[07:32] Is PennBot too much trouble for a person to manage (play) with ? If not, why isn't he coming back from dead ? [10:25] Morning [13:26] Morning peoples, dogs, turkeys?, hamsters and everything else [13:35] Mornign [14:30] Morning [14:34] o/ [14:39] hay teddy-dbear [14:40] hi [14:46] Morning everyone o/ [14:46] Has anyone been following along with UOS? [15:27] UOS? [15:54] Ubuntu Online Summit i presume [15:54] online UDS basically [15:55] * ssweeny would have been following the scopes track but he's been writing them for the last year, so... [15:57] ssweeny: Ideally - it would be amazing to see someone write a scope that is powered by a juju deployable service - like owncloud. [15:58] lazyPower, maybe that can be arranged [15:58] lazyPower, what would you like to search for in owncloud? [15:59] ssweeny: then you get to see briding the gap between our technologies and kind of a convergence around our tooling that really empowers 'user enablement' - juju is simple enough to move with - you deploy your own OWNCLOUD instance with juju to digitalocean: http://blog.dasroot.net/replacing-u1-with-owncloud-on-digital-ocean/ [15:59] then you bridge that further with a scope for the CALDAV, and file [15:59] sync your phone calendar with your owncloud instance, contacts, file backup, etc. [15:59] right now some folks are working on owncloud sync support for file CALDAV and CARDDAV [15:59] Right but there's so much more you can do with that [15:59] such as ampache music streaming [15:59] photo sync [16:00] sure [16:00] music streaming would be interesting [16:00] i wrote something similar into a scope for a customer a while back [16:00] Granted, we need to get moving with some improvements to the owncloud charm before *any* of that is viable [16:00] i'm not 100% confident our owncloud charm is battle-tested enough to recommend that to the community at large [16:01] im' closer to 80% confident in it, and that 20% margin for error scares me [16:01] i hear that [16:01] ssweeny: i heard throught eh wire you're a pittsburgher? [16:01] i'm running OC out of their apt repository now. i'd be pretty excited to move to juju for that [16:01] lazyPower, indeed i am, born and raised [16:02] lazyPower, you too? [16:02] we should meet up for suds and salt sometime in the not so distant future [16:02] yep, residing in white oak presently. I'm not native though - i'm a transplant ~ 6 years ago [16:04] lazyPower, i'm in squirrel hill [16:04] awesome, we're pretty close then. [16:04] yeah [16:04] ~ 15 minute drive with minimal traffic [16:05] cool cool cool [16:07] yeah i'm pretty jazzed by this news too [16:07] we need to loop in lisa pike and do a canonical meetup in the near future - why should Austin have all the fun? [16:10] ah i didn't know there was a third [16:10] excellent [16:10] we could start an office if i actually wanted to go outside [16:11] I feel the same way - i dont want to commute anymore after working in marketing downtown for 3 years :| [16:11] yeah i used to work for a startup downtown [16:11] the 20 ft commute is about perfect for beating those early morning blues - the only thing i *really* miss is my morning mocha from einstein brothers [16:12] but my wallet and butt thank me for stopping that habit [16:15] yeah i used to do a bagel sandwich from them every morning [16:16] i loved working downtown in the summer because i could bike in... the winter, not so much [16:16] freezing my face off at a bus stop [16:19] oh the memories of trecking down to wood street from station square parking lot [16:19] i dont miss it [16:21] yeah working in an office is for chumps [16:56] hehe === jthan_ is now known as jthan