid. EDS assumes the year is 1970 :) | 15:55 |
ahayzen | nik90, magic \o/ | 15:56 |
nik90 | ahayzen: it was an issue in utopic as well, but they patched it quite early. That patch isnt in vivid yet... | 15:56 |
nik90 | lol | 15:56 |
ahayzen | nik90, damn you're now telling my utopic is infront of vivid? | 15:56 |
nik90 | we are in the 70s according to the clock..simpler times | 15:56 |
nik90 | yeah | 15:56 |
ahayzen | nik90, i just moved because utopic seemed behind lol...they are so out of sync | 15:56 |
* ahayzen wants new media-hub things to land | 15:56 | |
nik90 | ahayzen: why aren't you using rtm? | 15:57 |
nik90 | isn't that what we should be testing against atm? | 15:57 |
nik90 | or were you referring to the desktop | 15:57 |
ahayzen | nik90, i was until yesterday :) ... music-app is ready and was working on rtm so i thought i would try vivid :) | 15:57 |
ahayzen | turns out 1 part of our theming doesn't work in vivid | 15:58 |
nik90 | ahayzen: well you get to keep the broken pieces :P | 15:58 |
* nik90 goes to make coffee | 15:58 | |
ahayzen | nik90, yeah exactly i'm not sure which i should be on as i want bug 1368300 to be fixed on my device which has a silo in vivid | 15:58 |
ubot5 | bug 1368300 in Media Hub "Pause playback when output device status changes" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1368300 | 15:58 |
ahayzen | balloons, thanks for the help last night with autpilot :) | 15:59 |
balloons | ahayzen, you are most welcome | 15:59 |
balloons | I think seeing the mp was easier than explaining it eh? | 15:59 |
nik90 | ahayzen: ah...yeah tell me about it. I have a few bugs which I need desperately fixed in rtm...starting with the ability to disable an alarm | 15:59 |
ahayzen | balloons, hopefully we'll be green on CI ...if and when we land in the store | 15:59 |
ahayzen | balloons, yeah it was thanks :) took me a while to remember how to run autopilot on device as well lol | 16:00 |
ahayzen | popey, how is the progression to promoting to the store going? | 16:01 |
popey | ahayzen: just checked.. approved | 16:02 |
popey | will do it at 17:00 :D | 16:02 |
ahayzen | popey, OMG \o/ | 16:02 |
popey | balloons: if you're around in 1 hour, we need to update music app in store, and update screenshots. | 16:02 |
balloons | popey, wahoo! | 16:03 |
balloons | I'll be in a session, but more than happy to make some time | 16:03 |
popey | balloons: 17:00 is lunch | 16:03 |
balloons | ahh right | 16:04 |
popey | well. "lunch" | 16:05 |
kalikiana | more like high tea | 16:23 |
kalikiana | but then again you have those funny people saying tea when they mean dinner | 16:24 |
brendand_ | davmor2, kalikiana is calling you funny :P ^ | 16:38 |
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balloons | popey, so let's make music right? | 16:51 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 16:51 |
* balloons hums 'let's make music together' | 16:51 | |
* popey hums "Let's get it on" | 16:54 | |
* ahayzen is listening to "Let's get it started" | 16:54 | |
popey | balloons: is jenkins building remix clicks? | 16:55 |
balloons | oh noes! I lost my vpn's :-( | 16:56 |
popey | http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/click/ i dont see it there | 16:56 |
popey | balloons: can you take my click from http://people.canonical.com/~alan/music_remix/20141113/trunk/com.ubuntu.music_2.0.738_all.click ? | 16:56 |
balloons | popey, I most certainly can. How'd you build it? | 16:56 |
popey | click-buddy | 16:57 |
popey | tested and autopilot tested on my device | 16:57 |
ahayzen | popey, what is the plan once it is in the store? ... eg do we merge lp:music-app/remix into lp:music-app or do we keep them separate or ..? | 16:57 |
popey | i would, then we get jenkins building for free. we dont need to support old music app once we hit the store | 16:58 |
popey | remix becomes old ㋛ | 16:58 |
balloons | yes, trunk becomes /remix and /remix becomes trunk | 16:58 |
popey | sergiusens: who is able to replace screenshots in the store? Only you? | 16:58 |
balloons | oh ohh, pick me! | 16:58 |
ahayzen | ok so we merge in that will be a fun diff :) | 16:58 |
popey | "fun" | 16:59 |
balloons | you just set dev focus, should be fine | 16:59 |
sergiusens | popey: no, but I don't remember who else has the keys either | 16:59 |
balloons | I can ;-) | 16:59 |
popey | yay | 16:59 |
popey | balloons: just forwarded you zillions of screenshots | 16:59 |
balloons | you want ALL of them? | 16:59 |
popey | when you upload music, please replace them | 16:59 |
popey | yeah! | 17:00 |
popey | when I say "zillions" I mean "10" | 17:00 |
balloons | hehe.. it reads like a pink floyd advert | 17:00 |
* balloons whips up a software song ss | 17:01 | |
sverzegnassi | lol | 17:02 |
balloons | click is pushed, updating screenshots | 17:02 |
popey | balloons: feel free to trim if you think it needs it | 17:03 |
popey | good to show at least one of each view | 17:03 |
balloons | popey, the click failed review | 17:05 |
ahayzen | uhoh | 17:05 |
popey | wat | 17:06 |
balloons | ohh neat, more new store stuff | 17:06 |
balloons | popey, I have to request a manual review now | 17:06 |
popey | - security_policy_groups_safe_music (music_files_read) | 17:07 |
popey | (MANUAL REVIEW) reserved policy group 'music_files_read': vetted applications only | 17:07 |
popey | - security_redflag_fields (apparmor.json) | 17:07 |
popey | found redflagged fields (needs human review): read_path, write_path | 17:07 |
popey | /tmp/com.ubuntu.music_2.0.738_all.click: FAIL | 17:07 |
popey | thats fine, it always does that :D | 17:07 |
balloons | new screenshots are fine | 17:08 |
popey | approved | 17:08 |
popey | \o/ done | 17:08 |
balloons | popey, yes the change is only on my end. It forces me to ask you to review it.. the bot tells me I was bad :-) | 17:08 |
popey | Thanks chaps! | 17:08 |
* balloons updates music | 17:08 | |
popey | stupid usain | 17:08 |
balloons | go little phone | 17:08 |
ahayzen | popey, "always does that" it should be better now as it isn't unconfined just needs certain r/w paths and policies | 17:09 |
nik90 | woohooo music 2.0 Remix | 17:09 |
ahayzen | \o/ | 17:09 |
popey | ahayzen: true ☻ | 17:09 |
popey | ahayzen: feel free to spam the internet about it ☻ | 17:09 |
popey | I won't take your glory ☻ | 17:09 |
ahayzen | popey, i'm attempting to write a blog post with DC sprint + music-app 2.0 right now :) | 17:10 |
balloons | ^^ I'll just reshare.. ahayzen you and vthompson go forth! | 17:10 |
ahayzen | popey, also gonna try and do a before/after screenshots | 17:10 |
popey | excellent | 17:10 |
ahayzen | balloons, popey, thanks guys i'll let victor know to break open the champagne | 17:11 |
balloons | bah, lol, my music is all backed up from the testing :-( | 17:11 |
popey | enjoy the nokia tune! | 17:11 |
popey | on repeat | 17:11 |
ahayzen | woo | 17:11 |
popey | also, nice timing http://design.canonical.com/2014/11/community-interview-victor-thompson-and-andrew-hayzen/ | 17:12 |
ahayzen | popey, yeah i saw that :D | 17:13 |
* ahayzen runs to old app to screenshot it and realises how legacy it feels now | 17:21 | |
rpadovani | Hey guys :-) So, I just started to work to preview in a scope - I have the basic template file (and it works well) and I want to add action as described in the tutorial, but I have a error | 17:22 |
rpadovani | this is my code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8990308/ | 17:22 |
rpadovani | and this is the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8990338/ | 17:23 |
nik90 | rpadovani: dude, duckduckgo is amazing idea to make as a scope..I started using it more frequently the past few days...it is awesome | 17:35 |
nik90 | after seeing your post :) | 17:35 |
rpadovani | nik90, I agree, for some things is definitely better than google. Do you know it has also documentation as istant answer? Try 'python import' or 'vim commands' :D | 17:37 |
nik90 | rpadovani: yeah I am discovering new instant answers every day...I wish they support qt searches better ;P | 17:38 |
nik90 | s/support/supported | 17:38 |
akiva-thinkpad | if there are any ubuntu sdk people in here; having you here at http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1411/meeting/22319/roundtable-creating-a-theming-standard-for-qml/ would be very appreciated. | 17:59 |
mzanetti | nik90: so that session is in half an hour, right? | 18:32 |
nik90 | mzanetti: yes | 18:32 |
mzanetti | want me to join the hangout? or just watch it? | 18:35 |
gcollura | nik90, you can theme everything with the cyanogenmod theme system | 18:36 |
gcollura | nik90, from sounds to single application colors | 18:37 |
nik90 | gcollura: you might want to join #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 for the discussion | 18:37 |
zsombi | nik90: I'm watching your session now... | 18:39 |
nik90 | zsombi: you want to join it? :D | 18:40 |
zsombi | nik90: in which channel are you? | 18:41 |
nik90 | #ubuntu-uds-appdev-1 | 18:41 |
nik90 | zsombi: ^^ | 18:41 |
nik90 | mzanetti: ideally I would like you to join the hangout and provide more insight into qml test writing for writing unit test cases etc. | 18:46 |
nik90 | mzanetti: if you are free at that time that is | 18:46 |
nik90 | mzanetti: I am in a hangout at the moment, hence the delay :) | 18:47 |
akiva-thinkpad | community qanda going on | 19:03 |
akiva-thinkpad | QUESTION: Beyond the core apps; what areas need contribution? | 19:04 |
akiva-thinkpad | QUESTION: What are Ubuntu Locos? | 19:05 |
mihir | akiva-thinkpad: wrong channel :) | 19:05 |
akiva-thinkpad | bah | 19:05 |
akiva-thinkpad | thanks mihir | 19:05 |
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Randy_O | question: are there any good documentations on how to write an offline scope? I'm hitting some walls here fumbling around inthe dark. | 20:48 |
mzanetti | popey: thanks... because you uploaded all those cool images I want a feature in reminders to set an image as wallpaper now | 20:50 |
popey | haha ☻ | 20:50 |
popey | that would be awesome | 20:50 |
labsin | Anyone know how I can access images I builde with my scope. I'd like to add a queryResult with the 'Next" results and want to set an icon for it. But the docs say it needs a full image path | 21:37 |
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