
Maximo_you aliased cd and forgot about it? :P00:00
Maximo_that's a recipe for disaster00:00
nydelsomebody did. i don't use this particular system00:00
nydelnow i get to find out what the hell cdmodified is00:00
nydeli hope it's a command logger00:00
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
nydelholy hell it's a symlink to a bash script that calls scp to append a file on some system logging in as data:(something in base64)00:02
nydelthanks Jordan_U you just made my job fun for the day00:03
Jordan_Unydel: You're welcome :)00:04
rgenitoehh, damn... when i do apt-get install gpart ..00:04
nydeli run security operations here and there, i think i will make a list of commands that should never be aliased.00:04
SupaYoshianyone here runnign virtualbox 4.3 and virtualbox-fuse00:04
SupaYoshiI cant seem to install both.00:04
Maximo_nydel, what an incredibly stupid thing for someone to do00:04
YukitteruSupaYoshi: I'm using VirtualBox00:04
SupaYoshiYukitteru, Version 4.3?00:05
rgenitonydel, oh ya? i'd love to see that00:05
SupaYoshiOr the one provided by ubuntu apt-get?00:05
SupaYoshicus im trying to install virtualbox-fuse to mount the hdd in linux00:05
SupaYoshibut it wont let me do that, with 4.300:05
YukitteruSupaYoshi: Using Windows, sorry :I00:05
rgenitoSupaYoshi, nice :)00:05
nydelMaximo_: Jordan_U: my client's ex-husband runs the server, i just looked it up. i happen to know his business. what in the hell do i do with this.00:05
Bashing-omMaximo_: IF the PPA " ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa " exists in the 3rd party directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d ; then I do expect -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade , sudo apt-get install wine1.7 to do the trick.00:06
mgolischSupaYoshi: did you install virtualbox from the ubuntu repository?00:06
delta9how do i setup automatic updates?00:07
Maximo_Bashing-om, ah, that seems to work. thanks :)00:07
Bashing-omMaximo_: :) , was not all that positive, but I did so think .00:07
Maximo_nydel, I think you have a responsibility to inform your client that their input is being logged00:08
YukitteruI'm liking 14.10 so far..00:09
nydelMaximo_: yeah but i cracked the base64 password, logged into the other machine & deleted the instance of my running "alias" -- force of habit -- my client's gonna ask me to keep it in place and take advantage00:09
nydel...if they know it's there.00:10
Maximo_who could imagine such drama could result from merely using cd00:10
nydelexactly what i'm thinking!00:11
nydeli don't trust the client anymore. of course i'd catch this, right? what the hell have i walked into here00:11
NegativeFlarenydel: Whoa now00:11
nydelNegativeFlare: my apologies, that was out of line. won't happen again. forgot where i was.00:12
Maximo_nydel, oh, I assumed someone had modified the command to log what your client was doing00:12
NegativeFlarenydel: No problem.00:12
nydelMaximo_: someone may have - or i'm supposed to catch this and report it - that's what this feels like.00:13
mgolischSupaYoshi: thats probably why then, the fuseblub thing references the version from the repo but you have the virtualbox.org one00:14
mgolischSupaYoshi: why do you need to do that ? you could just attach the disk to a vm and access stuff using filesharing00:14
nydel(this is getting offtopic, i'll be in ubuntu-offtopic if anyone wants to continue)00:14
SupaYoshimgolisch wym?00:15
SupaYoshiim emulating windowz 3.11 man00:15
SupaYoshiFile sharing wtf is that?00:15
SupaYoshiThis is 199400:15
NegativeFlare!offtopic | SupaYoshi00:16
ubottuSupaYoshi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:16
SupaYoshioki oki :)00:16
mgolischattach the disk to a vm running in virtualbox, mount there, and access via samba/cifs/sshfs or the builtin filesharing thing00:16
=== Guest9784 is now known as Sleepnbum
KuttnerSo any fine gentlemen (women) help with a printer issue?  It used to work in Linux mint.  I also removed reinstalled cups and the HPLIP software and nothing.00:34
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bubbasauresKuttner, You tried checking printers first, right?00:35
Kuttneryes it is active with a green check00:35
Kuttnerwont print a test page via hplip00:36
Kuttnerbut will clean cartridges00:37
bubbasauresKuttner, I have to take off, but check if there are other very close versions, I have had to go that route in the past, meaning like same printer but maybe this one has extra notations or another driver does.00:37
KuttnerK thanks00:37
langxianmengwhen i use remmina connected to windows7 if i press l the remote computer will be locked seems that "win+l" was pressed ,why?00:51
langxianmengso  strange00:51
=== uwishuno is now known as uwishununoware
drop_Jordan_U, hey man, i checked as you say for md5sum no problem with that, and i googled and googled, and finaly find same issue as mine, and "fix" for problem was to isohybrid my iso file and then burn it whit bb comand, and now i dont have error like before.. now i have blank screen x) do you maybe have any idea?01:01
hexafractionHi, what sudoers entry would I need to allow a user "logonuser" to run command "cmd" as user "daemonuser" without a password? The user is already allowed to run  all commands, by specifying a password, using "logonuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL". I'm having trouble understanding the manpage for sudoers, and where I would put the  user to run as, the NOPASSWD keyword, and the command itself. I currently run "sudo -u daemonuser cmd" and put in the 01:05
ZeroDividedHi, doesn anyone here know how to get a Wacom tablet working on 14.04?01:11
cfhowlettZeroDivided, there's a wacom driver included in edubuntu ... searching package list01:13
ZeroDividedcfhowlett, yeah I saw that the driver was loaded with lsmod01:14
ZeroDividedand the wacom settings detected it01:14
ZeroDividedJust doesn't seem to move the cursor01:14
cfhowlettZeroDivided, hmm.  never played with the hardware myself.  perhaps ask in #ubuntustudio?  or the ubuntu forums01:15
ZeroDividedOk, Ill check it out01:15
ZeroDividedSeems like it worked before OOTB01:16
ZeroDividedcfhowlett, do you think I would need to restart my system to get it working?01:19
cfhowlettZeroDivided, should be necessary, but couldn't hut to gry01:20
ZeroDividedRIP uptime :(. Thanks!01:20
OerHeksNo, wacom ibamboo works here OOTB01:21
ZeroDividedno soup01:22
OerHeksZeroDivided, what wacom tablet ?01:23
OerHeksbamboo works fine here, OOTB without restart01:23
ZeroDividedIntuos4 Model: PTK-44001:23
ZeroDividedOerHeks, Can  you explain how its working? Does it control your mouse pointer on the desktop?01:24
OerHeksZeroDivided, yes, together with my normal mouse01:25
ZeroDividedHmm, yeah mine is having issues then01:25
ZeroDividedApplications detect it but I can't control anything01:26
ZeroDivided....maybe its a hardware issue. Ill try on another machine01:26
OerHeksbut the size of the tablet is to small to reach the end of my screen, so i have to lift it and wipe 2-3 times to get there01:26
OerHeksdoes it cme with battery in the pen?01:26
ZeroDividedGood question...01:26
OerHeksmine does not, it is a magnet pen i guess01:27
ZeroDividedDoesnt look like it01:28
ZeroDividedAlso, it came with a mouse to use on the tablet.. that doesnt work either01:28
squintyZeroDivided:  out of curiosity I plugged in my daughters CTL-470 she left here and the 14.04 on this box recognizes and loads driver ok but I don't see either a mouse or pen for it here.  Never used one of these before so am not sure what application would be used with it...but I guess that point is moot with no mouse or pen to use.  lol01:31
ZeroDividedThanks for trying squinty! I'm trying to use it with Gimp to sign a job application lol01:32
daftykinsat this point you'd be better off drawing in pen, taking a picture with a phone and pasting it in01:33
ZeroDivided...thats a good idea01:33
ZeroDividedI'm trying it out in a windows VM now... just to see if it is a hardware issue01:34
cfhowlett!cookie | daftykins,01:34
ubottudaftykins,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!01:34
daftykinscfhowlett: ;)01:35
ZeroDividedI did have a lightning strike take out every electronic device in my house not too long ago... maybe the tablet was plugged in.01:36
jakesylwhats the command to see the value of a key you psuh01:36
ZeroDividedjakesyl, what kind of command do you want? Bash?01:38
Bashing-omjakesyl: xev .01:38
SchrodingersScatjakesyl: xev | grep -A 5 -i keypress ##was helpful for me, since all that mouse move.  ZeroDivided neat, thanks.01:44
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jakesylokay let me try it01:45
jakesylwhat are the advantages to splitting up the /home /usr /bin /tmp and /var into partitions01:57
agent_whiteHow do I get to a certain section of a man page? ie - I need to get to the "COLORS AND GRAPHICS" section of the rxvt man page.01:57
SchrodingersScatagent_white: I think one way would be to hit / then type out COLORS AND GRAPHICS then return, hitting / followed by return should search for the next instance01:58
OerHeksjakesyl, that is just up to you, seperate home can be handy when you reinstall01:58
agent_whiteSchrodingersScat: Oh I know how to search!  Thank you for your help though :) I think I misread the man page. :P01:59
violinapprenjakesyly: for /home you can keep your files if you decide to reinstall the OS, for /var you can prevent log files from consuming all your free space, for /tmp don't use  a physical partition, use tmpfs (RAM-based filesystem)02:00
SchrodingersScatman man?02:00
violinapprenjakesyl ^02:00
samthewildoneHow do I get to have .html files only open with Kompozer ?02:00
violinapprensamthewildone: what desktop environment are you using? GNOME, KDE, XFCE, .. ?02:01
OerHekssam, rightclick > open with ... ( if komozer is not there, choose 'other')02:01
samthewildonethere is no other02:01
samthewildoneWell... there is other but, "kompozer" isn't on the list.02:02
OerHeksoh gnome desktop, i don know02:02
violinapprenjakesyl: practically you should only keep /home and /tmp on separate partitions/mount points02:02
OerHekssamthewildone, choose other and browse to it?02:03
samthewildone OerHeks no luck mate02:03
samthewildoneOerHeks, Did that, but Kompozer doesn't show up.02:03
SchrodingersScatshould be in /usr/bin/ yeah?02:03
OerHeksfind out where Kompozer is > which kompozer02:04
l2ksolkovShould i turn on Legacy Boot mode info my UEFI settings when trying to install Ubuntu?02:04
daftykinsl2ksolkov: are you installing beside an EFI windows 8?02:04
l2ksolkovdaftykins, replacing EFI windows 802:05
samthewildoneSchrodingersScat, its in there but, how do I link it ?02:05
daftykinsl2ksolkov: then as long as you nuke the disk's partition table, you can install in legacy or EFI if you like, doesn't matter02:05
l2ksolkovWhen i try to boot off the USB stick it gives me "Try ubuntu" and Install02:06
l2ksolkovHitting enter on either one just gives me a black screen.02:06
daftykinsgraphics hardware?02:06
daftykinsl2ksolkov: did you MD5 your download to check it's good?02:06
l2ksolkovdaftykins, it's good.02:07
daftykinsl2ksolkov: so, graphics hardware? second time asking now.02:07
SchrodingersScatsamthewildone: in my 'open with..' I have "Use a custom command" and then sometimes just being in PATH lets you call it, or you can full path /usr/bin/komposer02:07
samthewildoneSchrodingersScat, gnome or unity ?02:08
SchrodingersScatsamthewildone: xfce02:08
OerHeksthat would be the answer of 'which kompozer'02:08
violinapprenl2ksolkov: http://askubuntu.com/questions/470492/ubuntu-14-04-black-screen-when-installing02:08
l2ksolkovdaftykins, didn't know you were asking me, sorry.  AMD Radeon HD 734002:08
samthewildonesamthewildone@Olympus:~$ kompozer -v02:08
samthewildonekompozer.net KompoZer 0.8b3, Copyright (c) 2006-2009 contributors02:08
daftykins!nomodeset | l2ksolkov also this'll likely be handy02:08
ubottul2ksolkov also this'll likely be handy: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:09
l2ksolkovdaftykins, will try02:11
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newb_is there a way to use nvidia and ati on ubuntu?02:19
cryptodannewb_: nope02:19
newb_darn :(02:19
cryptodannewb_: you can use an AMD Processor and an nVidia vidoe card02:19
Deihmos_during the live cd there was another theme option but now i have installed the theme isn't available02:20
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vertakI'm having a problem with samba on my 14.04 machine02:32
daftykinshow many guesses do we get?02:33
vertakI'm able to connect to my Samba share via my Mac's "Connect to Server" (Cmd + K) command, but when I run smbtree my samba share doesn't show up02:33
vertakyou get unlimited guesses.02:33
vertakI'm confident it's not an smb.conf problem, because I copied the config file being used by one of my friends who's machine IS showing up in smbtree, and even using that config file mine doesn't appear on the list of public samba files (using smbtree)02:34
daftykinsvertak: so the host is running, what?02:38
daftykinsoh sorry yes 14.0402:38
daftykinsvertak: macs are notoriously bad at SMB, have you run the tweak which stops it from using SMBv2?02:39
vertakI'm sorry let me restate my problem. So I've got it WORKING on my mac, I can connect to the samba share and mount the samba host's share on my mac.02:40
vertakWhat I can't do is, on a terminal on my host machine, use smbtree to see my samba share02:40
vertakMy confusion stems from the fact that I KNOW the smb share exists, because I can mount it using the Mac client, but smbtree doesn't acknolwedge that it exists.02:41
daftykinsvertak: sorry no it was my tired eyes reading wrong! can you share a pastebin of your config? just out of curiosity to see if any of the obvious signs are there02:42
vertakOf course.02:43
Pwnnadoes anyone here have a thinkpad?02:43
daftykinsi don't really see the relevance of seeing a share from a given program on the same box though :D02:43
Pwnnadid thinkpad fancontrol stop working for you recently?02:43
Pwnnathinkpad_acpi is loaded with fan_control=102:43
Pwnnabut writing to /proc/acpi/ibm/fan yields invalid argument02:43
vertakdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/RpPwNY9F02:45
daftykinshrmm, config comes from CentOS, interesting02:46
vertakYes, I got it from a friend who runs CentOS.02:48
vertakSo this make the Movies, Music, etc. shares publicly accessible.02:48
vertakso this does make*02:48
vertakBut when i run smbtree, none of my shares appear.02:48
OerHeksvertak,  strange, i miss ' workgroup = WORKGROUP '  etc02:50
daftykinsmmm, never used that one02:50
mgolischdo you run nmbd?02:51
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mgolischi think smbtree relies on netbios to find stuff02:51
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vertakmgolisch: Yes, if I run "ps aux | grep nmbd" I see that I'm running nmbd as a daemon02:52
vertakMy guess is that it's some network problem, because even if I run a config file that I know should work (i.e. I'm running the config file of one of my friends who's samba share does appear in smbtree) it doesn't work02:52
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vertakbut I dont' know how to diagnose the problem.02:53
daftykinsare you running smbtree with any switches?02:53
vertakwell, I'm running it with the -d3 option to try to debug02:53
vertakbut besides that, no.02:54
vertakI am getting this though:02:54
vertaktdb(/var/cache/samba/gencache.tdb): tdb_open_ex: could not open file /var/cache/samba/gencache.tdb: Permission denied02:54
mgolischvertak: does -b work?02:55
vertakand I start smbd by running "sudo service smbd start" so I don't know why I'm getting a Permission Denied.02:55
Sunstreamwhat program (lightweight and good for tech) i should get for using a webcam for capture and recordinmg?02:55
vertakRunning with -b doesn't actually change the output at all02:56
AndroUserAnyone familiar with jom social?02:57
OerHeksSunstream, cheese can02:57
Sunstreamcheese cam ok02:57
AndroUserWhat's another good active channel?02:58
daftykinsfor what02:58
vertakmgolisch: Ah! Another piece of the puzzle. When I run "smbclient -L myhostname" I can see my host.02:59
OerHeksAndroUser, jom social is commercial, can't help you there02:59
AndroUserI want a little help building a website02:59
OerHekspay for it and you get help :-D02:59
AndroUserI bought it.. waste of money02:59
OerHeksAndroUser, then why ask here ?02:59
AndroUserOnly $300 but I didn't even do anything with it in my site03:00
OerHeks!alis | try some joomla irc channel03:00
ubottutry some joomla irc channel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:00
Sunstreamokay it says its on my system already but i no fimdy on menu03:00
AndroUserCause if someone knew how to do it I'd pay for help maybe03:00
AndroUserThx obuttu03:01
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ayrusHi, can I update vivid 17.2 kernel on 14.04?03:02
ayrusHi, can I update v3.17.2-vivid kernel on 14.04?03:02
junkanooQuestion: trying to sftp to /var/www which is owned by root:webgroup - 'ubuntu' user is a member of the webgroup but when i try to upload a file to the /var/www/ directory i get permission denied?  help...03:03
OerHeksayrus, no , kernel ppa has 17.1 only for utopic http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:03
OerHeksor 3.18 rc's03:04
ayrusOerHeks: Thanks03:04
junkanooQuestion 2: i'm actually able to upload to /var/www but when i try to upload to /var/www/xyz it doesn't work03:04
junkanoothe chmod was -R03:04
Sunstreamgrrrr stupid mini keyboard03:04
OerHeksayrus, carefull, it is unsupported here03:04
daftykinsjunkanoo: no doubt you didn't set the group permissions properly03:05
ayrusOerHeks, Now I'm not going to update. I'm going to stick with 3.17.1 utopic. Thanks03:05
daftykinsjunkanoo: pastebin a "ls -al /var/www/" and indicate the name of folder 'xyz'03:05
jeayeI need to backport an application developed on 14.04 to 12.04. Is there a better way to do this other than trial & error finding which shared objects I need to copy?03:06
Sunstreamcheese webcam no work03:06
duckx0rI'm trying to bind mount one directory into another directory and make the set the uid and gid to someone else. The files in the original directory are owned by mike:frontdesk. This is the entry in my fstab: "/home/ownCloud/frontdesk/ /home/pita/ownCloud/frontdesk/ none bind,uid=pita,gid=pita 0 0" however when I mount it, /home/pita/ownCloud/frontdesk/ is still owned by mike:frontdesk instead of pita:pita. What am I doing wrong? Is there any way to03:08
duckx0rcorrectly set the owner and group of the files of a mount like this?03:08
Sunstreamforget it it will not work03:08
evan111\part #ubuntu03:09
evan111\join #emacs03:09
daftykinsduckx0r: i can't help you resolve your method, but what are you trying to achieve?03:09
junkanoodaftykins, yeah i've checked... they are the same root:webgroup03:09
Sunstreamevan use / not \03:09
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Laibschdaftykins: you know about pbuilder and PPAs?03:09
squintyevan111:  /  not \03:09
junkanooalso did a sudo chmod g+s /var/www03:09
daftykinsjunkanoo: i'd still prefer to see a pastebin of the command mentioned :)03:10
Laibschdaftykins: maybe someone has even already backported the application in a PPA03:10
junkanoodaftykins, 10-403:10
daftykinsLaibsch: why don't you share what the program is and why you're trying to get it under 12.04 ?03:10
duckx0rdaftykins, just trying to make it so that users can access/modify the files from a shared folder that is mounted in their home directory without being able to set some permissions that will cause the files to not be readable by the other users03:10
Laibschdaftykins: sorry, wrong, person.  I meant jeaye ^^^03:10
jeayeLaibsch: They have not. It's my own application.03:11
jeayeLaibsch: A client requires it to be run on 12.04, but I rely on newer openssl, gcc, stdlibc++, etc.03:12
Laibschjeaye: "They"? have not?  pbuilder and PPA is what you want to look into, or debuild when building on 12.04 itself03:12
junkanoo/var/www/api_old is the directory i'm trying to write into03:12
Laibschjeaye: sounds like you are requiring this for paid work. I consider your question here unethical, then.03:12
Laibschjeaye: if you get paid, then you should know about it rather than relying on volunteers doing the work for you.03:13
daftykinsjunkanoo: yeah so it doesn't have write permissions for the group... see the missing 'w' from the second 'rwx' ? :)03:13
Laibschjeaye: in any case, you get the terms to do the googling now03:13
jeayeShould everybody that gets paid not use Firefox then?03:13
daftykinsjunkanoo: sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/api_old03:13
junkanoodaftykins, :) doh thx03:13
jeayeOr any other free software?03:13
Laibschjeaye: the difference is you are asking for FREE support while YOU get paid for the delivery03:13
daftykinsjeaye: lol you're trying to get someone to do your job for you, nice03:14
Laibschdaftykins: and I basically did, hehehe03:14
jeayeThat's seriously twisting the situation.03:14
Laibschnow it is up to him to read up03:15
OerHeksjeaye, it is your application, choos trial & error or demand your client to upgrade to 14.0403:15
Laibschor pay someone yourself who knows how to compile ;-)03:15
=== AndroUser is now known as BusinessMan
jeayeLaibsch: You take a moral high ground to then jab insults? I assert that "Googling" for a SO answer and asking in IRC are no different.03:18
High-rise_9999Hello. Is it possible to access the documents of an iPad running iOS version 8.1? I prefer to use nemo, but I can use nautilus, assuming that makes any difference. libimobiledevice4 is installed, and I am running Ubuntu 14.04.03:18
jeayeIn terms of volunteers providing answers.03:18
OerHeksjeaye, stop the rant, Laibsch is gone03:19
jeayeOerHeks: I realized.03:19
jason25262Why volunteers?03:19
jason25262Canonical is for-profit the support can be paid.03:19
daftykinsthe users in here that help, are volunteers03:20
daftykinslets change the topic now though if you wouldn't mind03:20
jason25262daftykins: Does Ubuntu have https://getspeakup.com/03:22
daftykinsi'm sorry i'm not clicking that link03:22
daftykinsexplain in words03:22
jason25262It is called SpeakUp03:22
jason25262It is about looking to employees for solving managment problems03:23
jason25262Within a company like Ubuntu03:23
jason25262What is the contact name for the Support Manager?03:24
daftykinsnot even the slightest clue then :)03:24
daftykinsyou do realise this channel is community run, right?03:24
OerHeksjason25262, http://www.ubuntu.com/legal/ubuntu-advantage/service-description03:24
jason25262 i'm not clicking that link03:25
jason25262 explain in words03:26
* rww giggles03:26
daftykinstroll status confirmed03:26
OerHeksjason25262, further discussion is beyond the scope of this channel.03:26
jason25262The community can possibly use a strong leader03:26
rwwjason25262: #ubuntu is managed by community members. We do not have "support managers". We have channel operators. One of their jobs is to ensure that #ubuntu sticks to support questions and does not wander off on tangents.03:27
rwwIf you want paid support, please contact Canonical. This channel does not have information on Canonical paid support.03:27
OerHeksWe have no leader, jut a ""Self-Appointed Benevolent Dictator for Life" :-D03:27
rwwSo, yes, back to actual support now please :)03:28
* OerHeks is always happy to help03:28
jason25262Even to pay minimum wage for a support tech isn't going to cost cannonical much03:33
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jason25262to promote sustainable growth03:36
nusrrecently when i wake up and go to my computer, which is on overnight, i find it running with max processing (can hear the fans and processes humming). the only way to regain use is to hard reset. how can i check the logs to see what is hogging all the resources and memory? not current use like top, but a log03:38
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:40
daftykinsnusr: ^03:40
daftykinsnot quite what you asked for, but it'll help03:40
Laibschnusr: I'd first try to login via ssh or on the console03:41
EriC^^!info sysstat | nusr install this, use sar03:41
ubottunusr install this, use sar: sysstat (source: sysstat): system performance tools for Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 10.3.1-1 (utopic), package size 190 kB, installed size 848 kB03:41
nusrdaftykins: sometimes alt-control- f1-f4 doesn't work becos all the memory is used up too.03:42
Laibschto switch to the console, hold Alt+Ctrl+F103:42
Laibschlog in, then use top to see what process is running amok03:42
UbiI tried to buy an application03:42
UbiGot this error:03:42
* daftykins waits03:42
Laibschnusr: how much memory do you have installed?03:42
Ubi! Your payment could not be processed. Please verify the submitted information. Reason: Unexpected error.03:43
ubottuUbi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:43
sacarlsonis there any voice recognition on ubuntu linux that are still actively supported?  I tried google2ubuntu and it seems to be broken saying can't open config file03:43
nusrthis machine has 4gB and the vm is not on03:43
Laibschnusr: any swap configured?03:43
nusrheh no03:43
Laibschany RAM-intensive app?  to me it sounds like you have a process with a mem leak03:43
Laibschnusr: I'd enable an 8G swap and see how the computer behaves the next day03:44
nusri have wine running...so i want to see a log03:44
Laibschwine could wreak havoc in all kinds of ways, I guess03:44
nusrLabisch: to do that I'd have to repartition the drive again?03:44
Laibschyou can have a swap file03:44
nusrLaibsch: is that the command for making a swap. sorry I didn't follow that last comment..i tried entering it in terminal and it is not doing anything03:46
Laibschthose are indeed the commands03:46
Laibschbut of course you still need the proper switches to them03:46
nusrLaibsch: what are the switches?03:47
Laibschuntested: dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap1 count=8000 bs=1M03:47
Laibschthen if that works, you "sudo mkswap /home/swap1;sudo swapon /home/swap1"03:48
Laibschjust google for "Ubuntu create swap file"03:48
Laibschthere must be a tutorial out there03:48
rypervencheWell, 8192 if you want the real 8G03:49
Laibschrypervenche: LOL03:49
LaibschI'm sure 8190 would do as well ;)03:49
Laibschbut thanks for the nitpick03:49
rypervencheIt's not nitpicking. 8*1024 is 8190. It's 8*2^10.03:50
Laibschnusr: you will need to run the swapon command again every time after reboot03:50
Laibschcheck top or swapon to see if swap is available and how much is used03:50
Laibschrypervenche: who cares?!?!03:50
mneuroHow do you enable Tap drag?  It isn't working on my touchpad when i double click a window and try to drag it03:50
nusrLaibsch, rvpervenche: ok thank you03:51
rypervencheLaibsch: Those who need a specific amount of space. Powers of 10 and powers of 2 are not the same.03:54
nusrEriC^^: i've installed sysstat but how do i use it?03:54
EriC^^nusr: is it running? service --status-all03:56
nusrEriC^^: yes it is03:57
Laibschrypervenche: that is not the case here, so let's stop wasting bandwidth.  You could also point out that he needs to check free space on the home partition or else put it on the /var partition OR, OR, OR.  this is help to get him in the right direction, not hand-hold him.  He needs to understand what he is doing, not use some random commands off the net, so obviously, I expect nusr to change things to fit his needs.  If he wants 8G and not 8000M, I am sure he03:57
rypervencheLaibsch: Let it go.03:58
nusri have a partition on my ubuntu which has questionable files for experimental/study purposes. can files in my partition which is not mounted hog resources?03:58
EriC^^nusr: man sar03:58
EriC^^nusr: sar -r lists the current day's memory usage03:58
nusrEriC^^: ok cool thanks03:59
nusrCannot open /var/log/sysstat/sa14: No such file or directory Please check if data collecting is enabled in /etc/default/sysstat04:00
EriC^^nusr: gksu gedit /etc/default/sysstat04:00
EriC^^set ENABLED="true"04:01
EriC^^nusr: sudo service sysstat restart04:02
EriC^^nusr: i think the default interval for collecting data is 10mins, you can set it to whatever you want in cron04:02
nusrEric^^: thank you. it works now04:02
EriC^^nusr: np04:06
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pinoyoragonany rancid users here?04:28
Ben64pinoyoragon: no idea what that is04:29
editionI intend to change the Unity theme, according to this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Theming. Where are the theme config files?04:30
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:31
OerHeksedition, that should be a xml file04:33
editionwhere abouts?04:33
OerHekshi lotus04:33
OerHeksedition, something like /usr/share/themes/Radiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml04:35
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: hello :p04:35
editionbtw, is there a way of changing the default theme?04:37
lotuspsychje!themes | edition04:38
ubottuedition: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:38
edition!changethemes | edition04:38
ubottuedition, please see my private message04:38
BusinessManMay I share a website and ask if anyone can help me modify it (paid ofcourse)04:42
Ben64nope, not here04:42
OerHeksBusinessMan, no, that is beyond the scope of this channel04:42
lotuspsychjeBusinessMan: best way would be asking help in the channel that supports the software of your website04:43
lotuspsychje!alis | BusinessMan04:44
ubottuBusinessMan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:44
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xjkxWhats setting my connection ? I have ADSL, and when I reboot my router ip is set to, this exists, but its not connected to my pc. The .10 is connected to the .1, which is the one that is connected to the pc. But pc wants to set itself to .10, why ?04:50
xjkxWhen I reboot ubuntu*04:50
lotuspsychjexjkx: maybe the ##networking guys might know this04:51
xjkxIts purely ubuntu question though04:51
xjkxSome device is setting my router ip to one that isn't04:51
xjkxSome software I meant04:51
xjkxIf I run command 'route' after reboot, it will say, but thats not right04:52
xjkxI can manually change though04:52
xjkxAnd it works04:52
xjkxBut if I reboot again then its back to .1004:52
OerHeksxjkx, read the manual of your route, it is not an ubuntu issue04:52
OerHeks* router04:52
usr13xjkx: Sounds like the router is giving bogus IP configurations.04:54
OerHeksgateway/dhcp-pool issue04:54
xjkxusr13: no, this ip exists, its from another router that is connected to this router04:54
xjkx.10 is connected to router .1004:55
OerHeksah router on router, good luck04:55
xjkx.10 is connected to router .104:55
xjkxSo ubuntu wants me to have the router .10, but my cable is coming from .1 I dont get it04:55
daftykinsxjkx: two routers? so DHCP servers on both?04:59
skyfalli cant set a new password in my ubuntu as i like .  its always showing short ? any solution for this  ?04:59
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skyfallother than choosing a different one ?04:59
xjkxYes....well I dont know if .10 needs dhcp, but I guess so ? Its offering wifi to phones, tablets, notebooks, etc05:00
OerHeksskyfall, minimum is 6 characters05:01
skyfallmine is more than 6. even it says short or weak05:01
skyfallOerHeks, the change option is not coming active05:02
daftykinsxjkx: i can't really follow your initial explanation, can you explain your setup a bit better?05:02
veebullWell nuts05:02
xjkxdaftykins: I think I explained better on the other channel, so here is the copy, "#Ubuntu sent me here. I have two routers, one is, the other is They are connected to each other, the main router is the .1 and its the one I have a cable coming to my pc. Ubuntu automatically sets my router to .10, but its not the one I want and its not the one the cable is coming from, I dont get it. I can manually change though to .1 and it works, but i05:02
veebullwtf now?!?05:02
OerHeks!language | veebull05:03
ubottuveebull: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:03
daftykinsxjkx: yeah you need to disable DHCP on the 1.10 router.05:03
veebullRebooted into Win7 for some gaming, and reboot to a nonfunctional 14.0405:03
xjkxdaftykins: how will my phone that connects to wifi know what ip to get ? Maybe I'm just new to this05:03
xjkxThe phone connects to .1005:04
daftykinsxjkx: it'll get it from the 1.1 router.05:04
xjkxAlright, thanks :)05:04
veebullLogin @ the lightdm dialog and then just nothing.  Just sits there.05:04
skyfallanybody familiar with powertop ?05:04
daftykinsheh i was at a double-DHCP issue setup the other day, hilarious issues occurred05:04
veebullI can switch to a terminal on Ctrl Alt F1 and reboot but it's just the same thing no matter what boot option I try05:05
skyfallOerHeks, familiar with powertop ?05:06
OerHeksskyfall, nope05:07
daftykinsskyfall: just ask your next question as if someone said "hey sure! i know that ancient intel program!"05:07
skyfalldaftykins, ancient intel program ?05:08
daftykinsskyfall: ask the question05:09
veebullOerHeks: any ideas?05:09
skyfallany tips to improve the battery backup ?05:09
vTwoRockmanhi, how i install virtualbox with all features in ubuntu?05:10
daftykinsbattery backup o005:10
cybrhumanskyfall: battery backup?05:10
skyfallcybrhuman, yeah. laptop battery , as it is draining fast with ubuntu.05:10
cybrhumanskyfall: when you are taking backups please plug in the charger.05:10
cybrhumanskyfall: ah, battery time. kk, what applications does powertop report as using most effect?05:11
skyfallcybrhuman, i used to set all the values to good from bad.05:12
cybrhumanskyfall: what applications does powertop report as using most effect?05:12
skyfallcybrhuman, network interface and display backlight i think05:13
cybrhumanskyfall: have you reduced the backlight strength?05:13
daftykinsskyfall: is it an old laptop?05:14
skyfallcybrhuman, you mean reduce the brightness ?05:14
cybrhumanskyfall: yes05:14
skyfalldaftykins, no its asus k53sc05:14
skyfallcybrhuman, yes. its set to the lowest.05:15
daftykinsa model doesn't denote age :)05:15
skyfallcybrhuman, daftykins if i use a lan cable instead of wifi , will it give me some more time ?05:15
daftykinsdepends what you use your laptop for05:16
daftykinslots of media streaming? yes05:16
daftykinsjust chat? not really05:16
daftykinsprobably not very significant values for either though05:16
skyfalldaftykins, mainly i browse and chat. streaming is less05:16
skyfalldaftykins, is it possible for the modem to control both settings at the same time ? i mean im using pppoe settings for wifi. so if i plug in my cable, will i be able to get it connected ?05:17
cybrhumannetworkmanager usually handles changing from wireless to wired gracefully05:18
daftykinsyou shouldn't need to PPPoE auth an internet connection if you have a router providing wifi.05:18
skyfalldaftykins, so which one shoud i use ?05:19
cybrhumanskyfall: use the most convenient05:19
skyfallcybrhuman, network manager  ?05:19
cybrhumanskyfall: magic program that makes network work.05:19
skyfallcybrhuman, you are saying that wired or wifi wont make much difference ?05:19
lotuspsychjeskyfall: your skype ok now?05:20
cybrhumanskyfall: correct, what is the third and fourth programs by power consumption?05:20
skyfalllotuspsychje, no. even if i run the skype, its getting freezed.05:20
skyfalllike while using it. so i moved to hangouts.05:20
daftykinsskyfall: nvidia optimus machine huh?05:20
lotuspsychjeskyfall: go back to 14.04 make your life easy05:21
daftykinsi3, i5 or i7?05:21
skyfalldaftykins, yes.05:21
k0nichiwaid like to create instructions that has an image and then text to the side with arrows pointing to parts of the image05:21
skyfalldaftykins, i5.05:21
k0nichiwais there software that will make this easier ?05:21
skyfalllotuspsychje, i experienced same problem with 14.04 also05:21
daftykinsskyfall: got something installed to disable the nvidia chip then, to save power?05:21
lotuspsychjek0nichiwa: flowcharts?05:21
skyfalldaftykins, yes. bumblebee05:21
k0nichiwathx ill google it, more suggestions the better05:21
k0nichiwaaltho its not really a flowchart but maybe that woudl work05:22
lotuspsychjek0nichiwa: there are some flowchart software for ubuntu, and online flowchart creators too05:22
sklhow about ganttchart? is there any?05:22
skyfallcybrhuman, third one is radio device and the fourth one is powertop05:22
k0nichiwaactually a script for gimp that helps to make an arrow woudl be better05:23
k0nichiwawhere u put in the starting and ending points, preferably if u coudl bend it ... i doubt there is sucha ting05:24
skyfalldaftykins, bubmblebee is doing the work i hope. the device is not getting warmer as earlier. as battery time is kind of more after installing it.05:24
lotuspsychjek0nichiwa: thats a flowchart you need05:25
daftykinsskyfall: yeah, i don't you'd ever see as good battery life as Windows on that thing.05:25
daftykinsskyfall: i have a very similar Asus laptop, mine caps the i5 to 60% usage to prevent battery murdering05:25
daftykins(under Windows)05:25
lotuspsychjek0nichiwa: gliffy.com05:26
cybrhumanskyfall: and powertop is usually never using much resources. seems you machine should be more or less optimal05:26
skyfalldaftykins, so any more methods to improve the battery backup ?05:26
skyfallcybrhuman, in tunables majority is bad. making it good makes any differnce ?05:27
daftykinsskyfall: besides install Windows? nope. though if as hinted above you moved to 14.10, you should probably go back, chasing updates and going off an LTS release seems a bad idea05:27
skyfallcybrhuman, i used to do it every time i log in.05:27
cybrhumanskyfall: probably should, but you should find a way to make the changes permanent instead of manually doing it.05:27
daftykinsi'm sure i read about a package for ubuntu called laptop-mode-tools or similar05:27
cybrhumanskyfall: have you set your machine to a sensible power policy?05:28
skyfalldaftykins, im dual booting windows with ubuntu. im using windows only for some work related softwares. im a linux addict though05:28
daftykinsthat's nice, i prefer results over OS wars though :)05:28
skyfallcybrhuman, i didn get what u meant by sensible power policy05:28
cybrhumanskyfall: how it controls cpu frequency and such.05:29
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skyfallcybrhuman, no. can u explain it for me ?05:29
YukitteruIt.. Set the max res as 1600x1200..05:29
YukitteruWtf kUbuntu05:29
cybrhumanskyfall: not really, I don't actually know how to change it manually05:30
skyfalldaftykins, i have another problem too. besides grub2 , im facing another bootloader screen in the main. any way to remove that. i want only the grub205:30
daftykins'in the main' ?05:30
skyfalldaftykins, while booting i face a boot loader option in black screen and even after i select linux in it , grub2 appears05:31
daftykinsno idea what that's from.05:32
skyfalli think its coming from the windows part.05:32
skyfalldaftykins, i used to dual boot windows 8 and windows 7 at the timw windows 8 released05:33
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skyfallso after i removed 8, it getting showed even though only windows 7 was there to boot05:33
skyfallcybrhuman, any idea ?05:34
daftykinsupdate 7's bootloader05:34
daftykinswhich'll be a great question for... ##windows05:34
cybrhumanskyfall: about the second boot loader? if you installed a windows after linux I guess it is that.05:35
skyfallcybrhuman, second boot loader is grub2. first one is in a black screen05:35
skyfallcybrhuman, i installed linux after windows.05:35
skyfalldaftykins, any idea how to update win 7 boot loader ?05:36
dcndrewHey! have you ever find this bug? I'm using Genius SM-Live Value 5.1 (CMI8738) and in stereo output there is no sound. Pavucontrol shows there is, but I hear nothing. Mono or 4.0 or higher are sound, but 4.0 or higher there is no mic. With the 3.13.0-39 id doesn't work, but with -32 it does.05:36
dcndrew-sound + good05:36
skyfalldaftykins, its really annoying to select twice the boot option.05:36
daftykinsskyfall: what did i just say?05:36
skyfalldaftykins, update 7's boot loader05:37
daftykinsafter that...05:37
skyfalldaftykins, windows problem /05:37
daftykinsyus, ask in ##windows05:37
skyfalldaftykins, im not into windows actually. so if i can do it from linux side too im happy though05:38
skyfalldaftykins, thats why i asked for an answer.05:38
daftykinsi'm telling you it's a windows support question05:38
shlantcan anyone tell me how to get the MOTD to update on 14.04? I have cleaned out /etc/update-motd.d/ and put my own05:38
skyfalldaftykins, ok. i understand. any channel for windows support ? i need this to get fixed05:39
cybrhumantry ##windows as suggested?05:39
skyfallcybrhuman, ok.05:39
RescisAny willing to help with something?  I've confused myself :P05:40
daftykinsRescis: you have to ask the channel a question first.05:40
cybrhuman!ask| Rescis05:40
ubottuRescis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:40
RescisI can't isntall steam, via the web, or the software center05:40
agent_white"Don't ask to ask, ask!"05:40
RescisIt simply does not open05:40
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agent_whiteRescis: How did you install it? What do you mean you "can't open it" ? What happens? etc.05:41
RescisNothing happens.  It will just act as if I hadn't clicked on the icon (Or the folder, etc)05:41
agent_whiteRescis: Open a terminal. Type `steam`. What is in the output?05:41
RescisIt tells me to install more packages.  I've done this, and it goes in an endless loop of intsalling the same packages05:42
shlantRescis: try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve05:43
daftykinstake their names and install them manually, maybe they're not on05:43
shlantor #ubuntu-steam05:43
lotuspsychjeRescis: ubuntu version?05:43
RescisI'll see if it works05:43
agent_whiteRescis: Also... instead of telling us what it does, give it to use verbose. -- Copy and paste the output to pastie.org, then give us that link.05:43
Rescis14.04 lts05:43
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RescisSounds good, sorry about that05:44
RescisOne second05:44
agent_whiteRescis: No worries! The output of the error will help us the best.05:44
daftykinsAlbertEinster: no thanks05:46
RescisUmm, it isn;t letting me copy/paste05:46
cybrhumanhow do I find which packages provide a file?05:46
daftykinscybrhuman: you can use apt-file05:47
AlbertEinsterdaftykins:Fuckyou!! 3:)05:47
cybrhumanRescis: right click and select copy05:47
daftykinscharming fellow05:47
RescisSome day's I am thicker than others:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8999482/05:48
cybrhumanRescis: the terminals interpret Ctrl-c differently than other programs05:49
RescisYa.  I jsut went up into the top task bar05:49
=== Yukitteru is now known as Dhs92
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukinotteru
cybrhumanRescis: they read ctrl-c as a keyboard interrupt.05:50
RescisYs, I noticed that.  It would insert "c^"05:50
Rescisinstead of copying05:50
cryptodanwhat is this about ---------> ...............................i.nb.4...y.o..u....ha.ve..a cra.p .pas..swo.r..d..Password..........................................05:51
RescisThe paste should be there though, if you want05:51
RescisThat was me typing in my password for the command to run05:51
cybrhumanRescis: useful to be aware of btw, as it stops most programs running in a terminal from executing.05:52
RescisAhh, ya05:52
RescisAny idea what is stopping it though?05:53
cryptodantry not typing in the crap password stuff05:53
RescisI've done that, though I can again if you want05:53
cryptodanand at the end hit y05:53
cryptodanand where did you get steam from?05:54
RescisSoftware center, second one down05:54
Rescisthe one with like 160 reviews05:54
cryptodanget it from www.steampowered.com05:54
RescisI've also done ti that way05:55
daftykinsoops. window focus fail.05:55
cryptodanonce its downloaded you sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb05:55
RescisShall I uninstall this version?05:55
cryptodanif that fails then your ubuntu installation is broken05:55
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RescisWell, it is doing soemthing new.05:56
RescisI probably did something wrong ealier, I'll see if thsi pans out05:56
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
RescisAlright, I officially did it worng last 3 times05:59
RescisIt works now05:59
Rescisthanks for the help :)05:59
agent_whiteRescis: We appreciate you taking the time to paste your error.05:59
cybrhumanwho had a question about motd?05:59
RescisHaha, of course.  Following instructions is one of the things I am half decent at06:00
RescisAlright, cya all.  I do appreciate the help, even if it was boring for you guys06:03
cybrhumanagent_white: is there a not up to date steam package in ubuntu repos?06:03
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:04
lotuspsychje!info steam06:04
ubottusteam (source: steam): Valve's Steam digital software delivery system. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 1: (utopic), package size 853 kB, installed size 2658 kB (Only available for i386)06:04
nusrhalf life 3 confirmed06:07
guardianpwr080/ evening all... trying to get ts3 server to work correctly with ubuntu 14.04... im trying the "ldd libts3db_mysql.so" and it returns "not a dynamic executable"06:14
catacostHi, I just had a software update come in which asked me to reboot. Upon doing so I'm now presented a series of monitor test patterns. I can startx from a tty which presents my wallpaper and cursor06:14
daftykinsguardianpwr08: that's a library, not a binary06:15
EriC^^catacost: don't use startx, sudo service lightdm restart06:15
catacostI believe I tried that - will try again and provide result06:15
guardianpwr08daftykins: yes, but according to these instructions - http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/74883-TUTORIAL-Teamspeak3-Server-w-MySQL-Databse-on-Debian-Ubuntu - it should return a list of libraries06:15
catacostjob failed to start EriC^^ - which log should i check?06:15
EriC^^try other .log files there06:17
cybrhumandaftykins: ldd usually works on libraries06:17
daftykinsah ok06:17
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: run file on the file06:17
catacostComplaining about a null x server but.. yeah. I recently (tonight) changed my username, could be related?06:18
EriC^^catacost: what do you mean by changed your username?06:19
catacostI feel like thats probably related.06:19
cybrhumancatacost: try making a new user and log in with that06:19
EriC^^catacost: did you fix the permissions06:19
EriC^^try chown -R <user>: /home/<user>06:20
guardianpwr08cybrhuman: # file libts3db_mysql.so06:20
guardianpwr08libts3db_mysql.so: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines06:20
guardianpwr08i copied that .so from a working server06:21
catacostpermissions change on home didnt fix it, ill try a new user, that seems like a good next step06:21
EriC^^catacost: did you use sudo with chmod?06:21
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: something went wrong, you ended up copying an html page06:22
catacosti did EriC^^06:22
EriC^^catacost: ok, try the guest account i guess06:22
guardianpwr08cybrhuman: must have been when i moved trh file from dropbox over, did it too early... ill try again now06:24
guardianpwr08k# file libts3db_mysql.so         libts3db_mysql.so: ELF 32-bit LSB  shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped06:24
catacostnew user did not work, darn06:24
EriC^^catacost: try to reinstall06:24
EriC^^catacost: sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm ubuntu-desktop06:25
daftykinsguardianpwr08: now do the ldd06:25
EriC^^catacost: you're using unity right?06:25
guardianpwr08# ldd libts3db_mysql.so06:25
guardianpwr08        not a dynamic executable06:25
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: file06:26
guardianpwr08# file libts3db_mysql.so         libts3db_mysql.so: ELF 32-bit LSB  shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped06:26
catacosti am, i see a line in the log that says logging to .xsession-errors06:26
nusryou guys are awesome..wish there was a #life channel as effective and helpful as #ubuntu06:26
catacostgoing to check that out06:26
EriC^^catacost: check the ~/.xsession-errors06:26
Jeeves_MossI'm having some issues with ProFTPd.  I can't get it to let a user log in.  I keep getting invalid pass.  I've copy/paste the user AND pass.  How do I track this down?06:27
catacostI see some authorization errors, a couple permission deined's06:28
catacostis reinstalling Unity an option?06:28
EriC^^yes, ubuntu-desktop is unity06:28
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: strange, it might be a file generated and manipulated by the TS3 install process06:28
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: why don't you just run the normal install process for ts3?06:29
guardianpwr08because for linking ts3 with a forum database you need to have mysql06:29
guardianpwr08i have this running on a number of other ubuntu installs, but this one is a godaddy VPS and im concerned they "did something" to the install06:29
guardianpwr08as irrational as that might be, but it took a lot of phone calls to even get root access06:29
daftykinsask them06:29
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: can't you just repeat the isntall process you did on the other boxes?06:30
guardianpwr08this is the exact instructions i used - http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/74883-TUTORIAL-Teamspeak3-Server-w-MySQL-Databse-on-Debian-Ubuntu06:31
guardianpwr08why doesnt ldd give a list of libraries?06:31
PeterAI'm trying to get screen rotation working06:31
PeterABut i'm stuck06:31
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: and that process did not work on this server?06:32
|aaroncan someone tell me why this wont work? trying to connect to a mac smb share, i get error(22) invalid argument from sudo mount -t cifs -o username="aaron",password="password",sec=ntlm // ~/mnt/sharename06:32
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: what errors does it give?06:32
PeterAI have a convertible thinkpad yoga06:32
guardianpwr08# ldd libts3db_mysql.so06:32
guardianpwr08        not a dynamic executable06:32
msgoli cant help you with that, i just hope your password is not Really "Password"06:33
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: what does the install process for ts3 say?06:33
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: what error does it give when you end up with that state?06:34
guardianpwr08"# ldd libts3db_mysql.so" should list out libraries06:34
guardianpwr08the tutorial shows this https://privatepaste.com/41179818ae06:35
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: yes it should, but the install process apparantly didn't work, what did the installer say?06:35
guardianpwr08i can load up the server IF i dont point it to the mysql lin06:36
|aaronmsgol: hahaha, no its not06:36
|aaronmsgol: the share name also isnt sharename, lol06:36
guardianpwr082014-11-14 06:36:38.765715|CRITICAL|DatabaseQuery |   | unable to load database plugin library "libts3db_mysql.so", halting!06:36
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: have you got sql installed on that box?06:36
guardianpwr08# sudo service mysql restart06:37
guardianpwr08mysql stop/waiting06:37
guardianpwr08mysql start/running, process 854306:37
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cybrhumanguardianpwr08: googleing the CRITICAL|Data ... says you might be missing  "libmysqlclient"06:39
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PeterAlsusb is telling my that  0483:91d1 STMicroelectronics is my accelerometer, but I can only find one forum post about it and I'm not sure about drivers06:40
PeterAIt's not a critical issue, but I'd like to have rotation working06:40
PeterAI tried magick-rotation06:41
|aaronanyone? trying to connect to a mac smb share, i get error(22) invalid argument from sudo mount -t cifs -o username="aaron",password="password",sec=ntlm // ~/mnt/sharename06:41
catacostIs it normal for the lightdm.log to mention user /org/freedesktop... changed so frequently?06:45
kungrdo people run their daily desktop as user or admin>06:45
daftykinsuser obviously06:45
cybrhumanJRBerrios45: try /j #linuxjournal06:45
daftykinsthat's the whole point of the security design06:46
JRBerrios45ok thanks06:46
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: did you install the client?06:47
guardianpwr08trying to find the right "package"? to install06:48
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: aptitude search mysqlclient06:48
PeterA|aaron: is your ubuntu user a member of the "samba" group?06:49
|aaronPeterA: ahhhh probably not. thats needed even though im mounting with sudo?06:50
guardianpwr08ok found the correct libmysqlclient15-dev  i think06:50
PeterAI believe so, because you're still you, just with elevated permissions06:50
PeterATry adding yourself to the group06:50
guardianpwr08# apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev => libmysqlclient-dev is already the newest version.06:50
guardianpwr080 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:50
guardianpwr08so its already installed06:50
|aaronPeterA: actually the samba group doesnt even exist06:50
PeterAsudo groupadd samba06:50
PeterA sudo adduser user samba06:51
|aaronPeterA: there is a sambasahre group? maybe that one?06:51
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: try the aptitude command to list other packages that might be available06:51
PeterA|aaron: try creating the group with "sudo groupadd samba" then add yourself with "sudo adduser user samba"06:51
|aaronPeterA: ok thanks!06:51
catacostStill booting to test patern, lightdm wont start. Changed username back to original just incase that had something to do w/ it.06:52
|aaronPeterA: that worked!!! thank you!06:53
PeterA|aaron: You're welcome:)06:53
catacostI've also tried reinstalling lightdm06:53
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: file reported libts3 as a 32 bit library? you might need the i386 package06:53
editionusing grep, How do I get the degree value from 'acpi -t' (which produces "... 50 degrees C").06:54
cybrhumanedition: why does it have to be grep?06:55
guardianpwr08installed the i386, same problem06:55
PeterAAnybody know how I can set up screen rotation on the thinkpad yoga s1?06:55
editioncybrhuman, should I use awk?06:55
cybrhumanedition: the point is getting the number, not the program used for it, right?06:56
Ben64catacost: pastebin "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"06:56
editionyes. Just the number.06:56
catacostall 0's Ben6406:56
cybrhumanguardianpwr08: then I am running out of tricks.06:56
Ben64catacost: reinstall ubuntu06:56
guardianpwr08ty for trying :(06:56
editionits output is intended for measuring CPU temp, over time.06:56
catacostIt's been running fine for months, some update came in tonight and hosed it.06:57
Ben64catacost: well if apt-get returns nothing but "0" then you need to reinstall06:57
mircx1Hello i need please help about something if i take file and i make all files with Zip how i make this files working in   files to 64 bit windows 706:58
cybrhumanedition: yes, I grasp that, I am trying to find a solution as we speak.06:58
catacostBen64: when I said all 0's, I meant it was 0 for upgraded, newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:58
Ben64catacost: not the point, can you pastebin it anyway06:58
catacostim stuck in a tty shell, so not easily06:58
Ben64then use pastebinit06:59
TTNhey guys. So I forgot my password to my encrypted home folder on my old laptop. yep. i know. :( but. I think I may have a chance bruteforcing it with what shreds I know of the password. I need to first get a hash from the .Private folder I'm guessing?06:59
PeterAmircx1: what are you trying to do exactly? Transfer files to another computer? Transfer files between a windows partition and an ubuntu partition on the same computer?06:59
mircx1no no07:00
catacostSomething else I noticed that happened - it used to be a purple loading screen before the login screen appeared, now it's purple but then it turns black with  yellow dots, new behavior.07:00
mircx1listen if i take folder from ubuntu07:00
mircx1and i make her zip ok07:00
mircx1and when i download this zip in ubuntu07:00
mircx1i see message this files work in 64 bit07:00
mircx1and i have in windows 7 64 bit07:00
catacostI just checked the nvidia-prime log and it says Sorry but your hardware configuration is not supported.07:01
Ben64mircx1: i'm not understanding what you're saying at all. can you take a bit more time and explain it fully and clearly in one line?07:01
mircx1ben if i take folder in ubuntu ok?07:02
mircx1and i make the folder with files Zip07:02
Ben64mircx1: that makes no sense07:02
PeterAWonder if mircx1 means compress the folder?07:02
Ben64mircx1: what is your native language?07:03
mircx1from cmpress07:03
mircx1how i can change this?07:03
daftykinsmircx1: what language do you speak?07:03
PeterARight click > extract here07:03
PeterAWill convert a .zip back into a folder07:04
daftykinsno, i mean normally07:04
daftykinsugh nevermind07:04
cybrhumanedition: acpi -t|gawk '{print $4}'07:04
editionthanks, cybrhuman. I was about to go through the acpi program source code.07:04
cybrhumanedition: I just had to refresh my string reading skills first :P07:05
PeterAmircx1: You have a .zip, and you want a regular folder?07:07
PeterAAny help setting up screen rotation? Stackexchange didn't get any responses, and I can't find anything relevant online07:10
cybrhumanPeterA: can you rotate screen manually?07:11
dsnydersHow is it that the ls command does not have the ability to list directories?07:11
PeterAI can rotate it in system settings, yes07:11
daftykinsdsnyders: lol. of course it does07:11
cybrhumandsnyders: what you mean?07:11
cybrhumanPeterA: you just want it to be automatic based on gravity, right07:11
PeterAcybrhuman: yes07:12
dsnyderscybrhuman: I mean like the dir /a:d command in DOS07:12
cybrhumanPeterA: which DE you using? unity?07:12
cybrhumandsnyders: ls directoryname works07:12
PeterAmircx1: and this folder is in ubuntu?07:12
PeterAcybrhuman: Unity, 14.04 lts07:12
dsnyderscybrhuman: No.  That lists the contents of directoryname07:13
cybrhumandsnyders: yes, which is what you asked for, listing directories.07:13
PeterAcyberhuman: lsusb returns 0483:91d1 STMicroelectronics as my accelerometer07:13
PeterAbut none of the search results for that are helpful07:13
dsnyderscybrhuman: How do I list what directories are in /home/dsnyders?07:14
mircx1after i install anope in my home i want take the folder and make zip for used in windows07:14
PeterAdsnyders: "cd /home/dsnyders" then "ls" doesn't work?07:15
daftykinsyou can't use a Linux program in Windows...?07:15
dsnydersPeterA: Of course not.  It shows both directories and files.07:15
daftykinsPeterA cybrhuman - pretty sure dsnyders is after a command to list *only* the directories in a given path07:15
cybrhumandsnyders: do you want to exclude files?07:15
dsnyderscybrhuman: Actually I want to vent that ls can't list just the directories.07:16
cybrhumansounds like exluding files, yes?07:17
dsnyderscybrhuman: yes.07:17
cybrhuman\ls -F dirname |grep /|column07:17
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daftykinsdsnyders: maybe it would be more effective contacting the author :P07:18
cybrhumanPeterA: I do not know to do that, because it would require some kind of module to be added to unity which listens to the gravity sensor.07:19
cybrhumandsnyders: try the command I used, it should work.07:19
dsnyderscybrhuman: I know there are all kinds of workarounds.  What I want to know is why in the 50+ years (or whatever) that ls has been around has this deficiency not been addressed?07:20
PeterAdsnyders: http://superuser.com/questions/344877/ls-d-is-not-displaying-directories-is-there-a-way-to-get-ls-to-only-display-di07:20
cybrhumandsnyders: because most people just make the command I put forth? and it is not like it is that detrimental07:21
PeterAcyberhuman: Yeah, I know07:22
PeterAcyberhuman: that it would require a bunch of work, that is07:22
cheakyis this a good place to ask a question07:22
PeterAI was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction07:22
cybrhumanPeterA: http://www.ceh-photo.de/blog/?p=186 a bit outdated, but might still hold interesting info07:25
PeterAcheaky: Sure. Can we answer it? No promises07:25
dsnyderscybrhuman: Well, Like I said.  I just wanted to vent.  PeterA gave me a website that might point to an answer.  However, tacking on a character and then filtering via grep seems like something that should be built in.  After all, ls colors the directories without extra piping and filtering.07:26
cybrhumandsnyders: fair point.07:28
hateballdsnyders: to be fair, ls in ubuntu is by default aliased. "ls --color=auto"07:29
vvinothkumarcan somebody tell me which lib takes care of dialling modem dongle using AT commands?07:30
cybrhumanhateball: doesn't change the fact that it does the colouring by itself07:30
hateballcybrhuman: no, that's true I suppose07:31
dsnydershateball: cybrhuman: ls also has smarts enough to tack a slash on the ls -F output, or tag the entry with a d in the ls -l output.07:32
cybrhumanI kinda like that I can and must fix small things myself, but I might be a special kind of user :P07:33
editioncould someone check my code? http://www.pasteall.org/55150/bash07:34
agent_whiteIf I can't find a solution, I am not googling it well enough or explaining it in IRC well enough :)07:34
cybrhumanhaha! I got colour output of only the directories :D ls -d $(ls -F|grep /) --color07:34
dsnyderscybrhuman: ls -e isn't being used.  How about ls -e:f to exclude files and ls -e:d to exclude directories?07:34
PeterAcybrhuman: That looks interesting07:35
PeterAcybrhuman: It doesn't work as is07:35
cybrhumandsnyders: you will have to write it yourself, but it will be interesting.07:35
PeterABut I might be able to make it work07:35
cybrhumanPeterA: no, that is for a specific gyro07:35
cybrhumanPeterA: I hope you will07:36
cybrhumandsnyders: time to learn to code in C :D07:36
agent_white`find . -type d` ?07:36
editionis there graph generators for bash?07:36
PeterAcybrhuman: I've just got to find drivers for the accelerometer07:36
agent_whiteedition: What is there to check with your code?07:36
cybrhumanagent_white: that is recursive.07:36
PeterAWhich don't exists07:37
dsnyderscybrhuman: It's been about 25 years.  Nothing's changed, right?07:37
editionagent_white, any improvements, or anything that requires editing...07:37
editionI am a beginner with bash07:37
agent_whitecybrhuman: Fair enough! `find . -type d -maxdepth 0` :)07:37
naderkasi hast07:39
agent_whitecybrhuman: I lied... `find /some/path/here/ -maxdepth 1 -type d`07:39
cybrhumanagent_white: my command colourizes the output!07:39
agent_whiteNeed maxdepth before type..07:39
agent_whitecybrhuman: I like your command more :)07:39
editionfound an error at line 10: "syntax error near unexpected token 'else'"07:39
cybrhumanagent_white: I also like mine better, but I learnt a new option to find, thanks!07:39
naderchera javab nemidin07:40
editionnader, whats your question?07:40
agent_whiteedition: Looks fine to me :)07:40
editionthanks, But the bash interpreter is reporting a syntax error at line 10.07:40
naderedition no questtion :D07:41
editionshould I integrate the 'start_log' function?07:43
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agent_whiteedition: Remove the parens from your function call.07:47
agent_whiteedition: "start_log()" to "start_log"07:47
agent_whiteedition: No thank you! Learned a bit about bash's conditionals.07:48
editionall I need is a job.07:48
agent_whiteMe too. One that is not making pizzas.07:48
javnutI need ubuntu to click a location on the screen every minute or so07:48
editionagent_white, continue on #ubuntu-chat?07:49
agent_whiteedition: Joining now!07:49
agent_whitejavnut: What location and why?07:51
javnutfor automating game stuff, and I don't know the location yet (going to have to find x,y coordinates)07:52
javnutit's actually 2 locations I have to click 1 after the other07:53
cybrhumanjavnut: xdotool07:54
BlasterHey for some reason I can't write to my USB drive, it says the device is read only.  How do I fix that?07:55
javnutI'll go with that one, it's rated higher07:55
Ben64Blaster: give us some information first, filesystem, mount point, mount options, anything else relevant07:56
dsnydersBlaster, usually that means that the USB drive is pooched.07:56
BlasterHow do ya figure?07:56
BlasterNothing in my fstab for that USB key.07:57
Ben64type "mount" to get that data07:57
Blaster/dev/sdc1 on /media/redstar/UNTITLED type vfat (rw,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks2)07:57
Ben64ok so the user "redstar" should have write access07:58
BlasterBen64, that's me, and nope.07:58
Ben64pastebin the output of "dmesg"07:58
agent_whitepastie! Pastebin wastes bandwidith and has ads.07:59
BlasterWhat's this dmesg stuff?  Looks interesting.07:59
BlasterLOL @ pastie... Your paste cannot be larger than 64 kb. Sorry.07:59
EsoRoticahttp://paste.ubuntu.com nabs08:00
BlasterThat's because they don't serve ads and don't want to use bandwidth.08:00
agent_whiteIf your paste is more than 64kb, you need to learn how to give relevant information.08:01
agent_whiteBlaster: Also... `tail -f /var/log/dmesg` while pluggin in/unplugging your device.08:01
Blasteragent_white, nothing is outputting when I do that.08:02
agent_whiteBlaster: `tail -f /var/log/{messages,kernel,dmesg,syslog}`08:02
BlasterThat aggregates the output of all those files? That's cool.08:02
BlasterNov 14 00:02:56 redstar-PC kernel: [  515.277120] FAT-fs (sdc1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.08:03
Blasteragent_white, so I just need to unmount it somehow? I'm reading about fsck but I've never had to use it.08:04
agent_white`fsck -a /dev/path/to/your/usb`08:04
BlasterAlso here's the contents of my /etc/fstab.  Could these be interfering? I didn't even add them and don't know what they are. http://pastebin.com/81rf0mwV08:04
agent_white-a for autofixing so you don't have to stare at prompts.08:04
agent_whiteBlaster: `lsblk` as well.08:05
BlasterI think my data is lost now.08:05
dsnydersBlaster, what kind and size of drive is it?08:05
BlasterThe USB drive's directory is full of a bunch of FSCK0001.REC files.08:05
BlasterKingston data traveller 4gb.08:06
BlasterI'm not too concerned about the data.08:06
BlasterHow can I wipe it clean now?08:07
BlasterAh still read only even after fsck.08:07
BlasterDid I just witness the death of a USB drive?08:07
EsoRoticaremount ><08:09
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agent_whiteBlaster: If you want to wipe it clean, look into using `dd`08:09
BlasterI used disk utility and formatted it.08:09
BlasterStill read only.08:09
BlasterNow my other drive says read only too. :|08:12
BlasterCan I safely remove all the contents of /etc/fstab?08:13
EsoRoticaBlaster: Dont do that08:15
BlasterI can't figure out what the heck is going on here.08:15
EsoRoticaBlaster: There are only two things listed there Blaster.. your swap parition and main parition08:15
BlasterI can't move data onto any of my external storage devices.  They all say read only.08:15
EsoRoticaWhy would that prompt you to remove your fstab tehn?08:15
EsoRoticaSoon you'll have nothing to write to !08:16
EsoRoticaBlaster, did you attempt to remount the USB since you formatted?08:16
BlasterI just rely on auto mount when I plug it in.08:16
EsoRoticaHave you done that?08:16
BlasterIt pops up on the Unity launcher.08:16
EsoRoticaStill RO?08:16
EsoRoticamount still report it as rw?08:17
BlasterEsoRotica, mount reports: /dev/sdc1 on /media/redstar/89A9-1937 type vfat (rw,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks2)08:18
BlasterI used disk utility to format it .08:19
BlasterBut all my drives say read only right now for some reason.08:19
BlasterExternal ones that is.08:19
EsoRoticasudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc1 /media/redstar/89a9-193708:20
EsoRoticasudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc1 /media/redstar/89A9-193708:20
BlasterNothing seemed to happen.08:20
BlasterSame icon on the unity launcher.08:20
EsoRoticatry writing?08:20
BlasterStill RO.08:20
EsoRoticamessages in dmesg?08:21
Blaster[ 1437.619732] FAT-fs (sdc1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.08:21
BlasterHow could all my drives be suddenly fried?08:21
BlasterI don't recall being hit by an electromagnetic pulse recently.08:23
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xtpeepsLoL. What's your time now,guys.....08:25
agent_whiteBlaster: What's going on now?08:25
BlasterStill can't get any storage devices plugged into that USB port to be writable.08:25
Blasteragent_white ^08:25
cfhowlettxtpeeps, what is your ubuntu support question08:25
agent_whiteBlaster: How about other ports?08:26
BlasterI don';t have any other ones.08:26
BlasterThey're on the back of the computer.08:26
BlasterAnd my USB 3.0 ports on the front of the PC won't work for some reason.08:26
dsnydersBlaster, agent_white: Might this be one of those rare times when rebooting the computer would help?08:28
agent_whiteBlaster: Hm. Well you should run `udevadm monitor`, then attempt to plug-in/out the device on all the ports.08:28
agent_whitedsnyders: Beats me, but worth a try!08:28
xtpeepsI wanna use win in Ubuntu, to play League of  legends... is it reliable?08:28
cfhowlett!wine | xtpeeps,08:29
ubottuxtpeeps,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:29
cfhowlettxtpeeps, see the wind links for details08:29
BlasterWell my other drive is writable now thankfully.08:29
dsnydersxtpeeps: Another option would be to set up a virtual machine and run windows within it.08:30
BlasterI'm not supposed to eject these drives am I?08:30
BlasterBefore removing them?08:30
dsnydersBlaster, Always do a safely remove.08:30
agent_whiteBlaster: If you mount them manually (from a command line), you should definitely unmount them.08:30
BlasterAll drives are writable now.08:30
cybrhumanxtpeeps: uhm, I haven't had much luck with LoL and wine, it was rather slow to load and low fps,08:30
BlasterThanks dsnyders & agent_white.08:31
dsnydersBlaster, Glad it worked out for you.  You got the Datatraveller back too?08:31
agent_whiteBlaster: Good deal! :) What was the ultimate fix, if you pinpointed it?08:33
xtpeepsOkey.  Cyrhuman,THX  guys all the same!! Ao I have to play it in Windows ....and use Ubuntu to do some programs..08:34
xtpeepsHow can I @someone in the room...08:41
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.08:41
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:41
agent_white`sudo apt-get install bash-completion`08:42
xtpeepsOkey. Okey08:42
xtpeepsDo u know how to do the same on my andchat?Android08:43
lifexwhen open laptop lid after suspend (lid closed) screen still in black is this common problem?08:44
bubbasaureslifex, Can you trigger it back on?08:46
xtpeepsThanks,ubottu, very kind of u;p08:48
dsnyderslifex, On my machine, when I wake it from sleeping, it sometimes gets "stuck" on a black screen.  If I ctrl-alt-F1 to get to a terminal, I can log in.  When I run htop, I find that one of two programs is taking up 40+% of my cpu.  If I kill that program, and ctrl-alt-F8 back to my desktop, all is well.08:50
Blasterdsnyders, agent_white restarting seemed to fix everything including the data traveller.  Thanks guys have a good night.08:50
mahlerHey, does anybody know what's going on with the utopic package repository? I can't find any information about utopic packages from packages.ubuntu.com. For instance: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic gives me some error message08:51
dsnydersBlaster, wonderful! Sleep well.08:51
cfhowlettmahler, been in that state for about 24 hours now --- someone at canonical/ubuntu will have to fix it.08:51
lifexbubbasaures: only solution i can is to power off08:52
mahlercfhowlett, can I assume that they're already doing everything they can? Or should I open a bug somewhere?08:53
cfhowlettmahler, I'd be shocked if there's not a bug already ...08:53
bubbasaureslifex, Not an area I'm real up on but what is the graphic hardware?08:55
agent_whitedsnyders: Did you call that? The restart for the fix? :D Good man!08:56
mahlercfhowlett, Okay good to know I'm not crazy.08:57
cfhowlettmahler, well, I can't really speak to *that* ... :)08:57
* ObrienDave refrains from getting snarky ;P08:58
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lifexdsnyders: thanks, may be i could do the same way you did with ctrl-alt-F1, it's very handy, but if you didn't kill programs can you still ctrl-alt-F8 back to desktop?08:59
dsnydersagent_white: I've experienced similar symptoms before.  It "smelled" more like a hardware problem than a settings issue.08:59
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lifexbubbasaures: system detail says that my graphic is AMD Radeon HD 833009:01
dsnyderslifex: If I went back to the desktop, it would still be black, because those wretched programs (sensors,  and hw_clock) would still be chewing up all the CPU09:02
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bubbasaureslifex, My guess is that hardware info is pertinent, I see issues on the web with nvidia and radeon hardware in this area is all.09:05
dsnydersagent_white: By hardware, I meant that the state of the hardware was, and what linux *thought* the state of the hardware was, were different.  It happens sometimes when plugging and unplugging USB devices in quick succession.09:07
dsnydersg'night all!09:11
javnutso wmctrl -s 1 doesn't work09:18
javnutis it a compiz thing?09:18
javnutneurosis: no, it needs the dahs09:24
siwicaI am trying to integrate git with emacs. Using Ubuntu I can only find a git-el package that contains "git.el" and "git-blame.el", however doesnt seem to ship "vc-git.el". Does anybody know in which package this file is located?09:32
ObrienDave!find | vc-get.el09:33
ubottuvc-get.el is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed09:33
ObrienDave!info | vc-get.el09:33
ubottu'vc-get.el' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed09:33
sacarlsonwhy would this website make firefox or it's plugin-con+ to use 100% of my cpu.  I also tried it on chrome and it wasn't much better with about 50% cpu usage then 120% at times http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/08/inside-googles-secret-drone-delivery-program/379306/09:33
DJonessiwica: Doesn't look like its included in anything, just tried searching using packages.ubuntu.com09:34
siwicaHm, weird09:34
sacarlsonwhen I killed plugin-con+ it seems it killed flash and the sub window disapeared.  but I assume chrome doesn't have or has flash built in09:35
ObrienDavesiwica,  all i can find is http://ftp.ics.uci.edu/pub/centos0/ics-custom-build/BUILD/git-1.6.1/contrib/emacs/vc-git.el09:36
DJonessiwica: Just found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/+bug/131555109:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1315551 in emacs23 (Ubuntu) "vc-git.el vc-git-grep does not work with git 1.9 in trusty" [Undecided,New]09:36
Ranodehi.. I have installed Google Chrome on  Ubuntu 12.04. I notice that the fonts appear abuot 20% bigger on Ubuntu compared to Windows.. (same font family and font size). Is this expected? Any way to solve the discrepancy?09:50
ObrienDaveRanode, make sure win and buntu are set to the same DPI. 96 is the default value09:52
RanodeObrienDave, thank for the tip! let me try it.09:53
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steveiouswhat is a good partition setup for a 4gb ssd, a 4gb usb, a 8gb usb & a 32gb sd10:00
steveiousI know having /tmp as a tmpfs in ram is important10:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:02
zero_coderany ubuntu that comes with openbox?10:02
cfhowlettzero_coder, you can install openbox to any buntu10:02
steveiousIt has lxde ontop of openbox10:02
zero_codercfhowlett: i know that , but still asking10:03
steveiousyou can switch back to just openbox tho10:03
steveiousecho exec openbox > ~/.xinitrc10:03
zero_codersteveious: will it work?10:06
hillaryhow can i know computers in my lan network and possibly lock one from accessing the lan resouces remotely10:06
hillaryam using ubuntu 14.0410:07
hillaryand the computer i intend to lock is windoows10:07
mircx1someone can tell to how i fix this problem i fix my Desktop sharing in ubuntu 14.04 and i try connect from VNC Viewer and i see message no matching security types10:08
steveioushillary: in future please keep questions in one line o-o10:10
astrwhen doing an encrypted full install. in the textmode installer, I used gilded partitioning. then I deleted the swap and root and recrated root. which this change have messed up the boot procure ? as I get grubs msgs of loading kernel linux but it then doesn't't progress any more.10:10
hillaryok sorry10:10
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astrwhich = would10:10
steveiousWelcome to the hotel of California10:11
santhoshwhat is the difference between demon and service10:12
santhoshpls expalin clearly10:12
steveiousa demon is from the underworld o.o10:12
sacarlsonastr  I'm going to guess that deleting root must have broken it10:12
hillarywho knows an application  or a command for scanning ip address of all lan pcs in ubuntu 14.04.10:12
steveioussanthosh: I think you mean a Daemon10:13
sacarlsonhillary: nmap10:14
astrsacarlson, looked in grub.cfg uuid correct.10:14
hillaryok i try10:14
sacarlsonastr I don't understand the question10:15
steveioussanthosh: Daemons run without being seen10:15
cfhowletthillary, ##linux or #ubuntu-server would know10:15
sacarlsonastr it's simple now to create fully encrypted root install using standard ubuntu desktop using lvm partitions10:16
cfhowletthillary, or even #bash10:16
astrsacarlson, I meant that in grub.cfg it has the correct UID for the HD10:16
santhoshwhat about service10:16
astrI'm trying to install on to a SD Card so I wanted to delete swap and put grub on the sd card10:16
sacarlsonastr there is no need to touch grub.cfg in install it's all done for you10:16
mircx1someone can tell to how i fix this problem i fix my Desktop sharing in ubuntu 14.04 and i try connect from VNC Viewer and i see message no matching security types10:17
sacarlsonastr when I created mine I just didn't create a swap10:17
sacarlsonastr I think there is a command line method to turn off swap and then I guess you can remove it10:18
astrsacarlson, how? I used guided partitioning so goes and creates swap then I have to delete it10:18
Loshkisanthosh: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/difference-between-deamon-and-service-in-linux-814229/10:18
astrI know I can disable swap in /etc/fstab but I'd like to save the 2gb of diskspace10:18
sacarlsonastr: the guide I looked at also encrytped the swap,  so I'll provide that link for you10:19
astrtextmode installer's guided option10:20
steveiousi finally get to create my lubuntu-14.10-desktop-i386.iso bootable usb :/10:22
mircx1someone to help?10:23
sacarlsonastr I've not used text mode installed but the method will work in both with lvm http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2014/05/28/how-to-install-ubuntu-14-04-on-encrypted-mbr-partitions/10:23
mircx1someone can tell to how i fix this problem i fix my Desktop sharing in ubuntu 14.04 and i try connect from VNC Viewer and i see message no matching security types10:24
cfhowlett!patience | mircx1,10:24
ubottumircx1,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:24
mircx1what ignore?10:25
mircx1i need please help10:25
hateballmircx1: A quick google gives https://support.realvnc.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/243/1/no-matching-security-types10:25
cfhowlettmircx1, be patient.10:26
RahulANwhen i try to join #ti it says it is invite only10:26
RahulANhow can i join it10:26
mircx1then how i fix this please?10:26
santhosh_usinf dconf-tools10:26
santhosh_or xrdp10:26
hillarystill unable to see host and their ip addresses10:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:27
ObrienDaveRahulAN, you have to be invited by a member to join10:27
astrsacarlson, thanks, I'll have a look at that. it won't touch my main HD right? set the bootloader to go on sdc and so my sda will be untouched?10:29
astrit = main installer10:29
astrartical looks simpler as no lvm10:30
RahulANObrienDave, How to find the member in there10:30
astresp when I'm not having swap10:30
cfhowlettastr, you can (and should) direct the bootloader to the target of your choice10:30
ObrienDaveRahulAN, no idea10:30
astrcfhowlett, I know, I'm just a paranoid when in comes to the GUI installer10:31
cfhowlettastr, noted.  take your time.  read the feedback, don't click anything unless until you've read.10:32
xloginTest Message10:36
cfhowlett!test | xlogin,10:37
ubottuxlogin,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )10:37
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sacarlsonastr on thing I failed to simulate in virtualbox in my fully encrypted install with that document was to have it setup on UEFI.  if your plans are to put it on a uefi system then you might look for some more details10:41
ObrienDave!uefi | astr10:42
ubottuastr: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:42
SupaYoshiHi anyone experience with kpartx? I am using a kpartx to mount a raw image, and that goes great.10:44
SupaYoshiBut I am unsure on how to umount it.10:44
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SupaYoshiMy command is this, } sudo kpartx -a -v /media/doslin/dos.raw and the verbosity output gives:10:45
SupaYoshiadd map loop0p1 (254:2): 0 37736622 linear /dev/loop0 6310:45
sacarlsonastr also if you don't want it to touch sda then including the mbr then you might want to change the boot order in bios since by default your bios will point to sda for mbr I would think10:45
SupaYoshiAnd then it is auto mounted in /media/MSDOS71010:46
astrsacarlson, thats np10:46
SupaYoshiwhich is the root of my system.10:46
SupaYoshiSo im wondering how to umount it in case I want to add new files and stuff..10:46
larsmwHi, I must have done something wrong, because now my screen-font is ultra tiny, almost unreadable! Any ideas what i might have clicked wrong? 14.04 LTS Unity10:47
SupaYoshiBecause when mounted, it wont write new files immidetly10:48
SupaYoshiWhen I try to umount a kpartx partition I get the following error10:56
SupaYoshiremove ioctl failed device or resource busy10:56
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ObrienDavelarsmw, did you set DPI to 96?10:57
ObrienDaveand what is the current icon font size?10:58
larsmwlauncher iceons is 32px10:58
larsmwwhere do i set the dpi ?10:59
ObrienDavelarsmw, not the icon size, the icon FONT size11:00
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: you might try add umount -f   but be sure you don't have any open files on it11:00
SupaYoshiumount the /dev/loop device or the /media/ device?11:01
larsmwObrienDave, yeah, i must have,.. but I dont recall how or when! :-S11:01
SupaYoshiwont work11:01
ObrienDavelarsmw, appearance, font, custom DPI setting11:01
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: I think it might work on both but what is seen with mount11:02
SupaYoshia reboot is able to do it.11:02
ubottuDebian bug 734794 in kpartx "partition mapping deletion broken" [Normal,Open]11:02
SupaYoshiThis seems to be near it11:02
larsmwI cannot chenge the font size there...11:04
server__may i ask how i can create  a server using my linux11:05
cfhowlett!server | server__11:05
ubottuserver__: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:05
ObrienDavelarsmw, yes you can set both icon font size and DPI11:06
server__i am using ubuntu studio11:06
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: if you see that problem the note the work around I can reliably work around this bug by adding "sleep 2" before "kpartx -d".11:06
SupaYoshiI tried that11:06
SupaYoshiBut it doesn't reconise sleep 2?11:06
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: in bash?11:07
ObrienDavelarsmw, http://i.imgur.com/7fpU6Gt.png11:07
SupaYoshii tried11:07
SupaYoshisudo kpartx sleep 2 -d -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:08
EriC^^sleep 2 has to be before kpartx, with a &&11:08
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: oh ha ha,  no  you add sleep 2;  on another line to make it wait11:08
EriC^^sleep 2 && kpartx...11:08
larsmwObrienDave, http://imgur.com/xYyEBwW11:09
SupaYoshisleep 2 && kpartx -d -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:09
SupaYoshiThanks EriC^^?11:09
EriC^^SupaYoshi: yeah you're good11:09
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: the && would put it in the background and that's not what you want,  you need a delay after umount and kpartx11:10
SupaYoshimeh :(11:10
EriC^^sacarlson: no it wouldn't put it in the background11:10
SupaYoshi./dev/mapper/control: open failed: permission denied.11:10
SupaYoshiFailture to communicate with kerel device-mapper-driver11:10
EriC^^it's an AND, it means if sleep 2 returns successful kpartx will run11:10
SupaYoshisudo sleep 2 && kpartx -d -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:11
ObrienDavelarsmw, second one is the hexchat font size. try desktop setings for DPI11:11
EriC^^SupaYoshi: you need to put sudo before kpartx11:12
EriC^^SupaYoshi: sleep 2 && sudo kpartx ...11:12
SupaYoshi>_< lawl11:12
SupaYoshidevice or resource busy11:12
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: so you did complete the umount ok?11:13
SupaYoshiits still mounted? I guess?11:14
SupaYoshii umount /media/MSDOS71011:14
SupaYoshiand now i did the sleep thing11:14
SupaYoshilemme see if i can remount :D11:14
SupaYoshiIt was umounted right? I guess11:15
SupaYoshiBut when I boot ubuntu11:15
SupaYoshiand i type sudo kpartx -a -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:15
SupaYoshiIt automounts it to /media/MSDOS710/11:15
SupaYoshiwhen i umount, and remount again with same command.11:16
SupaYoshiIt does not mount to there?11:16
SupaYoshiSo I still have to reboot lol11:16
SupaYoshiany idea?11:16
SupaYoshidoes kpartx do a mount thing i dont see?11:16
SupaYoshiit mounts somethign to /media/doslin/MSDOS71011:17
SupaYoshii suppose /dev/loop011:17
SupaYoshiBut ? How to mount that manually to /media/MSDOS710?11:18
SupaYoshiAny idea?11:18
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: it must if you see it it must auto mount.  maybe manualy umount and mount the loop device11:18
sacarlsonSupaYoshi:  then you will have options as to where to mount it11:19
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: simply sudo umount /dev/loop0 ;  sudo mount /dev/loop0 /media/MSDOS71011:20
fromwhats the latest stable ubuntu desktop release?11:20
fromfor say R60 Samsung11:20
cfhowlettfrom, 14.10 or 14.04 for long term support11:22
from14.04 is better?11:22
SupaYoshican't read superblock11:22
cfhowlettfrom, it's long term support11:22
fromgot it11:22
fromcfhowlett: can it fit on one CD R?11:23
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: might have to add the format type in the mount11:23
fromI am  not sure if R60 can boot from dvd11:23
cfhowlettfrom, no.  lubuntu will fit on a cd11:23
SupaYoshimy question is however.11:23
SupaYoshiHow can kpartx mount it automaticly succesfully. the first time11:23
fromche757: I want ubuntu lol11:24
SupaYoshiand after that, even after unmounting it with sleep 2 && kpartx -d,11:24
fromso what can I do?11:24
SupaYoshinot mount it succesfully again?11:24
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: I don't know, eather it got corrupted or sensed the format type11:24
cfhowlett!lubuntu | from11:24
ubottufrom: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:24
cfhowlettfrom, do you have ubuntu installed at present?11:24
ElysiumNetit appears I have come across this dreaded error: Server refused to allocate pty. stdin: is not a tty11:24
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: since the format type is in the partition it will already know.  but if mounting a raw data it won't know and will try default for ext2 - 411:25
fromcfhowlett: windows11:25
cfhowlettfrom, make a bootable USB11:25
fromcfhowlett: I am not sure r60 can boot from usb11:26
frombut I can check11:26
fromlubuntu seems fine11:26
SupaYoshii will do the full thing wait ;)11:26
SupaYoshiin a pastebin11:26
cfhowlettfrom, lubuntu is optimized for older and lower specification hardware11:26
cfhowlettfrom xubuntu also likes such hardware11:26
ElysiumNetanyone would happen to know how to resolve this issue?11:27
cfhowlett!server | ElysiumNet11:27
ubottuElysiumNet: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:27
ElysiumNetcfhowlett: the issue is that it used to work, and now suddendly stopped working11:27
cfhowlettElysiumNet, ask the server channel11:27
ElysiumNetthis is just for SSHing into the box :|11:27
frombye bye windows11:28
fromi wonder if I can even migrate my work pc to linux11:29
fromshould be doable11:30
cfhowlettfrom, choose your apps: libreoffice, openoffice or kingsoft wps suite11:30
fromI admit I love Excel11:30
fromopen office is okeyish11:31
veebullAny guesses as to why my regular user login hangs but I can still log into the guest desktop?11:31
fromveebull: hangs like how/11:31
cfhowlettfrom, libreoffice is much better than OO imho11:31
fromcfhowlett: and kingsoft?11:31
cfhowlettfrom, interesting place on the spectrum; wps is a linux clone of MS Office.  originated in China.11:32
veebullfrom: like it just shows the purple background with the logo and Anda mouse cursor11:32
cfhowlettfrom, still actively developed, has a free and a paid enterprise version.  plus who knows how many millions of users.  actually quite a nice package.11:33
sacarlsonveebull: is maybe the home encrypted?  I've also had unecrypted mess up with .config some how making X fail to start.  my workaround was to move the home and create an empty dir /home/user and try login again11:33
veebullI can switch to try and login as per normal there11:33
fromcfhowlett: yes it looks cool11:34
veebullsacarlson: if it was an encryption problem I wouldn't be able to login from the command line would i?11:34
frommoving to linux soon hehe11:34
EriC^^veebull: is your home encrypted?11:34
veebullEriC^^: I believe so11:35
EriC^^veebull: try ctrl+alt+f1 login and DISPLAY=:0 ccsm11:35
EriC^^then press alt+f7 and check if unity plugin is enabled11:35
EriC^^veebull: try to reset compiz, dconf reset -f /org/compiz11:36
veebullBear with me.... gotta install the settings manager11:37
SupaYoshihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9004393/ made this.11:37
veebullEriC^^: it errored out with a GTKwarning: could not open display11:38
EriC^^veebull: did you login with lightdm first?11:41
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: does this even work?  sudo umount MSDOS710/   ;  you should us full path I think.  also as far as mount I think there must be a directory already created to allow it to mount11:41
veebullI should also add that everything had been working fine until I rebooted the machine Toni tell to log into Win7 (dual-boot).11:41
SupaYoshican you look at my pastebin?11:42
EriC^^SupaYoshi: what about it?11:42
veebullEriC^^: I had logged out of the guest account to the login screen11:42
veebullRebooting now11:42
EriC^^veebull: login to your user account11:43
SupaYoshiEriC^^, can you explain why it wont mount the second time?11:43
veebullEriC^^: ah. That works.   What am I looking for now?11:44
EriC^^SupaYoshi: it's not mounting?11:45
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: I don't know why it mounted the first time but for me this won't work unless I have the directory ./tst sudo mount /dev/mapper/mint--vg-osx ./tst11:45
SupaYoshiWait a second...11:46
SupaYoshiI have an idea.11:46
SupaYoshiIt seems to be... that when I am not logged in on the actual desktop11:47
EriC^^veebull: unity plugin11:47
SupaYoshiIt doesn't automount either.11:47
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: when it is mounted you should find out what format type it is.  it may be fat32 or ntfs or.....11:47
SupaYoshiBut when I login on that it does mount automaticly.11:47
veebullEnable it?11:47
veebullAnything else?11:47
SupaYoshisacarlson, it runs on dos. that uses fat32.11:47
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: ok then add that to the mount -t fat3211:47
SupaYoshimount /dev/loop0 -t fat32 /media/MSDOS71011:48
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: ya I think so but be sure to sudo mkdir /media/MSDOS710 first11:49
EriC^^veebull: was it disabled?11:49
veebullIt was un-checked.11:50
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: oh and I think your loop has a bigger name like /dev/loop0p1 or something11:50
EriC^^veebull: ok, that should do it then11:50
EriC^^veebull: sudo service lightdm restart11:50
EriC^^then login as usual11:50
SupaYoshisacarlson, how do i see the loopname?11:50
SupaYoshithnx man11:50
veebullWhen I clicked the check box it had to load three or four other things  (open gl, compiled toolbox, etc.)11:51
SupaYoshiEric, it says it doesnt reconise the fileformat.11:51
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: no I think I was wrong it's just /dev/loop0 as it is maped11:51
SupaYoshiIt's kind of funy that my OS is able to mount it somehow. anyway I can track what commands are being exectued11:51
SupaYoshias soon as i run sudo kpartx -a -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:52
ElysiumNetcfhowlett: server channel appears to be dead11:53
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: I don't know I never used kpartx before11:53
ElysiumNetI've finally managed to ssh into the box, but I don't like the errors11:53
cfhowlettElysiumNet, repost your question in this channel11:53
SupaYoshiadd map loop0p1 (254:2): 0 37736622 linear /dev/loop0 6311:53
EriC^^SupaYoshi: why are you using umount? shouldn't kpartx handle that?11:53
ElysiumNetnow the error is, after logging into with "/bin/bash -i" and executing an command that has user interaction available like htop or nano: Error opening terminal: unknown.11:54
=== alpha is now known as Guest83126
SupaYoshi. /dev/loop0p1: does not exist?11:54
veebullEriC^^: no luck :(11:54
SupaYoshiEric, because otherwise i got message busy.11:54
SupaYoshiBut let me see that later.11:54
SupaYoshifirst mount now11:54
veebullSame as before11:54
ElysiumNetand TERM is set to 'dumb', is it supposed to be set to that?11:55
SupaYoshiHow do i track the commands that are being executed on my system?11:56
mgolischtrack what commands?11:56
SupaYoshiI know that my file explorer somehow is able to mount it doing something11:56
SupaYoshiWhen I type sudo kpartx -a -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw11:56
SupaYoshimy file explorer automounts it in media11:56
SupaYoshiWhen I am just logged in over ssh that doesn't happen.11:56
SupaYoshiSo I would like to know what my file explorer does to make it work.11:57
mgolischSupaYoshi: look at the mount output?11:57
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SupaYoshimgolisch how?11:57
ElysiumNetisn't $TERM supposed to be xterm on normal server-distro installations?11:57
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: when I mount iso files I simply sudo mount -o loop example.iso /media/example11:58
mgolischSupaYoshi: when its mounted, type mount in a terminal ?11:58
Guest83126Alguem que fale português ai rs11:58
mgolischyeah maybe try having mount figure out the correct filesystem11:58
tty1hey guys.. just installed a fresh copy of ubuntu server 14.10 .. when it boots up it doesnt have any internet connectivity and the ifaces are all down (though during install it worked fine it seemed).. worse yet when i try to follow online documents to bringup an interface they all say to do "auto eth0" .. but there is no auto command on the server. Any ideas what I do?11:58
cfhowlett!pt | Guest83126,11:59
ubottuGuest83126,: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.11:59
mgolischtty1: man interfaces11:59
mgolischtty1: they mean to edit the /ect/network/interfaces files, auto eth0 is not a command12:00
tty1ok let me retry this then12:00
SupaYoshijust a sec  think i can handle it now12:01
veebullEriC^^: any other ideas?12:01
EriC^^veebull: try to reset compiz dconf reset -f /org/compiz12:02
random4321Hey there, I want to mirror my display for a presentation. Display shows this option greyed out and xrandr doesn't shows only one option for the laptop screen that doesn't match any of the VGA output options. Any way I can add a smaller xrandr option for my laptop screen?12:02
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veebullEriC^^: I did. I get an error: cannot auto launch d-bus without X11 $ DISPLAY12:04
EriC^^veebull: did you login using lightdm before?12:06
EriC^^SupaYoshi: use lsof or fuser -m to get what keeping it open12:06
EriC^^SupaYoshi: i think you should use kpartx to unmount it12:06
veebullEriC^^: yes12:06
Aladiah-Friendhow to increase the size of the bar slide menu on lubuntu ?12:06
BluesKajHowdy folks12:09
Aladiah-Friendyesterday my friend Aladiah, cames here to ask how to solve screen problems with lubuntu  14.04.1 in new amd laptop. We solve question installing with 14.10 version. Version 14.10 was with out control sound in panel menu and with out sound in aplications. We solved with sudo apt-get install indicator -sound12:09
tty1mgolisch:  apparently that didnt work either12:09
tty1i set auto eth0 in the /etc/network/interfaces file12:10
tty1then when i try to bring up etho with "ifup eth0" i get the error "unknown interface".. yet doing an ifconfig -a i do see the interface there12:10
mgolischtty1: did you read the manpage?12:11
tty1mgolisch:  i looked over it breifly.. mostly reading from internet tutorials though as they are actually addressing my issue directly (rather than sifting through a large manpage which address more detail than is relevant)12:12
tty1mgolisch:  why is there something in particular in that man page i should look at?12:12
SupaYoshiWhen I try to umount directly with sudo sleep 2 && sudo kpartx -d -v -s /media/doslin/dos.raw12:12
SupaYoshiI cannot do that.12:12
sacarlsontty1: my guess is you still missed something in /etc/network/interfaces file that you should pastebin12:12
SupaYoshiI have to umount first : sudo u mount /media/MSDOS71012:12
mgolischtty1: you need both auto etho and iface etho inet dhcp, if you intend to use dhcp12:12
BluesKajtty1, try, ip add, in the terminal12:12
tty1sacarlson:  withou the network up ont he othercomputer i dont really have a way to pastebin stuff :(12:12
tty1mgolisch:  ahhh im used to dhcp being the default, yea that is probably it12:13
sacarlsontty1: I hate catch22 stuf12:13
EriC^^SupaYoshi: try fuser -m /media/MSDOS71012:13
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: where did the dos.raw file come from?   dd from some disk?12:14
EriC^^SupaYoshi: or lsof /media/MSDOS71012:14
SupaYoshilemme see12:15
SupaYoshithe raw file was created by qemu12:15
SupaYoshifuser -m /media/MSDOS710 output is none12:16
lvlephMaybe, I am misunderstanding how to use trakt_remove, but I get the following warning: Task doesn't have any input plugins, you should add (at least) one!12:18
EriC^^SupaYoshi: kpartx apparently only creates the mappings12:19
lvlephMy config file is at https://github.com/erichlf/flexget/blob/master/config.yml but this won't tell much since I use an include on the trakt_remove.12:19
EriC^^so you have to mount them mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/MSDOS71012:19
lvlephthe trakt_remove is quite standard though12:19
SupaYoshiEriC^^ yes12:19
EriC^^SupaYoshi: then to unmount you do umount /media/MSDOS71012:19
SupaYoshiI have got everything working now.12:19
SupaYoshiBut I should not use umount12:19
SupaYoshiis what your saying?12:19
EriC^^if you want to mount again just mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/MSDOS710 again12:20
EriC^^SupaYoshi: no, you have to use umount12:20
EriC^^ok cool12:20
SupaYoshiSo em, one more thing. If I... mount the image with Kpartx.12:20
SupaYoshiAnd start DOS (in the image on it)12:20
SupaYoshi i will just try this12:20
SupaYoshihold on12:20
veebullEriC^^: any suggestions as to why nothing seems to be able to open the X11 DISPLAY  as my user12:21
EriC^^veebull: try to check the logs12:22
veebullWill do12:22
sacarlsonveebull: did you try just move /home/<youruser>  then login?   if that works then you can copy back the files in it less the configs that mess up X12:22
veebullsacarlson: encrypted home might complicate that a bit12:23
sacarlsonveebull: true but you can use cryptkeeper to take care of that part12:23
veebullEriC^^: .xsession-errors has one error:12:24
veebullinit: dbus pre-start process (2281) terminated with status 212:25
veebullsacarlson: is cryptkeeper a client app?12:27
sacarlsonveebull: yes it's a gui app that allows the creation and mounting of encyrtped directorys12:28
EriC^^veebull: try rm -rf ~/.cache/upstart12:29
sacarlsonveebull: you can use it from within your now working guest user to mount and analize the files in your other broken user12:29
veebullSacarlson: So what happens if I *can't* login?12:29
EriC^^veebull: then sudo service lightdm restart and try to login12:29
sacarlsonveebull: you can already login to the guest so I would assume that the default configs will work in the fresh home12:30
veebullEriC^^: that did it!!!12:31
sacarlsonveebull: oh can't login to the encrypted dir from cryptkeeper?  then you have other problems12:31
EriC^^veebull: great12:32
veebullNow to logout and back in normally (/me crosses fingers)12:32
veebullSweet butter daddy, twice in a row! ;)12:34
sacarlsonEriC^^: what creates that .cache/upstart?  I don't see that on my system12:34
veebullGood thing... I had the files backed up and a usb stick with opensuse loaded and ready to go!12:35
SupaYoshiSo... I get system is read-only12:36
SupaYoshieven though this is my mount line?12:36
SupaYoshisudo mount -o loop,rw,exec,sync,users,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022 /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/MSDOS710/ -t vfat12:36
sacarlsonSupaYoshi: so are yo user 1000?12:36
SupaYoshioh, removing fmask seems to work12:37
SupaYoshioh nope..12:37
SupaYoshifun fun12:38
SupaYoshioh wait a sec.12:38
SupaYoshi>_< yeah okay cool12:38
SupaYoshid????????? ? ?   ?        ?            ? test712:38
SupaYoshiyeah fixed...12:40
SupaYoshiI created a file on the windows while having the system mounted and did that on the linux mount too12:40
SupaYoshithen closed the windows, and closed the mount12:40
SupaYoshito see what would happen12:40
SupaYoshithat is that then12:40
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Guest12208hi i'm new here12:53
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wpdHow can I install the info files for GNUmake on my 14.04 box?12:56
nopfwpd: apt-get install make-doc  should do13:00
aLeSDhi all13:01
wpdnopf: I tried that, and did't get the info files.  Then I looked at the package description, which reads:This package has been stripped down to13:01
wpd only contain the documentation; since the documentation is covered13:01
wpd under a non-free license and thus has been moved to13:01
wpd non-free/doc. Make itself remains in Debian.13:01
aLeSDI have a bootable usb stick. Is it possible to create a bootable iso from it ?13:01
wpdSo I guess my question should be more properly phrased as "How do I get to non-free/doc"?13:02
nopfwpd: hm, i just tried it and it works. so i have non-free active :/ bleh i thought this was a clean machine :/  you can simply add that to some line in sources.list, like 'deb ...whatever... main contrib non-free' or use teh software configuration tool of your choice13:04
wpdThere it is.  Ok, thanks.13:05
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
b431I have a small problem with my ubuntu server, I installed plex and it workes till I try to add a library. There I cannot choose a language and I get wired request/timeout errors in the logs. I tried on another elementary os machine and a windows machine behind the same network and It works like a charm. But not on my ubuntu machine :(13:11
b431here is a part of the log: http://pastebin.com/j1dyPZUF13:11
b431can someone please help me? :)13:11
b431this might not be related to plex, might be something how my ubuntu machine is configured. Locale settings, packages missing? I don't know :/13:13
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PCworkerI have downloaded a program that ends in (.tar.bz2) and I have no idea how to extract and install it. Help please...13:19
mesaboogie1tar -jxvf13:20
mesaboogie1j for bz213:20
FleetflamePCworker: What version of Ubuntu?13:20
ObrienDaveopen with archive manager, extract all keeping directory structure intact. look for executable file in top level.13:20
mesaboogie1its normally -zxvf13:20
EriC^^PCworker: tar -xjvf <filename>13:20
EriC^^PCworker: then check the README13:21
b431so many answers :/ .. why can't someone answer poor me :(13:21
PCworkerVersion ubuntu 14.0413:21
mesaboogie1whats up b?13:21
FleetflameThen look for Archive Manager in apps, like ObrienDave said13:21
BluesKajPCworker, or install unp , it extracts almost all compressed files13:21
BluesKajb431, not many users have plex installed afaik13:22
PCworkerjust opened archive manager and used extract. Thanks yall13:23
mesaboogie1plex whats that?13:23
BluesKajb431, I'm sure plex must have a linux forum where you can ask your question13:24
b431BluesKaj, I don't think it13:25
b431BluesKaj, I don't think it has to be related to plex, might be something else such as locale settings, packages etc.13:25
tigerfinchHey all! I'm choosing a new laptop to replace my current company one - was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? I've a developer, it's gotta run linux (don't mind if it needs some hand holding to get going) and I need to be able to happily have a few vms running at once13:25
BluesKajb431, don't think ..go look for it13:26
tigerfinchOther than that, would be nice if it was pretty portable13:26
tigerfinchWas looking at thinkpads or maybe the dell xps1313:26
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hateballtigerfinch: ##hardware is probably a better place to ask13:28
tigerfinchhateball: thanks will do!13:28
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puffi_I'm trying to login to an ubuntu 12.04 LTS machine using an LDAP user, at the GUI login it only offers the local user name and a guest user, how do I enter ldap credentials?13:36
LargePrimeGREETINGS UBUNTUIANS!  14.04 and i need to add an ip alias to my network connection.  it seem the best practices has changd?  please advise.  Thank you13:37
LargePrimealso this is via ssh13:38
mgolischLargePrime: how do you know that? and didnt the source claim how to do it now?13:40
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LargePrimemgolisch :how do i know what?13:42
mgolischthat the best pratices for adding aliases have changed13:43
mgolischid just set it up in the interfaces file13:43
vroshow to remove Akonadi? (Kubuntu 12.04)13:44
LargePrimeit sems there was a change in debian 613:44
hateballvros: You probably don't want to remove akonadi if you want to keep a functional KDE Plasma desktop13:45
iLibreis Ubuntu more secure than OS X ?13:46
cfhowlettiLibre, probably as it's not a popular target --- yet13:48
iLibrecfhowlett: but UK's security agency says its much less secure Ubuntu13:49
iLibreUbuntu is most secure13:49
cfhowlettiLibre, if you have the answer, why are you asking the question?13:49
mesaboogie1can you point me to a good iptables setup I can commit quickly?13:49
* ObrienDave takes aim at google translate13:49
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mgolischLargePrime: i dont see how that is better, it still uses ifconfig just like when specifying alias in the interface file directly13:51
iLibrecfhowlett: I am just saying that Ubuntu says that UK's agency said so13:51
lukevinchello there is a way to execute a task in max priority using ubuntu?13:53
lukevinci need to execute a task which requires a lot of processing13:54
cfhowlettlukevinc, nice one!  yes, there's a way but I don't know the command structure.  sorry.  could be a ##linux question13:55
lukevinccfhowlett: thanks, switching.13:55
LargePrimemgolisch: can you link me a guide that works then?  or suggest where i should look?13:55
tasslehoffIs there a way to disable that win+<num> opens applications from the dock?13:56
cfhowlettlukevinc, happy2help13:56
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SupaYoshianyone good here with qmu bridging?14:15
daftykinsSupaYoshi: nobody answers until you actually set out a detailed question14:16
LargePrimemgolisch: http://askubuntu.com/questions/83171/how-do-i-set-an-extra-ip-for-an-existing-interface  it seems ifconfig has been depreciated?14:18
SupaYoshiI'm trying to create a bridge network for qemu as described here, http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/QEMU/Networking14:22
SupaYoshiqemu-bridge-helper is however removed from debian / ubuntu due it being a security hole because of some reasons according to the bug tracker.14:22
SupaYoshiSO I have to do it manually.14:22
mgolischLargePrime: i doubt that the "legacy" way doesnt work14:22
SupaYoshiI was wondering if TAP/TUN is the right way?14:22
SupaYoshiand these commands they give give different results then that they describe14:23
LargePrimeit seems it may work.  apparently i cant restart the network cause SSH connection and the restart command is different14:23
LargePrimein 14.0414:23
LargePrimeso how do i relaod the network changes in 14.0414:24
alexfui'm trying to mount a cifs share as guest but I keep getting prompted for a password14:26
alexfuHowever, connecting through another client (Mac OSX) works fine as guest14:27
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OerHeksguest cannot mount, no sudo privileges14:31
raistlin_majereHi, I'm trying to pxe boot a network install image of Uubntu 14.10 and the installer gets stuck at the step for configuring the network with the message: "No network interfaces detected". When I execute the shell and run "ip address" I really get only the loopback interface... And yet the pxe boot worked with no problems (got the ip address, initrd and vmlinuz). All of this works without a problem in Ubuntu 14.04. Does anyone have any idea14:37
raistlin_majere why my network interface is not recognized by the installer? dmesg reports it as: "Qualcomm Atheros Attansic L2 Fast Ethernet (rev 0)"14:37
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SupaYoshiAnyone can help me setting up /etc/network for br0?14:43
SupaYoshiIm getting no IP dhcpdiscover on br0 -14:44
nbuonannoSupaYoshi: Do you have ports assigned to the bridge?14:44
SupaYoshihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9007240/ what i done14:44
SupaYoshinbuonanno, idk?14:45
SupaYoshihttps://wiki.debian.org/QEMU i just did what they said here in the guide.14:45
SupaYoshibridge_ports all tap014:45
nbuonannoHow familiar are you with bridged networks?14:46
SupaYoshinot so familiar.14:46
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
SupaYoshia little, I have my router in bridge with my ISP14:46
SupaYoshiAnd I bridge on Windows with VMware which goes quite easy...14:46
SupaYoshithats it14:46
nbuonannoAlright, so you have the core concepts down, I'm assuming.14:46
SupaYoshiim trying to use br0 with wlan014:46
SupaYoshii suppose14:47
nbuonannoSounds like you're trying to bridge your physical/wireless connection with your VM interface?14:47
daftykinsugh good luck with a wireless interface14:47
nbuonannoFor starters, be cautious when bridging wireless.14:48
SupaYoshiLayer 3? or something?14:48
nbuonannoI haven't done a lot of research on specifics, but I think most cards don't support it.14:48
SupaYoshiwell let me put it this way, I dont specificly need bridge.14:48
nbuonannoSlash I do have one bit of practical experience.14:48
SupaYoshiI jus want my VM to get an IP from my router.14:49
SupaYoshiinstead of getting an IP from qemu (vbox)14:49
nbuonannoWell, one point to start from: in your config, I've never seen "all" used as a parameter for bridge_ports14:50
nbuonannoAnd you also don't have wlan0 defined in that file, so I'm not sure if bridge_ports will "see" it.14:51
nbuonannoPause. Can you run sudo brctl show, and pastebin that output?14:51
daftykinsi had the same thought as nbuonanno, i don't think it knows of eth0 or wlan0 due to network manager handling them. but specifying them will break NM's management of the wifi, which makes using wireless for bridging a real pain14:52
SupaYoshihttps://wiki.debian.org/QEMU#Host_and_guests_on_same_network got it from here.14:52
GuyThatNeedsHelpI've installed kde with the command "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" and want to remove it i've tried "sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop" and "sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" but it wont uninstall14:54
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop , take the package list and remove those. Probably a better way but i don't know one :)14:55
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, kde is not kubuntu-desktop.  what exactly did you install.14:55
daftykinsyou might need to then run install ubuntu-desktop to make sure nothing's missing14:55
GuyThatNeedsHelpthats it14:56
GuyThatNeedsHelpi wanna remove kubuntu-desktop14:56
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, terminal time: apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop                    see if that is what you installed14:57
yeatsGuyThatNeedsHelp: seen this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/474427/how-do-i-install-and-uninstall-kubuntu-desktop-environment14:57
=== Joshua^Dunamis_i is now known as Joshua^Dunamis
nbuonannoSupaYoshi: Okay, so "all" should technically work; however, I would add definitions in your interfaces file for eth0 and wlan0.14:57
nbuonannoAnd I would do it just like the second debian wiki page suggests: "iface eth0 inet manual", "iface wlan0 inet manual"14:58
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: maybe apt-cache showpkg kubuntu-desktop would be more useful for my reply, though you don't seem to have read that one :P14:59
LargePrimehow do i add a few new ips to my dedicated 14.04 server?  The guides i have found do not seem to work14:59
SupaYoshiOkay I read a little more and you cannot bridge wireless15:00
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SupaYoshiSo I am supposed to SNAT or work with MASQUARADE15:00
daftykinsLargePrime: single interface? add eth0:0 or eth0:1 to your interfaces file15:00
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9007538/15:01
LargePrimedaftykins: yes single, did, but i seem to not be able to restart the interface,.  connected via ssh?15:01
bergelmirhow can i debug slow dns responses? i have two dns entries and one takes only a few ms but the other takes ~5s15:01
daftykinsLargePrime: you can't restart networking without a reboot these days15:01
* LargePrime has a sad face15:01
daftykinsbergelmir: packet sniff and traceroute? :)15:02
nbuonannodaftykins: Won't the script in /etc/init.d do it still?15:02
daftykinsnbuonanno: nope15:02
daftykinshasn't worked properly for ages15:02
LargePrimeyou have a link to a guide that you know works?  i am told ipconfig is depreciated15:02
nbuonannoSupaYoshi: that's likely the case, but I'm not familiar with setting that up.15:03
nbuonannoOut of curiosity, I'm guessing a wired connection is totally not possible?15:03
=== wickedpuppy2 is now known as wickedpuppy
LargePrimedrafykins you have a link to a guide that you know works?  i am told ipconfig is depreciated15:04
GuyThatNeedsHelpsudo apt-get purge kubuntu-dektop , E: Unable to locate package kubuntu-dektop15:04
daftykinsLargePrime: that's a nickname tab complete fail, it's ifconfig, and no - i've yet to learn all the new ones :(15:04
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: lol you copied and pasted from the guide and KEPT THE TYPO15:05
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, last time I ask you, I promise: apt-cache policy kubuntu-desktop15:05
daftykinsthat's hilarious.15:05
daftykinscfhowlett: that's already been issued. read up.15:05
yeatsGuyThatNeedsHelp: kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that exists only to pull in all the dependencies, FYI15:05
tux9thHm! My freshly installed ubuntu with LVMs doesn't boot because it says /dev/mapper/vol1-root doesn't exist15:05
tux9thDoes anyone know how to fix this?15:05
n-iCeis xubuntu official?15:06
cfhowlettdaftykins, kool.  good luck.15:06
yeatstux9th: boot in with a live CD/USB and check that the logical volumes actually exists15:06
cfhowlett!flavors \ n-iCe, of course.15:06
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:06
tux9ththey do15:06
cfhowlett!flavors | n-iCe, of course.15:06
ubottun-iCe, of course.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.15:06
k1l_n-iCe: yes15:06
n-iCeI love xubuntu15:06
cfhowlettn-iCe, also #xubuntu is the irc channel15:06
tux9thI'm on boot and repair at the moment. I can see all the files and stuff but I cannot figure out how to fix it.15:07
LargePrimedaftykins: what is the correct language for googling.  I am trying to add a few ips to my server.  are thoes 'virtual ip's'?  is that a static route?15:07
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: I've done it already. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9007503/15:07
yeatstux9th: so is grub pointing at  vol1-root?15:07
tux9thyeats: yes.15:07
daftykinsLargePrime: i think i once heard it called a multi-homed host.15:08
yeatstux9th: then it should work15:08
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, right.  see where it says "Installed: (none)" = you did not install kubuntu-desktop.  probably installed KDE would be my guess.15:08
tux9thyeats: but it doesn't15:09
GuyThatNeedsHelpI installed kubuntu-desktop "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"15:09
yeatstux9th: can you pastebin the full error?15:10
GuyThatNeedsHelpI tried to remove it "sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop"15:10
GuyThatNeedsHelpand it didn't work15:10
yeatsGuyThatNeedsHelp: it's just 'sudo apt-get autoremove'15:10
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, autoremove?  wrong.  apt-get remove packagenamehere15:10
GuyThatNeedsHelpI did remove too15:11
dcohen613can anyone tell me why my tomcat service starts up but doesn’t listen on any ports? my server.xml - http://pastebin.com/tZeRbz3q tomcat is a ghost town15:11
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, logout, login.15:11
GuyThatNeedsHelpi logged out and i still see "kde plasma workspace" there15:13
terodoes ubuntu has anything similiar to "system restore"? I have 12.04 server installed and I have a lot of setting confs and a lot of stuff changed. How do I know that everything will work if I upgrade? and how can i get to previous version if something does not work? and should I even upgrade?15:13
eltigreI almost enrolled for data science nanodegree... but I don't own a credit card, so no luck15:14
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cfhowletteltigre, ?? check your channel ...15:14
tux9thyeats: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9007741/15:14
cfhowletttero, no system restore.  12.4 has 5 years support on the server.15:14
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: i logged out and i still see "kde plasma workspace" there15:15
cfhowletttero, might ask your query in #ubuntu-server15:15
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, you logged in with KDE?15:15
yeatstux9th: did you see this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/395295/gave-up-waiting-for-root-device-while-booting15:15
GuyThatNeedsHelpi logged into gnome15:15
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, now you can run sudo apt-get autoremove15:16
yeatstux9th: also, is LUKS encryption involved?15:16
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: before when i was trying to remove it i was on gnome15:17
tux9thyeats: no encryption, and my mapper is not listed15:17
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: its telling me kubuntu-desktop is not installed15:17
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, and you're not logged in to kubunt/kde ...15:17
tux9thyeats: insmod lvm puts no such file or directory15:18
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: i am logged into gnome15:18
bergelmirdaftykins: tried "host <host>" and i get "connection timed out" errors for the host that takes ~5s15:18
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, I know.  crazy thought.  LOG IN TO KDE15:18
SupaYoshianyone good with networking here?15:21
cfhowlettguythatneedshelp     your system says "kubuntu not installed"   so attempting to log in should fail.  if you DO somehow get into kde/kubuntu, sudo apt-get autoremove and then reboot.15:21
OerHeksSupaYoshi, why don't you ask the real question and find out?15:22
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: I am in kde just did "sudo apt-get autoremove" and i got " upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 26 not upgraded."15:22
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: going to reboot15:23
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, wait15:23
cfhowlett!pureubuntu | GuyThatNeedsHelp15:23
ubottuGuyThatNeedsHelp: If you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu15:23
CyberNeuronhello I need help with iptables...I want to establish vpn connection between two networks linked by an ubuntu server router: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=7981415:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: should i do that first?15:23
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, sorry, I should have suggested this long ago ... bookmarked!15:23
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: its fine as long as i get this removed15:24
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-ubuntu/15:24
CyberNeuronI am willing to connect the w7 machine to the network...15:24
SupaYoshiHi, I have a question about forwarding traffic. This is my situation. I have a linux laptop connected by wlan0, which has internet and gets an IP from my router. Now I run a virtual machine on this in qemu. Due not being able to use wlan0 for bridging, I want to forward all the traffic for the virtualmachine by the host os, linux debian.  I catched the following with tcmpdump -i wlan icmp15:24
CyberNeuronI built a W2008 machine as vpn server and both networks have connectivity but iptables on the ubuntu server acting as router dont seem to be working..15:25
faLUCEhello, I have a netbook; when I close or just fold the screen ubuntu shows the dialog with "turn off, restart, close the session etc.". how can I remove that?15:25
user0_-Does anyone know how to correctly send a keyboard even to X using xdotool?  I would like to hold down the Alt Key while pressing S and while continuing to hold down the Alt key, issue another keystroke15:26
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9007903/15:26
user0_-xdotool keydown "Alt+S" "P"  doesn't work15:26
user0_-it just throws some weird ascii across the screen15:26
SupaYoshiOerHeks any clue?15:26
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: after i copied and paste the Remove Kubuntu command15:27
CyberNeuronI used a script but it is not genereting prerouting rules: http://www.pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=7981515:27
=== kerosene_ is now known as kerosene__
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, every indication is that you have successfully removed kubuntu --- reboot then run autoremove to see if that kills the leftovers15:27
Aladiah-FriendFor virtual box, i need to install DKMS package first and then execut command /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' . should be sudo apt-get install DKMS , then , sudo apt-get update, then sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup ?? This will make it ask me the windows iso instalation then ?15:28
OerHeksSupaYoshi, "Warning: Network bridging will not work when the physical network device (e.g., eth1, ath0) used for bridging is a wireless device" >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking15:28
SupaYoshiOerHeks, yes i know15:29
SupaYoshiI do not want to bridge15:29
SupaYoshiI want to forward all traffic for the VM IP from the HOST IP.15:29
OerHeksSupaYoshi, And your host is on wlan ?15:30
user0_-anyone use xdotool before?15:30
lobner\join #osm15:30
OerHeksSupaYoshi, and debian?15:30
SupaYoshiI want mhm15:31
Aladiah-Friendanyone virtual box experienced on linux ?15:32
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: Its still there15:33
OerHeksSupaYoshi, so you are saying you run a vm on debian, want to bridge the wlan ,,, but we do not support debian15:34
SupaYoshiubuntu is the same15:34
SupaYoshiits just bussier here  >_<15:34
sanalmadathethDear all, I have installed Ubuntu 14.04.1 and now i have to install all packages in a customised DVD with a single command. Is that possible?15:35
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: Feels like kubuntu-desktop is haunting me15:35
jimmy51v_I've got a directory /usr/local/testA.  it has some files in it that /usr/local/testB does not.  I want to copy those files from A to B.  I also want files that exist in B but not A to be deleted.  Is cp usable here or do I need rsync or something15:36
GuyThatNeedsHelpjummy51v_: cp /files/files /files/files15:36
ecky--ptang-zoobGot a php script which is run by a cronjob every 4 hours... How can this script be protected so it can only be executed by the cronjob and not by someone in the browser who types the url to the script?15:38
sanalmadathethWhat I want to know is whether it is possible to install all packages in dvd as a bulk15:39
jimmy51v_GuyThatNeedsHelp: will that remove files in B that don't exist in A?15:39
GuyThatNeedsHelpjummy51v_ depends if some of the files in A have the same file names in B15:40
GuyThatNeedsHelpjImmy51v_ depends if some of the files in A have the same file names in B15:40
haasnIs there an official support channel for Ubuntu Touch or is this the place for that?15:40
DJoneshaasn: #ubuntu-touch15:40
cfhowlett!touch | haasn15:41
ubottuhaasn: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch15:41
jimmy51v_GuyThatNeedsHelp: some do, some don't.15:41
jimmy51v_eh, i'll just rsync it15:41
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, I was AFK.  only way left is to apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop.  copy and paste the listed manifest to sudo apt-get purge <packagelisthere>15:42
jimmy51v_rsync -avzhr --delete /usr/local/TestA /usr/local/TestB/15:45
ubottumille: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:45
sanalmadathethapt-cdrom adds dvd as a local repository, but can't be installed all15:46
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: can you explain to me where this list manifest is? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9008172/15:46
sanalmadathethCan anybody help15:47
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, the list of apps following "depends" and "recommends"15:47
vrosHow to remove Akonadi?15:49
vrosor maybe crash something, that  the akonadi can't start15:49
vrosneed more kb in memory and more privacy. Build it on lowlatency.15:49
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: on all the packages it says E: Unable to locate package15:49
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, sudo apt-get update and try again.  I think the update command may fix it.  if not, call an exorcist.15:50
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
GuyThatNeedsHelpbtw everytime i run sudo apt-get update it ends like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9008372/ and when i run just apt-get update like it says it asks me if im root15:58
tekkuhi guys, i have an ubuntu installation sitting on a 1TB drive, but it only needs around 30GB of space, i know how to grow an fs... but can one shrink them too?15:59
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agent_whiteGuyThatNeedsHelp: You have duplicate entries in /etc/apt/sources.list16:00
agent_whiteGuyThatNeedsHelp: http://askubuntu.com/questions/120621/how-to-fix-duplicate-sources-list-entry16:00
BusinessManIs there a limit to the number of pages one domain name can support?16:01
BusinessManObviously google supports millions but16:02
pbxBusinessMan, this channel is for ubuntu support.16:02
GuyThatNeedsHelpagent_white thanks16:02
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett: thanks for the help kde doesnt wanna leave i may start hanging crosses around my house16:04
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, holy water and garlic ... sorry we couldn't get it sorted16:04
CyberNeuronthanks for the support16:23
EsoRoticaI switch lots of people over to ubuntu when they mostly only use the computer as a browser.  Since most of these people come from windows, and are not astonisingly computer literate, I'd like for ALL software  (not just security updates via unattended) to update automatically (rarely a customization). Is there a simple way to do this to cause minmal conflict16:28
puehello everyone. do i have to boot from usb in order to resize my partition in ubuntu?16:29
puewhy can't i resize it right now?16:29
pueis this normal?16:29
xanguapue: because you are using the partition, and backups are always good idea16:29
puethis is because of ext3 or ext4?16:30
puebecause in windows, you can do it.16:30
pueso i'll just plug my live usb and use gparted i guess?16:30
EsoRoticaBecause its just safer16:30
puethank you very much EsoRotica and xangua16:31
puesee you in a bit :)16:31
=== zz_gthank is now known as gthank
sacarlsonanyone ever use any of the offline voice recognition on linux and find that they work?16:32
Wes-Is it possible to force a user to login with a specific desktop, regardless of what he/she has chosen during the lighdm session greeter?16:36
dncrinitctl says "pulseaudio stop/waiting" and rcconf has it unchecked, but "ps -ef | grep pulse" shows it running with parent process id 1. what is starting it?16:36
LxusHey folks in need of assistance again :| Ever since switching back to linux after using windows for about 3 years i cant for the life of me figure out how to make my videos stay fullscreen when i switch to another program.16:36
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SchrodingersScatLxus: what player are you using?  mpv seems to keep it at full screen as you tab around, so does vlc16:39
wxlmy battery is telling me the status is unknown (true even in /sys) though it appears to be electronically charging. any ideas of how to trouble shoot this?16:40
wxlthis is trusty btw16:40
wxlon a lenovo g70016:40
OerHekslxus i think that is a linux feature, i cannot switch when video is full screen too, solution, maximize the videoplayer16:40
=== sythe is now known as sythe-afk
stephaniegood morninq16:41
mgolischdncr: what user does it run at? by default pulseaudio clients will start a server if there is none16:41
mgolischoh too late16:41
stephanieok,im french16:42
Wes-Bonjour, Stéphanie16:43
SchrodingersScatstephanie: hello16:43
nosleep77hi guys i created user with "useradd user1 -m" it creates the homedir but the defaults and env aren't there like proper shell prompt, tab completion etc. what option can I use for this?16:43
stephanienon,vous etes francais?16:44
stephaniequi est wes16:44
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:44
LxusOerHeks, thanks mate thats what i feared. its an online player so thats not an option, plus zooming the webpage all the way in makes the feed choppy :(16:46
EsoRoticanosleep77: I think what you're looking for is called the skel files16:46
nosleep77EsoRotica: yep so i have to do that manually? isn't there a way to automatically do this while creating the user?16:47
EsoRoticaSet the skel once and you're set16:47
EsoRoticanosleep77: the Skel files are essentially the "template" to create future users16:47
SchrodingersScatLxus: so something that is flash?  what are you actually trying to do?16:48
nosleep77ok thanks16:48
EsoRoticanosleep77: It sounds like you have set aliases you need added. Check to see that they exist in the .rc file for the shell in the /etc/skel dir16:49
akshati dont have a blog ryt now .. but i will surely make one in future16:49
LxusSchrodingersScat, trying to keep a video fullscreen whilst i focus on another window to work eg. watching GoT whilst working on a project in cad. as soon as i shift focus to CAD it minimizes the video back to the original player16:50
nosleep77EsoRotica: I got it. it gave it 'sh' shell by defualt. i had to specify bash. now all is good. thanks16:51
EsoRoticanosleep77: Thats for NEW users. If you need to change the user in your setup, chsh -s /bin/bash16:52
EsoRoticanosleep77: and to add the aliases, of course you can add them to rc and source ~/.bashrc16:53
knittlhi. what is the license of the ubuntu font? Can I use it on t-shirts I print?16:54
OerHeksLxus i think it is a non problem, work on cad or watch movie16:55
EsoRoticaknittl: http://font.ubuntu.com/licence/16:55
nosleep77EsoRotica: werd16:55
knittlEsoRotica: yeah, I'm on that page right now16:55
knittlEsoRotica: so using the font is fine if I don't plan on altering it, i.e. creating a derived version?16:56
EsoRoticaknittl: Nah, you just need to include its copyright along the bottom seam of the shirt :P16:56
knittlEsoRotica: do I?16:57
EsoRoticaknittl: Sorry, Sarcasm isnt translating. Reading now16:57
trismknittl: if you look further down it says: "You are most welcome to use the Ubuntu Font Family, in your documents, graphic designs, logos, or company stationary. We'd like as many people as possible to have a better quality reading experience everyday." so I would guess it is okay, though ianal16:57
EsoRoticaIt does look okay. You're using the font, not selling, repackaging etc.16:59
knittlEsoRotica: I'm selling the shirts (but not making profit)16:59
shlantanyone know how to get a dynamic MOTD working on ubuntu 14.04? Seems to be the most complicated thing I've done yet… Basically I replaced everything in /etc/update-motd.d/ with my own bash script, but instead of running my script, the motd is blank with just the last login. I have tried commenting out 'noupdate' lines in both /etc/pam.d/login and sshd as well as changing Printmotd in /etc/ssh/sshd_config to yes16:59
EsoRoticaknittl: *shirts* not the font16:59
shlantand I can run the script manually and it gives me what I want16:59
knittlEsoRotica: yeah. but IANAL, and licensing can get tricky :)17:00
EsoRoticaI'm with ya.17:00
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knittlEsoRotica: trism: thanks for your help :]17:01
EsoRoticaknittl: Good luck.17:02
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
LxusOerHeks, it's a large problem for me lmao.17:03
daftykinsLxus: use a better player?17:03
daftykinsLxus: which one is it?17:04
GuyThatNeedsHelpis there a way like in windows factory restore on ubuntu? id like to reset everything and start over17:05
GuyThatNeedsHelpubuntu 14.0417:05
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, delete everything in your /home will return you to first login settings17:06
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, reset the OS = reinstall17:06
stephaniecc cv17:06
stephaniei a des francais17:07
cfhowlett!fr | stephanie17:07
ubottustephanie: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:07
GuyThatNeedsHelpi have to completely reinstall it?17:07
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, to get back to zero use state?  yes17:08
hikenboothi i would like to put 1 GB of space before a lvm logical volume there is about 10GB afterward I would like to then shrink the lvm physical volume (move it to the right by 1GB ) to make more room for /boot partition anyone know the commands to do this..I have had no luck finding them..thanks17:08
nonamaewith a synaptics touchpad how can i set 3fingertap to be a mmb?17:10
nonamaemiddle mouse button17:11
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett do you know of a command i can use to reinstall it or do i have to download the iso?17:15
cfhowlett!install  if you have the .iso on your system ,there's a way to boot from there to install.17:16
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:16
chachosaludad a Laura plz17:17
B00StERHi, i'm trying to get a rsyslog running as remote client with TLS encryption. Constantly getting the following error: rsyslogd-2068: could not load module '/usr/lib/rsyslog/lmnsd_gtls.so'17:17
B00StERCan ynyone share a working configuration?17:18
chachohacedme el favor y decid hola a Laura, es un trabajo xD17:19
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daftykinschacho: not here.17:19
cosmicspirithttp://awesomescreenshot.com/0623upy4e4 i have just installed ubuntu 14.04 but the font in facebook looks all jam packed. can anyone help with this. Thanks17:20
=== TheBurgerKing_ is now known as TheBurgerKing
compdocyou know kim kardashian? cool17:21
GuyThatNeedsHelpi love ubuntu17:24
GuyThatNeedsHelpbut im leaving back to windows :(17:24
GuyThatNeedsHelpi love you all17:24
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: bye then17:25
cassio3what's the issue?17:25
cassio3it's somewhat manipulative... we're a community of volunteers mostly.17:25
GuyThatNeedsHelpjust the compatibility on linux kinda sucks17:25
cassio3you may also get support directly from ubuntu if you need it17:25
daftykinscassio3: indeed, it was mostly failing to follow instructions earlier so i wouldn't worry.17:25
dcohen613any idea why i’m getting an IP on my ethernet, but it doesn’t actually allow me to resolve? connection em1 141.225.xxx.xxx?17:26
cassio3daftykins, ok17:26
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dcohen613or why it’s em1 for that matter and noth eth0?17:26
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins miss u17:26
GuyThatNeedsHelpcfhowlett mis u17:26
=== Owner__ is now known as Guest51721
daftykinsdcohen613: "allow you to resolve" do you mean you've got no working DNS? is that a correct IP for your LAN?17:27
dcohen613yes it is17:27
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: stop that17:27
dcohen613cant ping anything17:27
daftykinsdcohen613: there were two questions in that line17:27
GuyThatNeedsHelpI DONT WANNA GO17:27
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SkynetONE
cfhowlettGuyThatNeedsHelp, you are awfully close to going on the /ignore list.  you asked how to reinstall.  we told you.  if it's not for you, fine.  leave.  quietly.17:28
daftykinscfhowlett: user quit.17:28
=== SkynetONE is now known as SonikkuAmerica
BluesKajseems to be lots of cementhead attitude around the chats today :)17:30
ScrappyCoccoif anyone could help me please query xD17:31
daftykinsScrappyCocco: no, you ask questions in the channel :)17:31
dcohen613daftykins: it cannot ping anything, but i’m not sure if it’s a DNS issue. it is a correct IP for my lan17:31
ScrappyCoccocome on daftykins17:32
daftykinsdcohen613: did the interface work in a live session?17:32
ansivirusdcohen613, are you pinging by IP or DNS?17:32
ScrappyCoccoi don't want to spam and talk here xD17:32
daftykinsScrappyCocco: it's what the place is for. either do it or you won't receive any help.17:32
BluesKajScrappyCocco, ask your question it's not spam if it's legit17:32
ScrappyCoccook so... i'm in windows now, and i have one hard disk with c: and d:... coudl i install ubuntu 14.10 in d:? without formatting?17:33
cfhowlettScrappyCocco, nope17:33
=== TheBurgerKing_ is now known as TheBurgerKing
ScrappyCoccojust with 14.1017:33
ScrappyCocco13.10 work erfectly17:33
daftykinsyou're probably referring to WUBI, which is an abomination17:33
cfhowlettScrappyCocco, but you only need to format the target: d not the whole dist.17:33
daftykinsdon't ever touch it17:33
ScrappyCoccoi have a lot of things in d... i don't want to touch it17:34
daftykinsbackup first17:34
cfhowletttrel, stop spamming.17:34
ScrappyCoccoit's a stupid thing D:17:35
ScrappyCoccoor can i make another little partition (for example e:) only for ubuntu?17:35
cfhowlettScrappyCocco, install virtualbox in windows.  install lubuntu to virtualbox.17:35
daftykinsScrappyCocco: Linux doesn't use Windows drive letters.17:35
ScrappyCoccoi know17:35
ScrappyCoccoi'm thinking about erase 60gb from d for make another partition17:35
cfhowlett!dualboot | ScrappyCocco, read...READ17:36
ubottuScrappyCocco, read...READ: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:36
tirengarfioIm experiencing several Ubunty system errors17:36
tirengarfioI get a message saying something like that and then I repor the error17:36
ScrappyCoccoit don't help me cfhowlett17:37
tirengarfioany way to check if are hardware errors?17:37
tirengarfiohow to check my hardware in Ubuntu?17:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cfhowlettScrappyCocco, then you didn't read it.  dual boot is precisely what you described as your goal.  it's doable.  as is virtualbox.17:37
cfhowletttirengarfio, terminal command: lshw17:38
ScrappyCoccook thanks17:38
tirengarfiocfhowlett, https://gist.github.com/Ziiweb/bc34d3158e3604b4a5c817:39
shlantanybody know why MOTD on ubuntu 14.04 doesn't work properly? I have removed the executable bit from everything in /etc/update-motd.d/ and added my own bash script with the executable bit. When I reboot, I get nothing but the last login info17:40
shlantwhen I run my script manually, it gives what I want17:41
tirengarfiocfhowlett, do you get any hint?17:41
daftykinsi don't know how the MOTD works truth be told.17:41
daftykinsbut 99% of issues are permissions ;)17:41
shlantdaftykins: supposidly it's the most complicated thing ever ahha17:41
cfhowletttirengarfio, great firewall of china is blocking17:41
daftykinsno doubt :)17:41
shlantwith wide open permissions it doesn't work either17:41
JokesOnYou77Hi all.17:42
daftykinsshlant: i was more thinking along the lines of owner + group17:42
tirengarfiowhat do you mean? what should I do? unblock it? what is "firewall of china" ?17:42
shlantdaftykins: nope, everything it root17:42
EsoRoticacfhowlett: tirengarfio Lol17:43
navetzhi guys. I want to virtualize windows to use photoshop on my ubuntu install. what is the best approach for this?17:43
EsoRoticatirengarfio: He lives in china and that is blocked for him, post to another paste website such as pastie17:43
daftykinsnavetz: i know this isn't what you've asked, but did you know it tends to run well under WINE these days?17:44
daftykinsnavetz: also, virtualbox for your actual question17:44
EsoRoticanavetz: I use Virtualbox specifically for this purpose17:44
cfhowlettnavetz, photoshop?  not likely.  see !wine or use gimp.  or install windows in virtualbox.  problem: vbox doesn't actually use the gpu.17:44
JokesOnYou77I installed updates on my 14.04 Ubuntu Gnome system two days ago and rebooted to this: http://imgur.com/IEjCOxk  The hardware is a 2009 Mac Pro with an older nvidia card.  So far I have tried installing the xorgg-edgers ppa and upgrading but that hasn't helped.  The problem seems to be in gdm but I'm not sure.  What can I do?17:44
=== sythe-afk is now known as sythe
tirengarfiocfhowlett, http://pastie.org/971944017:45
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nonamaeif there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ folder then i just make it?17:45
cfhowletttirengarfio, fpaste.org  still works17:46
nonamae(i will make some touchpad configuration)17:46
bekksJokesOnYou77: Which nvidia card in particular do you have?17:46
daftykinsJokesOnYou77: try an older kernel, i'd bet the driver went funky17:46
bekksI bet the new driver doesnt support the old card.17:46
EsoRoticacfhowlett:  tirengarfio:   http://fpaste.org/150865/59872201/17:47
navetzdaftykins, I didn't know it works well in WINE. I'll give that a shot. I'll try virtualbox too17:47
tirengarfiocfhowlett, http://fpaste.org/150866/15987237/17:47
cfhowlettEsoRotica, got it.  so your original question again?17:47
EsoRoticacfhowlett:  This was for tirengarfio17:48
=== qstrahl` is now known as qstrahl
devildog31415I am having a problem with a crontab (running as me, not root).. I have pasted the cron.txt that I "crontab'd" and the .sh file it should run, and the error that I get.  help would be much appreciated... guessing it's a rights thing?  http://fpaste.org/150867/17:50
=== hal is now known as Guest45285
bekksdevildog31415: What are you actually trying with that script?17:51
bekks*trying to do17:51
JokesOnYou77bekks, If i remember correctly it's a geForce 120 (pretty old)17:51
bekksJokesOnYou77: That card isnt supported by newer nvidia drivers, you have to stick with an older driver.17:52
JokesOnYou77daftykins, something similar, not low graphics mode but a similar boot error has happened before and I had to reinstall.  Thinking of just going to XFCE if this is going to keep happening17:52
bekksJokesOnYou77: So xorg edgers ppa makes things even worse, actually.17:52
JokesOnYou77bekks, But I didn't install a new driver :(17:52
JokesOnYou77bekks, apt-get install nvidia-173 or wahtever it is?17:53
tirengarfiocfhowlett, I experience also problems with firefox (it is crasshing many times, even if I have a few addons) and I get also problems tryint install virtual machines in virtual box17:53
bekksJokesOnYou77: You said you updated to 14.04, didnt you?17:53
tirengarfiowhat should I start to check?? Im very tired of these errors..17:53
cfhowletttirengarfio, one problem at a time.  "problems" is meaningless = be specific17:53
JokesOnYou77bekks, No, its been working with 14.04 for 2 months. This is the original install.  I just ran a normal apt-get upgrade17:53
bekksJokesOnYou77: So which driver did you use before?17:54
cfhowletttirengarfio, open a terminal: cat /etc/issue      copy and paste17:54
tirengarfioUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l17:55
devildog31415bekks:  its running a command line accounting package and sending my account balances.. it works if I manually run the .sh file and it works if I reset the crontab time to a couple minutes from now and wait.. but doesn't work the next day after I reboot and am sitting here logged in and working17:55
cfhowletttirengarfio, good.  now: sudo apt-get update17:56
JokesOnYou77bekks, I think I'm (still) on proprietary-tested17:56
cfhowletttirengarfio, just run the command, don't report17:56
devildog31415bekks: oh, and it is only supposed to email me if the date of the accounting journal has had an update in the last 24 hours (86400 seconds)17:56
cfhowletttirengarfio, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade         to bring all packages to current versions for 14.04.117:57
devildog31415bekss: which it seems to do just fine17:57
EriC^^devildog31415: you can't do a mathematical operation in a variable17:57
JokesOnYou77bekks, Oh, I just did "grep -i "x driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log" and it actually looks like I'm at 331.38, that's probably it, let me see17:57
bekksdevildog31415: there are several errors so far: a) your script does not contain a proper header, b) you are not using full path names, c) the secondssince variable will not contain an integer after a daychange.17:57
EriC^^devildog31415: secondssince="<number> - <othernumber>"17:57
tirengarfiodo you want the report?17:58
cfhowletttirengarfio, of dist-upgrade only17:58
devildog31415EriC^^: thank you.. i will take that to heart and address once I have the non-working part fixed (unless you are saying I have to change that to fix my problem, I'm VERY new to this stuff)17:59
tirengarfiocfhowlett, http://fpaste.org/150874/41598794/17:59
cfhowletttirengarfio, looking good.  run sudo apt-get autoremove         no reporting18:00
EriC^^devildog31415: secondssince=`expr <number> - <othernumber>`18:00
EriC^^devildog31415: that should work18:00
devildog31415EriC^^: I appreciate the insight into "better code" but that doesn't fix the sporadic issue I'm having when it runs as a cron job but works when I call the shell script directly.. correct?18:01
EriC^^devildog31415: it's not better code, it's the problem18:01
EriC^^devildog31415: the script is failing on the lines after the arithmetic operation18:01
cfhowletttirengarfio, your system should now be fully upgraded and ready to rock.18:01
JokesOnYou77bekks, ok, installing 173...we'll see what happens18:01
tirengarfioreally? ok, thanks! I will keep on alert18:02
devildog31415EriC^^:  really!  thank you.. I have to go to a meeting but I'm going to come back to this and hopefully you will be around to help me understand.. either way, thank you for the patient replies!18:02
tirengarfioI hope it is ok now18:02
EriC^^devildog31415: no problem18:02
tirengarfioanyway, if the problems persists, what should I do?18:02
cfhowletttirengarfio, virtualbox is in the software center18:02
tirengarfiobut I have virtualbox already installed.. what do you mean?18:03
PinkPantherI am having issues with Bonding three network cards. Anyone having this issue?18:03
cfhowletttirengarfio, good.  what kind of errors was it throwing?18:03
JokesOnYou77bekks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010181/  :<18:05
tirengarfioI can not remember now, Im installing a version of windows 7 I have just downloded, let's see if I get any error18:05
OerHekstirengarfio, why do your fpaste not load?18:05
JokesOnYou77bekks, I forgot to purge nvidia* first and now I can't autoremove or install -f18:05
tirengarfioI dont know..18:05
bekksJokesOnYou77: why cant you purge it?18:05
tirengarfioOerHeks, what do you want to read?18:05
OerHekstirengarfio, can you repaste again on paste.ubuntu.com ?18:06
tirengarfioOerHeks, what exactly?18:06
JokesOnYou77bekks, Apparently this is a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/136939818:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369398 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "package nvidia-331 331.89-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 8" [High,Confirmed]18:06
OerHekstirengarfio, never mind18:07
JokesOnYou77bekks, Still doesn't solve my original problem, but at least there's a workaround so I can keep going18:07
bekksJokesOnYou77: Follow comment #4.18:07
tirengarfioOerHeks, this is my lshw output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010209/18:08
daftykinsJokesOnYou77: 304 would likely be more stable. i doubt your machine has that new a GPU18:09
JokesOnYou77bekks, stopping the service didn't work, but the error message gave me a pid I could kill18:09
bekksJokesOnYou77: Uninstall that xorg edgers PPA, uninstall the driver taken from there. It it too new.18:09
OerHekstirengarfio, i thought you pasted the errors you get18:09
PinkPantherI bond three NICs but the bound is not is not working18:10
PinkPantherI am trying for figure out what might be the problem.18:10
bekksPinkPanther: Define "is not working" please.18:10
PinkPantherIt is not connecting to the switch or getting an IP address to populate on the other three NICs.18:11
PinkPantherI have tried it both ways with static and dynamic and still no go.18:11
bekksPinkPanther: DHCP does not work with bonded interfaces.18:11
bekksPinkPanther: You have to configure it statically.18:11
PinkPantherI had. But there is not connection to the outside.18:12
bekksPinkPanther: Then you did not configure it correctly, most likely.18:12
PinkPantherWhen I configure the bond0 with static the IP is not pingable.18:12
bekksPinkPanther: How did you configure it in detail?18:12
JokesOnYou77daftykins, It's actually a really, really, old card and I was thinking of trying to go back to 17318:13
PinkPantherauto bond018:14
tirengarfiohi again, my ubuntu get frozen this time, cfhowlett18:14
daftykinsJokesOnYou77: probably less thoroughly tested18:14
bekksPinkPanther: thats an invalid configuration. How did you statically configure it?18:14
cfhowletttirengarfio, on launching vbox?18:14
tirengarfioon installing a windows 7 as a guest18:15
tirengarfioit doesn't usually get frozen too much.. just sometimes..18:15
cfhowletttirengarfio, and it froze your computer?  terminal: free18:15
PinkPanthergetting all that together18:16
cfhowletttirengarfio, free will display your available ram18:16
JokesOnYou77bekks, daftykins, Just installed 173 and rebooted, same message, so going to purge edgers and then try 30418:17
tirengarfiocfhowlett, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010333/18:17
bekksJokesOnYou77: How about purging xorg edgers, purge all newer drivers than 173?18:17
tewardis there a way to get CPU/GPU temp monitors onto the Unity applets/notificationicons bar in 14.04?18:18
cfhowletttirengarfio, no can see in China.  fpaste.org18:18
logikoswith ubuntu server how do i restart cups please18:18
JokesOnYou77bekks, before installing 173 I apt-get purge nvidia*18:18
bekksJokesOnYou77: Purge the entire PPA as well.18:19
tirengarfiocfhowlett, Im trying to install windows 7 again..18:19
logikosserverip:631 is not liking my password (which i have used before) .. last time this happened i found out cups was running multipal times18:19
minas114I have a strange problem. I plug in my external headset, go to settings and select it as sound output (speakers) and input (microphone). But when I close the settings window, the settings are not saved and the interal mic is used (which does not work btw). If I leave the window open it works..18:20
cfhowletttirengarfio, seen it.  16 gb of ram: I iz envious!18:21
PinkPantherauto bond018:21
PinkPantheriface bond0 inet static18:21
PinkPantherbond-slave none18:21
PinkPantherbond-mode 218:21
PinkPantherbond-miimon 10018:21
unopastePinkPanther you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:21
JokesOnYou77bekks, Did the ppa purge and got this wonderful gem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010400/18:22
PinkPantherLerning something new. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010407/18:23
bekksJokesOnYou77: So remove your other PPA as well :)18:23
PinkPantherThat is the link to the config. bekks18:23
JokesOnYou77bekks, What other ppa??18:23
C_ClearHi I been getting a error message whenever I do updates. When I try to check for updates I get the error message failed to download repository information18:23
bekksPinkPanther: Can you pastebin "lsb_release -a" please?18:24
tirengarfiocfhowlett, again another error..wait I will paste it18:24
bekksJokesOnYou77: hmm, do you have aptitude installed?18:24
k1l_C_Clear: run "sudo apt-get update" and show the output in a pastebin18:24
JokesOnYou77bekks, no...that might be it lol18:25
bekksJokesOnYou77: "command not found" could indicate that, yes :)18:25
JokesOnYou77bekks, I always thought it was built-in but depricated lol18:25
tirengarfiocfhowlett, http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-14112014-192459.php18:26
JokesOnYou77bekks, I installed aptitude, but running ppa-purge again didn't find anything, so maybe it worked?  I'm doing another apt-get purge nvidia*18:27
PinkPanther@ bekks, keep getting not found. Even knowingly I can see the file in etc18:27
tirengarfioI had the same problem with other windows 7 installation18:27
JokesOnYou77bekks, Does it matter if I don't reboot between purging nvidia and installing a new driver?18:27
bekksJokesOnYou77: No.18:27
C_Cleark11  this is what I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010507/18:27
bekksPinkPanther: You keep getting "not found" when doing what?18:27
tirengarfiobecause all these things Im wondering if I maybe I have a problem with my hardware..18:27
bekksPinkPanther: "Yes" is an invalid answer to my question.18:28
JokesOnYou77bekks, ok...here we go agian18:28
tirengarfiowill having windows 7 installed as a virtual machine I had also problems, when booting it checked the hard disk for example..18:28
PinkPantherIs it a "_" or a "-"18:28
bekkstirengarfio: The harddisk in a vm is irrelevant, actually :)18:29
bekkstirengarfio: The harddisk in a vm is a plain file on your host, not the hosts harddisk.18:29
cfhowletttirengarfio, blank screenshot18:30
tumbl3rhaving a problem with apt-get update it just says 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] and hangs18:30
bekksPinkPanther: 1114 192405 < bekks> PinkPanther: Can you pastebin "lsb_release -a" please?18:30
tumbl3rI can open the link from a web browser18:31
bekkstumbl3r: How long did you wait when saying "it hangs"?18:31
=== kimphill_ is now known as kimphill
PinkPanther@ bekks, given command is not workin in ubuntu server18:31
esdeHow can I install OpenVPN >2.3.2 on ubuntu 14.04? I've found some instructions to build from tar ball, but those steps don't include installing openvpn as a service. Are there any PPA's or other repos hosting debian packages for OpenVPN >2.3.2? Since OpenVPN has yet to step up to the plate and offer a proper repo like they've done with older ubuntu distros....18:31
tumbl3ra minute or two, wait longer?18:32
esdeWith the crusty old build in Trusty Tahr, SSL3.0 is compulsory18:32
bekksPinkPanther: It works perfectly in ubuntu server.18:32
bekksPinkPanther: Which command are you actually typing in?18:32
PinkPantherDoes it needs to be installed?18:32
PinkPanthersudo lbs_release -a18:32
bekksPinkPanther: No. Which command are you typing in?18:32
bekksPinkPanther: Thats not the command I told you to run.18:32
k1l_C_Clear: please pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"18:32
bekksPinkPanther: I told you to run "lsb_release -a", no sudo, no lbs_release.18:33
PinkPanther@bekks: given command from above-> "lsb_release -a" please?18:33
bekksPinkPanther: Type: lsb_release -a18:33
PinkPantherSorry my bad.18:34
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
hhtesthey, how are you ?18:34
hhtestcan someone help me here?18:34
mdogehow is who18:35
C_Cleark11 here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010573/18:35
daftykins!ask | hhtest18:35
ubottuhhtest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:35
k1l_C_Clear: you know how to use the editor nano on terminal?18:35
esdek1l_, http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/reu/nano.html18:36
hhtestOK, I'm trying to do jeff potts tutorial of custom content using open CMIS, and I have just a problem in the compilation18:36
hhtestI think there is something missing18:36
basichashHow do I transfer mp3s to my iphone (14.04)18:36
basichashWithout downloading any large software18:37
papuchiaqui llega el hombre de los 200 hijos18:37
tewardbasichash: use one of the software already in place - rhythmbox for example18:37
C_Clearnever used it before k11. hopefully the help file esde provided will be of great help18:37
tewardbasichash: note that there's a known issue with iphones where it doesn't store the music in the right spots18:37
BluesKaj!es | papuchi18:37
ubottupapuchi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:37
JokesOnYou77I need to grep the output of apt-cache policy nvidia* and I only want to see things that ARE installed.  How can I specify that I want the string "Installed " when NOT followed by a "("?18:37
buck11how come my sysconfig._get_makefile_filename doesn't match what i see here? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/python2.7/trusty-proposed/view/head:/debian/patches/distutils-install-layout.diff#L28118:37
PinkPanther@bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010594/18:37
papuchispain its different18:38
esdeJokesOnYou77, regex18:38
k1l_C_Clear: ok do "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"  insert password, then make a # in front of the first line with the cdrom. then press ctrl+o to save and then ctrl+x to exit18:38
BluesKajJokesOnYou77, what installed nvidia "things" are you referring to?18:39
basichashteward: how do I do it with rhythm?18:39
JokesOnYou77I know I need a regex, I don't know how to say Not this char in regex18:39
k0nichiwa   JokesOnYou77 ~[c] or someting like that18:40
k0nichiwai can never remember i always have to google search18:40
tewardbasichash: I believe you open rhythmbox, hook up your phone/device and then add music... but IDK, because I have an iPhone and it doesn't work with rhythmbox for the reason i just stated - it doesn't store music onto iOS devices in the right filesystem locations on the device18:41
tarda317Hay el chacho18:41
JokesOnYou77thank you18:41
C_Cleark11 get this error message. I also just installed nano from get-apt so not sure what hte problem is : sudo: nano/etc/apt/sources.list: command not found18:41
esdespace between nano and filename18:42
k0nichiwathats a great site when i have to make a regex i just glance thru the sections i need18:42
k1l_C_Clear: mind the spaces18:42
JokesOnYou77BluesKaj, I've been debugging a massive graphics/X crash with bekks.  I just purged all nvidia and installed 304 and I want to check what's currently installed.18:42
k0nichiwathe app regexbuddy is good for testing your regex if its complicated18:42
esdety k0nichiwa never heard of it before now :)18:42
C_Clearsudo then space nano right ?18:42
k1l_k1l_> C_Clear: ok do "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"18:42
buck11on that line i have     return os.path.join(get_config_var('LIBPL'), "Makefile")18:43
BluesKajJokesOnYou77, why 304 that's quite old, unless your gpu is really old18:43
JokesOnYou77BluesKaj, geForce 120 lol18:44
bekksJokesOnYou77: dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia18:44
C_Clearok so k11 this sound be what it looks like before I save ?   deb # cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120817.3)]18:44
sogeking99Hey guys, is there anyway to cast my music to Chromecast on linux?18:44
k1l_C_Clear: no. please listen carefully. the # needs to be in front of the line. not in the middle of that line18:45
JokesOnYou77BluesKaj, this is my work computer, it's a Mac Pro from 2009.  I dont' have any beef with Darwin, but I refused to try and maintain, develop, dealwith, the Mac OS for my dev environment.  So I'm stuck with crappy hardware thtat I can't upgrade18:45
esdesogeking99, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-cast/boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd + google chrome18:45
k1l_<k1l_> C_Clear: ok do "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"  insert password, then make a # in front of the first line with the cdrom. then press ctrl+o to save and then ctrl+x to exit18:45
BluesKajJokesOnYou77, ok got it :)18:45
esdealso this http://askubuntu.com/questions/324236/how-can-i-use-chromecast18:46
shibbolethhttps://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2014-1544 <--- Who is maintaining libnss in the ubuntu repos?18:46
ubottuUse-after-free vulnerability in the CERT_DestroyCertificate function in libnss3.so in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.x, as used in Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger certain improper removal of an NSSCertificate structure from a trust domain. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1544)18:46
C_Clearso k11 before I save the first line should look like this ?? #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release i386 (20120817.3)]/18:46
sogeking99esde, Yeah that works for a lot of things, but I want to cast my .mp3 collection.18:46
k1l_C_Clear: yes18:47
esdesogeking99, try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/324236/how-can-i-use-chromecast18:47
k1l_C_Clear: a # in front tells the programs to not read that as a command. so it will not search for the cdrom anymore18:47
C_Cleargot it18:47
OerHeksshibboleth, see http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-1544.html it is fixed18:47
ubottuUse-after-free vulnerability in the CERT_DestroyCertificate function in libnss3.so in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.x, as used in Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger certain improper removal of an NSSCertificate structure from a trust domain. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1544)18:47
k1l_C_Clear: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"18:48
JokesOnYou77bekks, Ok, this is interesting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9010750/18:49
C_Cleardone k1118:49
C_Clearanything I need to do or test ?18:49
k1l_C_Clear: that error should be gone now18:50
C_Clearthank you very much for your help. Have a great day k1118:50
k1l_C_Clear: no problem :)18:51
JokesOnYou77bekks, I'm guessing I should remove that libcuda package, but now I'm wondering how it even got there as I did an apt-get purge nvidia*18:51
k1l_who was asking about the cve-2014-1544? its already fixed on ubuntu (even its not using iceweasel and icedove, but firefox and thunderbird) http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2014/CVE-2014-1544.html18:52
ubottuUse-after-free vulnerability in the CERT_DestroyCertificate function in libnss3.so in Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS) 3.x, as used in Firefox before 31.0, Firefox ESR 24.x before 24.7, and Thunderbird before 24.7, allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors that trigger certain improper removal of an NSSCertificate structure from a trust domain. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-1544)18:52
shibbolethOerHeks: my bad, seems that debian were the slow ones this time18:53
shibbolethk1l_: i was, nss is used by pidgin among others18:53
k1l_ah, OerHeks beat me to it :)18:53
bekksJokesOnYou77: "libcuda" does not contain the string "nvidia" :) You installed it, thats how it got there.18:54
JokesOnYou77bekks, I got a new error!  This must be progress!  When the error message popped up before I had (technically) a working X session, as in an X cursor and I could move around my mouse.  But all I could get on screen was that message.  Now, I have a little table asking me What would you like to do18:54
JokesOnYou77bekks, good point lol18:54
JokesOnYou77bekks, The four choices in the dialog box: Run in low graphics mode for just one session; Reconfigure graphics; Troubleshoot the error; and Exit to console login;18:55
PinkPanther@bekks; did you get both pieces of information you requested?18:55
wontonDevs give up on fixing bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/125933918:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1259339 [SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]18:57
wontonhttp://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/ Known Issue.18:58
bekksJokesOnYou77: Run in low graphics mode for just one session, change to a console, and proceed.18:58
bekkswonton: "fix released"? :)18:58
Naphatul_it's definitely not fixed18:58
wontonbekks, Doesn't work18:58
JokesOnYou77bekks, proceed with what?18:59
wontonToo many people still reporting it.18:59
bekkswonton: Did you add that as a comment to the bug?18:59
bekksJokesOnYou77: With fixing your graphic driver issues? :)18:59
wontonI reported it 5 or so times.18:59
bekkswonton: To the same bug?18:59
JokesOnYou77bekks, Oh, I've been doing all of this over ssh from a laptop anyways :P19:00
JokesOnYou77bekks, Also, trying to run in low graphics mode just gave me nothing.  Now I don't even have X. I'm going to remove that cuda package and then reboot19:00
bekksJokesOnYou77: Why reboot?19:00
bekksJokesOnYou77: Uninstall cuda, and install a proper nvidia driver.19:01
Jordan_Uwonton: How did you report it?19:02
JokesOnYou77bekks, I always had this impression that rebooting reloaded the kernel modules and that made a difference, but maybe not?19:04
PinkPantherbekks anything found wrong on the config?19:04
bekksJokesOnYou77: How would that fix your issue?19:04
anurizmis it possible to download ubuntu on a late 2009 macbook and use it as the sole OS19:05
anurizmi don't need OS X at all and just want to use ubuntu19:05
reisiodon't see why not19:05
JokesOnYou77bekks, i guess it wouldn't :P  Um, It says that libcuda1-331 package isn't actually installed...just a candidate (according to apt-cache policy).  But that doesn't jive with dpkg -l19:05
bekksJokesOnYou77: dpkg -l | grep -i cuda19:05
wontonIt's listed as a known issue on the release notes. No one should have to file another bug report on it. I've followed the bug as devs have written it off as fixed multiple times.19:06
aukaicuehow do I get the black square menu in the top left hand corner to stop popping up when I use my Alt and Win keys ??19:06
bekkswonton: Which bug did you follow? Your duplicate or the original bug?19:06
=== august_ is now known as Guest92323
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303736 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Black screen after wakeup from suspending by closing the laptop lid" [High,Fix released]19:07
bekkswonton: Which of those two did you follow? To which of those two did you add your comments?19:09
SchrodingersScatwonton: i had that same thing19:09
wontonThere was another one regarding thinkpad x220 hardware specifically19:09
wontonas a few of us reporting this have the same hardware19:09
wontoncsan't find that report offhand19:09
JokesOnYou77bekks, apt says it's not installed19:09
bekksJokesOnYou77: What does "dpkg -l | grep -i cuda" say?19:09
ANurizmguys I'm back, I'm the guy who wants to install ubuntu on my macbook19:10
ANurizmi crashed out19:10
ANurizmdid anyone respond to my prior post19:10
wontonbekks, neither.19:10
bekkswonton: So add your comments to the original bug, where devs are working on :)19:10
ANurizmi want to install either ubuntu or linux mint on my macbook late 2009 and use it as the sole OS. i don't want to dual boot. just linux.19:10
ANurizmany options?19:11
gix0is it an intel macbook or one of the earlier ppc ones?19:11
wontonbekks, I lied, I did on both. I was just trying to see if you were going to blame me for not commenting on a well reported  bug :P19:11
gix0yeap, done it before19:11
gix0with ubuntu19:11
DJHi all, is anyone available to help with an ubuntu server VM problem?19:11
gix0fairly straight forward19:11
JokesOnYou77bekks, I'm not sure what the rc means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9011029/19:11
gix0had an issue with wifi i think19:11
gix0had to get some drivers19:11
ANurizmhere are the specs (except I upgraded it to 4GB RAM)- http://support.apple.com/kb/sp57919:11
wontonEveryone: Raise your hand if the black screen of death bug still affects you.19:12
* wonton raises hand.19:12
bubbasauresDJ, Here you state the issues for help.19:12
ApastrixHello, i'm new to ubuntu and need some help!19:12
ANurizmi tried ubuntu but it had glitches. the boot logo was an ugly white box and it didn't reboot. i had to shut off and start up manually gix019:12
SchrodingersScat!ask | Apastrix19:12
ubottuApastrix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:12
bekkswonton: Polls are not helping anyone.19:12
Naphatul_wonton, just install the normal screenlock19:12
Naphatul_it's been broken for at least 7 months19:12
bekksJokesOnYou77: Removed but configuration not removed.19:12
gix0@ANurizm if I'm not mistaken, i downloaded and burned an ISO called 'alternative installer'19:13
DJThank you Bubba: The issue I am having is a failure to connect PostgreSQL to MySQL Workbench. I am virtualizing Ubuntu Server 14.04 with Oraclebox VM. I can give portforwarding forwarding information to anyone who would be kind enough to help!19:13
JokesOnYou77bekks, How can I address that?19:13
wontonNaphatul_, Yea. I may. I adjusted my habit unfortunately and lock it before I close the screen and have set the xrand shortcut.19:13
bekksJokesOnYou77: sudo apt-get purge libcuda1-331 ?19:14
bubbasauresDJ, You can also tab complete nicks so they are correct, one is notified of a message this way.19:14
gix0@ANurizm have you by any chance looked at this --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook19:14
wontonHad to configure logind.conf to override broken power-manager settings.19:14
DJI'm sorru Bubba I do not understand I am new to IRC. could you please explain what that means?19:14
shyamsk14.10 takes a longer time to boot & also crashes a lot more. Is this a known issue?19:15
bekkswonton: So add your workaround to the original bug report, so it can be helpful for others, too.19:15
ApastrixOk, so problem1: i look on the right, and i see that the update manager needs  509 updates! how can i download only what i need?19:15
bubbasaures!tab | DJ19:15
ubottuDJ: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:15
wontonbekks, It's already listed,19:15
wontonSpinning the same wheel I'm afraid.19:15
wontonI got the workaround from the threads.19:15
bubbasauresDJ, You are doing fine, just giving you info for best communications here is all.19:16
DJbubbasaures, ubottu got it! thank you!19:16
bpromptDJ:     "bubb"<tab press>     <--- pressing tab several times... loops through all possible existing nicks with those letters19:16
BluesKajApastrix, how do you know what it is that you don't need ?19:17
shyamskThe system just goes to sleep after hanging up. Any help debugging it?19:17
bubbasauresshyamsk, This a vanilla install, the details are the key here.19:17
DJin oracle I've bound port 5432 to ->
ApastrixI read some of the stuff, and it says things like python, and for sure i don't need python stuff, it feels like it wans to download everything on every topic lol19:18
DJto no avail19:18
shyamskBubbasaures,  vanilla install?19:18
bekksDJ: To which port ofß19:19
JokesOnYou77bekks, ok, that did it (also, now I feel silly).  Doesn't seem to to have helped though.  304 is installed according to dpkg.  It also installed nvidia settings 331 but there doesn't appear to be another candidate though19:19
OerHeksApastrix, yes you want it, 'cos it is free19:19
bubbasauresshyamsk, That is code for a basic install not really modified, hopefully update and upgraded.19:19
bekksJokesOnYou77: Well, you said you want to install 173?19:19
DJbekks, i10.0.2.15:5432 Looking into this problem I see this is the default port for postgres to run on19:20
DJI've also posted to  on Ask Ubuntu19:20
JokesOnYou77I tried that before though.  It didn't work either.  I'll try again now that everything is purged.19:20
bekksDJ: And you have to enable postgres to listen on that port, which it doesnt by default on other IPs than (localhost of your guest).19:20
ApastrixSo i need to download all the 509 things? isn't there a way to for exemple download only the security stuff?19:20
shyamskI just upgraded. Sudo apt-get dust-up grade is what I did.19:21
DJbekks, so to clarify in the /etc/postgresql/start.conf I need to make a change that tells the software to listen to
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bubbasauresApastrix, I would not mess with what the OS needs in updates, that is a fools road unless you know exactly what you're doing.19:22
bekksDJ: No. You need to tell it that it should listen on instead of
bubbasaureseven than a waste of time really19:22
che757so i have another really noob question. i'm trying to download a .nzb file from usenet, and i'm using sabnzbd which apparently runs inside of firefox. anyways when I try and download the nzb it tries to open in firefox, and I click browse but I have no idea where the executable for sannzbd is on my computer (also the search function doesn't seem to work). Any ideas?19:23
che757kubuntu 14.0419:23
shyamskBubbasaures, how would I debug this? /var/log?19:24
DJbekks:would this be done in /etc/postgresql/9.2/main editing postgresql.cnf?19:24
DJBekks: Does this notify you of my message in red?19:24
bubbasauresshyamsk, I would look on the web with the hardware and computer model myself this may be a known issue, could be a graphic issue. AS far as the crashes you need to give details is all.19:25
ApastrixOk that's problem1, problem 2, i just bought the laptop yesterday with ubuntu 12.04 presintalled, the screen looks funky and after searching around i found that in details the graphics are unknown, i guess this means ubuntu is not recognizing my GPU, so how to proceed?19:25
bekksDJ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL#Managing_the_Server19:25
bekksDJ: Yes, it does hilight me, but not in red, due to the configuration of my IRC client :)19:25
bubbasauresshyamsk, Might be a debug, just not sure what it is.19:26
DJbekks: #superuser19:26
bubbasauresApastrix, Who installed ubuntu on the computer?19:27
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ApastrixThe computer is Dell, and it came preinstalled.19:27
bubbasauresApastrix, Ah a dell good, I would contact them, my concern was it was an install by other than a OEM.19:28
daftykinsApastrix: i don't think the system info saying 'unknown' is actually an issue.19:28
shyamskBubbasaures, guess so. Maybe third party drivers are required. But that should only be an issue if it's a fresh install, right?19:28
bubbasauresshyamsk, Anything can happen at any time is a closer assumption. ;)19:29
JokesOnYou77bekks, no such luck.19:29
nopfApastrix: what *is* the GPU?19:30
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ApastrixNVIDIA geforce that's all what i know since it's on the sticker .19:30
DJbekks: Question - Why would I configure postgres to listen on when that's the IP of the Virtual Server, Shouldn't it be listening fro traffic from my computers ilocalhost/loopback network ( where SQL Workbench is running??19:31
bubbasauresshyamsk, This is an area I would have to guess in or cruise the web, so not really is it in my frontal lobes.19:31
streulmahello, I have a HP computer, but the fan is loud19:31
nopfApastrix: in general if you don't want 3d game performance, you can ignore the GPU driver thing19:31
shyamskBubbasaures, yeah guess so. I'll Google make and model. How that helps19:31
bekksDJ: is a localhost - it cant be access from anywhere else not even from yourt vm host. So you need to configure postgres to listen on the IP of the guest ( and then create a portforwarding.19:32
bekksDJ: thats why you need to reconfigure postgres.19:32
ApastrixI'm gonna do some heavy simulation for it, it's for studying, so i really need the graphics card working, besides the screen looks funky anyway.19:34
Apastrixwith it*19:34
bubbasauresshyamsk, This is a pretty good resource it has a search engine. http://askubuntu.com/19:34
streulmaI think the fan is loud about the graphics card...19:34
PinkPanther@beeks, thank you for the assist at this point I just disabled bonding and move back to one interface. Perhaps another day.19:34
DJbekks: so next steps are identify what postgres is listening to and change it to the servers "external" IP and Software port for postgres?19:35
bubbasaures!tab | PinkPanther19:35
ubottuPinkPanther: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:35
shyamskBubbasaures, yeah I know :-)19:35
OerHeksApastrix, go to the driver menu and see if there is one ( or more) driver available19:37
bekksDJ: Without configuration, postgres is listening to
DJbekks: thank you! I see that and have changed the "listen_addresses" to the port is still 5432. testing now!19:38
devhostI'm compiling the linux kernal with a patch to TIPC, and after I installed the kernal, TIPC was missing.19:38
devhostHow can I configure TIPC to be added to the compile?19:39
streulmaRead Error Rate 193068488 Seek Error Rate 7015037 Bad hard drive?19:39
bekksstreulma: hardware ecc errors?19:40
streulmabekks: it's a Seagate 2,5 inch drive, from new notebook19:40
streulmaI hate Seagate...19:40
bekksstreulma: Whats the hardware ecc error count, despite your feelings for seagate?19:41
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streulmabekks, ECC ? A normal drive hasn't it...19:41
bekksstreulma: Of course it has.19:41
rubiksmomoHelp. I bought Asus USB N10 Nano USB/WiFi adapter. I downloaded the latest linux driver and installed it with sudo make install. Now when I start my Ubuntu even ethernet connection is gone. Ifconfig command just hangs as well as make uninstall.19:42
bekksstreulma: Pastebin "sudo smartctl -a /dev/yourharddrive" please.19:42
streulmabekks: where can I see? smartmontools ?19:42
HappyNewYear13i need a good brighness indicator for utopic. i still cant believe this issue has not being solved (brightness level won save)19:43
DJbekks: Does it make sense to configure SQL workbench to
Kira9204streulma: install smartmon tools yes19:43
bekksDJ: No.19:43
HappyNewYear13brightness-indicator is not available in the repo. what do you guys use?19:44
bubbasauresHappyNewYear13, And you desktop is?19:44
DJbekks: how should I go about configuring then? configuration changes to postgres have been made and i've restarted the service to apply the changes I'm not sure of the networking at this point19:44
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streulmabekks, how to pastebin?19:45
Kira9204streulma: sudo apt-get install smartmontools, then view the smart data with sudu smartctl -a /dev/<insert hdd name>19:45
bekksDJ: Configure postgres to listen on; configure a virtualbox portforwarding; configure sql woekbench to use
HappyNewYear13bubbasaures, unity19:45
devildog31415bekks: I had a much longer than expected meeting.  you mind helping me understand my ignorance regarding: there are several errors so far: a) your script does not contain a proper header, b) you are not using full path names, c) the secondssince variable will not contain an integer after a daychange.19:45
bekksdevildog31415: Yes.19:46
ApastrixOk, i went to additional drivers, and indeed it's not showing anything, i guess my Graphic card is working even though it's labeled as unknown, Is there some way to check if it is indeed working, some command maybe?19:46
Kira9204streulma: run "mount" in a terminal and look for mountpoint "/"19:46
Kira9204to get hdd name19:46
bubbasauresHappyNewYear13, Thanks so it seems you have no save on the in house brightness gui changes is this correct?19:46
nopfstreulma: apt-get install pastebinit ; then you can use: somecommand | pastebinit19:46
bekks!pastebinit | streulma19:46
ubottustreulma: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com19:46
rubiksmomoHelp. I bought Asus USB N10 Nano USB/WiFi adapter. I downloaded the latest linux driver and installed it with sudo make install. Now when I start my Ubuntu even ethernet connection is gone. Ifconfig command just hangs as well as make uninstall.19:46
devildog31415bekks: shall we start with a?  guessing my script should start with !#/bin/bash   ?19:46
bekksdevildog31415: Thats correct.19:47
streulmabekks: http://pastebin.com/me651adv19:47
Kira9204devildog31415: # before !19:47
devildog31415bekss: as to point "b" are you refering to the fact I didn't do a full path to "hledger"? were there others?19:47
devildog31415Kira9204: ty.. typo19:47
devildog31415bekks: I can send the fpaste path again if desired19:48
bubbasauresHappyNewYear13, I have to take off, just letting you know.19:48
DJbekks: Vm port forwarding is configures as -> ; SQL WB is configured for; and the VM has been configured to allow 5432 with ufw. It still does not work19:48
bekksstreulma: that drive looks OK so far.19:48
bekksDJ: Did you shutdown the vm entirely, and restarted it?19:49
DJbekks: no sir or ma'am :P19:49
HappyNewYear13who wants to install brightness indicator with me? i type this but i get an error message 'sudo apt-get install indicator-brightness'19:49
DJbekks: take it I should do that?19:49
bekksDJ: Yes.19:49
HappyNewYear13brightness-indicator is the only way to save my brightness19:50
devildog31415bekks: as to point "b" are you refering to the fact I didn't do a full path to "hledger"? were there others?  (sending this second time since I typo'd your username bekks)19:50
HappyNewYear13from here: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/11/install-brightness-indicator-in-ubuntu-13-10-saucy/19:50
bekksdevildog31415: stat, hledger, etc.19:50
HappyNewYear13i was able to install it on 14.04 and it worked also on 14.10. but now i have 14.10 from scratch and i can't get it19:51
DJbekks: after complete restart same problem. I have verified my settings19:51
niLuvUanyone uses Openmailbox here ?19:51
niLuvUanyone uses Openmailbox here ? If so kindly try login and see it works ?19:52
bekksDJ: did you verify postgres is accepting connection on ?19:52
OerHeksApastrix, how do you see that it is 'unknown'?  and what is lspci saying? open terminal: lspci | grep VGA19:52
DJbekks: i'm not sure how to tdo that19:52
HappyNewYear13if someone replies to me here on xchat i get a blue message icon on the top bar (thunderbird icon) it wasnt like that before. now that's really cool19:52
bekksDJ: by using a postgres client on your guest vm.19:52
devildog31415bekks: awesome... thank you.. can you please help me understand your point "c" which was: the secondssince variable will not contain an integer after a daychange  (I'm afraid I don't understand how 2 numbers, both seconds since epoch wouldn't be integers?)19:52
HappyNewYear13i thought someone sent me an email19:52
DJbekks: isn't that what SQL workbench is?19:53
bekksdevildog31415: that statemen you used there will not work when the day is changed.19:53
HappyNewYear13do you guys have trouble saving the brithness in your laptops. unity utopic here19:53
bekksDJ: As long as sql workbench is not running inside your guest - it isnt a local postgres client.19:53
bekksHappyNewYear13: "No."19:54
HappyNewYear13bekks, did you install brightness-indicator?19:54
devildog31415bekks: If I take the current seconds since epoch and subtract (date modified of the file, since epoch) wouldn't that be an integer regardless of a day change.. I must be truely missing something obvious/fundamental19:54
ApastrixI see it in: system sittings > details > Graphic unknown , the command you gave me shows: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 0a16 (rev 0b)19:54
DJbekks: sql work bench is running on the VM host, I'm trying to make a host to VM connection  (windows 7)19:54
bekksHappyNewYear13: No.19:54
bekksDJ: So it is not _local_ postgres client inside your vm.19:55
HappyNewYear13does lenovo has a good reputation? who's better lenovo or HP? which one you'd choose?19:55
DJbekks: correct. nothing but postgres and Ubu server are running in a VM. The workbench software is running on my desktop19:55
reisioHappyNewYear13: for a cheap computer, HP19:56
reisioHappyNewYear13: but they'd both be fine most likely19:56
compdoclenovo is good stuff19:56
HappyNewYear131 vs 119:56
bekksDJ: So use a local postgres client inside your vm to check the proper postgres setup.19:56
HappyNewYear13compdoc, i just bought my first lenovo19:56
reisioyou have to realize they're both VARs: http://tuxmobil.org/laptop_oem.html19:56
HappyNewYear13reisio, what brand is your current personal laptop?19:57
reisiobut I've had very good experiences with dead cheap HP's and Compaq's (also HP)19:57
reisioHappyNewYear13: doesn't matter, I bought the cheapest one I could find19:57
HappyNewYear13compaqs were sweeeeeeeeeeeet19:57
DJbekks: like package postgresql-client?19:57
reisioand if I bought one with an unlimited budget, the brand would not factor into the choice19:57
HappyNewYear13reisio, please tell me the brand19:57
reisioI have very specific picky hardware requirements :p19:57
reisioit's an acer chromebook19:57
skyfallat what possibe conditions does a channel do not get connected  ?19:58
reisioalso had good experience with cheap Acers, as it happens19:58
reisioskyfall: ?19:58
skyfallim unable to join a channel.19:58
bekksDJ: e.g., yes.19:58
DJbekks: again I apologize I am new to this19:58
skyfallso i would ike to know why.\19:58
devildog31415bekks: ?19:58
skyfallreisio, any idea ?19:58
Jordan_Uskyfall: Please ask general freenode/IRC questions in #freenode.19:59
devildog31415bekks: it looks like we all want your time :(19:59
reisioskyfall: what channel?19:59
bekksdevildog31415: Do you use full paths for all commands you are using in your script?19:59
devildog31415bekks: I'm fixing that now.19:59
OerHeksApastrix, what is tht FULL output?20:01
Surendilhi people20:01
devildog31415bekks: I now have full path to hledger, mail, journal file, etc.. so "yes"20:01
DJbekks: psql is saying FATAL: role "root" does not exist, does this mean I need to create a user in postgresql or use a switch like psql -u root -p and then supply my password20:02
bekksdevildog31415: To stat, too, etc?20:02
bekksDJ: You need to configure postgres and setup a working database.20:02
Surendilis there any app for watching netflix on ubuntu?20:02
devildog31415bekks: <sheepishly>: um,, yes (as of just now) :-\20:03
OerHeksSurendil, yes, it is called chrome https://insights.ubuntu.com/2014/10/10/watch-netflix-in-ubuntu-today/20:03
HappyNewYear13why would you pay to watch movies and series20:03
OerHeksHappyNewYear13, stop that please.20:04
HappyNewYear13OerHeks, sorry20:04
SurendilHappyNewYear13: i don't use netflix, also, not from north america either.20:04
ApastrixOerHeks, yes it was.20:05
devildog31415bekks: can you help me understand point "c"?20:05
OerHeksApastrix, no it wasn't.20:05
SurendilOerHeks: thanks for the link, i'll check it out!20:06
EriC^^devildog31415: the syntax is wrong20:06
EriC^^what's the link to your script again?20:06
EriC^^devildog31415: you need to use variable=`expr .... `20:06
DJbekks: bleh I have to step away for a bit. Thanks for all  your help I will look into configuring psql tonight and attempt it! thanks!20:07
ApastrixOerHeks, look, it's my first day with ubuntu, i entered the command like it was given, and the terminal spelled just one line, does it mean the graphics is not working? because i run a system test on graphics now, and ubuntu said that everything is ok.20:09
OerHeksApastrix, there should be more than this > Intel Corporation Device 0a16 (rev 0b)20:09
devildog31415EriC^^: original without changes just added: http://fpaste.org/150867/20:10
devildog31415I'm confused because my secondssince ="/usr/bin/expr `/bin/date +%s` - `/usr/bin/stat -c %Y /home/sgabriel/Dropbox/apps/hledger/data/financial/sgabriel.journal.txt`"               which I thought is what you are saying I should have20:11
ApastrixOerHeks, ok wait a second, i will try to make a screenshot and post it.20:11
EriC^^devildog31415: you need to use ` instead of "20:12
EriC^^devildog31415: so it runs expr20:13
devildog31415EriC^^: like this: secondssince=`/usr/bin/expr `/bin/date +%s` - `/usr/bin/stat -c %Y /home/sgabriel/Dropbox/apps/hledger/data/financial/sgabriel.journal.txt``      (notice double single tick at very end)20:13
peyamanybody uses ubuntu with dual screen?20:15
EriC^^devildog31415:  `/usr/bin/expr $(/bin/date +%s) - $(/usr/bin/stat -c %Y /home/sgabriel/Dropbox/apps/hledger/data/financial/sgabriel.journal.txt)`20:15
bekkspeyam: What if?20:15
OerHekspeyam,  yes, with Nvidia gt43020:15
peyamdoes the panel bar on the top goes whole way  through both screens? or does it end at the first one and starts again on the second onitor?20:16
OerHekspeyam, depends, if you mirror it, if not, you will have 2 bars yes20:16
devildog31415EriC^^: thank you.. what is the necessity of the $() around date and stat.... so that I can understand why I would need to think of that for next time20:17
peyamOerHeks, so it doesnt go throu both like in Xfce? you will se the notification bar on both screens?20:17
bekksdevildog31415: COMMAND=/bin/date; RESULT=$(/bin/date)20:17
OerHekspeyam, i am not on XFCE20:18
ktokkanenas apo ellada?20:18
devildog31415$() means "do this and apply the value here".. ?20:18
peyamOerHeks, I said "like in xfce"20:18
OerHekspeyam give us more info, waht videocard, what desktop etc20:18
EriC^^devildog31415: $() is like ``20:18
ApastrixSorry firefox and two other softwares freezed (my first encounter with linux freezing), is there something like the task manager in linux? or should i go ahead and restart the computer?20:18
TheNumbdevildog31415: more like, place the output here20:18
peyamOerHeks, its a unity issue. not hardware. wait i explain it to you with a pic20:18
HappyNewYear13was able to install my brightness indicator now  ^_^ thank u all20:19
TheNumbdevildog31415: you could also use "` `" like EriC^^ suggested, but $() is easier to escape.20:19
OerHekspeyam, i have 2 seperate desktops, not mirrored, and both have that top panel, so i can watch time on both20:19
OerHeksif that answeres your question20:19
peyamOerHeks, http://i.imgur.com/YTV7p.jpg do you see the clock is on both and not on the right screen20:19
devildog31415this is awesome.. thank you for the help.  am I still missing the point on the "not an integer" if the day has changed or is that logic ok?  I thought it would be an integer20:20
peyamOerHeks, aha okej. I got the answer. thanks :)20:20
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EriC^^devildog31415: we used $() instead of `` because you can't have ``do this` + `do this`` ( can't be nested) but you can have nested $($())20:21
EriC^^devildog31415:  this could work too $(/usr/bin/expr $(/bin/date +%s) - $(/usr/bin/stat -c %Y /home/sgabriel/Dropbox/apps/hledger/data/financial/sgabriel.journal.txt))20:21
OerHekspeyam, odd, ... see mine > http://i.imgur.com/i8sdLmp.png20:21
sky-fallwhat does  SATA link power Managment stands for ?20:22
devildog31415EriC^^: thank you.   I think my only lingering confusion is over bekks saying "the secondssince variable will not contain an integer after a daychange."20:22
OerHekspeyam goto system settings > time / date > and see if you can enable it, make sure you are in the screen without time20:22
peyamOerHeks, yes you can make it so there is two panels. thats not the issue. the issue for me is that i dont want to see clock on both20:22
bekkssky-fall: For a power management facility implemented by SATA.20:22
OerHeksor disable it, independently20:23
peyamOerHeks, cant be done20:23
sky-fallbekks, its showing bad in the tunables while i checed using powertop . why you thin it is so ?20:23
niramhi, any idea how i can run systemd services on ubuntu 14.04 ?20:24
OerHekspeyam,  i just checked, if i disable one, it disables both20:24
rangergordHi. I would like to set a user (not system) environment variable for a non-interactive shell. Adding it in .bashrc makes it work when I open Terminal (I presume that's what interactive shell is), but the build tool I'm trying to get it to work with doesn't see it.20:24
peyamyes. but i want the clock be on the second one. only20:24
bekkssky-fall: BEcause I know that SATA implements power management technologies, which doesnt mean you can even see them using powertop.20:24
OerHekspeyam don't know how to swap that20:25
devildog31415Eric^^: bekks:  is my final point of confusion a rude question or am I being impatient?20:26
EriC^^devildog31415: i believe it will contain an integer20:26
devildog31415EriC^^: thank you20:26
EriC^^devildog31415: type echo `date +%s` && touch bla && sleep 2 && echo `stat -c %Y bla`20:27
devildog31415bekks: thank you as well!  you have all been invaluable (you to TheNumb)!20:28
bekksdevildog31415: you're welcome :)20:28
EriC^^devildog31415: the logic in the20:28
EriC^^script doesn't make sense though20:28
TheNumbdevildog31415: you're most welcome (:20:28
EriC^^cause it says secondssince < minseconds20:28
EriC^^shouldn't it be secondssince > minseconds ?20:28
devildog31415EriC^^: someone in my office.. will answer in 520:29
EriC^^sorry, sleep 2 should be before the touch bla if you want to try it out20:30
brenthow would i go about searching current directory for files with "cat" in it and moving results to a folder called "cat"20:32
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SchrodingersScatbrent: # find . -iname "cat" -exec mv {} /foo/bar # ???20:33
EriC^^brent: you need to use *cat*20:34
KKEmhello, do someone know a good data recovery tool with linux?20:34
EriC^^find . -iname "*cat*" -exec mv '{}' /path/to/cat \;20:34
EriC^^KKEm: testdisk20:35
KKEmthanks :)20:35
EriC^^KKEm: no problem20:35
KKEmi changed partition on the drive nothing else20:35
KKEmdo you think it will work EriC^^20:36
EriC^^KKEm: should work, ask around here if you need any help20:36
EriC^^KKEm: yeah, it should20:36
KKEmcool, that is wonderful20:36
KKEmill keep that in mind :)20:36
brentthanks SchrodingersScat, EriC^^  =)20:37
brentwill give it a shot20:37
brentcurious to know, for the  mv '{}' /path/to/cat \; is there a way to use current location to that and add /cat \;20:39
EriC^^find . -iname "*cat*" -exec mv '{}' '{}'/cat \;20:40
vAd0rI followed this guide http://importgeek.wordpress.com/2013/09/04/install-configure-and-test-tftp-server-in-ubuntu/ for setting up tftp. My server did not have a nobody group. I created this in /etc/group nobody:x:99:20:40
vAd0rwhen i try to tftp from my router i get %Error opening tftp:// (Permission denied). can someone tell me what im doing wrong20:40
brentyour a pro eric ;)20:40
EriC^^brent: that won't work20:41
brentok i was about to try20:42
EriC^^brent: you can copy the files but moving won't work20:42
EriC^^ah wait, it actually will work nevermind20:42
EriC^^( just can't move the parent directory )20:43
brentif my "moving to path" has a space in it do i need to add 'for the space'20:45
brenthow would that work20:45
bekksbrent: you have to use ""20:45
bekksbrent: "file name with spaces in it.txt"20:46
EriC^^brent: it should work, we used '{}'20:46
LargePrimeI have a question about using iproute2 to add ip addresses to my dedicated server.  Anyone with experience, or can link a guide, or can say what I should search for please advise.20:47
bekksLargePrime: How about asking your question instead asking to ask a question? :)20:47
vAd0rI asked a ?. :)20:47
vAd0rim thinking it is something to do w/ the nobody setup20:48
LargePrimehow do i add ip addresses to my dedicates server using iprout2?20:48
vAd0rip addresses are different than routes20:48
LargePrimeand will it survive a reboot?20:48
bekksLargePrime: iproute adds routes, not ip addresses.20:48
LargePrimeis not part of iproute2 "ip addr add"20:48
LargePrimeTo adjust the addresses associated with the interfaces, we again use the ip addr subcommand.20:49
LargePrimequoting a\the above link20:49
bekksLargePrime: when using a digitalocean vps, it'd be better to ask digitalocean on how to configure it.20:50
LargePrimenot using thier VPS20:50
LargePrimetrying to figgure iprout2 out20:50
bekksLargePrime: So basically you want to configure a static ip address on an Ubuntu?20:51
LargePrime14.04 yes.  i have several i would like to add to my dedicated box via SSh20:52
bekksLargePrime: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html20:52
LargePrimeis not the ifup command depreciated?20:53
bekksLargePrime: That guide is for 14.0420:54
vAd0rgoto /etc/network/interface file and edit it.20:55
LargePrimebekks: nothing in that guide addresses adding multipul ips to a dedicated server20:56
vAd0rCan someone help me figure out why my tftp server will not allow me to connect20:56
vAd0rLargePrime: do you want multiple ips on 1 interface or separate interfaces20:56
LargePrimeone interface20:56
devildog31415EriC^^: thought they were never going to leave my office :)20:57
nbuonannoLargePrime: Is this the same question you had earlier? Out of curiosity, did you have any luck setting up virtual interfaces?20:57
bekksLargePrime: http://askubuntu.com/questions/313877/how-do-i-add-an-additional-ip-address-to-etc-network-interfaces20:57
KKEmEriC^^ im in testdisk_win.exe right now20:57
KKEmEriC^^: im in chose partition20:58
devildog31415EriC^^: no, I think my logic is sound.. "secondssince" is how many seconds it has been since the file was last modified... and if the file was modified LESS THAN minseconds(1 day worth of seconds) then send me an email because there have been accounting journal entries made20:58
vAd0rYou will not be able to add a secondary ip address that is on the same subnet. It will overlap20:58
bekksvAd0r: Nonsense.20:59
bekksvAd0r: You can easily setup multiple ip addresses from within the same subnet.20:59
vAd0rwhat is the point20:59
vAd0ron a router you can not do this20:59
furkananybody here use the wine ppa on ubuntu 14.04? i use evernote and steam, and both used to show their icons in the system tray, but for the past few weeks they've disappeared. not sure if it's something that changed with wine or with unity20:59
bekksvAd0r: a router is something different.20:59
vAd0rCan you assist me w/ tftp server21:00
EriC^^devildog31415: oh ok21:00
EriC^^KKEm: ok, did you do analyze then quick search?21:00
KKEmEriC^^: i chooced intel/pc partition, works fine now21:01
bekksvlad_starkov: sudo apt-get install inetutils-inetd tftpd-hpa21:02
KKEmEriC^^: i chooced quick search, should i stop it and take deeper search?21:02
friggingloriousQuick question for anyone familiar with Swap files encrypted partitions. I've been researching this for about an hour now, I just want a little confirmation before I potentially screw up my OS.21:02
bekksvlad_starkov: Sorry, tab fail.21:02
jimmy51v_anyone have a recommendation for Outlook 365 Mail/Calendar clients for ubuntu?21:03
friggingloriousjimmy51v_: Thunderbird all day21:03
jimmy51v_currently trying Thunderbird+lightning+davmail.  It's quite slow.21:03
jimmy51v_frigginglorious: how do you get calendar?21:03
jimmy51v_(and are you running davmail locally?)21:03
reisiojimmy51v_: evolution will probably have the most MS compatibility21:03
friggingloriousjimmy51v_: yeah, thunderbird seems to have some memory issues sometimes. I use google calandar for everything i need. I havent found a good solution for integrating them yet.21:04
devildog31415I have struggled with Thunderbird on 14.04 and evolution is rough.  I just do OWA and if I need deeper I just use our companies VDI or run a windows virtual in virtualbox.. (I know that isn't an answer, just sharing what I'm doing)21:05
EriC^^KKEm: did it find the partition you want?21:05
KKEmEriC^^ : not yet21:06
jimmy51v_devildog31415: it seems like quite a missing chunk of the workstation world.21:06
KKEmEriC^^ : its a 1 tb hdd21:06
Blueeri've many problems with ubuntu 14.04lts -> nginx webserver just crashes without logs ones a day -> newest php5-fpm crashes/hangs every day multiple times. it's running in a kvm mode.21:06
jimmy51v_i'm trying evolution right now but it doesn't seem to have exchange support... just IMAP21:06
EriC^^KKEm: it should find it pretty quickly, press enter then try the deep search21:06
Blueernow i'm thicking about switching to debian or centos :(21:06
Blueerstill no bug reports21:07
KKEmEriC^^ : maybe i should wait for it to run done?21:07
rvankleeckhello. I'm having some issues with repositories. I'm getting "unmet dependencies" for already installed packages when I attempt to apt-get install anything21:07
Blueerdidn't had so much problems with 12.04lts21:07
rvankleeckbut the dependencies are already  met (or so it would seem)21:07
bubbasauresBlueer, That is #ubuntu-offtopic stuff.21:08
rvankleecke.g.: lsb-release : Depends: python3:any (>= 3.3.2-2~), but python3: Installed: 3.4.0-0ubuntu221:08
ApastrixThanks for the help guys, i solved my problem with the graphic unknown thing, with the command: sudo apt-get install mesa-utils21:08
friggingloriousAnyone know why my /etc/fstab shows 2 swap files, (one is named cryptswap), but neither are mounted? Would I ruin my OS if I deleted one? Whats the safest way to get that swapfile mounted?21:08
hollusionhi guys, i have a problem running quake4. it doesnt matter whether i run quake4 (32bit) or quake4-smp (64 bit) i end up with: Sys_Error: Unable to initialize OpenGL. i am running on 64 bit linux mint debian and i have a GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2 card, any ideas?21:09
EriC^^devildog31415: something seems fishy with the logic still21:09
EriC^^devildog31415: it will never not run i think21:09
daftykins!mint | hollusion21:09
ubottuhollusion: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:09
bekksfrigginglorious: Why do you want to mount it when wanting to get rid of it?21:09
EriC^^devildog31415: its checking every 10 hours for the seconds since the file was modified right21:10
EriC^^and it's always going to be less than 24 hours21:10
ApastrixI have another question, some programs froze, is there something like task manager in ubuntu, so i can close the frozen processes?21:10
devildog31415EriC^^: It checks every day at 1000 hours.21:10
bekksdevildog31415: One day has 24 hours only.21:10
EriC^^devildog31415: ah, i misread that as */1021:10
friggingloriousbekks: I saw a bunch of forum posts, but no one else was showing 2 files in fstab. I don't really wanna try a sollution unless i can be sure my OS wont be ruined21:10
devildog31415the file was only modified if I did any journal entries21:10
daftykinsApastrix: system monitor21:11
bekksfrigginglorious: Why do you want to remove it, actually?21:11
devildog31415if no journal entries in 24 hours then I already have the email from the previous day, don't send me an email21:11
friggingloriousbekks: is it dangerous to have 2? All I want is to have swap memory, so chrome quits crashing my computer when i use too many tabs :P21:11
bekksfrigginglorious: No, it is not dangerous.21:12
bekksfrigginglorious: Why do you think chrome crashes because of lacking swap?21:12
Apastrixdaftykins, thanks i will use it21:12
esdeI've got openvpn 2.3.5 installed from source on 14.04, and i can run openvpn with "openvpn". but when i run sudo service openvpn status i get "openvpn: unrecognized service". How can i install openvpn as a service?21:13
devildog31415EriC^^: and bekks: did that answer your question or do you think there is still an issue, because it wouldn't surprise me if I'm not thinking it through correctly since this is all new to me.. but I think I'm using the modified attribute correctly (I wouldn't want the "changed" attribute).  and I think the logic is sound of if seconds since changed is less than 24 hours, then send me balance summary because something has been added sinc21:13
friggingloriousbekks: Whenever memory fills up, it starts chugging till i close some tabs. In any browser, really. Sometimes it jsut locks up and i have to power it off manually.21:13
bekksdevildog31415: I am sorry, I dont get your text at all.21:13
devildog31415bekks: no, I'm sorry21:14
bekksfrigginglorious: Then why do you have so much tabs open? And how much RAM do you have?21:14
devildog31415let me write some sudo code21:14
friggingloriousbekks: 4gb definitely isnt enough RAM for my kinda multitasking21:14
bekksdevildog31415: No sudo code whatsoever. I didnt get what you just wrote abot modified attributes and stuff.21:14
jimmy51v_ok... no go on evolution.21:15
devildog31415bekks: the fact that files have both a "modified" and a "changed" attribute in the file system.. and that "modified" refers to actual data changes to the file and "changed" refers to any changes even to the metadata of a file21:15
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jimmy51v_if i were a billionare philanthropist i would fund a client side linux solution to work with Exchange21:15
devildog31415jimmy51v_: and since there is a Microsoft with billions and a closed source protocol they can just keep screwing your day up :(21:16
jimmy51v_devildog31415: hehe probably.  there are android apps that do it though, so it must be possible.21:17
jimmy51v_ex: mobimail21:17
devildog31415jimmy51v_: I'm ignorant and what is going on there (with android) but I think it has to do with Microsoft being required to license it out and Android pays for that?21:17
bekksdevildog31415: Yes. :)21:17
devildog31415and what=on what21:18
mydopeyWhere can I find IRC for xrandr command21:18
bubbasauresmydopey, man xrandr21:19
jimmy51v_devildog31415: ah.  boo again21:19
devildog31415jimmy51v_: no argument here....21:20
BluesKajesde, usually network manager gui is used to setup and run openvpn21:20
mydopeybubbasaures: I want to talk with someone about it not read about it.21:20
devildog31415everyone: thanks for your help today. I'm going to go home before it snows, play with the kiddos and jump back on here when everyone is asleep. ttfn21:20
bubbasauresmydopey, Than describe the issue is all.21:21
shlantanyone know how I can clear the screen when any user ssh's in ? ubuntu 14.0421:23
shlantI tried adding it to my MOTD but doesn't seem to work21:23
brentEriC^^,  im having trouble with that example you gave from earlier.. http://pastebin.com/NJ2bKxhr21:23
mydopeyIssuing command xrandr output HDMI-0 --set overscan on. Creates a weird scaling problem.21:23
EriC^^shlant: you could add it to /etc/profile21:24
EriC^^( clear )21:24
mydopeyIssuing command xrandr output HDMI-0 --set overscan on. Creates a weird scaling problem. bubbasaures21:24
brentfrom what i understand it is trying to move the results to a folder with the results filename rather than the "currect directory/folder"21:24
EriC^^shlant: add "i know what you did last summer" and clear it, and put a %RANDOM in there, screw with their heads21:25
bubbasauresmydopey, Thanks, not sure myself, never used it that way, good info for help I would assume.21:25
mydopeyHard to describe. Like the display is squashed rather than scaled. bubbasaures21:26
shlantEriC^^: haha I will try that thanks21:26
compdocshlant, you add or modify a file in /etc/update-motd.d   ?21:26
bubbasauresmydopey, Is this a simplified X like tiling?21:26
alexThundercan someone tell me how to use hybrid graphics with radeonsi / ubuntu 14.10? DRI_PRIM=1 glxinfo still shows intel and vgaswitcheroo tells my DynOff for the discrete graphics21:26
shlantcompdoc: I am clearing out everything in there and adding my own script21:26
shlantI have it working21:26
shlantI jsut wanted to get clear working21:27
compdocprobably shouldnt delete all those files21:27
brentEriC^^,  find . -iname "*s01*" -exec mv '{}' '{}'/Season01 \; this isn't working.. is it trying to move the found "s01" files to a directory named "found-file-name/Season01"21:28
mydopeybubbasaures: all distros like ubuntu and opensuse. Hdmi output to tv has overscan. No settings on tv to remove it. The command fixes it. But it creates that problem. Its oss radeon.21:28
EriC^^brent: try -exec echo mv '{}' and see what's happening21:29
ApastrixSorry, i have another important question, i downloaded gparted, and i have the current settings:( http://i548.photobucket.com/albums/ii324/hesuka17/Screenshotfrom2014-11-14221640.png) but i need my root to be in its own partition not with home, and when i searched around, i found that i need a live cd to do the partitioning, but i don't any Cds, ubuntu came pre-installed, how should i proceed?21:29
mydopeyMost monitors and some hdtv have a setting called pc mode. My hdtv does not,21:30
brent-exec command not found :/21:30
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EriC^^brent: i think it's doing that21:30
EriC^^brent: we need to remove the file21:31
bubbasauresmydopey, Cool, pertinent details, just be sure to mention this hdmi to tv link, sorry I can't help more.21:31
Apachezwhere can I online get a copy of current /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt lets say from ubuntu 14.10 ?21:31
brentwhich file are we talking about?21:31
EriC^^we need it as //path/to21:31
EriC^^you could use dirname21:31
brentoh ok21:32
brentso i'd need to use a full path21:32
EriC^^brent: is it recursive or just one directory?21:32
brentsadly i have 100's :(21:33
brentits one directory though21:33
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kahtahsApachez: launchpad21:33
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EriC^^brent:  find . -iname "*s01*" -exec mv '{}' $(dirname '{}')/Season01 \;21:36
rgenito_what's the command to see what process is using a certain port?21:37
rgenito_can't remember :(21:37
brentEriC^^,  i just had a little success with this "find . -iname "*s01*" -exec mv '{}' ./Season01 \;"21:37
EriC^^brent: or that, i was going to say that21:37
EriC^^but the find is if you need the recursiveness21:37
brentwhich i will ;)21:37
brentchampion EriC^^ !21:37
EriC^^brent: you can also for i in *s01*; do mv $i ./Season01; done21:37
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shlantEriC^^: I was able to get it working by adding printf "\033c" to my MOTD :)21:38
SpecEriC^^: "$i" to handle spaces in filenames better21:38
brentwhat about casse sensitivity?21:38
brentoften files had S01 and s0121:38
unopasteLunatik you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:38
EriC^^Spec: yes, do mv "$i"21:38
Specbrent: for i in [sS]01*; do mv "$i" Season1/; done21:38
LargePrimebekks: how does it feel to be that awesome?21:39
Specoh, with a leading asterisk if you need it21:39
brentok i will try again ;)21:39
rvankleeckcan anyone recommend an easy, one off package with little to no extra dependencies to test installing?21:39
unopasteLunatik you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:39
EriC^^shlant: great :)21:41
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trismrvankleeck: the hello package is as simple as it gets, but it might be better to just pastebin the full output of whatever you are trying to install21:43
rvankleecktrism, i'm testing installing from spacewalk. just wanted something that would be quick without a lot of extra stuff to it21:43
brentfind . -iname "*[sS]01*" -exec mv $i ./Season01 \; this says mv: missing destination file operand after ‘./Season01’21:45
Sia-on mac is available using difrence keyboards in the Browser tabs. so is that possible in ubuntu too?21:45
EriC^^brent: no need for [sS] with find, iname is for ignore case :)21:46
brentok gotcha21:46
EriC^^brent: with find -exec you need to use '{}'21:46
brentthe $i is broken it :/ whats that suppose to do?21:47
EriC^^brent: for i in *[sS]s01*; do mv "$i" ./Season01; done21:47
EriC^^the $i is the variable, you can call it anything you want, for x in ... $x21:48
EriC^^brent: with find and -exec, {} means what it found21:49
brentok thanks for that21:49
EriC^^brent: sorry, it's for i in *[sS]01*; do mv "$i" ./Season01; done21:49
brenthehe ok ill try that too21:50
kahtahsApachez: so: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-utopic.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt21:51
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brentfinal question for ya EriC^^ : (excuse this 2 line paste)21:54
brentfor i in *[sS]01*; do mv "$i" ./Season01;21:55
brentfor i in *[sS]02*; do mv "$i" ./Season02; done21:55
brentthat doesnt work for me?21:55
michele_hi guys i've a serious problem with kworker21:55
EriC^^is there a done on the first one?21:55
brentlol i took it out becuase i wasnt "done" yet21:56
brentguess its needed21:56
EriC^^haha :D21:56
EriC^^; done ; j/k ; ok, really done21:57
brentty for you time and help21:57
EriC^^no problem :)21:57
brentand everyone else too21:57
brentyou've saved me a lot of time21:57
brentso thanks!21:57
EriC^^michele_: what's up?21:58
michele_eric you helped me with this problem in past?21:58
michele_oh my god *.*21:58
michele_i love you you are my saver21:58
daftykinslet me guess, a kworker thread trashing CPU/mem usage21:58
michele_i've formatted21:58
EriC^^michele_: i see21:59
michele_why this problem compare ever?21:59
EriC^^michele_: what do you mean?22:00
michele_when i format the problem appear another time22:00
michele_sorry for the english xD22:01
EriC^^michele_: yeah cause of the format the modifications disappeared22:02
michele_i must be backup when i solve22:03
daftykinsor take notes of the solution22:03
EriC^^michele_: open a terminal and type grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/22:04
EriC^^paste it in paste.ubuntu.com, or use pastebinit22:04
michele_wait i'm using a old version of kernel22:05
michele_for an advice of the channel of support italian22:05
michele_now i restart wait22:05
EriC^^michele_: ok22:05
brentme again ;) i needed to check to see what happens when doing this: for i in *[sS]01*; do mv "$i" ./"Season 01"/; done with no Season 01 folder already made. And it gives an error saying: mv: cannot move ‘test.s01.mkv’ to ‘./Season 01/’: Not a directory22:06
brentis there a way to create a Season 01 folder if not made22:06
dna113pHello. Wondering where I would go to disable Super-L to lock screen keybinding. I'm using Xubuntu.22:06
daftykinsbrent: are you not duplicating the work of a lot of media management programs? also, you're aware of the BASH channel yes? (just in case you ever need a backup place)22:08
cx405Hello! Does today exist a method to remotely control Android device FROM Linux? My mother is in another country and using Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 2014 for example, and I use Linux Desktop. All I need is to support her remotely. Any ideas? This was pita in 2013 and up to today I cant find any answer. The only option so far is Teamviewer Support App, but it costs ~500$...22:09
Naphatul_dna113p, settings -> keyboard -> application shortcuts22:09
Naphatul_should be there22:09
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OerHeksbrent, i guess you do this in your /home folder, >>>>  for i in *[sS]01*; do mv "$i" ~/"Season 01"/; done22:10
EriC^^michele_: hey22:10
michele_ok i'm going to activate the kworker22:10
michele_just doing a heavy operation22:11
kostkoncx405, team22:11
cx405Forgot to say - I dont want to root the tablet under any circumsances to NOT void the warranty. I am already thinking about selling the thing, because its such a disaster in remote support field.22:12
kostkoncx405, teamviewer is free fir personal use afaik22:12
daftykinscx405: teamviewer +122:12
bpromptcx405:    what about skype?22:12
kostkoncx405, free on both linux and android22:13
cx405kostkon: No, teamviewer is completely out of question. TW only supports connecting TO android from windows/mac. However I managed to get it running in Wine. Linux version does not support it. But the mobile application in order to connect TO the android is not free and requires a license. For personal 4-6x use, 500$ is over the top.22:13
michele_eric where do you live?22:13
cx405bprompt: sorry, what about skype?22:14
bpromptcx405:     well.... what kind of support are you after?22:15
daftykinscx405: sounds like a more appropriate device would be wise.22:15
cx405I would use Teamviewer, I understand why one has to pay - its only option I suggest for them to pay Google to secure access device without UNrooting. I am okay with payware. But not 500$. That galaxy tab costed her 1000$. its half of device cost....22:16
cx405daftykins: Suggest one please. I am already thinking about buying her a notebook.... -_-22:16
daftykinscx405: sorry, no. i don't even run desktop Linux22:17
cx405bprompt: A remote session from Linux to Android, where I get remote control and view, so I can help her live with her mail and teach to use device. Its straight personal thing on only that device.22:18
brentOerHeks, its from /media/user/22:18
gebruikerhow come flash is slower with linux than on windows?22:18
EriC^^brent: yeah, the directory needs to be created first with mv22:18
k1lgebruiker: ask adobe to make a good flash for linux :)22:19
bpromptcx405:    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wyse.pocketcloudfree     <--- does vnc    as the article ->  http://www.maketecheasier.com/remote-control-ubuntu-from-android-tablet/  points out22:19
brentok so i should make the dir before the code22:19
cx405bprompt: ty, checking22:19
EriC^^brent: btw don't use ./Season01 if it's not created22:19
michele_the kworker don't want to appear lol22:19
gebruikerk1l, you a lawyer right? Can we sue them for not producing equalavent quality products for other platforms other than windows / mac ?22:20
EriC^^brent: it will move (rename) every file that matches to Season01, and you'll end up with 1 file called Season0122:20
EriC^^brent: i just tried it on a test dir, and went O.o22:20
brentyea i had the same problem22:20
EriC^^while testing it?22:21
cx405bprompt: Eh.. I dont want to control Ubuntu/Linux from Android, I want to control Android from Ubuntu.22:21
brentyea while testing. i was worried in a real worl env id lose my files22:21
bpromptcx405:    vnc does client/server access, both ways22:21
EriC^^ah ok22:21
EriC^^brent: good thing that you tested!22:22
k1lgebruiker: no i am not a lawyer and we cant sue them. you can just show them that it would be good to make a good linux one. adobe even stopped totally to make a linux one. google makes pepperflash now22:22
brenthehe yea22:22
bpromptcx405:    also.... btw... there's an   i386 android, that you can run off a liveUSB or install... I've used it... looked ok.... picked up my wifi connection as well, and I'd think you could find an RDP app for android to android22:22
cx405bprompt: nope. Not on non-rooted device. And I dont want to root 1000$ tablet. Even if I decide to, that tablet is in another country. And my mother under no circumstance can pull off that thing. If she could, then I would never need to assist her remotely. In fact, SHE would probably be hanging here around.22:23
stoogenmeyerhi im using lubuntu and i've got some weird issues after about 6 months of normal usage - my computer won't respond to me trying to suspend it. if i type suspend in the terminal nothing happens but if i go to a different terminal and type sudo pkill suspend it will go into suspend mode. after i come back from suspend though, my mouse cursor is gone (-: really weird22:23
brentEriC^^,  would mkdir solve this?22:23
EriC^^brent: yeah22:23
cx405bprompt: Yes, I was thinking about this as an option. But other way around - to buy her a notebook, THEN install x86 android there. Yet.. It does not have Samsung interface (which makes all idea useless as I cant support her - device is different). And also, she cant set it up herself.22:24
bpromptcx405:    does she run windows by any chance?     there's an singleclick app for rooting an android device, runs on windows.. but only requries a couple of clicks22:26
alexThundercan someone tell me how to use hybrid graphics with radeonsi / ubuntu 14.10? DRI_PRIM=1 glxinfo still shows intel and vgaswitcheroo tells my DynOff for the discrete graphics22:26
dna113pNaphatul: That is what I would have thought, but it is not in setting > keyboard > application shortcuts... at least not that i can find22:28
cx405bprompt: No, I dont really want to do any rooting. Because of the risk alone. I mess this up and have a brick that I can only access in next ... 5 months? If this does not work out, Ill probably order her a notebook and guide her to install Ubuntu there.22:28
michele_why skype don't connect with microsoft account22:29
bpromptcx405:  hmmm where does it say "PocketCloud Remote22:30
OerHeksmichele_, does it not? https://login.skype.com/login22:30
bpromptcx405:  hmmm where does it say "PocketCloud Remote" only works for rooted devices?22:30
michele_i've installed it on ubuntu 14.0422:31
michele_when i press microsoft account22:31
michele_it appear the message22:31
michele_of the slow connection -.-22:31
cx405bprompt: From what I read PocketCloud controls Workstation from Android. I want to control Android from Workstation. Damn, even being able to see and mark parts of screen live would be sufficient.22:32
PLMghey, got a question that is driving me nuts and cannot fin the answer. So I installed ubuntu server 14.04.1 a few times today and the first time I installed it it booted up in a new nice gui that I did not recognise. (I checked the ubuntu desktop checkbox during install)22:35
PLMghad to install ubuntu again and this time with the same (almost) choices during install it booted up in unity gui22:35
PLMgwhat was that 1st gui that I encounterd? It looked a bit like the xubuntu gui.(as far as I can tell by searching gui in google images)22:36
k1lPLMg: so your issue is that you installed ubuntu-desktop and it installed a desktop?22:36
EriC^^PLMg: which iso are you using?22:36
k1lPLMg: see http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ22:37
PLMguhm, I got the ubuntu server 14.04.1 one22:37
cx405Well, so basically android is a feature limited garbage bin. :(22:37
PLMgit looks like Xfce22:38
rgenito_i'm wrestling with a pretty ... lame issue in ubuntu22:38
rgenito_when i try to log in as a user via shell, I get: bash: /media/rgenito/d81/s/acg/.bashrc: Permission denied22:38
rgenito_any ideas? the acg folder was chown'd to the user/group of the user that is trying to log in22:38
EriC^^rgenito_: was it recursiveness chown'd ?22:39
EriC^^rgenito_: does the user have permissions to the directories before acg?22:39
PLMgone thing I remember is, when I click on the top left part of the screen, a menu pops up and I can click something manager, don't remember the first part. Is that from Xfce gui?22:39
rgenito_EriC^^, yes22:40
EriC^^PLMg: you're being pretty vague22:40
rgenito_EriC^^, ah but...22:40
rgenito_user doesn't have permissions to the directory ABOVE acg22:40
rgenito_...should everyone have permission on something like that? that doesn't sound safe22:40
EriC^^rgenito_: he can't read it if he doesn't have r x to the ones before22:41
PLMgsorry, was having issues getting eth0 up and I was focusing on that. I will google a bit and will come back with more info. Thx for the help guys. brb22:41
CajunTechieHey everyone! Does anyone know where I can get the latest version of Mono on Ubuntu? It seems that the one that's in the repos is old?22:41
EriC^^rgenito_: i guess there's a better way to do what you're trying to do22:43
rgenito_EriC^^, probably22:45
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mazertmHi, after upgrading from 12.04LTS>14.04LTS i have constantly this fault "Transport endpoint is not connected" on my mhddfs mount. i need to remount it to fix it but it will go fucked again just in a few minuts. anyone kno what causes this ?22:45
=== luckybunny is now known as Ragnarok
rgenito_EriC^^, any idea what that is? :) We want a user to be able to SSH into this machine, but we want that user to use home directory on a separate hard drive... not on the drive that the local /home is on22:45
mazertmrgenito: set it in the /etc/passwd ?22:50
EriC^^rgenito_: i can think of one way, but i'm sure there are better22:50
EriC^^rgenito_: you can give him x permissions on the directories, he can get to acg22:50
mazertmregnito: someuser:x:1000:1000:someuser,,,:/mnt/somedir:/bin/bash22:51
EriC^^he can't list what's in the directories, but still if there's a file there with r he can read it22:51
jimmy51v_I have made a custom repository on my network.  I've added it with add-apt-repository and have installed packages from it.  Works great from CLI.  However, Muon doesn't show the packages when i search for them.22:52
rgenito_EriC^^, ahh maybe that's it22:53
jimmy51v_Does Muon only show official repos?  Or only show signed packages?22:53
rgenito_mazertm, it's "rg" then hit tab22:53
rgenito_EriC^^, http://pastie.org/private/la6f6olqrm6ni0fzriobw22:53
rgenito_so ya, it's probably what you mentioned, i'm gunna try that... but it's saying no permission for .bashrc -.-22:53
rgenito_EriC^^, ah yes, user does have +x permission. everyone has it22:53
gebruikeranyone here tried BFQ with ubuntu?22:54
gebruikerBFQ with CK ?22:54
gebruikeris it much of a difference?22:54
EriC^^rgenito_: ls -l /media/rgenito22:55
k1lgebruiker: http://askubuntu.com/questions/339951/why-arent-the-bfq-and-bfs-schedulers-included-in-the-official-ubuntu-kernel22:55
EriC^^rgenito_: it's far from the ideal solution though22:55
gebruikerk1l, yeah but that does not really answer my question22:57
gebruikerk1l, so you noticed better latency with the bfq and ck paches?22:57
k1lgebruiker: with that knowledge i doubt that there is much experience with that schedulers22:58
mazertmrgenito_: voila22:58
rgenito_:: reading ::22:59
gebruikerk1l, yeah saw the youtube video of the bfq sched, and it seemed quite impressive handling the workload22:59
rgenito_mazertm, huh? viola what?22:59
rgenito_oooh k1l is a bot? o.O22:59
rgenito_EriC^^,  i will ls -l /media/rgenito for you22:59
rgenito_EriC^^, it's under 'other permissions': http://pastie.org/private/mekedt1buowyrx9zwrka23:00
k1lgebruiker: well, a nice PR video doesnt make it automatically a good software :)23:00
k1lrgenito_: no i am not a bot :)23:01
EriC^^rgenito_: sorry, ls -ld /media/rgenito23:01
gebruikerk1l, have you seen it?23:01
rgenito_k1l, hehe sorry about that ;D23:01
gebruikerk1l, did not get the impression it was a marketing video23:01
rgenito_EriC^^, here ye go :D http://pastie.org/private/r5m9q9u8tlmjkjvq0oga23:02
gebruikerk1l, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeNbS0rzpoY23:02
EriC^^rgenito_: yeah, you need to add him23:03
EriC^^rgenito_: getfacl /media/rgenito will tell you the other permissions ( see the little + at the end? )23:03
k1lgebruiker: i dont have experience with that schedulers and i doubt you will find others in here. honestly i trust the ubuntu devs to be aware of that and to decide if that is relyable and brings an advantage23:04
rgenito_EriC^^, yes i see it23:05
EriC^^rgenito_: sudo setfacl -m u:jboncompte:x /media/rgenito23:05
rgenito_what do you mean by "you need to add him"?23:05
EriC^^rgenito_: that will add him23:05
EriC^^giving him x permissions23:05
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rgenito_EriC^^, it works, THANK yoU!! :)23:11
EriC^^rgenito_: no problem :)23:11
reisiohi Brookes23:14
Brookescool, just testing out irssi, it works pertty well!23:15
tman21Hey guys, i'm trying to install Catalyst Control center, during install i get the following error message23:17
tman21dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of fglrx:23:17
tman21 fglrx depends on libc6-amd64 (>= 2.9).23:17
sederhi everyone23:17
sederDoes anyone here know how to use sed'23:17
sederI'm wondering how to remove everything between a dot and a comma23:18
BusinessManAnyone wanna create a startup?23:18
=== ashwin is now known as Guest9939
sederlike from this -329.3348,1536.3771,76.6117 to this -329.,1536.,76.23:18
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k1lseder: i think the people in #bash know (or is there even a regexp channel?)23:18
sederthanks k1l23:18
ashwin18Hi guys, I need some help. I need someone who has ubuntu (even an empty VM installation of it) to do this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/445997/how-to-convert-androids-contacts2-db-to-vcf23:19
reisioseder: why remove that23:20
k1lashwin18: what is your actual support issue?23:20
ashwin18I'm trying to convert the contacts2.db file from my android backup to a vcf file so I can import it in a new phone, but I dont have ubuntu or linux at the moment23:20
reisioashwin18: you could see what 'strings' says about it23:20
ashwin18It's...not realted to ubuntu itself23:20
ashwin18Is that a user?23:20
reisiono, it's an executable23:21
nick07Iḿ trying to see a usb harddisk attached to my router in ubuntu (samba) but I cannot click te folder23:21
ashwin18For windows?23:21
k1lashwin18: so isntall a ubuntu in a vm or find some tools for windows23:21
ashwin18I tried, I really did. It seems there's absolutely no way to do this in windows, just that one ubuntu method. And I cant install ubuntu atm, my limited mobile data wont allow me to download it23:22
ashwin18Just to be clear, I need someone who has ubuntu to use terminal to install the packages sqlite3 and libsqlite3-dev, then download a script called dbconverter.sh and use chmod to make it executable, and then use the script to convert my db file to vcf23:23
k1lashwin18: honestly i would not send my contacts to a 3rd person. so get a internet connection, load ubuntu, put it into a vm and run that or find a method for windows (maybe ##windows or ##android can help on that)23:23
ashwin18I'll be obviously giving you the db file (around 2 megs)23:24
EriC^^ashwin18: can't you use cigwin23:24
vAd0rok so i have tftp server setup now and i can copy from my ubuntu server to my cisco router. I can not copy from the router to the server23:24
vAd0rcan someone tell me what i have done wrong23:24
ashwin18EriC, what's that?23:24
EriC^^ashwin18: something nasty23:24
EriC^^ashwin18: just use a free shell23:24
EriC^^/join #xshellz23:24
Aladiah-friendLubuntu 14.10 say it found errors with java icedt tea. how to solve Foram encontrados erros enquanto processava:23:25
Aladiah-friend icedtea-netx:amd6423:25
ashwin18A free shell sounds perfect (if it is what I'm thinking it is)23:25
Aladiah-friend icedtea-7-plugin:amd6423:25
Aladiah-friendE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:25
EriC^^ashwin18: these let you create a user straight away, http://shell.cjb.net23:26
ashwin18quick question, do they allow file transfer?23:26
k1lAladiah-friend: any PPAs running?23:26
EriC^^ashwin18: they don't allow alot of stuff though, try http://shell.xshellz.com if it doesn't work23:26
ashwin18I'll do that23:27
EriC^^ashwin18: you can use wget to download anything to it23:27
tman21Does anyone have experiance installing catalyst?23:27
EriC^^( if you're on ubuntu usually you can just use scp )23:27
k1lAladiah-friend: support only in this channel please23:27
ashwin18EriC how about sending a file TO it?23:27
tman21im getting errors during install23:27
reisioashwin18: http://virtualboxes.org/images/23:27
ashwin18since I'll have to send them the contacts2.db file23:27
Aladiah-friendk1l what it is a PPA23:27
k1ltman21: how are you trying to install and what errors?23:27
tman21I downloaded it off the website23:27
k1lAladiah-friend: a 3rd party repository.23:28
EriC^^ashwin18: upload the file to a free hosting service, use wget http://.... to download it to the shell23:28
tman21and tried installing thru terminal23:28
instigatorHello. How do you start the rsync daemon? I typed "sudo service rsync start" but got no message, then typed "sudo service rsync status" and got a message saying rsync is not running23:28
k1ltman21: dont do that. use the one ubuntu ships23:28
Aladiah-friendk1l i was trying to updat ñibreoffice to portugese when it gave me that error23:28
tman21where do i get that23:28
ashwin18EriC will do. I assume the host will have to support direct links (without any download pages etc)?23:28
k1lAladiah-friend: please put the commands and output into a pastebin23:28
k1l!paste | Aladiah-friend23:28
ubottuAladiah-friend: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:28
EriC^^ashwin18: yup23:28
ashwin18EriC got any recommendations?23:29
k1ltman21: install tha fglrx package23:29
Aladiah-friendk1l how i can see that23:30
Aladiah-friendk1l:   here what i did until that erros appear , iam installing a new clean 14.10 installation   http://paste.ubuntu.com/9014786/23:30
BusinessManHow do I get list help from alis again23:30
tman21i get errors when i attempt that23:30
tman21dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of fglrx:23:30
tman21fglrx : Depends: libc6-amd64 (>= 2.9) but it is not installable23:31
k1lAladiah-friend: please put the following commands into the pastebin "lsb_release -a" , "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"23:31
k1ltman21: ppas active?23:31
=== Snowstormer is now known as Guest21824
k1l!alis | BusinessMan23:31
ubottuBusinessMan: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:31
BusinessManThx k1l23:31
tman21i'm sorry i'm new to ubuntu what are ppas23:32
k1ltman21: 3rd party package sources. not the official ubuntu ones23:33
Aladiah-friendk1l: here what you ask me  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9014856/23:33
k1ltman21: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d" lists the ppas23:34
gcl5cpwhat is the way to downgrade one package?23:34
tman21i have a few things listed23:34
tman21when i do that23:34
k1ltman21: can you pastebin that list?23:35
tman21this is a fresh install23:36
tman21of 14.0423:36
k1lAladiah-friend: ok. please try: "sudo apt-get install icedtea-netx"   lets see why it doesnt want to install that23:36
OerHeksk1l Aladiah-friend there is no icedtea-netx candidate for Utopic http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/icedtea-netx23:37
usr13gcl5cp: There is not an automated method to downgrade a package. You'd have to uninstall it and download a tarball of the version you want.23:38
OerHeksfile a bugreport i guess23:38
Aladiah-friendk1l: here result http://paste.ubuntu.com/9014897/23:38
usr13gcl5cp: Or at least, that's the only way I know of to reliably do it.  You could search for a .deb in the version you want and install with dpkg23:39
Aladiah-friendOerHeks: iam newby i dont understand what this mean23:39
k1lOerHeks: are you sure? i think only the utopic repo is somehow deleted on packages.ubuntu.com23:39
usr13gcl5cp: finding a .deb is probably the first / eaisest option.23:39
=== tking0036 is now known as Guest94270
OerHeksi have seen a lot of packages missing lately23:40
Aladiah-friendk1l: what a should do ? remove it ? how to remove it ?23:41
gcl5cpthank usr13. i get crash in chromium-browser/youtube,  since the last upgrade23:41
gcl5cpi don't like/use flash23:41
k1lAladiah-friend: try a "sudo apt-get install -f"23:42
k1ltman21: ok please show the output of: "apt-cache policy libc6-amd64"23:43
Aladiah-friendk1l:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/9014979/23:45
tman21k1l: http://pastebin.com/M0pGBJSB23:45
tman21looks like im on 2.1923:45
k1lAladiah-friend: hmm, sorry dont know so far23:45
tman21i can't figure out how to update it23:45
larzogcl5cp, are you on Intel graphics?23:46
k1ltman21: hmm. please run a "sudo apt-get update"23:46
k1ltman21: ah sorry. you are on 14.04 right23:46
k1lis this a 32bit system? tman2123:47
tman21this is a 64 bit23:47
k1lplease show a "apt-cache policy fglrx"23:48
Ranieri_yo sexies23:49
Ranieri_how do I change my system path variable to include python323:49
Ranieri_<disclaimer> ubuntu noob </disclaimer>23:49
babu_what maya23:49
k1lRanieri_: you install the python3 package from the official ubuntu repo23:49
babu_where are youuu23:49
Ranieri_k1l: I already have it23:49
k1lbabu_: please keep this channel clear for support. thanks23:50
tman21k1l: http://pastebin.com/AWACWMmM23:50
k1lRanieri_: from the ubuntu repos? than python3 is in the path (maybe after relogin)23:50
k1ltman21: you installed fglrx manually?23:50
Ranieri_k1l: typing the command "python" in the term gives me python 2.7.623:51
tman21yes thru terminal23:51
tman21i downloaded thru the website first23:51
hikenboothello getting gpg error on upgrade from 13 to 14 even after full apt-get update apt get upgrade apt-get dist upgrade23:51
tman21and then i get caught up on fglrx : Depends: libc6-amd64 (>= 2.9) but it is not installable23:51
k1ltman21: yes, the one from the website is installed. and i think that is now making the issue with the libc depency.23:52
k1ltman21: maybe you can apt-get purge fglrx and install the ubuntu one afterwards23:53
tman21so should i do "sudo apt-get install fglrx"23:54
tman21after that23:54
k1lyes, after you purged that first23:55
tman21k1l: its not fully purging23:55
tman21it erros out because of the "unmet dependencies"23:55
alesanhello friends23:56
k1ltman21: apt-get install -f23:56
alesanI just installed a system for my mom, now I have a second hdd that I would like to use as /home23:56
alesanis it better to just reinstall and make it /home while installing???23:57
alesanmaybe it's cleaner23:57
richie2anyone familiar with icmptx?23:57

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