
jjfrv8forestpiskie, elfy, re bug 1391636, the version on launchpad is definitely different from the one on the tracker02:49
ubottubug 1391636 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "1583 Errors in testcase" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139163602:49
=== Logan_ is now known as Guest83048
jjfrv8one of the problems you mentioned in the bug does seem to be fixed; the "Click 'Execute' on the menu bar" part.02:51
jjfrv8but the green arrow and the "Back in Task Manager" issues are still present in the lp version. At least that's the way it looks to me.02:52
=== Guest83048 is now known as Logan_
=== GridCube is now known as GridNet
brainwashali1234: someone claims that after returning from the lock screen (light-locker) the vsync feature of xwfm4 is broken and needs to be re-activated. any ideas?09:44
brainwashreactivated by toggling the option09:44
ali1234brainwash: probably related to VT switch10:52
brainwashali1234: most likely10:54
brainwashI'll tell him to file a report10:54
brainwashit should be reproducible I'd guess10:54
sidihmkay, i did a bunch of changes12:42
sidii split the survey into one survey for session resumption, and one separate "online task" for the autostart settings UI12:43
sidisimplified things a bit12:43
sidiim unhappy about not being able to do user test in-the-wild but hey12:43
sidihttp://goo.gl/forms/jgvJpTW1UV Session handling12:46
sidihttp://goo.gl/forms/P7G7L8SGWI Task, not sure yet if should be rolled12:47
sidi(will be X-posting this to xfce-dev)12:47
sidii'd like from you ladies n gents a last check and your opinion whether those surveys should be advertised to your user base12:47
sidiand i'll follow the majority opinion :p12:48
elfysidi: they seemed simple enough to follow12:52
elfyknome: maybe the slideshow should be "If you've problems with the livesession #xubuntu, if you just want to extol the virtues of what you're installing #xubuntu-offtopic'14:26
knomeyeah, very possible14:27
knomeslickymaster, ^14:27
knomei think we'll want to refresh the slideshow content a bit more this time14:28
knomeor at least i think it's a bit stalled, so to keep it looking fresh, good to at least change wording and screenshots14:28
elfyyep - up to now - tinkering around the edges 14:28
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
* sidi makes a goat sound16:45
sidiknome, what's the Xubuntu devel ML please? I forgot16:45
sidithanks pleia2 not in holidays yet?16:45
pleia2I missed my flight last night :(16:45
pleia2yeah, it sucks16:46
pleia2flying out this evening instead16:46
sidiso you could reschedule, phew16:46
pleia2missed a day of already-paid-for resort, but yeah16:46
slickymasterWorkeh eh, the old country just can't let go of pleia2 16:47
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
elfytried to sit through the systemd session this evening ... about all I got was a headache and this from a pastebin -> vivid universe package universe/x11/xfce4-session requires systemd migration (sysv=False, upstart=True, systemd=False)22:02
ali1234from what i gather, the plan is to carry on using upstart for the user session22:11
ali1234(for unity)22:11
ali1234so given that we use indicators which are now quite heavily tied to unity, we may need to do the same for now22:12

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